Left in the Dark Again - finished 8/7/10

Author:  Fatima [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Left in the Dark Again - finished 8/7/10

A little bunny came into my house this morning, and I grabbed it quickly so that I could (hopefully) finish off Left in the Dark Again. I was horrified when I realised that I'd started it in November 2007.

Len missed the first week of term, then she insisted on going back to work. She would be able to teach now that she was no longer in a lot of pain, and as it was her left arm that she had damaged, it would still be possible for her to write and besides, she was fed up with lounging around at home, doing very little. She had, however, been doing a lot of thinking and was fairly certain that she had reached a decision about her dilemma. She had spoken to Benedict on the phone a couple of times, and Reg had been making a valiant effort to stick to his working hours and not do any overtime, so she had had plenty of opportunities of talking to him, too. She felt saddened by the knowledge that she would end up hurting one of them, for they were both good men and she wanted to see them both happy. However only one of them could be happy with her. The other would just have to try to move on alone; she could only hope that he would find someone else and, in time, happiness of his own.
It was with this end in mind that Len chose an evening when Reg would be working in the San to arrange to meet Benedict, so that she could speak to him face to face. She suggested that he should come to her chalet, but he wanted to go to Interlaken and have a meal in a nice restaurant there. She had reluctantly agreed, knowing that it would feel strange to be out with someone other than her husband, but as she planned to tell Reg exactly where she was going and why, she allowed Benedict to promise to pick her up at seven, after Reg had gone to work.
Len duly came home from school and got ready to go out, choosing a buisness like black suit and white blouse and sweeping her hair up elegantly. Benedict arrived punctually to collect her and she grabbed her coat and headed out to his car before he had the chance to switch off his engine and come to find her.
"Hello," she said, clambering in beside him. "Your car's all right now, is it?"
"Yes, it's fine. It wasn't too badly dented and they sorted it out quickly." Benedict pulled away from Len's house and soon they were carefully descending the winding road that led from the Platz to Interlaken. "I certainly don't want us to end up in another snow drift," Benedict said as he cautiously negotiated a hairpin bend.
"Neither do I," she agreed.
"How's your arm?" he inquired.
Thinking that doctors never seemed to stop worrying about their patients, Len answered, "It's fine. It hurts now and then, and I can't wait to get rid of this cast. It's so irritating, always in the way when I'm trying to work, and I am really looking forward to scratching the annoying itch I have under it! Although," she went on thoughtfully, "I am rather enjoying letting Reg get to grips with the housework."
Benedict gave a wry smile. "I can always recommend you keep the cast on longer," he told her.
"No, the relief of having it removed will be greater than the joy of keeping it on," she assured him quickly. "Where will we eat?"
"There's a rather nice French restaurant just off the Bahnhofstrasse," he told her. "I booked a table there for eight."
"That sounds perfect." Len fell silent, thinking about the conversation ahead of her. She was tempted to initiate it straight away, but knew that it would be easier to talk when Benedict no longer had to concentrate on driving. It would be much better to order the meal first, and then to start a discussion about the future.

Author:  keren [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again

Yay, I always enjoy your drabbles and you have not written for ages

Author:  Abi [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again

Oh, I remember reading this - hope we'll finally get to see what happens! Thanks. :D

Author:  Alison H [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again

I remember this too. Was it really that long ago :D?

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again

Really glad we get to see more of this. Thanks

Author:  Fatima [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again

Isn't it scary how time flies? I'm determined to finish this now, so here's the next part.

Benedict parked the car just down the street from their destination, and they walked briskly through the chilly night air into the cosy warmth of the restaurant. Their table was right in the middle of the room; it was obviously a busy time, as there were few empty seats and the waiters and waitresses were bustling from table to table, scribbling frantically in notebooks and transporting amazing numbers of plates with effortless ease. Despite the crowds, a waitress soon appeared at their table and presented them with menus and a wine list.
"The special today is bouillinade," the waitress informed them.
"What's that?" asked Benedict. His French was generally excellent, but he had not heard of that dish before.
"It's a fish and potato bake," Len informed him. "It's delicious."
"Then I shall give it a try," he decided. "What will you have?"
"The pot au feu is always delectable here, so I shall have that."
Benedict placed the order, then gazed across the table at his companion. She looked enigmatic, so although he knew that she had planned her future, he had no idea if her plans included him. She was looking unseeingly across the restaurant, and again he was struck by how lovely she was. Her violet eyes, with their long lashes, her glorious chestnut hair, and delicate features were a breathtaking combination, but Benedict found her intelligence and empathy just as attractive. She was someone with whom he could imagine spending the rest of his life, and he knew that he would find her just as interesting and captivating after fifty years as he did after a few short months. Life with Len would never be dull and boring; she was eloquent and compassionate and entertaining and he could imagine having far reaching discussions with her on almost any subject.
But would Len be as interested in spending the next fifty years with him as he was in spending them with her? He hoped that she had chosen him, but he had already resolved to agree completely with whatever she had decided. He wanted her to be happy, so if she had picked Reg he would understand and walk away without looking back. It would be almost impossibly difficult to go, but if it was the best he could do for Len, he would do it. However, until she had told him that she had decided to stay with Reg, he felt free to drink her in with his eyes. It might be the last time he saw her, so he must make the most of every minute. After all, if she was never to be his, he would have a few more precious memories to help him through the lonely months and years ahead.

Author:  Alison H [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again

Len's going to have to make a choice soon.

Author:  Abi [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again

So horribly difficult, though. :(

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again

I am glad Len has decided what she wants. I only hope whoever she says no to is understanding

Author:  Fatima [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again

The waitress returned to their table and poured their wine. Len broke out of her reverie and looked across the table at the handsome young doctor. Now that the moment had come to tell him what she had decided, she found that she did not know how to put the right words together. She had spent so long thinking carefully about her decision as it affected her, feeling that she had to follow her own heart in this instance, and she had had to stop herself imagining how it would affect the men involved. After a lifetime of putting others before herself, Len felt very selfish. It was difficult to put herself first and not to worry about how everyone else would be affected by her choices. She habitually did what was best for Reg, for her parents, for her siblings, and knowing that this time she was going to hurt someone she cared for did not sit well with her.
She picked up her glass and had a sip of wine, hoping it would loosen her tongue. Her eyes met Benedict's across the table and she knew that she could put off the moment no longer. It was time to tell him her plans.

Author:  Alison H [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 6/7/10

At least she's realised that she's got to do what's right for her ... but what is it?

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 6/7/10

And????? Can't wait to hear Len's plans

Author:  Mona [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 6/7/10

Oh please come back and let us know Len's plans soon!

Author:  Fatima [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 6/7/10

The lyrics here come from Meatloaf's song Left in the Dark, which was the inspiration behind this drabble.

Reg, home from work, was sitting in the living room, listening to some music and trying to contain his impatience and anxiety. It was only nine o'clock, and if Len had gone to Interlaken for a meal she would not be able to get back so early. That did not mean that he was able to stop himself from listening for the sounds of a car outside, and the click of her key in the lock of the front door. He hoped against hope that she would cut the meal short and come back home, instead of leaving him waiting in the darkness, filled with agonies of uncertainty. They had talked through Len's decision calmly and seriously, and then Reg had started to do all that she had asked him to, but he was overcome with apprehension that she might change her mind when she saw Benedict. He was younger than Reg, he was handsome and witty, and Len had explained that he was more than willing to give her all the time and attention that she wanted and needed from a partner.
As Reg closed his eyes and leant back in his chair he was aware of the lyrics of the song that was playing:

'I should have known that it was coming to this
But I must have been blind

Now that he knew exactly how Len had been feeling over the years of their marriage, Reg wondered how he had managed to be unaware of her dissatisfaction. He had neglected her shamefully, taken her for granted and frequently forced her to change or cancel her plans and dreams so that he could immerse himself in his work. It was hardly surprising that she had been attracted to Benedict Culver. There had certainly been nothing that made it worth her staying with Reg.

'I bet you still got a trace of his love in your eyes
And you still got his eyes on your mind

It was all too easy to imagine them sitting in a quiet corner of one of Interlaken's lovely restaurants, gazing across the table into each other's eyes. Maybe Len would change her mind once she looked at Benedict. Perhaps he would eloquently persuade her that she would be happier with him, that he would always be there to love and cherish her, and she would realise that she had made the wrong decision, chosen the wrong man. Reg had ruined their marriage, why would Len want to hang around and watch him mess things up again?

'But down in my soul - down in my soul I know
I know that you love me, there's no need to talk
I see the look in your eyes and I got the proof

Len had promised that she would be saying goodbye to Benedict and then they would give their marriage another go, a proper go this time. Reg had apologised for neglecting her and had promised faithfully to put her first in his life, ahead of even the most demanding of his patients. They would spend time together and he would show her that he had taken all of her needs on board and was willing to work even harder at their marriage than he had at curing his patients. He had even understood how his actions had almost forced his adored wife into the arms of another man. He knew that he loved Len and would do anything for her, but she had thought his feelings for her had changed because he never showed her how he felt. This time he would. He intended to make sure that she always knew how much he valued her and she would never again doubt that she was his top priority. Now he just needed her to get home so that they could begin the rest of their life together.

Author:  PaulineS [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 6/7/10

Pleased Reg has woken up. Hope Len comes home soon and that Reg keeps his word.

Author:  Abi [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 6/7/10

It's so good to see Reg seriously deciding to give his marriage another go - and I'm glad Len chose him!

Thanks Fatima. :D

Author:  Fatima [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 6/7/10

"I'm going to stay with Reg," Len said, deciding that it was best to tell Benedict the truth straight away. "We have talked about things a lot over the last few weeks, and I want to try to make it work with him."
"I understand," Benedict answered, not really surprised by her words. After all, Len was honourable and decent and she owed it to Reg to give him a chance to make her happy. They had been married for several years and it would not be right to throw it all away, especially as she still loved him. Besides, Len was a devout Catholic; Benedict knew that she would wish to fulfil any vows she had made because she would not feel comfortable breaking them.
"I'm really sorry that I led you on," she continued, needing to explain everything to him. "I'm not normally so fickle. I'm not making excuses, but I felt so miserable with Reg. I don't know why I didn't just tell him how I felt. But you don't want to hear about all that. Benedict, thank you for being such a good friend. I'm just really..."
"You don't have to keep on apologising," he told her. "I'm just as much to blame as you. I hope you will be happy, Len. Would you like me to leave the San? I'm sure you don't want me hanging around here any longer."
"You don't have to leave, Benedict. Reg and I have both resigned from our jobs and we are going to England in two weeks' time. We decided that a fresh start somewhere else would be the best way to get ourselves back on track."
Benedict raised his eyebrows, surprised by the speed with which they had arranged to leave the Platz. He had, deep down, known that Len would not choose to be with him, but he had had the vague idea that he might see her from time to time. He would never make any attempt to come between her and Reg again, but he thought that the idea of walking along the road and maybe catching a glimpse of Len coming out of the supermarket, or the church, or anywhere really, would give him something to look forward to. He was under no illusions about his future. It would be difficult and he would miss her terribly, even though he had spent so little time with her. Now it seemed that once he said goodbye that evening he would never see her again.
The waitress placed their meals in front of them, effectively breaking the silence that had fallen between them. Benedict toyed with his food for a while, then he risked a glance across at Len, who was eating with evident enjoyment.
"How is your food?" she asked.
"Great," he replied, with a noticeable lack of enthusiasm. To be honest, he had not actually been aware of what was on his plate at all.
Len laughed then. "You have not even tasted it," she scolded him. "Eat up, please, it's good food and you will enjoy it."
Benedict made himself eat a few mouthfuls, then he laid down his fork. "I will leave you the car so you can drive yourself home," he told her, standing up. "I hope you will be very happy, Len, and I'm so sorry that I've done this to you. I think it's best if I go now."
Len nodded understandingly. "How will you get home?"
"I shall go and stay with a friend from the San. He'll drive me home tomorrow. Goodbye."
Len watched as he went over to the cashier to pay for their dinner, then he was striding out of the restaurant. Just for a moment she thought about going after him, but she quickly realised what a mistake that would be. It was clear that she had hurt him, so it would be wrong to prolong their parting. With her enjoyment of the meal spoilt, Len gathered up her handbag a few minutes later and went out into the cold night air.

Author:  Alison H [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 7/7/10

Getting away from the Platz sounds like a good move.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 7/7/10

Sounds like moving away would be the best thing they could do. Do feel sorry for Benedict there as well, but can understand Len's reasons and feelings. Thanks

Author:  keren [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 7/7/10

And Obviously I hope she gets home safely!

Author:  Mona [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 7/7/10

Oh poor Benedict. I do feel sorry for him, even though I can't imagine Len having made any other decision.

Author:  Fatima [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - updated 7/7/10

It was pouring with rain on a chilly February afternoon, and Len was waiting at the bus stop. Usually she enjoyed the walk home from school, but in view of the inclement weather, the bus seemed like the best option. She pulled her scarf more closely around her and stepped back hastily as the bus approached and looked likely to splatter her with dirty water from the puddle in the gutter. Once on board she had to stand, as the bus was already full, but she did not mind because she was on her way home.
Clinging to the bar on the back of one of the seats, and bracing herself as they turned the corner, Len thought how different it was to live in London after her years on the Gornetz Platz. There, the mountains would be covered with snow and the sunlight would glint dazzlingly off it. Here, everything was grey and wet. There, you met friends around every corner. Here, you could travel on a crowded bus and yet never even make eye contact with anyone. And work was so different, too. Only that lunchtime, as Len was wrapping up her French class with the fifth years, the head had come to the door, along with two burly policemen. They had taken one of her students - a pretty, empty headed young girl called Louise Davies - who had, allegedly, been supplying some of her fellow students with LSD. Back at the good old Chalet School, misdemeanours involved the illicit use of nail varnish, or girls trying to smuggle banned books or records into the school.
Of course there were other differences, too, the most important of which was Reg. He worked at the local hospital and was only there when he was on duty. At other times he was free to do as he pleased, without worrying about whether there would be a call summoning him to the bedside of anyone who felt that they deserved his attention. He had days off, just like the other doctors, and on those days they could do as they pleased without feeling guilty because they were out of contact. Everything that Len had hoped for when she married Reg was now hers. Sometimes she silently thanked God that he had sent Benedict to the Platz, for without his attentions, she would never have been able to wake Reg up to her true feelings. Without the temptations offered by Benedict, she would not have told Reg how she felt and she would still have been trapped in her miserable existence on the Platz. Of course she missed her family and friends there, but they had visited them over the Christmas holidays, and they had made new friends in London. In all, things had worked out really well, and Len was perfectly happy with her new life.

Author:  Alison H [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - finished 8/7/10

They're much better away from the Platz - thanks for a happy ending.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - finished 8/7/10

Really glad things worked out for Len and Reg, after their move

Author:  keren [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - finished 8/7/10

Thanks for finishing this off.

I am looking forward to reading more drabbles from you (RL permitting of course)

Author:  PaulineS [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - finished 8/7/10

Thank you. Pleased Len and Reg could enjoy life together.

Author:  Mona [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - finished 8/7/10

Thank you!!

Author:  Abi [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Left in the Dark Again - finished 8/7/10

So glad Len and Reg were able to start a new life and a better one. Thanks!

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