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(Message started by: rosemary on Jul 30th, 2003, 3:32pm)

Title: exileswhat really happened to the chalet school...
Post by rosemary on Jul 30th, 2003, 3:32pm
Just over the Swiss border, in Frieda's aunt's house ...

Jack Maynard shook his head over the letter he had just received. How could he tell Joey the awful news? Ever since her breakdown following the dreadful time she had had at the hands of the Nazis, Joey had lived for the day when she would be reunited with her sister and friends.  Now that would never happen.  As Joey's doctor and - he hoped - her friend, Jack knew it would fall to him to tell her.  He wondered if she would believe him.  She lived in her own world now, a world in which she was engaged to him and all her family were waiting for her in England...

... Joey picked up her pen.  She had not written for so long... not since she had returned to England.  Jack had been so good to her.  He had married her despite everything, and they had had babies.  There had been three; beautiful triplet daughters, but the frailest baby, 'my darling Margot', had died.  Sometimes Joey thought other people that she loved had died too, but how could they when they were all so clear in her imagination? Joey began to write the story of how they had all escaped from Austria and how Madge had restarted the school first in Guernsey and then in Wales.  In her story, baby Margot lived and thrived...


Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Raya on Jul 30th, 2003, 6:15pm
(I can't, it's too sad!  :'( :'( :'()

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by austriaamy on Jul 30th, 2003, 6:22pm

on 07/30/03 at 15:32:38, rosemary wrote:
Just over the Swiss border, in Frieda's aunt's house ...

Jack Maynard shook his head over the letter he had just received. How could he tell Joey the awful news? Ever since her breakdown following the dreadful time she had had at the hands of the Nazis, Joey had lived for the day when she would be reunited with her sister and friends.  Now that would never happen.  As Joey's doctor and - he hoped - her friend, Jack knew it would fall to him to tell her.  He wondered if she would believe him.  She lived in her own world now, a world in which she was engaged to him and all her family were waiting for her in England...

... Joey picked up her pen.  She had not written for so long... not since she had returned to England.  Jack had been so good to her.  He had married her despite everything, and they had had babies.  There had been three; beautiful triplet daughters, but the frailest baby, 'my darling Margot', had died.  Sometimes Joey thought other people that she loved had died too, but how could they when they were all so clear in her imagination? Joey began to write the story of how they had all escaped from Austria and how Madge had restarted the school first in Guernsey and then in Wales.  In her story, baby Margot lived and thrived...


This is confusing me. What's going on?

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by rosemary on Aug 1st, 2003, 11:33am
The idea is that only Joey and Jack actually escaped from Austria and everything subsequent is either a figment of Joey's imagination, Joey having had a breakdown, or a school started by Joey, but as though Madge etc were still 'at the helm'... for the 'inspiration' behind this ...see John Buchan's ' The Runagates Club', Sir Arthur Warcliff's story 'Tendebant Manus' ... which is 'real' and which imagination I will leave for future and greater authors to decide...

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Carolyn P on Aug 1st, 2003, 1:52pm
Such a weepy idea,  :'(
Are you going to write any more? It would be interesting to see what could happen to Joey and Jack.

I know I couldn't have written this, but it's an interesting idea to explore.

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by rosemary on Aug 11th, 2003, 11:22am
Might add a bit after holiday - have had some thoughts ...

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Marianne on Aug 11th, 2003, 8:51pm
Do you mind if i carry on a little Rosemary, just ignore it if you do?!

Jack sat down his face in his hands, he had no idea how to break the news to Jo, how to break the awful calm of hers, he could so easily deal with a hysterical and screaming women. Instead he had a sick wife and only two babies where there should have been three, it could so easily have been different if the nazi's hadn't over taken, perfect, wonderful austria.

Later the same day when Jack found Joey staring silently out of the window, pen in hand, she had been telling her story, the one she wanted to have been told, a story when her sister, and family had surivived, where her darling Robin had survived and later where baby Margot had survvied.He went up to her, put his hands on her shoulders and stared disparingly into her empty eyes.
'Jo, my love, i have some bad news.' he said

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Ianswythe on Aug 11th, 2003, 10:51pm
If you people are going to make this a weepy then I think you should supply hankies for us all! I can feel the lump in my throat starting already. :'(

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Marianne on Aug 12th, 2003, 2:44pm
Jo turned to her husband and smiled, 'How are the babies Jack?'
'Len and Connie are fine Jo, Margot is dead, she died at only six weeks of bronchitis. Jo i have some more bad news Jo, when we escaped, we were the only ones to escape, up untill recently there may have been some hope but not anymore Jo. I now its hard to deal with such loss Jo but the Robin died shortly after capture, she was too frail to survive such trauma, she suffered not Jo, she's with her dear Mama now. We think the others poisened themselves, Jem wouldn't leave his patients to the hands of the evil Nazi's they didn't suffer either, for all the others committed suicide. Jo my lamb, they are all with God together, think of them as with God together!' said Jack desparatley trying to get Jo to accept the happenings of the past two years. Len and Con hardly new their mother.
'You lie to me you evil man! Madge is waiting for us in Geurnsey, my three babies are all over there,' she pointed to an empty crib, anger blazing in her feaverish bright eyes. 'When can we go to the school, i want to see my sister and Robin and everyone?!' shouted Jo, clearly unable to accept the truth.

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Ianswythe on Aug 12th, 2003, 9:14pm
"Listen, you've made Margot cry" and with that Joey swept up to the empty crib and bending over it picked up a childs doll. Cuddling the doll to her Joey spoke in soft tones "hush little Margot, Mamma has you safe. Mamma will never let anyone harm you". Going over to Jack she held her little bundle out to him "see Jack, Margot is here. She is all better now." the pathetic note in Jo's voice tore at Jacks heart.
"Yes darling, she is all better now." Jacks voice broke and he turned to leave the room, leaving Jo to croon a lullaby to the doll she believed was Margot.
As he returned to his study he met Anna carrying the remaining two triplets, she raised her eyebrows at him in a mute question but Jack sadly shook his head at her. Anna sighed and turned away, her beloved mistress could not be left with her babies yet.

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Marianne on Aug 13th, 2003, 10:19am
That night was followed by more nightmares, it seemed in her sleep Jo knew the truth for she cried out things like, 'Oh Madge, did they hurt you? Come back to me Robinnette!' Jack listened, tears welling in his eyes he had married Jo with the desire to look after her and she had given birth to triplets and the smallest baby had died. Then she had heard the news of the rest of her family, her mind shut down finally unable to take anymore. Jack wept for he couldn't protect her and as a doctor and a husband he felt he should, he wept for the little baby, for Jo, for Madge, Jem, Robin, Mollie, Dick and more. By and by his tears dried up and Anna brought him a cup of steaming coffee...

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Vashti on Aug 13th, 2003, 7:13pm
(My first drabble - be gentle with me, girls!)

Jack took a sip from the delicate cup, but not even Anna's splendid coffee could make its way past the lump in his throat.  He set it down.  Staring into space, he seemed to see all their dear faces before him.

Jo awoke with a scream on her lips.

Jack rushed to her side.  "Be calm, my Jo.  It was just a dream.  Everything-"  He broke off.  Not even to settle his delicate wife could he bring himself to speak the lie "Everything is all right".

Jo's pale face trembled, her eyes glazed and distant.

"I was dreaming.  Robin and Madge were there... it was terrible."  Creasing her eyebrows, she went on, "I know it was terrible, but I can't remember what happened.  All I can hear is Robin screaming..."  Her hoarse voice that could once move crowds to tears now renewed them in Jack, but for all the wrong reasons.  "Did I wake the babies, Jack?"

"No, dearest.  They're all sleeping now."  Why remind her again that there were only two and not three?  Two triplets... even the English language cried out against the phrase.

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Ianswythe on Aug 13th, 2003, 8:36pm
Jack spent the rest of that long night listening to Jo as she cried and spoke in her sleep. When dawn finally came he rose and dressed quietly, with a backward glance at his sleeping wife he left the room and went out into the dewy morning. His feet turned toward the small parish church at the end of the village. He entered its dim interior, inhaling the comforting smell of incense, wax and winter foliage. Sliding into a pew he knelt and bent his head to appeal to the great Father to help his wife. He didn't hear the soft footsteps as the priest approached him and as result he jumped when the gentle voice addressed him, "You seem to be in pain my child. I am a good listener and sometimes it helps to talk."
Jack turned and stared into the kind eyes of the old priest, suddenly everything he had held onto for so long came spilling out.
"Oh Father. I don't know what to do. My wife lives in a dream world, a world where her sisters and family still live. She refuses to accept the loss of our youngest child, I can't get through to her. I have failed her, and Madge and Jem. And.." here Jacks voice broke and it took all his strength to continue " and I question my reasons for marrying her! I no longer know if I married her for love or out of pity." Jack buried his head in his hands and finally he wept for all he and Jo had lost.

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Marianne on Aug 16th, 2003, 1:15pm
The old preist sighed wisely and clapped a strong hand on the devout mans shoulder,
'John, the lord works in mysterious ways, that we know. Perhaps now it seems hard but in time you will realise the confusion your wife feels may be the best thing for her. It sounds to me like her mind is being protected from the horrors that have been brought upon you. Let me go to her Jack we shall all pray together, it matters not that she is not of this faith.' said the preist.
'Thankyou father.' was the only reply jack could stammmer.

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by edith on Aug 16th, 2003, 4:13pm
Meanwhile Joey had picked up her pen again and began to write about the school. "It was August the thirtieth and the day before the new version of the Chalet School was due to open..."

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Marianne on Aug 16th, 2003, 7:06pm
Joey wanted to create a world where Madge, Jem, Robin, Margot, Daisy, Primula, their mother Margot, Mollie Dick, Peggy... were still with her for in the deepest depths of her broken heart was the truth, she new her loved ones were dead for she witnessed their murders.

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Ally on Aug 18th, 2003, 2:01pm
Did Mollie and Dick die at the hands of the Japanese then?  That could be an interesting story in its own right.

*Fighting off Plot Bunnies - where do they come from!*

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Rachel on Aug 18th, 2003, 3:28pm
On eof the sadder aspects of the whole tale was that Dick and Mollie need never have died. They had been safe in India when the troubles began, but terrified for the safety of their own young children left in Madge and Jem's care, they had raced overland to reclaim their children, and then been caught by the Nazi's in the mass raid that had happened whilst Joey and Jack were out wandering the alps together.

Jack and Joey had watched from higher up the mountain as lorry loads of Nazi's swept up to the alm and unloaded scores of soldiers all armed to the teeth, and then swept through the little village.

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Ally on Aug 18th, 2003, 3:56pm
OMG Rachel thats so awful  :'(.  No wonder Joey had a breakdown - but didn't Robin escape with them, or are you changing that as well?

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Rachael P on Aug 18th, 2003, 4:28pm
And did Dick & Mollie take Second Twins with them or leave them behind in the relative safety of India 'til they returned, in which case what became of them?

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by austriaamy on Aug 19th, 2003, 5:48pm

on 08/18/03 at 16:28:34, Rachael P wrote:
And did Dick & Mollie take Second Twins with them or leave them behind in the relative safety of India 'til they returned, in which case what became of them?

Oh, please make it that Maeve and Maurice were left behind! Then they can come and live with Jo and Jack and Jo can have two of her original family back. It's too sad for them all to die. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Marianne on Aug 19th, 2003, 6:08pm
What Jack and Joey still hadn't realised was that maeve and Maurice were living in india with there maid and were very much alive.

Meanwhile, in India they were preparing to send the second twins off to Swizerland to live with Auntie Joey and Uncle Jack since they were the last known relatives.

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Rachel on Aug 19th, 2003, 6:23pm
I had actually thought that Dick and Mollie would have taken second twins with them when they dashed off to reclaim their offspring but never mind!

A phone call came for Jack informing him that Mister and Miss Bettany were at the station awaiting collection. For one wild moment he thought the call referred to Dick and Madge, but with a sinking heart, he realised that this was impossible.

When he arrived at the station to see the two tiny children looking at him with trembling lips, his heart sank still further as he realised this latest development was likely to push Joey beyond the realms of recovery.

(And I meant the twins were looking at him WHILST their lips were trembling  :P )

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by xanthe on Aug 19th, 2003, 9:33pm
*sniffles*  :'(

this is too sad  :'(

Title: Re: exileswhat really happened to the chalet schoo
Post by Marianne on Aug 20th, 2003, 2:28pm
'Hello twins, its wonderful to see you again, come on and jump in the car.' Jack said to the miserable pair.
Maeve and Maurice jumped in the car, looking at them made Jacks eyes fill with tears.
'Uncle Jack,' began Maeve, 'is Auntie Madge and Uncle Jem and David and Sybil living with you, no one would tell us about them but we know about our own, course.' said Maeve, old enough to know her loss but not old enough to understand.
'I'm sorry twins, but they died too.' was all he could stammer.
'They are in heaven then with Mother and Father, Rix, Peggy, Bride, Jackie and Jossette.' said Maeve firmly, happy to think of her long family in heaven.
Jack thanked God heavily for their faith and finally understodd why they werre repeatedly told to have the faith of children, the long list of children that suffered hit hard and he wept sighlently all the way home.

His heart lifted when he went inside his home for Joey was dressed and sitting in the salon with len, Con and a doll, it was obviously an improvement.
'Hello Joey baba, lovely to see you up, look, we have visitors.' said Jack, more cheerily than before.
'Maeve and Maurice, come and meet my three, this is Helena but we call her Len, then Constance, but she is connie and finally our wee baby, Margot.' said Jo croakily, tears not far away.
'But Auntie Jo, this is a dollie, not a baby, look, you can poke her in the eye and she dosn't cry!' said Maurice, most confused.
Jo looked up at Maurice with discust in her dark eyes, luckily Maeve saw it and not fully understanding saved the situation,
'Its alright Auntie Jo, he's a boy he dosn't understand babies! Can i hold one please?' she asked tentativley.
'Oh, yes, i suppose you are right Maeve, go and see Uncle Jack boy. Here Maeve have Len.'

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