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(Message started by: Vikki on Nov 29th, 2003, 1:55am)

Title: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Nov 29th, 2003, 1:55am
Archived for length, here's the links: ~part one ~part two

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by KB on Nov 29th, 2003, 5:45am
*hopes for more and soon*

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Jennie on Nov 29th, 2003, 11:05am
...joining in the hopes.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 1st, 2003, 2:26pm
thank you for the nice comments.  next bit...

During the remainder of the weekend the prefects had used their time wisely observing the younger girls and by Monday morning some of the worst offenders so far as the bullying of Abigail was concerned found themselves almost constantly under the supervision of a prefect, or in the case of a couple of the girls from the higher middle forms one of the  mistresses whose counsel had been taken.

“I feel like I’m being spied on” Harriet whispered quietly to her twin on Tuesday morning “I can’t even seem to go to the splash without a prefect escorting me”
“I know” her sister agreed “its like being in kinder”
the rest of the girls felt very much the same and particular offence had been taken to the fact that during their free time at least one prefect seemed to have taken up residence in the common room.

As a result of the prefect’s constant presence Abigail, Pippa and Mel noticed that the sarcastic comments whilst not abating altogether had to some degree lessened.  There was still a certain amount of hostile glares and whispered digs but on the whole the outright bullying appeared to have ceased.

Tuesday afternoon saw the first full run through of the Christmas play.  Miss Williams was producing the play for the first time and was somewhat nervous about the whole proceedings
“Eve stop panicking” Con Richarson, who had come to view her work, commanded
“Can’t help it” she replied
“They all know their parts” Con soothed “its just a case of getting them to fit the whole thing together”
Miss Williams remained skeptical that the whole school would, in their present frame of mind, be able to bring the play together.

Things seemed to go well throughout much of the first act, which ran up to the end of the scenes depicting the current troubled times in third world countries.  Pippa and Mel were thoroughly enjoying being street urchins and carried off their tableau with true feeling as Pippa called out for food to feed her starving younger brothers and sisters.  After a brief 15 minute break in which Miss Williams made several comments regarding the first act they got ready to start again.  Abi, whose tableau came up first in the second act crawled under the table and waited for the action to start.  

It wasn’t long before the two senior girls playing her troubled parents were in full voice as she cowered in mock terror, the scene after hers took place on the opposite side of the table and their was just enough time during that scene to change the kitchen seen to that of a hospital.  Abigail, who thoroughly enjoyed acting had managed to push her troubles to the back of her mind and during her scene and was actually smiling as she walked off stage.

Unfortunately, the first person she met was Lizzy, who played a sick child in the hospital scene.
“I don’t see what you’ve got to smile about” Lizzy growled at her
“look” Abi replied fiercely “just leave me alone” she went to walk past and as she did Lizzy grabbed her arm
“why should I” she asked “you’ve ruined everything”
“what” Abi’s voice was beginning to rise in response to Lizzy’s treatment
“you heard”
“exactly what am I supposed to have ruined?”
“its been a horrible term, and its all your fault, you shouldn’t have a part in the play at all, in fact you shouldn’t even be here”
By now Lizzy’s voice was so loud that the actors on the stage could hear and as a result they stopped and turned to watch the new drama emerging in the wings
“Why shouldn’t I be here” abi asked simply, her back was to the stage she didn’t realise that their argument was being over heard.
“You don’t care about the school”
“that’s not true”
“it is if you cared about the school you wouldn’t be trying to get it closed down and you’re a hypocrite” Lizzy was red in the face as she continued “if you don’t think the school’s good enough for you then you definitely shouldn’t be here”  Lizzy pushed Abigail backwards with these final words and she fell with a bang onto the floor, her leg twisting under her.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by PatW on Dec 1st, 2003, 2:33pm
Wow Kate!  what a development!  Let's have the next bit as quickly as possible, please!!!!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Dec 1st, 2003, 2:47pm
Oh no!! Poor Abi! Please don't let her leg be badly injured again!!
Kate, please post the next bit SOON!!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 1st, 2003, 3:31pm
Lizzy’ face had turned from red to white in the time it had taken for Abigail to fall, she stood frozen to the spot watching but apparently without the ability to move.  The rest of the cast, both those on the stage and in the wings, rushed across the stage to where Abigail had fallen.

“Stop, stand still” Con Richardson’s voice commanded from the centre of the hall and with the exception of Pippa and Mel everyone froze.  Concerned for their friend the two girls sped across the stage to where Abigail had fallen.  By the time they reached her Miss Williams had made her way from the hall onto the stage.

“Girls, stand back” she instructed and she knelt down next to Abi “Abigail can you hear me” she asked the fallen girl
“Yes” Abi’s reply was barely a whisper, her face white and drawn
“can you tell me where it hurts”
“my leg” was all Abi could say, tears of pain stood out in her eyes
Looking up into the crowd of surrounding girls spoke quickly to Hazel McDonland, who was playing the part of Abigail’s mother.
“go and fetch nurse, tell her Abigail O’Hara has fallen and will probably need to go to the hospital for x-rays on her leg”
As Hazel sped away Miss Williams returned to her patient.  The rest of the girls, sensing that their was nothing they could do to help but at the same time not wanting to leave simply stood and watched.

Con, who had watched the scene unfold from the hall had walked over to the stage and noting that Miss Williams was fully occupied with Abigail took charge herself.
“Right” she began in a voice that was so familiar to Miss Maynard’s “it would be best if everyone returned to their common rooms” she looked at the assembled girls “if the prefects could supervise the girls of Inter V and below”
Those prefects present nodded their agreement and slowly the stage cleared leaving Pippa and Melanie, who were not prepared to leave their fallen friend, Lizzy, who was still rooted to the spot in horror, and Rebecca, who had witnessed her friend’s outburst and had moved to her side.

Miss Williams looked up at the two girls kneeling next to her and noting the anxious looks on their faces did her best to reassure them
“Nurse will be here shortly” she said quietly.  The girls nodded but did not make any attempt to move away.
Rebecca meanwhile had slipped her arm round Lizzy’s waist whereupon she had gone limp, so that Rebecca was now supporting her friend physically.

Nurse arrived after what seemed to those waiting on the stage to be hours, whereas in reality it was only a matter of minutes.  She instructed Pippa and Melanie to stand away from her patient and after kneeling down next to Miss Williams made a swift examination.  When she had finished she turned to the mistress
“Eve” she spoke quietly “Abigail needs to go to hospital for her leg to be x-rayed but I don’t think that there is anything seriously wrong”
Miss Williams nodded unable to speak and nurse continued
“can you and Mrs Richardson take the four girls up to the San” Con, who had been standing close by had heard nurse’s words and nodded and helped  Miss Williams to her feet.  The two women shepherded the four shocked and shaken school girls out of the hall

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Dec 1st, 2003, 3:39pm
Kate, you do realise that you aren't allowed to leave work until you've filled us in on Abi's X-ray results, don't you?

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by PatW on Dec 1st, 2003, 3:47pm
Starting the chant again!!  

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 1st, 2003, 4:14pm
next bit (this might be the last for today!)

Having left the four girls in Miss Williams’ care Con Richardson had made her way to the study to advise her sister of events.  She knocked briefly at the open door separating Cecil’s office from her secretary and without waiting for a response walked in.

“Con” Cecil looked up from her desk in surprise “whatever are you doing here”
“I came to watch the run through of the play” Con replied
“well the play seemed fine” Con began
“why do I feel there is a but coming on” Cecil asked wearily
“because there is” Con’s pulled out a chair and sat down as she spoke “I am not sure exactly what happened but there was an accident and Abi O’Hara fell” Cecil jumped to her feet immediately
“where is she” she began
“Nurse is with her, they have called an ambulance and are taking her to the san for x-rays” Con used the name of the hospital she was used to from her time in the Swiss Oberland.
“I must go” Cecil made her way to the door, her sister accompanied her
“Cecil” Con put a hand on her sister’s arm as they reached the door and she stopped
“What is it”
“I can’t be sure because I didn’t see, but I don’t think that Abigail fell” Con said gently Cecil looked at her sister in silence and Con continued “I will leave it to you to find out what happened.  At present all the girls who were on the stage are in their common rooms under the supervision of the prefects.  The only ones who aren’t are Melanie Edwards, Rebecca Morrison, Pippa and Lizzy who Miss Williams took to the san”.  
Cecil thought for a minute on what Con had said before reaching for the door handle
“Abigail first, can you phone her father” she asked before marching down the corridor at speed.

By the time Cecil had reached the hall two paramedics had arrived from the hospital and were lifting Abigail gently onto a stretcher.  Nurse who had been standing to one side watching the paramedics work, stopped Cecil as she flew towards to her pupil
“let them do their job” she cautioned.  Once Abigail was safely on the stretcher and the legs were extended Cecil went to her
“how are you feeling” she asked gently
“ok” Abigail replied trying to smile at her headmistress but Cecil wasn’t fooled and as she took her hand and Abi asked quietly “will you come with me”
“Of course” Cecil replied and as the two men pushed the stretcher through the school’s corridors to the waiting ambulance Cecil walked alongside her pupil still holding onto her hand.

The journey to the hospital only took a matter of minutes, Cecil couldn’t help marveling at how things had changed, when she was at school the vehicle’s were no where near as fast and the old road surface had been pitted and dangerous in places.  Abigail was wheeled into a sparkling white reception area and the two paramedics handed over to a doctor Cecil didn’t recognize and two young nurses who appeared to be not long out of school.  They wheeled Abigail to the Emergencies room and did a brief examination of her leg, setting up a drip to administer her pain relief.  The formality and sterility of the place was so different to how Cecil remembered from her father’s days, although she had been there since her father’s day it all seemed so impersonal now.

Cecil was asked to wait whilst Abigail was taken down to the x-ray department and within ten minute she was back, the doctor followed with the x-rays in hand.  Abigail grabbed Cecil’s hand as he approached the bed.
“good news” he addressed Abigail “the fracture hasn’t opened”
Cecil knew doctors of old and waited silently for him to continue
“but, one of the pins holding the fracture has snapped in the fall”
“do I need another operation” Abigail’s voice was weak with the combination of shock and pain killers
“we will leave it over night, there is a lot of swelling at the moment and once that has gone down we do more x-rays and have another look, but yes you may need an operation”
Tears welled in Abigail’s eyes, after all this and she was back to square one
“Miss Maynard, will you get my father”
“of course” Cecil replied “Mrs Richardson has phoned him”

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Dec 1st, 2003, 4:21pm
Oh no!!!! Poor Abi!!
Kate, you can't leave it there!!! :o :o

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Jennie on Dec 1st, 2003, 4:22pm
Oho, I foresee a very unpleasant time ahead for Lizzie; I do hope we get the full scene in the Head's study, no glossing it over.
Super, Kat, so please write some more.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 1st, 2003, 4:36pm
The end is in sight for this drabble - keep your fingers crossed and it might get finished this week.  at present it is 40,110 words long!!

Anyway, just a little bit more for tonight.....

When nurse returned to the san the four girls were sitting in the small lounge attached to the dormitory, which was usually used for recouperating patients.  As she entered Miss Williams stood and went to her
“Can I have a word” she asked quietly and the pair of them went into nurse’s own office, leaving the door open so that they could hear the girls
“Abigail’s gone to the hospital” nurse advised before Miss Williams could speak “the paramedic’s didn’t think it was too bad, Cecil’s gone with her”
“at least she is in the best place for treatment” Miss Williams sighed “I’m not sure what to do about those four though”
“what do you mean” nurse asked sharply
“They seem to be quite deeply shocked, none of them have said a word either to me or each other since we left the hall”
“quite natural” nurse advised “they probably aren’t sure what to say and are too worried about Abigail”
“it seems to be a very unnatural silence”
“I think the best thing is to reassure them about Abigail and then a light supper up here and early bed” nurse advised
“of course” Miss Williams smiled wanly at the older woman
“and you need to rest yourself, they aren’t the only ones to have had a shock”
“yes nurse” she replied meekly with a faint smile before leaving the san

The staff room was more or less empty when Miss William’s arrived and she made herself a cup of tea and sat in the chair nearest the window looking out over the grounds at the hospital.
“Stop that” Jayne Chadwick had caught her friend brooding
“sorry” Eve replied meekly “you’ve heard then” she asked
“yes” was the simple reply. Jayne looked at her friend carefully before continuing “it wasn’t your fault, there was nothing you could have done to stop them”  Eve simply shrugged and went on staring out the window.  

Very soon the entire staff body had assembled in the room though Miss Williams remained staring out the window as though unaware of their presence.  
“lets just hope” Miss Phillips declared as she took the last empty seat “that the prefects can talk some sense into the lower school”
“what do you mean” Miss Williams finally turned away from the window to look at her colleague
“Just that, the prefects have assembled the middle and lower school in the hall to speak to them about rumors and bullying”

In the hall the lower and middle schools were seated in their neat rows.  Tales of Lizzy and Abigail’s fight had circulated like wildfire to those who had not been in the hall, despite the fact that the prefects and staff had been supervising.  They had been told to assemble in the hall and now there was virtual silence as they all waited to see what would happen next.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Dec 1st, 2003, 4:44pm
Kaaaaaaaate! Pleeeeeeeeeeease post moooooooooore! ;) :-*

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Rachael P on Dec 1st, 2003, 4:47pm
Wow, this story is steaming ahead!
I'm looking forward to what the prefects have to say on the matter ...

Agree with Jennie - no behind doors chats, please

*wondering whether Cecil will be as good as Hilda at tempering justive with mercy  ;)*

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by KB on Dec 1st, 2003, 8:30pm
Oooh, wow, this is getting intense. Please, Kate, don't leave us hanging for too long!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Carolyn P on Dec 1st, 2003, 9:20pm
Looking fgorward to seeing her father's reaction.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Sarah_L on Dec 1st, 2003, 10:07pm
Poor Abi. I love this drabble Kate.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 2nd, 2003, 3:12pm
First bit for today (probably won't be much today as the pc man has come to upgrade so i am going to have to shut down for a while).............

“Good luck” Rachel whispered as Sarah began to ascend the small set of steps which let the diase at the front of the hall.  When she reached the lectern she turned to face the assembled girls her face set in a mask of grim determination.

“Good evening girls” her usually friendly and pleasant tones had gone and she immediately had the undivided attention of  the assembled girls.
“I know this is unusual for me to address you in this manner but it has come to our attention that there is a general understanding that the school will be closing at the end of term”  at this bold announcement there was a murmuring from the crowd, who from Sarah’s tone were now not sure if this was true.  She held up her hand for silence and waited until the girls subsided and she had their attention once again.

“Firstly, let me lay your minds at rest, there is no danger of the school closing.  Secondly, may I say that the prefects and I are extremely disappointed that this rumor appears to have spread round the lower school and not once did anyone think to ask either a prefect or mistress if it were true.  Instead you chose to spread the rumor round further, embellishing it and blowing it out of all proportion”   Again she paused to let her words sink in before she began again “what is worse, this rumor appears to have started as a result of an argument between two girls, not only have you all spread rumors but you have taken sides and as a result made one girls life totally miserable.  This school does not tolerate bullies as you well know, and although the school is not closing I would like each and every one of you to take a good hard look at yourselves and ask yourselves honestly ‘have I behaved like a true Chalet girl’.  If the answer is no then think long and hard as to how you can make amends, as it maybe that the school closes its doors to you”.  
Again Sarah paused and surveyed the assembled girls, the majority of whom looked ashamed of themselves.

“I know many of you have moaned and whined this term about the amount of supervision you are receiving, you are not the only ones that dislike the situation, both the staff and us would have preferred things to stay as they were but it was completely out of our hands.  Unfortunately, as a result of your own behaviour you have left us with little option but to continue that level of supervision until you can be trusted to act in a civilized manner to your fellow students”

“I have only one more thing to say before you go to supper, after which the staff have requested that you all go to bed and think about the way you have acted” Sarah finally smiled gently at the assembled girls before continuing “I am sure that you will be pleased to know that Abigail O’Hara did not sustain and major injuries as a result of her fall earlier today, she will be in hospital for a couple of days after which time she will be returning to school.  I am sure that you will all be ready to welcome her back”

As Sarah left the diase she could hear the whispers of the assembled girls.  The prefects on duty quickly silenced them and marched them from the hall to the dining room.  

“well, do you think that will make a difference” she asked Rachel, her tone indicated to her friend that she still had concerns
“I am sure it’s a start” Rachel replied “but the girls are human and emotions have been running high, you can’t expect miracles”

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Dec 2nd, 2003, 3:27pm
Thank you Kate!!! :-*
Hope the pc man finishes soon so we can have more story!! ;)

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 2nd, 2003, 3:37pm
The four girls in the san slept steadily, a combination of exhaustion brought on by the shock and the small dose of tranquilizer the duty doctor had prescribed.  It was late the next morning when they began to stir and nurse was on hand immediately to keep them quite till all four were awake.

“Good morning” she said simply “if you would like to get up now there are two shower cubicles at the end of the room, please wash and dress as quickly as possible then we will have breakfast in the salon”  she bustled away leaving the four girls looking at each other from their beds.

“I wonder how Abi is” were Pippa’s first words at which Lizzy flushed a deep red
“I am sure they will tell us when they can” Rebecca replied with an anxious glance at her friend “anyway nurse said were to get up, do you and Mel want to take first showers Pip, we’ll strip our beds down while you go”  No sooner had she finished than Pippa and Mel were on their way to the shower leaving the other two alone
“Liz” Rebecca spoke softly “do you want a hand with your bed”.  Liz simply nodded, not looking at her friend and slipped out from under the duvet.  The two girls stripped both beds in silence and then when Pippa and Mel returned went for their own showers.

Their breakfast had been set out on the side board in the salon, enabling them to help themselves before sitting down to eat.  As the last pieces of toast were cleared Miss Maynard arrived.
“Good morning girls” she said with a smile “now I am sure you are anxious to know how Abi is”
All four girls nodded and waited for their head to speak
“when I left her last night she had had some x-rays done, although there is no major damage she may need a minor operation to repair one of the pins she had inserted in the fracture but at present the area is too swollen for the doctors to see properly” Cecil watched the girls faces as she spoke.  Pippa’s hand had shot out and taken Melanie’s as she had begun to speak and the two girls now looked somewhat relieved, Rebecca looked calm but kept throwing anxious glances at Elizabeth who didn’t seem to be able to look at either the other girls or the head directly.

“Will we be able to see her” Melanie asked
“I am sure you will be able to but I couldn’t say when” Cecil replied “she will have more x-rays taken this morning and then if she needs a further operation it will be done this afternoon”
“Please Miss Maynard, is her father coming over” Pippa’s voice was very solemn as she asked, knowing from her conversation with Abigail that the pair of them weren’t at present on very good terms
“Yes Pippa” Miss Maynard replied “he will be here this afternoon, she can’t undergo surgery without his consent”
“I see”
“now how are the four of you feeling” Miss Maynard asked and after the four girls assured her that they were fine she continued “in that case, I think you should all return to your lessons after break this morning”

Miss Maynard left the four girls in the lounge and made her way through the dormitory area to nurse’s office
“Cathy” she began “have any of them said anything about what happened”
“not a word, even when they separated and Pippa and Mel went for showers”
“I see” Cecil’s voice sounded grim “I was hoping that Elizabeth would come and see me of her own volition”
“she’s still quite shaken by the who incident” Cathy cautioned, she had been the school’s nurse for several years and was well versed in dealing with the girls “give her a while longer”

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 2nd, 2003, 4:05pm
Abigail had spent the night under fairly heavy sedation and whilst her doctors had lessened the pain killer she remained very groggy for most of the morning, slipping in and out of sleep and not really being able to focus on what was going on around her.

As the morning came to an end she began to regain her senses and whilst she had been able for a while to forget where she was the recollection that she was in hospital dawned on her with disappointment, particularly when she tried to move her leg and only succeeded in sending shooting pains along its length.

“Hello there” a voice spoke from her left side “your awake at last”
“Dad” Abigail’s voice mirrored her surprise “what are you doing here”
“I wasn’t going to leave you in hospital on your own now was I” James’ voice was gentle as was his expression as he watched his daughter lying in the bed “how are you feeling” he asked
“a bit sore” Abigail confessed
“do you need more pain killers” he asked moving his hand towards the call button which would bring one of the nurses
“no” Abigail declared immediately, not wishing to return to her semi-conscious state
“what happened Abi” he asked
“I fell” Abi replied, although not with complete honesty she felt this would be the best explanation
“I see” James replied believing his daughter “well here they are to take you for x-rays” he added after a pause when two porters and a nurse appeared at the door with a trolley.  Behind the trolley stood Miss Maynard who had come to check on her pupil

As Abigail was loaded onto the trolley she looked at her head with concern and as she was wheeled out of the room she whispered to her head in a determined voice “I fell, that’s all”.  Left alone with James in the severe hospital room Cecil wasn’t sure whether to stay or not.  After a lengthy silence James indicated the other plastic chair
“do sit down” he said politely.  Cecil pulled the chair over to him and sat down, crossing her arms in her lap
“How was she when she woke” Cecil asked
“Not too bad” James replied “the doctors gave her some fairly heavy sedatives during the night which should have kept her still enough not to aggravate anything, we should know soon enough what the damage is”
“They filled you in on the emergency treatment she received”
“yes, as soon as I got here this morning”
“good” Cecil lapsed into silence again.

“so what happened” James asked eventually
“I wasn’t present” Cecil began and remembering Abigail’s words continued “but I understand they were rehearsing the play and she fell backwards”
“I see, who was present”
“Miss Williams, the rest of the girls in the play and my sister who was there to see the run through”
Again both sat in silence until Abigail was wheeled into the room, followed by her doctor who carried the x-rays.

“Well” both James and Cecil asked simultaneously as they leapt to their feet
“Good news” the doctor smiled as he spoke “there is no major damage to the fracture or to any of the main plate, screws or pins”
“Thank God” James replied sinking back into his chair
“What further treatment does she need” Cecil asked cautiously remembering the talk last night of a further operation.
“We do need to trim the end of one of the pins which has become slightly dislodged, but we can do that under local anesthetic this afternoon, someone will be down to collect her shortly.  She will need to stay off her feet for the rest of the week and providing she agrees to take things easy” at this point the doctor broke off and gave his patient a mock glare causing Abigail to giggle “then I don’t see why she can’t go back to school on Saturday”
“And I can keep my part in the play” Abigail asked anxiously
“That, young lady, is down to how well you recover and what your part entails” the doctor told her.

After the doctor had left Cecil and Abigail both noticed that James was still sitting motionless in the chair wit his hands over his face
“Daddy” Abigail sounded concerned.
“Its all right honey” James lifted his head and both could see the tears in his eyes “I’m just relieved your ok”
“I’ll go and get some tea” Cecil said excusing herself from the room
“I am ok” Abigail tried to reassure her father “I shall be up and about in no time”
“I know, I was just so worried about you after all that happened”
As Cecil returned with two cups of tea the theatre nurse came to take Abigail to surgery
“You’ll be ok” James asked
“Of course” Abigail replied and the nurse assured him that it would only take around 15 minutes as she wheeled Abigail out of the room.  Cecil handed James his tea and then sat quietly in the other chair.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Dec 2nd, 2003, 4:05pm
Thank you Kate! :-*
*waits hopefully for more!*

Ooops!! When I posted only the first bit was there! :-[

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 2nd, 2003, 4:28pm
They both sat in silence a drinking their tea and waiting for time to pass.
“I’ve told the solicitor to drop the claim” James said so softly that Cecil could hardly hear him
“I see” she replied simply trying to conceal her immediate relief
“I should never have started it” his voice remained soft but had a distinctly sad edge to it, when Cecil didn’t reply he continued “She’s all I have you know, and she’s so like her mother”  Again he lapsed into silence, eventually he continued again “she was furious when I told her about the claim”
“I know” Cecil said gently
“she asked me to call it off, but I didn’t listen, I just had to go ahead with what I wanted, what I thought was best” James voice was very bitter as he spoke
“parents always do what they feel is best for their children” Cecil’s had her own memories of what her parents had deemed best for her and her siblings as they were growing up, most of the time they didn’t take their children into consideration.  “James” she continued “there isn’t a right or wrong way to bring up children, you can only do it by trial an error”
“In my case mainly error”
“I don’t think so” Cecil replied “you have been on your own with Abi for most of her life and to be honest she’s a credit to you”
“It’s a pity that I am not a credit to her” the bitter edge of his voice had changed to one of misery as he continued “Mother helped at first, then as she got older and then died I was on my own”
Cecil nodded patiently and waited for him to continued
“My father wasn’t exactly a role model when it came to parenting skills and I was in my fourties before Abi was born and had no idea what to do.  I just want to protect her, to do what’s best for her”
“Tell her” Cecil said bluntly
“sorry” James looked at her with a blank expression not taking in what she meant
“You have to talk to her now” Cecil urged “she’s a teenage girl who has no mother, she probably doesn’t realise how you feel about her, about her mother.  Talk to her, now, before its too late”
“to late for what”
“if you don’t talk to her now you risk loosing any close bond there is between you.  The resentment that has built up will continue to grow and push you apart”
“but how”
“tell her what you told me, admit you made a mistake”
“Do you think she’ll understand”
“you can only try James” Cecil’s voice was at its gentlest “she’s verging on adulthood, teenagers grow up very quickly these days”
“I will” James promised before the pair of them lapsed back into silence thinking about what had been said.

It was a further ten minutes before Abigail returned, looking somewhat pale and drawn from the minor operation she nevertheless proudly showed them the piece of metal pin that had been removed from her leg.
“So can I keep my part in the play” she asked Cecil bluntly
“we shall see” was all the reply she got before Cecil continued “now if the pair of you don’t mind I have a school to run”
After she had left James sat with his daughter for a long time trying to think of what he could say to her.  
“Daddy” she began “its going to be ok”
“hey” he replied “I’m the parent here, I’m the one whose meant to say that”  He smiled at his daughter as she slipped her hand into his

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Dec 2nd, 2003, 4:38pm
Awww! I'm glad Abi and her dad are working things out! And that the claim is being dropped!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Angel of the North on Dec 2nd, 2003, 4:50pm

How can they sue when it's a swiss school, and it would be dealt with in Switzerland?

And wouldn't the insurers be swiss, and would therefore be used to dealing with the sort of sports they get up to?

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 2nd, 2003, 4:55pm
They can sue because the school was floated on the stock exchange and is therefore a UK Plc (or Ltd co).  In any event they could be sued under either Swiss or EU law as well.  The insurance company does not have to be Swiss it could well be multinational (ie Zurich Insurance Co Ltd)

You have to have extra cover for certain activities - particularly those described as dangerous sports.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Jennie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 4:59pm
Such as going into a classroom to try to teach a lesson?

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Rachael P on Dec 2nd, 2003, 5:00pm
That is lovely, Kate, thank you

So pleased he's dropping his silly claim

*lokoing forward to Lizzy's retribution ...*

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Angel of the North on Dec 2nd, 2003, 7:26pm
Really enjoying this, thanks for the explanation.

I tend to get hung up on things like this...

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Lisa on Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:15pm
Ohhh! I love this, Kat, it has been my favourite drabble for ages and I'm half excited, half disappointed it's nearly finished!
I have identified with the characters, Abi especially is so believable. Well done!! :D

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by KB on Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:55am
Very, VERY interesting development, and I'm glad her Dad saw sense at last!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 3rd, 2003, 1:29pm
“well, I don’t know what Sarah Peters said to them last night” began Miss Williams as she poured herself and Miss Chadwick coffee “but it seems to have hit home”
“hasn’t it just” Miss Chadwick replied  “There seems to have been a lot of deep thought going on this morning”
“I kind of made my own small point, IIIa had a small talk on redemption and forgiveness this morning” Miss Williams smiled at her colleague
“your not the only one” she confessed “my lot received something similar”

Other mistresses were starting to enter the common room and help themselves to coffee
“Any news” Miss Ferdinand came to join Miss Chadwick and Miss Williams where they sat
“from the hospital” Miss Williams asked “not that we’ve heard”
“Is Cecil back”
“not sure” Miss Ferdinand replied “I have had VIth form practical sessions all day so I haven’t left the lab till now”
“here’s someone who’ll know” Miss Chadwick said as the door to the staff room opened “Emma, is Cecil back from the hospital yet” she asked
“She is” Emma replied “about 10 minutes ago”
“So how’s Abigail” her form mistress asked
“doing well, the swelling’s going down nicely, they’ve had to remove the end of one of the pins but they did it under local”
The staff’s relief was evident at this news
“so when will she be coming back” began Miss Williams
“After this will her father let her come back” queried Miss Phillips
“Her father is letting her come back” Emma replied “if all goes well she should be released from hospital on Friday, though she’s going to have to take things very easy for a while”
“did her father have anything to say about what happened?” Miss Chadwick asked
“I don’t know” Emma replied truthfully “you’ll have to speak to Cecil about that.  Anyway, that’s what I came for.  Cecil would like to see you and Eve as soon as possible”

The two mistresses made their way to Cecil’s office.  Cecil was sat at her desk, though with the chair turned to face over the grounds. She turned round as the two women came into the room
“have a seat” she instructed and after they were seated she continued “now, I am sure that Emma filled you in on this mornings happening at the hospital”.  Both mistresses nodded, still unsure why Cecil wanted to see them, noting their expressions Cecil reassured them.  “don’t look so worried, neither of you were to blame for what happened.  Anyway, I have some good news that I thought you two would like to hear first”

The relief on the two mistress faces was obvious as Cecil confirmed that the claim against the school had been dropped.  The whole matter had affected the pair of them deeply, both having difficulty sleeping, suffering flashbacks to the accident and wondering daily whether they could have done anything at all to prevent Abigail’s accident.

“I thought you’d be pleased” Cecil commented
“immensely” Miss Chadwick replied and Miss Williams nodded her agreement.
“now, as you know the Christmas play will take place on Saturday night.  Abigail has pleaded with me that she be allowed to take part.  Eve, as the play’s producer, do you think she will be able to?”
“how badly is her leg injured” Eve asked cautiously
“she has to stay off of it as much as possible to keep the swelling down.  There is quite a lot of bruising and she is a little stiff and sore”
“in that case, unfortunately, I don’t think so.  Her part involves her cowering under a table and keeping still for some time.  I would worry that staying in that position for any length of time may aggravate things”
“very well” Cecil replied “I don’t want to cut her out of the play altogether though, can she swap parts with someone”
“I can probably swap her with one of the angels in the final tableau, most of them come from either her form or the form above”
“Is Rebecca Morrison an Angel?” Cecil asked
“Yes I believe she is”
“well in that case perhaps they could swap parts” Cecil suggested

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 3rd, 2003, 3:10pm
Rebecca was worried about her friend, she had hardly spoken two words to her when they were alone in the common room.  In the end she had given up trying to speak to her and was, to all appearances, in the depths of her book, in reality though she was finding it difficult to concentrate.  

It was obviously that Lizzy was troubled, which Rebecca thought was more than understandable what with yesterday’s series of events.  It didn’t help that Lizzy was being subjected to many hard looks and whispered comments from her peers, not that she realised it but the uncomfortable feeling that it was giving her was exactly the same as she had subjected Abigail to because of her initial outburst.

Eventually Rebecca gave up on her book and putting her hand on her friend’s arm suggested that they go elsewhere. Lizzy would have loved to have been able to resist her friend’s offer but she did not really want to stay in the common room where she was so obviously unwanted.  As they left the room Pippa and Melanie were approaching from the direction of the school’s offices.  As they were forbidden from talking in the corridors they beckoned Lizzy and Rebecca to follow them into an empty class room.

“Good news” Pippa began once the door was firmly shut “we have just been to see Maynie who says that Abi is ok and should be able to come back to school at the end of the week”
“that’s fantastic” Rebecca replied, casting a brief glance at Lizzy whose face did not appear to have registered what was said.
“Isn’t it” Mel continued “she won’t miss out on the play or anything”
“didn’t she need to have an operation then?” Rebecca asked
“not a big one, they had to take a bit of one of the pins out but they did it without knocking her out”
“They did it while she was awake” Rebecca exclaimed “I couldn’t do that”
“me either” Pippa admitted.  The four girls stood looking at each other, Melanie and Pippa were obviously completely delighted that their friend was on the mend, Rebecca was relieved that the whole matter seemed to be subsiding but Lizzy still remained silent her face impossible to read.
“I couldn’t do it either” she said suddenly in a very quiet voice “Abi’s much braver than I am”
“Yes she is” Pippa replied simply
“I,” began Lizzy but stammered to a halt almost immediately, her face flushed as she hung her head unable to look the other three in the eye.

Rebecca put her hand on Melanie’s arm and the two girls quietly withdrew from the room leaving Pippa and Lizzy alone
“Lizzy” Pippa’s voice was gentle “do you want to talk”
“No, um I” was all she could get out before she finally broke down, tears streaming down her face.  Pippa handed her a tissue from the box on the mistresses desk and waited for the storm of crying to subside.

Eventually when Lizzy had managed to control her sobbing she looked up at Pippa, she took a big gulp of air before speaking
“I’ve made such a mess of things”
“Like what” Pippa encouraged her
“School, Abi, my temper”  Lizzy paused and Pippa waited sensing that there was more to come, eventually she looked at her cousin “will you come with me” she pleaded
“where to” Pippa asked non plussed by this question
“to Maynie”

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Rachael P on Dec 3rd, 2003, 3:37pm
Ooh, goodie! More of this ...

Love the way it's developing and that Lizzy has made the decision to go to Cecil on her own ...

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 3rd, 2003, 4:25pm
Pippa’s agreement to go with Lizzy to the head’s study had been instantly forthcoming and the two girls made their way in silence through the corridors.  When they reached Miss Richard’s office she was typing from an audio tape and did not notice them at first.  

“sorry” she began when she had noticed them and removed her earphones “didn’t hear you come in, how can I help”
Pippa waited to see if Lizzy would speak but her head remained down, eyes fixed on the floor
“Miss Richards” Pippa said formally “is Miss Maynard available”.  Emma Richards looked at the pair curiously, she knew that Cecil was hoping Lizzy would come to her to talk about her feud with Abigail but why Pippa was here she couldn’t fathom.
“She is teaching at present but the lesson is due to end in five minutes or so if you want to wait”
“thank you” Pippa said simply
“sit down then” Miss Richards indicated the row of chairs against the wall.  The two girls sunk into the indicated seats and sat in silence whilst Miss Richards returned to her typing.

The girls sat in silence until Miss Maynard appeared whereupon both girls jumped to their feet
“Did you want me?” she asked noting their presence
“Please” replied Pippa whilst Lizzy still didn’t speak.  She invited the two girls into her office and indicated that they should seat themselves in two of the chairs on the opposite side of her desk.  When all three were seated she took a moment to observe the two girls.  Pippa seemed troubled and from the looks she was occasionally giving her cousin it would appear that this was the cause.  Lizzy’s own expression remained blank, though her eyes gave clear indication that she was upset.  Cecil shrewdly guessed what the two girls had come to her for but rather than jump in she felt it better that they told her themselves.

“now then” she began keeping her tone light “what can I do for you”
Pippa really did not know what to say as she was in fact only there to support her cousin, yet her cousin did not seem able to speak.  Eventually Pippa raised her eyes to meet those of her headmistress and aunt
“Please Miss Maynard, I think Elizabeth wanted to speak to you”  Cecil raised her eyebrow before replying
“I see, well then if you don’t need to speak to me about anything why don’t you run along back to the common room”  Pippa stood and made her way to the door but before she could leave Cecil continued “If you and Melanie want too go up to the hospital this evening I am sure Abigail would welcome a visitor or two”
“thank you Miss Maynard” Pippa replied smiling widely at her headmistress.

Left alone with the silent Lizzy Miss Maynard waited patiently to see if she would speak, after a while it became clear that nothing was going to be forthcoming unless she started off the conversation herself.  Noting Lizzy’s apparently calm demeanor Cecil felt that the best way forward might be to try and snap Lizzy out of what seemed to be a somewhat catatonic state.

“Elizabeth” she spoke sharply “look at me” her voice was a command rather than a request and Lizzy raised her eyes to meet those of her headmistress.  Cecil continued “what did you want to speak to me about?”
“I, well, its just” Lizzy trailed off not seeming to know where to start.  Eventually Cecil tried again
“Why don’t you start by telling me what happened yesterday”

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Rachael P on Dec 3rd, 2003, 4:32pm
Please don't stop there Kate ...............


Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 3rd, 2003, 4:49pm
last bit for tonight

Lizzy slowly told her headmistress how she had argued with Abigail at the rehearsal and how the argument had ended when she had lost her temper completely and lashed out at Abigail, pushing her backwards.  As she finished speaking Cecil asked in a very gentle voice
“and why did you pick an argument with Abigail”
“She just looked so pleased with herself” Lizzy admitted, flushing as she continued “I just thought it was so unfair, she had a part in the play and was enjoying herself and, well I wasn’t” she finished lamely.
“why weren’t you enjoying yourself”
“well, I haven’t got a part, I’m just in the final scene, and well, its not like she should really be here”
“I’m sorry” Cecil almost choked at Abigail’s last statement “why do you think that she should not be here”
“because of the claim” Elizabeth looked at her headmistress with defiance “she obviously doesn’t think much of the school if she is making a claim”
“who told you about the claim” Cecil’s voice was like ice and Elizabeth’s definance slipped away, until now she had always seen Cecil as aunt first head mistress second but just the tone in her told her clearly she was speaking to her head mistress rather than her aunt.

Stumbling frequently over her words and with many pauses Lizzy admitted that she had over heard a conversation between a strange lady and Miss Williams when she had gone for a remedial lesson.  She went on to explain, somewhat ashamedly, that she had stood outside the room and listened to the whole conversation.

“I see” Cecil looked at her pupil with a displeased expression “so what did you do with this information”
“Nothing straight away”
“but later” Cecil prompted
“Well, it was on the day that you said we couldn’t go skiing” Lizzy’s voice returned to its monotone mumble as she revealed how she had argued with Abigail in front of her class and how in the course of this argument she had revealed to the others that Abigail was making a claim.  Eventually she stopped, her eyes firmly in her lap not wishing to risk even a glance at her headmistress.

Cecil remained silent for a long time and Lizzy began to think that she would never speak.
“Elizabeth” Cecil said eventually “because of your temper you have caused one girl a considerable amount of not just physical but emotional pain.  Your actions have lead to one girl being bullied by her peers and made to feel like an outcast”
“I didn’t mean” Lizzy began but her aunt cut her off
“whatever you meant by your outburst is irrelevant.  The overheard information you had was not yours to spread around, you are directly responsible not only for Abigail being in hospital at present but also for the way that your peers have behaved towards here”  Elizabeth winced at this final statement, if truth be told she was feeling guilty about pushing Abigail but had given little thought before now as to how much responsibility she had for the behaviour of her class mates towards Abigail and her friends.

Cecil sat back in her chair and watched her niece as she struggled with her own emotions.  Lizzy’s expression, though partially hidden by her down turned face registered in turn anxiety, misery and guilt.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Sarah_L on Dec 3rd, 2003, 4:59pm
I know Pippa is Con's grandchild, but which one of the Maynard girls is Lizzy's mother? I'm presuming Felicity or Phil, am I right?

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 3rd, 2003, 5:20pm
Ooh what to say?  Apart from what a great story this is.  I'm glad theat Abi didn't suffer any drastic injuries when Lizzy pushed her, and even more pleased that she and her father are friends again, and that her father has dropped the claim.
What about Lizzy though?  I still don't feel that she is truely repentant about the way she treated Abi, and I'd like to see Cecil making her realise the full enormity of what she has done.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Dec 3rd, 2003, 7:40pm
That was great Kate!! Looking forward to tomorrow's postings!!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by catherine on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:54pm
Wow, Kate!  I've just caught up on this!  It's fantastic reading!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Lisa on Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:58pm
Fantastic, Kate. Good to see Lizzy showing a bit of backbone! Looking forward to next bit tomorrow!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Angel of the North on Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:29pm

this is great.

it's interesting the way things have moved on. consider how betty was expelled for treachery, but this would be potentially an expulsion offence, as it put the entire future of the school in jeopardy.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by xanthe on Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:42pm
Thank you Kate  ;D just caught up on this and it's SUPERB!!!!!!!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by PatW on Dec 4th, 2003, 3:21pm
Kate?  It's 3.30 and there's no more story?  Come on, I know you're logged in.  You must have written some more by now!

*Being restrained and not following Rachael's example in 'Accident'*

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 4th, 2003, 4:04pm
Just a little bit today I'm afraid - real work and all that!!

Lizzy was confused, a whole mass of emotions were racing through her brain.  She had never seen her Aunt so angry and was afraid to meet her eyes.  Lizzy was ashamed of her behaviour and felt guilty as to the way she had spoken to Abigail.  She knew that she deserved to be on the receiving end of a scolding, after all she knew that there was no one who would excuse her physical violence towards Abigail.  At the same time she could not help but feel that her aunt was being harsh, after all what she had said about Abigail and the claim was true after all and it was because of the claim that they were supervised more and their activities curtailed.  Suddenly she realised that Cecil was speaking again

“why did you decide to come and see me to day Elizabeth” she asked
“I, just, well” Lizzy did not really know where to begin, eventually looked up at Cecil but the expression on her headmistresses face made her flush and return her eyes to her lap
“Well what?”
“I came because I thought it would be better” she said lamely
“better than what”
“better than waiting for you to send for me” Lizzy’s voice had become very quiet
“I see” Cecil looked thoughtfully at her pupil and understanding that Lizzy was not going to be more forthcoming she continued “So lets get everything straight.  You overheard a private conversation between a mistress and someone you didn’t know, rather than keeping the matter to yourself in a fit of childish anger you used the information, in public, to hold another girl responsible for all your assumed grievances.  When the other girls who had over heard you started to treat Abigail in the same way you had demonstrated did you do anything to stop them” Cecil paused giving Lizzy time to take in her words “Not content with that you then lost your temper again with this girl and this time resorted to physical violence, pushing her backwards and causing her further injury”

Cecil finished speaking and sat back in her chair, Lizzy looked up expecting to face an angry headmistress, which if Lizzy owned was to be expected, however not only did she see anger on her headmistresses face but deep disappointment, which hurt Lizzy far more than the anger could have done.  As a result Lizzy burst into tears and sobbed loudly into her tissue.  Eventually as her sobbing subsided and Cecil continued

“you have physically abused another pupil, your actions have led girls younger than you to follow your example that bullying of another pupil is acceptable, you have acted dishonorably in spreading malicious gossip obtained from an overheard conversation” Lizzy looked up shocked at this and opened her mouth to speak but Cecil held up her hand to silence her before continuing
“Can you tell me why I should keep you in school?”  

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by PatW on Dec 4th, 2003, 4:08pm
Oooh that shocked her!!  Try and post some more Kate, though I know what it's like trying to write at work!!!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 4th, 2003, 4:16pm
Ooh Good for Cevil - that should sort Lizzy out, hopefully!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Rachael P on Dec 4th, 2003, 4:41pm
Wonderful - I sense a turning moment for Lizzy - hope she comes through and sees the right way .....

I shall ignore Pat's comment with the contempt it deserves   :P
After all, I was "led astray" by Lisa_T and too spineless to act otherwise  ;)

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Carolyn P on Dec 4th, 2003, 4:47pm
Wonderful stuff. Can't wait to see how Lizzy comes out of it.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Lisa on Dec 4th, 2003, 7:44pm
Great thank you! What will her punishment be? (It's really efffective when you say to someone: Give me one good reason why ...!)

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Lesley on Dec 4th, 2003, 9:01pm
Can't wait till tomorrow and the next postings! Really, really enjoying this Kate - please give some of your work away or hide it or something so you can finish this before the weekend! ;)

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Dec 5th, 2003, 1:54am
*hopes Kate's work schedule will allow her to post more tomorrow!!*

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by KB on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:22am
Glad to see that everything is finally out in the open. Kate, you're handling this very well!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 5th, 2003, 10:50am
first bit for today.............

Lizzy turned white and stared at her headmistress horror etched in her face at this last question
“you mean to send me away”
“I didn’t say that” Cecil replied calmly “I asked you to tell me why I shouldn’t send you away”
Lizzy was unable to speak, clearly in shock, she had never even thought that her actions would lead to her removal from school, to be honest she hadn’t really thought at all about the implications of her actions.

After sitting in silence for a few minutes it became clear to Cecil that Lizzy would be unable to answer her question.  
“I see that you are unable to answer my question, therefore, I am going to ask nurse to take you to the hospital dormitory, where you will remain in isolation”
“Please” Lizzy said timidly “what do you meant to do with me”
“I have to consult with some of the other mistresses about your behaviour before I make a final decision, in the meantime though I am suspending you from the school.  You will spend your time in isolation, you will not meet with or talk to any other girls as I cannot have you influencing their actions in the way you have done this term”
“Do my parents have to know”
“About your behaviour”
“Information about your suspension from school will be included within your end of year report” Cecil’s voice remained level as Lizzy again began to sob.  Her mother, an old girl of the school and younger sister of Cecil herself would be extremely disappointed that Lizzy had bought such disgrace to the family.  

Cecil rang for the school’s nurse to come and take Lizzy to the hospital dormitory and when she had gone sat back in her chair to reflect over their meeting whilst she waited for Miss Chadwick, Lizzy’s form mistress, and Miss Redmond, the senior mistress to arrive.

In her heart she knew that other schools would have had no hesitation in expelling Lizzy for her physical actions towards Abigail let alone anything, else but expulsion what not something that the Chalet School took lightly.  In fact there had only ever been 3 girls expelled from school, one in the early days, one during the war and then one in the 1960’s.  

These three girls had, at least at the time, shown no real remorse for what they had done, Lizzy however had come to Cecil of her own volition rather than having to be summonsed.  It was only a very small thing but to Cecil it did show some degree of hope that her conscience had been aroused.  Perhaps this was the shock that Lizzy needed to get her back on track.

When the two mistresses arrived and coffee had been served Cecil calmly announced to them that Lizzy had come to confess of her argument with Abigail and that in the process had confessed to her other misdeeds.
“Gracious” Miss Chadwick exclaimed “that must have been some confession”
“It was” Cecil said gravely
“What are you proposing” Miss Redmond asked
“That’s the problem” Cecil admitted to her colleagues “The seriousness of the situation would in some cases warrant if not public expulsion then at least her removal from school”
“But” prompted Miss Redmond
“That’s the problem I need to discuss with you as I feel my family relationship with Elizabeth may cloud my judgment”

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by KB on Dec 5th, 2003, 10:55am
That's a very good point Cecil has made. I hope the staff don't let the awe in which they may hold the Head Mistress affect their own decisions. Personally, I can't see her being expelled, though.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by xanthe on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:04am
Thank you Kate

*on the edge of her seat, waiting to find out what happens*

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:50am
The next morning Lizzy awoke with a feeling of foreboding which made her stomach churn.  As she lay in the small isolation room attached to the hospital dormitory she knew that she was totally alone.  She had been so shocked last night by what the head had said that she never thought she would get to sleep, in her mind she played over and over scenes in which she would have to face her parents when the came to remove her from school.  When she did eventually sleep, through sheer exhaustion, her dreams troubled her as for some reason they kept replaying the last argument with Abigail, only this time when she pushed her backwards the injury to her leg kept getting worse and worse.

“If your awake you can shower and dress” nurse’s usually warm and soothing tones were sharp and Lizzy picked up her things, which had been bought from her own dormitory.  In silence she followed the nurse through the main dormitory
“Keep quiet” nurse cautioned in an undertone indicating the curtained off bed “there are other’s still sleeping”
Lizzy quickly showered and dressed as quietly as she could, upon opening the door to the shower room she could overhear nurse talking to her patient behind the curtain
“I just have to check the dressing Abigail, then we will get you up into the chair” she said.
Lizzy felt a wave of guilt spread through her, their was only one Abigail in school and after the meeting with the headmistress yesterday she was not quite ready to face her victim.  

Behind the curtain Abigail was arguing in vain with nurse
“Oh do let me get up properly” she pleaded
“No Abigail, you heard what I said, you can get up and sit in the chair, but you are not to walk around”
“I promise I will be careful”
“I said no”
“but nothing young lady, the only reason you are here is because the hospital needed more beds to deal with an emergency, by rights you should still be in hospital”
Abigail subsided and let nurse finish changing the dressing which covered her stitches.  She helped Abigail into her dressing gown and out of the bed into the waiting chair.
“now you can go through to the sitting room, your breakfast will be along in a moment”  She pulled back the curtains surrounding the bed and Abigail wheeled herself along the dormitory.

As she reached the door of the isolation unit she noticed it was open and, to her surprise, that Lizzy was in there.
“Hello, what are you doing here” she asked
“I’m not allowed to talk to anyone” Lizzy reply flushing bright red
“Oh, I see”
“you’d better go before anyone comes” Abigail turned her wheelchair round from the door and went to move away “Before you go” Lizzy continued taking a big gulp of air “can I just say something”.
“what is it” Abigail said as she turned the chair again to face her
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry”
“Oh” was all Abigail could say, as much as she wanted to accept Lizzy’s apology she was still very stiff and sore, in addition, the misery she had suffered over the last few weeks remained with her.  

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Angel of the North on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:58am
nicely done.

another story I'd like to see done by GGB...

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Rachael P on Dec 5th, 2003, 12:10pm
Excellent, Kate

Tough call for Cecil but she's going about it the right way - like KB, I'd be surprised if Lizzy did get the chop as she has gone to the Head of her own volition but who knows .. it would be very interesting to see a Maynard grandchild get expelled!  :o

The fact that she's apologised to Abigail will stand her in good stead, though - I'm sure we'll have a happy ending with Lizzy and Abigail becoming "real" CS girls at last  ;)

*fingers crossed*

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Carolyn P on Dec 5th, 2003, 12:27pm
The apology may help, but the mistresses won't know it's been made.
I think an expulsion would not be CS in this case, but I'm still not sure that Lizzy understands why her actions were wrong, she is still shocked at the physical injury she has caused to think much further. Having said which, she did confess, so there is something there.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 5th, 2003, 1:54pm
Abigail had just finished her breakfast when Cecil arrived.
“Good Morning Abi” she smiled at her pupil “how are you feeling today?”
“I feel fine” adding hopefully “I just wish I was allowed out of this chair” .  Cecil laughed has she replied
“not today I’m afraid, you’ll have to stay off your feet for at least today, one of the doctors will be down to see you tomorrow, if and only if, he gives the all clear will you be allowed on your feet”
Abigail’s mouth turned down at this pronouncement
“I suppose that means I am stuck in here till then”
“Not at all, so stop sulking” Cecil admonished “So long as you are sensible I see no reason why you can’t return to your lessons, obviously you will need to use the lift”
“thank you” Abigail beamed at her headmistress who chuckled in response
“Glad to see your so eager to get back to lessons”
“well, it is nearly the end of term, I don’t want to miss out”
“Very well” at the sound of approaching footsteps Cecil turned “and here come your assistants who will help you get about” she stood to one side as Pippa and Mel approached.  

Cecil watched the three girls make their way from the salon out into the corridor before turning to the small isolation room where Lizzy had been eating a solitary breakfast.   She knocked on the door and entered to find that Lizzy was sitting at the table, breakfast untouched, staring blankly at the wall in front of her
“Elizabeth” Cecil began “if you would like to make your way to my office for 10 o’clock”
“Yes Miss Maynard” Cecil replied not looking at the head.

Ten o’clock saw Lizzy sitting in the high backed chair across the large antique table in from her headmistress.  
“Well Elizabeth, I hope that you have had an opportunity to consider our meeting yesterday” Lizzy nodded mutely unable to speak “so I will repeat the question that I asked then why should I allow you to remain at school after all you have done”.
Lizzy swallowed deeply and raised her head, forcing herself to meet the gaze of her headmistress
“I don’t think I deserve to stay at school” she replied miserably
“and why is that” Cecil prompted
“I’m not a nice person” tears began to leak out the corners of Lizzy’s eyes
“what makes you say that” Cecil’s voice had taken a gentler tone
“I, well, um, I have done things I shouldn’t and I have lost my temper and I hurt someone”
“and how do you feel about the things that you’ve done?”
“I feel sick inside” Lizzy found it difficult to put into words how she was feeling but Cecil waited patiently for her to continue “I’m sorry, I didn’t think what I was doing, I never meant to hurt Abi”
“I see” as Lizzy seemed unable to say anything further Cecil continued “Elizabeth, you are 14 years old, soon to be 15, do you not think that someone of your age should be able to take responsibility for their actions” Lizzy nodded miserably and Cecil continued “you have behaved like a spoilt child, throwing a temper tantrum when you can’t get what you want as a result of which you injured another girl.  Your actions showed a group of impressionable younger girls that it was acceptable to behave in the way that you did”  Tears were pouring down Lizzy’s face as she sat there convinced that she was about to be expelled.  Cecil stopped speaking and watched as Lizzy cried, eventually she asked
“why are you crying?”

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Angel of the North on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:00pm
Aw, poor Lizzy. Not that she didn't deserve it, mind.

Looking forward to next chunk

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Rachael P on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:06pm
Hmmm *agrees*

I guess the crux will be whether she's crying for herself (possibly about to be expelled) or for the awful things she's done .......

Next chunk, please  ;D

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:13pm
*not sure whether to be offended that my posting is being referred to as a chunk*

Lizzy looked at her head mistress, she took several deep breaths to try and get her crying under control before saying
“Because I have let everyone down, I haven’t been nice and I do deserve to be expelled”
Cecil felt a small surge of jubilation as Lizzy said this, hopefully this would be a major changing point in her life and she would learn to control her temper, to think before she spoke and to grow up in to the sort of woman that the school could be proud to say she had been a pupil.

“I am not going to expel you” Cecil said gently, Lizzy’s eyes shot up to meet hers reflecting a look of total disbelief
“Your not” her voice sounded shocked
“no, but you are going to have to put right some of the things you’ve done”
Lizzy nodded waiting for her headmistress to explain her punishment
“Firstly, you need to apologise to Abigail for speaking out of turn about the claim and for pushing her after you lost your temper.  Secondly, because of the way you have acted we feel that it would be better for the rest of term if you were supervised at all times.  This means that you will remain in the isolation room where you will sleep and have your meals, you will be escorted to your lessons and in the evenings when you should be in your common room you will sit in a classroom with one of the mistresses or a prefect.  Your walks will be with a mistress or prefect as well”
Lizzy nodded mutely, quite sure she would rather undergo any punishment than be expelled.
“you will also loose your place in the play” Cecil continued “finally, we were hoping to put you up with the rest of your form at Christmas, however, we do not think that your behaviour warrants a removal into the Upper IV form and therefore for the rest of the year you will stay in Lower IV”
“Please Miss Maynard” Lizzy replied once her headmistress had finished “can I apologise to Abigail straight away”
“You may, but I would like this apology given in public”
“where” Lizzy asked weakly with a sinking feeling in her stomach
“In front of the lower and middle schools, after all Elizabeth on both occasions you lost your temper in front of other girls who have followed your example”
“I see” Lizzy said quietly
“Your behaviour for the remainder of this academic year will be monitored carefully, if there are any further incidents reported to me then you will leave me with no option but to ask your parents to find another school for you, do you understand”
“Yes Miss Maynard” Lizzy sounded very subdued as she spoke.
“Now why don’t you run along to the isolation room and freshen up” Cecil’s voice had taken on a lighter tone “I am sure you would like to join the rest of your class as usual after lunch, someone will come and collect you”

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Lesley on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:15pm
*Echoes call for more! Come on Kate - stick the work into your desk out the way! ;)*

Edited later
(Posted at same time as Kate - but still want more!!)

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Lisa on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:25pm
My goodness! I feel sorry for Lizzy! Fancy having to apologise before the whole school! It is an excellent punishment for her, but I think I'd rather be expelled than go through all that lot!  :-[

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Angel of the North on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:44pm
your next *post* could be anywhere. Your next chunk is the story on this thread :)

And we had a similar punishment for boarders - it was called 'pink slips' and the boarder would have to get the slip signed by the prefect or teacher every 15 - 20 minutes in their free time, and it would include a report on their conduct - tick box and space for comments. Generally used for when suspension was impossible.

The day students had a similar scheme, which was just for lessons.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:57pm
After supper the school split for prayers and Lizzy, who had had her supper in isolation, rejoined the rest of the school.  After prayers the seniors were dismissed and the juniors and middles told to assemble in the main hall, rather than joining her form mates Lizzy stood on one side of diase with Miss Chadwick.

The door at the other side of the diase opened and Miss Maynard made her way on to the diase by way of a ramp which had been put into cover the shallow steps.  Abigail, whose face wore a particularly mutinous expression, accompanied by Sarah Peters, wheeled her chair up the ramp onto the daise and positioned herself at one end of the diase as per her headmistresses request.  Cecil had explained to her that Lizzy was to make an apology for her actions in public which Abi had immediately tried to cry off from.
“It isn’t as though she said anything that wasn’t true” she had said truthfully but Cecil remained firm that the only way the younger girls could appreciate what Lizzy had done was wrong was to see that her actions had led to her having to make a humbling public apology.   The girls sat waiting with anticipation as to why they had been called together.

“Good evening girls” Cecil began speaking clearly “I won’t keep you long.  I understand that our head girl” she indicated Sarah at this point “spoke to you recently regarding an outbreak of bullying” She paused looking at the assembled girls and noting that Sarah’s words must have hit home as several faces, particularly those in lower IV, flushed red at this statement. “I would like to confirm for your own piece of mind that the school is in no danger of closing and that no claim of any sort is at present being bought against us.  I know that you have been frustrated by the increased supervision and lack of freedom this term, however, this was beyond our control and certainly not the responsibility of any girl attending school”  She beckoned Abigail and Lizzy to join her from opposite sides of the stage “Now I understand that Elizabeth has something she wishes to say to Abigail in front of you all”

Cecil stood back from the lectern as Abigail and Lizzy met in front of it, there was a short silence in which Lizzy turned red and then white as she began to speak
“Please Abi” she began her voice shaking slightly “I just wanted to say that I am very sorry for loosing my temper.  I shouldn’t have said what I did nor should I have pushed you.  I was wrong.  Please will you accept my apology”
Abigail looked at Lizzy whose eyes pleaded with her to accept the apology.  As much she might have wanted to make Lizzy pay for the weeks of name calling and the pain of the re-damaged leg what she say in Lizzy’s face made her reply
“of course I forgive you”

Cecil stepped forwards in front the two girls
“I would like you all now to go in silence to your dormitories and get ready for bed.  It would do some of you no harm to spend a while and reflect on what Sarah Peters told you the other evening and what has been said this evening”  The forms filed out of the room in silence leaving Cecil, the head girl, Abigail and Lizzy alone on the diase.  When the last girl had left Cecil turned to them
“Sarah, could you escort Elizabeth and Abigail to nurse.  Abigail is sleeping in the hospital dormitory tonight” Cecil began and then noting Abigail’s expression continued “you are I’m afraid, I don’t want you risking your leg” Abigail flushed remembering the interview she had had with her headmistress earlier in the term after the discovery of her pain killers.
The headmistress bade all three girls good night as they left the room before making her way to the staff room to report upon the days events

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Lisa on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:13pm
Whooo! *lets out breath in a woosh!*

Great stuff, Kate - very well written! Thanks!  :D

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:37pm
As the rest of the week passed most of the talk amongst the staff and pupils a like was of the Christmas play, which would take place on Saturday evening.  Spare time was taken up in fitting of costumes and final rehearsals for the actors and the choir.  

Friday afternoon saw Abigail wheel her way to the health centre for a final check over with the doctor, with any luck she would be walking away from their on her own feet.  
The doctor quickly examined her leg and checked the stitches, which were not due to come out for another few days
“well Abigail” he smiled at her as he spoke “I think you can risk putting some weight on that leg”
“Thank you” Abi’s face split in a huge smile and she went to rise from the chair immediately
“just a minute” the doctor pushed her back gently into the chair “I need a promise from you first”
“what” was the ungracious reply
“Its very simple Abigail, you either promise me that you will take things easy and rest as much as possible or you stay in the chair”
“oh I promise” Abi agreed immediately
“Ok then” the doctor laughed “just remember what I said, you are to take things easy”

Abigail made her way through the corridors back to the common room, it took much longer than she expected her leg was stiff and somewhat painful but she wasn’t willing to admit that to anyone.  As she passed the last classroom she noticed that Lizzy was sat at one of the desks on her own, staring into space, Miss Chadwick was sitting at the mistresses table emerged in her own work.

Abigail opened the door of the IVth form common room and looked round.  Many of the girls were reading, a few were going through their parts in the play and a couple were finishing off last minute items of prep.  She made her way to the sofa on which Pippa and Mel were sitting reading and stood in front of them.
“your walking” Mel exclaimed
“yep” Abigail grinned at them “no more chair”
“are you coming back to dorm and everything” Pippa asked
“Nurse is bringing down my stuff so I can sleep their tonight”  Abigail made no move to sit down although invited by her friends
“and can you be in the play” Mel asked
“I don’t know yet” Abigail hadn’t thought to ask the doctor “perhaps we should go and find someone to ask”
No sooner had she spoken that the common room door opened and a second former stuck her head round the door.  She first approached Rebecca, who was seated with some of the other upper IVth girls at the other end of the room, and then Abigail herself
“please” she began “Miss Williams would like to see you in the third form class room straight away”  As she finished she sped away out the room.  Pippa and Mel raised their eyebrows at Abi who didn’t say anything but turned and left the room.

Rebecca was waiting outside the common room door for her
“how’s your leg” she asked “pleased to be on your feet”
“you wouldn’t believe how pleased” Abigail smiled at her as they made their way down to where Miss Williams was waiting.
“Have a seat girls” she indicated two desks together in the front row “I just need a quick word about the play”. The girls seated themselves and she continued “its nothing major only I have spoken to Abigail’s doctor who has advised that he doesn’t think that it would be a good idea for her to stay crouched in one position under the table for too long”
Abigail’s face fell as she heard her mistresses words, after all this it looked like she would be out of the play altogether.  Miss Williams held up her hand as Abigail started to protest
“Just a minute, I haven’t finished” she continued “You two are about the same size and having spoken to Miss Maynard we have decided it would be best that you two swapped parts, that way Abigail can remain in the play”
The two girls looked at each other smiling
“you’ll help me learn my part” Rebecca asked Abigail
“Yes, do you want to start now” Abigail replied
“Why don’t you two go back to the common room and practice, I am sure that the others will give you a hand” Miss Williams suggested

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by PatW on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:44pm
Hope I'm going to find more of this when I log on at home tonight!  Please!!!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:57pm
Saturday evening saw those girls actually in the play busy behind the scenes, along with those that would make up the backstage crew of props master, prompt and scene shifters.  The choir was in the music room warming up and those girls not involved in the play itself were either greeting the audience and assisting them to their seats or helping to sell refreshments or programmes.

The hall was soon packed as not only did locals from the area come to enjoy the annual school productions but the attendance of parents, old girls and mistresses, not to mention the extensive Maynard family.  Con Richardson took her place next to her sister and whispered across at her
“Well here goes nothing, go do your headmistressy speech thing”
Cecil fixed her with a glare as she rose from her seat and went to stand in front of the curtains.
“Good Evening ladies and gentlemen” she began as the lights in the auditorium dimmed, leaving her standing in a single spotlight “I am very pleased that so many of you have come to join us this year.  As you are aware the Chalet School has a long tradition in raising money for charity from it’s plays and this year is no exception with all the proceeds raised going to various children’s charities in England and Switzerland.  We hope you enjoy yourselves”.  
Cecil returned to her seat and the play began.

After it was all over, and those watching it had declared it to be a great success, the girls were understandably tired and yet excited at the same time.  
“I don’t know about you” Abigail said removing the wings and halo that formed part of her costume “but the christmas play always feels like the end of term and were just killing time for the following week”
“I am sure your mistresses won’t think that” a stern voice spoke from behind her making Abi flush
“I’m sorry Miss Maynard, I didn’t mean that to be cheek”
“That’s ok Abi” Cecil laughed at her “now I have come to make sure that you are all on your way to bed” she looked at the assembled girls, who were beginning to yawn widely whilst they changed.

Sunday morning saw most of the girls rising late.  Breakfast was followed by church and Abigail couldn’t help noticing how miserable Lizzy looked as she sat in a pew with Mlle Mercier on her own.  After the service as they walked back she said to Pippa
“I wonder if they will let us see Lizzy”
“what do you mean” Pippa asked, shocked that her friend of all people should be wanting to see Lizzy
“Well, its just I was thinking last night, after the play, I should forgive Lizzy properly and try and make friends”  She looked at her friend’s startled expression “I think it’s the play that gave me the idea”
“Well we could ask if we can see her” Pippa didn’t should convinced

Arriving back at school the two girls quickly got out of their outdoor things and left the splashery
“Hey, wait for me” Melanie caught up with them “where are you going in such a hurry”
Pippa and Abigail looked at each other not sure how Mel, whose temper was somewhat volatile would react to their decision.  Eventually Abigail spoke.
“We are going to see Miss Maynard”
“to ask if we can spend time with Lizzy, they didn’t say she was to be in solitary but she doesn’t come into the common room, and she looked so miserable”
Melanie thought about this as they walked along before replying
“Ok, I’ll come too, and I think we better ask Becca Morrison too, she is Lizzy’s friend after all”

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:26pm
When she first took up the post of headmistress Cecil had been under the impression that the term would get easier as it wound down.  By the end of her first time she was swiftly put right about that, if anything the amount of work in the final week seemed to increase, to the extend where Sunday afternoon found her not enjoying herself with the other mistresses but sat at her desk going through correspondence which should really be dealt with by the end of term.  A tap on the door was therefore a welcome relief

“herein” she called out and was surprised when Abigail, Pippa, Mel and Rebecca came into the room “what can I do for you” she asked them as they lined up in front of her desk.  The four girls looked at each other not really knowing where to start.  Eventually Abigail spoke
“Please Miss Maynard, we were wondering, would it be possible for us to spend some of our free time with Lizzy”
Cecil put her pen down and looked quizzically at the girls, Pippa feeling that she required more of an explanation continued
“It’s just that you didn’t say that we weren’t to talk to her and she does come to lessons, just not to the common room, so we wondered if we could go to her”
“I see” Cecil smiled at the girls feeling that the sort of friendship they were offering would probably help Lizzy “You were right in thinking that Lizzy is not in total isolation, she is however, to be supervised at all times.  You may go and spend time with her but it will be in the form room and it will be under supervision do you understand”
The four girls nodded at their head mistress
“Thank you” Rebecca spoke quietly
“I will let the mistresses know that you may come into spend time with Lizzy, why don’t you run along now” she picked up her pen again as she spoke and watched the four girls go out of the room.  She had been quite concerned about the way Lizzy was reacting to her punishment, the mistresses supervising her of an evening had reported that she spent her time staring blankly into space, sometimes with tears in her eyes and nurse had reported that she wasn’t either eating or sleeping properly.  Perhaps some support from the four girls would show her that she hadn’t fallen too far away from their code and that there was a chance for her rehabilitation in the school.

Lizzy sat at a desk in the second row of the form room, she was supposed to be reading her book but in fact she had looked blankly at the same page for the previous half hour, not taking in any of the words that swam before her eyes.  Miss Williams from her position at the mistresses desk kept a wary eye on her charge as she marked her form’s essays.  There was a brief tap on the door and she looked up to see the four girls that Cecil had advised her would probably be coming to sit with Lizzy.  She beckoned them into the room
“Hello there” Miss Williams began “Miss Maynard said you might be coming, make yourselves at home”  As the mistress returned to her marking Lizzy looked up at the four of them no emotion showed on her face.  The four girls pulled out chairs and went to sit by Lizzy
“What are you reading” Pippa enquired as she sat down
“Sunday text” Lizzy replied her voice showed her confusion as to the four girls prescence
“how boring” Mel replied
“sorry, but what are you doing” Lizzy asked
“We’ve come to spend our free time with you” Mel replied
“I don’t understand” Lizzy was genuinely confused as to why these particular girls, with the exception Rebecca should want to spend time with her
“Its like this” Abigail explained “we know you can’t come and join us in the common room so we thought we would come here”
“but why”
“well, you’ve said your sorry and I accepted so really it should all be behind us, a new start”
“Are you sure” Lizzy couldn’t truly believe what she was hearing
“of course I’m sure” Abigail held out her hand “friends?”
“friends” Lizzy replied with a tentative smile and took Abigail’s hand.  The other three girls placed their hands onto the clasped hands.
Miss Williams from her seat at the front of the classroom smiled as she watched the five girls.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Lisa on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:31pm
Aw bless! What wonderful examples of true CS girls! Oh, this must be near the end now! What an achievement!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:38pm
Ok folks, thank you all for reading this is the final bit!!  It totals in at 51100 words and is by far the longest and most complete thing i have ever written.  I'm glad you've all enjoyed it.


The final week of term passed quickly, lessons were held as normal until Thursday afternoon.  The five girls had spent much of their time together and a firm friendship was building between them.  Much to Cecil’s relief Lizzy seemed to well on her way to becoming a true Chalet girl, though time would tell as she had a long way to go yet.

Thursday evening saw the school enjoying their Spot Supper an insititution started before Cecil’s own school days and Friday morning saw the girls pack their trunks for the journey home.  Some of the girls would be leaving that evening but the majority would make the long journey to England on Saturday, some not arriving at their family homes till late Sunday night.

Saturday morning dawned brightly and Abigail found herself at the main door, side by side with Pippa and Lizzy, waving Mel and Becca off for their holidays.  As the coach turned out of sight Pippa spoke
“well, we had better get moving” the three girls picked up their bags and were about to leave for Freudeshim where Con and Lizzy were spending part of their Christmas holidays, Abigail would be flying to England with her father later in the day.
“I’m glad this term’s over” Lizzy confessed as they made their way over the grounds “I made such a hash of things”
“Me too” Abigail smiled at her friend “mind you I’m so glad my father let me come back at all when I think about it”
“Well we’ve got another five years of school to come” Pippa said looking at the two of them “I think that the best thing for everyone is to start over next term, put this one behind us and concentrate on the future”

The three girls continued in silence leaving behind them the empty school that would be there to welcome them all back next term.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:53pm
Never mind thanking us for reading it, thank YOU for writing it.  I hsve enjoyed this so much, it is everything a true CS story should be, and brilliantly written too.

*Starts the applause.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Lesley on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:56pm
Thank you Kate and Congratulations! ;D

A chalet school story in the best of traditions - one that Elinor Brent-Dyer herself would be proud to have written.

Enjoy your respite but once fully rested please consider writing other stories.

Thank you again.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Sarah_L on Dec 5th, 2003, 6:23pm
Thank you Kate, I've loved this and am sad it's finishing. Also thank you for your perfect timing, I'm going home tomorrow and so won't be on the internet as much as I am at uni. Finishing it today means there's no chance of me falling behind. :)

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by PatW on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:21pm
That was brilliant!  Don't you dare think you can stop writing now - we all want more stories now you've proved you can do it.  It feels great to achieve something really long like that, doesn't it?  I never thought I could do anything as long so I can guess how you're feeling!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Carolyn P on Dec 5th, 2003, 9:10pm
Well done Kate. The way you resolved everything and set Lizzy on the right path was true CS in style. Great.

Have a break and then get ready for your next, you know that you can do it now.

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Rachael P on Dec 5th, 2003, 9:16pm
Absolutely, blooming marvellous, Kate!

A grand finale and I agree with Lesley re a fitting addition to the series


Have  a well-deserved rest .. but I look forward to your next drabble  ;D

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by KB on Dec 5th, 2003, 9:21pm
Wow. Wow, wow and wow. Kate, this was a fantastic story! It dealt realistically with the CS in the modern age, but while still keeping the features that we love about it most. Nothing was rushed or glazed over, and I feel like I saw it all. Fantastic work!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by xanthe on Dec 5th, 2003, 9:31pm
*applauds wildly*

Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much Kate that was brilliant!  ;D

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:15pm
*joins the standing ovation!*
Kate, this was a masterpiece!! Well done!! :-*

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Lisa on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:34pm
Oh, Kat, what can I say? It's such a wonderful achievement! I've enjoyed reading this so much, I think it's the only drabble I've managed to faithfully follow right to the end! Well done and thank you so much! PLease post the full thing on the milk train or main site. Will you send it out to people?

*clapping til hands are sore, and cheering til voice is hoarse*  ;D

KB did you get a bit confused with drabblitus?

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Vikki on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:03am
Lisa, KB tends to mix names up sometimes! ;) The best thng is just to humour her! ;D

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by KB on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:03am

on 12/05/03 at 23:34:09, Lisa wrote:
KB did you get a bit confused with drabblitus?

I did. I was looking down the list to make sure I had the right author but somehow still mucked it up! *blames external stress*

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Abi on Dec 6th, 2003, 1:59pm
Amazing Kate! I just read the last five pages all in one chunk and I'm soooo glad it all turned out well! It was very CS i thought.

*leads huge round of applause*

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by catherine on Dec 6th, 2003, 7:15pm
This was fantastic, Kate!  Thank you so much for writing it!

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Angel of the North on Dec 6th, 2003, 11:32pm

Thanks for writing that, beautiful well written and inspiring.

Looking forward to your next opus.


Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by keren on Dec 7th, 2003, 9:19am
Excellent story.
on the one hand it is very chalet school, on the other hand you have put a few modern bits in
you should definintaly send it to get published somewhere (if you do, it would be good to clarify how the ggrandchildren are related better)

Title: Re: The Chalet School in Court ~ Part Three
Post by Katarzyna on Today at 4:45pm
Thank you everyone for your comments.   :)

If anyone would like the story without the yibbling and comments please mail me (address in profile) or send a pm with your e-mail address and i will send out the word document (warning - very big document).

Then if one of the mods would perhaps like to archive this?


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