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(Message started by: Chloe on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:24pm)

Title: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:24pm
Re-posting what was lost...

On the first day at the Platz Clare and Frankie had both visited the chapels belonging to the school,
“This is a good place Frankie, did you know about these chapels.  They were to celebrate the school’s coming of age, a suggestion of one of the girls I believe.  Entirely paid for by past and present students here, each thing has a meaning.  The girls have a sense of importance, these chapels have a meaning to them, they know they can speak to God wherever they are, but here is important to them, it holds great meaning”  Clare spoke with feeling as she starred at the Lady of the Snows chapel,
“We had our own church back in England why’s the fact they paid for these themselves so important and make such a difference?” Frankie saw the beauty of them, apart form that they were just like another place to pray.
“You probably don’t remember, the last holiday with mum.  Up in the mountains there was a little chapel, no where near as fine as these, but a storm descended all around us we were trapped, a tree fell and dad ended up with a broke leg and mum gave us her waterproof to share as we’d ripped them climbing and caught cold.   We took shelter there, you cried yourself to sleep.  The Chaplin was kind man; he battled against the storm to find help for us.  Thanks to him as soon as it passed a rescue party found us and brought us safely down.  We gave donations and now it’s a prosperous chapel, but this reminds me of it all, Mum was so happy, when she a dad went away just before she died, they went back there.  It meant the world to mum, seeing the difference she had helped to make, it made her stronger, more prepared for what was to come”.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:24pm
Frankie stood in the stop where Clare had retold her story.
“I remember Clare” letting out a long breath, “I remember the chapel, Dad sat with his leg up resting his back against the wall.  Mum spoke with the Chaplin, you sat by me, I remember you singing to calm me, running your fingers through me hair” as if it was then Frankie touched the side of her head almost able to feel Clare’s hand, “It wasn’t the storm that had scared me, but the uncertainty.  I could see Papa’s pain, but do nothing to help, Mamma was talking and I couldn’t understand it all” taking a few steps Frankie entered the Lady of the Snows chapel.
Taking a box of matches from her pocket she walked down the centre of the chapel, bowing her head as she stood before the alter, turned to light a candle and place it on the holder.  Not taking her gaze from the flickering flame Frankie knelt down and bowed her head.
As a family of early bird’s the whole of the Maynard household was awake early, seeing Francesca’s bed all neatly made, Cecil took no second to carry on as normal.
“Mamma, when’s Frankie getting back with the mail, she’s been gone a long time?” as she slipped into her places at the breakfast table,
“What, I thought she was having a lie in she was tired yesterday!” Joey couldn’t help but show the concern in her voice, Con entering the room caught the end of the comment,
“What’s wrong” carrying her young son in her arms she sat down, “Hey behave Mr.” as he made a grab for Cecil’s hair,
“I thought Frankie had gone to get the mail as she’s always up so early, but Mamma hasn’t seen her this morning”
“Well she didn’t go out either the front or backdoor, I just unlocked the front one and Anna let Bruno out the back when I went in just now!  She’s probably in another room that’s all”
“Cecil, be a pet and go and check all the bedrooms, Phil help her, Con will you check the nursery and playroom, Felicity help me search down here” with which the group disperse.  
Having begun their search as Cecil and Phil made their way up the stairs they stopped and looked at each other,
“What if she went to see her sister, Cecil, you know how concerned she’s been, Mamma could ring Papa up and see”
“But how could she…” with which she turned on her heels and ran down the stairs calling “Mamma!”
Emerging from the Saal, Joey caught her fourth daughter by the shoulders,
“What is it darling, have you found something?” gasping for breath Cecil tried to speak, “Calm down and tell me!”
“She gone to the San, to Clare, she’s been dreaming abut her the last few nights, she told me not to tell”
“But she couldn’t have got out, after Con on our first night we’ve always been so careful”
“Errmm…” Cecil didn’t want to get her brother into trouble
“It was all Geoff Mamma” Phil knew her twin would understand why she was telling their mother, “before the left to go back to school we were all playing hide and seek and Geoff…errmm” being meet by Joey’s cool stare caused Phil to falter.
“Damaged the window lock in Papa’s study as he was climbing in and out in order to get home quicker, he was going to fix it but he didn’t have time, and then forgot, he was going to tell you Mamma, but he wanted to do it face to face which would mean waiting until Christmas, honest he was, he said so when he wrote last week”,
“Young Geoff must wait for the time being”, opening the study door, Joey saw a tiny crack where the window was still open slightly and papers blown onto the floor, picking up the paper and placing them ob the desk Joey noticed the missing letter which her husband had told her he would not give the girl until the morning depending on Clare condition, “Have any of you picked up a letter in a sealed envelope?”
“No Mamma” the girls chorused
“Felicity ring the San I want your father on the phone, tell them it’s an emergency” Joey headed out of the room giving various instructions, “Cecil can you think of anywhere Francesca would have gone except to the San, sit down and think hard, I must get Nell on the phone, she’ll be able to help, I know she and Gillian had to remain at St Mildred’s over half term, they can come and help”.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:26pm
Leaning against the window Len let out a sigh.
“How is she really, Reg?  She’s just lying there, I don’t understand how Mamma can do this, be so strong.  Clare was… is my friend and it hurts.  I heard stories of all the people Mamma has sat by and helped and how this story is similar to that of so many.  I just feel this is wrong, God can’t want it to end now, he couldn’t, could he?” Reg wrapped his arm around his wife as he spoke,
“I don’t know, Clare’s seems stable, but isn’t changing for the better.  Len you know better than most it’ll take time and we must wait…”
“Excuse me Dr Entwhisle there’s a man here to see you I left him in your office”
“Thank you Nurse, Len, go home and rest, you’re exhausted, I’ll call if anything changes”, Reg left her wondering who this visitor was.  Entering his office the man rose from his seat, Reg knew he had never meet this man, but then again there was something in the man’s eyes that seemed familiar,
“Dr Entwhisle, I came out as soon as possible, please how is Miss Buckley-Myers, I must know?” that he knew Clare was clear,
“I’m sorry sir, but that information is for family only, all I can say is that she has survived the operation”
“Dr Entwhisle, you wanted to see the case…” Ben stopped the scene he saw was not one he imagined.
“Dr Basely-Walker will you give me a minute, I’m dealing with, this gentleman!”
“It’s alright Dr Maynard, I know Ben I would like to have a friend close by.  Forgive me I have not introduced myself properly.  My name is Alex, Mr. Alexander Buckley-Myers”
“But that would mean, Miss Buckley is a relation of yours, I knew you still had family, sisters in fact, but you never spoke of them and I thought they were in England and come to that you in America still”
“So I was until the end of August, my father past away, making me the head of the household, Clare came out here for health reasons.  I got a call from a Miss Annersley last week about Clare; I came out as soon as I could get away.  It nice to see you it wasn’t the same once you left and I think I could need a friend.”
“I can leave Dr Basely-Walker to inform you of your sisters condition then, he has been observing the case” with which he left the office and the two old friends.

“I wonder how Cecil and Frankie enjoyed there half term, though I don’t see why they had to stay on the Platz, I can’t wait to show them the photo I got of Helen after the lake!”

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:26pm
Blossom had missed her two friends during the half term and this early arrival back at school was just what she was looking forward, she had a gift of remembering events and re-telling them perfectly, capturing her audiences attention,
“Why don’t you pipe down Blossom, the less said about your appearance, the better.  Maybe you should spend less time telling stories and learn to write things so that it’s a fluent as your story telling” Sinead spoke up on behalf of her little groups leader, anger began to rise between both groups,  it was left to Julie Morgan form lower IV to be the final straw,
“It’s not their fault they’ve just wondered round like lost sheep without their one and only Cecil”, various people tried to jump to their feet in a minibus the prefect were amongst them in a second,
Darice Simmons, Marjorie Graves and Ilonka von Werthein moved quickly to squash the middles and make their prefect ship felt by everyone in the bus,
“All of you sit back down this instant, do you want to be treated like babies, if so you can sit on your hands until I say otherwise, and as for extra games, I will most certainly not give up my free time and nor will Marjorie unless you show you can behave like girls of your age”
“And not like KG babies” this from Ilonka von Werthein, who was a known mischief maker as a middle, but now as Library pree was well respected by all the girls as they knew the line never to cross with her.
Seeing that Blossom was still fuming at whatever had been said and knowing like all good prefects that with Cecil away, she lead her group spoke with the second games pree,
“Mar, will you swap seats with Adsila for me she’s spoiling for trouble and I would like to be able to tell Ferry they behaved themselves on the trip back”
“Up to you old thing, I wouldn’t be you for all the tea in China, she’s in a mood and it’ll be a while before her temper cools”
“Adsila, would you swap seats with me I want to discuss some things with Ilonka?” she moved as she spoke as even in her present mood she would know better than to be rude to a prefect,
“Did you enjoy the visit Adsila?  I’d love to see the pictures you got developed”  
“There’re in my case I can let you have then later if you like” she couldn’t help the sulky tone that crept into her voice
“I’d like that a lot, my camera broke, I was taking some photos for the magazine to go on our sports page and I dropped it as a ball got hit right at me” she caught the younger girl smiling,
“Darice, did you mean what you said about the extra games as it’s not fair on the others if… if it was cancelled co… because a few of us were being stupid”
“Blossom, I may call you that, mayn’t I?  I’ve heard your crowd using it at full pitch, although I don’t see where they got it from?” having little to with prefect unless in trouble Blossom forgot her sulks and interrupted,
“It’s my name, well it’s meaning anyway.  Adsila means Blossom, my brother couldn’t say it when he was little so they used the meaning and in stuck” the ice had been broken as for the rest of the journey back to the school all the prefects knew they needn’t worry about the middles behavior.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:27pm
The day had truly begun when Frankie awoke, shielding her hand with her eyes as the light poured through the stain glass window onto her,
“Oh what time can it be, I must have drifted off” sitting up for the first time he began to think about her actions, “I need to let someone who where I was, I just went off again, no note or anything, ‘m sure someone will have noticed I’m gone by now, and what if they tell Clare.  I can’t let that happen, I’m such a thoughtless pig.  Everyone’s been so nice looking after me and this is how I repay them, by playing a stupid stunt!”
At Freudesheim Joey was becoming very anxious, Len had arrived to say that Clare and Frankie’s brother had arrived during the night and was going to come and see Frankie that afternoon, but not only that, she had, had no idea that Frankie was going to do this, her insight into girls characters seemed to be fading as she became older,
“Mamma if you carry on pacing you’ll wear the rug out!” Con saw the look on her mothers face and tried to reassure her, though she knew it was futile “Look, all the girls are searching Auntie Nell and Gillian are as well, and the San’s on the look out for her arrival there.  Frankie can’t have got far.”
Gillian and Felicity had been searching over the chalet school grounds when a thought struck them,
“Hasn’t some work been being done on the chapels these hols, is it possible that Frankie went there I’ve often gone there when I wanted somewhere quiet to think, you what a mad house ours can be!”  Felicity turned to make her way towards the chapels.
“Well someone been here the doors open slightly, and recently too no leaves have got inside” remarked Gillian,
“I can still smell where a candle was being burned; they didn’t leave that long ago”,
As a former Chalet girl and Guide Gillian began scanning the ground for recent tracks and sure enough in the mud was a set of fairly small shoe prints,
“They seem to be heading back to Freudesheim!” Felicity pointed out as she stared over Gillian’s shoulder.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:27pm
Pausing outside the door Alex stopped, he could see a nurse bent over the bed straightening the bedcovers,
“Buck up old thing, she seemed… seems a fighter” hoping his friend hadn’t noticed his slip up he placed a friendly hand on his friend’s shoulder, “You need to stay strong, for Francesca, if… if the worst should happen”.
Signaling he wanted to be left alone Alex pushed open the door, the nurse turned and smiled at him before leaving the room.
“Well, I’d hoped for an invite after Christmas, but I guess you couldn’t wait to see me huh?” Alex stood stroking Clare’s hair, “Since when did my little sister grow-up so much, to think they let you loose on unsuspecting youngsters, what’s the world coming too?” time passed quickly as Alex just stood there watching the shallow movements of Clare’s chest move up and down.
“Al, come on it’s time for Clare’s examination and you need to see Francesca.  Mrs. Maynard is expecting you this afternoon and you need to scrub up to be fit for a lady’s company”
“I… I don’t think I can face her.  I mean what can I say.  I thought Christmas would be difficult enough, but at least Clare would be there to explain everything before hand.  The last time I saw Frankie she was a tiny kid, not that she’s much more than that now!” the somber tone in his friend’s voice startled Ben.  He hadn’t realized how much being away from his sisters had troubled Alex.  Leaning in the doorway as Alex began to freshen himself up Ben spoke again,
“I never told you why I wanted to become a doctor did I?” distracted by his friend Alex’s hand slipped and he cut himself with his razor blade, swearing under his breath, taking the towel hand to him he told Ben to continue, “I lost someone very dear to me when I was fifteen.  We were skating on the lake and the ice gave way from beneath her, I crawled to the edge of the hole in the ice and held her head above the water line.  I wasn’t string enough to pull her out in all her wet clothes.  By the time we were got to safety and out of her wet things she was seriously ill.  We sent for the local doctor, but he was away visiting another patient.  By the time the doctor arrived he said he was too, late to do anything but make her comfortable.  Our Aunt did all she could, and I sat next to her bed everyday until she past away feeling so helpless as each hour pasted by.  I cursed God for taking my little sister away; Elisabeth was so young, so full of spirit.  From then I buckled down at school and worked as hard as I could.  I was determined to become a doctor and never be that helpless again”
“I had no idea, I’m so sorry Ben.  I never stopped to think why you were so keen to become a doctor” it was strange for both men after all their years of friendship; they felt they had a new understanding within their friendship.  Out of grief and chaos came a new compassion and hope for the future.

Standing looking out of the window into the garden, handing her son to Rosali and dashing from the room calling,
“Mamma, Mamma, she’s back, Frankie’s back, she’s coming up the garden path!”
As Francesca approached the French doors they swung open.  Stopping where she stood Frankie lifted her head and meet two cool, ink black eyes staring down at her.  Joey wanted to take the girl in her arms and hold her, but as the mother of a long family sh4e knew Frankie must learn from this,
“Come in a take off those damp clothes, then come straight back down.  I’ll be waiting in the study”, turning to her second daughter she continued, “Con, give Biddy a call to keep and eye out for Nell and the girls, and ask if it’s possible to keep them there for the moment?”
Walking back downstairs Frankie watched the twins and William being got ready for their walk, catching Con’s eye she spoke,
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to cause any trouble” the words tumbled out though she knew Con was not the only person who would need to hear those words.
“You’re not the first or by any means likely to be the last heedless member in the chalet school, kiss the twins goodbye and then come along” Frankie did as she was told and followed Joey into the study.
Frankie had a long interview with Joey from which she emerged her eyes rimmed red still, a sign she’d been crying.
“Hilary, oh it’s you Nell.  I’ve just finished speaking with Francesca; she’s feeling a bit sorry for herself at the moment I don’t doubt, but I said what needed to be said!” as Nell spoke on the other end of the line Joey let out a pearl of laughter, “Maybe I used a few quotes I heard myself at school, but yours and Hilda’s words of wisdom have stayed with my and had the intended effect!”  

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:28pm
As Joey replaced the phone receiver there was a knock at the front door.  Anna came from the kitchen her hands covered in flour before seeking out her mistress,
“Bitte mein Frau, Herr Buckley-Myers und Doktor Basley-Walker ist hier.  I have shown them into the Saal”
“Danke Anna, I’ll send Francesca to bring the trolley through”, like the perfect hostess all smiles and politeness Joey walked into the room, causing both men to rise to their feet.  Stepping forward Ben made the introduction,
“Mrs. Maynard may I introduce a good friend of mine Alex Buckley-Myers”
“A pleasure to se you again Ben.  Delighted to meet you Mr. Buckley Myers, I heard a get deal about you from Clare” shaking hands Alex lost the nervousness he had been feeling.
Joey’s quick ears caught the sound of Francesca wheeling the trolley, as the door opened the room went silent and Francesca found herself facing two unknown gentlemen.  Leaving the trolley at Joeys side, lifting her head high and looking calm and composed on the outside she stepped forward her hand outstretched,
“Nice to see you again Dr Ben”, turning to face a person who she was to be relaxed with and know how to act she stopped unsure of how to greet her brother,
“My sister, Francesca, my little, baby sister” Alex’s voice filled with emotion as he held her in his arms.  His grip was strong, Frankie wanted to pull away as he was holding her too tight, but felt that the situation was strained enough as it was.  Alex didn’t let go until Joey handed him a cup of tea.
Taking her opportunity Frankie slipped away from her brother and curled up at the end of the sofa.  Not even one of Anna’s famous cakes could tempt a word out of her.

“Your brother’s nice”  Cecil was try to get a word out of Frankie and this was the final topic she could come up with to get her friend to talk, “Well what did Mamma say to you, I’ve not heard a peep out of you all evening.  We’re friends aren’t we, talk to me!”
“Alex is very nice” as Frankie spoke she was perched on the end of her bed, her back towards her friend, “I’m sorry I went off like I did, I didn’t mean to spoil your last day of half term!”
“He’s very nice, he’s very nice! IS that all you’ve got to say! Bother it being the last day of half term or not.  You’ve seen him again after all this time and your opinion is he’s nice!” this sulky attitude Frankie seemed to have adopted was not making things any easier.
“Look you’ve grown up in a close wonderful family!  Why should I have expected you to understand!  You get on with everyone from Len to Phil.  It’s not the same for me I’ve not seen this, this man for years and only had a letter now and then and everyone seems to think I’ll hang off his every word, like…” the anger dies out of Francesca’s voice “like I listen to Clare”.
Drawing the curtains, Frankie stirred in her bed, screwing up her eyes as wishing the conversation before she had gone to sleep had been a dream and not reality.  Opening her eyes she found to pairs of eyes starring at her from the side of her bed.
“CA, we browt you a dwink, with Mamma” as she finished speaking Esmeralda attempt to start climbing onto the bed, she was shortly followed by her twin, but were pulled up as they were more successful in pulling the bed covers off the bed,
“I can’t take you two anywhere, I turn my back on you for a minute” as Con spoke she rolled her eyes and Frankie let out a small laugh, “Mamma will be happy, you’ve not lost your voice then, we began to wonder after last night” as she spoke the grin across her face made Frankie see Con as more of a young lady not long out of school, than a proud Mother of three.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:28pm
“Sorry for all the fuss yesterday, I wont do anything like it again.., well I’ll try not to” honesty force this last bit out of Frankie “Please don’t tell Alex” Con looked deep into the vivid eyes starring back at her,
“It’s all right it’s up to you when you tell Alex, the rest of us are sworn to secrecy.  Now finish you drink and let’s go down and see what everyone has planned for today”
After having re-done her hair as Chloë and Esmeralda’s help had been more of a hinder than a help Frankie descended the stairs.  As she did so Felicity was pulling the door to the Saal closed,
“We’re all in the Dinning-room if you want to join us?”  Before the door was fully shut Joey called from inside,
“Frankie is that you?  Could you come in here a minute?”
Walking into the room Joey was sat with two other women both of whom she knew,
“Miss Annersley, Mme Coursiver, I didn’t know you were here!”
“Sit down dear, there’s something we need to say to you”
“Is it Clare… or is it Alex.. I’m not allowed back… the stunt I pulled… con promised… I should tell” gasping for breath Miss Annersley cut in,
“Sit down and take a few deep breaths, try not to be alarmed” turning to Joey she spoke “you should know better by now that to fly into things head first Josephine!”
Frankie sat taking it in turn to look at each of the women; she had suppressed the desire to laugh at Joey being scolded like she was a middle rather then the mother of a middle,
“But if it’s not that then why do you all want to see me?”  It was hard to tell if her tone was of a confused or concerned girl.
“It’s quiet simple, you see Miss Buckley. Your sister is not going to be fit for work for some time to come and we thought it was only right to tell you” Hilda looked at both Joey and Biddy who nodded in agreement “that with the children needing her less Biddy would come and take over your sisters position on a temporary basis”

“Helen Williams, stop pushing this instant, we’ll all get off the coach in time” Bianca spoke with full head girl authority.
“Prees seem to jump on you for the smallest of things here, like they used to be little angels when they were middles” Helen muttered to her neighbor causing Sinead to giggle,
“I foresee trouble ahead before the end of term” Bianca whispered to Darice,
“That’s jolly unfair Dene, just said that the others don’t get back until tomorrow, not even the Platz people” Belen was voicing her opinions a little too loudly “The least Cecil and Frankie could have done was to come and see us arrive, they’re only next door”
“If you had bothered to finishing listen to Miss Dene Belen, you would have heard her say that as Fer… Miss Ferrars” Bianca hastily corrected herself “injured her ankle, due to certain people’s carelessness” several members of the group turned crimson form her crushing speech, “Anyway you’ll have fun tomorrow I promise” with which Bianca headed of to join her own particular crowd.
Meanwhile over at Freudesheim as Felicity, Phil and Cecil walked into the Saal Frankie was standing at the window absentmindedly stroking Bruno’s soft coat.
“Frankie, you’ll never believe it…” as Phil spoke Cecil spoke over the top of her,
“No let’s make her guess” as Cecil spoke Frankie saw the enormous grin on her friends face,
“If it’s so impossible, you can at least give me a clue”
“Its school related” pausing for a moment Frankie thought hard,
“About Mme Coursiver taking history?” they shook their heads, “It’s flooded so we can’t go back tomorrow”
“No” they chorused
“Errmm… Derry’s run off with someone so no more English?  Len’s going to have a bay?”
“Do you give up you’ll never get it!”
“Ok clever-cogs what is it then as it’s so impossible to guess?”
“Ferry dished her ankle so all of Upper and Lower IV have had to come back early, and bets of all we can spend tomorrow with them if we want as it’s the prefects in charge!”  With which they turned and began to bombard Felicity with questions about the plans the prefects had.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:29pm
“Mrs. Entwhisle as I am sure you know I have been away from my family for sometime and there a few matters I wondered you could fill me in on?” as he spoke Alex set down his tea-cup,
“Well I know a few details, such as beyond the co-Heads, Miss Dene, Matey and I no one at the school knows about how ill Clare is or the relationship between her and Francesca”
“I presume that your younger sister know the situation for all I can gather Francesca and your fourth sister Cecilia Marya are inseparable” Len grinned at the use of Cecil’s proper name.
“I’m glad you and Francesca are able to talk…” Alex spoke over Len’s words,
“On the contrary I have yet to speak with her; it is from other people I have heard such things”
“I’m sorry to hear that” Len spoke felling annoyance rising within her, “Frankie is a sweet girl and I must say that may it have something to do with your manner that you and Francesca have not spoken” as soon as she had spoken Len knew she had been as tactless as her second triplet when they were younger,
“I treat Francesca no different than I would any other child!”
“Listen to me a moment if you would!  That is the problem, you treat her as if you know her well” Alex moved to interrupt but Len was determined to have her say “Yet all you really know you have been told and although Clare has a gift for writing it is not the same as if you had been there to experience the events yourself and therefore have missed the spirit of the people and the moment which no writer can ever full retell.  The bond between Clare and Francesca is as strong as that between many twins if not more so.  But now Frankie finds herself in a situation where people expect certain things from her and the only thing you two have in common she is distanced from.”
As he walked down the drive towards the school Alex mulled over Len’s words.  He felt comfort as Ben walked by his side.  They had met when Alex had gone in search of Francesca at the gates to Freudesheim.  Having been told that the girls where all at the school Ben offered his company to Alex which was happily accepted as the school, was completely new ground to Alex.
“Cheer up and remember don’t be surprised if the girls only address you as Mr. Myers when they find out who your related too!” as he spoke Ben pushed open the door and the men entered the school.
Their entrance attracted more attention they either man wanted as at the same moment they walked inside they collided with a group of girls running passed. There were a series on bangs and crashes drawing students from all over.
“What is all this commotion about, clear the way” as she spoke Bianca descended the staircase, “Ada and Zizi, help Emily and Elise up, let me take a look at you, the pair of you help them along to Matron they’ll need a change of clothes if not a bath too!  Julie run along to the kitchen and ask Karen to sent a maid to clear up the spilt water and vase” turning she spoke to the two gentlemen “I’m sorry they know better to than to run in the corridors” as she spoke Meta Gordon and Jean Morrison where busy on one side of the entrance sending girls back to their activities whilst Katie Jones was dealing with two girls who stood starring and giggling at the sight of the two men and Bianca speaking as neither of them men could be called anything but handsome.
“Sinead and Helen, can your group carry on minus two members, if so go back to where you were, if not you must split and join another group” Katie spoke giving the full support Bianca had come to expect from her second pree.
Alex was taken aback at the girl standing in front of him, clearly a school girl, yet there was something in her manner making her seem much older and her Spanish beauty displayed even though she stood there in her uniform.
“I’m looking for someone in charge, and may I enquire as with whom I am addressing”
“My name is Bianca Roca, Head Girl of the Chalet School”  Bianca was at her most proper, “I am afraid that most of our mistress are away at the moment, but if Miss Dene is not in the office I shall leave you in the study and send someone to find another mistress, Mr.…”
“I am Mr. Myers and this is Dr Basely-Walker and that is very kind of you we didn’t mean to inconvenience you!”
“No trouble at all.  If you’d just follow me Mr. Myers, Dr Basely-Walker” with which she turned and headed towards the office.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:40pm
And the new bit...

“Frankie… Frankie, darling” Len’s head rose as Clare’s murmurs grew louder, Len looked around the room and stared at the door hoping someone would enter she dared not let go of Clare’s hand, the next moment the door swung open and Con walk in seeing her sister face she turn and went off in search of a doctor or matron who ever she could find first.
“Frankie, nothing to worry about” Clare’ tone was still soft but it seem to echo across the room “we’re here, no matter” Len was unsure if this was a good sign or not as after each word Clare’s breathing became more erratic,
“Step back please Mrs. Entwhisle” as he spoke the doctor pulled her away from her friend and into her sister’s arms, “There is nothing you can do I would appreciate it if you waited outside” Len looked over her shoulder at the bed as Con guided her out of the room,
“We should get Mr. Buckley-Myers, he should be here” Len spoke without taking her eyes from the window,
“He’s at the school, I saw him walking that way as I came here.  How about we go and find Matron and get a cup of coffee and see what Dr Ben has to say?” Len turned to stare at her sister, “Don’t look at me like that I heard Cecil call him that, you know how the school used to call Papa Dr Jack!”

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by catherine on Dec 18th, 2003, 8:56pm

Stop teasing us!!  >:(  We want to know if Clare's going to survive or not!!  

Thank you for adding a new bit though.   :)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Kelly on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:01pm
more soon please Chloe!
I am enjoying this so much!!!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Carolyn P on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:46pm
I hadn't realised quite how much you had posted Vikki!

Hope we see more of this soon. ;D

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:49pm

on 12/18/03 at 21:46:22, Carolyn P wrote:
I hadn't realised quite how much you had posted Vikki!

Hope we see more of this soon. ;D

Errm.... Carolyn, this is Chloe's drabble, not mine! ;)
*thinks Carolyn may have overindulged on the Baileys!!* 8oo

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Carolyn P on Dec 18th, 2003, 10:08pm
Sorry Chloe!

Yes I have over indulged, but at least I got those cards written, hope the postman can read the addresses!!!!!!!!!

(yes, they are OK really before you all ask, I finished the last glass and a half as I waited for the computer back!)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 18th, 2003, 10:18pm
Absolutely no killing Clare  >:(

(this is vg btw  :-*)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 18th, 2003, 10:52pm
Ooops! Was so busy teasing Carolyn that I forgot to say thank you Chloe, and don't you dare kill Clare off, young lady!! ;)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Dec 19th, 2003, 7:52am
Thank you Chloe - more please!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 19th, 2003, 2:45pm
Thank you Chloe, I somehow managed to miss the last post but one so I'm very pleased to see this.
But please don't kill Clare.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 20th, 2003, 10:37am
Don't ask me ask Anya. she's the one going with the flow not me i'm just typing what i'm being told!

*puts all the blame on Anya*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 20th, 2003, 3:48pm
all very well blaming the bunny... but where is the next bit of this madam??

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 20th, 2003, 8:51pm
Not typed thast where  :-*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Dec 20th, 2003, 9:01pm
Oh Chloe! I thought you'd posted more story!!

*Lesley goes off in a huff!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 20th, 2003, 9:43pm
*squeaks, scowls, looks disapproving [stops looking disapproving as Chloe laughs when I do as she says I look like Bossy-Knickers!] and then sulks*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 21st, 2003, 3:29am
*thinks that was a very mean thing for Chloe to say to her big sis!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 21st, 2003, 11:40am
*agrees whole-heartedly with Vikki*

not least because she did it again this morning, in the sacristy while we were saying the prayer before Mass!  :o

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 21st, 2003, 4:15pm
It wasn't while we were saying the prayer it was before we said it  :P

on 12/20/03 at 21:01:19, Lesley wrote:
Oh Chloe! I thought you'd posted more story!!

*Lesley goes off in a huff!*

Sorry Lesley i hope this i'll get you out of the huff though...  

“I realise that Miss…” Alex was cut short as the door of the study opened; Miggi entered carrying a tray on which Karen had provided Kaffee and Kuchen for their guests, but before it closed again Darice Simmons knocked and enter seeing that there was a pause in the conversation,
“Please, there’s a phone call for Mr. Buckley-Myers, it sounded urgent” Alex rose and followed the games pree out of the room and picked up the receiver,
“Mr. Buckley-Myers speaking”
“Oh good Con was right” this was said more for her own benefit than Alex’s “It’s Matron Graves here, there has been a change in Clare’s condition, Dr. Entwhisle has requested you and Francesca come along to the San as soon as possible” a few words later Alex walked back not the study,
“Is it possible to speak to Francesca, I had wanted to keep this from her , but that was Clare’s the matron form the San on the phone and they feel Francesca should see Clare as there has been a change in her condition”
Ben stood up at this,
“Are you sure, I mean, did they give you any details, she’s just a young girl” Alex knew what his friend meant but the way he spoke hit him to its other meaning,
“She’s not Elisabeth Ben; she’s dealt with more than you give her credit for and there’s no need to shelter her form everything as you want her to be.  You’ll do well to remember that Francesca is my little sister not yours!” as her spoke the last word he knew he had said to much, he friend had only tried to show concern, “I’m… I’m”
“Please excuse me Miss Dene this is a family matter which has been made perfectly clear is no concern of mine so I will take my leave” Ben walked out of the room without looking back, he headed straight for the San in search of Dr. Maynard to discuss some cases he had been assigned to.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 21st, 2003, 4:25pm


*debates going and breaking down door to bathroom and hauling smaller sibling out of bath and back to write some more, but decides that is slightly too drastic*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Dec 21st, 2003, 5:14pm
Well OK Chloe - I'm out of my huff - but only just cos we still don't know what's going to happen to Clare!!!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 21st, 2003, 8:09pm
8oo 8oo 8oo
*giggles wildly at the image of Xan extracting Chloe forcibly rom the bath!!!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 21st, 2003, 9:23pm
*mutters so it'd be ok for you to kick down the bathrrom door but when i do it i get in trouble*

Lesley i would love to get round to telling you more about Clare but Anya is very very unco-operative >:(

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Dec 21st, 2003, 9:36pm
Take her for a drive somewhere, Chloe - that normally works for me when my bunny runs out of inspiration!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 21st, 2003, 9:39pm
if i could drive that might work, but i've not got round to even starting to learn to drive now  :) and it's too cold to go for a walk

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 21st, 2003, 11:02pm

on 12/21/03 at 21:23:50, Chloe wrote:
*mutters so it'd be ok for you to kick down the bathrrom door but when i do it i get in trouble*

Yup, too right you do - though the look on your face was quite hilariously funny 8oo

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 21st, 2003, 11:52pm
Thanks for that Chloe, but I'm even more worried about Clare now.
Ben is getting a bit stroppy isn't he?

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 22nd, 2003, 1:21am

on 12/21/03 at 23:02:44, xanthe wrote:
Yup, too right you do - though the look on your face was quite hilariously funny 8oo

*wonders if this was the look on Chloe's face when Xan knocked down the door, or the look on Chloe's face when she got into trouble for knocking down the door!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 22nd, 2003, 10:06am
It was Chloe who knocked down the door - I'd run into the bathroom to hide from her (thankfully I wasn't standing behind the door  :o) and she bashed the door down!  She just looked dumbstruck and totally surprised, it was hilarious... telling dad was somewhat LESS hilarious, mind you...

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 22nd, 2003, 11:25am
Do you mean she actually knocked it off its hinges? :o :o
Do describe your dad's face when you told him!!! ;)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 22nd, 2003, 12:54pm
No i didn't kick it off its hinges luckly as i wouldn't want to have had to fix that.  

On the door frame there's a small bolt and when i kicked the door the door frame came away from the wall on the inside as xan had locked the door.

*lets xan tel dad's reaction as she ran away after having told him, but also fixed the door frame before he got home*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 22nd, 2003, 4:12pm
To get back to the story...

“Enter” came a voice from within the study, Francesca opened the door and peered her head round, having been bust with the various activities all over the school Frankie had not bother to tidy herself before going to the office,
“Come in my dear” as she spoke Rosalie words shook with laughter, Alex frowned this was yet more proof of his sisters heedlessness and wavered as to whether it would be better to leave Francesca where she was until he knew more about the change in Clare’s condition,
“Umm… you wanted to see me Miss Dene” Frankie was unsure about why she had been summoned to the Head’s study she racked her brain unsure how she could be in trouble before the term had begun again,
Alex rose from the chair and Frankie turned to stare at him she had not noticed him as she had entered,
“Come here, child” as soon as the words left his lips Alex hurried to correct himself, “Please Frankie sit down we need to speak”
Rosalie slipped from the room and placed a call over to Freudesheim with the impression they could use Joey’s help before long.  Joey had grabbed her shawl and raced across the grounds and through the gate Jack had built as a shortcut between the school and Freudesheim years before, reaching the French windows into the Head’s study Joey was horrified at the scene she beheld.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by crashbb on Dec 22nd, 2003, 4:28pm

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 22nd, 2003, 5:00pm
*hopes Chloe plans to post more very soon!!* :o

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Dec 22nd, 2003, 7:34pm
*Presents Chloe with the first stage of her cliff-hangers diploma (advanced level)*

More please Chloe!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 23rd, 2003, 2:16am
[b]CHLOE!![b]     I can ony repeat - what was the scene before her?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:33am
*aghast at smaller sib's callous cliffhanger*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:09pm
*suggests that Xan is in the best position to do something about Chloe!!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:11pm
Well, in a way, yes... but as I quite like, erm, living, at the same time - no!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 24th, 2003, 4:29am
Xan, you're not afraid of your ickle sis are you? ;) ;D

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 24th, 2003, 12:59pm
Oh, I'm not afraid of Chloe... I'm just afraid of what she might do to me!!!!!!!  :o

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 24th, 2003, 7:46pm
Tsk, tsk! And I thought you had better control over her than that!! ;) ;)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 24th, 2003, 8:15pm

I don't think anyone's really capable of controlling Chloe...

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 24th, 2003, 8:34pm
Oh! :o
*looks dismayed!* ;)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 24th, 2003, 8:37pm
*wonders at Vikki's dismay*

*thinks this could be a good thing when we're up against Elinor*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 24th, 2003, 8:44pm
Yay! We can set Chloe onto Ellie!! ;) ;D

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 24th, 2003, 8:52pm
*snickers evilly*

oh, yes indeedy...

*almost feels sorry for our nemesis*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 25th, 2003, 12:19am
*watches in bewilderment as Ellie runs past, whimpering with fear!!* ;)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 28th, 2003, 6:34pm

on 12/24/03 at 20:15:13, xanthe wrote:

I don't think anyone's really capable of controlling Chloe...

I do doubt it  ;D.  Anyone want more story...  ???

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 28th, 2003, 7:06pm

on 12/24/03 at 20:44:51, Vikki wrote:
Yay! We can set Chloe onto Ellie!! ;) ;D

hehehehe, may you can may you can't depends on my moos i think anyway she's leaving me alone, but anyway as Vikki reminded me i'll post the next bit...

Next to the fire where Joey had seen Hilda comfort so many girls, with Joey to think was act,
“Let go of her at once, Francesca come here dear” Joey spoke with a voice she had never knew she had within herself, Alex’s grip on his sister relaxed and she broke free and ran to Joey,
“It’s not true is it, tell me the truth he’s lying isn’t he, I don’t have to go to the San I don’t have to see her like that” and before she could stop herself “Clare didn’t want it she knew it’d hurt her”
“What are you talking about you’re just acting like a hysterical little girl who knows no better and Ben was right, too young to know how to deal with real adult situations” Alex bellowed, before taking a deep breath and trying to remain calm as he knew that the situation Joey had seen through the window left him in an utterly dark light as far as he was concerned.  But upon contemplating this fact he realised it may work in his favour.
“I think it would be best for all concerned if you came back with me Francesca and we can discuss things without disturbing the rest of the school” lifting her gaze to looked straight at Alex, “would be so kind to tell Rosalie what I have done and from the sound of things, you will be most use at the San” with which she turned and swept Francesca from the room, privately think how powerful Francesca must be as with each movement Alex made there was a subtle hint of discomfort as he moved.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Dec 28th, 2003, 7:32pm
Did Frankie kick him then? Good!

Thank you Chloe! Would really like you to continue the story as soon as possible please!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 28th, 2003, 9:01pm
Yay!! Thank you Chloe!!
But please don't kill Clare off!! :'(

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:01pm
Thank you Chloe,
*Has ominous feeling that Vikki's plea may be too late.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:06pm
*sobs and pleads with Chloe for Clare's life!!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:11pm

on 12/28/03 at 22:01:38, Esmeralda wrote:
Thank you Chloe,
*Has ominous feeling that Vikki's plea may be too late.

Well you have a clearer view than me then as no more is written and i have no idea the direction its heading if i'd known when i began i would have written it all then posted  ;)

on 12/28/03 at 22:06:00, Vikki wrote:
*sobs and pleads with Chloe for Clare's life!!*

You'd be better off talking to Anya than me!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:16pm
*goes off to find Anya for a serious talk!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:18pm
*Is very glad the outcome hasn't been decided.
*Joins Vikki in looking for Anya

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 29th, 2003, 12:13am
*finds Anya curled up sound asleep in Chloe's arms*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Susan on Dec 29th, 2003, 1:41am
Yay another one caught up on.  Well done Chloe.  Waiting for more, please.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Dec 29th, 2003, 8:54pm

on 12/29/03 at 00:13:10, xanthe wrote:
*finds Anya curled up sound asleep in Chloe's arms*

Well she'd disappeared by the time i'd woken up!!  ::)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Dec 29th, 2003, 9:50pm
*notes that anya has returned, and is surled up on chloe's head like some kind of furry hat*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Dec 29th, 2003, 11:13pm
*hopes that Anya might some day decide to appear when Chloe is awake!!!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 3rd, 2004, 3:41pm
Sorry you've had to wait so long i haven't had a chance to type up the next bit until now but as everyone's gone out and Xan's beeing writting so much on her drabble and i know she can't add nearly as much when she goes back to uni i've put this off for a bit.  But here goes....

“I’m alright honestly I am Auntie Joey” it was true the first shock had hit her rather hard, but Francesca new the importance of what had been said,  “I’d like to go, and… and anyway I think there are a few things I’d like to say to Clare”
“I’d much rather you rested, but I can see that whatever I say will be a waste of my breath” Joey was busy wondering why as usual she couldn’t get hold of Jack when he was needed, having smartened her appearance and taken a few deep breath Francesca stepped outside and into the schools little round-about to be driven to the San.
“Francesca” was all Joey was able to call before the car had come to a full stop she had leapt for it and made for her sisters room.
“What on earth?” Reg startled and left to stare after Frankie as she tore down the corridors towards Clare’s room her hair flying around her shoulders in her hast Frankie didn’t stop to pick up her beret as it flew of turning a corner it was left to be returned by Dr Ben as he has become known to the school as returning to the office at the end of his rounds spotted it lying in the middle of he floor, it was obvious it belonged to a member of the school and thanks to Clare’s through name tapping of all of Francesca items before leaving for Switzerland he knew just where to return it,  though he hoped that there would be certain members of the regular visitors to Miss Buckley-Myers missing.
“Oh well I’m no longer involved with her as a patient so all I need do is return this hat to its owner and make my excuses and leave” Ben murmured more loudly than intended causing a couple of passing nurses to glance in his direction.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Jan 3rd, 2004, 3:57pm
Thank you sooooo much Chloe - but more please - want to see how Clare is!!!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Jennie on Jan 3rd, 2004, 3:58pm
Chloe, have you been practising writing cliff-hangers?  I'm just about to have a nice lie down on the sofa, waiting for more.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 3rd, 2004, 4:33pm
I haven't been practising cliff hangers  ::) adn i didn't think i'd letf one  :).  But here's a bit more...

“Mr Buckley-Myers we’re trying to make sense of the significance of what Clare keeps saying do you have nay idea as to the importance of a rainbow” of all the things that seemed to be the best clue as to waking Clare from this sleep that she was trapped in and she had repeatedly said what sounded to himself and colleagues as rainbow though had no clue as to what it meant.
“The best person you could talk to Dr Maynard would be my youngest sister, but as your wife…” Jack stopped listening a heaved a sigh, he was forever telling Joey to butt out of affairs that didn’t concern her as sometimes had more consequences than she bargained for.  It was true that in some cases it did work out well as Con was now happily married with three beautiful children, but taking charge of the three R’s had not always been an easy business.
Jack was brought out of his thoughts but his daughters raised voices,
“Girls, low your voices you can’t shriek like that here, you should know better than that and Len I thought I’d told you to go home, you’ve spent far too much time here” it took a moment for him to realise the reason for the commotion, in the waiting room corner Frankie was sat covered in soil,
“It’s my fault Uncle Jack” Frankie hoped this term of endearment would make him less angry “I was running to see Clare as I was told I could and Con and Len were turning the corner at the same time I came running round and I… ” here she faltered under Jacks stern gaze and the fact her brother wore the same disapproving air he had had earlier “skidded into the pot plant” with the last words she hung her head, which poured a small pile of dirt onto the floor, to which Jack had to cough to suppress the laughter that had welled up inside him.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Jan 3rd, 2004, 5:10pm
8oo "skidded into the plant pot" 8oo

*jumps up and down demanding more!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Jan 3rd, 2004, 5:54pm
Thank you Chloe - Clare's still alive!!!!!

More please when you've the time - and give their pompous brother a kick for me!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Jan 3rd, 2004, 7:23pm
Yay!! Clare isn't  dead!!!
Thank you Chloe!! :-*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Esmeralda on Jan 3rd, 2004, 8:56pm
Oh thank you Chloe, for writing more of this and for letting Claire live.
*Hopes to not have to wait so long for the next part.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Susan on Jan 4th, 2004, 12:39am
Thank you Chloe I really enjoyed that.  Glad Clare is still alive.

More soon - please.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 7th, 2004, 9:00pm
Yay, my headache's eased off and Anya's pounced enjoy...

Clearing his throat everyone turned to look at Alex,
“Is it possible for my baby sister” the emphasis on the word making Francesca clench her fists, but calmed almost instantly remembering why she was there is the first place, “can become more Christian looking as she isn’t exactly…”  Dr Maynard let him get no further knowing how things stood between Alex and Frankie and trying to avoid an embarrassing show,
“Ben don’t you have lodging her where Frankie could get cleaned up” few look happy at this prospect but Jack continued, “Len you and get some coffee form Matron and Con you go with her” indicating at Francesca who was doing her best to rid herself of soil so as not to spread it round the San more than she had already done so.
With that they all departed in different direction, Alex being steered towards the doctors’ office.
“Thanks for letting me get cleaned up Ben” Frankie was far from shy she had liked what she had seen of Ben so far,
“You cheeky brat who said you could call Dr Basely-Walker by his first name like that”
“It’s ok, Mrs. Richardson, it’s refreshing you know everyone else is so…”
“So informal with one another, that’s ok I’ve grown-up with it I know how close-knit it all is, a bit daunting if you’re not use to it” Con spoke as she sipped her tea.  “All you need to do was say and everyone would call you Ben, I shall if you don’t mind and you know my name’s Con”

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 7th, 2004, 9:15pm
A little bit more....

Sticking her head round the door Frankie emerged,
“Just as well really I was a bit off a mess before I crashed into the pot plant” as Frankie sat in-front of Con to re-do her hair she burst into giggles, “I did that once at home, pap was furious, so was Alex it was a present he’d got, Clare despaired over the state of my clothes, but she always does, it’s not my fault I’m just…” she trailed off and Ben feeling the awkwardness jumped in,
“Really Alex never mentioned a word, he’d often read me extracts of the letter Clare wrote to him, some of your exploits have been rather funny to say the least”,
“I bet he didn’t find them funny, I wished I had someone more like you as a brother” Ben didn’t know where to look he know understood what people had said about younger people not thinking of consequences before they spoke.
“Hush, you, you don’t know what you are saying I’m sure you and Alex will get along you’ve met under strained circumstances”
“Ben I heard Alex say you two were like brother so can’t you be my adopted brother?”
Ben didn’t want to explain the argument he and Alex had had, to anyone as he was feelings foolish of the matter,
“How about we start by being just good friends?  This way I won’t treed on anyone’s toes” Ben was keen to end this conversation, seeing that Francesca looked more respectable and had had a small drink and Con had finished hers he motioned for them to head towards Clare’s room.

Sorry folks Anya really doesn't want to enter the room tonight so has left it there  :)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Jan 7th, 2004, 9:32pm
*huggles Chloe and hopes Anya will be feeling co-operative again tomorrow*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Esmeralda on Jan 7th, 2004, 9:52pm
Thank you Chloe, good for Anya, lets hope she decides to come back quickly.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Jan 7th, 2004, 10:45pm
Thank you Chloe - ask Anya to hurry up with the next bit please!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Jan 8th, 2004, 12:00am
*looks at Anya, curled up in Chloe's arms*

*wonders when more story will be forthcoming*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Susan on Jan 8th, 2004, 10:00pm
Thank you Chloe, that was good, hope yuo are feeling better and Anya is being more cooperative again.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by catherine on Jan 11th, 2004, 10:27pm
Any chance of anymore story, Chloe?  Anya?

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 12th, 2004, 11:22am
Taking a deep breath and staring from the ceiling to the floor with her eyes so not to make it obvious as to how scared she felt, Francesca pushed open the door,
“It’s alright in you go Frankie” the nurse gave her a gentle push to move her away from the doorway,
“Francesca Myers, grow-up look at yourself, you’re acting like a complete and utter baby and have nothing to be afraid of it’s your sister” Francesca was repeating sentence over and over in her head,
Len and Con stood at the window; Len felt a hand on her shoulder and turned round,
“It’s the way she wanted it to be she just wanted to go in alone” and added in an undertone so only Reg and Con heard, “and I think she’s trying to prove the she is sensible and able to had this by herself” with a hidden glare in Ben’s direction,
“We don’t know everything that’s gone on and can’t judge them” Reg spoke in the same undertone, “I know you are her friend, but Ben saw Clare and Francesca together and Mr Buckley-Myers has not, and I don’t think she should have gone in there alone, but it’s up to Jack in the end…”
It had never struck Francesca before how much Clare reminded her of their mother; it was clear the resemblance between her brother and father, but until Clare was lying there still on the bed, did the resemblance of the only memory of her mother strike her,
“Claribell, come on you have to stop this, we… I need you” letting out a low breath to steady herself Frankie spoke again, “what would daddy say, you promised him, that night you promised me…” Clare’s movement startled her and she grabbed Clare’s hand,
“I know you didn’t want me to see you like this, don’t blame Dr Jack it’s not his fault I saw the letter and … well you know what I am!” her last statement caused her to let out a small chuckle.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 12th, 2004, 11:46am
Picking up the brush that was beside the bed, Frankie thought back,
“Do you remember, of course you would, you’re like, oh, what’s it called the animal that never forgets…” the conversation, however one sided seemed to flow out of her as if she was reading form a script, but forgetting a few lines here and there or being guided in her thought trail,  “oh well you know what I mean… anyway I thought you’d left all of mummy’s things in England, the one thing I remember about her is that last time, the one last time when we had the photography taken” looking up there it was the photo she was thinking about in a small silver frame, all the girls together for the last time, “You look just like mummy did when she slept that day, I’m still not sure I’ve forgiven you for getting your Kodak out when we were asleep….” Frankie’s words trailed off as she realised what Clare must have meant,  
Her sudden movement drew the attention of everyone outside the room,
“When she came was there a box?  A little black one?” Frankie looked at Len for the answer,
“Yes there was” the answer came form an unexpected person, “how on earth did you know that?, Cla… Miss Buckley-Myers gave it to me to try and fix as she said that it wouldn’t open any more” Ben was confused, Clare had said no one knew the box was with her and if the worse should happen she wanted it fixed and then given to Frankie, “I sent it down to Interlaken to be fixed, I collected it yesterday”

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Jan 12th, 2004, 2:12pm
Chloe, this is beautifully written, but pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't kill Clare!! Please? Frankie needs her!!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 12th, 2004, 6:30pm
Having sent Ben to fetch the box form his room, Frankie turned back and walked into the room leaving everyone to wonder as the importance of this box,
“It’s probably some silly little school girl thing that is of no importance, now I want to be in there she’s my sister as well and Francesca is also my responsibility”
“You are mistaken there, Alex!  During term time Francesca is under the care of the school and Clare left her in the care of my family whilst she was in the San” Len spoke with authority that made Alex’s manner wilt away.
“How could I have forgot, but when did it break, not that I do need it I guess I could manage without it, but it wouldn’t work nearly as well” Francesca was doing her best the words were difficult to say, “Buck up old thing, its important” Frankie held Clare’s hand, it was cold too cold, she turned a took the box from Ben as he entered,
“Here it is, don’t you think Alex should…”
“You can stay if you like, but I don’t want him in here”
Ben was struck with guilt, it had been he who was against Frankie seeing Clare not her brother, and perhaps he could begin to mend the rift, but at that moment he lost track of his thoughts and focused solely on Francesca.

Anya's missing the comapny of Xan's bunnies i think which is why she's so productive today!  :)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 12th, 2004, 6:51pm
The last bit for today....

Instead of staying at the side of the bed as she had done so before she had lifted Clare’s hand and sat on the edge of the bed, tucking the wisps of hair that were falling out of her plait,
“Well it worked with mummy so I don’t see why this won’t work again, please let this work, you need to be peaceful, either way, but I hope this time it has a different outcome” crossing her fingers Frankie opened the box and twisted the dial,  out rose a tune and with it Francesca began,
“Somewhere over the rainbow way up high, there’s a land that I’ve heard of once in a lullaby somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true” her voice swelled out, it was true it was as spectacular sound as Clare could produce but it had its effect so she continued, her eyes shut as if picturing the words she sang to bring them to life “Someday I wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me, where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that’s where you find me” as the words left her lips Clare stirred, Ben moved to the other side of the bed and lifted her wrist.
The other had entered the room and with a nod from Ben Con and Len each took Francesca by the shoulder and moved her back from the bed, turning they guided her from the room, her eyes still shut, Ben closed the box’s lid and the silence swept across the room, as he closed the door he bent his head and smiled.  A calm sleep had descended in the room; it was as well as could be hoped for.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Jan 12th, 2004, 7:19pm
Thank you Chloe, but is it a "sleep" sleep, or "death" sleep? ???

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by PatMac on Jan 12th, 2004, 7:48pm
Chloe, if I say that was very moving, it sounds trite but it was and very well written.

Thank goodness for Jennie's sitting room with all mod cons.  talk about cliff hangers!!!

ETA Ooops! that could be misconstrued.  I meant it might sound trite to say it was moving NOT that the story was trite!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Jan 12th, 2004, 7:57pm
Thank you Chloe - that was lovely.

Vikki - I think - I hope - it was sleep not death.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by catherine on Jan 12th, 2004, 8:13pm
*echoes Lesley's hopeful thought*

Thank you, Chloe.  More soon, please.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Esmeralda on Jan 12th, 2004, 9:14pm
Oh thank you Chloe, that really was lovely, and please let it be a sleep sleep.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 12th, 2004, 10:23pm
Thanks guys i surprised myself as i sat down and just wrote today and was nervous about postin it once i had written it, i very nearly didn't but i knew if i didn't as soon as i'd written it i never would.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Jan 12th, 2004, 10:48pm
*huggles Chloe and thanks her for being brave and posting!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Susan on Jan 13th, 2004, 2:33pm
Chloe that is truly beautiful, and very,very moving.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 13th, 2004, 4:41pm
Just a little bit for today....

It wasn’t until late the next morning when Francesca realised everything that had happened,
“Wake –up sleepy head, the bell went ages ago and we’ve already had an extra lie in” this fresh voice was just what she needed to hear and sat up with a start much to the surprise of her friend who wasn’t really focused on shaking her awake as they were keen not to be caught by the dormy pree.
“I’m up anyway, what’s the rush the others aren’t back until mid morning” Cecil turn with a start resulting in her landing flat on the floor Frankie’s voice was, well normal it had lost the tint it had acquired over the half term,  
“Well don’t you look like the cat that got the cream” Blossom teased, “and the reason for the rush is that we have to help Deney this morning and we saw the latest copy of the Chaletian arrive late last night, and if we’re quick we can get a peek before anyone else!”
“You are wrong about that Adsila, and you seem to have forgotten that this is German day whether or not the rest of the school has arrived back or not” looking round the room Braith Harrod was sunflowers dormitory prefect and a member of Inter V, she was annoyed as she had gone to Lauterbrunnen to see family who had come for a visit so had missed going on the trip with the rest of her form and she had not yet seen Zurich and long to do so, “Anyone else who has ‘forgotten’ and spoken in English I trust will also pay their fines or let it be on your conscience”
“I did try and warn you” Ada added it was her native tongue so she found it easier to remember than some her classmates, “Hurry Braith is in no mood for slow children today!”

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by catherine on Jan 13th, 2004, 9:14pm
More please, Chloe!  We want to know about Clare!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Jan 14th, 2004, 1:00am
*echoes Catherine's comment!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Jan 14th, 2004, 5:02pm
Okay, I very nearly cried!  Come on bratlet, more story please...  :-*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 14th, 2004, 5:04pm

on 01/14/04 at 17:02:00, xanthe wrote:
Okay, I very nearly cried!  Come on bratlet, more story please...  :-*

There is something about that sentance that makes me inclinded not to post more, and that i'm sure is counted as slang!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Jan 14th, 2004, 5:48pm
*surveys Xan's sentence, trying to work out what Chloe could possibly be objecting to!!* ;)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Jan 15th, 2004, 5:23pm
*chants unashamedly at her smaller sib*

[btw, please tell daddy that I got his letter and also the poster]

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Jan 15th, 2004, 6:42pm
Yay!!! More soon please Chloe!!! :-*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Jan 15th, 2004, 7:31pm
*Thinks dormitory Prefect is very unfair - it's half term isn't it? Anyway I didn't think a member of Inter Fifth could order fines!*

Loving this story Chloe - more please!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 16th, 2004, 7:44pm
Just to answer your questions Lesley (actually i wrote it before i saw your post)...

“Really Welsh, temper there” Cecil giggled as they left the dorm,
“Since when could dormy pree fine you?” Frankie wondered how much she had missed
“It’s a new idea as far as languages are concerned as they felt that too many of us are paying fines for using the wrong language so if you do in the dorm, the pree can fine you herself now” with which they linked arms and walked down the stairs,
“What time are all the other arriving back Bia” as she spoke Belen was a little unsure of herself as she had risked speaking in her native tongue,
“The rest of the VI is due back at break, Inter V are due back just before almuerzo.  Have you forgotten that it is Monday and therefore we have both been breaking rules and must remember to speak German”
Belen joined her friends at the table with a big smile on her face for having got away without being fined as normally her sister would land on her like a ton of bricks for such a thing.  However it went unnoticed as she joined the discussion as to why Mme Courvoisier had joined them for breakfast and Miss Buckley was missing. Frankie looked down at her rolls with keen interests and little appetite and felt herself going red,
“Oh why is it so hard now I need to stop being so silly otherwise I’ll draw too much attention to myself and give the whole game away” but it was too late one young person had taken a keen interest in Francesca's behavior and put actions into motion to get that young lady alone and find out the reason for it!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Susan on Jan 17th, 2004, 1:30am
OOH more story from Chloe.  Very nice thank you.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Jan 17th, 2004, 8:54am
Thank you Chloe!! *Great minds think alike!*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Jan 17th, 2004, 10:52pm
Yay!! Thank you Chloe!!! :-* :-*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by xanthe on Jan 18th, 2004, 3:34pm


You said there was more story... that is a mere snippet...

*not ungrateful, just disappointed*

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 18th, 2004, 6:23pm
Sorry folk i've been having exams and coursework deadlines at the moment, but here's the next bit:

“Bitte Fraulein Ferrars, I must change my desk could I have someone to help me as otherwise it will take twice as long” Helen did her best to speak proper German in hopes of getting her way as she was determined to do
“Why did you not do it earlier” Kathie tried to keep the annoyance out of her voice as it was obvious that the young girl was finally really trying with her languages,
“I was sent for at break so didn’t have the chance and we didn’t realise my desk had been damaged until just before then”
“Very well ask someone in your form, it is just as well for you that the rest are going for a ramble as the weather ahs cleared for the time being but report to the office when the pair of you have done so and let the prefect in charge know” with which she walked off, the shelving unit had collapsed, which had not come as much as a surprise to some of the mistresses at the chalet school as it was very old indeed, but when it had collapsed it had landed on a few of the desk and some where irreparable and the girls were supposed to have checked and sorted the problem before they helped anywhere else.
“Felicity, Fraulein Ferrars has asked that Frank… I mean Francesca misses the walk to help me change my desk” Felicity looked at the girl, as she was known as a mischief maker but it was unusual to have not asked for one of her own clan which is why she was inclined to believe her,
“It’s true Felicity, it was damaged, I guess when the shelves collapsed… maybe” Sinead was compelled to add this last part as the damage to Helen’s desk had been minimal until the two girls had added to it with Sinead given the understanding that they would get out of their walk,
“Sorry Ferry choose who I got to help me” Helen added in an undertone as she was not letting anyone in on her plan as she had never reviled her true affection towards Francesca to anyone,
“Very well, Francesca go and change back into your indoor things Fraulein Ferrars has requested you go help Helen.  Who was your partner, Zizi, come join up with me then, Cecil and Adsila lead on then”.

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Jan 18th, 2004, 8:25pm
Thank you Chloe - does Helen want to get Frankie into trouble? Have i missed something?

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by catherine on Jan 18th, 2004, 8:32pm
I think Helen must have seen Francesca go red when her sister's absence was commented on at Fruhstuck, Lesley.  Can't remember whether she's supposed to like Frankie or not, though.

Thanks for this last bit, Chloe!  Hope the exams and coursework went OK!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Chloe on Jan 18th, 2004, 10:26pm
You're right Catherine about her seeing Frankie go red.

I have two eams tommorrow adn a coursework hand in and then i have just over a week off til the next exam so i'll try and fit more writing in then  :)

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Lesley on Jan 18th, 2004, 11:14pm
Thanks catherine and good luck with the exams Chloe!

Title: Re: Sisters at the cs
Post by Vikki on Jan 19th, 2004, 12:59am
Thanks Chloe! More story, yay!! ;D
And good luck with your exams!!

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