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(Message started by: Marianne on Aug 24th, 2003, 3:08pm)

Title: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Aug 24th, 2003, 3:08pm
(this is set after prefects, pretend new beginiings never happened, 1958.)

‘I’m sorry, we did everything we could, she had a massive brain haemorrhage on the operating table.’ Said Mr Hall the brain surgeon to a room full of Joey Maynards family.

Len, Con and Margot had been gripping each others hands in waiting for news of their mother operation, she had been suffering from headaches for many months and all had thought it to be the change - in the end she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The three fell into each others arms and wept bitterly.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Lisa_T on Aug 24th, 2003, 3:36pm
LOL! Marianne, I think you are on a mission to wipe out all of the CS..!
Does anyone feel equal to carrying on?

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Aug 24th, 2003, 3:40pm
Jack could do nothing for his boys in England but he knew he had to explain what had happened to his small ones,’ F’s, Cecil, Phil, Geoff, come over here darlings…’ he began.
‘Its ok papa, we F’s know.’ Said Felix before bursting into tears, Felicity followed him in reaction. Jack was at a loss to do, he had left most of the child rearing to Joey, luckily for him the three eldest girls took them on and petted them until they stopped crying. He was left to tell the small twins and Cecil.
‘That man, who just came in and made Papa and the big girls cry, he was Mama’s doctor. He came to tell us that Mama had gone to live with the angels because she was very poorly.’ Jack said sensitively, thankful that his children had been brought up with faith.
‘So Mama isn’t living with us?’ asked Cecil confused.
‘No darling, the baby Jesus wants her now.’
‘That tisn’t fair, we need her Papa, who will do my hairs in the morning?’ enquired Phil who’s eyes were welling up.
‘Len will do that for you honey lamb.’ Replied Jack giving her a watery smile., The three babies nodded and understood, they were old enough to feel their loss but young enough to be philosophical about it all.

After lots of hugging the big family that had shrunk from 13 to 12 left the hospital, Stephan Charles and Mike still hadn’t been told and Jack needed to telephone their masters to get them sent home, then they needed to make funeral arrangements.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Lisa_T on Aug 24th, 2003, 3:46pm
As they left the San, Margot wiped her eyes yet again. She could hardly believe her mother was dead. What would they do? Len will look after us, she found herself thinking, glancing at her elder triplet. Then, despite her own grief, Margot pulled herself up short. Why *should* Len be expected to take hold and play mother to the youngest children? She was no older than Con or Margot herself, in spite of all the fuss that had been made over Len's seniority of half and hour. But Margot had an unpleasant feeling that that was precisely what would happen, unless someone who Jack respected could be made to intervene.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Aug 24th, 2003, 3:54pm
A tearful jack went into his office that evening, he left the small ones to his triplets and set about making that dreaded phone call to his boys, how could he break such news over the phone?
‘Hello, this is Mr Maynard calling for Stephan, Charles and Michael Maynard.’ He said.
‘Hello sir, the boys are at prayers, I take it this is urgent.’ Replied the secretary coolly.
‘Yes Ma’am, my wife underwent serious surgery today and she – she died.’ He said causing a fresh spate of tears to fall down his cheeks.
‘I’m very sorry for your loss, I’ll get them right away.’ Said the very English voice on the end of the telephone.’

A few minutes past and a breathless voice picked up the phone,
‘Hi Pa, Miss Bradford wouldn’t tell us guys what was so urgent, is Mama worse?’ asked Stephan.
‘Stephan, Mama died today, she had to have surgery for a brain tumour. I’m so sorry Steve, I should have got you sooner.’
‘Oh Pa it- it hits hard Pa.’ Stammered Stephan who broke down.
‘I know son, I know. Listen put Charles on, I better speak to him, tell Mike for me will you Steve. I’ve got a flight for you three tomorrow. Be strong old chap.’

‘Hiya Charlie, did you guess? You did? Oh I’m so sorry  - good lad – see you tomorrow night.’

That was the end, all his children knew, all he had to do was phone Madge.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by catherine on Aug 24th, 2003, 4:20pm
"Madge, is that you?  It's Jack."  Despite himself, Jack's voice broke on a sob and Madge knew instantly what had happened.
"Oh Jack, no!"  She cried.  "Not Joey!"
"I'm so sorry, they did everything they could."
"The children?"
"Are coping.  The boys are on a flight home tomorrow - I don't suppose you -."
"Of course, Jack!"  Madge pulled herself together.  "I couldn't desert my sister's family just when they need me most!  I'll let Dick know as well and we'll be over as soon as we can."

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Aug 25th, 2003, 5:29pm
'Thank you Madge. Let Jem know. I'm so sorry.' Jack continued, not trying to prevent tears.
'Bye Jack, see you soon...' Madge replied before breaking off and bursting into tears of greif.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Aug 25th, 2003, 6:41pm
Madge and her devoted Husband trawled through the phone books, contacted their children before heading out to the Maynards house where all was calm, if depressed. The older couple arrived at the house, rang the door bell and were let in by a red eyed Anna,
'Hello there Jack,' said Jem,'Sorry for you loss old Chap.'
'Thankyou Jem, its hard, very hard, i'm just so sorry i could only tell the boys today.' replied Jack, tears coming to his eyes once again. Seeing this Jem whisked Jack off to the study to comfort him in a way only another man knew how.

Madge crept up the stair to see what she could do for her neices and nephew, she was met by Con on the stairs, they fell into each others arms and Madge cried like she never had before.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Ciorstaidh on Aug 26th, 2003, 8:52pm

Seeing this Jem whisked Jack off to the study to comfort him in a way only another man knew how.  

(Removes mind from gutter). I must have a seriously twisted mind... however, on with the tale.


"Ma-Mamma, Mamma, oh, I miss you, Mamma, why did you have to leave, oh Mamma," sobbed Con. Madge didn't speak, she was too upset. Only when Con's sobs threatened to become hysterical did she begin to get her own tears under control.

"Con, listen to me, dear, CON!" she shouted this last. Con looked up - her crying subsided abruptly. "Con, it's okay to grieve, but don't make yourself ill, you need to be well in order to grieve, you'll make yourself sick if you go on like that." Con sat down slowly. "Well, I am rather headachy," she admitted. "Right, aspirin and a lie down, then, eh?" Con nodded. Anything would be better than this dull thud in her head. She'd feel better after a sleep, too.

When Con was settled, Madge sighed in relief. That was one sorted for now. She herself had got over the worst of her tears, something she was so thankful for. She headed to the nursery, where she found all the others crowded round La Maison des Poupees. "It's years since you played with this, girls!" Madge exclaimed, kneeling down herself. Margot spoke up. "We thought it best, besides La Maison needed a tidy. Kept the little ones busy, anyway - I didn't feel equal to answering their incessant questions."
"Quite right, Margot. Con's gone for a lie down - headache. I'll look after the teenies if you like."
Margot disappeared, Len following. For once, Len was not leading matters - she looked entirely lost. Madge turned round to the dolls' house and busied herself in helping Cecil with the sitting room.

In the study, Jem and Jack sat in silence. "A good strong malt" had been called for and found. Both the men stared into space, their whisky (neat) untouched. Only the grandfather clock ticked. Eventually, Jem looked up. He was horrified to see Jack looking an old man, aged suddenly by his awful loss. "Come on, Jack," he said, rising. "I think for once it's you who needs the dose and not your womenfolk. You'll feel better equipped to cope when you've had a sleep." Jack nodded in agreement and followed his elder, submitting to a mind clearer than his own at this time.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Vikki on Aug 26th, 2003, 9:10pm
Meanwhile, up in her bedroom, Margot was fighting an internal battle. She couldn't reconcile her mother's death with the god she had always been taught was kind and loving! How could a loving god have taken away her beloved mother, who was so badly needed by her father, and by the younger children? The mother who had always been such a tower of strength, such a support, to her and her sisters?After a great deal of time, turning this over and over in her head, Margot came to a very difficult conclusion.
She told Len and Con later that evening, that she now felt she could no longer bear the thought of becoming a nun! Instead, she would complete her medical degree, and go on to specialise in neurosurgery, in order to help those suffering the same symptoms as her mother.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Chloe on Aug 26th, 2003, 9:36pm
Wish i could write like you guys this is brillent

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Lesley on Aug 26th, 2003, 9:48pm
"B-b-but Margot, you don't mean that you no longer believe in God?" Len's face had paled considerably at her sister's news.

Margot shook her head, "Of course not! My belief in and trust in God is as strong as it ever was," she swallowed quickly before continuing softly, "It's just that I feel that a strong belief in God is not enough. I think, to be counted as a decent human being, a person has to decide to do something  that will improve the lot of others in this world." she stopped to glance at her sisters with tear stained eyes, "Len, Con, I don't mean that everyone should be aiming to change the world in huge ways, people can make the world a better place by being as Mamma was. Always ready to help, and with a heart so big there was room for everyone. I'm not ready to bury myself in a nunnery. I cannot be the kind of woman that Mamma was, but with my skills as a doctor perhaps I can ensure that the next time someone like Mamma is afflicted - I can cure them.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Aug 26th, 2003, 10:05pm
'Oh Margot - you - thankyou Margot!' uttered len, amazed by her sisters insight. 'I wish, in a way that i was a small child, althought the three babes won't remember mamma at least they wont feel this ultimate wrench, this pain, this confusion I keep wanting to go to Mamma and say hello, to laugh with her, to talk to her about her death - if you see what i mean.' said Len, normally the leader of the three but now reduced to a lost individual who was showing her dependence and fear - all too clearly.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Esmeralda on Aug 26th, 2003, 10:28pm
Oh goody, Margot's getting the chance to take on a bit of responsibility for a change - like it.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Aug 26th, 2003, 10:43pm
After some time all had retired to bed, if not to sleep, Len and Con had been soothed by the youngest triplet, Margot had spent a year in Canada without her mother all those years before and in many ways was much more mature than Len and Con. She was terribly sad of course but not quite so lost as her sisters, she could see a way forward and was thriving on the responsibility she had been given.

The two elder twins had probaby taken it hardest, at eleven they were leaving there young-childhood they yearnd for the guidance of a mother and no longer had the babbish faith of their youngest siblings. The boys of course had not yet arrived, of their reactions time would tell.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Jennie on Aug 28th, 2003, 4:59pm
This is good, more please. I'm glad that someone has seen what an awful position Len is in. It could become very like Charlotte M Yonge's 'The Daisy Chain', where it is assumed that the third daughter, Julian, will sacrifice herself and her chance of a happy marriage for the sake of looking after her father's house, and bringing up her brothers.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Aug 28th, 2003, 5:13pm
The next day Jack went to pick up his three big boys from the train station, they arrived looking sad and broken, Margot greeted them at the door,
'Hello Steve, Charlie, Mike, go one up stairs, i'll bring you some tea - the little ones are waiting to see you.' said Margot, taking pity on her brothers who were having difficulty crying but having difficulty not crying. The boys obeyed,
'Stevie!' cried Geoff as he saw his big brother, 'You look sad Stevie, why do you look sad?' he asked shocked that his brother, whom he considered to be a man was crying.
'Because of Mamma Geoff, are you not sad?' asked Steven.
'Ye-es, but Mamma dosn't have her bad head anymore the little chrsit child made it better, Anyways she will make heaven nice for us when we have to go.'
'Oh Geoff.' said Steven before putting the little boy down and going to his bedroom. Steven was a lot like Len, he was a very good, reponsible kind of person but he thrived, like Len off the guidance of a mother and the responsiblity that was given to him, he found it difficult to act independently of this delegation. Young Charles was quiet and thoughtful and highly intelligent, she could be philosophical about the passing of his mother, the shock however had done his delicate constitution damage and he was very tired, he went to his room and slept. Mike was similar in attitude to his sister Margot, he felt that it was his duty to play with Felix and the pair spent many long hours in quiet play with toy soldiers and battleships. With all the boys occupied Margot sat with Felicty, Cecil and Phil, they played with the dolls house and maid up make beleive games, amny of which involved deaths and funerals. Margot saw and was greatful for this self-therapy, the little ones would be al right, they could teach themselves to deal with their loss but could Len, Con, Stephen and Charles - all had consumed very little food and done very little but stare into space, all appeared to be in deep shock.

A week passed in this way and gradually the intense pain began to fade, but funeral arrangements were being made by Madge, jem and Jack, all of whom were thankful for the older children.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Chloe on Aug 28th, 2003, 7:36pm
*clappin with approval*

more please

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Nicola on Aug 28th, 2003, 7:57pm
Indeed, I agree, this is excellent.

I don't think that EBD every really dealt very well with death as a subject. I know that several people died "off-screen" so to speak, but it never seemed to be the very immediate and painful reaction of a close family member like this is.

Hmm... does anyone see what I'm getting at?

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by KB on Aug 28th, 2003, 10:39pm
I do, I do! And it's something I plan to explore.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Jennie on Aug 29th, 2003, 9:25am
I have the paperback copy of 'Rescue' in which Jo announces that her brother-inlaw, Bob, has died of wounds. Was a lot missed out of that, as Jo did not even seem to be upset, much less go to his funeral?  She seemed to be more concerned with the problem of having her sister-in-law, Lydia, hanging around, and having to invite her for Christmas.

Please, someone, tell   me that it wasn't only the problem of Pretty Maids and Lydia, and that a lot was cut out, because this seems very callous behaviour to me.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Aug 29th, 2003, 11:55am
As Margot cared for her greiving sisters and Mike did his best for the boys the adults in the establishment planned the funeral which was to take place in a weeks time. The funeral was to be said by Father Beatie at the Our Lady Queen of Peace church that was large and fitting for what was sure to be a crowded service and they were going to sing Joey's favourite hyms.

A week soon passed and the day of the memorial service was upon them the elder children doned Black dresses and suits while the five youngest wore matching blue sailor suits, Madge and Jem took care of them while the six older children travelled with their father. As they walked into the church there was an overwhelming sense of peace, Len knew in her heart that her mother was happy and pain-free, it was this intense feeling that cured her of her shock. The triplets all did thoughful readings and spoke about their departed mother tenderly.

At the end of the service the sadness was evident but there was a deep sense of finality that touched the hearts of the greiving - all that was left to do was to commit the body unto the ground. Jack and Madge greeted the mourners with false smiles upon their pained faces but they felt the need o follow the etiquet of mourning, as the guests did.

The cemetry was only a ten minute drive from the church, it was a beautiful scene, the day was bright an clear, the birds sang prettily in the trees, the tree's looked greener than usual. Joeys coffin was laid by Stephen, Jack, Charles and Mike into the ground, all the relatives dropped roses into where the coffin lay - the preist did what he had to do and the funeral was over.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Lesley on Aug 29th, 2003, 6:28pm
Thank you Marianne - beautiful :'(

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Aug 30th, 2003, 7:10pm
An hour passed before all of Joey's friends and relatives had left the cemetry and travelled to the Entwistle house for the send off. The triplets were the last to leave the grave,
'Its all seems so unfair.' siad Len finally.
'I know Lennie, come on darling, they'll be wanting us at your house.' said Margot taking her sisters hand. Len obeyed and allowed Margot to drag her off with Con at their heels. The drive from the cemetry to Len's house was a suitably pretty one and within 15 minutes they'd arrived.

Inside the house Peggy and Bride were laying big trays of dainty paistries on the tables and various other family members were serving drinks. Maeve and Maurice had taken the younger folk into the garden and they were playing merrily with colours and paper. The triplets entered a happy scene that felt wrong somehow, those less close to Joey could see past the pain but this was not so for Len, she could reconcile such merriment with her concience - so she turned and ran.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by claire on Aug 30th, 2003, 10:06pm
As ran she ran straight past the arms of her fiance, Reg, he reached out and caught her. His arms trying to give her the comfort she so desperately craved at that time.
Through her tears Len managed to gasp a few words to him "I'm so sorry, Reg, but I can't, I can't marry you now.  Surely you see that?"

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Aug 31st, 2003, 4:17pm
'No - No Len, i-i dont see! Its what your mother would have wanted!' excalimed Reg in reply.
'Oh-you stupid man!' shouted Len before wriggling out of her fiance's arms, by the time she was a mile away from the house she met Robin Humphries,
'Oh Len, what are you doing here? I'm so sorry for your loss my dear and i'm sorry i couldn't make it to the funeral - i'm here now. Let us sit a while.'
'Its your loss too Rob, i can't face them all, they are all so happy and i - well i can't do it.' stammered len as the young pair sat down.
'It is indeed my loss Len, but i have my faith,  i am married to the church. I know the pain is hard to bare now Len, but it will get easier. In time you will be able to see that Joey is free from the pain of her illness-she is happy with the lord - she will prepare a special place for all her children.' Robin said, despite Lens twenty years she was young, she needed to be told this as did the babies of the family.
'I know, it just, so, unfair. And i don't want to marry Reg anymore Rob. He just seems so unimportant now - i never really wanted him anyway, i just thought it would be nice to be near Mamma and talk about babies - now- i've realised that was a silly childish dream - now i want to grow up, see the word-have a life.'
'Oh Len! This has been toubling you for along time hasn't it?' asked Robin, smiling as she cuddled the younger women to her. She realised that Joeys death could be the making of her eldest daughter.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Jennie on Sep 1st, 2003, 8:36am
I'm really enjoying this, so please do write more, more, more.

:) :) :) :)

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Sep 1st, 2003, 9:58am
The pair talked for along time about Joey and philosophised about life, len realised that she couldn't live her mothers life for life was all to uncertain. When Len had been a responsible, clever school girl she had formed those dreams that had been so dependent on her mother,
'Rob, i want to teach, after Oxford i want to train as a teacher and teach in other schools, perhaps in England - i need to escape to form a life beyond this.'
'I know darling.'

By and by len was ready to face her guests, but she had to tell reg and the rest of her plans for the future. When they arrived back at the house everyone greeted the young nun raptuously but Reg pulled Len aside,
'What did you mean you can't marry me Len?' he growled almost feircely.
'Just that Reg, i can't and i wont marry you - i don't want the life i always thought i did - i just had an attatchment to mamma and her life, but i can't live as Mama,  have to find myself. I'm going to have a career in teaching Reg, one day i shall marry but it wont be you.' said len, tears gone from her eyes.
Reg had drunk more than a little wine and he was quite drunk,'You HORRIBLE, double crossing, eveil little women! I won't stand for that!' he roared, raising his arm to hit Len.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Chloe on Sep 1st, 2003, 11:25am
Yay more please this is great

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by keren on Sep 1st, 2003, 11:31am

on 08/29/03 at 09:25:57, Jennie wrote:
I have the paperback copy of 'Rescue' in which Jo announces that her brother-inlaw, Bob, has died of wounds. Was a lot missed out of that, as Jo did not even seem to be upset, much less go to his funeral?  She seemed to be more concerned with the problem of having her sister-in-law, Lydia, hanging around, and having to invite her for Christmas.

Please, someone, tell   me that it wasn't only the problem of Pretty Maids and Lydia, and that a lot was cut out, because this seems very callous behaviour to me.

As far as i remember not a lot was cut

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Sep 1st, 2003, 12:08pm
(i've just realised that its abit Hpish!)

Reg shocked himself, 'I-I'm sorry, its just everything...' he stammered.
'Get out Reg.' said Con quietly, she had been observing the day's scene with interest and sensitivity and she understood.
Reg left and eventually all the geusts followed, overawed by what had occured and too embarrased to stay.

'Con-Constance, we know what Margot and len are doing now, what about you honey?' asked Jack, wondering what his quiet daughter was thinking.
'I want to write, i think that my writing can be better now papa, i feel it in my bones.' Con replied.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Chloe on Sep 1st, 2003, 4:36pm
*on tip-toes with excitmnet*

more please

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Sep 1st, 2003, 5:52pm
'I hoped you would - this sad time will only make your writing more grown up and mature.' said Jack smiling. Jacks pleasure that day spured Con on to write her first book, it was to be a school story ecept it was going to be the story of the Chalet school.

The weeks passed, Joeys children ceased to cry themselves to sleep, Madge and Jem went home, the children went back to school, Len went off to Oxford, Margot to medical school and Con stayed behind with her papa to write her first novel.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Sep 3rd, 2003, 4:17pm
A year later...

'Dear Papa,
Goodluck for tomorrow and Mamma's mass, i am so, so sorry i can't make it but i have to stay here and work. Oxford is brilliant but the tutors don't half work you hard!

Mamma's death was hard, of course it was, everyday when i wakke up i wish Mamma was still here to tell her things, even the little things. Yet in away her death was a positive turning point for me, i realised my dreams had not been mine but mamma's - now i have my own and i can truly grow up. Do you see?

I had a brilliant time last weekend, me and Henry went iceskating and then to the college bar fro a drink. I have told him about Reg, but he dosn't mind, he dosn't like doctors at all though! Henry wants to be an engineer! I'll bring him home soon.

I must go now,
God Bless


Jack smiled, Len had come so far since this time last year, he was glad she had seen some of the world and had made new friends. he spent only a little time pondering for he had another letter from an absent child - Margot.

'Hello Father,
Phew its hot!
Sorry i can't make it to the mass tomorrow, i couldn't possibly afford the travel from India.

I can't beleive its a year since Mamma died, it seems like only yesterday the greif is so raw. Being out here in India with the nuns has put it all very much in perspective though, today i treated a child who  was an orphan and had only one leg. He couldn't understand what was happening to him. The expereince has been terible but wonderful at the same time - i am going to be a nun and finish my medical training!

Give Con my love,
all the best,

So his two far away daughters had grown in soul and spirit they were coping magnificently with their mothers death,
'Con! Connie! I've letters here from Len and Margot!' he called to his second daughter who was busy editing her novel.
'Right-o, i'm coming Pa.' Con raced down the stairs so that she could read their letters,
'I know what they mean you know.' she said finally.'I've changed, changed for the better, i suppose it was bound to happen because of our age, i mean but Mamma's death has made me grow up.' Con said, studying her fathers face for signs of offence.
'You have Con, death of a loved one, especially a mother does that for you.' Jack replied wisely.

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Marianne on Sep 3rd, 2003, 4:18pm
Sorry for the double posting!

I really hope this isn't too painful for anyone -i felt the need to write it!

Title: Re: A funeral and the future
Post by Chloe on Sep 3rd, 2003, 4:21pm

on 09/03/03 at 16:18:03, Marianne wrote:
Sorry for the double posting!

I really hope this isn't too painful for anyone -i felt the need to write it!

don't apologise it's sooo good, and very realistic :) nad a joy to read

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