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Stories & Imaginings >> Cookies & Drabbles >> Robin
(Message started by: Marianne on Jun 10th, 2003, 2:52pm)

Title: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 10th, 2003, 2:52pm
I just decided the Robin's character should have been developed so, here goes...

Robn woke up very early one morning, it was nearly chrstmas so the view from ths Sonnalpe was stunningly beautiful, the earl morning sun bounced off the snow making the ground look like it was covered in crystals. Robin smiled as she saw the charming sight, thinking how lucky she was to live on the Sonnalpe. Then strangley she scowlled thinking to herself;

'This isn't fair, if iwere any other girl i could run right into the snow and play until fruhstuk, but if I did that i would be sent to bed and scolded!' Robin sat on her bed wit a thump, folded her arms and vowed to change thingsm sheno longer wanted to be treated like a baby,she wanted t go to school properly and be naughty like the rest of the girls her age!

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Sioned on Jun 10th, 2003, 11:03pm
But for the meantime she was stuck in her cot waiting for somebody to come and lift her out. It was so unfair; she'd give anything to be like other girls. Whilst waiting to be set free she started dreaming up some mischief she might be able to get into that day...

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 11th, 2003, 12:48am
"Zoe, lift me out please" called Robin. Jo came and helped Robin out of the cot she slept in and then proceeded to bath and dress the younger girl, all the while wondering about the mutinous look that had appeared on Robin's normally angelic face.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Kathryn on Jun 11th, 2003, 1:52am
Maybe she's just worried about the forthcoming Christmas play in which she was playing the angel.
'My Rob, don't fret you know how that tires you out. Madge will have you back in bed...'
Joey stopped, astonished at the fury that marred Rbin's pretty face. 'I'm not fretting. I want to play in the snow and sleep in a real bed!' ranted Robin, stamping her foot.
Joey was frightened, how unlike the sweet angelkind to be angry, let alone revving herself into a real rage. She must be ill. Madge had to know about this. Joey quickly ran down the stairs, leaving Robin alone. It couldn't be helped, but the faster Madge and Matey heard the better.
As soon as Robin heard Joey run down the stairs, she stopped and her eyes lit up. Finally, a chance to put her plan into action. She gathered the little pack from beneath her bed, hidden there last night and filled with apples and blubereen (?) that she had fliched from the kitchen, put her scarf and coat on and turned towards the window....

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 11th, 2003, 2:02pm
Joey ran down the stairs where her sister was enjoying a peaceful read,
'Good morning young Jo, my you do look flustered!' said Madge addressing her young sister.

'Oh i am Madge, is Robin, you should come, i'm sure there is something wrong!'

Madge stood up hurridley, most alarmed that something should be wrong with Robin. The axious pair hurried up the stairs expecting to find Robin in her cot, but she was gone...

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Susan on Jun 12th, 2003, 3:36am
The curtain fluttering in the breeze spoke of the open window,
Madge and Jo looked at each other horrified

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Kathryn on Jun 12th, 2003, 4:37am
Meanwhile, Robin was tramping thru the snow towards....

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 12th, 2003, 8:33am
The kennel where Rufus lay half asleep. Robin grabbed the leash that hung on a large hook near the kennel and set about putting it on Rufus.

Madge put down the tonic she had bought up with her. She had thought at first that her Mrs Squeers routine (as naughty Jo had earlier dubbed her) might be needed. However with the Robin not there it seemed pointless just now. "Jo, run and bring the Robin back inside" said Madge earnestly.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Kathryn on Jun 12th, 2003, 10:35am
'Back from where? She could be anywhere!' wailed Jo. But she ran down the stairs and slammed right into Matey, bouncing off the solidly built woman (who is the solid matron, I've forgotten) and rolled down the stairs, twisting her ankle in the process....

(need some comic relief after my day at uni!!)

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 12th, 2003, 11:01am
"Madge" yelped Jo as she struggled to get up "I'm all done in, you'll have to find Robin while I rest this ankle". Matron and Madge both hurried back down the stairs towards Jo almost having a second collision in their hurry to attend to the girl. Poor Madge had to bury her giggles with a straight face, it wasn't Jo's pain she was laughing at just the way she had bounced off Matron had been so bizarre.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Clare on Jun 12th, 2003, 11:45am
Joey looked infuriated. "Don't just stand there, go and look for Robin!" She struggled to stand up, and looked her sister squarely in the eye. "It's freezing out there, goodness knows where she's gone, you MUST find her."

Madge turned and quickly ran to collect her coat and a blanket. Matey hurried to the kitchen quarters and made up a flask of hot coffee and packed some chocolate and biscuits into a small bag. She called for Eigen to fetch his outdoor things, for Madge mustn't go out alone in the snow. Eigen was a fairly sensible lad and he turned up with a pick axe, rope and had Zita with him. "Das Engelkind has taken Rufus" he informed Madge who rushed into the room holding a first aid kit. "If she's with Rufus, she might not come to much harm" said Matron, for Madge was looking very pale. Madge nodded and opened the door. "Come on" she jerked out to Eigen, "We must find her". Uttering a wordless prayer for help, she went out into the snow, followed by Eigen. Matron closed the door after her, and went to tend to Joey's ankle.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 12th, 2003, 3:39pm
After the shock of the fall had worn off, Joey began to sob with pain and fear for Robin, seeing the girls distress matron hurried toward her injured charge.
'Now now Jo, they wil bring back the Robin for she can't have gone far in that little time.'
'Yes, thank you matron, but my ankl does hurt!'
The kindly matron bound but Jo's ankle making her feel comfortable and secure, she then preceded to help Jo to her feet, 'You can get up Jo, it isn't serious!'

As the pair were about to make their way to the Sanm they heard barking outside the door, 'Robin!' cried Joey moving as fast as she could toward the noise, Joey flung open the door, expecting to find Robin with rufus, but alas she wasn't!

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 12th, 2003, 10:58pm
Jo prepared herself for an onslaught of tongue licking from Rufus but none was forthcoming. Instead Rufus stood there looking totally at a loss, the lead Robin had placed on him still hanging from his neck. "What can this mean Jo" asked Matron.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Kathryn on Jun 13th, 2003, 1:22am
(Hmph, I was going to have Robin riding Rufus off into the distance. Anyway.)

Just then Jockel burst into the Chalet, looking shocked as if he'd seen a ghost. Rosalie, walking past on her way to help Jo, stopped him and asked what was wrong.
'The Demon, the devil, he's here!' gasped Jockel. 'Who? What!' Corny, having heard the outcry yelled 'It must be Herr Arnolfi, you know, that crazy old man who took Robin and then me into the caves.'
'He must have snatched Robin again.' gasped Rosalie.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Maz on Jun 13th, 2003, 9:36am
(i'm just being a guest for a minute because i'm not logged on at school - can't remember my pass word)

'Oh, Matron, not that, not that for the Ronin!' cried the pale Jo.
The sturdy matron took charge of events, 'Ok, go and get Jem and Jack please Joey!' ordered Matron, giving the panicked Jo something to do.

'Yes Matron, certainly matron, right, here i go,' Gabbled a hobbling Jo.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Clare on Jun 13th, 2003, 12:47pm
(I thought Herr Arnolfi was dead? Oh well, it can be his twin brother, or his ghost, whichever you prefer!)

"Cornelia, you go with Joey to make sure she doesn't injure herself further. And stay in Madame's study once you've rung the doctors. You may ring for breakfast in there, and make sure Joey eats something" Matey barked out her orders.

Corney nodded and feld down the coridor after Joey.

Meanwhile, Rosalie was questionning Jockel closely.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 13th, 2003, 1:16pm
Jem appeared at Matron's side and soon heard the news of Corny's madman. He was quick to remind them that they could be reassured that Robin wasn't in the hands of the madman. Friedel von Gluck had watched him die and Jem himself had helped to bury Herr Arnolfi. "No, it must be someone else Jockel has seen".

As he said this a small party of people came towards them. In his arms Herr Mensch carried a screaming Robin, and Madge trailed shortly behind them.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 13th, 2003, 2:36pm
The matron assumed something was terribly wrong with Robin for she never screamed in frustration or anger. 'Robin, sush now, your safe! called out matron to the angry Robin.

'there's nothing wrong with me, i was having fun!' cried Robin in frustration and preced to beat her gentle carrier with her fists, shocking those who knew her.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 13th, 2003, 2:41pm
"Oh Jem" said Madge tiredly "I don't know what has come over Robin. Herr Mensch found her beginning to build a snowman out on the field and picked her up to bring her back. Then Jockel came flying past him screaming something about a madman, and now Robin won't behave. It's just so unlike her".

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 13th, 2003, 2:49pm
'Yes it is rather, but i think madgee just need to talk to her, lets find out what it is about.' replied Jem to his concerned wife.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Clare on Jun 13th, 2003, 5:44pm
Joey had hopped down the corridor. "Jem" she said urgently. "This morning, Robin said she wanted to play in the snow, I don't know if that will help you get to the bottom of things".

"Very well" Jem said, "now hop it - sorry, no pun intended - to Matron, and she'll have to rig up some sort of apparatus to keep that foot off the floor".

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Aletea on Jun 14th, 2003, 12:13am
Really Clare - that was a shocker of a pun! ;D

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 14th, 2003, 1:05am
"Now Robin" Jem said sternly to the younger girl "What is this all about?". His voice was enough to make Robin's struggles cease. She was beginning to feel tired and very cold after her adventure outside. Robin was much more familiar with sweet loving voices and to hear the stern notes in Jems voice were nearly too much for her. Noticing the pale colour Robin had turned, Jem realised that the first thing was to get Robin warm. That done, he then continued the interview, thankful that Robin showed no signs of getting even a cold.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Lesley on Jun 14th, 2003, 2:24pm
'Onkle Jem' began Robin, using baby words in her frustration, I don't feel ill and I never wanted to upset anyone.' She stopped and gulped back unshed tears, 'I just wanted to be a normal girl,'
Jem Russell smiled down at her fondly ' Robin my dear, you are a very special baby,' he began but Robin interupted
'No! Not a baby! I'm 9 years old and I'm tired of always being called a baby. Amy Stevens is only a little older than me and no-one calls her a baby. She sleeps in a normal bed, is allowed to go outside and everything. You all treat me as if I'm the same age as Peggy and Rix.' she started crying very softly.
Jem looked down at her thoughtfully, 'Now Robin, don't cry, I'll see what I can do' he promised.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 14th, 2003, 2:35pm
Jem was thoughtful, 'Robin was right, she was treated diffrently, but then she was a very special child, a delicate child. The special treatmant was all for good reason, wasn't it?'

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 15th, 2003, 12:18am
Jem thought for a few more minutes and then looked down at the young girl seriously. "Robin" he began, as she looked up, her tears ceasing for the moment. "I shall treat you as grown up in this matter, you understand how concerned we are for your health don't you?". Robin nodded her little chin, this had always been something she was aware of. "Then you know that all these rules and restrictions are because we love you and they help to keep you well?". The tears began again, but this time because of the love Robin could feel her family had for her. "I know it must be very hard Robin, perhaps if we got you a new bed it would help? The other restrictions must stay in place though".

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 15th, 2003, 7:28pm
'Thakyou oncle Jem, i'm sorry i was  bad girl.' Robin appologised looking pleadingly at the doctor.
'You're not a bad girl darling, don't fret anymore.'

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Lesley on Jun 16th, 2003, 6:47pm
Jem left Robin and returned to Madame's Study to speak to Madge and Joey.
'Jem!' cried Joey, 'Is she OK? Has she developed chicken pox or something? Why did she run off like that? What on earth was she doing?' she stopped as Jem raised an arm.
'Enough Joey! I cannot possibly keep up with all your questions!' Joey sat back and waited impatiently until Jem continued. 'Joey' he began quietly, 'Madge has told me how frail you were as a baby and how part of the reason she came to Tirol was for your health,'
Joey nodded her white face showing her puzzlement at this apparent change in subject.
'Tell me' Doctor Russell continued, 'All the restrictions you had on your movements, the treats you were not allowed to take part in, did you accept these without question?'
There was a smothered laugh from Madge, 'She did not!' she stated, 'She continually complained about the restrictions and insisted that she could manage - even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary! She still does!'
Jem nodded then continued gently 'Consider then how Robin feels, the restrictions on her movements are far more stringent - and likely to last a lot longer'

'But that's different Jem' Joey was indignant now, 'Robin's only a baby and...'
'She's 9 years old Joey, hardly a baby now. You were only 3 years older when you first came out to Tirol'
'Is this the main problem then' Madge asked seeing that Joey had suddenly been struck dumb.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 16th, 2003, 8:19pm
'Yes Madge, that is what i understand. She is still a small child bt she wans to be normal, we needher to feel so.'

'Gosh Jem, i never thought of that..'cried Joey stunned

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Susan on Jun 17th, 2003, 12:15am
'Would it help to stop traeing her as a baby?' Madge asked

'Yes,' said Jem 'And this is what I propose we do .............'

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 17th, 2003, 10:01am
"For a beginning we will get Robin a proper bed. This won't impact on her health at all and will help her to feel her age. We must also stop calling her Baby. At nine years old calling her this really must stop"

Madge and Jo nodded in full agreement. They hadn't realised that their Robin was growing up quite as much as she was.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by edith on Jun 17th, 2003, 11:48am
Then what? Joey asked.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 17th, 2003, 12:36pm
'Well my Jo, i propose that we slowly give her more responsiblity, make her feel grown up, let her do more. Where her health is concerned the rules must be the same, but i expect she can manage to have a later bed time than she does. We need to change lots...

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 17th, 2003, 1:40pm
Meanwhile the Robin had curled up in her cot and fallen fast asleep like the baby they had said she was. The three who had been speaking about her looked into the room and smiled gently. Robin might be growing up but she would always be precious to them.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 17th, 2003, 4:26pm
When the Robin awoke she was the sunny child she normally was, so relieving her gaurdians. She went downstairs to cafe und kutchen  where the three rapturously greeted her, 'Oh darling, i'm so glad you're awake!' cried Joey. 'Are you feeling better?'

'I am fine my Jo,' Robin replied, joining the adults at the table. They all smiled at her, glad of the change in her mood,

'Good, then would you like to come f a walk with me?' aked Joey, putting into action the plan to make their baby feel grown up.

'Oh Zoe, i would love that!' replied the Robin with joy filling her eyes.
Then the Robin sneezed,
'Oh dear, it must be dusted in here.' Madge said, trying to be unconcerned.  The Robin nodded but she sneezed a second time, Jem was worried, should he put the frail child to bed, or let her stay up and go for a walk? Joey saved the day;

'Robin, darling, do you think we could stay in today, and walk tomorrow, i feel a little tired today.' sked the clever Joey.

'Of course, Jo.'

So the pair spent the day doing jigsaws and reading books, they joined back with madge and Jem for an early mitaggesen, they considered that it would be nice for Robin to have a family evening meal, to make her feel grown up.
The Robin was quiet but at the time it didn't seem unusual for she wasn't a chatty child but suddenly, Robin feel sideways off the chair...

'Oh Jem, Jem, the babys fainted!' Joey yelled, louder than she would have thought possible, Jem heard but her had already left the room to get his doctors bag.He swiftly returned to a tragic scene, Madge and Jo were kneeling either side of the Robin who was lying pale, on the ground.

Jem examined her, a tense silence came over the room as he listened for a pulse, then he nodded his grim face and lifted the girl, taking her to the bedroom.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Clare on Jun 17th, 2003, 4:32pm
Madge and Joey looked extremely worried. Madge was torn whether to stay with Joey or go with Jem, for Robin was her responsibility too. The decision was made for her when Jem called for her to fetch some extra blankets. Joey, tied to the chair because of her ankle, bowed her head and started to pray.

Madge returned five minutes later. "Joey" she said quietly. Joey started, she had been so deep in thought she hadn't heard her sister enter the room. "Is it all OK Madge?" she asked, her voice quavering. "All serene"  Madge replied. "Robin is sleeping naturally, although she is a little cold. I think she has certainly learned her lesson though, she won't disobey us again". Joey nodded, as she turned back to the window. "Thank God" she murmured.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 17th, 2003, 5:19pm
(i was going to give her pneumonia) >:(

However the cold Robin didn't recover, she steadily got worse, she developed a severe cough and they had to have her sitting up in bed to ease her breathing, Joey had been helped upstairs so she could be with the robin. It was agony for Jo to watch the Robin srtuggle for breath and she was never far from tears.The Robin didn't look beautiful but wight and gaunt, her balck curls were sticky around her face. Two days  after Robin had fainted jem spoke to the two women,
'Medically there is nothing i can do.' Jem said, watching the womens faces with caution, 'If she gets well we need the fever to break and the horrible weaxing to stop..' The wise o knew what Jem was going to ask so she broke into song singing the Red Sarafan. Her voice had such wonderful tone and quality that even Madge and Jem were captivated by her and not the sick child, they din't notice the Robin stir...

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 18th, 2003, 10:05am
(are you trying to kill EVERYONE???????? lol)

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 18th, 2003, 10:15am does seem that way! I wasn't going to KILL Robin, just make her even more frail! Perhaps i should seek men in white coats to cure me of my dramatics!

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 19th, 2003, 2:00pm
(oooooooh so thats how your going to get your doctor Marianne!!!!!!)

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 19th, 2003, 3:54pm
Well i was hoping i could getadmitted to the same hospital as Eric from ER (if he was still at one of course) and bump into Carter - promtly seducing him!

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Susan on Jun 20th, 2003, 1:59pm
Didn't he (Eric) crash his plane this week?

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 20th, 2003, 2:36pm
yeah, thats why i said, 'if he was still there!'

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 21st, 2003, 2:36am
(so we really need another drabble where the CS girl Marianne meets John Carter and effectively steals him from Abi?"

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 21st, 2003, 4:35pm
oooooooooooo that fantasie!

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 24th, 2003, 2:57pm
A loud noise sounded came from outside the Sonnalpe the next day. Joey rushed to look out the window, and a minute later returned to help Robin from the cot. "Robin, come quickly!" she cried.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by edith on Jun 24th, 2003, 3:07pm
"What is it?" the little girl asked?
A lorry was parked outside, the doors were openeda nd a bed was taken out?
"Who's got a new bed?" Robin asked. "Is there someone new living here?"
"No Rob it's for you!"
"For me?" Robin flushed, "Oh Zoe how wonderful! Just what I've always wanted!"

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Sioned on Jun 24th, 2003, 9:27pm
She gleefully clapped her hands and skipped off downstairs with Joey to see the new bed. On seeing Jem she threw her arms around him, saying "Thank you! Thank you!", with such rapture that Jem knew he had made the right decision in allowing the girl to grow up a little bit.

However, that night when Jem and Madge were enjoying some rare quiet reading time before bed, a large THUD broke the peace.
"What on earth was that?" asked Madge, but even as she spoke she heard footsteps running downstairs. Robin entered, looking very much the little girl with tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Tante Marguerite...I fell out of my new bed."

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Aletea on Jun 24th, 2003, 10:16pm
LMAO! I can picture it now! ;D

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 25th, 2003, 12:43am
Madge held the young girl tightly until she stopped crying as Jem contemplated what they should do. "Don't worry about it young Rob" he began. Robin looked up hopefully, knowing that Jem would find a solution so that she could keep her bed.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 25th, 2003, 9:20am
'if you sleep in your old cot for tonight, i will get someone to fix a bar on your new bed tomorrow, so you can't fall out!'

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Clare on Jun 25th, 2003, 10:09am
"But that would just make my new bed a cot" Robin pointed out, her lower lip trembling.
"No it won't Rob" said Jem. "The bar will be so low it will only prevent you from rolling out of your bed in your sleep. You'll be able to get in and out of bed easily enough otherwise."
Robin still didn't look convinced.
"Tell you what Robin", Jem said as he pulled her on to his knees. "You can watch the man doing the job, and then you and Joey can practice getting in and out of your new bed".

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 25th, 2003, 10:14am
'Right, Oncle Jem, thankyou.' The small child left the room and Madge siged, 'oh, Jem, why has the Robin suddenly become a difficult child?'

Title: Re: Robin
Post by edith on Jun 26th, 2003, 10:25am
She's growing up, tahts all I can think of, we've treated her as a child for far too long.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 26th, 2003, 1:25pm
Madge reluctantly agreed with Jem and soon their was silence in the house apart from occasional snorts from Jem.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Ally on Jun 26th, 2003, 3:59pm
Mercifully there were no more disruptions that night, and the next day Robin and Joey watched as the bar was fitted.  Then they both had great fun rolling on and off the bed testing the bar.  Though problems came when Robin, trying to see she she could squeeze under the bar, got stuck.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 26th, 2003, 11:04pm

The Robinsoo became hysterical, s did Joey for neither were famed or their steady nerves soon they began to sceam and below. But nobody was home...

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 28th, 2003, 2:18am
By now the Robin was struggling with her breathing she was getting so overcome by her sobs and hysteria. Jo had to think quickly, and a minute later saw her tearing down the pathway in search of help.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 28th, 2003, 12:10pm
She bumped into a youngmancalled rudolf from the village who was running an errand for his large family however the community spirit of the region allowed him to race home and fetch his tools to help the young ladies.

When Joey returned to Robin she had fainted, her breathing was shallow and she had become sweaty and panicked, thus Joey was worried and offered a silen prayer up to the skies.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 28th, 2003, 3:04pm
Her prayers were soon answered as Rudolf arrived at the house accompanied by his older brother Luis. The two young men worked speedily to free the Robin and soon she lay recovering from her ordeal. Jo was in the middle of thanking Rudolf and Luis for their help when Madge returned. "Jo, what is it?" she asked as she saw Jo's pale face. "Oh Madge" cried Jo flinging herself into the arms of her beloved sister. "I was so worried about Rob, my prayers were answered though and she is fine. I'm so glad to see you though".

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jun 29th, 2003, 8:28pm
'Oh for goodness sake JO! Your not a child anymore, i'm sick to death ofyou behaving like one! Rolling in and ot of bed all day, i'm not surprised Robin didn't get hurt earlier NOW LEAVE, get out, get out, get OUT!'

Title: Re: Robin
Post by austriaamy on Jun 29th, 2003, 10:43pm
Jo stared at Madge open mouthed. Madge repeated her words. "Get out!" Jo was about to go out of her room when Jem walked in. Madge started sobbing incontrollably.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 30th, 2003, 12:06am
Jem reached over and hugged his wife. He had heard the shouting as he walked up the house and realised that Madge was overwrought by anxiety and didn't actually mean the words she had spoken to Jo. "Right. To bed with you I think" said Jem. "Oh must I" replied Madge as her sobs turned into hiccups.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Clare on Jun 30th, 2003, 1:21pm
Jem looked at his wife who was flushed and unlike her usual calm self. He realised that she needed to be calmed down, in the only way he knew. He left the room, and headed for the kitchen where he heated up a glass of milk. He could hear Joey crying stormily in the bathroom, so he heated up another glass of milk, and slipped a little something into the glasses.

He tracked down Madge in Robin's bedroom first of all. The Robin was sleeping naturally, her lashes damp after her crying. He gently prised Madge away from the child and drew her out of the room. He steered her to their pretty bedroom and sat her down on the end of the bed. "Drink this" he ordered. Madge took the glass and drained it. "Oh Jem," she said. "I never meant to shout at Joey, it's just the Robin.."
"I know" said Jem, as he drew a blanket around his wife's shoulders. "I'll go and find her shall I?" Madge nodded as her eyes closed. His dose was taking effect. Jem stood up and headed for the bathroom holding the other glass of milk. "Joey" he called through the door, "come here".

Title: Re: Robin
Post by ariella on Jun 30th, 2003, 1:37pm
"Come and kiss Madge goodnight and makeup with each other. Then drink this and get some sleep" he said as he handed Joey the glass of hot milk. Jo began to protest. Then seeing the look in Jems eyes did as he bid.

"Madge, I'm sorry" said Joey as she entered the room.

"Oh Jo, it is I who am sorry. Just be more careful next time please and we shall say no more of this" with this Madge hugged her younger sister.

Jo hurried back to her room and still in obedience swallowed down the drink she detested. Soon she was sleeping peacefully. The days events forgotten for now.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Kathryn on Jun 30th, 2003, 11:48pm
Exhausted as she was from her outburst the Robin did not sleep peacefully that night. Instead she woke and was wondering how she could be at ease knowing that she could get caught again under the rail. She thought that by staying awake she could avoid that. But, wasn't that something a kid would do, she wondered. 'I want the others to treat me like a young girl, not a child. I'd better act like one then. With that she sat up and examined the rail. Although nailed on, it wasn't too tight, with the expectation that in the future it would be removed. Robin decided that the future was now. She would sleep successfully in this bed without the rail. With that she started pulling at it...

(I thought it was time that Robin starting acting like the person she wanted to be, but there still remains that element of not fully thinking thru her actions, a la Primose and Prudence on the Island only taking some of their food from the open cupboard but leaving the sweets because Matey trusted the students with the broken cupboard.)

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jul 1st, 2003, 4:21pm
Robin pulled and pulled and gradually the nals became looser and looser, with grea delight Robin was able to set her new bed free from the constraints of the saftey rail, she laid the rail on the floor, roled over and went to sleep.

Title: Re: Robin
Post by edith on Jul 2nd, 2003, 10:45am
The next day Joey came in to find the Robin fast asleep in her bed, the dreaded rail flung in the corner of the room.
"She's stronger than we thought," she muttered for the rail had been tightly nailed in!

Title: Re: Robin
Post by Marianne on Jul 2nd, 2003, 2:11pm
Jo fetched her sister and her brother in law, both were flabbergasted as to how the deilcate girl could have pulled the bar so efficiently from her bed.

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