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(Message started by: Lesley on Jun 30th, 2003, 12:39pm)

Title: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lesley on Jun 30th, 2003, 12:39pm
(As we've discussed this in other posts I thought the next step was a drabble - suppose Betty was killed in The CS Triplets? I'll start us off but please feel free to continue - remember the title though - no excuses, this time Margot has gone too far!)

'Betty lay white and still, with shut eyes. When Len changed the sponges, the blood seemed to Margot to be pouring and she felt sick. Then as she watched the blood slowed to a trickle and stopped. Matron Henschell arrived just as Len was attempting to feel for a pulse, and she pushed Len aside, her fingers going unerringly to the point on the neck for the carotid pulse. Her face whitened and she turned to Len 'Fetch your father, quickly!'

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Clare on Jun 30th, 2003, 1:26pm
Len jumped up, and without even looking at her sister, sprinted from the room, running down the stairs two at a time. Margot shrieked, and then went very pale. "Barbabra" she began, but Matron Henschell cut her off. "I don't want to hear it Margot. I want you and Alicia to get me my first aid kit and a stretcher. Both are in my room. Hurry now, both of you." She turned back to her patient.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jun 30th, 2003, 1:45pm
Barbara Henschell was an old student of the school. In all her years there no-one had ever died while at the school and she hoped that what she feared for Betty wouldn't happen now. There seemed to be a very faint pulse. If only Jack would arrive quickly and the ambulance - at this thought Barbara started. She had forgotten to ask one of the girls to call the ambulance. Jack would assume one had been called.

By this time Nancy Wilmot had arrived on the scene. Nancy had seen Len rush past her without stopping and had come to investigate what was happening. Barbara sighed in relief as she asked Nancy to run and phone an ambulance. Another glance at Betty's face told Barbara what she feared most.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Kathryn on Jun 30th, 2003, 11:40pm
Margot and Alicia rushed back in with the stretcher and first aid kit. Nancy turned to them and said 'Do either of you know what happened?' Alicia shook her head slowly but there was an quick glance to her left where Margot was standing. Nancy noticed this but let Margot speak, if she could. Margot, looking very white, gasped, 'I'm so was my devil. He...' Before she could finish Nancy snapped at her, 'Mary Margaret Maynard you are sixteen, act your age! I don't want to hear any more. Go to the Head's study and wait for her there. Alicia, go with her.' Although she had not said anything, by asking Alicia to accompany Margot to the study implied that Miss Wilmot did not trust the youngest triplet. And maybe she was right because at this time, Margot was quaking in her shoes and wondering how on earth she could get out of this situation.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 1st, 2003, 4:27pm
Margot and Alicia sat in scilence, neither daring to ope their mouthes or breath too loudly. Margot felt she couldn't do these thigs because she considred that if she opene hermouth she would surley vomit and Alicia felt sure she would fly intoa rage at Margot, se simply couldn't beleive a fellow 16 year old could be so stupid. The pair then sat in wait for the headmistress...

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 1st, 2003, 5:15pm
Minutes later, Miss Dene appeared, having been summoned to the scene of Betty's accident by Miss Wilmot and in full possession of all the facts. The mistresses had agreed that the Head must contact the Landons immediately before turning her attention to the aftermath of what was surely the gravest situation yet to occur at the Chalet School
"Thank you, Alicia, that will be all. Matron would like to see you in her office - please go there, now. I need hardly warn you that you must say nothing at all to anyone"
"Yes, Miss Dene" whispered Alicia, thankful that her part in the tragedy was negligble and relieved to be out of Margot's presence.
Margot glanced up at the school secretary, terror in her eyes and a half-formed question on her lips.
"No, Margot. I am not at liberty to discuss the situation with you - we must wait for Miss Annersley to join us. Come with me." Rosalie opened the door of the study and ushered the shaking Margot into a chair in front of the desk. Shocked as she was by what she had elicited from her colleagues, Rosalie was human in the face of such naked fear and she brought Margot a glass of cold water, urging her to drink it. She then retreated into her own office, emerged with some of the never-ending correespondence which was such a requisite part of her duties and attended to her letters, leaving Margot to contemplate the consequences of her actions.

Miss Annersley, meanwhile was replacing the phone in the staff room having had the most difficult conversation any Head could expect to have with a parent. The Landons had been informed that their daughter was unconscious and was being transferred to intensive care at the great Sanatorium on the Gornetz Platz. Whilst she clung to life by a thread, it was feared that she was brain dead. The Landons were taking the first available flight out of the UK but the doctors tacitly agreed that they would be coming only to bid farewell to their one and only child. Thankfully Jack Maynard had been unavailable to attend the scene at the school and the Head now issued instructions for Jack & Joey to be called to the school without delay.

As she strode to her study, Hilda Annersely offered up a swift voiceless prayer for the wisdom to choose the right words as she made haste to confront the one pupil who had consistently caused problem after problem throughout her education and who even now, appeared to have been failed by the very school who recognised her mother as its very first pupil and her aunt as its founder.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Clare on Jul 1st, 2003, 8:51pm
"Mary Margaret Maynard" the Head's voice intoned. Margot started, spilling half of the water down her front. She had never heard the Head use those tones before. Quakingly she stood up, and Miss Annersley pointed her into her office. "Please ensure that we are not disturbed Miss Dene. If Mr and Mrs Maynard arrive, please keep them here until I am ready for them." Rosalie Dene nodded, her eyes wide. Since when did Miss Annersley refer to Joey as Mrs Maynard? Margot also heard this instruction, and her heart plummeted further. She was in serious trouble. Serious, serious trouble.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lesley on Jul 1st, 2003, 10:29pm
Miss Annersley raised a silent prayer as she followed Margot into the office. She sat at her desk and indicated that Margot should sit in front of her. Before she was able to say a word, the telephone rang, she lifted the receiver and listened to the person on the other end. As she replaced the receiver she felt that her worst fears had been realised - Betty Landon had been pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Sioned on Jul 1st, 2003, 11:51pm
"I hope you realise the enormity of what you have done Margot." the Head said quietly. Margot felt as though she would rather be shouted at, shaken...anything but see Miss Annersley's expression so disappointed and drawn. "Betty has died."
Margot gave a cry and  put a shaking hand to her mouth. She couldn't believe it. Tears began streaming down her cheeks and she did nothing to check them. Miss Annersley's face, however, remained cold. She did not even offer a clean handkerchief, something which Margot had come to expect when crying in the Head's presence.
"Why are you crying Margot? Is it because Betty is dead, or is it because it is you who killed her?"

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 2nd, 2003, 12:54am
"Be - because Betty is dead ... of course" Margot's tears came uncontrollably.

Inwardly the Head was relieved at this news, yet she showed nothing of her relief in her face. Nothing in all her years as Head, and her previous years in teaching had quite prepared her for the situation she faced now. That it was one of Jo's girls made it harder still, yet what Margot had done could not be looked over.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Susan on Jul 2nd, 2003, 1:03am
'I dd.d.dd..didn't,' sobbed Margot.  'It was my d....'.

The Head broke in before Margot could say any more, her voice that never needed to be raised contained more ice than Margot had ever heard before. 'Stop that. Your are too old and this is too serious to blame on your devil.'

What could she say, wondered Miss Annersley to make the girl realise the enormity of what she had done, the one person the school usually called on to help was the last person that could be called on this time, Margot's own mother!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 2nd, 2003, 6:43am
Yet it was Joey who now flung the door of Miss Annersleys office open and flew in the room without remembering to knock. Completely ignoring Hilda Annersley, Jo turned to her daughter and what she saw there melted her heart completed. The news Rosalie Dene had given her had in no way prepared her for how she would react. Jack had refused to come, his anger with his youngest daughter had frozen him for the moment. Jo knew that he would come round eventually, although it may take time. As for her, she ached with the enormity of what her child had done. She knew all it might mean, however all she could think now was that her daughter needed her. Needed to know that whatever had happened and would come, she was still loved and that they would work through this together. Gathering Margot into her arms, Jo hugged her daughter tightly wondering what would happen next.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 2nd, 2003, 11:14am
Raising her head above Margot's red-gold curls, Joey looked questioningly at the Head. What she saw in those steel blue eyes confirmed her worst fears. There could be no future for Margot within the school.
"Margot", the Head's cool tones broke into the oppressive silence that had fallen in the study. "Please explain exactly what happened between yourself and Betty."
Margot faltered through her story, this time without blaming her devil and taking full responsibility for her temper and its terrible consequence. As she related how Betty had fallen, her voice stumbled and she drew to a halt. Unable to continue, the sheer scale of the tragedy had begun to sink in and she was rendered speechless.
Stung by the pain of her daughter, Joey was unable to do more than clutch her tighter, willing her own strength to pass to the pitiful object beside her. Never had she seen any of her children so broken and she felt that her heart might burst with the elemental forces of sorrow and anguish pounding through her.
"Thank you, Margot." Once again the Head's cool tones broke through the calm of the study. "You understand of course, that we can not keep you here. You have told me, quite clearly, that in a fit of temper, you picked up a heavy object and threw it purposefully at another girl, with the intent to harm her. Tragically, this action has resulted in the other girl's death. You leave me no option, Margot. I can not sanction such behaviour and I can not allow you to remain on the school premises. I have the safety and welfare of my other pupils to consider. You may consider yourself expelled with immediate effect and you must leave with your mother at once. We will arrange to pack your things and send them over to Freudesheim. You should also consider that the Landons would be well within their rights to press charges against you so this may not be the end of the matter. I suggest that you spend the next few days in serious contemplation. You must talk to your parents and you must ask God for assistance. If you are willing to listen, He may be able to help you through this ...."
Margot's fair head had drooped throughout the Head's speech but she now straightened herself and raised her eyes to meet those of her brevet aunt.
"I ... I understand. I ... I'm truly sorry, Miss Annersley, really I am. I will pray for help ... and .... and I'll pray for B... Betty and her parents as well. I'll do whatever it takes to show that I'm sorry and to ... " Margot faltered once more, as she realised her words seemed so futile ".. and to try to make things better."
Joey Maynard hugged her daughter again and helped her to her feet to leave the Chalet School for the last time. Glancing back at her friend, the two women nodded at each other, the depth of their own emotional attachment able to convey what words could never capture. As mother and daughter left the study, Hilda Annersley moved across to the window staring with unseeing eyes at the beautiful mountains before her. She knew that there had been no alternative. She had done the right thing and she would be supported by the staff and even the Maynards in her actions but for now these thoughts could not relieve her pain. Her beloved school, in which she had invested so much of herself in time and energy, had failed both Margot Maynard and Betty Landon. There would be serious repercussions, she knew, and she prayed hard that they would all have the wisdom and fortitude to overcome them.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Clare on Jul 2nd, 2003, 11:42am
*Ooh, you're good Rachael!!*

Rosalie Dene crept into the study after Joey and Margot had left. She placed down a steaming cup of coffee laced with brandy on the table. "Miss Annersley" she said timidly. Miss Annersley did not move from the window, and her back was particularly forbidding. She dismissed Rosalie with a curt "fetch Matron please, and ask all the girls to be sent to the hall. I will address them there".

Rosalie fled to fetch Matron. When she had told Matron how the head had behaved, Matron told her to fetch the girls to the hall, and then to send for Miss Wilson. Rosalie nodded, and proceeded to each of the form rooms. Matron headed straight for the study where she found the Head still staring out of the window.

"Hilda Annersley, if you are going to address the school you need to get ready" Matron said crisply holding out her MA robes.

"Betty has died. I've expelled Margot Maynard." Miss Annersley said tonelessly. Matron picked up the coffee and took it over to the window. "Drink this" she said. "I will inform the staff, and then I will take you to the hall to inform the girls. Then you are having a rest, and I will not take no for an answer."

"Betty's parents?" Miss Annersley said in a dull voice after she downed the coffee in one gulp.

"Cross one bridge at a time" Matey advised. "I've sent for Nell Wilson, she will support you".

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 2nd, 2003, 2:00pm
Rachael, you are amazing!

The headmistress followed the Matrons orders with all the dignity she could muster, her good friend Nell arrived to support the headmistress in her hour of need. Silently they walked to the hall where the girls were sitting whispering in hushed tones until Hilda walked on to the stage  andstood, elegantly observing her school, she caught the eye of Helena Maynard, Hilda knew she had communicated something terrbile to the child and saw Lens eyes fill with tears.

Hilda began he address and asked God silently for help as she tried to communicate the most terrible event, ever to occur at her school. 'Today, a most tragic and terrible event occured, Betty, who most of you knew and liked was tragically killed.' Hilda paused to allow the sobbes of shock to subside, an then continued. 'I wish with all my heart i did not have to tell you who the culprit was, but you will soon know. Today i was pressed to expelle Mary Margret Maynard, fr it was her temper that resulted in another girls death. Now, out of respect for Helena and Constance i do not wish any of my girls to dicsuss the event, if you indeed feel the need to talk about it further, i shall be available in my office, after tomorrow.' By this time many of the girls were crying silent tears but Len and Con stared coldly forwards gripping each others hands, ' If the form mistress woul take her fom an instuct them in quiet activities i would be most greatfull. Helena and Constance will you come with me.'

The remaining triplets followed the head out of the hall, ignoring stares from the rest of the school.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 2nd, 2003, 2:31pm
The Head nodded and sank into her chair, holding her head in her hands. Matey slipped through the door and hurried to the staffroom where the mistresses were gathered, anxious to know what could possible precipitate such a summons at this time of day. Matey was brief, almost to the point of being terse, although those who knew her best recognised that she was struggling to hold her emotions. As one, they registered shock and horror that such episode could occur within their school. There were many questions to be asked but they recognised that their first duty was to the girls who would need ongoing support in order to fully absorb and cope with this news.

In the Head's study, Nell Wilson had arrived to see her closest friend seated ashen-faced at the desk. Rosalie had given her as many details as she could, including Hilda's state of shock, but Nell was still alarmed at her partner's demeanour. Hastening to Hilda's side, she caught her in a warm embrace, exclaiming
"Oh Hilda, darling, we'll get through this, I promise we will. You've had a terrible time of it, I can see, but you won't handle this alone. I'm here now and we'll face it together"
Hilda Annersley felt a wave of relief wash over her. She and Nell had come through so many alarms and excursions over the years. They had been a constant source of support  and encouragement to each other and she knew that Nell Wilson was the one person she could trust in this hour of need.
"Thank you, Nell. You don't know what that means to me ... just having you here is giving me extra strength. You're a true friend"

The two colleagues quickly discussed how to break the news to the girls. Both realised that the full story would be extremely distressing for their charges but to deny them the facts would leave scope for rumour and speculation. It was decided that the Juniors would be spared any details other than the bare facts but those in the Middle and Senior School must be told the whole truth. The school had been founded on values which nurtured its pupils into becoming strong, capable women, not spineless jellyfish, and it was important that this tradition was preserved.

A hush fell across the Hall as Miss Annersley and Miss Wilson, flanked by the staff, entered the room. Matey had anticpated that the Juniors would be informed separately and they had been hustled back to their own class rooms with their form mistresses. Alicia Leonard was safely tucked up in the San, having been treated for shock.  Miss Wilmot had sent for Con Maynard and now remained with her and Len until such time as Joey could send for them. The Middles and Seniors looked at the dais expectantly. One or two of the observant ones had noticed that Betty, Alicia and the Trips were missing, as was Matron Henschall. Was it something to do with them? They had never seen the Heads look so sombre and those girls with keener insight than the rest suspected that both women were fighting to maintain their composure. But even as they conjectured as to what might be the cause of this assembly, Miss Annersley had stepped forward to the lectern.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 2nd, 2003, 2:36pm
(sorry - mine's muddled with Marianne's!! Probably best to read mine first and ignore my bit about pulling Len and Con out ....
And thanks for the flowers, M & C!!)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Susan on Jul 3rd, 2003, 11:48am
Rachael this is brilliant.  It reads like one of the books.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 3rd, 2003, 12:53pm
Och! i bow down to the authoress that i rachael! ;D

My reply thats before should really be after!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Clare on Jul 3rd, 2003, 1:41pm
(Continuing from Marianne's bit)

Len and Con gripped each others hands as they walked down the corridor to Miss Annersley's office. They tapped on the door, and were bidden to enter by Miss Wilson. "Auntie Nell!" Len exlaimed. Miss Wilson nodded briskly and indicated that she and Con should sit down. "You don't think I could have left Auntie Hilda to cope on her own do you?" she asked them gently, placing two cups of milky coffee on the table. "Auntie Hilda will be here in a minute and then we'll talk".
Con, who had thus far remained silent, could not contain herself any longer. "Margot killed Betty didn't she? What on earth is going to happen to her?" she cried.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 3rd, 2003, 2:12pm
(Thanks - this story, or the characters therein, is speaking to me so with many apologies to Marianne, here's another version of what the Head may have said - I just think she would have made a longer speech with an impromptu prayer and that Len & Con would have been whisked away out of the public eye so apologies for the bits where it doesn't quite fit)

"Girls", she began, but that beautiful voice which could usually reach the farthest corner of any room was barely audible, such was the strain on the Head. Clearing her throat she tried again, conscious that Nell Wilson was standing next to her, willing her to find the inner strength. Placing her faith at the highest level she addressed the school, trusting that somehow God would guide her to the right words. At this second attempt, her prayers were answered. Her poise returned and she was able to address the school with quiet but compelling courage.
"Girls, you must be wondering why we have called you out of your lessons like this. We felt it was important to gather you all here together because we have some terrible news regarding one of our pupils. It grieves me deeply to have to tell you that a few minutes ago, I was informed by the doctors at the San that, although they have done everything they could, Betty Landon has died from a serious head injury."
Shock waves reverberated around the room and there were several gasps of horror as the girls tried to assimilate this appalling news. But the Head was continuing, determined to give them the truth because they must not be shielded from the full horror of what had happened.
"Tragically, Betty's death could have been avoided if one of our own girls had not lost her temper in a fit of rage. During an argument, a heavy bookend was flung at Betty, hitting her on her temple and causing irreparable damage to the brain. That this action occurred in the heat of the moment, I have no doubt, but it was an accident that would never have happened had this girl displayed more self-control. Therefore, it is my sad duty to inform you that the girl involved was Margot Maynard and we have had no option but to expel her from the school."
More gasps of horror, mingled with disbelief, circled the room. Most of the girls appeared too shocked to react but silent tears were falling down the faces of others. Once again the Head continued.
"Girls, we must not forget that in the midst of our own sorrow, there are others who have a greater grief - Betty's parents, who are travelling over from England as I speak, Betty's great friend, Alicia who is extremely distressed after witnessing the accident and Margot Maynard, herself, and her family who must now come to terms with these events. In spite of our different faiths, I am asking you all to join me now in prayer, after which we will have a two minute silence for you to offer up your own thoughts and prayers."
Not since the days of the Chalet School Peace League had staff and pupils from both Catholic and Protestant faiths joined together in this way, but the school knelt en masse, fortified in spirit by this unity.
"Father, we ask you today to hear our prayer. We ask you to pray for Betty Landon who joins you in Heaven and we ask you to care for her as she leaves behind her family and friends. We ask you to give Betty's parents the strength to grieve for their daughter and to face their lives without her. We also ask you to bring courage and hope to Betty's friends and we ask you to help Margot Maynard and her family through this terrible time" Miss Annersley then led the Protestants in the Lord's Prayer and Miss Wilson followed suit with "Hail Mary" for the Catholics. During the ensuing silence, each girl reflected on the Head's words and offered up her own voiceless prayers.
As the girls and staff returned to their seats, the Head had some final words to impart.
"This is an exceptionally difficult time for us all and I expect that we will react to our loss in different ways and will need to mourn in different ways. I am asking all of you to put others before yourselves in these last few weeks before the end of term. Be flexible, be supportive and be kind to one another. I know I do not need to ask you to keep Betty and her family in your prayers but I am also asking you to pray for Margot and her family. Whilst we are all horrified by her actions, I would ask you all to consider carefully whether you can honestly say that you have never been close to losing your temper or causing a similar accident. Or have ever had cause to think to yourself ‘there but for the grace of God, go I’. Margot may not be rejoining the school but we would be failing her if we did not offer her support at this time – I trust that I have your goodwill in this. Now, please return to your classrooms where you will be joined shortly by your form mistress.”
Miss Annersley left the dais and returned to her study where she knew the more pressing problem of Margot’s sisters remained.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 3rd, 2003, 3:08pm
(Wow! thats much,much better than mine, lets continue frm that! I hope you don't mind clare if i just carry on from that bit, its much easier!)

Soon Len and Con were sitting in the head office gripping each others hands tightly, Con was sitting starring at her lap, silet tears falling down her sensitve face. Len on the other side was coldly starring atthe wall directly infrontof her, not trusting herself to speak, she felt sure she would not be able to control the anger she felt towards her sister.

The sorry pair did not have to wat long for soon Miss Annersley walked in with her friend, Miss Wilson. Con looked up, 'Aunty Nell,' she uttered, not attempting to contain her greif.
Miss Wilson saw that Con needed her and wrapped her arms around her saying, 'Its alright now Con, listen to Miss Annersley, she wants to talk to you.' Con understood and looked up at the dignified and gref sticken head teacher.

Hilda surveyed the two girls and wondered how their triplet ould be so different from them, Lens merciless expression confused her but she didn't show it. 'you two girls know that Margot's actions killed Betty Landon...'  she began, in gentle tones. 'I know you feel outraged and scared now but in time your wounds will heal, you will recover and accept the loss of your peer. Margot on the other hand will have very hard times ahead, at the momet she will hate herself, you must forgive her and pray that God can forgive her.'

This last remark had stirred something int he stoney looking face of Len, her lower lip began to tremble,' Oh Aunty Hilda, i can't believe my sister is a killer, how ill she forgive herself? How will i forgive her? How ill the Landons for give her? How will God forgive her? Its just too horrible!' cried Len who was now sobbing greivously. The headmistress looked into the young girls face and marvelled at the mature sentiments,
'Len, in time, if you ask God hard enough, i don't doubt you will forgive her, reach into your heart child, and find a way, for you will give Margot more comfort than you will ever know.'

Hilda paused for a moment to allow the crying pair to recover themselves, 'Now come to Matron, have a lie down and a drink and soon i want you to go and see your mama and Margot.' The pair obeyed and filed out of the room with Miss wilson.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 3rd, 2003, 5:12pm
Back at Freudesheim, Margot had requested to be left on her own. Loath to leave her, Joey had acquiesced, sensing with a mother’s eyes that Margot needed time to comprehend the day’s events for herself before discussing them with her parents. She now joined her husband in the salon, conscious that Jack Maynard was fighting his own demons in his struggle to comprehend the enormity of his daughter’s conduct. Jack moved restlessly round the room, one minute pacing like a caged tiger and the next sitting dumbly with his head in his hands. Recognising a soul in torment, Joey realised that on this occasion she must be strong for both of them. She had never been fully informed of the time when Margot had disgraced herself over Ted Grantley and Emerence’s clock but she had observed that Jack had been so disgusted by the youngest triplet’s behaviour that he had barely spoken to her for weeks. Surely this was worse …. and if so would Jack ever be able to forgive his daughter?

Gathering her senses, Joey caught Jack mid-pace, embracing him with a bear hug designed to convey both her affection for him and to transfer some of her own maternal instinct that Margot must be loved and supported at all costs. Thankfully, Jack responded by returning the hug and Joey led him to the table, pushing him gently into a chair next to her own.
“We need to agree on our method of handling this” she began, catching one of Jack’s hands in her own.
“I know, darling … you’re right but I just don’t know that I’m ready to deal with it. I’m frightened by my own feelings … my anger …. I’m a doctor … I’ve taken the Hippocratic oath, swearing to help those in need of medical attention and yet my own daughter is the direct cause of another girl’s death …. I … I just can’t take it in … and I’m scared that I won’t be able to face her … that I can’t even look at her, never mind talk to her ….” Jack groaned with frustration, overwhelmed by his conflicting emotions.
“Jack, listen to me” implored Joey, moving round the table to rest on her knees before him. “Margot is our daughter, our blood, our baby. Whatever she has done, we still love her and we have a responsibility to help her through this … remember when they were born, we made a promise to ourselves as parents that we would fight for them through thick and thin, no matter what they did or how they turned out …”
“But this?” Jack’s eyes revealed a desperate man.
“Even this.” Joey was firm. “It can’t get any worse than this and Margot is devastated. She doesn’t know what to think or say or do. We have to help her otherwise we’re failing her as parents. And we can only help her by being united and that means agreeing our approach and sticking to it. It’s difficult Jack, I know, the toughest thing we’ve had to face but I know we can do it. I just wish we could speak to Madge and Jem… we badly need some advice …”

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Kathryn on Jul 3rd, 2003, 11:32pm
Wow. Keep it going, It is fantastic all of you.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Clare on Jul 4th, 2003, 11:56am
Margot had headed straight for her bedroom where she sank by the window, clutching her rosary beads. She stared unseeinly at the beautiful panorama before her. Margot was finding it difficult to breathe, it was as though the world had crashed around her. She gripped her rosary tightly and did not feel the crucifix cut into her skin. She could not fully absorb the events of the last two hours. Margot was fully aware that Betty had died and that she was now expelled from school. What were her triplets thinking? A sudden image flashed into her head - Len sprinting from the room and Alicia's accusing, horrified stare. Margot gave a little gasp and put her head in her hands. She wanted to cry, but the tears would not come.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 4th, 2003, 12:14pm
(I'm not going to write this, and I'm REALLY not suggesting it, but does anyone think Margot would be weak enough to kill herself at that moment?)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Clare on Jul 4th, 2003, 12:17pm
(No, I don't think she will. She would realise it would be too much for her family to bear, and she wouldn't ruin the lives of her sisters. At her lowest moment, she'll discover God and swear to herself that she will dedicate her life to Him.)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 4th, 2003, 1:02pm
(I agree - I can see her contemplating it but not for long - there will be a lot of soul-searching but I think input from her mother and sisters will help her and as Clare says, it will be the turning point for her decision to serve God - then there will be more angst as she tries to determine whether that choice is as a penance, which would be a poor reason, or whether it's the real thing ... oh dear, don't set me off again! I'm looking forward to more details on Jack's coping mechanism .. after not speaking to her for the weeks following the Ted debacle, I'm intrigued as to how he'll find the wherewithal to cope with this one - blackmail kind of pales into significance!!)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 4th, 2003, 4:21pm
It felt like an age to Margot as she sat alone in her room battling with her conscience, she felt bereft because a young girl whom she knew,  had died but this feeling was completely detached from her feelings of absolute guilt. There were so many thoughts swimming around in her mind that she felt she would surely explode, she considered fr a short time ending her own life but she realised that would be another terrible sin.

Meanwhile Jack had received a school askin him to collect his two other daughters, he was greatl releived becuase it put off the moment he would have to see his guilty daughter. Jack left the house and travelled as slowly as he could to the school where he was greeted on the doorstep by Len and Con. Len's face had returned to its stony expression and it sudely struck Jack that his eldest daughter was more like him than he realised.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 4th, 2003, 10:13pm
(Great observation about Len, Marianne. You're right, she's very like Jack.)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Raya on Jul 4th, 2003, 10:46pm
As Jack turned over possible openings in his mind, he realised he had no words with which to broach the current situation with his daughters.  Con, all too clearly struggling to hold back tears that were still close to the surface, could not be burdened with any hint of her father's real feelings on the matter.  Len, on the other hand, would not be put off with calming reassurances.  In the past, they had often made light of lesser troubles by treating them as a joke or an adventure -- even that long-ago, nightmare flight from the Nazis had had its moments of comedy, and Jack sometimes even looked back on it fondly as it had marked the blossoming of his relationship with his wife-to-be.  This time, though, the crime and its conseuqneces were too serious.  There could be no refuge in jokes, and, as Hilda Annersley had wisely predicted, it would be at once supremely necessary and supremely difficult to find a way to forgive Margot for what she had done.

Not trusting himself to find the right words, Jack contented himself with hugging each of the innocent triplets in turn, and then turning their collective steps, with a reassuring squeeze to each girl's shoulder, back towards the inappositely-named Freudesheim.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 5th, 2003, 5:15am
"I don't want to see Margot" announced Len as they met Jo at the door of their house.

Con turned in amazement to look at her sister. "You can't mean that Len. Margot needs us. We've always been there for her - I mean for each other'. Con looked searchingly at her sister and gasped at what she found there. The look in her eyes and the firm stance of Len's chin convinced Con not to push the issue.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 5th, 2003, 11:54am
Jack heard the announcment and grabbed his eldest daughters hand, Joey had entered the hall to greet her other two daughters but she did not find as she expected; she wanted to see forgivness in their eyes but all she found was a destraught Con and an angry Len.
'Joey,' began Jack gentley, 'Take Con upstairs now, i think len needs a litte more time...'Joey understood at once, her nack that had been with her since her school days of getting in other peoples skin, made her understand all their feelings. She cast a stony look at hr husband, but never once looked at Len.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Raya on Jul 5th, 2003, 10:27pm
(Poor old Jack!)

Jack took Len gently by the arm and led her to the comfy old settee in the living-room.  With a swift, silent prayer for aid, he began the necessary discussion with his eldest daughter as best he knew how.

"Len," he said, gently, "I know how angry you must be with your sister.  Believe me, I do know, and I understand.  You see, I've been furious myself.  I'm not sure, even now, that I have my own anger fully under control.  Oh, don't worry!  I'm not likely to start--er--" (he had been going to say, "flinging around the crockery," but stopped himself just in time on the realization that that image steered uncomfortably close to Margot's own actions under the influence of temper) "--er, foaming at the mouth, or anything like that.  But believe, me, both your mother and I realize the full enormity of what Margot has done.  She has taken a life, and in doing so, has broken one of Our Lord's most fundamental commandments for us here on Earth."  Here his voice shook, but he steeled himself and continued, with a forced evenness in his tone that even Len, for all her youth, could perceive.  "Len, there is no doubt whatsoever that Margot must suffer for her actions.  And there is no doubt that she will suffer.  In fact, she is already suffering."

"I knew it!"  Len burst in, with uncustomary rudeness.  Her eyes -- currently the only enlivening feature in her face, which had assumed a mask-like pallor -- crackled with a heretofore unseen and unimagined fire.  "You and Mamma are going to gloss over this just as you always have over Margot's faults!  If you hadn't let her go on with all that nonsense about her devil all these years -- and kept forgiving her and saying that love was stronger than sin, and -- oh, all that! -- then this might never have happened!"

Jack was flummoxed by this, though he had expected something along these lines from Len after seeing her eyes and the pretty, well-cut lips pressed into a thin, straight line.  Gathering his wits about him, he replied calmly. "We are most certainly not going to gloss over this, Len, and you do us a great disservice by thinking so.  But do you argue, then, that love and forgiveness are not stronger than sin?  If so, you run the risk of becoming as great a sinner as Margot -- if not even more so."

As he had hoped, this shocking intelligence had the effect of checking the ready flow of words on Len's lips; his eldest daught looked at him, wide-eyed.  "But Papa -- murder is the worst, the absolute worst imaginable sin.  And more than that, it's a crime -- I mean, what are we going to do?  Surely the police will come here and question us?  And oh, Papa -- will they -- will they take Margot to jail?" Despite her best efforts at self-control, Len's lower lip began to tremble.  Jack took her on his lap as if she were little Cecil and would have let her have her cry out against his shoulder, but this Len's dignity would not allow.  "Oh, Papa -- I am trying not to hate Margot for this, but don't you see that she has ruined all our lives as well as her own?  To say nothing of poor Betty and the Landons," she added, guessing correctly that the next weapon in her father's arsenal would be to point out who bore the real brunt of the misfortune.  "It's not just between us as a family, this time, Papa.  Margot has hurt so many people and she can never make it better.  It's almost -- it's almost as if the sin itself, I mean the sin against God, was the least of the problem -- please don't look at me like that!"  For Jack's own eyes had begun to glow angrily at her last remark.  "I just mean that, of course I understand that from a -- a religious point of view, I mean as a Catholic as well as Margot's sister, what I have to do is try to forgive her.  I don't say that can do it, but I understand that the Bible says I must.  But Papa!  How can I forgive what she has done to the Landons?  How can I forgive a sin against someone else -- and such a grievous one!  And if I forgive her, don't I somehow condone the sin?  And what will people think -- I mean, won't it seem as if I didn't care about Betty at all if I forgive Margot for -- for -- for killing her?  Oh, Papa!  I can't even say it, it sounds so dreadful!  It is dreadful!  Papa, we simply can't forgive her!  How could we?"  And with this, Len, who had worked herself up into a highly emotional state, finally broke down and began to cry, stormily and with no indication that she would ever stop.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 5th, 2003, 11:17pm
(Whew! Raya, you've really got this story sewn up, haven't you? Bravo! Biss!)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 6th, 2003, 12:28am
Jack gently smoothed his eldest daughters hair allowing her to cry herself out until the sobs grew quieter and she rested gently again him. Jack turned his attention again to seeing if any good could come from this day. "Len you know we've always encouraged the three of you to look to God. We haven't pushed because it needs to be your own choice and your own relationship. What I want you to understand is that your own relationship with God is what will help you most at this time, that and supporting one another as a family."

Jack bit his lip as he realised the importance of his words and how they must extend also to his own actions. His anger towards Margot was replaced by a deeper sense of grief as he grieved for the future of each of his girls. "Len you were right before when you said that this was a sin against God. All sin is. Remember though that God is our great forgiver. Whatever has been done when we confess our sin, God is always faithful to forgive us. He asks us to forgive one another of sin also and He will help us to do this. Ask for God's help Len in forgiving Margot, seek His guidance and remember that as much as your mama and I love each of you God loves you so much more."

Len looked up at her father. The wearyness she was feeling becoming evident in her voice. "I do understand all that Papa - at least somewhere inside I do. Only everything else in me still feels all over the place and confused. I love Margot. I just need some more time to think about this first though before I see her. Please understand?" she finished, looking anxiously up at Jack.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 6th, 2003, 12:22pm
'Of course, Len, why don't you take a walk, think about things,but you must see i have to speak to Margot now, because while i am angry, i am still her father and i love her...unconditionally.' Len nodded but heard the pause in his calm and steady speech, she was worried and she still had not reconsilled with her self the knowledge that Margots future was all in the hand of God, the taking of a life was a terrible criminal offence, how would argot get away with that?

Jack left his eldest daughter to her troubled mind and went to see Margot.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Raya on Jul 6th, 2003, 9:03pm
(sorry, didn't mean to go on and on like that!!)

Jack, his handsome face stern in resolve, made his way upstairs to the room Margot had been given for her own just a year or two before.  He tapped lightly on the door and Joey's low, musical voice immediately called from within: "Jack? Is that you?"  

"Me," he replied ungrammatically, opening the door a crack and glancing anxously at his wife, whose pale, strained face was visible through the gap.  "May I come in?"  

"You may," said Joey in the low tone that many years had taught her was less likely than a whisper to wake a sleeper, "the question is -- oh, wait,  Never mind.  I got confused.  Oh, Jack, just look at her!  Our poor baby!"  --this last with a gesture toward Margot, who appeared to be asleep, though her tearstained face and intermittent whimpers and mutters revealed the depth of her distress.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 6th, 2003, 11:28pm

on 07/06/03 at 21:03:58, Raya wrote:
(sorry, didn't mean to go on and on like that!!)

Don't apologise, Raya! It was wonderful!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 6th, 2003, 11:48pm
(I second that, good job Raya!)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Susan on Jul 7th, 2003, 12:56am
Brilliant,  Raya.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 7th, 2003, 8:55am
Con sat on a chair by Margot's side holding one of her hands in her own. Jo looked from Margot to Jack and realised that they needed privacy between them. "Con why don't you come and help me with the babies while Papa talks to Margot". Con waited for a minute hesitating over leaving her sister and then followed Joey from the room.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 7th, 2003, 12:35pm
Jack felt less sympathetic at this time to the Chalets schools philosophy about the importance of sleep so he awoke his guilty daughter.
'Wake up Magot, i need to talk to you.' said jack in harsher tones than he intended.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Clare on Jul 9th, 2003, 10:45am
Margot opened her eyes exhaustedly. "Oh Papa" she whispered, her chin trembling and her blue eyes swimming with unshed tears. Jack stared stony faced at his youngest triplet, and said "no more tears Margot, I'm not about to put up with them". Margot bit her lips hard in the effort not to cry at her father's tones.
 "What possible justification do you have for your behaviour?" Jack asked in a hard, unnatural tone. He hated himself for using such a tone, but he could not bring himself to speak naturally to Margot.
 "Papa, I'm so sorry. I lost my temper with Len, and -" she faltered and gulped before continuing, "I just didn't see what I was doing. I wanted Betty to shut up and go away, to leave me and Len -". The tears streamed down Margot's face, and she stopped. "Where is Len? Why hasn't she been? Oh, she saw the whole thing! Papa, will she ever forgive me?" Jack couldn't ignore Margot's distress this time and he sat stiffly on the bed and stroked her hair.
  "She may need a little time" he said carefully when Margot's sobs had subsided.
  "Len hates me" Margot pronounced.
  "It is a sin to hate", Jack reminded Margot.
  "It's a sin to take another's life" said Margot. "God will never forgive me. Neither will all of you".

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 9th, 2003, 12:56pm
Jack couldn't deny that his daughter had voiced his own worst fears, could he forgive her, would Len?

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 9th, 2003, 1:07pm
"Margot I can't pretend that this is easy for me, for any of us. I do know that God forgives you though if you ask Him to, and with His help we will all make it through this. You need something to eat now and then try to sleep."

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 9th, 2003, 2:04pm
Right on cue Anna appeared wih a tray of warm milk, bread and soup, Jack let Margot sit up in bed and eat her meal, 'You eat that up old girl and we will talk some more tomorrow, see if you can get some sleep after that.' said Jack slipping something into the milk.

Jack made his way downstairs feeling thorougly exhausted and in need of a nap himself. Howeer when he got downstairs he found two police constables sitting in his salon with his wife, his two other triplets, a girl called Alicia and to his horror, the Landons.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Raya on Jul 9th, 2003, 7:47pm
(Holyyyy nuts, Marianne!)

For a second, Jack fought back an impulse to run back upstairs and hide in the big wardrobe that housed his clothes and long-disused golf clubs.  Then, mustering all his self-control, he walked into the pretty room, whose bright curtains depicting sprays of wildflowers seemed to mock him mercilessly.

"Pardon me, sir," said one of the police officers in fluent if slightly accented English, "my name is Rikli, and my colleagues are Herr Lehnartz and Herr Leyendecker.  I am afraid we have come here in the line of a very unfortunate duty.  There has a been a death at the school that adjoins your grounds, and this young lady," -- indicating Alicia -- "who was an eyewitness, has stated on the record that she believes your youngest daughter to be responsible."

Jack swallowed hard.  "The young lady is correct, Herr Rikli.  At least, the girl you will be wishing to interview is not my youngest daughter, but my third eldest, after these two whom you see here.  I understand that my eldest daughter, Helena, was also present at the scene and may be able to give you a more detailed account of it than Miss Leonard, here.  Of course, we will cooperate with you to the fullest extent we are able."

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marcia_McGinley on Jul 10th, 2003, 1:48pm
"Of course," Joey said echoing her husband. "We will do everything we can."
There was a note of strain in her voice that had Jack's eyes narrowing in concern.
"With such a terrible, tragic accident..." Joey continued but got no further.
"Accident!" Mr Landon exclaimed jumping to his feet. "Is that what you are calling it? My little girl is dead Mrs Maynard. My little girl..." His voice broke and he passed a hand over his eyes. With visible effort he regained control of his emotions. "I know how much influence your family has. I saw that at the school but I swear to you that I will not rest until I get justice for my Betty."

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Sioned on Jul 10th, 2003, 2:47pm
One of the policemen layed a hand on Mr Landon's arm. "Come now, we must remain calm...Mrs Maynard would you be so kind as to provide us with some refreshments?" "um... yes of course replied Joey, ringing the bell in a somewhat dazed manner.
"Now" continued the officer, "We should very much like to speak to Margot individually. Would now be convenient?" Jack shook his head. "I'm afraid Margot is sleeping at the moment - she won't wake until tomorrow morning so you will have to interview her then." A queer look passed over Mr Landon's face. " daughter won't be waking either..." he mumbled, as if the events of the past day had only just hit him. "Never..." he repeated to himself, and with one final struggle his grief flowed, and he wept like Margot had done only a few hours ago.
The sight of the man crying was too much for Joey, who ran out of the room muffling her sobs in her sleeve.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 10th, 2003, 3:34pm
Jack cast a concerned look at his wife as she made her swift exit from the room bu realised his duty was with the others present. He took a seat next to Len and said, 'Where do we start?'
'Herr Maynard i would like to begin by asking thses two young ladies to describe to me the events that occured,' said one of the male police officerss, 'If i may,' he added with a hint of sarcasm.
'Naturally.' replied jack, detecting the sarcasm and responding. 'I do beg you not to upset my daughter, se is most distressed.'
'Herr Maynard, i do not intend to.' replied the police officer in cutting tones and muttering somethingin German to his collegues who laughed.
'I understand German, as does everyone in this room, so if you do not want to be reported to your superiors i suggest you keep a civil tongue in your head.' said Jack with a raised voice, feeling particularly protective overhis family.
'I beg you pardon Herr Maynard, now can we get down to business?'

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Sindhu on Jul 11th, 2003, 1:52pm
"Most certainly. "Jack replied. "carry on with your questioning, officer, but I do beg you to remember that my eldest daughter" he indicated Len with a wave of his hand has been through a lot of stress.."
"And so we should be delicate in questioning her?" Mrs Landon's bitter voice cut in through Jack's sentence as she spoke for the first time.
"No!" Len exclaimed suddenly, startling all of them."I do not want to be treate with Kid gloves officer, and I will answer your questions to the best of my ability and .... truthfully." Jack's heart suddenly missed a beat as he saw Len's eyes blazing as she emphasized the word truthfully. He knew she was furious with Margot- and though he didn't see how things could get any worse he was suddenly worried as to what Len would say and even more, about HOW she would say it.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 11th, 2003, 3:44pm
'That is all i ask young lady.' replied the officer. 'go on'

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Ally on Jul 11th, 2003, 3:57pm
'Well' said Len, with a determined look on her face that her father knew so well.

'Yes it is Margot's fault because she threw the bookend, but' Len paused and took a deep breath, as she prepared to voice the problem that had been troubling her most, 'but I must take some of the blame as well.'

Jack gasped, 'Len, this is not your fault, you are not to blame'

'Herr Dockor Maynard, if you don't mind' interjected the policeman shooting Jack a cold look so that he quickly subsided, 'please go on Fraulein Maynard'

'Papa its all right' Len cast a reassuring glance at her father, 'but this must be said'.

'I'm sorry officer, but I was arguing with my sister and made her mad.  I know perfectly well what Margot's temper can be like when roused, yet I did not think of this, Margot was reacting to me, and therefore I must share some of the blame'

As Len reached the end, the reality of what she had said and her own feelings suddenly overcame her, and she burst out into uncontrollable tears.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 11th, 2003, 4:29pm
Jack looked furiously at the police officers that were using hs furniture and drinking from his tea cups, 'I must confess, i would be much obliged if you could refrainfrom upsetting members ofmy family!' declared Jack.
'No papa,i am alright,' said Len, wlling her father to let her continue with her tale, 'So anyway, Me and Margt were arguing and we began shoutingvery loudly and erm, Alicia came in.' said Len casting a look at the dead girls parents who were looking terrible, 'She asked if anything was wrong and then Margot hrough the book end at her. So you se it was my fault too.' Len continued, her weeps now reduced to quiet sobs of dispair.
One of the German officers stood up, went over to Len and in an act of sympathy loooked into her eyes and said, 'My dear child, this is not your fault, most children would not kill in a fit of temper just becuase of a row with their eldest sister, you cannot be expected to see into the future, even if you feel you could have predicted the consequences.' He stopped, sat down and asked Alicia to confirm the storywhich she did.
'Very well, i see that the incident was caused by Margret nd i am in no doubt of this, Herr Maynard insist you bring Margret here, now.' Orderd the police officer. Jack did as he would bade and as he left theroom he looked over at his eldest daughter wo was now weeping gently, he considered his parental views that honesty wassuch a great virtue.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Clare on Jul 11th, 2003, 7:28pm
But then he turned back into the sitting room, and asked the police officers if they would have a word with him in his study. Mr Landon looked furious, but Jack addressed him quietly "I am going to see that justice will be meted out sir, whatever the consequences for my family, but I wish to have a word with the police. You are perfectly welcome to join us, but I would prefer to have just a swift talk." Mr Landon remained in his seat, and motioned for Jack to go ahead.
  Jack escorted the officers to his study. "I should wish to know why the interrogation is being carried out in my house, and with the parents of the vicitm present. I do not wish to create trouble, but surely it is highly irregular? The witnesses should have been interrogated seperately, with a parental figure in the room of course, but not together. And while I am full of deep sorrow for the Landon's, it is highly distressing for my wife and children for them to be in the house. This certainly is highly irregular. Now I want an explanation for it please." Jack folded his arms, and sat on the corner of his desk, waiting for the police officers to respond.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by claire on Jul 12th, 2003, 11:46am
"What you haven't been aware of until now, Herr Maynard, is the fact that the Chalet School has been under observation since several pupils, including your wife, escaped from Austria.  Miss Landon was one of our finest operatives.  Your daughter has murdered the youngest cheif inspector in history.  Her parents are also in our employ, so it is perfectly in line with proceedures that they remain here."

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 12th, 2003, 12:14pm
'W-what?' stammered Jack, 'My family has committed no crimes, you have no right to be watchin us!'
'Oh,on the contary my dear Doctor, your child is a murderer, that is a most terrible crime.' siad the officer before sliding out of the room.' Jack slowly moved up the stairs to where his guilty daughter slept.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lisa Hermann on Jul 12th, 2003, 1:19pm
Ooh, I love the turn this has taken.  I couldn't quite work out how the story could continue without a totally unrealistic 'with one bound she was free' type ending or getting into far deeper and more sordid water than I, for one could take; now, who else could be a spy I wonder?!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lisa Hermann on Jul 12th, 2003, 1:20pm
Ooh, I love the turn this has taken.  I couldn't quite work out how the story could continue without a totally unrealistic 'with one bound she was free' type ending or getting into far deeper and more sordid water than I, for one could take; now, who else could be a spy I wonder?!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 12th, 2003, 1:32pm
What just happened? Lisa's post appeared twice, and then suddenly the whole thread appears twice! Or am I just so tired that I'm seeing double?

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 12th, 2003, 2:20pm
Um..i'm confused how come we have two identcal threads now? And why did it tell me KB was the last to reply whenit was Lisa replying?

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lisa Hermann on Jul 12th, 2003, 2:40pm
Don't know what happened, except that when I tried to post it told me the server was busy and to try refreshing - maybe by refreshing it posted my message again.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lesley on Jul 12th, 2003, 2:58pm

on 07/12/03 at 13:19:51, Lisa Hermann wrote:
Ooh, I love the turn this has taken.  I couldn't quite work out how the story could continue without a totally unrealistic 'with one bound she was free' type ending or getting into far deeper and more sordid water than I, for one could take; now, who else could be a spy I wonder?!

No sorry i don't like the turn my drabble has taken - preferred it to remain away from spies and stuff! However as it's open to anyone then I may be in the minority :) Oh well, if I want a different story I can always write it myself ( With proper acknowledgements to EBD etc ;))

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Sindhu on Jul 12th, 2003, 3:11pm
I would have preferred this drabble to keep free of spies too, I was kind of getting into the mood for a real lesson for Margot. But The spy version does provide a grin proviking twist, I suppose! ;)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by crashbb on Jul 12th, 2003, 3:32pm
I have to admit, I agree with Lesley and Sindu - I was hoping for an 'in the realm of possiblity CS world" type story.  We'll see where this goes.  Maybe the two duplicate threads are trying to tell us something...

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Clare on Jul 12th, 2003, 3:39pm
*Eep! Spies?? I was aiming for a "sorry Mr Maynard, but it was for convenience sake that we interviewed them up here. We will be taking separate statements at the police station"... It just struck me as highly odd that they would have the Landons in the Maynard's house, and interview Len and Alicia together...*

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marcia McGinley on Jul 12th, 2003, 4:14pm
There was silence in the salon as those within waited for Jack to return with Margot. Len's tears had stopped and she sat, desperately embarassed at her public outburst, clutching Con's hand. The normally dreamy triplet was displaying real strength of character and in an odd reversal of roles was lending that strength instintingly to Len.
Mr Landon had also regained his composure and was content to sit beside her wife and wait.
The most agitated person in the room now appeared to be Herr Rikli who paced the room restlessly and continually looked towards the door through which his suspect must enter.
When there was some commotion out in the hall he stopped and turned expectantly but it was not Jack who entered.
Miss Annersley walked into the salon and her gaze was arctic as it fell upon the policeman waiting there for her.
"So it is true," she said and her voice sent shivers down more than one spine. "You sir have an explanation to make, both to me and to your superiors."
"Miss Annersley," protested Mr Landon, "this is Herr Rikli from the local police."
"I realise where he is from Mr Landon, but unlike you I am now informed as to his real identity," Miss Annersley stated coldly. "Herr Rikli he may call himself now but there are people in this house who would know him better as Hermann Eisen!"

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 12th, 2003, 6:31pm
The people to whom this statement meant anything all gasped, 'You mean, that litte boy at the picnic, ay years ago?' asked Con with perfect coposure.
'Yes Constance, i beleive so.' replied Miss Annersely. 'I have with me two, real police officers who are going to remove these spys from the premises.' said the head teacher briskly, 'If you would.' At that the two police officers seized the sorry looking spys and lead them away.'

'Mr an Mrs Landon, i must offer my sincere appologies, for this irregular treatment, if you will accopany me to my office, a correct investigation will occur.' She did not meet Jo an Jack eyes as she said this but turn to Alicia. 'I you will come with me child, i am afraid you will still be questioned, but i expect the police will readily come to the san.'

'Jack,' began Hilda quietly, 'You know would do anything for you and your family but Margot cannot escape punishment, a fair and regular inquiry must take place.' Hilda continued. Jack nodded, read ees and exhausted from the days events. As Hilda went through his door, accompanied with the Landons and the witness she turned and said, 'I am sorry Jack. Len and Con are, of course, stll welcome and will be treated justly.'

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marcia_McGinley on Jul 13th, 2003, 3:42am
Joey sat by her dressing table methodically brushing her long hair as she tried to make sense of what her husband was saying.
"Anyway, when I realised how deeply asleep Margot was I decided to go down again and tell Rikli on my medical authority that he'd have to come back tomorrow. I entered the Salon however just in time to hear Hilda's revelation"
"It all seems so improbable," Joey said shaking her head.
"Like something out of one of your stories," Jack agreed with a small smile.
Joey managed a little indignation. "Jack Maynard, I should hope my stories are rather more realistic! But then, I have to say the events of today have all been quite unreal."
Her voice trailed off with a troubled sigh.
Jack came across the room and gave her shoulder a comforting pat. "Keep your chin up Joey. We'll come through this. After all, we've come through bad times before."
Joey reached up to cover Jack's hand with her own. "So we have," she said softly. "And you're still the same solid lump of comfort."
They were both quiet for a moment and then Joey's mind took her back to the events of the day.
"Hermann Eisen," she repeated not for the first time. "But I simply don't understand Jack. Is he really a police officer?"
"I'm still a little confused about that," Jack admitted. "The Chief Inspector who arrived at the school this afternoon was rather scanty with actual details. I gather though Eisen, or Rikli as he's been calling himself, has been harbouring a grudge against the school all these years and saw an opportunity in this morning's tragedy to pay off a few old debts."
"And he told you that poor Betty was a spy?"
"Well yes," Jack said. He'd tried to be a little scanty with this particular detail himself.
"And you believed him?" Joey persisted incredulously.
Jack's colour deepened.
"He was very convincing," he said.
"But Jack," Joey protested. "Betty?"
Jack wrapped himself in the shreds of his tattered dignity.
"You have to remember I was under a lot of stress."
His loving wife gave his hand one more pat.
"Yes dear."

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Sindhu on Jul 13th, 2003, 4:45am
Wow, Maria!! WOW!!! I spent hours wondering how to sort out that spy tangle and came up with zilch! And you managed it so perfectly-Great job!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 13th, 2003, 7:48am
And I'm so glad you did! Now maybe we can have the story progress the way it was before!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 13th, 2003, 8:20am
(As well as this story having two versions, the story on Mary Katherine vanished  :( )

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 13th, 2003, 8:36am
(I wonder what the problem is. Maybe it has something to do with the Illegal YaBB message Kathryn saw.)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by claire on Jul 13th, 2003, 11:03am
Well done for getting out of it - onlybrought spys in as one been reading the other farfetched drabbles just before and thinking olong those lines and as I couldn't think of any other reason for Betty's parents there (after I hit send realised Betty's dad could have been a policeman on duty in Switxerland for some reasons but too late now)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 13th, 2003, 2:14pm
(have i been sent to conventry over the spy issue, or can i continue? :-[)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marcia_McGinley on Jul 13th, 2003, 2:14pm
Maeve Bettany stalked through the passages of the school in no pleasant frame of mind. Her head throbbed nastily and all she wanted was to crawl into her bed and let the very worst day of her life be over with. Instead she had been summoned to quell an incipient riot in the Pansy dormitory.
Jack Lambert was holding forth in loud, belligerent tones as she entered and for a moment no one noticed her arrival.
"It's utter and complete rot is what I say. Of course Len hasn't been chucked out too. She hasn't done anything!"
"But Jack, her sister is a murderer," Arda pointed out, her angelic face very serious. "How can she stay? You know how everyone will talk."
"Well they'd better not talk around me," Jack retorted.
It was at this point that Maeve decided to make her presence known.
"What precisely are you children doing out of bed at this time?" she demanded icily and watched with grim satisfaction as the Lower Fourths jumped in guilty shock.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 13th, 2003, 2:19pm
'Its alright Maeve, i was just warning people not to chat abou the maynards affai, thats all, i'll go to bed lik a lamb now.' And she did.
'Well, if thats all, i'll be going now.'
And with that the prefect left and soon the Chalet school was sleeping peacefully as were the Maynards, they needed their rest for the morrow was sure to bring hard times.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Ciorstaidh on Jul 13th, 2003, 10:07pm
But the peace did not last. Maeve tossed and turned; she just could not sleep for the thoughts chasing round her head. Her own sixteen-year-old cousin - a murderer? She checked herself - surely not murder. Surely Margot hadn't meant to kill Betty - she just couldn't! An accident perhaps, but that would only be manslaughter, she supposed. Looking over to her desk, Maeve saw that it was well past the Staff's time for retirement and reckoned she could do with some sleep herself - else she'd have Matey to deal with in the morning.

Maeve sighed and turned over again, her eyes still troubled.


Worn out from all her tears and distress, Margot slept like her baby siblings. Len, too, was worn out from her exploits. At least, this was Jack's surmise, but he'd made sure that they would be fit to face the Head in the morning. Jack didn't like mixing draughts for youngsters, but here he had felt it necessary. All of the triplets had inherited their mother's tendency to be highly strung, so it had been doses nearly all round - Jack was taking no risks with Con and sleepwalking, nor with Joey's health.

Jack sat in Margot's room, unable to sleep himself. Watching her face highlighted by moonlight, he thought there could be none who looked more innocent. What tricks the eye could play!

Catching his eyes drooping, he headed back to bed, careful not to disturb Joey - draught or no draught, shecould be woken easily.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 14th, 2003, 9:31am
it was the small hours of the morning before Jack fell asleep, feeling sick with fear as he did so, what would tomorrow bring. it seemed to him that he had only been in the peace of slumber for a few hours when he was woken by a crying Margot at the foot of his bed he sat up, 'Margot?'
'Its me, papa, it is the morning!' cried the little girl.
'Oh Margot,' cried Jack as he hurried out of bed and threw his arms around the weeping girl.
'Papa, will it be ok? I don't want to go to prision, away from you and Mamma!'
'I know darling, i don't want that either, but it is Gods forgivness that is most important.' assured Jack, not beleiving this statment in his heart.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marcia_McGinley on Jul 14th, 2003, 1:51pm
"Ted! Ted Grantley! Hold up a minute would you?"
Ted, mooching along with an equally gloomy Rosamund, looked around to find Maeve Bettany bearing down on her. Her black eyes brightened hopefully but the Prefect shook her head. "Don't ask my dear," she said briefly. "I don't know anything more than you."
"But couldn't you ask Miss Annersley?" Ted demanded.
"And get my head bitten off for my pains?" Maeve said pointedly. "No thank you."
"I imagine even the staff are being careful around Miss Annersley today," Rosamund put in.
"I suppose," Ted allowed reluctantly and dug her hands deeply into her pockets. "I'm just worried about Len."
"And Con," Rosamund said.
"They...she must be out of her head about this business. It's not just Margot getting chucked though that's bad enough," Ted said with a grimace. She'd been expelled from three schools before arriving at the Chalet School and knew of what she spoke. "But goodness only knows what will happen to Margot now...I just wish there was something I could do to help."
"You can pray," Maeve said simply."Remember what the Head said in the Chapel this morning?"
The Chalet School had its own chapels now and never had that circumstance been more poignantly appreciated than when the school had gathered therein to pray for their lost schoolmate.  In St Mary's where Miss Annersley led the protestant girls in prayer, there had been very few dry eyes.
"And, if you want something more practical," Maeve continued on a brisker note, "there is a little job I have in mind for you. Jack Lambert and her little pals are kicking up a rumpus in Pansy. I had to squash them last night and they were at it again this morning. I've spoken to Matey and she's given the okay for you to move across to there and keep the peace. Just until Len gets back. I think she'd like to know her lambs are in good hands."
Ted nodded. "Right," she said. "Until Len gets back."

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Raya on Jul 14th, 2003, 4:42pm
(Wow, Marcia, this story has really inspired you!  Great stuff!
And Marianne....all is forgiven and anyway the spy plot is no less plausible than the armed standoff in "Redheads"!!)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 14th, 2003, 7:11pm
'Alright,' replied Ted, the rest of the day went mildly peacefully at the Chalet school and anyone who gossiped was sat on quickly. Miss Annersley was not so calm, a storm was rageing in her heart ad she wasnot soothed by a visit from the inspectors who arrived to interview the witness. The insectors werelead up to the san where Alicia was being cared for by the kindly nurses, he was suffering from her nerves after the tragic event.
'Hallo Alicia,' began he inspector sitting on the bed that had been placed nex to Alicia's bed, 'Now my dear, i just want to go through eventsas you remember them, if thats ok.'
'Thats fine,' replied the witness who felt icy towards the ploliceman, she hadn't forgotten the spies.
'Good,please begin, i'm going to take nots but do try to ignore them.'
'Its not a very long story i'm afraid; Alicia and-and...' she paused,the gravity pf what had occured hit her suddenly.
'You and Betty,' promted the police man.
'Er, yes, Betty and I heard Margot and en shouting at each other, we went i and Betty asked if anything was up. Margo was greivously angry and threw a bookend, it accidently hit Betty.' said Alicia in a calm and steady voice, which was a tribute to her nursing.
'Thankyou Alicia,' replied the officer, 'I belive thats all we need, you get better soon dear.'
'I will Sir, and you wil remember wont you, it was an accident.'

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rach on Jul 14th, 2003, 9:56pm
This is so good it inspired me to register!   ;) But someone has to tell me what happens next...

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lesley on Jul 14th, 2003, 11:03pm
While the inspectors were interviewing Alicia, a different discussion was taking place in the Head's study. Miss Wilson was trying to speak to Miss Annersley.
'Hilda you've got to snap out of this!' She begged her friend, 'There's nothing you could have done that would have made a difference,'
Miss Annersley looked up sharply, her eyes a steely grey, 'You're wrong Nell, I could have done something. You know that in my entire time here as Head, until yesterday, I've only every expelled one person,'
Nell Wilson nodded, 'Betty Wynne-Davis I remember,'

'Well don't you think that others warrented that punishment?'
Hilda Annersley stood up abruptly and began to pace, 'Margot Maynard a few years ago, Jack Lambert for bullying Jane Carew, Diana Skelton, there are others. Yet I forgave all of them and allowed them another chance. In my arrogance I thought that I and the School could reform all of those people.'
She turned to look at her friend, unshed tears in her eyes, 'I'll admit that, in the case of Margot I also considered her family, and Jo'

This last said very softly.

Nell Wilson looked distressed, 'Hilda, no-one is perfect, not even you. If you made any mistake in the past it was with the best of intentions,'

Hilda Annersley shook her head, 'Because I did not expel Margot Maynard two years ago, and she did deserve expulsion, I have the death of Betty Landon on my conscience. No amount of 'best intentions' can erase that.
As soon as this sorry episode is complete I will be tendering my resignation, I cannot continue to teach knowing just what my 'soft heartedness' has led to.'

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 15th, 2003, 12:37am

on 07/14/03 at 21:56:09, Rach wrote:
This is so good it inspired me to register!   ;) But someone has to tell me what happens next...

Glad to hear it! Welcome to the club!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 15th, 2003, 12:39am
"I won't accept," Nell Wilson stormed. "And neither will Madame when she hears."

"It's no longer anything to do with her," Hilda replied. "Since the school became a public concern, her post is only nominal. I have the power to engage any staff I choose, and also to release any staff. That is my choice. At the end of this term, you and the others will appoint a new Head Mistress."

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marcia_McGinley on Jul 15th, 2003, 1:24am
Miss Wilson left the study feeling as helpless and hopeless as she had ever felt about anything to do with the school. In the past when confronted with trouble of this magnitude there had always been someone to turn to for advice and mutual support but who was there now? She could hardly take this problem to Joey, and Madge was on the other side of the world. There had to be someone! Who would Hilda listen to?

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Sindhu on Jul 15th, 2003, 4:46am
Miss Wilson said her prayers ith more than usual earnestnes that night and inspiration came to he as she was just falling into her troubled sleep Hild, if she would listen to anyone, would listen to the girls, the many girls who ought to have been expelled and later made good, and finally after all this was over and the girl could be brought to talk of it, she would, miss wilson felt certain,listen to Margot. Let things settle down and then she would have to see about all this, the school could not afford to lose Hilda. That was Miss Wilson's last thought as she finally drowsed off.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marcia_McGinley on Jul 15th, 2003, 7:13am
It was also her first thought when she woke the following morning. Bill had never lacked determination and it showed in the firm set of her lips as she considered her next move. She would need an ally she decided, and she rather thought she knew just the person. The rising bell would not sound for a good half hour and the school was still hushed as she padded along the passage way to Rosalie Dene's room.
The school secretary answered Miss Wilson's knock almost at once indicating that she too had woken early.
"Trouble?" she said at once.
"I need help," Bill said simply and at once Rosalie pulled her door all the way open.
"Come in."
The school was heated but even so Rosalie busied herself switching on her little radiator and pulling up a couple of chairs cosily around the heater.
"Now," she said. "Unburden yourself my dear."
Miss Wilson had considered carefully what she might say without violating Miss Annersley's confidence.
"I'm worried about Hilda," she said truthfully. "She's taking this terrible business quite personally and I think she needs to be reminded that giving girls a chance doesn't always come to disaster. I thought we might encourage a few of our past 'successes' to write to Hilda."
Rosalie's eyes began to gleam as she pondered the idea.
"Why just a few?" she asked after a moment. She met Bill's gaze squarely. "Let's get them all!"


At Freudesheim the day for some members of the Maynard clan had also started early. Very early in fact. Joey patted her youngest son gently and wondered how soon she might safely deposit him back in his nesting place.
"Poor little man," she crooned softly as the baby hiccupped and sobbed.
"Shall I take him for you Mamma?"
Joey smiled at Margot, hesitating in the door.
"No thank you my darling. Geoff wants Mamma when his teeth are hurting him. Come and talk to me instead."
Margot curled up on the rug at her mother's feet and lent her head against Joey's knee.
"How are you feeling?"
"Scared," Margot said honestly. "It was such a relief when nothing happened yesterday. I thought the police would come back and instead it was just us."
"Papa reminded them that Sunday is a day of rest," Joey said. "I'm afraid we can't use that excuse for Monday."
"I know. I wish - " Margot looked up at her little brother. It was toothache that had brought on her current nightmarish circumstances. "I wish I was braver," she said.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 15th, 2003, 5:24pm
'Darling, you are being braver than i would have expected you to be, it has been a hard few days and there mabey harder times to come. If you look into your soul and pray hard i'm sure youfill find the strength to carry on.' said Joey softly, looking into the eyes of her troubled daughter, eyes that were once again swimming with tears.

'Oh mamma, how can a speak to God when i have don such a terrible thing?' asked Margot, begging for anwers and guidance.

'Margot, God is the most merciful, he has a bigger soul than all of us,he will forgive you and help you, if you only ask him to.' replied Joey.

'Yes Mamma, you are right, but i am fearful, not of God becuase i am sorry and i have begged for forgivness. I am scared Mamma of the future, what will become of me?' Margot continued the panic evident in her childish little face.

'I cannot answer you that darling, i wish i could promise you mercy, but i cannot. If i were the Landons i would want justice for my child, you cannot understand at the moment,perhaps, God willing, one day you will, but a mother could kill out of vengence for her child. Your child is your own flesh and blood, if the life of one of my children was snatched so suddenly, i would wish justice to be done. I am sorry Margot, but i can't wish for anything else.' Joey speech promted tears to roll gently down her cheeks as she looked at her terrified daughter who was too shocked t her mothersharsh wrds to cry.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Ciorstaidh on Jul 15th, 2003, 10:28pm
Margot began protesting, her voice weak from the strain. "Mamma, I try, I really do, but all I can think is what a bad person I am. It goes round and round in my head... Betty died... I mean died, Mother... and it was my fault. I just wish... just..."

Margot's tiny whisper trailed off as she shook her head and rocked slightly, trying to get out what she had to. But she couldn't. When Mother was in one of her "religious" moods, she couldn't say it. The thought had never strayed far from her mind, once the first numbness had worn off. The thought of - of ending - she couldn't even think it to herself, but she knew what she felt. She'd gotten close a couple of times, but just couldn't get enough time to herself to do it and be finished.

The two sides of Margot's head had been arguing day and night - it's a mortal sin - but what else can I do? - Give it up to God, lean on Him - that won't help, I can't see a way out - and so on. It was pushing Margot closer and closer to the brink of something - what, she didn't know. Actually, she did know. She didn't want to - to die, but then neither did she want to live, so, to her mind, there wasn't much of an option. It was like being in a big hole, not able to see a thing, not knowing where the ledge that dropped down was, not able to get out - except that one way. That was the trouble with Guides, dammit - you learned how to do these knots and pills and things from the point of view of the rescuer, but you knew the other side.

Margot managed a half-smile at her mother and slipped silently from the room, leaving Joey to attend to Geoff's needs. She knew Jo would be tied up for some time and Papa was at the San.

Sitting in her room, rosary in one hand and rope in the other, Margot was numb. What was she going to do?

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 15th, 2003, 11:33pm
(*Squawk!* What kind of guide leader did you have? I certainly never learned how to kill myself (or even save others from suicide) in Guides!)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Maddie on Jul 16th, 2003, 12:33am
I've read the whole thread today and it really is amazing. It feels so real that I have tears in my eyes.

You're all brilliant.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 16th, 2003, 9:48am
Young Margot was nearly delrious with confusion and greif, she was sat on her bed, her rosary cradled in her hands,'Ten hail Mary's, an Our Father,' she muttered over and over to herself, in her heart begging God to forgive her. She felt she had to die because there was nothing else she could do, yet she knew it was a sin to take her life. As these thoughts swum around her crowded mind she worked herself into a frenzied delerium, until finally she fell off the bed onto her knees and cried out, 'Oh Lord, if i am to die, will thou forgive me, will i enter into paradise or be cast down to hell?!' at the last she was shreiking, her heart felt that it would split open until finally, she collapsed.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by edith on Jul 16th, 2003, 11:27am
"Margot, Margot?" Jack called upstairs. "You've got to go darling, to the inquest, Margot?"
Jack dashed into the room, where he found Margot lying on the ground. She couldn't have killed herself, surely..." Jack gulped and checked MArgot's pulse. "No pulse, she was not breathing. Desperately he tried mouth to mouth resusitation, calling down to the policemen between attempts. Still nothing happened. He shook his head, there was nothing he could do. One of the policemen sat him down in a chair while the others sent for an ambulance to take the body to the hospital to be exhamined, since there was no sign of it being suicide.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Ally on Jul 16th, 2003, 11:34am
*OMG I thought we had decided not to kill Margot off!  Oh well the fallout from this will be good, I hope Len feels guilty!*

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Clare on Jul 16th, 2003, 12:26pm

on 07/15/03 at 23:33:50, KB wrote:
(*Squawk!* What kind of guide leader did you have? I certainly never learned how to kill myself (or even save others from suicide) in Guides!)

Would Margot have even been a Guide? Becase they didn't reform the movement when they went out to Switzerland. I think she'd have been a Brownie when they were in Britain... Just a small quibble!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 16th, 2003, 12:52pm
Jack held his dead daughters body in his arms, gently rocking her back and forth, tears of dispair flowing down his cheeks. The amblulance and the paramedics arrived and tenderly removed his daughter from his arms, they transported her to the hospital to carry out a post mortem. Jack traveled downstairs to where Joey, Len and Con were stood shocked, in the hall way.
'Oh Jack, Jack,' Cried Joey, 'My baby is dead, is it true? Those men, they carried her through, they said she was dead!'
'It's true.' replied Jack, before sinking to the ground.
Con was weeping gently with her mother but Len couldn't cry, she felt that she didn't deserve to greive, she was overcome with guilt, thankfully, none of her weeping family noticed.

By and by Jack recovered enough to take a lead, still in shock and still greiving he asked his eldest daughters to get in the car, they were going to the hospital to discover how Margot had come to be with the angels.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 16th, 2003, 12:56pm
(Clare - perhaps Margot had read one of her mother's books and gleaned the relevant information from there  ;)  )

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by edith on Jul 16th, 2003, 1:23pm
The doctor came out with a frown, "Had Margot hit her head recently?"
"Not for ages," said Len. "Not since before..."
"That's alright I belive I know the cause of your daughter's death. It was an injury to the back of the head leading to haemoeriging in the brain and death a while later. It possibly affected her behaviour."
(sorry I've been reading Busmans honeymoon)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 16th, 2003, 1:31pm
wow, i wasn't expecting you to have killed Margot off!!!  :-[

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 16th, 2003, 3:43pm
'So-you mean,' stuttered Len, the only member of the greiving family that could speak.
'Yes Helena, young Margot was possibly not responsible for her actions, it was the injury that caused her behaviour and finally her death.'
'Oh God! Then i've been a terrible person, i did not forgive my sister, and now she's gone!' cried Len, finally breaking down.

The doctor left the family together for a while where they all wept, the tradedy seemingly bringing them close than ever before. Finally a tear stained Joey stood up with incredible rage engraved on her sensitive little face.
'I told Margot that any mother would avenge her childs death, and that is what i am about to do!' yelled Joey, running from the hospital, ignoring cries from her startled family.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Ally on Jul 16th, 2003, 3:47pm
*Just a quick question, when did Margot hit her head?*

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 16th, 2003, 11:41pm
She didn't bang her head. She just collapsed. There would have been some existing injury which haemmoraged, and so she bled to death.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Ciorstaidh on Jul 17th, 2003, 12:08am
*sqwauk* erm... I wasn't quite going for the deed to be done,,, was thinking more along the lines of failed attempt/Margot sitting there when one of the family comes in... but then, that's the way it was taken!

KB (haven't worked out how to do wee boxes yet):

"(*Squawk!* What kind of guide leader did you have? I certainly never learned how to kill myself (or even save others from suicide) in Guides!) "

Me again:

well it was more "how to stop someone from choking if there's something around their throat" plus we learned all the running hitches - doesn't have to be a hangman's noose - as to whether or ot Margot was a Guide I kinda assumed they all were since I couldn't remember whether or not the Companies were restarted in Switzerland.

Whilst I could give a bit of help in the are of Margot's dilemma, I'm stuck now - don't know anything about aftermath (even tho it was a haemmhorage that killed her)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Sindhu on Jul 17th, 2003, 6:53am
Oh my GOD!!! What is Joey going to do? I can't imagine where this is heading!!? ??? ???

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 17th, 2003, 11:07am
Jack stood wringing his hands desperately. He was torn between the need to chase after his wife and the need to stay with his children and give them the support they needed. Never had Jack been more shaken. First his daughter had been called a murderer and was facing criminal charges and now she was dead herself. Nothing in all that had happened these last few days made any sense to him.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 17th, 2003, 12:19pm
Jack sat, cudling his children to him as he battled with his dilema, he conluded Joey was going to do to the Chalet school and he trusted the matron with the welfare of his highly strung wife.

Meanwhile Joey was taring into the school building, sweaty and panting, the anger evident on her sensitive face, she flung open the door of Miss Annersleys office, who was having coffee with a prospective parent.
'It's all your fault Hilda!' cried Jo, flinging her wiry body at the headmistress.
'Why Mrs Maynard, what is the meaning of this?' asked Hilda stonily, she had no sympathy with Joeys tanturms.
'My baby, my little girl is dead because of you!'
'What? Margot dead, what happened?' said an alarmed headteacher.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 19th, 2003, 12:28am
All the anger fell from Hilda Annersleys face as she heard the news. Margot dead? how could this have happened. Turning to face Jo Maynard, Hilda was amazed to see how much just the last few days had aged the younger woman. "Oh Jo" she cried as she swept Jo in a deep hug, "I'm so sorry".

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 20th, 2003, 12:30pm
'Margot, she had a head injury and heamorraged, she suffered so much Hilda, she couldn't forgive herself, the stress and anxiety helped kill my baby Hilda.' said Jo before collapsing into Hilda Annersleys chest and weeping gently.

Soon Jo  awoke having found herself dosed with brandy and tucked up in bed, just like the old days, she sat up wondering for a moment what the dull ache and the sense of impending doom could possibly be. Then the tradegedy hit her, cauing her to be sick over the side of the bed. It reminded her of the time when she had been at guide camp and she, Juliet and Grizel thought they had fished up a dead body, the shock had caused her to vomit then also. Jo lay back in her bed, ignoring the smell, until the matron came in.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Ciorstaidh on Jul 21st, 2003, 11:04pm
Brisk in manner, Matron noted the mess and popped out again. Catching a passing orderly, she saw that it was cleared up quickly and the windows were opened to let the sweet mountain air take away that foul stench.

"Well, Joey, I hoep you feel a lot better now that that is out of your system. It's breakfast time. I've got your tray here for you, we'll see what you can make of this."

Jo pulled a face and made to push the tray away, but Matron was firm. "Jo, you have to have something, even if it's only a cup of coffee and a bread twist. Your family need you. You need to get better so that you can grieve properly yourself. Please try, Joey."

Reminded of her youngest, still toddlers, Jo made a feeble attempt at half a cup of coffee and a cuple of bites of her bread twist. Exhausted even by this effort, and feeling the after-effect of the brandy dose, she lay back on her pillows and stared at the wall.

Her head was pounding, and yet she couldn't stop thinking about her Margot. Margot, who had always been her special baby. Despite other delicacies in the family, Margot had been the one with whom Joey had most identified and sympathised, and now she was gone. Poor Margot.

Without even realising she was doing it, Jo began to pray. "Lord, give me the strength for this. You saw Your Son die - I can't cope, Lord. Only You can help me. Lord be with my family, be with the Landons, be with my precious Margot. Lord, You forgive all sins. I ask that You be merciful to Margot as I know You will." She kept on praying along similar lines for quite some time, until she noticed a movement at the door.

It was Jack. She sat up and reached out to him, crying out, "Jack, my Jack!" Too late she realised she had raised herself too quickly. Feeling faint, she collapsed against the pillows, her face a nasty shade of grey. And Jack, just as many years before, held Jo in his arms and was to her that 'solid lump of comfort'.

"I'm here, Jo, I'm here. Come on, sweetheart, let it all out." Eventually, Jo pulled herself together. "Oh, Jack, however are we going to manage without Margot?" "I don't know, my darling, but we'll just have to take things one step at a time. Hilda's dealing with the School at large - they have to know what has happened. She said she'd contact the Landons too. So it's just you, me and the kids - we'll take our time to get back on an even footing."

"The boys?"

"I managed to get Jem on the satellite phone and he's contacted their schools. They are leaving at the weekend. I wanted it to be sooner, but they're bringing everything back - they aren't going back this term. I think we need to be together right now - it is so important for the boys that they aren't left alone and isolated at such a time. Jem will arrange to come out and bring his entourage one we set a date for the funeral, as will Dick and Mollie. We have to wait for the coroner, you know, Jo, and that can take some time."

Jo nodded, silently. All ths time she had been staring into her lap, but now she looked bravely into her husband's loving eyes.

"Jack, let's go home."

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 22nd, 2003, 8:12am
Faithful Anna was ready for the two of them when they returned home. Her own grief at the loss of the "difficult' Maynard triplet ran deep for she had knew the girls nearly as well as their own parents. She helped Jack lead Jo into their bedroom and then turned her attention to feeding the rest of the household a light supper. Difficult as it was to eat, Jack had insisted that they must all have something although even the light supper sat heavily in his stomach.

"You can leave the table now if you wish Con" said Jack, as he turned his attention to the girl. Len had remained in bed and eaten there, while Con had helped feed the younger of the Maynard children. "Papa, I think Ruey needs to be here as well, she is one of us now and she and Margot -" the name of her sister was too much for Con and she ran from the room. Her statement had reached Jack though who realised his error in not having sent for Ruey earlier.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 22nd, 2003, 10:50am
Jack sent for Ruey as soon as he had finished his food and packed the youngsters off to the nursery, soon the two eldest triplets and Ruey were together, taking comfort in each others presence.

They held hands for a time and sat in silence, the shock was still to great for anyone to cry and they all felt such deep emotion that only each other could understand. Con new the greif Len was feeling for loosing a triplet was like loosing a part of yourself, they had been formed togethe and they had been born together and in their young hearts they had expected to die together. Lens feelings were clouded by intense feelings of guit, she hadn't foriven Margot for Bettys death and Margot had died knowing this. Con was the first to break the silence, uusually taking the lead;
'Len, its alright you know, Margot is at peace now, she knows you forgive her, its not your fault.' Cons voice broke as she saw Lens expressionless face, Lens inability to cry was evident.
inally Len whispered, 'Con, Connie, i'm so sad, this is my fault, i should have been there fr Margot, Con. I' frightened Con!'
Ruey broke in, worried she was impinging on a family moment but unable to bare seeing Len in so much pain, 'Come on Len, its is not your fault! You couldn't help your feelings at the time! Please Len!'

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Sarah_G-G on Jul 22nd, 2003, 11:03am
"Of course. I'll ring Hilda immediately and ask if I can- "
"No Jack." Joey, who had sat through breakfast in almost complete silence, roused herself at this. "I must speak to Ruey. I said I would be a mother to her and I owe it to her and to- to -Margot," her voice shook as she spoke the name of her dead child but she resoluely steadied it and carried on," I must be the one to tell her. You do understand, don't you? I have to do this." Her dark eyes were luminous with emotion and Jack saw that in some way telling Ruey would help to relieve some of the great grief and guilt that Joey felt at Margot's death.
"Very well, Joey. Do you want to 'phone Hilda or shall I do it as you walk over to the school?"
She considered a moment. "Perhaps you shuold 'phone while I walk over- we have to let Ruey know as soon as possible. I must just get my coat and then I'l  walk over to the school."
Jakc watched his wife get up from the breakfast table and, giving each of her children a small caress as she passed them, leave the room. With a small sigh he smiled at the remaining children sat at the table and got up from his seat. "I'll be back in a minute. I just have to go and make a quick phone call and then I'll come back and take care of you all."

*Sorry this ought to go Marianne's one. I had to go answer the phone so didn't manage to post it.*

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 22nd, 2003, 6:09pm
It was the day after the inquest. Verdict: suicide. Not for the first time since this terrible chain of events had begun, Hilda Annersley stared unseeingly from her study window, oblivious to the beauty of the Jungfrau as the sun set over its majestic peak. Betty Landon killed in a fit of temper and the perpertrator, Margot Maynard, also dead after taking her own life. What had possessed her? Was it remorse? Guilt?  And how on earth were the Maynards going to cope with this latest tragedy? Poor Joey … poor Jack … and as for the rest of their children... Hilda brushed a tear away impatiently. She must be strong, if not for her own sake then for the sake of the other staff and the rest of the pupils. Somehow they had to make it to through to the end of term and then, God willing, she would be able to pass over the reins to a new Head. She was feeling her age and more importantly she was beginning to feel that the school might benefit from younger, fresher blood. She had begun to question her ongoing suitability for the job as soon as news of Betty’s death had come through from the San. The subsequent death of Margot Maynard, that tempestuous, mischievous child who so recently had known her as “Auntie Hilda” had pushed her to the brink. She must write to Madge Russell and tender her resignation immediately though goodness knows what Madame would say.

Turning to her desk, Hilda noticed that there were more personal letters than usual. Rosalie was in the habit of opening all the post save for those marked private and confidential in order to ease the workload of her boss. On this occasion, there were at least two or three with handwriting that she did not recognise. Surely news had not reached England so fast that parents were already notifying her that they wished to withdraw their daughters from a school which was currently being dragged through the press. She would see to these first while she considered how to word her own letter to the founder of the Chalet School.

“Dear Miss Annersley,

I’m sure you’ll remember me – Betty Wynne-Davies? I think I hold the dubious honour of being the only girl you expelled? I’m writing to thank you … I was devastated at the time. I’d been a traitor to my country during wartime and I was making myself physically sick, brooding about what I’d done and refusing to discuss it with anyone. But Miss Annersley, you really helped me through it and I can’t thank you enough. Those two days in isolation were just what I needed. I had time to think, really think, about myself and about Elizabeth and what I’d become …. And then when you came to see and we talked ….you helped make it all clear and gave me the hope that I could change … that it wasn’t too late. You even suggested that I should find a job and devote myself to something like the war effort.

And I did – I joined the Wrens and after a while I did begin to feel better about myself and I could see that I was making a contribution and that I could put my past behind me .. but I wouldn’t have been able to think like that, or be so positive if it hadn’t been for you …. I even met my husband because of my connections with the army, Charlie Anstruthers and you were right – he didn’t hold it against me because I’d forgiven myself and it was as if I was able to start with a clean slate. Then I bumped into Elizabeth Arnett, a few years later, outside Harrods, would you believe, and we were able to clear the air …..

So thank you, Miss Annersley, thank you so much, because you’ll never know what a difference you made. Your wisdom, your kindness, your understanding … I honestly believe you were the making of me. I know I wrote to you years back saying much the same thing but I don’t think I emphasised how much it was you,  not just the school that changed me. I understand now from Miss Wilson that the Chalet School is going through a rough patch and I just wanted to write and tell you how grateful I am that the school and especially yourself, did so much for me. You have as much support and best wishes as I can offer from so far away and I really do hope that things work out for you all.

Yours very gratefully,
Betty Anstruthers (nee Wynne-Davies)”

Miss Annersley dropped the letter back on her desk, her mind slipping back to Betty Wynne-Davies and all that had been said during their brief conversation before Betty’s guardian had arrived to take her away. And what on earth had Nell Wilson been doing behind her back? But now wasn’t the time for such contemplation and she picked up the next letter which, she was surprised to note, began in exactly the same vein.

“Dear Miss Annersley,

I’m sure you can’t have forgotten me as you came so close to expelling me and I really can’t blame you …..

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 22nd, 2003, 7:45pm
...for feeling a failure as i know you do. Your not you know, i can not describe in words how much you mean to me Hilda, you did me and you've done thers a great service. So many girls look up to you and respect you, they love the Chalet school for they are and always shall be Chalet school girls.

I will alway remember that cool, even stare you would give me when i was in trouble it made me tremble, but it also made me truly and deeply sorry. Hilda Annersely you mean so much to me; you helped me though some terrible times that were no fault of my own but you were also the making of me.

Thank you so, so, much for the love you gave me and the education  you provided me with. I shall never forget you Hilda and neither will any of your pupils, please do not prevent many other girls from benefitting from you!

Your sincerely Joyce Linton.

Many other Letters arrived from; Grizel, Deira, Julliette, Evadne, Marylou, Verity, Cornelia and some others and by the time Hilda had finished reading and digesting the news tears were streaming readily down her cheeks for all pleaded that she should stay. Hilda was at a loss to do, what she had done for others was slowly sinking in and her confidence in her abilities were returning. She contemplated for a while ten she announced to rosalie her desicion.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 22nd, 2003, 11:45pm
Wow, wonderful work, guys. I really enjoyed these last few parts. And Rachael, great minds think alike. That's the idea I also had for Betty for "Peace", although I hadn't got as far as picking a husband for her. But WRNS was definitely in my planning.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lesley on Jul 23rd, 2003, 12:51am
Rosalie Dene looked up as her head entered her office. The Abbess had tears running down her cheeks and her eyes, until now dead and lifeless, were shining with an inner glow.
'Rosalie would you ask Nell to join us?' she said quietly, 'I'd like to speak to you both.'
Miss Wilson arrived at the Head's study within minutes and she and Rosalie both looked towards Hilda.
'Firstly, I know it is you two who are responsible for a number of,' she paused, 'unusual letters I've received this morning, and I know why you did it. I still feel i bear ultimate responsibility for the deaths of both Betty Landon and now,' her voice cracked slightly, 'now Margot Maynard. But those letters have enabled me to place them into some sort of perspective. Nell, I will not be resigning now, unless Madge Russell says otherwise, I will continue in post. I had never before been aware of just how many people considered that I'd helped them. It's very humbling. Thank you both.'

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 23rd, 2003, 9:34am
(Well, I loved Sindhu and Marcia's idea about getting all the ex-pupils to write in so it needed following up! And KB - I didn't choose a hubby for Betty - just linked in the story on the Fiction board where she meets Elizabeth again, which I like - but I think the Wrens would have been a natural progression for her and definitely the making of her so it would be great if you include  that in Peace!)

Nell and Rosalie exchanged a quick smile, inwardly pleased that their plan had been so successful. Nell strode across the room to give her friend a hug.
"It's the right decision, Hilda. We've been very concerned that you might really resign and it would have been the wrong thing - both for yourself and the school. We knew you wouldn't believe it on our word alone so we took the liberty of writing to all the girls we knew you'd helped personally over the years. They're a living testament to your capabilities as headmistress - it's a great gift, you know, being able to temper justice with mercy, so please don't underestimate what you've accomplished, Hilda. Your wisdom, compassion and pastoral care have made a big difference to all our girls, but especially those at a critical stage in their lives when they might so easily have chosen the wrong path. I think you can take great credit for that and you should know we all think you've done a splendid job following Madame and Mademoiselle Lepattre. "

The Head smiled. "Whatever I've achieved it's been as a result of the support and commitment I've had from my staff" she asserted. "Running this school is a team effort and if there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that we all make a contribution to the plain sailing or otherwise of this ship. I may have lost my way a little over the past week so I can't thank you both enough for steering me back on course - I appreciate both your loyalty and your faith in me."

Miss Annersley gathered together the many letters she had received and tucked them into her drawer of personal possessions. Then ringing the bell to request tea, she turned the conversation to matters of the school and how they were to return to some kind of normality after the momentous events of the term.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by keren on Jul 23rd, 2003, 12:29pm
I have been enjoying this thread a lot, but I didn't quite understand how margot commited suicide?
Can someone explain again?

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 23rd, 2003, 12:52pm
Keren - if you look back to Marianne and Edith's posts around Jul 16th (9.42am and 11.21) she dies there - no graphic detail, (mainly because everyone got such a shock that Edith had killed her off!) - we can assume though that she hung herself as she went up to her room with some rope .....

Sindhu - apologies - yours and Marcia's idea to get ex-pupils writing to Miss Annersley

How do you edit, anyone??
Never mind - found the modify button and done it!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Sindhu on Jul 23rd, 2003, 1:25pm
Apologies, indeed! You've done SUCH a great job, I loved reading it!!!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 23rd, 2003, 1:53pm

on 07/23/03 at 12:52:42, Rachael P wrote:
Keren - if you look back to Marianne and Edith's posts around Jul 16th (9.42am and 11.21) she dies there - no graphic detail, (mainly because everyone got such a shock that Edith had killed her off!) - we can assume though that she hung herself as she went up to her room with some rope .....

Personally, I thought she just collapsed and bled to death internally, rather than having actually hanged herself. She was lying on the ground when Jack found her, remember, not hanging, and she would have been unlikely to have cut herself down.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by ariella on Jul 23rd, 2003, 2:00pm
I thought it was something to do with a bump to the end and wasn't her killing herself at all in the end ..... hmmm

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 23rd, 2003, 2:23pm
:-[  :-[ Aagh - you're all so right  :-[  :-[
Oops - my fault entirely - I have to admit I skimmed a lot of that bit because I COULDN'T BELIEVE she actually got killed off and was most upset at the turn the story had taken!! And yes, I assumed - oops again after all the rope talk  that she took her own life which I have since referred to later in the drabble and ... oh dear ..... now I've got her having committed suicide after all!!

Humblest apologies everyone!

However - I'd like to know what the police thought of the rope in her room and how the original bump on the head occcurred etc .................

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 23rd, 2003, 2:32pm
Well, we haven't seen the whole investigation into the suicide yet, so maybe that can come next. Of course, it could bring up a whole lot of questions about how the school's actually run, which might drive Miss Annersley to the brink of quitting again...

Don't you just love stories that are like Eveready batteries? They just keep going and going and going...

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Rachael P on Jul 23rd, 2003, 3:13pm
Not Miss Annersley quitting again .... I've done my best to keep her motivated  ;)
As long as she doesn't have an affair with Jem, that's all I ask  ;) ;)

Heartfelt plea:
Someone please write a nice inquest scene to straighten out this sorry mess!!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 24th, 2003, 1:32pm
'I will have to address the school...' began Hilda, the realisation of the important, terrible speech she was going to have to make.
'You will, but you wont be alone this time!' said Nell.
Hilda smiled, tears still glistening in her eyes, 'i shall call them all to the hall after Abendessen. Jem came for his girls and her neices this morning so we needent worry about them. That is a blessing.'
Hilda companions nodded, grateful to see Hilda was resuming comand of the Chalet school.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Ciorstaidh on Jul 26th, 2003, 1:01am
I swear I am going to kill this computer. The message I tried to post was too long, so it says go back, edit, then resubmit. But it's lost the message. Never mind, I'm going to bed!

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lesley on Jul 26th, 2003, 6:34pm
(Here you go Rachael!)

The Swiss coroner looked around the court room. 'Ladies and Gentlemen' he began, 'this extraordinary session of the coroner's court has been convened to establish the cause of death for two young girls. Namely Betty Landon,' the Doctor looked over at Mr and Mrs Landon sitting with the British Consul, 'and Margot Maynard.' the court all turned to look at the great Doctor and his wife. Jack and Joey both looked stonily ahead.

'The facts are these,' the coroner continued, 'Betty Landon died as a result of a blow to the head. This blow has been shown to be from a missile thrown by Margot Maynard. As far as this death is concerned the verdict of this court is unlawful killing.' He looked across at the Landons, 'Sir, Madam you have my deepest sympathy,' He waited while the British consul translated his words from German to English and then continued.

'In a normal situation, as the person responsible for causing the death is above the age of criminal responsibilty, I would now be issuing instructions that Margot Maynard be arrested and charged with either Murder, or more likely, manslaughter.
However Margot Maynard is also dead.'

Joey flinched at this but continued to stare ahead. Jack has his arm around his wife while, on her other side, Hilda Annersley held her hand.

'Dr and Mrs Maynard, I am now prepared to deliver my verdict on the death of your daughter.'

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lesley on Jul 26th, 2003, 6:48pm
'It has been said that the death of Margot Maynard was due to suicide, or that an earlier head injury could in some way be responsible for her death. Neither of these possibilities is correct and I apologise unreservedly for any harm or distress that these versions have caused. The examination of Miss Maynard concentrated on the fact that she had obviously sustained massive brain injury, however the cause remained elusive until now.' The coroner paused to draw breath then continued.

'Margot Maynard died as a result of a massive brain haemorrhage, this haemorrhage was due to the rupture of a arterio-venus malformation at the base of the brain. Put simply this is a malformation of blood vessels present from birth, for which nothing could have been done. The malformation may even have leaked in the past causing irritability and short temper. If an incident caused a rise in the victim's blood pressure then there was always the possiblity that it would burst. The events following the death of Betty Landon had obviously been extremely stressful and themselves led to the death of Margot Maynard. I therefore conclude that the death of Margot Maynard was due to natural causes.' The coroner looked over at Jack Maynard before adding quietly, 'Sir, I am aware of your profession and reputation, there is nothing that you or any mortal man could have done to prevent this tragedy.'

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by claire on Jul 26th, 2003, 7:27pm
So she did have an excuse for her devil the whole time - you now have me feeling sorry for her

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lesley on Jul 26th, 2003, 8:39pm

on 07/26/03 at 19:27:58, claire wrote:
So she did have an excuse for her devil the whole time - you now have me feeling sorry for her

(Not my original intention! - After all I was the one who started this and just wanted to see Margot expelled. But as situation developed found I didn't want Jack and Joey finding out their daughter had killed herself!)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by KB on Jul 26th, 2003, 9:47pm
No, me neither. Very well done, Lesley.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Carolyn P on Jul 26th, 2003, 10:48pm
Wow, do you have medical training or did you just research that, or will I feel foolish when you say you made it all up?  :-[
Did this malformaion just cause a short temper, or could it cause Margot to loose control, without any ability to control her actions? Is it genetic, and if so do any of the other Maynards suffer in the same way, especially the other triplets?
Is it possible for me to ask any more questions?
Should I if I could ? (yes I can imitate Jack Lambert when I want to, a walking question mark.) ???  ???  ???

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Carolyn P on Jul 26th, 2003, 10:50pm
Wow, do you have medical training or did you just research that, or will I feel foolish when you say you made it all up?  :-[
Did this malformaion just cause a short temper, or could it cause Margot to loose control, without any ability to control her actions? Is it genetic, and if so do any of the other Maynards suffer in the same way, especially the other triplets?
Is it possible for me to ask any more questions?
Should I if I could ? (yes I can imitate Jack Lambert when I want to, a walking question mark.) ???  ???  ???

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Carolyn P on Jul 26th, 2003, 10:52pm
Sorry I appear to have posted that twice and when I click remove it seems to remove both copies, honestly this was not intentional, please will you all forgive me for wasting you time.
Like Anne of Green gables, if I'm going to apologise I might as well enjoy it. ;)

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Lesley on Jul 26th, 2003, 11:08pm
Hi Carolyn

I have medical training (nursing) so an A-V malformation does exist - in fact any number of people could have them without them causing any problems. Margot's one though was leaky and eventually burst. Not likely that any of the other Maynards would have had it. The leaking could have caused irritation of the brain and therefore headaches and short temper - should not have damaged Margot's sense of right and wrong though.

Title: Re: Margot = Expelled!
Post by Marianne on Jul 27th, 2003, 5:48pm
Jack nodded grimly but gratefully at the coroner, he knew that his daughters death was nothing more than a tradgedy, it would have happened anyway. Jack gripped Joeys hand for she was weeping once again, together they walked stoically out of the building and went home to the rest of their family.

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