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(Message started by: Abi on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:30pm)

Title: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:30pm
I can't believe this has been cloned/eaten AGAIN!!!! What does the TEM have against me? Maybe it's a warning to stop writing this?

Anyway, I won't post again all of what I had unless you want me to, just the new bit.


In Which Augusta Would Have Caught a Burglar

A week into the term, Augusta had settled down into School so well that one might have thought she had been born in uniform. She was the sort of child who takes life very much as it comes and was rarely surprised or disturbed by anything. It is, of course, debatable whether the School had grown as accustomed to her as she had to it. Her Form had only just recovered from the shock they had received when Augusta had objected to a correction in her grammar.

“Please can I go and find my stamps?” she had requested, and Miss Burnett had corrected her,

“You mean ‘may I’, Augusta.”

“Do I?” Augusta had replied with interest.

“Well, you can go and find your stamps, can’t you? The correct form for your question is ‘may’.” Augusta considered this for a moment and then said,

“But, Miss Burnett, my Father says that there isn’t such a thing as correctness in grammar. He says that everyone speaks as they speak, if you know what I mean, and that the only sort of grammar there is is what people use and that what they say is ‘correct’ is really just standard and you can be non-standard if you want to be because the rules were only made up by some silly people who thought there ought to be rules and tried to make everyone follow them, so you see –”

“Thank you, Augusta, that will do,” said Miss Burnett firmly. “Here we say ‘correct’, whatever you may do at home. You may go and find your stamps.” Augusta went off, and Mary related the story to an appreciative Staff later on. The Form, meanwhile, had been shocked at the audacity of their new member and had attempted to explain to her just why it was not the done thing to argue with a mistress. Augusta said that she hadn’t been arguing, and that her Father had said that. They gave it up in the end, but continued to regard Augusta rather as they might a bundle of fireworks that was liable to go off at any moment.

However, the first time the School in general realised just how explosive Augusta might be was after the truly riotous burglar-catching episode. As might have been expected, it was Augusta herself who started it, but it quickly spread throughout the School and caused more chaos than they had had for a long time.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Cumbrian_Rachel on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:37pm
*eagerly awaiting the next installment and hoping the TEM doesn't intervene in the meantime*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:40pm
Yippee! Thank you Abi  :-*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:42pm
Oh, I'm glad you decided to carry on - thank you.  Really looking forward to seeing what happens with the burglar, and I loved the part where she argued about the grammer.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 24th, 2003, 12:36am
Oh, please, Abi, don't leave it long for another part!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Dec 24th, 2003, 4:50am
*huggles Abi*
I'm sorry you're being victimised by the TEM honey!! Don't let it get the better of you! :-*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Lesley on Dec 24th, 2003, 6:13am
Abi - the TEM keeps eating this because it's jealous!

More please!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 24th, 2003, 8:47am
*hopes the TEM isn't just hungry*

*joins in chanting for more*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Chloe on Dec 24th, 2003, 11:29am
*lies on the floor to wait for the next bit*

Go away TEM you're not welcome here we would like more story!  :)

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by NickiL on Dec 24th, 2003, 11:31am
It must just be that the TEM realises we like this one and wants to spoil our fun by preventing us getting to know Augusta!!

Thanks Abi!!   ;D

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 24th, 2003, 11:42am
I'd believe anything of the TEM!!!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by LauraT on Dec 24th, 2003, 12:11pm
Even the TEM wouldnt be so mean at Christmastime!  ???

*joins in chanting*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Dec 24th, 2003, 12:21pm
*wonders if the Grinch has in fact taken a second job as a TEM*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Chloe on Dec 24th, 2003, 1:36pm
No he can't have haven't you seen The Grinch film

*spent media lessons before christmas watching the film*

Please may we have more story!  :)

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Dec 24th, 2003, 1:52pm
strangely enough, no I've not...

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 24th, 2003, 9:23pm
*thinks eating threads would be too mean even for the Grinch*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 25th, 2003, 7:01pm
Haven't typed any more of this up - no time over Christmas! But that's NOT 'cos I'm scared of the TEM so  :P to him (but glad to see he hasn't eaten this again)! There will be more tomorrow, I hope.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 25th, 2003, 9:39pm
*looking forward to more as soon as you can, Abi*

ETA: humblest apologies, grovelling, etc.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 26th, 2003, 11:52pm
*very gently reminds KB that my name is Abi  ;D *

She opened it slowly and peered furtively round it. The corridor was very dim, lit only by the regulation blue bulbs. Augusta inserted her small body through the crack and crept down the passage. It had not occurred to her to don her dressing-gown or slippers, but her bare feet made no sound. She stopped suddenly and swung round. A tall, shadowy figure was coming towards her. Augusta pressed herself into the doorway of the nect dormitory, and the figure, which had only just turned the corner, did not see her but passed her by almost silently as she crouched in horror. It seemed to be wearing a voluminous cape of some dark material and for some reason this convinced Augusta that she had discovered a burglar.

As soon as the intruder had gone past she came out of hiding, and, crawling on hands and knees so as to be less visible, followed him. The burglar began to descend the stairs. Realising that this would be a challenge in her current position, Augusta rose to her feet again. She intended to wait at the top until her victim should have reached the bottom, but this plan went astray when she clumsily tripped over her own feet and crashed down. The burglar heard and turned just in time to receive Augusta’s full weight in his stomach. He toppled backwards slowly, like a falling tree, with Augusta on top of him. Both he and Augusta emitted wild yells as, hopelessly entangled, they rolled down the stairs.

By some mysterious, twelve-year-old resilience Augusta found herself unhurt – not even winded. With admirable presence of mind she wriggled out from beneath the burglar, who made an ineffectual grab at her, and fled down the corridor. The burglar, apparently more desirous of extracting his revenge than taking his chance to escape, leapt to his feet, picked up his robes and gave chase.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 26th, 2003, 11:53pm
In the meantime Kathie Robertson, who slept beside the door in the same dormitory as Augusta, had been woken by the breath of chillier air that came in when her charge opened the door. Still half asleep she realised that the door was still open a crack, and muttering to herself about the iniquities of people who did not close doors when they used them, crawled out of bed to remedy the problem. Somehting must have prompted her to glance out before closing it, and she caught sight of Augusta vanishing on all fours down the corridor. Kathie’s jaw dropped. She looked back and saw that the new girl’s bed was empty. With a mental groan she decided that you never knew what Augusta might be up to and she had better go and see what it was. She also decided that she might need help, and went back to prod her great friend, Mollie Avery, who woke and sat up with a suddenness that was literally stunning, since the top of her head hit Kathie on the chin. Kathie exclaimed with some force, staggered back, and sat very hard on the next bed. It was unsurprising that very soon the entire dormitory was awake and sallying out in chase of its absent member with tremendous enthusiasm. Even as the vanguard – being Kathie, since she was the only one who really had any idea what was going on – reached the door they heard bloodcurdling howls rising from the lower floor. With no hesitation they streamed down the corridor, joined on the way by most of the members of the next two dormitories, who had also heard the noise and were investigating. They reached the top of the stairs in time to see the unknown figure running in somewhat ungainly manner along the lower passage.

“A burglar!” screeched Kathie in almost hysterical excitement. She plunged down the stairs so quickly that she almost fell, but righted herself only to wobble again as Mollie shot past her, mounted on the bannister. The whole crowd followed, some tumbling down the stairs, others taking the easier if more dangerous option and sliding down the bannisters.

“What’s happening?” questioned a latecomer to the chase.

“Burglars!” gasped Mollie, who in her excitement had tripped over her dressing-gown and thereby lost the advantage she had gained by her high-speed bannister trip.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 26th, 2003, 11:55pm
*Giggles.  Thanks Abi, can just imagine the melee.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Dec 27th, 2003, 12:01am
Thank you Abi!! Very funny! Where's Matey then? ;)

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 27th, 2003, 12:31am
Matey is fast asleep in her nice warm bed

Abi *clutching at straws*

Augusta, filled with horror by the prospect of being caught by a ferocious law-breaker, was running faster than she had ever done in her life before. After darting round a corner she dived into a Form room in the hope that her pursuer would not notice and go on past. Unfortunately she knocked over a chair, swerved to avoid another and crashed into a desk instead. The door opened and Augusta panicked, flung open the window and threw herself out of it. As she tore round the side of the House, followed by the burglar, she had no idea that about twenty girls were all attempting to get through a not-very-large window at the same time.

“Ouch!” squeaked someone. “Kathie, get your elbow out of my mouth!” in a rather muffled voice.

“I can’t, someone’s trying to yank my wig off,” came the anguished reply.

The noise they made as they emerged at last, in full war-cry, roused the sleepers in the dormitories directly above, who, under the impression that the country had been invaded in the night and they must help to defend it, hurried out in search of the source of the uproar. It was not long before they encountered a big crowd of excited small girls charging up the front stairs.

“Hi!” yelled Elizabeth Arnett. “What do you kids think you’re doing?” Kathie called an answer back from ten yards down the corridor.

“We’re catching a burglar! Quick, or he’ll get away!”

Elizabeth remarked afterwards that she must have been infected by the younger girls’ enthusiasm, for she cast her dignity to the winds and took to her heels. Seeing their leader take the plunge like this, the dozen or so seniors who made up the party also pounded down the corridor. They were now in the sleeping quarters of the School, and their numbers were added to every minute so that very soon there were about sixty girls tearing about, joined by most of the Staff. The majority of them had no idea what was happening but thought that it was far more entertaining than lying in slothful slumber.

Augusta, having by this time made a speedy tour of the entire School, was beginning to tire. She put on a spurt, rounded a corner, bounded through her own dormitory door, closed it and leant against it, trying to catch her breath. She had been utterly unaware of the large scale of the chase so it came as a shock to notice that the room was empty. At almost the identical moment she heard what sounded like a mob coming down the corridor. She opened the door and her eyes almost fell out of her head. It was a mob coming down the corridor. Being an adventurous and curious child, Augusta joined them and was swept along.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 27th, 2003, 12:32am
“What’s going on?” she gasped and was lucky in that one of the original chasers was close beside her and managed to wheeze out,

“There’s a burglar! We’re catching him!”

“Oh, jolly wizard!” enthused the cause of all the trouble. Having got her second wind it was an easy task for her to reach the front of the crowd where the athletic and determined Kathie was still holding her own. She almost jumped out of her skin to see Augusta sprinting beside her and with an effort increased her own pace to keep up.

“Where’ve you been?” She was relieved to see that Augusta was not – as she had half-feared – the burglar. That young lady did not answer, but waved her arm expressively at the figure before them. It was slowing down and had stopped, wondering where its victim had gone. A shout of victory went up from those at the front and they quite literally pounced on the burglar. Down he went, with them on top. Those in the rear pressed forward to see what was happening and it ended up with a huge mass of bodies all piled up, yelling and fighting one another.

Mary Burnett was trying to beat off two members of the Fifth, who were endeavoring to tie her up with their dressing-gown cords under the impression that she was the burglar. Gillian Linton was wrestling, apparently to the death, with Pam Slater. Four members of Augusta’s dormitory had not lost sight of the original purpose of the expedition and were crawling round the heaving pile in an attempt to find the alleged criminal, and Augusta herself was at the bottom of the heap and attacking indiscriminately anyone with whom she came in contact.

Eventually it petered out, as fights are wont to do, and they all sat up, breathing heavily and gazing rather wildly at one another. It was the breathless and battered Miss Wilson who spoke first.

“What is the meaning of this?” she demanded in tones that the Abbess herself could not have bettered. Most people looked at one another blankly and those in the know pretended they weren’t.

“We – er – we were catching a burglar, Miss Wilson,” admitted Kathie guiltily. Then she looked round in bewilderment. “But he seems to have disappeared.” Miss Wilson looked at her speechlessly.

“We?” she said, dangerously. “I was engaged in the pursuit of a burglar,” she announced., “Only to find myself attacked by – er –” she appeared to be lost for words as she gazed round at the crowd of dumbfounded faces. “By about half the School, it seems.” A universal gasp went up as girls and Staff alike grasped the full meaning of her statement, and once again Kathie made herself spokesperson.

“You mean – we’ve been chasing – you– all this time?” But at this point Gillian Linton and Pam Slater caught each other’s eyes and went off into wild giggles. The rest of the School gazed at them and Miss Wilson stared with outraged dignity. Then she suddenly saw the funny side and a peal of laughter escaped her. The tension relieved, the portion of the School that was present followed her example.

For some minutes they all sat there, gasping with laughter and their exertion, but at last Bill recovered herself and rose a little unsteadily to her feet.

“Everyone, you had better all go back to bed now. We will sort out this muddle in the morning.” She stood and watched as they slowly scrambled to their feet and went off to their dormitories or their rooms. Twenty minutes later, peace once again reigned over the School.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Dec 27th, 2003, 12:33am
*giggles wildly and wonders where Abi plans to take this!!*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 27th, 2003, 12:34am
*Even more giggles.  So glad this drabble kept going.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 27th, 2003, 3:00am
*also very glad to have more of this and giggling wildly*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Chloe on Dec 27th, 2003, 9:25am

Thanks, but may we have some more soon please  :)

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 27th, 2003, 10:22am
*joins in the chant Chloe inadvertently started*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Dec 27th, 2003, 11:09am
*trying to overcome her giggles so she too can join the chant*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Lesley on Dec 27th, 2003, 1:38pm
Will join in chant when I've finished giggling!!!

Wonderful Abi!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Cumbrian_Rachel on Dec 27th, 2003, 3:09pm
Brilliant!  8oo 8oo

*joins in the chant in between giggles*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Jennie on Dec 27th, 2003, 3:39pm
When are we going to get more of Augusta the Accident, Abi?  Lots more please.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Dec 27th, 2003, 8:02pm
*wonders why Abi hasn't posted more yet?!* ???

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:05am
because Abi was scoffing Christmas chocolate, trying to control the hamster and playing cards all at the same time  ;D

But the next morning, inevitably, came the reckoning. This proved to be far more problematic than Miss Wilson had anticipated. She reported the incident to Hilda Annersley, who questioned whether she was certain that it was really a burglar that she had been chasing. Nell was adamant and assured the Head that nothing but a large man could possibly have knocked her down the stairs.

“Really, Hilda,” she expostulated. “You seem to forget that I had him in sight most of the time and I could see perfectly well that he was a man.”

Hilda argued no further, but instead suggested that they investigate how half the School had come to be pursuing Miss Wilson in the middle of the night. Nell thought about it.

“Young Kathie Robertson seems to have been in the forefront of the whole thing,” she remembered at length. “I think most of them had no idea what was happening – they just followed the rest.” So Kathie was summoned to the study and explained that she had gone out in search of Augusta and had inadvertently woken the entire dormitory in the process.

“Really, Kathie!” said Miss Wilson reproachfully. “If you can’t get out of bed without waking an entire dormitory I think you had better sleep in Matron’s room for the rest of the term.” Kathie turned scarlet and said nothing. Hilda intervened.

“Yes, well, never mind that at the moment. Augusta seems to have started this, we’d better speak to her.” Augusta arrived in short order and gazed enquiringly at them.

“Augusta, Kathie tells us that you were out of bed last night.  Can you tell us what you were doing, please?” Nothing could have pleased Augusta better. She immediately launched into her explanation (which had lost nothing by being repeated at least three times that morning already).

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:07am
*imagines horror stories flying around the school*

Just one thing - would Miss Annersley's have used a mistress's Christian name to a pupil?

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:09am
*sniggering quietly to avoid disturbing other people* thank you Abi  ;D

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:12am
Thanks Abi, can also imagine all the wild tales flying around, and half the school being unable to sleep the following night in case the burglar returned.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:15am

on 12/28/03 at 00:07:37, KB wrote:
*imagines horror stories flying around the school*

Just one thing - would Miss Annersley's have used a mistress's Christian name to a pupil?

ooops - I can't spot it though, must be having a mental block?

“Well,” she began in low, mysterious tones. “Something woke me up – I think it must have been the sound of silent footsteps coming along the corridor. I opened the dormitory door and there, coming down it, was a huge, shadowy figure, wearing an enormous black cape.” The two mistresses listened with grave faces and did not dare to look at one another. “I looked round the door and for one terrible moment I saw the figure’s face.” She paused for dramatic effect. “It was a man’s face, with piercing dark eyes and a black moustache. There was something sinister about it that sent shivers down my spine. It looked – evil. Like pure, evil, in person.” Hilda permitted herself one sidelong glance at the outraged face of Nell. It nearly proved to  be her undoing but she mastered herself and kept a straight face. Augusta took a deep breath and continued her narrative. “As soon as it had gone past I crept out of the dormitory and followed him. Even the way he walked looked menacing. He went right along the corridor and then to the back stairs. He went down them.” The last four words were spoken as though to go down the stairs had been the most horrifying thing yet. “I – er, well,” for the first time Augusta hesitated slightly. “As a matter of fact I fell down the stairs on top of him. He sort of hung onto my legs I think and I know I was hanging onto his hair, because I was trying to find the bannister.” Miss Wilson rubbed the top of her head. “When we reached the bottom of the stairs I decided to try to hide and then follow him where he went, but he chased me,” she said, aggrievedly. “I don’t know why, I’d have thought he wanted to get away. Anyway, I ran away, and he ran after me, and I jumped out of a window –” Hilda looked slightly alarmed here. “But he followed me round the House and back in through the window again and round and round the place quite a lot and then I went up the front stairs and I think he came after me there but I didn’t see or hear him after that and I hid in my dormitory and then I heard the others coming down the corridor so I went out and they said they were catching the burglar too but when we jumped on him he turned into Miss Wilson and I think that’s all.” Augusta concluded her story at last and smiled proudly, evidently under the impression that she was the heroine of the hour.

“I – see,” said Miss Annersley after a long pause. “Er – Miss Wilson, perhaps you would like to tell Augusta what happened to you.”

“Oh, yes, Miss Wilson, please do,” agreed Augusta eagerly. Miss Wilson made a sound that was distinctly similar to a muffled snort, but complied.

“I had just been attending to Gwensi Howell, who had toothache, as Matron was away tonight, and I began to descend the back stairs. As I did so I was cannoned into by – ah – someone, with whom I fell down the stairs. They seemed to be trying to pull all my hair out and were also screeching in my ear in a manner that would have been envied by a banshee. On completing our descent, the – person – fled and I, under the impression that it was a burglar, gave chase. I did not succeed in catching it, but as we completed the full circuit of the School I was suddenly pounced upon by at least half its members.”

Miss Annersley’s solemn countenance gave away nothing of what she was feeling.

“Well,” she remarked. “It seems that Miss Wilson was Augusta’s burglar and that Augusta was yours, Miss Wilson.”

Augusta was staring at Miss Wilson open-mouthed.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:16am
“You mean…. You mean….” She summoned all her resources to deal with this new information. As it dawned on her her expression changed and she glared at the mistress accusingly.

“You mean it was you all the time, Miss Wilson, and not a burglar at all?” Miss Annersley choked.

“Well,” retorted Miss Wilson, “I was chasing you all the time, Augusta, not a burglar. What do you mean by pretending to be a burglar?” Augusta appeared to be on the verge of suffocating with her indignation.

“I never did!” she squeaked at last. “Why did you chase me, anyway, if you weren’t a burglar?”

“Because you ran away,” said Miss Wilson promptly. Augusta gave a remarkably good impression of a pig.

“Well, I ran away because you chased me.” Miss Annersley decided that they were getting off the point rather.

“Yes, well, now we’ve sorted that out, I think it’s time to point out that it is hardly a good thing to rouse a whole School in the pursuit of imaginary burglars. It cannot be permitted and I feel I ought to deal with the issue very severely indeed.” Augusta felt that this was hardly fair.

“Please, Miss Annersley,” she interrupted. “I don’t think it’s fair that you should punish me and not Miss Wilson. After all, she pretended to be a burglar too.” She eyed the erring Science mistress balefully. Miss Wilson most reprehensibly chuckled.

“A very good point, Augusta,” concurred Miss Annersley. “I certainly think that Miss Wilson should be punished as well as you.” She glanced at her colleague with amusement in her eye as Miss Wilson prepared to object to this. “One moment, Miss Wilson. Now, Augusta, what do you suggest I do to Miss Wilson.” Augusta considered this, her head on one side. At last she pronounced,

“I suppose she really thought I was a burglar,” this grudgingly, “So I should say she ought to be let off with a caution, Miss Annersley.” Hilda laughed outright at this judgement and turned to Miss Wilson.

“Miss Wilson, may I ask the same question of you? What do you suggest for Augusta?” Miss Wilson laughed too.

“After that I can hardly say much, can I? After all, I suppose Augusta really thought I was a burglar! No, I think Augusta should be let off with a caution too, Miss Annersley,” she said. Miss Annersley laughed again.

“Very well, both of you, consider yourselves cautioned. Now Augusta, you had better run off to your lessons.”

“Yes, Miss Annersley, thank you,” said Augusta and dutifully performed her curtsey before skipping off to her Form room.

In the study, Hilda and Nell laughed until the tears ran down their cheeks.

“Oh, Nell! I had never noticed your menacing walk before,” wept Hilda.

“Well, I never knew I looked so evil and sinister,” giggled Nell, peering at herself in her pocket mirror.

“Pure evil, in person,” quoted Hilda blissfully, and they laughed again.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:26am

on 12/28/03 at 00:05:09, Abi wrote:
“Augusta, Kathie tells us that you were out of bed last night.

Abi, this was the bit I mean. Should it perhaps have been 'Augusta, Miss Ferrars, tells us...'?

And I love that talk in the study! Hilarious! 8oo

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:28am
*howling with near-hysterical laughter*

thank you Abi  ;D

*off to repair her sides*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:31am
*offers Xanthe a clamp to hold herself together*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:33am

on 12/28/03 at 00:26:02, KB wrote:
Abi, this was the bit I mean. Should it perhaps have been 'Augusta, Miss Ferrars, tells us...'?

And I love that talk in the study! Hilarious! 8oo

Oh that was Kathie Robertson - it's set in wartime - sorry!

Thanks for nice comments  :D

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:34am
Oh, whoops, sorry, that was my confusion then.  :-[ :-[ :-[

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Carolyn P on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:37am
Abi, that was ever so funny.

;D ;D

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Dec 28th, 2003, 1:10am
Abi! That was funny!! 8oo 8oo
(and so was KB's confusion!! 8oo)

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 1:43am

Here is a taster for tomorrow's installment (entitled Augusta and the Ink):

Albert was a fat man. When he went to the shop he wanted to buy a whistle. There were no whistles in the shop. Mrs. West said “We will hav whistles on Wednesday. Who is your whistle for?” Albert said, “William.”

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Dec 28th, 2003, 1:45am

*hopes she won't have to wait too long for the next bit*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 2:00am

on 12/28/03 at 01:10:36, Vikki wrote:
Abi! That was funny!! 8oo 8oo
(and so was KB's confusion!! 8oo)

*finds it sad that Vikki is always so delighted when I make a mistake* :'(

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 28th, 2003, 2:05am

on 12/28/03 at 01:43:40, Abi wrote:

Here is a taster for tomorrow's installment (entitled Augusta and the Ink):

Albert was a fat man. When he went to the shop he wanted to buy a whistle. There were no whistles in the shop. Mrs. West said “We will hav whistles on Wednesday. Who is your whistle for?” Albert said, “William.”  

Ink? Whistles?  Confused?

*Looking forward to tomorrow.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Catherine_B on Dec 28th, 2003, 2:10am
*weeping with laughter!*

Thank you, Abi - I loved the scene in the Study - could imagine their faces perfectly from your descriptions - hilarious!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 2:18am

on 12/28/03 at 02:05:42, Esmeralda wrote:
Ink? Whistles?  Confused?

I think you're meant to be confused, Esmeralda!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 2:27am
*eyes widening innocently*

Why ever are you confused?

ETA: *has just realised in horror that it is already quite a long way into tomorrow  :o *

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 2:37am
*agrees with this and lightly prods Abi*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 2:39am
*jumps violently and wonders why she is being prodded*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 2:50am
Because it's tomorrow, and we haven't got more story...

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 2:57am
Oh, is that it?

Well, go on then....

Augusta and the Ink

Having related one of the more hair-raising incidents that generally cropped up around Augusta, I feel that it would be interesting to return to more mundane issues – that is, lessons.

Augusta’s previous teacher had given up on her as a bad job. This was not so much because she was badly behaved – in fact she was almost too eager to please, on occasion. They started work in earnest on the Tuesday, and Miss Edwards was moved to give them an English dictation for the first piece of work. Both Kathie and Mollie, on either side of Augusta, got very low marks on that particular piece of dictation. They were watching Augusta’s method of working dealing with the task with intense fascination.

The first thing she did was to empty her entire pencil-box onto the table. It contained about a dozen erasers, but no pencils (except for one very short, very stubby specimen that lurked at the bottom as though ashamed of its unprepossessing appearance) and a fountain pen which Kathie remarked afterwards bore evidence of having been used by Noah in the Ark. Then she opened her books at the first page, took up the elderly pen, removed the cap and thereby released a stream of blue ink which ran across the middle of the page and dripped off it onto the desk. Mollie giggled. Miss Edwards looked across the room and said,

“Augusta Maria Fraser!” in tones of deepest horror. Augusta smiled reassuringly at the teacher.

“It’s all right, I’ve got some tissues,” she said, diving into the recesses of her capacious pockets and resurfacing bearing a wad of tissues. She mopped up the ink (which left blue streaks across the wooden desk) and returned the tissues to her pocket. Miss Edwards pretended not to notice and began the dictation instead.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Dec 28th, 2003, 3:03am
*giggling quietly to avoid waking Chloe*

thank you Abi  ;D

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 3:08am
I am sure you have noticed that dictation exercises are possibly the most boring stories ever written. This particular one began:

Albert was a fat man (they all begin like this). When he went to the shop he wanted to buy a whistle. There were no whistles in the shop. Mrs. West said “We will have whistles on Wednesday. Who is your whistle for?” Albert said, “William.”

I shall bore you no further. But this Tuesday neither Kathie nor Mollie noticed how tedious it was. Their attention was centred on their new classmate. Spellbound they watched as, with her nose almost resting on the paper, Augusta scrawled words across the lines. Somehow she seemed to be working twice as feverishly as anyone else. The scratching of her pen sounded even above Miss Edwards’ voice and there was an occasional resounding ‘ping’ as the two parts of the nib sprang back together after a painful and prolonged seperation.

Even more remarkable than the orchestra of sounds which accompanied Augusta’s literary efforts was the visual aspect. Sore eyes would have feasted upon the sight. Slowly, gradually, but relentlessly and unmistakably a tide of Royal Blue ink spread onto Augusta’s fingertips, up her fingers, her arms. Her neat School uniform became almost invisible beneath the coating of ink. Her features were almost obscured behind a mask of ink. Even her hair began to wear an air of distinct blueness. Ink flowed merrily off the page and wandered over the desk. It found its way in some mysterious fashion onto the work of Kathie and Mollie. Some of it made a bid for freedom and leapt recklessly to the floor.

But the most fascinating sight of all was Augusta’s dictation. It was smeared lightly with ink all over due to the progress of her fist across the page. Through this could be read occasional phrases such as “…the woman blue the wissel…”. Scattered about this effusion were dark blots of ink. The whole thing gave the impression of an army of ants and other insects, some with wings, having fallen into the inkwell and staggered drunkenly across the page, perhaps attempting one or two complex acrobatic and balletic moves when not really in a fit state to do so.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 3:11am

Augusta, meanwhile, appeared to be completely oblivious to this and of the interest with which Kathie and Mollie, as well as others of the less studious elements of the Form, were watching. Even those who were generally hard-working were unable to stop themselves from glancing up occasionally when the mistress paused and they had caught up.

The dictation had taken around half an hour to read, what with repetitions, questions and interruptions. By the end of this time Augusta’s new friends were almost hysterical with stifled giggles. It was Mollie who called Miss Edwards’ attention to the state of affairs. It was at the end of the dictation. Augusta dropped her pen with a clatter (which in protest at this treatment showered a fine spray of droplets across a wider area than one would have thought possible). As she lifted her head, Mollie caught the full glory of Augusta’s blue countenance. It was too much. Mollie snorted with laughter, tried to turn it into a cough, and came out with a remarkable noise that attracted the mistress’ full attention to that part of the room. For ten seconds she stared at Augusta with a sort of petrified horror that grew over her face. Augusta watched the transformation with a dispassionate interest, while the rest of the Form gazed at the two of them with expression that were mild reflection of Miss Edwards’.

“Augusta!” at last she spoke. It was only one word, but into it was infused such a wealth of feeling that a lecture could not have expressed more effectively her emotions. Every member of the Form held its breath. There was an electric pause. Only the cause of the trouble herself appeared to be blissfully unaware of anything unusual. She looked enquiringly at the mistress.

“Yes, Miss Edwards? Is anything wrong?” she added a trifle anxiously. If Miss Edwards had been a less self-controlled person she might have emitted a howl of anguish, or have thrown her pen on the floor and jumped on it (it is very amusing when people do this, by the way), or even have banged her head on the wall. But even a short time of teaching children can have a great effect on the mind, and Miss Edwards had already acquired patience. This is true of many teachers: some are born patient, some acquire patience, and some have patience thrust upon them. Instead of committing an act of violence she merely gave a small sigh of exasperation.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Dec 28th, 2003, 3:15am
*grips sides of chair and shakes with suppressed laughter*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 3:35am
“Augusta, have you seen your face?”

“Well, I saw it this morning in the mirror,” said her pupil helpfully.

“Try looking at your hands, then.” Augusta followed this instruction and gazed judicially at her hands.

“They’re blue,” she commented, showing no particular interest or surprise in the fact. Miss Edwards’ face clearly displayed her emotions. She remembered that her mother had always told her to count to ten before speaking, and decided to ignore the advice. This was not the moment for counting games. She summoned all her powers of sarcasm.

“I can only congratulate you upon your extraordinary powers of observation, Augusta,” she said. Sarcasm, however, went right over Augusta’s head. She smiled at the mistress happily and made a good suggestion.

“Shall I go and wash them?”

“I think that would be an excellent idea. You could just look at your face in the mirror too, and perhaps even use a little soap on it.”

“Oh, is that blue as well?” asked Augusta.

“Just go and wash it!” said Miss Edwards through her teeth. Augusta looked faintly surprised. She left the room. There was a brief silence after her departure.

“Now,” said Miss Edwards, relaxing. “I will take your books in and mark them. Would you…”

“Miss Edwards!” A blue face appeared apologetically round the door. “I can’t remember where the Splasheries are!” Miss Edwards showed distinct signs of being about to indulge in an apoplectic fit and Kathie hastily jumped up and said,

“I’ll show her!” She pushed Augusta out and closed the door, and peace once again reigned in the Form room.

It was some time before Augusta and Kathie reappeared. It had taken about ten minutes and vigorous application of soap and water to remove the evidence of Augusta’s literary activities. Even so, her hands and face still glowed faintly blue in certain lights. A geater problem had been her uniform. Augusta maintained that this really did not matter since her parents were used to it and the sooner the School was the better. Kathie, well trained by the autocratic Matron, was horrified by this idea and insisted that some attempt must be made to reduce the unfortunate articles of clothing to a state of cleanliness. So more soap and water were employed and the two girls got gradually wetter and wetter.

“But a good bit of it has come off!” Augusta pointed out with her usual optimism.

“Yes, but I don’t think Miss Edwards’ll want us this wet,” said Kathie, doubtfully. “We’d better have a go with the towels.” They took it in turns to rub the other dry.

When at length they returned to the Form room, both girls bore ample evidence of their ablutions. Although they were now dry, Kathie’s hair was rumpled and frizzy, while Augusta’s (which never looked tidy under any circumstances) was apparently standing quite literally on end. In fact, had you passed them at this point you might have been excused for assuming that they had both been hauled through the proverbial hedge in reverse.

Miss Edwards deliberately kept her eyes averted when they entered the room. She said afterwards that she hadn’t dared look at Augusta after she had been attended to by Kathie (this was in the Staff Room, where she described the entire episode in lurid terms, much to the edification of the Staff).

The rest of the day passed more or less smoothly. Miss Edwards carefully kept to verbal work, which did elicit some intriguing comments from Augusta (and other members of the Form), but was in general less mentally disturbing than the ink had been.

For some time after, Miss Edwards painstakingly tried to instill in Augusta a sense of tidiness and a dislike for blue ink. But Augusta saw no reason to change the habit of a lifetime and in her illogical manner she gently made hay of the mistress’ every effort. In the end Miss Edwards, like many before her, gave up the unequal struggle.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 3:40am
Oh, goodness, poor Augusta!!! *giggles wildly*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:07am
8oo 8oo 8oo
Wonderful Abi!! Thank you for a good giggle!!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:09am
Shall we chant, Vikki?

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:26am
Good idea KB!! :-*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:35am
*begins the singing chant*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:38am
*sits back and listens to the delightful duet, and wonders whether to tell Vikki and KB that that is all I have written, even on paper, so there will certianly be no more until this evening, if then*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:40am
Awww!!! No fair!! *pouts!*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:44am
*willing to wait*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:45am
*offers Vikki a lollipop instead*

ETA: And KB!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:50am
*accepts lollipop and huggles Abi!*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:51am
*thanks Abi and starts on yummy lollipop*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Lesley on Dec 28th, 2003, 7:31am
Thank you for all of this Abi - thought the scenes in the Study hilarious - love the idea that even the CS mistresses are giving up on Augusta!

More please! ;D

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 28th, 2003, 9:48am
*Giggles madly.  Thank you Abi, this is really fun.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Chloe on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:47am
8oo Wonderful Abi thanks 8oo

May we have some more soon thoguh please!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Pat on Dec 28th, 2003, 11:59am
Abi, were you bonkers before you joined us, or is this the result od joining us?  That was hilarious, and if you need to take time to write the next bit, please do.  I would hate it if the prose became diluted through haste!!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by LauraT on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:31pm
Abi this is amazing! *getting weird looks from grandmother due to hysterical laughter!*
*joins chant!*   8oo

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Dec 28th, 2003, 5:02pm
*combines chanting with giggling and is surprisingly successful*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Dec 28th, 2003, 8:47pm
*wonders if Abi might be related to Rachel?* ;)
*chants for more!!*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:23pm
Can we cope with more than one of that family on this board?!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Carolyn P on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:25pm
Abi, this is wonderful. Your descriptions capture the scenes perfectly and your style adds so much to the story. Please, please continue.  :) :D ;D

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:30pm
Wow! I'm overwhelmed by all the nice comments! Thank you everyone.

KB - I am not related to Rachel - I haven't killed anyone yet! Of course, if you want me to....... ;D

I will be writing more soon but at the moment I don't have any ideas for other good scenes, sure they will come soon though....please send suggestions on a postcard  ;)

Title: Re:  Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:40pm

on 12/28/03 at 22:30:23, Abi wrote:
KB - I am not related to Rachel - I haven't killed anyone yet! Of course, if you want me to....... ;D

Vikki was the one who first suggested you might be!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Dec 28th, 2003, 11:00pm
Well, I just thought there were similarities with the silliness!! ;)

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 28th, 2003, 11:03pm
*is slightly alarmed by this comparison*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Susan on Dec 30th, 2003, 1:03am
Abi this is the first Augusta I have read as the reast got TEM'd before I caught up with it.   It is really funny and very clever. Thank you for it, feeling really cheered up now.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Dec 30th, 2003, 1:15am
Thank you Sue! I seem to have ground to a halt on this one for a bit, which is a shame as I really enjoy writing it. Any suggestions anyone?

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 2:10am

on 12/30/03 at 01:03:51, Susan wrote:
the reast got TEM'd before I caught up with it

Sue, I love that verb! I think it should join the CBB vocabulary!
you TEM
he/she/it TEMs
we TEm
they TEM

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:06pm
It's been a while, but here is another installment....

In Which Augusta Has A Cold

Matrons in schools always have extra work to do when a pupil is ill. But Matron Lloyd discovered not so very long after the new term had begun just how trying some patients can be. Probably in the time it has taken you to read these two lines you have surmised what was indeed the case – Matron’s new patient was Augusta. As a matter of fact, she was not the only one, but the rest were less trouble than she was even when all put together and doubled. That is, until……. But I must wait, and tell my story in the proper order.

There seemed to be an epidemic of colds going around the School. Colds are the sort of illness that everyone gets if they come within a mile of someone else with one, and all Matron’s attempts at isolation were to no avail. The cold seemed to know exactly what would irritate her most. It first struck down only a few victims, mostly seniors. Matron promptly dosed them and sent them to the San. They were just recovering when almost the entire Fourth form went down with it overnight. Matron would have suspected some sort of trick, except that every one of the victims was sneezing fit to scare the birds. So a dormitory was commandeered, the patients banished, and the School settled down to an unexpected quiet period. After a few days the members of the Fourth began to trickle slowly back into lessons, and there were only half of them left in exile when the cold suddenly reappeared and picked out about ten percent of the members of each form (some of the Fourth formers, to their indignation, succumbed for a second time having had only a few days back in School) and a goodly proportion of the Staff. As I am sure you can imagine, this opened up ample opportunity for some of the less virtuous elements of the School to indulge in mindless but (to them) amusing pranks. Among the younger girls Augusta was to the fore in this area, having had plenty of experience from her previous life, and she lightened the days considerably, however, this is not what this story is concerned with.

It opens at a time when most of the girls were back in lessons and grumbling because their colds had not lasted long enough (except for the few who were annoyed at having had them in the first place). For no apparent reason Augusta woke up one morning and sneezed. This was about five minutes before the rising bell, but everyone else in the dormitory woke up instantly. Most of them sat up, or raised themselves on their elbows, wondering what it was that had roused them, since the rising bell was obviously not ringing. There was a moments silence, then Augusta sneezed again. Everyone gasped and one or two of the more excitable ones yelled in shock.

You may, by this time, be under the impression that I am grossly exaggerating the effect of Augusta’s sneeze. I can assure you that I am not. The second sneeze, as a matter of fact, was less violent than the first had been, but the echoes were only just dying down in the time it has taken to relate these facts. It had been as though two explosions had taken place. Later on that morning someone was to say that they distinctly felt the building rock. This, I think, may be an embroidering of the truth. Even so, the dust that had lodged itself behind the radiators in the dormitory was suddenly dislodged and a cloud of black rose up, then settled in the area around the radiators. A hairbrush that had been rather precariously lodged on someone’s dressing table clattered to the floor, and the windows rattled.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Carolyn P on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:11pm
*Giving a resounding cheer*

Augusta is back, hooray!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:21pm
Yippee!  Thank you Abi  ;D

*does the drabbly-joy dance*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:28pm
Yay!! More Augusta!!! ;D

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:31pm
As the reverberations died away Kathie said rather weakly,

“What on earth was that?” Augusta spoke up apologetically.

“Sorry, I sneezed.” There was a minor rattle and then a loud trumpeting sound as she retrieved a handkerchief from her drawer and applied it vigorously to her nose. As the noise faded a giggle was plainly audible from Mollie’s cubicle. “It’s not funny!” protested Augusta, sounding affronted. Fortunately she was prevented from saying any more by the ringing of the rising bell. As they flung up their curtains to let the air flow through the room, Kathie turned to Augusta.

“Do you think you’d better go to Matron, Gussie?” (this was the now common shortening for Augusta’s name). Augusta looked at her blankly.

“Why should I?” she questioned. Kathie rolled her eyes expressively up to the ceiling.

“Well, don’t you think a sneeze like that might mean you’re getting a cold?” Augusta snorted.

“I’ve never been ill in my life and I don’t intend to start now,” she stated firmly, although not at all aggressively.

This was not absolutely true, although nearly so. In general Augusta was one of those people who never is ill, however much time they spend in the company of those who are suffering from various maladies. When her best friend at home had had chickenpox Augusta, feeling that the illness would be worth it for the days of school she would miss, had industriously breathed in the atmosphere of Johnson’s French Grammar, which Caroline had been using the day she was taken ill. She had unlawfully entered the invalid’s room, and made off with a nightie that had not yet been washed or disinfected. But all to no avail. The illness avoided her as though it felt that she might win if it took her on. At the tender age of seven all but three of her classmates had become ill with mumps. The other three had succumbed even as the earlier sufferers were returning to the fold. But Augusta had remained aggravatingly free of germs. The one disease to which she had a notorious (amongst those who knew her) susceptibility was the common cold. Augusta suffered from colds in season and out of it. She sneezed and coughed at Christmas, at Easter and at the height of summer. Her life seemed to be an endless succession of colds. If she wasn’t actually in the process of having one she was either recovering from one or catching one. It was a mystery how she had survived in the germ-ridden environment that was currently the Chalet School for so long without having caught the cold.

Now, however, she most definitely had a cold, and she knew it. Augusta, however, was the sort of person that never gives up without a struggle, and for the twelve years of her life so far she had laboured under the delusion that if one resists a cold strenuously enough it will eventually give up and go and haunt someone with less willpower. So far the colds had always proved stronger than Augusta. This one was no exception.

Knowing from previous experience what to expect, Augusta took eight handkerchieves with her when she went downstairs. Breakfast passed without any major incidents, but no sooner had the first lesson started (it was Maths, and Miss Slater was in a good mood that day), than a tremendous sneeze blasted the ears of those who sat near Augusta. Miss Slater was not a nervous person, but she jumped violently. The sneeze was quickly followed by the trumpet-like blowing of Augusta’s nose.

“Really, Augusta!” said the mistress reprovingly. “Must you make quite so much noise about it?” Augusta looked at her aggrievedly over the top of the first of her handkerchieves.

“I was being quiet, Miss Slater,” she objected. A minor explosion might have been heard from Mollie on one side of the sufferer, but the class’ ears were still ringing with the previous one so no-one noticed it. Augusta finished blowing her nose and Miss Slater, not quite knowing what to do, continued the lesson.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Abi on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:32pm

It was not until that afternoon, however, that the cold struck in full force. Admittedly, Augusta had had occasion to blow her nose once or twice previously and had now reached her third handkerchief, but that was merely a preliminary to the glory of the real thing.

In Chemistry with Miss Wilson they were doing some experiments with bunsen burners and various chemicals. Augusta (having learnt from a previous experience which I shall not relate in this narrative) was measuring out her substances and working with a meticulous care that was usually quite foreign to her (it had been a painful experience). Suddenly even to Augusta three resounding sneezes shook the room. Augusta’s bunsen burner shook violently and fell over, while her chemicals vanished in a puff. Augusta herself was nearly as shaken as they were. She fished in her bulging pockets for a clean handkerchief. Miss Wilson, in the meantime, had instantly thought of the time that Evadne Lannis, in a spirit of scientific discovery, had almost blown up the lab and exterminated the entire School. At first she was under the impression that a similar thing had happened, but on surveying her charges she discovered that they and the room were all intact except for one bench which was being charred by an overturned bunsen burner.

As Miss Wilson reached the bench, Augusta (who, being engaged in excavating her pocket, had not noticed her, or she might have delayed her action slightly) masked herself with her handerchief and blew vociferously into it. Miss Wilson leapt backwards like a startled kangaroo, then, covering her ears against the blast, she ventured to step forward and right the bunsen burner, which, to the disappointment of some of the class, had not yet succeeded in setting the bench alight. Augusta removed the handkerchief from her face, sneezed again, brought forth the fifth handkerchief and continued to sneeze and blow alternately for some ten minutes. By the end of this time her nose was red and sore, her eyes were streaming and all the hankerchiefs were very well used.

At last, however, the storm abated. Miss Wilson shook her head to stop the echoes of those monstrous blasts and suggested mildly that Augusta might like to go and see Matron. Augusta put on a pleading expression.

“Oh, please, Biss Wilsod,” she expostulated, “I’b quite all right, really I ab. Id’s just that I get these sdeezes sobetibes. It doesn’t bead adythig, hodestly. It’s dot a co’d or adythig like that. Baybe it was the budsed burder or the chebicals or sobethig. I’ll be all right id a bidute, I probise, if I just blow by dose agaid…” she fumbled in her pocket, but Miss Wilson, seeing that she would probably continue to expound on the lack of germs in her system, hastily cut in.

“No, Augusta. Go to Matron now, if you please.” And Augusta sighed heavily but fatalistically and left the room. Miss Wilson turned to the rest of the Form. “Go on with your work, girls.” But after the lesson had finished she went to Matron to procure treatment for a headache.

Augusta, in the meantime, was by this time safely in bed in the Sanatorium, where there were only about six other girls left, of ages varying from eight to seventeen. She had attempted to explain to Matron that her fusillade of sneezes had been nothing to do with the cold outbreak but Matron refused (with some difficulty, it must be admitted) to listen and had packed her off to bed almost before the reluctant Augusta had realised what was happening.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by xanthe on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:36pm

*chanting VERY loudly*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Lesley on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:08pm
8oo wonderful Abi - well worth waiting for!!! 8oo

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:11pm
*giggles wildly and hopes for more soon!*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Esmeralda on Today at 1:20am
Brilliant - more Augusta!  
Please come bak and finish this part soon, Abi.

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Today at 1:48am
Fantastic work, Abi! I love this series!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Today at 2:07am
*starts to chant, loudly!!*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Today at 2:08am
*joins in very loud chant*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Today at 2:21am
*wonders if Abi has suddenly gone deaf!!*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Today at 2:25am
*wonders if our chanting is to blame*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Today at 2:29am
*suggests chanting even louder*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Today at 2:31am
*suggests maybe we tone it down instead*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Today at 2:34am
But if we do that she'll never hear it!!! ???

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Today at 2:36am
*suggests signs instead of noise to ease sore throats*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Today at 2:39am
*tries to reply, but is unable to due to loss of voice!!*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Today at 2:40am
*smiles smugly at having made my point*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Today at 2:44am
Well, I think the TEm took my voice when he swiped the NYD drabble!!

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Today at 2:46am
*thinks this may not be such a bad thing after all*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Today at 2:48am
*pokes KB!  Hard!!!*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Today at 2:49am
Well, I don't care whether you talk or not. It's whether or not you can type that concerns me. *rubs poked place and wibbles* :'(

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Today at 2:51am
Okay, I'll let you off!
*offers KB some cream for the poked place and a tissue for the wibbling!*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by KB on Today at 2:53am
*thanks Vikki for her generosity and accepts the cream and tissue*

Title: Re: Augusta the Third
Post by Vikki on Today at 3:03am
*tells KB she's welcome*

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