The Swiss Family Watson ChIII, pt 2. COMPLETE 19th Sept pg12
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#1: The Swiss Family Watson ChIII, pt 2. COMPLETE 19th Sept pg12 Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 3:04 pm
For anyone who wants to catch up, the first bit of Chapter III is here.

Chapters I & II, and prequels Long Road Home and A Second Chance are in the Drabble-orum and the Sally Denny Library. Or feel free to PM me if you'd rather just have the word files minus the yibble!

It was no great surprise to anybody in The Park, not even the housemaster himself, that it had taken precisely one evening in each other’s company for Ned and Piers to end up well and truly at daggers drawn. By the time they were three weeks into the term, the constant sniping, shouting and door slamming that seemed to be a permanent soundtrack on the third-year corridor was beginning to get on even the most patient person’s nerves, and Mr. Stevenson was on the verge of holding up his hands and admitting defeat.

Although he had not purposely put the two boys together in the room, when their names had been the first two to come out of the hat, he had not been sorry at all. In his professional opinion, forcing them to co-habit in this way could do them both a great deal of good. Down-to-earth, generous, honest, friendly, hard-working (occasional lapses notwithstanding) and full of life, Ned was in many ways as good a pupil as the staff at The Park, and indeed at Harrow School as whole, could wish for. Where he let himself down, in the eyes of his mentors at least, was his occasional petulance, stubbornness and impetuosity, and especially his tendency to refuse to listen to others, be it his peers or those in authority, if they held any other view but his own. It was this last, in particular, that Mr. Stevenson was keen to iron out, as he was only too aware that this character trait was not one that would sit well with his desire to serve in the R.A.F. A term incarcerated with someone as objectionable as Piers Lloyd-Kitchen, the housemaster hoped, would force him to start learning how to deal with those with opposing views without the need for an argument or going off in a huff. As far as Lloyd-Kitchen himself was concerned, Mr. Stevenson just hoped that by the time Christmas came around, some of Ned’s character would have begun to rub off on young Master Piers. Anything else, he recognised, was probably a little too much to ask. Sadly, things were not working out quite as he had hoped.

Just as he was thinking that they would have to be separated for the sake of everyone else’s sanity, however, Ned suddenly changed tack and decided that rather than sulking and shouting whenever Piers annoyed him, he would just not talk to him at all. Not quite what the housemaster had been hoping for, but a vast improvement nonetheless.

It was now almost five weeks into the term, and having unwittingly sealed his own fate until Christmas by changing how he dealt with his roommate, Ned was sitting in Harry’s study with his three greatest friends. He had received a letter from Lauren that morning and was insisting on reading parts of it out loud and talking about her incessantly, much to the amusement of the other three. Harry was even surreptitiously counting on his fingers the number of times Ned used the phrase “I don’t like her in that way, of course. She’s just a good friend.”

As he was busy reiterating this for at least the tenth time, there was a knock at the door and Piers appeared to let Laskar know that his father had arrived to take him out for tea. Laskar gathered his things together, asked to Ned to make his excuses at rugger practise and ran off, and once he was gone, the other three returned to their conversation – or rather, Ned’s monologue. It was a few minutes before they realised that Piers was still standing at the door.

“What do you want, Lloyd-Lichen?” Harry scowled, using the coterie’s latest moniker for their nemesis.

Piers looked the three of them up and down with a supercilious sneer. “Nothing,” he replied, before turning and leaving the room.

“Get lost then!” Harry called to his retreating back.

“I think you’ll find he already has!” Burgess laughed.

“I know, but I had to have the last word!” Harry admitted candidly.

Ned grinned. “Speaking of which, I should really get lost too – I promised I’d get some kicking in with Bronson before Torpids practice.”

“Make sure you trip 'The Creep' up in practice, won’t you?” Harry pleaded, referring to Piers, who was on the house rugby team with Ned.

“I'll do my best! See you at tea,” and flashing his friends another wide grin, Ned took his leave.

Ten minutes later he was back upstairs again, having forgotten he needed clean rugby socks. Running down the corridor, he was about to push the door to his study when it opened anyway and he almost fell into Burgess. Dan jumped backwards out of his way, a startled look on his face.

“What’re you doing in here?” Ned asked cheerfully, as he pulled open his top drawer and began rifling around for a pair of socks.

“You left Lauren’s letter in Pepperell’s study,” Dan replied, a little too quickly, but Ned failed to notice. “I’ve just bunged it on your bed.”

Ned finally found what he was looking for and shoved the drawer closed, leaving underwear strewn on the floor around his feet. “Cool, thanks!” he cried, as he dashed out of the door again. “See you later!”

Torquil “Lofty” Mcleod, the new House Games Monitor, was so determined to make ‘his’ team the best house rugby team the school had ever seen that he kept all his players in training well beyond the scheduled hour, and it was almost time for dinner when finally returned to the boarding house. As he sauntered up the lawn with his friends from the year above, Weare and Bronson, the three of them moaning about Mcleod’s over-enthusiasm and Piers’ ball hogging, Ned noticed a couple of second years laughing and pointing at him, and turned to his friends with furrowed brow.

“What’s got into them?”

Bronson looked over at the two younger boys and shrugged. “Who knows? Perhaps they’ve a touch of hero-worship – you being the rugger star and all!” he added, tongue-in-cheek. Lately, a few of the first years had taken to trailing after Ned in wholehearted admiration after seeing him play in a school match, and Ned’s friends had been ribbing him mercilessly about it ever since.

“Better start practising that autograph of yours!” Weare added with a grin.

Ned pulled a face. “Oh shove off both of you!”


“Not sure that’s the way a folk-hero should talk!”

Ned scowled at the pair of them, refusing to dignify their comments with an answer, and stalked ahead of them through the changing room door. As he went, he noticed a few more boys staring at him and whispering, and wondered again what had got into everyone. He even went as far as checking himself in the mirror to see if he had anything strange on his face or stuck to his back but apart from a few mud-spatters, everything was exactly as it should be and telling himself to stop being paranoid, he headed off to the shower room.

As he made his way across to the dining hall, however, the seemingly unwarranted attention he was attracting just seemed to be getting worse. It was not all the boys, by any means. In fact, the vast majority of them were paying him no attention whatsoever. Without doubt, though, there were enough people who were staring and sniggering, chiefly boys from his own boarding house, to make him realise that he was not being paranoid after all. For the life of him, he could not work out what had got into everyone. Harry seemed as confused by the whole thing as he was, and Burgess was seated on another table, so too far way to ask. Eventually, as the main course plates were taken away and dessert was served, he decided he had had enough. Seeing Shadley and Beresford, two second-years, glancing at him and whispering, he was about to demand they told him what was so funny when he felt a sudden tap on his shoulder. Turning, he found himself looking up at Oliver Dunkels, a crony of Piers' and almost as objectionable a person as that young man himself.

“What’s all this we hear about your girlfriend, Watson?”

Ned glared up at him, confused and somewhat put-out. “I don’t have a girlfriend, not that it’s any of your business.”

A nasty smirk came over Dunkels’ face. “Really? Funny, must be someone else who spent all summer with a girl called Lauren, helping her to get over Yves.”

Ned turned scarlet and his jaw dropped. “How do you…I mean, who…” he stammered.

“Aww, how touching, you’re blushing,” came the sarcastic response. “Tell me, Watson, what’s it like to be second best?”

“I’m not second best!”

“Oh I’m sorry, third best then,” and laughing at his own joke, he turned and headed back towards his friends, making childish kissing noises as he went.

As everyone around him started sniggering, a dumbstruck Ned turned to Harry, his face still scarlet. “How does he know about Lauren? And why does he think she’s my girlfriend?”

Harry looked as confused as his friend was. “Beats me,” he replied, with a shrug. “I’ve not said a word.”

“Were you really third best, Watson?” asked David Livingstone, a fourth-year Park boy who had always been jealous and a little resentful of Ned and his friends, ever since Harry had beaten him to the part of Bottom in his very first term at the school. He was rather enjoying seeing one of them being humiliated this way. “Bet you’re not used to that, are you?”

“I’m not any best!”

“Oh dear, doesn’t sound much of a girlfriend to me!”

“She’s not my girlfriend!”

“Why?” another joker piped up. “Did she turn you down?”

“For the last time, she’s not my girlfriend and she never was! She’s just a family friend. More like my cousin, really.”

“Since when has that stopped you aristos?” someone quipped from further down the table.

“You should know, Webbley” Harry returned furiously, trying to stick up for his friend. “Didn’t your Uncle marry his second-cousin?”

As another roar of laughter went around the table, Ned grabbed Harry’s arm. “Leave it, won’t you?” he muttered, his face burning up. “You’re making it worse.”

“I was trying to help!”

“Well you’re not!” Ned snapped back, and with his neck turning redder by the minute, he turned his attention to shovelling down his dessert, trying to ignore the jibes that were being thrown at him.

As soon as he was finished, he got to his feet and hurried out of the dining hall. He was rushing so fast, he had almost reached his boarding house when he heard the sound of running feet behind him and a shout of “Ned, wait up!”

“Just ignore them!” Harry said, panting slightly as he and Burgess caught up with their friend. “It’s only a few of them and they’re all idiots anyway. Who cares what they’re saying?”

“Easy for you to say,” Ned retorted, as he continued to marched through the side door and down the corridor towards the common room.

“What’s does it matter even if you do have a girlfriend?” Burgess asked.

“She’s not my girlfriend!”

“I know that, I’m just saying…”

“And what’s wrong with it is that it’s my own private business!” Ned stopped abruptly and spun round to face them. “How do they even know? I only told you two and Laskar. And they know about things I didn't even tell you! How on earth…?” Suddenly he broke off, shocked, as he remembered finding Burgess in his room. “It was you!”

“It was me what?”

“Who told everyone about Lauren!”

Burgess looked stunned. “I did nothing of the s…”

“I caught you, coming out of my room!” Ned interrupted, his voice getting louder and angrier.

“I was returning your letter, I told you!”

But Ned was not listening. “What did you do? Have a good read and tell everyone?”

“Of course not!” Burgess was getting angry himself now, and boys who were trickling back after dinner were turning to stare. “What do you think I am?”

“I thought you were my friend, but clearly not!”

“I am your friend!”

“Not as far as I’m concerned! No friend of mine would be so low!” and turning on his heel, he stormed off down the corridor and up the stairs towards his room.

“It wasn’t me, you ass!” Burgess shouted at his retreating back. Turning to face Harry, he caught sight of the look on that young man’s face and groaned in despair. “Not you as well! You know I just took his letter back – you were there!”

“I know you took it back to his room,” Harry replied quietly. “I’ve no idea what you did after that.”

“I didn’t read it, I promise!” Burgess pleaded, his voice taking on a desperate note. Harry simply stared at him. “Oh come on, Pepperell, you can’t think I did!”

There was a long pause before Harry shook his head. “I don’t know what I think. I’ve got work to do,” and leaving Burgess rooted to the spot, he followed in Ned’s wake.

Hurrying up the stairs, he caught sight of Ned in the third-year corridor and was about to call out to him when Tom suddenly appeared from the other direction, his friend Archie Dimsdale in tow.

“Ned, there you are!” Tom cried, his face breaking into a wide grin. “You never told me you were dating Lauren!”

“I’m not!” Ned snapped back.

“Well why are they saying you are then?”

“I don’t know! Ask Burgess!” and pushing past the two first years, he carried on his way down the hallway.

A little bewildered at the reaction to what he thought had been an innocent question, Tom turned to his friend. “What’s eating him? I was only asking!”

Dimsdale, who, though very nice, was not known as ‘Dimbo’ for nothing, simply shrugged.

“I’d leave him alone if I were you.” Harry put in, coming up behind the pair of them. “He’s not in the mood for an inquisition.”

“Why? What's happened?”

“Never you mind.” Harry retorted, opening his study door. “You shouldn’t be up here anyway, you’ll get in a royal row if the Mons catch you,” and he disappeared, leaving a disgruntled Tom & Dimbo to make their way back downstairs.

Seated at his desk, trying to complete his history prep, Piers looked up as the door slammed and Ned entered the room. “Was that really necessary?” Ignoring him, Ned flounced across the room and flopped down on his bed, kicking his scattered clothes aside. “Was that you shouting out there?”

“What if it was?” Ned snarled.

“Some of us are trying to work, you could have some consideration!”

“Oh go boil your brains.”

“How charming!”

Glaring at his roommate, Ned hauled himself to his feet, dragged his school bag from under his desk and started pulling his things out, slamming them down on his desk. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Piers watching him.

"Go on, say what it is you want to say!” he snapped. “Everyone else has.”

Piers looked him up and down. “Why would I want to say anything to you?

“About my supposed girlfriend who took me on as her third choice? Surely you’ve heard? It’s not like you to pass up the opportunity.”

Piers raised an eyebrow, an unreadable expression on his face. “Frankly I couldn’t care less what you get up to in your spare time.”

Ned looked at him in surprise. It was the last reaction he had expected. “Oh. Right,” he mumbled. Unsure what else to say, he sat down at his desk and opened his copy of Macbeth.

Lloyd-Kitchen continued to watch him. “I seriously doubt it’s true anyway,” he added after a few minutes of silence. “No self-respecting girl would give you the time of day!”

Ned glared at Piers, receiving a smirk in return. “Moron!” he muttered under his breath. Then sticking his hands over his ears and stared down at book, his mind not taking in the scenes at all as it replayed the evening’s events over and over again.

Last edited by Josie on Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:17 pm; edited 23 times in total

#2:  Author: AliceLocation: London, England PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 4:42 pm
Ooo lovely, a new update, thanks Jo.

#3:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 4:48 pm
Oooh I bet it was Piers! *quite happy to jump on the Piers-slapping bandwagon*

Thanks Josie

#4:  Author: ibarhisLocation: London and Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 7:50 pm
So glad to see this back.

#5:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 7:53 pm
Hmmm, I was all prepared to think it was Piers until we saw his reaction - now though - Dan Burgess had a startled expression - why?? Confused

Thanks Josie - lovely to see an update. Laughing

#6:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:07 pm
Thanks, Josie. I wonder why Burgess was in Ned's room. I do like a mystery!

#7:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:15 pm
Poor old Ned! Bless him.

Thanks Jo Very Happy

#8:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:42 pm
Poor old Ned, he'll just have to get used to dealing with it.

#9:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 6:34 pm
Hmmmm, I think there's a twist in here somewhere.....

*sits back to wait (semi)patiently for Jo's next post!*

Thanks hunny!

#10:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2006 12:05 am
Just caught up on loads and loads and loads of this

Thanks for some fab updates Jo - really looking forward to finding out just what's goig on and who did it Very Happy

#11:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2006 10:49 pm
Thank you Jo! Very Happy I have missed this muchly!

#12:  Author: EilidhLocation: North Lanarkshire PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:59 am
Poor Ned. Thanks Jo.

#13:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 1:07 pm
Definately Piers after all Dan said he'd left the letter on Ned's bed and I wouldn't put it past Peirs to read it...

Thank you Jo!

#14:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 6:51 pm
“There you are, my wounded little soldier. All done.”

Evadne dropped kisses on her son’s grazed elbow and knee and then, leaving him sitting on the kitchen sideboard, she cleared away the first aid kit and stored it back in the cupboard where it belonged. Henry, who had fallen whilst trying to chase Pickle across the terrace, continued to grizzle and after wiping his eyes and nose with her handkerchief, Evvy collected him up in her arms and hitched him onto her hip, just managing to fit him above her seven and a half months-worth of baby bump.

Henry nuzzled his head into his mother’s shoulder as they made their way through to the salon. Lowering herself onto the nearest sofa, Evadne moved him round so that he was sitting on her lap, and then buried her face in his fair curls.

“Come on, you. Let’s have cuddles.”

Wriggling to make himself comfortable, Henry clutched his mother’s stomach, resting his head on the top of her bump. It was the same way that he had snuggled up to her ever since her belly had begun to grow large and despite Edgar telling her she was being ridiculous, Evvy was convinced that he was giving his little brother or sister a hug.

“How’s the invalid?”

Evadne looked up at the sound of her husband’s voice and ruffled Henry’s curls. “All better, aren’t you precious?”

“Cuddling his new sibling again, I see?” Edgar replied, a twinkle in his eye.

His wife pulled a face in return, and registering his father’s voice, Henry turned his head, holding out his hand with a cry of “Daddy!”

“Charming!” Evadne pretended to be hurt. “I patch you up and now you want Daddy’s love not mine!”

Chuckling, Edgar took a seat beside them, placed the letters he was carrying on the end table and pulled his son into his lap. “Aww, poor Mummy’s feeling neglected.”

“Mommy’s feeling fat and tired, that’s what Mommy is!”

“Poor old thing,” he laughed, pecking her on the cheek. “Only six weeks or so left and it’ll all be over.”

“Nice comfort, you are! And far from being over, mister, it’ll just be starting!”

Edgar grinned. “Don’t I know it! We have living proof right here!” and he jigged his son up and down on his knee.

“Daddy, bang.”

Looking down, he saw his son thrusting up his wounded arm. “So I can see. Always in too much of a rush to get everywhere, that’s your problem, isn’t it?”

“Daddy, bang!

“Alright, I know. Let me see,” and clutching the grazed elbow, Edgar bent down to kiss it better. “There you are, little man.”

“Mummy, bang!”

“Yes I know, who d’you think took care of you?” Evadne asked, deciding against the cumbersome task of leaning down, and kissing her fingers and placing them on Henry’s graze instead.


“Yes, Mommy.”

“Mummy!” Henry cried again, and then giggled, his woes forgotten, as Edgar blew a raspberry on his cheek.

Evadne laughed. “Does that feel funny?”

Henry nodded and turning to his father, he buried his head in that gentleman’s chest.

Grinning, Evvy nodded her head towards the letters that Edgar had set down on the table. “What do you have there?”

“Letters from the girls.”

“Oh excellent – I thought it’d been an age since we last heard from them!” she replied, conveniently forgetting that they had received a letter from Thea just a week beforehand. “What do they say? Are they both alright?”

“I don’t know yet. I thought we could go through them together.” Edgar picked up the top letter and handed it to his wife. “Here, this one’s Thea’s.”

Taking the letter from the envelope and smoothing out the sheets of blue writing paper, Evadne cleared her throat and began to read.

Dear Mummy and Daddy,

I know it’s only a week until half-term, but I promised to write every week and anyway, I’ve so much to tell you! I told Marcia she had to write too. She didn’t want to but I told her that it wasn’t fair if she didn’t because you are home without us and we’re here having so much fun.

I have to start with my really exciting news! Mummy, you’ll really like this, I know. Guess who is working here in the school san? Nurse Solomons! Can you believe it?

“Oh, Edgar, did you hear that? Nurse Solomons!”

Edgar grinned at his wife. “I did indeed. I’ve wondered a few times what became of her.”

“So’ve I. Oh, I’m so glad she landed somewhere good! I’d have hated her to end up somewhere else like that horrid old U.N. school. You have to call in and say hello when you pick up the girls at half-term.”

“I will, I promise.” Edgar smiled and ran a hand over her fair, swept-back curls. “What else does Thea say?”

I haven’t had to go to the san all term, as you don’t go there unless you’re ill or know someone who is, so I didn’t know. Then last week, Therese, a friend of mine and Sara’s was in there with tonsillitis and we went to visit her and there was Nurse Solomons taking her temperature when we arrived! I was so surprised I cried out and she laughed. She said that she had heard that Marcia and me had come to the school and was hoping that she would run into us sooner or later.

She told me that she started here last term and really likes it and has made lots of friends already. I’ve been over to see her a few times since, and she’s said I can go and talk to her any time I need to, so you don’t need to worry about me having someone to look after me now.

I met a friend of yours the other day too, Mummy. Her name’s Mrs. Courvoisier and her husband’s Dr. Courvoiser who works at the San with Dr Maynard. She says she was at school with you, in the ‘dark ages’ as she put it. That makes you sound so old!

“Charming!” Evadne interjected, pulling a face.

Ronny and her friend had to deliver something to her chalet and they could take two Middles, so they chose Sara and me to go with them. Mrs. Courvoisier’s so nice and jolly and she told us lots of stories about when you were all at school. We laughed so much, especially when she told us about you finding her when she was a little girl and her Mummy had died, and how you and Auntie Corney and Auntie Elsie kept her in the swimming hut until you were caught!

“You found a child and kept her in the swimming hut?” Edgar interrupted, astonished.

“We were trying to help! And we did, didn’t we? She had nobody and then we came along and next thing she knew, she had a whole school full of people! So nurts to you, Edgar Watson!”

Edgar laughed. “My wife the adoption service! At least I’ll be prepared now if I find any spare children hidden in the boathouse!”

Evadne simply grinned and returned her attention to the letter.

Marcia’s just the same as always and so funny. You’ll never guess what she did the other day? We had this fluffy blancmange sort of pudding that she hates and never wants to eat. It is rather horrid. A bit like your first ever sheperd’s pie, Mummy! We all thought she’d eaten it really quickly and were really surprised. It wasn’t until she stood up we all realised why. She had somehow found out it was on the menu and smuggled a paper bag into Mittagessen, and then put all the pudding in there and hidden it under her skirt! When she stood up the bag split and it all ran down her leg and onto the floor. Matey was so cross and was telling Marcia off and she was standing there in this pool of blancmange! Marcia had to scrub and polish the Speisesaal floor and has to eat with the Upper Two’s until half-term, but she says it was worth it not to have to eat the pudding!

That’s almost all my news. I came top in history and English for our last essays and third for geog. and Mlle. Berne says she’s really happy with my work which is really good. Oh, and please may Sara come and stay at the end of the Christmas holidays? Then she can meet Kate. I really want her to. I know they’ll be friends! I thought I should ask now because if you say yes, then Sara can write and ask her Mummy and Daddy too.

It’s Kaffee and Kuchen in ten minutes so I’d better finish this now so I can put it in the box for the post in the morning.

I can’t wait to see you next week, and Henry and Scrabble and Pickle too. It’s so much fun here and I do like it, I really do, but it’s not the same as being at home. Mummy, are you really big now? I bet you are!

Lots of love from

Giggling, Evadne folded the sheets of paper and returned them to their envelope. “I reckon we should ask Guilia to serve blancmange for the girls’ first meal home, see what Marcia says!”

Edgar joined in her chuckles and grinning his gappy grin, Henry looked from one of his parents to the other and clapped his chubby hands together. “Funny!”

“Yes, funny!” Edgar laughed, glancing down at his son and tickling him. “This is funny too, isn’t it?”

Henry didn’t think so. Wriggling violently, he squealed, “Daddy! Go-way! Go-way, Daddy!” Succeeding in freeing himself, he slithered to the floor, pushed his father’s hands away with a final, “Go-way!” he turned his back on his parents and toddled across the room to pick up his toy truck.

Edgar watched him go with a shrug. “Or perhaps not then!”

Still chuckling, Evvy set the envelope beside her and squeezed her husand’s arm. “You know, I’m kinda glad the Pertwees wanted to stay at school for half-term. It’ll be nice having just Thea and Marcia all to ourselves. And Thea sounds so happy!”

Edgar grinned down at her. “She does, doesn’t she?” Leaning back against the sofa he stretched his arms above his head and yawned. “You know something? Even though I miss them terribly, it was a good idea of mine to send them there,” he glanced at Evadne out of the corner of his eye as he spoke, “even though I do say so myself!”

“Excuse me, whose idea was it?”

Feigning a look of innocence, he asked, “What was that, darling?”

“You heard me!”

“Sorry, I appear to be going deaf!” he grinned. “Say again?”

Glowering at her husband, Evadne grabbed his elbows, preventing him from lowering his arms.“Whose idea?”

“You know you’ll be sorry if you don’t let go!”

“I’ll be sorry?”

“That’s what I said.”

“That’s what you think!

Edgar raised his eyebrows. Then, freeing his hands easily from her grasp, he tickled her under the arms. Evadne shrieked, squirming to get away, but her bulk made that easier said than done.

“Stop! Edgar, okay, stop!” Taking pity on her, he did so and she sat up straight and pushed her hair out of her eyes. “Do you want me to go into early labour?”

Edgar laughed and then grinned down at Henry, who had toddled back towards them, truck in hand, and was bobbing up and down in front of them, shrieking and giggling along with his mother.

“Mummy’s silly, isn’t she little man! Do you never learn?” he added quickly, grabbing hold of his wife’s hands as she tried to take advantage of his diverted attention. Evvy grimaced and he grinned maddeningly. “For what it’s worth, I acknowledge it was a genius idea of yours to send them to the school, my love,” and kissed her on the cheek.

Pulling a supercilious face, Evadne straightened her creased clothing. “That’s all you had to say! Then I wouldn’t have had to show you the hard way.” Edgar guffawed loudly and ignoring him, she turned her attention to Henry, who was waving his truck back and forth. “What a handsome truck you have there!”


“You want me to come play, sugar-pie? Come on then,” and sliding off the sofa, she picked up his second truck that had somehow got wedged half under the sofa. “So what does Marcia have to say?” she asked, as Henry began crashing his truck into hers.

Picking up the letter from beside him, Edgar pulled out a single, small sheet of writing paper, with writing on one side. “Not much, by the looks of it! Though she has drawn us a very fetching picture of a St Bernard called Bruno.”

Evadne laughed. "He belongs to Joey & Jack. Come on, what does she say?”

“Alright, brace yourself,” Edgar winked.

Dear Mummy & Daddy.

School is still lots of fun. Well, not maths and science because they’re horrid, but everything else is. Miss Yolland’s asked me to paint a picture for The Chaletian and I’m going to paint one of the school and Mrs Maynard’s house. Val and me went there for English Tea last weekend and we had lemon biscuits and drank hot chocolate and she told us lots of stories about Mummy and Auntie Corney and Auntie Else.

I’m not going to tell you anything else or I’ll have nothing to say at half-term but Thea said I had to write so I have. I can’t wait to see you in one week and give Henry lots of kisses from me.

Lots and Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of love

Evadne grimaced. “Wait ‘til I get my hands on Joey!”

“Hold your horses, she’s not finished yet.”

P.S. Val wants me to bring a hundred and seven biscotti back after half-term so please can you tell Guilia now so she has lots of time to make them.

“What do they think Guilia is?” Evadne muttered.

P.P.S. Mummy, me and Robina and Val and everyone have been reading all about you in the Legends book and the jokes you played. Did you really boil the school clock?

Edgar’s eyes opened wide. “You boiled the school clock?”

“We may have done. And I’m not sure I’m so keen on all these old stories coming out! I’ll be having words with Joey and Biddy, and as for the legends book...!”

Ignoring her last statement, Edgar shook his head. “Is it a stupid question to ask why you boiled a clock?”

“To put it right, of course.”

“You boiled a clock to put it right?!”

“Margia read about it in a book!”

“Which one? Barnum and Bailey do physics?”

Evadne coloured. “No!” she retorted, pulling a face. “I don’t remember which one.”

Edgar’s deep chuckle rang out, and Evvy turned her attention back to Henry and the trucks.

“Don’t think you’re leaving it there!” her husband admonished. “Did it work?”

“Kind of.” Edgar raised an eyebrow. “It worked for a bit, then when it chimed it wouldn’t stop!” Evadne grinned at the memory. “Gee it was funny! It went on for so many chimes. Corney almost split her sides laughing and counting at the same time. Margia’s face was something else! Oh, stop laughing," she added, hitting his knee. "I’m sure you did things that were just as bad!”

“Touché.” Edgar kept chuckling as they watched Henry, who had got bored with his trucks and toddled over to the little rocking chair that Mike had made him as a gift the previous spring. “I always wondered why you were never a science student!”

“Excuse me, I’ll have you know I was pretty good at science – Bill said so!”

“Didn’t you blow up the science lab?”

“I did, and she still kept me on, so what does that tell you?”

“That she’s crazy?”

“For that, you’re sleeping in the spare room tonight!” Evvy replied huffily, heaving herself back onto the sofa.

Edgar pouted. “Aww, I’m only joking.”

“Don’t think you can get round me that easily!”

Sticking out his bottom lip further, Edgar turned big, doe-like eyes on her and she tried her hardest not to laugh. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the rocking chair tipping sideways dangerously as her son tried to climb over the arm.

Henry, no!

Edgar jumped up and got there just in time to stop him hitting the ground. Turning up his top lip, Henry began to wail and collecting the little boy up in his arms, Edgar picked him up and cuddled him, as he walked back to the sofa.

“Honestly, you’re going to be the death of us, little man, with all your accidents!”

“If he’s not the death of himself first!” Evadne added, holding her arms out to take him. “Go fetch one of his cookies from the kitchen, will you baby? That’ll cheer him up. Come on, precious, it’s okay,” she cooed, holding Henry tightly as Edgar disappeared.

Returning a moment later, he passed the biscuit to his son, who grabbed it and started chewing on it, despite his wet, snotty face. Edgar patted Scrabble, who had padded in after him, then turned to sit down in the nearest armchair. Unfortunately, he was not quite square onto it and landing on the arm, he overbalanced and tipped onto the floor, to a peal of laughter from his wife.

“Well, at least we know where he gets it from!” Evvy giggled, as her red-face husband picked himself off the carpet. “Like father, like son!”

#15:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:06 pm
Oh wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! So many great bits - love Marcia's attempt at not eating her blancmange, really pleased Thea is getting on so well and as for Evvy and Edgar - perfect!

Thanks Josie. Laughing

#16:  Author: EilidhLocation: North Lanarkshire PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:39 pm
What a lovely post. Thanks Josie.

#17:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:13 pm
Thank you Jo!!!!!!!
*beams happily*

I can just see Evvy being miffed at all her past sins coming out like this! Have the girls heard about Oberammergau yet? Wink
And Edgar's reactions to the stories of Biddy's adoption, and the clock boiling were fab!

#18:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:58 pm
This is sooo lovely Jo! *hugs self in that "this is a wonderful story" way*

#19:  Author: Sarah_KLocation: St Albans PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 10:35 pm
Well really Evvy should have expected that *giggles*

Sounds like Marcia takes after her Mum as much as Henry takes after his Dad! Thanks Josie

#20:  Author: BethCLocation: Worcester, UK PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 10:56 pm
Very Happy
Thanks, Josie!

#21:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 12:27 am
Thanks Josie, that was great - I really enjoyed the banter between them - especially over "adopting" Biddy and boiling the clock.

Marcia's letter was brilliant - essentially "Thea said I had to write, so here it is, goodbye!"

#22:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 9:58 am
Wonderful, thank you Jo! Lovely banter and the letters were so typical of the girls!

#23:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 1:43 pm
Thanks, josie, a wonderful long post.

#24:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 2:50 pm
Awww that was perfect. Thanks Jo. And of course Henry is giving his soon-to-be-sibling a hug! Very Happy

#25:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 3:08 pm
Thanks, Josie. I love reading about the family just having fun together. It is so really great.

Please could you remind me who Nurse Solomons is? My memory has completely drawn a blank.

#26:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 4:40 pm
Wasn't she the Nurse that supported Thea when she was being bullied? And was sacked?

#27:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 8:35 pm
Absolutely lovely. All of them.

Thank you Josie

#28:  Author: jaceyLocation: Ireland PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 3:15 pm
Loving this as always.
Any chance of a little bit more of Corney and Mike's story to??
*I'm not greedy, no no* Laughing

#29:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 6:25 am
Fabulous, as usual. Very Happy

More, please?

#30:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 1:52 pm
Edgar's suddenly learning a lot more about his wife, isn't he Laughing

Thanks Jo Very Happy

#31:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:11 pm
Slamming his locker drawer shut, Ned walked across to his wardrobe and began rifling noisily through his clothes, scraping the wire hangers along the metal rail with a sound that would set anybody’s teeth on edge.

He had been slamming around the room for a good twenty minutes, and fed up with being disturbed while he tried to learn his repetition, Piers threw his book angrily down on the bed. “I am trying to work here, in case you hadn’t noticed!”

Ned scowled at him and continued scraping the hangers around his wardrobe, seemingly looking for nothing in particular. “Go somewhere else if you don’t like it,” he growled.

“Why should I? This is my study as much as it is yours!”

“Not by my choice!”

“Well it’s not by my choice either!” Piers flashed back, with some justification. “But I have as much right to be here as you, so you could at least show some consideration! Kindly don’t take your frustration at having fallen out with your silly little friends on everybody else!”

Ned stopped what he was down and glared at his roommate. Then, without uttering a word, he turned on his heel and stalked out of the study, slamming the door behind him. Piers called something less-then-complimentary at his retreating back but Ned didn’t quite catch it and, frankly, he couldn’t really have cared less what it was. Just now, he didn'tt care much about anything to do with school. It was half-term in three days time and, as far as he was concerned, it could not come soon enough.

Within a week of the rumours about Lauren being spread around the boarding house, most of the boys who had originally teased Ned tired of doing so, as other things happened to deflect their attention away. There was a small element of boys, however, who had never really liked the fact that Ned and his friends were often at the centre of life in The Park, and they persisted with their goading, delighting in the fact that they were managing to rock the status quo.

Instead of ignoring them and letting it all die down, Ned let himself get more and more wound up every time one of them made a snide comment or whispered and laughed as he walked past. He was in a perpetually grumpy state these days, flouncing around like a bear with a sore head, and the angrier he got, the more he took it out on Dan Burgess.

This, in turn, was driving a wedge between himself and his three chief friends. Harry had slept on it and decided that he just couldn’t believe that Burgess would have done anything wrong. Tony Laskar, who had arrived back from dinner with his father in the middle of all the commotion, agreed with Harry. The four of them had been friends since starting prep school together seven years previously, and neither of them could imagine Dan doing anything of the sort to anyone, especially Ned. Both had tried to reason with Ned, but he was adamant. All the evidence pointed at Dan, and he wasn’t prepared to discuss it anymore unless Dan wanted to admit it.

As a result, Ned was becoming increasingly withdrawn from the other three, choosing to spend time during the day with his rugby pals from other houses, and then on his own or with Tom in the boarding house. He was missing his friends badly, especially Harry, but being far too stubborn for his own good, he refused to back down and was making himself thoroughly miserable in the process. It was, without doubt, turning out to be the worst term he had ever endured and for the first time since leaving home for school at the age of eight, he was feeling more than a little homesick.

Stalking down the corridor, he came to a stop outside Harry’s door, took a deep breath and knocked. That morning, he had received a letter from Paul asking him if he wanted to bring any friends with him for half-term. Knowing that Harry had to stay at school for the holiday, as his parents and sister were overseas, Ned had decided to put his pride aside and ask his friend to spend it with him instead.

Steeling himself, as Harry called “Come in,”, he tentatively pushed back the door. Harry was sitting at his desk, his maths textbook in hand. On his bed sat Burgess, also with his textbook open, as the two of them went through the questions they had been set for their prep.

Ned looked from one to the other, a scowl coming over his face. “I’ll come back later,” he muttered, and began to retreat from the room.

“Don’t be an idiot!” Harry admonished, stopping his friend in his tracks. “What d’you want?”

Glaring at Burgess, who looked away sharply, Ned walked into the room and shut the door. “I was wondering if you wanted to come with me for half-term. I know you’re staying here and Uncle Paul said I could bring some friends if I wanted to,” he muttered.

Harry stared at him for a second and then glanced at Dan. He was well aware that Ned knew Burgess had to stay at school too, as his mother wasn’t very well and couldn’t have her sons home with her. “Are you asking Burgess too?”

Ned’s eyes narrowed. “Uncle Paul said I could invite my friends,” he replied, a hard edge to his voice.

Slamming his book shut, Burgess got to his feet. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t come even if you asked,” he said coldly, unable to keep the hurt from showing on his face, and pushing past Ned, he stormed out of the room.

Harry stared at Ned, disgust written all over his face. Ned looked back at him and shrugged, trying to pretend that he didn’t care, though in truth, Dan’s obvious hurt had made him feel rather ashamed himself. Harry placed his book on his desk and shook his head.

“I don’t know what’s going on with you, Ned.” His contempt was evident in his voice. “You’ve become an absolute brute, d’you know that?”

The comment stung and Ned felt his hackles rise. “How d’you expect me to be after what he did?”

“What you think he did!” Harry snapped back. “You don’t have a shred of evidence! You’ve just convinced yourself in your mind!”

“I know what I know! Just ‘cause you’re burying your head in the sand, doesn’t mean I’m blind too!”

“I’m not blind! Just ‘cause I don’t agree with you, doesn’t mean that I’m wrong!”

“So much for you being my friend!”

“I am you’re friend, you ass! But I’m also Burgess’ friend and I know he wouldn’t do that, and you should too!”

“You think so, do you?”

Harry stared at him for a second, then uttered a scornful sound and turned away. “Whatever you say, Ned.”

“I do say,” Ned muttered, sounding like a petulant child. Harry ignored him and a heavy silence descended on the room. Ned stood there, staring at his friend’s back for a good two minutes before finally asking, “So, are you coming at half-term or not?”

Harry’s voice was cold as he replied without turning round. “Thanks, but I think I’ll stay here with Burgess. He’s better company just now.”

Ned glared at him. “Please yourself!” he snapped back, and feeling thoroughly put-upon, he turned and stormed out of the room.


It took Paul just one evening to work out that all was not well with his young charge. Ned’s quiet, sullen, brooding manner was about as far from his usual chirpy, chatty self as you could possibly get. After talking it over with Elsie, Paul decided that Edgar would want him to get to the bottom of it and set about doing just that. In the face of persistent questioning, Tom finally filled his father in on what had happened at school and on the penultimate evening of the holiday, Paul finally managed to corner Ned alone. Finding the two boys going through their cricketer cigarette cards in the front room, he sent Tom off to bed, citing an excursion the following morning as an excuse, and then stayed Ned as he got up to follow his friend.

“I was hoping we could have a quick chat before you headed up?” Paul stated, rather than asked, as he carefully lowered himself into an armchair and set his sticks to one side.

“Um, yeah, okay.” Surprised, Ned sat back down and looked quizzically at his brevet-uncle. “What about?”

“Oh, just this and that. I’ve not had much time to catch up with you this half-term. How’s everything at school?”

“Fine thanks.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, of course. We’ve lots of work with O’Level’s and everything, but it not so bad, and rugger’s going well. I’m Under 15 captain this year.”

“Yes, Tom told me. Congratulations.”


There was an awkward pause and Paul eyed the young lad keenly before asking, “What about everything else? How are your friends?”

Ned’s brow furrowed suspiciously. “They’re fine,” he replied shortly.

“You’re not a good liar, you know.” Ned remained tight-lipped and Paul sighed and shook his head. “Listen, Ned. I’m fully aware that I’m not your father and can’t force you to tell me, but he and Evvy have left us in loco parentis, so I’m jolly well going to follow that through to the letter. Now, I know your Dad well enough to know that he wouldn’t have let you go back to school in this frame of mind, so I won’t either. So why don’t you save us both some fuss and bother and just tell me what’s wrong?”

Ned stared defiantly at the carpet in silence, refusing to reply, and Paul waited a moment before picking up his newspaper and starting to read. Ned watched him, wrestling between his desire to spill out all his troubles and his typical teenage attitude that adults never understood what being a young man was like so what was the point? Eventually, realising that his uncle had every intention of outstaying at him, he gave in reluctantly told him everything that had happened.

As Ned finished speaking, Paul frowned. “Haven’t you known this Burgess since prep school?”

“Yes. That just makes it worse.”

“Hmm. Has he ever done anything like this before?”


“Right. I see.”

Paul paused and Ned stared at him defiantly. “What do you see?”

“It’s just that, in my experience, a chap doesn’t rag on his friend this way, not when they’re that close.”

“Well it had to be him. There’s no-one else it could have been.”

“Are you sure about that?”


“Okay, well have you tried talking to him about it?”

“What’s the point?”

“The point is that if you did, you might find out why he did it. If he did at all.”

“I’m not talking to him!” came the stubborn reply. “How would you feel if Dad had done it to you?”

“Granted, I’d be furious. But I’d have made an effort to find out why he’d done it before cutting him dead. It would have been completely out of character and I’d have wanted to know why. And from what you’ve said of Burgess, it’s completely out of character for him too.” Ned refused to reply. “It’s not very gentlemanly to just drop your friends like that, Ned, and not give them a chance to defend themselves.”

“Well it’s not very gentlemanly to do what he did and not own up either!” Ned set his mouth in a firm line. “I’m sorry Uncle Paul, I know you’re trying to help, but unless he admits it and says sorry, I’m not interested.”

Paul stared at the young man a second and then sat back with a sigh. “Alright, fine. Well they’re your friends. I just hope you don’t live to regret it.” Glancing at the carriage clock on the mantle, he added, “Now, it’s about time you went to bed too. You can keep your light on ‘til half-past ten, but no later.”

Ned got up to do as he was told, turning back as he reached the door. “I’m sorry if I was rude, Uncle Paul.”

“You weren’t. Now, go on, off with you. I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.”

Ned said goodnight and took his leave. Passing Elsie in hallway, he wished her a good night too and Elsie paused and watched him, as he made his way up the stairs. Once he was out of sight, she made her way through to join her husband in the front room.

“Any luck?” she asked, shutting the door behind her.

Paul shook his head. “Not unless he digests what I said overnight, but I’m not holding my breath.”

Elsie gave his shoulder a squeeze. “Well you tried, you can’t do any more.”

“I know.” Paul heaved a laboured sigh. “He gets more like his father every day. He was a stupid, stubborn fool at that age too. Still is, come to think of it!”

Elsie laughed. “That’s a nice way to talk about your friend!”

Paul grinned. “Oh, he’s well aware that I think that.”

“Well I can think of someone else like that too!"

“Touché.” Still grinning and holding out his arm, he took hold of his wife’s hand. “Now, enough of Ned. Come here, Mrs. Rodwell, and tell me about your day.”

“You were here for most of it!”

“I know that, but I was holed up in the study. I’ve hardly seen you! Humour me, won’t you?” he asked, giving her puppy dog eyes.

Elsie laughed, letting him pull her into his lap, and started telling him what she had been up to, Ned forgotten for now.

#32:  Author: EilidhLocation: North Lanarkshire PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:19 pm
Thanks Josie. Hope Ned comes to his senses soon.

#33:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:27 pm
Lovely, Josie. Poor Ned - and Dan and the others, of course.

Here's hoping he does think through what Paul said - though, like Paul, I'm not holding my breath Crying or Very sad

#34:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:57 pm
If it wasn't Burgess then who was it? I think that's the thing Ned needs to look at - if his frineds don't think Burgess did it then someone else did. One name springs to mind.

Thanks Josie. Laughing

#35:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:04 pm
Thanks Jo, pleased to see more of this Smile

#36:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 9:11 pm
Thanks, Josie. One name springs to mind for me as well.

#37:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 9:21 pm
Come on Ned, sort yourself out!

Thanks Jo *hugs*

#38:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:17 am
Thank you Jo.

Silly stubborn Ned.

#39:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:29 am
Thanks Jo.

Hope Ned thinks about what Paul said - and Paul and Elsie are lovely Very Happy

#40:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:20 pm
Thank you Jo!

*crosses fingers that Ned will actually THINK about the situation soon!*

#41:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:02 am
Oh dear, poor Ned and poor Burgess too...

#42:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:59 pm
Thank you, Jo. Smile

Hopes Ned doesn't dig himself too much deeper....

#43:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:45 pm
Back at Harrow, Harry ambled slowly down the stairs from the second floor and paused to stare out of the window at the teeming rain. It had been pouring non-stop since half-term had begun, leaving those who had remained at school trapped inside for almost the whole week. Harry was thoroughly fed up and part of him wished that he had accepted Ned’s invitation to Paul and Elsie’s. To make matters worse, Burgess, who was still upset by what had happened with Ned, had spent most of the week holed up in his study working. Harry knew he had done the right thing in defending Dan but truth be told, he was missing having Ned to lark around with. He had already made up his mind that when his friend returned to school tomorrow, he would do his best to make him see sense, whether Ned liked it or not.

Heaving a sigh, he muttered “stupid rain” under his breath and continued on his way. As he reached the entrance hall, he heard whispered voices and turned to see two of Piers’ cronies, Oliver Dunkels and Spencer Tickal, standing by the ‘racks’, the pigeon holes in which the post and messages were put for the boys to collect. Seeing Harry approaching, they stopped whispering abruptly and Dunkels hurriedly hid something behind his back. Then, pushing past Harry, they headed off down the corridor, giggling childishly. This kiddish behaviour was nothing new on their part, and Harry simply rolled his eyes and turned his attention to his pigeon hole. Finding a postcard from his sister and a letter from his parents, who were staying with his aunt in Trinidad and Tobago, he took himself off to the peace and quiet of the common to read them.

Half an hour later, for want of something better to do, he decided he may as well go and make himself a cup of tea. The twelve younger boys staying at school over half-term had been given access to the sixth formers’ kitchen over the holiday and as Harry entered the small, narrow room, he saw Dunkels and Tickal holding something over the steaming kettle by the stove. They both jumped guiltily, Tickal’s elbow catching a mug that was standing on the sideboard, sending it crashing to the ground.

Harry frowned as he caught sight of the letter clutched in Dunkels’ sweaty hand. “What are you doing?”

“None of your business,” Dunkels tried to put the letter out of sight, but Harry was too quick for him and darting forward, he grabbed the taller boy’s arm and snatched the letter from his grasp.

“Hey! Give that back!”

Harry ignored him. Turning the soggy letter over, his eyes widened as he noticed the address on the front. “Where did y…don’t even think about it!” and he moved quickly to block their path as the two of them tried to make their escape.

“Get out of our way!”

Tickal tried to push Harry aside, but despite his diminutive stature, Harry held his ground. “No. Not until you tell me where you got this.”

“What’s it to you?”

“Tell me, you oaf, or I take it to Putter, let him get it out of you,” Harry demanded, referring to Dr. Putt, the House Tutor who was in charge of the boys for the holiday.

“Go on then, sneak,” Dunkels sneered nastily.

Harry flushed, but refused to drop his eyes. “I might just do that. I don’t think he’ll take too kindly to you stealing post.”

“Who’s stealing post?”

The three of them jumped at the sound of a new, familiar voice and turned to see their House Monitor, Hamish Stimpson, standing by the door with fellow prefect Oliver Burgess, elder brother of Dan.

“What’s going on, Pepperell?”

“Nothing,” Harry muttered, looking down at the ground.

Stimpson stared at the letter in Harry’s hand. “Whose letter’s that?”


“Why do you have it?”

Harry lifted his head. “I’m just returning his property,” he stated meaningfully, glaring at the other two.

Stimpson held out his hand and Harry reluctantly handed over the letter. “And what’s this got to do with you two?” the elder boy asked, turning to Dunkels and Tickal, as Oliver continued to stare at the letter in his friend’s hand.

“Nothing, he’s mad,” Tickal sneered nastily.

Oliver Burgess raised his eyebrows. “Really? That’s funny, because it looks remarkably like a letter I saw in Watson’s rack this morning.”

Stimpson glanced at Harry. “Did you pick this up, Pepperell?” Harry shook his head. “Well then, I don’t think it takes a genius to work out what happened, does it?” He looked from the kettle to the letter, noting the damp envelope and smudged ink. “Did you two take this and try to steam it open?” There was a heavy silence, during which Oliver Burgess’ expression became more and more furious and Harry glared at his peers. “I asked you a question! Dunkels, did you or did you not try and steam open Watson’s letter?”

Dunkels, who had little or no regard for the prefects, glanced at his friend and then shrugged his shoulders insolently. “We may have done.”

“You snivelling little…”

“Pepperell, you can go,” Stimpson said loudly and firmly, interrupting Oliver in full flow. He knew that his friend was well aware of what had happened between his brother and Ned and that this was related. Given the chance, Oliver would tear strips off the two offenders and Stimpson didn’t think that having Harry there when he did so would help at all. As Harry reluctantly left the room, he heard Stimpson say, “You two, clear up this mess and then follow us. And make it quick.”


The following day, half-term came to an end and by five o’clock, most of the boys had returned to the school. Ned had arrived back twenty minutes previously and had immediately gone straight to his study, thankful not to bump into any of his friends. He had been wrestling with his conscience ever since his chat with Paul. Part of him knew that Paul was right. If he really believed that Dan had stared the rumours, then he should at least try and get to the bottom of why. But the other part, the one that spoke louder in his mind, was still smarting from the injustice of it all and his stubborn pride wouldn’t let him just push that aside. It was all serving to make him even more miserable and he really didn’t want to be back at school at all.

Running things over in his mind for the thousandth time, he hung up the last of his shirts, leaving only his underwear in his overnight case. Opening his bottom drawer, he picked up the bag and tipped the lot into the dresser.

“You really are a slum-child, aren’t you?” Piers said, screwing his face up in disgust as he folded his socks and placed them neatly into his top drawer.

Refusing to rise for once, Ned muttered something rude under his breath and threw his case on top of his wardrobe. As he did so there was a knock at the door and glaring at Piers, who was still folding his underwear neatly, he went to open it, finding Harry on the other side.

“What do you want?”

“Pleasure to see you too,” Harry said sarcastically. “Any chance I can come in?” Ned shrugged and stood back to let his friend into the room. “Good half-term?”

“Was okay,” Ned muttered, staring at Harry’s hand. His friend was clutching a letter and the stamp on the envelope looked very familiar. “You?”

“Boring, thanks. Remind me not to stay at school again. Listen, I need to talk to you.”

“What about?”

Harry glanced across at Piers, who was watching them, amused. “Can we go somewhere else?”

“Whatever you need to say, you can say it here,” Ned retorted, his mouth drawn into a line.

Harry paused for a moment, looking from Ned to Piers and back again. “Fine,” and perching on the edge of his friend’s desk, he proceeded to fill Ned in on everything that had happened in the kitchen the previous day. “Stimper chewed them out and then marched them down to Putter,” he added, as Ned stared at him. “They admitted reading your other letter too. Apparently they came to see Lloyd-Kitchen when you two were at rugger and saw the letter on your bed and took it. Putter’s steaming. He’s sent them to the San for solitary and they have to go up in front of the Head tomorrow morning. Stimper reckons they might even get suspended ‘cause it was theft.”

As Harry finished speaking, he held out the letter and Ned reached out and took it, without saying a word.

“You can ask Stimper if your don’t believe me.” Ned shook his head dumbly. “Ned?”

Ignoring his friend, Ned stared at letter a moment more and then rounded on Piers. “You had something to do with this, didn’t you?”

Piers, who had been listening intently, raised eyebrows in a bored manner. “Actually no, I didn’t. Frankly it all seemed a little childish. I’m sure you’ll blame me anyway though. Innocence doesn’t seem to mean anything to you.”

Ned could feel his temper rising and tried in vain to get a hold on it. “So you admit you knew about it?”

“What if I did?”

“You knew it was them and you let me go on blaming Burgess, that’s what!”

Piers shrugged. “You didn’t believe your own friends, why would you have believed me?”

“You should have told me!”

“Why? I owe you nothing, Watson. You and your little friends are nothing but rude to me. Why should I help you out? You wouldn’t have told me if the shoe had been on the other foot.”

“Actually I would, cause it’s the decent thing to do. Though goodness knows why I’d expect anything decent from you!”

Seeing that Ned was about to explode with anger, Harry grabbed his friend’s arm. "Ned…”

Piers gave a nasty laugh. “You see, that’s the funny thing about you, Watson. You make yourself out to be so moral and upstanding and decent but when it comes down to it, you’re not are you? Nobody made you blame Burgess, you jumped to that conclusion all by yourself. This whole affair has shown you up rather badly if you ask me.”

“Well I’m not asking you!”

Piers shut his dresser draw and turned back to his case. “Instead of bawling at me, why don’t you try apologising to your friend? Though if it were me, I’m not sure I’d be in a hurry to forgive you.”

“You’re a loathsome wretch, Lloyd-Kitchen!” Ned yelled, as Harry dragged him from the room.

“Yes, well I won’t lose any sleep over it!”

Succeeding in manoeuvering Ned into the corridor, Harry slammed the door behind them before his friend could reply. “Ned, leave it!”

“What did you do that for?”

“To save you from your big mouth! And ‘cause right now Lloyd-Kitchen should be the least of your worries!” Ned, who had been about to open the door and have another go at Piers, stopped and stared at him, and Harry looked him straight in the eye. “He’s right, you know. You owe Burgess an apology.”

There was silence for a moment, and then Ned looked down at his feet and muttered, “I know.” He paused for a second, and then glanced back up at Harry. “I suppose I owe you one too.” Harry shrugged. “I’ve been an utter clod, recently, haven’t I?”

“I can think of far less flattering names for you.”

Ned winced. “I’m sorry. I should have listened to you.”

“Well at least you admit it now.”

Ned shook his head, a wave of guilt sweeping over him. “I’m such an idiot.”

Harry watched him for a moment, and then gave him a wry smile. “True, but that’s nothing new!”

Despite himself, Ned gave a small grin, relieved that Harry was at least making jokes with him again. “I suppose I should go and find Burgess.” Then, after a brief pause, he added, “It’ll be good to have things back the way they were.” Harry raised eyebrows, looking less than convinced. “What? I’m going to apologise!”

“I know.”

“I know I was a brute, but he’ll know I’m sorry. I mean, we’re friends, aren’t we? He’ll forgive me!”

There was a note of desperation in Ned’s voice and Harry shrugged. “In all honesty, I don’t know that he will,” he replied reluctantly. “You’ve been pretty awful.” Ned’s face fell and Harry felt a twinge of pity for him. “Listen, do you want me to come with you?”

Ned shook his head, looking thoroughly downcast. “S’okay. I’d rather go alone.” Then, trying to put on a brave face, he gave his friend a forced smile. “No time like the present, eh?” and turning, he made his way down the corridor, dragging his heels as he went.

Coming to a halt outside Dan’s study, Ned took a deep breath and knocked. As he heard the words, “Come in!” he felt a wave of nausea sweep over him, and had to steel himself to turn the handle and open the door.

Dan was sitting at his desk, poring over his history books, and he looked up as Ned entered the room, his smile turning to a frown as he saw who it was. “I suppose this means you’ve heard,” he asked coldly.

Ned nodded and Dan turned back to his books. Taking a deep breath, Ned poured out a rambling apology, getting himself tongue-tied as he tried to explain himself. Even as he said the words, he realised how lame they sounded. Finally running out of words, he ground to halt and stood awkwardly by the door, twisting his fingers together, waiting for a reply.

What he got was a wall of silence, as Dan turned the page and kept his head down. Not knowing quite what to do, Ned stayed rooted to the spot. Eventually, after a few minutes, Dan turned his head, his face expressionless.

“Did you want something else?”

“I just…,” Ned faltered. “I thought you’d say something.”

“Like what?”

“Like…I… I don’t know, I….I said sorry.”

“So? Is that supposed to make things better?”


Dan placed his pen down on his desk and glared at Ned. “I’ve known you since we were eight years old, and you thought I could do that to you. Does that sound like a friend to you?”


“Oh just save it, Watson. You know, you always go on about Lloyd-Kitchen, but in some ways you’re far worse.”

Ned looked stunned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that at least he doesn’t pretend to be a decent chap. Now if you don’t mind, I’ve work to do,” and picking up his pen again, Dan turned back to his books.

Ned was mortified. “Look, I know I was an ass, Burgess, but I really am sorry.”

“Fine, you’ve apologised,” came the cold reply.


“Do I have to spell it out?” Dan shot back, twisting to face him again. “I’m not interested. Just now we’re no longer friends. I’m not so sure we ever will be again,” and with that he turned his back firmly on Ned, his body language indicating that the conversation was over.

For a moment, Ned didn’t know what to do. He had known that he would be made to pay, he deserved it after all, but he had never expected Dan to be quite so cold. Burgess really seemed to mean it. He no longer wanted them to be friends. But then wasn’t that what he had been saying to Burgess for the last few weeks? Suddenly, the reality of his recent behaviour hit home. He stared at his Dan’s rigid back for a minute, feeling an uncharacteristic pricking at the back of his eyes. Then, seeing nothing else for it, he turned on his heel and quietly left the room.

Last edited by Josie on Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:33 pm; edited 4 times in total

#44:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:09 pm
Thanks, Josie. The conversation between Ned and Dan brought back memories of a similar conversation between me and a friend, but we fell out for a different reason.

You got the emotions just right there. It was a very moving scene and I feel sorry for Ned and all his friends.

#45:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:43 pm
I feel really sorry for Ned, yet at the same time I can totally understand why Dan Burgess should feel like that. Crying or Very sad

Don't know if it will ever return to how it was before.

Thanks Josie.

#46:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 9:13 pm
I'm glad the real culprits were found - but it's a shame Ned didn't find it in him to talk to Dan before the truth was out.

Thanks, Jo

#47:  Author: EilidhLocation: North Lanarkshire PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:14 pm
Very sorry for all of them. Thanks Josie.

#48:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:27 pm
Thanks Josie.

Here's hoping this will turn Ned's rather cavalier attitude to life round.

Crying or Very sad Poor lads.

#49:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:51 pm
Very realistic. Sad

Ned deserves the snub, and very possibly needed a good swift kick ... but it's hard on all of them. Hope they're able to rebuild something, eventually.

*also suspects Piers knew about it all along*

#50:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:06 am
Oh that's painful. Realistic and painful.

Thanks Josie.

#51:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 10:34 am
Very realistic and although I do feel sorry for Ned he's got only himself to blame and he knows it which makes him feel worse.

Thank you Jo!

#52:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 10:44 am
Oh no, how awful.... poor Ned and Dan... *sobs*

Make it better please Jo! Sad

#53:  Author: ibarhisLocation: London and Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 11:47 am
Friendships and hormones and emotions and doubts are a pretty lethal combination at any age!

I'm really enjoying this.

#54:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:04 pm
Oh Ned, you silly silly boy!
Did you REALLY think everything would be fine straight away?

*crosses fingers that maybe Burgess will be able to forgive Ned sometime soon*

Thanks Jo!

#55:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:11 pm
Thanks, Josie. Ned needs to grow up, doesn't he?

#56:  Author: pimLocation: Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 4:24 pm
Thanks Jo, just caught up (yet again *G*)!

#57:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 4:49 pm
Thanks Jo - 2 updates to catch up on, a real treat.

Hope Dan and Ned will be able to patch things up.

#58:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:57 pm
As captain of the Under 15 rugby team, Ned bade farewell to the visiting players from Wellington College and watched as they climbed onto the bus that would take them back to the school. Harrow had won the match by a whopping sixty-nine points to twelve, with Ned and George Graydon both scoring hat-tricks, and the team were feeling thoroughly pleased with themselves.

As the bus drove round the forecourt and pulled out onto Church Street, Ned had just begun a conversation with Laskar and Graydon when they heard a shout and turned to see Dan and Harry standing next to a minibus close-by, waving.

“Here, Laskar, get a shove on, will you?” Burgess yelled at the top of his voice. “We’re waiting! We’ve brought your bag with us from Park!”

The minibus was full of boys from their year, all jostling and joking with each other, and seeing Ned’s face fall, Laskar gave him a sympathetic smile before he headed over to join the others. Ned watched him go and then, catching Burgess’ eye, he hurriedly dropped his eyes and began to walk away.


Hearing his name, Ned turned back to see Harry running towards him. “I j…just wondered if…if you wanted me to bring anything back?” Harry asked, panting as he came to a halt in front of his friends. Ned smiled and shook his head, and an expression of guilt flashed across Harry’s face. “You’ll probably not miss much, you know. It’s November – it’ll probably rain and we’ll be stuck indoors.”

“Come on, Pepperell! Hurry up!”

Harry glanced back at Burgess, who was hanging out of the minibus door, yelling and gesturing frantically. “Look, have a good time with your Dad, won’t you? Say hello to him from me.” Ned nodded, staring down at his feet, and Harry hesitated for a second, unsure whether to say anything else. Then, deciding against it, he took his leave. “See you Monday, Graydon,” he called, as he ran off again.

Ned watched him go. He knew that Harry was just trying to make him feel better and it hadn’t really worked, but he appreciated the effort all the same. “Pepperell?” Harry turned back as he reached the minibus. “Bring me back a stick of rock, if you want.”

Harry grinned. “Will do!” he called back, as he climbed into the van and slammed the door.

“My, my, Watson, you are unpopular these days, aren’t you?”

As the minibus set off down Church Street, following the coach from Wellington College, Ned turned to see Piers loitering in the main doorway, a supercilious grin on his face as he leant against the doorframe.

“Shove off, Lloyd-Kitchen.”

“Now, now. You ought to be careful, you know. At the rate you’re going, you may be begging me for my friendship soon. Not that I’ll take you on, naturally, but it’ll be fun to see to see you try.”

Ned scowled but wisely refrained from saying anything in return, and laughing to himself, Piers headed off across the forecourt to the large car and driver that were waiting to ferry him home.

“Just ignore him, the stupid, great oaf!” George Graydon mumbled at Lloyd-Kitchen’s retreating back.

Ned gave his friend a slight smile. “Come on, let’s go.”

The two of them sauntered down Church Street in the direction of their boarding houses, chatting idly about the match they had just played. Wellington College were one of their fiercest rivals and a very good team, so the huge margin of Harrow’s victory had been something of a shock. Despite that, Ned couldn’t drum up much enthusiasm and he listened with half an ear as George waxed lyrical about one of his friend’s tries.

“The way you weaved round their winger was brilliant! You’ll be in the Firsts next year, no doubt about it!”

Ned smiled half-heartedly. “You’ll be in too, you know. A hundred percent on the goals and a hat-trick. Kennard’s never done that,” he said, referring to the first-XV full-back – the position that George would be trying out for the following year.

George grinned. “I hope so. Dad’d be so chuffed.”

Ned smiled again but didn’t reply, scuffing his feet along the ground as they turned the corner into High Street and came to a halt outside Druries, Graydon’s boarding house. George frowned as he watched his friend.

“You shouldn’t let Lloyd-Kitchen get to you, you know. Burgess’ll come round eventually.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

“I’m sure of it. Look, I’d better get off – Mum and Dad are waiting. I’ll see you Monday. Have a terrific exeat.”

“Yeah, you too. And well played.”


As George ran off to join his parents, who were waiting impatiently by the front door of Druries, Ned continued on his way down the High Street towards The Park, idly kicking a stone ahead of him as he went. The last four weeks had been among the most horrible he could remember since his mother had died when he was a young lad. Dan Burgess was still refusing to have anything to do with him, refusing to even acknowledge his existence if at possible, and to begin with he had not been the only one. Once word had spread about the real culprits’ suspension and how Dan had been completely innocent, several other boys with whom Ned had always been friendly had given him a wide berth, although this was wearing off as time went on. Ned had tried apologising over and over again but Burgess was having none of it.

Then, to make matters worse, that young man had announced his exeat plans. The weekend was due to fall over his birthday and as his mother had been ill over half-term, she had decided to make it up to her son by giving him a treat and announcing that he could bring several of his friends to the Burgess’ home on the Suffolk coast for a party of sorts. Dan had, in turn, invited whole of his year in The Park, with the exception of Dunkels and Tickal, who were confined to the school anyhow following their two week suspension, Piers Lloyd-Kitchen and Ned.

Ned was mortified at this pointed snub, but had been trying his hardest to put a brave face on things. Ever-loyal to his best friend, Harry had said that he wouldn’t go and that he and Ned could go to his parents instead, but Ned had refused, saying that it wasn’t fair for Harry to miss out on the treat on his behalf. He had felt slightly better when, a week ago, he had received a letter from Edgar saying that he was going to be in England for work and would extend his stay to take his son out for exeat. However, seeing his peers head off for their weekend by the sea had made Ned feel thoroughly miserable again. He knew he had made his own bed, but it didn’t hurt any less to be left out of things in this way. If anything, knowing that it was all his own fault made it twice as bad. He had ruined everything with his stupid accusations and he knew it. As these thoughts ran through his mind, he kicked the stone harder and it rolled off the pavement and out into the road.

Standing next to his car in the forecourt of The Park, Edgar frowned as he watched his son walk down the street towards him. He had spent the past week with Paul & Charles, Evadne’s step-brother, going over preparations for the opening of AJL’s new London office, and his old friend had made a point of filling him on what had been going on with Ned at school. He had also arrived just in time to see the minibus depart, full of Ned’s friends. Now, seeing Ned’s bowed head and slumped shoulders, as that young man turned off the street and into the forecourt, it was clear that all was still not right.

Ned glanced up as he trudged across the gravel and Edgar put thoughts of his son’s troubles aside and waved eagerly. Ned gave him a half-hearted smile in return and quickened his step.

“You ready to go?”

Ned nodded. “I’ll just go and grab my bag, it’s in the common room. Won’t be long.”

Ned was as good as his word and half an hour later, they had left Harrow behind and were heading south through London’s outer suburbs.

Peering out of the window as they passed RAF Northolt, Ned asked, “Why are we going this way?”

Edgar glanced at his son from the corner of his eye and grinned. “Well, if it’s alright with you, I thought we might take a trip to Whitlingford rather than stay in Kensington? We’ve not been for a while and I thought we were long overdue a visit. I phoned them yesterday and told them to expect us.”

“Oh. Right.”

As Ned fell silent again and continued to stare out of the window, Edgar frowned. He had expected his son to be rather more excited about this trip to their old home. Ned loved the Wiltshire countryside and, among other things, a visit back to the village would afford him an opportunity to visit his mother’s grave – something he had made mutterings about wanting to do during the summer holidays. Clearly, these problems at school were affecting Ned more than his father had first thought.

After almost three hours of monosyllabic conversation and grumpy retorts to his questions, Edgar finally had enough and as they crossed the Wiltshire county border and turned off the Marlborough Road towards Durley, he decided not to wait any longer and broached the subject of his son’s friends. It took a little coaxing out of him, but eventually Ned spilled out the whole story of the letters, the suspicions he had had about Dan and how Harry had found out who really started the rumours.

“So you see it wasn’t him, Dad. And now he won’t even give me the time of day. I’ve tried everything to say sorry but he won’t listen.”

“And you’re surprised about that?”

Ned stared down at his lap. “A bit…maybe…I don’t know.”

“Alright, answer me this. Would you have been so forgiving if he’d done it to you?”

“I might have been.”

“No you wouldn’t and you know it, Ned. You’d have been hurt and angry and justifiably so, and you can’t blame Burgess for feeling the same way. What you did wasn’t very nice.”

“You think I don’t know that?”

“Well frankly, I’m jolly glad that you do. It’s not what I’d have expected of you.”

“You don’t need to rub it in, Dad. Everyone else already has.”

“And I’m not sorry they have either.” As he spoke, Edgar turned off Whitlingford’s small high street, up past the church towards his land. “Perhaps it’ll teach you to listen to others a little and think about the consequences of your actions instead of always just presuming you’re right.”

Ned scowled at his father, feeling tears pricking at the back of his eyes. “Thanks a lot for the support.”

“Well what did you expect me to say?” Ned shrugged and Edgar heaved a sigh. “Listen …”

“Just leave it. Dad. I don’t want to talk about it anymore,” and angry and upset, Ned turned his attention to his family’s farmland as it flashed passed the window and refused to say another word.

They drove past the fields in silence, Ned glaring out at the dark, wintry countryside, lit an eerie silver by the full moon, and Edgar concentrating on the winding road ahead. After a mile or so, they passed through the large gate in the imposing stone wall that surrounded the inner estate and drove down the long, sweeping drive towards the house.

As soon as the car came to a halt, Ned wrenched the door open and jumped out. “I’m going to my room.”

“Well then you can jolly well wait and take your bag with you. I’m not your slave and neither is anyone else here.”

“I never said you were!”

Choosing not to reply, Edgar unlocked the boot and passed over his son’s bag. Ned snatched it from his hands and without another word, he flounced up the steps and into the house, startling the housekeeper who had come out to welcome her boss.

Edgar heaved a sigh as he watched him go. Clearly Ned was feeling thoroughly put-upon and there was no point in discussing this now. Deciding to give him some time to calm down, Edgar pulled out his own bag, slammed the boot shut and made his way up to the house to greet his staff.

It was well over an hour before Edgar finished chatting to all the estate’s workers and taking a look around, and making his way up from the kitchen, where he had been having a word with the cook, he climbed the stairs and headed down the long landing towards his son’s bedroom door. Ned was lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, and he didn’t move a muscle as Edgar entered the room.

“Cook says dinner will be ready in twenty minutes, if you’re interested.” Edgar’s comment was greeted with a stony silence. “You know, I’m sorry you think I’m not being supportive to you, Ned, and I’m very sorry you’re hurting, I don’t want to see that. But I wouldn’t be doing my job as a father if I didn’t try to make sure you knew when you’d gone wrong, now would I?”

Again, he got no response and Edgar stood at the doorway, eyeing his petulant son for a few moments before giving up.

“I tell you what, you let me know when you’ve decided to stop sulking and want to have a mature discussion about this. I’ll be in the dining room should you deign to come and join me.”

Hearing his father leave the room, Ned turned onto his side to face the wall, feeling thoroughly hard done-by. He knew that he had behaved appallingly to his friend, but he had been looking forward all week to his father’s visit, to seeing a friendly face and hearing some reassuring words. Instead, all he was getting was another lecture on what an idiot he had been. It wasn’t fair. As he felt his emotions begin to well-up again, Ned squeezed his eyes tight shut, trying his best to keep his tears at bay.

Edgar had just made a start on his steak and kidney pie when the dining room door opened and Ned appeared, looking a little contrite. Making his way round the table in silence, he sat down in his place and picked up his fork, poking at his pie without much enthusiasm. Edgar watched him for a moment, as he chewed on a mouthful, and then glanced down at his plate.

“You know, it’s funny, I used to love Cook’s food, but I’m so used to Guilia’s now that it seems a bit bland. Not that I’d tell her that, mind you.”

He received no reply and deciding to leave his son to make the first move, Edgar turned back to his food. Eventually, Ned looked up.

“I really am sorry I did it, Dad.”

Edgar glanced at him and then laid down his knife and fork. “I know you are but you can’t expect it to be a simple case of I’m sorry, Ned. They were extremely unkind accusations you threw at your friend.”

Ned said nothing and Edgar had a sip of his wine and then took another mouthful of pie and mash. Ned watched him as he did so, turning things over in his head.

“You know the worst thing?” he mumbled, after a minute or so.

“What’s that?”

“Burgess said I was worse than Lloyd-Kitchen but I’m not Dad, I’m really not. I know what I did was wrong but I try to be good and honest and stuff, I promise. I’m not like him.”

Ned sounded like he was about to cry and for a moment, Edgar was not sure what to do. If it had been one of the girls, he would have given them a reassuring cuddle but he knew that Ned was unlikely to appreciate that. He thought hard and then put his fork back down on his plate.

“No, Ned, you’re not like him.”

Ned only half took in what his father was saying. “ I just made a mistake,” he continued, his jaw wobbling a little as he spoke. “You’ve made mistakes, haven’t you?”

Edgar gave him a wry smile. “Yes, a lot. I’ve had to dig myself out of more holes than I care to remember. Either that or your Uncle Paul’s had to drag me out kicking and screaming!” Despite himself, a slight smile twitched at the edge of Ned’s mouth. “Everyone makes mistakes, Ned. You’d be a frightful bore if you didn’t. But it’s how you learn from them that’s important.” He eyed his son keenly. “Listen, Ned, you’re a good lad, and I’m not just saying that because you’re my son. But you’re not perfect, nobody is. Any more than Piers Lloyd-Kitchen is an evil monster, however you like to portray him.” At this, Ned shot him a cynical look. “I’m serious. If you honestly believe that boy is nothing but a bad egg, then you’re sadly mistaken.”

“How do you know?” Ned asked, an incredulous note to his voice.

“Never you mind. The point is that there’s good and bad in everyone, it just depends which path you choose to go down and which path you are guided down. That’s what governs the sort of person you become. Do you understand?”

Ned stared back at him as if he had gone mad, so Edgar tried another tack.

“Alright, what I’m trying to say is that we’re all capable of doing stupid things and we all will at some point. It just depends whether you choose to learn from them or not, and unless I’m very much mistaken, I think that you have.” Ned nodded and stared down at his plate, and Edgar heaved a silent sigh of relief that he seemed to have got through to his son at last. “Listen, Burgess is still very angry at the moment and you can’t blame him. You need to give him time to calm down. You were friends for so long for a reason – he’ll remember why in time, I’m sure.” Ned nodded again and Edgar reached out and briefly clutched his son’s arm. “Please just promise me that you’ll remember this lesson next time you’re tempted to jump to conclusions, okay?”

“I will I promise.”

“Good lad.”

Ned was quiet for a second as he pushed his food round his plate. “Thanks Dad.”

“You’re welcome. That’s what Dad’s are for.”

Ned glanced up and looked his father in the eye. “I’m glad you came to see me.”

Edgar smiled. “So am I. Sometimes you need your old Dad to knock some sense into that thick block of yours!”

Feeling as if a small weight had been lifted from his shoulders, Ned’s face finally broke into a grin. He knew he still had a long way to go before he and Dan were friends again, if that was even going to happen, but at least his father still believed that it would. And, more importantly, his father still believed in him. He picked at his food again and then took a mouthful, his appetite suddenly returned. “So how’s Evvy?”

“Huge and grumpy.” Ned laughed and Edgar grinned at him. “Poor old thing. She’s even bigger than she was with Henry and she can’t get comfortable however hard she tries. And Henry’s been playing up too, which isn’t helping. I keep trying to persuade her to increase Monique’s hours, but she’s adamant she wants to do it herself and well, you know what she’s like when she puts her foot down.”

“Surely you can insist though?” Ned asked, through his mouthful of mash and peas.

Edgar frowned. “I don’t want to push it. After all she’s the one who’s having to go through the pregnancy and I don’t want to make her more uptight, but I am worried about her. She’s exhausted.” He paused and shook his head. “Ah well, only two or three weeks to go now.” He paused again and took another sip of his wine. “Marcia and Thea are getting on well.”

Ned grinned. “Yes I know, I heard from them last week.” He shovelled in another mouthful and then sprayed pastry across the table as he spoke. “Marcia sent me a bar of Lindt in case I was missing Swiss chocolate and it got squashed in the post!”

“Yes, that sounds about right.” Edgar laughed, and then observed his son closely as he took his last mouthful and pushed his plate away. “Come on young man, eat up,” he said, smiling, “then we can head through to the drawing room. I fancy a stiff brandy and I think it’s about time I initiated you in the merits of France’s finest.”

Ned’s eyes widened in surprise at this long-coveted offer finally being made. “Cool! Really?”

“Yes really. Just don’t expect it to be something that happens too often. And don’t tell your stepmother I gave you any. She’ll hang, draw and quarter me!”

“If I promise, can I have two glasses?”

Edgar laughed at the twinkle in his son’s eye. “Nice try, sunshine. Now come on, hurry up before I rescind the offer altogether,” and at that, Ned ceased to talk and hurriedly wolfed down the rest of his food.

Last edited by Josie on Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:46 pm; edited 2 times in total

#59:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:34 pm
Ned is such a real teenager. And Edgar is a wonderful Dad. Very Happy

2-3 weeks to go for Evvy, eh? Hope Edgar doesn't miss the event while he's in England.

Thanks, Jo

#60:  Author: KarryLocation: Stoke on Trent PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:02 pm
Lovely, thank you!

#61:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:05 pm
Poor Ned, glad he could eventually talk to Edgar though!

Thank you Jo.

#62:  Author: EilidhLocation: North Lanarkshire PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:06 pm
Poor Ned. Hope things get better for him soon.

Thanks Josie.

#63:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:27 pm
Bigger than when she was pregnant before??? That couldn't mean, no surely not! Shocked

Edgar is a very wise man there, feel very sorry for Ned even though he deserved it - knowing it's your own fault actually makes it worse.

Thanks Josie.

#64:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:43 pm
*thinks she might be thinking what Lesley is*

I mean she's not exactly young is she....

Thanks Josie, glad Ned's been put straight.

#65:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:02 pm
Thanks, Josie. I'm glad that Edgar and Ned have had a chance to talk to each other.

*Clare thinks she is having the same thought as Lesley and Fran*.

#66:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:38 am
Bigger than before? Hmmmm!

Good that Ned finally talked to Edgar, but the situation with Burgess - oh dear.

Loved the idea of Marcia sending chocolate!

#67:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:47 am
Thanks, Jo! Edgar's such a good dad. Smile

Hope Evvy's OK!

#68:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:13 am
Poor Ned! I shouldn't think he'll forget that lesson Confused

Thanks Josie. It's good to see more of this.

#69:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:16 pm
Edgar and Ned spent the following day in and around the village, taking a long walk around the grounds of the estate, paying a visit to Madeleine’s grave and having lunch with Reverend Furlong and his wife. The result of which was that a much happier Ned returned to Harrow that evening. After another long talk with his father, he had taken the advice about letting Burgess' anger die down and made a decision to just bide his time. If he and Dan were supposed to be friends again, they would be eventually. In the meantime, he had GCE work to do and next-term’s inter-school rugby tournament to think about, so he would concentrate his efforts on those for now.

Having dropped his son back at school, Edgar left his car at the family’s Kensington house and then rushed to the airport in a taxi to catch the last plane of the evening to Geneva. It was three in the morning before he finally arrived home and after kissing his sleeping son goodnight, he hurriedly changed and climbed into bed, careful not to wake his wife, and snuggled under the covers to catch a few hours sleep before his early morning meeting.


“I don’t see why you can’t work from home,” Evadne pouted, as she watched her husband put some papers in his briefcase. It was now seven thirty the following morning, the first of December, and Edgar was up, dressed and ready to head into the office, much to his wife’s chagrin. Henry had woken her at five a.m., and between that and being fed up with trying to manoeuvre her considerable bulk to do simple tasks, she was not in the best of moods. “It’s all your fault I’m in this state anyway, you could at least be here with me.”

Edgar closed the briefcase and dropped a kiss on his small son’s head, as Henry clung to his mother’s skirt. Then, drawing himself up to his full height, he stooped to kiss his wife’s forehead. “I’m sorry darling. I’ll try and get home this afternoon, I promise. How’s that?”

“Suppose it’ll have to do.”

“Aw, come here.”

Reaching out, Edgar pulled her into a hug, or as best he could with her belly getting in the way, and Evadne wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him back.

“It’s not really all your fault,” she mumbled, burying her face in his shoulder.

Edgar pulled back and smiled down at her. “I know. But you’re allowed to be grumpy at the moment so that’s alright. Just no more after it’s born.” Evadne pouted again and Edgar laughed as he released her and reached for his coat. “What are your plans for today?”

“Jan’s coming over for lunch. I’ve not seen her for a couple of weeks, so we’ve heaps to catch up on.”

“That sounds good. Send her my regards, won’t you?” Smiling, Edgar finished buttoning his coat and kissed her on lips. “Now, go and put your feet up, and no doing anything silly while I’m not here. Remember, Monique’s here this morning so ask her if you need anything doing. I’ll see you later. You too, trouble,” he added, ruffling Henry’s fair hair.

Evadne smiled down at her son. “Say bye-bye to Daddy.”

“Bye-bye, Daddy!”

Edgar grinned. “Bye-bye, little man. Have a good morning, sweetheart.”

“You too. Come home at lunch!” his wife called, as he disappeared out of the door.

“I’ll try, I promise!” and with that, he climbed into the waiting car. Evadne watched as it drove off up the long drive. Then, heaving a sigh, she turned back into the house and closed the door against the cold December air.

A few hours later, she was in the dining room entertaining Janice Bown, mother of Marcia’s friend Ann. The pair of them were tucking into their soup and bread with gusto, as it was a cold day outside, and in between mouthfuls they were chatting away for all they were worth.

Monique had just taken her leave following her morning looking after Henry, and the young man was now firmly ensconced in his highchair, a bowl of lukewarm soup in front of him and a chunk of bread clasped firmly in his chubby little hand. He had eaten most of his lunch, but had now decided he was bored and was busy throwing the bread across the dining table in an effort to gain some attention.

Janice caught the bread deftly as it headed towards her, just preventing it from disappearing onto the floor. With a word of thanks, Evadne took it from her friend and handed it back to her son.

“Now, you little tyke, stop throwing that around and finish your soup or you’ll not get it back again.”

Henry snatched it off, her, giggled and threw it back on the table again.

“Right that’s it.” Picking it up, his mother tore it into tiny chunks and dropped it into what was left of his soup. “There, that’ll stop you throwing it, won’t it?” Henry set up a wail of protest. “It’s no good yelling, I warned you.” Then, turning back to Janice, she asked, “So Ann’s not so happy, then?”

Janice frowned and shook her head. “Oh, she’s alright at school, I suppose, but she’s missing Marcia terribly. In fact, Jonty and I have decided to give in and we’ll be sending her to the Chalet School next September.”

“Really?” Evadne’s pretty face broke into a broad grin. “Oh Marcia will be pleased!”

“Well don’t tell her yet, whatever you do. We’ve not spoken to the school yet, so we don’t know if they’ll have room or not. We’re not going to tell Ann until we know for sure, otherwise she’ll be terribly disappointed if it all falls through.”

“That’s true. Well I’ll keep my fingers crossed it all works out. Marcia’ll be thrilled if it does. She’s enjoying herself no end, but I know she wishes Ann could be there with her too.” Then turning to Henry, who was now banging his spoon on his highchair tray, “Henry, stop that please! Come on, look at all this nice soup. It’s leek and potato, your favourite.”

Unimpressed, Henry hit the side of the bowl with his hand and it tipped up, covering his front in cold soup and soggy bits of bread. Looking down at himself, he giggled at the mess he’d created.

“Oh for heavens sake why can’t you just behave for Mommy, just once?” Placing her spoon in her bowl, Evadne pulled herself up from her chair and began to unfasten the strap holding Henry in place. “Sorry, Jan, I’d best go change him.”

“Do you want a hand?”

“No, we’ll be fine. Go on through to the salon and make yourself comfy if you’re done. I’ll be back in a few minutes and then we’ll get Guilia to conjure us up some coffee and cake.”

Heaving Henry out of his chair, she stood him on floor and pulled off his top as he tried to struggle free, so that he wouldn’t trail bits of leek and potato all through the house. “Come on you. Let’s go put some nice clean clothes on you,” and taking him by the hand, she walked him out into the hall. Janice smiled as she watched them go, popped the last piece of bread into her mouth and then took herself off to the salon to wait for their return.

She had been sitting in an armchair for twenty minutes, reading a magazine, when the door opened and Edgar appeared. He greeted her with a wide smile.

“Hello there! Has my wife abandoned you?”

Janice laughed and shook her head. “No, she’s just changing Henry’s clothes. He threw his lunch down himself.”

“Nothing new there then,” Edgar replied, with a roll of his eyes, as he threw his newspaper on the dresser, picked up the post Evadne had put aside, and began to leaf through it. “So how are things in the Bown household?”

“We’re all good thanks. That reminds me, I’ve some papers in the car for you from Jonty. I’d forgotten all about them until you walked in just then! I’ll just go and grab them. Back in a tick,” and good as her word, she jumped up from her chair and headed out to her car.

Edgar finished sorting through the post, putting aside the ones that were for him and throwing a couple of circulars into the rubbish bin. Then, leaving the letters on the dresser for now, he turned and made his way back into the hall, with the intention of going to find his wife. Just as he reached the bottom of the stairs, Evadne appeared on the landing, holding Henry’s hand in one of her own, her other arm full of blankets and toys.

“There you are. I thought we’d lost you!”

Hearing her husband’s voice, Evvy’s face lit up with a warm smile. “Hey, you made it home!”

Edgar returned her smile and walked up the staircase towards her. “Told you I would, didn’t I?”


“Hi there, little man! You been causing trouble again?”

Evadne rolled her eyes. “Something like that! Did they mind you leaving?”

Edgar shook his head and grinned. “They let me out for good behaviour! Here, let me give you a hand,” and reaching down, he collected Henry up in his arms. “You okay with all that?”

“Fine and dandy thanks. Is Jan still in the salon?”

“She’s just popped out to grab something from her car.”

Hitching Henry onto his hip, he headed downstairs with the little boy, chatting to him as they went. Evadne adjusted the pile of Henry’s belongings, trailing a blanket on the stairs as she did so. Grabbing the end, she managed to tuck back into the pile and carried on her way. She hadn’t fastened the blanket that securely, however, and as she neared the bottom of the staircase, the end came free again and dropped onto the stair in front of her.

Edgar had just set Henry down on the salon floor when he heard several bangs and a piercing scream, and turning on his heel, he ran back out into the hallway just in time to see his wife descending the last few stairs on her backside, scattering Henry’s belongings all around her.


Edgar!” Evadne screamed again as she hit her head on the bottom of the banisters. For a split second, she lay there, stunned, and then broke into hysterical sobs. “My baby! Edgar, help me! My baby!”

Edgar rushed forward as she lay clutching her stomach, a huge bump developing on her forehead where she had hit her head. The noise had brought Guilia running through from kitchen and she was standing behind them, exclaiming wildly. Scrabble was beside her, barking and trying to get closer to his mistress who was obviously in distress, and Henry, who had toddled out after his father, was clinging to the salon doorframe and yelling.

“Guilia, call an ambulance!” Edgar shouted over the din, as he crouched down and put his arms around his wife, trying to coax her up. “Evvy, sweetheart, come on you have to sit up.”

She clung to him, tears streaming down her face. “Edgar, the baby!”

“Where does it hurt?” Evadne pointed to the base of her back, and Edgar swung around to face Guilia, who was still next to him, waving her hands around. “Guilia, ambulanza! Sbrigarsi!

“Edgar what on earth’s happened?”

Hearing the new voice, Edgar turned to see Janice standing at the front door, shocked. “Oh Jan, thank god. Call an ambulance! Tell them to hurry!”

“What happened?”

“Evvy, fell down the stairs!”

“Oh my goodness!” Rooted to the spot, Jan clamped her hand to her mouth.

“For Christ’s sake, will someone call an ambulance!” Edgar bellowed, keeping tight hold of his wife. Brought back to her senses, Janice scurried through to the study to do just that, and trying to block out the sound of Guilia’s panic, Scrabble’s barks and Henry’s yells, he turned back to Evadne, cradling her head against him. “Come on, darling, it’s okay.” Still sobbing hysterically, she buried her face in his chest. “Shhh, it’s alright. Guilia. Guilia!” Guilia finally stopped waving her hands about and looked at him. “Go and fetch a cold compress.”

Seeing her staring at him blankly, he repeated the request in his fluent Italian and as he finally got through to her, she bustled off to do as he asked, still exclaiming to herself as she went.

As she disappeared, Janice came back out into the hall. “They’re on their way. There’s one just close-by apparently, they were dropping someone off home. Should be here any minute. I’ll take Henry & Scrabble through to the salon.”

Edgar nodded mutely, as he clung to his wife, his face sheet-white. A few seconds later, Guilia returned with a cold cloth and he took it and placed it on Evadne’s forehead, murmuring words of comfort as he did so. The next moment, he heard the wail of sirens as the ambulance, which by some miracle had only been two streets over, made it’s way down the drive. Holding Evvy closely, he stroked her hair and kissed her cheek, trying hard to keep his voice under control. “It’s alright darling, they’re here. The ambulance is here.”

Ten minutes later, Evadne had been examined and was being settled carefully into the ambulance for transfer to the hospital. Pausing only to grab his and his wife’s coat, Edgar hurried after them.

Leaving Henry with a still-upset Guilia for a moment, Janice followed him outside. “I’ll take Henry over to ours. Jonty can come and collect you later when you’re ready.”

His face still very pale, Edgar gave her a weak smile as she fell into step beside him. “Thanks Jan, you’re a saviour. I’m sorry I bellowed at you.”

“Nonsense! Now go on, quickly, they’re waiting. I’ll see to Guilia and lock up. Call as soon you have any news.”

Edgar nodded, flashing her a grateful smile, and then climbed into the ambulance. Janice watched as he sat down next to his still-sobbing wife, taking hold of her fingers with one shaking hand and stroking her hair with the other, as she stared up at him, terrified. Then the doors were closing and Jan stepped back as the vehicle began to move, and turned to make her way back into the house.

Last edited by Josie on Sun Jun 04, 2006 1:07 am; edited 4 times in total

#70:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:33 pm

Definition of that post was 'A CLIFF'

Josie! that was unkind. Come back, please Crying or Very sad

#71:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:06 pm
My dear god Jo, what are you trying to do to us??!


#72:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:51 pm
Poor Evvy, hope everything is alright. Crying or Very sad

(Oh and good cliff, Josie! Wink )

#73:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:09 pm
Thanks, Josie. I am really wibbling about their baby. I really hope that the little baby will be ok.

#74:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:16 pm
There I was thinking "Oh, how lovely! Two posts from Jo!" and then you go and leave it there!!! That was MEAN!!!! Wink

PLEASE come back and relieve all our worries soon Jo!!!
Pretty please?

#75:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:06 am
Oh, no!

#76:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:05 am
What a cliff!

Thank you Jo!

#77:  Author: pimLocation: Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:11 am

Jo, you are bad Wink


#78:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:39 am

#79:  Author: KathyeLocation: Staines PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:40 am
If we ask really, really nicely

Please may we have an update???

#80:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:47 am
Eeeek, I wasn't expecting that! *wibbles*

It's ages since I wibbled properly! Laughing

Thanks Jo

#81:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:05 pm
Oh help!

Jo please come back and make it all alright!

#82:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:44 pm
“Alright, thanks, Jonty. See you shortly.”

Edgar handed the receiver to the nurse behind the desk with a word of thanks and then walked back down the long corridor towards his wife’s room. Pushing open the door, he found a nurse taking her temperature, whilst the doctor reapplied some ointment to the bump on her forehead. Evadne was sitting back against a mound of pillows, her face very pale and an enormous bruise developing round her right eye. As Edgar sat down beside her, the doctor finished applying the ointment, checked the bruising again to reassure himself that it was just superficial, and then picked up her board to write down his notes.

“Well there is not any lasting damage, as I said before,” he said in his very formal English, his accent rather stern and clipped. “You will be a little sore for a while and you will have that quite magnificent black eye for a few weeks as well, but that is about all. The swelling will go down after a day or two. Now, I think it is about time you got some rest. Sleep is the best thing for you at the moment. Your husband may come back tomorrow.”

Evadne reached out to grab Edgar’s hand. “Please, can’t he stay a while longer?”

Doctor Zulle was about to say no, when he caught sight of the tears glistening in his patient’s eyes and frowned. “He may stay half an hour longer,” he said abruptly. “Then he must go.”

As the doctor took his leave, the nurse placed the thermometer back in its case. “See, his bark is far worse than his bite, as you English say,” she smiled, as she hung the chart on the end of the bed. Then, tucking in the edge of Evadne’s blankets, she added, “I shall leave you two to have some peace and quiet. I’ll be back in half an hour.”

Edgar smiled in thanks, as she bustled out of the private room, closing the door behind her. Then, turning back to his wife, he noticed a tear running down her cheek, and wiped it away with his thumb.

Evadne gazed back at him. “I’m so sorry, Edgar,” she almost whispered, as another tear escaped the corner of her eye.

“You silly old thing, you’ve nothing to say sorry for,” Edgar replied tenderly.

“But I might have hurt our baby.”

A couple more tears ran down her cheeks and he wiped them gently away. “Firstly, you didn’t do anything, it was an accident. And secondly, they said it’ll all be alright.”

Evadne shook her head. “They can’t be certain, Edgar, you know that.”

“I know, sweetheart, but both the doctor and midwife said that the fact that you went down on your bottom is a good thing. You did yourself far more damage than the baby.”

She leant against his arm, still teary, and he stooped to kiss the top of her head, gently stroking her hair. After a couple of minutes silence, she sat up again and wiped the back of her hand across her eyes. “How’s Henry?”

“Jonty said he’s fine, so don’t you worry. He wants his Mummy home though, he’s already missing her, so you get some rest tonight and come back tomorrow fighting fit, alright? Deal?”

Evadne looked up at him and gave him a ghost of a smile. “Deal.”


It was almost an hour later when Edgar and Jonty pulled up in front of the Bowns’ home on the edge of Carouge. As the car came to a halt, Janice, who had been watching for them to arrive, threw open the front door to greet them.

“You poor love, you look so drained! Come on in and warm up.”

Edgar shook the snow off his shoes and stepped into the hall. “How’s Henry?”

“He’s fast asleep. He cried for a little while when he first got here - I think because he was more bewildered than anything else and he knew something had happened to his mummy - but he calmed down after a little while. Emily played with him for a bit and then he had some food and now he’s tucked up in bed.”

Edgar shot her a grateful smile. “I’ll just pop up and get him then, and we’ll be off.”

“Nonsense! Are you expecting any calls from the hospital?”

“No, everything’s stable just now. I’ll pop back and see her in the morning.”

“Well then, you’re staying here for some dinner and that’s final. Isn’t that right, Jonty?” Janice asked her husband as he came in the front door, brushing the snow from his dark hair.

“Absolutely. We won’t hear otherwise. Henry’s fine upstairs for now and I’ll drop you home in a little while.” He could see the hesitation on Edgar’s face and added firmly, “Well come on, man, listen to the boss. You know she won’t take no for an answer. Take off your coat and I’ll go and pour us both a stiff drink. You look like you could do with one.”

Despite himself, Edgar chuckled and shook his head as Jonty headed through to the salon. “I don’t suppose I have much choice, do I?”

“None whatsoever,” Janice retorted, grinning. “Gerda’s made a marvellous stew and there’s plenty to go round.”

Edgar took off his coat and handed it over. “Thanks so much for everything this afternoon, Jan. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been there.”

“You’re very welcome. I’m only too glad we were able to help. Now you go on through, sit by the stove and warm up. I’ll go and tell Gerda we’re ready to eat.”

Good as her word, she hurried off in the direction of the kitchen, and Edgar waited only to wipe his shoes thoroughly on the mat before heading through to the salon. Ann and her younger sister Emily were already there, sitting at a large table doing a jigsaw puzzle and Emily jumped down from her seat as their guest came into the room.

“Sir Edgar, has Lady Watson had the baby?” she asked, staring up at him with excited eyes.

Edgar smiled and shook his head. “No, not yet sweetheart.”

“But Mummy said she was in hospital.” The young girl looked thoroughly confused.

“She’s just not feeling too well, that’s all.”


“How’s Marcia?” Ann asked from her perch at the table and Edgar noted, as he crossed the room to stand by the stove, that her voice was quiet and subdued, far removed from her normal bright, cheery self.

“She’s very well. Hasn’t she written to you?”

Ann nodded. “She writes every week but it’s not the same as her being here.”

“Well she’ll be home in two and a half weeks and then you’ll have all of Christmas to catch up.”

Ann beamed back at him, clearly excited at the prospect of seeing her best friend again, but before she could reply, the door opened and Janice popped her head round.

“Dinner’s up. Go and wash your hands, you two,” she ordered her children, and watched as they ran from the room. “Come on through to the dining room when you’re ready, Edgar, you know where it is.”

Edgar nodded his thanks as she retreated from the room. Rubbing his hands together in front of the heat, he felt his fingers thawing out a little. He had forgotten, in his panic, to pick up his gloves when they had dashed from the house, and it had been a cold ride back in Jonty’s car through the blizzarding snow. Then, satisfied he was warm enough, he made his way through to the dining room to join the others, his stomach rumbling at the delicious smell of stew wafting through the house.

After dinner, Janice sent the two girls up to bed, under orders to be quiet so as not to wake Henry, and three adults remained around the table, drinking some hot drinks.

“I didn’t want to ask with the kids around but how is Evvy, really?” Janice asked, as she took a sip of her tea.

Edgar placed his cup back on the saucer and heaved a sigh. “Well, they say they think it’ll be alright. She fell down on her bottom, so she’s got quite a bruised tail bone but they think that the baby should be fine. It’s pretty well protected, after all. They’re keeping her in overnight, though, just to be sure – both for the baby and in case of concussion after she banged her head. She has a corker of a black eye. She’ll be mortified when she sees herself.” Janice laughed and he smiled slightly as he continued. “I just hope that it really is okay. She’ll never forgive herself if it’s not.”

“I’m sure it will be, old chap,” Jonty interjected, giving his friend a sympathetic smile. “They know what they’re talking about, surely - they’re not likely to say it’ll all be alright if they don’t think it will”.

“Yes, I suppose so.” Edgar drained his cup and then scraped his chair back. “Right, I’d better get my son and make tracks while the going’s still good. Thanks so much for dinner and for all you’ve done, both of you.”

“Don’t mention it. I know you and Evvy would do the same for us.” Jonty got to his feet and threw his napkin down on the table. “You go and help Edgar with Henry, my dear, and I’ll go and bring the car around. See you out the front.”


The snow continued unabated as they made the slow drive back to Cologny, and Edgar almost slipped as he climbed out of the car outside his house. He opened the front door to be greeted by a rather over-exuberant Scrabble and heading back to the car again, he opened the rear door and carefully lifted out his sleeping son. Jonty waited to make sure that they got into the house okay and then, with a toot of the horn, he disappeared up the drive.

Henry hardly stirred as his father carried him up to his cot and tucked him in. Edgar stood beside him for a few moments, staring down at his chubby, peaceful face, reflecting on what had happened that afternoon and counting his blessings that things did not seem to be as bad as he had first thought. The house seemed so quiet without his wife there and he said a silent prayer, as he stood by his son’s cot, that both she and the baby really were going to be alright. Then, making his way back downstairs, he crossed the hall towards the kitchen, patting Scrabble’s head as he went. Just as he reached the kitchen door, the phone rang.

“No peace for the wicked, eh?” he said, scratching his dog’s ears once more, and then turned back to the dresser and lifted the receiver. “Cologny four-nine-one.”


The Bowns were just heading upstairs for the night when there was a terrific hammering on their front door, and turning back, Jonty opened it to find a very flustered-looking Edgar on the doorstep.

“Sorry, I know it’s late, but can you look after Henry?” Edgar burst out, as soon as he saw his friend.

“Yes, of course.” Jonty and Janice peered out at the driveway and caught sight of Evadne’s Renault parked in the drive. “What’s going on?”

“Anton wasn’t in and I didn’t know where else to go. I have to get to the hospital – Evvy’s in labour! They’ve been trying to call me since about 6 o’clock this evening!”

As he spoke, Edgar ran back to the car, lifted the sleeping little boy out of the rear seat and thrust him into Janice’s arms.

“Do you want one of us to come with you?” she asked, as she cradled the young lad against her.

“No, it’s fine. I have to go.” Wrenching the door open, he jumped into the driver’s seat, slamming it behind him, and turned the key in the ignition. Nothing happened. The engine simply turned over and then died again. He tried a couple more times but the same thing happened, and he slammed his hand down on the wheel.

“Stupid thing!”

Pushing the choke in, he pulled it out again and tried once more, but it made no difference and he swore under his breath. He had had to bring his wife’s car as his own was in for a service, and he might have known that it wouldn’t stand up to the inclement weather.

As he tried once more, the was a loud rapping on the window and he nearly jumped out of his skin. Winding the window down, he grimaced at his friend.

“You’ll flood the engine if you keep doing that,” Jonty pointed out sensibly. “Let me get mine out, it’s more reliable than that Renault. I’ll take you there. We’re only twenty minutes drive away, it won’t take long.”

“No it’s fine, its…stupid piece of metal!” Edgar hit the dashboard again as the car still refused to start, and then leaning forwards, he put his head on the wheel.

“She’ll be alright, Edgar, she’s in good hands.”

“How do you know she’ll be alright?” Edgar snapped back, sitting up again. “She’s not due for two weeks, she fell down the stairs this afternoon, and now she’s in labour, what does that tell you?”

“That the fall probably hurried it along a bit. And you know as well as I do that the dates aren’t all that accurate. Emily was a couple of weeks earlier than we thought she’d be. Now why don’t you calm down. You’ll be no use to Evvy whatsoever if she needs you and you get to the hospital in this state.”

Edgar stared at him and for a second, Jonty thought his friend was about to hit him. Then a contrite expression came over Edgar’s face. “Sorry, Jonty.”

“No need to be sorry. Now why don’t you let me get my car out.”

“Yes, I suppose that…aha!” As he turned the key one more time, the engine suddenly sprang into action. “Finally! I’ll see you later!” and as he stepped on the accelerator, the wheels spun a couple of times in the fresh snow before the car finally took off up the drive.

Just three miles from the Bown’s house, he found himself stuck in the most horrendous traffic jam he had ever seen. He had been stuck there for what felt like hours, though in reality it was only twenty-five minutes, and his patience was wearing thin.

“Come on, hurry up! Get out of my way!” he yelled, hitting the horn for the umpteenth time. Then, noticing that a few other motorists were out of the cars, he wrenched the door open and climbed out himself. “What’s going on?” he called out in French, and the driver ahead of him turned to face him.

“There’s been an accident, it is blocking the whole road.”

“Oh for crying out loud!”

Getting back in the car, he tried to start it to turn around and go the long way, but yet again it wouldn’t start. He tried several times, his language turning the air bluer with each failed attempt. Finally, giving up again, he jumped out and kicked the wheel.

“Stupid pile of junk, why won’t you just start!”

“Say, can I give you a helping hand there?”

Hearing the broad American accent, Edgar turned to see the owner of a nearby house standing at the end of his driveway. “I need to get to the hospital. My wife’s having a baby and my car won’t start. You couldn’t drive me, could you?”

“It’ll be quicker to walk in this weather. You’ll have to go all up round the mountain road otherwise and it’ll take hours with all the snow. That’s if the road’s even open. It’ll only take about forty-five minutes on foot. You can cut down through the park.”

“What about my car?”

“We’ll see to that, don’t worry. You’ll help me, won’t you fellas?” he asked the drivers standing nearby, who had been listening in to the conversation, and they all agreed readily. “You can leave it in my driveway. We’ll push it in. You get off to your wife.”

Marvelling at the kindness of strangers, Edgar heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank-you so much!”

He set off down the road at a run, slipping over a couple of times in the icy conditions, and hauling himself determinedly back to his feet.

He arrived at the hospital almost an hour later and dashing down the corridors, he reached the maternity wards and almost ran slap-bang into the nurse who had been treating his wife earlier in the day. She was standing talking to a woman who he recognised as Evadne’s midwife, and hearing him come crashing through the doors, they both turned to him with broad grins.

“We were wondering where you had got to!” the nurse said, as she put out a hand to steady him.

Edgar looked from one to the other, panic written all over his face. “Is she alright?” Then, registering the fact that the midwife was standing in front of him. “Is it over?”

She smiled in return. “She’s fine. They both are.”

“She’s had the baby?”

The midwife nodded as the nurse departed to answer a call. “Yes, just over an hour ago. We will probably want to keep them in a little longer than usual for observation, just to make certain after her fall yesterday, but from what we have seen so far, there’s nothing to worry about.”

“They’re really alright? The baby…?”

“Has ten fingers, ten toes and very healthy lungs. Your wife wants to tell you the rest of the happy news. In fact, she was very insistent she did so,” she added, a twinkle in her eye.

Edgar gave her a faint smile as she ushered him down the corridor to his wife’s room. Then, as she discretely took her leave, he tentatively opened the door. Evadne was sitting, propped up against back of bed, gazing lovingly at a bundle in her arms. She looked up as he entered the room and Edgar saw that though she was clearly exhausted, there was an expression of absolute elation on her face. She beckoned him closer, and he smiled as he crossed the room and perched on the side of her bed.

“Shouldn’t you be asleep? You must be so tired.”

Evadne shook her head, her voice shaking, as she turned her gaze back to the precious bundle in her arms. “I don’t want to sleep, I want to hold her. I made them let me.”

Edgar smiled at her words, well able to imagine her forcing them to let her. “Did you say her?” he asked and Evadne nodded, her eyes welling up.

“We have a beautiful little girl.”

Reaching out, Edgar peeled back the edge of the blanket and found himself looking at a tiny, ruddy, screwed up face, eyes tight shut, a tiny tuft of very fair hair on the top of her head. “She’s perfect,” he murmured, mesmerised at the sight of his new daughter. Then, glancing up, he noticed the tears running down Evvy’s cheeks. “Sweetheart, it’s alright. The midwife says she’s fine.”

“I know.”

“What are the tears for then?”

Evadne sniffed and lifted a hand to scrub her eyes. “Not so many years ago I thought I’d be alone forever. Now I’ve all I’ve ever wanted. I just can’t believe it’s true.”

Her voice broke as she said the words and with an affectionate smile, Edgar reached up and used his fingers to wipe away her tears, carefully avoiding her bruised, black eye. “See, didn’t I tell you that good things happen to good people?” She nodded and he leant forward to kiss her. “And you’re the best person of all.”

Evadne gazed back at him, her eyes welling up again at his words, and mouthed, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Edgar kissed her again and then took his handkerchief from his pocket. “Here, let me mop you up. You’ve been a regular waterspout all day!”

Evadne laughed as he dried her eyes. “What happened to you?” she asked, taking in his rather dishevelled appearance.

Glancing down at himself, Edgar realised just how much of a mess he looked and chuckled. “Long story. Let’s just say I’ll be buying you a new car. One that actually starts in the cold!”

Evvy smiled as she glanced down at the little bundle again. “Have you been abusing my Renault?”

Edgar grinned. “Would I?” Then, looking back down at his daughter, his voice softened as he said, “She’s so beautiful, darling. I’m so proud of you.”

“Would you like to hold her?”

“What do you think?” Taking his new daughter gently from his wife, he cradled her in his arms and spoke to her softly. “Hello there, little lady. I’m your Daddy. And you see this person here? That’s your Mummy. She’s a truly wonderful Mummy and you’re a very lucky girl.” Evadne smiled sleepily back at him, her eyelids starting to droop, and Edgar turned his attention back to the little girl. “Not that you’re listening to me, are you young lady? But you make sure you remember that. Anyway, none of the other four listen to me either so we may as well start as we mean to go on.”

He glanced up at his wife again and noticed that she had dropped off to sleep, upright against the pillows.

“Well, precious girl, it looks like your Mummy’s as tired as you are. It’s been a long day for you both, hasn’t it?” Gently, he ran a finger down his daughter’s smooth, ruddy cheek. “Welcome to the world, little one. It’s a scary place sometimes but we’ll look after you, I promise.”

For a few moments longer, he gazed lovingly down at the little bundle in his arms. Then turning back to Evvy, he kissed her softly on the cheek and then reached behind her and pressed the button that called the nurse.

Last edited by Josie on Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:25 pm; edited 7 times in total

#83:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:45 pm
I'm still teary Jo!

Thank you honey - tis perfect Smile

#84:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:03 am
Oh that's just lovely. The first meeting between Edgar and his new daughter...sniff.

Poor Edgar - all that frustration and delay must have been driving him mad ( we can see where Ned gets it from can't we!)

Thanks Josie

#85:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:03 am
Thank you, Jo! Very Happy

#86:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:33 am
Oh that was lovely.

Thanks Josie. Laughing

#87:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:02 am
That was lovely! Edgar when the car wouldn't start and in the traffic jam reminded me where poor Ned gets his temperament from Rolling Eyes

Thank you Josie.

#88:  Author: pimLocation: Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:03 am
Awwwwwwwwwww. *trying not to cry in the office*

Thanks Jo Very Happy

#89:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:22 am
Truely lovely, thank you Jo!

#90:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:31 am
Awwww a little baby girl - lovely!

Thanks Jo!

*wants a naming party*

#91:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:51 am
*blinks hard and sniffles*

Thanks Jo - that was beautiful

#92:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:25 pm
Thanks, Jo. That was such a beautiful scene at the end. I'm so glad that their daughter has been delivered safely.

#93:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:06 pm
Aw! AW! AW!

Thank you Jo!!!!!!!! Very Happy Very Happy

Yay for a safe healthy baby Very Happy

*sends Jo chocolate to say thank you!* Wink

#94:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:44 am
Thea finished lacing her boots and then checked in the mirror to make sure that her shawl was fastened firmly across her chest to keep her warm. Then, after buttoning her coat, she took her gloves out of the pocket pulled them on and then tugged her hat down hard over her gleaming brown bob. Checking herself again in the mirror, she brushed a non-existent speck of dust from her shoulder and then satisfied that she was ready, she turned her attention to a peg further down the room.

“You ready?”

“Awmosh” came the muffled reply, as Marcia finished tying one shoelace and turned her attention to the other, her gloves clamped between her teeth. Grasping the lace firmly, she gave it a terrific yank to tighten it and the end promptly snapped off in her hand, sending her tumbling onto her backside. “Dratted thing!”

“Shhh!” Thea checked around her nervously as she tried to stifle her giggles. “Someone might hear you! D’you want another fine?”

“I’ve no pocket money left anyway,” her sister grinned in return, a fact that was perfectly true.

In fact, UIIIa had been given so many fines for slang in past few weeks that they were penniless almost to a man and just that morning, Miss Annersley had been heard declaring that, come the following term, she was going to have to devise a firmer method of clamping down on the language of her wayward Middles. UIIIa themselves, meanwhile, were just thanking their lucky stars that there were only two more weeks of term to go as being without any money was not proving much fun.

Thea grimaced at her sister’s words. “I know you haven’t. And I’m not lending you any more of mine to pay fines either, so you can jolly well buck up stop being such a dumb cluck!”

“Now who’s talking slang?” Marcia retorted with a grin.

Thea ignored her. “You’d better get a new lace.”

“Haven’t any. This was my last one.”

“It can’t be! Mummy gave us twelve each, you can’t have broken them all!”

Marcia shrugged, not looking particularly perturbed. “They break really easily. Maybe they weren’t very good ones.”

“Or maybe you just tug them too hard!” Thea’s voice took on a note of exasperation as she bent down and took the severed end from her sister’s hand. “Here, I’ll mend it for now and you can have one of mine later,” and tying the lace in a knot, she pulled it firmly to check that the knot was tight and then finished lacing up her sister’s shoe. “There, all done.”

Marcia grinned, throwing her arms around her sister’s shoulders and squeezing her as that young lady got to her feet. “ Thank you. You’re the best sister ever!”

“And you’re impossible!” Thea retorted, failing to hide her smile. “Now put your hat and gloves on or we’ll be late. Mrs. Maynard said we should be there at quarter to four and it’s ten to already!”

Marcia did as she was told and then followed her sister out of the splasheries and down the corridor to the side door. “Why d’you think she wants to see us?”

“Dunno. Perhaps she wants to give us a message for Mummy or something.”

“Wouldn’t she do that at the end of term though? And why would she give it to both of us?”

“Well maybe it’s something else then!” They reached the door and Thea pulled it open, letting in an icy blast of air. “Ready?” Marcia nodded. “Then race you!” and Thea took off full pelt across the snow-covered lawns, leaving her sister to shut the door and follow on behind.

Marcia caught up with her just as they entered the Freudesheim grounds through the small gate in the arbour vitae hedge that separated the Maynards’ home from the Chalet School grounds. By the time the reached the house itself, they were still neck and neck and Joey Maynard flung open the door just as the pair of them came to halt at the foot of the steps, both laughing and holding their sides as they tried to regain their breath.

“That was a dead heat, I’d say!” she announced, a broad grin on her face as she ushered them up the steps and into the front hall. “I was wondering where you two had got to!”

“Sorry we’re late, Mrs. Maynard.”

“My lace broke so we had to stop and fix it.”

“Ah, that’ll do it then.” Joey smiled as she shut the door behind them. “And no need to say sorry, I’m not that much of a fussy bucket!” The two girls giggled as they hung up their coats and shawls and then followed their host down the hall. “Come on through to the salon, it’s much warmer in there. I’m only sorry I couldn’t come over to the school,” she added, as she directed them to the comfy chairs and sofa near the fireplace, “but Anna’s had to take Cecil down to Interlaken and it’s Rösli’s day off so I couldn’t leave the twins all on their own and I didn’t want to be hoiking them over to the school in this weather.”

“Where are they?” Thea asked, looking around the room. “And where’s Bruno?”

“The twins are upstairs in the nursery. They’ve already had their tea and we’d never get a word in edgewise if Geoff were here. He’ll babble away all day if you let him! And Bruno’s shut in the kitchen. He’s been going slightly crazy, what with the lack of walks with all this snow, and I think we can all do without twelve stone of St Bernard on top of us whilst we eat!” She gave a tinkling laugh and then headed towards the door. “You too make yourself comfy whilst I go and rustle us up some coffee and cakes,” and with that she was gone.

She returned some ten minutes later to find the two girls curled up on the sofa chatting away to each other. Placing the tray down on the low table in front of them, she poured them both a cup of coffee and then passed around a plate of delicious looking pastries. Then, helping herself, she curled herself up in an armchair opposite them. Thea and Marcia eyed her expectantly and taking a bite of her pastry, Joey swallowed her mouthful and gave them both a wide smile.

“So then, I suppose you’re wondering why I asked you over?” The two girls nodded. “I heard from your father this morning. He asked me to pass on some news to you.”

There was silence for a moment and then, in a quiet voice, Thea asked, “Is it nice news?”

“It most certainly is.”

Thea’s face brightened. “Has Mummy had the baby?” she asked excitedly.

Marcia’s eyes widened. “Ooo, has she?”

“What is it?”

Joey laughed. “Why don’t you take a look at that letter there, just in front of you. I’ll just pop up and check on the twins. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” and as Marcia reached forward and grabbed the envelope from the coffee table, Joey disappeared upstairs.

She found Phil and Geoff happily occupied with some paper and coloured pencils, and after stopping for a few minutes to take a look at their drawings, she returned to the two girls. The moment she walked through the salon door, Marcia leapt up from the sofa, her pastry clutched in her hand.

“We have a baby sister!”

Joey grinned as she took her seat again. “I gather you’re with that happy then?”

“Very! We can play dolls house with her and dress up and everything when she gets older! I always wanted a little sister!”

“It sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun,” their host laughed. “The Trips always love playing with their little sisters too – they were so glad when Fliss came along after all those boys!” She paused for a moment to take another bite of her pastry and noticed that Thea was sitting quietly, staring at the letter.

“How about you Thea, are you pleased?” Thea nodded and smiled, but she didn’t look entirely convinced. Joey gave her a curious look. “Have you any questions you’d like to ask me?

Thea hesitated for a moment. “Did you already speak to Daddy?”

“I did, when the letter arrived this morning. I told him I was having you both over to tea and he sends you both lots of love and said to tell you that he can’t wait to see you.”

Thea frowned and glanced down at the letter again. “He says they’re still in hospital.”

“Yes, but that’s perfectly normal.” Joey gave the young girl a reassuring smile. “They always keep mother and baby in for a few days after the baby’s born, just to make sure they’re okay. They certainly did with me. Didn’t they after Henry was born?” Thea nodded. “Well there you are then.

There looked to be another question on the tip of Thea’s tongue but before she could ask it, Marcia burst out, “I’m going to make a card and send it to the hospital. Daddy said we could!”

Joey grinned. “Well that sounds like a marvellous plan. And make sure you send your Mummy my love, won’t you? Now,” she added, as she picked the last crumbs of cake from her plate and then placed it on the low table beside her, “are there any other questions you want to ask me?” The two girls shook their heads. “Well then, if you’re both finished with your tea then you’d better be making tracks back to school. I don’t want to be responsible for you missing prep after all!”

“We wouldn’t mind!” Marcia grinned cheekily as she bounced to a feet.

“No but Miss Annersley certainly would and I don’t want to incur her wrath any more than you do! She’ll have my head on a platter and I quite like my head, if it’s all the same to you!”

Marcia giggled as she ran out into the hallway, followed at a more sedate pace by her sister and host. Joey watched Thea thoughtfully as that young lady pulled on her boots and fastened her coat firmly around her. Then, as Marcia opened the door and ran outside into the snow, Joey placed a hand on Thea’s shoulder.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Thea?”

Thea turned to face her and for a moment, it looked as if she were about to say something. Then, changing her mind, she looked down at the letter still clutched in her hand and nodded her head. Joey gave her a warm smile.

“Well you just remember, if you change your mind or if you need to ask me anything, I’m only a hop and a step away. You can come over any time you like.”

Thea returned her smile. “Thanks Mrs. Maynard. I’ll remember, I promise.”

“You do that. Right, you two, be off with you before you turn into snowmen! I’ll see you at the play if not before!”

“Thank you for tea, Mrs. Maynard.”

“Thank you for the scrummy cakes!”

Joey watched the two girls as they walked off across the white lawns and returned the wave that they sent her way as they reached the gate in the hedge. Then, seeing them safely back in the school grounds, she shut the door on the freezing December air.

As Thea closed the gate behind them and turned back towards the school, Marcia tucked her arm through her sister’s and squeezed it excitedly as they walked along. “We have a little sister!” she squealed.

Thea glanced at her and smiled. “I know.”

Marcia frowned. “Thea, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.”

“Yes there is. Why aren’t you excited?”

“I am.”

“Well you don’t look it. Why…”

“What are you two doing out here?”

At the sound of another voice, the two of them stopped and turned around to find themselves staring up into Miss Wilson’s stern face.

“We’ve been to tea at Mrs. Maynard’s.” Thea offered by way of explanation.

“Mummy’s had a baby girl and Daddy asked Mrs. Maynard to tell us!”

Miss Wilson smiled down at Marcia’s beaming face. “Has she now? Well that’s wonderful news.”

“I know! We have a little sister!”

Thea pulled back her left glove and glanced at her watch. “Miss Wilson, please may I go to the San and tell Nurse Solomons? She knows Mummy and Daddy and she’ll be really pleased.”

“Don’t you have prep soon?”

“Not for half an hour. I’ll be back by then, I promise.”

Miss Wilson frowned. She knew that, strictly speaking, she should deny the request just now but there was a pleading note in the young girl’s voice that troubled her slightly. She was aware that the two girls knew Nurse Solomons of old and she had a feeling that perhaps Thea wanted to see that lady for more than just to tell her about the new addition to the family.

“Go on then, off you go. I’ll square it with Miss Annersley. Just make sure you’re back in time for prep.”

Thanking her, Thea ran off towards the door nearest the school San and Miss Wilson fell into step beside Marcia as they walked towards the side door. “So what’s she called?”

“Amelia Ingrid, after our Granny and Mummy’s mummy who both died but she’ll be Milly for short ‘cause Daddy says Mummy thinks she looks more like Milly than Amelia.”

Nell smiled as Marcia paused for breath. “Milly. That’s a lovely name.”

“I know! I’m so excited! Maybe Miss Annersley will let us finish term early so we can go and see them?”

“Somehow I think not! It’s only two weeks until the Christmas holidays after all and anyway, aren’t you both in the play?”

Marcia nodded. “Thea’s in the chorus and the angel choir ‘cause she’s got a really nice voice, but I can’t sing for liquorice so I’m a shepherd.”

“I thought the expression was ‘can’t sing for toffee’?” Miss Wilson asked, a twinkle in her eye.

“It is but toffee’s horrid so I say liquorice instead.”

“Ah, I see.”

“And Daddy’s coming to watch us too!”

Nell smiled at the excitement on the young girl’s face. “Well there you are then, you wouldn’t want him to miss out on it, would you?”

Marcia shook her head vigorously, her blonde curly tails bouncing. They had reached the school building by now and Miss Wilson held the door open as they both passed through it and stamped their feet on the doormat to get the snow off their boots.

“Well go on then, off to the Splasheries with you, then you can go and tell your friends before prep.”

The young girl grinned and then set off at a run down the hallway.

“Are you running in the corridors, Marcia?”

Marcia stopped dead and turned around slowly, wracking her brains and realising there was no way out of this one. “Um…”

Miss Wilson raised her eyebrows, trying hard to keep the smile off her face. “As it’s a special occasion, I’ll let it go just this once,” she said, amusement showing in her eyes at the expression on Marcia’s face, “but do it again and you’ll get double the punishment. Understood?”

“Yes, Miss Wilson.” Marcia nodded, looking so solemn that Nell almost laughed.

“Okay, run along then.”

Marcia turned on her heel and ran a couple of steps. Then, suddenly realising what she was doing, she stopped herself abruptly and walked off in the direction of the Splasheries, hoping that Miss Wilson wouldn’t call her back once more. Nell watched her go and then chuckling to herself, she headed off in the direction of the study to seek out her erstwhile colleague.

She was still grinning when she entered the Head’s domain and Miss Annersley gave her a curious look as she shut the door behind her.

“What’s got you grinning like a lunatic?” she asked, as her friend threw her coat over the back of a nearby chair and then sat down.

“I’ve just seen Marcia Watson.”

A look of despair crossed Miss Annersley’s face. “Argh, that child! Talk about like mother, like stepdaughter! I could swear that she and Val Pertwee are Evadne and Cornelia all over again!”

Miss Wilson laughed. “Oh I don’t know. I’m rather fond of her.”

Hilda Annersley rolled her eyes. “May I remind you, Nell Wilson, that we’re rather fond of Cornelia and Evadne too but it didn’t make them any easier to deal with when we had to teach them! What’s she done now, anyway?”

Nell grinned back at her. “Nothing of note. They’ve just found out that Evadne’s had a baby girl so she’s a little exuberant, shall we say.”

Hilda smiled. “Ah yes, Joey told me this morning. It’s wonderful news. I’d forgotten they were going over there this afternoon. Sir Edgar asked her to break the news to them, apparently.”

“Yes, I met them coming back. I gave Thea permission to go and tell Nurse Solomons, by the way. I rather think something was troubling her – I thought it might do her good to get it out.”

“Any idea what it was?”

Nell shook her head. “Not an earthly, as Joey would say! Marcia seems perfectly happy.”

Miss Annersley frowned. “Hmm, that’s strange. She’s quite a sensitive little soul from what I’ve seen. I wonder…” She paused for a moment, thinking hard, and then shook her head. “Well whatever it is, as you say, hopefully talking to Nurse will help sort it out. I’ll ask Celine Lenoir to keep an eye on her. And I suppose I should warn Sharlie to keep her eyes open for break outs in UIII!” Miss Wilson laughed and pouring her friend a cup of coffee from the pot on her desk, Hilda handed it over and then took her seat again. “Anyway, enough of that. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” and with the Watsons’ forgotten, the two women settled down to business.

Last edited by Josie on Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:24 am; edited 3 times in total

#95:  Author: AliceLocation: London, England PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:43 am
Hmm, I wonder what Thea's concerned about.

#96:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:38 pm
Thanks, Josie. I'm so glad Evvie's got her daughter at last.

#97:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:54 pm
Loved the 'can't sing for liquorice' (although, personally I think it's as horrid as toffee Laughing)

#98:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:27 pm
That was a lovely episode, Josie - and you had Joey spot on. Wonder what's wrong with Thea? Confused

#99:  Author: MaryRLocation: Cheshire PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:35 pm
That was so satisfying, Josie. A real treat! Very Happy

Thank you so much.

#100:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:15 pm
Lovely, hope thea's ok though.

Thank you Jo.

#101:  Author: AllyLocation: John Bettany's Cabin! PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:27 pm
Thank you Jo, Ive just done a massive catch up! Marcia sounds like she's been having fun at school and Milly is a lovely name. Very Happy

#102:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:40 pm
Thanks, Jo. Milly is a very pretty name. I wonder what is troubling Thea.

#103:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:15 pm
Thank you Jo!
Gorgeous post, and I just hope Nurse Solomons can help Thea with whatever's bothering her.....

#104:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 1:30 am
I'll take either toffee or liquorice ... though neither approaches chocolate Very Happy
This "can't sing for" expression always made me think of someone whose jaws had been stuck together chewing toffee. Laughing (I think that's why I assume toffee is a really sticky candy, like Sugar Daddies or old-fashioned caramels.)

*sends baby gifts and looks forward to Marcia's next adventure*
*hopes Thea is OK*

#105:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 7:04 pm
Over at the San, Nurse Solomons was busy folding some clean towels and putting them on the shelves when there was a knock at the door. Turning, she saw Thea standing in the doorway, a letter clutched in her gloved hand, and her face broke into a welcoming smile.

“Hello there. Shouldn’t you be in prep?”

Thea shook her head. “Prep’s not for twenty-five minutes. Miss Wilson said I could come and see you.” She held up the letter in her hand and gave the Nurse a smile. “Mummy’s had a baby girl. She’s called Milly.”

“Oh how wonderful! You must be thrilled!” Then, catching the expression on Thea’s face, she frowned. “Aren’t you happy about it, Thea?”

“No, I am, I’m really happy. It’s just…”

Her voice trailed off and Janet Solomons piled the towels on top of some others on a nearby small table and smiled.

“Would you like to have a quick chat?” Thea nodded. “Come on then. Then let’s go somewhere a little more comfortable than this old linen closet, shall we?”

Taking hold of one of Thea’s slim arms, she led her out of the room and across the corridor to the small kitchen where the nursing staff made themselves cups of tea and took their breaks. Walking across to a table that stood under the window on the far side, she pulled out a chair for Thea and then took a seat herself.

“So then, what seems to be the matter?”

Thea stared down at her hands for a moment before she spoke. “Mummy and Milly are still in hospital.”

“Well of course they are!” Nurse Solomons gave her a reassuring smile. “They always keep mother and baby in for a little while after the birth. Don’t you remember that from when your brother was born?”

“Yes, but…” Thea’s voice trailed off again and Janet squeezed her arm.

“But what?”

“The baby wasn’t due ‘til almost Christmas. I know ‘cause Mummy told me at half-term. She said she hoped it would come before Christmas Day so they could be home with all of us. So Milly’s come early and Daddy says in his letter that they have to stay in there.” Thea paused and swallowed hard. “Is that something bad?”

“I see.” Nurse paused for a moment and sat back in her chair. “What exactly does your father say?”

“That they have to stay in a bit longer for observation and that everything’s okay but they want to make sure.”

Nurse Solomons frowned. “Have you told Marcia?”

Thea shook her head. “She read it but she didn’t notice and I didn’t want to say ‘cause she’d be worried too and I didn’t want her to be if I was wrong.”

“You know, it could be just as your father says?”

“But what if it’s not? Mummy’s not just our stepmother, she’s like our real Mummy. She’s…” Thea gulped and looked down at her hands again. “I’m scared.”

There was silence for a few moments as Thea twisted her fingers together and Nurse Solomons thought hard about what to say. “I tell you what,” she said eventually, “I’ll see if I can get hold of your father, shall I, and try and find out what’s going on?”

Thea glanced up at her, her expression perking up. “Will you really?”

“Of course I will, you leave it with me. I’ve plenty of time. We’re nice and quiet over here at the moment, providing none of you start an outbreak of some gruesome disease during prep!” Despite herself, Thea let out a small giggle and Nurse Solomons checked her watch. “And speaking of which, you’d better fly. You’ve ten minutes to get back, according to my watch!”

Thea jumped to her feet. “I knew you’d help me.”

“Well I’m very glad you came to me. I’ll try and get some news to you before bedtime, okay? Now be off with you before you get me into trouble for neglecting my towel duty!” she added, a twinkle in her eye.

Pushing in her chair, Thea said her thanks and dashed out of the room and deciding to leave the towels as they were for now, Janet Solomons headed off to find Matron to explain what she had promised to do.


Thea arrived back in the school proper to find Marcia holding forth loudly about the baby, assorted members of the Upper Third gathered around her, exclaiming excitedly. Her own two friends, Sara Carlyon and Therese Parais, were standing waiting for her by her locker, impatient looks on their faces.

“Where have you been?” Sara demanded, sounding disgruntled. “Marcia came back ages ago!”

Thea shook her head. “Tell you later.”

“It’s so exciting about your little sister! Isn’t it, Therese?”

“Very exciting!”

Thea smiled and nodded, not saying a word, and Sara frowned. “Are you alright?”

“Fine thanks.”

Opening her locker, Thea peered in and began searching for the books she needed to do her homework. As she did so, four members of the Upper Fourth appeared, heading in the direction of their form. They walked past Thea and her friends and then passed the Upper Third. At that exact moment, a thoroughly over-excited Val threw her arms out, hitting Copper Ansell square on the nose. The elder girl let out a strangled yelp.

“Say, I’m terribly sorry!” Val stammered, turning bright red as her friends tried not to laugh. “I didn’t see you!”

Cooper shook her head as she felt her nose gingerly, checking there was no damage. Arda Peik was not in the mood to let them off so lightly, however.

“Look where you're throwing your arms next time, you little moke! You could have hurt Copper!”

If it was at all possible, Val turned even redder. “I was excited about Marcia’s sister, I didn’t mean it!”

Jack Lambert, who had already been regaled with tales of the new Watson baby not quarter of an hour previously, when Marcia had arrived in the common room announcing it to anyone who would listen, turned to that young lady and rather unfairly snapped, “Anyone would think you were the only person ever to have a baby sister!”

“I never said that!” Marcia retorted, turning as red as Val.

Robina instantly jumped to her friend’s defence. “Well you don’t have one, do you?”

“No, she doesn’t!” a dark, tow-headed young lady by the name of Marie Angeot put in.

Marcia drew herself up straight and glared at Jack, a supercilious look on her face. “So there, Jack Lambert!” Then linking arms with Robina and Val, she added, “ Come on, let’s go. There’s a bad smell round here!” and turning on their heel, the three of them flounced off down the corridor, closely followed by the others from their form.

Arda glared after them as they went. “They really think they’re something, don’t they? They’re such kids!”

As she spoke, Jack looked around and spotted Thea standing by her locker.

“Has your sister always been such a pain?”

“She’s just excited, that’s all,” Thea replied, as she dug around at the back of her locker trying to find her geometry book.

“Well you’ve a new baby sister too and you’re not shrieking it around like a banshee. You’d never know you and she were sisters.”

“You’d never know you and Anne are sisters either, if it comes to that,” Copper interrupted, with more than a ring of truth, and Arda nodded her agreement.

“That’s true, it’s not Thea’s fault her sister’s such a brat.”

“She’s not a brat!” Thea shot back, turning to glare at the elder girls.

“Why don’t you just leave Marcia alone?” Sara put in, jumping to the younger girl’s defence. “She’s allowed to be excited, you know!”

Jack rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say. I’ve no time to be hanging around here arguing about it,” and with that, she stalked off towards the Upper Fourth classroom, followed by most of her friends.

Gretchen von Ahlen, however, hung back. “Do ignore them, Thea, please. It is not to do with Marcia, not really. They are still cross after Robina spilt the coffee on them the other day, that is all.”

Thea smiled at the young Austrian girl and shook her head. The now infamous coffee incident had taken place in Kaffee and Küchen a few days previously when Robina had been carrying a tray of mugs, some containing cold coffee. A mischievous imp had prompted Val to throw a bread twist at her friend which had hit that lady square on the forehead, causing her to shriek and throw her hands up. In doing so, she had let go of the tray, which had promptly disgorged its contents all over the nearby Upper Fourths. Young Val had been soundly punished for her actions and, still smarting from their unexpected shower, Jack and Co’s already fractious relationship with the Upper Third was now even worse.

“I know,” Thea said quietly. “Thanks, Gretchen, don’t worry.”

Gretchen smiled and turned to follow her classmates into the form room, and Thea frowned as she watched her go. She was fond of the quiet, unassuming girl in the year above her and she couldn’t really understand how she fit in with Jack and her boisterous friends. Not that Thea disliked Jack's gang. In fact, unlike her sister and that young lady’s friends, she actually got on with them perfectly well. She just thought that Gretchen seemed so different from them, that was all.

“What’s eating you?”

Stirred out of her reverie, Thea shut her locker and turned to her friend. “I was just thinking that Gretchen and Jack make odd friends.”

Sara grinned back at her. “Oh, I know! Jack’s alright really, though. She just thinks she knows everything, that’s all.”

Thea smiled and nodded, and Sara gave her a curious look. “Thea, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.”

“Yes there is, there’s something, so don’t pretend there isn’t! You’ve just found out you’ve a new baby sister, you should be happy and instead you look like a complete mope. It’s not like you at all!”

“Sara’s right, you don’t look happy,” Therese added, closing her locker.

“And don’t say it’s about what Jack said to Marcia, ‘cause I know it’s not!”

Faced down by her two friends, Thea heaved a sigh and spilled out just what was troubling her. As she finished, Sara and Therese exchanged troubled glances.

“Do you think it is something bad?”

Thea shrugged. “I don’t know. I went to see Nurse Solomons – that’s why I was late – and she said she’ll try and call Daddy to find out what’s going on.”

She swallowed hard and Sara reached out and squeezed her shoulder. “I bet it’ll be okay, you’ll see. Won’t it, Therese?”

“It will be!” the Swiss girl agreed heartily. “As your father said, it will be a prec...pre…”

“Precaution,” Sara finished for her. “Exactly. That’s just what it’ll be.”

“What are you three still doing out here? You should be at your desks by now!”

The three of them turned at the sound of the new voice and looked up at Con Maynard, the Library Prefect, with expressions like rabbits caught in headlights.

“Thea was upset – we were just asking her why,” Therese replied.

Luckily for the three girls, Con was amongst the most easy-going of the prefects and her thoughts were also half on an idea for a new book. Forgetting the fact that they were breaking rules by still being in the corridor, she glanced down at Thea with concern.

“What’s wrong, Thea?”

“Nothing, I’m…I’m okay now,” Thea replied in a quiet voice.

Con frowned. “Are you sure?” Thea nodded. “Well then, I suggest the three of you scram before Rosamund gets here. She’s taking your prep tonight and she won't thank you for being late!” and leaving the three of them to do as they were told, she continued on her way toward the Thirds, her head filled with thoughts of her new herione, Esme, and exactly how she was going to escape from the evil Lord Florian.


By the time bedtime came around, Thea had still not heard anything from Nurse Solomons and she was becoming more and more withdrawn and worried. Sara and Therese had given up trying to draw conversation out of her, leaving her to her own devices, and she had spent the evening holed up in the corner of the common room with a book, refusing to speak to anyone, even her sister.

It wasn’t until she was up in her dormitory, getting changed, that Carmela Walther, one of the prefects, appeared to announce that Miss Annersley wanted to see her. Throwing her nightdress down on her bed, Thea pulled on her shoes and ran out of the room, heedless of the rules.

She returned twenty minutes later to discover that the lights had already been turned out. Pausing for a minute to let her eyes adjust to the darkness, she felt her way between the cubicles until she reached her own at the far end. Pulling the curtains to behind her, she pulled out her handkerchief and dried away the last of her tears of relief. Then, kicking off her shoes again, she began to get undressed. The next moment, the curtains twitched next to her and opened to reveal Sara’s anxious face.

“What did she say? Was it about your Mum?” she asked in a low voice.

Thea nodded. “She said it’s all okay. They’ve just been keeping Mummy in to make absolutely sure, but Daddy told Miss Annersley she and Milly’ll be out on Thursday.”

Through the darkness, she could just make out the broad grin on Sara’s face. “That’s terrific!” Then, as she heard Thea sniff, “What’s wrong? Are you crying?”

“I’m okay. I’m just being silly.”

A cry of “Shut up you two!” came from the Dormitory Prefect, followed by, “Thea, hurry up and get into bed. You’re making a racket!”

Sara pulled a face. “I’d better go.” She shot her friend a heartening smile. “I’m so pleased, Thea.”

For the first time that day, Thea’s face broke into a proper grin of excitement. “So’m I! I’ve got a new sister!”

“I know!”

“I thought I told you to shut up! Now get into bed now or you’ll be for it!”

At that, Sara’s head withdrew hastily back into her own cubicle, and trying to muffle a giggle at the look of terror she’d seen on her friend’s face, Thea pulled off her blouse and then tugged her nightdress over her head.

Last edited by Josie on Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:38 am; edited 9 times in total

#106:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 7:15 pm
Thanks, Jo. I'm glad that Nurse Solomon got in touch with Edgar and that Thea has been reassured. I'm also glad that her friends are so supportive.

#107:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:08 pm
Lovely episode - glad Nurse Solomen was able to come through for Thea. Also glad that Marcia won't allow Jack and co to dominate her - imagine it's a bit of a novelty for Jack to come across someone that doesn't fall at her feet.

Thanks Josie.

#108:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:23 pm
Awww!! Thanks Jo!
So glad Nurse Solomons was able to sort out Thea's worries, but I want to poke Jack Lambert with a sharp stick!!!

#109:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:28 pm
Poor Thea! She really thinks, doesn't she. The spat with the Jack Lambert crowd does sound fairly typical!

#110:  Author: KarryLocation: Stoke on Trent PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:25 am
That was so lovely! Poor Thea, it must be so difficult being so far away at this time!

#111:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:50 pm
So glad that Thea was reassured Very Happy

Thanks, Jo

#112:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:34 pm
glad I popped on to catch up with this! Lovely name - glad they're ok. And all seems very EBDish - feuds between forms, love it! Cheers honey!
Very Happy

#113:  Author: pimLocation: Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:43 pm
Aww, hurrah for Nurse Solomon & that Thea was reassured in the end.

*sighs happily* Cheers m'dear Very Happy

#114:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:56 am
Ditto what pim said...not that I'm feeling lazy today or anything! Laughing

#115:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:23 am
Thanks for that, Josie, you always give us such lovely long episodes.

#116:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:24 pm
Folding up the letter that he held in his hands, Harry returned it to the envelope and handed it back to his friend.

“Your poor Dad, he must have been going out of his mind!”

“I know, ‘specially when the car wouldn’t start.” Ned grinned as he tucked the envelope back in his blazer pocket. “Bet he swore his head off too – he’s got the patience of a rampaging rhino when it comes to things like that!”

“So that’s where you get it from!” Harry laughed.

Ned ignored him. Instead, he threw the letter down next to him and leant back, putting his feet up on the coffee table. “Evvy could have had a boy though,” he pretended to grumble, though it was clear that he was pleased as punch with the new addition to his family. “Two younger sisters are enough for anyone and now I’ve got three! At least I can teach Henry to play rugger when he gets older – what am I going to do with another girl? And what if she’s like Marcia? One of her’s enough for any sane person!”

“You could mould her into your own little slave.”

“Marcia? I can just see that happening!”

“Not Marcia, idiot. Milly.”

Ned considered this for a moment and then grinned. “Pepperell, you’re a genius!”

“Well I try my best!” Harry chuckled and gave a little bow. “Little sisters are good for that – it worked for me with Tara. Well it did for a bit, anyway,” he added with afterthought. “Now she just sticks her tongue out at me! She’s far too uppity for a six-year-old!”

“Who’s far to uppity for a six-year-old?”

The two boys looked round to see Laskar, Burgess and Emery, another third year, standing behind them.

“Tara,” Harry grinned, in response to Laskar’s question. “Watson’s just found out he’s got a new sister!”

Ellery grinned. “Cool. Congratulations.”

“Yeah, congratulations!” Laskar added. “That’s great news, isn’t it, Burgess?”

Burgess gave an insolent shrug. “If you say so,” and without even so much as a glance at Ned, he crossed the room and sat down at a big table next to the large bay windows.

As he picked up a nearby copy of the Times and buried his head in it, Harry rolled his eyes and Tony Laskar gave Ned an apologetic shrug. Ned shot him a weak smile in return. For the past week or so, following his conversations with Edgar, Ned had been being as nice to Dan Burgess as he could possibly be, trying to include him in conversations and apologising over and over again. Burgess, however, was having none of it, returning Ned’s attempts to offer an olive branch with barbed comments and pointed snubs. His behaviour was starting to make the others uncomfortable and Laskar and Harry had had several attempts at talking to him, to no avail. What with Burgess being the way he was, and Piers constantly harping on about his roomate’s questionable character, the Christmas holidays could not come quickly enough for Ned.

As this was running through his mind, the door to the common room opened and Hamish Stimpson entered the room, his great friend and fellow prefect, Oliver Burgess, just behind him. Stimpson took a quick glance around him.

“Here, Watson, Burgess Minor, what are you doing lounging in here? You’re supposed to be on Changer duty. I want it done by lunch or you’ll be doing it every day ‘til the end of term.”

Knowing full well that he had been putting off the cleaning of the house changing rooms for as long as possible, as was the wont of the entire Third, Ned got reluctantly to his feet and headed towards the door with a “See you later” to his friends. Dan, however, remained where he was.

“I was going to change with Pepperell ‘cause he’s on tomorrow. That okay with you?” he asked Harry.

Before Harry could reply, Stimpson butted in. “Why? You’re not doing anything important that I can see.”

Dan flushed. “I’d just rather do duty with someone else, that’s all.”

At his former friend’s words, a look of hurt flashed across Ned’s face, but he kept his head held high as he walked out of the room. The look hadn’t escaped Oliver, however, and sick and tired of his little brother feuding with his friend, he stepped in. “Well that’s tough. You’re rostered today so you’ll do it today.”


“But what? You’ll go now - unless you want me to tell Mum and Dad how childish you are?”

Dan had nothing to say to that. He was well aware that he wasn’t being all that fair to Ned, and he could just imagine what his parents would have to say about it if they knew. Giving his brother a fierce glare, he stalked past him and out of the room.

Ned was already at work cleaning the changing rooms when the door was thrown open emitting a furious Dan into the room.

“So you didn’t manage to get out of it then?”

There was a trace of bitterness in Ned’s voice and Dan scowled at him for a moment before turning his back on him as he began to scrub down the sinks on the far side.

After half an hour of him slamming things around and pointedly ignoring his companion, by which time they had more or less finished the job in hand, Ned finally had enough.

“You’ll have to talk to me one day, you know.”

Burgess kept his back turned. “I don’t see why.”

“Because we were friends that’s why. This is stupid.”

Dan paused for a moment, as the finished cleaning the front of the final locker. Then, laying his cloth down on the bench, he looked around at Ned. “You think so? After what you did?”

Ned had heard this one too many times since half-term and this time it pushed him over the edge. “You know, I was an ass to do that, but you’re no better, Burgess. What does all this holding a grudge make you? I’ve tried everything to say sorry and you just go on being a fat-head,” he finished, borrowing one of his stepmother’s choice expressions.

Dan stared at him for a second, his face blank. Then, turning on his heel, he picked up the cloth he had been using, threw it in the cleaning cupboard and walked towards the door.

“Burgess, wait!’

Ned’s shout stayed him, and he looked back over his shoulder at his friend.

“Look, for the five millionth time I’m sorry, okay?” Ned tried again, a pleading note in his voice. “I was a complete and utter ass. I know that. I’ve said it over and over again. But don’t you think I deserve a break? We all make mistakes - you’re hardly perfect yourself, are you?”

Dan said nothing but his face visibly softened and noticing this, Ned decided to press his advantage home.

“Look, what do I have to do to make it up to you?”

For a moment, Dan simply stared at him. Then, walking over to Piers’ peg, he fished inside that young man’s gym bag and pulled out a pair of disgusting, muddy rugby socks. “Put these in your mouth.”

A look of horror crossed Ned’s face. “What? No!”

Dan shrugged, “Fine,” and returning the socks to Piers’ bag, he turned to walk off again.

“No, wait!” Burgess stopped and Ned gritted his teeth. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

For a split-second, a smile twitched at the edge of Dan’s mouth. He got himself back under control, however, and pulled the socks out of the bag again. Unfurling them as Ned watched on, his stomach churning, Dan shook them out and handed one over. Ned looked down at the filthy, stinking sock in his hand and swallowed hard. Then, screwing up his eyes, he stuffed the sock into his mouth. Overwhelmed by the smell of cheesy feet, he gagged, thinking he was about to throw up. Holding out his hand for the second sock, grimacing as Dan took his time to hand it over, he snatched it and hurriedly pushed it into his mouth. The next second, he gagged and hastily pulling the socks out again, he dropped them on the floor and bent over, coughing and spluttering, holding his chest. Hearing Burgess double up with laughter, he wiped his streaming eyes and looked up.

“Glad you find it so funny!”

“I can’t believe you actually did that!”

Dan went off into another peal of laughter. Ned glared at him. Then, unable to keep a straight face any longer, infected by his friend’s giggles, he started laughing himself,

“Nor can I!” He stuck his tongue out, wiping it with his fist, trying to get the taste out of his mouth. Turning the cold tap on in the sink next to him, he swilled his mouth out and then stood up, water trickling down his chin. “Listen, Burgess, I really am sorry. I can’t believe I ever thought it was you. But I think I've paid my dues now, don't you?”

Dan hesitated for a moment and then shook his head. “You know what? It doesn’t matter. I’ve been an ass too, anyway. Or a fat-head, as you put it!”

Ned grinned, looking a little shame-faced. “So we’re okay?”

Dan smiled. "Yeah, why not. Can hardly say otherwise after you did that!”

Feeling genuinely happy for the first time in weeks, Ned shook his friend's proffered hand. Dan chuckled again, shaking his head.

“Still can’t believe you put those in your mouth!”

As he spoke, the door opened and Stimpson came in to check up on them. “Get a move on you, two,” he ordered, seeing the socks on the floor. “You’ve only forty minutes ‘til grub.”

Ned picked up the socks up and stuffed them back in Piers’ bag. “We’re done.”

Stimpson glanced appraisingly around the room. It certainly looked clean enough. “Well what are you still doing here then? Go on, scram! Go and do something useful.”

They didn’t need telling twice. Heading out past their Head of House, they made their way down the long corridor leading back to the common room.

“Lloyd-Kitchen knew it was Dunkels and Tickal the whole time.”

Dan glanced at his friend. “I know. Pepperell told me.”

There was silence for a second as they walked along. Then Ned looked up again. “What are you up to now?”

“Dunno, why, what have you got in mind?”

“Weeeell, Lloyd-Kitchen’s out with his Aunt ‘til later this afternoon, right?”

“Yeah. So?”

Ned stopped, a wicked grin on his face. “Come on, let’s go and hunt out Pepperell and Laskar. I need you all to help me with something.”


Much later in the day, just as it was beginning to turn dark outside, Ned and his three friends were lounging in Ned’s study, chatting amongst themselves, when the door flew open and Piers barged into the room. The next second he stopped, his jaw hanging open in amazement at the sight before him. A neat stack of cardboard boxes, reaching almost to the ceiling, divided the room exactly in half. Even access to the sink was split into two. The only thing not shared was the doorway.

“What the…?”

Ned looked nonchalantly back at him as the other three tried their hardest not to laugh.

“This is my side, that’s yours,” he explained, pointing lazily to the boxes.

Piers stared at him in disbelief. “How much of a child can you possibly be?”

“Far worse than this, if you like," came the insouciant reply. “Now, I suggest you go into your own half. I don’t want to talk to you or see you anymore.”

Spluttering at the affront of his roommate, Piers turned a fetching shade of puce. “But…and…I mean…why do you get the door?” he said eventually.

“I’ve left you a hole just there. See? You can access your half perfectly well.”

Piers’ eyes darted around the room. “You can’t do this,” he blustered. “I won’t have it! I’ll…”

“La, la, la, I can’t hear you!” Deciding he hadn’t been nearly childish enough, Ned had jammed his fingers in his ears and screwed his eyes tight shut.

Piers glared at him, apoplectic with rage. “You’re like a demented five-year-old, Watson! I’m going to see Stevenson – he’ll soon put a stop to this nonsense!”

Turning on his heel, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Ned and his friends burst out laughing.

“Stevenson’ll make you take it down, you know that?” Laskar managed to eventually say through his giggles.

Ned shook his head, sitting up and wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. “I don’t care. Was worth it just to see his face! ‘You’re like a demented five-year-old, Watson!’ and at this almost perfect impression of young Master Lloyd-Kitchen, they all dissolved into fits of giggles once again.

Last edited by Josie on Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:57 am; edited 5 times in total

#117:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:32 pm
Thanks, Jo. It's great that Dan and Ned are friends again.

#118:  Author: EilidhLocation: North Lanarkshire PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:33 pm
Thanks Josie! Very Happy

#119:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:47 pm
Awwww, finally. Yes Burgess had a right to be angry - but enough was enough. As for stuffing those socks into his mouth Shocked

Thanks Josie - lovely. Laughing

#120:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:01 pm
Well! When he finally got sorted out with Dan, he bounced back with a vengeance. Should I start to feel sorry for Lloyd-Kitchen?

I think he may have met his match.

Hilarious, Jo, Thanks!

#121:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:39 pm
Eww! Yuck!

Glad they've sorting things out though.. but didn't they have to resort to those socks!

Ta, Jo!

#122:  Author: PatLocation: Doncaster PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:55 pm
No one should feel sorry for Lloyd-Kitchen!

#123:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:59 pm
*still gagging*

When I've got over that I shall giggle over the boxes - that was inspired!!

Thanks, Jo Laughing

#124:  Author: BethCLocation: Worcester, UK PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 10:04 pm
Laughing Laughing
Thank you!

#125:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:35 pm
Thanks Jo! That was a fantastic post! (although the bit with the socks was nauseating!!!! Shocked

#126:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:34 am
Good to see they're friends again, but...those socks! oh yuk!

#127:  Author: AliceLocation: London, England PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:23 am
Glad to see Ned and Dan have made it up. I had a mouth full of cereal as I read about the socks in mouth. I just about managed to swallow it.

#128:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:40 pm
Euwww for the socks! But glas they're friends again

Thanks Jo

#129:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:20 pm
Thanks for that, Josie. You always give us such lovely long updates.

#130:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:50 am
About time they made up! And the boxes were hillarious.

Thank you Jo!

#131:  Author: KathyeLocation: Staines PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 12:26 pm
Still uptodate!!


#132:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:48 am
Nice touch with the boxes there. I'm glad Ned and Burgess have sorted out their differences, with a kick up the backside from Burgess's elder brother!

Thanks Jo

#133:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:23 pm
Thanks Josie! That was a fabulous lot of updates! Very Happy
And euwww at the socks! I really thought Dan would stop at one sock before he forgave Ned!!

#134:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:09 pm
*giggling wildly* Laughing

#135:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:48 pm
Once things were sorted out with Dan and the equilibrium had returned to Ned’s world, the last two weeks of term simply flew by, what with Christmas dinners, rugby matches, end of term tests and cheering Harry on in the school play.

Before they knew it, the last day of term was upon them and nobody was in a better mood when it came around than Ned. He had spent most of his time since he had woken up, singing songs about how pleased he was to see the back of Piers. Piers, in turn, had talked at the top of his voice all through breakfast about how next term he might actually get some peace and quiet and not have to spend time with such a juvenile any more. The tit-for-tat insults had been flying back and forth ever since, whenever they were within each other’s earshot, and showed no signs of abating.

It was now coming on for midday. Most of the boys had already gone, and Ned and Harry were in the entrance hall, waiting for the Pepperells to come and, in Harry’s words, “Set them free for a few weeks!” As they peered out of the windows next to the front door, searching the street for Harry’s parents’ car, Ned began singing again at the top of his voice as he heard Piers’ familiar drawl booming through the closed Common Room door as he held court.

“Give it a rest, will you,” Harry grimaced. “You can’t sing for toffee – it’s hurting my ears!”

Ned responded by singing even louder, and Harry pulled a face at his friend and clamped his hands firmly over his ears. The next moment, the door to the Housemaster’s study flew open and Mr. Stevenson appeared, a frown furrowing his brow.

“Is it really necessary to make that racket, Watson?”

Ned’s cheeks turned pink as he stopped singing abruptly. “No, Sir.”

“Well quit making it then. Now, I’d like a quick word with you, if you can spare me a moment?”

The question was clearly rhetorical and shooting his friend a baffled glance, Ned left his post at the window and followed his housemaster back into the study. Mr. Stevenson shut the door behind them and then made his way behind his desk.

“Do have a seat.” He waited until Ned was sitting in the chair in front of him before he spoke again. “So then, tell me, how have things been for you this term?”

“Erm…fine thank you, Sir.” Ned replied hesitantly, more than a little puzzled.

“I see that you and Burgess have sorted out your differences? Don’t look at me like a stranded codfish, Watson,” Mr. Stevenson added, as Ned’s jaw dropped. “I know a great deal more about what goes on in this house than you boys seem to think. So, is everything alright now?”

An embarrassed flush began creeping up Ned’s neck as he realised that his housemaster clearly knew all about his behaviour earlier in the term. “Yes, Sir, everything’s sorted out.”

“And have you learnt anything from it all?”

The red flush reached Ned’s cheeks. “Not to jump to conclusions, Sir.”

“Indeed. A valuable lesson.”

Mr. Stevenson paused and Ned’s eyes darted around the room, as he sat awkwardly in front of his housemaster, wondering why on earth that gentleman was asking him all these questions.

“And Lloyd-Kitchen?” Mr. Stevenson asked eventually, and Ned stared at him in surprise.

“Lloyd-Kitchen, Sir?”

“Have you learnt anything from sharing a study with him?”

“Only that I can’t stand him!” Ned blurted out before he could stop himself. Then turning even more scarlet than he already was, he added, “Sir.”

“I see.” Mr. Stevenson’s mouth twitched at his pupil’s faux-pas, though he was far from satisfied with the answer he had received. “And that’s all you have to say on the matter.” Ned nodded, not knowing what else he was supposed to say, “Right, well then, be off with you. Have a good Christmas, won’t you?”

Even more mystified than he was before, seeing no point whatsoever to the conversation that had just passed, Ned got to his feet. “You too, Sir,” he replied, and then turned and left the room.

Harry looked round as his friend re-emerged from the study. “What did Stevenson want?”

Ned shrugged. “No idea. He asked me what I’d learnt from living with Lloyd-Kitchen this term!”

“What did you say?”

“That I couldn’t stand him!”

“You didn’t!”

“Watson, Pepperell, what are you doing loitering out here?” a new voice interrupted suddenly, and the pair of them spun round to find themselves looking at their House Tutor, Dr. Putt.

“We’re waiting for my parents, Sir,” Harry answered. “We’re taking Watson to the airport on the way home.”

“Then go and wait in the Common Room like everyone else.”

As he spoke, a large car could be seen drawing to a halt in front of the boarding house and the next moment, the Common Room door opened and Piers appeared, dragging a small suitcase behind him. He pushed past Harry, who was doing as he had been told, and then came to a halt in front of Ned.

“Get out of my way, Watson,” he ordered, seemingly oblivious to the presence of Dr. Putt, who was busy knocking on Mr. Stevenson’s door. “I need to open the front door.”

Ned stepped aside, a sarcastic smile on his face. “Enjoy your hols, Lloyd-Kitchen. Try not to come back next term!”

Hearing this, Humphrey Putt turned around to face them. “I said Common Room, Watson!”

Ned scurried off after Harry, slamming the Common Room door behind him and causing Dr. Putt to wince. However he decided to let it go for once. It was the last morning of term, after all. Instead, he watched Piers as that young man silently lifted his suitcase and turned towards the door. “Merry Christmas, Lloyd-Kitchen.”

Hearing his name, Piers turned his head in surprise. “Thank you, Sir. You too.”

“Try and have good time, won’t you?”

Piers hesitated for a second and then nodded, a slight smile on his lips. Dr. Putt waited until he was gone and then disappeared into the Housemaster’s study.

“What was that din all about?” that gentleman asked in his soft, Highland burr, as the House Tutor entered the room and shut the door.

“Oh, just the usual to-do with Watson and Lloyd-Kitchen, that’s all.”

Mr. Stevenson shook his head and indicated a seat in front of his large, mahogany desk. “I might have guessed. I don’t think Watson has learnt a thing this term.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I had him in a few minutes ago for a chat. He has a great deal of potential, Humphrey, I don’t want to see him waste it because he refuses to grow up.”

“Be fair, Bill, the lad’s only fourteen. He’s not fifteen until March, I believe.”

“I know, but those others in his little coterie are far more mature than he is. More often than not, Watson’s acting exactly as he did when he was back in Shell. I suppose I’ll have to hope that Pepperell, Burgess and Laskar rub off on him eventually.”

Humphrey Putt chuckled as he sat down. “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think he’s quite as childish as you think.” Mr Stevenson opened his mouth to protest, but Dr. Putt hadn’t finished yet. “Oh I don’t say he couldn’t do with a swift kick up the backside sometimes, but I think he has maturity beyond his years in many ways. He just doesn’t have cause to call on it that often, that’s all. And he’s no worse than his father was when he was here. In fact, I’d say he was pretty much chip off the old block.”

Bill Stevenson smiled. “I always forget how long you’ve been at Park.”

“Well I remember only too well. And I certainly remember Watson and his friend Rodwell as if it were yesterday – they made themselves rather hard to forget!” Dr. Putt grinned. “Sir Edgar was a royal pain in the derrière when he was young Ned’s age, and now a finer gentleman you couldn’t wish to meet. I think it’s a safe bet that his son will follow the same way.”

There was silence for a moment as the housemaster stared at his colleague. Then leaning back in his seat, he heaved a sigh. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe you’re right. It’s just all this nonsense with Lloyd-Kitchen that worries me. Other than sport, the only thing young Watson seems to be interested in most of the time is getting the upper hand over his nemesis. Not that Lloyd-Kitchen isn’t just as much to blame. A more pompous, disagreeable boy I’ve yet to meet.”

At his friend’s last statement, Humphrey Putt smiled. “May I give you a word of advice from an old timer?”

“Of course.”

“Try not to judge those lads quite so much on what you see. I’ve learnt in my time here that it often pays more to read between the lines.” Mr. Stevenson’s brow furrowed, but let his colleague go on. “Especially when it comes to Lloyd-Kitchen. There’s a lot more behind that façade than you would ever imagine.”

“What do you mean?”

Dr. Putt shook his head. “Let’s just say that as much as I remember Edgar Watson, I also have Oswald Lloyd-Kitchen imprinted on my mind. And I also know the boy’s mother of old. I moved in the same circles as her father in my younger days.” He paused for a moment, as if thinking hard about what to say. “That’s some front that young man puts on to the world,” he continued eventually. “Unless I miss my guess, he has a very different life outside this school than he would have you believe with all his pomp and bluster.”

Mr Stevenson frowned again. “I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me the whys and wherefores of those cryptic comments are you?”

The House Tutor ran his hands through his thinning salt-and-pepper hair and glanced down at his watch. “I tell you what. Let’s see the last of them off, then we’ll sit down over a tot of your country’s finest and I’ll tell you everything I know.”


Meanwhile, on the Görnetz Platz, the Chalet School Christmas play was over and done with for another year and Edgar was standing just outside the hall, waiting for his daughters to emerge. It was the first time he had been to see any of his children in a play – the International School hadn’t done them and Ned was about as interested in drama as he was in knitting – so consequently he was feeling very proud. Thea had looked beautiful in her angel costume, a silver halo gleaming against her dark locks. It had taken him a while to identify Marcia, whose face was hidden behind a mass of course brown hair, but he spotted her eventually and he couldn’t help but smile as he watched her standing next to Val Pertwee, the pair of them concentrating very hard on their small parts.

Now, as he stared around him at the snow-covered mountainsides, he heard a screech of “Daddy!” and turned to see Marcia running towards him, Val in tow.

Grinning as they reached him, he caught hold of Marcia as she threw her arms around his waist. Lifting her up, he hugged her and dropped a kiss on her blonde ringlets. “Hello, trouble!”

Marcia returned his kiss and grinned back at him. “Did you see me, Daddy? I was the one with the brown beard!”

“I did and it was a very fine beard indeed, it suited you perfectly!” Edgar’s eyes twinkled as he spoke, and he laughed as Marcia uttered an indignant exclamation and hit him on the shoulder. “You made a very good shepherd, poppet. So did you, Val,” he added to his daughter’s friend.

Val beamed back at him. “Thanks, Uncle Edgar.”

“What have you done with Thea?”

“She’s getting changed,” Marcia informed him.

“Well why don’t you go and hurry her along?” her father requested, lowering her back to the ground. “The two of you are having tea with me over at the Maynard’s. I’ve spoken to Miss Annersley and she said that you have to be back for dinner, so that should give us a good couple of hours on our own.”

“I thought you were going to ask if we could go home tonight?”

Edgar raised his eyebrows. “I don’t believe I ever said that, did I?”

“But I asked you in my letter! I don’t want to wait ‘til tomorrow!”

“Well I want doesn’t always get, does it? You’ll be going home tomorrow morning, just like everyone else.” Marcia pouted, looking like a sulky five-year-old, and Edgar let out a deep chuckle. “Go on, hurry up and get your sister, madam, or you won’t be coming for tea either. Now scram!” and seeing that she wasn’t going to get her own way, however long she stood there pulling faces, Marcia gave it up as a bad job and went to do as she was told.

Tea was a riotous affair, with both sets of twins and Cecil joining their elders and lapping up the attention being lavished upon them. Once they were done, the three Watsons wrapped up warmly and set off for a brief walk before it was time for the girls to return to school. Full of excitement about the Christmas holidays and seeing her family again, Marcia ran on ahead of her father and sister, turning cartwheels and more often that not ending up falling in the snow.

As the other two strolled along behind her, Edgar glanced down at Thea and put an arm around her shoulders. “Mummy sends you a big kiss.”

Thea looked up at him and smiled. “I can’t wait to see her.”

“Well that goes double for her. She gave me a right old talking to about telling you she and Milly had to stay in hospital. Between you and me I was rather lucky she didn’t skin me alive!” Thea chuckled and her father grimaced. “Nurse Solomons gave me a rather unvarnished opinion of it too when I popped in to say hello. I’m so sorry, darling, I didn’t mean to worry you. I wasn’t thinking.”

Shuffling her feet, kicking the snow up ahead of her, Thea shook her head and frowned. “S’okay. I was probably being silly anyway.”

“No you weren’t.” Edgar smiled and tightened his arm around her shoulders. “You were being you.”

“I worry too much.”

At this, Edgar stopped, and taking his daughter by the shoulders, he turned her towards him and gazed down at her delicate face. “You care, Thea. Not just about the family, but about all manner of people and things, and that’s one of the most important attributes you can have in this shallow old world of ours. If people choose to see it as you being a worry-wort, well that’s their lookout.” Crouching down, he placed a hand under her chin and looked her firmly in the eye. “I want you to promise me something? Never change how much you care for people, sweetheart. It’s what makes you so special.”

Thea stared back at her father, her cheeks flushed and a smile touching the edge of her lips. “I’ll try not to.”

Edgar grinned and dropped a kiss on her smooth, brown locks before getting to his feet. “So, are you still enjoying yourself at this school of yours?” he asked as they set off along the path again.

“So much, Daddy!” Thea enthused as she squeezed her father around the waist. “Thank you for sending us here.”

“Well you’re very welcome. I can’t pretend we don’t miss you both, but you being so happy makes up for all of that and anyway, Henry’s done his best to make as much noise as possible to fill the void when you two aren’t around. He’s become a real little mon…aargh!”

Thea let out a simultaneous scream as she felt something icy go down her back, and hearing a giggle, they both turned to see Marcia standing behind them laughing, her mittens white with snow. They had failed to notice her drop back behind them as they talked and taking advantage of their diverted attention, she had gathered up two handfuls and decided to deposit them in the most uncomfortable places she could manage.

As Edgar patted his backside to try and clear the snow from his underpants - Marcia had stuffed it well inside his waistband - Thea fixed her sister with a wicked stare. Marcia hesitated for a moment, and then shrieked and set off towards the nearby bank. It took Thea all of thirty seconds to catch up with her, and she grabbed Marcia’s legs as that young lady tried to scramble up the small slope.

“Daddy, quick, come and help me!”

Edgar looked up at her urgent call, as Marcia tried to wriggle away. Crossing the gap with three long, loping strides, he stooped and put his hands under Marcia’s armpits and between them, he and Thea lifted her up in the air.

As Marcia squealed and begged to be put down, Edgar grinned. “Don’t think you’re getting away with that one, young lady. Are you ready, Thea?”


Marcia yelled again and tried to squirm out of their grasp. “Daddy, put me down!”

“I think that can be arranged! On the count of three, shall we? One…”

“Let go of me!”


“Thea, don’t be mean!”


“Daddy, no!” and as Marcia’s shriek rang out across the Gornetz Platz, Thea and Edgar released her and she sailed into a nearby pile of snow.


It was mid-afternoon the following day before they reached Geneva, having stopped for lunch in Fribourg along the way. Their first port of call on reaching the city was the airport, where they were met by an American colleague of Edgar’s who was flying to Boston for Christmas and had offered to accompany the Pertwees home. Then, having waved goodbye to their friends, Edgar steered the car through city centre towards their Cologny home.

The moment he pulled up in the forecourt, the two girls, excited at the prospect of meeting their new sister, jumped out of the car and ran towards the house. As Thea threw the door open, Scrabble came running out of the salon, barking wildly and jumping around his mistresses’ feet.


“In here,” Evadne’s voice called out from the salon.

Leaving Scrabble to hare out of the front door to greet his master, the two girls took off their coats and scarves as fast as they could, throwing them on the ground under the coat rack, and then ran through to greet their stepmother. They found her sitting on one of the large couches, magazine in hand. Ned was on the other side of the long room by the record player, records scattered around him as he tried to make up his mind what to listen to and Henry was trying to help him by picking up the records and handing them to him over and over again.

“Where’s Milly?” Marcia asked, stopping and looking around her.

Still a little pale and tired-looking, the remains of a bruise around her right eye, Evadne glanced up with a smile. “Don’t I get a hello then?”

Grinning, Marcia ran over and plonked herself on the sofa next to her stepmother, putting her arms around her in a hug. “Hello, Mummy! Where is she?”

Evadne laughed as she pulled back and turned to greet Thea. “She’s sleeping. I wanted to leave her be ‘til you got home.” Releasing Thea from her hug, she got to her feet. “You wait here, I’ll go see if she’s ready to come meet you,” and with a wink at her stepdaughters, she got to her feet and left the room.

Marcia turned to Ned with eager eyes, as Thea crossed the room to greet Henry. “Have you met her?”

“Course I have! I’ve been home since yesterday afternoon!”

“What’s she like?”

“Like a baby, of course, what do you think?”

“I was only asking!”

“And I was only telling! Henry, leave it!” he cried, turning away from Marcia as he saw Henry bending one of his records. Reaching out, he grabbed the disc from the little boy’s hands. “You’ll break it if you do that!”

Henry turned up his top lip and began to yell at the rough treatment meted out by his brother, and Thea reached out and pulled him into her arms.

“Then don’t leave it where he can pick it up!” she retorted. “He’s only little, he doesn’t know!”

Ned scowled at her and turned back to the record player, putting on a record before he spoke again.

“So how’s school?”

“Really fun,” came Marcia’s muffled reply, as Scrabble bounced back into the room and she reached out and grabbed him, half-burying her face in his hair. “We’ve made lots of friends and Thea’s always top of her class.”

“No I’m not!” Thea blushed and pulled a face at her sister.

Ned grinned. “Always knew you were a swot!”

“I’m not! Marcia, why did you say that?”

“’Cause it’s true!”

“It’s not true! I’m always near the bottom at…”

Whatever she was always near the bottom at was never known, as at that moment Evadne appeared in the doorway, Milly in her arms, wrapped tightly in a cream blanket. With a wild shriek, Marcia let go of Scrabble and ran across the room.

“Let me see!”

“Marcia, stop being so loud! You’re like a baby elephant!” her stepmother admonished, halting Marcia mid-stride. “She’s still asleep!”

Duly reprimanded, Marcia tiptoed the rest of the way in an exaggerated fashion. Evadne grinned. “You coming to see too, Thea?”

Thea nodded and setting Henry back on his feet, she walked across to join them. Evvy stooped slightly, bringing the bundle down to their level, and the two girls finally got their first glimpse of their new sister.

Marcia squealed as she took in the baby girl’s shock of fair hair and her smooth, rosy skin. “Mummy, can I hold her?”

“She’s so tiny!” Thea’s mouth fell open in wonder. “Henry wasn’t that small.”

Evadne laughed. “She’s almost three pounds lighter than your brother was, that’s why! Marcia, go sit on the sofa if you want to hold her.” Marcia did as she was told and Evvy followed on behind. “Now, make a cradle as you used to with Henry,” and she gently lowered her new baby into her stepdaughter’s arms.

As Marcia gazed down at her sister, the baby girl wiggled her delicate features, gave a wide yawn and opened her periwinkle-blue eyes. Marcia squealed again.

“Hello, Milly! I’m Marcia, your big sister!”

Thea peered down at them over the back of the sofa and Evadne walked around to join her and put an arm on her shoulders. “So, what do you think?” she asked, as the tiny girl blinked a few times and then closed her eyes again.

“She’s really pretty, Mummy.”

“Isn’t she?” Evadne beamed back at her, proud as a peacock. “You should have seen your brother yesterday,” she added, with a wicked grin at Ned, who was trying to act nonchalant. “It was instant love, he wouldn’t put her down. How long were you holding her for, Ned? Two hours, wasn’t it?”

Ned turned scarlet and busied himself with clearing away his records. “Dunno,” he mumbled, as he snatched one of his prized discs out of Henry’s grasp.

His sisters hooted with laughter at his embarrassment and chuckling, Evadne turned back to her stepdaughter, running a hand over her dark locks. “How are you, Thea? Did you have a good birthday?”

Thea, whose birthday it had been four days previously, nodded and returned her smile. “It was fun. I got lots of nice presents and Sara and Therese got Frau Meiders to help them make a cake in Dommy Sci, without me even knowing!”

Evvy kissed her cheek. “Well I gather it’s amazing what Frau Meiders can do when she puts her mind to it, if Joey’s to be believed!” she grinned. “I’m glad you had fun, sweetie. Daddy and I have your presents upstairs and Guilia’s made you a pannetone too, so we’ll celebrate all over again in a minute.”

“Ooo, goody!” Thea gazed up at her, taking in the remaining evidence of her black eye. “Is that from where you fell down the stairs?” Nodding, Evadne lifted her hand to her face and Thea grimaced. “Does it hurt?”

“Not anymore, but I don’t advise bumping down the stairs, let me tell you! I can think of more fun things to do! And don’t worry, I told your dad what I thought of him for getting you all worried!”

Thea grinned. “Yes, he told me.”

“I didn’t tell you the half of it!” Edgar’s voice put in, and the two of them looked around to see him standing in the doorway. He grinned at them and then bent to pick up Henry, who had toddled towards him. “Hello, little man! What have you been up to?”

Henry grabbed his father’s hand and pointed at his new sister. “Mi-mi”

Edgar chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. “Yes, that’s Milly, you like her don’t you?” Then, walking across to his wife, he stooped to peck her on the lips. “Everything okay yesterday?”

Evadne grinned up at him. “Yes thanks. You all done with the cases?”

“Just about.”

“Good’o. I’ll go get Thea’s birthday things then and we can have tea.”

“It’s okay, I’ll go.”

“You sure?”

“Absolutely. We can manage perfectly well without the girls to help us, can’t we Henry? Ned, go and ask Guilia for a pot of tea and the cake, will you, son?” and hitching Henry up in his arms with a “Come on, little man, it’s party time!” he turned and headed out of the room.

Last edited by Josie on Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:28 am; edited 4 times in total

#136:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:12 am
Thank you Jo!

That was lovely. Poor Edgar though! Snow in the underwear does NOT sound pleasant...... Wink

But Yay for baby Milly (love Ned's embarrassment at being smitten with his baby sister! Laughing )

#137:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:15 am
Thanks, Josie. It's lovely that they're all home for Christmas.

#138:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:38 am
Thank you Josie, that was lovely. Am intrigued by the comments on Lloyd-Kitchen, loved the snowfight and how beautifully they welcomed Milly!

#139:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:29 am
Aww bless them.

I'm desperate to find out the mystery of Lloyd-Kitchen now. Is there a reason why he's such a prat?

Thanks Josie

#140:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:51 am
Lovely, Jo. Ned is so real! Trying to be manly and offhand about his baby sister in public. We are going to hear the tale of Piers and his background aren't we? I like Dr Putt - probably because he seems to understand Ned.

Edgar is so good with the girls and as for the homecoming - perfect!

#141:  Author: pimLocation: Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:29 am
Aww, that was so lovely Very Happy Thanks, Jo.

#142:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:15 am
Poor Piers, he's obviously not very happy. Crying or Very sad

Thanks Jo!

#143:  Author: Ruth BLocation: Oxford, UK PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:55 am
Lovely! Thank you Josie. Do we get to hear the Master's conversation? I must admit, I'm feeling at the moment that Ned is getting more than his fair share of the flack at the moment!

#144:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:04 am
Thanks, Josie. Wonderful, as always.

#145:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:14 am
Thank you Jo - great as ever, am wondering about Piers now and thought Dr Putt sounded very sensible.

#146:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:58 pm
Huzzah for more of the Watsons! Very Happy

#147:  Author: AlexLocation: Cambs, UK PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:48 pm
Ooooooh, what a lovely post. Thanks, Josie.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Ned might find he doesn't have his own study after all....

#148:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:23 pm
Also thinking that poor Ned might find he's still sharing - agree he seems to be having a bad time of it lately. I suppose the School Masters will say it's for his own good - why do schoolteachers feel that you should be friends with someone you hate? They wouldn't expect to do it themselves!!! Rolling Eyes

Thanks Josie - wonderful.

#149:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:25 pm
*sighs a satisfied sigh*

Wonderful - thanks, Jo Very Happy

#150:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:25 am
Very satisfying, as usual. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Thank you, Jo.

#151:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:32 pm
patmac wrote:
We are going to hear the tale of Piers and his background aren't we?

You will in time, I promise!

Apologies for the lack of updates recently - things got hectic and then I kind of ran out of steam. Inspiration has now returned! And thanks for all the lovely comments too.

Christmas and New Year were quiet affairs in the Watson household, with just the family there for once. A couple of days into January, Sara arrived to stay until school restarted, and Thea had excitedly introduced her new friend to Kate. To her great relief, Kate and Sara hit it off straight away, and the three of them had passed the time talking about horses and gossiping about their schools.

It was now the day before the new term at the Chalet School was due to start, and Evadne had dispatched her stepdaughters upstairs to pack. In Thea’s bedroom, that young lady and her two friends were chatting about the terms ahead of them, as Kate and Sara helped fold things, passing them over for Thea to put into her case. They were almost finished when Evadne popped her head around the door.

“Knock knock!”

Thea turned around with a smile. “Come in!”

Evadne grinned as she crossed the room and sat down on the vanity stool nearby. “How are you getting along?”

“Nearly finished. It’s so much easier with slaves to help you!” Thea giggled, as her two friends exclaimed in indignation and Kate threw the socks she had just balled up, hitting Thea on the shoulder.

Evadne chuckled as she bent to pick them up. “I was just wondering if there’s anything you need from the shops. Frau Siefert has to go and get a few things,” she explained, referring to the family’s housekeeper, “and she’s going to get some bits and pieces that Marcia neglected to tell me she needed.”

“I’m all okay, I think. What did Marcia forget?”

“What didn’t she? Handkerchiefs, stockings and a toothbrush, to name a few! And she seems to have added bars of chocolate to the list as well!”

“Well they’re essential!” Thea grinned, holding up the three Fry’s chocolate creams that she had just packed in her case.

“When did you get those?”

“Sara brought them from England. I told her they were my favourite and she remembered.”

“Lucky you! I’ll remember that trick next time you’re coming – I’m quite partial to Cadbury’s myself!” Evvy added to Sara with a wink.

Just as she spoke, her sharp ears picked up the sound of wimpering coming from down the landing and the next moment, the peace of the house was shattered by Milly’s cries.

“Well she lasted an hour and a half this time.” Evadne said, heaving a resigned sigh.

Thea looked up as her stepmother got to her feet.

“Do you want me to go?”

Evadne smiled and shook her head. “Thanks for the offer, sweetie, but it’s food time. I don’t think you can take care of that.”

Glancing down at her flat chest, Thea pouted. “No, definitely not!” she bemoaned, pulling her jumper down tight. “Look at me, I’m like an ironing board. Marcia’ll need a bra before me!”

“That’s ‘cause you’re almost as skinny as I was! They’ll grow eventually. Mine did, though they certainly took their time. I was so envious of all my friends for years. I used to pinch Momma’s bras and stuff stockings down the front. And look at me now – I need a couple of buckets, as your father so charmingly put it the other day!”

The three girls laughed and a wicked twinkle appeared in Thea’s eye. “You should use two of the potato sacks that Guilia saves – they’re big enough.”

“I’ll remember you said that when you have kiddies and you’re walking around with a pair of udders attached to your front!” Evvy retorted, grinning. “Now, I’d best go see to young madam. Come on down when your done packing. Andreas popped by earlier to pick up some papers and he dropped off a bright pink sponge cake someone gave your father as a present. He really does get gifted the oddest things,” she mused, wrinkling her brow. “Still, it’s all good for us. We can have some for elevenses with some hot chocolate and marshmallows – I reckon it’s just cold enough outside for us to have earned a treat,” and leaving them to mull over that very welcome suggestion, she headed off to see to her daughter’s meal.

Kate frowned as she watched Evadne go. “Is she okay, Thea? She doesn’t look well.”

Thea grimaced and shook her head. “She’s tired, that’s all. Milly’s not at all like Henry was at night. He nearly always slept right through, and half of the day too - except when he was cutting a tooth. Milly just cries all night, every night. Poor old Mum’s having to get up all the time to look after her - she’s not had more than two hours sleep in one go all through Christmas. They even took her to see Dr. Schreiber the other day but he said there’s nothing wrong. Some babies just do that apparently. I’ve tried to help when I hear her, but Mum wakes at anything these days and she always beats me to the nursery. And Dad, Marcia and Ned all sleep through it. They’d sleep through an earthquake though!” she added with an afterthought. Pausing, she picked up a blouse from the pile next to her and heaved a sigh. “I love Milly so much, but I can’t wait to get back to school so I can sleep!”

“She does cry a lot!” Sara agreed vehemently. “It’s amazing that your mum’s still smiling.” She smiled at her friend. “I do like your mum. She’s so nice and such fun – just as I imagined she’d be from all you hear at school.”

Thea grinned back at her. “I know.”

“And I can’t believe she talks about breasts and things – my mum never would! She gets all embarrassed about that sort of thing. She even blushed when she told the sales assistant I needed fitting for a bra!”

“Mine was the exact opposite,” Kate put in, pulling a face at Thea, who had snorted with laughter. “We went shopping just before Christmas and she suddenly decided I needed a bra, so she dragged us into Globus and insisted I was fitted right away. What, with her bossing the sales assistant around and telling her what size I was instead of letting her measure me, and Audrey waving around bras and shouting at the top of her voice,” she cringed, referring to her sixteen-year-old sister, who was not known for her inhibitions, “I was wishing for the floor to open and swallow me up!”

“You should have seen her – she was still blushing three hours later when she came for afternoon tea!” and with that, Thea dissolved into another fit of giggles.

“I don’t know what you’re laughing at! Do you think your mum will be any less embarrassing than mine?”

“Probably not, but me and Marcia can embarrass her just as much!” Then, staring forlornly down at her chest, she grimaced. “I hope they grow soon – I don’t want to be the only person not wearing one!”

“Perhaps you should follow your mum’s example and use some stockings,” Sara grinned. “You can borrow one of mine if you like!”

“Or use some oranges,” Kate added with a giggle.

“Oh shut up!” Thea threw the blouse she was holding at Kate and, ignoring her two friends as they continued laughing and throwing suggestions at her, she turned back to her case.

Meanwhile, in a room further down the landing, Marcia was lying on her back on her bed, her hands behind her head and a thoughtful look on her face as she watched Ann folding up a skirt. Ann placed the garment in the suitcase in front of her and then turned to face her friend with a scowl.

“You’re supposed to be doing this too!”

“I’m thinking,” came the insouciant reply.

In response, Ann shut the lid of the suitcase firmly. “Well I’m not doing it for you!”

Marcia pouted, turning doe-like eyes on her friend. “But I hate packing, it confuses me!”

“How does it confuse you? Oh never, mind,” Ann replied hastily, seeing that Marcia was about to launch into a long and convoluted explanation. She plonked herself down on the edge of the bed, almost sitting on Marcia’s outstretched legs and heaved a huge, world-weary sigh. “It’s not fair. I want to go to school with you, instead of the stupid École.”

“I don’t know why your parents won’t even think about it,” Marcia frowned, unaware as the two girls were of the Bowns’ intentions for their eldest daughter. “I tried to get Mum and Dad to talk to them but they said it wasn’t their business.”

Ann’s eyes widened. “When did you start calling them Mum and Dad?”

Sitting up, Marcia puffed out her chest. “I’m eleven soon and Thea’s twelve now,” she explained importantly. “Mummy and Daddy sounds so kiddish, so we asked and they didn’t mind so we changed. It’s only what Ned calls them anyway. Well he calls Dad ‘Dad’, at least. He calls Mum ‘Evvy’, so that’s not the same.”

Ann screwed up her face in thought. “Maybe I’ll call mine ‘Mum and Dad’ too.”

“You should! It’s so much more grown up!”

There followed a brief silence, as Ann mulled this over.

“Maybe if they think I’m more grown up they’ll let me go to boarding school,” she said eventually. “Rupert goes, after all, and just ‘cause Mummy didn’t like her school, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t go to the Chalet. Ooo – maybe I should say that to them?”

Marcia stuck out her bottom lip and sat back against the headboard. “I wish Val was here. She’d know what to do – she’s good at things like this.”

At this, Ann sat up and turned curious eyes on her friend. “Why isn’t she? I wanted to meet her. I thought your parents always take them back to school?”

“Usually Auntie Corney brings them back and comes to stay here but this time their sister’s husband is coming to Zurich for work, so he’s bringing them instead and taking them straight to school.”

“Oh. So how are we going to get my Mummy…I mean Mum and Dad to say yes?”

Marcia shrugged. “Dunno. Let’s go and ask Thea, they might have an idea.”

“Okay!” and the two girls scrambled off the bed and headed down the landing to Thea’s room.

They arrived to find Kate and Sara sitting on the comfy sofa beneath one of Thea’s windows, while Thea herself was just shutting her case, having finally completed her packing.

“Have you finished already?” Marcia asked incredulously, as she watched her sister fasten the final clasp.

Thea looked up with a grin. “Just about. You?”

“Hardly started.”

“Oh Marcia, how could you? You know Mum said we had to be done by…”

“We need to ask about Ann’s parents,” Marcia interrupted hurriedly, seeing a lecture coming on.

“What about them?”

“You’re good at ideas. How can we get them to let her come to the Chalet School?”

Thea raised her eyebrows. “Have you tried just asking them?” she responded, knowing full well what her sister and that young lady’s friend were like.

“Durr, of course she has!”

“Well I don’t know, then. Maybe Rupert can help persuade them?”

“Who’s Rupert?” Sara asked.

“Ann’s brother. He’s a friend of Ned’s. He’s at boarding school in England too.”

“He’s really nice, though,” Marcia added. “Not like Ned.”

Kate chuckled at Marcia’s words. “Ned is nice. You’re only saying that ‘cause he’s your brother. And Audrey thinks he’s very nice!” she added, with a twinkle in her eye.

“That’s ‘cause Audrey’s his friend.”

“She likes him more than that!” Kate replied nonchalantly

Thea turned astonished eyes on her. “Audrey likes Ned in that way?”

“She thinks he’s really handsome. I heard her telling her friend Barbara.”

“Eeuuuuwww!” Marcia looked horrified. “How can she like Ned? He’s moody and he smells!”

Thea laughed. “He’s not that bad. I can’t believe she likes him like that though!”

Kate nodded in confirmation. “She does, I promise. I’ve been watching her - she goes all moony whenever she sees him! She wanted to come with me today ‘til she found out he’d already gone back to school.” The others went off into peals of laughter, and she looked around them with a grin. “Dad told her he’s glad she’s locked up in school, otherwise she might get in all sorts of trouble with boys!”

“How old is she?” Sara asked, as the other three giggled again at the thought of Audrey trailing around after Ned.


“Does she have a boyfriend yet?”

Kate shook her head. “A boy asked her on a date just after Christmas, but Dad says she has to get her O’levels before he’ll even think about letting her do things like that. She was really cross, but I think it was more at Dad threatening to write to our Head than anything else. She told me in secret that she didn’t really like the boy anyway and would have said no. I think he’ll let her in the summer though. She’ll be almost seventeen by then and that’s plenty old enough to date – lots of the Sixth at our school do, though only during the hols. The staff would have several fits if their boyfriends came anywhere near the school! Miss Holmes, our housemistress, would probably eat them alive if she saw them!”

Thea grinned. “Sounds like our school! Nobody seems to have boyfriends there. Not that we’d want them now, of course,” she added, and the others agreed heartily. “But even the Sixth don’t really seem to have any.”

“I bet some do, though,” Sara put in. “They just daren’t say so at school ‘cause some people are so against it.”

“Who’s against what?”

The girls turned to see Evadne and Henry standing in door. As Henry toddled towards Marcia, who picked him up and pulled him into her lap, Evadne reiterated her question.

“The mistresses at the Chalet don’t think it’s right to have boyfriends when you’re at school,” Thea replied. “Kate says it’s the same at her school.”

Evadne chuckled. “Well there’s something that’s not changed since my day then. Why are you talking about that anyway? Aren’t you all a little young to be thinking about boys? There’s plenty of time for that when you’re older.”

“Eurgh, no, we don’t want boyfriends!” Marcia exclaimed, and the others grimaced and screwed up their faces at the mere idea.

“We were talking about Audrey,” Kate explained.

“What about her? Does she have a boyfriend?” Evadne asked somewhat doubtfully, imagining what the reaction of Bob and Alice might be to this revelation, and Kate shook her head.

“But she thinks Ned’s really handsome!” Thea put in with a grin.

Marcia screwed up her face again. “She must be screwy!”

Evvy laughed. “Well he is handsome.”

“No he’s not! He smells!”

“Well granted, there are times when his socks could walk back to England by themselves, but that’s no different from other boys his age.”

“Rupert’s like that too,” Ann chimed in.

“Well there you are then!” Evadne chuckled as Marcia twisted her features into a gargoyle-type look once more. “Stop pulling that face or the wind’ll change and you’ll stay that way! Now, who wants hot chocolate and cake?”

Her question was greeted with a volley of “yes please”s. Beckoning to Henry to come with her, she smiled as he wriggled down from his sister’s lap.

“Well come on then, sharpish, before I feed the whole lot to Scrabble!” and taking her son’s small hand in her own, she turned and left the room.


Back at Harrow, meanwhile, Ned was oblivious to the fact that he had an admirer. To be perfectly truthful, even if he had known, he would not have cared less. He had far more pressing things on his mind.

The boys had arrived back at school three days previously to the news that the First XV scrum half would not be returning to school, and nobody knew why. Speculation, of course, was rife, and the main conversation up and down the school’s hallowed halls was why he had gone and who was going to replace him. Ned, his bounce back with a vim now that he no longer had to share a study with Piers, joined in as enthusiastically as could be expected of a boy whose life revolved around sport.

It was now lunchtime on the first Thursday of term, and the third years of The Park were all gathered in the Common Room after their meal, sheltering from the teeming rain. It was not long until the conversation turned to why Derek Chattley had left.

“I heard his father gambled all his money away and spent it on other women, so now they’re too poor to afford the fees,” Piers Lloyd-Kitchen announced pompously to the room. “That’s what my aunt told me.”

“She was probably one of his women,” Ned muttered to Tony Laskar, and Laskar let out a snort of laughter.

Thankfully Piers was too far away to hear what had been said, and satisfied himself with glaring at the pair of them.

“Poor chap if it’s true,” Harry said earnestly. “It can’t have been much fun finding that out about your Dad.”

“Serves him right if you ask me,” Spencer Tickal put in, raising a volley of objections, all of which he ignored. “He always thought he was above everyone else.”

“Nobody did ask you!” Harry retorted hotly.

To Harry’s great surprise, Piers backed him up. “You can hardly blame him for his father being a cad!”

Piers had been giving Tickal and his sidekick Dunkels a wide berth since their actions the previous term, preferring to spend time on his own, but this was the first time he had openly disagreed with them. Tickal stared at him in amazement.

“What’s got into you? I thought you hated Chattley.”

“I did, but doesn’t mean it’s his fault.” Then, catching the astonished glances being exchanged by the rest of his peers, Piers hastily changed the subject. “Watson, have you heard who’s to replace him?”

Ned shook his head. “No idea, they’ve not said anything. I suppose they’ll just move Askew up from Second’s and then put Norrington in his place as he’s the reserve. They’d better hurry and decide though – they’re playing Wellington the day after tomorrow.”

As he spoke, the door opened and Edward Daish, the school’s Head of Games, stuck his head into the room.

“Ah, there you are, Watson. A quick word, if you please?”

Ned jumped to his feet and ran off, and left behind, his three friends looked at each other, eyebrows raised.

“Maybe they’re going to make him Firsts scrum half!” Harry said excitedly to the other two.

“It’s not going to happen,” Piers interrupted, before Laskar or Burgess could reply. “He’s far too young.”

“So?” Laskar retorted defensively. “He’s much better than either Askew or Norrington are. He was even better than Chattley and you know it. You’re just jealous.”

“Whatever you say,” Piers sneered. “I just can’t see why they’d put some third year in when they’ve two perfectly good seniors to fill the spot. And there’s Taylor as well – he’s second reserve.”

Before anyone could argue with this, Ned burst back into the room, a wide grin lighting up his face. “They want me to try out for Firsts tomorrow! Can you believe it?” he babbled excitedly, grabbing Harry’s arm and causing that young man to muffle a yell of pain. “They’re going to trial me, Norrington and Askew, and also move Bronson over from wing and see how he goes.”

“That’s brilliant!”

Burgess and Laskar hurried to congratulate him, followed by several others from their year.

“Told you!” Harry shot at Piers.

Piers snorted and got up to leave.

“What’s wrong with him?” Ned asked, as Piers slammed the door behind him.

“Ignore him – he’s jealous.” Turning back to his friend, Harry thumped him heartily on the back. “That’s so cool! We’d have a member of the Third Year in Firsts!”

“I’m not in yet, remember,” Ned warned hastily.

“I know, but you will be!”

“Maybe!” Ned’s voiced almost reached a squeak, he was so excited, and he took a deep breath to try and calm himself down. “Or maybe not – but even if not, how cool that they want me to try out! Dad’ll be thrilled!”

Burgess glanced down at his watch. “Say, we’d better dash – it’s lessons in five minutes!”

“Chuck me my bag then?” Ned asked, and Burgess obliged, throwing it across the sofa at him. Ned caught it and then pushed Harry towards the door. “Come on, let’s move it. I want to tell Graydon before French starts. He’ll be green!”

Last edited by Josie on Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:17 am; edited 6 times in total

#152:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:50 pm
YAY an update! Thank you Jo Very Happy

#153:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:03 pm
Thanks, Jo. It's lovely to see them all growing up. I'm glad that Ned doesn't have to share a study with Piers anymore.

When my fiancé told his sister - who already knew me - that I liked him before we were going out, his sister thought it was very funny!

#154:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:27 pm
Lovely to see anothe episode of this - love the discussion about boobs abd boyfriends - and that it wouldn't be heard at the CS. Wonder if Marcia will get any of her stuff packed?

Good news for Ned - and Piers seems a little more human too.

Thanks Josie.

#155:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:53 pm
Thanks Jo!!

Hope Milly will start to sleep through soon, Evvy's sounding really tired.

Love the discussion between the girls!

#156:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:52 pm
Fabulous updates Jo - I'd loads to catch up on so it was great to wallow in Evvy world Laughing

But I'm a teeeny bit worried about sabotage (or carelessness on Ned's part) and the trial

And oh such sympathy with Evvy and her udders - when I was feeding the boys I had great sympathy with cows Laughing

#157:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:56 pm
Thanks Jo, I'm loving this. Poor Evvy! Smile

#158:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:25 am
That was lovely Josie. I loved the conversation between the girls, and the way that Evvy is so relaxed with them...brilliant line about Ned's socks too.

Good luck Ned; don't do anything stupid! And that was an interesting glimpse of a slightly different Piers wasn't it?

#159:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:50 am
Yay an update - great to see more of the goings-on of the Watson clan, they're all so natural.

Thanks Jo!

#160:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:30 pm
Very Happy fabbity bon!

Thank you Jo!

#161:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:33 am
Lovely long update. Very Happy
Thanks, Jo.

#162:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:55 pm
Wonderful - thanks Jo Very Happy

#163:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:04 pm
Pulling back his sleeve, Daish glanced down at his watch, wiped the raindrops from the glass face and blew sharply on his whistle.

“Right, you lot, that’s it,” he yelled across the pitch. “Get yourselves inside before you drown. Askew, Norrington, Watson – I’ll let you know how things are before dinner. Make sure you stay around your houses between school and prep.”

Shooting him grateful smiles, most of the boys turned to head back to the school. The rain had been teeming down all lunchtime, made worse by the icy wind that caused the drops to feel like needles on their faces, and they were only too happy for the practice to be over.

Edward Daish watched them go, a frown furrowing his brow. The trial had not gone quite as planned. Mr. Bristow, the Games Master, had left him and Booth-Phillips, the vice-captain, in charge of choosing their new player, just asking them to run the decision past him when they’d made up their minds. They had talked it over and decided that whatever happened, they would probably just promote Askew from the Second XV. It was his final year, after all, and he knew what it took to play at the senior level. Now, however, things weren’t looking quite so simple. Mr. Bristow had persuaded them to let Ned try out alongside the more senior players, and he had far outshone them all.

Turning back to the kit by his feet, Daish began throwing the spare balls and bibs into the box next to him.

“Well that’s well and truly thrown a spanner in the works.”

Booth-Phillips grinned, as he gave his captain a hand. “Hasn’t it just. I’ll bet old Britches knew that was going to happen all along. I say, he’s jolly good, isn’t he?” he added, watching Ned as that young man reached the top of the steep bank and ran towards the school buildings. “I mean, I always knew that he was, but I don’t think I’ve ever watched him quite so closely before. Some of his footwork’s out of this world.”

“I know. He ran rings around Askew in that second match-up, didn’t he? I’m just worried that he’s not ready mentally for the step up. He’s never had to deal with the pressure of senior level before.” Daish grimaced and ran his hand through his sopping wet hair. “And I was rather hoping to give Askew a run out too. It is his last year, after all, it only seems fair, but I’m not so sure we can justify it now. Even Askew himself seemed to realise it – you could tell from the look on his face that he was beaten.”

“So what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know, to be honest. I just wish I knew a bit more about him.” Daish and Booth-Phillips were the first captain and vice-captain in a long while not to hail from The Park, and consequently they had never played on the same side as Ned before and were not so sure of his abilities as a team-mate under pressure. “If it were any position other than scrum half I’d be all for it, but it’s such a pivotal role.”

“Well he can’t crack that easily,” Booth-Phillips pointed out sensibly. “Park have romped away with the Torpids cup for the last three years, so he must be doing something right.”

“Yes, that’s true.”

As Daish mulled this over, he caught a movement from the corner of his eye and glanced round to see Oswald Bronson, winger and current star of the First XV, returning to collect a jumper that he had left behind. Widely acknowledged as one of the best rugby players the school had ever seen, Bronson was not only a Park boy, but also a good friend of Ned, who was the year below him in the boarding house. Daish had a great deal of respect for his younger team-mate, and this gave him an idea.

“Here, Bronson, a quick word if we may?”

Bronson looked up as he heard the yell and came running across the pitch. “What’s up?” he asked, grinning as he came to a halt in front of them.

“You know Watson, pretty well, don’t you?”

“Certainly do. Why d’you ask? Oh, are you putting him in then?” he asked with afterthought. “I though you might. He’s damn good, isn’t he?”

Daish winced at the forbidden language, but decided to let it go this once. “We’re not quite sure yet. That’s why I called you over. How d’you think he’ll be able to stand up to the pressure?”

“Pretty well, I’d have thought. He’s got a good head on him, and he certainly no slouch when it comes to taking charge and making decisions. He does have mad breakouts every now and then,” Bronson grinned, remembering the cardboard box wall of the previous term, “but never on the pitch.”

“So you think he deserves a shot?”

“Absolutely! Didn’t you see the way he played today?” Bronson caught the hesitation in his captain’s eyes and went all out to plead his friend’s case. “I know it’s your choice, but for what it’s worth, I’d say give him a go. He’s a shoe-in for next year anyway, we all know that. Why not set him in now? He’s ready and I reckon the experience’ll do him good. He’ll do a better job than Askew will any day. He’s got so much more vision. And he plays half-back with Weare in Torpids already, so you know they’ll be a good partnership.”

Daish frowned. “Yes, that’s true, I suppose. Thank you, Bronson. That’s all, you can go now.” He watched as the younger boy ran back up the bank, and then turned to his vice-captain. “So, what do you think?”

Booth-Phillips shrugged. “I’m with Bronson, pretty much. At the end of the day, he’s the best man for the job by a country mile. And we can always make tomorrow a trial, see how he goes. That way, if it’s a disaster, we can just switch him out again. And if he can handle Wellington’s pack, he can handle anyone’s!”

“Yes, that’s true enough. Well that’s it then, decision made! I suppose I should go and break the news to Britches before lessons start again.” The two boys lifted the heavy box between them and turned to head back to the school. “He’ll be the first third year in a top team for almost a quarter of a century. Not bad, eh?”

“Who was the last one?”

Daish grinned. “His father, would you believe? How rummy is that?”


“Don’t be stupid, dogs can’t open their own presents!”

“Scrabble can do it! He uses his paw and his teeth.”

“Wouldn’t he break the presents if he did that though?”

“No, he’s really careful.”

“We had a dog once that could unwrap things too,” Marie Angeot put in from across the room. “Father used to wrap up bones for him and he would pull the paper off very gently.”

“See? Told you so, Robina McQueen! Dogs can unwrap presents, so there!”

Robina laughed. “Well all I know is that none of ours have ever done it. Mummy tried it once, but Bertie just ripped it all to shreds!”

“Well maybe Bertie’s not as clever as Scrabble,” Marcia replied with a supercilious smile.

Before Robina could reply, there was a cry of “Cavé! The Abbess is coming this way!” from Val Pertwee, who was on watch at the door. Marcia jumped down from her perch on the teacher’s desk and the whole form scrambled to their seats and readied their books as quickly as they could. By the time Miss Annersley opened the door, they were exactly as they should be, jumping to their feet as they noted her presence and looking to any outsider like a model group of schoolgirls.

Miss Annersley was not fooled for a second by this demure behaviour, however, and the corners of her lips twitched as she made her way to the front of the class and requested that they sit down.

Quietly, please, Valencia!” she ordered, as Val leant across to whisper something to Marcia. “If you’ve something to say, you can share it with everyone. Well come on then,” as Val remained tight-lipped. “What was so important that you just couldn’t wait to tell Marcia?”

Val went scarlet. “I wondered if Miss Andrews was sick and that’s why you’re here,” she mumbled, staring down at her desk.

Miss Annersley fixed her with a stern glare. “Miss Andrews will be here in a few minutes. She’s a little late because I wanted to have a few words with you all first.”

Her voice was calm, her expression unreadable, and the Upper Third glanced nervously at one another.

The Headmistress gave a small cough to clear her throat. “It was brought to my attention last term exactly how much this form contributed to the slang fine box. Apparently to some of you,” she fixed Marcia and Marie with a look that made those two young ladies squirm in their seats, “even losing every penny of your pocket money makes no difference. Your sisters should not be having to lend you their own money because you are unable to adhere to the school rules.”

She paused for a moment and looked around at the slightly scared young faces staring back at her.

“So, this term there a few changes to the rules. If anyone in this form contributes more than three fines to the box, they will be excluded from excursions for the remainder of the term.”

As everyone’s mouths fell open on hearing this, a small squeak sounded from the middle of the class and Miss Annersley looked at Yolande le Cadoulec, eyebrows raised. “Was there something you wanted to share, Yolande?”

Yolande shook her head vehemently and stared down at her desk.

“This also includes skiing and rambles,” the Head continued in her deceptively genial tone. “Those banned will find themselves doing strictly supervised exercise with one of the mistresses while their classmates enjoy themselves. Now, does anybody have anything they’d like to ask me?” Timidly, Robina raised her hand. “Yes, Robina?”

“Please, Miss Annersley, how long will this rule last for?”

“Let’s see how you all get along this term, shall we?” that lady replied with a pleasant smile. “Are there any other questions?” Her words were greeted with a resounding silence. “Very well, I’ll leave it at that then, and I hope to hear that the fine boxes are considerably lighter in the forthcoming weeks,” and with that she got to her feet, swept her eyes around the class once more and then left the room.

As soon as she had gone, the classroom erupted into a babble of languages as they all began to voice their displeasure at the new rules. Eventually, the noise grew so loud that Robina gave up waving her arms around in an effort to quieten them all and instead, jumped up on her seat and let out a piercing whistle. The noise stopped immediately and they all turned to face their form prefect.

“Shhh, idiots! You’ll bring The Abbess straight back if you yell like that! Or d’you want to get banned now?”

They most certainly didn’t want that and as silence reigned, Robina looked around her.

“We can’t talk about this now. Miss Andrews’ll be here any moment.”

“But what are we going to do?” Yolande asked, a militant look on her face.

“We can have a meeting after Kaffee to decide,” Marcia chimed in. “We’ll only have half an hour before prep though so you all have to come with ideas.”

“Marcia’s right,” Robina said decisively. “We’ll meet in here after Kaffee.”

“But I’ve got violin practice then!” a small, elfin girl by the name of Mathilda Dauray bemoaned.

“Well someone’ll have to fill you in afterwards, won’t they? Now everyone pipe down – we’re in enough trouble for one day!” and though a few people were still apt to grumble under their breath, with this dictum issued, the problem of how to deal with Miss Annersley’s rule change was shelved for the time being.


“Will you stop doing that?”


“Drumming your fingers on the table! I can’t concentrate with you hammering away like a demented woodpecker!”

Ned pulled a face at his friend, but he stopped tapping nevertheless, and Harry turned back to the play he was reading. Ned stared around him and then for want of anything else to do, he picked up the copy of The Times lying on the table. It took him all of two minutes to get bored, and throwing the paper down again, he pushed his chair back onto two legs, rocking backwards and forwards, the chair squeaking as he did so.

Harry looked up in despair. “For heavens sake will you shut…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Ned finally pushed the chair too far, and as the legs slid from under him, he disappeared under the table with an almighty crash.

For a second, a stunned silence filled the room. Then it erupted in a roar of laughter. Harry put his book down on the table and peered underneath, trying to stifle his giggles. Ned was just rolling onto his side.

“You okay?”

Hearing the laughter in Harry’s voice, Ned looked up and glared at him. “It’s not funny, you ass. I might've hurt myself!”

“And it would have been your own fault,” Harry returned, wholly unsympathetic to his friend’s plight. "Have you hurt yourself?"

Ned shook his head, just as a call of “Anybody seen Watson?” echoed around the room.

Harry grinned at Ned. “He’s under the table,” he called back.

They could see a pair of legs approaching them from across the room, and then a chair was scraped back and Daish’s head appeared.

“Why are you under the table?”

“Just looking for something,” Ned mumbled, turning scarlet.

“He fell off his chair,” someone put in.

Daish grinned as Ned’s face went a deeper shade of red. “Well I hope you haven’t hurt yourself,” he said, looking Ned up and down as that young man tried to sit up. “It won’t be a very salubrious First Team debut for you otherwise, will it?”

“Re…ow!” Ned lifted his head abruptly and promptly banged it on the underneath of the table. Clutching his temple, he backed out and scrambled to his feet, facing Daish with wide eyes. “Really?

“Yes, really,” Daish laughed, “you’re in for tomorrow’s match.”

Ned gave a whoop of joy and turned to Harry. “Did you hear that?”

“I know!”

“We’re using it as a trial run,” Daish warned. “Perform well, and you’ll be there for the rest of term. So be on your best form or you’ll find yourself back down in the under 15’s before you can say line out!”

“I will be. Does Askew know?”

“Yes, we’ve already told him. He’s disappointed, of course, but he understands, don’t worry.” Daish paused for a moment. “We’ve gone out on a limb, promoting you like this. Don’t let us down.”

“I won’t, I promise.” Ned was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

“Good. And someone wrap him up in cotton wool, for heaven’s sake,” the Games Monitor pleaded with mock despair. “If he turns up on the pitch tomorrow with limbs missing, I’m holding you all responsible!”, and with that dire warning ringing in their ears, he took his leave.

Harry ran around the table to clap his friend on the back, as everyone crowded round to congratulate him.

“He really said I’m in, didn’t he?” Ned asked Harry.


“I’m in! Oh my god, I’m in!” Ned grabbed his friend’s arm as it sank in. Then, running around the table, he headed for the door. “I have to write and tell Dad. He’ll be so chuffed!” and he ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him.


“Where’s Val?”

“Coming.” Marcia jumped up on the front desk next to her friend. “She said she had to go to the library first.”

Robina frowned. “Why?”

“Dunno. She dragged Marie with her to help though.”

“Why Marie and not you?”

“’Cause she said it was for heavy things and I can’t carry heavy things today.”

“Why not?”

“’Cause it’s a Friday.” Marcia stared around her, swinging her legs back and forth, oblivious to the incredulous look Robina was giving her. Her eyes settled on the clock, and she turned back to her friend, concerned. “I think we’d better start. We’re five minutes late already.”

“Shouldn’t we wait for them though?”

Marcia shook her head. “They could be ages and we might run out of time.”

“That’s true.” Robina furrowed her brow and then said decisively, “You’re right. They’ll have to catch up.” Letting out one of her piercing whistles, she called the room to order. “Right,” she began, when everyone was in their seats, “we’re here to work out what to do about…”

“Where are Val and Marie?” Yolande le Cadoulec asked, and a mutter went round the room as they realised two of their number were missing. The pair of them, along with Robina and Marcia, tended to lead the rest of the form by the nose, so their absence left quite a hole.

“They’ll be here in a minute,” the Form Prefect replied. “They had to do something first. Now, as I was saying, we’re here to decide what to do about Miss Annersley’s new rules.”

“How do we decide?” someone wanted to know.

Robina and Marcia exchanged glances. They hadn’t really thought it that far through.

“Everyone should make suggestions,” Marcia said eventually. “then we can choose which one we like best.”

This seemed to make sense, and as another ripple of chatter went around the room, Robina called them to order again.

“Okay, who wants to go first?”

A hand shot up at the back of the room. “We could make a petition.”

“Talk sense! The Abbess would never listen to that!” Robina retorted.

“Let’s not talk at all in front of the staff and prees,” a flame-haired girl, one Pamela Lawrence, suggested.

“Marcia wouldn’t manage that for one!” Yolande put in, and a ripple of laughter rang around the room.

“Says you, Yolande le Cadoulec!”

Seeing a squabble brewing, Robina intervened. “It wouldn’t work anyway. We can’t refuse to talk if they ask us a question. Can you imagine what they’d do to us?”

“We should all talk slang,” Sigrid Alvarasen offered. “Then they would have to punish us altogether, no?”

“What difference does that make?” Marcia asked, screwing up her pretty face. “We’d still get punished, wouldn’t we?”

“We need sensible suggestions, not stupid ones!” Robina ordered, as Sigrid sat back, deflated.

“Well you two think of something then,” Yolande shot back, justifiably indignant.

“Okay. What about…”

Whatever she was about to say was never heard, as at that moment the door flew open, and Val Pertwee and Marie Angeot erupted into the room with a cry of “We’ve got it!”

“Got what?” Marcia asked.

Robina frowned. “Why have you got the Legends Book,” she asked, as Val and Marie dumped the heavy tomes they were carrying on one of the empty desks (the Legends Book had long since spilled over from one volume as more and more things were remembered.) “You’re not supposed to take them out!”

“We sneaked them past Con Maynard when she was helping someone else,” Marie replied, grinning. “It will be easy to return them. Con is in one of her ‘moony’ moods, as Margot says. She is writing a new poem.”

“The idea’s in it,” Val added, opening the top book and beginning to leaf through it. “We didn’t have time to search through them so we had to bring them with us. This isn’t right. Where’s the first Tyrol one, Marie?”

As Marie began opening each book to find the right one, Yolande got up from her seat to join her friends. “What do you mean the idea’s in it?”

Val grinned. “Well sort of anyway.” She turned to face Marcia. “Remember when we went to Mrs. Maynard’s for English tea and she was telling us all those stories about your mum?” Marcia nodded. “Well I was thinking during history about what we could do and I remembered one of the things she told us about. It’s just what we need. We’ll have to change it, of course. We don’t want to be copycats. But the idea’s almost the same. We’ll need to get Mrs. Maynard to help us, but you can do that, Marcia, she knows you.”

“What if she says no?”

“Then we’ll ask your mum and Aunt Corney,” Val replied confidently. Then, as Marie squealed “Found it!”, she grabbed the book from her friend and seated herself on the front desk next to Robina. “Listen up, everyone. It’s perfect!”

Fifteen minutes later, mindful of the fact that they had prep to go to, Robina broke the meeting up and it was a very happy Upper Third who left their form room to go and collect their books from their lockers. It was decided that Val and Marie would return the books, seeing as they had been the ones to sneak them out in the first place. As they hurried down the corridor towards the library, they passed Thea and Therese Parrais, who were heading in the opposite direction. Noticing what they were carrying, the two elder girls exchanged glances and spotting Marcia emerging from her form room with Robina, Yolande and Emmy Friedrich, Thea called her over.

“What have you been doing with the Legends Book?”

“Can’t tell you!” Marcia replied with a maddening grin.

Seeing that she wasn’t going to get any sense out of her little sister, Thea decided to let it go. “Is it true about Miss Annersley banning you from excursions?”

Marcia nodded. “If we get more than three slang fines. She was so mean! She even said about me borrowing your money!”

“How did she know about that?”

“Dunno. She knows everything. It’s scary! It’s okay, though,” she added, “’cause we’ve come up with an idea.”

Thea frowned. “What sort of idea?” she asked warily, sensing mischief in her sister’s tone.

Marcia grinned. “You’ll see!” and before Thea could ask any more questions, the younger girl turned tail and hurried down the hall after her friends.

Last edited by Josie on Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:38 am; edited 2 times in total

#164:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:30 pm
Oh dear - that does not bode well - has it not occurred to any of them that a simple way of making sure they don't get banned would be just to not use slang? It'll end in tears!

Lovely episode Josie - so much that I liked these two bits especially - loved Marcia's response that she couldn't carry anything heavy on a Friday - not explained just mentioned! Love that Ned was chosen and that the last one chosen in the Thirds was his Dad!


#165:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:39 pm
Thanks Jo!
Lovely news for Ned, and I think Edgar will be chuffed too!

And oh dear, I think Marcia and co are headed for trouble......

#166:  Author: PatLocation: Doncaster PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:50 pm
Doesn't the Legends Book give the punishments for the various things that were done? If they're going to be using language from books, they could be in for a shock. Wasn't one group that tried that made to dpend time as school kids from the Regency era? They didn't enjoy that at all.

#167:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:52 pm
Thank you, Jo!

Why do I suspect that Piers is going to make trouble over Ned's new position?

*shakes head over Marcia et al.* Mr. Green

#168:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:24 pm
Laughing Fabbity bonne!

Thank you, Jo!

#169:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:08 am
Good luck, Ned!
And I think that brilliant idea from the Legends book may be about to go very wrong...

#170:  Author: pimLocation: Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:05 am
Hurrah for Ned! And Marcia, she is so fine, although I have a terrible sense of foreboding that it's all liable to go horribly to pot... *g*

Cheers, Jo Very Happy

#171:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:18 am
Thanks Jo Very Happy

#172:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:36 am
Yay! Well done Ned!

I wonder if I can use 'because it's Friday' as a reason for not doing things Laughing

#173:  Author: Ruth BLocation: Oxford, UK PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:34 pm
Thanks Josie for a lovely long update.

#174:  Author: AllyLocation: John Bettany's Cabin! PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:30 am
Thanks Jo, I wonder what Marcia is up to now! Rolling Eyes

Hurrah for Ned though Very Happy

#175:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:27 pm
Thanks, Jo. I wonder what Marcia's forms' plan is. I am really pleased for Ned.

#176:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:38 pm
Well done Ned, thank you Jo and look forward to seeing the plan!

#177:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:33 pm
Thanks for all the comments Very Happy

Strolling down the corridor towards the Middles' Common Room, Thea and Sara spotted Joey Maynard walking towards them and greeted her with an enthusiastic hello. Joey was stalking along, head bowed, muttering to herself, an uncharacteristic scowl on her face. As she heard the girls’ greeting, she raised her head, forcing a cheery smile on to her face.

“Hello there, you two! What are you up to?”

“Going to write a letter before skiing,” Thea replied, holding up her writing case.

“To your parents? Send them my regards, won’t you?”

“No, to my friend Kate. I wrote to Mum and Dad yesterday.”

“Oh,” Joey seemed to be only half-listening. “Well have fun skiing,” and without even a goodbye, she carried on her way down the hall, muttering to herself as she went.

The two girls watched her go with a giggle. They, like the rest of the school, were only too aware of what was causing Mrs. Maynard’s preoccupation. Indeed, it was causing a fair amount of amusement throughout the school.

Still chuckling to themselves, they carried on their way to the Common Room. As they entered, the first people they clapped eyes on were Marcia, Val, Robina, Marie Angeot and Emmy Friedrich, who were gathered around one end of the big table. Set out in front of them were several large, wordy-looking books, and the five girls were kneeling up on their seats, poring over them and making notes. Grinning at each other, Thea and Sara approached the table and Thea reached out, tapping Val, who was closest to her, on the shoulder.

“You having fun?” she asked sweetly, her face taking on an expression of innocence.

Val looked up and scowled. “What do you think?”

“It’s sooooo boring, Thea!” Marcia pouted, pushing her book away and flopping back in her chair. “I can’t read any more or my brain’ll fall out!”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Thea grinned wickedly at her little sister. “I’d quite enjoy it – learning all those new things.”

Marcia pulled a face. “That’s ‘cause you’re screwy.”

Thea just laughed. Deciding she’d had enough, Marie threw down her pen in a fit of pique.

“This is so unfair! You get to go skiing and we have to have lessons!”

“Miss Annersley’s a perfect beast!” Robina concurred in a heartfelt manner.

Sara grinned. “Wasn’t it words like that that got you into this mess in the first place?” Ignoring the black looks thrown in her direction, she added. “Anyway, I don’t think she’s mean, do you, Thea?”

“Oh no, she’s rather topping if you ask me!”

A ripple of laughter rang around the room at Thea’s words, and Marcia got to her feet and glared at her sister.

“You’re both horrid pigs!” she announced huffily and picking up her book with a pointed, “I’m going to the form room if you want to come,” to the others, she turned and flounced out of the room.

Her friends scrambled to their feet and followed her, glowering at Thea and Sara as they went, and chuckling to themselves, the two elder girls turned their attention back to their own business.

“I ‘spose I’d better do my rep,” Sara grimaced, looking distastefully at the offending book in her hand. “I couldn’t make it stay in my head at all last night. Whose idea was it to do the stupid Lady of Shalott anyway?”

Thea laughed. “I think it’s romantic. The way she looks directly at Camelot to see Lancelot even though she’s not allowed to and she knows he can’t love her back.”

“She dies!”

“So did Juliet!”

Sara, who was less romantically inclined than her friend, pulled a face. “Marcia’s right, you are weird!” she teased. Thea simply grinned back at her and Sara admitted defeat and shook her head. “I’m going to the cubbyhole to get some peace and quiet. See you for skiing!” and turning her back on her friend, she wandered off to an armchair set in an alcove on the far side of the room.

Thea glanced down at her watch. Half an hour before skiing. Just enough time to get her letter written. Spotting an empty window seat nearby, she sat herself down, wriggling to make herself comfortable. Then, setting her ink pot next to her, carefully securing it between two pillows to stop it being knocked over, she opened her writing case, took out her pen, dipped it in the ink and began to write.

Dear Kate,

Thanks for your letter. It arrived last Monday but I haven’t had time to write back until now.

That’s so exciting about the dressage competitions! I can’t believe your first one is only six weeks away! See, I told you that you’ll be an Olympic eventer one day. This is the first step on the way! Just remember me when you’re famous, won’t you?! Will your mum and dad be able to come and see you? At least you’ll have Audrey to cheer you on if they can’t. Me and Pilgrim can help you practise in the holidays if you like? Maybe you can enter Longfellow in some in Geneva too? Then we can all come and watch.

I miss riding so much when I’m here. Some of us who ride asked if we could have lessons, but Miss Annersley said we couldn’t do it as there are no riding schools up on the Platz. Sara and me are going to see what we can find down in Interlaken though. It’s not so far away, and if we can find a good one, then maybe she’ll change her mind.

School is still lots of fun, though it’s really cold at the moment. I’ve even been wearing my jumpers and thick walking socks in bed! (I’d be in trouble if Matey caught me!) And there’s so much snow! According to Miss Burnett, one of the mistresses, this is the most snow they’ve had since the school came here. They’ve even had lots in Geneva. Mum said in her last letter that Andreas is having to pick them up from the top road every time they want to go out, because the drive is so icy and snowy that she and Dad can’t get their cars out! And apparently Mr. Bown had to walk home from work one night because they couldn’t drive up to their house, even with chains! We were all stuck inside for nearly all of last week. It was horrid. We’re making up for it now though. They’re really good like that here. Because the weather’s so bad in the winter, they let us go out whenever we get the chance. We’re off skiing in about half an hour, even though we should really be having science this afternoon. I know which one I’d rather be doing!

Skiing is so much fun, though I’m not very good yet. Sara says it’s like that at the beginning though and she fell all over the place the first few times she tried. Oh, but you can ski already, can’t you? I keep forgetting about that! Anyway, my aim today is to try not to fall over once. Then I’ll know I’m finally getting there! Everyone thought Marcia and me would be able to ski already because we live in Switzerland. I suppose it’s funny when you think about it. We’ve lived in Geneva for three winters now and we’ve never been. I’m going to ask Dad at Easter if we can all go next winter. He and Mum can both ski really well so I know they’d like it, and it’ll be funny to see Ned falling down when Marcia and me already know what to do! Milly will be too young but Henry’ll be old enough by then to learn too. Oh, I have an idea! Maybe you can all come as well? And the Bowns too? That would be so much fun! I’ll ask Dad to speak to your mum and dad.

Speaking of Marcia and skiing, she and her friends aren’t allowed to do it at the moment. They’ve all been banned until half-term. I have to tell you what they did, Kate, you’ll laugh so much!

They have a rule here that you’re not allowed to speak slang and you get fined if you get caught by the prees or mistresses. I think it’s to stop the non-English girls from picking up bad language or something like that. Anyway, last term, Marcia’s form got so many fines that some of them even ran out of pocket money (Marcia had to borrow some from me!). Somehow Miss Annersley found out and she told them all that if they got more than three fines this term then they’d be banned from all excursions, and skiing and rambles too. So instead of just not speaking slang, Marcia and her friends decided that it was really unfair and they had to do something about it. (Wait until you meet the rest of her friends. They’re almost as mad as she is!).

Her friend Val remembered a story Mrs. Maynard told them about when Mum was at school and they all got in trouble for speaking slang. They all swotted up on Shakespeare and decided to speak like his characters do! So Upper III decided to use the same idea but speaking like our mums did when they were schoolgirls instead! Apparently Auntie Corney had been talking to Val and Ronny in the holidays about how much slang had changed since her day, and she told them some of the things they used to say.

It was so funny, Kate, I wish you could have heard them! They kept saying everything was ‘topping’ and ‘ripping’ and ‘spiffing’ and using phrases like ‘jolly hockey sticks’ and ‘Jumping Jehosophat’. Marcia even had the cheek when Matey told her off for leaving her towel on the floor to say “Sorry I vexed you, Matron. You really are a jolly good sort!” Matey’s face was a picture! She didn’t know what to say – and Matey always knows what to say! It was just like they’d walked out of a Mallory Towers book! Marcia said they got some of the words from them too.

We all thought they’d got away with it for a while. The staff let it go on for a whole week and a half before they did anything. Maybe they found it as funny as we all did? Or maybe they were just trying to think up a good punishment? It was strange – even the prees didn’t do much other than give them a ticking off. Anyway, as I said, Miss Annersley finally banned them from excursions and things anyway so they got exactly what they were protesting against after all – and you’ll never guess what she’s made them do instead? They have to study the Great Depression in their spare time and have lessons at weekends and everything! It’s the worst thing she could have thought of – can you imagine Marcia trying to study politics? She only just knows who Winston Churchill is!

What’s even funnier is that Mrs. Maynard has to teach it to them! Apparently Marcia and Val asked her for her help with words and things, and she thought it was so funny that she gave them all these phrases and things to use. Val accidentally let it slip in front of Miss Annersley when they were being told off and the next thing they knew, Mrs. Maynard had been included in the punishment! I overheard Len (she’s the oldest Maynard and Head Girl) say that her dad, or Papa as they call him, backed up Miss Annersley to the hilt, so now Mrs. Maynard has to trek over to the school whatever the weather to teach Upper III all about it while the rest of us go out and have fun! They said they all nearly fell over when she walked in the first time – they didn’t know she was coming and when she told them why I think Val wanted the floor to open and swallow her up! And according to them, Mrs. Maynard finds it all as boring as they do and says that she can’t count something that happened in her lifetime as history as it makes her feel too old!

I think I’d quite enjoy studying it if was me but then as Marcia just said, I am rather weird when it comes to things like that!

I’d better finish this now as Sara’s calling me to get ready for skiing. Lots and lots and lots of luck with your dressage (I’ll write again before then, but if I start now, I can send you even more luck then!) I still wish you were here – school’s not the same without you – so you have to write to me soon as that’s the next best thing!

I promise I’ll write again soon.
Love from

“Thea, get a move on or we’ll lose skiing time!”

“Alright, hold your horses!”

Thea pulled out an envelope and quickly addressed it. Folding the letter, she slipped it inside the envelope and sealed it, tucked it inside her writing case and replaced the top on her bottle of ink. Then, satisfied that she was finally finished, she got to her feet and ran over to join her friend, her sister’s plight replaced in her mind by thoughts of skimming over the fresh blanket of powdery snow.

Last edited by Josie on Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:52 pm; edited 2 times in total

#178:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:10 pm
*Satisfied sigh*

I love the twist of having Jo teach them as a punishment Razz

Thanks Jo - as great as usual.

#179:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:35 pm
Laughing Excellent!! About time Jo got pulled up on her language! Laughing

Thank you, Jo, that was fab!

#180:  Author: Ruth BLocation: Oxford, UK PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:49 pm
Inspired punishment on the part of Miss A!

#181:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:15 pm
Oh wonderful!!!! Bet Joey is very careful about her language from now on.

Evil Hilda!!!! Twisted Evil

Thanks Jo - inspired.

#182:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:45 am
Hilda, that was wicked!!! But very funny!!

Thanks Josie - that was a great update!

#183:  Author: pimLocation: Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:07 am
Oooh, what a punishment! Cheers, Jo Very Happy

#184:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:01 am
How inspired! Thanks Jo.

#185:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:03 pm

Love the fact that Matey was stumped for something to say!

Thanks, Jo

#186:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:32 pm
*giggling muchly*

I'm surprised Jo hasn't found a way to liven up or subvert those lessons, though! Laughing

#187:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:27 pm

Thank you, Jo.

#188:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:50 pm
Thanks, Jo. I really like the punishment as well!

#189:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:12 pm
Jo, you're a genius!
The punishment was inspired, and I LOVE that Joey came in for her share of it! Laughing Laughing

#190:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:15 pm
Hehe, excellent, thanks Jo

#191:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:07 pm
Thanks, Josie. I've finally caught up on this, and it's wonderful.

#192:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 3:39 am
Edgar turned his car off the top road and headed slowly down the long, steep driveway towards his house, negotiating his way carefully through the slippery puddles of slush. Although it was only mid-March, the big thaw was well and truly underway and despite there still being a chill in the air, the sky was a bright, cloudless blue and here and there, violets, speedwells and cardamines could be seen poking their heads up through the remaining slushy patches of snow. Smiling to himself at the beautiful spring day, Edgar pulled up in the forecourt, switched off the engine and yawned widely, stretching his hands above his head, thinking how glad he was that he had the rest of the day off work before heading to England in the morning. He couldn’t believe it was time for Paul to open AJL’s London office already. The past fifteen months had simply flown by. ‘A sure sign of getting old,’ he grinned to himself, and grabbing his briefcase from the seat next to him, he climbed out of the car and headed for the house.

His dreams of a peaceful afternoon were shattered, however, the moment he opened the front door. Down the stairs came the familiar refrain of Milly’s pitiful whimpering. Sighing, he shut the door behind him and turned to hang up his coat.

“Evvy, I’m home!”

“I’m in here.”

Her voice sounded flat and tired, and he frowned to himself as he made his way across the entrance hall to the salon. She really didn’t sound herself at all. Not that he was hugely surprised. Despite his wife’s best efforts with their new daughter, Milly’s near-constant crying had persisted over the past few months, as she rarely slept for more than an hour at a time. Evadne had tried everything that anyone could suggest – trying to establish a routine, as she had managed with Henry, leaving her to cry until she tired herself out, placing a mobile above her cot, introducing a ‘comfort’ blanket, and even more far-fetched ideas suggested by Anton’s sister, such as leaving a ticking clock in the room to provide a constant rhythmic sound. However, nothing seemed to work.

Worried that something was wrong, mindful in particular of Evadne’s fall just before the birth, they had taken her to be examined several times by both their doctor and the hospital, but nobody could find anything wrong. The only thing that seemed to work was one of her parents or her au pair picking her up and cuddling her, and Dr. Schreiber deduced that she was simply one of those babies who needed a great deal of human contact in their early months.

During the day, this was not so much of a problem, especially with Monique there to help out. However, night time was different proposition altogether and Evvy found herself having to get up over and over again during the night, spending up to an hour at a time calming her daughter down again before the little girl could be put back in her cradle. Then, just to compound matters, the moment Milly finally did settle, Henry generally decided it was time to get up. It didn’t help that Edgar more often than not slept through it and there had been more than one occasion when he had found himself rudely awakened and ordered to ‘move his backside and come and help.’

Now, as he entered the salon, he found his wife sitting in one of the large armchairs, staring into space, her face pale and drawn. He gave her a sympathetic smile.

“Sweetheart, Milly’s crying.”

Evadne blinked and continued staring at the wall. “I know she is.”

“Oh.” Edgar looked a little confused. “…I thought perhaps you couldn’t hear her.”

“I’m not deaf, Edgar.”

There was a long pause before he asked, “Well are you going to…”

“No, I’m not. Not just yet.”

“What if she…”

“I’ve already fed her and changed her diaper.”

“Oh.” Edgar fell silent again and watched her as she sat in front of him, staring blankly over his shoulder. “Where’s Henry?” he queried, looking around him.

“Down for his nap.”

“He’s sleeping through that racket?”

For the first time since he had entered the room, Evadne turned her head slightly to look him in the face. “I suppose he must take after his father.”

Edgar winced at the barbed note in her voice. “Evvy, are you alright?”

He instantly regretted the question as he saw the look of fury flash across her face, but before he could reword it or even get a word in edgewise, her temper finally gave way.

“No, Edgar, I’m not alright!”

“I didn’t mean…”

“I’ve had virtually no sleep for the last three and a half months,” she shouted, cutting across him. “When one sleeps, the other wakes up and you just lie there like a great, useless lump! Instead of asking me if I’m alright why don’t you use your thick head and actually lift a finger to help once in a while! It won’t kill you!” and with that, she promptly burst into tears.

Edgar hurried forward to comfort her, but she pushed him roughly away.

“Get off of me!”


“I mean it, just get out of my sight!” She dashed the back of her hand across her eyes and got to her feet. “You go see to her for once,” and she stormed past him, across the salon and into the snug, slamming the door behind her.

Seeing nothing else for it, Edgar went to do as he was told. It was almost an hour and a half before Milly eventually dropped off to sleep. She had stopped crying shortly after he had lifted her out of the cradle, but had spent the rest of the time batting her eyelids and gurgling at him as he gently rocked her in his arms. Despite the chaos she was currently causing in their family, she still melted his heart every time she gazed up at him with her bright, blue eyes and he smiled as he thought to himself that she had certainly inherited her mother’s stubborn, obstreperous streak.

When he finally returned downstairs, he found his wife curled up on the window seat in the snug, her knees pulled up to her chest as she stared out of the window through red, puffy eyes. As he perched opposite her on the seat, facing her, she turned to look at him and he gave her a warm smile.

“She’s asleep.” Evvy nodded and he gently placed a hand on the side of her head. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

Tears sprung to her eyes again as she slowly shook her head. “I didn’t mean to shout at you.”

Edgar grinned. “Yes you did, but that’s okay.” Then, seeing a tear escape and roll down her cheek, his face sobered and he held his arms out towards her. “Oh darling, come here.”

Shuffling around so that she was sitting between his legs, Evadne curled up against him as he wrapped his arms around her and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

“Where’s Monique today?”

“She couldn’t come, her momma’s sick.” Evvy sniffed and rubbed her eyes. “She told Guilia she’s real poorly so she may not be in for some time. And you’re going to England tomorrow too.”

“I can stay, I don’t have to go.”

“Yes you do, you know you do. It’s important.” Her voice cracked as she spoke and Edgar tightened his arms around her, feeling her shoulders heave as she tried to hold back her sobs. “Edgar, why won’t she stop crying? I don’t think I can cope anymore. I’m so tired and my little girl needs me and I don’t know what to do. I’m such an awful mother.”

“Hey, stop that now, that’s enough of that talk. You’re no such thing.”

“I’m her momma, I should know how to help her!”

Before he could reply, the sound of whimpering reached their ears once more. This time, however, it was their son, deciding he had napped for long enough. Scrubbing her eyes again, Evadne sat up and went to climb down from the seat but Edgar beat her to it.

“It’s alright, I’ll go.”

“Edgar, I don’t mind.”

“Evvy, just stay here, okay?” Taking her face in his hands, he kissed her gently and smiled. “I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

Leaving her to do as he said, he headed off upstairs. Evadne watched him go and then, rearranging the pillows so that some were bunched up against the window, she sank back against them to wait for his return.

Edgar was as good as his word, and it was no more than two or three minutes before the door crashed open and young Master Henry barrelled into the room, his rabbit clutched in one hand. Spotting his mother, he toddled towards her with a cry of “Mummy! Wake!”. On reaching the window seat, he grabbed hold of the nearest cushion with his free hand, only for it to come loose, causing him to topple onto his backside. The look of astonishment on his face caused Evadne to laugh, and temporarily forgetting her troubles, she reached down, hauling him onto the seat, and then replaced the cushion. Not in the least perturbed by his fall and thoroughly content now he was with his mother, Henry scrambled over to her and threw himself in her lap, crying “Wake!” once more.

“So I can see,” Evvy grinned down at him. “What have you done with Daddy? Did you run away?”

Ignoring her completely, Henry reached out to grab his rabbit, which he had left behind on a cushion in his eagerness to get to Evadne. Then, turning back to her, he squirmed in her lap, giggling as she grabbed a bare foot and blew a raspberry on the sole. After a few more of the same and a lot of squealing, he succeeded in freeing his foot and turned himself the right way up, snuggling into his mother’s chest. Evvy wrapped her arms around him, as he wriggled to get comfortable, and dropped a kiss on his fair curls.

“There, see? I told you.”

She glanced up to see Edgar leaning against the doorframe, watching.

“Told me what?”

“That you were talking nonsense,” he replied, crossing the room to sit down beside them. Reaching out, he ruffled his son’s curls. “Somebody here doesn’t think you’re a bad mummy.” Evadne allowed herself a smile at his words, and he took hold of her left hand, gently running his thumb across her slim fingers. “It’ll be alright, sweetheart, you’ll see.”

Feeling her emotions welling up again, Evvy swallowed hard and nodded. She was so tired, she could feel her eyelids drooping and she blinked several times, forcing herself back to her senses. Seeing this, Edgar watched her with concerned eyes.

“Why don’t you stay here and get some sleep?”

She shook her head. “Henry’s awake now.”

“So what if he is? I have the afternoon off and I can amuse him perfectly well.” Evadne chuckled at his indignation. “Listen, darling, I really am sorry. I know I’ve not exactly been pulling my weight.”

Not wanting to contradict him (a tiny bit of her still wanted to make him suffer) but realising she was being a little unfair, Evvy shrugged. “Well I guess you’re the one who goes to work.”

“I know, but I should have seen how tired you are. Now, no more arguing. I want you to lie down and get some sleep.” Standing up, he heaved Henry into his arms. “Come on you, let’s leave Mummy to sleep, shall we?”

Ignoring his son’s protests, Edgar marched him from the room. Evadne smiled to herself as the door closed behind them. Things were still far from alright, she knew that. It was only a matter of time before Milly began yelling again, but at least she could get a couple of hours sleep under her belt. Perhaps losing her temper hadn’t such a bad thing after all. With that thought in mind, she retrieved the rug that was slung over the back of one of the chairs, and pulling it around her to keep her warm, she snuggled back against the pillows and slowly, gratefully, closed her eyes.

Last edited by Josie on Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:47 am; edited 1 time in total

#193:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:50 am
Oh, poor Evvy - if it's any consolation my nephew Alfie cried almost solidly for about three months - he's now the most chuckly and smily baby there is. They think he had colic.

Let's hope that'#s all it is for baby Milly.

Thanks Josie - though worried about the lack of sleep you're getting!

#194:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:43 am
Poor Evvy Crying or Very sad I had one like that and I felt like a zombie - and had the occasional outburst like that. Wink

Henry is sweet, isn't he.

Thank you Josie.

#195:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:44 am
Poor Evvy. I'm glad Edgar is now aware of the problem though, so hopefully he won't be a sleeping lump quite so often!

Thank, Jo

#196:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:53 am
Thanks Jo!

Poor Evvy, hope Milly starts to settle soon!

#197:  Author: pimLocation: Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:00 am
Lesley wrote:
Oh, poor Evvy - if it's any consolation my nephew Alfie cried almost solidly for about three months - he's now the most chuckly and smily baby there is. They think he had colic.

Apparently I was like that too and drove my poor mother to despair... nothing new there then Wink

Poor Evvy though. Thanks Jo.

#198:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:12 am
Thanks Jo, glad Edgar is being slocsome! Smile

#199:  Author: Ruth BLocation: Oxford, UK PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:30 pm
Poor Evvy! Lovely scene, but really! Why do CS men ask such stupid questions???

#200:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:20 pm
I can't believe you were up at 3:40 this morning, Jo! You'll be as tired as Evvy if you're not careful *hugs*

Thank you the update though! Good to see Edgar finally realise what a git he's been!

#201:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:30 pm
Poor poor Evvy. I hope Milly settles soon. Henry's really really sweet though.

Thank you Jo.

#202:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:41 pm
*hugs Evvy tight*

Thanks Jo!

#203:  Author: kerenLocation: Israel PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 10:49 pm
suggests she put the baby in a sling during the day and sleep with her at night

Only problem is that it is not iin fashion yet

#204:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:22 pm
Thanks, Jo. I hope that Evvy will be able to get some more rest soon. I'm pleased that Edgar has agreed to pull his weight more.

#205:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:01 pm
At eight o’clock the next morning, Edgar was up and about, finishing his packing for his trip to England. He had one or two misgivings about going on this trip and leaving his wife trying to cope in his absence, but a couple of phone calls he had made the previous afternoon, while she was sleeping, had gone some way towards setting his mind at rest.

As he stuffed the last of his things in his suitcase, Evadne came into the room, fresh from settling Milly again after her morning feed. Henry toddled alongside her, and she set some soft toys and his trucks down on the rug by the wardrobe. Then, as she was still dressed in her nightclothes, she climbed back between the covers and watched her husband as he finished getting ready to leave.

“I hate that you have to go away,” she pouted, bearing a remarkable resemblance to her eleven-year-old stepdaughter having a sulk.

Edgar finished closing his suitcase and then walked around the bed, stepping over Henry as he went, to sit next to her. “I’ll come home as soon as I can, okay?” he promised, clasping one of her slim hands in his own.

Seeing the concern in his soft, green eyes and realising how petulant she was being, Evadne gave a wry smile and shook her head. “It’s alright. I’m sure I’ll live. This is important.”

“Evvy, it’s fine.”

“No, Edgar. This is…was…Poppa’s business, and the London office was the last thing he was working on before he died. I want it all done right. Not that I think Paul and Doug won’t manage, but it means a lot to me that Charles and especially you will be there. And you need to go see Ned play rugby too. You know he’s thrilled you’re coming – you can’t disappoint him.”

Edgar smiled and leant forward to peck her on the lips. “Okay. But I want you to call if you need me. Promise?”

“Promise. Cross my heart and hope to get scabies, as Marcia would say!” Her husband chuckled and Evvy entwined her fingers with his, a frown furrowing her brow. “I wish I could come with you to Ned’s match. I want to be there to see him on the way to being the next Fred Trueman.”

Edgar did his best to suppress a grin. “Erm, he’s a cricketer, sweetheart.”

“Oh, well Don Shepherd then.”

“Also a cricketer.”

“Stanley Matthews?”


“Well he must have one hero who’s a rugby player!”

“How about Eric Evans?”

“That’s who I meant!”

“Of course you did.” Edgar laughed as he twisted round to face his son, who had managed to open his father’s bottom drawer and was busy strewing his clothes on the floor. “If you ever need to know anything about sport, Henry, you just ask your Mummy.”

“You’re not funny!” his wife scowled.

“I am a little bit funny.”

“No you’re not, and I’m not talking to you anymore,” and with that, she stuck her nose in the air and turned her head towards the far wall.

As Edgar chuckled, the doorbell rang, and releasing her hand, he got to his feet and headed towards the door. “That’ll be for me.”

“I though you had another half-hour?” Evadne asked in surprise, her sulks forgotten at his words.

“I thought you weren’t talking to me?”

“I’ve changed my mind. Why’s Andreas…Edgar, come back!” she called as he left the room without another word. The next moment, she was out of bed and racing to stop Henry following after his father. “Oh no you don’t, mister. You stay here with me,” and despite his protests, she collected him up in her arms and dumped him on the bed. “Here, you can play with these,” and she handed over his rabbit and another of his soft toys and climbed in beside him.

Through the open door, she could hear her husband talking to someone down in the entrance hall, and then came the sound of footsteps making their way up the stairs.

“She’s in here,” Edgar’s disembodied voice announced, and then his head appeared around the door. “Evvy, you have visitors.”

Evadne scrambled to pull the blanket up to her chin. “I haven’t any clothes on, you dolt!”

“You have your nightdress on, what more do you want?” he replied with a maddening grin. “Anyway, these visitors don’t care whether you’re in your finery or not,” and with that, he threw open the bedroom door.

“Well I care! Edgar! Don’t…”

Evadne’s yells died on her lips and she forgot her grievances as her visitors swept into the room. As she looked from one to the other, her jaw dropped and her eyes opened wide.

“What on earth…?”

Janice Bown, grinned back at her, adjusting the skirt of her black, Victorian governess-style dress. Alice Cranston, standing next to her in a nurse’s outfit with a long skirt pulled over the top, could hardly keep from giggling at the look on Evadne’s face, and Jan nudged her hard in the ribs before stating, “Mary Poppins and Florence Nightingale at your service, m’lady.”

Never one to be lost for words for long, Evvy stared back at her friends as if they had gone mad. “Mary who?

“Mary Poppins!” Evadne still looked blank. “The nanny? P.L Travers book?” Evvy shrugged and shook her head, and Janice heaved a world-weary sigh. “You’re a heathen, Evvy Watson!”

Evadne simply grinned back at her. “Nice dress.”

“It was my grandmother’s. I think it’s rather fetching, myself.”

“If you say so!” Then, turning to Alice, “That costume’s terrible.”

“Well you try and throw together a Crimean War nurse’s outfit at a few hours notice!” Alice huffed indignantly.

“Why Florence Nightingale?”

“Well, we couldn’t think of another famous nanny so this was the next best thing. Anyway, we’re here to help and that’s what she did – help people. A little bird told us that you’re feeling a bit worse for wear and could use some assistance with your two reprobates, so here we are, no sooner said than done. We can take away all your worries while you just sit back and relax.”

Before Evvy could react, Janice chimed in, “Yes, and speaking of which, let’s start with you having a lie in. Your eyes look like you’ve gone several rounds in a boxing ring! We can look after your children so there’s no need for you to move a muscle unless it’s Milly’s feed time.” Holding her hand out to Henry, she helped the little boy down from the bed. “Come on, Henry, let’s take your trucks downstairs and create our own traffic jam, shall we?”

Henry was only too happy to go with his beloved Auntie Janice, or ‘Arn Nan’ as he preferred to call her for now. He babbled with delight and excitement as the pair of them headed out of the door, and Alice paused only to scoop up his toys and tell Evvy that they would be back to check on her later before following on behind.

There was silence for a moment as Evadne stared at her husband. Edgar was trying his best not to laugh. “Is this your doing?” she asked eventually.

Edgar shook his head, chuckling as he did so, and sat back down on the bed. “Actually, you can blame them. I called Jan yesterday to ask if she could pop in now and then while I’m away, just to make sure you’re alright, and the next thing I know, she and Alice have hatched this plan. I think Jan even plans to stay for the duration.”

“But she can’t! What about Jonty and the girls?”

“Well you’ll have to take it up with her. Now, I’d best get going – Andreas is waiting downstairs to take me to the airport.”

Evadne’s face fell as she reached her arms out towards him, and Edgar enveloped her in a hug and held her close for a few moments. Then, drawing back, he pushed some loose locks back from her forehead.

“Make sure you do all they say, no being stubborn, alright? They’re under strict instructions to report back to me if you’re overdoing it!” Her sense of humour recovered, Evvy stuck her tongue out at him and Edgar smiled, cupping the side of her face with his hand. “Look after yourself, darling.”

“I will, I promise. Send Elsie and Paul and Charles my love, won’t you? And give Ned a big kiss from me!”

“I may just tell him you sent one. I don’t think he’ll appreciate it if I actually deliver it, do you? Or perhaps I should pass it on in front of all his friends?”

“I can just see his face if you do!”

Edgar grinned. “Right, I have to go,” and he stooped to peck her on the lips.

Evadne pulled him towards her and kissed him properly before releasing him. “I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too, sweetheart.” He kissed her once more and then got to his feet. “Now, rest! I’ll see you in a fortnight.”

“I love you!” she called after him as he left the room.

Edgar called back in kind as he disappeared down the hall, and hearing his footsteps descending the stairs, Evvy sat back against her pillows with a sigh, lost in thought. Then, too tired, in all honestly, to resist the orders that had been issued to her, she turned onto her side, snuggled under the covers and closed her eyes.


It was midday by the time Edgar reached the Rodwells’ Hampshire home, and he and Paul spent the next few hours holed up in the study, preparing for the following day. They finally emerged at a quarter past three, and Paul announced his intention of going to collect Lily from school.

Edgar watched as his friend manoeuvered himself into his wheelchair. “You not using your sticks?”

“In this weather?” Paul inclined his head towards the window and the teeming rain. “Be sensible, old chap. I’d be on my backside sooner than you could say ‘it’s slippery’. Are you coming?” he asked, as he buttoned his coat and then wrapped his scarf around his neck.

“Now who’s not being sensible? You’re the only one mad enough to be enthusiastic about leaving that toasty warm fire to head out in the rain.”

Paul chuckled. “Please yourself! I’ll be back in twenty minutes, my love,” he called through to Elsie, who was in the kitchen boiling the kettle for afternoon tea, and then headed out into the miserable March day.

Edgar shut the front door after him, and then made his way through to the kitchen. “Your husband’s verging on madness, you do realise that?”

Elsie laughed. “Tell me about it! He likes to go and collect her when he can, though. I think it gives him a sense of normality, and the children ask him heaps of questions about how his stump is and when he’s getting his false leg. He finds it so much more refreshing than adults who try to pretend they’re not staring.” She turned around and placed three cups and saucers on a tray on the table. “I wish you could have seen him on his fortieth birthday, Edgar,” she added, turning back again to get the sugar bowl. “It’s the first time I’ve really seen him back to his old self since this all happened. He was the life and soul of the party again, tearing up the dance floor with his wheelchair, charming all the ladies. And the marks on the hall floor afterwards! I thought the warden was going to be furious but he took it in very good part. Mind you I don’t think he could complain after all the free ale he’d indulged in at our expense the day before!”

Edgar laughed. “It sounds like it was a lot of fun.”

“Oh it was! The only thing missing was you and Evvy and the kids.”

“I know, I’m sorry we couldn’t make it. Evvy’s not having a good time with Milly just now, and I don’t think she’s really on for going anywhere at the moment, let alone trips abroad.”

Elsie smiled as she poured milk into a small jug. “Don’t worry, we understood completely. I gathered from her letters that things weren’t that much fun.”

“To be honest, she’s more exhausted than anything else, the poor old thing. And worried about Milly of course – we both are. She cries more than any baby I’ve ever come across. The doctors say there’s nothing wrong, but I don’t understand how a child can cry so much for no reason.”

“Do they think it’s colic? I remember how Tom was when he had it. I felt like I’d never get any sleep again. Though I think we were lucky – he was over it by three months.”

“I suppose it must be – there’s no other answer for it that they can think of. I just hope it all stops soon, I think poor Evvy’s at the end of her tether. Though I’m not sure I’ve helped all that much. She told me in no uncertain terms yesterday what a useless oaf I’ve been of late.”

Elsie laughed as she buttered the crumpets she had just toasted. “Don’t beat yourself up too much – you can’t be any worse than Paul was. He used to come home late to try and avoid as much of the crying as he could!”

Edgar chuckled. “Yes, I remember. Wasn’t he so late one night that you nailed his dinner to the door in a paper bag?”

“I most certainly did! And the gravy worked a soggy hole through the bag and he came home to find steak and kidney pie and cabbage on the welcome mat! He never did it again though!” She placed the plate of crumpets and cake on the tray and poured a small glass of milk for Lily. “Now, make yourself useful and take that tray through, and I’ll follow on with the teapot. It should be just nicely stewed by the time they get home.”

Doing as he was told, Edgar carried the tray through to the front room, placing it on the long coffee table and then stoking the fire to let out as much heat as possible. Elsie followed on behind, and once they were both comfortably ensconced in two large, squashy armchairs, she tucked her legs up underneath her and turned to her guest, a purposeful expression on her face.

“So, I have an idea. How would you all like to come and stay for a few weeks at the beginning of the children’s summer holidays? It’s been so long since we last saw you all and we’ve not even met Milly yet. And then we can have a double celebration for both of you turning forty too. I can’t see us making it over to Geneva for whatever it is that you’ll be doing, any more than you could make it to us. Lily can’t miss out on school, for one thing.”

“We won’t be doing all that much anyway. Evvy said she’ll probably just take me out for a meal or something.”

“Sounds nice.”

Edgar smiled. “Yes. Yes, it will be. We’ve not had a night to ourselves ever since Milly was born. And for what it’s worth, I think your idea is a rather marvellous one, for once.” He chuckled as Elsie gave an indignant snort. “I’m sure Evvy will be thrilled as well. I know she’s longing to show Milly off to you all. She really is a ducky baby, though I say so myself! It’ll be dependent on her stopping this crying of course…”

“Rubbish,” Elsie interrupted. “If she’s still crying so much then you’re to come anyway. Then I can look after her and give Evvy a bit of time off.”

“Well I’m sure she won’t turn down that offer, if you put it like that.”

“I should think not! And anyway, I think we might rather need you here as well. Paul’s due to get his prosthesis around then and he’ll have just started his physiotherapy.”

Edgar frowned. “Are you sure you’ll want all of us crowding you out in that case?”

“Oh yes, definitely.” Seeing the doubt on her friend’s face, she turned pleading eyes on him. “Please Edgar, won’t you come? Your children’ll be a great distraction for Tom and Lily and I rather think Paul may need you to vent at. He’s so excited at the idea of getting his new leg that he’s refusing to hear that it’ll take time to get used to it. You’re the only person who can get him to listen sometimes.”

“I thought that worked the other way round?” Edgar asked, a wry grin on his lips.

“It works both ways round. You don’t give yourself enough credit.”

Before Edgar could voice any other opinions on the matter, they heard the front door open and Paul shout a hurried “Take your boots off before you run mud through the house, young lady!”

Elsie lowered her voice. “So will you come? Please?”

“Does he know you’re asking us?”

“Of course he does! Just not quite why, that’s all.”

Edgar considered a moment, and then gave her a heartwarming smile. “Of course – providing it’s okay with Evvy, which I’m pretty sure it will be, we’d love to.”

Elsie just had time to mouth her thanks when the door burst open and Lily ran into the room and threw herself on their guest with a shout of ‘Uncle Edgar!’

“Hello, trouble, how’s my favourite goddaughter?”

“Really well!” She grinned enthusiastically as she bounced in his lap. “I got a certificate for my ballet the other day!”

“Did you?”

Lily nodded. “Do you want to see?”

“Of course!”

The young girl ran across to the wall unit and grabbed a smart-looking frame from one of the shelves.

“I got a merit and everything. Miss Proctor said I would have got distinction if I hadn’t wobbled when I did my Demi-Plié.”

Neither Thea nor Marcia had ever shown any interest in ballet (something for which Edgar had always been secretly thankful as he was not a fan of the art), and consequently, having no idea what a Demi-Plié might be, he could do nothing but smile encouragingly and give her a congratulatory hug. Thankfully, Lily had greater things on her mind.

“Did you bring me a present from Geneva?”

“I may have done,” he teased.

“Can I have it now?”

“You can have it after tea,” her mother interrupted, seeing that this could go on for a while. “Now go and wash your hands, please.”

Lily pulled a sulky face, but knowing from experience that she wasn’t going to get the better of her mother, she ran off to do as she was told, almost bowling her father over as she went. Elsie rolled her eyes as her daughter slammed the door behind her, and then turning to the two men, she asked, “Now then, who would like some tea?”


Back in Geneva, Evadne had spent most of the day in bed, making good headway into catching up on over three months worth of sleep. The last thing she’d known, it was half-past twelve and Milly had just had her feed. Now, as she rolled over and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, she was astonished to see that it was almost four p.m.

As she came to, she realised that Milly was crying again, and heaving a resigned sigh, she sat up and shook her head, to try and bring herself to her senses. She had just got to her feet and reached for her dressing gown, when Janice peeped her head around the open door.

“Hey, you’re awake!” She stepped into the room with Milly in her arms. “I think someone here wants some afternoon tea.”

Evadne held out her arms for her daughter but Janice shook her head. “Oh no you don’t! You get back into bed.”


“No arguing or I'll report to your husband!”

Evvy scowled and muttered under breath, but climbed back into bed nevertheless, pulling all the pillows up behind her.

“That’s better. Now, you give this little lady her tea and I’ll go and see to yours. Coffee and Baumkuchen okay with you?”

Forgetting her grievances at being told what to do, Evadne beamed at the unexpected treat. “Yes please!”

“Right then, I’ll be back shortly.”

As she left the room, Evadne called after her to bring Henry up with her and then settled back to see to Milly, who was still noisily demanding her food.

Half an hour later, the tiny girl’s hunger was satisfied and she was propped up on some pillows next to a chocolate-y Henry, who insisted on poking his sister intermittently to make sure she was awake, despite the fact that her eyes were wide open and she was gurgling away. Evadne had just finished the last of the delicious, rich cake and drained her coffee cup when Jan and Alice appeared once more.

“You all okay?”

Evvy grinned as she glanced down at her two children. “We’re all fine, thanks. That was delicious! As you can see, Henry enjoyed it too!”

On hearing his name, Henry stopped manhandling his sister and looked up, giving his brevet-aunts a wide, chocolate-y smile. Alice laughed and reached down for him.

“Come on, scamp. Let’s go and get you cleaned up. It must be my turn by now.”

Evadne looked from one of her friends to the other and grinned. “So what happened to the uniforms?’

“If you think we were spending all day trussed up like that you’ve another thing coming. They were purely for your benefit this morning, nothing more!” Alice replied sternly, and with that, she flounced out of the room, a mucky Henry in her arms.

Janice chuckled and sat down on the opposite side of the bed to Evvy. Milly appeared to be watching her every move and Jan held out a finger towards her. Milly hesitated for a second and then clasped the digit in her tiny fist.

“I wonder if she can see me properly yet?”

Evadne grinned. “You’re probably just a big lump to her.”

“Thanks a bunch! I don’t know why we’re bothering to help with you throwing around insults like that.” Milly suddenly made a noise as if she was trying to get a word out and Janice chuckled. “You agree with me, don’t you, precious? Mummy’s so rude!”

Evadne pulled an indignant face at her young daughter. “It’s not too late to swap you, madam!” At the sound of her mother’s voice, Milly looked up and made another word-like sound. Evadne laughed and pulled her into her lap. “Aww, Mommy wouldn’t do that, darling, don’t worry. Even if you do keep her up all night.” Snuffling into her chest, Milly grabbed the top of Evvy’s nightdress, pulling it down, and Evadne hastened to remove her daughter’s vice-like grip. “Hey, that’s enough of that, thank you! We don’t want to put Mommy on display for all to see.” She turned Milly so that she was facing outwards and took hold of her hands. “There, now you can see Auntie Jan again.”

Janice smiled down at the tiny face. “She really is a little darling.”

“Yes, she’s not so bad when she’s not crying!”

“She’s so tiny and delicate! She’ll be a proper girly girl, you mark my words.”

“You can tell, can you?”

“Just you wait and see!”

Evvy laughed. “Thanks so much for doing this, Jan. It’s been a godsend today.”

“Well you’re very welcome. I wouldn’t have done anything else once Edgar called. Why on earth didn’t you ask for our help sooner?”

“I thought I could cope as we were.” Evadne’s face fell as she spoke. “I guess not.”

“Now, don’t you start getting all mopey on me.” Janice said sternly, trying to stop her friend dwelling on the situation. “We’ve all been there. I just thank my lucky stars that none of mine cried as much as this one does. Though Ann certainly gave it a good go to start with.”

Evadne gave a small smile and stroked Milly’s thin, silvery hair. “I guess it felt a bit like a failure to ask for help.”

“Rubbish! It’s what friends are for. Anyway, you’ve been rumbled now and I am here for a whole fortnight so you make the most of me! And Alice will be here during the day too.”

“Jan, are you sure you want to stay? It doesn’t seem fair.”

“Unfair nothing! Jonty’s away for a few weeks anyway, in New York at some big conference or other, and he knows where I am so he can call here if he gets a line. The girls are looking forward to coming to stay, and as your husband said, it’s not as if you lack the space. It just seems greedy to have all these bedrooms and them not be used now and then!”

“Well if you’re sure?”

“Of course I am.”

Evadne sighed and sat back against the pillows. “I sure could use the help,” she admitted, her now-faint American accent sounding more pronounced with her tiredness.”

They heard a door slam downstairs and a moment later, Ann’s voice called up the stairs.

“Lucy’s mother must have dropped them off already.” Janice got to her feet and headed towards the door. Then, as Alice yelled Henry’s name and some childish giggles sounded from down the landing, “And that sounds like your son escaping from Alice, if those shouts are anything to go by!” and she hurried out of the room to find out what was going on.

Chuckling, as she heard Alice shout, “Henry! Come back here now, you little monster!”, Evadne held her daughter tight and looked down at her.

“You know something, Milly-moo? We have the best friends in the entire world.”

Last edited by Josie on Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:19 pm; edited 9 times in total

#206:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:03 pm
Awwwww, that was all so lovely.

Thanks Josie - Edgar and Evvy have some wonderful friends don't they?

#207:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:17 pm
Nice to see more of Elsie and Paul. Looking forward to Ned's rugby match!

Thanks Josie

#208:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:56 pm
Thanks, Jo. I'm glad that Janice and Alice have come to help Evvy. I am just as bad as knowing the names of sports stars.

#209:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:16 pm
Lovely, Jo - as ever. Poor Evvy, a persistently crying baby is so wary.

I loved the way Paul found the children's direct questions easier than the adults' reactions. That's so true to life.

thank you.

#210:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:19 pm
Yay!! Thanks, Jo!

*pokes Evvy - relax woman!*

#211:  Author: BethCLocation: Worcester, UK PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:24 pm
Thanks, Jo - lovely scenes!

#212:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:43 pm
Fabulous update Jo - thanks

#213:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:32 am
Josie wrote:
Edgar chuckled. “Yes, I remember. Wasn’t he so late one night that you nailed his dinner to the door in a paper bag?”

“I most certainly did! And the gravy worked a soggy hole through the bag and he came home to find steak and kidney pie and cabbage on the welcome mat! He never did it again though!”

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Thanks Jo - What wonderful friends Evvy and Edgar have, both old and new Very Happy

#214:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:03 pm
Jo, that was a brilliant post! ALL of the scenes are so lovely!

#215:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:54 pm
YAY a big catch up cos I had got so far behind! Thank you Jo Very Happy

#216:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:31 pm
Thanks, Josie.

#217:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:36 am
“You know something, Milly-moo? We have the best friends in the entire world.”

Have to agree. Smile

Thank you for another wonderful post.

#218:  Author: pimLocation: Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:14 am
Thank you for making my Monday morning Jo Very Happy

#219:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:11 am
And mine! Thank you Jo - friends are fab aren't they?

#220:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:25 pm
Thanks Jo, just seen this! Lovely as ever Very Happy

#221:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:01 am
Thanks for all the lovely comments. Very Happy

Edgar stopped and looked around him, a smile touching his lips. Just a few more bits and pieces and they would be done.

The last few days had flown by and he was now nearing the end of his two-week trip to England. For the past ten days, he, Paul, Charles, and Doug Richardson - a rotund, jovial American and one of Arthur’s oldest friends, who also happened to be AJL’s chief executive - had been working hard, readying the company’s London office for it’s opening on the second day of April. In truth, Paul and Doug had done most of the work. Charles and Edgar had just hovered in the background, making sure everything was running smoothly, and as Charles himself had put it just a couple of days previously, more often than not getting in the way.

The two men had done a fabulous job getting everything ready in time and now, as Edgar glanced around him, he realised that there was nothing else left to do. They had spent the morning putting the finishing touches to the office and everything was ready to go.

Waiting until Paul had finished arranging his things on the top of his large wooden desk, Charles slotted the final file into place on the bookcase and then stood back to admire their handiwork, a satisfied smile on his face.

“There, we’re all done!”

“Actually, there’s one more thing.”

Opening the large doctor’s bag that he had brought with him that morning, Edgar reached inside and pulled out a dark wood frame containing a black and white photograph. As he turned it around to the others, they found themselves staring into the face of the company’s founder.

“Evvy asked if we could find a place for it,” he said, looking from one to the other. His eyes fell on Paul and he focused on that gentleman’s face. “She said it just wouldn’t be right to open without Arthur being here somewhere. I hope that’s alright.”

His eyes sent out a silent plea and taking the cue, Paul hobbled forward and took the picture from his friend’s hand.

“Here, let me.”

Turning back to the wall, he took down a painting above a small shelf that had been chosen by the interior designer, and hung the photograph in its place.

“Looks jolly good if you ask me.”

Edgar gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you.”

Paul returned his friend’s smile with a small nod and then grinned. “She’d have had us put it up anyway,” he joked. “She is the ultimate boss, after all!”

Her husband laughed. “Too true! She sent us something else as well.” Reaching into the leather bag again, he pulled out four tumblers and a bottle of Laphroaig, Arthur’s favourite scotch.

The other three exclaimed loudly, roundly praising Evadne for her forethought, and Edgar poured out four tots, handing one to each of them before picking up his own.

“Here’s to Paul, all his staff and to AJL being a fantastic success in London. And to Arthur, who made all this possible. May this office be everything he wanted it to be.”

There was a chorus of “Hear, hear,” and they all raised their glasses to Arthur’s picture and then downed their drinks in one go.

“Hey, we should get a picture around it!” Doug declared, grabbing his camera and tripod, which he had been using to take photographs of the new office to be kept in the company’s headquarters in Paris. “This thing has a timer on it. Sheila gave it to me for Christmas. Damn nifty it is too! Come on, pour another round and then all bunch together!”

They took two photos, one for Doug for the Paris office and one to be sent to New York. Then Edgar requested a third, saying he wanted to take one home for Evvy.

“Oh, and hold on a tick, I almost forgot.”

Placing his drink down on the desk, Edgar pulled a fifth tumbler from the bag and poured another tot of the amber liquid. Then, taking out a cigar, he placed both of them on the narrow shelf below Arthur’s portrait and then returned to his place.

“The boss wouldn’t have been seen dead without those on an occasion like this!” he explained with a grin. “Alright, whenever you’re ready, Doug.”

Doug reset the timer and then ran across to join them, and the four of them raised their glasses and waited. And waited. And waited.

“How long does the blasted thing take?” Paul complained, adjusting the grip on his stick. “My arm’s aching like the devil standing here like this!”

Doug frowned. “Shouldn’t take this long. Must be something wrong with it. Okay, everyone at ease. I’ll go take a look.”

He stepped forward to do just that, as the other three sighed with relief and relaxed, and at that exact moment the camera flashed.

“Damn it!” Edgar put his glass down, disgruntled. “Go and reset it, Doug. We’ll have to do it again.”

Doug moved to do just that, but Paul put a hand on his arm and stayed him. “I’m not posing for any more, Edgar, I’ve had enough.”

“But I want one for Evvy!”

“Then she can have that one! You know she’ll prefer it to some posed portrait anyway. She knows us all well enough by now and she never has been a fan of the formal.” Edgar didn’t look convinced, but before he could answer back, Paul grabbed the bottle of scotch from the desk and poured his friend another tot. “Here, get that down you instead, old chap. You’ll soon forget your woes.” Then, waving the bottle in the direction of the other two, “Any more for any more?”

Half an hour and several toasts later, the bottle of scotch was empty, and Doug Richardson grimaced as he held it up to the light. “Now what?”

“Lunch might not be a bad plan,” Edgar grinned, as he watched the burly American sway backwards and grab hold of the desk to steady himself.

Charles lifted his empty glass to his mouth, draining the last few drops. “Forget lunch – I think more scotch is in order!”


At this sudden proclamation, the other three turned to face Paul, who gurned back at them like a village idiot.

“What about it?”

Grabbing his coat from the chair in front of him, Paul pulled it on, picked up his sticks and headed towards the door before replying. “We can go there now, of course! They have scotch and they serve food. Two birds killed with one stone! Come along chaps, chop chop!”

Declaring this to be the best idea they had ever heard, Doug and Charles were eager to head after him. Charles, indeed, was so keen to leave that he didn’t even bother picking up his coat. Edgar, however, hung back.

“You three go on ahead – I’ll catch you up.”

“I sincerely hope you’re not trying to wriggle out of it,” Charles returned, a note of indignation in his voice.

“Of course not, idiot! I simply know that old hop-a-long there could do with a head start, and somebody has to clear up this mess before Monday or all his staff will think they’re working for a bunch of drunkards! Not such a good impression on the first day at the office! Now, out with the lot of you!” and picking up Charles’ coat and thrusting it at him, he manoeuvered the three of them towards the exit.

“Alright, alright!” Charles protested, doing up his coat and stumbling on the stairs as he went. “I don’t know how Evvy puts up with you if you’re as tough a taskmaster with her!”

“She’s far worse than I am as you well know! The tough man in me only comes out at work, I’m afraid. I’m a pussycat when I’m at home.”

“Yes, yes, whatever you say. Here, wait for me, you two!” and his brother-in-law forgotten, Charles barrelled down the stairs, determined not to be left behind.

Walking over to the window, Edgar grinned as he watched them head out onto Berkeley Square, laughing and joshing each other as they went. They looked more like overgrown schoolboys than company directors, even in their smart, Saville Row suits, and if it hadn’t been for Paul’s disability, it might have seemed to the casual observer that they didn’t have a care in the world.

He watched from the first floor window as they crossed the road and made their way into the public garden in the centre of the square. Then, turning back to the room, he collected up the tumblers and headed into the small kitchen to give them a wash. Once they were stored away in a large walnut cabinet in the corner of Paul’s study, he took a last look around to check that he hadn’t missed anything. His eyes fell on the photograph of Arthur, the whiskey and cigar still standing close by. Smiling at his father-in-law’s image, he picked up the drink.

“So what do you think? Did we pick the right man for the job?”

He glanced around the office, taking in the graphs and maps on the walls, the organisation chart on the cork board, the cabinet and bookcase heaving with folders full of research and the pre-orders that Paul and one of his staff had spent the last few months working so hard to achieve. Smiling to himself again, he raised his glass.

“Here’s to you, Arthur. We’ll do everything we can to do you proud.”

Downing the tot of whiskey, he placed the tumbler on Paul’s desk and stared at the photograph, sadness in his eyes.

“She still misses you terribly, you know. She’ll never say as much, of course, but sometimes I can see it in her eyes. More than anything, she hates that you never met your two little grandchildren. So do I.” He paused for a moment, swallowing hard and running his hand through his thick, greying hair. “They’re beautiful, Arthur. Just like their mummy. You would have adored them, old man, and they would have adored you right back, just as the other three did. I’m doing my best to take good care of them all, though. Just as you asked…”


Startled by his brother-in-law’s voice, Edgar spun round, his cheeks flushed red, to find Charles standing in the doorway of the study.

“I thought you’d gone?”

“I left my scarf. Just popped back to get it.” He held it up and they fell silent for a moment, Charles watching his friend with concerned eyes as Edgar, still blushing, stared at his shoes.

“You alright?” Charles eventually asked.

“Yes, yes of course. I…I was…was just…”

Edgar trailed off, embarrassed, but Charles gave him a reassuring smile.

“I do it too, you know. I was having quite a conversation with Mum just the other night, as it happens.” Despite himself, Edgar chuckled, and Charles heaved a sigh, slowly shaking his head. “Even now, when the doorbell rings, I half expect it to be the pair of them, standing there with their big goofy grins on their faces.”

“Yes, me too.”

They lapsed into silence again, and then Charles stepped forward and clapped his friend on the shoulder. “Come on, old chap. Let’s go and catch the other two up before they sink too much scotch at our expense!” He glanced down at his watch. “I’ll see you outside in two,” and before Edgar could say anything else, he disappeared back into the main office and down the stairs.

Edgar rinsed the tumbler quickly under the tap, returning it to Paul’s study, and then pulled the keys out of his pocket, ready to lock up. As he reached the doorway, his gaze fell on Arthur’s picture once more and he paused for a second, staring at the kindly eyes and warm smile of his former friend. Then, with a smile and a small nod of his head in Arthur’s direction, he left the room and quietly closed the study door.

#222:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:30 am
Awwww, you've got me filling up here. Josie. Crying or Very sad

Thanks. Laughing

#223:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:11 am
That was beautiful.

Thanks Jo

#224:  Author: Ruth BLocation: Oxford, UK PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:31 am
That was lovely, thank you Josie!

And always love Edgar and Paul's drunken antics.

#225:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:20 pm
Thanks, Jo. I hope that everything will go well at the new office.

#226:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:55 pm
Echoes the 'Awww'. That was lovely. I'm really glad to see Paul back to his old self and feeling secure.

Thanks Josie.

#227:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:12 am
Oh, that was so poignant - and so true; you never stop talking to them.

#228:  Author: AliceLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 10:46 am
That was beautiful. Thanks Josie.

#229:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 10:40 pm
Thank you Jo!!
That was so sweet, and sad at the same time. Crying or Very sad

#230:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:11 pm
Thank you Jo. I have tears in my eyes. Very poignant (sp?) Crying or Very sad Smile

#231:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:05 am
Me in tears. Thanks Jo.

#232:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:16 pm
“Uncle Edgar, wake up!

Roused from his semi-sleep, Edgar slowly opened one eye, just as a small hand came through the open car window and began shaking him roughly by the shoulder.

“Shhh. I’m sleeping,” he mumbled, and then closed his eye again.

Lily Rodwell withdrew her arm and frowned. “No you’re not. You just talked to me.”

“I’m sleep-talking.”

“You’re being silly!” she announced primly, putting her hands on her hips and drawing herself up to her full eight-year-old height. “Mummy said to tell you the final starts in ten minutes and you have to come now or she’ll tell Auntie Evvy what a slob you’ve been today and then Auntie Evvy’ll tell you off!”

At this, Edgar opened both eyes and turned his head, fixing his young god-daughter with a baleful glare. “You’re becoming more like your mother every day, do you know that?”

Lily simply beamed back at him. He had known Elsie long enough, however, to realise that she was more than capable of acting on her words and not wanting to risk a tongue-lashing from his wife, he heaved a resigned sigh and climbed out of the car.

“There. Happy now?”

“Yes!” Lily turned and ran back towards her mother, who was standing beside the rugby pitch with Charles. “Mummy, he’s awake!”

Elsie turned around and grinned at Edgar as he walked towards her, trying his best to straighten his somewhat dishevelled clothes.

Today was the day of the national inter-school rugby tournament. Ned was playing for Harrow and as promised, Edgar, together with Charles, Elsie, Paul and Lily, had come along to watch. It also happened to be the day after the AJL office celebration and the subsequent trip to White’s, and consequently, the three men were feeling somewhat worse for wear. Or at least, Edgar and Paul were. Charles, much to his friends’ disgust, was looking remarkably chipper, which was only making the other two feel even worse.

While Paul gradually felt worse as the day wore on, Edgar had at least managed keep his enthusiasm going as Harrow won their way past all of their opponents. However, the recent exertion of the semi-final had eventually got the better of him and, as there was to be a half-hour wait until the final and Ned had been spirited away with the rest of the team, he had decided to have a quick lie down in the car.

Now, as he approached the rest of his party, Elsie looked him up and down with a critical eye. “You’re looking a little peaky, Sir Edgar.”

“You’re not funny, Mrs. Rodwell.”

Elsie shrugged. “It serves you right if you’re feeling out of sorts. I warned you all what would happen if you overindulged yesterday, but would you listen to me? No. And now I’ve been proved right. I’ve no sympathy for you whatsoever.”

“So you keep saying.”

Charles laughed at the indignant tone in his friend’s voice, and Edgar glared at him, disgruntled.

“You can stop laughing too! I can’t believe you’re still looking so chipper. I was sure you’d have wilted by now.”

“I told you, it’s my miraculous metabolism. I’ve never yet suffered from a muzzy head the day after a scotch or two and I don’t intend to start now.” Edgar muttered something incoherent under his breath and Charles chuckled. “If it’s any consolation, old boy, you’re doing a damn sight better than Paul is.”

Edgar frowned and looked around him. Until now, he hadn’t realised that Paul was missing. “Where is he?”

“Over there.”

Hearing the note of despair in Elsie’s voice, Edgar turned his gaze in the direction that she was pointing and found himself looking at one of the magnificent old oak trees that surround the rugby pitches. In the shade of the side branches was Paul, propped up against the great trunk, his walking sticks beside him.

“What’s he doing there?”



“Yes. Much as you were in the car until a few minutes ago.”

“I wasn’t sleeping! I was just resting my eyes!”

“Of course you were.”

“Mummy, can I go and wake Daddy up too?”

“No, Lily, you leave him be for now. He’ll only grumble and grouch and I could do without that, thank you very much. He’ll be bad enough when we have to get…”

A terrific roar from the crowd drowned out the rest of her sentence and the whole party turned back to the rugby pitch, Lily pulling a sulky face and crossing her arms across her chest, just in time to see the Harrow team run out on to pitch. Catching sight of Ned, they all waved in his direction, jumping up and down manically and calling his name. Added to the entire Under 15 team, who had come runners-up in their own tournament and were now cheering on their old captain, and the several Park Third Years who had made the trip to South-West London, his supporters certainly made themselves heard.

Ned glanced around and gave an embarrassed half-wave, looking rather like he wanted to disappear inside his shirt.

“Quite the supporters club you have going there, Watson,” Bronson said, laughing at his friend’s discomfort.

“Don’t! It’s so embarrassing!”

“Oh, don’t be such a fathead! You’ve ten times the support of anyone else. My father’s the only one who bothered to turn up for me!”

“You can have mine too if you like!”

“You don’t mean that!”

Ned grinned. “Try me.”

Bronson shook his head as he headed off down the pitch to take his position on the wing. “You’re a chump. You’re pleased as punch and you know it,” he called over his shoulder as he went.

Ned laughed as he watched his friend run across the trampled grass. Bronson was right. He was rather chuffed at his support, especially as his father was there to see him play in his first senior final. Grinning to himself, he ran off to take up his position on the pitch, determined to make Edgar proud.


Meanwhile, back in Geneva, Evadne had kicked off her shoes and was curled up on one of the large, comfortable sofas, a copy of Pride and Prejudice clutched in her hand, a jug of cold juice on a nearby table and Pickle curled up on the cushion next to her. A few feet away, Milly lay in her cradle, blissfully asleep for once, and outside on the sun-drenched lawn, the Bowns’ two daughters, Ann and Emily, were playing with Henry and Scrabble.

Evadne had never really got on with Jane Austen, but on hearing that her friend had never read about Elizabeth Bennett, Emma Woodhouse et al, Joey Maynard had declared her to be a heathen of the highest order and to prove her wrong, Evvy was determined to get through at least one Austen novel, however long it took. So far, it had taken her two weeks to get to page fourteen and she was already thoroughly bored. Looking longingly at her newest copy of The New Yorker, sent in a parcel from Cassie, she turned back to her book with a sigh. Three more pages until the end of the chapter, then she could put it down for today and turn her attention to more pleasurable things.

She had scarcely finished the next paragraph when she was interrupted by Scrabble’s frenzied barking, and the next moment Janice Bown appeared at the patio doors, a stack of envelopes in her hand.

Evadne looked up with a grin. “Did you get everything?”

“I did indeed. Bills, more bills, letter from our accountant, letter from Aunt Agatha…” Jan grimaced, causing her friend to laugh. “…letter for somebody from the Gornetz Platz,” she added, directing the comment over her shoulder.

Ann shrieked at her mother’s words and darted forward to grab the letter, pausing only to say thank you before turning and running to a quiet place on the lawn. The two adults watched as she selected a spot in the shade of a large tree and sat down, ripping open the envelope eagerly.

“I don’t think we realised what it would be like for those two to be parted, did we?” Evadne said, frowning as her friend pushed past Scrabble and entered the room. “I know I’d have hated it if Corney had been sent to another school, even though I had all my other friends.”

Jan lowered herself into an armchair, resting her feet on a pouffe, and shook her head. “I know. She and Ingrid are pally enough, but it’s just not the same. I’ve never seen her as subdued as she’s been these past seven months. Still,” she added, pulling a thin, white envelope out from the stack and holding it up, “it won’t be for much longer. She wasn’t the only person to get a letter from the Gornetz Platz.”

Evadne sat up as she caught sight of the Chalet School crest on the envelope.

“There’s a place ready and waiting for her come September.”

“Oh, Jan, that’s marvellous! Marcia’ll be so thrilled!” Then, catching the expression on her friend's face, she asked, “Are you sure you really want to go through with it, though?”

“Not really, but we will do,” Jan replied, a note of resignation in her voice. “If I had my way, I’d keep both my girls home with me – I don’t even like Rupert being away – but Ann’s been so low these past two terms and ultimately I’d rather miss her and see her happy than have her like this. Jonty feels the same.”

“When are you going to tell her?”

“Well, Jonty’s home tomorrow sometime, so we’ll sit her down then, I suppose.” Janice sat back, looking a little sad. “It seems so strange to be sending my baby away. Somehow it seems even worse with a girl. I don’t know why.”

Evvy shot her friend a sympathetic smile. “We found the same thing. Edgar more than me, of course – he had them with him all their life, after all. But if it’s any consolation, it does make up for it a little when you see them so happy that first half-term. It’s done absolute wonders for Thea. And them being in Switzerland is so much better than England. You can see them for the odd weekend, and hopefully our apartment in Interlaken will go through in the next few weeks. Then we can all go stay there for school plays and you and Jonty can borrow it whenever you want to.”

There was a heavy silence for a moment, as Janice mulled this over. Eventually, she gave a world-weary sigh. “Oh, I know you’re right.” Her face broke into a smile. “I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she finds out she’s off to the Chalet School.”

“I’m going to the Chalet School?

The two women jumped at the new voice and looked round to see Ann standing at the patio doors, a look of shock on her face. Janice shot Evadne a desperate glance.

“I…I don’t think your mom said it was you we were talking about, did she?” Evadne asked, clutching at straws.

“But it was me, wasn’t it?” She fixed pleading eyes on her mother’s face. “Am I really going to the Chalet School? Please say I am, Mum.”

Jan stared at her daughter for a moment, and then shook her head. “Well I was going to wait until I’d spoken to your father before I told you, but yes, you're going to the Chalet School in September.”

“I’m going to the Chalet School!” Ann’s voice rose to a squeak, and she squealed loudly as she ran to the armchair and threw her arms around her mother. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Janice laughed as she hugged her, throwing a wary glance in Milly’s direction, but the young girl was still fast asleep. “Well I’m glad you’re pleased.”

“I can’t believe it! Wait ‘til I tell Marcia! I’m going to write to her right now!” She pulled back and turned to Evadne. “Lady Watson, please can I borrow some writing paper?”

Evadne grinned. “No, but you can have some if you like,” she teased. “I don’t want it back with your scribbles all over it! It’s in the bureau in the snug.” Ann ran off in that direction and Evvy called after her, “Careful when you open it, though, it’s rather…”

Ann disappeared, slamming the snug door behind her.

“…full! Oh well, she’ll find out soon enough! Or about now,” she added with a chuckle, as a shriek sounded from behind the close door. “So much for keeping it a secret then?”

Jan rolled her eyes. “Goodness only knows what Jonty’ll say. Still, at least she’s excited.” She sat back and stared at the closed door, behind which Ann could be heard talking to herself as she banged around, trying to repack the bureau. “I can’t tell you how glad I am to see that smile on her face.”


In the end, the final was a thrilling, close-run match, with Harrow losing by just two points to what had been seen as far superior opposition in the shape of the tournament hosts, St. Paul’s. Daish, Harrow’s erstwhile captain, was prone to be bit a gloomy at the result but the rest of the team were really quite thrilled. They had never been expected to reach the final, let alone put up such a good fight. Any disappointment they felt was tempered by having thrashed their great rivals, Eton, in the semi-final, which was always guaranteed to put a smile on any Harrovian’s face.

Edgar had lasted admirably through the match, cheering his son on with as much vim as he could muster and hoping he could hide his true desire to just be at home, asleep in an armchair in front of a roaring fire. It was to his great relief, therefore, that when Ned appeared, bursting with joy over the way Harrow had played, his son seemed to only hear the enthusiasm in his voice.

Edgar and Charles said their congratulations and then waited patiently while Ned was surrounded by his former teammates and friends, all eager to talk about every detail of the game. Harry, who had travelled down on the Harrow supporters’ coach, was busy extolling the virtues of Ned’s try when Piers Lloyd-Kitchen appeared, a supercilious look on his face.

“It was just lucky, if you ask me.”

Tony Laskar was quick to jump to his friend’s defence. “No it wasn’t and you know it. He spotted a tiny gap in the opposition line, sold them a quite brilliant dummy,” he nodded at Ned, who grinned immodestly in return, “and dashed in over the line. He even got underneath the posts.”

“I still say it was lucky.”

“Well I’d like to see you do it!”

Piers turned to Ned and looked him up and down, a smirk touching his lips. “A chimpanzee could do it with a gap as wide as they left him,” he sneered, and then turned to walk off.

Ned decided he had had enough, as his friends protested at Lloyd-Kitchen’s cheek. “You’re just jealous that I’m in the Firsts and you’re not, you mook!” he called at Piers’ retreating back.

As he made a somewhat rude hand gesture in return to one from Lloyd-Kitchen, he felt a presence behind him and heard his father’s voice in his ear.

“That wasn’t very nice.”

“He’s an idiot, he deserved it!”

“Even so…”

Ned pulled an incredulous face and was about to accuse his father of sticking up for Piers when Charles intervened.

“Right, how about we get off for tea? I’ve been looking forward to scones and clotted cream ever since I had my lunch! Which was hours ago, I hasten to add!”

His grievances instantly forgotten at the mention of food, Ned asked brightly, “Can Harry come? Britches said it was okay…”


“Mr. Bristow. He said is was okay if you said so.”

Edgar shrugged and gave his son’s friend a warm smile. “More the merrier as far as I’m concerned.”

Charles clapped his hands together briskly. “Come along then, let’s get going before I eat my own arm!”

Ned and Harry laughed, said their goodbyes, and then followed Edgar and Charles towards the car.

“Where are we going?” Ned asked, as he hurried to keep up with his father’s long, loping stride.

“The Petersham in Richmond. I thought we could have tea overlooking the river, and then we can just scoot around the outskirts of London to take you back to school.”

He looked down and smiled at his son, surprised to note that the lad had shot up so much since Christmas that his head now reached his father’s shoulder.

“You’ll be taller than me if you keep growing at this rate!”

“It’s about time! I’ve been short and scrawny for far too long! Now I’m tall and scrawny instead! At least I’ll be taller than Evvy when I next see her!”

Edgar chuckled. “So, I trust your term’s been good?”

“The best! I’ve got my own study at last, and now I’m in the Firsts! What more do I want?”

“And work?”

“I was seventh in the year on last week’s lists. Harry was first, of course, but that’s ‘cause he’s a swot!”

More than used to Ned’s insults at his academic achievements, after almost seven years of friendship, Harry simply rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you tell him about yesterday?”

Edgar raised his eyebrows. “What about yesterday?” he asked warily, wondering what bombshell was about to be dropped on him.

Ned gave a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. “Oh nothing much. Daish just announced that I’m now a member of The Phil!” and his face broke in to a wide grin.

“Oh Ned, that’s marvellous!” Edgar clapped his son heartily on the back, almost causing him to choke. “Well done, son, well done. I’m so proud of you! Just wait ‘til I tell Evvy…”

“She won’t have a clue what you’re talking about!”

I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about!” Charles put in. “What’s The Phil when it’s at home?”

“The Philatheletic. Only the school’s top athletes are allowed in,” Edgar announced proudly, “and they get to wear a black bow-tie. It really is an honour.”

“Well that’s fantastic.”

“I know.” Ned beamed at his Uncle. “And I’d have been the youngest ever member too, if Dad hadn’t been born in June!” They reached the car as he spoke, and as Charles took out his keys to unlock the doors, Ned looked around, something suddenly occurring to him. “Dad, where are Uncle Paul and Auntie Elsie?”

“They’ve gone home.”


“Uncle Paul had a rather unfortunate soaking, that’s why.”

Ned and Harry looked up at the bright blue sky and then back at each other, confused.

“Soaking from where?”

“Well…” Edgar exchanged amused glances with Charles. “He fell asleep under a tree and Lily thought it would be funny to wake him up using the contents of the thermos,” he replied, trying not to laugh. “Thankfully the tea was only lukewarm, but she’s in rather a lot of trouble and Uncle Paul looks like he’s had a rather unfortunate accident.”

The two boys laughed and Ned pulled open the car door. “Bet I look like a little angel now,” he quipped, as he climbed in.

Edgar chuckled as he got in himself. “Don’t push it, sunshine.” He grinned, closing the door after him, and then, turned to Charles, as that gentleman started the engine, “Drive on please, James! Quickly as you can!”


A few days later, over at the Chalet School, Marcia peered through the sight of her camera and then lowered it again, putting her hands on her hips.

“Emmy, I told you to bunch up!”

“I did!”

“But I still can’t see you properly!”

“Well what do you want me to do?” Emmy Friedrich got to her feet, looking somewhat put out. “Sit on Yolande’s lap?”

“Oooo, yes, that would be good.”

“She’s not sitting on my lap! I’m smaller than her, she’ll squash me!”

Robina grimaced in despair. “Marcia, will you just take the picture? It’s not as if it’s important to see Emmy – you’ve taken a thousand photos of us all since you got that thing!”

Marcia pulled a face at her friend, and then quickly snapped the picture as Robina gurned in return.

“That’s not fair! I wasn’t ready!”

“Serves you right for being mean!”

“Marcia, you’ve got a letter. So’ve you, Rob.”

Abandoning their argument, the Upper Thirds turned to see Marie Angeot standing in the doorway, waving a handful of post.

“Marie, you missed the photo! I knew there was someone missing!” Marcia shook her head in despair. “Now I’ll have to take another one.”

Val Pertwee darted forward and grabbed the camera from her friend’s hand. “No!”

“Give it back, it’s mine!”

“You can have it back at the end of the day.”

“But I have to practice – I want to be a photographer!”

“You’ve got three…no, four…no…oh, loads of years to practice,” Val retorted, giving up on counting in her head. “You’re only eleven – we don’t leave school ‘til we’re eighteen!”

“You’re horrid, Val Pertwee!”

“I don’t care!”



“Your letter?”

“Ooo, yes!” Forgetting Val, Marcia swung round and took the letter from Marie’s outstretched hand. “It’s from Ann!”

Val’s eyes narrowed. “Didn’t she just write to you the other day?”

Marcia nodded. “She must have news or be bored. Or maybe she’s got too much writing paper. I bet that’s it.”

As the others returned to their own conversations, she ripped the envelope open and pulled out the letter, her eyes scanning the first few lines. The next moment, she let out a high-pitched squeal, making her friends jump.

“What’s wrong with you?” Marie asked, looking thoroughly startled at the squeaking noises her friend was making.

Marcia ignored her and turned to Val instead, grabbing that young lady’s arm. “Val, you’ll never guess? Ann’s coming to the Chalet School!”

Val looked taken aback. “What do you mean?”

“What I say - she’s coming to The Chalet School! In September! Her mum told her the other day!” She let out another squeal and jumped up and down. “It’s so exciting! My very best friend is coming to school with me!”

She was so busy babbling about her news that she failed to notice the black look that had descended on Val’s face. Instead, she hugged that young lady, squealed again and ran across the room towards her sister, who was playing cards with her friends.

“Thea! Thea, guess what? Ann’s coming to the Chalet School! How thrilling is that?”


Edgar paid the taxi driver and then turned to face his house, a broad smile on his face. It was now the Thursday after the rugby tournament and he was finally back in Geneva. It certainly felt good to be home. Opening his front door, he pushed it back and made his way into the vast, entrance hall. His arrival was met by a resounding silence. Not even Scrabble came bounding out to say hello. Surprised at the lack of greeting, Edgar was about to call out when he heard his son’s childish giggles coming from the salon, swiftly followed by his wife’s pretty laugh. Quietly placing his suitcases beside him, he tiptoed across the entrance hall and peered through the open salon door.

A big pile of cushions was set up in front of the sofa and sitting in the middle of them, propped almost upright, was four-month-old Milly, showing a great deal of interest in her own hands and feet. Scrabble, who had adored the tiny girl from the outset and treated her with a gentle reverence afforded to nobody else in the family, was lying beside her. Every so often he would turn his head slightly and nuzzle her leg, causing her to giggle as his cold, wet nose touched her bare skin.

The room itself looked like a stationery factory had exploded inside it. There were scraps of writing paper all over the floor and bits of sellotape stuck to every available surface. Sitting in the middle of it all was Evadne, surrounded by screwed-up balls of paper, each one bound together with sticky tape. Henry was standing in front of her, one of the paper balls clutched in his chubby fists. Bringing both hands down, he threw the ball towards his mother and giggled as it landed about a foot away from him.

Evvy clapped and laughed, congratulating him on being so clever as she reached out to pick up the ball. Then, sitting upright, she gently threw the ball back to him, clapping again as he almost caught it.

Edgar watched, a wide smile on his face, as Henry bent to pick up the ball.

“That looks like a fun game, little man!”

At the sound of his father’s voice, Henry looked round, squealed and ran towards him with a cry of “Daddy!”, the paper ball still clutched in his hand. Edgar laughed and stooped to pick him up, swinging him above his head, as Henry giggled and kicked his legs.

Giving her husband a beaming smile, Evadne got to her feet and was almost tripped up by Scrabble, who had suddenly noticed that his master was home.

“A fine guard dog you are!” she grumbled, putting a hand out to steady herself as the Labrador bounded around Edgar’s feet, barking loudly and paying her no attention whatsoever. “Any burglars will have made off with half our belongings before you wake up to the fact that they’re there!”

Holding Henry with one arm, Edgar bent to pat Scrabble’s head and grinned as he surveyed the chaos around them. “Are you trying to start a pulping factory? Or did a writing pad upset you somewhere along the line?”

“We’ve been making balls to play with, haven’t we, precious? We had to make several spare though ‘cause Scrabble kept tearing them up! That’s why it looks as if a bomb’s hit the place!” Evadne jigged Henry’s leg as she raised her face for her husband’s kiss. “Show Daddy your ball.”

Henry held his hand up, proudly showing off ‘his’ creation, and Edgar admired it thoroughly, giving his son a kiss on the cheek. When he tried to take it out of his hand, however, Henry was having none of it and snatched it back with a cry of “Mine!”

“Wont you let me see it?”

Edgar reached out to pull his son’s hand forward, but Henry jerked his fist back again with another protest of “Mine!” and then began to wriggle to get down.

“Alright, alright, it’s yours, I know. Remind me to have words with you sometime about sharing.” Edgar lowered the little boy to the ground and then, as Henry toddled off towards his baby sister, he turned back to his wife, holding out his arms. “Come here, you, and greet me properly!”

With a wide smile on her face, Evadne let him pull her towards him, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck. When he finally released her, Edgar pulled back, his hands on her shoulders, and swept his keen eyes across her face. He was pleased to note that some of the colour had returned to her cheeks and, although faint bruises were still visible beneath her eyes, they were markedly lighter than they had been a fortnight ago.

“Well you’re certainly looking better, anyway.”

“I’m feeling better too. Heaps better in fact. Jan and Alice were absolute wonders, Edgar. I’ve spent most of the last two weeks asleep and I feel almost as good as new!”

“I’m so glad, darling. I really was worried about you.” He smiled and pecked her on the lips. “So tell me, what’s been happening while I’ve been away? How’s our little madam over there?” and he nodded his head towards Milly, who was now showing great interest in the ball that Henry was holding in front of her.

“Just as precious and wonderful and uppity as ever! And you’ll never guess? She actually slept a whole four hours last night, all in one go! Admittedly she cried solidly once she woke up at two a.m. but still, a whole four hours!” Evadne sounded overjoyed. “She’s not done that since she was two weeks old!”

“Did she now?” He chuckled as he knelt down in front of his baby daughter, kissing the tiny girl on the cheek and taking hold of one of her hands. “Hello my little Moo. Have you been a good girl for Mummy?” Milly looked up at him, giving him a big, gummy smile and his eyes opened wide as he noticed the single tooth at the front of her mouth. “Well, look at you! When did you get that?”

“Two days after you left. Doesn’t she look grown up?”

“She certainly does!” He dropped another kiss on Milly’s head, pausing a moment to take in her comforting baby smell, and then sat back on his heels. “So, what other news is there?” he asked, manoeuvring himself backwards until he was sitting against the sofa.

Evadne lowered herself down next to him. “Nothing much really. Ann found out that Jan and Jonty are sending her off to the Chalet School, and she wasted no time in writing to Marcia, so I imagine we have one very happy child, at the very least! But never mind that. Tell me, how was England? Did the office opening all go okay? How are Charles and Paul and Elsie? And did you see Ned play?”

Edgar proceeded to fill her in on his time away, from the opening of the office to Ned’s tournament. Then, leaving her chuckling to herself at the tale of Paul falling asleep under the tree (he had managed to paint himself in a somewhat more favourable light), he headed back out into the hallway and returned a minute later with the smaller of his two bags.

“I’ve some things for you.” He sat down next to her again and began to fish around in the bag. “Firstly, this is from Elsie,” he said, pulling out a large, square tin. “She said to tell you it’s a Milly survival pack.”

Curious, Evadne took it from him and took the top off to find it contained the following, all neatly labelled by her friend: two eye patches and half a cucumber, for the bags under her eyes, some cotton wool for her ears, to block out the crying, and two bars of Cadbury’s chocolate, for those times when nothing else will work. Laughing, she replaced the lid and set it aside.

“I think that’s about everything covered!”

“Pretty much! She also sent this for Henry’s birthday.” Edgar pulled out a brightly wrapped parcel and placed it on the sofa behind him before Henry could see it. “Not to be opened for two more weeks, of course! And last but not least,” as he fished in the bag again and pulled out a photograph, “this is for you from me!”

“What is it?” Evvy took hold of it, shooting her husband a quizzical look, and then laughed as she saw that it was of the four men, crowded around her father’s picture, whiskey and cigars in hand. “You found somewhere for it! I knew you would. And scotch and cigars too. Poppa would be very proud!” Clutching the photo in one hand, she reached up and kissed her husband softly on the cheek. “Thanks again for going, Edgar. I know it’s what he would have wanted.”

“Well you’re very welcome. I’m jolly glad I went as well.”

As he spoke, she turned her eyes back to the picture and, seeing the wistful expression on her face, Edgar put an arm around her shoulders and dropped a kiss on her curls. Evadne leant her body into his and looked up with a grateful smile, knowing that he understood without her having to say a word.

Meanwhile, Henry, deciding he was bored with his sister, had toddled back to his parents and with his mother’s attention diverted, he reached out to pull back the photograph in her hand.


His parents turned to face him, looks of astonishment on their faces. They had both shown him photographs of Arthur before and explained that it was ‘Grandpa’ but they had no idea that he had taken it in.

Evadne raised her eyebrows. “Did you just say Grandpa?”

Henry looked back at her for a moment and then headed off towards the nearby dresser, on which several family photos stood. Standing beneath it, he pointed up above his head and said, “Nanpa!” Then, toddling back to his parents, he pointed to Evadne’s hand and said “Nanpa” once more.

Evadne stared at him in amazement. “I can’t believe you recognised Grandpa!”

Laughing, Edgar reached out and ruffled his curls. “Someone’s becoming a regular little Einstein!”

“See, I told you he was a genius! You’re so clever, aren’t you, sugar-pie?” Evadne grinned at her son, her eyes shining with pride.

Clearly agreeing with his mother, Henry grinned widely and cried “Clefer”, clapping his hands together in delight. He was still clutching the ball and the next moment, his hands missed each other and he poked himself in the eye with the paper. His little face screwed up in misery, more out of shock than anything else, and chuckling, Edgar reached out and pulled him into his arms for a cuddle.

“The genius just comes out now and then, doesn’t it, little one?” Removing the ball from his son’s hand, Edgar checked for any damage and then wrapped his arms around the small boy, rocking him gently to soothe him. “Come on, my brave little lad, it’s alright. No harm done.”

Stroking her son’s fair curls as he buried his face in his father’s shirt, Evadne laughed. “You see to him and I’ll go ask Guilia to make you a cup of tea.”

Edgar glanced up at her, a pleading look on his face. “Will you make it for me? Please? I’ve missed your tea. Elsie’s isn’t nearly so good.”

Secretly rather pleased at this compliment, Evvy did her best to act nonchalant. “Well as you asked nicely, I think that could be arranged. On one condition though – you keep a close eye on Milly while I’m gone.”

“Consider it done!”

“Then you have a deal!” Grinning, she got to her feet, dropping a kiss on her husband’s head as she did so, the photograph still clutched in her hand.

“What are you going to do with that?” Edgar asked, curious.

“I’m not sure. Oh, I know!” and crossing the room, she reached up and fixed the picture in the corner of the huge, framed, antique mirror above the mantle. “There you are, Nanpa. You can live up there for now. I’ll put you in an album another day.”

== ==

As Evadne closed the photo album, Scrabble rose to his feet and looked up at his mistress with expectant eyes. She grinned down at him, scratching his ears.

“I know, old boy. I did promise, didn’t I?” Glancing down at her watch she saw that it was only just gone two o’clock. “Come on then, let’s head down to the park.”

Getting to her feet, she picked up her coffee cup and plate as Scrabble padded towards the house, his tail wagging manically. She turned to follow and then, with second thought, she stopped and turned back, picking up the next album and placing it on the table in front of her seat.

“There. Now the next year’s all ready for my return.”

...and that's it for Chapter 3. Thanks so much for reading and for all your lovely comments all the way through. Very Happy

And thanks for persevering with this. I'm amazed anyone's still reading it! Apologies that it's not been a hugely exciting chapter, but there were lots of things I needed to get in that are really important to the future plot.

Chapter 4 will start very shortly...

Last edited by Josie on Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:09 pm; edited 2 times in total

#233:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:46 pm
Thanks, Josie. I'm glad that Millie is sleeping for longer periods. Well done to Ned and the rest of the team for doing so well in the tournament!

#234:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:59 pm
Another lovely episode - love Edgar and Paul's suffering the day after their drinking session! Pleased for Ned and that Ann will be joining Marcia - though Val wasn't too happy about it, was she.

Thanks Josie. Laughing

#235:  Author: KarryLocation: Stoke on Trent PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:05 pm
This was lovely, thank you for finishing it! I was in tears at Henry - my husband died when my daughter was 4 years old, the age her son is now. They have a picture of Alan on the bookcase, and Alex knows it is grandad, and quite often just goes over and gives it a kiss! Looking forward to Chapter 4!

#236:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:40 pm
Thanks so much for this Josie - I know I don't often comment, but it's one of my "must keep up with" drabbles and I can't wait for the next chapter

#237:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:49 pm
That was lovely Jo, although I see fireworks ahead from Val as the green-eyed monster takes control.
Little Henry was so sweet, and yay for Millie starting to sleep a bit more!

#238:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:21 am
That was very refreshing Josie. Thank you.[/b]

#239:  Author: pimLocation: Hemel Hempstead PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:10 am
Thanks Jo. Can't wait for the next part Smile Henry is so cute & awaiting fireworks at the school!

#240:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:24 am
Thank you Josie, yet again I am crying as I finish reading this but I *think* its tears of joy rather than sadness. This is the ONLY drabble I have continuously kept up with (even if I do have several installments at once sometimes) and I love it so much. Looking forward to the next chapter Smile

#241:  Author: KarolineLocation: Leeds, West Yorkshire PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:34 pm
Thanks Josie, I'll be looking forward to the next part Very Happy

#242:  Author: Ruth BLocation: Oxford, UK PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:21 pm
Lovely, thank you Josie.

Looking forward to Chapter 4!

#243:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:17 am
Yay thank you Jo. Looking forward to the next chapter!

#244:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:45 pm
Thanks Jo, very much looking forward to Chapter 4 too!

LOL @ Paul's 'accident' Very Happy

#245:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:51 pm
A wonderful ending to Chapter 3

Thank you Jo Very Happy

*awaiting Chapter 4 with more eagerness than patience* Wink

#246:  Author: KatLocation: Kingston PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:37 pm
Huzzah! *Cheering wildly*

Very Happy

Thank you, Jo!

Can't wait for Chpt 4 to start... Wink Very Happy

#247:  Author: Trinka PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:55 pm
Josi ---

I finished and breathed a sigh of satisfaction. This is just fantastic, and I can't wait for the next chapter. Don't wait too long!

Very Happy

#248:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:24 pm
Awww that was a beautiful ending to the Chapter.

Thanks Jo

#249:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:48 am
Perfectly wonderful, Josie!

*anxiously awaits next year's story*

(and hopes for many more Very Happy)

#250:  Author: GemLocation: Saltash/Aberystwyth PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:37 pm
Just caught up, Jo - finally! I've loved every minute, and am waiting for the day when Ned finally ends up sorting things out with Piers (which I'm sure he will). They're all so real.

#251:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:39 pm
Thanks, Jo. I've just managed to catch up on it, and now I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

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