Gillian and Peter
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#1: Gillian and Peter Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:38 am

Peter waited nervously at the park gates. His heart pounded and his hands felt damp and clammy as he balled them into fists before stretching them out again.

Gillian hurried, “parking in this pace is horrendous!” she thought. She paused a second to check her reflection in her compact. Guiltily she snapped it shut. “What would the other mistresses thing?” She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear before continuing her walk.

Peter, now hands in pockets, pacing around in a circle, had just about convinces himself that she had abandoned him to a fate of loneliness when a voice interrupted his thoughts.
“ I say old fellow, what on earth are you doing here?”
He looked up to see a rather stout gingery young man in glasses. Looking puzzled he wracked his brains, trying hard to place him.

“Daniel Curtis!” bellowed the man, pumping Peter’s hand in a meaty shake. Peter’s brain was still struggling to make the connection when a rather more gentile voice spoke.
“Peter?” asked Gillian. “Sorry I’m late”. Peter turned and smiled, pleasure written all over his face and a sigh of relief that he had an excuse to escape from this rather odious chap.

“Don’t say you don’t remember me!” laughed the man who has introduced himself as Daniel. “Art College. 1951. We shared a studio for a couple of months, some problem you had with the lights in yours.”

The memory came flooding back to Peter, remembering with reluctance Dan Curtis, a rather hopeless artist who had somehow attracted the attention of all the ladies at college.
“Daniel?” said Peter, thinking that politeness was a more appropriate way to deal with this man. “This is my friend, Miss Gillian Linton.”
“Charming to meet you Miss Linton” said Daniel with a slow smirk creeping across his face.

Gillian recoiled in horror. Who was this slug with his carroty upper lip covering and rather sweaty palms? She moved closer to Peter and smiled up at him, hoping he would read the desperate signals she was sending with her smile.
“Well, you’ve certainly bagged yourself a fine piece there,” said Daniel, leering provocatively in the young mistress’ direction. Peter was embarrassed and put his hand on Gillian’s arm, to reassure her that they would not be lingering there.

“Unfortunately we must dash,” said Peter, “lunch reservations and all.”
“Oh no old stick,” exclaimed Daniel, we must luncheon together. I am sure this young filly and I have plenty to get to know about each other and you and I should catch up too. It must be what five? Six years?”
“Another time I’m afraid,” replied Peter to Gillian’s relief. She could not imagine having to spend any more time with this horrid man.
Peter reluctantly held out the card of his hotel, and before Daniel could utter another word, whisked his beautiful companion off to lunch.

Daniel meanwhile, having ascertained that Peter Young was a current resident of Hereford Gate Hotel, set about making the acquaintance of the towns bars and restaurants.

He began by lunching in the Royal Tavern, which was not quite as luxurious as the restaurant that Gillian and Peter had visited, and his Roast Beef arrived cold, in a sandwich with some rather poor tasting mustard.

The sandwich was then washed down by two pints of bitter and a brandy chaser before Daniel left. He spent a pleasant afternoon in another, even seedier place, playing cards and drinking yet more brandy before he found himself in the bar of the Hereford Gate. After buying a drink, he set up residence in the corner, keeping well out the way of a rather officious looking bar manager.

By the time he had started his third drink, and had purchased some rather fine cigars, he had manoeuvred himself to a seat at the bar, where he had a much wider view of the clientele. Catching the eye of a stunning brunette, Daniel felt rather pleased with himself.

Fortunately for Daniel the brunette’s male companion was rather more engrossed in his newspaper than he was in her, and he was just about to signal to her to join him when Peter appeared in the doorway.

He walked over to the bar, occupied in thought, and without seeing Daniel, ordered himself a large whisky. He ran a hand through his windblown hair and exchanged pleasantries with the bar manager.

“Peter”, bellowed Daniel loudly, volume increasing with the amount of Brandy he had drunk, and his obvious pleasure at having a companion, even if it was not of the female variety.

Peter tried to turn a blind eye to this rather red faced shouty man, thinking instead of the wonderful time he had spent with Gillian.
Seated at a table for two at Hereford’s most exclusive restaurant, Peter was full of apologies for Daniel’s behaviour.
“How can you ever forgive me?” he said. “ I am mortified that of all times and all places he recognised me!”
“Were you close at College?” enquired Gillian.
Peter tried to stifle a chuckle and, failing miserably, clasped Gillian’s hand as a mouthful of wine went down the wrong way.
“No!” he spluttered. “Have never been able to stand the guy!” There was a flood in the studio above mine and it got into the electrics. Curtis there had a larger space to work in than most, so I was shunted off there while everything was sorted out. Could not stand him. It was the worst few weeks work I’ve ever managed, what with having to avoid him each day!”
Gillian laughed, relieved that Daniel was not a friend she would have to see regularly in Peters’ company.

She coloured as she realised that she had been thinking about seeing Peter in the future.
“When do you leave Hereford?” she asked, trying to cover up her previous thoughtfulness.
“Oh I haven’t quite decided yet,” he responded, topping up her glass with more wine. “It’s been most enjoyable getting to know this part of the country, and getting to know my god daughter and her friends as well.” He looked at Gillian and smiled. “And of course there are other attractions,” he spoke softly at this last and squeezed her hand gently.

“It’s just a pity about that fool Curtis,” he added, sensing a need to change the subject. “I hope I can managed to avoid him for the rest of my visit! I am sorry about the way he spoke to you, his manners have not improved with age!”
“Don’t be silly Peter, you cannot help knowing people that you don’t like!” Peter chuckled.

“I think he was distracted by the need to impress you!” Peter responded. “I have never seen him quite so chivalrous!”
“Chivalrous?” exclaimed Gillian loudly.
“Well he was very popular with the ladies at college,” mused Peter.
“And what pray, were you?” asked Gillian with a teasing look in her eye.
“I … er… well ….”

Peter was saved from answering by two huge plates of Roast Beef that arrived at his table. They tucked in hungrily.

Peter turned to face the other man and realised that he did feel a little sorry for this obviously lonely, unfulfilled man. Reluctantly he smiled, realising that his plan of having a quiet drink and some time to think was not going to be realised.
“You have a face that needs a drink in you!” guffawed Daniel, oblivious to the drink that Peter already had. “BARMAN, two of your finest Brandies if you please!”

Peter indicated to the hassled barman that a whisky would be more acceptable to himself and that the brandy certainly needed to be mixed with water.

Daniel, not noticing the doctored drink, offered Peter a cigar, which he declined, and then proceeded to make an utter hash of lighting his own. Peter withdrew a slender cigarette case and lit one, rescuing Daniels cigar to allow him to blow smoke across the entire bar, gesticulating wildly with cigar and drink.

“What is that look for?” asked Daniel. “Did the filly give you the flick when she saw me?” He laughed rather too loudly at his own joke.

Peter thought about Gillian with a smile. She really was the lady he had dreamt of meeting and he was looking forward to the moment where he could escape this man and drink his whisky, thinking about her in peace. His friend. His Gillian.

Settling for second best, Peter sat with Daniel, pretending to listen to the incessant story telling. The latest tale from his rather rounded companion, was the wooing of a lady he had met in Southampton, whilst on business. The relationship was going well until the ladies’ husband found out and chased him out of town. This resulted in Daniel’s appearance in Hereford, being far enough away from Southampton to keep him safe from the angry man. Whilst he embellished the tale for his audience; which included the brunette from earlier, three rather excitable young girls who had just arrived, and both barmen; Peter thought again about the time he’d spent with Gillian.

After lunch they had taken a stroll in the park, stopping to look at the ducks and swans on the pond, Gillian lamenting her lack of anything to feed them with.
She watched the birds at play, chasing one another and preening in the shallow water, whilst Peter made a small sketch of her in charcoal.

He removed the picture from his pocket now, whilst trying to block out Daniels’ story. He careful unwrapped it from his handkerchief and looked at it closely. Daniel was totally absorbed in the role of hero now as he told his story, taking into the sympathy of the whole bar, and playing on it.

Peter, remembering Daniels earlier appreciation of Gillian put the picture away carefully and then slipped away to the bathroom.

Upon his return he stood in the bar watching his hapless friend slide onto the floor after a more elaborate gesture in his story. He had plenty of willing helpers to return him to his chair, and Peter thought about escaping upstairs. He started on his way and then turned as he noticed Daniel’s new found friends seemed to have melted into the night.

Noticing Daniel on the floor, semi conscious with a barman peering over the top of the bar at him, Peter came back downstairs and, with the help of the bar staff, got the drunken man to his feet and leant him against a wall outside. Fortune favoured Peter that night as a taxi appeared almost instantly, dropping off fellow hotel guests.

Peter bundled Daniel into the taxi, after having found the address of his guest house in his jacket pocket. He paid the driver double for his effort and shivered as he returned to the hotel lobby, for the autumn night was crisp and chilly.

Wearily he thanked the two young men who were on their way home and finally retired to bed. He again took out the picture of Gillian and unwrapped it to stare at her beauty. Smiling to himself, he propped her likeness up between his bible and water glass, before falling asleep.


#2:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 1:11 pm

Yay! Good to see this back Very Happy

*hoping there's lots more coming soon*


#3:  Author: RosyLocation: Gloucestershire-London-Aberystwyth PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:00 pm

What Liz said.


#4:  Author: RóisínLocation: Gaillimh, Eire PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:38 pm

Aw. Loving this drabble - hope you continue soon Very Happy


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