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(Message started by: Esmeralda on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:15pm)

Title: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:15pm
I'l start this post from where the last archived thread left off, there is a little bit extra at the end, but not a lot, and I'm going out soon, so there won't be anymore tonight.

Re the Matey/GWB drabble, I typed that straightonto the board and I haven't got it saved anywhere, sorry.

He barged into the office with little more than a perfunctory knock on the door.  “Don’t you think it’s time you started to tell me what’s going on?”  He demanded.
“Not now Phil.”  Jack replied sharply.
“I’m sick and fed up with being the last person to find out about things.  When were you going to tell me about this so called resignation of Eugen’s?  Next week, next month?  Or were you going to leave it to one of the student nurses to tell me?”
“I said not now, Phil.” Jack snapped, his eyes signalling to a point somewhere behind Phil’s left shoulder.
A soft coughing sound alerted the younger doctor to the fact they were not alone, he turned around to find himself subject to the considered gaze of a large grey haired man in his late fifties.
“Herr Klinsmann is here to investigate the break in.”  Jack told him, “Herr Klinsmann, this is Dr. Graves, my second in command.”
“Indeed.  And who is this Eugen you talk about?  Another doctor?  And what do you mean by ‘so called resignation?’  Am I to understand that he may have reason to hold a grudge against you Dr Maynard, or against the San in general?  Perhaps I should speak to him.  It is already clear this was, in common parlance, an inside job, and bearing in mind which drugs were stolen, revenge seems a very feasible motive.  It will certainly make your work here more difficult.”
“Of all the ridiculous ideas I’ve ever heard, that has to take the biscuit,” Phil retorted, “I can assure you that no doctor worthy of the title would ever consider doing anything so vile, and Eugen Courvosier was, is a very worthy doctor.”
“And I can assure you, Doctor Graves, that no detective worthy of the title would neglect to follow up on any possible lead.  I insist on speaking to doctor Courvosier.”
“I’m afraid that isn’t possible, at the moment.”  Jack decided to intervene before Phil had the opportunity to disclose any more of the mornings events, “I’m afraid he isn’t on the premises at the moment.”
“But he will be back on duty later?  Or has this resignation taken place with immediate effect?”
“If I have anything to do with it there will be no resignation.” Phil turned back to Jack with an angry glare.
Jack ignored him and responded to the question posed by Herr Klinsmann, “I’m afraid that at the moment, I can’t tell you when, or if he will be back.”
The detective sighed, “There is evidently bad feeling among you, but I am not interested in your internal politics, except in as much as they may have some bearing on the crime, so if you could manage to put your petty quarrels to the side for a moment, and concentrate on the present business,  where can I contact Dr Courvosier?”
There was an uncomfortable silence, Jack had no mind to reveal any of the details of his involvement with Eugen to the policeman, while Phil realised that if he admitted that his friend was missing it would make him even more of a suspect.
“I think it would be a mistake to concentrate solely on Dr Courvosier at this point of your investigations,” Jack said finally, “Especially as it is highly unlikely that he was on the premises last night.  As much as I hate to say it, I had already come to the conclusion that it was one of the staff  who was responsible for the theft, but I think you will find that there were many people with far greater opportunity than Eugen Courvosier.  It need not necessarily have been one of the medical staff either, and judging by drugs which were taken, I think it was just as likely to have someone who didn’t know what they were doing.”
“And next time you are about to operate on a patient, Dr Maynard, I shall stand next to you and tell you how to proceed.” 
Herr Klinsmann was highly affronted at being told how to do his job, and he saw no reason to make any secret of that fact.  Moreover, Jack’s attempts to divert attention from the mysterious Dr Courvosier had backfired spectacularly, Klinsmann was even more convinced that there was something fishy going on, something that the director wished to cover up, and he was determined to discover what it was.
It was at this point that Jem Russell came striding into the office, “What’s all this I hear about Eugen going missing?”

Title: e: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:19pm
It was, as Jem remarked later, rather fortuitous that Eugen had been the topic of conversation when he entered the building, otherwise he would have walked in making some remark about Matey supplying drugs to schoolgirls, and that was something which he did not want to be brought to the attention of the authorities.  Later, Jack would come to agree with him, but at the time it seemed anything but a blessing.

Herr Klinsmann had seized upon his words and demanded a full explanation, while Jem was totally in the dark as to the reason for the detective’s presence and had to be told about the theft.  Jack told him what had happened in as few words as possible, before suggesting that Phil should show him the scene of the crime.  It was apparent that the detective was not prepared to be fobbed off any longer, and Jack had no wish to tell his story in front of the other two men, especially Jem, who had in part helped to raise his sister-in-law, and who was inclined to be very protective of her. 
As Jack retold the events of the previous day, Herr Klinsmann found that the focus of his investigation was changing, he stopped seeing Eugen as the perpetrator of a crime, and began to regard him as a victim.  True, he had been assigned to the case of the missing drugs, but the theft of a few antibiotics began to seem rather trivial compared to the case of the missing doctor, especially one of the missing mans colleagues had freely admitted to losing his temper with him just before he was last seen.
“So, you will tell me again why you hit him?” he asked,
“Do we really have to go through this again?  I told you, I didn’t like the way he treated my daughter when he came out to see her.”
“That seems a very trivial reason to lose your temper to that extent, or is it something you make a habit of?  Do you usually go round hitting people when they do something you don’t like?”
“No I don’t.  The fact that you are still sitting there is proof of that.”
“I would think very carefully before you begin to make threats against the police, Mr Maynard.  You may be in enough trouble as it is.”  Klinsmann said softly.  “So, you were the last person to see Dr Courvosier before he went missing?”
“That was no threat, Herr Klinsmann, and no one else would read it as such.  If I wanted to threaten you, you would know about it.”
“Stop avoiding the question.  You were the last person to see Courvosier were you not?”
“No, I wasn’t.  My daughter was, disturbed, by the noise, I went in to see her, when I left her room Courvosier had gone.  Ask the stretcher bearers, they were waiting outside the room – they would have seen him walk away.  They’re the people who started all these ridiculous rumours in the first place.”
“But these rumours don’t seem so ridiculous after all, do they Mr Maynard?  Al though I’ll admit there are some things that are still bothering me, tell me again why you hit Dr Courvosier.”
“I will do no such thing.  You are overstepping your authority here, you were asked to investigate the theft of a few drugs, nothing more, and I refuse to answer any more of these preposterous questions.  I’ve told you what you needed to know, and I have more important things to do than to keep going over it time and time again.”
“Oh do sit down, Mr Maynard, and stop all this ridiculous posturing. I am the best judge of what I need to know, not you, so I suggest you start telling me the truth.  Why did you hit your colleague?”
“I have already answered that question, repeatedly.”
“Yes, your daughter.  How old is she?”
“When was she born?”
“I don’t see what possible relevance that could have, but she was born on the fifth of November, 1939.”
“Pretty girl is she?”
“Yes she is, but what the hell….”
Klinsmann raised his hand to silence Jack’s protests, “So, we have established that you don’t like men making personal comments about your daughter.  That’s what happened isn’t it?  Pretty young girl, lying in bed, vulnerable.  Dr Courvosier, maybe he is leering at her, making suggestive comments perhaps, you saw red.  We know you hit him once, what happened after that?”
“Nothing, nothing happened after that.  He got up and walked away.”
“So you say.  Where did he walk to?  Did he come back here?”
“How the hell should I know?  I didn’t see him again.”
“What did you do next?”
“Nothing.  I accompanied Con in the ambulance and remained here for most of the day.  Now that we have established that I had nothing to do with Eugen’s disappearance I would be grateful if you would allow me to get on with my own work.  Thank you for your time.”  Jack stood up and made as if to usher his unwanted visitor to the door.  The detective remained seated.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:21pm
“Have we established that?  I’m sorry, I failed to notice.”

“There are plenty of witnesses, I can assure you.”
“You travelled in the ambulance?”
“So if you had overtaken Dr Courvosier, you would have noticed surely?  Yet you say you never saw him again.”
“I wouldn’t have noticed, my attention was focussed on my daughter.”
“But you understand my problem, there is no evidence that Dr Courvosier ever did leave your house, is there?  Maybe he remained in the building, lying in wait until you returned home, he was feeling angry and humilated perhaps, at being knocked down in front of other people, and he wanted revenge, or perhaps he just wanted to talk, to clear the air between you.  But you didn’t want that did you?  You were still seething about the comments he made earlier, understandably, I’m sure I would feel the same if I were the father of a pretty young girl, but you got into asnother fight, things went too far….You told Dr Russell that you had called the mountain rescue services after you discovered Dr Courvosier was missing.”
“Yes, I did, but what…”
“Why, because if he’s lying on a ledge somewhere, injured, I want him found.”
“But that is a strange assumption to make, isn’t it Sir?  You said yourself you had no idea where he had gone, so why is your first thought for the rescue services?  After all, he could be anywhere.”
“As I am well aware, but it seemed to be a sensible precaution, bearing in mind the storm we had yesterday.”
“Or did you know that he would be found lying on a ledge somewhere, injured, or dead even.”
“This is preposterous,” 
“Of course, you would say that wouldn’t you?  But maybe I am mistaken,”
“I should think you damned well are……”
“Yes, maybe there was no second fight.  You hit the other doctor, he got up and walked away, a little shaken perhaps, but to all appearances, perfectly fine.  But he wasn’t was he?  You hit him too hard Dr Maynard, he got up and walked away, yes. But he didn’t walk very far, did he?  You arrived home and found him lying on your path maybe, injured, or dead.  Either way, you have to get rid of him, and what better method than to throw him over the side of a mountain, in the middle of a storm?  Everyone would believe it to be no more than a tragic accident, a very tragic accident.  That is why you called the Mountain rescue, Dr Maynard, because you knew they would find him.”
“I think you chose the wrong profession, Herr Klinsmann, you should have been a novelist.  Even my wife would struggle to invent a better story line, but if you’ve finished spinning you’re your fairy tales, I suggest you either allow me to get on with running this sanatorium, or arrest me, but I warn you, you will never be able to prove anything against me, so I would seriously advise against the latter.”

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:22pm
Whilst Jack was occupied with the representative of the Swiss police force, Phil took Jem Russell on a tour around the San.  The first stop was the pharmacy, where Jem could see for his self the damage caused during the night, but thanks to the hard work of Matron Graves and her assistants the room was considerably tidier than it had been earlier.  Unfortunately, as far as Klinsmann was concerned, it meant that any evidence had also been tidied away, and that was another black mark against Jack Maynard.

Phil then took Jem to visit the patients from the San,  Guilietta Lorenzini’s  painful throat had definitely been diagnosed as tonsillitis, and she had been prescribed a course of antibiotics.  There was no real reason for her to remain at the San, but given what he knew about the circumstances at the school, Phil had deemed it prudent to keep her at the hospital a little longer.
Of the Laudanum affected patients, it was Jenny that was causing the most concern, her adverse reaction to the drug had made things a little more complicated.  Jem spoke briefly to Mddlle de Lachenais, and to Daphne Russell, who was delighted to see her uncle, even though she was beginning to feel a little ill.
Finally, Phil took Jem to the little room where Con lay in bed, where he left him in the capable hands of his sister-in-law.
Joey was as pleased to see Jem as Daphne had been earlier, there was a great deal she wanted to say to him, but first he spent a few moments making a cursory examination of Con.  Because she had stopped taking the drug earlier than the others, she was at a more advanced stage of the withdrawal process, and for her, the symptoms were at their worst.  Watching her did nothing to make Jem feel more disposed to treat Matey kindly, when he considered her future, and he felt that Hilda would probably begin to feel differently if she could see for herself the consequences of the woman's actions.
He and Joey had exchanged greetings, and a few other innocuous comments, whilst he lookec Con over, but after a few minutes Joey signalled to him to leave the room, feeling that what she had to say would be better said out of Con’s hearing.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:23pm
However, once she and Jem were standing outside the door she seemed to find it difficult to put her thoughts into words. 

“Come on, Jo, out with it.  You didn’t bring me out here for nothing,” Jem prompted her as the silence threatened to stretch to infinity.
“I hope you’re not going to let Matey off lightly,” Jo said, “I meant what I said last night, I will take my girls away from the Chalet School if that woman is allowed to remain, I’ll send them to St Hilda’s.
“That won’t be necessary, Jo.  Matey will most definitely not be staying, I don’t know why you imagined for one minute that I would allow it.”
“I thought Hilda Annersley might try to influence you, with famous justice with mercy.”
Jem had not failed to notice the way Joey had fidgeted restlessly with her hands, nor the fact that her words about Matey seemed more a matter of form than the heartfelt sentiments he would have expected.   “Admittedly, she wanted me to help Matey afterwards, but she is in total agreement with my decision, but I don’t think that is what you really wanted to talk about, is it Jo?” 
“No.”  She turned away from abruptly and walked over to the window, where she stood looking out at the unprepossessing grey landscape.  “You’ve heard about Eugen Courvosier I expect?”
“Missing isn’t he?  Yes, I’ve heard, but as I said to Hilda, there’s every chance that he’ll turn up again soon, just like Reg.”
“Is that all you’ve heard?  No one has told you about Biddy?”
“What about Biddy?”
“She was here earlier.  I heard all the noise of course, and came out to tell who ever it was to keep the noise down a bit, I was worried about Con being disturbed you see.”
“Of course,”  Jem frowned, no-one had yet seen fit to enlighten him about the earlier fracas, and he was unable to follow Jo’s mental gymnastics.  Indeed, bearing in mind her past history of nervous illnesses, he was beginning to wonder if she was on the verge of another.
“Of course, when I realised what was happening I didn’t say anything at all.  She was kicking and thumping Jack, and she wasn’t holding back either.  I’ll bet he has some bruises to treat once he cares to look at them.” The thought caused a small smile of satisfaction, unseen by Jem, “And she was screaming at him too.  She was like a demon, and she was really Irish too.  I couldn’t even understand her at first, but then the words started to make sense. When Jack discovered that Con was really sick, he called an ambulance, Eugen went with it.”
“That’s not unusual.  Hardly something to start making a scene about.”  Jem still had no idea where the conversation was leading.
“It was the last time anyone saw him, Eugen I mean.  Apparantly, according to Biddy at least, he and Jack had a fight.  Jack knocked him down.”
“Where on earth did she get hold of a story like that?  I don’t believe a word of it, Jo.  I shouldn’t worry about it any longer, it will all sort its self out in the end.”
“I believe it.”
“Jo! For goodness sake, woman.  I’ve known Jack for years, oh I know he’s got a bit of a temper, but he can manage to hold on to it, this story of Biddy’s it’s all nonsense.”
“Maybe you don’t know Jack as well as you thought, Jem.  He certainly does not always manage to hold on to his temper, I can assure you of that.”
Jem gave a sharp intake of breath, “What are you saying Jo?  Has he ever,  if he has ever laid a finger on you I’ll, I’ll….”

Title: vRe: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:24pm
Jo never did discover what Jem would do as she hastily interupted that train of thought, “Of course he hasn’t, don’t be so ridiculous, do you really think I would stand for that?  Whatever else Jack may be, he certainly isn’t a wife beater.  I know I may have looked like it a few times, but I always was a walking accident.” She said with some of her old spirit, before becoming serious again, “I have seen him losing his temper with other people though, that’s why I can quite easily believe Biddy’s story, especially given the sort of mood he was in yesterday.  He virtually,  well, let’s just say we had words, both before and after.  He was in a rotten temper all day Jem, and I don’t know where he was, or what he was doing, just that he was one of the last people to see Eugen before he went missing.  I don’t know what to think, Jem, suppose, Oh Jem, I don’t know what to think, suppose he…”

“I suppose no such thing,” Jem said sharply, “And neither should you.  What reason would Jack have for attacking Eugen?”
The quality of Jo’s silence made Jem begin to think that maybe Jack would have good reason for falling out with the other man, but he decided to hold his own counsel on that matter, for the present at least.  It also occurred to him to wonder where Jo herself had been when the alleged event had taken place.
“I suppose you were with Con while all this was supposed to be happening,” he said.
“No.  I was at the school, Jack said she would be all right, he told me to let her have her sleep out.  He only found out about the Laudanum after I had gone.”
“But didn’t he call you?”
“No.  I told you we had had words.  He didn’t actually know where I was, and I knew nothing about it until much later, about Con I mean, I only found out about this other business this morning, but the sort of mood he was in later, he, well I think. He could have done anything.”
Looking back, Jem recalled how quickly Jack had hustled himself and Phil Graves out of the office once the detective chappie had started to ask questions about Eugen’s disappearance, and despite himself, he began to feel the first faint stirrings of suspicion.  As much as he wanted to deny the thoughts he was having about the man who he considered to be his closest friend, he knew that he could not pretend indefinitely that everything was the same as it had been before Joey’s disclosure.  He knew that he had to discover if there was any truth in the story, and he began to have an inkling as to how Hilda Annersley was feeling about Matey.  Nevertheless, if , and it was still a big if, if Jack had caused any harm to befall Eugen, then he would have to face the consequences as surely as Gwyneth Lloyd.
He gave no outward sign of his thoughts to Joey, though.  He continued to make reassuring noises, in an effort to ease her own fears before ordering her to go and get herself a coffee.  Joey, who found it much more comfortable to believe that she was a victim of her own over active imagination was happy to be soothed in this manner, although she did protest about the coffee, claiming that Con needed her by her bedside.
“Nonsense,” Jem declared, “She doesn’t need you to be there twenty four hours a day, besides which, you’ll be no use to her if you make yourself ill.  You trot along and get that coffee, and a biscuit or two, and you’ll both be better off for it.  And Jo,” he glanced down at his watch, by my reckoning the worst of it will be over in another twenty four hours or so.”
Jo gave him a brief smile before heading towards the small café which had recently been opened for the convenience of visitors and Jem trudged back towards the office to talk to his brother-in-law.

Title: Jack sat and reflected on the intervieRe: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:26pm
Jack sat and reflected on the interview with Herr Klinsmann, the sudden switch from discussing a minor theft to being virtually indicted of complicity in Eugen’s disappearance had left him breathless, and his initial mild amusement at being accused had quickly given way to an angry confusion and concern.  He knew that some of his answers had been unsatisfactory in the extreme, and that he had given the detective ample opportunity to attribute wrongful, and more sinister meanings to his words. Moreover, there had been other discrepancies in his story, discrepancies which he knew had been noted although Klinsmann hadn’t mentioned them.  No doubt he was filing them away for a future confrontation, that was the detectives art and he no longer had any doubts about the skill of the practitioner.  Klinsmann’s last words continued to reverberate through his head, “Don’t think this is over, it isn’t, and remember, you are not in England now.”

Although Jack had the happy satisfaction of knowing that almost every minute of the day before could be accounted for, and verified by witnesses, he also knew that Klinsmann could make life decidedly uncomfortable for him, should he wish to do so.
Sighing, he pushed the thought to the back of his mind, whatever Klinsmann had in store for him lay in the future, he had more than enough to deal with in the present.  He had pledged to return to help Matron Graves and Thompson clear up the mess in the pharmacy, but so much time had already passed since he had made that promise that he felt justified in leaving it a little longer.  Instead he decided that a visit to Con was long overdue, but first he wanted to check on the new patients.  This it was that Jem arrived in the office to find that Jack had already departed, and Jack, who had walked into Con’s room with the expectation of finding his wife sitting by the bedside was thankful to find that she had deserted her post for a while. 
Con was pathetically pleased to see him.  “Pappa,” she grabbed hold of his hand, digging her finger nails into his palms as another spasm of cramp held her long suffering body in a cruel unremorseful grip.  Later he would discover that she had drawn blood, but Jack gave no sign of his own minor pain, instead he was almost glad of it, feeling that it might, in some way diminish her own agony.  He would, at that moment have given anything and everything to be able to swap places with her, to be able to absorb her pain into his own body, and the sense of helplessness which overcame him as he could do nothing but sit and watch was one of the hardest things he had ever had to endure.  Fortunately, he had no way of knowing then, that this was only the first of several such moments which still lay before him in his long life.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:27pm
The spasm finally having relinquished it’s hold, Con lay back weakly, her eyes watery with tears of pain.  Jack surreptitiously wiped the back of his hand over his own face before he faced her gaze.

“Where’s Mamma?” she breathed weakly.
He winced inwardly, wondering why he had ever imagined that his own presence might be enough for her  “I don’t know, do you want me to find her for you?”
“No.  I don’t want her here, Pappa, not any longer, it’s too tiring for me, please send her home, please.”  Her tears began to fall in earnest, and Jack leant over to wipe her face, puzzled and shocked by her reaction, but to his shame, also absurdly pleased.
“I’m sorry Con, I thought you wanted her.”
“I did.  I’m glad she came, but I don’t want her here any longer, it’s too much.  It hurts too much, Pappa, I can’t keep trying to hide it from her, I just can’t.”
“You don’t have to, sweetheart, she’s your mother, you don’t have to hide anything from her.  She loves you, and she wants to take care of you.”
Con tried to shake her head, but the motion caused a twinge of pain in her scalp, and the memory of the night before came flooding back, she burst into tears again,.
“Con, steady on, if you don’t want her here, I’ll certainly tell her to go, please don’t get upset, I won’t let her bother you.”
“It was horrible,” Con sobbed, “Last night, he kept pulling my hair and shaking my head about, I didn’t think it could be real, it was so awful, he was, I thought it had to be a dream, but it still hurts, so it couldn’t have been, it must have been real, oh Pappa, I think he tried to kill me.” Her voice rose to a wail as she was overcome by the sheer horror of her experience, and she succumbed to another prolonged bout of sobbing.
Jack tried his ineffectual best to soothe her, but all his years of experience as a doctor and a father, proved to be of no use to him.  He could do no more than hold her gently and wait for the storm to abate.  He had no idea if Con was remembering a nightmare, or an hallucination, or if something really had happened in that room the night before, but he was in no doubt that Con believed absolutely that her memories were true.
At one point, unseen and unnoticed by her daughter, Joey had re-entered the room and made to rush over to the bedside, but Jack had mouthed at her to go away with a look of such ferocity that she had faltered, and meekly walked away on shaking legs, without uttering a word.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:28pm
Time passed, until inevitably, Con had no more tears to shed, though her breath still came in great gulping sobs, interspersed with whimpers of terror.  Sensing that she had reached a point where she was almost ready to talk, Jack released his hold of her still trembling body and walked over to the small wash basin where he soaked his own handkerchief in the cold water before gently wiping her face with the cool cloth.

It was a relief to her throbbing head and her hot puffy eyelids, but did nothing to diminish the horror within, the horror and fear which Jack saw shining out still from her eyes.  As painful as it would be for her to talk of her experience, he knew that if she did not release thoughts she would be haunted by them for months, or years to come, possibly for the rest of her life.
“What happened Con?  It’s over now and I promise that it will never happen again, I’ll stay her all night myself if necessary, but you must tell me.  You’re safe now, Con, I’m here to look after you, but you have to tell me what happened.”
“I don’t remember everything, I don’t want to.  It was horrible, I woke up and saw him standing there, I thought, it sounds stupid now, but I thought it was the devil himself, come to fetch me.  It was the smell, I think, then I, I don’t know, somehow I realised it was only Reg, and he said some things, I don’t remember, I just wanted him to go, and I said I wanted to see Margot’s baby, I think I must have thought he would go and find her for me, and, oh.  I didn’t mean to say that, truly I didn’t, I promised.  I’m sorry Pappa, I never meant to tell you.”
Margot’s baby.  He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling a simultaneous wave of sorrow and relief wash over him as Con confirmed his suspicions.  He felt decidedly uncomfortable about the circumstances in which he had acquired his knowledge in the first instance, but honesty compelled him to admit to himself that he had had every intention of quizzing Con about that subject.  But a few hours ago, he hadn’t known why she had suddenly started mumbling about her youngest triplet sister, now it was clear that the threat to Con’s present well being was far more important than the daughter who had chosen to drop out of his life.
“It’s all right, Con, I know that Margot has got a baby, that doesn’t matter now, tell me what happened last night.”
Con was in no fit state to question what would, at any other time, have been a surprising statement, “You do?  That’s all right then.  I wish…..But when I said that, he went mad, I mean really, he grabbed my hair and kept banging it on the pillow and he was saying, I don’t want to say, but he was saying some really awful things and I started screaming, I remember that, it was like I was hearing this noise and then I suddenly knew it was coming from me, and he put the pillow over my face and held it there, and I couldn’t breathe and then it went quite except I could hear his breathing, and then he let go, and I don’t know if I started screaming again, but he went away, and then there were other people here, and, and that’s all really.  I didn’t mean to upset him, Pappa, I really didn’t. I’m sorry.”
“Con, please don’t say that.  You did nothing wrong, understand?  It wasn’t you.  I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but none of it is your fault, if anything it’s mine.  I knew that Reg has been acting a bit strangely lately, but I didn’t do anything about it.  There always seemed something more important, but that’s no excuse, Con, I should have done something, if I had, then you would have been spared this.  I am so sorry.”
Con had begun to cry again, more softly than before.  Jack automastically reached over to comfort her, but she pushed him away, “You said you would keep me safe, but you didn’t did you? Leave me alone.”  She turned her back on him and pulled the bedclothes over her head.
Her rejection cut deeply, but he knew that it was nothing more than he deserved.  He had failed in his efforts to keep her safe from harm, not once, but twice.  True he could not have even begun to imagine that Matey would be dosing his daughter with Laudanum, but he should have noticed.  And it had never occurred to him that Reg Entwhistle would plummet to the depths of depravity that he had apparently reached,  but he should have spoken to the man earlier, yes he had been busy, but he had also put off what had promised to be an awkward encounter, and in doing so he had not only allowed Reg to give Con the fright of her life, to almost take her life, but he had let Reg down too.
But such guilt feelings as he had about his neglect of Reg were dwarfed by the immensity of the anger he felt towards the man, there was no doubt where the major responsibility lay, and that was on the shoulders of Reg himself.  Almost without knowing what he was doing, and with no clear idea of what he intended to do when he got there, Jack made his way to Reg’s quarters, remembering anew the squalour which he had seen earlier .  So much had happened since then, that Reg had once again been forgotten, but never again, Jack vowed that he would never forget the man until he had paid for what he had done to Con, and if Reg had somehow, slipped back into his own room, Jack was in the mood to rip him apart limb from limb.


Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:31pm
*Dreads to think how long that would have taken on the old computer.


This is the new bit;

He burst through the door, pulling up sharply as his nose reminded him of the odour which had seemed to follow him down the corridor earlier.  Trying to breathe through his mouth he strode across the room and threw open the window, pulling the curtains open at the same time.  If anything the room looked even worse in the hard daylight, all the details which had been blurred and softened by the single electric light were depicted plainly.  Jack made a small sound of disgust and examined his shoe as he noticed that he had left a footprint on the carpet, having trod in something which he didn’t care to examine too closely.  He also noticed a scattering of tablets on the floor, and realised they no longer had to speculate on the identity of the thief.
No longer expecting to see Reg again, at least in the immediate future, Jack began to clear the cupboards and drawers of his possessions, the contents of the drawers were tipped onto the floor and the remaining clothes were torn out of the wardrobe, none to carefully, to be added to the mess where Jack kicked through them in the vague hope of finding something which would incriminate the younger man, or at least give a clue to his whereabouts.  Mostly though, he was motivated by a lust for revenge and the small sense of satisfaction which he gained from fanatically throwing Reg’s possessions around went just a little way to appeasing his need for vengeance.
Finally, in the last drawer of the small bedside cabinet, he found a half empty bottle of whisky, about to throw it on top of the pile of rubbish on the floor, he paused, after the morning he had had he deserved a drink.  Too late, the smell masked by the general stench of the room, he discovered that Reg, at some point being to idle, to inert to bother getting out of bed, had re-filled the bottle with a rather different liquid.
Filled with revulsion, Jack flung the bottle hard against the wall, where it shattered instantly, spilling it’s contents onto one of Reg’s shirts, even as he spat the stuff onto the floor.  Not caring any longer where he put his feet, he sprinted over to the basin and washed his mouth out, repeatedly, feeling that he couldn’t stop until every trace of the appalling taste had gone.
The sound of running water masked the soft patter of footsteps and it wasn’t until he heard a strangled gasp that he realised he was no longer alone.  Turning round, he saw Matron Graves standing in the doorway. 
“I thought…..I heard someone in hear,”  her voice trailed off as she saw the violence in Jack’s face.
He looked at her, unspeaking, his thoughts both too primal and too intense to put into words.
“Um, I’ll just go then.”  She muttered, sidling away.
“Matron,” his voice cracked the air like a whip crack.
“Yes?” She stopped hesitantly.
“I don’t care what you heard, but you didn’t see anything.  Do you understand?”
“Yes, of course, there was no one here,” she babbled, walking backwards all the time, before she turned and practically fled back to her own domain.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 18th, 2003, 8:59pm
Esmeralda!!! How could you do that to poor Jack?

Making him drink Reg's urine!!! :o :o :o EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by catherine on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:00pm
Ugh!  Poor Jack!

Hope someone catches up with Reg soon!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Carolyn P on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:44pm
What on earth did poor Jack do to you to deserve that?? ??

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Lesley on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:03pm
Poor Jack! Thank you for re-posting and adding to this Esmeralda!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 19th, 2003, 2:39am
As I said, there are no nice characters in this story!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 20th, 2003, 5:52pm

on 12/19/03 at 02:39:45, KB wrote:
As I said, there are no nice characters in this story!

And what kind of nastiness have the likes of Hilda, Con, Jem and Hilary partaken in (so far)?

I said I would have news of Eugen by Saturday, I don't think I stipulated which Saturday that would be.......

Jack’s manner certainly succeeded in it’s primary objective, which was to prevent Helen Graves from spreading the story further afield, for she never discussed the matter with another living soul, but it was at the cost of their formerly comfortable working relationship.  Despite the apologies which Jack made later in the day, when he was in a somewhat calmer frame of mind, Helen always thought twice in the future before daring to  voice even the mildest disagreement.  As it was, she still felt the remnants of sympathy towards Reg Entwhistle, even after Jack had told her, and her alone, what had happened to Con the previous night.
Before seeking out Helen Graves, though, Jack hastily cleared up most of the mess he had created by the simple process of shoving all of Reg’s possessions into one of the San’s large laundry bags and depositing it with the rubbish. He also carefully removed the larger remains of the bottle from the floor, and, rather awkwardly, swept the remainder into a dustpan.  It was hardly the sort of activity to which he was accustomed, but he felt that which ever unfortunate person who was assigned to cleaning the room properly had enough health risks to contend with without the added danger of cutting themselves on broken glass.
Jack grimly deposited the last fragments of glass into the litter bin and walked out of the room.  Throwing out Reg’s possessions had been, he acknowledged to himself, a rather petty act of revenge, but it had proved to have some therapeutic value, the worst edge of his temper had disappeared into the rubbish along with the laundry bag, although he knew that the cold rage inside him would never disappear completely until he had the opportunity to confront the man himself, but at least he felt he could now greet his colleagues with some semblance of civility.  This newly attained calm served him well when he returned to his office to find a reception committee comprising of Jem Russell, Phil Graves and the Swiss detective awaiting him.
“Gentlemen,” he acknowledged their presence with a nod.  “What can I do for you?”
It was the detective who replied, “I have some news about your missing Doctor, I thought it was best to wait until you were present before announcing it.” 
“Which one?” 
The unexpected reply caused both Jem and Phil to look at Jack with some concern and not a little bewilderment, but once again it was the detective who spoke, You’ve lost another colleague?  I am beginning to have serious misgivings about this establishment.” He gave Jack a meaningful glance, at the same time scrutinising his appearance.  Despite obvious signs of a rudimentary tidy up, the doctor definitely had a rather second hand appearance, in contrast to the neat and tidy attire he had worn earlier.  “Do you mind if I ask you where you have been Sir?  We have been looking for you.”
“In the staff quarters.  I have some news for you too, but I think we need to find out about Courvosier first.”
Herr Klinsmann nodded.  “Very well.  I am afraid it is my duty to inform you that Dr Courvosier’s body was recovered from a small ledge, someway below the pathway which leads to the Schomferten shelf about an hour ago.”  he paused while the men reacted to the news, each in their own way, before continuing his story.  “We have also spoken to an American couple who were winched to safety from the shelf last night.  They have reported seeing a man fitting Dr Courvoier’s description sheltering from the rain among the bushes at the beginning of the path.  Apparently they gave him some fruit, under the erroneous impression that he was, hmm, a tramp.” Giving his audience no time to interrupt, he continued, “At this time, we can only surmise that he set off to warn this couple of the impending danger, a noble gesture, but one which he never had a chance of fulfilling.  The pathway has crumbled away badly at some points, and has collapsed altogether in other places, leaving wide chasms, difficult enough to negotiate at the best of times, but in those conditions….as I said, he never had a chance.  Dr Maynard, everyone I have spoken to has confirmed that you never left the building until you were driven home by one of the nurses, and it is now obvious that Dr Courvosier did leave your premises as you described, however, in cases such as these we have to explore all the possibilities.”
Jack nodded, leaving the detective to wonder why, now that it was clear that he had had nothing to do with the other doctors disappearance, he was looking decidedly stricken by guilt.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Catherine_B on Dec 20th, 2003, 5:55pm
Oh no!!!!  After all that waiting - what an outcome!!!   :'( 

Poor Eugen!  Poor Biddy!  Poor Jack!  :'( :'(

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Lesley on Dec 20th, 2003, 6:24pm
Echoes everything Catherine said  :'( :'(

How on Earth will both Biddy and Jack react to that?

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Carolyn P on Dec 20th, 2003, 6:31pm
I knew he couldn't stay in mid leap that long. :'(

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Catherine_B on Dec 20th, 2003, 6:33pm
But Carolyn - he could have landed safely long ago!   :'(

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Ally on Dec 20th, 2003, 9:00pm

Poor Eugen I was so hoping he would survive, and poor Biddy and their children  :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 21st, 2003, 3:06am
Esmeralda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you killed Eugen off!! :'( :'(

(more soon please!!)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 21st, 2003, 3:47am

And what kind of nastiness have the likes of Hilda, Con, Jem and Hilary partaken in (so far)?

Oh, are they actually in this story? It's been so long since we've seen them that I'd forgotten! 

And the death of a character is always interesting...

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Jennie on Dec 21st, 2003, 3:49pm
Esmeralda, I'm sorry that Eugen is dead, it's a shame that it wasn't Reg instead.

Biddy will cope, she's a Chalet School girl to the core, not a spineless jellyfish, so I expect she'll go back into teaching.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by LauraT on Dec 21st, 2003, 8:01pm
And now the Chalet Girls can have their supreme history teacher and her picturesque language back...

*hums 'always look on the bright side of life' absentmindedly*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 21st, 2003, 8:15pm

on 12/21/03 at 15:49:37, Jennie wrote:
Esmeralda, I'm sorry that Eugen is dead, it's a shame that it wasn't Reg instead.

How do we know he isn't? Or would that just be too convenient?

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 21st, 2003, 8:58pm
*hopes Esmeralda will kill Reg off painfully!* ;)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Lesley on Dec 21st, 2003, 10:15pm

on 12/21/03 at 20:58:19, Vikki wrote:
*hopes Esmeralda will kill Reg off painfully!* ;)

Dunno Vikki - so far the ones killed off have been innocents and good people - Nell Wilson and Eugen. Would she be nice enough to do to Reg what all of us have fantasized doing? ;D

More story please Esmeralda!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 22nd, 2003, 3:48am
Well, she could always consult Rachel if she was running out of ideas!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Pat on Dec 27th, 2003, 4:47pm
This was right down at the bottom of page 2.  May we have some more please?

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 27th, 2003, 6:55pm
Soon Pat,  I gave it rest over Christmas, partly because of the pressure of work, and partly because the board is full of nice, happy Christmassy stories and Carols, and this, well it's not exactly full of seasonal good cheer is it?

To be continued when the festive season is over.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Lesley on Dec 27th, 2003, 7:00pm
OH Poo! Thought Esmeralda had posted more story - oh well will wait for more soon - hopefully!


(Now 1900 posts!!!! YEEEEEAAAAAHHH!)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:02am
Congratulations, Lesley!

And Esmeralda, that's a good idea. We are looking forward to more, though!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Ally on Dec 28th, 2003, 11:56am
*Also looking forward to more*

I hope you had a nice Christmas break Esmeralda

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 28th, 2003, 1:44pm
*Thanks people for their interest.

And, yes, I did have a nice day off, thank you Ally. ;D

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by LauraT on Dec 28th, 2003, 8:01pm
Only one day?!  :o

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 28th, 2003, 11:07pm
*wonders if Santa has any flaming torches left for use against Esmeralda's boss, so that she gets more time off*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 29th, 2003, 4:45pm
*Giggles.  Personally, I don't blame the boss, as far as I'm concerned the blame lies solely with Tesco, Asda, Safeway etc!

But I do have the next THREE days off!  After I was told I couldn't have New Years day off as too many other people were already off (even though I do a totally different job to them) I booked Dec 30th instead.  Then I put in a holiday form for Dec 31 3004/Jan 1 2005 (just to make sure I got in first) and it's been signed off for this year!
I do love it when people don't bother to read things properly. ;D

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Lesley on Dec 29th, 2003, 4:48pm
Good for you Esmeralda - now don't answer the phone between now and then in case they realise their mistake! ;D

BTW With all that time off - any possibilty of more Tensions??

Pretty please? :D (Smarmy smiley!)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 29th, 2003, 4:51pm
Yay! Well done Esmeralda!! (just remember to put another one in for next year!!) ;)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Angel on Dec 29th, 2003, 9:35pm
 Isn't 1001 years a long time to wait until you get new year's day off, Esmeralda?

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 29th, 2003, 10:20pm
*can't help feeling, with Angel, that it is an awfully long time to wait*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Angel on Dec 29th, 2003, 10:24pm
Almost as long as we've been eagerly awaiting more story...

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 29th, 2003, 10:27pm

on 12/29/03 at 21:35:39, Angel wrote:
 Isn't 1001 years a long time to wait until you get new year's day off, Esmeralda?

It is rather isn't it?
*Makes note to check for typos.

I would like to give you more story.......but it isn't the end of the festive season yet.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 29th, 2003, 10:40pm
*wonders whether, with some unfinished stories, it could take that long before we get an ending*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 29th, 2003, 11:27pm
Which? The end of the festive season? Or 1001 years? ;)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 29th, 2003, 11:31pm

*Reiterates Vikki's question.
*Wonders which stories KB has in mind.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Pat on Dec 29th, 2003, 11:36pm
Vikki's perhaps?  That seems to have lapsed a very long time ago!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 29th, 2003, 11:41pm
Well, I didn't want to nag Vikki too much, but hers was the one I had in mind, yes. 

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 29th, 2003, 11:42pm
*Wonders if Vikki was secretly hoping everyone had forgotten about NF

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Pat on Dec 29th, 2003, 11:44pm
No chance!  We were enjoying it too much when she got writers block!!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 29th, 2003, 11:49pm
I bet she was! ;D

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 29th, 2003, 11:56pm
Would also like to see more of NF, without nagging Vikki too much.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 30th, 2003, 12:16am
Okay, okay! it is on my 'to do' list, honest!!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 2:05am
*wonders how long said 'to do' list is*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 30th, 2003, 2:14am
Well, last time I measured, it was long enough to reach from my front door to yours KB!!! ;) *smiles sweetly!*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 2:18am
*starts tearing 'to do' list into little pieces and then writing a new one, with New Family at the very top*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 30th, 2003, 2:28am
Aaaaaaaaaaaaarggggggghhhhhhhhh!!! Don't do that KB!!! I'll never remember everything on it!! :o :o :o

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 2:29am
Too late! It's gone and the only thing you have to do now is New Family!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 30th, 2003, 2:38am
*finds computer back up of 'to do' list!!!*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 2:39am
*hacks into Vikki's computer and inserts "New Family" at the top of the backed-up copy, and all other copies I can find*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 30th, 2003, 2:48am
*starts at bottom of list!* ;)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 2:54am
*adds it at various intervals all the way down the list*

*deletes all other stories named thereon*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 30th, 2003, 2:59am
That's okay! There were no other stories on there!!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 3:04am
*guessing I've probably deleted the names of people Vikki had to buy presents for* Oh, well...

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 30th, 2003, 3:09am
Darn it!! That was my Xmas pressie list for next year!!!! Honestly KB!!!! ::)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 3:12am
*reminds Vikki that it was in her hands* More NF and I wouldn't have had to go to that extreme...

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 30th, 2003, 3:20am
*debates throttling KB with the list!*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 3:23am
*is sure that wouldn't be wise* All I'd end up with would be a rather nasty paper cut that would make the Head think I was trying to strangle myself. 

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 30th, 2003, 3:30am
*splutters at that image!*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 3:35am
*happy to get such a good reaction*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by keren on Dec 30th, 2003, 12:54pm
all of you who were yibblingon all of the threads this morning should have been writing drabbles!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 30th, 2003, 6:42pm

on 12/30/03 at 12:54:14, keren wrote:
all of you who were yibblingon all of the threads this morning should have been writing drabbles!

*points Keren in the direction of the resurrected New Family thread!!*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 8:57pm

on 12/30/03 at 12:54:14, keren wrote:
all of you who were yibblingon all of the threads this morning should have been writing drabbles!

*reminds Keren that I just finished one*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 30th, 2003, 8:59pm

on 12/30/03 at 12:54:14, keren wrote:
all of you who were yibblingon all of the threads this morning should have been writing drabbles!

I did write more drabble - I just didn't post it.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Dec 30th, 2003, 9:09pm
Well, Christmas is over now, Esmeralda! (Subtlely is my middle name!)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Lesley on Dec 30th, 2003, 10:11pm
*Katherine Subtlety Bruce - no, can't say it flows!*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Dec 30th, 2003, 10:27pm
Sublety, sublety.....consults mental dictionary, thinks the word may have some association with bulldozers......

If I post this now I won't have anything to post on Jan 02.  Oh well,

“Now, you said you had something to tell me,  another missing doctor I believe?”
“What?” Jack was recalled to the present by the question, “Oh, yes.  I think I can clear up the business of the drugs.  One of the other doctors here, he has been behaving a little, erm, oddly, over the last few days, and now he’s disappeared.  Deliberately I assume, given the circumstances.  He attempted to attack a patient last night, or in the early hours of this morning, I believe he took the drugs too, there are traces of them in his room, which incidentally, is an utter and total mess.  He appears to have taken a few things with him, his medical bag is missing, certainly, and I would expect he would have taken a few clothes, though I have to say that I’m not so familiar with his wardrobe as to be able to tell you what is missing.  No-one seems to have seen him since the incident I mentioned earlier.”
“And this doctor, he would have a grudge against the San would he?  Or against you personally?”
“More than likely.  He was engaged to my eldest daughter for a while, until she called it off.”
“Reg Entwhistle?”  Jem interjected,  “Surely not.  You must be mistaken Jack.  Reg would never descend to that sort of behaviour.”
“Do you in fact, have any evidence to support your theory, sir?”  Klinsmann asked, a strong element of scepticism in his voice.  Had any of his own colleagues been present they would have known this intonation for what it was, Klinsmann’s chosen method of eliciting information, but none of his colleagues were present, and it seemed to the three doctors, especially Jack, that Klinsmann was finding it difficult to believe anything Jack told him.
In other circumstances the detectives manner may have proved to be effective, but Jack was still shaken, and subdued, by the news which the Swiss had imparted earlier, and he was less irritated than he would have been.  Furthermore,  had he forgotten that the detective had got the better of him in their previous interview, and although he realised that he had received as much of an apology as he ever would for that particular accusation, he didn’t feel inclined to go through the whole gamut of insinuations again, also, he was mindful of the presence of his both his superior and his second in command, so, he did not find it difficult to answer calmly.
“As I said, there is the state of his room, the traces of drugs, you are more than welcome to see for yourself.  And the patient has made a complaint.”
“I see.  And may I talk to the patient?”
“Speaking as a doctor, I would rather you didn’t, at least not today.  I’m sure you understand that this was a very upsetting incident.”
“Well!”  Jem interjected, “Reg Entwhistle eh?  Who would have thought it.  But, what made you think that it might be someone with a grudge?”
“I would expect a doctor to know the value of the drugs he was taking, as it is, he seems to have focussed on taking those which would cause you maximum inconvenience.”
Jack shook, his head, “I don’t think he was focussed on anything.  The evidence seems to suggest that he had imbibed a large amount of alcohol.”
“He was drunk the last time I saw him.” Phil confirmed quietly.  Having been privy to some of Reg’s antics he had no great difficulty in believing Jack’s story.
“Very well.”  Klinsmann was also prepared to accept the story, for the moment, subject to examination of the room and an interview with the patient.  The latter, he felt, could safely be left until the following day when he was likely to get more sense from the victim anyway.  As it was, he had just about had enough of the San, and the people in it, and their ugly behaviour and pointless secrets.  His own secret was that, although he wasn’t exactly afraid of doctors, he did regard them with a deep seated distrust which was approaching fear, and he had a mild horror of all medical establishments, a horror which had not been placated by a glimpse at what occurred behind the scenes.  It was, he felt, time to go.  “If you could just give me description of Dr Entwhistle?”
“I can do better than that,”  Jack pulled open a drawer and removed a framed photograph, it was a family picture, taken in front of a building which the detective assumed was Jack Maynard’s house.  The main point of interest was the number of young people who surrounded the woman in the centre of the portrait.  The detective studied it for a moment, noting the family resemblance of the assembled group, “Surely these children are not all your’s?”
“I’m afraid so, all but Reg, that’s him, there.  That was taken shortly after he and Len were engaged, but he hasn’t changed a great deal, not in looks anyway.”
“May I?” Klinsmann, with a regard for grammer which would have gladdened Hilda Annersley’s heart, removed the photo from the frame and slipped it into his pocket.  “I will get this picture distributed, in the meantime, I have finished here for today.  I will return to examine the room tomorrow, please don’t allow anyone to disturb it.  Also, I will talk to your patient.”

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Dec 30th, 2003, 10:34pm
Thank you Esmeralda!! :-*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Carolyn P on Dec 31st, 2003, 12:17am
More story, yipee!!

Thanks Esmerelda.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Lesley on Dec 31st, 2003, 8:46am
Excellent, more Tensions - thanks Esmeralda! ;D

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Annie on Dec 31st, 2003, 11:27am
More more more more more more more more more more more more more (etc.) I love this! But how on EARTH could you do this to Jack. He was my favourite character besides Tom and the Robin. YOU'RE HORRID! But it's a brill story so congrats. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE let something good happen to him. PLEASE *kneels down begging for mercy [on Jack's behalf]

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Ally on Dec 31st, 2003, 2:24pm
Thank you Esmeralda, I hope Reg is found and disgraced!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Jennie on Dec 31st, 2003, 5:17pm
All those pages of yibbling, and only one post from Esmeralda. Boo hoo.

More please, Esmeralda, lots, lots more.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Jan 1st, 2004, 1:09pm
Well, here's a little bit more, and it's probably enough.


It was Phil who broke the lengthy silence which followed the detective’s departure.  He had listened to Jack’s story but hih mind was still mostly occupied with Eugen’s sad fate.  Reg and his antics were little more than an unimportant sideshow. 
“What on earth was he thinking of?”  He suddenly exlaimed “Why ever was he trying to get to the shelf along the lower path?  I mean, what did he think he would achieve?  Even if he had managed to reach the Americans safely there was no chance of them all getting back along that route, whereas if he had taken the higher path he could at least have assured them that he would fetch help as soon as possible, or, even more sensibly, he could have returned to the San and called the rescue services straight away.”
No-one answered.  Eugen may have died nobly, yet it had been a futile act, and a pointless death. 
“Well,” Jem spoke eventually, “I suppose Biddy will have to be told.  I think that’s a job for you, Phil, I think, if you don’t mind.  Maybe you should get that wife of yours along too.  They are friends aren‘t they?”
Phil reluctantly conceded that Jem was right, but not before flashing an accusatory glance at Jack.  Jack was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to notice, but Jem did, and made a mental note to keep a watching brief on what could potentially grow into an explosive situation between his two most senior employees in Switzerland.
His fears proved justified a few moments later when Phil, who had temporarily lapsed back into silence while he struggled to come to terms with the loss of his friend and the whole injustice of the situation, was unable to contain his feelings any longer.  “This is your fault, Maynard, you wanted rid of Eugen didn’t you? Well, you’ve got what you wanted now, and I hope you’re happy about it.”
“I say, Phil, that’s……”
Jack brushed aside the attempt to smooth things over.  “No Jem, he’s right.  I t is my fault, and don’t think for a minute that I don’t know it.  I did want to ‘get rid of Eugen’, but not like this.  Never like this.”
The guilt and anguish which he felt were writ plainly on his face, but it did little to appease Phil, “It doesn’t matter what you meant, it’s what you did that counts.  That’s what you have to live with,  and I hope you live a very long time, but I trust you understand that I would rather not keep company with you at the moment.” 
With that parting shot, he walked out, letting the door slam behind him.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Lesley on Jan 1st, 2004, 3:23pm
*Can empathise with how Phil feels - especially as he and Eugen had to have been close - their families shared a house for a while didn't they?*

More please Esmeralda - I don't know how you do it but Tensions still has the 'tension' and is just as gripping!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Annie on Jan 1st, 2004, 4:20pm

Please make somehting good happen to Jack. PLEASE :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( (I think you've got the general idea

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Susan on Jan 1st, 2004, 4:35pm
Well done Esmeralda - this just gets better but dare I say more please.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Ally on Jan 1st, 2004, 5:12pm
Poor Phil, but it is nice to see minor characters developed.  Looking forward to Biddy's emotional scene.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Sarah_L on Jan 1st, 2004, 5:17pm
Not sure if I'm looking forward to Biddy being told.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Jan 1st, 2004, 5:48pm
Thank you for the positive comments.

Klinsmann felt his spirits rise with every kilometre that took him further away from the San.  It wasn’t until he had finally escaped from the institution that he realised what a dampening effect it had had upon him.  He wriggled his shoulders, feeling the muscles which he not known were knotted begin to relax, the slight nagging headache, which he had been aware of, had also miraculously vanished.  He lowered his car window slightly and breathed in the sweet smell of grass newly washed by rain, and pressed his foot a little harder on the accelerator.
By the time he arrived at a particularly demanding section of road, Herr Klinsmann was thoroughly enjoying himself, totally wrapped in the sensation of being at one with the car, yet being fully in control of it, and able to conquer any of the dangers the road posed for less able drivers.  He changed down through the gears in preparation for the approaching hairpin bend when, with a terrifying suddeness, a white coated figure appeared on the road in front of him.  As the world slowed down Klinsman had time to note every detail on the mans face even as he stamped on the brake pedal.  The look of absolute, petrifying fear,  the sunken eyes, the straggly two day growth of beard, did nothing to disguise the fact that this was the missing Dr Entwhistle.  Even as he battled valiantly with his steering wheel, trying to correct the skid into which his emergency braking had sent the car into, Klinsmann was working out his chances of apprehending the man.  He was still thinking the same when the car flew over the edge of the verge to go tumbling down the cliff, finally coming to rest on the lower portion of the road some distance below.

*Hope that satisfies everyone who wanted me to push the detective off the side of a mountain.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Pat on Jan 1st, 2004, 6:08pm
Are you sure that they meant that literally?!!!  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Jan 1st, 2004, 6:35pm
It doesn't matter what they meant, it's what they did that counts ;D

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Jan 1st, 2004, 6:47pm
Yay!!! Got 'im!!!

Thank you Esmeralda!! :-* :-*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Lesley on Jan 1st, 2004, 8:04pm
Thank you Esmeralda - now if you could just do something similar to Reg?

(Was going to say all your nasty characters but then realised that that would leave Hilda, Con and a host of minor characters who only have bit parts - and no one else!)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Susan on Jan 2nd, 2004, 1:54am
Way to go Esmeralda, that was really unexpected but good riddance to him.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Ally on Jan 2nd, 2004, 10:09am
Thanks Esmeralda, but just one question.  Did Reg go over the mountain too?

Title: if
Post by Angel on Jan 2nd, 2004, 11:18am
If reg did go over, I have imaginings of Jack saying

"Well, at least the detective did something useful"


I trust the documents in the car were sufficiently destroyed so that the investigation would have to be restarted under someone else...

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Jennie on Jan 2nd, 2004, 1:04pm
Great Esmeralda, is there any more yet?

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Sarah_L on Jan 2nd, 2004, 8:42pm
What :o :o Another death, and a very unexpected one too.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Kathy_S on Jan 2nd, 2004, 10:08pm
But we don't know that he's dead.  Just over the cliff.  Perhaps he will wake up, inspired.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Jan 2nd, 2004, 11:30pm
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! No! Not that!!!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Abi on Jan 3rd, 2004, 4:07am
Woooooowwww!! Esmeralda, I've just read the whole of Tensions!!!! Have really enjoyed it, it's very gripping but please kill Reg and let Jack and Joey end up happily and pleeeeease post more soon!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Jan 4th, 2004, 6:43am
*hopes Reg is trapped under the car* Fantastic work, Esmeralda!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Kathryn on Jan 4th, 2004, 8:11am
Just out of interest, what is the current death toll in Tensions?

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Jan 4th, 2004, 9:03am
Good question! Well, Esmeralda?

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:05am
Current death toll?  Lots lower than some other drabbles I could mention - Bill, Mahala, Miss Lucas (who both came into existance for the simple reason that I wanted someone to kill off), Eugen and Herr Klinsmann (probably).

That's not so many really.......

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:11am
*proudly declares that no one has ever died in one of my stories*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Kathryn on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:24am

on 01/04/04 at 10:05:43, Esmeralda wrote:
Current death toll?  Lots lower than some other drabbles I could mention - Bill, Mahala, Miss Lucas (who both came into existance for the simple reason that I wanted someone to kill off), Eugen and Herr Klinsmann (probably).
That's not so many really.......

So is Reg dead yet or not? If not, what about a slow, lingering death?

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:28am
*Congratulates KB on her life preserving skills. (Welcome back)

*Apologises to Kathryn for being unable to answer any questions about Reg yet.

I will try to write some more later but I think the PBs have scarpered back to their burrows so they don't catch my cold.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:30am
Thank you, Esmeralda! *sends cough-drops*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Kathryn on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:52am
*cough-drops being closely followed by eucalyptus oil and a box of tissues that doesn't scratch your nose*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:54am
Aaah, thank you both, now if I could just have something to unmush my brain?

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:56am
*offers a strainer*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:00am
*Quikly withdraws last request. At the moment it's all mush and there won't be any brain left if I strain it.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:02am
*accepts strainer back and cleans it, just in case*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Lesley on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:25am

on 01/04/04 at 10:11:44, KB wrote:
*proudly declares that no one has ever died in one of my stories*

Is able to make same declaration. ;)

Wonders though if KB has considered bad EBD and Matey? :o

Esmeralda - hope you're feeling better soon!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Carolyn P on Jan 4th, 2004, 7:36pm
What's wrong with a death?

I've killed Robin, Madge, Reg and Bill, and had a great time doing so.

I wonder what you will all think of the death I'm planning for my next drabble? ;D

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Jan 4th, 2004, 9:11pm
*eyes Carolyn warily*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Carolyn P on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:01pm
*Polishes Vikki's eye and hands it back with instructions to look after it better.*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Abi on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:09pm
*thinks Vikki should try glasses - they hold eyes in*

Hope you feel better soon Esmeralda!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:09pm

Carolyn!! Did you have to use such a scratchy cloth?

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Carolyn P on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:13pm
Sorry, it was the only one to hand, and I didn't think you would mind a few crumbs.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:37pm
No, no, that's fine, I didn't need vision in both eyes anyway!!!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Lesley on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:46pm
*Contact lenses have now started bleeding in sympathy!*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Abi on Jan 4th, 2004, 10:48pm

on 01/04/04 at 22:37:41, Vikki wrote:
No, no, that's fine, I didn't need vision in both eyes anyway!!!

I don't HAVE vision in both eyes!!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Pat on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:17pm

on 01/04/04 at 19:36:03, Carolyn P wrote:
I wonder what you will all think of the death I'm planning for my next drabble? ;D

When are you going to start posting it?  Soon please!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:18pm
*huggles Abi and demands the full story

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Abi on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:24pm
Oh it's not very exciting, and it can see if it gets its act together, but most of the time it can't be bothered. It's really, really short-sighted you see - if I close the other eye I can't read what I'm writing, so it's got lazy and I rarely use it.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Kathy_S on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:29pm
Wonders if the TEM is shuffling this and the Glasses thread, and proposes starting a one-eyed division of the CBB.

More story, please, Esmeralda.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Abi on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:36pm
*giggles at the thought of a one-eyed division*

I'm One-Eyed Abi - the Terror of the Seas

*hops around with bandage on eye and a peg leg* 8oo

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Kathy_S on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:51pm
Sings none too melodiously:

     3 CBBers on a dead man's chest
     Yeo, ho, ho and a bottle of fizzy lemonade.
(That's Abi, Claire and myself.  Vikki, were you joining us?)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Abi on Jan 4th, 2004, 11:56pm
*giggles hysterically* Maybe she's the dead man 8oo 8oo

(well, I'm trying to entertain the school - see my avatar  ;D )

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Kathy_S on Today at 12:02am
Actually in this drabble, so far it's Eugen.  But we could try substituting Reg to increase our membership rolls.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Abi on Today at 12:06am
Hm, that's true. Well, we've got fifteen places and only three taken, and if we have two dead men that's 30. Any more potential pirates out there?

*parrot shrieks "pieces of eight"*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Today at 12:08am
*giggles at the insanity, and huggles everyone with eye problems*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Abi on Today at 12:10am
Do you want a place on Eugen/Reg's chest, Vikki? 8oo 

(you don't have to have eye problems  ;D )

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Today at 12:13am
Thanks honey, but it's more fun just watching.............

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Abi on Today at 12:18am
*bounces with enthusiasm on the chest and takes a large swig from bottle of rum*


*offers rum round*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Kathy_S on Today at 12:30am
Sticks with the fizzy lemonade.

Uses treasure map to locate extra stashes of chocolate.

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Today at 12:55am
*Accepts Rum from Abi.

*Snatches Treasure map from Kathy S - mubling chocolate, chocolate, chocolate....
*Rubs eyes, all two of them, with amazement at finding this thread has reached 7 pages with only about 4 bits of story added.

*Make that eight pages!

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Today at 1:35am

on 01/04/04 at 11:25:33, Lesley wrote:
Wonders though if KB has considered bad EBD and Matey? :o

They didn't die, they were destroyed. If they'd just died, they might have resurrected themselves. 

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Esmeralda on Today at 2:33am
Dead or destroyed - they are still defunct, extinct, non-people, call it what you like - the end result is the same...


OK I promised more, but it's only a little snippet, I've spent too long trying to catch up with the board, and to think - I'd nearly managed it before KB and Viki became active.

Neither Reg’s training as a doctor, nor his finer instincts had completely deserted him, and as soon as was able to lift his feet and drag himself away from the spot of tarmac to which he had been glued with horror, he approached the edge of the road, with some trepidation.  The scars left in the muddy verge by the car’s tyres told him where to look, but didn’t prepare him for height of the road.  Looking down from this distance, the wrecked car looked little more than a handful of scrap metal.  He felt overcome by a wave of giddy nausea, and instinctively leaned forward to rid himself of the sickness, teetering on the edge of the cliff. 

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Today at 2:36am
*hopes Jennie hasn't put a trampoline at the bottom of this particular cliff*

Sorry for interrupting your catching-up, Esmeralda! :-* :-[

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Vikki on Today at 2:37am
*looks embarrassed and apologises to Esmeralda!*

*starts a new chant of 'push him off, push him off!'

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Today at 2:37am
*joins in chant*

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by Kathy_S on Today at 2:38am
*feeling sorry for Reg*

(I know, that's not supposed to happen.)

Title: Re: Tensions
Post by KB on Today at 2:39am

on 01/05/04 at 02:38:52, Kathy_S wrote:
*feeling sorry for Reg*
(I know, that's not supposed to happen.)

*summons Matey for Kathy, as she MUST be sick* :o

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