Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 23-07-09)

Author:  Frogize [ 04 Jul 2007, 04:35 ]
Post subject:  Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 23-07-09)

This part of the story begins in Sydney, Australia and Francesco's flying back to Perth. It's July 1986 - Frank/Francesco is 52, Elizabeth is 49, Lou/Luigi is 29

Frank Desti leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes as the aeroplane taxied out to the runway. Two hours earlier he'd been preparing for the final day of James' interminable conference when a phone call had been put through to his hotel room. He was worried when he heard Elizabeth's voice - she never rang him when he was working except in an emergency - but he hadn't been able to make sense of whatever it was she was trying to say.

"Elizabeth, please," he'd finally said. "Just tell me the bottom line."

"Francesco, you have to come home at once," she'd replied. "It's Patrick."

"It would be!" he'd thought to himself. It was always Patrick!

And so he'd made his apologies to James and the others and rushed to the airport, hoping against hope that he'd be able to get a seat. He'd made it by the skin of his teeth, and now he tried to relax, to make the most of the few hours respite. He'd be home soon enough.


Elizabeth stood by the rail outside the glass door marked "Arrivals", waiting for the passengers to make their way to the exit. Just one face in the crowd, she always felt a mild sense of panic as she waited, just a little afraid that he wouldn't see her and know she was waiting for him. Now she could see them beginning to make their way along the corridor, each one searching for their own 'familiar face'. She wished he'd hurry - then, suddenly, there he was.

Working his way through the crowd of fellow passengers he'd begun to search for her long before it was possible to recognize anyone in that waiting throng. He wondered if she knew how afraid he always felt, wondering if she'd be there - even though he knew she would. Every time he returned home he felt sick at the thought that somehow she wouldn't be there, she'd be gone, and he'd be left behind with this huge aching hole in his life that nothing else could possibly fill. Then he'd seen her, her eyes searching for and finding him and, smiling with relief, he was overcome by the need to take her in his arms and hug her to himself, to shut out everything else, and just know that she was his and that she wanted him.

Elizabeth felt like a schoolgirl again, smiling at him, while devouring him with her eyes. As he picked out her face his whole being lit up, the smile that always made her tremble inside flashed across his face, and then she was in his arms, enveloped in the bear-hug with which he always greeted her, while she simply enjoyed the feel of him, breathing in the smell of him, knowing he was back and he still wanted her.

It was always the same - even after thirty years.

Author:  Alison H [ 04 Jul 2007, 07:44 ]
Post subject: 

Interesting :D !

Author:  Lesley [ 04 Jul 2007, 08:20 ]
Post subject: 

Good little bunnies!

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 04 Jul 2007, 11:42 ]
Post subject: 

Really enjoying the fill ins with Francesco. Glad the plot bunnies aren't leaving you alone :D

Author:  Frogize [ 05 Jul 2007, 07:47 ]
Post subject: 

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Frank looked around in surprise and saw his eldest son, Luigi, walking towards him, with two and a half-year-old Mark in his arms. Beside him, heavily pregnant, walked his wife, Jenny, and all three were beaming at him.

"Did you tell him yet?" Lou grinned at his mother, while handing his son to his father. Elizabeth shook her head. "Here, Dad. You hold Mark while I get your case. We have to hurry if we're going to make it on time," he continued, before quickly making his way to the crowded luggage carousel and collecting his father's suitcase.

"What's going on?" asked Frank as they all made for the exit. "Where's Patrick?" Elizabeth smiled at him again, but made no effort to answer his questions, and soon they were all piling into Lou's car and nosing out onto the highway but instead of turning right at the lights, as Frank expected, they turned left heading away from the city.

"Will somebody please tell me what's going on?" Frank asked again, but the only response he got was from Mark, peering at him from his child-safety seat.

"No, no Grandpa! Be a good boy!" he said severely, finger wagging, in such an accurate imitation of his mother that everyone, including Frank and Mark, laughed. As Lou changed lanes Frank realized that they were heading for the international airport, and as they joined the long queue of vehicles heading towards the carpark he looked at Elizabeth once more.

"Does this have anything to do with Patrick?" he asked, not sure whether he'd get an answer or not.

"Yes," she smiled back at him. "Everything to do with Patrick - and even more to do with you!"

"Alright - I give up! My whole family's gone mad without me," he grinned. "I suppose you'll tell me in your own good time. But at least tell me that Patrick's not in any trouble."

"No, he's not in any trouble. He's'found' something that belongs to you, and we're going, not exactly pick it up...more like 'reclaim' it," she explained, which really didn't leave him any the wiser. "How much time do we have, Lou?"

"If I drop you at the door and then park you should make it in time for check-in, Mum," Lou answered, parking in the drop-off zone and popping the boot. "I'll get your cases."

"Check-in? Cases?" said Frank, looking puzzled once more. "I thought we were meeting Patrick?"

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Elizabeth laughed as she hurried from the car, while Lou piled their cases on a trolley and passed it to his father.

"We'll meet you in the departure lounge," he said, climbing back behind the wheel and driving away to find a parking spot. Within half an hour they were all seated at a table, drinks before them, waiting for the boarding call.

"Am I at least allowed to know where we're going?" Frank asked, looking once more at Elizabeth.

"Switzerland," she replied, with as straight a face as she could muster. "We're meeting Patrick there, but I'm not sure just how it will work out."

"And when was all this decided?" Frank questioned her. "There wasn't any mention of it before I went to Sydney. James will have a fit when he finds out I'm not in the office on Monday."

"Well, James can just have a fit," Elizabeth replied, totally unconcerned. "He can always phone if he needs to talk to you - when I find out the number, that is!"

Mark was beginning to be bored by all this adult conversation and stood up on his seat in order to see out of the window. A small aeroplane was standing at a terminal at the end of the row of gates, and Mark watched as a young man, wearing the uniform of an RFDS pilot appeared on the bitumen and was approached by a security officer.

"Mummy, look! Uncle Paul!" Mark called, turning to attract her attention.

"I don't think so, darling," Jenny said, crossing to sit beside the little boy and looking out of the window with him.

"Uncle Paul!" Mark insisted, and Jenny saw the two men below slowly walking towards the building.

"He's right, Lou," she exclaimed. "I'm sure that's Paul down there."

Minutes later Paul Kelly came striding towards them, the security officer following behind him.

"I hoped I'd find you here," he smiled at the group. "Sorry to spoil things but I'm here officially," and turning to Lou continued, "We've been called out to Broome; a five-year-old boy with leukemia."

Lou, two years into his specialization in paediatrics at Princess Margaret Hospital, was instantly on his feet, as Frank and Elizabeth rose beside him, knowing he would have to leave.

"Sorry, Mum, but you know how it is," he said, kissing Elizabeth then turning to Frank. "Have a great time, Dad. Wish I could be there with you," and with a quick hug for his father he turned to Jenny with a concerned expression.

"Don't worry," Paul spoke before Lou could begin. "Heather will be here any minute to take Jenny and Mark home." Turning to Frank and Elizabeth he grinned broadly, while Lou hugged his wife and son and kissed them goodbye.

"Tell Padre I expext to hear all about it when he gets back, Aunt Elizabeth," he said, and turning to Frank, "Let us know when you get there. Come on, Lou. We need to hurry." The two young men quickly made their way through the crowd, and a few minutes later they could be seen running across the bitumen to the waiting plane, a sight that drew howls of protest from Mark.

"Good heavens, Mark! What a racket!" came a voice from behind him, and Heather Findlay, Paul's fiancee, scooped him from the seat he was standing on and 'flew' him around the table. "You can fly like Daddy and Uncle Paul," she told him. "Even better - you don't need a plane! Lower landing gear!" and she deposited the now smiling Mark beside Jenny, before taking Lou's empty seat. Before she had a chance to speak again, however, the final boarding call was announced and there was a flurry of activity as Frank and Elizabeth prepared to leave. Surrendering their boarding passes at the departure gate they waved goodbye to Heather, Jenny, and Mark and set off down the long corridor to the waiting plane. As they passed through the internal doors and were lost to sight, Elizabeth put her hand on Frank's arm and drew him aside.

"I'm sorry this is all so rushed and mysterious," she began. "Not at all like your usual homecomings, is it?"

"Not in the least," Frank grinned at her, all the time thinking that his homecomings generally involved things like good wine, candlelight, soft music and, more particularly, Elizabeth's body. "Have you got any more surprises in store for me?"

"Hmm. Just what did you have in mind?" she smiled, stepping into his embrace and preparing to be kissed.

"Excuse me, sir," came an unknown voice from behind them, "but you'll have to hurry if you intend to catch this plane," and a young flight-attendant stopped beside them, a look of distinct disapproval on her face, that clearly implied they were far too old to be indulging in such behaviour.

Not daring to make eye contact with Elizabeth - he knew exactly what she would be thinking! - he took her arm and they followed behind, Elizabeth grinning like an idiot while he bit his lip and tried not to laugh.

Author:  Alison H [ 05 Jul 2007, 07:49 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Frogize :D .

Author:  keren [ 05 Jul 2007, 08:19 ]
Post subject: 

very nice
nice that he also knew enough to call his child Luigi.
From what I faintly remember of the first drabble, they were not aware that he had a different father from the others

I need a little reminder, His aunt took him back to Italy, but he was given to her brother's family and not hers, where he was brought up as part of the family, his brother is patrick?

They had forgotten about the aunt??

Can you post a link or reminder?

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 05 Jul 2007, 11:27 ]
Post subject: 

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Am always really glad to find another update to this drabble. Does this mean Biddy will be reunited with her brother soon??? Thanks!!

Author:  leahbelle [ 05 Jul 2007, 16:52 ]
Post subject: 

Thank you, Frogize.

Author:  Lesley [ 05 Jul 2007, 17:54 ]
Post subject: 

Oh good, so pleased this is happening!

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Sarah_K [ 05 Jul 2007, 23:17 ]
Post subject: 

Oh dear, I really need a family tree for this drabble when I'm this tired!

Still I could feel the excitement as the family met Frank, I can't wait to see his reaction! It's interesting that his family has got rather tied up with doctor's too.

Thank you Frogize.

Author:  Cath V-P [ 05 Jul 2007, 23:59 ]
Post subject: 

Oh lovely! The scene at the airport was delightful with the to and fro of family life - and the young flight attendant has such a lot to learn.... :D

Author:  Frogize [ 06 Jul 2007, 01:35 ]
Post subject: 

Sorry, this isn't an update - it's just to let everyone know that there will soon be a link to the family trees (yes, plural!) so you can all find out who's who and what the family connections are. I keep forgetting that you don't know what I do!

Author:  Miranda [ 13 Jul 2007, 14:55 ]
Post subject: 

I'm hoping these links will work for everyone:

Kelly Family Tree

Desti Family Tree

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 16 Jul 2007, 02:14 ]
Post subject: 

I jus realised something. Although Biddy will remember Francesco, I doubt Francesco will really remember Biddy or if at all. Hope the reunion goes alright

Author:  Sarah_K [ 16 Jul 2007, 18:28 ]
Post subject: 

Thank you Miranda! I'll save those for next time I get myself tangled up in the names :D :lol:

Author:  lizziearrnet [ 16 Jul 2007, 21:11 ]
Post subject: 

Pokes Pat

More Please....smiles angelically and hopes it works! :halo:

Author:  Frogize [ 01 Aug 2007, 07:51 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

A short time later, after stowing their hand luggage in the overhead lockers, Frank risked a quick glance at his wife - and instantly regretted it! They fell into their seats, laughing uproariously, and causing quite a stir among their neighbouring passengers. Finally wiping their eyes, they resigned themselves to being referred to by the cabin crew as 'that mad old couple' and settled in for the first stage of their flight.

By the time they landed in Singapore four hours later, Frank was wondering if he'd still be able to walk by the time they finally arrived. He'd already endured four hours more flying time than Elizabeth, having come straight from Sydney, and was really looking forward to the two hour stop-over before their direct flight to Zurich. Once on the Zurich flight - another fourteen hours flying time - Frank decided to try to sleep at least part of the journey. He hated the feeling of jet-lag, and it always took him several days to get over it. Elizabeth, meanwhile, took out the magazine she'd bought at the airport and began to read.

Half an hour later, her magazine abandoned, Elizabeth sipped the coffee she'd just ordered and wondered what was ahead of them in Switzerland. Patrick had told her that the Senora Guazza mentioned in the letter she had read - how many weeks ago? - was indeed related to Francesco, though the connection was difficult to explain in a quick overseas phone-call. There was also something about more family, but Patrick hadn't explained much to her and had instead suggested they fly out to Switzerland immediately. Now that they were well on their way Elizabeth wondered what they would find there. As she looked at Francesco, sleeping rather uncomfortably in the seat beside her, she remembered the very first time she'd set eyes on him, and smiled to herself.

It had been the Christmas before she turned 17, when he was nearly 20 and Poppa had been in hospital. James had heard that Frank would be alone for Christmas and had insisted he come to the family home and join them. Elizabeth had returned from boarding school the day after they arrived and, that first morning, her mother had sent her to ask if they were ever coming to breakfast. When they weren't to be found in the house she had known exactly where they would be. James always went for an early morning swim in the creek if he was home at this time of year, and she was sure she'd find them there. Hurrying to the stable she'd quickly saddled up and set out. It wasn't far, but the horse would be quicker.

Arrived at the creek, she'd sat quietly on her horse, watching the stranger from her vantage point at the top of the rise, behind the sheltering gum trees. He'd obviously been swimming and was now engaged in drying himself, the thick dark curls that covered his head beginning to reassert themselves as his hair dried in the hot sun. She'd looked on admiringly, until she noticed James sitting near him, similarly occupied, and she'd smiled to herself.

"Mum wants to know if you two are coming in for breakfast any time soon!" she'd finally called in their direction, and had been delighted to see them both turn startled faces towards her before she rode off, laughing.

"You'll pay for that, Liz!" James had yelled after her furiously, before turning to Frank with a half-embarassed smile.

"I assume that was your 'little sister'," Frank had grinned at him. "Can't honestly say she looked that 'little' to me!"

"You've just been in the sun too long, Desti!" James had laughed back, and they'd hurried into their clothes before making their way back to the homestead.

She smiled again at the memory. James had been so angry about it, but Francesco had shrugged it off and grinned at her across the breakfast table. After that, she remembered, she'd taken every opportunity to observe her brother's friend, and she'd liked what she saw, though there hadn't really been much chance to get to know him then. Glancing once more at the sleeping man beside her, it seemed impossible that it had all happened more than thirty years ago, and even more impossible that she still knew so little about him.

Author:  ibarhis [ 01 Aug 2007, 07:54 ]
Post subject: 

Nice, I've been hoping for more of this.

Author:  Alison H [ 01 Aug 2007, 09:00 ]
Post subject: 

Nice to see more of this ... but rather worrying that she feels that she doesn't really know her husband after all that time.

Author:  Lesley [ 01 Aug 2007, 18:12 ]
Post subject: 

Glad to read more of this - lovely they have such a wonderful relationship -though I can't say I feel 47 and 50 that old! :wink:

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 04 Aug 2007, 11:08 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont.

Some time later Frank began to rouse from sleep to the familiar feel of Elizabeth's hand on his thigh. A smile had begun to spread across his face when, suddenly recalling where they were, he opened his eyes and grabbed her hand, raising it to his lips and kissing it before he spoke.

"You're a very wicked woman, Elizabeth Desti," he said, narrowing his eyes and shaking his head at her in mock severity, though not releasing her hand.

"Yes, I know; but I think my husband rather likes me that way, so I'm not planning to change," she smiled and, seeing that smile, he remembered seeing it the very first time he'd kissed her - or she'd kissed him, to be more accurate!

It had been just four days before his 20th birthday, when he'd been staying with the Kelly family over Christmas, while Poppa was in hospital. That was when he and James had first begun to discuss the business together, making their plans in order to put them to James' father, Mike. It was the first time he'd met the rest of James' family - he already knew Mike, of course - and he'd been surprised to discover that when James had spoken of his 'little brother' John he hadn't been exaggerating - James was 23 and John was 5! So it had come as rather a surprise - though not an unpleasant one - to discover that James' 'little sister' Liz was nearly 17.

He and James hadn't spent much time with the others, except for the obligatory Christmas Day and mealtimes, and church on Sundays. What with visiting Poppa and making plans with James there hadn't been any time. He'd liked Liz well enough, but he'd been too busy to really notice her, and James had treated her as nothing more than an irritating nuisance. By the time the holidays were over and she was ready to return for her final year at boarding school he'd been preoccupied with plans to pick up Poppa and take him home. When the knock came on his door, early in the morning just as he finished dressing, he'd been a little shocked to see her enter.

"I just came to say good-bye, Frank," she began, closing the door behind her.

"Are you off already?" he smiled as she crossed towards him.

"'Fraid so," she answered, a little nervously. "Aren't you going to kiss me good-bye, then?"

"Okay," he said, surprised at the suggestion but not prepared to refuse her, and he bent to kiss her cheek. As he did so she turned her head and, as their lips met, he felt her arms slide over his shoulders and around his neck, her fingers in his hair. Taken completely by surprise he'd taken a small step to regain his balance, and without at all meaning to, his arms wrapped around her and held her close, while the unexpected kiss lingered.

At the sound of James' impatient call, and his footsteps on the stairs, Liz quickly broke away and hurried to the door. Turning, she smiled at him, the way she did when she'd done something outrageous and knew she'd get away with it.

"Happy birthday, Frank," she whispered, then picked up her case which was by the door and, a moment later, he heard her speaking to her brother in the corridor.

"I was only saying good-bye to Frank," she protested. "Will you please carry my case, James? It's heavier than I thought," and he heard the sound of their footsteps retreating down the stairs.

Crossing quickly to the window he watched her climb into the car, and then she was gone. As the vehicle disappeared in a cloud of late summer dust he stood with thudding heart, his breathing unsteady, wondering what had just happened! He certainly wouldn't forget Elizabeth Kelly in a hurry!

Forget her?! He hadn't been able to get her out of his mind. Within a matter of months he'd fallen head over heels in love with her, and never gotten over it; please God, he never would! She was by far the most fascinating, irritating, adorable woman he'd ever met, and life without her would be deathly dull and totally unthinkable!

"So - was there a reason for waking me? Other than torturing me, that is?" he asked, smiling at her as he returned to the present.

"Only that they'll be serving dinner...or whatever meal we're at a few minutes," she answered, becoming serious once more. "Still another seven hours until we land. I hope Patrick's waiting for us," she sighed. "I don't want to hang around once we get there."

Author:  Alison H [ 04 Aug 2007, 12:05 ]
Post subject: 

They're lovely together :D .

Author:  Lesley [ 04 Aug 2007, 20:23 ]
Post subject: 

A very forthright young lady there - no wonder Frank fell for her! :lol:

Lovely - thanks Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 05 Aug 2007, 13:35 ]
Post subject: 

I love the relationship between Frank and Elizabeth. They seem so much fun together. Can't wait for Frank to finally meet Biddy

Author:  Frogize [ 16 Aug 2007, 05:35 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Patrick had indeed met them at Zurich airport, when the clock insisted that the time was almost midnight, although their body-clocks told them it was the middle of the day. It had taken some time to clear Customs and collect their things, but eventually they were in the car and heading for the hotel Patrick had chosen.

It was approaching two o'clock in the morning by the time they had gone through all the necessary formalities of signing in, and Frank and Elizabeth parted from their son and were shown to their room. Shutting the door firmly and locking it behind them, Frank gathered her into his arms and, holding her tightly against himself, kissed her with an intensity that promised much.

"Am I home yet, Elizabeth?" he asked, his voice thick with desire, as he unzipped her dress and removed his tie.

"Ohh, yes!" she answered, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling him close once more.

"At last!" he sighed.


Waking several hours later, when the sun was shining brightly and another day had begun, he smiled at her, curled like a kitten against him, and kissed her awake again. Though still warm and drowsy from sleep, Elizabeth embraced him enthusiastically and drew him to her.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you, Elizabeth Desti?" he whispered, resting on one elbow and looking into the eyes that saw him as no-one else ever did.

"Of course I do, darling," she whispered back, smiling up at him and snuggling closer. "About half as much as I love you!"

Author:  Alison H [ 16 Aug 2007, 07:42 ]
Post subject: 

Biddy would be so happy to know how happy he was ...

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 16 Aug 2007, 09:02 ]
Post subject: 

Pat!! When are you doing the reunion between Frank and Biddy. I can't wait for them to be reunited. Pleeease. (Looks like Puss in Boots from Shrek)

Author:  Lesley [ 16 Aug 2007, 09:12 ]
Post subject: 

That's so cute. :lol:

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 31 Aug 2007, 03:38 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Just as he was enjoying the sensation of Elizabeth's lips exploring his chest the phone beside the bed rang loudly and, reluctantly, he reached for the receiver and answered.

"Hello? Frank Desti here."

"Hi, Dad. Hope I didn't wake you," came Patrick's voice.

"Hi, Patrick. No, we're both awake already," Frank said, smiling at Elizabeth as she diligently continued her exploration of his body, while he made a very half-hearted attempt to discourage her.

"Good," came Patrick's voice again. "We need to leave by three at the latest if we're going to arrive at the Gornetz Platz at a reasonable hour. Shall we meet for lunch in....say, half an hour?"

"Good Lord! What time is it?" Frank asked, sitting bolt upright and tumbling Elizabeth across the bed as he did so.

"A bit after one thirty, Dad. Shall I meet you in the lobby?"

"We'll be there in half an hour," he said, as Elizabeth made a face at him and took the receiver from his hand.

"Hello, Patrick. Are you taking us somewhere nice for lunch? Somewhere outdoors, I hope?" she asked, and she heard the familiar laughter at the other end of the line.

"Yes, Mum. I'll make sure it's somewhere outdoors. At least you won't have to worry about the flies, here!"

"Even better," she smiled. "See you in half an hour!" and she replaced the receiver before following Frank into the shower.


They were only a little late arriving in the lobby, and Patrick rose to greet them as they left the elevator. As they met, Elizabeth smiled up at her son and hugged him. It had always delighted her that he and Francesco looked so much alike, and she enjoyed walking between the two as they made their way to a nearby restaurant. As promised, they were seated at an outdoor table, and were soon enjoying their first meal in Switzerland.

"So, are you going to finally enlighten me as to why I've been dragged half-way round the world?" Frank asked Patrick as they finished eating.

"Not exactly 'dragged'," Elizabeth protested, laughing. "You came very willingly, although I will admit we did more or less kidnap you at the airport!"

"And I'm sorry, Dad, but there's nothing I'm allowed to tell you yet - apart from the fact that the Maynards are looking forward to meeting you both," Patrick grinned. "It's not my story to tell, so you'll just have to be patient for a little while longer."

"Patient?" Frank snorted. "Between you and your mother, I'm sure I should have won the Nobel Prize for patience by now!" but he grinned back at Patrick all the same. "Well, come on then Elizabeth. Let's collect our things and get off, because I should hate to die of curiosity before we even get there!"

And in a very short space of time they were seated in Jack Maynard's car - loaned to Patrick for the occasion - heading for the highway and then on to the Gornetz Platz.

Author:  Lesley [ 31 Aug 2007, 06:37 ]
Post subject: 

Getting closer....

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 31 Aug 2007, 07:47 ]
Post subject: 

Exactly what Lesley said!

Author:  Frogize [ 01 Sep 2007, 14:46 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Some people are positively disgusting!!! Sorry to rant, but some **&^%@# person stole my bag with all my research notes for 'Emilia's Story 2' - plus lots of other stuff, of course! For now I'm just going to carry on from here (Stop cheering Fiona!) and I'll put in explanatory notes where necessary until I can rewrite it. Ugghhh!! Horrible person!!

('Emilia's Story 2' tells the story of what happened to Emilia and Luca's family - and others - during WW2, and how Francesco escapes with Franco and his two cousins, Marco and Alessandro (yes, the horrible one!).

Have just found (and posted!)the last little bit of 'Emilia's Story' in a notebook; I was keeping it until I'd done the bit which is now lost.

It was almost seven o'clock by the time they pulled into the driveway at Freudsheim, and Frank and Elizabeth were looking forward to being able to stretch their legs at long last. Jack and Joey Maynard were waiting on the steps to welcome their guests, and no-one would have guessed the way Joey had harangued Jack the day before for their unexpected arrival. Though always happy to welcome visitors to her home, Jo did like to have a reasonable amount of warning before they arrived, if only to make sure a room was ready for them!

"Welcome to Freudsheim!" Joey smiled, coming to greet them as they left the car and mounted the steps. "I'm so pleased to finally meet you both. You must be absolutely sick of travelling!"

Jack offered his hand to Frank and performed the necessary introductions. "Hello! I'm Jack Maynard, and the talkative one is my wife, Joey," he grinned. "Glad you finally made it."

"Thanks," Frank smiled in return. "This is my wife, Elizabeth, and I'm Frank. Of course, you already know Patrick, otherwise known as...." but they never did hear what Patrick was otherwise known as, because Elizabeth turned and glared at Frank in a manner calculated to subdue all resistance, and he very wisely decided to keep quiet.

Joey looked at Elizabeth admiringly and said, with a huge grin, "Matey would have been proud of you, Elizabeth!" Jack and Frank shared smiles as fellow sufferers, while Patrick sighed with relief, and they all entered the chalet in high good humour.

Joey led them upstairs to what had been the nursery wing when the chalet had been full of children. It was much quieter these days, although they often entertained guests. She showed them to a large room with wonderful views from the window, and indicated the neighbouring bathroom which was reserved for their use.

"Patrick's room is in the other corridor," Joey murmured quietly to Elizabeth. "I thought you'd like some privacy."

"Thank you," Elizabeth smiled. "That was thoughtful of you." She was going to like Joey Maynard, she decided.

"We'll have Abendessen at eight o'clock," Jo added as she turned to leave. "Our friends the Courvoisiers are joining us; I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," Elizabeth said. "I'll look forward to meeting them."

As Joey left them alone, Elizabeth turned to Frank. "I can't believe you almost embarassed Patrick like that," she said, trying to frown and failing miserably. "Honestly, Francesco, you're not safe to be let out in public sometimes!"

"He'll survive," Frank grinned at her. "Who did Joey say was joining us for dinner?"

"Some friends of theirs - the Courvoisiers, I think she said. I wonder what they're like?"

"Should be okay if they're friends of the Maynards. Anyway, we'll find out soon enough," he said. "Now, let's get some of this lot unpacked."


A few minutes before eight Jack opened the door to the Courvoisiers and ushered them into the salon. Standing to greet the new arrivals, Frank and Elizabeth waited to be introduced as a smiling Joey led them forward.

"These are our good friends Biddy and Eugen Courvoisier," she said as they approached. "And these are Frank and Elizabeth Desti, Patrick's parents," she added, looking closely at Biddy, who seemed to be well in control of herself. "I think Abendessen is ready now. Shall we go through?" and Joey led the way to the dining room.

"Where's Patrick?" asked Biddy, looking around. "I thought he'd be here."

"No. He's having dinner with Vater Moritz tonight, but he said he'd join us later," Joey said, with a smile.

"Probably avoiding any more embarassing moments from you!" Elizabeth whispered to Frank, smiling mischievously, as they followed their hostess into the dining room and took their seats at the table. Frank smiled back, but wisely refrained from making any comment. The three couples had a most enjoyable dinner together - Joey carefully keeping the conversation away from any areas that might prove troublesome - and they were back in the salon, chatting over after-dinner coffee, when Patrick returned and joined them.

"Are we going to visit Emilia tomorrow?" he asked Joey as he sat down in the seat she indicated.

"I expect so," she smiled. "It's become something of a ritual now, don't you think? What about you Biddy? Are you coming as well?"

"Yes, I'll be there," she smiled at Joey, "but I may be a little late. You'd better go in without me, and I'll come along with Eugen as soon as I can."

"And what about you two?" Joey asked, turning to Frank and Elizabeth. "Would you like to see the hospice Patrick's been visiting with Vater Moritz? We're rather proud of it."

"Yes, please," Elizabeth answered for both of them. "Are you sure it will be alright? Won't they mind two strangers wandering around the place?"

"As long as you're with us it'll be fine," Joey assured her. "Shall we go at our usual time then? Ten o'clock?"

And so it was all arranged.


"What did you think of the Courvoisiers?" Frank asked Elizabeth as they prepared for bed that night.

"I liked them," Elizabeth said after considering for a moment. "Of course, being Irish I could hardly fail to like Biddy, could I? You know what we Kellys are about our Irish heritage!"

"Just as long as you don't forget you're a Desti!" he grinned at her as he sat down on the bed and began to remove his shoes.

"Don't be ridiculous, darling! I'd have to forget you to do that - and that's impossible!" she replied, planting a kiss on the top of his head as she crossed to the dressing table and began to brush out her hair.

"Was it just me, or did Biddy seem to look at me oddly sometimes?" he asked later, just before turning out the light. "I was beginning to feel like some kind of interesting specimen by the time they left."

"I always did think you were an interesting specimen," she smiled at him, "though of the nicest possible kind, of course! Now please turn off the light and come to bed. We have a busy day tomorrow and I'd like to get some sleep."

Just as she was settling down to sleep Elizabeth was suddenly brought back to full consciousness when she heard Frank say, "Did you hear what Biddy said to me as they left? She called me Francesco. I wonder how she knew my name?"

Author:  Alison H [ 01 Sep 2007, 15:27 ]
Post subject: 

Interesting meeting - I'd assumed that they'd explain to Francesco about who Biddy was first.

Really sorry your bag got stolen, Pat - hope it hasn't caused you too much hassle.

Author:  Fatima [ 01 Sep 2007, 17:45 ]
Post subject: 

Yes, I assumed that they'd fill Frank in on Biddy before he met her.

It's awful having your bag stolen, isn't it. (((Pat)))

Author:  Frogize [ 01 Sep 2007, 22:37 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Elizabeth had lain awake long into the night, wondering about Biddy, as she listened to the gentle sound of Francesco's breathing. She wished she could speak to Patrick and ask him about her, but she wasn't sure what to ask; and surely there must be a simple explanation of how she had known Francesco's name.

The next morning, having slept restlessly throughout the night, Elizabeth was anxious to visit the hospice with Joey and the others. She knew that was where they would find Emilia and, now that they were so close, she just wanted to get it over with. She'd intended to have a private word with Patrick but discovered that he'd left early to meet with Vater Moritz and would meet them at the hospice. By half past nine they were all preparing to go out, and she felt as nervous as a kitten.

Jack Maynard had elected to drive them to the hospice and Joey had smiled to herself when he suggested it. So far he'd feigned disinterest in the proceedings but she noticed he was as anxious as them all to be there when Frank finally met his family. As they arrived at the hospice Patrick was waiting at the door to greet them.

"'Morning everyone," Patrick smiled as he held the door open for them, then led the way to the large airy office that belonged to Vater Moritz. Frank looked around in surprise when only he and Elizabeth followed Patrick into the room and his son closed the door behind them.

"Better take a seat, Dad," Patrick said quietly, leading them to the comfortable armchairs near the window, and taking the chair from behind the desk for himself. "This is where you get to find out why you're here."

"About time, too!" Frank said, trying to sound cheerful, but suddenly a feeling of foreboding was sweeping over him, and he felt unaccountably nervous. "So - tell me!"

"I received this letter a few months ago, Dad, before I came to the conference where Vater Moritz was giving an address. I'd like you to read it," Patrick said, and handed Frank the letter Joey had written so long ago. Both Patrick and Elizabeth watched anxiously as he read, wondering how he would react. After finishing and refolding it Frank stood up and returned the letter, looking first at Patrick and then Elizabeth.

"Why didn't you say anything, Elizabeth?" he asked quietly, as he took her hand and drew her to her feet beside him. "Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered as he held her in his arms, and she suddenly realized that he was afraid.

"Because we needed to be certain there was no mistake, Francesco," she answered simply, placing her arms around him as he rested his head against her shoulder. "In all the time I've known you, you never talk about your family, except Poppa. I didn't want to get it wrong."

"So, what happens now?" Frank sighed, looking at Patrick.

"Would you like to meet her?" Patrick asked.

" mean she's here? Now?" Frank said, looking at first one then the other. "I thought you were going to tell me she died."

"No, Dad. She's very much alive and waiting to see you. Come on; I'll take you to her."

They left the office and walked in silence down several corridors, Frank holding Elizabeth's hand tightly in his own, until they were standing outside Emilia's door. Opening it, Patrick stood back, allowing his parents to enter and following them into the room. A protective screen could be seen around the bed and Frank stopped, looking again at his wife and son.

Elizabeth smiled at him as she released his hand and Frank stepped around the screen. He stood transfixed, staring at the old woman lying in the bed. Several seconds passed and he continued to gaze, blinking like an owl, unable to make his lips form the word he needed. The old woman looked back at him, waiting patiently, tears in her eyes.

(As she watched Francesco approach the old lady's bed Elizabeth was afraid that after this he'd be different, no longer the man she knew so well, the man she'd loved almost since the moment she'd first set eyes on him. In all their time together she'd never had to share him with anyone before. Well, there was always Poppa, of course, but he'd been nearly as much hers as Francesco Francesco had been? she wondered.)

"Mamma?" The word stuck somewhere before it reached his throat, and he swallowed hard, moistening his lips and trying again. "Mamma? Is it really you?"

(She was glad that Patrick was with her, though she doubted that he'd understand her fear. He was just pleased to have been able to reunite the two people she was watching, and she knew his tears would be flowing as freely as her own, though for a far different reason. She leaned against him, feeling the strength of his arm around her shoulders. Would he even understand that he'd shaken the very foundation of her world?)

"Francesco," the old lady sighed, smiling, as the tears finally spilled over. Just that one word - but it had been such a long, long time since he'd heard her say it. Moving closer to the bed, he could see her eyes watching him, while his own took in the features of the face he had never expected to see again. As he reached the bedside she put out her hand, uncertain that this was not just another dream, and taking it in his own he felt again the touch of the only mother he had ever known.

(She heard the old lady whisper his name, and the stab of pain she felt at the sound was as sharp as glass. How could she bear to hear anyone else use his name? It had always been so special, just between the two of them, and now this woman spoke it as though....what? As though she had a right to? Well, surely she did.....didn't she?)

"Mamma," he said softly, his voice sounding strange even to his own ears, and he took the seat beside the bed. Reaching out his other hand he stroked back the stray hair that lay on her cheek, letting his hand rest there for a moment before it fell to her waist.

(She saw him reach out and touch the old lady's cheek, and she longed to snatch his hand away; to kiss it and hold it to her own cheek.)

"Mamma," he sighed again, laying his head in her lap and closing his eyes, as the well-remembered hand touched his head and his tears dampened the covers of her bed.

(She watched as he lay his head in the old lady's lap, and knew he was weeping - but was it with happiness? or relief? or something else entirely? She didn't know.)

"Oh, Francesco," the old lady whispered, weeping silently along with him as she repeatedly stroked his hair, the action that had always soothed him as a child, and spoke to him in the old familiar dialect. "My dear, dear boy. I've missed you.....oh, so much."

(She wanted to reach out and hold him, and felt the stab of pain again as the old lady stroked his hair in just the way that Elizabeth knew would comfort him. How long had she herself done exactly that after Poppa died? It had seemed like forever! She knew, oh so well, the feel of his hair under her fingers, and it hurt her to know that someone else would do it.....would even know to do it. She knew she was being stupid and selfish, but he was hers and she couldn't bear to lose even the tiniest part of him. She didn't want to share him. And yet she knew she had so very, very much. She felt Patrick's arm tighten around her shoulders and reached up to grasp his hand, to let him know how thankful she was for his presence, thankful that he'd sent for them, and that this was happening at all. Thankful that, even though it hurt so much, she could be glad for Francesco. If only he'd remember her....look at her....want her!)

It was some time before Frank lifted his head, wiping his eyes on his sleeve and searching for Elizabeth. As he reached out to her she quickly left the safety of Patrick's arm and crossed to his side, standing with her arms around his shoulders, his face buried against her, while she smiled at Emilia.

(She saw him lift his head, and almost smiled as he wiped his eyes on his sleeve in exactly the same way that Patrick had always done as a boy; then she sighed with a mixture of relief and happiness as he reached out to her, wanting her beside him, needing her as much as she needed him. As she held him, his face pressed against her while fresh tears soaked her clothing, she was able to smile at Emilia and silently thank her for giving him back.)

Author:  Alison H [ 01 Sep 2007, 23:40 ]
Post subject: 

That was very moving :cry: .

Author:  Lesley [ 02 Sep 2007, 22:56 ]
Post subject: 

Oh that was lovely, Pat - and so apt that Elizabeth should be so afraid and even jealous that her Franco has a history with people that doesn't include her - hope that doesn't bide ill for Biddy.

Author:  Frogize [ 03 Sep 2007, 02:44 ]
Post subject: 

Elizabeth looked down at Francesco and smilingly offered him a handkerchief as Patrick came to join them.

"Are you okay, Dad?" Patrick asked anxiously. "We tried not to shock you but, was...."

"I'm fine, thanks, Patrick," Frank said, "and I'll talk to you later," then he turned to Emilia. "Mamma, this is my wife, Elizabeth, and I love her very much," he said softly, speaking once more in the dialect they both knew, but Elizabeth was only half listening now. As the unknown language flowed around her, her thoughts raced through her mind as she tried to make sense of what she knew.

Francesco called this woman 'Mamma', so where did Poppa fit in? And what about Marco and Alessandro? She must know about them, too. But did she know what happened to them? And what was the 'other family' that Patrick had mentioned on the phone? Suddenly, Elizabeth began to feel overwhelmed and, as she swayed slightly beside him, Frank quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around her.

"Elizabeth?" he asked anxiously, as she took his place in the seat beside the bed. "Elizabeth, are you alright?"

"Yes, of course I am," she smiled reassuringly at him. "I was just trying to work out how your family fits together, and it got all too complicated."

"It is a bit of a mess," he smiled, stroking her cheek. "If we can find someone to translate for us, I'll try to untangle it for you. It's really not that bad once you understand 'who' and 'why'."

The door opened at that moment and Vater Moritz looked in. "May we come in?" he asked, looking at Patrick, who nodded and admitted him as well as Joey and Jack Maynard, closely followed by Biddy and Eugen Courvoisier.

Frank looked at his son, wondering what all these people were doing here, and Patrick grinned at him. "It's okay, Dad," he said. "In the words of someone I know - 'It's really not that bad once you understand 'who' and 'why'," and as he moved aside Vater Moritz stepped forward. Patrick and Jack hurriedly arranged seats for everyone, several being borrowed from other rooms, and once they were all settled Emilia began.

Author:  Alison H [ 03 Sep 2007, 07:42 ]
Post subject: 

This must be very weird for Elizabeth and Patrick.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 03 Sep 2007, 08:23 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat. Am loving all the updates. It must be weird for Elizabeth to share Francesco when she hasn't had to for so long. And poor Biddy. It would be so hard to find her brother and not be able to say much to him. Still can't wait for the reunion Pat

Author:  Lesley [ 03 Sep 2007, 08:54 ]
Post subject: 

Very confusing foor poor Elizabeth - hope she, and Franco, get to know everything soon.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Dawn [ 03 Sep 2007, 12:57 ]
Post subject: 

Just caught up on this - and so sorry about your bag :evil:

Author:  Kathy_S [ 04 Sep 2007, 01:02 ]
Post subject: 

Lots to untangle here!

Thank you, Frogize.

Author:  Elbee [ 04 Sep 2007, 09:06 ]
Post subject: 

Like Fiona, I can't wait for the reunion either!

Thanks Pat, and sorry to hear about your stolen bag.

Author:  Frogize [ 07 Sep 2007, 07:00 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

"Francesco, do you remember when I first brought you to Italy?" she asked, watching him intently.

"No, Mamma, I don't," he smiled at her.

"I thought not," she said sadly, and Frank wondered why. "Then I need to tell you something I should have told you a very long time ago," and as Frank watched she began to weep again. Concerned, he moved to comfort her, but she sat straighter and looked into his eyes, as he took her hands in both his own.

"Francesco, you don't remember your father, Luigi, but I remember him well," she began. "He was my little brother and I loved him dearly. You're so like him - and not only in looks...."

"Mamma, I know all that," Frank said, uneasy at seeing her distress.

"Yes, Francesco, I know you do," Emilia continued. "But you don't know about your mother..."

"I know she died when I was just a baby," he said. "Poppa told me that years ago, Mamma."

"Poppa?" she asked, looking at him in bewilderment. "Who's Poppa?"

"Uncle Franco," he smiled. "Things got complicated after we left, and it became necessary to....."

"Yes, yes. I understand," she answered, not wanting to be deflected from her task. "And did he also tell you about your sister?"

"My sister?" Frank repeated. "What sister? Poppa never mentioned a sister."

"Perhaps I didn't tell him, either, then," Emilia whispered. "Please just listen, Francesco, and Vater Moritz if you would be so kind as to translate for the others as we go?" she added.

"Of course, Signora Guazza," Vater Moritz agreed, settling in to his accustomed task. "I'm quite ready."

Frank had expected Emilia to continue with her story, and was puzzled when instead she held out a hand to Mme Courvoisier.

"There's someone here that you should meet," she said, looking at Eugen and motioning for him to bring Biddy closer. "Francesco, this is your sister, Biddy," she continued, watching his face to see if it meant anything at all to him; but he simply looked back at her with a puzzled expression.

"My sister?" he queried. "But, it's Mme Courvoisier...." and he looked from Emilia to the woman standing at the other side of the bed.

"Would you like to explain, my dear?" she said, looking at Biddy with eyes full of sorrow and regret.

Eugen hugged Biddy reassuringly, keeping his arm around her and handing her his handkerchief. After a few minutes, and feeling very unsure of herself, Biddy started to speak.

"You know that I'm Bridget Courvoisier - though everyone calls me Biddy - and you've met my husband, Eugen," she began, as Frank nodded. "I was born in County Kerry, in Ireland. My parents were Sean and Mary O'Ryan, and I had two older brothers. My godfather's name was..." and she swallowed audibly, "was Luigi Desti."

Frank looked from Biddy to Emilia, but said nothing, and Biddy continued.

"Some time before I turned two there was a terrible accident, and my father and brothers died. Then, a few months before I was eight, Luigi married my mother and a year later my little brother was born. His name was Francesco.......Francesco Desti."

Frank felt Elizabeth's grip tighten on his fingers, and he couldn't get rid of the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Ma died a few days after Francesco was born, and Papa was never quite the same after that. He tried, but I think part of him died, too. And then we left Ireland. We were going to go to Italy, to Aunt Emilia," and Biddy looked at the old lady who smiled back at her. "I lost my case with all my papers in it, and Papa got sick, and then he died, too." Biddy swallowed hard several times before continuing.

"We were at the church, with Father Stefan, when Aunt Emilia came for us; but she couldn't take me because I didn't have any papers. She took you with her to Italy, and I never saw you again. We tried to find you, but none of the authorities would tell us anything, and then the war came, and...well, it was even more impossible then. But I never forgot you, Francesco."

He could see Biddy was shaking, and Eugen held her tighter, but she shrugged him off and walked around the bed to stand in front of Frank. She was holding a flat white box which she opened slowly, taking out the photographs within.

"This is a picture of my parents on their wedding day," she said, handing him the top photo, and he looked at it carefully. He hadn't really known what he expected to see, just an old photo, but there was Beth's face, and especially her eyes, staring back at him. More serious than he'd ever seen it, but it was her face alright. He'd often wondered just who it was his daughter resembled, and here was the answer. He looked more closely at the photo, then held it out to Elizabeth and knew she saw the resemblance, too.

"This was taken when I was christened. It's all my family, the only picture I have of them," and she'd handed over the photo of a family group. There was Beth's face again, but smiling now, the way she ususally was.

"And this is my godfather, my Papa, Luigi Desti," and, with tears in her eyes once more, Biddy handed him the final picture. There couldn't be any doubt now - it was like looking in a mirror. There was his own face smiling back at him. Except for the clothes, and perhaps the hair style, it could have been a picture of himself when younger. So....this must really be his sister. But Biddy hadn't quite finished. Stepping closer, she glanced at Elizabeth before bending towards his upturned face.

"If you're really my little brother Francesco, you have a," she said, and reaching out she exposed the inside of his lower lip with her thumb, displaying the scar he'd never been able to explain.

"How did I get it?" he asked, not expecting she could answer, but hoping that somehow he'd be able to make sense of everything. He felt as though he were in the middle of a nightmare and desperately wanted to wake up.

" fell out of the pulpit in our church," she said. "You bit your lip very badly, and got a spectacular black eye - you looked terrible."

Frank stood up then, looking into the face of this woman he'd only recently met, but who seemed to know him well. She even called him Francesco. As he recalled that fact he quickly glanced at Elizabeth and, for the first time ever, he had no idea what she was thinking or how she felt. It frightened him, not knowing, but now Biddy was weeping and he tentatively put out a hand to her. As she stepped forward he embraced her, and then she wept uncontrollably against him while he stood with closed eyes trying to understand that this was his sister.

Eugen watched as his wife was embraced by this man he'd only met the night before. It made him feel uncomfortable, and he had to keep reminding himself that this was her brother. He wondered if Elizabeth was feeling the same way and looked at her across the room. Seeing her stricken expression he hurried around the bed and squatted in front of her, holding her hands in his own.

"Don't you mind?" she asked in a soft voice, full of pain, that was almost impossible to hear. "Doesn't it bother you, seeing them like that?"

"A little," he admitted, "but it's worse for you. I've always known Biddy had a brother - somewhere - but you didn't know anything at all, did you?" Elizabeth shook her head, not trusting herself to speak, and Eugen looked at Frank and Biddy before turning back to Elizabeth once more. "You won't lose anything, you know," he smiled at her, watching her silent tears. "He won't be any less yours, because of Biddy - just the opposite in fact."

Elizabeth looked more closely at him then, relieved that someone understood how she felt. "What do you mean 'just the opposite'? It feels like he's gone for ever, and I'll never get him back."

"You won't get him back," he said softly. "Not the way he was, anyway." Seeing the hurt look on her face, he stood up and led her towards the window, offering her the box of tissues that stood on the table beside the bed. "You'll get back even more than you gave up, Elizabeth. He won't be less than he was - he'll be more. There'll be whole new areas of his life to discover, and he'll want you with him. It's probably pretty scary for him, too, I should think. I don't mind admitting it's pretty scary for me - and I always knew this could happen!"

Wiping her eyes with a tissue, she gave him a weak little smile. "Would you like a hug, too?" he asked, glancing again at Frank and Biddy, and she nodded before being embraced by him.

Patrick watched these events unfold with some distress. He hadn't considered before just how all this would affect his mother, and seeing her so obviously upset was painful. That she should be comforted by someone who was more or less a stranger seemed out of place as well.

It occurred to him now that he might well have cousins he knew nothing about - and they wouldn't know about him and his siblings either! And suddenly the whole ripple-effect of what he'd done began to appear in his mind's eye as he realized how many lives could be affected. He just hoped he'd done the right thing!

Jack Maynard surveyed the people in the room, and firmly gripped Joey's hand. He knew she was longing to say something but for once she could hold her tongue, he thought grimly. He knew her talent for 'butting in' - and sometimes it was the right thing - but not today! Today she could just 'butt out' for a change, though no doubt he'd hear all about it later! Still, he wasn't too concerned about that. He was more concerned about Emilia so, leaving Joey to her own devices, he approached Vater Moritz and they moved to the bedside.

"How are you feeling, Signora Guazza?" he asked quietly, seeing the mixture of emotions on her face. "It's turned into rather a spectacle, hasn't it? Would you like us to leave you alone for a while?"

Emilia smiled at him gratefully and nodded. She suddenly felt incredibly tired and wanted only to sleep for a while. Perhaps then her mind would be clearer, she thought.

Frank opened his eyes and turned to Elizabeth, exchanging glances with Eugen, while the two women smiled awkwardly at each other. Stepping forward, Elizabeth met Frank's gaze and, as she felt his arms wrap around her, she knew that Eugen was right. This was still her husband, still the man she loved more than she could ever say, and she wanted nothing more than to be with him.

"Let's get out of here, Elizabeth," he whispered, his lips close to her ear, and she nodded quickly. Looking up he said aloud, "I need some time with Elizabeth, now. It's going to take me a while to come to terms with all this and we'd like to be alone for a while, please. We'll be back later, Mamma," he added, turning to Emilia and, taking Elizabeth's hand, they left the room together.

Author:  Lesley [ 07 Sep 2007, 07:16 ]
Post subject: 

How sad that Francesco doesn't remember Biddy - that must really hurt her. Very realistic that it's not all sweetness and light to begin with - and that Francesco and Elizabeth need time to themselves.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  ibarhis [ 07 Sep 2007, 07:46 ]
Post subject: 

That felt very 'plausible', very real....

Author:  Alison H [ 07 Sep 2007, 07:51 ]
Post subject: 

*Reaches for tissues.*

Author:  Fatima [ 07 Sep 2007, 07:58 ]
Post subject: 

It's so much for them all to get to grips with. Thanks Pat, that was lovely.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 07 Sep 2007, 09:03 ]
Post subject: 

Oh Pat that has left me speechless. It was so realistic and so lovely and yet so sad too. Hope Biddy and Francesco will get a chance to be brother and sister. At least with Emilia, she and Biddy had known and remembered each other

Author:  keren [ 07 Sep 2007, 09:19 ]
Post subject: 

very moving

Author:  Elbee [ 07 Sep 2007, 09:19 ]
Post subject: 

That was so lovely and moving, thanks Pat.

It's a shame that Francesco was too young to remember Biddy.

Author:  Sarah_K [ 07 Sep 2007, 14:02 ]
Post subject: 

It must feel strange hearing a woman you've never met before describe a scar you have on a non-visible part of your body. I'm glad it's all open now and I hope once they've all had some time for the information to settle in they can talk some more and Patrick can meet his cousins (including another Patrick no?)

Thanks Frogize.

Author:  Frogize [ 09 Sep 2007, 07:43 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

As they made their way towards the exit there came the sound of running footsteps behind them, and they turned to see Vater Moritz hurrying after them.

"Mr Desti! Please wait!" he called, slowing his steps as he realized they had stopped. "I don't mean to intrude - but it occurred to me that you might want somewhere private to talk things over. You're welcome to use my office," he said, fumbling in his pocket for the key and handing it to Frank. "If you lock the door no-one will disturb you there. You're welcome to make use of the phone if you need to, and there are facilities for making tea and coffee, too."

"Thank you," Elizabeth smiled at him. "Thank you very much, Father. Please tell Patrick that we're okay, and we'll see him later."

Vater Moritz smiled at them both, then turned and made his way back to Emilia's room, while Frank and Elizabeth went in search of his office. It took them only a short time to find it again and, thankful to be alone, they closed and locked the door behind them.

"Are you alright, Elizabeth?" Frank asked anxiously, gathering her into his arms and hugging her to himself. "I'm feeling a bit like I've been hit by a truck, myself."

"Me, too," she said quietly. "Just hold me, Francesco. Don't let me go, will you?"

"Not ever," he murmured, kissing her softly and holding her close once more. "I love you, Elizabeth - and I don't know what I'd do if you ever left."

"How could I do that, Francesco? The only place I ever want to be is wherever you are," she whispered, burying her face against his shoulder and hugging him fiercely.

They stood together for a long time, wrapped in each other's arms, gaining strength and support from each other, until eventually Elizabeth looked up.

"I'm in urgent need of coffee, now," she smiled at Frank. "Let's see if we can find those facilities Vater Moritz spoke of." And in only a few minutes they were seated by the window, sipping hot coffee and looking out at the beautiful scenery of the Gornetz Platz.

"The photos were what did it, weren't they?" Frank said, looking at Elizabeth over his cup. "Beth looks so much like Biddy's mother."

"No, she doesn't," Elizabeth said and, seeing his questioning look, she smiled at him and finished, "She looks very much like your mother, Francesco."

Putting down his cup Frank stared at Elizabeth for a long moment, and she watched as a smile slowly appeared across his face. "She does, doesn't she?" he said at last. "I forgot that that was my mother, too."

"I was a bit shocked that Biddy knew about your scar," Elizabeth confessed then. "I suppose it's the sort of thing she would know about, though."

"I was rather shocked myself," Frank grinned. "I wondered what she was going to do, especially since she looked at you first."

"And I don't suppose you saw Patrick trying not to laugh?" she smiled.

"When?" Frank asked, wondering what could possibly have amused his son.

"When Biddy said you fell out of the pulpit," she smiled again. "He was having great difficulty keeping a straight face." Frank looked at her in surprise, and moments later they were both laughing and feeling decidedly more at ease.

Elizabeth looked up at him as he drew her to her feet a short time later.

"It's going to be alright, isn't it?" he asked. "We can do this, can't we?"

And Elizabeth nodded, smiling, before kissing him again.

Author:  Lesley [ 09 Sep 2007, 09:17 ]
Post subject: 

Awwww, that's better! :lol:

Thanks Pat.

Author:  keren [ 09 Sep 2007, 11:00 ]
Post subject: 

I went back to the very beginning again to see what the "letter" was and how it all started.

I could not find this though in the drabble index so maybe it is not in the archives??

Author:  Alison H [ 09 Sep 2007, 13:26 ]
Post subject: 

That sounds better!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 10 Sep 2007, 09:52 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat. Am glad they were able to relax a bit

Author:  Frogize [ 12 Sep 2007, 09:22 ]
Post subject: 

"So, what are we going to do now?" Elizabeth asked, clearing away their cups. "Do you know how to get back to the Maynards? Or is there something else you'd like to do?"

"First I'd like to see Mamma again, just to be sure she's okay," Frank said. "Do you still have those photos in your bag?"

"Yes," Elizabeth smiled. "I always keep them there. I suppose we'll have to get copies before we leave."

Having washed and put away the things they had used, Frank and Elizabeth made their way back to Emilia's room where they saw Patrick and Vater Moritz seated outside the door. Seeing them approach along the corridor, Patrick stood up and came to meet them.

"Dr Entwistle's with Signora Guazza at the moment," he explained. "I think he's a bit worried about her." As they spoke, Reg left Emilia's room and approached Frank and Elizabeth.

"Hello," he smiled at them. "I'm assuming you're the Destis?"

"That's right, doctor. How is Mamma?" Frank asked worriedly. "May we see her again?"

"She's a little tired," Reg said, though without the anxiety Frank had expected. "She wants to see you again, and I think that would help, but please don't stay long. She really should rest now."

"Thanks doctor," Frank smiled and, with a relieved look at Elizabeth, they entered Emilia's room once more.

"Hello, Mamma," Frank smiled at Emilia. "We're only here for a little while, just to make sure you're alright, and to show you some photos."

Emilia smiled at them both, holding out her hands to them, and they each sat down beside her on opposite sides of the bed. Elizabeth fished around in her handbag, eventually extracting a blue vinyl folder containing several photos, which she passed to Frank. Opening the folder he proceeded to show them to Emilia, explaining to her who the people in the pictures were.

"This is our eldest boy, Luigi, with his wife, Jenny, and their son Mark," he said, displaying a picture of a smiling family group.

"You're a grandfather?" Emilia said, surprise and delight in her voice, as she looked closely at the photo, disappointed to note that Luigi bore very little resemblance to Frank.

"Yes, Mamma," Frank grinned, looking at Elizabeth. "Lou's not like me at all, but there's a strong resemblance to Elizabeth's father. Mark's two, and more like Jenny's grandfather than anyone else, though he looks a little like me, don't you think?" Emilia nodded, and smiled happily as he continued, "Lou and Jenny are expecting a second child any day now."

"And what does Luigi do?" Emilia asked with interest.

"He's a doctor, Mamma. A paediatrician - or, he will be when he finishes his specialization," Frank answered, looking at her as she nodded.

"This is our daughter, Beth, with her husband Peter," he said, showing her another photo. "We've just discovered that she looks very like mother," Frank faltered, feeling that somehow he was being disloyal to Emilia.

"I've seen the photos of your mother, Francesco," Emilia said, "and you're right - your daughter is very like her. Do they live near you?"

"No. They live in England," Frank said as he handed over the photo. "Beth and Peter have a son, Matthew, who turned one just last week. Here he is," and Frank handed over a third photo. "Beth's a fashion designer. I'm not quite sure what that is exactly, but I think Patrick's the only priest with vestments that have a fashion label!" he grinned.

"And what about Peter? Is he in fashion, too?" Emilia asked with interest.

"No, he's a vet!" Frank laughed. "And you've met our youngest boy, Patrick," he said sitting back and looking at her, while Emilia leaned back on her pillows, smiling contentedly. "Rest now, Mamma," Frank finished, kissing her cheek and standing up.

"You will come back, won't you?" she asked anxiously. "It's been so good to see you again, Francesco, and I'd like to get to know Elizabeth, too."

"We'll be back," Elizabeth assured her, after listening to Frank's translation and kissing Emilia's other cheek. Frank took Elizabeth's hand and they left the room together. To their surprise, Patrick and Vater Moritz were still waiting outside.

"We thought you might like a lift back to the Maynards," Patrick smiled. "It's not that far, but you're not exactly dressed for walking."

"Thank you, Patrick" Elizabeth said. "What I really want now is something to eat, followed by a long walk. I can't tell you how sick I am of sitting down!"

Soon they were arriving once more at the large chalet belonging to the Maynards, and Joey was waiting for them as they entered.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 12 Sep 2007, 09:26 ]
Post subject: 

Loved the update but am impatiently waiting for Francesco an Biddy to really be able to talk. Thanks Pat

Author:  Alison H [ 12 Sep 2007, 10:30 ]
Post subject: 

They've all got a lot of catching-up to do!

Author:  Lesley [ 12 Sep 2007, 17:55 ]
Post subject: 

Seems very funny, him being a grandfather - I keep thinking of Biddy as in her thirties - but she can't be if her six year younger brother is a grandfather!

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 14 Sep 2007, 08:52 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

“I’ve got a meal waiting for you,” Jo smiled at them. “You must be famished by now! Come and eat,” and she led the way to the dining room. Only a few minutes after they had seated themselves the phone rang, and Joey excused herself to answer it. She quickly returned and looked at Elizabeth.

“It’s Biddy,” Jo said simply. “She’d like to speak to you please, Elizabeth.”

As Elizabeth went to speak to Biddy, Frank smiled at Patrick and said, “Is it always like this? I’ve only had a sister for a few hours, and already she’s not speaking to me!” Patrick grinned back but refrained from making any comment. When Elizabeth returned she smiled at Frank and informed him that they were invited to dinner at the Courvoisiers home that evening, a somewhat daunting prospect as far as Frank was concerned.

Once the meal was over Patrick and Vater Moritz left, and Frank and Elizabeth went upstairs to change into jeans and trainers before setting off on their long over-due walk. They weren’t going anywhere in particular, and chatted as they strolled along hand in hand.

“It still feels weird to think I have a sister,” Frank said. “There’s never been anyone who really belonged to me before.”

“Oh, thanks very much!” Elizabeth said, laughing up at him.

“You know what I mean!” he grinned. “Anyway, she must think I’m a complete idiot.”

“I doubt that very much,” Elizabeth replied, stopping and turning to face him. “You don’t spend fifty years looking for someone, Francesco, unless you really want them back.”

“Do you really think she was looking for me all that time?” he asked uncertainly.

“I’m certain she tried everything she could think of to find you,” Elizabeth smiled.

“I wish I’d known about her. Why didn’t Mamma tell me?” he continued, frowning in perplexity.

“I think you should be asking Biddy, not me,” Elizabeth answered. “And now, I’m going to go for a run, so if you want to talk some more you’ll have to catch me first!” and she set off along the path at a good pace with Frank following closely behind.

Author:  Fatima [ 14 Sep 2007, 09:04 ]
Post subject: 

They have such a lot of adjusting to do. I hope they have a lovely evening with Biddy.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 14 Sep 2007, 10:24 ]
Post subject: 

Fatima wrote:
They have such a lot of adjusting to do. I hope they have a lovely evening with Biddy.

So do I. And I wonder why Emilia didn't tell Francesco about Biddy. I'm sure that was all a part of your research that was stolen Pat :( . How's the redoing it all again going?

BTW thanks for the update

Author:  PaulineS [ 14 Sep 2007, 11:08 ]
Post subject: 

Frogize wrote:

As Elizabeth went to speak to Biddy, Frank smiled at Patrick and said, “Is it always like this? I’ve only had a sister for a few hours, and already she’s not speaking to me!” Patrick grinned back but refrained from making any comment.

That is so common in families.

Thanks :D :D

Author:  Sarah_K [ 14 Sep 2007, 11:53 ]
Post subject: 

Well done Biddy asking for Elizabeth, that should help make her feel part of all of this which she seemed to be worried about. I guess Frank's lighthearted question about siblings to Patrick bodes well for the evening, I hope they get to know each other in between the rather upsetting conversations I imagine they're going to have to have.

I just had a rather amusing image- at some point Biddy's going to have to explain to Frank et al. how she was adopted by the Middles!

Thanks Frogize.

Author:  Alison H [ 14 Sep 2007, 12:25 ]
Post subject: 

You do read things in the press about siblings who were separated at an early age and never knew about each other's existence: maybe Emilia thought it would be too upsetting for Francesco to know that he'd got a sister who'd had to be sent to an orphanage?

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Lesley [ 14 Sep 2007, 18:55 ]
Post subject: 

Glad Biddy's including Elizabeth.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 17 Sep 2007, 04:55 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

After they returned to Freudesheim Frank and Elizabeth prepared for their evening with the Courvoisiers. Biddy had ensured that Elizabeth was happy to visit her home and share a meal without the constraint of others present, knowing that if she were comfortable then the likelihood was that Francesco would be, too. Even so, it was with some trepidation that she answered the door when they knocked.

“Please come in,” Biddy said, as they stood a little awkwardly together by the door. “Dinner is just ready, and Eugen will be down in a moment. Frank and Elizabeth followed her into the dining room where Eugen joined them and they took the seats Biddy indicated to them. The meal was a rather strained affair and they hadn’t lingered over it. It wasn’t until they sat together drinking coffee in the salon afterwards that any real conversation took place, and even then things started very slowly.

“I wish Mamma had told me about you, Biddy” Frank began. “If I’d known, maybe we could have found each other sooner.”

“I don’t see how,” Biddy replied. “We’ve only met now because of….well, I hesitate to say ‘coincidence’…..but what else can you call it?”

“I think the correct word is ‘providence’,” Frank smiled, and Biddy gave him a long look before a smile slowly spread across her face.

“I want to know so many things, Francesco, and I don’t know where to start,” Biddy admitted, looking from Frank to Elizabeth and then to Eugen. “Do you remember anything at all about Ireland?”

“I can’t believe I was actually born in Ireland,” Frank said. “Your mother will be delighted to know you married an Irishman after all,” he smiled, taking Elizabeth’s hand, “but I don’t really remember it, Biddy.”

“What do you remember, then?” she asked, and Frank closed his eyes, casting his mind back as far as he could, searching out anything at all from that long-ago time.

“The thing I remember most clearly,” he said, “is a wall; a rough, stone wall. I can see over it, so I must be sitting on something because I don’t think I’m standing up, and there’s a lot of grass on the other side of it.”

“It sounds like the wall around the churchyard,” Biddy said, remembering too. “Papa used to walk that way every day when he took me to and from school. He carried you on his shoulders most days – it was quicker than letting you walk. You took forever to get anywhere, because you stopped to look at everything,” and she smiled at the memory.

“Do you remember Molly?’ Biddy asked next, and was saddened when Frank shook his head. “She was Ma’s friend, and the cook at Miss Honora’s house. You used to call her ‘Moo-moo’. She made shortbread for us – just because it was our favourite – and she often looked after you when Papa had to work and I was at school. I know she was really sad when we left – she loved all of us, but I think she loved you most, Francesco. She spent more time with you than me, because you were so little. I think she was lonely, too, after ma died. They’d been friends for a long time, and she missed her.”

Frank was still sitting with his eyes closed, and Elizabeth felt his grip on her fingers tighten as Biddy spoke of Molly and the fact that she had loved him. Very softly she said, “So, it’s Molly’s fault that you’re addicted to shortbread, then?” and she felt the tension in his body ease, and knew that he was smiling.

“Father O’Reilly loved us, too,” Biddy continued. “He was always kind…”

“And he was old, wasn’t he?” Frank asked, suddenly certain that the face he saw in his mind’s eye was Father O’Reilly. “He had blue eyes!”

“Yes, he did,” Biddy smiled. “Do you remember anything else?”

“Only a smell, “ Frank admitted. “Incense, I suppose. A church smell, anyway.”

“That was Father O’Reilly, alright,” Biddy chuckled. “He always smelled like church.”

“And did he have a grey coat, too?” Frank asked suddenly. “A soft, grey coat?”

“No,” Biddy whispered, half afraid to speak now, “but Papa did. It was part of his chauffeur’s uniform. Can you remember anything else?”

“It had silver buttons,” Frank said, and Biddy nodded. “I can remember playing with them, and the feel of the fabric against my cheek…but I can’t remember his face!” and exasperation sounded in his voice.

“Francesco, you see his face every time you look in a mirror,” Biddy said quietly. “You could be his twin…..except that Papa died when he was only thirty-five.”

Frank winced as she spoke these last words, remembering his own life at thirty-five. It had been a time of great energy and excitement, with three growing children and the business suddenly expanding rapidly and, always, Elizabeth – behind him, encouraging him, believing in him, even when he struggled to believe in himself. Opening his eyes he looked at his sister and said, “Tell me what he was like. I wish I could remember him.”

Elizabeth sat in appalled silence, as the conversation continued and she listened to them talking together. What had begun as a strained and stumbling conversation had developed into the animated chatter that now surrounded her. Elizabeth had known Francesco for thirty-two years, been married to him for a little over thirty of those years, and wondered for the very first time if he felt with her family the way she was now feeling with his. The longer Biddy and Francesco spoke together, the further away Elizabeth felt from him, as she realized that she knew nothing about this time in his life, that she had played no part in it.

“Do you really like working with cars and engines and things?” Biddy was saying now, and she saw Francesco laugh and look at her. She smiled back at him and tried to join in the conversation.

“Oh, please Biddy! Don’t get him started on engines! We’ll be here ‘til doomsday!” Elizabeth said, smiling again at Frank.

“But Papa loved them, too,” Biddy began again. “He was working on one the day you were born…..” and so the conversation continued, about people and places that meant nothing to Elizabeth.

Author:  Lesley [ 17 Sep 2007, 05:38 ]
Post subject: 

Oh Elizabeth, don't be upset and jealous about this - all those who marry know there is a part of life that they cannot share with their spouse - it's only normal. Rejoice that Francesco can remember so much.

Thanks Pat - so sad that Elizabeth feels so threatened - but pleased for Biddy that Frank can remember snippets.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 17 Sep 2007, 07:27 ]
Post subject: 

Very glad Biddy and Francesco are able to remember and talk about their childhood. I can understand Elizabeth feeling threatened cos its very different to meeting your spouses family when your first married than having been married for thrity years and then meet your husbands family for the first time and hear about it for the first time then as well. Hope Elizabeth can deal with her feelings about it all and it doesn't cause too many problems.

Thanks Pat

Author:  keren [ 17 Sep 2007, 12:35 ]
Post subject: 

this is very moving (maybe I wrote that before actually, but still true!)

Author:  Fatima [ 17 Sep 2007, 13:37 ]
Post subject: 

It's sad that Elizabeth feels jealous; it's only natural that Biddy and Francesco should want to talk about what they remember and that it can't include her.

Author:  Elbee [ 17 Sep 2007, 16:40 ]
Post subject: 

Poor Elizabeth, she must feel very left out as Biddy helps Francesco to remember his childhood.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 18 Sep 2007, 12:57 ]
Post subject: 

It was quite late before Biddy and Francesco finally talked themselves to a standstill and it was time to leave. Elizabeth was extremely grateful for the hug Eugen gave her as they left, glad that he seemed to understand how she felt. “It will get better,” he said quietly just before they parted, and she smiled at him thankfully and said goodnight.

Saying goodnight to Biddy had been far more difficult; it had been stiff and awkward and she felt very foolish. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Biddy – she liked her very much – but she needed some time before she could accept her as wholeheartedly as Francesco seemed to have done.

If Francesco had noticed how quiet she’d been during the evening he didn’t comment, though Elizabeth was uncomfortably aware of it. As they walked back to the Maynards home they were each preoccupied with their own thoughts and, though it was obvious to Elizabeth that Francesco was excited, she knew that by the time they arrived at the chalet he would be almost asleep on his feet, and the next day would need to be a quiet one.

Thankful that Joey had provided them with a key, they were able to make their way through the chalet and reach their room without disturbing anyone. It was only a matter of minutes before they were under the covers and, as she had expected, Francesco was asleep almost before his head touched his pillow. Not so Elizabeth; she lay awake, going over in her mind the thing that had struck her most forcefully that evening.

Sitting in her chair, watching the animated expressions on the faces of Biddy and Francesco, she had suddenly been assailed by feelings of guilt. She began to recall times when she and Francesco had met with her own family, and clearly saw how he had been neatly excluded from the conversation, constantly reminded that he was an outsider and didn’t belong.

Oh, it wasn’t deliberate, or even consciously done, she felt sure, but she had wondered tonight just what it had been like for Francesco, being pitch-forked into the middle of the rowdy Kelly family. Had he felt as though he were losing her, the way she’d felt so far from him tonight? As these thoughts chased themselves around in her mind, she became aware of a growing headache and got up, intending to search for something to ease the pain. However, as she passed the window and looked out, the beauty of the garden attracted her and she made her way downstairs, slipping outside into the cooler air.

Almost two hours after falling asleep Francesco woke, knowing himself to be alone. Somehow he was conscious of the fact that Elizabeth was no longer there, and the old familiar panic sent adrenalin rushing through his body. Reaching out in the darkness he felt the coldness of the empty space beside him and knew that she must have been gone for some time – but where was she?

Momentarily paralyzed by fear, his mind raced as he considered the possibilities. They didn’t know this place at all so there couldn’t be some special secret place she would go. Sitting up and letting his eyes become accustomed to the darkness, he swung himself out of bed, dragging on the bottom half of his pyjamas as he did so, and cursing as he fumbled with the lamp on the bedside table. Finally managing to turn it on he paused to consider what to do next.

After first examining the bathroom he quietly made his way to the door and looked out. The dimly-lit hallway offered no clues, and he made his way to the head of the stairs before he remembered the rose garden. Of course! He knew with absolute certainty that that’s where she’d be, and silently made his way down the stairs and out into the garden.

Just as he’d expected, she was seated there among the roses, and he stepped bare-footed across the grass towards her. He had no idea how she knew he was there, but she stood up and ran to meet him, throwing herself into his arms and hugging him tightly, while he buried his face in the fragrant softness of her hair.

Author:  Chris [ 18 Sep 2007, 13:16 ]
Post subject: 

Love it that they seem to sense each others presence / absence!

Author:  Lesley [ 18 Sep 2007, 20:50 ]
Post subject: 

Good that Elizabeth suddenly appreciated how Francesco had felt meeting her family.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 19 Sep 2007, 04:26 ]
Post subject: 

This is lovely Pat and am also glad Elizabeth has realized what it has meant to Francesco

Author:  Frogize [ 19 Sep 2007, 07:17 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“You didn’t,” he answered quietly, still holding her close. “I just…..missed you, that’s all.”

“It’s so lovely here,” she whispered, lifting her head and gazing round at the starlit garden.

“Then it’s exactly where you belong,” he smiled at her, and kissed her softly. “But will you tell me why you’re here in the middle of the night?”

“I just needed somewhere peaceful, to… think, “ she whispered again, still not releasing her hold on him. “It’s been such a…..a stunning sort of day.”

“It certainly has!” Francesco agreed, unable to keep the smile from his face. “But you’ve been very quiet about it all, Elizabeth. Is something wrong? Aren’t you happy for me?”

“Oh, Francesco! Of course I’m happy for you!” she exclaimed. “I think it’s wonderful that you and Biddy have found each other! And that you’ve found Mamma again…..I can’t begin to imagine how that feels! But I feel guilty…..and a little bit frightened, as well.”

“What?! But why didn’t you say anything?” he asked, lifting his head and looking into her eyes.

“Because you were so happy, and I didn’t want to spoil it for you. There’ll be plenty of time to deal with my problems later.”

“Okay. I can see that. But what on earth have you to feel guilty about? And why do you feel frightened? Tell me what frightens you.”

“Because…..well, because I never had to share you with anyone before…..and I’m not sure I can do it, Francesco! You’ve always had to share me – with Mum and Dad, and James, and John…..even Dorothy! But I’ve never had to share you! Even Poppa was as much mine as yours. But you – you’re mine!

“Always was, always will be, Elizabeth,” he whispered against her hair.

“I know, I know,” she smiled, feeling reassured and wrapping her arms around his neck. “But meeting your Mamma and your sister…..all in one day…..after a lifetime of not even knowing they existed…’s a bit hard to take in all at once.”

“You should try it from my side!” he grinned at her, then added, "Do you mind if we go back to bed now? My feet are freezing out here!"

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 19 Sep 2007, 08:26 ]
Post subject: 

They are such a lovely couple. Thanks Pat

Author:  Fatima [ 19 Sep 2007, 17:43 ]
Post subject: 

I'm glad he was able to reassure Elizabeth so nicely.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Lesley [ 19 Sep 2007, 18:19 ]
Post subject: 

Awwww, lovely - thanks Pat. :lol:

Author:  Frogize [ 21 Sep 2007, 06:56 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

The next morning, while they were enjoying a leisurely breakfast with Jack and Joey, the phone rang and Jack went to answer it. He returned a few minutes later with a message for Frank and Elizabeth.

"That was Reg," he said. "Dr Entwistle," he added by way of explanation, seeing their blank looks. "He called to say that he really wants Signora Guazza to rest today, but she's anxious to see you again, Frank. If you like, I can take you there for a short visit after breakfast, as long as we don't stay too long. We don't want to upset Emilia - or Reg!"

"Thanks, Jack. Will you come, too, Elizabeth?" Frank asked, turning to her hopefully.

"Of course," Elizabeth smiled at him. "It will only take me a few minutes to get ready. I'll see you shortly," and she hurried off upstairs.

Half an hour later Frank and Elizabeth entered Emilia's room, where Reg Entwistle was awaiting them. Emilia did indeed look tired, although she smiled at them as they entered.

"Sorry, but about ten minutes will be all Signora Guazza can cope with this morning," Reg said apologetically. "I'll look in on her again, later this afternoon, and let you know how she's doing."

"Thanks," said Frank, as he pulled out the chair and Elizabeth sat down, while he seated himself on the edge of Emilia's bed. "Hello, Mamma," he smiled at the old lady, taking her hand in his.

"Francesco, I have something for you," Emilia smiled tiredly. "Will you get my wicker case from the corner cupboard, please?"

"Of course, Mamma!" he said, moving to the cupboard she had indicated and taking out the case. Returning to the bed, he handed it to Emilia, who proceeded to search inside for a moment before extracting a small parcel. Smiling, she held it out to him and he took it from her hand.

"What is it, Mamma?" he asked, as he carefully removed the wrapping. A moment later he looked at her with tears in his eyes. Lying in the palm of his hand was a small wooden figure, a little carved donkey, its surface worn and darkened with handling. Clasping it between his fingers, he moved to kiss Emilia's cheek. "Thank you, Mamma," was all he said, but Elizabeth knew there was a whole world of meaning behind his words.

"I found it in your bed, after you left with Franco and the boys," Emilia said softly. "I always hoped I'd be able to give it back to you one day."

"I'm glad you kept it for me," Frank whispered, wiping the tears from his face. "Look, Elizabeth," he said, turning to her and holding out the little figure. "I used to hold this in my hand every night when I was a little boy. I couldn't sleep without it."

Looking into his hand she saw that the little donkey had been much handled, even slightly chewed along one leg, and wondered where it had come from and just what it meant to Francesco. She hoped he would tell her more about it later, and was saddened to think that she had learned more about his family in the two days they had been here than in all the thirty-two years she had known him. She wished she knew more, and that she understood why he never talked about them.

"I'm sorry, but I really think it would be best if you let Signora Guazza rest now," Reg said, returning to the room just then, and Frank nodded his agreement.

"We have to go now, Mamma," he told Emilia, "but we'll be back later," and he kissed her cheek again. Smiling at the old lady in the bed, Elizabeth kissed her, too, and when Frank took her hand she smiled at him as she stood up, and they left the room together.

Author:  Lesley [ 21 Sep 2007, 07:55 ]
Post subject: 

Now intrigued as to what happened!

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Mrs Redboots [ 21 Sep 2007, 21:44 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, Pat. I am really enjoying this. Poor Elizabeth - it must be hard for both of them to be confronted with a new family.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 22 Sep 2007, 00:53 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat. Can't wait to hear how Francesco left Italy

Author:  Alison H [ 27 Sep 2007, 15:09 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 08 Oct 2007, 08:29 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Seated in the garden back at the Maynards home some time later, Elizabeth watched Francesco fall asleep in the hammock. He hadn't spoken at all on the way back, simply turning the little donkey over and over in his hand as he stared out of the car window, lost in thought. Now, as she watched him sleeping, she considered again the way Biddy and Emilia had both called him by his name. She knew it was simply who he was to them - who he had always been - and she wondered if they would understand her reluctance to hear it. She remembered the time when they had first decided that their names would be special. It had been at the St Patrick's Day dance at her parents' property - the first one after she'd met him - when, as always, she'd been home from school for the occasion.

The Kellys' held a dance on St Patrick's Day every year, and all the company's employees were welcome to attend, though if they chose not to come there was never any ill-feeling on Mike's part. He just loved to celebrate the day with Lizzie, and anyone who came along could be certain of an enjoyable evening.

Frank had arrived during the afternoon to help James and Mrs Kelly with the necessary preparations, while Mike came later with Elizabeth, having left early to collect her from school. There was always an Irish band, and an abundant amount of food, including a huge barbecue in the yard outside the barn, where guests could help themselves to whatever took their fancy. Now that everything was in full swing Mike stood in the doorway, enjoying the happy scene around him, and smiled as his wife came to join him.

"It seems to be going as well as usual," he said, wrapping a friendly arm around her shoulders. "Would you care to dance, Lizzie?"

"Not just now, thanks," she smiled up at him. "It's more than time young John was in bed, but once I've done that I'll be back - and I'm expecting more than one dance this year, Michael Kelly!" She tried to frown at him, but it was impossible when he smiled at her like that, and she laughed instead. He watched her as she gathered up the sleepy little boy and carried him off, then looked around to see what his other two children were up to. As he expected, James and Dorothy were sitting together, lost in a world of their own - but where was Liz?

Eventually he spotted her, dancing with young Frank Desti in the far corner of the barn, and thoroughly enjoying herself to all appearance. He watched them for a little longer, smiling to himself, and wondering if Frank knew just what he was letting himself in for. Liz was her mother all over again, and Mike could have warned him what to expect, but decided that Frank - who'd turned 20 exactly six weeks ago - was old enough to look after himself. When Lizzie rejoined him a short time later, he pointed out the couple to her, and she smiled too.

"Take a look at Liz and young Frank, there. Seems to me she's really taken with him. What do you think?" Mike asked, looking at his wife.

"Definitely!" she smiled. "Though, looking at them together, I'd say the feeling's mutual," and she continued to watch them, already knowing just how Liz felt.

"Well, she is her mother's daughter!" Mike grinned. "Now, how about that dance, Lizzie?" and he swept her onto the dance floor in grand style, laughing down at her, and trying to believe that his little girl was really grown up enough to be thinking what she obviously was about Frank Desti!

Later that evening Frank and Liz had strolled away from the yard, following the path that lead to the paddocks. As he leant against the fence and looked down at her she'd reached up to kiss him, but he'd shied away, remembering the effect her last kiss had had on him. Moments later she'd tried again, this time standing closer, and he could feel the warmth of her body near him, setting his heart pounding and his pulse racing, as her hands slid over his chest and around his shoulders, meeting behind his neck.

"No, Liz!" he said firmly, removing her hands from his neck and holding her wrists. "Don't play games like that! It's not funny!" He hadn't meant to sound annoyed, but she was the boss's daughter after all, not to mention being his friend's little sister. There were some things you just didn't do, no matter how much you might want to or what you might imagine in the privacy of your own room! Liz stared up at him in embarassed silence, and he hated himself as he saw the tears gathering in her eyes, as she realized how foolish he must think her.

'Will you please let go of me?" she muttered angrily and, as he let her hands fall, she turned from him and hurried further down the path, while he paused then followed unhappily after her, his hands in his pockets. Suddenly she turned to face him again.

"I hate being called Liz!" she said vehemently, then turned again and continued on her way.

"Then what should I call you?" he asked, taking a couple of quick steps in order to catch up with her. She stopped and turned again, so that he cannoned into her, almost knocking her over, and grabbed her quickly as she stumbled.

"My name is Elizabeth!" she said, gathering what dignity she could. "I quite like it!"

"Okay - you'll be Elizabeth from now on," he smiled, continuing to hold her and wishing he dared kiss her.

"And what about you?" she asked.

"You know my name," he replied.

"No, I don't," she contradicted him. "I know what they call you - but I don't know your name."

"It's Francesco," he answered, watching her face and seeing the beginning of a smile. "Francesco Luigi Desti."

"Then you'll be Francesco," she began. "Unless you prefer Frank, of course," she added, embarassed again.

"No," he smiled. "I like the way you say my name," and he kissed her briefly before loosing his hold and taking her hand instead. As they made their way back towards the yard he stopped and looked at her once more. "Doesn't anyone else call you Elizabeth?" he asked.

"No - I always get 'Liz'," she said glumly, "or occasionally 'Lizzie', which is even worse! Did you mean it, about calling me Elizabeth?"

"Of course I meant it! I'll always call you Elizabeth now. It'll be something special - just between us!"

"And you'll always be Francesco," she smiled, her face turned up towards his. Breathing in the soft fragrance of roses that always surrounded her, and feeling the blood pulsing through his veins once more, he took her in his arms then and kissed her - a long, lingering kiss - wondering why he'd thought it so difficult earlier.

"Penny for them!" She heard his voice from far away, and smiled at him as he watched her, though still only half awake.

"Not nearly enough!" she told him, making her way to the hammock and kneeling on the grass beside it. "They're far too precious to be exchanged for mere money, Francesco Desti!"

"Must have been thinking about me, then!" he grinned, preparing to be tipped unceremoniously to the ground and discovering, when he got there, that he quite liked lying in the grass, her body trapped against him within the circle of his arms, the scent of roses all around him, and her eyes smiling down at him. Just as he was wondering whether or not to kiss her, she rolled away from him and he dived after her. In the ensuing struggle they both failed to notice Patrick's arrival, until they were lying at his feet, laughing.

Author:  Alison H [ 08 Oct 2007, 08:56 ]
Post subject: 

That was very sweet - just hope Patrick doesn't get annoyed with them!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 08 Oct 2007, 09:55 ]
Post subject: 

Why would Patrick get annoyed with them. Personally I think its really sweet of them. I certainly hope SLOC and I are like that when we're that age! :D

Author:  Lesley [ 12 Oct 2007, 21:40 ]
Post subject: 

That's lovely - can understand Elizabeth being concerned, after all, she thought she was the only one to use the name Francesco.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Kathy_S [ 13 Oct 2007, 16:40 ]
Post subject: 

Such a nice couple. :)
Surely Elizabeth will adapt graciously and be happier than ever.... Won't she?

Thank you, Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 14 Oct 2007, 13:56 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

" A simple genuflection would have sufficed, Dad," Patrick smiled down at them. "Throwing yourselves at my feet is over-doing it just a little, don't you think?"

Frank got to his feet and helped Elizabeth to hers as they grinned at each other a little sheepishly. Having a son who was also a priest could definitely be a little inhibiting at times! As Elizabeth brushed herself down and returned to her seat Frank put his hand in his pocket and was horrified to discover that the little donkey was no longer there.

"I think you dropped this," Patrick said, reaching down to take something from the grass beside them and picking up the little wooden figure. Looking at it carefully, he turned to his father and said, "Did you know Aunt Biddy has a lamb that's very like this? She said an old man made it for her, years ago, in Ireland."

"Did she ever mention a donkey?" Frank asked , as he held out his hand for the little figure.

"No," Patrick said, returning the donkey to his father, "but then, I don't suppose she ever had reason to. You could always ask her about it." Frank returned it to his pocket without comment and took a seat, as Elizabeth looked at Patrick.

"Are you here for a reason, Patrick, or is this just a social call?" she asked with raised eyebrows and, seeing her expression, he knew that a short answer would be preferable.

"I just called in to let you know that I'm to officiate at an English language Mass this Sunday," he smiled. "Vater Moritz said there were so many English-speaking visitors here that it would probably be appreciated, and he's arranging it. The bad news is that I shall have to go home shortly afterwards. I'm off to book my flight now, so I'll see you later," and, with a nod to Elizabeth, he walked away.

"He left in rather a hurry," Frank commented, watching his son leave then looking at Elizabeth, who got to her feet and came to stand beside him. Looking at her face as he, too, got to his feet, Frank had the feeling he'd forgotten something important and was just about to be reminded of it.

"Francesco," Elizabeth began, "do you remeber when you said you'd call me Elizabeth?"

"Yes," he replied, wrapping her in his arms and smiling as he recalled that evening. "It was the first time I kissed you - and I was scared to death! You said you hated being called Liz."

"And I still do!" she answered, her own arms around his neck. "But no-one ever calls me Liz these days - except Mum and Dad, and James just does it to be annoying! Everyone else calls me Elizabeth. You said it would be special - just between us - but everyone does it! Don't you mind?"

"No, of course I don't mind! I know you hate being called Liz, and so I..." and suddenly he began to understand. "Biddy and Mamma both call me Francesco, don't they?" Elizabeth nodded, giving a little half-smile as he continued. "No-one but you ever calls me that. It really is just between you and me. Would you like me to ask them not to do it? I will, if that's what you want."

"If you'd asked me that yesterday I'd probably have said 'yes'," Elizabeth answered, "but I've been thinking about it, and it wouldn't be fair to do that. You've always been Francesco to them - you could never be Frank, the way you are at home."

"Why not? I'd still be me!" he protested quietly, then looked puzzled when she shook her head.

"No you wouldn't," she smiled. "When you leave home every morning you're Frank Desti, Managing Director, and that's exactly as it should be. But when you come home again - when you come back to me - you're Francesco, a totally different person."

"So, who am I with Mamma and Biddy?" he asked.

"Someone else," Elizabeth answered. "Someone they know as Francesco, and I don't want to change that. But I do want to know who that person is, Francesco. I want to know about your family. Yesterday you said you'd untangle them for me, but now you don't seem to want to do it. You still haven't said anything about them."

"I know," he sighed. "Mamma and Biddy want to know everything as well, don't they?"

"Yes," she said, hugging him. "We all want to know, but are you going to tell us?" Lifting her head Elizabeth looked into his troubled eyes, as she heard him sigh once more.

"If Dr Entwistle says it's okay, I'll do it this afternoon," he answered quietly as he held her close, his lips against her hair; and as she hugged him again she was suddenly aware that he was trembling.

Author:  Alison H [ 14 Oct 2007, 14:21 ]
Post subject: 

Glad Patrick was amused rather than embarrassed :lol: . and glad that Elizabeth seems to be more willing to accept her husband's family.

Author:  Lesley [ 14 Oct 2007, 14:47 ]
Post subject: 

Yes, do tell, Frank - then we can listen in! :lol:

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Fatima [ 14 Oct 2007, 15:15 ]
Post subject: 

I'm pleased that Elizabeth's feeling more positive about things now.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 15 Oct 2007, 11:57 ]
Post subject: 

" A simple genuflection would have sufficed, Dad," Patrick smiled down at them. "Throwing yourselves at my feet is over-doing it just a little, don't you think?"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't wait to hear Francesco's story, Pat. Thanks

Author:  Frogize [ 16 Oct 2007, 07:29 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Two o'clock found them all assembled in the waiting-room near the room occupied by Emilia. Biddy and Eugen were seated together, talking quietly with Joey and Jack Maynard, while Elizabeth dispensed coffee from an urn on a table in the corner of the room and Patrick handed round the cups. Frank stood with folded arms, gazing out of the window and wishing he could be anywhere but here. He was probably the only one without a sense of anticipation, he mused silently, and turned to seek Elizabeth once more. Seeing his look, she quickly crossed to his side, abandoning the coffee urn, and everyone fell silent as they watched the couple take their seats side by side.

"Signora Guazza has told us some of the story already," Joey said, feeling that it would probably be easier if someone other than Frank began the proceedings. "The last we were told was when Emilia and Luca heard their son Mario had died." Frank smiled sadly and looked again at Elizabeth, taking her hand and gripping it tightly.

"Oh Lord - you want me to go back that far? Almost from the beginning then," he said quietly, as he sighed and looked at the floor. "Well, I was happy enough at first, until the war began - until Italy joined the war, anyway - that was when everything started to go wrong. When we first heard that Mario had died it was terrible - a horrible time. Mamma wept every day for weeks, and Luca.....well, he just didn't say anything. Of course, I was only six then, and didn't really understand what had happened. Marco and I were with Uncle Franco most of the time, until the holidays were over. Giulio and Giovanni had already enlisted, and Pietro was working on the farm by the time I started school....."


Francesco had woken early, excited at the prospect of school. He hunted in the bed he shared with Marco, searching for the little wooden donkey he held in his fingers every night as he went to sleep, and trying not to waken his cousin. Marco tended to be grumpy if woken before he felt it was necessary, but today he allowed Francesco to disturb him without complaint, even when a sharp elbow poked him in the ribs as Francesco hid his treasure in its accustomed place under his pillow.

Marco was looking forward to seeing old friends once more, and Francesco was anticipating another adventure with his cousin. It was true that his six-year-old dignity had been offended by the knowledge that he would be required to wear a smock - "Just like a girl!" he had complained bitterly - but Marco had assured him that all the other boys in the first elementary class would be wearing one, and he had finally relented and agreed to wear the hated garment.

By the time Uncle Franco was ready to lead them in their walk to the village school they were all gathered outside in the yard. Mamma had hugged him, and he'd felt a sudden nervousness at the thought of being away from her all day. But Marco had called to him just then, and he'd set off happily, Mamma waving until they were out of sight. Francesco and Marco walked either side of Franco while 12 year old Domenico marched in front, as befitted a boy who no longer attended the little village school but went on to the town, where larger classes were held for the older pupils. Bianca, who had turned 10 in June, lagged behind a little. She was newly-promoted to the top class in the village school and was anxious to appear independent, though prepared to take charge of the younger boys if necessary.

The older siblings would all remain at home. Natalina, the eldest of the girls, was 19 and engaged to Paulo Bertolli. He was the younger brother of Antonio Bertolli, Marco's second-in-command, and expected to be called up at any moment. Lucia, at 15, and 14 year old Francesca were also at home with their mother, Francesca having only finished her schooling in July. The girls had spent the day with Emilia, preserving what they could from the current harvest for use throughout the coming winter and helping to prepare the day's quota of bread.

Franco was waiting for the boys after school, and Francesco raced outside and into his uncle's waiting arms. As he was lifted, laughing, high into the air Franco quietly studied his small charge and decided that all was well. All the way home Francesco and Marco regaled him with a noisy account of the days events, and Bianca looked at them with a slightly patronizing air that amused Franco more than annoyed him. He was glad to see the two boys took no notice of her whatever, and instead raced ahead, each wanting to be first to tell the news of the day to Mamma.

Author:  Alison H [ 16 Oct 2007, 07:53 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat :D .

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 16 Oct 2007, 09:52 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat, thats so lovely

Author:  Elbee [ 16 Oct 2007, 10:20 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, Pat, looking forward to hearing more of Francesco's story!

Author:  Lesley [ 16 Oct 2007, 21:54 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Kathy_S [ 19 Oct 2007, 06:04 ]
Post subject: 

Wonderful first day of school. :D

Thank you, Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 19 Oct 2007, 06:51 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

It was on Francesco's third day at school that Franco began to worry. That was the day the ONB's youngest group, the Figli della Lupa, Sons of the She-wolf, were to recommence for the new school year and, despite Emilia and Luca's misgivings, Marco and Francesco were to attend their first meeting after school. Strictly speaking, they should have been enrolled from the age of four but, until Italy joined the war, the regulation had not been strongly enforced. Now, however, everyone was required to join and the two boys were looking forward to being involved in the group along with their classmates.

Several of these classmates had older brothers who were members of the Balilla, the next stage of the ONB, and had been instructed in the militaristic operation of the group. Anxious to display their superior knowledge they had begun to insist that the youngest and newest boys, including Marco and Francesco, should learn to march in the approved manner and, if they failed to do so, were also to be punished in the approved manner - both verbally and physically. In the case of Marco and Francesco this had involved a torturous hour of incomprehensible 'instruction' and beatings whenever they failed to perform satisfactorily - an hour that came to an abrupt end when Franco arrived to take them home.

There was little he could do about the situation since membership of the group and attendance at meetings was now enforcable by law, but Franco vowed inwardly to be on watch throughout future meetings. He suspected that his nephew, Alessandro, was behind the treatment the boys had received, knowing that he was still officially a member of the Balilla, and associated with several of the older brothers involved, though there was no way he could prove it, as others had been treated equally badly. At least Marco and Francesco were spared the Saturday meetings since, as sons of a farming family they were expected to work at home then. Many of their classmates were not so lucky.

Alessandro, himself, was no longer present at the meetings of the Balilla. Being Marco's son, and almost the right age of 14 anyway, he had been promoted to the eldest ONB group, the Avangardisti. On completing their time in the ONB, at the age of 18, boys were expected to enlist in the regular army and join the ranks of soldiers in action in various fields of involvement. Franco doubted that Marco intended allowing Alessandro to be placed in any danger - if he'd been a betting man he'd have willingly bet everything on it! - but he was certain that Alessandro was behind the treatment meted out to the two younger boys. As Franco considered ways to protect them from the worst effects of Alessandro's spitefulness, his brother Marco began to put his own act of revenge into place and there was nothing Franco or anyone else could do about it.

Author:  Lesley [ 19 Oct 2007, 07:01 ]
Post subject: 

Nasty, nasty, nasty.

At least we know that Francesco does survive and thrive - but what horrors will he have to endure?

(Marco = :hammer: :poke: )

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Fatima [ 19 Oct 2007, 07:40 ]
Post subject: 

How horrible for the little boys.
a torturous hour of incomprehensible 'instruction' and beatings whenever they failed to perform satisfactorily
It's so unkind and unfair to put them through this.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 19 Oct 2007, 07:41 ]
Post subject: 

Those poor boys.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 19 Oct 2007, 10:41 ]
Post subject: 

Oh poor Francesco and Marco. Am glad Franco is looking out for them

Author:  Frogize [ 22 Oct 2007, 11:34 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

He first became aware of Marco's plan at the beginning of the following week, when he arrived home from the village with the children. A truck was stationed outside in the yard and two soldiers were loading it with provisions from the store-room. Telling the children to wait outside, Franco entered, and was confronted by an angry scene between Luca and Antonio Bertolli, as Emilia sat at the table looking on.

"What's going on here?" he asked quietly, and anyone who knew Franco could have warned Antonio that this was a definite danger signal. Unable to read the danger, however, Antonio turned to Franco with little more respect than he had previously shown to Luca.

"We're collecting supplies for the garrison," he said, "though the cripple doesn't seem to want to co-operate," and he gestured towards Luca with a toss of his head and a sneer of contempt. That was his second - and last - misreading of the situation. In two strides Franco crossed the room and grabbed him by the collar of his uniform jacket, twisting it tightly in his hand.

"Signor Guazza received his injuries serving with the Alpini in the last war, my friend," Franco began, glaring into Antonio's eyes. "He served his country well while you were still a babe in arms and, if I were you, I wouldn't underestimate him now!"

Antonio craned his neck to look at Luca. He was a great admirer of the Alpini, having an extensive knowledge of their exploits, and was amazed to know that the man he had been told was little more than a dumb peasant had been among their number. It wasn't the first time he felt he'd been manipulated into an embarassing position by his commanding officer and he would be more careful in future.

"Is there a list of provsions we're meant to supply?" Franco asked now, and Antonio nodded. As Franco released his grip Antonio grudgingly drew out the list, knowing they had already taken more than was required. Under Franco's watchful eye the additional goods were returned, and he waited until the truck was well down the road before calling the children inside.

Leaving them with Emilia, he and Luca walked across the yard, well away from the house, and he listened as his brother-in-law explained that in future they would be required to send regular supplies to the garrison. Since Marco claimed the farm as his own he had been generous in the quantities he had ordered to be supplied, and it was clear that what remained would be barely sufficient for Luca and Emilia's remaining family, and certainly not enough to supply Franco as well.

Author:  Alison H [ 22 Oct 2007, 11:40 ]
Post subject: 

Difficult times :( .

Author:  Lesley [ 22 Oct 2007, 18:29 ]
Post subject: 

Marco is an evil b*st*rd, isn't he?

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 28 Oct 2007, 13:11 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont.

Eventually Franco decided that a return to the mountains was inevitable, though he knew that it would mean only Luca and Pietro were left to do the heaviest of the farm work. It would place a severe toll on Emilia and the girls, and Domenico, Marco, and even Francesco would be required to do more. However, it also meant that his movements would no longer be at all predictable and there would be no way for anyone to know where or when he would appear.

The people of the village were accustomed to Franco's accompanying Francesco and Marco when they were away from home, and the boys had not been subjected to any further acts of bullying by Alessandro's cronies while he was there. He knew that if he left the village that might no longer be the case, but if he turned up unexpectedly at various times and places perhaps they'd leave the boys alone. It was the best he could do for now, and he hoped it would be enough.


Antonio Bertolli was sitting in the village bar that evening, waiting for his brother, Paulo, and becoming more and more impatient as time passed and still he failed to arrive. Finally deciding that he wasn't going to put in an appearance Antonio drained his glass and stood up to leave.

He was aware of the disgruntled looks the village men-folk gave him as he passed them on his way to the door, and felt a momentary sense of guilt as he recalled what he had been required to do that afternoon. But the garrison had to be supplied, he reasoned with himself, and if people wouldn't do it willingly then they had no right to complain when he came to enforce the order - and if he took a little extra by way of recompense, well.....what did they expect?

As he stepped outside he saw Paulo crossing the square ahead of him, a girl on his arm, and he remembered that his brother was only recently engaged, though so far Antonio hadn't met the girl in question. No wonder he'd forgotten about their meeting, he smiled to himself, appraising the girl as he watched them together - she was beautiful. As he watched she kissed Paulo briefly, then hurried to join another girl who was waiting for her at the corner of the square, turning and blowing another kiss before she left.

Paulo waved and crossed the square once more, heading for the village bar when he saw Antonio approaching and went to meet him. Antonio grinned at his brother and was about to make some comment about the girl when Paulo punched him in the stomach and he fell to the ground. Staring up in disbelief, he quickly rolled out of reach as Paulo approached once more.

"Paulo!" he gasped. "What are you doing?"

"I ought to beat you to a pulp, you scum!" Paulo retorted angrily. "What the hell were you doing this afternoon?"

"Collecting supplies for the garrison," Antonio answered, managing to get to his knees and deciding to stay there. "Not that it's any of your business! What do you care?"

"When it comes to Natalina and her family, I care a lot!" Paulo hissed at him. ""If you ever bother them'll wish you hadn't - I can promise you that!"

"Natalina? You mean your fiancee?" Antonio queried. "Which farm are her family working?"

"They live at the Desti farm - the bigger one," his brother answered. "If you'd bother to pay attention once in a while you'd know that!"

"The Desti farm? You mean Signor Guazza? The Alpini? He's Natalina's father?" Antonio poured out his questions as Paulo stood over him for several minutes, his chest still heaving with anger at his brother.

"Oh, get up!" he finally said in disgust, and Antonio climbed warily to his feet, keeping well out of range of Paulo's fists, just in case he should reconsider. "You're pathetic, Antonio!"


Only two days later Natalina was in floods of tears all through the evening meal because Paulo had finally been called up and had left that afternoon. She had no idea when she would see him again, and was heart-broken that he'd had to leave before they could be married. Emilia and Luca had been sympathetic - Emilia had even considered approaching Marco for assistance - but there was nothing that could be done and, like many another young woman, Natalina would just have to wait.

Over the next few months, as winter began and their meagre supplies dwindled, the Guazza family, along with most others in the village, struggled to survive. Franco was occasionally able to provide something for them, usually a rabbit or bird he'd trapped and always a large bundle of firewood. Once he left a pile of rabbit skins that he'd saved, and Emilia had thankfully transformed them into two jackets for Marco and Francesco, the first new clothing they'd had all year and the only warm garments they possessed.

The two boys had few opportunities to be with Franco during this time, but at Christmas they were delighted when he spent a week at the farm with them. He brought three rabbits with him and a small sack of wild fruit and nuts that he had gathered over the previous weeks and saved for the occasion, as well as some dried herbs and mushrooms that he knew Emilia would be able to make good use of. He noticed that both boys had grown taller while he had been away, though they were both noticeably thinner as well.

He also provided a good supply of firewood that Marco and Francesco had helped to transfer to the farmhouse by means of a small sled manufactured by Francesco. As Franco helped Francesco put the sled together he was reminded once more of his brother Luigi, and the many times that he had been instrumental in destroying Luigi's creations, often before they were even completed. He didn't understand how Francesco knew what to do - and Francesco hardly knew himself - but between them the job was quickly completed and the firewood was safely stored just inside the door. The sled, too, was soon employed by the boys and Franco in a far more entertaining way!

Author:  Lesley [ 28 Oct 2007, 14:04 ]
Post subject: 

Wonder if Antoni will reconsider his position? He certainly needs to change his attitude if he's any chance of becoming a decent human being - taking extra from people unable to spare it is not the act of a soldier - it's the act of a thug.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 28 Oct 2007, 14:47 ]
Post subject: 

Horrible times :( .

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 28 Oct 2007, 15:05 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat

Author:  Frogize [ 30 Oct 2007, 06:37 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Returning to school early in the new year, a month before Francesco turned seven, things had changed again. Marco had turned eight at the end of the previous year and was now promoted to the Balilla, leaving Francesco alone at the meetings of the Figli della Lupa. Even worse, as far as Francesco was concerned, was the fact that he now had to walk home alone on the two days each week that Marco attended these meetings. He didn't even have the company of Bianca on these days, since she attended the meetings of the Piccole Italiane then and walked home later with Marco.

Although Alessandro and his cronies ignored Francesco now, several of the village boys had taken a dislike to him merely because he bore the name 'Desti'. All the families in the village had become victims of Uncle Marco in some way or other and, lacking any other outlet for their anger, Francesco bore the brunt of it. He was invariably chased from the village school at the end of each day and on several occasions he'd been pelted with 'snowballs', frozen solid and more like rocks.

After two weeks of this Natalina took it upon herself to meet Francesco after school on these days, especially since the weather had turned bitterly cold. Antonio Bertolli noticed Natalina's presence outside the school and, on her second arrival there, made a point of crossing the square and introducing himself to her.

"Good afternoon, Signorina Guazza," he smiled - and Antonio had a charming smile when he chose to use it - as Natalina watched him approach, a wary expression on her pretty face. "I'm Antonio, Paulo's brother."

"Good afternoon, Signor Bertolli," she answered stiffly. "Yes; I know who you are."

"Oh, Antonio, please!" he insisted. "Is there something I can do for you? May I assist you in some way?"

"No, thank you.....Antonio," she replied. "I'm meeting my little brother from school, that's all."

"Ah, yes! The Desti boy," he persisted. "Then may I accompany you on your walk back? We haven't met, so far, and I should like to get to know Paulo's fiancee. It may help to keep some of the more undesirable company at bay," he added, looking around the square. Natalina smiled ironically, and turned away from him, towards the school gate.

At that moment the younger children came hurrying from the little school building and, on seeing Antonio with Natalina, several boys slowed their steps and changed direction, while Francesco rushed to meet Natalina, coming to a halt beside her and looking fearfully at Antonio. Like everyone else in the village, he had learned that Antonio's presence generally meant trouble.

"Good afternoon, young man," Antonio smiled down at him. "You've grown since I last saw you." Francesco looked at Natalina, unsure what to say or do. "You were very young then, of course," he added.

"What do you mean?" Natalina asked suspiciously, and he laughed.

"Perhaps you don't remember - there's no reason why you should - but I was the one who brought Francesco and your mother from the border, when he first arrived," Antonio said, looking from Francesco to Natalina and back. "It was not a pleasant journey, as I recall."

"A pity you didn't do something to change that," Natalina said, taking Francesco's hand and turning away as Antonio flushed with annoyance. As they began to cross the square he fell into step beside them, determined to overcome Natalina's unwelcoming manner.

Author:  Lesley [ 30 Oct 2007, 07:48 ]
Post subject: 

Poor little Francesco. :cry:

As for Antonio - I wonder if he is aware just how much everyone seems to loath him?

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 30 Oct 2007, 08:46 ]
Post subject: 

Hope Natalina can steer well clear of Antonio: he sounds like a very nasty piece of work.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 30 Oct 2007, 12:21 ]
Post subject: 

I'm glad Natalina is keeping an eye on Francesco. I am glad and this is at the back of my mind is that Biddy was adopted at the Chalet School. I think she would have had an extremelly hard time from a few quaters being Irish especially during the War.

Thanks Pat

Author:  Frogize [ 04 Nov 2007, 05:24 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Usually, Francesco would have resented Natalina's holding his hand - it would only be one more thing for the other boys to taunt him with - but today he was glad of it, and kept as close to her as he could. Only Uncle Marco's company was more frightening than Antonio's!

The walk home seemed much longer than usual, and he was glad to run inside when they arrived while Natalina said goodbye to Sergente-maggiore Bertolli. Antonio had walked home with them on Tuesday and Thursday of the following week as well, and Francesco found it hard to decide which was worse - walking home alone, or being accompanied by Antonio. On the whole he thought he'd have preferred to walk alone.

The following Monday was Francesco's seventh birthday, and he was worried to see Antonio waiting by the gate when school finished. Monday and Wednesday were the meeting days of the Figli della Lupa and Francesco was sure Antonio knew that. As Antonio called him over he could feel the other boys watching him, and knew they were enjoying his discomfort.

"Happy birthday, Francesco," Antonio smiled at him, and the boy was surprised to notice that for once the smile seemed genuine. "I have a gift for you, but I see you're busy right now. I'll wait until the meeting's over."

Francesco watched as Antonio turned and walked away. He knew that Marco would also be waiting for him, as usual, and returned to the school wondering if he should warn his cousin. However, there was no opportunity to do so and, an hour and a half later, he trudged slowly towards the school gate - in search of Marco and in dread of Antonio.

"Happy birthday, Francesco," Antonio repeated, smiling once more and holding out a small flat package which Francesco took reluctantly. Looking up, he saw Marco hovering in the shelter of the wall a few yards away, and felt a little better.

"Th...thank you, Sergente-maggiore Bertolli," he stammered, holding the package loosely and looking warily at Antonio. It was like watching a snake, Francesco decided - once you started, you didn't dare look away! Antonio nodded and smiled once more before turning on his heel and walking back towards his office. As soon as he was far enough away from Francesco, his cousin hurried over.

"What did he want?" Marco asked, while Francesco stared at the parcel in his hand.

"He gave me this!" Francesco answered, holding out the package as if it were a bomb that might explode at any moment.

"What is it?" Marco asked curiously.

"He said it was a gift.....for my birthday," the puzzled boy answered, still gazing at the parcel but making no effort to unwrap it.

"Let's take it home and see what Mamma says," advised Marco, and the two boys turned and set off for home at a lively pace, knowing that the village boys wouldn't be far behind.

"Mamma! Mamma!" Francesco called as they entered the kitchen not long after. Thanks to their fear of Antonio's presence the other boys had not lingered near the school and for once the two boys had raced home unmolested. "Mamma! Look what Sergente-maggiore Bertolli gave me for my birthday!" Emilia, too, stared at the package, dumb-founded.

Eventually, the whole family sat around the table after their evening meal, watching as the little boy unwrapped the gift, and were amazed when he finally displayed a bar of chocolate. Such a treasure had been a rare thing in the family even before the war, and was even more so now! They all stared, afraid to touch it but enjoying its rich aroma.

"But why, Mamma?" Francesco finally asked, looking at her in perplexity. "Why would Sergente-maggiore Bertolli give me this?"

"I don't know, Francesco," Emilia replied, shaking her head. "It's most unlike him."

"It certainly is!" Natalina exclaimed angrily, jumping up from the table. "If he thinks he can get round me like that, he can think again!" and she stormed from the room, watched by her startled family.

Francesco had finally shared his gift with his family - still wondering why he'd been given it, even as they enjoyed it - and was glad that Natalina returned and was eventually persuaded to take her share. The next day she was waiting for him out side the school, as usual, when Antonio approached once more.

"Good afternoon, Signorina Guazza," he smiled but, if he'd hoped for a warmer reception, his hopes were immediately dashed. Natalina stared at him in stony silence and turned her back. "I have some news for you, if you'd care to hear it," Antonio persisted, and she turned to look at him.

"Well? What news?" she asked coldly.

"Paulo is coming home in ten days time," he answered. "He will have two weeks leave before being sent...somewhere. Perhaps that will give you time to arrange a wedding? I'd be willing to help, if you need anything."

"And why should I believe you?" she asked, still gazing at him distastefully.

"Because it is the truth," he answered simply, turning away and continuing to watch for Francesco's arrival. Natalina frowned, torn between delight at the news and annoyance at the bringer of it.

"Thank you, Ser...Antonio," she finally managed to say, and he turned to her once more, giving a slight bow in acknowledgement. When Francesco came racing across the yard towards her a short time later, he was glad to see that she was looking happier than she had for a long time - and she continued to smile as they made their way home, despite Antonio's continued presence.

Author:  Lesley [ 04 Nov 2007, 07:48 ]
Post subject: 

Seems that Antonio is really trying - he must love his brother and be really upset about what he has been ordered to do by Marco.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 04 Nov 2007, 09:56 ]
Post subject: 

Yes, he does seem to be quite genuine.

Author:  Fatima [ 04 Nov 2007, 16:02 ]
Post subject: 

Yes, I thought he seemed genuine there, too.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 14 Nov 2007, 13:12 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Paulo duly arrived home ten days later, and was very happy to learn that the wedding was all arranged. Now he wouldn't have to waste any of his precious leave listening to Antonio or Natalina's Uncle Marco droning on about 'the glories of life as a soldier'. They'd obviously never experienced it - there was certainly nothing glorious about it as far as he was concerned! The prospect of spending two weeks alone with Natalina was much more to his liking!

Paulo felt obliged to ask Antonio to be his best man - a joke if ever there was one! Someone who spent his days flattering his commanding officer and intimidating poor farmers into giving up more than they could possibly afford was hardly Paulo's idea of a 'best' man - far from it! But there was no-one else, and so Paulo had done what was expected of him with as much grace as he could muster.

Centurione Desti, Natalina's Uncle Marco, had declared it unnecessary to attend the wedding - much to everyone's relief - and none of his family had put in an appearance, though Francesco and Marco were delighted to see Uncle Franco. They were even happier when he stayed on at the farm while Natalina was away, taking them to and from school each day.

On the Tuesday following the wedding, as Franco waited for Francesco outside the village school, Antonio stood watching from his office window. When the boy appeared a few minutes later, to be swept up in his beloved uncle's arms and hugged tightly, Antonio smiled to himself. He had made a point of learning all he could about his commanding officer's older brother - it had been surprisingly difficult to discover anything much! - and was determined to find a way to know Franco better. Perhaps he could do it through the boy, he mused, continuing to watch as the two turned and headed for home.


When Paulo rejoined his regiment at the beginning of March he had not been surprised when Natalina announced her intention of returning to the farm. Antonio and Paulo's parents lived in town - not for from Marco and Caterina - and had never even visited a farm. Natalina had not enjoyed town life at all, and if she stayed it would mean leaving Francesco to walk home alone once more. Antonio had offered to walk with him but Francesco, horrified at the very idea, had pleaded with her to find an alternative and she had happily decided to return home.

By early April Natalina was sure she was pregnant but, knowing the only certain way to let Paulo know was through Antonio or Uncle Marco, she kept the news to herself for the time being. Her own family had enough to concern them as it was, since they had not heard from either Giulio or Giovanni for several months now and were growing daily more anxious. The news of another mouth to feed was news they could happily do without right now, Natalina decided, as she walked home with Francesco, but she knew it was something she couldn't put off for much longer.

Author:  Alison H [ 14 Nov 2007, 13:24 ]
Post subject: 

What a shame that she has to be worried about announcing what should be good news :( .

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 14 Nov 2007, 14:59 ]
Post subject: 

Poor Natalina for not being able to share her good news. That would be so hard for her. I'm also wondering why Antonio wants to know more about Uncle Franco

Author:  Lesley [ 14 Nov 2007, 18:29 ]
Post subject: 

How terribly sad that she can't enjoy and share her news.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 19 Nov 2007, 04:29 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

As usual, the whole family attended church on Easter Sunday, which fell on April 13th that year, and Natalina was a little surprised when she thought she caught sight of Antonio entering the church by a side door as her family made their way out after the service. She wasn't absolutely certain it was him - especially since the man she saw wasn't in uniform - but she had certainly had that impression. Looking around she saw that Uncle Franco had also noticed the man, but he shook his head at her then turned to speak to a friend while she turned her attention to rounding up the younger members of the family. When she looked again Uncle Franco and his friend had vanished, but she could see Paulo's parents approaching and hurried to meet them since she had promised to visit them for a few days at Easter.

"Hello, Mamma," she smiled at Signora Bertolli, kissing her cheek, then turning to Paulo's father with a similar greeting.

"Hello, Natalina," he greeted her warmly. "Are you ready to go?"

"In one minute I will be," she answered. "I just have to say 'Goodbye' to Mamma and Papa, and collect my bag." Turning to her parents she kissed them both and then headed towards the church. She'd left her bag by the door, and went in search of it. As she approached she met Antonio leaving by the main door, but wearing his uniform as usual, and she stared in surprise as he smiled at her.

"Good morning, Natalina. Happy Easter!" he said. "Please - allow me!" and he bent to pick up the case for her. As he straightened up she looked at his face but, beyond his usual expression of mild indifference, could read nothing in it.

"Are you coming home with us?" she asked him, but he shook his head.

"I will be with you for the drive only. I would like to stay but, unfortunately, my work forbids it," he said. "Perhaps tomorrow I might manage an hour or two, if that would please you?"

"I'm sure your parents would be pleased," she answered shortly, trying to remember whether or not she'd seen him in church earlier that day. Surely she'd have remembered seeing the uniform if he was there - but she was certain now that she hadn't! Looking around as she walked to the car with Signor and Signora Bertolli she began to wonder where Uncle Franco had gone, and if his friend had gone with him. As they neared the car she noticed that the young driver sat nervously behind the wheel and, after helping his mother and Natalina inside, Antonio sat down beside him.

The drive into town was not long, although the road was quite uneven and they'd driven slowly. When they arrived, Signor and Signora Bertolli went ahead, leaving Antonio to take Natalina's bag inside. He carried it to her room and placed it on the bed, then walked to the door where he turned to her with a formal little bow.

"Will you tell them while you're here? Or were you planning to tell Paulo first?" he asked, with that smile that always left her feeling as though she needed to take a bath, and she blushed as he watched her.

"What are you talking about, Antonio?" she replied, looking at him with annoyance.

"The baby, of course," he answered. "I'm looking forward to becoming an uncle."

"Who said anything about a baby?" she demanded now.

"No-one said anything," he smiled again. "In fact you very pointedly didn't say anything - which is why I thought that perhaps you meant to tell Paulo first. But I can always tell about such things. Women just look different then - I can't explain how, but they do!"

"It's really none of your business, Antonio! she said angrily. "Who I tell - and when - is my affair, not yours!" and she pushed him through the door, shutting it loudly in his face, before sitting on the bed and weeping with anger and frustration - and, if she were honest with herself, just a little fear as well.

Author:  Kathy_S [ 19 Nov 2007, 04:44 ]
Post subject: 

Rotten excuse for a man!

But thank you, Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 19 Nov 2007, 09:28 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat. he would have put me off from marrying into the family. I'm glad i don't have anyone like him for a brother in law. If he really wanted to be kind he would have kept quiet about Natalina being pregnant

Author:  Lesley [ 19 Nov 2007, 10:37 ]
Post subject: 

He really is coming across as an oily creep, isn't he? I wonder whether his motives are good or bad?

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Fatima [ 19 Nov 2007, 15:26 ]
Post subject: 

I must admit that I don't trust him an inch at the moment.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 21 Nov 2007, 01:27 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

As the family returned to the farm a somewhat subdued Francesco and Marco were kept very firmly in check by Luca. Not having seen Uncle Franco for several weeks they had been overjoyed to see him in church, but were bitterly disappointed to find him strangely absent afterwards. They had made such nuisances of themselves in their frantic search for him - to both their family and the other village folk - that finally Luca had threatened them with a thrashing unless they came to stand quietly beside him, a threat that he very rarely made but invariably carried out when he considered it necessary. Seeing Natalina leave with the Bertollis had done nothing to improve their mood, and they had both refused her farewell kiss. By the time they arrived home rebellion was stirring in their hearts, and when Luca sent them to bring in firewood for Emilia they went with a very bad grace.

"Where did Uncle Franco go?" Francesco asked again, tugging half-heartedly at a piece of wood.

"I bet Papa knows!" Marco answered mutinously, leaning against the wall with folded arms. "No-one ever tells us anything! It's not fair!"

"Marco, let's go find him!" Francesco suggested eagerly.

"Don't be stupid, Francesco! You know what'll happen when Papa gets hold of us if we do that!" he said scornfully, and the withering look he bestowed on his cousin did nothing to improve the temper of either boy.

"Well, you suggest something then!" Francesco challenged him. "I don't care! I'm not going back until I've seen him!" and with that he took to his heels and fled across the yard. Looking towards the house, Marco decided that if he went with Francesco at least they'd have each other for company during the punishment that would surely follow, and in moments he was racing after his cousin.

It was several minutes before Luca realized that the boys had not returned and then, with a muttered oath, he crossed to the door and hurried outside. Having quickly scanned the yard he returned to the house and spoke quietly to Emilia, who clutched his arm in fear as he turned and called Pietro to him. Within seconds Pietro was heading back to the village while Luca set off towards the mountains.


By the time Francesco and Marco arrived back in the village their bravado had deserted them , and they stood together outside the church wondering what to do next. They had no idea where to begin their search for Uncle Franco and were now painfully aware that Luca's wrath would fall on them the moment they returned home. It was not a pleasing prospect, and it soon became infinitely worse when a car passed them, stopping nearby, and Antonio Bertolli stepped from the vehicle.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen," he smiled, as they watched him warily. "You seem to be in search of something - or someone, perhaps? May I be of assistance to you?"

The two boys looked at each other, fear in both their faces. Neither Francesco nor Marco had any desire to spend time with Antonio but, having no alternative for the moment, they stood silently before him, waiting to see what he would do.

Author:  Lesley [ 21 Nov 2007, 07:47 ]
Post subject: 

Poor kids - they'll be in trouble regardless.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 21 Nov 2007, 08:25 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat, I hope Luca isn't to hard of them. It must be so hard on them not really understanding what is going on around them

Author:  Alison H [ 21 Nov 2007, 09:00 ]
Post subject: 

Hope nothing bad happens.

Author:  Fatima [ 21 Nov 2007, 14:43 ]
Post subject: 

They're going to get such a hiding. Poor kids.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 22 Nov 2007, 01:33 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

"It's most impolite of you not to answer me," Antonio remonstrated mildly as he walked towards them. "But perhaps you're hungry; it is lunch-time after all. May I invite you to have lunch with me?"

Once again the two boys looked at each other. They were both aware that there would be no meal awaiting them when they eventually returned home, and both had the healthy appetites of young boys - appetites that these days were rarely completely satisfied. As they considered what to say to Antonio, nemesis arrived in the form of Pietro.

"Marco! Francesco! Papa says you're to come home at once!" he called, and the boys needed no second bidding. With apologetic looks at Antonio - and some regret for the missed meal - they turned and walked slowly towards their brother, knowing that his anger would be as nothing compared with Luca's.

Antonio watched them go with regret. He had hoped they would tell him what he needed to know, but it would do no good to antagonize Natalina's family. There would be other opportunities, he told himself as he returned to the car.


Pietro preserved a stony silence for almost the entire journey home, and it wasn't until they were nearing the farm that Marco spoke.

"Is Papa very angry?" he asked his older brother fearfully, and Pietro stared down at him.

"What do you think?" he answered. "Of course he's angry! I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now!" Having made his point, eighteen-year-old Pietro added, "If I were you I'd go to bed as soon as we get in, and keep very quiet. Papa went out and I don't know when he'll be back."

On entering the house the two boys immediately followed their older brother's advice and scurried upstairs, while he headed for the kitchen to report their return to Emilia. Francesco had hoped that Mamma would come upstairs and talk to them, and was sadly disappointed when she continued to sit in the kitchen, awaiting Luca's return, instead.

It was growing dark when Luca finally returned, and he lost no time in calling the sinners from their bed, demanding their presence in the kitchen below. As they entered they saw that the leather strap that normally hung behind the door was now held firmly in Luca's right hand, and knew there would be no reprieve.

Emilia sat outside, silent tears coursing down her cheeks, as she counted the strokes.


"Enough, Luca! Enough!" Emilia cried, hurrying back inside and, as he caught sight of her face, Luca ordered the weeping boys back to bed, flinging the strap across the room and limping to the door, knowing that if Emilia had not intervened he would have bitterly regretted his actions the next day. Even now he was distraught that it had been necessary to punish the boys, but he was filled with horror whenever he considered the possible consequences of their disobedience that day.

Emilia followed her husband outside, taking a seat beside him and holding his hand tightly in both her own as she watched him weep tears as bitter as any the boys had shed. It was some time before he lifted his head and spoke.

"Emilia, do you know how many lives were put at risk today because they went looking for Franco?" he asked, staring into her face.

"No I don't, Luca," she replied softly, ".....and neither do they!"

"Seven, Emilia! Seven! Two of them only babies!"

"But they're only boys, Luca! They didn't know. They just wanted to see their uncle, that's all. They didn't know!"

"I know that, Emilia!" Luca exclaimed, getting to his feet and pacing up and down in his agitation. "But they must learn to obey! Lives depend on it now!" Seeing her unhappy face he stopped pacing and held her close, touching her cheek. "You'd better go to them. They'll be feeling very sore and sorry for a while, I expect."

As she entered the bedroom where all her sons slept Emilia heard the sound of muffled sobs from the bed Marco and Francesco shared. Crossing to the bed she seated herself beside it, one hand stroking the dark curls that were all she could see of Francesco and the other holding Marco's hot and sticky hand.


Francesco woke first the next morning and stretched carefully, testing to see which position was the least painful. His eyes were still a little puffy from crying, and he decided that he'd probably have to eat breakfast standing up, but it didn't stop him from hunting for his donkey and hiding it under his pillow as usual. Marco awoke while Francesco was scrabbling through the bed-clothes, poking his cousin to attract his attention, and the two boys looked solemnly at each other.

"I told you it was a stupid idea!" Marco grinned.

"Well, why did you follow me, then?" Francesco shot back, grinning too.

"I wonder if we're allowed to get up yet?" the older boy queried, looking across the room at the other bed where Domenico and Pietro lay, seemingly both fast asleep. "It must be really early if Pietro's still asleep."

Hearing their murmured voices, Pietro sat up and looked at them both.

"Well, I see you've both survived your first real thrashing," he smiled at them. "If I were in your position, I'd be considering a swim in the river just about now - the cold water helps to ease the stinging a bit - and if I wanted to go swimming, I'd try being really nice to my big brother so he'd agree to take me."

Marco and Francesco scrambled from under the covers and crossed the room, dragging Pietro from his bed and waking Domenico in the process.

"So, the wanderers returned, hey?" Domenico grinned at them, throwing off the covers. "I'm assuming a cold swim is in order now?" he said, looking questioningly at Pietro, and he laughed as all four brothers gathered their things together and headed for the stairs.


Luca was in the yard chopping firewood when the boys returned and, seeing their damp hair and unusually clean faces, he looked at them with a knowing smile. Marco and Francesco watched him a little warily, skirting around their older brothers and hurrying indoors in search of breakfast.

After breakfast Luca and Pietro set off to continue the Spring ploughing, taking Domenico with them. Marco and Francesco had been forbidden to leave the farm, and were hard at work cleaning out the goat-pen when Franco arrived. Although they saw him enter the house the two boys dared not leave their assigned task unfinished, and it was nearly an hour later when they joined him in the kitchen, where he sat talking quietly with Emilia.

"I'll see if I can find out anything," Franco said to Emilia as the two boys entered, and he turned to look at them with a wry smile.

"Hello, Uncle Franco," Francesco whispered, knowing that his uncle would have heard all about their exploits of the day before by now, and feeling very uncertain of the reception they would get.

"Hello, you two," Franco smiled grimly. "I hear you went swimming in the river this morning."

"Yes, Uncle Franco," they answered in unison.

"And did it help?" he asked solemnly.

"Yes, Uncle Franco," they answered again, relieved to see him smile at them. They moved to stand beside him, and smiled happily as he put an arm around each of them, drawing them closer.

"There hasn't been a boy born in the whole village who hasn't learned the benefits of swimming in cold water," he confided to them now, and they stared at him as the meaning of what he'd said sank in.

"Even Papa?" Marco said, wide-eyed.

"Certainly!" Franco answered seriously. "Even me!" he added with a twinkle, and the boys looked at him in awed silence.

Author:  Lesley [ 22 Nov 2007, 06:21 ]
Post subject: 

Poor little boys - and thinking on Luca's words I have some inkling as to who they put at risk and why Antomio was so keen to speak to them. :cry:

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 22 Nov 2007, 08:53 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 22 Nov 2007, 10:48 ]
Post subject: 

Lesley wrote:
Poor little boys - and thinking on Luca's words I have some inkling as to who they put at risk and why Antomio was so keen to speak to them. :cry:

Thanks Pat.

I'm woefully ignorant unless it was the family. Poor boys. Am glad Emilia intervened. And am glad the two older boys were pretty nice to them about it. Thanks Pat

Author:  Fatima [ 22 Nov 2007, 15:10 ]
Post subject: 

I'm also woefully ignorant and looking forward to finding out exactly what's going on.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Lesley [ 22 Nov 2007, 21:33 ]
Post subject: 

You added a bit Pat! Like that the two older boys treat it so matter of factly!


(And I do so know! :wink: )

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 23 Nov 2007, 05:11 ]
Post subject: 

Loved the extra bit and am glad they got to see their beloved Uncle Franco

Author:  Lesley [ 23 Nov 2007, 07:16 ]
Post subject: 

Funny that children never consider that adults were once their age!.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  PaulineS [ 23 Nov 2007, 14:25 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the extra Pat. Glad the river swim made them feel better and that it was passed through the generations.

Author:  Frogize [ 24 Nov 2007, 04:10 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Centurione Marco Desti lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and smoking a rare cigarette, while deciding that he probably wouldn't come back here again. Alba had once excited him but now, after nearly six months, she was so boringly familiar he could hardly bear to be in the same room as her. He could find this kind of boredom without ever leaving home he thought bitterly, stubbing out his cigarette, and had no intention of seeking it elsewhere! Having made his decision, he swung his feet off the bed and began to dress with the meticulous precision he demanded of himself in everything he did.

By the time Alba returned he was fully dressed but for the peaked cap he invariably wore when in uniform. So much smarter than that stupid bustina that Bertolli insisted on wearing, he thought as he combed his hair neatly into place.

"Why, Marco!" Alba exclaimed delightedly as she entered the untidy room. "Are we dining out tonight? Why didn't you say so?"

"Because we aren't!" he snapped. "I'm dining with Bertolli tonight, and I won't be back."

"Then when will I see you again?" she asked anxiously, risking his wrath. She knew his short temper well, and how he hated to be questioned.

"I thought I made myself perfectly clear," he said, looking at her with disdain. "Did I not just say that I won't be back? How could you not understand?"

"But.....but why, Marco?" she asked, staring at him in disbelief. "We've always had fun together!" She didn't relish becoming another one of those unfortunate women known as Marco's cast-offs.

"In the past, perhaps," he answered coldly. "Now you just bore me, my dear, and you know how I hate to be bored." Checking that his Beretta was correctly holstered and his poiniard sat neatly against his hip, he pulled on his cap and smiled briefly at his reflection.

"Good evening, Alba," he smiled. "Or perhaps it would be better to say 'Good-bye' and get this over with. I'll see myself out," and as she stood aside he left the room, stepping fastidiously over her clothing still tumbled on the floor where she'd left it, and made his way out into the street below.

The evening air was cool against his face, and he smiled as he began to walk towards the hotel where he was to meet with Bertolli. The man did an excellent job of covering for him whenever he was out of the office, and deserved his upcoming promotion, Marco thought as he stepped out into the town square, heading for the hotel on the opposite side. Of course, he was still a little young - only 25 - but with careful training he had become a first-rate 2IC and had what almost amounted to a genius for making life run smoothly for Marco.

Passing the noisy bar next to the hotel, Marco paid no attention to the men gathered inside. They were mostly factory workers, men who worked long hours for little pay and whose families lived in the poorer sectors of town. They were of no consequence as far as Marco was concerned, and he habitually ignored them.

As he entered the dining room of the hotel he saw Bertolli spring to attention beside a table in a sheltered corner and made his way over, ignoring every attempt on the hotelier's part to acknowledge his presence. Finally allowing the man to take his cap, he saluted briefly to Bertolli and took the seat that was pulled out for him. Saluting smartly, Antonio waited for permission to take his own seat, knowing that it pleased Marco to keep him waiting.

"Sit down, Bertolli," Marco said impatiently, and Antonio took the seat opposite his commanding officer, noting that something seemed to have disturbed him and he'd have to be careful how he phrased things tonight. Signora Desti had called at the office that afternoon, wanting to see Marco about something to do with the wedding plans for their elder daughter and he knew such things always irritated him. The planning was of no interest at all to Marco, his only concern being that the wedding actually took place, though he grudgingly admitted that he'd miss Isabella.

Of his three children, Isabella was the one who was most like him and they had always understood each other. Even when Alessandro had finally come along, she had accepted the fact that he would always come first with her father as simply the natural order of things, and had never complained. He smiled. Isabella was like him in that way, too. She never complained, but she invariably got satisfaction - one way or another!

Author:  Alison H [ 24 Nov 2007, 08:53 ]
Post subject: 

He really isn't a very nice bloke!

Author:  Lesley [ 24 Nov 2007, 23:00 ]
Post subject: 

Not at all - and his daughter sounds just as charmless.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 26 Nov 2007, 05:03 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

"Well, Bertolli? What have you to report to me this time?" Marco asked, leaning back in his chair and surveying the room as best he could from the semi-concealed spot. Not that he needed to - Bertolli would have already made sure there was no-one present who could pose any kind of threat to Marco but, now that he considered himself free once more, it was entertaining to observe the female half of the assembled diners.

"Very little, centurione," Antonio smiled. "Not much in the way of resistance this month, and the garrison is almost fully supplied."

"Almost?" Marco queried, raising an eyebrow as he looked at the man seated opposite him.

"We still have three properties to attend, centurione. Once that is completed the garrison will be more than amply catered for," Antonio replied confidently, and Marco relaxed once more. He could always rely on Bertolli to lift some of the burden from his shoulders.

"Is there anything I can do to assist Signora Desti, centurione?" Antonio asked now, knowing he was entering dangerous territory. "I know you're far too busy to be concerned with such things, but perhaps I might be of assistance?"

"And what things might they be?" Marco demanded, suddenly irritated by Bertolli's fawning efficiency.

"I believe Signora Desti mentioned something about fabric for a wedding gown?" Antonio answerd, carefully noting Marco's irritation. "I'm sure, if I were permitted to speak with her, it wouldn't be too difficult to find what she needs."

"Then do it!" Marco snapped impatiently. Gazing round the room once more, he suddenly smiled at Antonio. "Forgive me, Bertolli, but I'm afraid I've had a very trying day. Please - do whatever you can for my wife. I'm sure she'll appreciate your assistance."

"Of course, centurione," the younger man replied, certain he would be on safer ground now. "Perhaps you'd care to see the menu?"

"Yes!" Marco said enthusiastically, as a waiter appeared at his elbow. "A good meal, fine wine, and I'm sure everything will look much brighter - eh, Bertolli?"

"Yes, centurione," Antonio agreed.

Author:  Lesley [ 26 Nov 2007, 08:30 ]
Post subject: 

I do wonder how Marco can have come from the same lineage as the rest of his family.

Thanks Pat

Author:  Alison H [ 26 Nov 2007, 08:52 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat :D .

Author:  Frogize [ 30 Nov 2007, 09:41 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

It was the middle of June now, and Antonio Bertolli sat back with a smile as he re-read the message that had been delivered to him the day before. With any luck he’d be able to meet that particular train himself. There were distinct advantages to having a car permanently at his disposal, he decided.

Two weeks earlier he had received his promotion and was now Tenente Bertolli. Along with the promotion he had been allocated a car and full-time driver, as well as a junior officer to man the office in the village. Since virtually all supplies for the garrison came through him, Centurione Desti had recognized the need for change, and had allowed Antonio to choose his own staff. The new tenente had made a very careful choice.

Natalina had finally informed her family of her coming child and, as she had expected, they were happy but anxious about it. Paulo’s parents were delighted, to the point where Antonio began to avoid them, he became so tired of their less than subtle hints concerning their desire for more grandchildren. They couldn’t know the impossibility of what they were asking him, he thought ruefully, returning the letter to its envelope and placing it inside his desk, before carefully locking the drawer and pocketing the key. He’d have to make certain that his driver, Morelli, knew what to do, he thought, as he stood up and went in search of him.


Centurione Desti had a problem, and it concerned his daughter Isabella, and her marriage to Herr Leutnant Werner Bachaus. In fact, this whole damned wedding had been one long, never-ending problem as far as he was concerned. Thank God for Bertolli, he thought yet again. The man seemed able to solve even the most delicate of issues without creating the smallest of disturbances to Marco’s day – but he suspected that this time even he would have to admit defeat!

Author:  Alison H [ 30 Nov 2007, 14:48 ]
Post subject: 

Hmm - who's up to what?

Author:  Lesley [ 30 Nov 2007, 20:33 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 04 Dec 2007, 05:41 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

"Morelli!" Antonio called, somewhat impatiently. "Morelli!" Where was the man? A rather flustered looking young man appeared at the door to Antonio's office.

"Yes, Tenente?" he answered.

"Where the devil have you been? We should have left by now!"

"But you said that the car must be fully loaded, Tenente," Vincenzo Morelli replied, mildly accusing.

"Yes - so I did," Antonio admitted. "Are you ready to leave now?"

"Yes, Tenente," Morelli answered. "Everything is in place."

"Good!" Antonio replied. "Then let's get going."

At that moment the phone on his desk rang loudly and, cursing softly, Antonio picked up the receiver. It was Centurione Desti calling, and Antonio resigned himself to being even later than he had already been.

"Bertolli, I have a little problem that I need you to deal with. Call at my office as soon as possible," Marco said.

"Of course Centurione. I was just about to leave for Milan. Should I call at your office first?" Antonio spoke softly, knowing that any sign of disturbance in his voice would only prolong the call, and he had to meet that train.

"Later will do, I think," Marco said after a moment's consideration. "It's this damned wedding again!"

"I'm sure we can work something out, Centurione, whatever the problem," Antonio answered smoothly, and heard Marco's snort of derision at the other end of the line.

"Wait until you hear what it is, Bertolli," Marco laughed mirthlessly, and hung up.


The drive to Milan was uneventful, and Antonio waited impatiently on the platform. Sarah Taillier had been only 12 the last time he saw her - he hoped he'd still recognize her.

"Antonio!" a musical voice called, breaking in on his reverie, and he looked up to see Sarah hurrying towards him. Of course she was taller, and rounded in places she had certainly not been at 12, but he'd have known her anywhere. For a moment he almost forgot himself and smiled, but catching Morelli's eye he instead came to attention and gave the slightly formal little bow for which he was well-known.

"Mademoiselle Taillier?" he asked, and she nodded her assent, wide-eyed with surprise.

"Permit me to escort you. I have a car waiting outside. I assume you brought everything with you?" Antonio asked with anxious eyes, relaxing when she nodded again.

"Absolutely everything!" she smiled.

"See to Mademoiselle's luggage, Morelli - and don't drop anything!"

"Yes, Tenente," Morelli answered saluting smartly.

Once they were seated in the car Antonio relaxed a little as Sarah looked him up and down.

"I hardly recognized you, Antonio," she said. "You look so very...formal."

"It goes with the job," he answered with a rueful smile.

"Where are you taking me? Straight to the house?" Sarah asked, looking out of the window at the strange new scenery.

"Yes," Antonio answered. "There's not much time until the wedding - a little over two weeks I believe - so you'll be hard pressed to get everything done."

"You haven't seen me work!" she grinned at him now, looking more like the 12-year-old he remembered, and he smiled back at her. It was good to be able to relax, he thought.

As they neared the town, Antonio leaned forward and spoke to his driver.

"You know what to do, Morelli?"

"Yes, Tenente," he answered. "And if he isn't there?"

"He will be," Antonio spoke with conviction. "Don't forget the boxes. They'll be waiting for them."

"Yes, Tenente," Morelli said, looking in the rear-view mirror at the young woman seated beside Antonio. "Any messages, Mademoiselle?"

"Just that I'm here safely," she smiled at his reflection, and silence reigned within the car once more.


Marco Desti waited with some impatience for Antonio to arrive. Hearing footsteps in the corridor he settled himself behind his desk, pretending to be busy with some paperwork as Antonio was ushered into his office.

"I'll be with you in one moment, Bertolli," Marco said, looking up. "Please, take a seat."

He did so warily. It was unlike Marco to be so casual, and as he waited Antonio wondered what could possibly have gone wrong at this late date. He couldn't think of anything they'd left undone.

"Well, once again my daughter has created a problem, Bertolli," Marco began a minute or two later. Since this was something Isabella did on a regular basis, Antonio did not anticipate that this would be anything out of the ordinary, so he was surprised when Marco continued.

"She hasn't exactly lied to Herr Leutnant Bachaus.....she's simply omitted to tell the truth," he smiled, "and now I have to father at least two children before the wedding!"

Author:  Lesley [ 04 Dec 2007, 08:05 ]
Post subject: 

Oh mysteries - love mysteries!

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 04 Dec 2007, 08:41 ]
Post subject: 

I'm intrigued now!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 06 Dec 2007, 08:41 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat. I've just had a georgous time catching up on the last 3 or 4 posts. This has been wonderful and I love reading about Biddy's step family

Author:  Frogize [ 11 Dec 2007, 01:04 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

"Ex.....excuse me, centurione?" Antonio stammered, a startled expression on his face. "Did I hear you correctly?" It wasn't often he managed to get this kind of reaction from Bertolli, and Marco laughed aloud, enjoying Antonio's discomfiture.

"What's more, Bertolli, they must all be boys!" he continued, a little disappointed to see that Antonio had quickly recovered his composure and was already applying his not inconsiderable talents to finding a solution. "The Herr Leutnant had heard about our past policy of encouraging families to have five or more children and expressed his approval of the system - though he doesn't seem to have bothered to keep abreast of current trends! Naturally, he assumed that Isabella would have at least four siblings and, knowing she had only one sister, he has gone on making assumptions, and is expecting to meet her brothers at the wedding."

"And your daughter did not disillusion Leutnant Bachaus?" Antonio queried. "Surely she should have....."

"Should have what, Bertolli?" Marco snapped, glaring at him. "My daughter had only just met the man, and it was some time before she became aware of the full extent of his misunderstanding. Even so, she saw no reason to discuss her family with him. Unfortunately, as things progressed, it shall I put it?...a little difficult?...for her to correct the impression without appearing to cast myself in a somewhat unflattering light. However, Isabella is now - as always - concerned that I should not suffer for her error of judgement, Bertolli. I trust I can expect the same loyalty from you?"

"But of course, centurione!" Antonio answered him hurriedly. "And have you reached a satisfactory solution to the problem?"

"No! I rather thought that was what you were here for, Bertolli! Don't you have a solution?" Marco asked, looking at him expectantly.

"Yes, centurione - I think so," Antonio answered calmly. "Though it could prove more difficult if Leutnant Bachaus intends to remain in our midst."

"I hardly think that's likely," Marco admitted. "The intention is that they return to Germany, at least for the time being."

"Then the solution is obvious, centurione. You have nephews in the village, do you not? Surely you could make use of them?"

Marco considered this suggestion, a smile beginning to tug at the corners of his mouth. "I like the way you think, Bertolli," he said, approval in his voice. "In fact, the more I think of it, the more I like it!" he continued, getting to his feet and beginning to pace the room as he contemplated the idea from every angle. "See to it, Bertolli!"

"Yes, centurione!" Antonio answered, coming to attention and saluting. "At once, centurione!" and, turning on his heel, left the office as Marco returned to his seat.

"Franco is not going to be pleased!" Marco smiled to himself as he picked up his pen once more then, realizing it was unnecessary to continue the charade, threw it down again and laughed quietly as he considered his daughter's wedding with much less irritation than usual.


Isabella Desti sat at the table with her mother. They had spent the afternoon writing place-cards and now, with most of them written, she put down her pen and stretched her cramped fingers widely. There had been no word from Papa again, so it was unlikely he'd appear at dinner tonight, and she looked at her mother, wondering if she was at all disturbed by his absence. She thought not. As far back as Isabella could remember her parents had led separate lives. In lighter moments, she wondered how they'd ever managed to produce three children.

Recalling this thought, she wondered if Papa had managed to solve her own problem - though she knew very well that it was more likely to be Antonio Bertolli who came up with a solution. Her father relied heavily on him, and he had even found her a French dressmaker, hadn't he? A pity she detested the man! He might have been quite amusing! However, Mademoiselle Taillier was even now arranging the sewing room in preparation for her work, which would begin again in earnest the next day.

Upstairs in the sewing room, Sarah looked with satisfaction at the results of her labours. Until the boxes arrived there was nothing more to be done, but once she began work the next day she was confident of being able to provide exactly what Isabella required. Now, she sat at the window overlooking the square and waited for Antonio's return.

Author:  Lesley [ 11 Dec 2007, 01:08 ]
Post subject: 

Why is it I can foresee ructions, lots of them, at this wedding?

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 11 Dec 2007, 08:48 ]
Post subject: 

*Retrieves hat from top shelf of wardrobe ready for the wedding.*

Author:  Fatima [ 11 Dec 2007, 15:37 ]
Post subject: 

Yes, it could be a very interesting wedding!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 13 Dec 2007, 06:39 ]
Post subject: 

Now things are making sense. I can understand how and which family members ended in Australia. If I remember correctly Marco was one of them.

Thanks Pat

Author:  Frogize [ 17 Dec 2007, 09:41 ]
Post subject: 

Antonio had finally arrived at the Desti home with Morelli, and Isabella and Caterina watched happily as Sarah began to unpack some of the boxes the two men carried up to the sewing room. Exquisite fabrics and laces were revealed and, while Isabella and Caterina examined them, Sarah spoke quietly with Antonio.

“There won’t be any problems with the wedding gown,” she assured him. “Do you have the other fabric yet?”

“Morelli will bring it up with the rest,” Antonio answered, “but there has been a change in the arrangements. Are you able to make outfits for two boys?”

“Of course,” Sarah replied, “but I’ll need to see them.”

“I’ll arrange that later,” he said. “For now I just need to be sure you can do it. They’re only quite young boys.”

“Then consider it done,” Sarah smiled. “But don’t keep me waiting too long. I can’t do miracles!”

Returning to the barracks, Antonio made his way to his office, deep in thought. If Marco’s plan to use the boys was to go ahead safely, it would take a lot of persuasion and some very careful planning. It was something he couldn’t do alone and Antonio considered who best to approach first.


“Wait here, Morelli!” Antonio commanded as he left the car. “I’ve no idea how long this will take, but be ready to leave the moment I return.”

“Yes, tenente!” his driver answered with his usual salute, before returning to his seat behind the wheel in readiness.

Crossing to the farmhouse, Antonio looked around before knocking on the door. His knock was answered by fifteen-year-old Lucia who looked out warily while calling for her mother.

“Who is it?” Emilia asked impatiently, coming to join her daughter at the door. On seeing Antonio standing in the doorway she hurriedly sent Lucia back to the kitchen before turning to her unwelcome visitor.

“You wished to see me, Tenente Bertolli?” Emilia asked.

“I prefer to speak with your husband, Signora Guazza,” Antonio answered, the condescension in his voice awakening all Emilia’s dislike of him.

“He’s not here right now,” she answered carefully. “I’ll send the boys to fetch him,” and she hurried around to the vegetable garden where Marco and Francesco were hard at work. Calling them to her, and indicating Antonio’s presence, they raced off in search of Luca while Emilia returned to the farmhouse.

“Won’t you come in, tenente?” she asked. “They won’t be long.”

“Thank you, Signora Guazza. I prefer to wait outside,” Antonio replied, frowning then turning from her and gazing around the yard, though there was little of interest to be seen. Leaving the door open, Emilia returned to the kitchen and spoke to Natalina, wondering if her eldest daughter knew any reason for his visit.

“Good evening, Antonio,” Natalina said, leaving the house and joining him in the yard.

“Ah, Natalina,” He answered, turning and examining her closely as she stood beside him. “You’re well, I hope?”

“Yes, thank you,” she replied stiffly, wondering how it was he always managed to annoy her just by his very presence. “Is there anything I can get you?”

“No, thank you,” he said with his usual bow. “I simply need to speak to your father on a matter of some urgency.”

Mystified, Natalina continued to stand beside Antonio, unwilling to allow him to wander freely around the farm, and wishing Papa would hurry. A few minutes later Marco and Francesco returned, closely followed by Luca. As he crossed the yard to meet Antonio he indicated that she should leave, and Natalina returned to the house.

The two men walked up and down the farmyard deep in discussion, their voices rising and falling as their conversation became heated. Emilia and the girls waited anxiously in the kitchen, while Marco and Francesco returned to their weeding in the vegetable garden. Whatever the reason for the tenente’s visit, Luca would not be pleased if they neglected their work.

It was more than an hour later that Luca stormed angrily into the kitchen, followed by a calm and self-assured Antonio.

“There is nothing more to be said, Signor Guazza,” Antonio insisted. “They will be in my care tomorrow, and I assure you they will be returned at the end of the day, but as for the future…..I really cannot say.”

“And if we refuse?” Luca demanded.

Antonio smiled in his superior way, looking at the couple. “I can assure you, you do not want to experience what would surely follow such a refusal…..and it will make no difference in the end. I shall take them, with or without your approval, Signor Guazza. Please make sure they understand what is required – or, if you prefer, I will explain it to them.”

“They’ll be ready, Bertolli – but, so help me, if anything happens to them I’ll hold you personally responsible!” Luca snarled angrily, turning from his tormentor.

“Then I will see you tomorrow,” Antonio said quietly and, bowing in the direction of Emilia and Natalina, left the farmhouse and returned to his car.

“What is it, Luca?” Emilia demanded of her husband as they heard the car leave. “What does he want now?”

“He wants the boys, Emilia!” Luca answered, his voice low with anger. “He wants Marco and Francesco – and there’s nothing we can do about it!”

“But why, Luca?” Emilia whispered fearfully.

“Because your damned brother wants to impress some Nazi officer by passing them off as his own!” Luca answered bitterly. “I need to speak with Franco!” and he left the house, limping across the yard in the direction of the mountains, leaving Emilia and the girls staring after him.


Natalina was nearing the hut where her Uncle Franco was to be found. Her father had returned home that evening still angry, and she was determined to hear for herself what Franco had said. It was the first time she’d visited him unexpectedly and she hoped he wouldn’t be too annoyed, though she knew there was no guarantee that he’d even be there, especially after Luca’s visit.

The hut was in darkness, and she listened carefully at the door before tapping lightly on it. Franco was surprised to see her and quickly ushered her inside, lighting a lamp and drawing up a seat for her. Within minutes the two were deep in conversation as Franco explained to her exactly how he had advised her father.


Antonio returned to the barracks once more and dismissed Morelli for the night. Seated at his desk he considered just how he was going to handle the issue of the two boys. It had not been a pleasant interview with Natalina’s father, and he had no doubt that the morning would bring further problems, especially since Natalina herself was sure to object to the whole idea. With her pregnancy now widely known he had no intention of placing her under unnecessary stress, but he’d have to think of something positive with which to persuade her, and he knew his brother’s wife was not an easy woman to appease.

Author:  Lesley [ 17 Dec 2007, 10:04 ]
Post subject: 

Every time I think Antonio is growing nicer you write this and I see he is an oily little creep! :lol:

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 17 Dec 2007, 10:04 ]
Post subject: 

No wonder they emigrated - what a messy situation.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 18 Dec 2007, 08:01 ]
Post subject: 

Poor Marco and Francesco. Imagine having to pretend Marco senior is your father. Thanks Pat

Author:  Frogize [ 24 Dec 2007, 03:25 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Marco Desti had left his office after Bertolli's departure intending to return to his home. As he closed the door, however, he recalled that the tenente had collected the French dressmaker from Milan earlier in the day and that the house would now be a chaotic mess of his own womenfolk and their wedding paraphernalia, and the thought drove him to seek out an alternative evening's entertainment.

It was some time since he'd enjoyed female company and he headed for the hotel dining room instead, in search of a new conquest. He was disappointed to find that none of the women present attracted him, but there had been dining companions enough to pass the evening pleasantly, and when he finally entered the darkened house he was aware that he'd drunk enough to require one of Bertolli's patent hang-over cures by morning.

Sure enough, the next morning Marco sat alone at the breakfast table nursing an out-size hang-over and wishing Bertolli was there to deal with it as he dealt so efficiently with everything else. As he sipped his coffee and tried to remember what he had to do that day eighteen-year-old Isabella entered the dining room with someone he'd never seen before. It was unusual for his daughter to speak so animatedly at this early hour of the day, he thought irritably, and it was several moments before she noticed her father.

"Good morning, Papa," she smiled happily, and Marco made an incomprehensible sound in acknowledgement. "Papa, this is Mademoiselle Taillier, the French dress-maker that Tenente Bertolli found for me."

Marco looked up, expecting to see a middle-aged woman of homely appearance, and was startled to find that Mademoiselle Taillier was only a little older than his daughter, with a warm wide-mouthed smile, and laughing hazel eyes that looked him up and down as he sat, open-mouthed, staring at her.

"Papa!" Isabella said sharply, and Marco quickly stood to welcome the two young women. Too embarassed to admit his preconception of the Frenchwoman, he found himself floundering like a school-boy as he tried to recover his composure.

"I...I...I beg your pardon, ladies," he stammered, far too hastily. "I'm afraid I was concentrating on my plans for the day. Please, excuse my poor manners, Mademoiselle Taillier."

"I'm sorry we disturbed you, Signor Desti," Sarah smiled at him. "I'm afraid our chattering has distracted you."

Sarah had indeed distracted him, and it had absolutely nothing to do with her chattering, Marco thought, returning to his seat and watching as she took the seat opposite his, while Isabella poured their coffee. Returning to the table with the two cups, she glanced impatiently at her father.

"Really, Papa," she said, smiling apologetically at Sarah. "I do think you might offer Mademoiselle Taillier something to eat! Did you have a late night again? Why on earth can't Bertolli do some of your paperwork?"

Taking a roll from the basket Isabella offered her, Sarah smiled at Marco once more. "May I have some butter please, Signor Desti?" she asked.

"Of course, Mademoiselle Taillier,' he answered, watching her face but making no move at all to pass the butter.

"Papa! What's wrong with you this morning?" Isabella asked, looking annoyed at her father's odd behaviour in front of the young Frenchwoman, and startling him with her impatience.

"I'm afraid I must leave at once," Marco replied hurriedly, and he stood up abruptly and left the room, while the two young women stared at each other in surprise, which quickly dissolved into giggles as they heard his footsteps fade along the corridor.

In less than five minutes Marco could be seen marching across the square towards his office, and his expression bore witness to the fact that his mood was not a happy one. He couldn't remember when he'd last felt so foolish in front of a woman. Woman?! Ha! She was just a slip of a girl - hardly older than his daughter - and he'd made a complete idiot of himself! And in front of Isabella, too! Cursing softly, he entered the building and headed for his office, calling for Bertolli as he went.

Antonio was already waiting, hang-over cure at the ready. He'd planned to arrive in the village soon, to collect the boys from Natalina, and had hoped to be gone before Marco arrived, but resigned himself to being late now. Fortunately, Marco didn't seem inclined to conversation, downing the drink in one enormous gulp then demanding to be left in peace.

"I don't want any interruptions this morning, Bertolli!" Marco snapped. "Make sure they understand that I won't see or speak with anyone today! No-one at all! Is that clear?"

"Absolutely, centurione," Antonio answered in his most conciliatory voice. "May I ask just one question first?"

"Well? What is it?" Marco replied impatiently.

"Should I take the boys to your home when I collect them or...."

"For heaven's sake, Bertolli! Do you really think I want a couple of stinking farm-boys in my house?" Marco answered sharply, holding his still-aching head. "Just do what you have to, and don't bother me with the details! Now get out - and don't disturb me again today!"

Saluting smartly, Antonio left the office smiling to himself. He wouldn't be very late after all, and he'd have the boys to himself for the whole day. This was exactly what he'd been waiting for! Ordering Morelli to meet him outside with the car immediately, he set off before Marco could change his mind.

Author:  Frogize [ 24 Dec 2007, 04:22 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Natalina stood patiently outside the village school with her three youngest brothers. Bianca had gone in alone and now Natalina and the boys awaited the arrival of Tenente Bertolli. She was as annoyed as the boys had ever seen her, and they were a little fearful of Antonio's response to her obvious irritation. He arrived almost a quarter of an hour after them and, as he made his way across the square, his face carefully devoid of expression, the boys looked at each other apprehensively while Natalina's face took on a determined look.

"Good morning, Natalina," Antonio smiled. "I'm glad your parents decided to be sensible about this."

"Sensible?" Natalina snorted in disgust. "There's nothing sensible about any of it!"

"I see there are three boys with you, though I'm sure I only requested two. Is there a reason for Domenico's presence?" he asked placatingly, hoping to calm her obvious ill-humour. "Perhaps it would be better if we discussed this in my office?" he added, turning from her and leading the way back across the square. Glaring angrily at Antonio's retreating figure, Natalina marshalled her brothers and they followed him reluctantly. Leaving the three boys outside the office door, Natalina entered, prepared to do battle on their behalf, and Antonio realized that things might not go as smoothly as he'd hoped.

"Won't you have a seat, Natalina?" he began. "Would you like some coffee?"

Taking the seat he offered her, she refused the coffee. "I'm not here on a social call, Antonio!" she snapped. "I have a few things to discuss concerning the boys and - unlike you, apparently - I don't have time to waste!"

"Then perhaps you should begin by telling me why you have brought three boys when I only requested two," he answered equally sharply.

"Did you really expect that I'd leave Marco and Francesco alone with Alessandro?" she asked impatiently. "If you want them, then you must take Domenico as well!"

He'd forgotten about Alessandro's presence in the house and he could easily understand Natalina's reluctance to leave her little brothers at his mercy. "Very well," he conceded. "Domenico will be included with them. I'm sure Centurione Desti will not object to having yet another 'son'."

"As to that," Natalina continued, "I want to know exactly what it is you plan to do before I agree to anything."

"Before you agree?" he questioned. "I wasn't aware you had any say in this."

"Then obviously you don't know as much as you think!" Natalina answered calmly. "The last time Uncle Marco involved himself with my brothers, Mario ended up dead. That's not going to happen again, Antonio! Mamma and Papa are beside themselves right now, and I'm not letting anyone make things worse - least of all you!"

Antonio studied his brother's wife carefully before he spoke again. He couldn't afford any mistakes now, and Natalina was no fool. "My plan, as you call it, is quite simple. The boys will be taken to Centurione Desti's home today, where they will each be measured for new clothes. These will be made by a Mademoiselle Taillier, who is also making Signorina Desti's wedding gown. They will, of course, eat during the day - exactly what I cannot say, though I'm sure it will be more than adequate - and I will personally return them to their home this evening. Mademoiselle Taillier may possibly need them again before the wedding, for fittings or whatever. That is entirely up to her, though I'm sure you will have more idea of what is required than I do. I will collect them again on the day before the wedding and take them to Centurione Desti's home once more, where they will remain until the wedding takes place. After the wedding they will return to the Desti home and remain there overnight. The day after the wedding I will collect them and return them to their home once more. I do not anticipate any problems, unless they misbehave, in which case I am quite sure Centurione Desti will know how to deal with them."

Natalina considered all this very carefully. She knew that one of her mother's greatest struggles was to clothe her younger siblings, and if the boys were each to receive new garments it would certainly be a blessing. The clothes they currently wore were, like those of all the village children, patched and repatched and the possibility of her mother ever being able to provide new clothes for them was remote in the extreme.

"They would keep the garments afterwards?" she asked.

"Of course," Antonio agreed. "Naturally, they will also be provided with new footwear, which they will also keep."

"And they will also be well fed?" she continued.

"They will eat whatever the Desti family do. I'm sure they will have no reason to complain on that score," Antonio smiled confidently.

"I wonder who in the village will have gone hungry, then, in order to provide it," Natalina said, noting his flush of annoyance and smiling in her turn. "I have three conditions before I agree."

"Conditions?" Antonio queried, controlling his irritation as best he could. "I hardly think you're in a position to impose conditions, Natalina."

"The boys will do exactly as I say, Antonio. I'm sure that you would prefer that they do not do or say anything that Uncle Marco would disapprove of," she stated now.

"What conditions?" he asked, unwilling to agree in advance.

"First, I will remain with the boys today. Wherever they go, I go too."

"That will not be a problem. And the second condition?"

"I want to meet this Mademoiselle Taillier before she sees the boys. Until I'm satisfied that she is what you say, I won't agree to anything."

"That will depend on Mademoiselle Tai...." he began.

"Oh, I'm sure you can persuade her, Antonio," Natalina interrupted him. "You've had so much practice at persuading people, after all." Once again, Antonio flushed angrily, as Natalina smiled.

"Very well," he agreed reluctantly. "I'll see what I can do. And what's the third condition?"

"That I stay at your parents home while the boys are at the Destis. It's not far away, and if they need me I'll be close by."

"Is that all?" he asked, sarcasm evident in both his tone and expression.

"Isn't it enough?" she asked with amusement. "I'm sure I could think of something more if you wish."

"That won't be necessary," he answered, getting to his feet. "There's a lot to be done today. It's time we left."

"Then my conditions are agreed?" Natalina asked, making no attempt to rise before she had his word.

"Yes, Natalina. I agree to all your conditions - as long as I have your word that the boys will not misbehave."

"Then we're agreed," she smiled. "I'm sure the boys will be pleased. Thank you, Antonio."

Author:  Fatima [ 24 Dec 2007, 05:49 ]
Post subject: 

I still feel very worried about this whole thing. It seems that Natalina will look after them, but still...*wibbles*

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 24 Dec 2007, 08:09 ]
Post subject: 

I'm more than thankful that Natalina will be close to the boys and that Domenico will be there to especially with Alessandro about

Author:  Alison H [ 24 Dec 2007, 08:47 ]
Post subject: 

I'm wibbling too!

Thanks Pat.

Author:  ibarhis [ 24 Dec 2007, 09:26 ]
Post subject: 

I have a bad feeling about this!

Author:  Lesley [ 24 Dec 2007, 09:29 ]
Post subject: 

Pleased the boys have Natalina to look out for their interests. But I've a great many misgivings about this...

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 26 Dec 2007, 07:54 ]
Post subject: 

Sorry - it's not an update, it's a LOT of very loud, very long swear words!

My *********** computer has eaten every single thing that I had prepared for the rest of this drabble! The entire contents of the Word file have disappeared into the ether and I'm so ticked off I could scream!


I had huge sections of it written - virtually the whole of Frank and Elizabeth's relationship, their whole romance, the proposal, the wedding, the birth of their children, everything - and it's all gone!

I keep a hard copy of everything I've posted so far, so it's not a total loss, and I managed to rescue a lot of old stuff from the recycle bin (stuff I've updated and re-written previously) but nothing more recent than November 10th and I am NOT happy!

If anyone has any suggestions on possibly recovering the file they will be gratefully received, but I suspect it's going to mean a lot of re-writing!

Author:  Alison H [ 26 Dec 2007, 09:50 ]
Post subject: 

Oh no! Sorry I'm not very technologically-minded so I've got no suggestions, but sending lots of hugs!

Author:  Travellers Joy [ 26 Dec 2007, 10:38 ]
Post subject: 

Oh, how frustrating! I'm so sorry to hear this!!

Author:  Fatima [ 26 Dec 2007, 16:42 ]
Post subject: 

How awful, Pat. I have no idea how you can get it back either, as I'm useless with technology. I feel your pain, though, and hope someone has some useful advice for you.

Author:  Frogize [ 04 Jan 2008, 11:49 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Thanks for all the support re my lost work, and all the helpful suggestions. I suspect it's gone for good, but I'm getting over the shock now! Here's the next bit!

Marco and Francesco had quickly become bored waiting outside Antonio’s office and had begun a shoving game that soon deteriorated into a wrestling match. Domenico hurriedly separated them, shaking the pair roughly and demanding that they behave. At almost thirteen he took his responsibilities seriously, and he leaned against the wall now, arms folded, glaring at his younger brothers. They stood with hands firmly clasped behind their backs, staring at their feet, uncomfortably aware that Tenente Bertolli would not be pleased and hoping Domenico wouldn’t say anything to Natalina. They both started guiltily as the door opened and their sister appeared beside them, closely followed by Antonio.

Breathing a sigh of relief as Domenico held his tongue, the boys followed Antonio outside and were amazed when he indicated they should get into his car. Seeing their uncertainty, Natalina entered and sat down and the boys then followed, while Antonio took the front seat next to Morelli. The boys enjoyed the unexpected ride into town, and Francesco especially was sorry that it was such a short journey. As they left the car Antonio turned to Natalina.

“I’ll introduce you to Mademoiselle Taillier now,” he said. “You will be free to ask her whatever you please.”

“I certainly intend to do just that, Antonio,” Natalina said as they approached a side door. Leaving her brothers with Morelli, Natalina and Antonio entered the house and the three boys resigned themselves to yet another boring wait.

“And what will you be doing while I speak with Mademoiselle Taillier?” Natalina asked suspiciously.

“I must make arrangements for your brothers. When you have made your decision – and I have no doubt that it will be favourable – it will be necessary for the boys to…er…how can I say this?” Antonio replied. “Well, their appearance is hardly that of...Alessandro, for example, is it?”

Thinking of her brothers, and recalling the much more polished appearance of Alessandro, she admitted to herself that perhaps Antonio had a point. “What are you planning to do about it, Antonio?” she asked.

“I intend to have Morelli take them to the barracks and have their hair made a little less…..wild, shall we say?” he answered.

“Very well,” Natalina agreed. “But Morelli must return them within the hour. If I decide to let Mademoiselle Taillier go ahead, I’ll remain with them throughout the day’s proceedings.”

“Of course,” Antonio said, as they came to a stop outside the sewing room door. Just as he was about to knock the door was flung open and a young woman hurried out, a basket of lace and ribbons under her arm. Not seeing her standing a little behind Antonio, Sarah’s basket knocked hard against Natalina’s elbow and, to the sound of Natalina’s cry of pain and Sarah’s cry of dismay, the basket, ribbons, and lace flew through the air and scattered at Antonio’s feet. Intending to help, he began to gather them together and was surprised when both young women cried in unison, “Antonio, stop!”

Sarah and Natalina looked at each other, shaking their heads, while Antonio stood silently before them, ribbon and lace bundled tightly together in his hand.

“I’ll never be able to use these now,” Sarah said ruefully, taking them from him. “They’re very delicate, Antonio, and you’ve crushed them as if they were cleaning rags!” she admonished with a smile. Looking more than a little embarassed, Antonio stood helplessly by as Sarah and Natalina carefully gathered the things, rolling them neatly and placing them gently back in the basket. As they finished, they stood up and Sarah began to apologize profusely to Natalina.

“I’m so sorry, Signorina,” she began. “I should have looked where I was going but there’s so much to get done and I…..”

“Sarah,” Antonio interrupted the flood of words, “allow me to introduce Signora Bertolli,” and Sarah stared at him in surprise.

“Signora Bertolli?” she asked, looking from Antonio to Natalina and back again. “But why didn’t you say…..”

“Natalina is Paulo’s wife, Sarah,” Antonio explained, feeling that he was once again in control of things, and with a glint of amusement in his eye. “Her brothers are the ones who need outfits for the wedding, and there are three of them now. Will that be a problem?”

“Antonio! When I said you hadn’t seen me work that wasn’t an invitation to put me to the test!” Sarah laughed. “I’m sure I’ll manage, but no more – please! Where are the boys?”

“They’re waiting outside with Morelli,” Antonio said, “and not quite ready for your attention just yet.”

“They’re rather wild-looking farm-boys,” Natalina admitted with a rueful smile at Sarah. In spite of herself Natalina found she liked the French girl more than she had expected, though her easy manner with Antonio had come as a surprise.

“And I’m to be the fairy godmother who turns them into princes!” Sarah smiled, and Natalina smiled back, imagining the boys horrified faces if they had heard Sarah’s remark.

“With a little help from Morelli and myself,” Antonio put in hastily, then turned to Natalina. “If you’re quite satisfied, Natalina, then I must return to my work. Morelli will bring the boys back here within the hour and Mademoiselle Taillier will make a start on their outfits. I will be in my office for the rest of the day if you should need anything.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary, Antonio,” Natalina answered steadily. “I’m sure Mademoiselle Taillier and I will be able to manage.” With a warning glance at Sarah, Antonio bade her farewell and Natalina followed him back down the stairs.

As he headed for the square on his way back to his office Natalina watched her brothers follow Morelli towards the main gate of the barracks, a disturbing sensation in the pit of her stomach as they passed from sight. She had known Vincenzo Morelli since her schooldays and hoped they would be safe enough with him. Turning once more, she climbed the stairs again and entered the sewing room where Sarah, having taken the basket to Isabella for inspection, was now laying out the things she would need when the boys returned.

“Please call me Sarah,” she smiled as Natalina entered. “I’m afraid Antonio has never been very good at introductions.”

“I gather you know each other fairly well,” Natalina said, watching Sarah work.

“Antonio?” Sarah queried. “I’ve known him and Paulo all my life. Our mothers were friends as girls and, even when Tante Marie left Bordeaux they kept in touch. Of course, we haven’t seen each other for years, and I’m quite annoyed he didn’t tell me that Paulo was married. I suppose it had to be fitted in around his being posted.”

“Yes,” Natalina answered. “It was a rather rushed affair in the end, but we were very happy to have had a wedding at all. Once Paulo was posted I didn’t expect to see him again for months.”

“I expect Antonio had something to do with that,” Sarah laughed. “He and Paulo have always been close. They never fought, even as boys – or not with each other, anyway!”

Natalina stared in surprise at this information. She found it hard to reconcile the picture Sarah had of the brothers with her own experience of them.

“Will you really be able to make outfits for the boys in time for the wedding?” she asked now, and Sarah nodded.

“Oh, yes,” she said, putting down the tape-measure she was holding and looking at Natalina. “It won’t be difficult, since they’re to have ONB uniforms. Signor Desti seems to like uniforms,” she added with a grin.

“That’s true,” Natalina agreed. “Uncle Marco rarely wears anything else.”

“Uncle Marco?” Sarah queried. “I didn’t know he was your uncle. Antonio really is hopeless! He never tells me anything I ought to know!”

Once again Natalina was struck by the contrasting pictures of Antonio. She couldn’t imagine herself ever speaking of him in such friendly terms, but then she’d only known him a short time, though he’d always seemed a model of efficiency to her. Of course, Sarah hadn’t seen him for some time and perhaps that explained the discrepancy. It was the only possible explanation that Natalina could see.


Centurione Desti was lying down. After Bertolli left the office Marco had closed the shutters to darken the room, then stretched out on the sofa, feeling that life at the moment left a lot to be desired. He had intended to try getting a little sleep but instead found himself remembering the events at the breakfast table with the charming Mademoiselle Taillier, and consoled himself with the belief that she was still very young and didn’t understand the importance of his position. No doubt Isabella would enlighten her.

Having once begun to think of Mademoiselle Taillier he found it difficult to think of anything else. He kept remembering her smile, and the way she had looked him up and down with those magnificent hazel eyes of hers. He began to imagine what it would feel like to kiss that smiling mouth, and to have those eyes look at him with far less amusement and far more admiration. Soon his thoughts began to drift into dreams and he gradually fell asleep.

Some time later Marco woke with a start as a hand was firmly clamped across his mouth and he felt the muzzle of a handgun pressed against his temple. He found himself staring into the face of his older brother and Franco did not look at all happy. Indicating that Marco should sit up, Franco took a seat on the end of the sofa and smiled at his brother – a smile that didn’t reach his eyes – while he continued to let the gun point in Marco’s direction.

“You never learn, do you Marco?” he said with a slight shake of his head. “I can’t believe how easy it would be for someone to get rid of you if they were so inclined.”

“What are you doing here, Franco?” Marco answered, scowling at his brother. “Don’t you know that someone may enter at any moment?”

“After the centurione has given strict instructions that he will see absolutely no-one today? I don’t think so, Marco,” Franco answered, looking around the darkened office. “You under-estimate your reputation with your staff if you think that’s a possibility.”

“Then tell me what you want!” Marco snapped.

“I want to know about the plans for my niece’s wedding. Since I haven’t received an invitation I’m assuming it will be a rather grand affair. Tell me about it Marco. Especially the part you’re expecting the boys to play. I’d really like to hear about that,” Franco stated quietly, though there was no mistaking the menace in his voice.

“They won’t have to do anything, other than actually be there,” Marco said flatly. “Leutnant Bachaus is expecting to meet Isabella’s brothers and I’m merely providing brothers for him to meet. Well, Emilia and Luca are providing them,” he amended as he noted Franco’s raised eyebrow. “They will be well cared for while they are here, and will be returned home afterwards.”

“Unharmed?” Franco queried.

“Of course!” Marco answered sharply.

“After two nights in Alessandro’s company? Forgive me, Marco, but I find that very hard to believe.”

“Alessandro knows better than to interfere with my plans. Besides, he’ll have me to deal with if any harm comes to them,” Marco stated.

“Oh, it’ll be much worse than that, Marco,” Franco assured his brother. “He’ll have me to deal with – and so will you! There will be someone watching every second of the day, and if anyone even looks like upsetting them, well… know what to expect. And you know I’ll do it, don’t you Marco?”

Marco nodded, and his aching head caused him to wince as he did so, while Franco smiled once more.

“I see you’re not feeling too well this morning,” Franco said. “Why don’t you lie down again and I’ll leave you to continue your little nap,” and Franco indicated that he should return to his recumbent position. “Please don’t have anyone come after me, Marco. I should hate you to miss your own daughter’s wedding. Now, close your eyes and I’ll see myself out.”

With the hand-gun still trained on him, Marco obeyed his brother’s instructions, seething with rage inside and vowing revenge. He listened carefully but heard nothing, and when he re-opened his eyes moments later he found himself alone. Getting hurriedly to his feet he crossed to the door and flung it open, but there was no sign of Franco, and Marco roared furiously for Antonio.

“Bertolli! Where the hell are you?” he demanded, and Antonio appeared at the door of his own office, an expression of surprise on his face.

“I thought you wanted to be left alone, centurione!” Antonio exclaimed, hurrying to join his commanding officer. “Is there something I can do for you?”

“Have you seen my brother here today?” Marco growled, glaring angrily at the younger man.

“Your brother? No, centurione,” Antonio replied. “How could he be here? There’s no way for him to enter without being seen, and no-one would allow him to disturb you.”

“Then why was he in my office just now?” Marco stormed. “How the hell did he get in? And, more importantly, how did he get out again?”

“Are you sure he was in your office, centurione?” Antonio asked cautiously, and received a furious blow across his cheek from the back of Marco’s hand that sent him reeling back against the wall.

“Imbecile! Do you think I don’t know when someone is pointing a gun at my head?” Marco screamed, and stormed out to the front office of the building.

“Which of you idiots allowed my brother to disturb me just now?” he demanded, but all of the men on duty shook their heads and denied any knowledge of Franco’s presence, until Marco eventually returned to his office swearing loudly and making dire threats against them all.

Author:  Alison H [ 04 Jan 2008, 12:14 ]
Post subject: 

Glad you've managed to get more of it written!

Author:  Elbee [ 04 Jan 2008, 12:22 ]
Post subject: 

This is getting very tense! Sorry to hear about your lost work but thanks for still keeping it going!

Author:  Lesley [ 04 Jan 2008, 21:02 ]
Post subject: 

Score one for franco there - hope Marco continues to be frustrated/

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 14 Jan 2008, 16:05 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

The clattering of footsteps on the stairs warned Natalina that the boys had returned with Morelli. They were late, and she was about to protest, but instead she stared in amazement at the change she saw in them as they followed him into the sewing room. Gone was the rough shagginess of their normal appearance, and the wild tangle of curls in Francesco’s case. Each boy’s hair had been reduced to a state of immaculate and shining neatness, and they stood rather sheepishly before her while she examined them from every angle. Even more amazing was the well-scrubbed cleanliness that each boy’s face displayed and she looked at Morelli, waiting for an explanation.

“The barber wouldn’t touch them until their hair was washed, and…..well, there wasn’t anything else to be done about it. I’m sorry, Signora Bertolli,” he said apprehensively. Natalina stared at him for several seconds, then looked at her brothers once more, a broad grin spreading across her face.

“I think your role as fairy godmother is being usurped, Sarah!” she laughed, turning to her companion. “They’re hardly recognizable now!”

“Well, there’s no need to laugh at us!” said Domenico indignantly, and both Marco and Francesco joined with him in scowling at their eldest sister. Still smiling, Natalina took Francesco’s hand and led him forward to meet Sarah.

“This is my youngest brother, Francesco,” she said, introducing him. “He’s seven.”

“Seven and a half,” he corrected her, frowning slightly.

“How do you do, Francesco? I’m Mademoiselle Taillier,” Sarah smiled at him. “I need to take lots of measurements so I can make your outfit for the wedding. I’m afraid it will be very boring for you, but we’ll have lunch when I’m finished, so let’s get started shall we?”

Francesco smiled and nodded, then submitted to the indignity of being twisted, turned, and measured as Sarah recorded the details in a small notebook she kept in her pocket. It was as she took the measurements for the sleeves that she suddenly gave a muttered exclamation and wrote at length in her notebook. Having finally finished with Francesco she looked for Morelli.

“Sergente Morelli, do you know where to find Tenente Bertolli?” she asked anxiously.

“But of course, Mademoiselle Taillier,” Morelli answered.

“Then will you please ask him to come here at once?” she replied. “Please tell him there may be a problem. Hurry!”

“Very well, Mademoiselle,” he replied, quickly turning and leaving the room, as Sarah called Marco next and began to measure him. Moments later Morelli could be seen running across the square to the barracks offices.

Entering the building, he found Antonio in his office, swearing softly as he carefully bathed a bruised cheek. He looked up in surprise as Morelli entered, not at all pleased to see him.

“What are you doing here, Morelli? I told you to stay with Signora Bertolli and the boys.”

“Yes, tenente, I know, but Mademoiselle Taillier sent me. She said to tell you there may be a problem, and to ask you to come at once.”

“A problem?” Antonio repeated questioningly as he reached for his jacket. “What kind of problem?”

“I don’t know, tenente, but she said to hurry,” Morelli replied, and Antonio snatched up his cap as they quickly left his office.

A few minutes later Antonio and Morelli were entering the sewing room, and Sarah looked at them with anxious eyes.

“Your plan isn’t going to work, Antonio,” she informed him.

Author:  Alison H [ 14 Jan 2008, 16:10 ]
Post subject: 

Oh :shock: .

Author:  Fatima [ 14 Jan 2008, 16:21 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Lesley [ 14 Jan 2008, 20:04 ]
Post subject: 

Oh dear - hope it won't mean Francesco gets into trouble.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 14 Jan 2008, 23:09 ]
Post subject: 

I'm wondering why not? Thanks Pat

Author:  Kathy_S [ 15 Jan 2008, 04:06 ]
Post subject: 

Hmm, something that someone with a little genetics knowledge might notice?

*hopes things don't go too badly wrong for Francesco et al.*

Author:  Frogize [ 15 Jan 2008, 04:37 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

“What do you mean?” Antonio asked, staring at her in confusion. “Why won’t it work?” Instead of answering him, Sarah called the three boys to her.

“Hold out your hands, boys,” she said, looking from them to Antonio. “Look!”

As he looked at the three pairs of hands held out before him Antonio saw at once what Sarah meant. No-one would believe they were the hands of the three sons of a wealthy officer! They were, indeed, what they looked – the hands of three hard-working young farmer's sons, each one covered in minor cuts and scratches, the nails rough and broken, and all of them none too clean.

“Can you do anything about them?” he asked her, while the boys looked at each other, not understanding where the problem lay.

“In two weeks?! Well, I can certainly improve them, but it will mean no farm work until after the wedding, and I don’t think that’s going to make their father happy,” Sarah answered, as Antonio looked thoughtful.

“I’ll be back shortly,” Antonio said, smiling grimly. “Just carry on for now,” and he hurried from the room, calling Morelli to follow him. “I’ll need the car after I’ve spoken to Centurione Desti, but he’s not in a good mood so be ready as soon as possible.”

“Very well, tenente,” Morelli answered, looking at Antonio’s cheek and drawing his own very accurate conclusions.

Re-entering the building Antonio approached the centurione’s door a little warily. He knew Marco wouldn’t want to hear his news, and even less would he want to hear the solution to the problem. With a firm knock, Antonio listened for a reply, and was just about to knock a second time when Marco opened the door and glared furiously at him.

“This had better be good, Bertolli!” he snarled as he moved towards his desk leaving the tenente to close the door, and Antonio’s heart sank at his words. ‘Good’ was hardly a word to be used in this situation!

“It concerns the boys, and their preparation for the wedding, centurione,” he began, and Marco scowled angrily, indicating he should continue. As briefly as possible he outlined the problem, then waited for permission to continue.

“Well?” Marco questioned. “What are you proposing to do about it?”

“Two things, centurione, but they will require your permission.”

“What things? Get on with it, Bertolli!”

“Mademoiselle Taillier insists they must do no more farm work before the wedding and she will work to improve their appearance.”

“And the other thing?” Marco snapped impatiently.

“Is more…delicate, centurione,” Antonio said, taking a mental step backwards. He was certain Marco wouldn’t like what he meant to suggest now and he prepared himself for the outburst. “It will be necessary to make Alessandro’s hands more like theirs, also. If we work from both ends, so to speak, the end result will be more satisfactory.”

“You mean Alessandro should do a little farm work?” Marco questioned, eyes narrowing incredulously.

“If all the boys have hands that look alike, centurione, then Leutnant Bachaus will surely not question it. I know Alessandro will not be pleased but…”

“Alessandro will do as he’s told!” Marco snapped. “I don’t like your suggestion, Bertolli, but I can see it makes sense. I’ll speak to Alessandro myself. He can begin tomorrow,” and Antonio heaved a sigh of relief at having achieved his aim so painlessly, before saluting and leaving the office.

Within minutes Antonio and Morelli were in the car, heading towards the farm, while Marco sat at his desk planning his interview with Alessandro that evening. He’d certainly be angry, but that couldn’t be helped, and a little hard work wouldn’t hurt him Marco decided, remembering his own childhood days working on the farm. It might even do Alessandro some good, he thought grimly, preparing to leave. If he hurried, it might be possible to have lunch with Mademoiselle Taillier, and without his hang-over to distract him he hoped to make a more favourable impression this time.

Author:  Lesley [ 15 Jan 2008, 08:30 ]
Post subject: 

Well I'm pleased that Alessandro might have to work for a while - will show him just what his cousins have to put up with. But feeling very uneasy about Marco's pursuit of Sarah.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 15 Jan 2008, 08:43 ]
Post subject: 

It might well do Alessandro good!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 15 Jan 2008, 09:20 ]
Post subject: 

Alison H wrote:
It might well do Alessandro good!

Well it certainly can't hurt.

Hope Sarah is able to deal with Marco

Author:  Frogize [ 25 Jan 2008, 08:27 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Back in the sewing room Natalina was extremely angry but trying her best to remain calm. Judging by Antonio's reaction it was obvious there was a problem and Natalina had expected to be told what it was and what he proposed to do about it. Instead, she had been amazed when he and Sarah held an urgent conversation in French and then he'd left, without so much as acknowledging her presence. Now, she turned to her brothers, unwilling to allow them to be subjected to anything she had not agreed to.

"Boys! Come here!" she ordered and, with questioning looks, they crossed the room to join her. Sarah looked up sharply as they moved away, dismay in her face since her work was not nearly finished.

"What are you doing, Natalina?" she asked.

"We're going home," Natalina replied, turning to the door. "I thought Antonio and I had an agreement, but I see I was wrong. Come on, boys!"

"But he'll be back soon, Natalina! Please wait!" Sarah called after them. "Natalina, wait! At least let them have lunch before they go!"

The three boys stopped and looked hopefully at their sister. It was a long time since breakfast and they had been promised a good meal. Seeing their faces, she wavered for a moment then turned back to Sarah.

"Very well. We'll stay for lunch, but if Antonio hasn't returned by the time we're finished then I'm taking them home - and we won't be back!" she answered angrily, and Sarah's heart sank. She had no idea how much Antonio meant to tell Natalina nor how long he might be away, but she'd have to do her best to keep the young woman here until he returned.

Making their way to the dining room, where lunch was already laid out for them, they had only just taken their seats when the door opened and Marco walked in. It would be difficult to say who was the more surprised, but Sarah recovered her composure quickly and smiled brightly at him.

"Signor Desti!" she exclaimed happily. "How very kind of you to join us for lunch! Domenico, will you draw out Signor Desti's seat, please?" Not knowing what else to do Domenico did as she asked and, before he could think of a reasonable excuse to leave again, Marco found himself seated across the table from Sarah once more, but this time surrounded by the boys and Natalina. It was not at all what he'd intended but at least Sarah was smiling at him, which he thought was a step in the right direction.


Antonio arrived at the farm and knocked loudly at the door. He was pleased when Luca answered his knock and in moments the two men were in deep conversation, though Morelli was surprised that there were no raised voices as he recalled the ill-feeling under which they had last parted. In less than ten minutes Morelli was driving Antonio back to town and, going directly to the barracks, they discovered Marco's absence.

"Do you know where Centurione Desti is, Balzoni?" Antonio asked the young recruit who currently served as Marco's secretary. Marco's ill-temper meant there was a fairly rapid turnover of staff in the office as each new arrival incurred his displeasure and was dispatched to other duties.

"He went home to eat lunch with his wife, tenente," Giorgio Balzoni answered innocently. Obviously a very new recruit, Antonio thought wryly as he and Morelli returned to the Desti home. On being ushered into the dining room Antonio saluted smartly, addressing Marco in his most formal manner.

"Have I your permission to speak, centurione?" he asked, while the boys stared at him, open-mouthed and silent.

"Is it urgent, Bertolli? Can't you see I'm having lunch with my guests?" Marco replied, more pleasantly than he normally would, though Antonio knew full well that he was glad to have this opportunity to display his authority before Sarah.

"It's most urgent, centurione," Antonio answered, staring straight ahead as he stood at attention, "and requires your personal attendance immediately, I'm afraid."

"Oh, very well, Bertolli," Marco sighed, throwing down his napkin. "Wait outside, Bertolli! I'll be with you presently."

"Yes, sir!" and Antonio saluted again before marching from the room, leaving the boys grinning delightedly at each other, while Marco rose to his feet and bowed towards Sarah.

"Please excuse me, Mademoiselle Taillier. I'm afraid my work has once again interfered. Perhaps we will meet at dinner?" he smiled, looking at her questioningly.

"I look forward to that immensely, Signor Desti," Sarah replied, bestowing another beaming smile on him, and Marco left the room feeling he'd definitely made progress.


"Now what, Bertolli?" Marco snapped impatiently as he strode from the building and encountered Antonio and Morelli waiting by the front door.

"It's Signor Guazza, I'm afraid," Antonio answered. "He insists that his sons must return tonight. He says that he's almost ready to begin harvesting, and he simply cannot do the work without them. The crops are needed to supply the garrison, centurione, so they must be harvested."

"Don't play games with me, Bertolli," Marco replied, the smile on his face not matched by the coldness of his eyes. "I know you have a solution ready and waiting for me, so out with it, man! What am I to do?"

"I thought perhaps a punishment detail.....?" and Antonio let his voice trail off, as Marco considered his suggestion.

"Excellent!" Marco smiled. "You're a never-ending inspiration to me, Bertolli! I want every man who was on duty in the office this morning to be on that detail! If they can't do a simple thing like keeping my brother out of my way perhaps a little spell in the fresh air may drive away a few cobwebs and give them a clearer idea of where their duty lies!"

"And what of Alessandro, centurione?" Antonio added. "Should I arrange a driver to collect him from school?"

"Yes, Bertolli - do that first! I'll speak to his headmaster at once and arrange for him to come home until after the wedding. Carry on, Bertolli!"

As Marco returned to his office Morelli turned to Antonio with an anxious look. "What about Signora Bertolli, tenente? She knows nothing of these arrangements, and she's not exactly....."

"Leave her to me, Morelli. I'll handle Natalina," Antonio replied. He knew his sister-in-law was going to be a problem and she would be much harder to deal with than Centurione Desti.

Author:  Alison H [ 25 Jan 2008, 08:54 ]
Post subject: 

Hope he doesn't turn nasty and start issuing threats.

Author:  PaulineS [ 25 Jan 2008, 15:16 ]
Post subject: 

Thank you good to see more of this.

Author:  Lesley [ 25 Jan 2008, 20:05 ]
Post subject: 

At least the crops will be gathered.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 26 Jan 2008, 07:56 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat. I'm curious as to how he'll explain to Natalina

Author:  Frogize [ 28 Jan 2008, 12:22 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

"I told you he'd soon be back," Sarah said to Natalina once they were alone with the boys. "Please wait until he's finished speaking with Signor Desti, Natalina."

"Alright, I'll wait," Natalina conceded. "But not for long!"

The three boys continued to eat, making the most of their opportunity, while the two young women watched the door, waiting for Antonio's return. They didn't have to wait long. As Antonio re-entered the dining room he looked around the table before he spoke.

"Would you please take the boys back upstairs, Sarah? I want to speak to Natalina alone."

"Of course, Antonio," Sarah replied, smiling at the expectant faces. "Come along, boys," and she hurried them from the table while Antonio sat down opposite Natalina, sighing as he removed his cap and looked at his sister-in-law.

"Sometimes, Natalina, I am remarkably stupid," he said, leaning back in his chair and folding his hands, "and today I have been particularly so." Natalina sat watching him, but didn't disagree. "Just occasionally I wish you would trust my judgement."

"I might - if you ever gave me reason to do so," she answered steadily.

"Shall I tell you what I've done this morning?" he asked, sitting up and looking at her. "I've just been to see your father, and he has agreed that your brothers will remain here until after the wedding."

"I don't believe you!" she exclaimed angrily, getting hurriedly to her feet. "Papa would never agree to such a thing without telling me!"

"And yet he has," Antonio said, leaning on one elbow and cupping his chin in his hand as he watched her. "I should have spoken to you first - I see that now - but I can assure you that what I tell you is true."

"But why would he agree to it? Unless you 'persuaded' him?" she said, utter contempt in her voice.

"There was no need for persuasion, Natalina," he replied. "He simply understood that it was necessary. If you will forgive my stupidity in not explaining before, I will do so now. Will you please call Francesco?"

Natalina considered for a moment before crossing to the door and hurrying out. She returned a short time later with Francesco and took her seat once more, while the boy stood warily beside her, wondering what was going to happen.

"Come here, Francesco," Antonio said quietly, with none of his usual arrogance and, after a quick glance at his sister, Francesco moved to stand beside the tenente. "Put your right hand here on the table beside mine, and tell me what you see. How are our hands different?"

Puzzled, Francesco looked at the two hands, side-by-side on the snowy tablecloth.

"Your hand is bigger than mine, tenente," he whispered. "Is that what you mean?"

"That's true, Francesco. What other differences can you see?"

"Your hand is cleaner than mine," he added, blushing, and looking at Natalina.

"That's also true. What else?" asked Antonio. After a long pause Francesco spoke again.

"Your fingernails, tenente. Mine are...." and Francesco stopped again in embarassment, looking from Antonio's neatly manicured hand to his own black and broken nails.

"Anything else?"

"Mine has lots of marks, and a graze on my knuckles fro...."

"Excellent, Francesco!" Antonio smiled, while Natalina sat silently watching and Francesco quickly moved to stand beside her again.

"I understand, Antonio," Natalina said quietly, placing an arm reassuringly around Francesco. "You should have told me."

"As I said, Natalina. Sometimes I am remarkably stupid," Antonio replied. "Will you stay with Mamma and Papa while the boys are here?"

"Yes, I think that would be best," she answered, getting to her feet. "Does Aunt Caterina know what you and Uncle Marco have decided?" and somehow she managed to make it sound like another accusation.

"I don't think so. Not yet. I presume Centurione Desti will arrange it later."

"As you said, Antonio. Sometimes you are remarkably stupid," Natalina agreed as she opened the door and led Francesco back to the others.

Antonio smiled as he watched the door close behind them. That had been much easier than he'd expected, he thought cheerfully. A little contrition seemed to go a very long way, and she had not asked any of the questions he'd thought she would. Now all he had to do was send Morelli off to Milan to collect Alessandro, and he could go back to his office. Antonio left the room, humming quietly to himself.

Author:  Alison H [ 28 Jan 2008, 12:30 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat :D .

Author:  PaulineS [ 28 Jan 2008, 14:11 ]
Post subject: 

Antonio seems to be making life difficult for everyone. Hope he does not endanger any one with this efforts.

Author:  Lesley [ 28 Jan 2008, 20:09 ]
Post subject: 

I don't know :roll: Antonio really makes my flesh creep at times....

Thanks Pat - wonderful character.

Author:  Frogize [ 31 Jan 2008, 06:39 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

As Natalina and Francesco mounted the stairs to the sewing room once more they grinned happily at each other.

“Did I do it right, Natalina?” Francesco asked, a little anxiously.

“You were wonderful, Francesco!” she assured him.

“I wish we didn’t have to stay here,” he said wistfully, looking up at her. “I don’t like Alessandro.”

“Neither do I,” she whispered, then added aloud, “I’ll be staying with Signor and Signora Bertolli, which isn’t very far away, and I’ll walk to school with you every day, and bring you back again in the afternoon, so it won’t be too bad, will it?”

“I suppose not,” he shrugged resignedly. “At least Marco and Domenico will be with me.”

As she followed her little brother into the sun-lit room Natalina smiled. Antonio had no idea he had just delivered a message to her from her father, or that it was news she’d been longing to hear.


Emilia knocked timidly at the side door of her brother’s house, and waited patiently for someone to answer. She didn’t feel at all comfortable here, and she wondered how the boys would fare. When Luca had told her they would remain at Marco’s home until after the wedding there had been a very sharp argument between them – something rare in the Guazza household – and she was still unhappy about it, even though she had eventually agreed. She looked at her eldest daughter with an uncertain smile when Natalina opened the door and led her upstairs to the sewing room.

“Mamma! Mamma! Have you come to take us home?” Francesco asked hopefully as they entered. “I don’t want to stay here!”

“No, Francesco, I haven’t. It’s necessary that you stay here until after the wedding,” Emilia answered, taking a seat and drawing the little boy close. “I’ve brought some of your things from home,’ she continued, emptying the contents of her bag onto a small table.

“Did you remember…?” the boy asked anxiously, and Emilia nodded, smiling, as Francesco searched for, and quickly found, his little carved donkey.

“You must be very careful with it,” Emilia said.

“I will, Mamma,” Francesco smiled at her. “I’ll keep it in its usual place.”

“What else did you bring, Mamma?” Marco asked, coming to join them.

“Just your night-shirts, and the white shirts you wear to church on Sundays,” she answered. “Papa says he hopes you enjoy your holiday, but there’ll be lots to do when you get back, so don’t grow fat and lazy!”

“We won’t!” Marco laughed.

“We’ll still have to go to school, so it’s not exactly a holiday,” Domenico grumbled cheerfully from across the room as Sarah took her last measurement and finally released him. “And Alessandro’s coming home from school this evening,” he added. None of the boys were looking forward to reacquainting themselves with their fourteen-year-old cousin, though neither they nor Alessandro himself had yet been told what was planned for him.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 31 Jan 2008, 06:56 ]
Post subject: 

I'm still wondering what Antonio has up his sleeve and am glad Natalina and her Father are able to communicate messages using Antonio without him realising! :D

Very glad you got on the board before me Pat! :lol: :wink:

Author:  Alison H [ 31 Jan 2008, 08:44 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat :D .

Author:  Lesley [ 31 Jan 2008, 21:41 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat - seems Antonio's not quite as clever as he thinks, is he?

Author:  Frogize [ 04 Feb 2008, 03:56 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Vincenzo Morelli snorted in disgust, swearing profusely under his breath, as he set out in the car for the trip to Milan in order to collect Alessandro Desti from his school. Morelli and Alessandro had clashed on several previous occasions and each one had resulted in some form of punishment being meted out to the unfortunate soldier. He was not looking forward to this latest encounter.


When he arrived at the school, late in the afternoon, Morelli was startled to see that Alessandro had two of his friends beside him, and all three were obviously intending to leave together. He knew it would mean speaking to the headmaster immediately, and Morelli sighed heavily as he left the car and marched towards Alessandro, mentally preparing himself for the expected outburst.

“About time, too, Morelli!” Alessandro snapped. “We’ve been waiting here for over a n hour!” and Vincenzo noted again the marked likeness between father and son.

“I’m afraid I’m not authorized to transport anyone but yourself, Signor Desti,” Morelli began, using the title Centurione Desti insisted be given to his son when he turned fourteen.

“Don’t talk nonsense, Morelli! Of course they’re coming with me! You know perfectly well that I always bring friends home with me, so stop wasting time and get our bags loaded!” and Alessandro glared angrily at him, furious at being challenged yet again by this man.

“I’m afraid I’ll need to speak to your headmaster first, Signor Desti!” Morelli answered, standing at attention and staring straight ahead. He had no intention of arguing with Alessandro.

Within minutes, Vincenzo was standing before the headmaster – an unpleasant experience in itself, as Alessandro well knew – and explaining that his orders meant he could only take Alessandro with him. As he has expected, the headmaster insisted on phoning Centurione Desti in person, and hearing first-hand that on no account was Alessandro to bring anyone home with him. They were Marco’s direct orders and anyone who interfered with them would be in serious trouble, and Marco had slammed down the phone in irritation while the headmaster looked at Alessandro.

“Your father insists that you return home alone, Desti,” he began, “and, of course, I must respect his wishes. You’re dismissed!” And there was nothing Alessandro could do but say farewell to his friends and climb into the car, where he sat in what he hoped was a dignified silence, until his neck and back ached with the strain of maintaining it.

By the time they pulled up outside his home Alessandro was dozing sleepily in the back of the car. He was embarassed to be roused by Morelli’s repeated cough and stalked furiously into the house, his highly polished boots sounding loudly on the tiled floor, as he made his way to his mother’s drawing room.

“Alessandro! Welcome home, my darling!” Caterina exclaimed as he entered and came to receive her kiss. “Papa will be home very soon, and then we’ll have dinner.”

“Why has Papa sent for me now?” he asked suspiciously, taking a seat beside her. “It’s almost the end of term anyway. Couldn’t it have waited until then?”

“It’s something to do with Isabella’s wedding, I believe,” his mother answered, and Alessandro snorted with disgust. Some stupid girl thing, then! Trust Isabella!


Alessandro Desti was his father’s son in every respect, and as he took his seat at the table half an hour after arriving home he stared at the delightful young Frenchwoman seated opposite him. His father had introduced her as Mademoiselle Taillier, who was making Isabella’s wedding gown, and Alessandro recalled his mother mentioning her in the letter he’d received from home only that morning. He flushed slightly as Sarah smiled at him, and Marco looked from one to the other, a scowl of irritation on his face.

“Don’t stare, Alessandro!” he commanded and the boy started, as Sarah smiled even more broadly at him.

“Welcome home, Alessandro,” she said now, and the laughing hazel eyes his father had admired earlier were turned on him. “I’m delighted to meet you.”

“Th…thank you, Mademoiselle Taillier,” he answered. “I’m very pleased to meet you, too,” and he finally managed a smile, despite his father’s annoyed look.

“Oh, please! You must call me Sarah,” she said, still smiling. “Mademoiselle Taillier sounds so very old, don’t you think?” and Alessandro relaxed and smiled at her once more.


Francesco, Marco, and Domenico sat together with Natalina at the table in the old nursery, delighted that they had not been required to share the formal dinner in the family dining room. Even so, the meal they had eaten was more substantial than they were used to, and all three boys enjoyed the feeling of having fully satisfied their hunger for the first time in many months. As they helped to clear the table after their meal they looked up at the sound of the door opening, watching nervously as Caterina entered and beckoned to Natalina.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 04 Feb 2008, 07:34 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat. I feel sorry for the poor soldier stuck with collecting Alessandro from school. I can't wait to see his face when he finds out he's working on the farm :lol:

Author:  Lesley [ 04 Feb 2008, 07:43 ]
Post subject: 

Well Alessandro sounds particularly nasty - hope the boys survive unscathed.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 04 Feb 2008, 08:50 ]
Post subject: 

Sarah seems to've made quite an impression.

Author:  ibarhis [ 04 Feb 2008, 12:46 ]
Post subject: 

Alessandro bringing in the harvest...

What fun!

Author:  Frogize [ 08 Feb 2008, 07:06 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

“I’ve had the bathroom prepared for them,” she said quietly, “and their beds are ready in the night-nursery. Please tell me if you need anything else,” and she smiled at the boys across the room.

“No, I think that’s everything, thank you,” Natalina replied, mentally reviewing what she had already told the boys.

“Then I’ll leave you to attend to them. Tenente Bertolli will be here to collect you in about an hour,” Caterina said, and left as quietly as she had arrived.

Shortly thereafter Francesco sat in a bath unlike any he had ever taken before. He had stared in amazement at the huge bathroom as Natalina ran a warm bath for him, and had obediently undressed and climbed into the tub after she left, with instructions to ‘scrub himself clean and hurry up about it’. As he finally left the bathroom, resplendent in his old patched night-shirt, he grinned at his brother Marco who was waiting his turn outside the door, and quickly returned to Natalina.

By the time he was tucked into his bed Marco had returned and he climbed into the bed next to Francesco’s own. The two boys grinned at each other, then snuggled down as Natalina came to hear their prayers before she left. As they finished, she stood up and spoke quietly to Francesco.

“Have you got your donkey?” she asked, and he nodded, showing her the little carved animal clutched safely in his hand. “Now don’t forget, you two,” Natalina said, addressing them both as she picked up her bag. “Domenico is in charge, and you must do as he says. Promise?”

“We promise,” they answered in unison, and she smiled her approval on them.

“Domenico will come to bed shortly, so I’ll see you later,” she said. “Go to sleep now. God bless you both,” and kissing them each in turn, she left the room.


Alessandro stood at attention before his father’s desk in the study, angry and rebellious, as Marco outlined his programme for the next ten days. All thoughts of Sarah had been swept from his mind as he listened with mounting horror to his father’s plan. The only concession Marco had been prepared to make was that he needn’t begin until Monday and, on being dismissed, Alessandro had returned to his own room and thrown himself furiously on his bed. If Enrico and Maurizio ever got to hear of this, he mused angrily, they’d make him the laughing stock of the whole school!


Francesco had meant to go to sleep when Natalina left and had called ‘goodnight’ to Marco before turning on his side, clutching his donkey and preparing for his secret nightly ritual. This was the only time he permitted himself to say the magic word, and he smiled as he did so.

“Papa,” he whispered, and instantly felt the sense of peace that always came with the sound. “Papa,” he repeated, still clutching his donkey as his eyelids drooped and, as he spoke the word a third time, he began to fall asleep, a smile on his face.

A short time later, however, he woke again when Domenico came to bed and now, as midnight approached, he was still lying awake in the darkness, hot and uncomfortable and missing the familiar presence of Marco at his back. If he’d been at home, he thought unhappily, he’d have removed his night-shirt and slept naked but he was afraid to do that here and so he began instead to search through the bedclothes for his donkey. Struggling to untangle himself from the sheet, that had somehow twisted itself around him, he suddenly heard the sound of tearing fabric and felt the gaping hole across his shoulders. He’d torn his night-shirt right across and, surrendering to feelings of fear and loneliness, he began to cry.

Caterina sat up in bed, listening intently. It was years since she’d been woken by the sound of a child crying in the night – even longer since she’d been permitted to attend to such a child – and, without hesitating, she hurried from her bed to go in search of its source before her husband woke.

Opening the door of the night-nursery she found Francesco sobbing into his pillow and quickly crossed to his bedside, untangling him from the sheet and lifting him into her lap, where she held him close and gently soothed away his tears.

“What’s wrong, Francesco?” she whispered to him, stroking the dark curls that even his brand new haircut couldn’t subdue for long. “Are you hurt?”

“No,” he answered with a slight hiccough, “but I’ve lost my donkey and torn my night-shirt and I want Mamma!” and he began to cry again.

“You had a donkey in your bed?” Caterina smiled at him, astonishment in her voice. “Was there room for you as well?” and Francesco smiled through his tears, wiping his face on his sleeve.

“Not a real donkey,” he explained seriously. “My little wooden donkey…..and I tore my night-shirt while I was looking for it,” he added, trying to look over his shoulder to check how badly it was damaged and hoping Mamma wouldn't be angry about it.

“I’m sure we can do something about both those things,” Caterina said. “Stand up, and we’ll look for your donkey.”

It took only a few moments to discover the little carved animal amongst the folds of the bedclothes and, having returned it to Francesco, Caterina turned him around and inspected the damage to his night-shirt. She noted the threadbare nature of the garment, even though it was spotless and carefully mended, and wasn’t in the least surprised that it had torn.

“I’m sure I have one of Alessandro’s old night-shirts you can wear,” she said to him. “Come with me, and I’ll see what I can find,” and she carried him silently downstairs to her private sitting-room. Leaving him ensconced in her own armchair, munching happily on the biscuit she gave him, Caterina soon returned bearing a night-shirt that, though a little large, was nevertheless of far better quality than any he had ever previously owned. Dressed in his new finery, he sat cuddled on Caterina’s lap, holding his beloved donkey once more, while she spoke softly to him.

“Did you know that your Uncle Franco is a friend of mine?” she asked quietly, and he looked up at her, his face brightening considerably, as he shook his head. “I haven’t seen him for a long time now, but when I was a little girl we used to play together often. The next time you see him, will you remember me to him?” and Francesco nodded as he slowly fell asleep in her arms, and Caterina carried him back to his bed, stroking back his hair and kissing his forehead before she left him.

Author:  Lesley [ 08 Feb 2008, 07:45 ]
Post subject: 

Awwww, Caterina is lovely - and doesn't deserve a husband like Marco.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 08 Feb 2008, 08:48 ]
Post subject: 

Poor little Francesco. Glad Caterina was so lovely to him.

Author:  Elbee [ 08 Feb 2008, 09:59 ]
Post subject: 

What a lovely scene.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 12 Feb 2008, 08:23 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

Alessandro was bored. Mamma had taken his cousins to Milan to buy new footwear but he had refused to go with them, electing to remain at home, and hoping to spend some time in the company of Sarah. However, Mademoiselle Taillier seemed to be mysteriously absent – at least, she wasn’t in the sewing room, and Alessandro didn’t know where else to look for her.

Searching for some way to pass a boring afternoon he wandered into the night-nursery. Eyeing the three neatly made beds, and lying down on the one nearest the door, he felt something against his neck and, sitting up again, pulled Francesco’s little donkey from beneath the pillow. Smiling to himself, he pocketed the toy and left the room.


Sarah and Antonio were currently seated in his office, deep in discussion, and poring over the contents of a small box. Antonio studied the various scraps of red fabric it contained, explaining the details to Sarah, who carefully wrote everything in the notebook that she carried in her pocket after asking numerous questions. Finally replacing everything in the box, and firmly closing the lid, Antonio handed it to Sarah.

“Are you sure you can do it?” he asked. “There isn’t much time.”

“Don’t worry, Antonio,” she smiled reassuringly, as she carefully slipped the box into her pocket. “Everything will be ready when you need it. Now to enter the lion’s den!” and she grinned broadly as she stood up.

“I wish there was some other way to do this!” he sighed, getting to his feet.

“Well there isn’t,” she said briskly, “so let’s get on with it, shall we?”

Moments later Antonio knocked lightly on the door of Marco’s office and awaited his reply. On being told to enter, he ushered Sarah into the room ahead of him and they crossed to the desk together.

“What is it now, Bertolli? Can’t you see I’m busy?” Marco said, continuing to write, then flushed slightly as he looked up and realized that Antonio was not alone.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, centurione,” Antonio began, “but Mademoiselle Taillier has an urgent request to make, so I thought I’d better….”

“Of course, of course. Quite right Bertolli,” Marco smiled. “You may leave us now. I’m sure I shall be able to solve whatever difficulty Mademoiselle Taillier may have,” and he glared at Antonio, who hastily withdrew, while Marco offered a seat to his visitor.

“Now, may I offer you some coffee before you begin?” he asked, placing another seat beside her own.

“Oh, no thank you, Signor Desti,” Sarah replied hurriedly. “I’m afraid I’m being far too much of a nuisance already!”

“Nonsense!” Marco smiled, enjoying himself immensely. “Please tell me, how may I be of assistance, Mademoiselle?” he asked, seating himself beside her.

“I’m so sorry if it’s inconvenient for you,” Sarah said, returning his smile, “but…I’m afraid I need to go to Milan!”

“But that’s no problem!” Marco replied, glad that it was nothing more complicated. “Could you not have gone with the others this morning?”

“If I’d realized in time, that’s exactly what I would have done, Signor Desti” and she looked anxiously at him. “But now I’m afraid it’s much too late to go today, and I’m going to be so busy….”

“Then I’ll arrange for someone to drive you there tomorrow,” he decided, getting to his feet. “I might even come with you!” and he was delighted to see her smile at the suggestion.

“But tomorrow is Sunday, Signor Desti!” she laughed. “Surely you don’t expect me to work then?”

“Of course not!” he blustered, not enjoying the feeling she was laughing at him. “I’m afraid I sometimes get so busy I lose track of the days. Perhaps we could go on Monday?”

“That would be wonderful!” she beamed at him, getting to her feet and walking with him to the door. “Are you quite sure it’s not too much trouble? I’d need to leave quite early, you know.”

“Of course I’m sure! We can leave whenever you’re ready.”

“Thank you so much! That will be such a great help to me!”

“The pleasure will be entirely mine, mademoiselle,” Marco smiled as he held the door open for her, signaling to Bertolli to see the young woman out, and totally unaware of the look the two shared as he closed the door behind her.

Author:  Alison H [ 12 Feb 2008, 08:51 ]
Post subject: 

Sarah's obviously a lot cleverer than he realises.

Author:  PaulineS [ 12 Feb 2008, 13:55 ]
Post subject: 

Frogize wrote

Searching for some way to pass a boring afternoon he wandered into the night-nursery. Eyeing the three neatly made beds, and lying down on the one nearest the door, he felt something against his neck and, sitting up again, pulled Francesco’s little donkey from beneath the pillow. Smiling to himself, he pocketed the toy and left the room.

I am worried for the boys now. :( :( :(

Author:  Lesley [ 12 Feb 2008, 19:47 ]
Post subject: 

Poor little Francesco. :cry:

But Sarah and Antonio have something planned there...

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 15 Feb 2008, 07:30 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

By the time Caterina and the boys returned from Milan Sarah had been hard at work in the sewing room for some time and there was a collection of various pattern pieces to be seen around the room. She looked up with a smile as Isabella opened the door and informed her of their return.

“Is it that time already? I’ll have to wait until after dinner before I see the boys then,” she said, sitting back and easing her aching shoulders. “Did you find the shoes you wanted?”

“Yes,” Isabella sighed. “It took a while, but I finally found the perfect pair. Only now I’m so tired I think I’ll go straight to bed after dinner.”

Sarah smiled as Isabella left and began to put away her things. She knew that Natalina would arrive soon to eat dinner with the boys, and Sarah intended to join them.

Francesco, Marco, and Domenico were only too glad to return to the nursery and remove the new footwear they had endured for most of the day. The stiff new leather shoes were uncomfortable on feet that were unaccustomed to wearing them, and they sighed happily as they eased their feet from them and wriggled their toes freely once more before encasing them in the slippers Aunt Caterina had insisted on buying.

She had also insisted they must wash their hands and faces, and brush their hair before dinner, even if they were excused from the formal dining-room, and Natalina smiled at their altered appearance. Apart from their clothing they looked almost as though they belonged here already, she thought, and she smiled at Sarah as she entered and joined them at the table.

It was a fairly noisy meal that ensued, as the boys happily regaled Sarah and Natalina with a lively description of the day. It was the first time they’d visited Milan and they had been at first over-awed and then delighted by what they had seen.

The happy chatter was in total contrast to the austere atmosphere of the family dining-room below. Marco was furious to discover that Sarah was not present, though completely unable to think of any reason to insist on her being there. Alessandro was also disappointed by her absence and determined to go in search of her after dinner, while Caterina and her daughters spoke quietly together of the wedding arrangements still to be finalized.


After dinner, while the boys cleared the table, Sarah returned to the sewing room. She was busily engaged in placing the pattern pieces on the delicate fabric for the wedding gown when Alessandro appeared in the doorway and stood watching her. Now that he’d found her he wasn’t at all sure what to say, and wondered if he should leave again, when she looked up and smiled at him.

“Are you admiring my handiwork?” she asked, pausing in what she was doing to give him her attention, and Alessandro nodded dumbly, not knowing what else to do. “Come in and sit down, Alessandro. I don’t bite, you know!” she grinned, and with an answering grin he entered and closed the door behind him. Taking one of the chairs he turned it around and straddled the seat, his arms folded along the back of the chair and his chin resting on his arms as he watched her.

Meanwhile, Natalina was preparing to run a bath for Francesco and sent him off to get his night things. When he still hadn’t returned ten minutes later she went in search of him, and found him frantically searching under his bed.

“Francesco, what on earth are you doing?” she scolded. “I don’t have all night to wait!”

“But Natalina….my donkey’s disappeared!” he wailed, continuing to hunt around his bed.

“Did you put it away properly?” she asked, though she was certain that he had.

“Of course I did! I always put it under my pillow…and now it’s gone!” he exclaimed tearfully as he began to pull back the covers on his bed.

“Francesco, go take your bath. I’ll find your donkey for you,” Natalina said, shooing him from the room and beginning her own very thorough search. Reluctantly, he headed for the bathroom and soon she could hear the sounds of hurried washing and in the shortest possible time he had returned, his face anxiously enquiring.

“Well, I don’t know what can have happened to it, Francesco,” Natalina said exasperatedly. “It certainly isn’t here!”

“But it must be!” Francesco sobbed, becoming frantic in his desperation to find the little donkey. “Look again, Natalina! Please!”

Marco had gathered his night things and hurried out as Francesco returned but, hearing the increasing sounds of uproar from the night-nursery he, too, hurried to complete his bath and returned to find the cause of all the noise. Sarah also became aware of the noise and left the sewing room, while Alessandro remembered guiltily that the little donkey was still in his pocket.

Natalina sent Francesco and Marco back to the nursery while she and Sarah began a final search for the missing figure. As the two boys sat at the table, Francesco once again in tears, Alessandro entered the nursery. As a general rule he always took pleasure in teasing the younger boys, both at school and, when he had the opportunity, at home – but somehow he couldn’t enjoy the sight of Francesco’s distress. There was something pathetic about it, and he found himself irritated rather than amused.

“Oh, don’t be such a stupid little cry-baby, Francesca!” Alessandro scoffed. “Here! Take the thing!” and he flicked the little donkey across the table towards Francesco. Reaching out to grasp the little figure as it skidded crazily across the polished surface, it struck the younger boy's fingers and flew into his face, leaving a cut across his cheek, before disappearing under the toy-cupboard against the wall. Francesco’s shriek of terror brought retribution on Alessandro in no lesser form than his father.

Centurione Desti was not accustomed to such disorder in his home, and he took the stairs two at a time in his annoyance at being disturbed in this way. His sudden appearance in the doorway of the nursery caused an instant silence to descend as everyone looked towards him, wondering what he would do.

“Alessandro,” Marco said icily, “there is no reason for you to be present here. Return to your room immediately! I'll deal with you later!” Without a word, Alessandro crept from the room, looking at Francesco as he did so.

“Why are you two still here?” Marco demanded next. “You’re supposed to be in bed, aren’t you?” and the two youngest boys nodded. “Then go,” he said and, turning to Natalina who stood behind him near the doorway, “and you, do something about that boy’s face!” Natalina would have argued but, seeing Francesco’s obvious distress thought better of it, though she was determined to discover exactly what had happened and followed her little brothers from the room.

“Now, does anyone else wish to cause a disturbance, or am I to have a little peace in my own home?” Marco demanded, glaring at the people around him. It was only as his eyes met Sarah’s, and he saw her expression of disgust, that it occurred to him that he had not dealt with the situation well. His less than sympathetic treatment of the boys had not sat well with her, and she tossed her head as she passed him, staring at him distastefully.

As the rest of the household dispersed, Marco decided that he’d had quite enough of domestic bliss for the time being and, hurrying back downstairs, he slammed the front door as he left the house and headed towards the hotel.

Author:  Lesley [ 15 Feb 2008, 08:48 ]
Post subject: 

At least Francesco got his donkey back. Pleased Sarah has seen Marco in his true colours - though don't think she had any doubts about him - hope she's as careful about Alessandro.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 15 Feb 2008, 08:53 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat.

Author:  PaulineS [ 15 Feb 2008, 13:28 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat true colours displayed all round here. Sarah Caterina and Natalina are caring and concerned whilst Marco and Alessandro should their temper and self centredness.

Author:  Frogize [ 19 Feb 2008, 07:57 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's story

Natalina carefully bathed the cut cheek of her weeping little brother, holding him closely on her lap, as Domenico entered the night-nursery and quietly handed over the little donkey he had retrieved from under the toy cupboard. Despite all her questioning, Francesco and Marco refused to tell her what had happened in the nursery, though she was fairly certain she could make a very accurate guess.

Eventually she tucked Francesco into his bed, sitting to hear his prayers before kissing him goodnight and returning to the nursery, while he huddled beneath the covers, his body still shaken by the occasional sob. Marco crept silently from his own bed and climbed in beside Francesco and, when Natalina visited the night-nursery before she left, she found them fast asleep in each others arms.


Alessandro lay awake, staring at the ceiling and wondering what his father would have to say tomorrow. He knew he’d be called in to the study after church, and past experience told him it would be unpleasant in the extreme. Why had he taken the stupid thing, anyway? If Enrico and Maurizio had been with him they’d have laughed at Francesco and teased him all the more but, without them, there’d been no point to it – he’d even begun to feel a little sorry for his cousin. Now he had tomorrow to endure. His father was sure to think of some awful punishment – he always did! – and if his friends got to hear of it, it would be even worse! Sighing heavily, Alessandro turned on his side and drew the covers over his head, burying his face in his pillow so no-one heard him cry.


Sixteen-year-old Maria Desti made her way along the back-street, careful to avoid being seen. She’d left the house ten minutes after her father and didn’t expect to encounter him now, but it was always as well to be careful – you never knew with Papa! If he should discover her, alone in the street at this hour, her punishment would be severe.

The basket she carried was well-filled, and she knew it was desperately needed by those who would receive it. Opening a gate, she made her way across the yard and knocked sharply at the back door, which was opened almost immediately, and silently she handed over her burden, exchanging her basket for an empty one, then leaving as quickly as she had come.

Arriving home a short time later, she went straight to her mother’s sitting room where she found her apparently reading, though in reality she was anxiously awaiting Maria’s return. Caterina looked up as her daughter entered and the two shared a secret smile as Maria came to sit beside her mother.

“It went as usual?” Caterina asked, and Maria nodded.

“Yes, Mamma,” she smiled. “I think I’ll go to bed now. Milan was so tiring today!” and, so saying, she kissed her mother and went upstairs to her room, humming softly to herself as she went.


Centurione Desti strode into the hotel that evening intent on finding some way to erase the memory of the events just past. He’d half-expected to find Bertolli there, but then remembered he’d be escorting Natalina back to his parents’ home. Recalling the way he’d spoken to her only a few minutes earlier, Marco laughed mirthlessly to himself, and didn’t envy Bertolli in the slightest. Stony silence would probably be the best he could expect, Marco thought.

Ordering a bottle of his favourite wine, Marco took a seat at a table and glanced around the room, looking for a companion for the evening. To his disgust there were only two women present in the room – a very authoritarian-looking Mamma and her rather down-trodden daughter.

Angrily draining his glass and quickly refilling it Marco remembered the look of disdain Sarah had bestowed on him when she left and tried to decide how he could restore her good opinion of him. Damn it! Why did he care what a slip of a girl thought of him, anyway? And he nodded to the waiter hovering nearby, who soon returned with another bottle.


Antonio could feel the animosity emanating from every fibre of Natalina’s being and wondered what had happened at the Desti home that evening. He’d passed Marco, angrily crossing the square to the hotel, some time earlier and had then had to wait for more than half an hour before Natalina was ready to leave. Now, as they walked in ominous silence, he hoped Sarah would be able to continue with her work.


Sarah was busy in the sewing room once more and, as her fingers flew about their work, she berated herself for allowing her feelings to get the better of her. That was no way to achieve anything, she thought furiously. Much better to stick to the plan, and keep her feelings to herself!


Author:  Alison H [ 19 Feb 2008, 08:04 ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like the place is seething with tensions - can't be comfortable for anyone.

Author:  ibarhis [ 19 Feb 2008, 08:15 ]
Post subject: 

Layers within layers...

Author:  Lesley [ 19 Feb 2008, 09:09 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat.

Author:  PaulineS [ 19 Feb 2008, 12:01 ]
Post subject: 

Alessandro lay awake, staring at the ceiling and wondering what his father would have to say tomorrow. He knew he’d be called in to the study after church, and past experience told him it would be unpleasant in the extreme. Why had he taken the stupid thing, anyway? If Enrico and Maurizio had been with him they’d have laughed at Francesco and teased him all the more but, without them, there’d been no point to it – he’d even begun to feel a little sorry for his cousin. Now he had tomorrow to endure. His father was sure to think of some awful punishment – he always did! – and if his friends got to hear of it, it would be even worse! Sighing heavily, Alessandro turned on his side and drew the covers over his head, burying his face in his pillow so no-one heard him cry.

So Alessandro is as frightened of his father as every one else is. For the first time I feel soory for him, he has had a poor example to follow.

But liked Maria and Caterina here doing good behind Marco's back

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 20 Feb 2008, 13:42 ]
Post subject: 

Love Maria and Caterina there. There is certainly a lot of intrigue going on there. Glad I had so many updates to catch up with!

Author:  Frogize [ 25 Feb 2008, 05:37 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

When Marco finally returned home from the hotel that night he went straight ot his study, intending to work on his monthly report, but instead sitting idly at his desk. He knew he'd be sitting there again after church tomorrow, waiting to hear what Alessandro had to say for himself before he announced his latest punishment.

(Read "Biddy's Brother: Marco's Story" before continuing - This is the only place where it chronologically fits into this continuing saga! It still makes sense if you read it alone some other time, but it's all Marco's thoughts so obviously it's not something Frank would know or be able to tell the others!)

With a loud sigh and a heavy heart he got to his feet and, closing the door softly behind him, made his way upstairs. He was surprised to notice the light under the sewing room door as he passed by, and considered knocking on it in hope that Sarah would be there. But, even if she was there, what could he possibly say? Sighing once more, he continued slowly down the corridor to his bedroom.

Author:  Frogize [ 07 May 2008, 08:48 ]
Post subject:  Biddy's Brother: Francesco's story cont.

Alessandro woke early the next morning, hot and uncomfortable and with an aching head. He climbed out of bed and crossed to the open window, seating himself on the wide window-sill where the breeze played idly with the light summer curtains. He thought miserably of the day ahead, and longed to talk things over with Mario as he'd always done when he was younger. If only his cousin hadn't been killed in Spain.....he felt the tears begin to prick at the back of his eye-lids again, the way they always did whenever he thought of Mario.

It was almost eighteen months now since Papa had told him about Mario's death, and it still made him feel sick whenever he thought of it. No-one could tell exactly how he'd died - although Papa said he'd died a hero - and, of course, there wasn't a body sent back for burial so there wasn't even a grave he could ever visit. He could hear the sound of quiet voices coming from the night-nursery and suddenly realized, with something of a shock and a sharp pang of jealousy, that the three boys who slept in that room were Mario's brothers. He wondered if they were like him, and couldn't understand why he'd never thought of it before. They might have been his friends, instead of.....oh, well, it was too late to think of that now, and Alessandro stood up and stretched before beginning his preparations for church.

Author:  Alison H [ 07 May 2008, 09:03 ]
Post subject: 

Nice to see this back :D .

Author:  ibarhis [ 07 May 2008, 09:53 ]
Post subject: 

What a lovely surprise!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 07 May 2008, 13:26 ]
Post subject: 

Lovely to see this back, but you've had the best reason for not posting, so all is forgiven :lol: :wink:

Author:  PaulineS [ 07 May 2008, 15:29 ]
Post subject: 

Thank you for the update, it was lovely to see it.

Author:  Lesley [ 07 May 2008, 17:56 ]
Post subject: 

Oh good, an update :lol: - Alessandro hasn't made the right decisions, has he?

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 23 May 2008, 08:54 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont.

Across the corridor in the night-nursery, Domenico was helping Marco to fasten his new shoes, while Francesco looked on. All three boys were now dressed in some of Alessandro's out-grown things, along with their own white shirts that Mamma had brought. All three were eagerly anticipating the reunion with their family, and intended doing their best to avoid any kind of confrontation with Uncle Marco. Francesco was especially anxious to see Mamma again, and wondered if Uncle Franco would be there.


Centurione Desti and his family arrived at the church together, and the three brothers searched the crowd of familiar people. To anyone who didn't know better they seemed as much a part of the Desti family as Alessandro himself. The outward transformation was complete, and Centurione Desti smiled with satisfaction as they took their seats beside him.

After the service was ended the members of the congregation gathered outside in groups large and small, chattering and laughing in the late morning sunlight. The three boys quickly made their way through the throng to where Luca and Emilia were waiting, while Marco looked on thoughtfully. He'd have to make sure that the boys didn't repeat that action when Werner was present, he decided, as he watched his sister embrace them, while Luca stood beside her, a huge smile transforming his face.

As Emilia tried to give her attention to all of the boys at once, Franco made his way towards them, and lifted Francesco in a huge bear-hug that the little boy returned fervently, a delighted grin across his face. Standing his young charge on the cool stone steps of the church, Franco held the boy from him and searched his face, noting the dark line across his cheek but saying nothing.

"So...are you enjoying your stay in town?" Franco asked with a smile, and Francesco looked back solemnly, his large brown eyes meeting Franco's own.

"I need to talk with you, Uncle Franco," the boy answered urgently. "Something happened in the nursery last night. I know Uncle Marco is going to ask me about it when we get back, and I don't know what to say."

Looking at Luca, who nodded approval, Franco led Francesco away from the busy, noisy group and, taking a seat on the low wall, he lifted the boy onto his knee and listened carefully as Francesco told him about the events of the previous evening.

Author:  Alison H [ 23 May 2008, 09:05 ]
Post subject: 

Hope Franco can help.

Author:  Lesley [ 23 May 2008, 18:21 ]
Post subject: 


Thanks Pat.

Author:  PaulineS [ 23 May 2008, 21:31 ]
Post subject: 

thanks Pat. Hope thy can solve the problems.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 26 May 2008, 13:32 ]
Post subject: 

Hope Franco can help. I feel sorry for Alessandro here. He really needs a better relationship with his cousins. Thanks Pat

Author:  Frogize [ 08 Jun 2008, 07:16 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

When Francesco finished his story he looked expectantly at the face of his beloved Uncle Franco, knowing he could trust whatever advice he gave.

“Have you said anything to Uncle Marco yet?” Franco asked seriously.

“No,” Francesco answered. “I told you, he made us all go straight to bed and didn’t give us a chance to say anything!”

Franco considered carefully before speaking again. He looked across to where Marco and Caterina were chatting amiably enough with the Bertollis, Isabella and Maria beside them, and his eyes fleetingly met Caterina’s glance before she quickly looked away again. Returning his attention to the boy, Franco smiled encouragingly at him.

“I think you’ll know what to say when the time comes,” he said quietly. “You know you must tell the truth – so you must answer Uncle Marco honestly – but it isn’t necessary to tell everything. Do you understand, Francesco?”

“I think so,” the boy answered, smiling wryly. As he moved to stand up again, he suddenly remembered his promise to Aunt Caterina and turned once more towards his uncle. “Uncle Franco, Aunt Caterina said that you used to play with her when she was a little girl!”

“And so I did!” Franco laughed. “She was always following me around and getting into mischief as a girl. I’ve lost count of the number of times I had to rescue her – but she was always very brave, and hardly ever cried.”

“Not like me, then,” Francesco sighed, twisting his fingers together and looking at his feet in their new shoes. “Alessandro says I'm a cry-baby, and he always calls me Francesca.”

“Well, he doesn’t have the benefit of older brothers to teach him better ways,” Franco said quietly. “Now, tell me – have you wished Bianca a happy birthday yet? She’s been eleven for two days now, and thinks she’s very grown up!” He lifted the boy from his knee and they made their way back towards the rest of the family.

As they approached Marco spoke quietly to Caterina, and she and her two daughters slowly made their way to the car, where Morelli was waiting for them. Marco made a small bow in the direction of Signora Bertolli, and nodded at Antonio and Signor Bertolli before turning towards the car himself, calling Alessandro to join him as he went.

Alessandro had watched Francesco and Franco speaking together. He felt certain they were discussing him, and felt very uncomfortable about what Francesco might be saying. Flushing angrily, he suddenly wondered where Sarah was. It was odd that she hadn’t come to church with them, but he’d assumed she would walk with the Bertollis and he searched for her now amongst the gathered throng. She didn’t seem to be anywhere around but, before he could do any more, his father called him – and Alessandro knew better than to keep his father waiting!

Domenico, Marco, and Francesco also made their way to the car, and took their places beside Aunt Caterina and the girls, while Uncle Marco and Alessandro rode in front. The stony silence that ensued did not auger well for the afternoon, though the three brothers waved and smiled at Emilia and Luca as they swept past them.


Natalina had been anxious to speak with her father, and equally anxious not to be overheard. She was glad to note that Marco and Caterina paid her little attention, and quickly drew Luca to one side, while Emilia occupied herself with her sons and daughters as they chattered together, showering Bianca with belated birthday wishes.

“Is there any more news of Giulio and Giovanni, Papa?” Natalina asked, keeping her voice low and glancing round cautiously.

“Not since the message Antonio so kindly passed on to you,” Luca smiled. “I’m sure they must be alright though, or we’d have heard something by now.”

“I suppose you’re right,” she answered, the concerned expression on her face easing a little as she looked at her father. “But I can’t help worrying about them! You know what they’re like – even at the best of times!” and the two shared a smile as each remembered the numerous scrapes and adventures the twins had indulged in over the years. Glancing across at the Bertollis, who were beginning to head towards the churchyard gate, Natalina hugged her father before hurrying off to join them on their walk home, as Antonio fell into step beside her.

“Are you well, Natalina?” he asked, hands grasped firmly behind his back as they followed behind his parents, matching their steps to the rather sedate pace at which the senior Bertollis walked.

“Very well, thank you, Antonio,” Natalina answered coolly, with an expression that forbade further conversation, and they walked on in silence.


Centurione Desti stared fixedly at the little boy standing fearfully before him, in marked contrast to his own son, who stood rigidly at attention. Noting the dark red line across Francesco's cheek with annoyance, he closed his eyes and tried to control his temper as he spoke.

“Now, Francesco, I want to know what happened in the nursery last night,” he said, turning his eye on the boy once more and waiting impatiently for him to speak. Francesco stared back at him, his heart thumping wildly as he considered what to say.

“Nothing much happened,” he said eventually, continuing to meet his uncle’s gaze. “I lost my little donkey, and Alessandro found it. He slid it across the table to me, but I didn’t catch it properly so it hit my hand and flew up into my face. It wasn’t Alessandro’s fault. It was an accident.”

Alessandro could hardly believe his ears! He’d expected his cousin to roundly condemn him but, not only had Francesco not blamed him for yesterday’s debacle, he seemed to be doing his best to convince Papa that Alessandro was entirely innocent of any wrong-doing! If it had been Enrico or Maurizio speaking he would have known at once that they intended to make him pay in some other way, but what possible motive could Francesco have?

Marco watched the younger boy’s face, searching for any sign that he was lying, but there was nothing to see and at last he smiled.

“So, Alessandro was not to blame for the disturbance?” he asked, more kindly than Francesco had expected.

“No, Uncle Marco, he wasn’t,” Francesco replied firmly. “I’m sorry we made so much noise and disturbed you.”

“Very well, Francesco. Then we need say no more about it. You may return to the nursery for now,” Marco said, glad that for once he’d be able to speak with his son without having anything to complain of.

Author:  Lesley [ 08 Jun 2008, 08:21 ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm, the truth, but not all the truth - very clever Francesco. Wonder if it will change Alessandro?

Thanks Pat - good to see more of this.

Author:  PaulineS [ 08 Jun 2008, 13:46 ]
Post subject: 

thanks Pat glad to see more of this. Good to see the complex family relations from different angles.

Author:  Kathy_S [ 08 Jun 2008, 19:29 ]
Post subject: 

Alessandro does seem a little more human now. Perhaps Francesco's gesture will be a breakthrough?

Thank you, Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 10 Jun 2008, 06:13 ]
Post subject: 

Kathy_S wrote:
Alessandro does seem a little more human now. Perhaps Francesco's gesture will be a breakthrough?

I hope so too. Thanks Pat

Author:  Frogize [ 07 Aug 2008, 02:57 ]
Post subject: 

As Francesco left the room and the door closed behind him Marco contemplated Alessandro in silence for what seemed like an eternity to the waiting boy.

“I’m glad you were not at fault this time, Alessandro,” he said eventually, noting that his son had lost none of his rigidity and continued to stare ahead, his face an immobile mask. “You don’t need to stand at attention like that, Alessandro. This isn’t a disciplinary hearing,” he continued, a note of mild irritation creeping into his voice. The boy glanced at his father and visibly relaxed.

“Thank you, Papa,” he said, looking fully at his father now and risking the slightest of smiles. He was discouraged to see that Marco was already turning his attention back to the various papers that covered his desk, almost as though he’d ceased to be aware of the boy’s presence in the room.

“You may go, Alessandro,” Marco said without lifting his head. “If I’m to accompany Mademoiselle Taillier to Milan first thing tomorrow I must get these reports finished.”

“Yes, Papa,” Alessandro answered quietly, disappointment in his voice. As he watched his father, he wondered if he dared take the chance of making an observation. Deciding that he must, he took a deep breath and spoke again. “Papa?”

“What is it now, Alessandro?” Marco answered, looking up, irritation written in his expression. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“Yes, of course, Papa. It’s just that…..I mean if…..if Francesco and the others call you Uncle Marco…..well, Werner’s sure to notice it, isn’t he?”

Marco slowly put down his pen and the two looked at each other once more, the boy wondering if he’d managed to annoy his father yet again, and waiting to hear what he would say.

“Thank you, Alessandro,” Marco smiled eventually, nodding with approval at his son. “You’re quite right. I should have thought of that myself.”

Smiling in relief, as Marco picked up his pen once more, Alessandro prepared to leave the room when his father called after him.

“Don’t forget you’re to go to the farm with the rest of the work detail tomorrow. Ask Mamma to look out some suitable clothing for you.”

“Yes, Papa,” the boy replied without enthusiasm. As he reached the door he turned and, greatly daring, drew a deep breath before speaking yet again. “Papa, may I ask you something?”

Controlling his temper as best he could, Marco looked up with a questioning expression. “Of course you may.”

“After Isabella’s wedding…..” Alessandro began, stumbling over the words a little now that he’d committed himself to speaking, “when school’s finished and the holidays have begun, I mean…..may we… and I…..may we go up into the mountains? Just for a day? Like we used to do with Mario? Please, Papa?”

Marco stared at his son in appalled silence for a moment, wondering if he'd be able to ever again undertake such an outing. He'd hoped never to have to see those damned mountains ever again, and had never once considered that Alessandro might feel any differently. Whatever his decision might be in the future he wasn't prepared to think about it now, and he pretended indifference as he answered.

“Very well, Alessandro. I’ll see what I can do,” Marco said abruptly, his attention already turning back to the reports. As he searched the contents of yet another of the many files stacked in the tray on his desk he didn’t see the look of resignation on his son’s face as he left the room.

Author:  Lesley [ 07 Aug 2008, 05:17 ]
Post subject: 

Poor lad - he really wants his father's love yet Marco just treats him with indifference.

Thanks Pat - nice to see more of this.

Author:  Alison H [ 07 Aug 2008, 07:41 ]
Post subject: 

Good to see this back :D .

Author:  Elbee [ 07 Aug 2008, 09:40 ]
Post subject: 

Poor Alessandro, but at least he's still trying to get Marco's attention, he hasn't given up.

Thanks Pat, good to see this back.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 07 Aug 2008, 13:39 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat, glad to see more of this-and poor Marco

Author:  Frogize [ 08 Aug 2008, 05:24 ]
Post subject: 

Caterina rose early the next morning in order to farewell her son as he left with the work detail, and fourteen-year-old Alessandro had been somewhat embarassed by her ministrations. Despite his initial annoyance at his father's edict he was now almost looking forward to the time he was condemned to spend working on the farm, certainly more so than any of the men who accompanied him. He knew that his cousins all worked there as a matter of course, and couldn't imagine that he'd have any difficulty in doing anything they did on a regular basis. In any case, he had joined his reluctant companions determined not to disgrace himself in either his own eyes or his father's.

Half an hour after Alessandro's departure Centurione Desti waited impatiently for Morelli to arrive with the car. He had intended using his own car and driver but Antonio had requested that Morelli be given the job since it was necessary for him to collect some supplies that were arriving in Milan by train. Antonio was to remain behind in charge of the office, and Centurione Desti had readily agreed to the plan. Just as the car drew up outside Sarah appeared at the side door of the large house and the light summer dress she wore caused the centurione to stare at her in admiration.

"Are you sure you have everything you need, Mademoiselle Taillier?" Centurione Desti enquired, unable to tear his eyes away as he held the car door open for the young French-woman.

"Yes thank you, centurione," Sarah replied, smiling warmly at him as she entered and took her seat. "It's a glorious morning, isn't it?" she added, breathing deeply and glancing round at the sleepy little town bathed in early morning sunlight.

"Yes, and it's going to be a wonderful day," the centurione agreed before taking his own seat beside her. As Morelli closed the car door and hurried around to the driver's seat Marco turned to smile at his companion once more then settled back in his seat and prepared to enjoy whatever the day might bring.

Author:  Lesley [ 08 Aug 2008, 07:00 ]
Post subject: 

Think Alessandro might be in for a surprise! Marco's admiration of Sarah is not nice - wonder if she can turn it to her advantage?

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Alison H [ 08 Aug 2008, 07:44 ]
Post subject: 

She seemed to be encouraging him there - presumably she's got a reason for that.

Author:  Frogize [ 24 Aug 2008, 08:30 ]
Post subject: 

The drive to Milan was most enjoyable, and Marco was delighted to be alone with Sarah, who laughed and chatted with him much more freely than she ever had before, seeming to have forgotten all the unpleasantness of a few days ago. Once they arrived in the city, however, he was anxious to be rid of Morelli and, consequently, was greatly disappointed when Sarah called on the young man to carry the purchases of fabric she intended to make. His expression grew visibly more irritated as the morning progressed, and when Morelli finally asked permission to take the parcels back to the car, in order to collect the supplies from the station, Marco was delighted to agree to the request. He also insisted that it was not necessary for Morelli to return until lunch-time, naming the restaurant where he and Mademoiselle Taillier would be found.

After Morelli's departure they had spent the rest of the morning searching for the laces and ribbons Sarah deemed necessary to replace the ones that had been damaged when Natalina and the boys first arrived, and Isabella would certainly have been surprised at the interest her father appeared to take in such things. Truth to tell, Marco had quickly discovered that he found it impossible to distinguish between the various items brought out for Sarah's perusal and had been content to allow her to make whatever selection she chose. He limited his own involvement to simply authorising whichever purchases she requested, while noting with great satisfaction the admiring glances that were frequently sent Sarah's way and the furtively envious looks directed towards himself.

As the day progressed the temperature began to soar and he finally suggested that perhaps they should find somewhere suitable to rest and enjoy a meal together. Sarah had laughingly conceded that she was both hungry and thirsty, and could think of nothing she wanted more, so lunch-time found them seated at a table in a restaurant that seemed to be well-patronized by the more senior of the Nazi military personnel either stationed in Milan or simply there on leave.

Having requested, and received, a table in a sheltered outdoor area Marco was sorry he'd mentioned their location to Morelli and hoped he wouldn't be too punctual. Unfortunately, the young corporal had an uncanny knack of turning up just when he was least wanted and, as the minutes ticked by, Marco was surprised at his failure to return.


Antonio had spent a considerable amount of time giving Morelli very detailed instructions regarding the supplies he was to collect from the station and how they were to be packed into the boot of the car. When the young corporal arrived on the platform he spoke immediately with the station-master, and was pleaseed to hear that the train would arrive within a matter of minutes.

A short time later, as the train drew to a stand-still nearby, the two men quickly boarded the luggage-van and soon found the boxes, clearly labelled for delivery to the barracks. With the station-master's assistance Morelli loaded them onto a trolley then hurriedly made his way to where the car was parked and began to arrange them in the boot of the car according to Antonio's instructions, carefully noting the contents of each box as he did so.


By the time they had finishesd a most leisurely lunch Marco was wondering what could possibly have detained Morelli for so long. Despite the fact that he was certainly enjoying Sarah's company he was becoming more and more distracted by Morelli's absence. Looking around the dining-room he noted with surprise that almost all the other diners had left, and he quickly glanced at his watch. It was almost three o'clock!

"Where did Corporal Morelli go, centurione?" Sarah asked as she sipped at the deliciously chilled wine, and smiled at his startled expression. "I hope he's taken good care of my purchases because I won't have time to come here again if anything is lost."

"I was just wondering the same thing," Marco smiled grimly, emptying his own glass and thumping it back on the table in exasperation. "I see my so-called reputation as a disciplinarian doesn't seem to have made much impression on him!"

"Oh, I'm sure he'll have a good reason for being late," Sarah laughed. "He wouldn't dare return without one!"

"My point exactly!" Marco stated, getting reluctantly to his feet. "Will you please excuse me, mademoiselle, while I go in search of the young fool? I don't think he'll want to repeat his tardiness in future!"

"Oh, dear! Please don't be too hard on him, Centurione Desti.....oh, very well, Marco then," she amended, seeing his raised eyebrow. "He's a very young man, after all, and no doubt easily distracted!" and she smiled up at him knowingly. Marco looked back and returned her smile before he snorted in disgust and, turning on his heel, made his way towards the door, inwardly seething and vowing all sorts of dire punishments on the young corporal.


"Morelli!" Marco roared furiously across the car-park. Glancing quickly at two rapidly retreating figures, Morelli hurriedly snapped to attention, in the process dropping the box he'd been holding, while all eyes turned in his direction. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" the angry centurione continued, oblivious to the watching crowd that began to gather as he marched towards his victim.

"Loading the supplies, centurione," Morelli replied, watching in dismay as the sheets of paper that had spilled from the dropped box began to scatter across the car-park in the light breeze that finally stirred the stifling heat of the afternoon.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Marco raged, as the silent young man shook his head. "How long do you expect me to wait for my driver?"

"I'm sorry, centurione. It took much longer than I expected to load everything, and....." Morelli began, but was rapidly cut short by Marco's icy voice.

"And it didn't occur to you to demand some assistance from the idlers standing here watching?" he asked, looking around almost casually as the on-lookers began to slink silently away, no longer amused by the spectacle.

"Tenente Bertolli was most insistent that no-one else was to handle the boxes, centurione. He said he wasn't prepared to risk anyone else getting hold of the forms they contained....." and Morelli turned his gaze towards the papers slowly drifting across the car-park.

"Get them picked up!" Marco barked, bending to gather one of the forms and scanning it quickly. It was a secure requisition form, and he knew that anyone holding such a form once it was signed could freely claim virtually anything from the military store-house. No wonder Bertolli had been unwilling to allow anyone else to handle the boxes, and Marco's anger began to cool slightly as he continued to gather the scattered forms with Morelli.

After finally stowing the broken box and its reclaimed contents in the car's boot, Morelli held the door for Marco, who climbed stiffly inside and took his seat with a sigh. It wouldn't do for him to return to Sarah in this mood, and he took several deep calming breaths as Morelli hurriedly settled himself at the wheel and they set off in the direction of the restaurant.


Sarah sat waiting for Marco's return, gazing idly through the surrounding shrubbery to the busy street below. The adjoining dining-room was now deserted and she relaxed in her seat, enjoying the silence and hoping Morelli wouldn't suffer too much from Marco's ill-temper. Suddenly, the sound of heavy footsteps reached her, closely followed by an outburst of laughter and the gutteral sounds of spoken German. Two young SS men stood in the open doorway of the dining-room, their black uniforms stark against the light-coloured paintwork within, and Sarah shrank back against the wall, hoping to avoid detection as they advanced into the room.

Author:  keren [ 24 Aug 2008, 09:34 ]
Post subject: 

glad to see this back.
Hope you realize you cannot keep us in suspense now for the next part

Author:  Lesley [ 24 Aug 2008, 12:41 ]
Post subject: 

Pleased Morelli had a good excuse. Now does Sarah have a particular reason to avoid detection...?

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Frogize [ 25 Aug 2008, 02:50 ]
Post subject: 

"Bring us something cold to drink!" the older of the two men called to the owner, who had followed them into the room and stood anxiously awaiting orders.

"Something decent to eat, too!" the younger one demanded. "And plenty of it!"

"Yes, of course! At once!" the restaurateur answered quietly, without in the least understanding what they had said, and making a series of bowing movements as he backed out of the room. The SS men laughed at his retreating figure, removing their belts, unbuttoning their tunics, and loosening their shirt collars before seating themselves at a table. A moment later the younger of the two stood up.

"It's just as hot in here as it is outside! I'm going to sit on the balcony. Got a cigarette?" he asked, turning back to his companion, who shook his head and grinned. Sarah's heart sank. There was no way she could avoid them now, and she stared along the street hoping to see Marco's returning vehicle while her mind raced as she considered the difficulty of her position. Perhaps they'd be reasonable, but somehow she doubted that, and she sat straighter in her seat as the approaching footsteps suddenly stopped.

"What the....?" she heard the startled man exclaim. "Hey, Kurt! Come out here and take a look at this!" he called to the older man, and Sarah heard the scrape of a chair followed by more footsteps. Moments later the two men were standing beside her, staring down at her with expressions that did nothing to calm the rising fear inside.

"Well? Don't you know better than to remain seated in the presence of SS soldiers?" Kurt barked at the silent girl, who stared back at them uncomprehendingly. Sighing impatiently, he repeated his words in less than perfect Italian while the younger man dragged Sarah from her seat, pushing her roughly against the wall and looking her up and down with the kind of expression that made her skin crawl.

"What are you doing here?" the older man questioned. "Don't you know this place is reserved for military personnel?"

"Of course I know that!" Sarah answered sharply, her courage rising as she determined not to show just how frightened she was and returning his gaze defiantly. "I was having lunch with an officer."

"What officer?" the man answered, glancing swiftly round, and quickly translating Sarah's reply for the benefit of his less learned fellow-soldier.

"Centurione Desti," she answered, watching helplessly as the younger man tore open the small parcels of expensive lace and ribbon, scattering the contents on the floor disgustedly.

"Looks like her officer was intent on buying her favours," he sneered, stepping closer. Unable to back away any further, Sarah turned her head away as he reached out and grasped her jaw, forcing her to look at him as he leered at her and made to touch her with his free hand.

"Leave her alone, Hans," the older man snapped. "You don't want to get into any more trouble, do you?"

"Oh, I don't know," Hans grinned, his eyes travelling over Sarah's body. "She just might be worth it! Where are your papers, girl? Or perhaps you'd like me to search you for them?"

"Your papers, signorina!" Kurt demanded, holding out his hand and glaring furiously at his companion. "Hans, if you land us in any trouble, so help me, I'll....."

"Yes, SS-Sturmmann?" came a quiet voice from the doorway behind them. "I'd be very interested to hear exactly what it is you'd do!"

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 25 Aug 2008, 03:36 ]
Post subject: 

Poor Sarah. I hope that's Marco and he is able to rescue Sarah.

Author:  Frogize [ 26 Aug 2008, 04:56 ]
Post subject: 

The two SS men whirled round to face an ominously calm Italian officer, and the look he bestowed on them did not bode well for their immediate future. As Marco strode across the room the two SS men snapped to attention, saluting in unison, and waited for his next words. The words he spoke, however, were directed towards Sarah.

"Please return to your seat, Mademoiselle Taillier," he said quietly. As Sarah bent to retrieve her scattered purchases he took her hand and led her back to where she had been sitting when he left, leaving the delicate finery where it lay. "I'm quite sure the SS-Oberschutze will gather those for you, mademoiselle," Marco added, indicating with a sharp inclination of his head that Hans had better not waste any time about doing his bidding. As the young man bent to retrieve the closest item Centurione Desti suddenly turned and kicked the SS man, sending him sprawling to the floor.

"How dare you touch a member of my household!" Marco stormed furiously at the man who attempted, unsuccessfully, to get to his feet. "By what authority do you come in here, besmirching the reputation of myself and my staff?"

"We didn't know, centurione....." Kurt began, hoping to calm the situation, and Marco turned blazing eyes on him.

"You expect me to believe that Mademoiselle Taillier didn't mention that she was here at my personal invitation?" Marco growled, staring down the SS-Sturmmann, who swallowed hard and clenched his jaw tightly shut. Kurt Eckhardt knew the way officers' minds worked and had no intention of digging himself in any deeper. He waited silently to hear his fate, his face an unmoving mask, though inwardly he raged against Hans and his stupidity. It was always women that got him into trouble! As the SS-Oberschutze began to get to his feet Marco turned on him once more.

"Do SS men usually appear in public in such a state of undress?" he demanded.

"No, sir," Hans answered reluctantly.

"I see," Marco smiled coldly. "Then this little display is purely for my benefit?" he continued, flicking at the open tunic of the now badly shaken Hans.

"No, sir," Hans repeated.

"No?" Marco queried. "Then for Mademoiselle Taillier, perhaps?" he continued, while Hans stared at him aghast, knowing there was no satisfactory answer. After staring at the young man for several minutes Marco suddenly smiled.

"Then would you mind explaining exactly what you meant about my buying the young lady's favours?" he asked, in such a pleasant voice that Hans almost didn't realize the danger lurking in it, and opened his mouth to answer before snapping it shut again. "I'm waiting, SS-Oberschutze," Marco said, taking a seat beside Sarah and staring at the young German, who blushed furiously and remained silent.

"Centurione Desti," Sarah said quietly, "may I please look at those things to see if it's possible to make use of any of them? Perhaps there's still time to replace them if they're very badly damaged."

"Certainly not, mademoiselle," Marco answered, and turned yet again to the two men standing before him. "Those items were to be used on my daughter's wedding gown, gentlemen, but you have taken it upon yourselves to render them unusable. You may report yourselves to your commanding officer now. Please give him my compliments, and tell him I will call on him tomorrow to discuss reparation for the damage done."

"Yes, sir," Kurt answered faintly, already dreading the interview that would surely follow their report.

"Now make yourselves fit to be seen and get out!" Marco roared, getting to his feet and striding across the room to face them for the final time. "I don't want to see either of you again," he added, "but if I ever do I can promise you the experience will be entirely memorable!"

The two SS men hurriedly returned their uniforms to the normal immaculate state and turned to leave.

"Is that how German soldiers usually take their leave of an officer?" Marco queried, raising a quizzical eyebrow, as they hurried towards the door and he smiled sardonically as they turned in unison, clicking their heels together and saluting smartly.

"SS-Sturmmann Eckhardt and SS-Oberschutze Staudacher request permission to return to duty, sir!" Kurt replied.

"Dismissed!" Marco snapped, and watched as they left, slamming the door behind them.

Author:  Lesley [ 26 Aug 2008, 05:55 ]
Post subject: 

Missed yesterday's update - but it was all the better for reading the two together - Marco did very. very well! :lol:

Thanks Pat.

Author:  abbeybufo [ 26 Aug 2008, 21:50 ]
Post subject: 

Well done Marco

Thanks Pat :D

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 28 Aug 2008, 00:37 ]
Post subject: 

I'm very impressed with Marco there.

Thanks Pat. May we have another update please

Author:  Alison H [ 28 Aug 2008, 07:42 ]
Post subject: 

Also impressed with Marco.

Author:  Frogize [ 24 Sep 2008, 05:32 ]
Post subject: 

Sorry about the long delays in this drabble everyone but there have been some pretty traumatic happenings on the homefront. Hopefully I'll now be able to get back to writing this instead of just planning it!

As soon as they were gone Sarah hurried to gather up the fallen lace and ribbons, making a careful examination of them before rolling them neatly and wrapping them in a clean napkin from the nearest table.

“They’re not too badly damaged at all, Signor Desti,” she began, looking at Marco. “I’m sure I’ll be able to use them…..” and her voice trailed off as he turned to her, his expression of anger being quickly replaced by one of concern.

“That’s good,” Marco replied grimly, “because I don’t think we’d get the SS to replace them, however loudly I complained. And I thought we had agreed that you would call me Marco,” he added, trying to make light of the situation, and attempting a smile. “Are you hurt?”

“Not at all…Marco,” the young woman smiled. “I was more frightened than hurt, though the one called Kurt did at least try to dissuade the other one from…” and Sarah swallowed audibly as she suddenly found herself trembling, trying not to think about her possible fate if Marco hadn’t returned when he did. “Did you find Morelli?” she asked, abruptly changing the subject.

“Yes,” Marco grinned. “Making a mess of things, as usual. He’d somehow managed to drop a whole box of very important papers. I can’t think why Bertolli chose him as his assistant…..although I’m sure there was a time when people wondered why I chose Bertolli, so perhaps Morelli has hidden talents! Now, I propose to order some hot coffee for us both and then…..”

“And then I’d really like to return home, if you don’t mind, Marco,” Sarah finished for him, giving another silent shiver. “I think I’ve had quite enough of big cities for one day.”

“But of course, mademoiselle,” Marco replied, though he was unable to keep the disappointment from his tone. “Perhaps we may return another day?” he ended on a questioning note, one that Sarah chose not to notice.

“I hope Morelli didn’t drop any of the boxes he was supposed to collect for me!” Sarah remarked with concern, and Marco stared at her in surprise.

“For you?” he asked.

“Why, yes!” Sarah answered, a tiny touch of laughter playing about her lips. “Surely you must have realized that I came prepared only to make a wedding gown? The fabrics I need to make uniforms for the boys are quite different, and certainly not easily available. Antonio ordered them specially, and Morelli was to collect them along with the things for the office. He only heard of their arrival last night.”

“Well, that may go some way to accounting for Morelli’s lateness then,” Marco agreed, as he called for the proprietor and ordered their coffee.


Once the truck had left his home a good distance behind, and he had quite recovered from the embarrassment of his mother’s farewell, Alessandro enjoyed the journey to what was known as the smaller Desti farm. He had even managed to share an occasional word with the men who accompanied him and he looked around with interest when they finally disembarked in the dusty farmyard. This had been Mario’s home and he was about to meet his cousin’s family for the first time. Of course, he’d seen them many times before, but he didn’t know them or understand why Papa had always insisted that he and his sisters avoid the rest of their Guazza cousins so he intended to make the most of his time here. As he stood with the men, wondering just what he would be expected to do, he heard someone call and, turning in the direction of the voice, saw Luca limping quickly across the yard a welcoming smile on his face.

Author:  Lesley [ 24 Sep 2008, 06:48 ]
Post subject: 

Lovely to see more of this - wonder if it was just material Sarah was having collected?

Thanks Pat

Author:  PaulineS [ 24 Sep 2008, 11:57 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Pat. Glad Sarah could go straight home after the exerience. Alessandro is becoming a nicer person as this continues.

Author:  Frogize [ 25 Sep 2008, 03:52 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

“Not quite what you’re used to, is it?” Luca smiled, and Alessandro found himself looking back into eyes that reminded him so much of Mario’s that he had to quickly blink away sudden tears.

“No, it’s not,” Alessandro admitted, turning away from Luca’s searching gaze and examining the farmyard. “What exactly are we to do today?”

“Well, the men are to go with Pietro and myself to the top field,” Luca explained, “but Aunt Emilia needs you to help her in the vegetable garden. She’s waiting for you in the kitchen.” Seeing the boy’s face fall on hearing this, he added, “Don’t think you’re getting the easy part! There’s hard work to be done there!”

“Yes, sir,” Alessandro replied, remembering he was there as part of a military detail and coming to attention, while Luca smiled in acknowledgment and indicated that he should make his way to the farmhouse.

Alessandro knocked at the open door and waited, as sounds from within told him someone was certainly there. After waiting for what seemed several minutes he knocked again, moving uncomfortably from one foot to the other. At the sound of approaching footsteps he took up a more military stance, his expression blank as regulations dictated.

“Hello,” eleven-year-old Bianca smiled up at him. “Are you Alessandro?”

“Of course he’s Alessandro, Bianca! Don’t be so silly!” came a second voice, and the boy lifted his gaze to stare into yet another pair of eyes like Mario’s. “For goodness sake, don’t just stand there gaping! Come inside!” and the two turned and disappeared into the interior, leaving him with no option but to follow them down the cool and dim hallway into the kitchen, where Emilia was busily kneading dough.

“Well, Alessandro!” she beamed at him. “I never thought the day would come when I’d welcome you into my kitchen!”

“He…Hello, Aunt Emilia,” Alessandro stammered. This was not the kind of greeting he’d expected and he was unsure how to react. “What do you want me to do?”

“Francesca will show you what needs doing shortly,” Emilia replied, nodding towards the older of the two girls he had met at the door, who looked back at him unblinkingly. There would be no allowances made for him as far as she was concerned. He was there to work, and she intended to make certain that her cousin understood just what everyday life for her younger brothers was like. Meeting her gaze, Alessandro accepted the unspoken challenge and determined once more to do everything any of his cousins might be expected to do.

“Would you like a drink of water, Alessandro?” Bianca asked shyly. As he turned to thank her Francesca suddenly broke in.

“I thought you weren’t feeling well, Bianca?” she said, more sharply than she had intended. “Alessandro’s perfectly capable of getting himself a drink if he wants one. There’s no need for you to wait on him!”

“Francesca!” Emilia spoke warningly to her head-strong daughter. “There’s no need for you to be rude either!” and Francesca turned away shame-faced, but determined not to apologise. “You know perfectly well that Bianca simply wanted to be at home today.” Turning to Alessandro once more Emilia smiled at him. “Will you please take that bucket by the door and fill it for me?”

“Yes, of course,” he replied, thankful to have something practical to do. It was only as he grasped the handle that he realized he had no idea where to obtain the water, but Bianca beckoned to him from the other doorway and he followed her outside again.

“We get our water from the well over there,” she smiled, indicating the well near the corner of the wall. “Don’t mind Francesca. She’s just cross because she’s had to do lots of Marco and Francesco’s jobs while they’re away at horrible Uncle Marc….” and the little girl suddenly clapped her hand across her mouth and hurried back inside while Alessandro blushed furiously and headed towards the well.

Author:  Lesley [ 25 Sep 2008, 06:46 ]
Post subject: 

Alessandro is going to find this challenging!

Thanks Pat.

Author:  PaulineS [ 25 Sep 2008, 10:10 ]
Post subject: 

I like Bianca here. Francesca's reaction is true to life, especially if she has had to do her brothers work

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 26 Sep 2008, 00:53 ]
Post subject: 

I hope Alessandro fits in and is able to talk to someone about missing Mario.

Thanks Pat

Author:  Frogize [ 26 Sep 2008, 02:26 ]
Post subject:  Francesco's Story cont

By the time he returned to the kitchen Alessandro found the room empty. He stood awkwardly inside the doorway, wondering what he should do with the heavy bucket, and eventually leaving it by the door where he’d found it. At the sound of footsteps he looked up into Emilia’s face, surprised to see her smiling at him, while Bianca hovered uncertainly just outside the doorway.

“Bianca, go and call Francesca,” Emilia said. “There’s plenty of work to be done and the sooner we get started the sooner we’ll be finished.”

“Yes, Mamma,” the girl answered softly, and scuttled away as her mother turned back to the boy.

“Come with me, Alessandro,” Emilia smiled. “I’ll show you where the vegetable garden is and explain what it is I’d like you to do.” Following her outside he soon found it necessary to slow his steps in order to keep pace with her and Emilia smiled to herself. She remembered how, as a girl, she’d always had to hurry to keep up with long-legged Marco. He’d always refused to alter his pace to accommodate her much shorter steps and it pleased her that Alessandro should immediately do so.

By the time Bianca returned with Francesca he was listening carefully as his aunt explained that his first task would be the weeding of her salad-beds. Once that was finished he could help her daughters in picking the ripe fruit, and then water the whole vegetable garden. Deciding that the job would be relatively easy Alessandro set to work immediately.


Two hours later, he looked up as he heard a snort from behind him to see Francesca standing, hands on hips, looking at the stretch of weeded garden he’d so far completed.

“Is that all you’ve done?” she said scornfully. “Even Francesco can do better than that!”

“Francesco probably knows what he’s doing!” Alessandro snapped back angrily, shading his eyes against the bright sunlight as he looked up at the girl towering over him and getting to his feet. It made him feel a little better to be looking down on her instead.

“Mamma wants you to take some water to Papa and the other men…if you can carry two buckets that far!” Francesca threw at him, turning on her heel and marching off across the farmyard, though the effect was somewhat marred by the necessity of shooing away a dozen inquisitive hens. Wiping his brow Alessandro deposited the overflowing weed bucket near the gate and slowly followed her. As he approached the farmhouse he heard raised voices from within.

“ he got those boys to bully Francesco and Marco last year?” he heard Francesca say.

“Well, you’re no better!” came Bianca’s angry reply. “He’ll only take it out on them when he gets home again, if you keep being so horrible to him!”

“Oh, don’t be so silly, Bianca!” Francesca laughed scornfully, her usual reply when her little sister seemed to be winning an argument. She knew it annoyed Bianca, leaving her speechless with indignation on most occasions.

“That’s enough!” Emilia said softly but firmly. “Be quiet, both of you!” Turning around, her heart sank as she saw the boy standing uncomfortably in the doorway, a mutinous expression on his face. “Come in, Alessandro.”

Francesca stared wildly at him for a moment before tossing her head and leaving the room, while Bianca scurried to her mother’s side where she carefully avoided his gaze.

“Please fill the two buckets outside the door, Alessandro, and take them to the top field for the workers,” Emilia said kindly. She knew he must have heard what her daughters had been saying and it distressed her to think that there may indeed be consequences for her youngest sons. Without a word, Alessandro picked up the buckets and turned in the direction of the well once more.

Author:  Lesley [ 26 Sep 2008, 08:08 ]
Post subject: 

Hope Alessandro has changed enough not to think of taking revenge. He certainly seems more thoughtful than his father.

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Elbee [ 26 Sep 2008, 08:43 ]
Post subject: 

This visit to the farm could be a positive life-changing experience for Alessandro, if only he'll grasp the opportunity.

Thanks, Pat.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 26 Sep 2008, 10:36 ]
Post subject: 

I think he is grasping the opportunity, it seems to be whether anyone is going to give him a chance or not

Author:  Frogize [ 09 Dec 2008, 15:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 26-09-08)

Hi everyone! At last I'm finally back on the net. I have a new job, in a place where internet is virtually impossible and I feel like I've been living on another planet! My wonderful daughter just gave me a new laptop for Christmas, complete with mobile broadband, so I'm able to get back to writing this again. Hope you didn't all think I'd died! Here's a tiny update just for now.

It took some time to fill the two buckets and, once it was done, Alessandro began to wonder how his cousins could possibly have carried them as far as the top field. He was fairly certain he wouldn’t be able to do it – not without a great deal of effort, anyway. While he was considering the best way to accomplish the task Bianca reappeared at the back door of the farmhouse, carrying a big basket in which he could see several enamel mugs and a large loaf of bread. Reluctantly she crossed the farmyard towards him.

“Would you like me to get the goat for you?” she asked, in a voice barely above a whisper, as she came to a halt beside him and he looked at her with a frown. Was she making fun of him as well? Seeing his expression Bianca hurriedly explained. “It’s how Francesco and Marco always carry the water to Papa,” she said, which left him no wiser than before. “Look, I’ll show you,” she added and, putting down her basket, beckoned him to follow her across to the goat pen.

Within minutes she’d hitched the goat to a small cart then led the way back to the well, where Alessandro heaved the buckets inside, spilling some of the water on himself but otherwise completing the task without incident. Having added her basket to the cart and settled it safely they set off across the yard towards the open gate that led to the fields, Bianca leading the goat while he walked alongside the cart, making sure that nothing fell.

“I’m sorry for what I said before, Alessandro,” Bianca said quietly once they’d left the farmyard behind, though she was too embarrassed to turn and look at him. “About Uncle Marco, I mean. I wasn’t…..I mean, I didn’t…..”

“It’s alright, Bianca,” he sighed resignedly, staring at her back. “I know it’s what everyone thinks – even if they daren’t say it.”

Author:  PaulineS [ 09 Dec 2008, 15:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 09-12-08)

Good to see you back and another installment of the drabble. Hope the new job is going well and what a lovely daughter to give you such a present early.

Author:  Alison H [ 09 Dec 2008, 15:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 09-12-08)

Nice to see this back - hope things are going OK.

Author:  keren [ 09 Dec 2008, 17:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 09-12-08)

I had indeed wondered what had happened to this drabble.
Nice to see it back
What a lovely daughter you have to give you the internet access.

Author:  Lesley [ 09 Dec 2008, 19:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 09-12-08)

You have raised a wonderful daughter, Pat! :lol:

Am actually starting to like Alessandro here.

Thank you.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 16 Dec 2008, 14:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 09-12-08)

I'm glad Bianca was so friendly. Hopefully Alessandro will be able to change

Author:  Frogize [ 29 Jun 2009, 06:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 29-06-09)

As Alessandro plodded along silently behind Bianca, a slowly growing respect for all his younger cousins began to build up in him. As the ache in his long legs grew stronger, and he watched the ease with which the young girl ahead of him climbed the rough track, he suddenly became aware of the sound of a man's voice and realized thankfully that they had finally arrived at the gate, and Luca was calling the men to take a break.

"Well done, you two!" Luca smiled at them as he strode across to meet them and lifted the buckets from the cart, carrying them back to the shady tree where the men were waiting.

"You take the basket, Alessandro," Bianca smiled at him. "I'll fasten the goat here and join you in a minute." After a moment's hesitation he lifted the basket from the cart and hurried to join Luca and the other men, who quickly grabbed the mugs and were soon slaking their thirst with the cool water.

"Mamma sent a loaf of fresh bread, too, Papa," Bianca called as she made her way across the field to where the men were gathered. "She said to tell you she'd bring more food later, but right now she's busy baking."

Luca smiled down at his youngest daughter and lifted the loaf from the basket, tearing off large chunks and tossing them to the waiting men, as Alessandro watched in amazement while they ate hungrily. Too tired to even speak he, too, wanted nothing more than a cool drink of water and to be allowed to rest for a while on the warm grass, even as he became aware of the ache in his own stomache and wondered if he would indeed get anything to eat.

"Come on, Alessandro," Bianca called from her father's side. "We can sit here for a while, until the men have finished." Thankfully the boy sprawled on the grass beside her, accepting a mug of water and a piece of bread that Luca handed to him with a wink and a friendly grin.

"Thank you, Uncle Luca," he said quietly, draining the mug in one huge gulp and tossing it back into the basket, while Bianca smiled at him over the rim of her own mug.

Considering the usual fare he received at home, or even school, Alessandro wondered how bread and water - little more than prison food, really - could still taste so good and, lying in the grass, munching on the bread he'd been given, he wondered if Mario had done a similar thing while working in the fields with his father. For the first time since hearing of his cousin's death, he was able to think of him without the painful stab of loneliness, and he listened as Luca gently teased Bianca, causing her to giggle wildly before spilling her drink in the grass.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 29 Jun 2009, 08:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 29-06-09)

Am really glad this is back as I've missed it. Thanks Pat :D

Author:  Alison H [ 29 Jun 2009, 09:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 29-06-09)

Welcome back, Pat.

Author:  PaulineS [ 29 Jun 2009, 11:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 29-06-09)

Lovely to see more of this.

Author:  Frogize [ 03 Jul 2009, 10:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 29-06-09)

"Oh, Papa!" the little girl laughed. "I hope there's some water left in the bucket, because it's so hot today and I'm very thirsty!"

"Don't worry, little one," Luca smiled, picking up her mug and offering her his own. "Here, take mine. It's nearly full." As Bianca got to her feet she looked down at the wet patch darkening the skirt of her dress and smiled ruefully before taking the mug from her father's hand and drinking deeply.

As Alessandro watched, his older cousin Pietro approached, quickly filling a mug for his father and handing it to him. Luca accepted the brimming mug with a smile and Pietro, generally a man of very few words, smiled back and returned to his place beneath the tree. A few minutes later Bianca picked up the basket and began to collect the empty mugs from the men, as Alessandro got stiffly to his feet and joined her in her self-imposed task.

"Time for us to get back to work, too," Pietro grinned at him as he handed his mug over and stretched his muscular frame in the grass, while the men around him began to make their way back across the field to where they had been working. Rising nimbly to his feet he called to his little sister as she came towards them, the basket swinging on her arm and bumping gently against her hip.

"Tell Mamma thanks for the bread," he said, tweaking one of her long dark pigtails as he took the basket from her. "Here, I'll give you a ride back to the goat-cart," he grinned down at her, then turned to the silent boy who stood watching. "Come on, Alessandro! You take the buckets and the basket while I heave this lump of a girl onto my back!"

Suiting action to words he easily lifted the girl, who squealed with indignation at his remark, and set off at a laughing gallop across to the gate where the goat was contentedly nibbling grass, while Alessandro trailed along in his wake. Depositing his little sister on the top rung of the gate, Pietro waved a cheery farewell to Bianca and Alessandro then hurried off to join his father and the other men, now all hard at work once more.

"Will you be in trouble when we get back?" Alessandro asked gravely as he placed the buckets carefully in the cart, while Bianca slowly climbed down from her perch.

"In trouble? Whatever for?" she asked in surprise, jumping lightly from the bottom rung to the ground.

"Well, your.....your's all wet..." he began, stumbling a little over the words and wishing he'd remained silent

"Oh, that!" the young girl laughed, rapidly untying the goat and fitting its harness once more. "No-one worries about that kind of thing! Not Mamma, anyway! It'll be dry by the time we get back...and, even if it's not, no-one will care." Looking up, she smiled at him once more before straightening up and taking the basket from him, placing it firmly in the goat-cart beside the now empty buckets. "Come on! We'd better hurry. Mamma will be waiting for us," and Alessandro found himself plodding thoughtfully along behind his younger cousin once again.

Author:  Alison H [ 03 Jul 2009, 11:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 03-07-09)

Wish it was hot here - the nice weather has ended just in time for the weekend!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 04 Jul 2009, 13:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 03-07-09)

Poor Alessandro. He really is finding things so different. He may have had the priviledged upbringing, but he certainly missed out on the love

Author:  Lesley [ 04 Jul 2009, 21:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 03-07-09)

Strange about Bianca's dress - has Alessandro always been punished if he dared to get his clothes dirty?

Thanks Pat

Author:  Frogize [ 18 Jul 2009, 06:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 03-07-09)

Antonio Bertolli was sitting pensively at his desk. Had he done the right thing in giving Morelli such a responsibility? If Centurione Desti was as distracted as he'd hoped then things should have gone well, but there was always the chance of something going wrong. Shrugging impatiently, he returned to the report he was supposed to be drafting for Marco's approval and tried to concentrate, pushing all thoughts of Morelli from his mind.

He was surprised when, only twenty minutes later, he heard footsteps along the corridor followed by the loud banging of a door. Moments later the door of his office opened and Morelli appeared, the broken box of papers under one arm.

"Good afternoon, tenente," he said, glancing quickly around the room.

"Come in, Morelli, and close the door," Antonio answered quietly. "You can put that on my desk for now. I trust it all went as planned? Did you get everything?"

"Yes, tenente," he answered, placing the box down carefully and taking a stand before Antonio's desk. "There was no problem at the station," he continued, "except that the packing took a litttle longer than anticipated, but....."

"You did have help though, as I'd arranged?" Antonio interrupted.

"Yes, tenente, that went very well - but there was a problem at the restaurant where Centurione Desti and Mademoiselle Taillier had lunch. I don't know exactly what happened but she was very keen to return home afterwards. Centurione Desti was very angry about something, and we didn't even unpack the young lady's boxes before returning here to the barracks, which is why I'm reporting rather earlier than I expected to be. I wondered if I should deliver them to her now."

"Are all the boxes still in the car?" Antonio asked, getting to his feet and reaching for his tunic. "Are you sure Sarah's not harmed?"

"We took Mademoiselle Taillier to the Desti home then the centurione went straight to his office, tenete," the younger man said with a grin. "He's not in a very good mood!"

"Then perhaps I'd better see him first," Antonio said thoughtfully. "Wait here until I return, Morelli."

"Yes, tenente!" Morelli answered, coming to attention and saluting as Antonio crossed to the door and then hurried along the corridor to the centurione's office.


An hour later Antonio and Morelli were standing in the sewing room at the Desti home, watching as Sarah opened one of the boxes they had delivered and examined the contents. The fabric she needed to make trousers for the three boys was of excellent quality, and she knew it would be easy to work with. She looked up with a smile and her eyes met those of Antonio as he examined her face closely.

"Are you quite sure you're okay, Sarah?" he asked for the third time since his arrival, and she sighed as she answered yet again.

"Yes, Antonio, of course I'm alright! Centurione Desti handled things very well, and nothing much happened at all. I admit it could have been worse if he hadn't returned when he did, but I'm fine, so you can stop looking so worried! I'm not exactly unused to that kind of thing, you know. Things are much worse in France than they are here," and she smiled reassuringly at him. "Now, if you really want to be useful, you could pass me the other box please." As she spoke Centurione Desti entered the room, looking less than pleased to see both Antonio and Morelli already present.

"Are you still here, Bertolli?" Marco snapped. "Haven't you got enough to do?"

"Yes, of course, centurione," Antonio replied. "I was simply....."

"Please don't be angry, Marco," Sarah said anxiously. "Antonio was just worried about me. Morelli gave him such a gruesome report that he wanted to see for himself that I was still in one piece."

"And is everything to your satisfaction, Bertolli?" Marco asked coldly. "Perhaps Morelli could be better employed cleaning the car instead of gossiping like some foolish old woman!"

Approaching the table where the young French-woman stood examining the contents of the open box Marco took the end of the grey-green fabric from her hand and felt it consideringly between his fingers. The quality was good he decided, and turnd to smile at Sarah.

"This will make excellent trousers for the boys," he said. "And what's in this other box?" Before she could reply Marco opened it and removed a folded length of azure coloured fabric.

"For the boys neck-scarves," Sarah explained in answer to his raised eyebrow. "And the black fabric is for their shirts."

"Excellent!" Marco smiled, then turned abruptly to face his subordinates who stood waiting at attention. "I think we can leave Madempoiselle Taillier to get on with her work, gentlemen. Return to the barracks, immediately!" Turning to face Sarah once more Marco saluted smartly and, with a smile, followed his men from the room.

As the sound of their footsteps faded Sarah realized she'd been grasping the edge of the table so tightly that her knuckles were now white with the tension. Releasing her grip she slowly returned the azure fabric to its box then, with shaking hands, lifted the grey-green Italian military fabric from the other box and stared at the field-grey German uniform folded beneath it.

Author:  Lesley [ 18 Jul 2009, 06:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 18-07-09)

That was close!

Good to see more of this - thanks Pat

Author:  Alison H [ 18 Jul 2009, 08:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 18-07-09)

That was a close call!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 18 Jul 2009, 12:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 18-07-09)

This is becoming even more intriguing. Thanks Pat. Can't wait to see more

Author:  jmc [ 18 Jul 2009, 23:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 18-07-09)

I read all the other stories in the archive and this last night. I have always like Biddy as a character and it great to finally learn more about her life before she came to the CS.


Author:  Frogize [ 23 Jul 2009, 14:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 18-07-09)

Alessandro awoke with a start as the truck drew to a noisy halt in the town square and one of the men beside him gave his shoulder a rough shake.

"We're here," the man said, not unkindly. "Your father's waiting outside the barracks," he added quietly, nodding to where Centurione Desti stood watching the men alight from the back of the truck. As they gathered together, muttering quietly amongst themselves, he crossed the square impatiently.

"Fall in, and stand to attention!" he ordered and, reluctantly, the weary men obeyed. Seeing Alessandro in the midst of the group Marco frowned as he spoke to his son. "You'd better get home quickly!" he said sharply. "Mamma's holding back dinner until we arrive and you look disgraceful. Hurry up!"

"Yes, sir!" Alessandro answered, unsure whether he was expected to salute or not and half raising his arm.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Marco snapped even more impatiently, as his son hovered uncertainly. "Get moving!"

"Yes, sir!" the boy answered again, and hurried off as quickly as his stiffening limbs would allow, leaving his father pacing in front of the men and eyeing them with displeasure. Alessandro knew that look well, and recalled that the men were all part of a punishment detail. He didn't envy them in the slightest.


As he reached the side entrance to the Desti home Alessandro saw his two young cousins sitting on the steps. Francesco was busily working on what Alessandro recognized as one of his long-discarded toy cars, while Marco watched his little brother, elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands. They were both totally absorbed in what they were doing, and jumped a little when the older boy stopped in front of them, gazing at him in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, frowning at the younger boys and unconsciously copying his father's stance. "You'll be in trouble if Papa sees you!"

"I was just mending this while we waited for you to come home," Francesco replied, looking down again at the almost restored toy. "You've been at the farm with Mamma and Luca all day and I....."

"And I stink of the place!" Alessandro scoffed. "Now get out of the way and let me through. I need a bath!" and he pushed the boys aside, glad that they didn't see him wince with the effort of striding up the steps two at a time.

Author:  PaulineS [ 23 Jul 2009, 17:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 23-07-09)

Good to see more of this.

Author:  Lesley [ 23 Jul 2009, 19:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 23-07-09)

Poor lad - his only role model is his father so he'll try to be like him.

Thanks Pat

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 24 Jul 2009, 05:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Biddy's Brother: Francesco's Story (updated 23-07-09)

Lesley wrote:
Poor lad - his only role model is his father so he'll try to be like him.

Which is only making him more miserable. Poor kid. Thanks Pat

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