New Dreams (Part 20) COMPLETED! And Part 21 started!

Author:  MaryR [ Fri May 07, 2010 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  New Dreams (Part 20) COMPLETED! And Part 21 started!

I know part 19 has now been locked and I'm so sorry if you went to post a comment and couldn't do it, but how do I ever thank those of you who did respond? The level of reaction rather stunned me. And to know that it has helped and encouraged people when they were suffering themselves is a very humbling experience. But then I'm not the one writing it. I'm only the conduit between Hilda and you.

Now, what has Mother Abbess got to say for herself?

....Hilda pushed herself to her feet, betraying her weakness by staggering, and caught hold of the chair to steady herself. Matey, for once, held her tongue.

“Bet that cost you!” Hilda muttered.

“It did, but there’s no point in arguing with you, so the next best thing I can do is help you do what you feel you have to do and then shoehorn you back into bed before you drop.”

Hilda grimaced at her. “This might not be the right moment to remind you that you’re as stubborn as I about carrying on working despite being unwell – but pots and kettles certainly come to mind. Right, I think I can manage now,” and she turned away with a smile when she saw Matey’s dumbfounded face.

Once in her bedroom she somehow found the strength to fumble into her clothes and put up her hair, even while acknowledging her aching limbs, her persistent headache and her dizziness. By the time she pushed the last pin into her hair her hands were trembling.

“You can do this!” she remonstrated with herself in the mirror. “The worst is behind you, All you have to do is walk through the corridors, talk to three girls and then come back. Nothing unusual or difficult about that, is there? Nell, if you’re there, be my crutch, would you? Just for a short while.”

When she walked back into the other room she saw the dishes had all been removed and Matey was sitting straight-backed and fierce, waiting for her. Did the woman never relax?

“Why do I have the feeling you’re longing to take hold of me and shake me?”

Matey’s eyebrow lifted. “I make it a point of honour never to hurt my patients, if I can help it! But I will shake you, if you’re not back here in reasonable shape and in under two hours.”

Hilda’s own eyebrow rose. “Do I talk that much, Gwynneth?”

Matey shrugged and opened her mouth to respond when the phone on the little desk in the corner interrupted her. Hilda saw the delight and relief which rippled over the lined face before her – and knew immediately who was calling.

“You’ve been meddling again, Gwynneth Lloyd, despite all your denials,” she grumbled as she marched over and picked up the receiver.

“Good evening, Mother,” she said grimly, glaring the while at Matey. The latter merely shrugged her shoulders again, rose to her feet and exited the room with a broad and knowing smile on her lips.

“My, my! That’s a nice tone of voice with which to greet your Superior! Something got your goat, daughter dear?”

Hilda gasped and then giggled at the blunt tone. The tight band round her head slackened a little, the tension eased in her shoulders. “Not something! Someone! Gwynneth’s her name and she has indeed got my goat, as you so inelegantly put it! She’s been up to her tricks again while my back’s turned.”

“She has indeed, thank the Lord! A merry dance you seem to be leading everyone. Nothing changes, does it?” Mother Abbess added, with an exaggerated sigh.

There was so much love underlying the words that tears stung Hilda’s eyes. “I have to assume you know even more than I do about the happenings here, and that’s why you’re ringing.”

“My spies…”

“Ah yes, your spies! Or in this case, one spy, my treacherous Matron.”

“No, two of them, actually. Rosalie has joined the ranks,” purred a very self-satisfied voice. “Such a wonderfully sensible woman! Much more amenable than her pig-headed boss.”

Hilda snorted. “I give up. If you’ve subverted my secretary, I’m doomed.” Her throat tightened, her voice mellowed. “Oh, Mother, I feel better already, just listening to that dictatorial voice of yours. God is so good to me.”

“Hah! That’s not what I’ve been telling Him, I can assure you.”

“Like I said,” murmured Hilda. “Dictatorial, bossy, won’t take no for an answer….”

“If He can take it from Saint Teresa of Avila, He can take it from me," the nun replied grandly. "He seems determined on making your life a misery – and you seem determined on helping Him, with your obstinate sense of duty.”


Kate Stuart’s voice softened and sweetened. “It’s alright, child. What did they expect, eh? A leopard doesn’t – can’t! - change his spots. Your sense of duty runs all the way up your spine like a steel rod and stiffens that resolve of yours. But then, I would have done exactly the same as you did – and would have ignored them all if they'd tried to bully me.”

“That’s for sure!”

“Gwynneth called me less than an hour ago and told me you were feeling considerably better than you have been for the last twenty-four hours and that it was the right time to phone. I was to be sure to chastise you for yesterday and to make you – what did she say, now? - languish languidly for the weekend, and rest. You? Rest? Hah! The world will stop spinning on its axis before that happens.”

Mother Abbess drew breath and then laughed softly. “Don’t glare at the phone like that, daughter. I told Gwynneth she was wrong, very wrong. In a position of responsibility, one must be responsible, no matter how selfish and stupid that may seem, no matter how rough one feels. Oh, sweetheart, how I admire your courage, your faithfulness.”

The tears could no longer be contained and ran down Hilda’s cheeks. “Thank you for understanding,” she whispered. “I don’t think I could have fought you, as well.”

“No fight, child, just simple understanding. I know you, and I also know what it is to be the one who has the ultimate responsibilty. They didn’t make it easy for you last night, did they? Though I gather Linda Stone put them right a little on that one. The trouble is, they were worried about you. As am I! So you must try and take better care of yourself, now the worst is over. You only have meagre strength at the moment, in spite of the improvement at Christmas.”

Hilda’s hand tightened on the receiver. “It’s like having Nell phone me. She always knew when I was worried or upset, and called to lend me her strength.” A sob escaped her as she wiped away her tears. “You try so hard to make up for her absence, Mother.”

“It’s only second-best, though, isn’t it, child?”

“No, it’s not! That would be to negate all you’ve done for me. And there has been so much. When she was gone, I knew I would be on my own for the rest of my life, and I was scared. You alone know just how scared…”

Hilda stopped, swallowed, her throat closing up. But she had to speak, to reassure her friend, so she took a wavering breath. “Nell had other ideas, however. She made sure I didn’t remain alone and scared. She found me someone who could never be second-best, someone who has given me all that Nell gave me, and then took me further, gave me more. It might not always be what I want – sometimes, still, only Nell can be that – but it is always just what I need at any given moment.”

“I need you, too, Hilda,” Mother Abbess offered, but then her sweet voice broke. “I couldn’t bear to lose you so soon soon after finding you, so you must – must! – take care of yourself.”

“You won’t lose me,” Hilda promised. “I’m not about to join Nell just yet. She told me I had much to do before that time, remember? To be honest, I’m terrified of inflicting on you the pain her death inflicted on me, because I know the depths of your love for me. Even from afar it surrounds me, seeks to help me. Think of that exquisite shawl you wrapped round my shoulders last night. How did you know just how cold I was?”

“I could make a guess. But you wouldn’t keep it!” the nun accused, her voice stronger.

“I couldn’t, Mother. Ian still clings to it, for memory’s sake. You didn’t give him chance to say farewell to it. I did promise him that next time he offers it, I’ll keep it, but not until he’s ready.”

Silence met Hilda’s words. Across the miles, she could hear the thoughts spinning. “I’m too bossy and demanding, aren’t I?” Mother Abbess remarked sadly.

“You were, in this case.” Hilda’s voice was very gentle in its truth. “You were so ready with your love and compassion for me in our emergency that you forgot his feelings. I must teach him to stand up to you more,” she teased. “But please don’t feel guilty. You re-ignited my strength with your gift and kept me going when I might have crumbled. I suspect a lot of prayer, as well as love, is woven into that shawl.”

“Mother’s prayer and love for me,” Mother Abbess said, great tenderness in her sweet voice. “At a time when I myself needed my strength and courage re-igniting, for I’d almost given up on life after all those miscarriages. It worked, too.”

“Where there is great love, there are always miracles. (W Cather),” Hilda whispered.

“There were miracles, indeed, child. I was being very selfish and wallowing in my unhappiness. The shawl made me see what Stephen was also suffering at the loss of our babies. You’re acutely sensitive, though, to have felt the love in that shawl.”

“I don’t think so. Each and every member of the Stuart family is filled to the brim with unselfish devotion and love, love which is upheld by prayer. It wasn’t difficult to sense your mother’s heart in that shawl. The day I met you and became one more recipient of that compassionate caring was one of the most blessed days of my life, even if I did have to lose Nell to be so blessed.”

“Ah, love, don’t. You needed your Nell, and you miss her intensely.”

“But I still have her, even if at times I can’t see her or hear her in my loneliness – and I also have you, so who could be more blessed than I?” Hilda's voice wobbled a fraction and she paused to gain control. “She’s been very close the last twenty-four hours, you know. I don’t think I would have got through it all without her.”

Mother Abbess had to clear her throat before she could speak. “She’s always close to you, sweetheart. So close that others can sense her, too, as I did in the convent when you were ill. So she sees your need and steps in to help. St John Chrysostom put it in a nutshell:

He whom we love and lose
Is no longer where he was before.
He is now wherever we are."

Tears sprang once more to Hilda’s eyes. “Those words may be true, Mother, but I think I’m more blessed than most, in being able to hear her so clearly. Most grieving people never have that awareness.”

“No, child, you’re right. I never had the consolation of hearing Stephen, although I sensed him more than once. But much as we loved each other, we weren’t as close in spirit, as in tune with each other, as you and Nell were. Your bond must be very strong for me to also sense her.”

Sudden pain gripped Hilda heart and she closed her eyes. There was a catch in her rich voice when she spoke. “To paraphrase Raymond Chandler, She was the beat of my heart for nearly thirty years. She was the music heard faintly on the edge of sound.”

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri May 07, 2010 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

Mary, I couldn't comment on the last thread, but I am more pleased than you'll know that you've decided to carry this on. I only discovered it recently, and I would hate to lose it so soon; it's possibly the most touching and emotional piece of writing I've ever read, and you capture it at its best. Healing and forgiveness is something that everyone needs in their life, and thanks to you Hilda can give us all a little of that, so thankyou.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Fri May 07, 2010 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

Mary, you've made my week so much better by posting today :D
The way the two Abbesses talk to each other has conjured up all sorts of reactions from gentle smiles and welling tears to loud guffaws and snorts into my cup of tea. I hope we're going to hear the conversation between Hilda and Rosalie, now Rosalie has joined the ranks of saving Hilda from herself :lol: :lol:

Thank you Mary

Author:  Celia [ Fri May 07, 2010 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

These two are so attuned. So much revealed in a phone call-- teasing,
support, and another chance to witness the deep and shining love they have one for the other.....but never the abiding alliance which
only Nell could share with Hilda. ' She was my heart beat for nearly thirty years ' A soul mate indeed.

Thank you so much Mary.

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Fri May 07, 2010 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

Both the St John and the Chandler quotes were new to me - thank you, Mary !

I definitely want to be like MA when I eventually get round to growing up :mrgreen:

Author:  Abi [ Fri May 07, 2010 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

MA is such a great person and of course said exactly the right things to give Hilda the strength to go on and do what she must.

Thanks Mary. :D

Author:  PaulineS [ Fri May 07, 2010 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

Mary Thank you and Hilda for the depth of your knowledge of English speaking authors. The quotations were apposite and so fitting too the characters of the two Abbesses.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Fri May 07, 2010 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

That was truly delightful - such a mixture of emotions which allow the rapport, not just between these two women, which is so wonderful in itself, but between both of them and all those others who have Hilda's well-being at heart, to shine through loud and clear. Definitely the tonic which Hilda needs to help her through her next round of 'visits', along with the sure knowledge that Nell, too, will be 'supporting' her.

Thank you, Mary - I will look forward to the conclusion of this conversation in due course.

Author:  charli [ Fri May 07, 2010 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

Yes! I told you there would be an uproar if you stopped posting this! I'm so glad everyone agrees that ND MUST continue.

Thanks for a (dare i say it 'lovely' :oops: ) update Mary. Everyone seems to appreciate your writing, and I for one, can tell how much honesty and experience you put into it.

Author:  clair [ Sat May 08, 2010 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

That was perfect - so much love and emotion showing the depth of their friendship. MA and Hilda are so good for each other

Thank you Mary, please don't even consider stopping posting on this :)

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sat May 08, 2010 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

Mary, I will personally come over to England to strangle you if you ever decide to give up on this drabble :wink:

At times it may be extremely painful to read, but it is also extremely healing. You have a delicate, tender way of writing that stops it from falling into sentimentality or being too religious, but are able to show the rawness of Hilda's grief so we experience it with her. Her faith in God is too much a part of her for you not to write it and you do write it in such a way that it's not preaching but is simply true and real.

Author:  jmc [ Sat May 08, 2010 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

I was so pleased when I saw you had posted Mary. I agree with everyone else in saying that there would have been uproar if you hadn't. I just loved the conversation between Hilda and MA.

Thank you.

Author:  Chris [ Sat May 08, 2010 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

Me too! Please don't let self-doubt get a hold. This is such a beautiful love story, please don't stop.

Author:  MHE [ Sat May 08, 2010 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

That was just the conversation that Hilda needed, one which confirmed that all her actions over the last few hours had been the correct ones. As MA said

I told Gwynneth she was wrong, very wrong. In a position of responsibility, one must be responsible, no matter how selfish and stupid that may seem, no matter how rough one feels. Oh, sweetheart, how I admire your courage, your faithfulness.”


I know you, and I also know what it is to be the one who has the ultimate responsibilty. They didn’t make it easy for you last night, did they? Though I gather Linda Stone put them right a little on that one.

perhaps now that MA has told Gwynneth that she and the others were wrong, maybe the pressure on Hilda will decrease. After all human nature being what it is the more we are told not do do something the more we dig our heels in :D

There is such a depth of understanding and love between Hilda and MA that at times it is hard to remember how new their friendship is.

Thank you Mary for posting. I too, look forward to hearing the rest of their conversation.

Author:  Lesley [ Sat May 08, 2010 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

Thank you Mary - that was lovley. :wink:

Author:  Luisa [ Sun May 09, 2010 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

Joins the chorus of thanks. Only you could put St John and Raymond Chandler in the same post - both going in my commonplace book for "Ian"

Author:  linda [ Sun May 09, 2010 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

I wasn’t able to comment on your last thread due to a serious problem with my laptop which kept me off line for the past few days, but I would like to add my thanks you for carrying on with ND. It is such a wonderful story, beautifully told and the first thing I look for each time I log on to the board. Thank you Mary, long may Hilda carry on dictating to you.

This was a really uplifting start to Hilda’s conversation with MA. Just what she needs at the moment. Even though they have not known each other for long, Kate understands more than most the devastating hole that Nell’s death left in Hilda’s life and heart.

Like many others, I loved the St John Chrysostom quote, but the Raymond Chandler one really summed up for me the relationship between Hilda and Nell which is so strong that it even transcends death

"She was the beat of my heart for nearly thirty years. She was the music heard faintly on the edge of sound.”

Thank you, Mary – simply wonderful!!

Author:  shesings [ Sun May 09, 2010 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

So glad you are continuing this, Mary. You write so beautifully that it's a joy to read!

Author:  marni [ Mon May 10, 2010 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 7/04

Thank you Mary.

Author:  MaryR [ Mon May 10, 2010 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon p1 10//05/10

Thank you for all for the kindly comments. :D

The unnamed quotes in this post are all from A Grief Observed by CS Lewis, though it was published in 1961 under an assumed name.

....“To paraphrase Raymond Chandler, She was the beat of my heart for nearly thirty years. She was the music heard faintly on the edge of sound.”

“That’s beautiful and very evocative, child,” whispered the nun.

“And tells it better than I ever could! You’re not the only one to sense her, though, Mother. Even Gwynneth’s taken to talking to her. I seem to have let too much slip during the night.”

Mother Abbess hooted gently but there had been something in Hilda’s voice which kept her quiet, patiently waiting. Eventually, she heard a stifled sigh.

“You said just now that I miss Nell intensely. You know that’s true, because you’ve had to rescue me a couple of times this term already.” Hilda’s voice was low and strained. “My grief seems to have stepped out of its hiding place with all its claws sharp and keen, and yet I came back after Christmas feeling so much more in control of myself.”

“Hilda, child, I do wish you’d listen to me and not feel so ashamed of the despair and the tears. It’s normal and natural.” The nun frowned and thought back. “I remember after the spoon episode, you blamed my little book for your breakdown.”

A swift intake of breath was heard. “A Grief Observed. But it wasn’t a grief observed, was it, Mother? It was a grief lived through, with all its anguish and tears. It took me straight back to those first dreadful weeks when I felt my heart ripped out, my future taken from me, leaving me maimed and helpless. That’s why I broke down that first Friday of term, the day after you sent it. It’s still affecting me…. this grief seems endless. The act of living is different all through. Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything.”

“That hovering cloud won’t go away tomorrow, child, you’re right,” the nun whispered, longing to reach through the phone and hold Hilda close.

“Or the day after tomorrow, or the week after or the month after…. There’s a poem encapsulates my feelings so well –

Pain has an element of blank;
It cannot recollect
When it began, or if there was
A time when it was not.

It has no future but itself,
Its infinite realms contain
Its past, enlightened to perceive
New periods of pain.
(Emily Dickinson)

“Every time I seem to move a little away from it, there it is again. I not only live each endless day in grief, but live each day thinking about living each day in grief.”

“Which is why I immersed myself in mindless pleasure, if you recall,” the nun said, her voice haunted beyond measure. “I’ve told you before, sweetheart. It ebbs and flows, and catches us unawares when we least expect it, as it did when you saw that poor, lonely spoon.”

The nun spoke softly, not wanting to stop Hilda from pouring out what she poured out so rarely. This little book had done its work well, it would seem, even if it had hurt Hilda. What was more interesting to the nun was that, this time, Hilda was working things through with her fine mind and not just reacting with her emotions.

“You used the term ‘shattered by bereavement’ when I first met you. And I was – into pieces so small I didn’t think I was worth repairing. What would have been the point?”

“But you were worth repairing – and there was a point.”

“And you did – repair me. Even if there are hairline cracks left, through which my faith and courage still bleed.” Hilda paused, then said, “Excuse me a moment, Mother.”

The nun heard the receiver laid down and footsteps going away. She waited and then heard the same footsteps returning and the phone picked back up. She heard the sound of pages being flicked through, followed by a swiftly-drawn breath and then Hilda picked up on her thought without any preamble.

“The aurhor, who I’m still convinced is C S Lewis, asks the same questions I did. Can a man ask questions which God finds unanaswerable? Quite easily I should think. Oh yes! Like him, no longer believed in God’s goodness – or at least, I didn’t, for a while. Why is He so present a commander in our time of prosperity and so very absent a help in time of trouble?”

“Because we slam the door in His face! I didn’t believe in His goodness for a good many years, child, unlike you. I fled from Him completely, remember. He had no answers for me - or none to which I would listen.”

“Who can blame you, after what was done to you?” Hilda breathed.

“No excuses, love. People have suffered far worse than I.”

“I take leave to doubt that. I certainly have never suffered anything like the horror of Stephen’s death.” Hilda ignored the nun’s sharp words of denial. “As I was saying, I felt I should be recovering after all these months. But then you sent me this little book. There, in one short paragraph, he presented his wife to me – and I was lost in that wilderness again –

Her mind was lithe and quick and muscular as a leopard. Passion, tenderness and pain were all equally unable to disarm it. It scented the first whiff of cant or slush; then sprang and knocked you over before you knew what was happening. How many bubbles of mine she pricked.

“There was Nell!” Hilda’s voice broke and she struggled desperately for self-control. “All aspects of her – even to the pricking of my bubbles - depicted better than I ever could, if I tried from now till Hell freezes over. I thought I would die of my grief at that moment and I mourned her as though I had just that moment received the news. How I resented Him. He had what I wanted. And He was going to keep her – for always.... Is it any wonder I was unable to sleep the whole of that first Friday night of term, after reading those words? She danced more vividly behind my eyes whenever I closed them than if she had really been there in the room with me. I simply couldn’t bear the pain – even if some kind of peace did come by the morning.”

There was no peace in the quiet which followed those halting, tormented words. The physical distance between the two women seemed to resonate with unshed tears and unheard cries and a grief which would not be assuaged. That Nell-sized hole inside Hilda was almost visible to Mother Abbess, gaping wide across the miles and pleading to be filled.

A sob finally disturbed the unquiet silence. “How often this term I’ve wallowed in what the author calls his maudlin tears….”

“You never wallow, sweetheart,” Mother Abbess murmured, her voice tender. “You wouldn’t know how! Anyway, even if you did, you’ve had good cause these last few weeks. So much seems to have happened.”

“I’ve had no cause.” Hilda raged at her inadequacies. “I’m a Headmistress, and shouldn’t need any help from anyone to do my job, not even from Nell. I’m old enough and experienced enough to do better than this. But oh, how I’ve needed her, wanted her – You tell me she goes on. But my heart is crying out, come back, come back. Be a circle touching my circle on the plane of Nature. But this is impossible. I know the one thing I want is exactly the thing I can never get. The old life, the jokes, the arguments, the tiny, heart-breaking commonplace. It is part of the past.”

Hilda’s deep anguish recalled to the nun’s mind her own despair in the midst of her long, long giddy French whirl, the despair she had tried to cover over with a mask of tawdry gaiety and tinsel happiness. But such anguish never disappeared just for the asking. No matter how long you tried to defer it, you couldn’t walk round it to reach the other side. You had to live through it, moment by desparing moment, if you wanted to find some kind of wholeness. Hilda was treading her own unique and solitary path with eyes wide open and a courageous spirit – and she was suffering. For she told herself no lies.

Kate Stuart pulled herself together and tried to find the words that would bolster her friend’s brave spirit yet also subdue that sudden flash of anger at her seeming cowardice. “According to Helen Keller, you can never lose all that you once enjoyed, my gentle daughter. It has become a part of you, never to be taken away. You told me once, you were going to polish those memories for me and make them sing.”

“I tried, when the pain retreated a little. But these past three weeks…..” Hilda shook her head. “Grief is like a bomber circling round and dropping its bombs each time the circle brings it overhead. For a while it eases and then, wham! A little spoon can undo me…..”

“Or a beloved child who is being bullied… or the bully herself being unloved… or your Head Girl having an accident and being missed… or Linda Stone nearly losing her life…. or your own accident, which has left you so short of strength. So many things have happened, love, and no one would be surprised to see you undone by them, though somehow you manage to hide it from most. Vivien, Gwynneth, Rosalie, Nancy – all of them are astonished and awed at your courage and self-control, because they know the depth of the love and they know the things that have happened to you these last eight months.”

“Eight months, Hilda,” the nun added sharply. “Eight months is all! How on earth do you expect to feel? Like singing and dancing? Grief will not be denied.”

Author:  Lesley [ Mon May 10, 2010 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Grief will not be denied

Keep saying it Kate - keep saying it until she believes it. :cry:

Thank you Mary

Author:  PaulineS [ Mon May 10, 2010 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Mary this posting is so tender and moving. Through it comes the certainty which both women have experienced love and grief can both be painful. Many try to deny both, but grief cannot and love denied can be as corrosive as trying to deny grief.

The care of MA and Hilda for each other and their deep heart love of individuals, (Steven for MA and Nell for Hilda) gives their questioning and acceptance of their faiths a reality.

Thank you Mary. I hope you are now enjoying a :tea: break.

Author:  Luisa [ Mon May 10, 2010 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

/quote]Her mind was lithe and quick and muscular as a leopard. Passion, tenderness and pain were all equally unable to disarm it. It scented the first whiff of cant or slush; then sprang and knocked you over before you knew what was happening. How many bubbles of mine she pricked[quote]
Nell to a "t". Really must reread the book.
I don't know how you do this Mary, but am so glad you do.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Mon May 10, 2010 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Mary, there is so much in your post my little brain is struggling to take it all in :shock: I agree with Lesley though, MA must keep telling Hilda that giving into her grief is quite alright; besides it is only 8 months and after so many years that is but a very short time.

Thank you Mary

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Mon May 10, 2010 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

In the context of a grief such as this, eight months is a mere drop in the bucket, and Kate is quite right to remind Hilda of that fact. The very fact that Kate is able to relate to the depth of Hilda's grief for Nell precisely because she herself has experienced a similarly deep grief in Stephen's death is invaluable. It enables her to reassure Hilda over and over again that her grief is not abnormal, that it cannot help but 'insert' itself into her daily life, often at the most unexpected moments, and she cannot and should not fight against this. But she should also take heart from the fact that all who surround her daily are filled with admiration for the way she insists on carrying on.

Thank you, Mary - this was definitely just what was needed here.

Author:  clair [ Mon May 10, 2010 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Thank you Mary - that was lov ely, please stick with ND and it's readers. This kind of writing doesn't come along often and I'm so pleased that you share your gift with all of us :)

Author:  MHE [ Mon May 10, 2010 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Grief will not be denied

Absolutely!!! There is absolutely no point in trying to deny it – it is always best to give in to it, hard as that may seem. Even now six years after my father died there are days when I wish he was here, and those days are very difficult.

Only someone who has experienced such heart rending grief as Hilda is now facing can possibly understand and this is one of Kate’s greatest assets in this precious friendship. The eight months that have passed are a mere second when counted against the years of friendship and close working relationship that Hilda and Nell enjoyed.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  Celia [ Mon May 10, 2010 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Although discussing her grief is so hard for Hilda it is wonderful
what an effect that little book has had. Talking to MA, whose
experience of grief was equally monumental, will help and strengthen
her to bear the ongoing pain.

Thank you Mary

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Tue May 11, 2010 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Grief truly will not be denied.

Almost eight months since my brother died, and this last weekend, I too found that “Grief is like a bomber circling round and dropping its bombs each time the circle brings it overhead."

I'm so glad MA is "with" Hilda here.

Author:  Squirrel [ Tue May 11, 2010 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Right... Maybe I'm eventually at the place where I can start to express something of the beauty that I see in your last three posts Mary...

But first - the biggest emotion I'm hit with is astonishment... "My goodness - you must be utterly wrung out writing that!" How do you do it? The intensity and pain of what you've committed to paper is just like putting yourself through the emotional wringer... How do you keep on managing to do it??? I'm tired just reading it (OK, am tired a lot recently, but still!!!), so how you must feel after hours grappling with it, getting it down on paper, and polishing it until you're happy it's in the right place I don't know... Fit only for bed I suspect.

And yet, you do it - you portray these intense emotional scenes for us, delving deep into the hurt and pain that Hilda feels, enabling us to maybe feel even an echo of what she is going through as she talks to her most trusted confidant.

As others before me have said - this is exactly the scene which was needed here, and you have not shrunk from writing it in its proper place - just as you will not shrink from putting other posts exactly where they belong in this wonderful story of yours. Now Hilda has started to release some of that which she cannot release to colleagues, and this is a Very Good Thing. May this conversation with MA reach the point where Hilda has got rid of everything she is ready to say at this stage - and perhaps introduce new directions and thoughts as MA is so good at - something that will distract from this deep grief for a while.

How human Hilda is though... I see so much of what I see in myself and others in this section "but it has been eight months, time has passed, I should be able to handle this now". How slow we are to realise that for some emotions eight months is but a drop in the sea, and that we need real time to process and get used to the events which produced them. But to our minds and heads struggling for what seems 'long term' is unacceptable, and so we add to the burden we are carrying by introducing guilt at our inability to deal with the situation, and therefore make it far harder to carry.

Thank you Mary. Sorry for the essay!!!

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue May 11, 2010 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Thankyou for the update. How wise those words are - perhaps we should all listen to them more. Thankyou.

Author:  Cath V-P [ Tue May 11, 2010 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Eight months - such a little space of time really in which to grieve and come to some sort of acknowledgement of Nell's loss. No wonder Hilda has these hours of terrible grief and despair, and I suspect that they will stay with her for the rest of her life, coming at wider intervals perhaps, but still present. After all, Nell was "the beat of her heart" with all that that implies, not least the knowledge that the "grief observed" had first to be lived through for that place of assessment to be reached. MA is right to tell her that this is not unusual, that she is not being maudlin or unreasonable and that grief takes time.

And that conversation between Hilda and MA was most rewarding in so many ways, a true exchange between them. It's a measure of how much they give, each to the other, that Hilda was able to tell MA that she was wrong to ask Ian to give her the shawl - that her need to give comfort to one caused her to overlook the other. That they can both express and accept such observations is surely indicative of a profounf level of trust and affection.

Thank you Mary - this is so splendidly written with a precise and careful nuancing of the processes of grief and love.

Author:  linda [ Tue May 11, 2010 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Mary, you leave me almost speechless!!

Such an exquisitely beautiful emotional discussion between Hilda and Kate on the tenacity of grief.

The quotes from A Grief Observed were new to me, but so very apposite.

Thank you, Mary for keeping faith with your many readers and continuing to lead us through Hilda's life after Nell.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Wed May 12, 2010 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

I have to agree with MA on this one. To expect grief to go in a mere eight months? Not at all reasonable.

I'm glad MA has her network of concerned spies. :D

Author:  jmc [ Wed May 12, 2010 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Eight months is such a short amount of time, especially when Hilda and Nell had been friends for such a long time and had been through so much together. Hilda is way too hard on herself. Just because she is a headmistress there is no reason that she cannot grieve. I hope Kate can get though to her and help like like Hilda has been able to help so many others.

Thank you Mary

Author:  shesings [ Wed May 12, 2010 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Mary, this was beautiful and the quotations so powerful. Please keep on with this great story which is also a lovely evocation of your own faith. :)

Author:  *Aletea* [ Thu May 13, 2010 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

This is incredibly touching, Mary. It really captures the pain and sorrow one feels when one loses someone close. It's taken me back to a time I'd rather not remember, although that's not your fault. :'( I wish I had the strength that your characters show.

I can't help but feel slightly disassociated with Hilda's language though. Although it's written beautifully, it doesn't strike me as how she would speak, IYKWIM. I suppose that she's been through so much that her entire being has changed though.

Author:  MaryR [ Thu May 13, 2010 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

Luisa wrote:
Her mind was lithe and quick and muscular as a leopard. Passion, tenderness and pain were all equally unable to disarm it. It scented the first whiff of cant or slush; then sprang and knocked you over before you knew what was happening. How many bubbles of mine she pricked

Nell to a "t".

That was my instant reaction when I first read A Grief Observed years ago, Luisa, so I'm hoping that others of you who love the character of Nell felt the same. :wink:

....“Eight months, Hilda,” the nun added sharply. “Eight months is all! How on earth do you expect to feel? Like singing and dancing? Grief will not be denied.”

Tears made tracks down Hilda’s cheeks even as her heart acknowledged how adroit Mother Abbess was at finding the right spot to touch and heal. “Feel like singing and dancing? No, but there have been moments of deep and shining joy in among the leaden hours, haven’t there?”

“Which you worked hard for, child - so hard it nearly killed you. Every good thing God or your Nell offer you is something you truly deserve. But even though I know that deep down inside you there runs that stream of pure joy, it finds it hard to bubble up through the layers of sadness and sheer loneliness that smother it like solid rock.”

Kate Stuart heard more pages being turned, heard a nose being softly blown, and her own eyes blurred. Hilda’s voice was low, teary. “All too often, grief still feels like fear. Perhaps, more strictly, like suspense. Or like waiting; hanging about waiting for something to happen….”

“But it already has, hasn’t it? So many times during your grief. Are you sure there is nothing special you’re waiting for?”

“Oh, you’re good, Mother,” Hilda whispered. “Spot on! You know exactly what I’m going to say, don’t you? Yes, somewhere deep inside me I’m still waiting for Nell to re-appear, even after all this time – to walk in and tell me she wasn’t really dead, just hiding somewhere, it was all a big joke and now she’s back. Sheer madness – I know with my mind that the starboard engine has gone. I, the port engine, must chug along somehow till we make harbour. It's just that my heart hasn't caught up with it yet."

“The madness of grief, sweetheart, most especially if we haven’t seen the body of our loved one in death, as you didn’t see Nell. Our subconscious mind tells us it’s not true, can’t be true, that they will soon walk back in the door.”

The nun thought of Stephen’s smile as he died. She had known it was true! As she herself lay bleeding and in pain, her longed-for baby dead inside her, she had watched the light fade forever from his eyes. But the smile on his lips had been just for her: a last, unspoken message of his love.

“But when I’m in my right mind, I know it’s true. When I’m not blinded by tears or deafened by loneliness, she comes to me, talks to me, walks with me, tells me of her joy, helps me find some balance. But there are other times when the hells of young grief open again; the mad words, the bitter resentment, the fluttering in the stomach, the nightmare unreality, the wallowed-in tears. For in grief, nothing ‘stays put’. One keeps on emerging from a phase, but it always recurs. How often – will it be for always? – will the vast emptiness astonish me like a complete novelty and make me say, ‘I never realised my loss till this moment’? The same leg is cut off time after time.”

“And the loved one dies time after time,” added the soft tones of the nun’s voice. “I know, sweetheart, I do know. Like I said, it’s only been eight months – don’t expect so much of yourself. Do unto yourself what you would do unto others, just for a change.”

“I can’t,” came a broken whisper.

“You could try, child,” Kate Stuart murmured, love abounding in her voice. “Though you’re probably right. That compassionate heart of yours is always turned outwards to others, not inward to yourself. I’m not sure that’s what God really wants of us. You’re too much like St Augustine for your own good –

To my God a heart of flame
To my fellow men a heart of love
To myself a heart of steel.”

“That’s what Mother was like,” Hilda croaked. “Her heart burned for God and for others and she put herself last of all. I can see now that Father never even noticed, just took for granted all the love she poured on us, on him, on his parishioners. I myself took it all for granted….”

“You were a child, sweetheart.” The nun’s sweet voice was compassion personified. “It wasn’t your job to notice. But, tell me, do you have to do as your mother did? Do you think she would have wanted for you the hardship she inflicted on herself? Wouldn’t she have wanted you to be kind to yourself, out of her great love for you? I bet Nell gave you grief over that aspect of your personality.”

“Oh, she did!” Hilda agreed, in heartfelt tones. “Yet, somehow, I know she understood.”

“Hmm.” The nun’s finger nails tapped on her desk in thought. “I wonder if God understands? We can be too hard on ourselves, you know, child. I think it’s something we’ll work on when you next visit. I don’t expect my nuns to wear themselves out for others and leave themselves with no resources, no matter how great their love for God. R&R is still practised in this community – so be warned.”

“Obedience,” Hilda murmured with a wry smile.

“You’d better believe it,” averred the nun. “Though I have a sneaking suspicion that orders from your Superior, or from the Rule, will make it much easier for you to put your own needs first, occasionally. Simple obedience can remove the heavy burden of one’s own driven spirit. And yours is driven, daughter, make no mistake! But knowing all this about you, perhaps I did wrong to send you the book. It seems to have made too big an impact.”

Hilda shook her head as though the nun could see her, then winced and closed her eyes. She kneaded either side of her temple with thumb and forefinger as she spoke.

“No, Mother. I think I had need of it, to help me make sense of the path I’m treading – once I’d got over the first terrible shock of reading it. I needed to see, there in black and white, thoughts and feelings that mirror my own…. my own bereftness, mirror my rejection of God, mirror even the sheer lunacy of my grief. He’s reassuring on all of it and must already have helped so many sad and lonely people. I’ve made myself read it several times since you sent it – and each time I find something I didn’t see before, because each time I’m at a different step on the road, sometimes ahead of him, sometimes behind and running to catch up.”

“That relieves my heart, child, because I wouldn’t hurt you for the world.”

"I know you wouldn’t. But sometimes, Mother, we have to hurt our children to open their eyes, make them see sense. Like at all those bubbles Nell pricked. She knew exactly which ones to stick a pin in and which ones to leave to float away unremarked. Yet, for all that, she could be so gentle with me, so very patient.”

There was such wistfulness in Hilda’s voice that tears stung the nun’s eyes. “How you would have loved sparring with her, for that description of Nell fits you so well, too. You prick my bubbles, you knock me over in your impetuous rush to cure me, you hate cant, can’t abide slush. How she would have laughed to see you cut me down to size so often. Oh yes, you do, so stop denying it.”

“Maybe, child, maybe. I’m just so sad that I never got to know her. But how she must smile to see your sheer guts as you stare, without flinching, into that empty space where she belonged.”

“You think?” Hilda whispered. “More likely she’s shaking her fists at me. When I’m in my right mind, I accuse myself of self-pity for all the tears I’ve shed, when God has been so good to me. After all, I’ve seen and heard Nell so many times since she died - while the poor author received only the locked door, the iron curtain, the vacuum, absolute zero for so long. How blessed I have been, for you tell me to trust my dreams, my waking visions of her, whereas he said he would distrust it if such an assurance came to him.”

Mother Abbess wiped away her tears, struggled to keep her voice placid. “Yet he did receive some reassurance later on, for he says near the end of the book that he had the impression of her mind momentarily facing my own….. like getting a telephone call or a wire from her about some practical arrangement…. So business-like. Yet there was an extreme and cheerful intimacy. So he too was blessed, child. Even if he did still miss her like hell!”

An enormous sigh found its way down the wires. “Still miss her like hell? Oh, yes, there isn’t a day goes by but some little thing reduces me to tears – or even nothing at all. I weep sometimes just for sheer misery that she isn’t here. Eight months is roughly two hundred and forty days and nights of tears – far too many for a grown woman still to be shedding, when I have Ellie to love, and so many others who love me, including you.”

“No, child! They are far too few days for a grief like yours. Trust me on this. Grief carries us until we learn to carry it – and the process can take a few months or it can take years. Each person’s grief is different. I know this intensity has shocked you, when you are normally so self-controlled. You managed to lock away your grief for your mother and for James, but grief will always catch up with you. It will not be denied. Give in to this loss graciously, as you have been doing. Allow the tears to wash away the grief and pain. Over and over and over again…. No matter how many people we have left to us to love, or to be loved by, they do not - and cannot - fill the hole left in our heart by the one who meant all in all to us.”

A tear rolled down Hilda’s cheek. “I’ll try, Mother,” she whispered. “You’re right, you know. Not even you, not even Ellie, can fill that particularly huge hole. You each have your own place close beside it, though – and perhaps, one sad day, will leave your own Kate-sized or Ellie-sized hole inside me and I will break, all over again."

There was silence as she pondered her words. Mother Abbess wiped her eyes again. Would she one day have a Hilda-sized hole left inside her? She quivered at the very thought.

Unaware of her friend's fear, Hilda's mellow voice was stronger when she next spoke. "Yet, for all my tears, there is also sunlight and joy, and a depth and intensity to my new life that is totally different from my old life, and so very much richer. Without the loss of Nell it is hard to envisage such a development occurring. A strange and bitter-sweet development which I both want and yet don’t want:

But famished field and blackened tree
Bear flowers in Eden never known.
Blossoms of grief and charity
Bloom in these darkened fields alone.
What had Eden ever to say
Of hope and faith and pity and love?
(Edwin Muir)

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Thu May 13, 2010 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

"Yet, for all my tears, there is also sunlight and joy, and a depth and intensity to my new life that is totally different from my old life, and so very much richer. Without the loss of Nell it is hard to envisage such a development occurring. A strange and bitter-sweet development which I both want and yet don’t want:

In that paragraph, perhaps for the first time since Nell's death, we can see signs that Hilda *is* at least beginning to accept that she *is* able to start moving on. Yes, as the previous conversation reflects, there are many times when her grief is still so raw as to feel insurmountable - and after only eight months, this is inevitable, as MA doesn't hesitate to keep on reminding her. But at the same time there is this glimmer of light as she reflects on all those who care for her and who have surrounded her with their caring, even though they also know they can't possibly hope to more than partly fill the 'hole' which Nell has left in her life.

Thank you, Mary, for showing us yet another stage on Hilda's journey through her grief and the strength she has found in her reading of A Grief Unbound. Also, for the wise and caring counsel she is receiving from the one who, through her personal experiences of deep grief, can, more than anyone else, reassure Hilda that her feelings are normal.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Thu May 13, 2010 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

Thanks you Mary. Hilda has nothing to berate herself, grief does take time and there's so many parts to it. Kate was so wise in her conversation and so compassionate and understanding. Part of me thinks Hilda needs to join the convent sooner rather than later so she can finally allow herself to heal instead of forcing herself to keep going. But then things always fall on the few

Author:  Celia [ Thu May 13, 2010 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

MA is so right in encouraging Hilda to allow tears to wash away the grief and pain over and over. Grief and loss have to be dealt with, not
locked away,though the 'dealing' can take a long long time.....eight months is just a drop in the ocean.

The quotes are apposite as ever. Thank you Mary for more of this
moving conversation.

Author:  Luisa [ Thu May 13, 2010 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

I can't put this properly - but that was so real it hurt. Grief, responsibility, self-sacrifice - Hilda needs constantly reminding that these things take time to hea, to change. She is so blessed to have MA to be alongside her on the journey, and we are equally privileged to have the benefit of their combined wisdom. Long may it continue...

Author:  PaulineS [ Thu May 13, 2010 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

Mary that posting was so heart felt and realistic. It reminded me of the work by Elizabeth Kubler Ross on grief. Hilda is very much in the first four stages and will keep returning to them even when she reaches stage five. The stages occur in people of faith and none as the bargaining can be with God or fate or just life in general.

In 1969, psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced what became known as the “five stages of grief.” These stages of grief were based on her studies of the feelings of patients facing terminal illness, but many people have generalized them to other types of negative life changes and losses, such as the death of a loved one or a break-up.

The five stages of grief:
Denial: “This can’t be happening to me.”

Anger: “Why is this happening? Who is to blame?”

Bargaining: “Make this not happen, and in return I will ____.”

Depression: “I’m too sad to do anything.”

Acceptance: “I’m at peace with what happened.”

I hope Hilda will find it possible to accept her grief soon and realise that it is natural and that eight months which have included being shot and in a car accident is no time at all.

Author:  Abi [ Thu May 13, 2010 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

That was amazing, Mary. :)

Author:  linda [ Thu May 13, 2010 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

Sheer madness – I know with my mind that the starboard engine has gone. I, the port engine, must chug along somehow till we make harbour. It's just that my heart hasn't caught up with it yet."

This really reveals the desolation which Hilda still feels. Eight months is such a small amount of time to begin to grieve and become accustomed to an existance without one's soulmate. Kate has been in the same dark place so she is ideally situated to empathise with Hilda and help her to understand that the devastation which she is feeling is perfectly normal.

You managed to lock away your grief for your mother and for James, but grief will always catch up with you. It will not be denied. Give in to this loss graciously, as you have been doing. Allow the tears to wash away the grief and pain. Over and over and over again…. No matter how many people we have left to us to love, or to be loved by, they do not - and cannot - fill the hole left in our heart by the one who meant all in all to us.”

So very true. No matter how many people Hilda has in her life, no matter how she is growing to love Ellie, no-one can ever fill the huge cavern left by Nell's death. Hilda's grief needs time and the tears will come time after time, often when she least expects them. A certain sound, or sight or smell will bring back the overwhelming remembrance of her loss.

The Edwin Muir quote is just so apposite and very beautiful.

Thank you, Mary

Author:  di [ Fri May 14, 2010 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

Mary, I'm so sorry I've not responded to your last 3 posts until now; I lost my internet connection for nearly a week! I hadn't realised how much I depended on it until it wasn't there!

However, I'm back up and running as you can see and have just read through your last offerings; what can I say that hasn't already been said? Nothing! They moved me deeply but at the moment I can't find the words to express just how much. Your insight into emotions is unbelievable and the way you write is beyond anything else I've read on the board.You MUST continue no matter what is said! :) No one is forcing people to read your work and if they don't approve, well, they don't have to continue- and if this gets thrown off all I can say is some have very weak egos!

Keep going, Mary, I can't wait for the next instalment and feel much like I imagine the Victorians did when waiting for the next part of Dickens' stories in his weekly paper. :lol:

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Fri May 14, 2010 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

I so enjoyed this, Mary !

MA's own terrible tragedies have given her so much "right" to take a firm line with Hilda when needed, but always tempered with compassion and kindness.

Your quotations are wonderful; most are completely new to me :)

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri May 14, 2010 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

Thankyou for that update. I think that I need to go and sit quietly for a while and think about it.

Author:  charli [ Fri May 14, 2010 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

di wrote:

You MUST continue no matter what is said! :) No one is forcing people to read your work and if they don't approve, well, they don't have to continue-

I totally agree. Really can't add to what has been said already Mary.
Thanks for another great update.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Fri May 14, 2010 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10


I don't have the words to adequately express my reaction to this scene as I am not a wordsmith like some :lol: I think I can only agree with many of the comments that have already been made about this post and its realism. A most thought provoking scene, and the Edwin Muir quote is so right. Making us aware of the need for MA, with her own memories and grief, to be beside Hilda on her travel through this time is so important, as she understands so well.

Oh and I agree with Elder in Ontario that maybe we are beginning to see Hilda 'moving on' , even though it is still such a short time span.

Thank you Mary, hoping for the next instalment very soon :lol:

Author:  clair [ Fri May 14, 2010 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p1 Mon 10/05/10

*Aletea* wrote:
I can't help but feel slightly disassociated with Hilda's language though. Although it's written beautifully, it doesn't strike me as how she would speak, IYKWIM. I suppose that she's been through so much that her entire being has changed though.

Hilda is different in ND to the way she speaks in the books - but I feel that's because we're gettiing Hilda the person as opposed to Hilda the headmistress. Of course we all have our own personal ideal of each character but for me ND has shown the two totally different sides of Ilda. When she's with the pupils etc she's the Hilda we've all known and loved for year but when with friends she's the Hilda I'd love to know as a person.

Not sure that makes sense but it's how I feel about it, I feel privileged that, through Mary's writing, I'm getting to know the Hilda that, til now, only Nell knew

Thank you Mary, that conversation brought home just what friendship is about - love, trust and honesty :)

Author:  seven [ Fri May 14, 2010 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

Beautiful, Mary, and I have always liked the Edward Muir poem., The Killing.

I also agree with Clair's comments.

Author:  Lesley [ Fri May 14, 2010 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

Missed this yesterday, Mary - cannot add to what has already said so will just say that this is lovley - and leave it there. :wink:

Author:  jmc [ Sat May 15, 2010 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

That was just (insert L word here). Thanks Mary

Author:  MHE [ Sat May 15, 2010 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

Of all her friends, both old and new, only Mother Abbess seems to truly understand exactly what Hilda is going through in her grief for Nell. The others do try, but until someone has trodden the hardest road themselves that feeling of loss and hurt is not fully appreciated.

MA's quiet persistence does seem finally to be getting somewhere, as we see Hilda beginning to recognise and indeed acknowledge that she ‘has’ moved forward a little on the path of life. Although that path is not the one she thought she would be treading it is still one which is lined with caring friends.

To me, your Hilda is both the Hilda we see in the books and also a different one. Here we see a fully rounded person - one who cares deeply for the welfare of her pupils and staff and puts their needs above her own for much of the time but also one who has been deeply hurt by Nell's death and cannot help sometimes allowing her grief to show. Here is a woman who has found refuge over the years in her books and with Nell and now one of those refuges has been cruelly taken from her.

Thank you Mary for showing us another stage on Hilda’s path, I look forward to following her along the rest of it.

Author:  MaryR [ Mon May 17, 2010 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p2 Thurs 13/05/10

I'm not sure I deserve all these plaudits above, and 'thank you' seems too small a phrase, but it's all I have. :wink:

The length of this piece seems a bit too much, but I thought it time to bring this conversation to an end... :roll:

Unaware of her friend's fear, Hilda's mellow voice was stronger when she next spoke. “Yet for all my tears, there is also sunlight and joy, and a depth and intensity to my new life that is totally different from my old life, and so very much richer. Without the loss of Nell it is hard to envisage such a development occurring. A strange and bitter-sweet development, though, which I want and yet don’t want:

But famished field and blackened tree
Bear flowers in Eden never known.
Blossoms of grief and charity
Bloom in these darkened fields alone.
What had Eden ever to say
Of hope and faith and pity and love?
(Edwin Muir)

She has a lion’s heart, Kate Stuart thought to herself. She’s able to see the way grief is enlarging her, and she accepts it as necessary for new growth to occur, even though her heart is broken. She hasn’t turned away from life in her loss but marched forward bravely, stooping down to gather up other needy people in her arms and help them along, too – Ellie, Meg, this young girl with the penknife, and so many others.

They may have elected me Abbess, they may call me Mother – but I will never be all she already is. How can I presume to teach her anything?

“Mother?” Hilda queried, opening her eyes in some concern.

Mother Abbess took a deep breath to control herself. “I’m here, child. That new and richer life only happened because you opened yourself up to grief, made yourself vulnerable – and that opened you up to other needy people. I know it isn’t always enough, but you are always so grateful for what life offers you. To be able to recite those stark yet hopeful words – and to mean them – is an act of great resolve on your part. Will you copy them out for me?”

“It will go in the new book of quotations I’m doing for you,” Hilda promised.

The nun gasped. “Where do you find the time, child? Or the energy? There has been so much stress this term….”

“Snatched moments here and there,” Hilda shrugged. “Reading them again as I write them refreshes me, and reminds me why I saved them in the first place. If I can finish it this weekend, it will go in Meg’s suitcase along with that parcel of Ellie’s I mentioned the other day – if she, too, can get it finished. Free time is not always for hire in a boarding school.”

“I can believe it. Probably even less time for you than the others, judging by the number of problems which have arisen lately for you. It’s not always as bad as this, is it?”

“No, thank God – though there have been times and seasons when I wished myself anywhere but here!” For a moment or two, Hilda’s eyes were haunted by the failures,

“And you had Nell, then, for a sounding board, making it easier. But you know I’m willing to listen, Hilda, even though I can't take her place. Shakespeare told it so much more eloquently than I:

Do not seek to take your charge upon you,
To bear your griefs yourself and leave me out.
Say what thou cans’t, I’ll go along with you.”

“You’ve been along with me every step of the way,” Hilda breathed softly. “No one could ask for a sweeter, or more sustaining, guide.”

Except she’s not you, Nell! Never you!

She shook herself, changed the subject. “Ian did say Monday for Meg’s flight, didn’t he? I don’t remember much about last night.”

“Hardly surprising, love. Yes, she’s on the noon flight from Berne. I’m sending Patricia and young Anne to collect her from the airport in the car, rather than having her catch the train and travel here on her own.”

“You’re all so good. Ian has offered to drive her to the airport here. He’s already done her so much good, and I think the extra time alone with him might help her. But what do we do about her ticket, since you were the one who insisted on booking the thing?”

“Ian has it.” Kate Stuart heard the gasp at the other end and grinned to herself. Just occasionally, it was possible to sneak in a favour for the woman who did so many for others.

“How come?”

“Because he organised it and paid for it. He insisted.”

Hilda heard the gloat in the sweet voice. “But he said nothing last night! You Stuarts are as sneaky as Gwynneth,” she complained. “The other day you were adamant that you were going to do it, not I.”

“I was, wasn’t I? Hmm! He must have caught me in a weak moment. Mind, I’ll admit to the sneakiness on my own behalf. Ian’s like you, though, sweetheart. He doesn’t flaunt his goodness. Just as you took on an orphan child and showered her with your love, so Ian seems prepared to take on Meg, for your sake. We had such caring parents ourselves that he feels very strongly about the unloved and unwanted. So he insisted, wore me down.”

“I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: you Stuarts are generous and compassionate beyond anything I can imagine.”

“Hah! Pots and kettles, my dear," the nun crowed. "We still don’t live up to your standards. What you do for Ellie is sacrificial love carried to extremes.”

“Pardon?” asked Hilda blankly. “Now you’re exaggerating, Mother. There’s nothing I sacrifice for Ellie. I reap far more than I’ve ever sown where she’s concerned. I’ve learned a different sort of love, different from my love for Nell, or for my other friends, or even for you, but equally precious – and it has brought me untold rewards, already.”

There was a thoughtful silence on the other end. Hilda closed her eyes again and waited, wondering what was coming.

“I would hazard a guess that Ian feels the same, child. He loves you – in a way I never envisaged he would love anyone. But instead of feeling impoverished because his love is not reciprocated, he feels enriched. And he has had so much more faith in himself since you pinpointed his courage to him the night of the accident. So he, also, can make sacrifices – and not count the cost, any more than you do. He’s doing this for you, I know, but he’s also doing it for Meg herself, to make up for that fatherly love she never knew. He’s always been loving and giving, but you’re teaching him to go further and deeper.”

“Oh, Mother, that’s nonsense….” Hilda whispered.

“I think that between you, you would save the world, if you could.”

“Not unless you were there to chivvy us along. How do I ever thank him?”

“Your friendship for him is thanks enough, as is your willingness to share Ellie with him. He already loves her so much, and knows her far better than I do.” Mother Abbess’s voice was soft with self-blame. “The pair of you make me realise just how much we failed her here.”

“Maybe her heart just wasn’t ready to be prised open – too much had happened to her.”

“Maybe, daughter – or maybe her heart was waiting for what it knew God had in store for her. And in store for you. I don’t believe in coincidences. God’s hand has been very evident in all that has happened these last few months, where you, Ian, Ellie and I are concerned.”

Hilda pressed her trembling lips together. “If I had known God had you waiting in the wings for me, I wouldn’t have despaired so much in those first months after Nell’s death. Hope is the thing with feathers/ Which perches in the soul… and you were there, ready and waiting, to perch in my soul alongside the bird of hope – and rescue me.”

The nun’s voice held a loving smile. “And then you rescued Ellie. You gathered her up, gave her wings and flew off with her before we could so much as blink. Your speed took us all by surprise. You gave her her heart’s desire.”


“No, a mother’s love, you chump,” Mother Abbess retorted. Hilda’s closed eyes snapped open in shock. “And my goodness, what she’s already learned. She’s becoming a real chip off your block, isn’t she? Cool as cucumber she was yesterday, I gather, giving her orders left, right and centre, while at the same time gathering everyone under her wing.”

“And panicking underneath that she’d got it all wrong.”

“Like I said, chip off your block,” hooted the nun. “Grace under fire.”

“Hmm! I’ll take that up with you, sometime, about my being the block!” Hilda muttered, closing her eyes again. “But Ellie? Yes, she’s grown beyond anything I expected, and in so short a time, and it all came to fruition yesterday. God never took His eyes off them all for a single fraction of a second. Everything, every little detail, was taken care of, right down to a simple pencil in a little girl’s pocket, needed to tighten the tourniquet. And who was God answering, out there in the cold and dark? Your community’s prayers, which brought us safely through.”

“You’re never out of our prayers, daughter. But you’re beginning to sound very tired, and I suspect your headache is getting worse again, so my prayers right now are thet you go and see your girls quickly and then get yourself to bed.”

“You mean you’ve had enough of talking to me?” asked Hilda, noticing the wealth of concerned love in the nun’s voice and wanting to make her feel easy.

“I’m surprised you haven’t moaned about the cost of this phone call, so soon after the other two?”

Hilda choked. “You’d only tell me I’m the one paying for it and ask me why I’m complaining. I’ll never get the better of you!”

“You have the very best of me, child,” the nun murmured, “because you bring it out of me by what you are. And I would drop everything, run to the world’s end, if you were in need.”

“I know,” Hilda whispered. “Your mothering love sustains me every day, though I still wonder why I am so blessed.

“That love blossomed the instant we met, just as your love for Ellie blossomed after her attempt to run away. But remember, gentle daughter, there is a stronger, steadier, more maternal Love even than yours or mine:

The Lord will guide you always;
He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.
(Isaiah 58:11)”

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon May 17, 2010 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

That was such a beautiful piece, and a very fitting quotation at the end. I rather fear that 'thankyou' seems too small for everything you do, but it's all that I have too - so thankyou.

Author:  PaulineS [ Mon May 17, 2010 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

Mary your quote from Isaiah is so fitting. The relationship between Hilda and the Stewarts is so close and developing in depth and love all the time. Ian's relationship with Meg and Ellie is giving them both a lovely experience of a father figure that they are both missing.

Mary Thank you so much. You might thinks tanks a small thing from you to those who post, but it is also the only thing we can give you.

Author:  Luisa [ Mon May 17, 2010 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

Thanks thanks and ever thanks.

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Mon May 17, 2010 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

Heaves contented sigh at a super end to the conversation.
I am so glad Ian is getting the recognition he richly deserves :mrgreen:

Author:  Mattea1 [ Mon May 17, 2010 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

I do feel for dear Ian - what with his sister and Hilda he has a real problem being able to get to do things for others and prove his own worth :D Imagine trying to compete with both of them :roll:

Mary, a comforting ending to the conversation too - Thanks

Author:  Squirrel [ Mon May 17, 2010 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

wow... you have done it again. quite the emotional wringer you have got in the last 2 posts Mary. So much sadness, resignation, and acceptance in that first one, and then the deep love - i felt bathed in the overflow of it, so how hilda must have felt...

Thank you for sharing it with us, both the conversation, and your own wonderful gift of story telling.

Author:  Catherine [ Mon May 17, 2010 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

I rarely post, Mary, but thank you for giving us this. I'm glad Hilda has Mother Abbess and Ian there to give her support. I hope Hilda manages to get some rest soon!

Author:  clair [ Mon May 17, 2010 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

Thank you Mary, as others have said that's so little to show the true appreciation of your writing but what else can we say?

The relationship between Hilda, MA and Ian is wonderful, true family, friendship and love which is unconditional - and so rare :)

Author:  Abi [ Mon May 17, 2010 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

That was a wonderful conversation; there is such an amazing amount of love there. And the quote at the end was perfect. Thanks Mary!

Author:  kirstyb01 [ Mon May 17, 2010 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

I've been away from the board for some time since I was staying in the land of no internet access. Therefore I've been on a major catch-up session.

It's 3 weeks since my father died - and this look at grief and coping, as well as the amazingly appropriate quotes, has helped.

Please don't think about stopping when you can move people this much!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon May 17, 2010 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

I'm sorry to hear about your Father, Kirsty :(

Mary that was wonderful as always. I do love the quotes you use and may do a Hilda and keep a record of them. I love the Shakespeare one, it seems the most apt.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Mon May 17, 2010 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

A truly satisfying end to another very revealing conversation between these two - how well they already know each other, and how much they will have to give each other in the future, once Hilda enters the convent.

It is also good to see that Ian, rather than being dismayed by Hilda's inability to return his love for her as he would like, chooses instead to channel that love into love and help for others. Already both Ellie and Meg are benefitting from this and I have no doubt they will continue to do so.

[quote]"And now abideth faith, hope and love, these three, but the greatest of these is love" [quote] (1 Corinthians 13, v. 13)

This verse, and indeed the whole of that chapter in Corinthians, says so much to me about the underlying foundation of the relationship between Hilda, Mother Abbess and Ian.

Thank you, Mary, for giving Hilda the strength she will undoubtedly have gained from this conversation.

Author:  charli [ Tue May 18, 2010 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

Just got home after night shift and before going to bed i though i would look to see if there was more of this, and yes, there was! And it was absolutely worth keeping my eyes propped open for.
That was beautiful again Mary.
Thank you, and i am so happy you decided to continue it.

Author:  Cath V-P [ Tue May 18, 2010 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

This is such a reflective - I'd almost say contemplative - conversation, and demonstrates so clearly the point to which Hilda has come on her journey. That Hilda can start to see this herself is in itself an indication of where she is, although I think she will always have those terrible swamping moments of grief and pain. But I also think that if this is the price she has to pay for the depth of what she had (and has) with Nell, then she would choose it - especially if it allows her the sweetness of her memories, even though they are but a substitute for Nell herself.

And it is heartening to see Hilda able to acknowledge her own journey, accepting that despite her loss, life has brought her some wonderful gifts - MA, the convent, Ellie, Ian, Vivien and Meg to name but a few. And MA is, as MHE said, a companion who can truly comprehend what Hilda is experiencing because she has been there herself, and knows what this road holds. And of course the changes in Hilda's life have been reflected in those around her - Ellie has found a mother and guardian, Ian and Meg seem to be forming themselves into a family, Vivien and MA have each gained immeasurably from the time of their initial encounters with Hilda. And older friends like Gwynneth have found themselves moving in directions that they would never have anticipated. It's rather like a spider's web, with all the delicate threads of connection being established between them...

I liked the Muir quote - I haven't read much of him, so it wasn't familiar, but it did fit . . . Thank you Mary, this has been a fascinating and thought-provoking conversation.

Author:  di [ Tue May 18, 2010 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

A lovely conclusion to M.A.'s phone call. May be Hilda will have the energy to now visit the girls with a slightly lighter heart before she does as she promised she would to Gwynneth-i.e. rest :!: :!:
Thanks, Mary.

Author:  Celia [ Tue May 18, 2010 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

The quote from Isaiah makes such a beautiful ending to their conversation. Hilda must be revitalised by this call. Good also
that Ian's love for Hilda can be openly discussed and it's new direction noted for her by MA.

Thank you Mary for a conversation to which I can return to learn more
each time I re-read it.

Author:  linda [ Tue May 18, 2010 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

Mary, once again, I had to go away and think about this post before I could find the right words.

“And then you rescued Ellie. You gathered her up, gave her wings and flew off with her before we could so much as blink. Your speed took us all by surprise. You gave her her heart’s desire.”


“No, a mother’s love, you chump,” Mother Abbess retorted.

Kate so understands how much Hilda has done for Ellie, and how much Ellie has done for Hilda. They have both filled a gaping hole in each others lives and whereas no-one, not even Ellie can fill the hole that Nell's death has left, Hilda has been able to reach into Ellie's depths of despair and bring her out to face the world again a much stronger young woman.

Ian is so good for Meg. He took her on for Hilda's sake and he has already formed a good bond with her. The journey to Berne to catch the plane will give him an opportunity to help quell Meg's very natural fears of what lies in store for her at the convent.

The Lord will guide you always;
He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.
(Isaiah 58:11)”

Once again, your quotations are so wonderfully appropriate. Thank you Mary, for allowing us to share this deep soul-searching conversation.

Author:  jmc [ Thu May 20, 2010 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

This wasn't too long at all Mary. It was just right. Thanks once again for such a great piece of writing.

Author:  MaryR [ Thu May 20, 2010 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p3 Mon 17/05/10

Thank you all for the lovely comments, and thank you even more to those hugely generous people who nominated ND for so many awards. :shock: Unbelievable! I hadn't realised it would fit in so many categories! :roll:

I hope you won't mind this reverie from MA - 'tis very short....

After quiet, but heartfelt, farewells to each other, the two women reluctantly cut the connection. Mother Abbess sat staring at the phone for a long moment, unconscious of the drumming of her fingers on the carved wooden desk. The closeness of soul she and Hilda had developed so quickly still astonished her with its depth and intensity. Who could ever have anticipated such a generous and beautiful gift towards the end of one’s life? Especially a nun’s life!

She hated the miles which separated her from Hilda, thus reducing her ability to help her at a time when she sounded so sad and defeated. Though that was probably due as much to the constant headaches left over from the accident as it was to present circumstances.

The nun leaned across the desk and took up the single angel she had kept out when packing away the wooden crèche given to her at Christmas by Hilda. She looked into its tranquil face. She’d been told by so many people how Hilda herself was known for her tranquil and peaceful spirit – before Nell’s death had knocked her sideways. And, indeed, most people still only saw the tranquillity she presented so courageously, the quiet eyes, the impassive face, the inner graciousness. Very few were offered even a fleeting glimpse of the savage torture of her grief and loneliness.

She stroked the angel’s face and whispered heartfelt words into the friendly silence of her office.

“She’s been Your friend her whole life, Lord. She’s clung to You in the face of desperate odds. Don’t let her down now. Give her back that beautiful tranquillity of spirit, relieve her desperate sadness, lead her out of that howling wilderness. Reveal to her the full beauty of her deep and shining courage. Open her eyes to all she has done for Ellie – as well as the rest of us. She won’t listen to me, but you and I know all about her very special kind of self-giving. Make her see she shows the very love that Blake speaks about:

Love seeketh not itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care,
But for another gives its ease
And builds a Heaven in Hell’s despair.”

With great delicacy and perception, Hilda had built a heaven in Ellie’s lonely despair and had set her free to open herself up to life. She was doing the same with Meg. The nun wondered to herself how many others there were out there who had benefited from Hilda’s sensitivity and utmost integrity of heart?

With a grunt of exasperation she pushed back her chair and went to the window, the angel still clutched in her hand as though for inspiration. It was bleak out there in the darkness, the ground sodden, the trees bare, the wind now beginning to rise. The bleakness suited her mood. Yet, even as she stared out moodily, the wind drew back the curtains of cloud and the moon smiled down on her serenely, while also lighting up the barren garden. At the very same moment, the angel appeared to throb and tingle in her hand. She held it tighter, nodded to the sudden stars.

“You’re right, Lord,” she whispered. “I’m losing my marbles. I am helping Hilda, aren’t I, simply by being a listening ear, by phoning her in the bad times so she knows I’m always here, always available, any time of the day or night? And my prayers, our prayers, uphold her at all times. ”

The moon seemed to wax larger, brighter, and she could have sworn that face winked at her.

“Having Meg to stay in the convent is also offering help, practical help, in a way I could never have envisaged. So thank You for inspiring Ellie to plant the seed. Give me the grace not to let this poor girl down in the way I let Ellie down. Forgive me all my doubts and allow me to build on Hilda’s sure foundations…... and please, please, allow her to find some rest this night and better health tomorrow. She means so much to so many people – and yet, in her deep humility of heart, she doesn’t realise it.”

She stayed at the window, her heart and mind now rapt in contemplation, the little angel held close to her chest….

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Thu May 20, 2010 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

That is such a revealing meditation. *If* any of us had any doubts that MA is gaining as much strength from her relationship with Hilda as the latter is gaining from her, then this piece would resolve them once and for all. Even though she may sometimes doubt her capacity to help Hilda from a distance, that little angel's 'revelation' surely reminded her that she was indeed helping by being a listening ear -both as herself and as someone who could empathise from her own tragedy. And she definitely won't let Meg down, as she feels she let Ellie down initially - Ellie wasn't ready to trust anyone when MA first knew her, and in helping Meg, MA will be helping Hilda, too.

Thank you, Mary for this glimpse into MA's being.

Author:  Luisa [ Thu May 20, 2010 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

Loved the chance to eavesdrop on MA's thoughts. It is always a two-way process, but so often we don't see it. So glad she does. And looking forward to seeing Meg at the convent - Meg will have something to teach them as well, I'm sure!

Author:  clair [ Thu May 20, 2010 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

Mary, thank you - I hadn't expected an update on this with all your other troubles, maybe this is Hilda's way of helping you

That wonder at how close a friendship can become in a short time is something I'm wondering at right now, my closest friend I've known less than a year yet it feels like we've known each other forever. You've summed it up so well - beautiful :)

Author:  PaulineS [ Thu May 20, 2010 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

Mary thank you. MA's reflections are so deep and prayerful. i am sure that Meg's stay at the convent will help both Meg and MA.

I hope that Hilda's headache will disappear in response to MA and others prayers.

i am sure they all need at least :tea: :tea: :tea: :tea: so I will provide a virtual one for them all. They multiple so if I have not provided enough I am sure others will be available.

Author:  Celia [ Thu May 20, 2010 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

MA's reverie is so impassioned and yet so strongly peacful. Their
friendship has developed quickly,but they have much in common.
There will be much for Hilda to share with MA in the future,and also
for MA to gain from her 'gentle daughter'.

Thank you Mary

Author:  Mattea1 [ Thu May 20, 2010 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

A wonderful insight into MA's thoughts and her uncertainty about her own ability to help Hilda. Then, giving way to the gradual realisation of the ways in which she can help Hilda as her eyes are opened to what she can do through helping Meg and just listening to Hilda and praying for her.

Mary, thank you.

Author:  Abi [ Thu May 20, 2010 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

I'm glad MA was able to see the huge level of help that she's able to give Hilda - she's really an extraordinary woman.

Thanks Mary. :)

Author:  linda [ Thu May 20, 2010 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

Beautiful, Mary, just beautiful

“She’s been Your friend her whole life, Lord. She’s clung to You in the face of desperate odds. Don’t let her down now. Give her back that beautiful tranquillity of spirit, relieve her desperate sadness, lead her out of that howling wilderness. Reveal to her the full beauty of her deep and shining courage. Open her eyes to all she has done for Ellie – as well as the rest of us. She won’t listen to me, but you and I know all about her very special kind of self-giving. Make her see she shows the very love that Blake speaks about:

Love seeketh not itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care,
But for another gives its ease
And builds a Heaven in Hell’s despair.”

Such deep insight into the depths of Hilda's despair can only come from one who has been in the same dark place. It is so wonderful to see how much these two women have to give to each other and how the friendship has grown into such a closeness of soul in such a short time. I loved the Blake quote.

Thank you for taking the time to post when your mum is so ill. It was wonderful to listen to Kate's inner voice.

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Fri May 21, 2010 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

That was such a revealing insght into MA, who always seems so strong, so assured, so certain.....but has her own insecurities, just like Hilda. Yet they manage to strengthen and bring out the best in each other, a gift not given to many.

Thank you, Mary !

Author:  di [ Fri May 21, 2010 6:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

What a wonderful snapshot of M.A. Thank you for allowing us that peep into her own habitat -not that she is an animal, but if she was she'd be a wise owl. She has such a good insight in to Hilda's world and this helps her find the words to comfort her when she is at her lowest. :tea: :tea:

Now Hilda has to visit the girls to comfort them in turn before she retires for the night. I do hope she has a restful night and wakes more refreshed than of late.

Looking forward to the next episode, Mary. :)

Author:  Elbee [ Fri May 21, 2010 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

A beautifully written interlude, Mary, thank you.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri May 21, 2010 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

That was a sensitive and compassionate piece of writing, and the atmosphere was just right. Thankyou.

Author:  jmc [ Fri May 21, 2010 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

I don't really think that I can add much to what everyone else has said so I'll just add my thanks.

Author:  lizziearrnet [ Fri May 21, 2010 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

I still love this, and am having a moment of procrastination....before all craziness takes place tomorrow!

Mary, if that's short then I have no idea what long is...!!!

More please.....heheheh


Author:  AnneM [ Fri May 21, 2010 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

A fascinating insight into MA's inner life and thought processes. I love the bit where she admits to "losing her marbles".

I'm sure that Hilda will regain her tranquillity and peace, and that they will be built upon even stronger foundations than before, because she is learning to deal with the grief rather than hiding it away as she used to do.

Now if MA's angel could somehow get a message to Hilda's origami angels..............

Thanks, Mary.

Author:  Cath V-P [ Fri May 21, 2010 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

MA knows Hilda so well, and this quiet moment of meditation on her part demonstrates just how significant she is to Hilda's life. And the fact that Hilda can still reveal that "tranquillity of spirit" indicates just how much MA has given to her ij the last few months. Besides, MA herself has gained from knowing Hilda, as her words of appreciation show - and how fitting that she should have a moment of revelation over her capacity to help Hilda even as she is praying for Hilda to have a similar moment of awareness and acceptance. They really do have a balanced friendship don't they?

Thank you Mary, this is delightful - subtle and delicately understated.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sat May 22, 2010 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

Thank you Mary, that was lovely

Author:  MHE [ Wed May 26, 2010 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

I must apologise Mary, for not posting after your update with the conclusion of the phone call, but I will remedy that now as well the latest update.

MA and Hilda give so much, each to the other that it is wonderful to read. As others have said it is hard to remember that their friendship is so new. But for all that, it is a friendship that is built on solid foundations and they have both gained so much from it. I am reminded of lines from Waldo Williams’ poem “Brotherhood” (translated from the original Welsh) :

“Each man alive is knit
Within God’s secret net;
The full web’s unity
Of I, Thou, He."

It is good to see that Ian can pull rabbits out of hats as well *wink* and surprise not only his sister but Hilda too.

I had to laugh at MA in the following exchange:

"You gave her her heart’s desire.”


“No, a mother’s love, you chump,

Only a close friend can tease in such a fashion.

As for Mother Abbess’s reverie, ‘sighs’ beautiful. It was such a clear picture of her uncertainty at the level of support she was able to give Hilda at a distance. It is a position that many of us have been in many times I’m sure. And her realisation that

by being a listening ear, by phoning her in the bad times

she is helping Hilda will sustain her too.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  MaryR [ Thu May 27, 2010 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

Meanwhile, many hundreds of miles to the east, Hilda buried her face in her hands after replacing the receiver. How she longed to go on clinging to that caring hand held out to clasp hers. Kate Stuart understood her as no one else now did on earth. She knew at first hand the duties and responsibilities of leadership, just as she knew grief at first hand in all its many and varied manifestations, knew the frightening depths one was forced to plumb. Most importantly of all, she was a friend, a friend who saw Hilda’s flaws but still loved her. A no-holds barred friend who could tell it like it was –

Always seek out friends who are wise and perhaps a little on the rigorous side – such company will be spiritually uplifting. (Otto Dix)

Mother Abbess was most definitely on the rigorous side, Hilda said to herself. She could also be exacting and severe, much as Nell had been. And that wise and exacting friend was right. Hilda had to re-coup her strength, so the thing to do was go see her girls at once and then get herself back to bed. And none of those would happen if she continued to sit here repining.

With an exclamation of self-disgust Hilda rose to her feet and checked the time. Abendessen must be long over. If she wasn’t careful, the twins would be in bed before she got there. She quickly exited the study and turned towards the junior house, scarcely noticing the beauty of the snow-laden landscape outside the several windows she passed as she followed the twists and turns of the corridors. There were as many twists and turns in her own mind, but they were not easy or pleasant to contemplate.

She was a coward! She wanted to run away!

Her steps slowed in shock. Was that really true? She ran over the events of the term in her mind and recalled her breakdowns of the term before, when Nell would not be gainsaid. She shuddered. How did she know it wouldn’t happen again? And what would happen in April, when a whole year had somehow crawled by? Already her heart was tinged with frost at the mere thought of it and tended to sheer away in abject terror.

What was that but moral cowardice? How dare she talk to Ellie and Meg of courage!

These fears had been simmering for a while at the back of her mind. She had simply refused to acknowledge them. Maybe now was the time to look them in the face and demolish them, before they demolished her. Talking things over with Mother Abbess had not had its usual beneficial effect. Setting her own grief and despair alongside CS Lewis’s - finding so many similarities, shuddering at his words - had left her somewhere out there in Isaiah’s sun-scorched land. And the Lord was not satisfying her needs nor strengthening her frame.

All at once, brightness blossomed in that dim corridor, and seemed to search out and illuminate all Hilda’s weaknesses, even through her closed eyelids. She resisted at first but then slowly, slowly, her eyelids lifted. She was near one of the windows which gave a clear view across the valley to the mountains beyond. The moon had found a resting place on the crest of the highest peak and shone straight in at her. Large and luminous, there was no escaping it. She leaned her pounding forehead against the window-pane and wondered how something so beautiful could be so cold. Its icy, heartless intensity burned right through to her core and she closed her eyes again, shying away from what it had found there.

Back in September, she had promised Madge she would give the school two more years. Nell had wanted her to leave it strong and well-guided - and God Himself had seemed to be telling her to wait. Even just three weeks ago, she had been happy about that, knowing there was still much for her to do.

But she was so tired! And lonely! The tears still flowed far too often! And the constant headaches made ordinary decisions so difficult! Despite all the richness of her new life that she had mentioned to the nun, she knew now that, but for the advent of Ellie, she may well have handed over the reins at the end of the current school year, instead of waiting. But Ellie would be here until the following year, so how could she leave her here alone?

Oh, how strong the urge was to do just that! Most definitely a coward!

She was beginning to accept their truth when people said she was fragile. Vivien had seen it after the shooting. It was as though something was broken inside her, something both physical and of the spirit. The convent could fix it just enough for her to keep going – but not the school, not any more.

The shooting had undermined any recovery she had made from Nell’s death and the accident in November had done even more damage. Jack had let it slip that she had put undue strain on her heart by her trek down the mountain to seek help for Ian in her own badly-injured state. Added to all that, the events of this new term had left her reeling. She had felt so inadequate, even though others seemed to think she was sorting them out well. How many more such serious accidents and alarms would there be before she left? Was she being fair to the school to stay, when she was so maimed in body and spirit?

She longed to escape and take her brokenness to the peace of the convent. She knew that the best part of her soul was waiting for her there, had gone ahead of her. (Kate O’Brien) Her spirit longed for that warm, quiet and ordered place where she could lick her wounds, where she could curl up, like an injured animal, and wait out the agony inside. The school held no such hiding place, now Nell was gone.

A nun’s life was no sinecure. Adapting to it would be very difficult – and there would be the wounded visitors to help and heal. But it would be a different stress, and no one would look to her for answers to every problem that arose.

If you come here to escape life and all its hurts, then I don’t want you!

Hilda’s eyes snapped open. She even glanced round in shock, as though expecting her ‘rigorous friend’ to be standing there and glaring at her in outrage. The voice had sounded so close, so clear. Tears stung her eyes and she bowed her head in shame. Her rebellious soul was stilled.

Mother Abbess was right. No matter your brokenness, you were a coward if you entered convent or monastery to hide from the many demands life made of you!

Thank you, Mother. I’m alright now. I’ve acknowledged the worst of myself to myself, and can go on again. I know God doesn’t ask that I be strong, only that I cling to His strength. I’m still sad and lonely and very tired, but so is many another in this world of ours. I won’t give up, but watch for His light in my darkness! And it is so very dark, sometimes….

The moon’s burning cold mellowed, softened, seemed to bless her, so when an arm snaked round her waist she didn’t start or exclaim. It was just part and parcel of the moon’s benificence. She turned her head and met Ellie’s grave eyes shining into her own, felt her weakness strengthened by the life-giving warmth of Ellie’s closeness.

“Ça va, Madame?” Ellie whispered.

“Ça va bien, petite,” Hilda murmured. “Everything is fine, now.”

She put her arm round Ellie’s shoulder, drawing her even closer, and they gazed as one at the liquid beauty of the night.

Dear Ellie, who was part of her, now. She could never leave her here alone.

Oh, Nell, why can’t this be enough for me?

“Je t’aime avec tout mon coeur, Madame,” Ellie said, then searched Hilda’s face. She touched Hilda's cheek with a delicate finger. “Don’t be sad, mon ange gardien. Look up into that sky and remind yourself of this:

“Why do stars shine?” asked Piglet.
“They are full of wishes,” Pooh replied.

"Wishes can come true, Madame. Mine did, because of you."

Hilda’s fractured spirit was re-made by her ward’s young wisdom. She leaned her head against Ellie’s and smiled at the stars through her grateful tears.

“I love you, too, child, with all that is within me.”

Author:  PaulineS [ Thu May 27, 2010 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Mary Thank you for writing and posting this whilst you are suffering. Hilda's musings are so typical of the times when life becomes difficult following a bereavement.

Thank you again. :tea:

Author:  Lesley [ Thu May 27, 2010 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Thank you Mary

Author:  Celia [ Thu May 27, 2010 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Now she has acknowledged the 'worst of herself' to herself Hilda can draw strength from the two who are now dearest to her, Ellie and
Kate, whilst still knowing they can never 'be enough'.

Thank you for posting here Mary when you have so much else
on your mind.

Author:  charli [ Thu May 27, 2010 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Mary, I can't thank you enough for continuing to write with what you are going through yourself right now.

MaryR wrote:
How did she know it wouldn’t happen again? And what would happen in April, when a whole year had somehow crawled by? Already her heart was tinged with frost at the mere thought of it and tended to sheer away in abject terror.

This is very true to life and i'm sure a lot of people must have felt like this. Once again Mary, we can see how much your writing comes from your heart.

Author:  Abi [ Thu May 27, 2010 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Thank you Mary. That was very powerful.

Author:  Luisa [ Thu May 27, 2010 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

I’ve acknowledged the worst of myself to myself, and can go on again. I know God doesn’t ask that I be strong, only that I cling to His strength. I’m still sad and lonely and very tired, but so is many another in this world of ours. I won’t give up, but watch for His light in my darkness! And it is so very dark, sometimes….

Need to write this out and hang onto it, with everything that is going wrong here. Just what was needed after today.
Bless you.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Fri May 28, 2010 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p4 Thurs 20/05/10

[quote]She shuddered. How did she know it wouldn’t happen again? And what would happen in April, when a whole year had somehow crawled by? Already her heart was tinged with frost at the mere thought of it and tended to sheer away in abject terror.

Thank you, Mother. I’m alright now. I’ve acknowledged the worst of myself to myself, and can go on again. I know God doesn’t ask that I be strong, only that I cling to His strength. I’m still sad and lonely and very tired, but so is many another in this world of ours. I won’t give up, but watch for His light in my darkness! And it is so very dark, sometimes…. [/quote

So much of all Hilda's thoughts there are indeed part and parcel of her journey through her grief for Nell. It is so hard for her to acknowledge that all of this is indeed natural - it needs MA to force her to do so, and in doing so, to learn how to move on. She also needs the love and trust which Ellie has in her and the love she feels for Ellie to help her find that strength - and to learn from her ward's simple philosophy - that last little section was so gentle, yet at the same time, extremely powerful.

Thank you, Mary for taking the time to write and post this at this particular time - I hope you are able to take Hilda's comment: "I know God doesn’t ask that I be strong, only that I cling to His strength...." and apply it to yourself.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Fri May 28, 2010 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

I really feel for Hilda, because that is a fine line to walk. Part of me can see how she really needs to take time out to heal and where the convent would really give her that chance to do that, but I can also see how it would be wrong to there out of fear, rather than needed the place for healing. It's extremely hard when almost with every conversation you have and every time you give to someone, when you have to pray almost through the conversation for strength to to be able to give or to have the conversation they need, regardless of how much it costs you. I truly wish some of the others would stand up and help with the load, rather than leave it all to Hilda or Hilda would allow the others to help more like they want to.

Author:  JellySheep [ Fri May 28, 2010 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Writing this when you are still in the midst of turmoil yourself is a big achievement, and we're all grateful to you. Hopefully writing is helping you in some way as you navigate.

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Fri May 28, 2010 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Oh, Mary !

This was so so tender, so raw, so real and so obviously from the heart. Sending hugs to *you* and Hilda ........

Author:  jmc [ Sat May 29, 2010 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Thank you Mary. Hilda is so hard on herself so I am pleased that she has so many people who love her.

Author:  di [ Sat May 29, 2010 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Beautiful, Mary, just beautiful. To produce such sensitive writing in the midst of your own pain is amazing. :tea: :tea: for both Hilda and yourself.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat May 29, 2010 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Such a beautiful update, thankyou.

Author:  Squirrel [ Sun May 30, 2010 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Mary... I'm sitting here, not quite sure what to write... it has been so long since I read any of ND that I found myself having to go back to the start of this section to remind myself what had gone before, and Wow!

Reading it through like that is an interesting experience - it somehow both adds and takes away from the impact of your writing. How do you do it?

For once I can see the frail humanity of Hilda in a way I never did before, even while reading New Dreams... I think that there was one section in particular which brought it home to me. Yes - she's stubborn, yes she refuses to love herself as she loves others, but there is more... Reading one of the earlier sections a bit of me wondered if she was close to loving Nell more than God... Very Human, and very real, and very understandable in some ways, and I'm possibly reading it all wrong, but there was just this one tiny moment when I paused and wondered.

I love the way that MA is so near and so all seeing - that whole conversation was wonderful - and so very necessary to Hilda. It was brilliant. But I think, of that part, the piece that I loved the most was that short section where MA was thinking about her love for Hilda. That bit of writing was so perfect - and possibly the place where I felt that reading through all the sections at once probably detracted from the impact. It holds, for me, the flavour of a favourite part of a book - one which I'd return to again and again, just for that particular part, nothing more, because it is so touchingly beautiful. MA's love for Hilda is so overflowing it's something to be deeply treasured by those of us who are blessed enough to catch that glimpse.

Yes, that same love is shown in other areas - such as in the phone call - the hilda shaped hole, the issue over the blanket, the way that both Kate and Stuart go out of their way to do good things for others because Hilda cares about the others, and they love Hilda... and by doing so, they become richer.

I'm also interested in MA's way of blaming herself for having not managed to do all that Ellie needed - but this truly was a heart who needed something only Hilda could give, and wasn't ready for the ministrations of others until H. said something that pierced her defences.

As for that last section... I read it hoping that someone would come along and find Hilda, for she had fallen to a place where only another person would be able to help. And God, in His graciousness, let her remember so clearly words from her beloved MA, words which brought her up short and helped her to turn her thoughts - to just the place where Ellie, the only possible person at this point in time, could offer her just the words she needed to hear... Just Perfect. Nothing ever better!

Sorry for the essay - and for the long silence on this... Hope it was worth the wait!!! :wink:

Author:  MHE [ Mon May 31, 2010 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Once again Mary you have left me speechless through the power of your words, and it has taken me a few days to be able to even think about posting.

As Elder has said, what Hilda is thinking and feeling is indeed “part and parcel of her journey through her grief for Nell” indeed anyone’s journey along that long road. The dread of the milestones along the way, especially that first anniversary, when a whole year will have both crawled and shot by.

I know God doesn’t ask that I be strong, only that I cling to His strength.

This is so true, but at least Hilda has realised the truth of what Mother Abbess has been telling her since they first met. She is indeed fortunate to have such a friend as MA, would that we all could have such a friend. Hilda will draw strength not only from Ellie and MA but from the bottomless well of all her friends' love for her.

Thank you Mary for writing and posting such a powerful scene at what is a difficult time for you personally.

Author:  Cath V-P [ Mon May 31, 2010 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Oh, this is so painfully honest - and such an appropriate setting for such thoughts, that stark black and white of snow and moonlight. As April approaches, the long shadow cast by Nell's death will become increasingly difficult for Hilda to deal with - no wonder she is already dreading it, as time seems to be crawling by,
And I'm starting to wonder just how much time Hilda actually has - there is only so much stress that one body can cope with, and she has had so much to recover from, both physically and emotionally.
It was as though something was broken inside her, something both physical and of the spirit.
She is indeed 'fragile' - and I know that Nell has spoken as though it would be a while before Hilda joined her, but I would hazard a guess that eternity affects one's perspective on time and its passing.
Ellie's presence is so warm and comforting though - like a fire lit in a freezing room, at which Hilda can warm herself. Even though the ever present chill of Nell's absence can never be wholly driven away, Ellie's affection shows Hilda that there are still those who love and need her. It is a lovely shared moment between them.
Thank you for this Mary - it is such perceptive and sensitive writing.

Author:  AnneM [ Mon May 31, 2010 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

The same moon shining on both MA and Hilda - and yet they see it so differently. I'm glad the serenity of MA's moon somehow managed to soften the "icy, heartless intensity" of Hilda's, and that Ellie arrived to provide some much-needed human warmth.

Thanks, Mary.

Author:  clair [ Mon May 31, 2010 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Everyone else has said it so much better than I could so I'll simply say Thank You Mary - beautiful writing especially when you are in so much pain yourself xx

Author:  MaryR [ Mon May 31, 2010 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) 27/05/10 Thurs p5

Thank you for all your loving concern, but actually typing up stuff I'd already hand-written a while ago is really not too difficult or energy-sapping and it has helped to take my mind off the planning of the funeral tomorrow and off thinking too much about mum. Only this and reading seem able to distract me at the moment.

.....Hilda’s fractured spirit was re-made by her ward’s young wisdom. She leaned her head against Ellie’s and smiled at the stars through her grateful tears.

“I love you, too, child, with all that is within me.”

What more was there to say? They loved each other, in all simplicity, and love kept the darkness at bay.

So much love she had discovered after Nell’s death, when she had feared she would be alone and lonely for the rest of her days. If God was prepared to bless her until her cup ran over, as He was doing, then she must be prepared to pass that blessing on and not bewail her losses. There was so much unhappiness in the world already. Why make it worse? Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

Ellie kissed her gently, and she held the girl closer, tighter, wanting her to know that everything was alright. Wanting her ward to know, also, that she was cherished, would always be cherished, as long as Hilda had life in her. It didn’t seem strange to either of them that they should have met like this in the corridor. They were content to have it so and to take comfort from it.

“Madame, should you not be in bed?” Ellie eventually whispered, breaking the spell.

Hilda sighed and kissed her ward again. “Put it like this, child. Matron says I should be!” Ellie giggled. “But there are things I need to do first, and one of them is to go and see the twins. I gather Marie is very quiet and not eating.”

Ellie nodded. “I was just on my way back to the juniors to play with her and Emilie.”

“So that’s how you came to discover your Headmistress lurking here in the dark,” Hilda teased. “Well, perhaps you could do something for me, first, petite. Could you go and find Matron and tell her I won’t be too long but she doesn’t need to wait for me as I’m sure she has plenty to occupy her and you’ll look after me when I’m done – unless you have places to go and people to see, of course.”

Ellie grinned in sheer delight at the thought of having Hilda all to herself. “No, all done! I’ll find her – and duck, if she glares at me.” This time it was Hilda who laughed. “Will you still be in the juniors when I come back?”

“I’ve no idea, chérie. But, if not, I’m sure we’ll find each other back at the Annexe.”

Ellie kissed her once more and darted off, while Hilda saluted the moon and carried on to the juniors. A noise like murmuring bees emanated from the common room as she approached. Opening the door, she quickly indicated to the junior girls they should continue with their activities and not rise to their feet. Some were playing board games, others doing jigsaws or other puzzles, while one group was playing with their dolls. Emilie was among that group, chattering quietly. Much the largest group, however, was gathered round Sharlie, who was ensconced on the battered couch, reading to them in the last few minutes before bedtime. The girls were tumbled around her, some next to her on the couch, some on the floor at her feet, yet more of them leaning over the back and looking at the pictures.

Sharlie stopped reading when she saw her Headmistress. Hilda was about to ask if she could speak to the twins when, to her total astonishment, Marie scrambled down from the couch, where she had been curled up against Sharlie, and hurtled across the room straight into Hilda’s arms. The latter realised at that moment that she had done the right thing by coming. A bond had been forged between the twins and herself the afternoon before and no one else would have done for Marie right this minute.

Aware of the startled gasps around them at Marie’s daring, Hilda gathered the girl close. Marie buried her face in Hilda’s cardigan and the latter could feel the girl shaking. The twins were quite small for their age and Hilda had the impression of holding a very young and fragile child.

Meanwhile, Emilie saw what was happening, abandoned dolls and friends on the instant and darted across to join her sister and her Headmistress. Hilda could see the curious faces around them and hear the sudden whispers, so she nodded at Sharlie to continue reading while she herself drew the two girls into a deserted corner, Marie still clinging to her like a limpet. She sat down on a low chair there and pulled the girl onto her lap.

“Marie? Ça ne va pas?” Emilie asked in fright.

“Sh, Emilie, leave her to calm down a little and maybe she’ll tell us.” Marie’s face was still hidden against Hilda, who was holding her close. “Tell me about your arm, child? Does it still hurt? You seem to be managing very well with it.”

Emilie put out her good hand and touched her twin hesitantly. “It’s not too bad, thank you, Miss Annersley, and everyone’s been helping me. But… what’s wrong with Marie? She won’t speak to me… and she wouldn’t come and play.”

“I think she’s still very upset by what happened yesterday, Emilie, when she saw both Miss Stone and you were hurt. Try to be patient with her.”

She eased her arms back a little and looked down at Marie. Her face was very pale, her eyes huge and haunted, bearing out all that Matey had said. Hilda stroked the wan cheek.

“Feeling a little better, petite?” she murmured, a wealth of kindness in her beautiful voice. “Think you can find a smile for me?” Marie’s grave eyes searched Hilda’s face, and then she allowed her lips to curve, just a fraction. Hilda was very concerned. What on earth was bothering her so much? She was going to make herself ill. “Do you keep thinking about what happened yesterday to Emilie?”

Marie nodded. Her lips trembled. “It won’t go away…. all the blood… and Emilie was hurting… I know, cos my arm was hurting, too…. and I was cold…. and scared…. and….I wanted…. I wanted….” Tears spurted and she buried her face against Hilda again, sobbing wildly.

“You wanted your maman. I know, mignonne, I know.” Hilda stroked the tangled hair with a tender hand. Emilie knelt by the chair and put her arm round her twin.

“I wanted maman too, Marie,” she whispered. “I wanted her to make my arm better… and stop it being so…cold…” Suddenly, Emilie too was sobbing.

Hilda pulled her close against her knee and held them both while they wept like two Niobes. She saw Ellie enter the room, look round and the come towards them swiftly, her face aghast. Sharlie, meanwhile, decided the best thing to do was to start the process of getting the others ready for bed. She closed The Princess and Curdie and stood up, quietly ordering the girls to put their games away and line up at the door.

Hilda rubbed Emilie’s back. “Emilie, I know you’re arm hurts and you’re tired, but try to stop crying, dear. You’re upsetting Marie even more. She hurts because you hurt.” Emilie choked back her sobs at once. “Good girl! Brave girl! Why don't you let Ellie give you a cuddle?”

She handed Emilie over to Ellie and tightened her arms round Marie’s shaking form and let her cry it out. When the tears had calmed down a little, she sat the girl up and handed her a hankie, suggesting she mop her eyes. Marie did so and blew her nose, then Hilda drew her close into her own body again, hoping the warmth would stop the shaking and remind her of home.

“I know you both wanted your own maman yesterday. You were both very brave girls out there but you were a lot younger than the other girls and so it upset you more. Emilie was injured, as well, which made it all worse. We do understand.” She looked down into Marie’s drenched eyes. “Did you have bad dreams about it last night?”

Marie’s eyes lost some of their haunted look, as she realised that her Headmistress did understand how she felt. She licked her lips and nodded. “I don’t want… to sleep on my own…,” she burst out.

“You want to sleep with Emilie again?” Hilda smiled and cuddled her close as the tears flowed freely once more. “You know, Marie, I think that’s a very good idea of yours. I suspect Emilie would like that very same thing.”

Emilie nodded vigorously, making Ellie giggle. Hilda looked up at her ward. “Could you go and find Matron yet again, ma mie, or Miss Knowles, and explain the situation? I’m sure Miss Knowles won’t mind them sleeping on her floor again tonight.”

Without more ado Ellie handed Emilie back to Hilda and departed. Marie had stopped crying so Hilda mopped her up again and then made sure she held them both close. “I’m not sure we can do this again after tonight but I’m sure once more won’t spoil you. When you’re feeling a little better I want to have a talk with you both, but you’re both too tired and upset now so we’ll cuddle up together on the couch and I’ll tell you a story while we wait for Matron and Miss Knowles.”

Once settled on the couch with a girl either side of her, she began to talk, her voice mellow and sweet in the sudden quiet of the large room: “Once upon a time, long, long ago, there was a little girl called Nell, who lived far away in a small cottage with her maman and papa and her baby sister, who was called Cherry. She loved her little sister and often would take her out into the fields round their cottage to play….”

Author:  Squirrel [ Mon May 31, 2010 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

Oh how simply perfect Mary! I know there were things that I wanted to comment on with reference to the time Hilda spent with Ellie, but the end of that scene has swept all of that from my mind - it is stunningly powerful.

I had tears in my eyes while reading that - thank goodness Hilda did stand up to Matron and say she was going to go to the twins and spend some time with them if nothing else. I so hope that she brings a measure of peace to them, and is able to help them sleep better tonight - in peace, away from the others, and with Vivien as their protector - and may Vivien give them anything else they may need once Hilda has left them.

The inclusion of Ellie at both ends of this scene, as a book end almost, was completely inspired - she just about makes it, and it couldn't be as good without her presence, both as protector of her guardian, drawing that acknowledgement from her that Matron would have her in bed, and as comforter to Emilie. Yes - she was needed here.

And Sharlie knew that as much as she would like to help Hilda, the best thing she could do was look after the rest of her young flock and get them safely off to bed.

Thank you Mary - I'm glad you found the typing up of this a useful task, for it has certainly been a wonderful read for the rest of us.

Author:  PaulineS [ Mon May 31, 2010 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

Mary Thank you. That was a beautifully peaceful, and tender passage. The twins are so young and needing so much support here. The bond between them which allowed Marie to feel Emilie's pain and the need of both for maman, is so detailed and realistic.

I am pleased Hilda is going to let the twins sleep together and that she then plans an early evening herself. :tea:

Author:  Lesley [ Mon May 31, 2010 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

Thank you Mary - little Marie really needed her, didn't she?

Author:  clair [ Mon May 31, 2010 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

Mary - that was beautiful and so moving. I could literally see the scene as I read it and feel the emotion. The balance between Hilda and Ellie was perfect and as for HIlda telling Nell's story to comfort the twins - words fail me.

Thank you for such a wonderful end to my day - and I hope that it has indeed helped you to get through tonight and that Hilda will continue to help you in the coming weeks xx

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Mon May 31, 2010 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

The way Marie greeted Hilda is surely proof, if any were needed, that Hilda's instinct that she must see the twins before she herself went to bed was the right one. Nor is it surprising that Marie would feel the same pain in her arm as her twin, this is yet another proof of the strong bonds of twinship.

Ellie's role as comforter and messenger was just what Hilda needed, there and their few minutes together at the beginning of the post just what both of them needed.

Finally, how typical of Hilda to seek to comfort the twins by telling them a story so close to her own heart. I hope that doing so will bring some solace to her own sore heart.

Thank you, Mary for another unforgettable vignette. I hope that you will draw strength from Hilda and from Ellie to help you tomorrow.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

Thank you Mary

Author:  RuthFL [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6


Author:  jmc [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

I'm glad that typing this up and posting is helping you Mary. Hilda has just shown us yet again how much understanding she has of her charges and the way they react to her shows just how much they love her.

Thank you

Author:  charli [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

(((Marie and Emilie)))

How sweet. Hilda really does understand her pupils doesn't she.

All I can say at the moment is thank you. I don't think I enjoy reading anything as much at present, published or not.

Author:  di [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

It was when Hilda started to tell the story of Nell as a small child that the tears came to my eyes as I pictured her sitting with the twins in her arms trying to comfort them from memories of the terrors of the last day or so. She is so in tune with the needs of her charges that she knows exactly what is required of her even although talking about Nell must be hard for her. :tea: :tea:
Mary, I'm sure Hilda is helping you as well, in real life, through these hard times and will continue to do so just as she will continue with those in school, who need her compassion so much.
Thanks so much for the update written with so much sensitivity.

Author:  Luisa [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

There are times when only Hilda will do for her charges, aren't there?
Thank you

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

That was such a moving update, and how well Hilda can help them all - thankyou.

Author:  Celia [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

Such a tender piece of writing Mary. The twins had certainly bonded
with Hilda out there on the road and she responds to them here with
her usual compassion and awareness.Sharlie and Ellie both help to
make the startling situation easier for the Juniors,and Hilda's story
line is just so poignant.

Thank you.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

Mary, yet again you surprise us - the way Ellie is supporting Hilda, maybe that will grow and ease Hilda's burdens? Oh, and the way Hilda is given such a positive reaction from the twins to give back confidence in her own abilities. Although I am a little worried about the continuing headache as she hasn't let up for hours so the strain must be getting to her. Hope she does get some rest soon, she really does need it :roll:

Then, the picture of Sharlie reading to the younger girls in their common room, which is one of those scenes we rarely see except in our minds; we usually see only the older girls on their own in the common rooms. It is such a thought provoking scene, so much going on, and the twins are becoming part and parcel of AMAS :D Let alone the fact that Ellie is fast gathering her own followers :lol:

Definitely a posting that had my imagination running over with pictures of the scenes you've written..oh the power of the word Thank you :D

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

Oh, those poor little poppets !
I am so very glad that Hilda did go to see them. I fear they would have had a very miserable night if she had not....... :bawling:

I particularly loved the bit where Hilda saluted the moon :)

Author:  Cath V-P [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

Hilda's response to the twins is so very genuine and caring. (And what a lovely depiction of the Juniors in their common room.) She knows instinctively that Marie is being haunted by what she saw the previous day and that she needs the support of her twin's presence and also the care of the adults around her. And when the twins' mother cannot be there for them, who better than Hilda to take her place?
Ellie's care and compassion for her juniors is also clearly revealed here - no wonder she and Hilda have such a close relationship, one in which Ellie is "cherished." They do understand one another so very well and have so much in common - not least that they had had to rebuild their lives after having lost so much. This comment really says it all ;
They loved each other, in all simplicity, and love kept the darkness at bay.

And that reference to Nell's childhood is truly moving; it is both a fairy-tale legendremote and perfect, and yet so profoundly truthful . . .
Thank you Mary.

Author:  MaryR [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 31/05/10 p6

Thank you for enjoying that last scene so much. The next three pieces I'm going to post in fairly quick succession, so I can get Hilda to bed for you! :D

Mattea1 wrote:
It is such a thought provoking scene, so much going on, and the twins are becoming part and parcel of AMAS :D

You know, I'd never thought of that, Mattea! Do you think Ellie will co-opt them as members? :wink:

....Once settled on the couch with a girl either side of her, she began to talk, her voice mellow and sweet in the sudden quiet of the large room: “Once upon a time, long, long ago, there was a little girl called Nell, who lived far away in a small cottage with her maman and papa and her baby sister, who was called Cherry. She loved her little sister and often would take her out into the fields round their cottage to play….”

Ten minutes later, by now much calmer after the gentle story about the mistress they had never known, the twins had been whisked out of her arms by two concerned and determined women and taken off to be soothed and petted by the new science mistress, successor to the girl whose story they had so much enjoyed. Hilda sat on in the still room, her eyes misty, veiled in memories. Maybe she should jot down some of the stories Nell had told her over the years about that happy childhood she and Cherry had enjoyed in the wilds of Devon.

Bless you, dear heart. I think you and Ellie and Kate have rescued me from myself tonight.

She rose to her feet, a nostalgic smile tugging at her lips. What on earth had been wrong with her a little earlier? She was far too old for such nonsense!

She clicked off the light and went out into the dim corridors once more, this time to try and find Meg. She’d escaped a long talk with the twins and conserved some energy. Could she do the same with Meg and Tonia? Who could she send to fetch Tonia? Better she didn’t appear in the Middles Common Room herself. That would set the tongues wagging!

Absorbed in her thoughts, she turned a corner – and found her problems solved. Two girls were coming towards her, chatting companionably. Mireille and Meg!

Hilda stopped. “On your way to the juniors, girls?”

They both nodded. “How are you feeling now, Miss Annersley?” Mireille asked anxiously.

“Much better, thank you, Mireille. Thank you, also, for all you’ve done today, child. Matron Lloyd has been singing your praises – yours and the prefects’ - though I’m quite sure she doesn’t know it all, does she?” Mireille blushed a fiery red. “She sang yours as well, Meg. I gather you’ve been helping Mireille with the juniors.”

Meg, in turn, blushed to the roots of her hair and Mireille stepped in hastily. “She’s brilliant with them, Miss Annersley. In fact, she’s just offered to come with me to help with bedtime.”

“Well, you’ll find they’ve already begun their bedtime ablutions, thanks to my presence there,” Hilda laughed gently. “I’m sure Miss Andrews will be glad of your help. But before you go, I wonder could you do something for me, Mireille? I need to speak with Tonia. I gather she was very upset during the night.”

Mireille nodded. “I’ll go and find her for you now, Miss Annersley. Where shall I send her?”

“To the study, please, Mireille. Could you wait with her and reassure her that she’s not in trouble?"

Mireille nodded and shot off, while Hilda turned to Meg. “I’m pleased I met you, dear. I think the real Meg Lyall is appearing more and more, isn’t she, and I’m so very proud of her.”

Meg looked down at her feet. “It’s not much I’m doing, Miss Annersley. But you did suggest it… and Mireille was happy to let me tag along…”

Hilda reached out and touched Meg’s shoulder. “It’s a start, child, a big start. And it comes from your heart. You weren’t forced into it. Don’t be in a big hurry to change, though. Just go slowly, one step at a time, and it will all fall into place, I promise you.” Meg lifted her head and smiled at her. “The convent will help, as well. In fact, I need to have a long chat with you about that tomorrow, as it looks like your flight is now set for Monday.”

The smile fled from Meg’s face and she gnawed the inside of her cheek. “Don’t look so frightened, child,” Hilda murmured, clasping the girl’s shoulder comfortingly. “If you really hate the thought of going we can re-arrange things but maybe, after we’ve talked more about it, you won’t feel so nervous.”

Meg stared at her, teeth working harder on her poor cheek. Then she sighed and her shoulders slumped. “No, I think maybe I still want to go… Some of the girls… they… “ Her voice trailed away and she stood there in some distress, the happiness now faded from her eyes.

“They’re making it evident they still don’t like you?” Hilda suggested, her voice very gentle, and Meg nodded. “We talked about this, didn’t we? It’s not going to be easy for them – or for you. It will take time and hard work. Some things in life just can’t be hurried. But two or three of the girls did promise their help and that’s a start.”

She paused and searched Meg’s face, waiting for her to speak, but she seemed unable to find any words. “I think you do still want to go, deep down, Meg. You need a time away from us, so you can begin to discover who you really are and what is most important to you. The nuns will help you there. They will also teach you how to cope with the resentments from the others, show you how to respond positively to people rather than reacting negatively, as you have been doing.”

Meg licked her lips, obviously still miserable. Hilda moved closer, placed an arm round the lonely girl’s shoulder and spoke reassuringly. “It will come in time, Meg. But please don’t be frightened of going to the convent. They will make you very welcome and help you in ways I know nothing about, just as they helped me. You won’t ever regret it, I promise you. Meanwhile, just keep on here as you have been doing, helping the little ones and keeping your temper under control with your own class. Remember to keep smiling, no matter how sad or angry or hurt you feel.”

She gave Meg a hug and then released her. “Go on over to the juniors for now and I’ll make time to see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams, Meg. You’re a very brave girl.”

Meg was reluctant to leave the warm, loving presence of her Headmistress. The Abbess healed her, healed her right inside where it hurt the most, where the loneliness was. The Abbess made her see that wholeness was possible and that a completely new world could open up to her, if she only proved herself equal to the task.

Hilda divined the reluctance. “Don’t worry, Meg. We’ll have many more chances to talk, as I promised you we would. I’ll always be ready to listen. But for now, you have a job to do in the juniors, and I have to speak with Tonia, who has her own problems with her attitude and her behaviour towards others.”

She saw the eagerness which leapt into the grey eyes. So! She had lit a spark in Meg’s heart.

“Could I be of any help to her?” Meg asked, but her voice was hesitant. After all, her own behaviour had been deplorable, so why would she be trusted with helping others?

Hilda placed her hands on Meg’s shoulder and searched the anxious eyes. “You really mean it, child? Then yes, once you’ve been to the convent and had time to reflect on what has happened in your own life, I think you will be very well placed to help Tonia, if she will allow it. You’ve walked in her shoes, in a slightly different way, and know just how great the temptation is to do wrong, to want to exert your own will instead of being obedient to the rules. Perhaps you could talk over with Mother Abbess the best way to use your own experiences to help others. Bless you, Meg.”

Meg shook her head. “I’m not worth blessing, Miss Annersley, but thank you for trusting me to help Tonia.”

“Everyone is worth blessing, child,” replied Hilda, with a loving smile. “God makes no distinction but bestows His grace on all of us, even on the Meg Lyalls and the Miss Annersleys of this world!” Meg grinned at the mere thought of being bracketed with her Headmistress.

Hilda have her a quick kiss, knowing now how much it would mean to the girl. “Off you go, and sleep well, dear. Don’t lie worrying about your tomorrows. They’ll come soon enough. Enjoy today. Remember: The present moment is always full of infinite treasure. It contains far more than you can possibly grasp. (de Caussade)”

Hilda couldn’t help noticing the radiant light in the grey eyes as Meg turned and left her. It made her heart rejoice. Those eyes had been unhappy and sullen for far too long.

Author:  Lesley [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Sorry to have to say it, Mary - but that was lovely! :wink: And at least I can write it now without seeming illiterate. :roll:

Beautiful scene.

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Mary that was a beautiful interlude. Meg is so needy here, and yet learning so much about herself and others.

Pleased Mireille was with Meg and could say how useful she was as Meg could not.
And Mary
Enjoy today. Remember: The present moment is always full of infinite treasure. It contains far more than you can possibly grasp. (de Caussade)”

we all need to learn this and that we are all worth blessing (whether we believe or not we can all wish those we come into contact with the best outcome for their day.)

Author:  Abi [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Thank you Mary. I love the way Hilda is gaining strength from giving to others - it's so easy to forget, sometimes, the way that can build us up.

Author:  lizziearrnet [ Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Mary, I still love this!!! Having a few bits to catch up on was even better!

That interlude with Meg is just spot on, couldn't have been any more right (Hilda would have fits at my English...oh well). Oh and the previous bit with the twins, well Hilda certainly has a bit of mother's instinct in her, not just the instinct of a teacher. It was beautiful

That de Caussade quote is just spot on, shared it with Claire and she agrees, may well become my current motto along with a few others....definately will enjoy my todays and await my tomorrows!

I hope that there will be more soon, xxx

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Thu Jun 03, 2010 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Once again, we see Hilda at her best, as she talks with Meg, doing everything in her power to reassure the girl, to make her understand that gaining the liking and respect of all the girls will inevitably take time, that she should definitely not be discouraged, but should take each day as it comes. (Hmm -I don't think Miss Annersley would approve of that appallingly run-on sentence !!! :shock: :shock: )

I loved the way Mireille spoke up to praise Meg there - how much she too, has matured over the course of the past few weeks. But perhaps the icing on the cake, and probably the thing which will have pleased Hilda herself is Meg's spontaneous offer to try and help Tonia, if Hilda thinks she would be able to do so.

I don't doubt that the Meg who returns from her time at the convent will be firmly set on her future path. It may not always be easy, but, buoyed up by MA, by Ian and above all by Hilda's trust in her, she will get there in the end.

Thank you, Mary, for this most rewarding scene - just Tonia to see now, then Hilda will be able to relax with Ellie for a while before they both seek their beds.

Author:  Squirrel [ Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

That was just... Wow. The ending of Hilda's time with the twins was so gentle and so quick, and we move right from that into the scene with Meg. She really is going to make good. There is no question about that - she is already well on the way.

How loving and kind that she should help Mirelle out with the juniors and be so willing to be there in a time of need. And how perfect were those words that Hilda took the time out to have with her to calm a few fears and to reassure Meg that the study door was always open to her. Meg really is becoming a girl that the school can be proud of - no it's not going to be an easy trip. but... There really is such a vast amount of untapped potential in her and this is being slowly brought to the surface now. I can't wait to see the wonderful person she shall be by the time she comes back from her stay away.

And to offer to help out Tonia when she comes back, if the other girl lets her - truly a diamond in the rough. With a bit of polishing she will make a wonderful girl...

I think I'm glad you stopped where you did this time Mary... I think I'd have got lost in all I wanted to say about the beauty and perfection of your writing if you'd included the next scene here as well.

Thank you.

Author:  jmc [ Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

It's nice to see that Meg has found a place where she can help others. Being needed and able to help the juniors will give her more confidence in herself and will help to top off what everyone else is doing for her.

Thanks Mary

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Hilda always knows exactly what to say, doesn't she? Thankyou for the update, that was beautiful.

Author:  di [ Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

I agree with those before me; a truly beautiful interaction between Hilda and Meg where the former is gently preparing her charge for the experience of the Convent.
Thanks, Mary.

Author:  Luisa [ Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Growth really is catching, isn't it? Looking forward to Meg at the convent - I think an online retreat would do us all so much good.
Thank you.

Author:  Celia [ Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Despite all Hilda's longing for Nell she is doing exactly what Nell asked of her..... caring for every aspect of the school they both love so much, and doing it magnificently.

Thank you Mary

Author:  Mattea1 [ Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Mary, it's as if, whilst on her travels around the school, Hilda is being given some closure, calm and peace about each situation. So, by the time Ellie has provided her with reassurance that she is loved, she will be ready to sleep quietly, gain relief from her headache and have her strength and health restored :)

Another tapestry woven and another young life with her future more certain with the time at the convent and MA to help her :)

Thanks Mary

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Thanks Mary, This was wonderful

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

You know, Mary, I am still utterly amazed that you have managed to make me like Meg after the way she treated Ellie.

I find myself liking her more with each interlude, and desperately wishing and praying she will continue to grow and develop.

Going to visit MA will really be the making of her, I am convinced.... and I am really looking forward to reading the interactions between her and MA :D

Author:  MHE [ Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

I'm so glad that Hilda insisted on going to see the twins, pity that Matron is not there to see their reaction, :wink: however I'm sure that Sharlie will tell everyone in the staff room what happened. It is so obvious from their instinctive reaction to her appearance in the common room that they, too love and trust her implicitly. After such a gentle interlude with Hilda I'm sure that the two of them, especially Marie, will be able spend a dreamless night on Vivien's floor. It was lovely to see Hilda feeling able to share with them some of Nell's early life with her parents and Cherry, hard though that must have been for her.

It is almost as if a guiding hand is making sure that Hilda can see those girls she wants to see without causing too much disturbance to either their routine or their peers', and, in Meg's case, without giving more ammunition to those girls who have yet to be convinced of the sea change that has occurred in her.

The visit to the convent and the gentle ministrations of Mother Abbess and the rest of the nuns will surely finish what Hilda, Mireille and the others have already started. Meg has come a long way since Mireille first talked with her and the Meg Lyall who returns to the school at the end of her week in Norfolk will be someone as far removed from the bullying Meg Lyall as it is possible to be.

Thank you Mary, for another powerful piece of writing, and I'm glad that New Dreams has been able to distract and help you during this difficult time.

Author:  clair [ Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Thanks Mary, that was lovely and really showed just how far Meg has moved on. Hope that Hilda continues to help you through the weeks ahead xx

Author:  MaryR [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 2/06/10 p7

Thank you for all the kindly comments, and I'm so sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise and get Hilda to bed quickly. RL has been *realler* than normal these past two weeks and taken its toll. But, as you will see at the end of this post, Hilda is finally about to seek her bed..... :roll:

That's if you get that far, as this piece is impossibly long. In fact, I've just been goggling at Lesley's latest cliff, :P and reading this must seem rather like watching paint dry, in comparison! :dontknow:

...Hilda couldn’t help noticing the radiant light in the grey eyes as Meg turned and left her. It made her heart rejoice. Those eyes had been unhappy and sullen for far too long. With a fervent prayer that Kate Stuart and her community could really help the girl, Hilda watched her out of sight and then turned and walked swiftly back to her study. Once there, she saw that it had perhaps been a mistake to make Tonia wait, for her face bore a trapped and terrified expression. Mireille was talking to her but Hilda wondered how much Tonia had responded.

She came up to them with a smile and didn’t miss Mireille’s look of relief. “Thank you, Mireille, and I’m sorry for keeping you from the juniors. By the way,” she added as Mireille moved away, “I must also thank you for the help you’ve given Meg. You have a generous and forgiving heart, child, and I do appreciate it.”

She gave her Head Girl a beaming smile, a smile which lit up her pale face, and then ushered Tonia into the study, well aware that she had lightened Mireille’s heart. The latter was looking rather ragged and had probably had nightmares about the accident, for all her brave words the night before. She was a Head Girl in a million, one to be cherished.

Hilda smiled down at Tonia. “My dear, please don’t look so frightened. Matron Lloyd is rather concerned about you so I thought a friendly chat might help. Come and sit down.”

She settled the stunned-looking girl on the couch, then sat down beside her and took her hand. “I know it’s nearly bedtime so I won’t keep you long, but tell me, would you like to sleep in Gillian’s dormitory again tonight? The bed is still spare.”

The girl’s face lightened a little and she nodded, mute appeal in her eyes. “Thank you, Miss Annersley. Last night…. Gillian was… she…. ” But Tonia was unable to go on and gripped Hilda’s hand so hard that the latter almost winced.

“What’s wrong, Tonia?” Hilda asked gently. “You had nothing to do with what happened yesterday, so why the gloom?”

Tonia crushed Hilda’s hand even harder, her nails digging into the soft flesh, and Hilda forced herself to remain still. A sob escaped the girl, followed by another, as she tried to control herself. Her words finally tumbled out despite herself.

“Yesterday afternoon… when I stood watching them save Miss Stone’s life… all I could think about was… what we did to Mireille on Monday… and what could have happened if she had hit her head harder, like Miss Stone did… and that would have been my fault… I was the one who thought of the marbles and got the others.. to.. help me… and….”

Her sobs got the better of her and she paused and looked down at their joined hands. She suddenly seemed to become aware of whose hands they were and snatched her own away, but Hilda simply took it back and held it gently, comfortingly. “And?” she queried.

Tonia’s red-rimmed eyes met hers. “If Mireille had hit her head harder, we might have killed her, mightn’t we?” she gulped.

“It’s a distinct possibility, yes,” Hilda replied, her voice grave. “But luck, or God, was on your side, and all Mireille ended up with was a bad headache and a lump.”

Tonia’s eyes grew haunted. She shook her head as though to dislodge unpleasant thoughts. “In my dreams… last night… it was Mireille who kept bleeding.... from her head, her arms, her legs… everywhere…. I tried to stop it but she kept telling me it was my fault and I deserved to watch her die…. I tried to stop… myself… falling back to sleep but I couldn’t… and I kept dreaming it over and over….”

The last word ended on a frantic wail. Hilda pulled her into her arms, where the girl let go and sobbed out her misery and shame. Hilda felt compassion for her, but at the same time she was mightily relieved that Tonia could be so affected by the accident. She had been shaken out of her resentfulness and her devil-may-care attitude, and had had it brought home to her just where her behaviour was leading her – and others. She was young to be so affected but she was a highly intelligent girl and a leader in the making.

The sobs eased a little but Hilda continued to hold her. “Your nightmares are perfectly normal in the circumstances, Tonia. What happened was very frightening for everyone, even the prefects. Some of them also had bad dreams during the night. I had them myself after my accident last term.” She shuddered inwardly at just how bad those dreams had been. “But I’m not sorry it has brought you to your senses, child. You were becoming extremely disobedient and foolhardy and may, indeed, in the end have caused someone serious injury. I have to tell you that another incident such as Monday’s would have led to your immediate expulsion.”

There was a broken exclamation from Tonia and she pulled away from the comforting arms to stare in shock at her Headmistress. Hilda took a fresh hankie from her pocket – how many had she got through that evening? – and wiped away the worst of the tears. She then cupped Tonia’s blotchy face in gentle hands. “Think about it, dear. How could I keep a girl who was so bent on having her own way that she injured others? How could I know anyone was safe when you were around, even my staff or my prefects?”

More tears rained down Tonia’s cheeks. “You couldn’t!” she sobbed. “I might have ended up murdering someone!”

Hilda tried not to smile at the childishness of the cry. Tonia wasn’t quite as tough a nut as she always tried to make out. “But you never will now, because you’ve had your ideas thoroughly shaken up. So that’s one good thing to come out of this accident. I’ve learned recently that God can bring good out of the very worst events, if we give Him enough room to manoeuvre and are willing to listen to Him.”

“Does He?” stuttered Tonia, her tears slackening at this new idea planted in her heart. She absent-mindedly took the hankie, wiped her tears and blew her nose. Hilda was as grateful that Tonia didn’t try to pass back the resulting sodden mess as she was to see the girl’s brain whirring away behind those red-rimmed eyes.

“Did you really mean that, Miss Annersley?” Tonia looked steadily at Hilda. “I mean, about something good happening? Because, if you did, there’s something else that’s good – or something that’s gone, I think.” She struggled to sort out her scattered thoughts and then had the grace to look ashamed. “We all had the idea that Mireille was no good as a Head Girl, you know. I mean, Tessa was such a …. Oh, what do I mean? She was how a Head Girl should be. You knew not to be silly when she was around… not to mess about…”

“You mean you respected her.”

“That’s it! Respect! We didn’t feel the same about some of the others but we did for Tessa… and for Mireille and Gillian… and we behaved for all the others because we knew Tessa would come down on us like a...a... ton of bricks if we didn’t…. Then Mireille became Head Girl… we still re…respected her, but we felt we could do things we wouldn’t have dared before… ‘cos most of the prefects, even Carmela… they were soft….”

“Or so you thought,” Hilda murmured, “until the day she woke up and condemned you to perform in that concert.”

“We hated her,” Tonia burst out, and then clapped her hand over her mouth in horror.

“I’m glad to see you have some sense of propriety, child,” Hilda remarked with gentle irony, though her eyes were twinkling. She took Tonia’s hand away from her mouth and held it secure. “Please don’t worry. Better out than in, as they say, and I can see your words are leading somewhere – though I must admit that I already knew all that you’re telling me.” Tonia’s jaw dropped.

“Think about it. If I didn’t notice these things, I wouldn’t be doing my job, would I? I knew all about the groundswell of ill-feeling towards the prefects, knew all about the little rudenesses and the petty insolence. I even saw your own resentment when you performed at the concert and I had the feeling you would hurt Carmela in some way, if you could.”

Tonia’s eyes filled with shame as Hilda added, somewhat sadly, “I just hadn’t anticipated you would do something quite so dangerous. The other girls tried to stop you, even your greatest friend, but you and your two allies are spoiled and self-willed and would have your way. Carmela had hurt you, so you would hurt her! But Mireille was hurt instead and you found yourselves with even more punishment. And still you felt hard done by – I saw it in your faces, even as I gave you the Head’s Report. You blamed all of us, not yourself, for your predicament.”

Silence fell, but her quiet words seemed to ring round the room, shouting their truth to the world. Tonia’s wan face grew paler still and her eyes closed, as though in pain.

The quiet voice spoke again. “So what’s changed, Tonia? What do you think has gone?”

Tonia swallowed through a tight throat, opened her eyes and tried to speak. No sound emerged. She rubbed her eyes and tried again. “I watched Mireille and Carmela save Miss Stone’s life,” she said simply. “Carmela! Who I’d thought so useless. Oh, I know Ellie was the one who told them what to do – she was so cool! - but they did it! They didn’t tell her they were the prefects and knew better than she did. They just… obeyed her. They didn’t seem soft or helpless out there at all – they were calm and strong. Gillian, as well. They didn’t even tell me off for the knife. Carmela thanked me! Me, the trouble-maker.” Her eyes were inward-looking, as though she were seeing the scene with clearer eyes than before.

“And now? Hilda murmured. “How do you feel now?”

Tonia came back to herself and gazed in awe at Hilda. “Now? I have so much respect for them, especially Carmela, that I wonder how I could ever have behaved like I did. They looked after everyone out there, they and Ellie. No one was forgotten. And Carmela was so good to me when we got back to school, insisting I stay with them in your room until news came. All I wanted to do was hide away for having been so horrible to her….. Why was I?“

She began to weep again but more quietly this time. Hilda squeezed the hand she was holding, as though to ameliorate her next words. “You’ve a keen brain, Tonia. You’re quick to spot weaknesses and know how to exploit them. That’s why you did it. You’re also, as I said, very spoiled and full of your own importance.” Tonia’s head came up. “You know it’s true, deep down inside, child. Hopefully, now that pride of yours has been humbled, you will never again be so quick to judge others or want to exert your own will so much.”

Tears still trickled slowly down the white cheeks but Tonia was brave and honest. She nodded. She knew every word was true. Her brother was the same and she’d unthinkingly followed his example. She licked the salty tears as they reached her lips. “What can I do to make up to them? I’ve already said I’m sorry. But somehow that doesn’t seem enough now.”

Her voice was very woebegone and Hilda felt sorry for her. She waited while the girl fumbled for the hankie and tried to blot up the new tears. Then she took Tonia’s other hand and held both in her own firm grasp. She regarded her pupil with grave eyes.

“For Mireille, the apology would be enough. I think, though, that you would like to do something more concrete for her, as well. I have to confess that I, too, would like that. I’ve already removed all your Head’s Reports, yours and Christine’s and Marie-Luce’s, but you will still miss the concert tomorrow - and do it with good grace! - to show myself and the prefects that you are willing to make amends. In the afternoon, while the lower school have their concert, you will be given extra work and spend the time with whichever Matron is on duty. After Abendessen, you will spend the evening helping with the juniors, because all the prefects wil be in the Hall and cannot render any assistance.”

Tonia’s mouth had fallen open in shock. Hilda’s lips twitched in a wry grin. “Comprehensive enough for you? There’s more, I’m afraid.” Tonia waited, wondering what blow was coming. Hilda tapped the girl’s knee. “What the prefects and I would really like is to see the three of you being a force for good in your form.”

“But the other two wouldn’t listen to me,” Tonia gasped in fright. “They like messing about!”

“Just as you did, remember? I imagine they won’t thank you for trying to change, although I have already given them my unvarnished opinion of their behaviour and told them it has to change. So they might listen, or they might well call you a goody-goody or worse. Hard to know! But I happen to think you’re strong enough to withstand all that. For some reason, you’ve been influenced by the accident and won’t be tempted to misbehave to the same extent, ever again.”

She paused and waited for a response but Tonia was too shocked to think straight. Hilda grimaced inwardly. Was she asking too much of this youngster? She didn’t think so. Whatever had happened to Tonia out in the snow, it had marked her strongly and she was now seeking a new way. But she clearly wasn’t convinced that this was it.

Hilda took up her tale. “I know you’re shaking inside at what I’m asking of you, dear. It will be hard to go straight – and even harder to make others see what you’ve seen. Bella might help you. You’ve always been friends, yet she was strong enough to stand against you the other day over the marbles. So she’s already been doing some hard thinking of her own and maybe will join forces with you. With two such strong characters as yours leading the way, the whole form might change, not just Marie-Luce and Christine. It certainly needs changing,” she added wryly.

“But why me?” Tonia burst out.

“Why not you?”

Deep silence enveloped the room as Hilda threw down the gaunlet. She recalled how she had had more or less the same conversation with Marianne Westwood the term before – with spectacular results. Marianne was older, true, but Tonia was as intelligent and as able to lead others as Marianne had been.

She shook the girl’s hands to make her pay attention. “Think about Helen Keller who became blind and deaf while still a child, Tonia. Think of all she went on to do. She said something very profound which each of us needs to take to heart: I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything but I can still do something; and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”

Hilda laughed gently at the bemusement on the fourteen year old’s face. “This is the something you can do, Tonia – for yourself, for Mireille and the prefects, and for your form. You are only one, I know, but you are one. With Bella you could be two. Have a think about it. Go and talk to Carmela. She’d be a tower of strength for you. Talk to Bella, if she will listen. Have another quiet think and then come back to me and we’ll talk more about it. Though I suspect that, by that time, your own behaviour will have already had some results. I have every confidence in you, child.”

A few minutes later Hilda was accompanying Tonia up to the Sixth Form Dormitory. She was more than ready to leave the school to its own devices now and return to bed. She had accomplished what she had set out to do. She knew she had been right to defy Gwynneth. Meg had been reassured. Little Marie and Emilie had been offered the opportunity to pour out their nightmares, thus enabling them to go off happily to bed in Vivien’s room once more.

As for Tonia, the haunted look had been banished from her eyes. Instead, Hilda saw reflected there a tapestry of emotions: trepidation, bewilderment – and hope. And that last encouraged Hilda. Everyone needed hope. Without it, how did you go on?

Author:  Squirrel [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Wow!!! Anything less like watching paint dry I've yet to behold Mary. What a master Hilda is. How bewitching - keeping her audience hanging on for every last word, whoever they might be.

The power behind your writing is immense - in that you are not just manipulating the words and the story, if you will forgive me such a term as 'manipulating' as I'm aware that this can have negative implications, while I'm thinking only of that which is positive here. In some ways though, your words have influence on the emotions as well - which is why I've found myself in tears with Tonia, and then smiling with Hilda at her way of expressing myself, and then stunned as that comprehensive punishment and request for such a big effort was handed out to her. Your Characters seem so real. And I just loved every word of Tonia's confession about how she has always felt about Carmela and how this has changed.

Oh Mary - I could go on, if I were to reread and have the space and time to write an essay I would go on. But for now... Just know that I love it. I love the way that Hilda has dealt with each of the girls, and I know that it couldn't have been done better.

I say again 'wow'.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  Lesley [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

The master at work - or I should say the 'mistress' at work - a short interlude in which we see just why Hilda is such a good Headmistress.

Many thanks Mary

PS. What cliff? :wink:

Author:  PaulineS [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Mary Thank you so much for posting this before you go on holiday.

Hilda has certainly challenged Tonia with her words. Hilda's understanding of all the protagonists in this episode and her ability to know what and how to share with Tonia so that she knows what Hilda expects and is given the hope to try and achieve her potential. Pleased Tonia can realise that she has tried to emulate her brother who is also spoilt.

Pleased Hilda can identify a friend to help Tonia in class.

Mary it was not too long and we did not want to be on a cliff whilst you were on holiday, there are enough cliffs on the board at present.

Author:  Abi [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

And someone else's life is changed forever because of Hilda's incredible love and understanding. She is truly an extraordinary woman. Thank you Mary.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Mary, your postings are never too long :lol:

The consumate headmistress yet again reveals the inner potential of the errant schoolgirl and points her in the right direction. How does Hilda do it :?: :roll:

So glad Hilda is able to head towards her bed feeling hopeful and encouraged about her pupils and we have not been left clinging to the long grass at the top of a very tall cliff whilst you are on your very much deserved holiday :lol: :lol:

Thanks Mary

Author:  charli [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Mary, I was hoping you would post again before you went on holiday! And again, i wasn't disappointed.

This is one of my favourite posts I think. I love how Tonia admits to how she felt about Carmela and how she feels now. And it was very telling how she was pleased that Carmela thanked her for the knife. It shows that Tonia wants to be liked and though helpful.

I hope Bella helps her with her plan!

Have a good holiday.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Thank you, Mary.

Hilda's balance here is amazing.
(She must also have kept a fantastic quotation diary -- and have committed it to memory. I'm sure I would still be stumbling around trying to remember that perfect quote. :) )

Author:  shesings [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Mary, this was just so beautifully written. (I did begin to wonder how big Hilda's pockets were that she could produce so many clean hankies on demand!) Have a wodnerful and refreshing holiday!

Author:  di [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Another wonderful post, Mary, and certainly not too long; nothing you write in ND is too long and this is no exception. :) Tonia is responding to Hilda's kind but firm manner and, despite her doubts about herself, will try to make those changes within as Hilda well knows!
Enjoy your holiday with Ray, relax and start moving onwards and upwards through the grieving process.

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Hilda certainly managed to cut right to the quick here, but in such a kind, humane and almost certainly life-changing manner.

It is going to be such a blow to the school when she leaves for the Convent.........though I am sure her influence will continue to be immensely far-reaching !

Have a wonderful holiday, Mary !

Author:  cal562301 [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Thanks for the update, which is about as far from watching paint dry as I can imagine. You really portray Hilda and all the characters in an amazing way.

Have a wonderful holiday.

Author:  AnneM [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Hilda really does get people to think, doesn't she? So tough and yet so gentle at the same time. I do hope she manages to get back to the safety of her own room - and Ellie - without coming across someone else to deal with on the way.

Thank you, Mary, and I hope you have a lovely holiday.

Author:  jmc [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Too long? I don't think so. Hilda was so compassionate there but she also didn't hesitate to let Tonia know exactly how bad her behaviour had been. Thanks Mary and I hope you have a great holiday.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Definitely not too long, Mary! Here we have another shining example of Hilda's genius, for genius it certainly is, for cutting to the heart of the matter with a pupil, here, Tonia, and helping her to see both where she has been wrong and how she can now become a force for good, if she will accept the challenge of doing so. And when we remember how much she has already done this evening to help the twins and Meg, all the while continuing to battle the headache which despite all the tablets, still resembles a group of drummers at work inside her head, then her ability to think of others before herself can only continue to amaze us.

The fact that Tonia has already realised just how wrong she was to plan that punishment for Carmela, which Mireille was unfortunate enough to incur in her stead, and just how drastic the outcome of that incident could have been, is a huge step in the right direction. Watching Hilda build on that, while allowing Tonia to work out for herself just where she has been wrong, instead of simply pointing her shortcomings out to her, is truly a revelation. The punishment she has devised is just, too, for there is no way Tonia and her cohorts can avoid punishment altogether. But clearly Tonia, at least, has realised that she has misjudged Mireille as head girl and so many of the other prefects as 'soft', even though it has taken a near tragedy to bring this home to her.

I have every hope that good will come out of this situation, especially given Meg's wish to help Tonia, once she herself returns from the convent.

I'm glad that Hilda can at last turn her thoughts towards seeking her own bed and the gentle ministrations of her beloved Ellie.

Thank you, Mary, for leaving us on this positive note. Enjoy your holiday - you certainly need it - and come back reinvigorated.

Author:  seven [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Too long? It's never long enough for me Mary!

I hope the holiday is peaceful and full of sunshine for you.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Everyone needed hope. Without it, how did you go on?

Hope, one of the hardest things to have and one of the hardest things to give up on. Am looking forward to seeing which direction Tonia goes down

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Thankyou for the update.

Author:  Celia [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

So once again Hilda has triumphed, and can go to her bed knowing that she has seen and helped all those who needed her special
abilities to go to the core of their problem,cleanse and apply healing
balm.......even though Tonia may not feel quite like that yet ! Now Ellie can apply her loving care to her beloved guardian, and both can travel with hope towards the new day.

Thank you Mary for another evocative piece of writing.

Author:  linda [ Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

I've finally managed to catch up with the last few posts on this wonderful story and yet again, Mary, the depth of your writing has astounded me. I felt like a fly on the wall as Hilda has worked her way through those of her pupils whose great need meant that she was unable to do Matey's bidding and go to bed.

Hilda really doesn't pull her punches when she is dealing with the law-breakers amongst her charges, but as usual, she tempers justice with mercy. But in each case, she has helped the miscreants to look at where they have been wrong and move on.

A few minutes later Hilda was accompanying Tonia up to the Sixth Form Dormitory. She was more than ready to leave the school to its own devices now and return to bed. She had accomplished what she had set out to do. She knew she had been right to defy Gwynneth. Meg had been reassured. Little Marie and Emilie had been offered the opportunity to pour out their nightmares, thus enabling them to go off happily to bed in Vivien’s room once more.

Hilda can go off to bed now, knowing she has dealt faithfully with all her charges. I look forward to Meg's visit to the convent, and seeing how Tonia progresses now she has been brought up short by the terrifying accident to Linda Stone and has had to face up to the realities of her past behaviour.

Thank you Mary, have a wonderful holiday.

Author:  Cath V-P [ Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

No wonder Hilda is able to draw so much from her pupils when she can relate to them at such an individual level. Her experience and awareness of the way in which each girl is developing and responding to her specific circumstances is truly remarkable and this conversation with Tonia demonstrates this.

And Tonia responds to Hilda's stern compassion so well. She has clearly reached a point at which she can appreciate the lesson that Hilda is asking her to learn; she understands just how wrong she was to work against Mireille and the other prefects as she has, and has discovered that despite the differences between their methods of leadership, Mireille is as deserving of respect as Tessa. And she is also now aware of precisely what she could have caused by her own reckless behaviour - although the possible consequences to her and her victims seems to still come as something of a shock!

And despite the punishment still to come, Tonia has evidently benefited from this discussion; Hilda sees that,and can quite reasonable state "I have every confidence in you, child." And of course she has given Tonia the hope that everyone needs.....

Thank you Mary - a most beautiful thoughtful and measured conversation!

Author:  MHE [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

Most certainly this update was not too long, and in any case where could it have been split?

Once again we see Hilda getting under the skin of one of her pupils and being able to show Tonia exactly how bad things had become and how close she was to being expelled, yet showing that she also has faith that Tonia can and has changed. Despite everything Hilda is battling with, she knew what was going on in the school and knew that these girls hadn’t shown Mireille, Carmela and the other prefects the same respect that they’d shown in the past. Hilda has dropped a pebble into Tonia’s world, and the ripples generated will, in the end, affect all of her classmates. Yes it is a challenge and will take time, and one or two will not like the change, but change they will.

She had accomplished what she had set out to do. She knew she had been right to defy Gwynneth.

Absolutely, and with all those she has seen safely tucked up in bed or at least on their way there, she too can relax and head for her own rooms and the loving presence of Ellie.

Thank you Mary, for another wonderful piece of writing. I hope that you’ve had a lovely and relaxing holiday, you certainly needed it.

Author:  charli [ Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

I got all excited then when I saw this had moved up the board, but then I realised no update. Oh well.
Hope you are having a well deserved break Mary and are all nice and relaxed now.

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Mon 7/06/10 p8

charli wrote:
I got all excited then when I saw this had moved up the board, but then I realised no update. Oh well.

Fret not, Charli. This time it is an update. :lol:

Thank you all for the kindly words above and I'm so sorry for making you wait so long. It wasn't intended but RL got in the way big time. And I can't promise, at the moment, that it won't do the same again. :dontknow:

Just a little reminder that it's the day after the accident in the snow and Hilda is now on her way back to bed with that almighty headache.

They had almost reached Larkspur dormitory when Matey popped out into the corridor - almost like a Jack-in-the-Box, Hilda thought with amusement. Matey listened to her Head’s explanation then bore Tonia away without more ado, apart from a swift aside to Hilda to “Take yourself to bed immediately - or else!”

Hilda watched them disappear with a wry twist to her lips before turning in the opposite direction. Her head might be ready to split apart but there was one last port of call she needed to make, before she could obey Matey and make for harbour. That port of call was the staff room. Once there, however, her task was made easy. Both Jeanne de Lachennais and Ruth Derwent could see how ill she looked and were more than ready to accept the responsibility of the school for the weekend.

“Hilda, chèrie, you must not worry,” Jeanne said. “Between us we will see to any problems - even into next week, if you are still not well. Yesterday was a very bad day for you, when you were already suffering the headache from your own accident. Go to bed now and we will see you tomorrow morning in Assembly - but only Assembly,” she added warningly. “We will come to lock your door, if necessary, so you must be good, ma mie.”

Tears stung Hilda’s eyes. “Thank you, my friends. I owe you.”

“You owe us nothing, Hilda,” Ruth stated. “It is we who owe you. All we ask is that you look after yourself - and turn up tomorrow evening,” she added, with a knowing wink.

“Bonne nuit, ma chère, and faîtes de beaux rêves,” Jeanne said, shooing Hilda gently away.

Feeling greatly blessed by their willingness to help, Hilda finally reached safe harbour. She entered her Salon, to find her ward stretched out on the couch, deep in her scribbles. When Ellie saw her guardian, she scrambled to her feet, her face alight with her love.

“So, ma petite, your babies all safe in bed?”

“Oui, Madame,” Ellie replied, mischievously. “Only one baby left to put to bed now - you!”

Hilda chuckled and drew her ward into a close embrace. “It’s so good to come home to your smiling face, my wee flipperling, even if you are a perfect minx, at times. What would I do without you?”

“Oh, Madame!” Ellie breathed, completely overwhelmed by happiness. She recovered herself and murmured, “But before I put you to bed, mon ange gardien, I am to tell you there is a message on your desk from Miss Dene. Matron Lloyd made me promise not to forget.”

Hilda kissed her on the nose before going over to her little desk, where she found an envelope inscribed with her name in Rosalie’s writing. Opening it, she read with a gladdened heart: ‘John Lewis rang while you went AWOL from the Annexe earlier. He said to let you know that Tessa is showing some improvement at long last, the risk of osteomylitis seems to be waning - and when are you flying over to see her? He says he is paying, by the way! I hope the head is a little better. Sleep well. Rosalie.’

Hilda read the note over again, then stood staring into space, absent-mindedly tapping the note on her fingers. “No way is he paying,” she murmured, “but, oh, what good news!” She spun round, her eyes glowing in her pale face. “How would you like to fly to America with me at half term, ma petite?”

Ellie’s jaw dropped. “Wha.. a.. a…t?” she gasped. “Tu rigoles, Madame?”

Hilda went over to take Ellie by the shoulders. “No, sweetheart, I’m not joking and nor have I suddenly lost my mind. This note tells me that Tessa is finally on the mend, thanks be to God, and I promised her father that I would fly over when she was well enough for visitors - which she now is, apparently. So I thought of going at half term, and I would like it very much if you would come with me. What do you say, child?”

“But…. won’t Tessa want you to herself?” Ellie asked, recalling with shame her own jealousy of the girl. “What would her parents say?”

“I’ve already asked her father and he says he would love to meet you. As for Tessa, she’s a very gregarious girl, and I think you and she might deal very well together.”

Ellie stared at her, still anxious. “Won’t I be in the way, Madame? Why would you want me with you, when you would have Tessa and her family?”

Hilda saw the fear and drew her close. “I like being with you, child – that’s why. I’m very fond of Tessa, yes, but I happen to love you and want to spend time with you. We don’t get much of that commodity at school, do we?” Her voice was warm and sweet. “I also hope the trip might make up to you for the bad time you’ve been having this term. You deserve a treat. So what do you say?”

Ellie cuddled up close and sighed happily. Madame always made her feel so cherished. “I would like so much to go with you, ma très chère Madame, if you really want me.”

Hilda kissed the top of the girl’s head. “I do want you, Ellie, darling. You’ve brought so much love into my life, just when I need it very badly.”

She felt her ward‘s arms squeeze her tight. She was, at last, beginning to relax when a groan emanated from Ellie. She straightened up and stared at Hilda in fright. “Mais, Madame, je suis idiote! Matron Lloyd will be so very angry. I was supposed to help you to bed as soon as you came in. Your head is very bad still, no?”

Hilda tapped her on the nose. “Well, if she shouts, mignonne, you can tell her it was her own fault for telling you about the note. I had to read it, didn’t I, despite my headache?”

“Yes, Madame, but…”

“But nothing! I am now going to do exactly what Matron wants. In fact, nothing, not even you, child, will stop me, because you’re right. My head is about to explode. Will you see to tidying up the Salon and turning out the lights, while I turn myself into Sleeping Beauty?”

Hilda couldn’t help a stifled groan when she finally crawled into bed and lay down. Why did the effects of concussion have to linger so long? Pain was so debilitating. Was that the why of her unhappy thoughts a little earlier? Or was it the accident the day before and everything else that had happened this term?

I can’t give up now, dear heart, no matter how lonely and sad I feel. I miss you so much but Ellie needs me, the school needs me. You told me so. Just give me some of your strength and courage….

She felt a hand stroke her forehead gently and she opened her eyes to see Ellie bending over her, looking anxious. “Is there anything you want, Madame?”

“No, bless you, child - except that you take yourself off to bed. You didn’t get much sleep last night and must be so tired. Hopefully, you’ll have no nightmares tonight.”

“I’ll go soon, I promise, Madame, but I’ll sit here beside you for a little while and stroke the poor head, if you would like that? I might also recount a story I have been writing today, about grandpère. I promise to speak very softly so as not to disturb the head too much?”

Hilda took one of Ellie’s hands and laid her cheek on it, and Ellie knew she could go ahead. “Close your eyes, Madame, and try to sleep,” she whispered.

Stroking the aching head with a very gentle hand she began her story, in a voice that was a mere wisp of sound in the quiet room. Hilda’s eyes closed and she gave herself up to the story, allowing it to distract her from the pain. What a lovely man Ellie’s grandfather must have been, she thought sleepily, and what courage he had shown in looking after Ellie when her grandmother died. Ellie took after him so much.

No, I can’t go away and leave this beloved child here all alone, can I, Nell? Like you, she is so brave and has such a good heart.

No, you couldn’t - and wouldn’t! But you don’t need any of my courage, lovely girl, nor Ellie’s nor anyone else’s. You have your own bright and shining courage, which you show every minute of every day. I’m still here, just out of sight. So don’t give up, dear one.

Hilda opened her eyes and smiled lovingly at her ward, then let her eyelids fall again. Slowly, she drifted away, the pain melding into her dreams. She wasn’t aware of Matey quietly entering the room and seeing what was happening. Ellie raised her head and their eyes met in perfect understanding. Matey nodded, winked and departed. Hilda had no need of her at the moment. She’d return later, when Ellie had finally torn herself away from her guardian’s side.

She did return later, and by then both were fast asleep, each in their own bed. She had to smile, though, when she saw Hilda had Persephone tucked in her arms. Had Ellie placed her there after Hilda had fallen asleep? Did she know just what that doll must mean to her guardian?

Matey’s eyes stung. Sometimes, the loss of Nell smote hard. She had been such a vibrant presence in the school for so long, even when Head over at Millie’s. Matey knew death was no respecter of age or person, and Nell had not been young, but her death had been hard for many people in the school, both staff and girls. But, for the woman lying asleep before her, that death had been a hammer-blow from which it was very unlikely she would ever completely recover. Ellie and Kate Stuart had given Hilda reasons to carry on, but were they enough to stem the loneliness and fill the emptiness and hardship of the road ahead?

With a deep sight, Matey smoothed the coverlet and tiptoed from the room…

Author:  Abi [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

It's great to see you and this back, Mary. Glad Hilda's finally made it to bed, and maybe she'll get to have a bit of a rest in America.

Hope you're doing ok, and thanks for the update! :D

Author:  Lesley [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Ellie and Kate Stuart had given Hilda reasons to carry on, but were they enough to stem the loneliness and fill the emptiness and hardship of the road ahead?

No, not really. You never stop missing the one that has gone - but you do learn to cope with the pain.

Thank you Mary - good to see more of this.

Author:  charli [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Woohoo a real update!
Thank you Mary, please take all the time you need before updating more, I will manage to control myself even if I do look every day for more :wink:

I love Ellie, she is so thoughtful and perceptive for someone so young.

I hope you are ok with RL stuff.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!


So wonderful to see the relationship developing between Hilda and Ellie, - the way Ellie gently teases Hilda is so loving and the way she helps Hilda to finally get some rest and stays with her until she falls asleep is beautiful. However Gwynneth reminds us again of how fragile Hilda is and how she is still grieving for Nell which is a tad worrying, so I hope her half-term trip will prove relaxing and not stressful?

Mary, as usual you've had us experiencing a multitude of emotions with your writing. Thank you and will look forward to more when RL and time allow, don't worry we know it will be worth waiting for. :)

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

What a very satisfying end to what has been a very busy, although still very rewarding few hours for Hilda - however much she has been able to help the twins, Meg and Tonia, knowing just what each needed, it's not been without a good deal of strain on her fragile state, not to mention her own stubborn will-power. Now she has her time with Ellie, and the good news about Tessa is just the icing on the cake for her. I hope that Tessa will continue to improve and that Hilda and Ellie *will* go to America at half term - they both deserve something special after all that has happened so far this term.

That picture of Ellie reading quietly to Hilda until she really *did* settle down was beautiful - no wonder Gwynneth realised at once that her presence wasn't needed just then. But of course she would go in and check later; I'm so glad she found both Hilda and Ellie sleeping the sleep of the justly weary - and I loved the picture of Persephone tucked in beside Hilda.

Hilda is still so fragile from Nell's death and her own accident, and her road through her grief cannot help but wind 'uphill, uphill all the way' but the support she has on that road from Gwynneth, her teaching staff, the girls, Kate and above all her beloved Ellie can only warm her heart.

Thank you Mary for bringing us up to date with another wonderful word picture. We will of course look forward to more when RL allows you to give us more - but will wait patiently until that happens.

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!


I am so glad to see that RL has relented enough to allow you to update ND ! It was a delight to log on and see this today :-)

Author:  di [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Great to wake up this morning to an update - and what a lovely update with Hilda and Ellie demonstrating their love for each other. Although, Ellie does still need the reassurance that Hilda loves her.

What good news about Tessa being on the mend; I'd almost forgotten about her with all the excitement and adventures in Switzerland. It will do Hilda good to get away from the school at half term- hope that holiday comes soon as I don't think Hilda will be able to cope with many more traumas this term!

Thanks, Mary for the delightful update; I hope RL isn't too overbearing and I'll wait patiently for when you can carry on with ND. :)

Author:  Squirrel [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Mary.... the love which pervades and permeates that post was almost palpable!!! Yes, yes, I know - I'm just saying the same thing over and over again, but how else can you describe something that reaches in and touches your very heart as you read through it, something which is so precious and tender and just makes you want to be able to turn round and lavish that genuine affection on someone else. - which makes even skin deep touching merely surface, and not enough... It really is an overflowing of love and kindness and all things good... And all of that while Hilda's head is pounding so much it's a miracle she can feel anything but how sore her head is.

And then the gem's of relief spread in - the way the staff are quick to shoot her away from their domain into bed, the note which is waiting on her return... though I hate to say it, my mind went straight to the department store, not Tessa's Dad! Oh dear!!! :? :roll:

Sorry to hear how much RL has been interfering with writing, and I hope that it isn't too long in choosing to settle down for you again... but regardless, we can be patient until you feel able to post again...

Thank you... that was exquisite.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

That was lovely Mary. Ellie is wonderful as was Jeanne and Ruth. Hope Hilda and Ellie have a wonderful trip to the States at Half Term.

Author:  Sarah [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Beautiful, Mary. So glad Hilda is finally asleep - and I can't wait to read about the trip to Amrica.
Thank you.

Author:  linda [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Lovely to have an update Mary. I am so glad that Hida has finally managed to find some rest and hope that she will be able to sleep for many hours to bring some relief at last to that dreadful pounding head.

At least there is more positive news of Tessa. I look forward to following Hilda and Ellie on their trip to America at half term, though, no doubt much more will happen before their long needed break arrives. I smiled at Ellie's very natural initial feelings of jealousy towards Tessa, but of course Hilda is there to quickly reassure her and smooth the way for the girls to meet.

But you don’t need any of my courage, lovely girl, nor Ellie’s nor anyone else’s. You have your own bright and shining courage, which you show every minute of every day. I’m still here, just out of sight. So don’t give up, dear one.

A wonderful message of love from Nell in the world beyond to help soothe Hilda to sleep while she is surrounded by the earthly love of Ellie's gentle voice telling the story of her grandfathers loving care.

I loved the picture of Persephone tucked into Hilda's arms as she slept.

Thank you Mary

Author:  AnneM [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Such sadness in Matey's heart at the end of that post, but I'm so glad both Hilda and Ellie are now safely in bed - and I hope Persephone brings sweet dreams to Hilda and not more sad memories.

The trip to America sounds fun! I think Tessa and Ellie could learn a lot from each other.

Thanks, Mary.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Hurrah for positive news, and an expedition to look forward to. :)

Glad to see this back, Mary.

Author:  PaulineS [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Mary thanks for the update. Pleased you have got Ellie and Hilda to bed and that Ellie was there to help Hilda sleep.

Author:  Celia [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

It is so good that Hilda falls asleep with Ellie beside her, and Nell's words echoing in her mind. Matey's thoughts and Persephone in her arms complete a beautiful peaceful word picture.

Thank you Mary

Author:  MHE [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Well that was well worth the wait Mary.

A lovely end to a very busy day all round for Hilda. I loved the vignette in the staff room and could 'see' Hilda being practically pushed back out through the door by Jeanne and Ruth. Their care and love for Hilda are so obvious by both their actions and words.

As for her time with Ellie – well, ‘sighs happily.’ The message from John Lewis with the news about Tessa’s improvement was just what was needed. I felt that I was there with Hilda in her bedroom as she lay there listening to Ellie’s voice gently lull her to sleep. And in answer to Gwynneth’s question, I’m quite sure that Ellie knew ‘exactly’ what she was doing when she placed Persephone in Hilda’s arms.

Thank you Mary, for another of your magical word pictures. I look forward to seeing what exactly Hilda’s role in the evening’s entertainment is, when RL relents enough to allow you to give us more.

Author:  jmc [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

I went back to read this again and realised that I had forgotten to post. It's so nice to see this back again and I'm pleased Hilda has finally made it to bed. Thanks Mary

Author:  marni [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Lovely to see this back and thank you so much for managing to make space in your life right now to write it. I look forward to more when you can. Thanks again.

Author:  MaryR [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 4/07/10 p9 Finally!!

Thank you all for your lovely comments. I can’t promise, though, to write about the Boston trip. Isn’t this saga already long enough for you? :shock: :shock: I was thinking more along the lines of sorting out the current problems very quickly and then simply jumping to next Autumn. :mrgreen: :twisted:

Hilda sat in her grand chair on the dais the next morning, waiting for the Catholics to come into the Hall. Both she and Ellie had slept through the night and the hammers in her head had ceased their pounding, leaving in their wake a steady, if uneventful, ache. Weariness still dogged her footsteps but her spirit was somehow knitted up, renewed. She was determined not to give in to more moments of despair as had almost felled her the night before.

Despite her promise to do nothing except speak at Assembly, she had managed to squeeze in a quick chat with Jeanne and Ruth and a short phone call to Ian Stuart, before coming along to the Hall. She pondered her plans for later and wondered – but the sound of footsteps brought her back to the present moment. She rose to stand at the lectern as girls and mistresses sought their seats. When all was still, she smiled round at their bright, morning faces.

“Good morning, girls. First of all, I have some good news for you. Miss Stone would appear to be coming on faster than the doctors had expected and is doing well. She’s still in a great deal of pain and is very weak, but she is now out of danger and well on the road to recovery, although it will be a while before she is fit and strong enough to return to us. I am going to pay her a quick visit myself this morning and will pass on your good wishes and prayers.”

She paused a moment, and looked round. “They don’t know this yet, but three girls are also going with me to see Miss Stone. She wants to thank them in person for saving her life.” There was a loud gasp behind her and she grinned. “I think I may just have embarrassed my Head Girl. Yes, Mireille, you are one of those who are going with me, and I’m sure there aren’t many people in this Hall who aren’t aware that the other two girls are Carmela and Ellie. Would you three girls come and stand beside me, please?”

It was easy for Carmela and Mireille, who were already on the dais, but Ellie had to make her way from the back of the room and was blushing furiously when she finally stood beside her guardian. Hilda could only imagine what her ward would say to her when they were alone together later! Ellie didn’t believe in mincing her words!

“Three brave girls, who didn’t panic when the accident happened, just did what was needed. One girl, Ellie, who knew enough first aid for exactly that situation, but had a bad hand so couldn’t apply her knowledge, and two others who followed her instructions to the letter and gave Miss Stone a chance of life when there were no doctors on hand to come to their aid. We all owe them a debt of gratitude we can never repay - and, indeed, shouldn‘t even try.”

She smiled at the three highly-embarrassed girls. Her prefects would have no more problems after this, which was one of the reasons for her words now. And Ellie would no longer have to fear that she didn’t belong. Her actions out in the snow had endeared her to all.

Hilda turned back to the school. “However much we owe these girls, though, there were others who also played their part. Without them, the outcome might not have been so favourable. Gillian, our Games Captain, and Meg Lyall from VIB, were the ones who had to leave their friends to struggle on alone while they rushed back to school to sound the alarm. Before doing so, they removed their coats and scarves and wrapped them round Miss Stone to keep her warm. They were shaking and numb from the cold by the time they reached the school, and yet they insisted on returning to the scene with us to help. They showed great courage and generosity and are now going to join us here on the dais.”

She saw the look of horror on Meg’s face. Now she knew why her Headmistress had asked her to be present in the hall that morning, instead of skulking in the san! Reluctantly, feeling very awkward, she moved forward and Hilda carried on speaking to take the attention away from her.

“Now we have five girls - a great team effort! But there were other girls there who also contributed their widow’s mite to saving Miss Stone’s life. There was Jean Abbott, our Deputy Head Girl, who had to bring over twenty frightened Middles back to school all on her own - and who helped Miss Dene calm them down when she got back, instead of collapsing in a little heap, as I am sure she must have felt like doing. Join us please, Jean.”

Jean stepped forward, her face red. Hilda looked down at the ranks of girls nearer to the dais. “Two girls, one of them a mere Junior, both handed over something small they had in their pockets, something no one would ever dream could help save a life, and one of those girls knew she would get into trouble by owning up to it, but she still offered her contribution. Mireille needed to stem the blood pouring from Miss Stone’s wrist by applying a tourniquet to her upper arm, but she couldn’t move Miss Stone’s arm to take it out of the coat sleeve - so Tonia, brave girl, offered the penknife she had in her coat pocket so they could cut the sleeve.”

There was a gasp from among the juniors and Hilda nodded her head. “Yes, she knew she had broken the rules but saving a life was more important to her than whether she would get into trouble. Come and join us, Tonia. I know you’ve learned your lesson and I, for one, am very proud of you.”

Mireille glanced at her two friends and the three of them began to clap hard as Tonia, her face white, shakily left her seat and climbed on to the dais. The applause was taken up by the whole school and Tonia looked at Hilda in a dazed fashion. Hilda gently placed her beside Ellie, who took her hand, and then turned back to the school. The applause died away.

“I haven’t finished yet,” she complained with a smile. “Marie and Emilie, would you also join me up here, please?” A stunned silence fell as the twins stood up and climbed on the dais. Hilda placed an arm round each and held them close.

“These two little ones are the bravest of them all. When Miss Stone was knocked down, Emilie was also pushed over and her arm broken, as you can see. Yet this brave, brave girl never flinched, never cried nor even whimpered out there in the freezing cold, while she watched a mistress dying in front of her. It must have seemed like hours to her, with the pain of a broken arm. Her sister Marie, terrified for Emilie and feeling her twin’s pain in her own arm, still had the courage and wit to offer the final ingredient in the saving of Miss Stone’s life - a pencil she had in her pocket.”

A blank silence met this statement. “I mean it, girls. A mere pencil! That pencil was the only thing that stood between Miss Stone and disaster! Something was needed to make the tourniquet tight enough to stop the bleeding. There wasn’t a twig or a stick to be had in all that snow, but Marie remembered she had a pencil and so saved the day! I’m sure some of you recall the verse: For want of a nail the battle was lost. Well, girls, for want of that pencil Miss Stone might well have been lost, for her life was in great danger after her fall.”

She smiled down lovingly at the twins and suddenly there was an enormous cheer and the school erupted with even louder applause than before. For a moment the twins stared in shock and then, overcome, buried their faces in their Headmistress's jacket. Hilda allowed the school their heads for a scant few seconds and then indicated the noise might stop.

Her face and voice were very solemn when she next spoke. “Don’t ever think you can’t make a difference, girls. You never know the moment your ‘little’ might be the most important thing in the world - a pencil, a penknife, a Guide’s First Aid badge. You’ll never know until it happens. So always be ready, and never be afraid to act, as these girls weren’t. You might never have the opportunity to save a life, but every day offers you chances to make a difference. You just have to be alert to those chances. Act bravely, even if you don’t feel brave. These girls will only tell you how very frightened they were - but they learned, along with Arthur Conan Doyle, that things are always easier when imagination ceases and action begins. That’s what true courage is: getting on with the job at hand when you’re terrified to move. That’s why I am so very proud of each and every one of them.”

This time she allowed the school its head - and they made the most of it, the noise ringing up to the rafters. She sent the girls on the dais back to their places, after ceremoniously shaking hands with each of them in turn. She then took a drink of water and waited peacefully for the noise to abate....

Author:  Squirrel [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

Wow! Mary! What a post! Did you somehow conjure up that assembly? Did you somehow make me each of those girls as Hilda spoke about them and called them up to join her there? You surely put a small part of them in me as your wonderful descriptive powers wove together to form this scene.

Each girl remembered and honoured for their part, however small, in saving the life of their teacher. And those three who are actually going to go with their head to see her and be given her thanks... Hilda certainly doesn't believe in doing things by half!!!

I'm also glad to hear about the quiet night, and that Hilda's head has subsided at least to that dull ache as compared to the sledgehammers. And that she has achieved all the rest of it too... I do hope she doesn't take on too much with the rest of her day, but even as I write that, I know that if she does it will be for the best.

Oh and as for...

Isn’t this saga already long enough for you? :shock: :shock: I was thinking more along the lines of sorting out the current problems very quickly and then simply jumping to next Autumn. :mrgreen: :twisted:

No, it's nowhere near long enough, and while it shall be accepted if that is what you choose to do, I'd be interested in seeing what comes in the intervening period, if you choose to tell us!

Thank you Mary

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

(((Mary))) Hilda's praising of the all the girls will certainly help not just the prefects, Meg and Tania in their new roles. It might even help prevent the twins having more nightmares.

Thank you for a quick update. Hope Hilda's head continues to improve. :tea: :tea:

Author:  Lesley [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

Well done Hilda, not only will the Prefects not have any further trouble and Ellie feel a part of the School. But Meg will have planted a good seed for all and Tonia and the twins be thought of with pride rather than exasperation.

Thaks Mary

Author:  charli [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

Oh I love this. Hilda has got it just right praising all the girls involved, especially little Tonia who must have been terrified of getting in trouble for her penknife out there.

MaryR wrote:
Isn’t this saga already long enough for you? :shock: :shock:

Nope, never going to be long enough for me :wink:

Thanks Mary (again!)

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

Once again, Hilda shows us just how well she knows each of her girls. The way she singled out each one of this group for the praise they so well deserved not only brought home to the rest of the school exactly how each of them had helped save Linda Stone's life but also reinforced each girl's position in the school for the remainder of her schooldays. While this is important for each of them in one way or another it's vital for Meg and Tonia to know that after making so much trouble in one way or another they have now established that they can take positive action when that is needed. It's also good that Mireille, Carmela and Ellie will hear Linda Stone's thanks personally, and so soon after the accident - I'm very glad that Hilda is taking them along with her on this next visit.

Wonder what she still has up her sleeve, though - I can see that she has more news for them all - perhaps the news about Tessa's improvement?

Thank you, Mary - I was present in that Hall with the girls throughout this piece, thanks to the power of your words. This is definitely never too long - even if you don't take us to Boston, I hope you'll complete the rest of this school year before starting on the next, please and thank you. :) :)

Author:  Abi [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

Wow - Hilda is truly magnificent. All those girls, who will now feel so special because of her. Thanks Mary!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

Oh Mary that was wonderful. Was laughing a little at Hilda's cleverness but also her warmth for acknowledging all that had been done by these girls

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10


All great epics and sagas have to be long. The longer the better, actually, as I never want stories I love to end.

And then we can look forward to miscellaneous stories that are germane but don't fit in the timeline, and of course, several prequels, a la Star Wars.............well, a girl can dream, can't she ? :lol:

Seriously, I am so glad Hilda recognised the contribution of every person and made sure that the whole school knew how important each one's actions had been. The girls will appreciate it once the embarrassment of recognition dies down :shock:

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

I come back and this is waiting for me - thankyou.

Author:  di [ Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

This can never be too long- as far as I'm concerned it should go on forever! - Sorry Mary to shackle you to your laptop for infinity- you shouldn't write stories which are so addictive. :lol:

Thanks for the latest update. Off to book myself into the Priory. Will I meet anyone famous? I believe it's the best place for addictions!

Author:  Cath V-P [ Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

How extremely satisfying, and what a splendid resumé of the contributions that all these girls made to the outcome of that accident. Between them, they had the knowledge, the quickwittedness and the resources to cope - and the inner strength that made it all come together. And how right that they should all be publicly acknowledged - Hilda is very wise in this.

And what good news about Tessa's progress; that was just what Hilda needed and such a positive end to this very trying day.

And that was such a peaceful ending, with Ellie telling Hilda a story to soothe her to sleep; they have both learned to express their love for one another and it is apparent in so many ways. No wonder Gwynneth is pleased by what she finds when she checks on Hilda and Ellie - and what a gently poignant moment when she sees Hilda with Persephone tucked in her arms.

Author:  Elbee [ Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

I found Hilda's thank you speech very moving. Your writing is very powerful, thank you, Mary.

Author:  Celia [ Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

Well done Hilda ! Each and every girl involved in saving Linda Stone
acknowledged and thanked infront of their friends and those who do not necessarily like them. Meg and Tonia must gain cudos from this treatment

The Conan Doyle quote and her remarks about true courage are well worth consideration.....and not just by the school.

Thank you Mary,long may the saga continue :twisted:

Author:  Mattea1 [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10


Like others have said your writing had me right there in the hall with all of the school, as Hilda made sure all those involved were recognised for their part in saving Linda Stone. I can imagine that for some, their feelings of self-worth would have risen enormously and they will begin to grow as individuals and reach their full potential, because of Hilda and her unique understanding of the needs of others. Am now wondering what Hilda is going to say next to the school as she waits for the noise to die down :D

Now, as for the idea that this saga may be too long. You must be the only one to think that :roll: Isn't a saga meant to be long anyway :wink: :wink: As for jumping to Autumn, I am with Squirrel in that I will accept whatever you choose to do, providing you keep writing ND :) However, I'm also with Elder in that I'd like to see more of the goings-on in the rest of this current school year, please - as there were some tempting hints in previous episodes about Convent visits and other happenings at Easter :)

Nevertheless another consumate piece of writing, that put a smile back on my face at the end of a hard week's work. Thanks, Mary

Author:  RuthFL [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

besides, we're enjoying it so much 8)

Author:  linda [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

A truly memorable assembly for all involved, not least Meg, Tonia and the twins. Hilda instinctively knows just what is needed and by bringing out the girls involved in Linda Stone's horrendous accident and telling the stories of the part each one played in turning a dire emergency into a life saving episode, she has ensured that the school is in no doubt as to the debt they owe to these girls who kept their heads and acted above their years.

That’s what true courage is: getting on with the job at hand when you’re terrified to move. That’s why I am so very proud of each and every one of them.”

No-one will now doubt Mireille's right to her head girl's position now. She and Carmela have earned the respect of the school. Ellie is definitely accepted as one of them and Meg, Tonia and the twins will be seen in a different light by their peers in the future.

As for jumping forward to the Autumn term, Mary, I add my pleas to those who would like to see the comings and goings of the rest of the school year. Fantastic stories are never too long... :reading: :D

Thank you, Mary.

Author:  MHE [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

Well what an assembly that was!! And there’s more to come!!!!

Hilda has certainly shown both her pupils and staff that she has her finger very firmly on the pulse. By her actions Hilda has given all those involved in the care of Linda Stone her full backing and endorsement - they all know exactly where they stand in Hilda’s eyes. I was there with those girls in the hall as the roll call of names was called, holding my breath as they made their way one by one to stage each probably wondering if she was on her head or heels and also wondering what else their redoubtable head has in store for them. It will also have clarified the actions of those girls to the rest of the school and everyone knows exactly what happened, and who did what - there can be no wild surmising and twisting of events or actions.

As for
Isn’t this saga already long enough for you? :shock: :shock: I was thinking more along the lines of sorting out the current problems very quickly and then simply jumping to next Autumn. :mrgreen: :twisted:

Nope the longer the better I enjoy :reading: sagas :lol: and while I can live without 'seeing' the visit to Boston, I too, like Elder, would like you to finish this school year before starting on the next 8)

Thank you Mary.

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 7/07/10 p10

Thank you so much for being kind and not minding my long-windedness there. :roll: Now for the other half of the assembly.... just as long-winded, really. :devil: But I'm sorry for making you wait so long. :(

.....This time Hilda allowed the school its head - and they made the most of it, the noise ringing up to the rafters. She sent the girls on the dais back to their places, after ceremoniously shaking hands with each of them in turn. She then took a drink of water and waited peacefully for the noise to abate, though with a graver look in her eyes.

“I’m glad you appreciate true courage, girls. I mentioned just a few minutes ago about seizing any opportunity to make a difference, as these brave girls did. Well, I’m now offering some of you just such an opportunity. I heard disturbing news about certain people’s behaviour when I returned from the San on Thursday night."

Silence was suddenly a living presence in that Hall. Her voice boded ill for someone.

"Unfortunately, I was ill myself yesterday and so unable to deal with it. I can see some of you looking puzzled, as well you might, because most of you are not at fault. I do think, however, that there is a serious lesson here for all of us, which is why I am bringing the matter up here with everyone present.”

She paused to clear her throat and take a deep breath. “Those Middles who were caught up in the drama the other day seem to have got hold of the idea that two of their fellow Middles were the cause of the accident, and gave those two girls a very bad time on their way back to school. Worse than that, it would seem that this nasty rumour has now spread throughout the school. I have to tell you, girls, that the rumours are false. The accident was not caused by Marie-Luce Chauvin and Christine Wright, but by a very poor driver who seemed unable to control his car on the icy roads and who could have caused severe injury or worse to the girls out there, but for the quick-thinking of Miss Stone and the prefects.”

Her quick eyes noted the red faces and shame-faced looks appearing in the midst of the Middles’ ranks. There was even some uncomfortable wriggling on benches, and the dropping of eyes before her sternness.

“Marie-Luce and Christine were frightened, as all of you were, and they allowed their fright to run away with them. They over-reacted and did something foolish. Instead of flattening themselves against the wall of snow, as directed, they climbed up it in their attempt to evade that car. They had no way of knowing the snow would give way and catapult them on top of Miss Stone and poor Emilie. They were giddy and foolish - but they were not murderers, as I believe one or two very self-righteous little girls called them.”

She had used the term deliberately and she nodded when shocked gasps and mutterings ran round the Hall. “Quite! It is a very grave thing to say about anyone - and certainly not what I expected to hear from the lips of Chalet School girls. I suspect that, since then, a few more girls have been passing that word round and making mountains out of molehills. I won't have it."

The last sentence had been rapped out, startling the majority. But she saw guilty faces dotted here and there in the middle of the ranks and her voice hardened.

“Marie-Luce and Christine have been in the school san since they returned, not because they are in serious trouble but because they have made themselves ill by the nasty things said to them, and about them, on the way back. Fortunately, they have no idea of what has been said since then – and I intend to keep it that way. They will be back among you shortly and I want to hear no more of any such nonsense. It stops here and now. If there is any more of it, the guilty parties will find themselves put on Head’s Reports. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Miss Annersley,” the whole school answered as one, and some of the girls there shivered in their shoes. Did she know exactly who had said what?

Hilda took the time to gaze slowly round the silent Hall, as though to emphasise her words, and then she leaned forward on the lectern, her lovely voice now very quiet.

“How many of you have been silly and giddy at times - or worse? How many of you have been sent to me for some misdemeanour? Is there anyone can say they have never done anything wrong, even if they have never been caught out for it? Of course not! I myself certainly couldn’t claim that. I’m as human as the next person. And if that is so, how can we be righteous about another’s misdeeds? Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Jesus said that in St Matthew’s gospel, because He knew how much easier it is to complain about someone else’s behaviour rather than acknowledge our own faults.”

She fell silent and took another sip of water. “Think about the episode in St John’s gospel when the elders brought a woman to Jesus and asked Him was there any reason they shouldn’t stone her to death, according to the Law, for the sin they claimed she had committed. Who can recall Jesus’ answer - or indeed what He did before giving His answer?”

She had often wondered where the man was while all that was going on. Did it not take two to commit adultery? Or did Jewish men, even the priests and elders, even the law-makers, take the same view as Adam? Did they shrug their shoulders, hold up their hands in feigned innocence and claim, ‘It was the woman, Lord. She tempted me and I fell’? Such a skewed view of truth and justice and mercy they had!

A forest of hands was waving in the air and she shook herself and concentrated. Why did she spend so much time wool-gathering these days? “Well, Evie, can you recall the Lord’s words and actions?”

Evie, from Inter V, rose to her feet. “He sat down on the ground and began to write in the sand, Miss Annersley,” she replied nervously.

“That’s right. He appeared to be ignoring them, didn’t He? How did He reply, in the end?”

“He said that the man who was without sin among them should cast the first stone.”

“He did, indeed, Evie. Thank you, my dear.” Evie sat down and Hilda once more gazed round the room, then re-iterated, “Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone. He wasn’t arguing with the Law, nor was He disagreeing that she had sinned grievously. He was posing a simple question. But it was not a question those men wanted to hear. They were honest, even so. They thought about it, and then, one by one, they put down the stones they were holding and slipped away. They knew, just as He did, that no human being is without sin, not even the greatest saint.”

Her lips twisted. “I often wonder what that woman made of it all. Was she relieved - or was she too frightened to feel anything, at that point, having been so close to such a frighteningly painful death? We’ll never know. But we do know what Jesus did. He rose to His feet and looked on her in all His gentleness. Is there no one left to condemn you? Then neither do I condemn you. Go, and sin no more.”

Her voice was so rich, so spell-binding, that there was a rapt silence in that Hall when she had finished recounting the familiar story. She had made it fresh and newly-minted. Hilda allowed the silence to hold sway for many seconds, allowed the words to settle in their hearts.

“Neither do I condemn you,” she quoted again. “I’m sure I don’t really need to say any more. Jesus has made the point for me. If Jesus doesn’t condemn Marie-Luce and Christine, how can we? That nameless woman was commanded by Jesus to sin no more. I’m sure she tried. As we all try. As those two girls will try - try not to be silly and impulsive ever again. They are punishing themselves. They do not need ninety-six other people punishing them as well. Miss Stone will not condemn them or peck at them when she returns - and neither will you.”

Her voice was still soft but it was now totally inflexible. “When they come back among us, you will be kind and courteous. Do I make myself clear?”

She was looking straight at Upper IVB as she spoke and assurances came from them, as well as from all round the room. A mischievous smile lit up her eyes, her face relaxed. “See, you can make a difference, even in this. Jane Austen wrote a prayer for people to say in just such a situation. Perhaps this is the moment for all of us to take it to heart:

Incline us, O God, to think humbly of ourselves, to be saved only in the examination of our own conduct, to consider our fellow-creatures with kindness, and to judge of all they say and do with the charity which we would desire from them ourselves.”

As Vivien listened to Hilda, she thought how much her Headmistress brought her strong faith and her kindly disposition to bear on each and every aspect of her life, whether it be teaching or rescuing lonely girls and mistresses or showing her pupils how to live in peace with others. She epitomised so well what Willa Cather had once written about one of her own characters: Hilda had such a quality of golden goodness about her....

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Hilda's words there were so moving and powerful, and indeed so true. It's a lesson that we all need to remember, and sadly one of the most often overlooked. It was delivered so well by Hilda - but only thanks to you, Mary, and your, as ever, amazing writing. I'm spellbound, and in the room with them all. Thankyou.

Author:  Lesley [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Well done Hilda - I expect a serious number of girls will go to bed with guilty consciences that night - and believe Hilda was talking directly to them!

Love Hilda's aside about where the man in the adultery case was. :lol:

Thanks Mary

Author:  charli [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Thank you Mary, and you hadn't made us wait 'so long' at all! I was very impressed to see such a long update so soon.
I'm so glad Hilda said what she did about Marie-Luce and Christine. Hopefully she has made it easier for them to integrate back into class when they are better.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Thank you Mary, that was wonderful

Author:  Abi [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Good for Hilda - I hope she's really made those girls think about what they were saying.

Thanks Mary!

Author:  MHE [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Oh wow!!!! Hilda is like an unstoppable tank here – allowing the school to feel the full force of her displeasure at the behaviour shown by some of them. Yes it was a minority but a vocal minority and their behaviour had to be nipped in the bud. And what a way to show them the error of their ways. They'll remember that assembly for the rest of their school days and beyond.

I was squirming and feeling very guilty as I read it and I hadn’t done anything wrong :shock: :lol: Hilda certainly knows when to crack the whip.

Thank you Mary for allowing us the privilege, through the power of your words, of joining the school for that assembly. BTW it wasn't that long and in anycase you couldn't have split it.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

"Do I make myself clear?”

Eminently. :mrgreen:

Thank you, Mary.

Author:  di [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

A lovely post, Mary, thank you. I agree with ChubbyMonkey, it's a simple lesson which, I think, too many of us forget in the day to day running of our lives.

Author:  Luisa [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Lovely to come back to such a wonderful scene. Now that is how to put an end to rumour.

And it couldn't be too long for me!

Author:  PaulineS [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Hilda's lesson in the need to be caring and kind, and to accept my own fralities is so well expressed that I am sure I will remember it as well as the girls in the Hall.

Thanks Mary, I am sorry I do not have your gift with words to reply as eloquently as you wrote the passage.

Author:  marni [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Mary, I found that assembly amazing. I wish that I had ever experienced a head with such courage and honesty. Thank you once again for continuing. Like others, if you choose to jump to the autumn term, I'll accept your decision, but I can't imagine it being too long for me. Thanks again.

Author:  Celia [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

'Golden goodness' does indeed epitomise Hilda,but most of the middles will be remembering the steel and inflexibility in her voice as she pointed out their shortcomings. I think they will indeed try to be kinder when the other two come back into their midst.

Thank you Mary, as others have said I was there, paying rivited attention to what the Abbess had to say.

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

I cannot imagine anyone having the nerve to make any unpleasant comments to the twins after that masterly summation ! That Assembly would have made MA very proud :D

Author:  Squirrel [ Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Well! What a change of tone Mary!!! I can just see her as a lioness sending out a clear warning here "harm my cubs and take the consequences." She knows the danger that there is of the girls causing untold harm if they are not warned and bullying breaks out here, and she is taking a firm stance against it.

I loved the way that she painted a clear picture of the situation as it stood, and then went on to show how differently it is possible to act - using her strong faith and applying the words in the bible to actual practical every day life.

Well might Vivien marvel at the way Hilda uses her faith in her day to day life. I also loved the prayer she quoted Mary. I hadn't realised that Jane Austen wrote such things...

Thank you.

Author:  Cath V-P [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

And this was a perfect time to reinforce a lesson on bullying and judgemental behaviour. And what a contrast that is to what has gone before - the culprits feel the weight if Hilda's condemnation all the more because of her obvious approval of all those who had helped and contributed to the positive outcome of the accident. And that was a splendid aside about the adulterous man - I can imagine Nell remarking much the same, but perhaps in rather more acid terms. :D

Thank you Mary.

Author:  linda [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Hilda is an absolute master at saying the right thing at the right time, and this was definitely the right time to remind the girls that rumours have a way of taking on a life of their own. I'm sure a good number of the middles were squirming inwardly and thanking their lucky stars that they were not singled out for their treatment of Marie-Luce and Christine.

Incline us, O God, to think humbly of ourselves, to be saved only in the examination of our own conduct, to consider our fellow-creatures with kindness, and to judge of all they say and do with the charity which we would desire from them ourselves.”

A lovely prayer which gives us all pause for thought!

Thank you Mary for letting us share this momentous assembly.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

I've been away, and while I was able to read this a few days ago this is my first chance to comment.

Just as surely as she can praise those who deserve it, as we saw earlier, so too can Hilda apportion blame where it's needed. While she didn't name any single culprit here, I'm sure there will be a number of girls who will believe she knows their identity. What she had to say needed to be said, and I'm sure that her words will ensure that the two girls will not be subject to further finger pointing once they are released from the San.

I didn't know the Jane Austen prayer, but it was so right for this occasion - no wonder Vivien was in awe of her headmistress' abilities there. And I agree with Identity Hunt that MA would indeed have been proud of Hilda for handling this entire assembly so powerfully.

Thank you, Mary, for making it so perfectly clear why bullying of any sort must be stamped on at the outset. Once again, I was present in that Hall, thanks to the power of your writing.

Author:  jmc [ Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Thanks Mary. Pleased that Hilda addressed the treatment of the twins. Think that quite a few girls might have trouble sleeping now after her comments.

Author:  AnneM [ Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Marie-Luce and Christine will be getting increasingly nervous about facing everyone, so I hope they can come back into school now Hilda has had her (very firm) say, and that they begin to mend their ways. I guess a number of their contemporaries will be thinking guiltily of their nasty remarks.

If only I could live up to Hilda's standards! :roll: Thank you, Mary.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

With her eloquent words and icy tones, I suspect that no-one in that hall, whether they were involved or not, is going to bed without examining her own behaviour :D If Hilda 'won't have it' then I wouldn't like to be anyone failing to comply :roll:

Thank you, Mary for showing us another of those rare insights into how Hilda has influenced so many with her 'golden goodness' over her years as Head. Such a powerful message to the whole school in her unique way with maximum impact, no wonder Vivien reacted as she did as Hilda's faith was so visibly shown to all with such effect. How could anyone fail to be affected by Hilda :?:

Oh, and like others, I didn't know the Jane Austen prayer; so apt and thought provoking for us all.

I, too, liked the aside about the location of the adulterous chap. :)

Thanks Mary,

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 11/07/10 p11

Wow! Thank you so much for all the kindly comments about Hilda's performance there. I'm sorry to have made you wait so long for the next bit but here it is at last - and rather shorter than usual, for good measure.... :D

Hilda’s voice changed tack and became brisk and business-like. “We’re now going to put all that behind us and think of something much more pleasant. Instead of a whole morning of prep and writing letters and doing your mending, you only have until half past eleven. No, it’s not so you can go out skiing. You’ll have to wait for that, I’m afraid, after the heavy snow yesterday and last night. What you are going to do is concentrate on your performances for the Prefects’ Evening, which will start a little earlier than anticipated.”

She felt the rising excitement in the room. “You’ll have an hour before Mitagessen to do as you will, then your usual rest after the meal, after which you may continue with your practising or preparing your costumes or simply relaxing in your common rooms until Kaffee und Kuchen at half past fifteen. The Evening itself will begin at half past sixteen and go on until about twenty-one o’clock, with a break for Abendessen and Prayers at about half past eighteen.”

Her quick chat with Ruth and Jeanne had caused her to change her mind about splitting the evening in two, after the two mistresses had reassured her as to the content of the different forms' performances. She had felt the younger ones wouldn’t be so upset, after all, and it would be much more fun for everyone to be together.

She looked round at them all now and her musical laugh rippled through the Hall. “I’m going to leave it there as I can sense you’re all bursting to go and get on with things. Just try to remember all we’ve talked about this morning. Oh, and one treat - normally English is the language of the day on Saturday mornings. Well, I think I’ll give you carte blanche to speak in whatever language you like, all day long.”

Another cheer rent the air. Hilda nodded to Miss Lawrence, who immediately struck up a lively march and the girls perforce had to quieten down and leave the Hall in an orderly manner. Hilda herself left the dais to Ruth and took Ellie, Mireille and Carmela away with her to be whisked off to the San. Jack met them at the door and warned them they could have only two minutes with their mistress. He had decided to give in to her insistence on seeing the girls in the hope of her resting more easily afterwards.

The girls themselves felt very nervous going in to the quiet room, and seemed rather unnerved by the drips and tubes and other medical paraphernalia surrounding the still figure of Miss Stone. Hilda noticed the bandaging had been reduced on the bad hand but Linda’s face gave her a severe shock. Was that what she herself had looked like after her own accidents? Apart from the clear physical effects of the accident, the expression of severe and unremitting pain was unmistakeable. She shuddered.

A nurse was on hand to keep tabs on her patient, much to Hilda’s relief, for she was beginning to wish they hadn’t come. Linda’s eyes struggled open when she heard them and the girls were horrified by her white face and hugely swollen and blackened eyes. Linda saw their misgivings and weakly held out a hand to them with a small smile.

“Come here, girls, and let me shake your hands,” she whispered. “I’m told you’re the ones who saved my life.”

Mireille never hesitated but stepped forward at once and grasped the limp hand. “I’m afraid that was Ellie,” she replied. “Carmela and I just did as we were told.”

Linda looked at Ellie, and then her eyes moved to Hilda. “Seems your ward takes after you!” Hilda shook her head. Linda smiled a little more and held out her hand to Ellie. “Thank you from my heart, Ellie. I am in your debt, forever.”

Her eyes closed against the pain and nausea. Ellie leaned over her and spoke softly. “There is no debt, Miss Stone. I’m just so glad I’d learned what to do in such circumstances. It was the others who actually did the work. I think, though, that we should leave now and let you rest.”

The nurse nodded in agreement but Linda squeezed the hand she was holding and managed to open her eyes again. “Definitely takes after you, Miss Annersley!” she gasped. “Bless you, Ellie. You would make a very good nurse. But I must also thank Carmela before you go.”

Carmela took the trembling hand. “I’m pleased you’re getting better, Miss Stone. But there were several other girls who helped us. We couldn’t have done it all on our own.”

“Even Tonia with a knife, Miss Annersley tells me,” Linda muttered and they all laughed. “Please do thank them all for me, until such time as I can do so myself.”

Her eyes closed again and one could see extreme pain reflected in her face. Her lips were tight, her forehead furrowed deeply. The nurse located her pulse and then looked meaningfully at Hilda.

Hilda nodded. “Thank you for wanting to see them, Miss Stone, but I’ll take them away now so you can rest. You’re looking a bit green around the gills. I‘ll see you outside in the corridor, girls.”

Linda’s good hand rubbed hard on her forehead. “How did you manage it, Hilda?” she whispered. “How did you stand the pain?”

Hilda placed her cool hand on the aching forehead. “I have to admit it did seem to get worse before it got better. I thought the headaches would never end, but they did, eventually. Don’t forget you also lost a great deal of blood, so you’re not going to feel well immediately, I‘m afraid. Just rest and sleep - that’s what helps the most. Don’t even think about school. We have your classes covered so there are no problems to concern you. I‘m just sorry all this had to happen.”

Linda’s eyes flickered open. “You coped - twice - so how can I do any less? And your first accident was a very bad one, wasn’t it?”

“Hmm, it had its moments, and I don’t envy you the pain while it lasts, but at least I do know what it feels like and can sympathise. A bang on the head can affect your thinking and your actions in all sorts of ways and for a long while, trust me, so you must not try to rush back to school after this, but give yourself time to recuperate properly.”

“You mean like you did before Christmas?” There was the ghost of a smile on Linda’s white face and Hilda gasped.

“Who’s been telling tales out of school? Gwynneth Lloyd? I’ll skin her alive when I see her. She’s right, though, because I did return to school too soon and I paid the price - so take note! I shan’t have you back till Jack gives you permission.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Linda sighed, and her eyes closed again. “I hope Gwynneth gave you my message yesterday.”

“Yes, she gave it. Thank you for being so generous.”

“I meant it. You were very good to me when I came round… very honest….. more than most people would have…” Linda’s voice faded away and she slipped into a healing sleep.

Hilda left the room in some anxiety about Linda’s frailty, but she managed to reassure the anxious girls. “Yes, Miss Stone does look very ill, but it’s early days yet and Dr Jack says she's on the mend - and it’s all thanks to you. You saved her life, and she will always be grateful to you for that, as I will. I’m also sure she would be very grateful for any prayers you could spare her as she will be in considerable pain for a good while. It is said, girls, that you are responsible forevermore for the person whose life you’ve saved.”

This was a new thought to them and took their minds off their anxiety a little. They spent the journey back to school postulating ways they could take care of Miss Stone, in the immediate future and also once they had left the school. Their ideas had Hilda chuckling softly to herself and she made a vow to let Linda know just what was in store for her when she had recovered and returned to school.

Author:  Lesley [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)


Yes, Hilda will know exactly how a head injury feels!

Please Linda was able to thank the girls.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  di [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

Poor Linda. How she must be suffering. However with rest and the school's prayers she will hopefully recover soon. it must have been a shock for the girls to see her like that. Still, Hilda managed to show them that she would recover, thanks to them.
I'm sure, after the gloom of the past couple of days the rest of the school will look forward to the Prefects Evening and it's just what they need to take their minds off recent events. Hilda, again, has seen what was needed and arranged for it to happen.
Thanks, Mary, a lovely update. :) :)

Author:  Squirrel [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

Hilda is very wise in the way she ends that assembly, once again the atmosphere changes, and a good note of that nature is an excellent thing to finish with. The girls have had their warning, and shall remember it, now on to more enjoyable things. I'm so pleased that they are having the chance for the entertainment in this fashion, and I'm sure they shall enjoy it...

As for the trip to see Linda... I'm not sure I have the words. Those poor girls, to see how ill she still is, and how she struggles to spend the time she wants to with them. And yet, it is just right - she needed to thank them for her own peace of mind, and she needed to hear from Hilda - and have Hilda be just herself with her regarding Gwynneth 'telling tales out of school'. Perfect.

And again - Hilda at perfection when she joins the girls again. That is exactly what they needed someone to say to them.

Thank you Mary - looking forwards to the next section when you get the chance!

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

As always, every piece of this hits exactly the needed note. Giving the girls extra time to prepare for the evening, setting the timing of the event itself so all of them can enjoy the whole thing and - the icing on the cake - giving them permission to use whatever language they wish for the rest of the day. All these steps ensure that the girls leave assembly ready to focus on an exciting day and evening ahead.

As for the visit to Linda Stone - I agree with Squirrel that seeing her in her present state cannot have helped but alarm the girls, but Linda definitely needed that brief chance to express her thanks to them for her own peace of mind - and did so fervently, despite her pain. I loved the exchange between Hilda and Linda, especially over the issue of returning to work - thank heaven Gwynneth had shared that information with Linda! Given Hilda's own experiences, Linda is far more likely to respect her fiats on the topic than she is to be convinced by the doctors and nurses that she must inded be patient.

"It is said, girls, that you are responsible forevermore for the person whose life you’ve saved.”

That is definitely something to turn the girls' thoughts to a more positive vein, especially taken together with Hilda's reassurances that Linda *is* improving and will continue to do so. Now they can turn their attention to preparations for the evening.

Thank you, Mary.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

Thank you Mary. I am sure that seeing Linda in that state would worry them, but Linda and Hilda's comments will help. Hilda's comments about how she recovered from a head injury reassures the girls that it is possible, though Ellie with her knowledge of how Hilda still suffers may worry more in the short term. It will also bring home to Mireille and Carmela how much Tessa must be suffering in the States.

Pleased you are giving them all something new to think about when they return to school.

I think they will all need a hot drink and some of Karen's special cakes or biscuits. So here is a hot drink for them all. :tea: :tea: :tea: :tea:

Author:  Abi [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

Poor Linda. :( But Hilda will be a great comfort and support to her, with her empathy.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

I love the last bit when Hilda told the girls they were forever more responsible for the life they have saved. I wonder what ideas they will come up with.

Thanks Mary

Author:  Mattea1 [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

The way Hilda tempers her strong words about bullying by giving the girls leeway to speak their native languages and indulge in spending more time on the evening's activities shows truly inspirational leadership.

As for Linda, I agree with others that Ellie may worry about Hilda's aching head, but it will give Linda encouragement in that she can be restored to good health if Hilda could overcome her injuries from two accidents that were at least as bad, if not considerably worse in one case :roll:

The other two girls have had to grow up immensely over the term and this sight of their mistress suffering will also serve to continue their development and we don't want them to become 'spineless jellyfish', so I think it was right for the visit to take place. I can't begin to imagine what thingsthey will think of related to being responsible for Linda from this time on we'll wait in anticipation, shall we? :P

Thanks, Mary. Looking forward to reading about the evening's entertainment - please? :lol:

Author:  Kathy_S [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

Thank you, Mary.

I wonder what fine ideas the girls are contemplating for Miss Stone. :)

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

I can almost feel poor Linda's pain and weariness here....... I hope she gets better very quickly.

And perhaps now that Hilda can see how ghastly Linda looks when in such pain, she might be a little easier on herself when she is in pain, and listen to the stern admonitions of Gwynneth :)

A super update, thank you Mary !

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

She does sound in an awful condition, I hope that she gets better soon.


Author:  Celia [ Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

Although it was scary for the three to see how weak and ill Linda is, it was good that she was able to thank them personally for saving her life. She will sleep better now she has fulfilled her need to speak with them,and sleep must be her best medicine at present.

Thank you Mary for another wonderful word picture.

Author:  Luisa [ Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

"It is said, girls, that you are responsible forevermore for the person whose life you’ve saved

Golly. Words fail me - but thank God, never you or Hilda.

Author:  Cath V-P [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

The three of them need to see Miss Stone, and it's so encouraging that she was able to thank them. She obviously has a long way to go, but she is clearly recovering. And yes, Hilda would know all about head pain.... and how like Gwynneth to use Hilda as cautionary example to another patient!!

The rearrangement of the day was an excellent way for the school at large to start getting over the shock of what has happened. And they are going to be so busy that there won't be any time for the to dwell overly on their own behaviour or that of either people - and by the time that they can, things should have settled down somewhat. Hilda is very wise! :D

THank you Mary.

Author:  MHE [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

Once again we see Hilda able to toe that fine line between maintaining discipline and knowing when to loosen the reins. All the girls will now be looking forward to the evening’s entertainment, whether as participants or audience.

The scene in Linda’s room though of necessity brief, was captured to perfection, and brought to life by your words. I could feel the girls' trepidation before they entered the room as well as their shock when they saw Linda Stone. It was good to see Jack putting his patient’s wishes first. Linda will surely sleep more easily now that she has been able to thank the girls.

Although I’m looking forward to seeing what ideas they have come up with for taking care of Linda Stone in the future, I’m looking forward even more to the evening’s entertainment. But I will accept whatever scene Hilda, :wink: and you Mary, decide to show us.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  MaryR [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p12 18/07/10 (Sun)

Mattea1 wrote:
I can't begin to imagine what things they will think of related to being responsible for Linda from this time on we'll wait in anticipation, shall we? :P

Oh dear, I'm afraid you will have to use your own imagination for that, Mattea, and one or two others who also anticipated same. :mrgreen: This story doesn't seem to be moving along at all, does it? :dontknow:

Hmm, neither do the next few instalments move it along, but Hilda insisted... :roll:

Once back at school, Hilda thanked the girls again and then went straight to the kitchen to have a quick word with Karen, before seeking both Vivien Knowles and Meg, separately, to discuss an idea that had come to her during the night, Meg being the more difficult of the two to convince. Having secured their promises, she repaired to her study to collect a batch of letters left there for her by Rosalie and then on to the Annexe where she knew she could relax and have some coffee - hopefully with her ward.

When she finally opened the door to the Salon she grinned with delight to find Ellie already waiting there, a tray of coffee and biscuits before her on the low table. Hilda placed the batch of mail on her desk and then sank gratefully into the chair opposite Ellie. “Peace at last! Sure you’re not needed by your form, child?”

“Not at this moment, Madame. I think we are all ready - and Erica, she knows where I am if there is a problem. Naturellement, I will have to spend some time with them later this afternoon.” Her eyes veered to the mail on the desk and then back to Hilda. She frowned. “I have thought that you gave to Matron an assurance that you were going to relax today, Madame,” she said accusingly. “Work is not relaxing, tu sais!”

Hilda gazed at her ward meditatively for long seconds and then proceeded to pour out the coffee. “You’re worse than she is, petite friponne. Where did you learn to be so hard? That ‘work’ is actually my personal mail, to which I have had no access since Thursday. Surely I may be allowed to read the letters my friends write to me, even if my head does still ache!”

She glared in mock indignation at her ward as she handed over a full cup and Ellie glared right back, before they both began to laugh. Hilda saw no need to explain that half the letters in the stack were official ones that she needed to read and sign. Rosalie had hidden them well. Sometimes one had to do what one had to do - and blow the consequences!

Hilda sat back and watched Ellie’s face carefully as she spoke. “Since you say you don’t have to be elsewhere just yet, ma petite, there’s a favour I would like to ask of you - but you must say 'No' if you really can’t do it. It is now settled that Meg is flying to Norfolk on Monday and she’s very scared. Indeed, she seems so scared that I fear she may still back out. To try and alleviate her fears, I’ve organised Mitagessen in my Salon here with a few guests who know the convent and Mère and so can tell her more about the place and the people.”

Ellie had paused with her cup halfway to her lips and was now staring at her guardian blankly. Hilda cleared her throat, wondering if she was doing the right thing. “Would you be willing to join us and show her the photos you’ve taken there? Maybe even talk a little about what she can expect?”

Ellie swallowed her coffee and placed her cup down rather too carefully. Hilda saw her eyes had grown distant. “I did say I would help Meg, didn’t I? Who else is coming?”

“Mr Stuart, Miss Knowles and Matron Lloyd. Matron hasn’t been to the convent but she met Mère when the latter flew over to see her brother and myself after our accident before Christmas. They get on like a house on fire and Matron tells her all my secrets.”

The last words were accompanied by a wry twist of her lips and Ellie relaxed and giggled. “It is for your own good, Madame,” she said with some severity.

“Not again,” groaned Hilda. “First you tell me off for bringing my mail in here and now you agree with everyone spying on me!

“Mais, bien sûr, Madame! You need us to make you to look after yourself, because you refuse to do it yourself.” Ellie wagged her finger at Hilda, her eyes dancing with mischief. As she thought over her guardian‘s words, though, the smile faded.

“You know, Madame, all these people can say so much better than I just what it is like over there. I was only a very silly girl while I was there and did many wrong things. How can I make it sound like the right place for Meg, when it was the wrong place for me? I might upset her and then she won’t go.”

Hilda shook her head. “Not so, Ellie. You know what it is like to be young and miserable there, I agree, but once you calmed down you found so much that was good about it. Meg is miserable too, but she is avid to be helped and you can give her a completely different perspective on the atmosphere there, and the good sisters. Young eyes often see what older ones miss. Also, Meg might prefer that you be in here during Mitagessen to act as a buffer between herself and all we rather scary adults, one of whom is her Headmistress. After all, you are now very much at ease with our other guests - and with me, of course. I would, however, completely understand if you would prefer to be elsewhere, child.”

Ellie heard the compassion in her guardian’s voice and immediately moved across to sit on the arm of Hilda’s chair. She put her arm round the slender shoulders and leaned her head against Hilda’s. “You are too kind to me, Madame,” she murmured. “Most people would have ordered me to stay and not concerned themselves with my feelings. How can I refuse you anything after all you have done for me?”

Hilda opened her lips to speak but Ellie kissed her. “Sh, Madame, please not to deny it. Mais, tu sais, your other guests have also been very kind to me, every one, and I love them all and enjoy being with them. So I am more than happy to be a member of your ‘Help Meg’ committee."

She paused and then added, with some glee, "Just as those on your helping committee, and I, and Mère, are all happy to be members of AMAS. Meg herself is also one of us, don’t forget. Monsieur Stuart’s secret society is growing bigger every day.”

Hilda’s heart had been touched by her ward’s willingness to help the girl who had hurt her so much, but the mischievous mention of AMAS had her gaping in outrage. The next moment, Ellie found herself being tickled without mercy....

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p13 20/07/10 (Tues)

Lovely, lovely, lovely!!! I just love the way Ellie has appointed herself Guardian to her Guardian in that exchange, though she will certainly have her hands full if she's to ensure that Hilda does indeed keep her promise to Matron to take things easily! I did giggle at Ellie's remonstrations there, but the joking between them is so characteristic of the wonderful relationship which they enjoy. As for Rosalie shuffling that pile of letters so that she could hide ones which need Hilda's signature in among others which really *are* from friends - that's a wonderful picture - wonder if Ellie will notice that in the end.

I can quite see why Ellie would be taken aback by Hilda's request to help Meg by telling her more about the convent, and, given her own initial experiences there, wonder if she could give a positive enough impression. I'm glad Hilda was able to reassure her on that score - I suspect the idea of being a 'buffer state' between Meg and a group of adults will have also influenced her, especially since they are all people she knows and loves, while Meg would naturally feel less at ease with them.

Thank you, Mary, for this refreshing little interlude - I look forward to enjoying Mittagessen with the group in due course.

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p13 20/07/10 (Tues)

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

this is just the tonic I needed after a cr*p day....

Author:  Squirrel [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p13 20/07/10 (Tues)

What a wonderful fun post to follow on after all the serious and important business Mary. But I must admit, I am wondering... is whatever Hilda talked over with Vivien and Meg the same thing she later discussed with Ellie? I could see it possibly being so, as I can understand why Meg would be hesitant about such a scheme, but it could also be something different...

How devious Rosalie is, in including some business letters she had to read and sign in the middle of all her personal correspondence. But at least it was no more than that - the letters themselves were already written. So Hilda could truthfully say she was dealing with letters from friends, while also sorting out some work stuff which needed to be done. But at least it was gentle 'work'. Or am I reading you wrong Mary? Did Hilda actually do more than just picking up one pile of post and ransack the office to find the actual work letters? She's some woman regardless!

Ellie is definitely being Hilda's own mother lion, even if the danger she protects Hilda from is usually herself. I certainly agree with Elder on that score.

I'm also glad that Ellie has agreed to be part of the committee for helping Meg out in what to expect in the convent. I'm sure that someone of her own age who has been there will help Meg, and I believe it will also help Ellie to move on more fully herself as she joins to explain it. I'm sure that that meeting - whether it happens 'on screen' or not - will bring a few defining moments in it, for the relationships of all concerned.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p13 20/07/10 (Tues)

That was lovely Mary, thank you

Author:  Mattea1 [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p13 20/07/10 (Tues)

Well, I'll bow down to Hilda's insistence then, Mary, and try to imagine what the girls will do as they are now responsible for Linda. :wink:

Must say that, like Identity Hunt, this episode is a very welcome interlude in a very fraught day :banghead:

Love the way Hilda and Ellie are relating, fiercely protective of each other, but lovingly teasing at the same time.

Thanks Mary

Author:  PaulineS [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) p13 20/07/10 (Tues)

Thanks Mary. Ellie is so caring here towards Hilda.
Hilda is right in thinking that Ellie's experiences at the convent will help Meg even her negative ones. Meg needs to know that it is alright to be scared and unhappy at first, but that the nuns want to be friends and will help.
Looking forward to the rest of Hilda's "quiet day" :tea: :tea:

Author:  JellySheep [ Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

That was a lovely interlude. Hopefully Hilda will have a nice quiet day so she can recover some strength!

Author:  jmc [ Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

That just warms you up as it was so nice. Perfect for a cold evening here.

Thanks Mary

Author:  di [ Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

Well done, Ellie for yet again putting aside her personal feelings to be of help to her beloved guardian. How forgiving she is!
Meg will, no doubt, be feeling very anxious about her forthcoming visit to the convent and once again Hilda comes through with the idea of Mittagessen with all those with some connection to the place and the nuns there. She never stops in her quest to care for and nurture all of her pupils and staff. :tea: :tea:
She is one amazing woman and I would have loved having her as a Headmistress rather than the formal and distant one I did have. :roll:
Many thanks, Mary.

Author:  shesings [ Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

Mary, once again I am in awe of Hilda's strength and your writing!

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

That was a lovely update, so natural that it seems as if you're there with them all.


Author:  Luisa [ Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

Now there's a lunch to look forward to - AMAS in action. I was very impressed by Ellie's hesitation; totally justified, but it will help Meg to gain another perspective on the convent.
Thank you - brightened up a **** day here too (as did those amazing e-mails!)

Author:  charli [ Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

Mary, that was fun! I love love love the relationship between Ellie and Hilda. They are good for each other, especially Ellie making sure Hilda doesn't work too hard. (Although she does anyway :) )

Thank you

Author:  MHE [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

What a lovely and homely scene that was between Hilda and Ellie. Their love and care for each other shone through the banter. From Ellie’s inquisition of Hilda on the subject of ‘work’ through to Hilda’s tickling of Ellie. I would be quite happy to be tickled by Hilda.

Despite her initial reservation at Hilda’s request to her to help put Meg at ease about her forthcoming trip to the Convent, Ellie’s willingness to do so brings to mind again, words by Waldo, that I’ve quoted before and make no apology for quoting again:

“Forgiveness, what's that? A way through thorns
To an old enemy's side.”

By her willingness to do this for Meg and also for Hilda, Ellie is certainly living the words in the poem.

Thank you Mary, for allowing us to eavesdrop on such an intimate scene.

Author:  cal562301 [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

Just caught up with several updates.

I have nothing really to add to what others have written, except that I love the way you write, Mary. Like Ariel, I feel as if I'm right there in the room with everyone.

Looking forward to more of this.

Author:  AnneM [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

Ellie really is building the bridge of friendship, isn't she? At lunch she'll be the bridge between Meg and the others - and maybe Meg will begin to learn how to trust adults again, which she needs to do if her visit to the convent is going to help. And all because of Hilda and her perception and compassion.

Author:  linda [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

I’ve finally managed to catch up with the last two posts. I’m so pleased that Linda Stone was able to see Ellie, Mireille and Carmela, even for such a short time. It will have given the girls a chance to see that she was indeed recovering from the accident even though it will be some time before she is back in their midst.

Hilda opened her lips to speak but Ellie kissed her. “Sh, Madame, please not to deny it. Mais, tu sais, your other guests have also been very kind to me, every one, and I love them all and enjoy being with them. So I am more than happy to be a member of your ‘Help Meg’ committee."

She paused and then added, with some glee, "Just as those on your helping committee, and I, and Mère, are all happy to be members of AMAS. Meg herself is also one of us, don’t forget. Monsieur Stuart’s secret society is growing bigger every day.”

I loved the interlude with Ellie and Hilda. I’m not surprised that Hilda was worried about asking Ellie to join the ‘help Meg’ lunch party, but she put her request so well that she made Ellie realise that not only would she be helping Meg, but also would enjoy the chance to see the other guests who have all had a hand in helping Ellie to grow and become a much happier girl.

Thank you Mary, I, for one, don’t mind if this does move along slowly – I enjoy every word.

Author:  MaryR [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 20/07/10 p13

jmc wrote:
That just warms you up as it was so nice. Perfect for a cold evening here.

Aw, you say the nicest things, jmc. :D Like more of the same? Read on.... though I'm afraid the posts are rather short at the moment. :roll:

".......So I am more than happy to be a member of your ‘Help Meg’ committee. Just as those on your committee, and I, and Mère, are all happy to be members of AMAS. Meg herself is also one of us, don’t forget. Monsieur Stuart’s secret society is growing bigger every day.”

Hilda’s heart had been touched by her ward’s willingness to help the girl who had hurt her so much, but the mischievous mention of AMAS had her gaping in outrage. The next moment, Ellie found herself being tickled without mercy. Giggling helplessly, she tumbled off the arm of the chair to escape her guardian’s clutches, but as she landed on the floor a sudden thought arrested her and she held up her hand. “Madame, la tête….”

“What about my head, imp?” Hilda’s eyes were twinkling. “Want to borrow it….?”

She stopped and stared at Ellie, who was now staring right back at her, looking shocked. “You… you… can’t know….,” Ellie stuttered, then clapped her hand over her mouth and giggled some more, before finally rolling on the floor, moaning and holding her ribs. “Oh, I hurt!”

“I’m not surprised, after that performance!” Hilda was bemused. “I have no idea what I did to bring on such unseemly mirth. I only asked if you wanted to borrow my head….”

Ellie dissolved again, so Hilda gave it up. “Since there’s no getting any sense out of you, I’ll simply read my mail. No doubt you’ll let me in on your secret in your own good time.”

She walked over and sat at her desk, but although she appeared to be immersed in her letters she still kept half an eye on Ellie. The latter finally sat up, still chuckling, pulled herself to her feet and tiptoed over to the desk. Her arms snaked round her guardian and she planted a kiss on one pale cheek.

“You’ll find out tonight at the prefects’ evening why your words made me laugh, I promise, Madame. It was just so-o-o-o funny.”

Hilda gave her a freezing glance, which set her off again. Seeing that had no effect she returned Ellie’s kiss with interest. “Hm, I’m not sure I want to know now, imp. It seems rather ridic…”

She stopped short as an idea struck her, and looked in horror at her ward. “I’ve just recalled what your bit is about! You wouldn’t! You can’t! You’ll terrify the little ones.”

“Ne t’inquiètes pas, Madame,” Ellie carolled, as she danced across the room. “You will enjoy it, I promise, and no one will be upset, not even the Juniors, not even Marie and Emilie. You must forget you are the Headmistress for now and just relax. What will happen will happen, tu sais.”

Chuckling softly to herself, she set up a card table in front of the settee and went through to her room, to return with her art and writing materials. She sorted out what she needed, opened the booklet she was making for Mother Abbess and picked up her pen, already lost in her own imaginary world. Hilda had been watching all this activity silently, wondering if she dare ask more, but saw she was now forgotten so returned to her mail. Peace descended, disturbed only by the scratching of pens, the cutting of paper, the gentle ticking of the clock.

An hour or so later, all Hilda’s official letters were signed and her own mail read, digested and, in some cases, answered. Laying down her pen with a muffled sigh she buried her face in her hands. The headache was stealing back unrequested, the drill sharpening. No hammers as yet, though! She decided she would have to take some tablets and a long nap after Mitagessen. That should keep Gwynneth out of her hair!

She smiled to herself, lifted her head and leaned her chin on her hand to watch Ellie, who appeared to be considering a sketch rather crossly. “No more nightmares, petite?”

Ellie looked across at her. “Mais non, Madame. You assured me last night that Miss Stone was a little better, so I had the good sleep. This morning you took us to see her – so, all is well.”

She suddenly glared hard at Hilda. “But I did not enjoy being called a heroine, Madame. It was cruel to parade us in front of the school in so grand a manner, like a… a… like a magician with his ingredients – move here, do that, into the pot with you.” She waved her hands in the air dramatically. “Me, I wanted to crawl under the dais!”

By the time she had finished, Hilda was laughing out loud. “Such a baby! I must ask Mireille and the others how they felt. I’m sure it won’t be half as amusing!” She sobered and examined Ellie’s face. “I know you were cross, child, but I had my reasons. Want to hear them? It will do you no harm to understand how a Headmistress’s mind works, so long as my words stays within the confines of this room. If you make space for a little one, I’ll join you over there.”

Without more ado, Ellie picked up the papers strewn on the couch beside her and tossed them carelessly on the floor under the little table, much to Hilda’s considerable amusement. Sometimes, Ellie reminded her so strongly of Nell! No pretensions, no truck with formality, impatient and somewhat demanding, but totally honest and forthright, and fiercely loyal and loving.

Ellie looked at her sketch again, then shrugged, glued the back and stuck it on the page, by which time Hilda was sitting beside her. She pushed the table to one side and made herself comfortable, curling her legs under her, ready as always to imbibe her guardian’s gentle wisdom....

Author:  clair [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

So long since I've been able to log in and post I'm not even going to try to say all I think about the last few posts! Wonderful writing as always Mary and I can really see each scene as it unfolds.

Thank you for keeping on with this - just one thing, I think you forgot to post the last few paragraphs............................................. :wink:

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Another wonderful example of the special relationship between these two - in so many ways they are two adults together, rather than adult and teenager. Ellie is certainly on a level with Hilda when it comes to repartee!! And it's interesting that Hilda can see so much of Nell in some of her responses -yet another reason for that special tie between them. I'm so glad Ellie pulled herself up before she let the cat out of the bag about the coming evening's programme, though!! :) :)

I can understand why Ellie felt embarrrassed about being singled out the way she was in Assembly, and it will be very interesting to learn how Mireille and the others felt too. But as Hilda says - it needed to be said. I'm sure that she will respect Hilda's reasons when she hears them.

Thank you, Mary, for another lovely vignette.

Author:  Squirrel [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

That was utterly brilliant!

I'm with Ellie on the humour in being asked if I want to borrow someones head... especially when it's the head of someone who is prone to terrible headaches. How would one go about borrowing a head I wonder... plays well on my idea of the absurd really! Does that mean that H. wants a new one for Christmas I wonder, or for why would she offer me just her head... I am left wondering just what the girls have come up with though.

It sounds as if the two of them have had a rather industrious afternoon though, and have been able to both get stuff done and spend time together at the same time. Good. Poor Hilda for having that head starting to kick in again though. I do hope her plan of action for keeping it calm will do its job for her.

Ellie does have a wonderful way with words though. I too shall be interested in hearing the take on the affair that the other girls have, if you decide to give both Hilda and ourselves that window. And I'm sure I'll love to hear what is to come next.

Thank you for another wonderful scene, and insight into the lovely relationship that these two have.

Author:  charli [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

:lol: :lol: :lol:
That had me laughing along with Ellie.
What a nice demonstration of the growing relationship between Hilda and Ellie.
I'm looking forwards to hearing Hilda's wisdom.

Thanks Mary.

Author:  Lesley [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Very interested in hearing Hilda's reasoning.

Thanks Mary

Author:  PaulineS [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Thanks Mary. Ellie's sense of humour here shines out. I am sure the laughter will do Hilda well.

I hope Matey will send Hilda to bed for the afternoon if she is going to survive until the Prefects Evening.

Pleased Hilda managed her post :tea:

Author:  Abi [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

I do love the Hilda-Ellie bits. :D Thanks Mary!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Abi wrote:
I do love the Hilda-Ellie bits. :D Thanks Mary!

So do I :lol:

Author:  Luisa [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Moi aussi.
Looking forward to the entertainment with just a little impatience now....

Author:  di [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Thanks, Mary, am awaiting Hilda's reasoning with bated breath-or something like that!

Author:  jmc [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Thanks Mary. Really enjoyed that and looking forward to hearing what Hilda has to say.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Another waiting for the words of wisdom - thankyou for the update!

Author:  MHE [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Aw Mary that was lovely. I'm surprised that Ellie managed to keep from spilling the beans to Hilda about the night's entertainment! I certainly was a fly on the wall watching the interplay between them.

Ellie's indignation at Hilda had me laughing as did her actions in clearing space for Hilda on the sofa. I could just see her glaring at Hilda and waving her arms as she berated her Guardian. I'm sure that she will accept Hilda's reasons for such a public acknowledgment of her actions the day before. I'm looking forward to hearing Hilda's explanation as I am too to seeing what the night's entertainment will bring.

Thank you Mary for another delighful interlude with Hilda and Ellie.

Author:  linda [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Another lovely Hilda-Ellie interlude. I loved the vision of Ellie just dumping all the papers on the floor to make room for Hilda on the sofa.

She pushed the table to one side and made herself comfortable, curling her legs under her, ready as always to imbibe her guardian’s gentle wisdom....

Me too!! :lol: :lol:

Thank you Mary

Author:  Celia [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Two great little scenes between Hilda and Ellie. Their love shines through so clearly and grows with every moment they are able to spend together.

Thank you Mary,your characters come across so vividly.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Mary, love the way this relationship is developing, especially the way Hilda is seeing glimpses of Nell in Ellie :D Looking forward to hearing Hilda's words of wisdom and also the evening's events with Hilda's 'head' :lol:

I do worry about Hilda's head though :( As it's started hurting again after she's been reading, do you think she finally needs glasses :wink:

Great writing though, Mary, felt like I was in the room with the two of them. More please.....

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

....Ellie looked at her sketch again, then shrugged, glued the back and stuck it on the page, by which time Hilda was sitting beside her. She pushed the table to one side and made herself comfortable, curling her legs under her, ready as always to imbibe her guardian’s gentle wisdom.

“Why did I do it, you ask. Well, I wanted to reinforce the fact that my prefects are brave and trustworthy and able, and that the lower school tangle with them at their peril. The events leading up to the Talent Concert had already gone a long way to proving that to most of them. Now, though, Carmela and Mireille – and you! – have become the stuff of legends and the prefects should have no more problems, or only the usual minor ones. The school learned this morning just how proud of them I am. That carries its own message.”

Ellie nodded thoughtfully. “They deserved all you said. Mireille and Carmela were so… so… tough out there. They were truly noble, tu sais, Madame. After all, they are only schoolgirls.”

“You must count yourself among that nobility, child,” Hilda said with a smile. Ellie shook her head. “Oh, yes, indeed you must. You were the only one present who knew what to do. You were the one who comforted the twins. They’ve latched on to you now as their safety net. As to my prefects, they may still be schoolgirls, but they will shortly be going out into the wide blue yonder. I want them to go out there feeling competent and self-reliant. After a shaky start, they are now making a great success of their stewardship, and can walk out from here with their heads held high.”

Ellie put her hand on Hilda’s arm. “It is you who help us walk with our heads up high, Madame. That is why you also praised Gillian and Jean. But, what about the others?”

Hilda tried to order her thoughts. “Tonia and Meg have been causing problems for a long while, but they now want to change, so I just tried to give them a little extra boost. Hopefully, their forms will accept them back more easily after today. Marie-Luce and Christine…." She paused, her forehead wrinkled, thinking of those two sorry faces in the san the night of the accident.

She sighed somewhat sombrely. "I admit I was a little harsh and long-winded there in the Hall about the rumours – but that was better than trying to nail down just who had started those rumours. The more guilty their consciences and the more they wonder about what exactly I know, then the more they’ll think twice about doing the same another time. Those two shouldn’t have to suffer so hard for a moment of silly thoughtlessness. We can all make good, no matter how wrong-headed we have been.”

Her face softened. “As for the twins, they really were the bravest of you all and the school needs to know that youth is no barrier to true courage. So young, and Emilie in dreadful pain, yet they demonstrated a fortitude I’ve very rarely seen, even in adults. I’m sure they will be major contenders for the bravery medal this year.”

As will you, child, she thought, as she turned to look at Ellie. “You all helped to save a life, child. That is a very big thing in the life of any school – hence my magician’s trick. It didn’t really hurt you to be a heroine for all of two minutes, now, did it?”

A mischievous smile broke across Hilda’s face as she spoke. Ellie saw it and glared, then poked her tongue out at her guardian. “Tu es impossible, tu sais!”

“I know, imp. That’s why we get on so well together.”

Ellie muttered under her breath, even as she put her arms round Hilda once more. “Je t’aime, Madame, and we do make the good team, n’est-ce pas? But me, I am not at all impossible.”

Hilda cocked an eyebrow at her. “No? Well, minx, I think I heard a knock at the door, so why don’t you let Mr Stuart in and ask his opinion?”

“How do you….?” Ellie stared at her guardian and then shrugged. “Of course you will know who is there. You know everything.”

“Oh, no, my dear, that’s the prerogative of you young things, or so Oscar Wilde tells us: The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything. Though I can assure you and Oscar Wilde that I do not believe everything. Healthy scepticism is a necessary quality in all Headmistresses.”

She flapped her hands at Ellie. “Go on, go and let him in, before he disappears again.”

“You’re… you’re…. .”

“Impossible, I know. You told me,” Hilda nodded.

Trying very hard not to laugh, Ellie trotted to the door and opened it, to find Ian standing there with a broad smile on his lips. She wasted no time. “Bonjour, Monsieur Stuart. Please to come in and answer to me a question. Madame, she tells to me I am impossible. Is it true?”

He closed the door and leaned against it lazily, his hands in his pockets. Keeping his face straight, he considered her as she stood before him, arms akimbo, eyes gleaming. “Oh, yes, you’re absolutely and utterly impossible, liebling.” Ellie’s jaw dropped. “Absolutely and impossibly lovely and intelligent and artistic and crazy….

She dug her forefinger into his ribs. “And you are an impossible liar!” she fumed.

“But a very generous and lovable liar,” he laughed, taking his hands from his pocket. He opened the door again, bent down and picked something up from the floor before turning back to her. She gasped when she saw he was offering her an enormous box of chocolates.

“Bribery and corruption, Mr Stuart?” a soft voice drawled.

Ian’s lips twitched. “No, m’lud… er, Miss Annersley. Just a little gift for the two patients.”

Ellie took the chocolates, but her eyes were suddenly very serious. “You are a good man, Monsieur Stuart, like my grandpère. I wish all men were so.”

Ian took her gently by her shoulders, the light in his green eyes very tender. “Most men are good when you get to know them properly, Ellie. I’m sure your father was a good man. He just loved too much and couldn’t cope with the pain of losing that love, so don’t hold it against him forever. You, too, are good, sweetheart, and both your parents must be very proud of you. I know Madame is. I’m very proud to have you as a friend.”

Tears welled up in Hilda’s eyes as she watched Ellie fling her arms round Ian, the chocolates crushed between them. It seemed to Hilda that her ward was growing ever more precious, not just to her guardian, but to so many other lonely people: Ian, Vivien, Matey, Sister Patricia, her aunt, even Mother Abbess.

Hilda knew it was for her sake they had loved Ellie, just at first. Now, however, they loved her entirely for herself, loved her for her honesty and generosity, for her creativity and impulsiveness, even for her fierce hates and loves. Ellie was very much her own person.

Author:  Abi [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

Ellie's a sweetheart. :D And the relationship between her and Hilda is so special. Thanks Mary!

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

Mary that was a lovely scene.

Hilda knew it was for her sake they had loved Ellie, just at first. Now, however, they loved her entirely for herself, loved her for her honesty and generosity, for her creativity and impulsiveness, even for her fierce hates and loves. Ellie was very much her own person.

That thought of Hilda sums up Ellie so well.

Ian Stuart's presence will help the lunchtime party.

Thank you Mary. Hope you are enjoying this quiet period in Hilda's life in the midst of her suffering. :tea: :tea:

Author:  charli [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Thurs 22/07/10 p14

Mary there is so much here i want to quote and comment on, but to save quoting the entire thing..

MaryR wrote:
.“Those two shouldn’t have to suffer so hard for a moment of silly thoughtlessness. We can all make good, no matter how wrong-headed we have been.”

The above is so true. What a wonderful message for Hilda to give Ellie, it will help her out later on in life.

MaryR wrote:

“I know, imp. That’s why we get on so well together.”

Ellie muttered under her breath, even as she put her arms round Hilda once more. “Je t’aime, Madame, and we do make the good team, n’est-ce pas? But me, I am not at all impossible.”

Hilda cocked an eyebrow at her. “No? Well, minx, I think I heard a knock at the door, so why don’t you let Mr Stuart in and ask his opinion?”

“How do you….?” Ellie stared at her guardian and then shrugged. “Of course you will know who is there. You know everything.”

“You’re… you’re…. .”

“Impossible, I know. You told me,” Hilda nodded.

Trying very hard not to laugh, Ellie trotted to the door and opened it, to find Ian standing there with a broad smile on his lips. She wasted no time. “Bonjour, Monsieur Stuart. Please to come in and answer to me a question. Madame, she tells to me I am impossible. Is it true?”

He closed the door and leaned against it lazily, his hands in his pockets. Keeping his face straight, he considered her as she stood before him, arms akimbo, eyes gleaming. “Oh, yes, you’re absolutely and utterly impossible, liebling.” Ellie’s jaw dropped. “Absolutely and impossibly lovely and intelligent and artistic and crazy….

This again shows the lovely relationship between Ellie and Hilda.

Thank you

Author:  Lesley [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

Wonderful relationship between all three of them there.

Thanks Mary.

Author:  Celia [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

Hilda and Ellie have such a beautiful relationship that they can tease and be serious almost within the same moment,and yes Ellie is making her mark with everyone as they get to know her.

These are lovely vignettes of Hilda and Ellie which you are giving us at the moment.Brilliantly crafted as ever.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

I love the relationship between Hilda and Ellie and Hilda got exactly what she needed; a daughter of the heart.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

Like Charlie, I could easily quote all of this piece - it's so hard to select a single one, but if I were to do so, I would have to echo the one Pauline quoted.

Once again, we have more evidence of this special relationship between Hilda and Ellie, combining equal measures of love and admiration between them with their innate ability to tease the other when the situation calls for it. It is truly wonderful to see how far Ellie has progressed in the few short months since she and Hilda met and how much she has changed from that angry and mistrustful child!

How wise Hilda was to treat her as an adult in explaining just why she chose to single out all those people at assembly, and why it was the right thing to do, even if Ellie and the others may have felt briefly embarrassed. Even if people such as Ian originally took Ellie to their hearts for Hilda's sake, now indeed, they love her for herself - and how she returns their love.

I foresee that the coming lunch party will turn into another very special episode, one which will do much to quell Meg's very natural anxieties about her forthcoming visit to the convent, and send her off there determined to make the most of the opportunities offered her.

Thank you Mary, for once more permitting us to eavesdrop on this wonderful little vignette through the power of your words.

Author:  di [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

Lovely, Mary and thank you. :)

Author:  Chris [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

A lovely interlude - thanks Mary.

Author:  linda [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

I just love the banter between Hilda and Ellie. Their relationship is really growing and blossoming into a wonderful thing which is a blessing to them both.

I also love the way that Ian Stuart is able to tease Ellie (and Hilda) and the way that he gently reminded her to try not to blame her father for his neglect of her after her mother's death.

Thank you Mary for this gentle interlude with its insights into Hilda's reasons for singling out the girls in the assembly.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

Aw, Mary, what an interlude.

Like others I couldn't pick out a single piece of this post, I just found myself gradually smiling as I read the banter between Ellie and Hilda, gurgling every now and then too and breaking into laughs when Ian arrives and gently teases Ellie. However all of this whilst both Hilda and Ian teach Ellie some things about real life. Awesome :lol:

Ellie is developing into such a wonderful character, loving, playful, gentle, creative, intelligent, whilst also appearing to have 'Nell-like qualities with Hilda influences', if there can be such a combination :roll:

Thanks, Mary

Author:  jmc [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

Really enjoyed Hilda's reasoning as to why she does what she does.

Thanks Mary

Author:  Luisa [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

Would also end up quoting everything, but I loved the swift changes of mood here, and the sheer lightness of the writing. Such a lovely interlude.

Author:  Cath V-P [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

The interaction between Hilda and Ellie is so satisfying - and it is something that is valuable to both of them, coming at a time in their lives when both of them were grieving and in need of comfort. And there is a very fine balance between them; each of them gives and accepts something that only the other can give her.
And here, Hilda not only demonstrates the warmth and wisdom that characterise her dealings with her pupils, but she also shows that teasing and merriment that must have infused so much of her relationship with Nell and which she has had so little opportunity to call upon during the last year.
And Hilda is so right in acknowledging just how dear Ellie has become to the rest of this little family that has come together - they may have been initially drawn together because of their regard for Hilda, but they are forming a lovely and enriching web of love and friendship for one another.
A lovely glimpse of Ellie, Hilda and then Ian as well...
Thank you Mary

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

Just beautiful - thankyou!

Author:  MaryR [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 25/07/10 p14

I foresee that the coming lunch party will turn into another very special episode, one which will do much to quell Meg's very natural anxieties about her forthcoming visit to the convent.

Well, Vivien kickstarts that process very nicely here, Elder. :lol: Only a very short piece tonight, though....

......Tears welled up in Hilda’s eyes as she watched Ellie fling her arms round Ian, the chocolates crushed between them. It seemed to Hilda that her ward was growing ever more precious, not just to her guardian, but to so many other lonely people: Ian, Vivien, Matey, Sister Patricia, her aunt, even Mother Abbess.

Hilda knew it was for her sake they had loved Ellie, just at first. Now, however, they loved her entirely for herself, loved her for her honesty and generosity, for her creativity and impulsiveness, even for her fierce hates and loves. Ellie was very much her own person.

Ellie dragged Ian over to the card table, explaining excitedly what she was doing. While he complimented her, he chuckled inwardly as the thought of his sister’s face when she saw those pictures. He extracted a promise from Ellie that she would do a sketch of Mère just for him to keep. Hilda moved over to her desk out of their way and could only marvel at how quickly Ellie had accepted Ian and adopted him as a pseudo-uncle or grandfather. There was such ease between them, as though they had known each other a lifetime, not just a little more than three short weeks.

Pulling herself together and glancing at her clock, she ruthlessly interrupted their chat. “Ellie, child, the gong will sound for Mitagessen soon. Feel like laying the table for me?”

“Avec plaisir, Madame. Six places, yes?”

Ellie set to work at once and Ian moved to the desk, where he scrutinized Hilda’s face. “Jack said you looked very pale earlier this morning, my friend, and I suspect you don’t look any better now. Is this really such a good idea?”

She held out a hand, which he clasped. “I hope so, Ian. I’m fine, honestly. The head’s much better than it has been the last few days." She lowered her voice to add, "Thank you for what you said to Ellie just now. She still needs shoring up so much, in spite of being our heroine.”

Before Ian could respond, there was another knock at the door. Ever the gentleman, Ian strode over and opened it to admit Matey, who bustled over at once to help Ellie.

“Glad to see you’re keeping out of trouble – a minor miracle!” were the words she tossed over her shoulder at Hilda, much to Ian’s vast amusement. Hilda bestowed a stony stare on the pair of them.

The mellow tones of the gong floated through the corridors, whereupon a third knock was heard at the door. It was Vivien’s turn to enter, followed by a bashful-looking Meg. Both of them appeared to have their arms full of flowers and everyone crowded around to have a closer look.

“I wanted to do something to cheer up the table, and I know how fond our esteemed Headmistress is of flowers,” Vivien explained. “So I went and routed out Meg earlier on, and she and I have been busy making a posy for each of you to set by your place.”

They all exclaimed in delight at the origami bouquets, except for Hilda. Instead, she observed Meg’s flushed and smiling face as the compliments flew and could only bless Vivien for imagining how scared the girl would be and thinking of something to set her at her ease.

“Meg seems to have developed a talent for this, Miss Knowles,” she said, her eyes expressing her gratitude to Vivien.

Vivien saw it and blushed as she nodded. “Oh, she’s got very nimble fingers, just like Matey had last term.” She winked at that good lady. “Meg will soon be better at it than I.”

“Oh, that’s not true, Miss Knowles,” Meg said shyly. “You had to give me a lot of help.” Meg’s eyes were very bright, however, and she was so obviously heartened by the words.

“Maybe so, but next time you won’t need that help and, in fact, you and Ellie could be my first assistants when I start my origami club.”

Both assented eagerly and Meg handed out the little bouquets. The flowers were all completely white, except for a single coloured flower set in the centre of each, and that matched the pot in which the flowers were set.

“The one with the yellow flower is for Miss Annersley, because she is our sun round which we all orbit, keeping time to her melody.”

Hilda’s laugh blurted out. “Wh-a-a-t? I do declare, Miss Knowles, your success has gone to your head. You’ve become very sanctimonious!”

“And you’re very unkind, Miss Annersley.” Vivien pouted. “The green is for Mr Stuart and his spectacular green eyes. This next one is slightly different, as it’s all white, and that’s for Matron and her crisp pinafore and nurse’s cap. You’ll notice it has a flower made of pearls in the middle. That’s to show she is a pearl of great price and we couldn’t manage without her. No, you mustn’t blush, Matron. It’s true. The turquoise one is for Ellie’s vivid blue eyes and the delicate pink one is for Meg, because she admitted to me it’s her favourite colour. That leaves the orange one for me….”

“To show what a riotous madcap you are, by any chance?” Hilda ventured.

Vivien drew herself up haughtily. “I was going to say I got that because there are so few colours left – but you’re right as usual, O Great Chief. Riotous madcap about sums me up.”

Amidst the gales of laughter which greeted this exchange, Hilda heard the next knock at the door and knew it heralded the arrival of their dinner. She took the wheeled trolley from Karen with a smile and words of gratitude and trundled it over to the round table by the French window, telling everyone to find their seats. She had put the extra leaf in earlier and Ellie had set it with the colourful napkins and glasses kept there for Hilda’s guests.

“Those exquisite flowers give the table that finishing touch it was missing,” Hilda remarked with a smile. “It looks very festive. Thank you both for your hard work.”

She set Ian to pouring out the drinks and the girls to taking the warm dishes out of the trolley and setting them on the table, while she passed round the plates. She smiled to herself as she sat down and watched Ellie and Meg quietly insinuating themselves into the chairs either side of Ian. He caught Hilda’s eye and winked broadly.

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

Well done Vivien, what a lovely way to set Meg at ease. Love it that Meg and Ellie sit either side of Ian.

Thank you Mary, I saw you had been on earlier,but came back just in case you came back with an update.

Hilda has chosen her participants well. Thank you Mary. :D :tea: :D

Author:  Abi [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

That was a nice light scene - and it was really good to see Meg responding so well to Vivien's kindness. Thanks, Mary.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

What a lunch group. :D Each one bringing with them their own uniqueness, so that the whole will definitely be greater than the parts, methinks, and carry out Hilda's plan to help Meg exactly as she has ordained :lol:

So, what with Vivien's great thought in getting Meg to help with the origami to help her relax and Ellie at ease with the group, Meg will be able to see that she can also show her real self without fear or shyness and not be overwhelmed by the adults. Hopefully this feeling will continue as she hears about the convent, so she can go to MA and the nuns without worry.

Wonderful scene and oh, what wouldn't we give to be a lunch guest of Hilda ? :lol:

Thanks, Mary

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

Thanks, loved the oragami flowers

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

I love it!! That was such a wonderful idea of Vivien's - and particularly the way she involved Meg in the project. Each origami posy is so apposite for the recipient - and when Vivien later follows through on her statement (as I have no doubt she will) that Ellie and Meg are to be her assistants in the origami class she plans to teach, I"m sure the two girls will learn much both from her and from each other.

I also chuckled at the way both Ellie and Meg appropriated seats next to Ian - it says so much for the trust and affection they have gained for him, Ellie in just a few weeks and Meg in just a few short days. :) :)

With a start like that, how can the rest of the lunch party fail to achieve its aim of making Meg feel at ease, not just with the present company, but with the entire idea of her visit to the convent?

Thank you, Mary for allowing us to join them all at the table - I am *so* much looking forward to the rest of the meal. :D :D

Author:  Lesley [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

So pleased for Meg - she is being given a family - something sadly lacking at home.

Thanks Mary

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

Aren't the flowers utterly and entirely apt ?

What a gentle way to get Meg thoroughly at ease and looking forward to people's reactions instead of being anxious about them !

Author:  charli [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

Oh, you must have posted just as i left for work last night. I checked before i left for any updates!

Nice to see more of Vivien, and it's great how she got Meg involved with the flowers. All this support for Meg should build up her self esteem and give her more confidence in herself.

Thank you :)

Author:  di [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

Your description of the tableau, Mary, is exquisite and I can sense the enjoyment the posies of paper flowers have given their recipients. Vivian, once again, has come up trumps with her understanding of how Meg must be feeling and has found a way she can ease herself in to the luncheon party with out shyness or embarrassment. :tea:

I love the idea of having just one coloured flower in each posy which, in some way, represents the person for whom it is intended and had to smile at Matey's pearl for she is, indeed, a pearl.

I'm sure that by the end of this luncheon party Meg will be feeling much more relaxed and ready to take the next step on her journey of healing by spending some time at the convent under M.A's care.

How I wish I was a fly on the wall to watch the tale unfold but will have to be satisfied with your amazing way with words to see what happens next.

Many thanks, Mary. :) :)

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

What lovely flowers those sounded like - I wish that they were real so that we could have a picture of them! Thankyou.

Author:  Luisa [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

Aren't they?????
Love the orange for Vivien, and I'm sure it would have been Nell's colour as well.

Author:  Elbee [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

What a delightful scene you've set there, Mary. Looking forward to listening in on their chatter!

Author:  ivohenry [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

Love the origami flowers, and how each is so appropriate. (Is this one of your hobbies, Mary? You seem to have such detailed knowledge of it!) Could we please have a little update soon on Tessa? And one on Joey and her difficult pregnancy?

Author:  Kathy_S [ Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

Thank you, Mary.
Vivien is so talented -- in more ways than origami.

Author:  Squirrel [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

Oh Mary... I still don't know how you do it, how you not only give us our own wee cinema viewing, but pull us into the scene like the fly on the wall that so many people have longed to be in the CS series...

Two wonderful scenes for me to comment on - such beautiful relationships, such a wonderful development of character and such lovely insight into the situations and personalities of each who is involved.

There is something so special about each person you have introduced here - as you have shown by the flower choice and explanation as to why each is to get which one - including that wonderful teasing between Hilda and Vivien as to the colour of flower which they have.

I love the understanding that both of these two have in knowing that sometimes there is a need to give courage to another, and that both of the pupils have needed some special time with another in the run up to this meal... And what Hilda has provided for Ellie as guardian, Vivien has done for Meg as leader and co-conspirator. I'm sure that all will flow far more easily now due to the actions of each.

I'm with Elder in enjoying both the likelihood of the origami club coming to pass, and the two girls being closely involved as assistants in its running, and the way that the girls both migrate to sit beside Ian... Again, they know that he is something special, and his company can shore them up. Will another link and lead up to friendship come from this mutual affection and future activity?

Thank you Mary for letting us share on this - it is such a special time and has the power to bring a balm of comfort to those of us who might be struggling in our own situations and circumstances, reminding us that such love does exist somewhere, and that possibly it is up to us to love others and sow into them.

Author:  Tara [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

I haven't been on the board for so long (blame RL - I do!) but I have kept up with frequent lurking, Mary - I couldn't possibly do without Hilda altogether, could I. I'd need to write a book to comment on all I've missed, but the nail-biting drama of the accident, Hilda's masterly handling of the different needs of all the girls involved and the joyful family feeling of the final post encapsulate so many of the varied strands of this ... what to call it? 'Story' is too weak ... 'epic' comes to mind ... the powerful writing, the deep understanding and the humour. I love what is happening to Meg, too.

Thank you, Mary. It's good to be back.

Author:  Celia [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

Love the way Ellie and Meg insinuate themselves on either side of Ian,and Vivian's perspicacity with the flowers.

Such a warm friendly scene. You blend them together so well.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  linda [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

What a lovely thought of Vivien's to help break the ice with Meg and make her feel more included in the lunch party.

The idea of a different coloured flower for each guest set in the centre of the posy is wonderful - as are Vivien's reasons for the colour choice for each one. And the reason for Vivien's colour is just brilliant

That leaves the orange one for me….”

“To show what a riotous madcap you are, by any chance?” Hilda ventured.

Vivien drew herself up haughtily. “I was going to say I got that because there are so few colours left – but you’re right as usual, O Great Chief. Riotous madcap about sums me up.”

After such a light-hearted introduction, I am sure that Meg will feel so much less uncomfortable and I look forward to the rest of what I am sure will be a very enjoyable meal for all concerned - including your readers...!!!

Thank you Mary.

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 28/07/10 p15

ivohenry wrote:
Love the origami flowers, and how each is so appropriate. (Is this one of your hobbies, Mary? You seem to have such detailed knowledge of it!) Could we please have a little update soon on Tessa? And one on Joey and her difficult pregnancy?

Sorry, Ivohenry, I lack any skill at origami. My erstwhile pupils will testify to my sorry efforts when I tried to teach them some. :lol: But research is a wonderful thing and I am fairly 'crafty'.

You'll find a little more about Tessa shortly but will have to wait till half term for any real news. And Joey? Hmmm. Will the week Meg is at the convent do you? :twisted: For now, though, a little more of that lunch party....

...Hilda set Ian to pouring out the drinks and the girls to taking the warm dishes out of the trolley and setting them on the table, while she passed round the plates. She smiled to herself as she sat down and watched Ellie and Meg quietly insinuating themselves into the chairs either side of Ian. He caught Hilda’s eye and winked broadly.

Soon, everyone had helped themselves to the veal and vegetables and were tucking in, including Meg, who Hilda noticed was looking far more relaxed than when she first entered. Not only relaxed but rather stunned, as though unaware till now that adults could be as human and as comical as her peers.

Hilda looked across at Vivien. “You know, Miss Knowles, when I was in the San, last November, you and your minions filled my walls with the most beautiful art work while I slept and it really was the best medicine. I was wondering whether you couldn’t do it again for Miss Stone, if you had the time. Hospital walls are so bare!”

Vivien chewed thoughtfully. “We moved all that out when you left, didn’t we, and pinned it up in the children’s department. It’s funny you should ask, though, because Matron Graves mentioned at the time it would be great if we could decorate all the rooms over there - but then Christmas came along and I shelved the idea. Maybe now’s the time, though….”

She paused, then looked at the two girls. “How would it be if you and I gathered a small group and did something for Miss Stone’s room very quickly over the weekend? We could ask Miss Yolland and her art group as well. They helped to decorate Miss Annersley’s room.”

Hilda rose to her feet and went over to her desk, where she opened one of the drawers. “I think I have some of the photos Helen Graves took for me. Ellie hasn’t a clue what we’re talking about, any more than Meg has. Let me see….”

She finally found the packet she wanted and walked back to the table. Flicking through the photos in the packet she fished out several and passed them across to the girls, who exclaimed over the miraculous collages of the four seasons that were tacked to the walls of the hospital room. Ellie’s eyes glowed at the artistry and even Meg was enthralled.

“Those Polar Bears and Arctic foxes are… are… ravissants,” Ellie murmured. “You feel you could stroke them, they look so soft.”

“You could stroke them, child,” Hilda smiled in memory. “They were constructed from fur, though don’t ask me how. I wasn’t the artist, just the very lucky recipient. ”

“I love the Autumn scene,” Meg added. “It’s so colourful and yet…. dreamy, somehow.” She looked across at Vivien in awe. “You mean we could do stuff like this?”

“What do you mean, stuff? It’s art, my dear,” Vivien laughed out loud, “ or what I like to call art, anyway, though I’m not sure Miss Yolland would agree. Yes, of course we can do this sort of stuff, or something very like it, for Miss Stone. You don’t have to be able to paint to do crafty stuff, you know. Just ask Matron here! Then, once we’ve done that room, we could gradually build up to that origami club. One of its aims could be the furbishment of rooms in the San, don’t you think? We could start off in a small way, with mobiles and little bouquets….”

“Like the origami in here?” Meg asked, pointing to a corner of the room, where a cloud of pastel-coloured butterflies danced from ceiling to near the floor, revolving in the currents of air. Everyone’s eyes turned that way and Hilda recalled how distressed she had been feeling the day she had entered her study last term to find the whole place transformed: butterflies revolving, rainbow-hued birds swooping through the air and perching on the furniture, golden-coloured cats peering in at windows and sitting on shelves and books. Her heart had been lifted, not only by the sheer beauty of them all, but also by the love which had gone into their creation.

“Something like that, Meg,” she murmured. “They were put up in my study in very mysterious fashion one day while I was otherwise engaged and I thought for one moment fairies had been at work. We decided in the end, though, that they should be moved in here.”

“Parents and naughty children might have got the wrong idea,” laughed Vivien. “Hardly what a stern Headmistress’s study should look like!”

“But who made them all?” asked Meg.

“Oh, some of the girls and I,” Vivien announced with a gleam in her eye. “Matron Lloyd also helped, as I think I mentioned. She has very nimble fingers.”

“All that bandage rolling,” Matey coughed deprecatingly.

“Not at all, Matron Lloyd. More likely all your poking around in the nooks and crannies of people’s minds.”

Everyone chuckled at the dry note in Hilda’s voice. Matey contented herself with a shrug and a wink at Ellie. Only Hilda noted Meg’s amazement at Matey’s levity. She must be wondering where the stern martinet is hiding…

“The butterflies and birds are beautiful, but I prefer the cats, especially that one on your bookcase,” Meg said. “I always wanted a cat to keep me company.”

Everyone there heard the note of intense wistfulness in her voice and Hilda’s eye caught Vivien’s. The latter gave a slight nod and Hilda knew that origami animals would appear as if by magic in Meg’s cubicle that night. She got to her feet once more, removed from the shelf the large golden head with its long whiskers and smokey eyes and laid it beside Meg’s plate.

Meg stroked the whiskers. “May I really keep it?” she whispered.

Hilda patted her hand. “Maybe it will make up just a little for not having had a real one.”

Ellie leaned forward. “You know, Meg, there are two cats at the convent. They’ll give you a cuddle any time.”

“I’m not sure Mère would be delighted to hear you say that, minx, nor even Sister Aiden,” said Hilda severely. “Polly and Patch are there to keep the mice at bay in the kitchen.”

“Take no notice of your Headmistress, Meg,” Ian said with a wink. “Nor even of my sister! Polly and Patch are wonderful comforters on cold nights – or lonely nights.”

“You mean they’re real?” Meg asked in amazement. “I thought Ellie made them up for her story the other night. Do they really look like that?”

It was Ellie who left the table this time, to go to the couch and rummage through her papers. She returned with some photos in her hand, as Hilda had done. “These are some pictures of Polly and Patch which I took at Christmas, Meg….”

Hilda laid down her knife and fork and leaned back in her chair, her eyes meeting Matey’s and Vivien’s in some relief. The subject of the convent had arisen totally naturally and the other three were well away, discussing not just the cats but the nuns and the food and the chapel and goodness knew what else.

Ian was almost like a young boy himself as he chatted. He was so determined this lonely girl should have her chance, thought Hilda. What had he seen in Meg that made him want only the best for her? Hilda knew she would never find out, for that was between the two of them, but she was glad for their relationship. Everyone needed an Ian in their lives, needed someone who gave unstintingly of himself.

She and Vivien quietly cleared the dinner plates and dishes while the others talked, but they decided to leave the dessert for now, so as not to disturb the flow. As they sat down again, Ian reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a creased photo, which he laid before Meg.

“Don’t ever be afraid of my sister, Meg,” he said, tapping the photo. “She may be tough on you and have eyes that seem to pierce your depths, but as a child she was wild and free. She hated to be made to do things she didn’t want to do, and was a terrible tease. You had to give as good as you got if you wanted her respect.”

They all craned to view the black and white photo in Meg’s hand. Hilda saw the wiry, restless girl of her imagination, long hair blowing free in the wind, her stance one of readiness to flee the scene, get on with the action. Her smiling face was captivating and challenging, daring you to follow. A fierce, capricious and loving child who had been adored by her parents and twin brother.

“She wouldn’t have liked me,” Meg whispered into the silence. Hilda was astounded and lifted her eyes to Ian for help.

Ian laid his hand on Meg’s. “Interesting you should say that, Meg,” he murmured. “Most children didn’t like her. They were frightened of her. She cared too much about things and got into too many fights. But you know what? I don’t think you would have been frightened of her. You have immense courage and, like her, are not afraid to speak your mind. I think something in her would have called out to something in you, even back then. That something is still there in her. She will see what you want to be, not judge you for what you’ve done. She will take you places inside yourself that you had no idea were there. So trust her – and trust yourself. You’re so much more than you think you are.”

Author:  Lesley [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 02/08/10 p16

What a lovely way they are all combining to help Meg - after all that she had done no-one could have blamed then had they just disposed of her completely yet all are doing their best to help her. Meg must think she's living in a dream.

Thanks Mary.

Author:  Squirrel [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 02/08/10 p16

Oh! That is So Wonderful Mary! That line about Matey's nimble fingers nearly had me in stitches... 'Till I realised that I might be called on to explain just what I found so funny! What wonderful humour Hilda has.

And the origami conversation - that's a brilliant idea. I can just see it growing, one idea on top of another, until it suddenly exists. They are going to have a fantastic time of it.

The convent emerging into the conversation was also simply perfect. They all know that's what they are here to talk about, but it still comes up so naturally, and all from a few random comments. Even if it goes no further I'm sure that Meg will feel comforted in attending it, and I can just imagine her thoughts straying to this part of the conversation both in the run up to her stay there, and during the time she is with the nuns.

I also love seeing Hilda's loving care, and the fact that Vivien knows exactly what she is after with regards to Megs cubical... anything they can do to make her more comfortable.

Thank you Mary - that was touching beyond words

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Thanks Mary. Love the way Meg is introduced to the convent cats and through them to the nuns.
Vivien's skills are so helpful here as well. Pleased Linda will benefit.

Author:  charli [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Yay, i kept checking for this all evening, and here it is :D
This is lovely Mary. Vivien is very helpful here and i hope Meg feels more at ease with the idea of the convent now. It's also a beautiful idea to decorate Linda's room with their artwork.
Thank you so much for the update.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Yet again a picture painted in words, with love and care, warmth and comfort, laughter and joy exuding from every part of it and through each person :D

The way Hilda has choreographed the whole event, the way the covent naturally arises as a topic within the flow of the conversation; all of it quite superb. I love the way Ellie's photos of the convent cats point Meg towards a potential source of comfort during her stay and Ian's photo of MA gives him an opening for telling Meg to trust his sister and not be scared of letting her in, so she can help Meg become everything she wants to be and can be.

As for the Vivien, just a look or a simple suggestion from Hilda and she seems to build on it to make it something special for those on the receiving end, and also for the wider group that she involves in delivering those gifts. Can only imagine Linda's face as she wakes to a truly beautiful display in her room :lol:

Wonderful, Mary, thank you.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Another perfectly orchestrated interlude - the warmth flowing through it from so many directions is absolutely tangible.

So many positive things come out of it too. I love the way that Vivien picks up on Hilda's slightest hint and I do hope that she, along with Ellie, Meg and the girls in the art class will indeed be able to decorate Linda's room before Meg leaves on Monday; I'm sure Linda will love that. I can also foresee the natural expansion of the origami activities in due course.

The sight of Matey joining in the levity, too, must have amazed Meg, while Ellie's very natural segue from the origami cats into talking about the real-life ones at the convent is such a wonderful opening for telling Meg more about the convent and those who live there.

I just loved Ian showing that photo of MA and describing so vividly the spirited child she was - and that a lot of other children didn't like her. Even more interesting is his assessment that the child Kate would have liked Meg and Meg would have liked her - clearly he feels that each would have given as good as they got if they had encountered each other then - something else which will go a long way to encourage Meg.

I'm sure Meg will walk away from that table feeling heartened, included and encouraged, if still a little stunned, but at last, looking forward to her week at the convent. She will also feel surrounded by the love and support from everyone in the room, which will go a long way to sustain her as she makes her final preparations.

Thank you again, Mary, for allowing the rest of us to enjoy the many nuances of that lunch party through the power of your words - it's a great privilege to have been there.

Author:  di [ Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

What lovely advice Ian gives Meg here; just as she starts to become apprehensive about meeting M.A. he brings out the photo of her as a child and tells a little of what she was like, unliked by others which taps in to Meg's own feelings about herself. I hope she remembers his words when things get tough for her at the convent as she journeys through her earlier life in an effort to understand her present thoughts and behaviour and begin the road to recovery.

How attuned Vivien is to the girls needs; :tea: one glance is all it takes and we know that tonight Meg will find a group of origami cats in her cubicle. [can't remember the collective noun for a group of cats but I'm sure there's someone out there who can inform me! :lol:]

I don't know about the topic of the convent happening naturally during the meal - I think it's more about your amazing ability to write in such a seamless way, Mary. Again you portray the occasion in such a way that I [and many others I'm sure] are transported to the scene as invisible, uninvited yet welcome guests at the table! :lol: Many thanks.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Once again your words are just perfect to bring the scene to us, and make us feel like we're there with them (though with the number of people who read this, I sincerely hope not, or they might start to notice us!)

Thankyou for the update.

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Why, oh why, isn't there an emoticon for bouncing up and down in glee ? If there was, I would have used it now :D

I think Ian should be cloned, boxed and distributed free to every member of CBB !

Thank you, Mary !

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16


have you seen this amazing paper sculpture ? ... inaka.html

Author:  Luisa [ Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

I think Ian should be cloned, boxed and distributed free to every member of CBB !

Hear hear! I loved his way of making MA less intimidating. And now I know why I like Meg - another cat person!
Re icons - can anyone put a Tigger or something like it on here? Sorely needed.

Author:  Tara [ Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

So many good things. Meg's realisation that the adults are human beings; the sharing of love and talent in the plans to decorate Miss Stone's room; the humour (loved Matey's 'it's all that rollling of bandages'); Meg's desperate need for something to love - and Hilda's instant response (does she ever stop giving? well, no, not ever); that wonderful photo/description of MA, the wild and free child who was too special to fit in, and who calls to something in Meg, who is also well on the way to becoming someone special. Who would ever have thought it.
My respect for Hilda has also increased to awe - she can immediately find the photos she is looking for ... oh for her organisational skills ... :wink:

Thank you, Mary.

Author:  jmc [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Sorry Mary. I have just realised that while I read the last two absolutely fantastic parts I forgot to comment. They were both so nice and all the different ways they have of trying to help Meg is great. I though you must have been an origami master because of all of your descriptions and was all set to be very jealous as I can make one thing only - a paper crane. I have seen some amazing ones in Japan though.

Thank you.

Author:  Cath V-P [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Meg is gaining so much reassurance from the interactions of this particular family group and it's apparent from the moment she comes in with that beautifully applicable bunch of origami flowers.
Everything that Viven, Matey, Ian, Hilda and Ellie say, both to her and each other illustrates just how much they have to offer in terms of love and support and it underscores just how far Meg has progressed that she can appreciate and understand what she is seeing.

And the interaction between Ian and Meg is lovely, and so rewarding for both of them. It's clear just how much he thinks of her that he he shows her that photograph of Kate - and more so that he draws out the likenesses between Kate and Meg, thus building a stronger connection between them.

And what a lovely idea to provide origami creations for Linda Stone's room!

It occurs to me Mary, that you couldn't write a two-dimensional character if you tried - all your people have such depth to them, and you write them with such awareness, so that even your apparent villains can't be written off, but provoke us into an understanding of how and why they are - a truly amazing achievement.
Thank you.

Author:  shesings [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Mary, you paint such a picture with your words that I almost feel that I am in the scene!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

I loved all of that; the oragami and Ian. You're right everyone needs an Ian in their lives.

Author:  Celia [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Meg should feel so much more comfortable now about her visit to the convent. Everyone has made such an effort to support her,specially Ian.

Thank you Mary for another delightful word picture, I too felt that I was right there with them.

Author:  MHE [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Mary, as you know I’ve been away on holiday, and it is only now that I have had a chance to catch up with New Dreams, but what a catch up it has been – three wonderful updates to read and digest :D

Once again we see just how far the relationship between Hilda and Ellie has progressed in a few short months. It is a relationship full of love, admiration and mutual understanding of and for each other that has blossomed so quickly since that first tentative meeting back at the Convent. I love the teasing that goes on between them – it shows just how comfortable they are with each other. As for the rest of the scene, Ian’s response to Ellie’s question had me laughing out loud.

Vivien’s thoughtfulness in persuading Meg to help her with the origami posies will surely have gained her trust in Meg’s eyes; I’m sure Meg will not now feel shy of asking of her help in the future. In fact all the people in the room have shown in their own various and special ways that Meg need not be afraid to approach any of them – especially Matey who must have been the last person Meg would otherwise have thought of going to for help and solace.

Ellie turned the conversation to the topics of the Convent and Mother Abbess so very naturally and delightfully. Ian’s reading of the situation and his timing in producing the photo of MA as a child was impeccable, as were the others' comments. All their anecdotes can only help Meg to be able to see the person who is the Mother Abbess, not the position she holds. Yes she will be apprehensive at first, but with all their reassurances ringing in her ears she will be able to accept and respond to what Ian has told her:

She will see what you want to be, not judge you for what you’ve done. She will take you places inside yourself that you had no idea were there. So trust her – and trust yourself. You’re so much more than you think you are.

Mary, you have such a way with words, each apposite for the time and place, that it was a joy and a privilege to read through this scene.

Apologies for the essay, but that’s what happens when one can’t respond at the time :roll: :lol:

Author:  MaryR [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 01/08/10 p16

Identity Hunt wrote:
I think Ian should be cloned, boxed and distributed free to every member of CBB !

I'll not argue with that, Sian. :lol: Although I have to admit that the reason there has been no more ND recently is that I spent last week down in Leicester with my own Ian – a priest friend who has been like a brother to me for 44 years. He is very like Ian in spirit, if not in looks. But hasn’t Ian himself grown since we first met him? :shock: I don’t know quite how that happened….. :?

Tara, I’m sure you will recognise the source from which sprang the photos Hilda produces here.

.....Ian laid his hand on Meg’s. “Interesting you should say that, Meg,” he murmured. “Most children didn’t like her. They were frightened of her. She cared too much about things, got into too many fights. But you know what? I don’t think you would have been frightened of her. You have immense courage and, like her, are not afraid to speak your mind. I think something in her would have called out to something in you, even back then. That something is still there in her. She will see what you want to be, not judge you for what you’ve done. She will take you places inside yourself that you had no idea were there. So trust her – and trust yourself. You’re so much more than you think you are.”

A reflective silence descended on everyone when Ian had finished speaking. On everyone except Hilda, that is. She stood up quickly and removed the last dish before walking back once more to her desk. She sat down and leaned over to open one of the drawers, as though looking for something, but all she could do was stare into it blindly, unable to control her tears. She could barely hear the renewed conversation behind her because of the sudden roaring in her ears.

She had been immeasurably moved by Ian’s sensitive words, but then it had suddenly hit her, like a knife to her heart. He could have been talking about Nell as much as about his sister: She will see what you want to be, not judge you for what you’ve done.

Oh, Nell, how did he find such eloquent words? How can I survive losing someone who used to do that very thing for me? You never judged me. And you took me to places inside myself that I didn’t know were there, just as he said.

Sh, lovely girl, and wipe away your tears. You did all that for me, too, and so much more, I promise. But Kate is doing all that for you now, as she will do it for Meg. You haven’t lost me, just gained another to help you - plus Ian and Ellie and so many others. I know they don’t fill my place, but they have their own places in your heart.

Blowing her nose, Hilda picked up more photos and sat back down at the table. She saw Matey watching her with some concern, but she gave her a quick smile to reassure her. Looking at Meg, she saw she was still silently examining Ian’s photo, as though it might talk to her and relieve her fears. Hilda put her own photos before the girl.

“Don’t be afraid, Meg,” she murmured. “Every word Mr Stuart said about his sister and about you is true. Take a look at these. They should show you there is nothing to fear in Mother Abbess. She might be fierce and she might shock you by what she says and does, sometimes – but she can also still be just like that child she once was.”

The photos showed Mother Abbess and her community at a children’s playground during the first two weeks Hilda had ever spent at the convent. She herself was in some of the pictures. There was one of Kate Stuart on a swing, flying high, her veil streaming out behind her, and she was laughing out loud in sheer enjoyment of this simple pleasure. Another showed Kate and Hilda on a see-saw, with Sister Anne in the middle trying to make the two ends balance, since her superior was slightly heavier than Hilda. All three of them were laughing so hard it was a wonder no one fell off. Hilda looked at it and wondered how she could have laughed like that when she was still grieving so frantically for Nell at that point in time.

I’m so sorry, Nell, dear heart. Did you think my love for you a sorry thing, if I was able to laugh so merrily so short a time after your death?

How could you even think it, dear girl? I knew what your love was – tempests could not have destroyed it. I was just so happy that someone had the guts to tackle you and make you accept there was no guilt in you and could force you to grieve openly and so heal. That stiff upper lip of yours was so very nearly your undoing. I had wanted to hear that lovely laugh of yours again and was so relieved when Kate Stuart took you by the scruff of your neck and showed you that life was still for living and loving.

“Look at this one,” Ellie laughed, bringing her guardian back down to earth. “All of them on the roundabout. Even my aunt. Where were you, Madame?”

“I was the one taking the photo, child.”

“I didn’t know nuns could behave like this,” Meg said in astonishment.

Hilda picked up another, which showed Sister Aiden halfway down the slide and showing a good length of black stocking. “They’re human beings, Meg, much like the rest of us. We grown-ups are not serious all the time or on our best behaviour. We like to relax and play, just as you do. Mother Abbess likes to play more than most, for she has a responsible position that can weigh very heavy at times. Miss Wilson was the same but, in her case, relaxing was more likely to be riding a horse fast and furiously.”

She laid a hand on Meg’s and squeezed it. “Does knowing all that help make you feel a little less frightened? I could show you more photos, of the nuns on the beach, building sand castles, paddling in the sea, splashing water over each other. Maybe they’ll take you there, and you’ll see them at play, though it might be too cold this time of year.”

Meg looked at her, and Hilda saw that her eyes were less haunted than they had been all week. She nodded but, before she could say anything, Vivien’s voice was added to the conversation. “Did anyone tell you about the time I fooled Mother Abbess, Meg?”

Ellie joined in and soon the table was ringing with laughter as she and Vivien related the tale of Fenella Flaherty and Miss Antirrhinum. Hilda smiled at Ian, then gathered the photos up and sat back again to watch Meg. The latter was actually laughing, a sound not heard too often, and certainly not in the last week.

Hilda realised that the girl had relaxed completely and was helped, in that short hour, not only by what these caring people said and did, but by their unspoken generosity and mercy to a girl who had hurt someone they all loved. Their affection for Ellie shone in their eyes and in their words and Meg was taking note of it all, with her keen eye and her fractured heart. She was watching Ellie closely, too, and saw how she returned these people’s affection.

Occasionally, like Hilda, Meg sat silent and examined each person there, but not with her normal sulky look of disdain. Her face was open and vulnerable, in a way Hilda had never seen it before, and her feelings and hopes and fears were all written there so plainly. She was thinking hard, Hilda could see. She had spent much of the last week discarding many of her former beliefs and ideas, ideas taught her by her solitary life and by her parents’ neglect. That must have been very painful to do! But the space those ideas had occupied was now empty and she was beginning to fill it with all she had been given by her Headmistress, by Mr Stuart, by Ellie and the other girls in her form - and by this dinner party.

She was learning so much that was new to her. She was learning that other people are not enemies to be kept out but, rather, guests to be invited into one’s soul, guests who could become friends. She was beginning to understand that teachers, even headmistresses, were not jailers whose words were to be resented, but human beings like herself with their own gifts and quirks, their own vulnerabilities – people who could become beacons of hope and comfort to brighten and warm her in her loneliness.

She was absorbing the fact that even strangers, as Ian had been a stranger, could open their hearts to you and offer blazing kindness that would warm you through and through, not freeze you out, as she had told Hilda her own father’s presence did.

In fact, thought Hilda with sudden anxiety, Meg was absorbing so much, so quickly, that she was in imminent danger of overload. The last few days had been traumatic for her and she had responded in a way that was truly heroic. Now, she needed space to breathe.

The peace of the convent and the silence of the chapel would bless her with that, bless her with time to be still and sort it all out in her heart and mind. She would be able to examine all she had learned and seen, discard what she didn’t like or wouldn’t work for her, and then allow the rest to settle into her soul and help set her feet firmly on that new path she so craved.

In the attitude of silence, the soul finds the path to a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive dissolves itself into crystal clearness. (Gandhi)

Author:  PaulineS [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

Thank you Mary. Meg is receiving all these new ideas in just a couple of days. Hilda is right to suspect she might get mental overload. Ian and Vivien are giving Meg so much, but Ellie's sharing must mean so much to Meg.

Thank you again Mary :tea: pleased your Father Ian could help you. :tea:

Author:  Lesley [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

Yes, she'll need some time away to be able to process all of this.

Thanks Mary

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

Thanks Mary. Meg has done amazingly well and hope she gets exactly what she needs at the convent

Author:  Abi [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

Meg can only be helped by her time at the convent.

Glad to see more of this, Mary. Thanks!

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

'For I will find some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow...'

Meg will certainly find a similar sort of peace to this at the convent, and as others have already noted, she will *need* that peace and quiet in which to process so many new experiences.

Thanks to the treatment of all these people - Hilda, Ellie, Ian, Vivien and Matey, she is fully reassured that MA and the nuns are not ogres to be feared, and will arrive at the convent ready to accept the help which MA and the others will offer her. There is no doubt that MA will challenge her to do much soul searching, and that will not be easy. However, now that the 'don't care who I hurt because I'm hurting so much myself' veneer has been peeled away, the Meg who is already emerging will be able to take full advantage of what she is being offered and will be offered, and to build on her new foundations.

Thank you, Mary, for another lovely little vignette.

Author:  Squirrel [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

How do you do it Mary? Will you bottle your secret and sell it to me? Please???

Seriously though - Wow. Ian really is developing isn't he!!?! Alright, if you won't bottle a secret, can I have an Ian? There's just something about him, so loving so protective that I want to be able to reach out and touch him - I almost think I can you've painted the scene so vividly in front of me. Alas it isn't possible.

Those photo's are amazing. And I just loved the way that you brought Miss Antirrhinum, or whatever she was rechristened into it again! I can almost see the excitement level in the room rising at that disclosure!

Megs eyes have been well and truly opened here, and I'll bet that she'll never look at nuns the same way again. Hopefully it will have prepared her better for her stay with them.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  MHE [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

Hilda is right; there has been a major sea change in Meg’s attitude and approach, not only to life, but to those around her. The last few days have seen that world turned on its head, and the trip to the convent cannot come at a better time for her. She will definitely need the time, space and quiet afforded to her there to come to terms with what has happened to and in her. I am reminded of the following verse from Luke 2, “But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”

It was lovely to ‘hear’ Nell reassuring Hilda, just what was needed.

I had to laugh at your word picture of the nuns enjoying themselves in the playground and Hilda is spot on with her wise words:

They’re human beings, Meg, much like the rest of us. We grown-ups are not serious all the time or on our best behaviour. We like to relax and play, just as you do. Mother Abbess likes to play more than most, for she has a responsible position that can weigh very heavy at times. Miss Wilson was the same but, in her case, relaxing was more likely to be riding a horse fast and furiously.

The reference to Nell was well placed. Meg knew her and knowing that she too would let her hair down at times will allay any lingering doubts she has about meeting Mother Abbess and the rest of the community.

Thank you Mary for another beautiful interlude.

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

Meg has got much food for thought to "process" over the next few days.

I am *so* looking forward to her very first meeting with Mother :)

Author:  di [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

Meg seems much more reassured about her trip to England after this dinner party, thanks to all those present and Hilda, in her turn, is reassured by the words of Nell which come through strongly just at the time she needs to hear them.
Yet again, Mary, you have painted such a vivid picture of this interaction that I feel I am seated with all of the other guests listening to all of the banter which is whizzing around the table. What fantastic photos Hilda has of the nuns relaxing and how wise of her showing them to Meg to emphasize the fact that they are not quite as austere as maybe Meg was expecting.
Thanks, Mary.

Author:  jmc [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

The convent will be so good for Meg. The photos will make it so much easier for her as she will now see the nuns as people rather than just the stereotypical image that most people (me included) have of them.
Thanks Mary for another such vivid scene.

Author:  Luisa [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

She was learning so much that was new to her. She was learning that other people are not enemies to be kept out but, rather, guests to be invited into one’s soul, guests who could become friends. She was beginning to understand that teachers, even headmistresses, were not jailers whose words were to be resented, but human beings like herself with their own gifts and quirks, their own vulnerabilities – people who could become beacons of hope and comfort to brighten and warm her in her loneliness.

Something that can take half a lifetime to recognise dimly. Thank you for letting Meg appreciate it earlier.
It's a good job there's noone in the office - you've set me off again!

Author:  Chris [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

A lovely uplifting episode Mary.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

What can I say that hasn't already been said :?: :roll:

I can definitely imagine that Meg has a very full and active brain at the moment and needs a quiet time, maybe in a deckchair, to consider everything she has seen and heard - I know I do :D

I love the thought of the photos to see 'nuns at play'..people often forget that nuns laugh and have fun sometimes too and what a way to reduce the possible worry about meeting MA :roll:

Like others, I too would like an Ian.. and reading that scene has brought a happy smile to my face. :D

Thanks, Mary

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

That was such a touching update, Mary, thankyou so much.

Author:  Celia [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

Even though Meg has had to absorb a great deal in a short whileshe will as Hilda knows have a chance at the convent to consider it all and try to accept that she,who felt herself unlovable, is now truly loved despite all that has gone before.

Thank you Mary for another telling picture of Hilda and her friends.

Author:  Tara [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

She would be able to examine all she had learned and seen, discard what she didn’t like or wouldn’t work for her, and then allow the rest to settle into her soul and help set her feet firmly on that new path she so craved.

Just had my response eaten, so, very briefly, Meg certainly needs time for this; Hilda's anxiety about 'overload' for her is well-founded.
Brilliant idea to present the nuns in such a normal, unthreatening way (yes, I did recognise the source, Mary!), it will be such a help to Meg. Good that Hilda is now able to handle these attacks of grief without being overwhelmed, and lovely that she can still 'hear' Nell.

Thank you, Mary, and apologies for sporadic presence, I'm looking after both mother and grandson at the moment (is there a 'collapsing with exhaustion' icon? :shock: )

Author:  linda [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

Mary, thank you! After a very difficult week, I've just caught up on Hilda's lunch party - and what an eye opener it was for Meg!

Meg is now so much more relaxed and open to the visit to the convent. It was inspirational of Hilda to start the process by showing her that adults do let their hair down when the moment is right.
I would love to have seen the wonderful photos of Kate, Hilda and Sister Anne playing on the children's playground equipment, showing so delightfully how human and childlike those who Meg sees as authority figures can be. Even if Hilda's generosity of spirit brought her yet another reminder of her great loss.

I’m so sorry, Nell, dear heart. Did you think my love for you a sorry thing, if I was able to laugh so merrily so short a time after your death?

How could you even think it, dear girl? I knew what your love was – tempests could not have destroyed it. I was just so happy that someone had the guts to tackle you and make you accept there was no guilt in you and could force you to grieve openly and so heal. That stiff upper lip of yours was so very nearly your undoing. I had wanted to hear that lovely laugh of yours again and was so relieved when Kate Stuart took you by the scruff of your neck and showed you that life was still for living and loving.

Behind all this, Nell is still there showing Hilda that she sees all and will continue to love and support her through the years ahead.

Please can I have a clone of Ian too. :lol:

Thank you, Mary for another wonderful installment. I'm so looking forward to dessert!

Author:  Cath V-P [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

This really does encapsulate just what Meg has learned and how much her life has altered in such a short time, and while it is wonderful just how things have changed for her, it is true that "she needed space to breathe." Certainly the convent will give her that, and it is important that she sees the convent for the refuge and space that it is - and seeing those pictures will certainly reassure her as to the delightfully human side of MA and the rest of the nuns.

And Nell's voice here is exactly the comfort that Hilda needs, to hear that that time of play was exactly what she required as part of her healing and acceptance that "life was still for living and loving."

Thank you Mary.

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 10/08/10 p17 (Finally!)

jmc wrote:
The convent will be so good for Meg. The photos will make it so much easier for her as she will now see the nuns as people rather than just the stereotypical image that most people (me included) have of them.

Oh, I could give you much funnier stuff than that about nuns and their doings, jmc. :lol: :lol: Real people they most certainly are and don't spend their days lost in a cloud of incense and prayers. :shock:

The little lunch party finally broke up as the school siesta time came to an end. The two girls would be needed in school, as would Vivien and possibly Matey. Leaving the girls to clear the table, Hilda walked with the three adults to the door of the Annexe, where she held out her hand to Ian.

“Thank you so much for agreeing to come, Ian. I think you were the one who helped Meg the most. Your words and that photo made Meg see Kate as a young girl and that gave her human proportions, which lessened Meg’s fear.”

“Oh, I think your own pictures of them all at the park played their part in humanising Kate,” laughed Ian. “How could you be scared of someone who revels in swings and roundabouts?”

Hilda choked. “Oh, that person scares me very easily.”

“Rubbish! You always give as good as you get!” Ian was still holding her hand and now he kissed her gently. “Have a nap! You’re white as a sheet. You’ve done your best for Meg. Leave it now and relax.” He gave her back her hand, winked at Matey and was gone.

“Humph, everyone takes great delight in ordering me around, even my own ward,” Hilda muttered under her breath.

“Well, you do your own fair share of same.” Matey’s voice was tart. “Those who dish it out have to learn to take it. He’s right. You do look ready to drop.”

Hilda sighed, though a twinkle could be detected in her heavy eyes. “Maybe that’s because I am! I’d already decided to take a nap, so you can stop your fussing and fuming and go bother some other poor soul. Just make sure you wake me before Kaffee und Kuchen.”

“What do you want Meg to do? You’ve sorted Tonia and all the other reprobates.”

“I’m about to let her know she’s going over to help the Juniors – and to sit with them in the Hall, later, as well.” Matey nodded and took her leave.

“You’re kindness itself to her, Hilda,” Vivien murmured. “That way it won’t be obvious she’s not taking part.”

“Maybe, but it’s still punishment, Vivien, and she’ll know that. We just don’t need to rub her nose in it when she’s already punishing herself badly.” Hilda smiled. “I must seem very soft to you at times. Nell always thought so.”

“Hilda, you’re not soft!” Vivien said, in astonishment. “You can be as tough as old boots when you deem it suitable. Witness your words in Assembly this morning. I bet there were a good few girls shivering in their shoes after that! I know I was.”

“Let’s hope some of them are still shivering. That sort of thing can’t be allowed to continue.”

“See? Soft you ain’t, my dear! But you are merciful. There’s a difference.”

Hilda’s eyes grew reminiscent and when she spoke, it was low and measured. “It goes back a long way, Vivien. When I was still at Oxford I was browsing in my father’s library one day and came across a book in which a third century sage called Abba Arika asked, “When God prays, how would He pray?” Not a question I would ever have thought to ask myself, I’ll admit, but Arika suggested the following: “May it be My will that My mercy may surpass My anger, that My mercy may prevail over My other attributes, so that I may deal with My children in the attribute of mercy and, on their behalf, stop short of the limit of stern justice.”

Vivien stared at her. “Boy! You aim high and walk a narrow line there! It says more than you realise, at first. You can’t be so merciful that you negate justice, if justice is necessary – as here in Meg’s case – but you also can’t be so severe that no mercy is shown.”

Hilda nodded. “Indeed! But I decided that if God could act like that, then how could I do any less? It seemed a good motto to follow as a teacher. Mercy had to be present at all times, but not at the cost of no justice. There are the victims to be considered. But stern, harsh justice is not usually called for where young people are concerned. As you said, though, it’s a fine line, and one I don’t always walk with any great facility. Witness my anger with Mireille!”

“My dear woman, you walk it with the greatest facility I have ever seen.” Vivien’s voice was a mix of awe and affection. “I just wish these girls knew how fortunate they are. I shudder to think what my old Headmistress would have done with Meg.”

“Then Meg would have been lost, because there would have been no one.” Hilda’s eyes were haunted. “She would have been even more lost than I was, after my mother died.”

“But God made sure she fell into loving and giving arms, just as Ellie did. Meg’s appalling behaviour was actually a life-saver in the end, thanks to you.”

“No, Vivien, not thanks to me. I failed her all these years. We all failed her. Not one of us looked beneath the surface. Anything I do now will never make up for that lack. Anyway, it wasn’t all my own doing. Her salvation also needed Ellie’s mercy and forgiveness, the staff’s co-operation, her own admission of guilt and her willingness to make amends. It needed Ian and his fatherly kindness, it needed Gwynneth, it even needed Joan Bertram. It also needed you administering your own special brand of kindness this morning.”

“I couldna do much less, ma bonnie wee chieftain, with your own example before ma eyes.” Vivien gave Hilda’s arm a warm squeeze. “Go lie down and we’ll see you later. Oh, and if the twins want my floor again tonight, I’m ready, willing and able.”

Gratitude surged through Hilda’s weary spirit as she turned back to the Salon. She had so many guardian angels willing to come to her aid, more than she deserved.

She found the two girls about to push the trolley off to the kitchen, so she sent Ellie to join her form and told Meg what she would like her to do for the rest of the day. The grey eyes showed her that Meg understood the meaning of her orders but, by unspoken agreement, they left it to be discussed another time. Enough had been offered to Meg for the moment and she was content. They chatted about trivialities as they rolled the trolley to the kitchen.

When Hilda once again reached the sanctity of the Salon she went through to her bedroom and swallowed some tablets. She looked longingly at her bed but shook her head. “It and you will have to wait a little longer,” she murmured, tapping Persephone on the head. “Keep it warm for me.”

Going back through, she noted Ellie’s paraphernalia still scattered over table and floor. She smiled ruefully but then, looking over her shoulder, as though to make sure Ellie couldn’t see her, she picked up the booklet about the cats and the Christmas tree and turned over the pages.

She wasn’t sure which thrilled her more: Ellie’s truly amazing creative gifts or the loving spirit she was revealing as she shed more and more of the unhappy, self-centred cocoon she had hidden inside for so long. Now there was such maturity and sensitivity and vulnerability, all wrapped in one fierce, tempestuous, impulsive package – and tied with shining ribbons of loyalty and love.

Author:  cal562301 [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

A wonderful update as always. I love that quote from Abba Arika, which was new to me, and I guess to most readers of this drabble. It does sum up so neatly what Hilda tries to do.

Thanks, Mary. Looking forward to seeing how Meg gets on at the convent, when she eventually gets there.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

a book in which a third century sage called Abba Arika asked, “When God prays, how would He pray?” Not a question I would ever have thought to ask myself, I’ll admit, but Arika suggested the following: “May it be My will that My mercy may surpass My anger, that My mercy may prevail over My other attributes, so that I may deal with My children in the attribute of mercy and, on their behalf, stop short of the limit of stern justice.”

Mary that is indeed a hard standard to live up to. Hilda does it so well. I think it should be taught to all in positions of authority and especially judges and teachers.

Thank you for such a detailed and caring end to lunch. Hope hilda can now sleep.

Author:  shesings [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

Mary, you have done it again! :)

Author:  Squirrel [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

Mary... I honestly don't know where to start with this evenings post! How many elements you've included in it. I love it all, every single last word. Were I to try and quote anything, I'd practically have to take the whole thing... Still, lets see if I can find a few elements which jump out at me particularly.

I think the biggest thing of all is that discussion of Justice and Mercy with Vivien... that truely is the key which defines all of Hilda's actions. That she be just to all, but that the mercy would bring her to the point where the person who is in the wrong is not totally condemned, but may also hear words of acceptance and love on any possible occasion.

The discussion Hilda and Vivien had about this reminded me a little of a chat I had earlier today with someone about how easy it is to sing things without listening to the words. There is one song which reminds me of it each time it is sung of a Sunday, cause the promise made is "I will go where you want me to go, I will do what you want me to do... Anything for you." A very challenging and almost scary promise to make... And in some ways the words you quote are exactly like that - disceptively simple until you look at it properly.

I also love the way Vivien calls her "ma bonnie wee chieftain" and the way in which she chooses to emulate Hilda as much as possible - right down to her promise to the twins... And the way she spoke to Persephone, and the way Hilda spoke to the girls, and the way she thinks about Ellie's art stuff, and, and, and! I guess the truth is, I love it all as I said above!

Thanks Mary.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

A lovely calm wrap up to a truly wonderful interlude - I love the way that everyone is gently dispersed to resume their individual duties!

“May it be My will that My mercy may surpass My anger, that My mercy may prevail over My other attributes, so that I may deal with My children in the attribute of mercy and, on their behalf, stop short of the limit of stern justice.”

That prayer -which is new to me, by the way - so clearly sums up so much of what drives Hilda as a headmistress - throughout her long career, there were only very few occasions, eg. Thekla, when she really found herself unable to temper the administration of justice with at least a certain measure of mercy.

I'm glad Vivien recognises so clearly just how much Hilda applies this yardstick to her actions, and I'm also glad to see how she appreciates Hilda's chosen occupation for Meg for the rest of the day.

As for Meg herself, it's clear, even if unspoken, that she deeply appreciates all that is being done for her. I know that everyone at that lunch have reached out to help her, but Vivien is right to say that the greatest help has indeed come from Hilda's intervention - even if Hilda herself feels that she should have 'looked deeper' into Meg's life before this.

It's lovely, too, to see the pleasure Hilda takes in Ellie's drawings and story, and how she revels in the changes in her ward since the two of them first met.

Hmm just wondering what tasks Hilda still needs to accomplish before she can take that much needed rest - do hope they aren't anything too strenuous or time-consuming - please? :) :)

Thank you, Mary, for once again painting such a vivid word picture - I shall, of course, be looking forward to what happens next. :)

Author:  Lesley [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

Thank you Mary - a wonderful insight into why Hilda does what she does.

Author:  Celia [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

A delightful and peaceful end to the luncheon. Also good to see Hilda's pride in all Ellie's achievements. The Abba Arica quote is so apposite for Hilda in this drabble, but also of how she comes across in the original books. Perhaps EBD knew the quote too? :lol:

Thank you Mary for another lovely piece of writing.

Author:  MHE [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

A lovely end to a successful dinner during which everyone played their part in reassuring Meg and allaying her fears ahead of her visit to the convent. I could just ‘see’ Hilda and the others at the door as the girls cleared the table.

As for the words of Abba Arika (new to me too), we see from that exactly where Hilda has taken her ‘foundations’ and her approach to teaching from and and how she uses the ideas voiced in the prayer as she exercises the authority vested in her. Vivien is right, it is a high standard to follow, but one that Hilda, better than anyone, can and does adhere to. We are reminded of the staff meeting when Hilda fought for Meg and her future at the School and quoted from ‘The Merchant of Venice’ – mercy must indeed be just, but it also should be even handed. As is shown further on in Portia’s speech:

“But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice.”

Even if Hilda feels that she has failed Meg in the past, then Vivien certainly does not share that view – and I’m sure if asked the other two adults at that dinner would side with Vivien.

Thank you Mary, for another of your magical word pictures.

Author:  charli [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

Just a quick read through before bed...
I love it , Mary! Love it, love it , love it.

*promises to post something a bit more substantial when more awake* :D

Author:  Kathy_S [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

Lovely as usual.:) Thank you, Mary.

Oh, and I still recall being astounded at the age of seven to find that nuns eat cookies.

Author:  Identity Hunt [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18


Mondays never seem as gloomy when there is a fab new ND update to enjoy !

The prayer was new to me too ! Where did you find it ?

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

That prayer was amazing, and something that I think we could all aspire to more - though few would be as good as Hilda, I'm sure. Thankyou.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

Thanks Mary. Really liked the prayer.

Author:  di [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

A lovely conclusion to the lunch party which by all accounts seems to have achieved the desired effect as Meg appears less fearful of her trip to the convent.
I often wonder if EBD was as caring a teacher as Hilda is portrayed. I have always admired her ability to temper justice with mercy and the decision to send Meg to be with the Juniors for the afternoon and evening is a fine example. Meg is punishing herself enough; to be harsh with her at this point would be pointless and could drive away Meg's own desires to be a better person.
Thanks, Mary, for another fine update. :D

Author:  charli [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

Oh bother, i came back to provide something a bit more coherent, but everyone has already said it.
I really like the prayer, Mary, it was just gorgeous, so basically i agree with what they've all said above!

Author:  Luisa [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18 you mind if I "borrow" that prayer? I've landed myself with writing a dialogue with God for a service, and it seems to be uncannily appropraite. And is there more of Abba Arika?
Imagine an emoticon that is jumping up and down. Or maybe a kitten.

Author:  linda [ Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

Abba Arika asked, “When God prays, how would He pray?” Not a question I would ever have thought to ask myself, I’ll admit, but Arika suggested the following: “May it be My will that My mercy may surpass My anger, that My mercy may prevail over My other attributes, so that I may deal with My children in the attribute of mercy and, on their behalf, stop short of the limit of stern justice.”

I know that many others have quoted this, but I found it really, really moving and very appropriate, not just for Hilda at this time, but for myself, too.

Hilda is has always tempered justice with mercy but this has really been seen in the way that she has sought to understand the reasons behind Meg's behaviour. Although Meg must be punished for her sins, Hilda is ensuring that she has the chance to demonstrate her repentance and make good in the future.

all wrapped in one fierce, tempestuous, impulsive package – and tied with shining ribbons of loyalty and love.

A wonderful description of Ellie, Mary. I hope that Hilda is able to have that nap soon if she is to be alright for tonight's entertainment.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

All I can say is 'ditto' to all the comments everyone else has made :roll:

The Abba Arika quote is truly amazing, thought provoking and provocative, and so 'Hilda' :lol:

I love the description of Ellie, she is really turning into a special individual and as for Vivien, well, what can one say for her support for her 'bonnie wee chieftain' :P

Meg, too, is getting so much support on her journey, and will find the same when she reaches the convent, and all because of Hilda, so caring, merciful and Meg will become the true person she should be, how terrific is that 8)

Thank you, Mary, your posts always have that special something !!

Author:  jmc [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

I have only just caught up with your last post but you've done it once again. Thanks Mary.

Author:  MaryR [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 15/08/10 p18

Identity Hunt wrote:
The prayer was new to me too ! Where did you find it ?

New to me, too, Sian. I came across it only a few weeks ago, quoted in a book I was reading, and it hit me slap between the eyes. Pure serendipity! :D It struck me immeditely as Hilda's raison d'être and I knew I had to include it. :wink:

.....She wasn’t sure which thrilled her more: Ellie’s truly amazing creative gifts or the loving spirit she was revealing as she shed more and more of the unhappy, self-centred cocoon she had hidden inside for so long. Now there was such maturity and sensitivity and vulnerability, all wrapped in one fierce, tempestuous, impulsive package – and tied with shining ribbons of loyalty and love.

She laid the booklet down with a sigh and moved across to her little desk, where she unearthed the slip of paper Rosalie had tucked into the batch of mail. On it were two phone numbers. She sat down and pulled the black instrument towards her, tapping her fingers nervously on the surface of her desk as she thought through what she wanted to say.

“Madame Mousselin? C’est Hilda Annersley ici….”

“Ah, Mademoiselle Annersley, que c’est gentil de nous passer un coup de fil. I do hope you received my message about those two imps of mine. They do bring most of their troubles on their own heads – or arms, in this case.”

Hilda grinned involuntarily at this insouciant view of the twins. “Not this time, though, Madame. It really was none of their making. They found themselves in a terrible situation and I am concerned about them.”

“But you must not be. They are, as you English say, tough as old boots.”

“But sensitive underneath, despite all their surface bravado,” replied Hilda softly. Vivien had told her that Marie had been very restless during the night, crying out in her sleep, and even Emilie had been disturbed. “What happened has taken its toll. Both of them were exceptionally brave but they’re still very young and need their maman, I suspect. I’m wondering if they don’t need to go home for a few days to be babied. I can’t do that here. It would rob them of their dignity.”

She explained about the girls sleeping on Vivien’s floor as they wanted to be as close to each other as they could be. She also mentioned Marie’s lack of appetite and her tears.

“But she never cries,” replied the twins’ mother in surprise. “I see why you are concerned. You are so kind, Mademoiselle. Most people find my tiger cubs very difficult to control and tend to run away screaming.”

Hilda smiled ruefully to herself. “Oh, we’ve had our moments, but I think they now know who’s in charge.”

Without more ado, she described the snowman scene to the Frenchwoman, who hooted merrily until realising that she was actually speaking to the twins' headmistress and gulped. Hilda began to suspect this woman was as lively and mischievous as her children.

“Je vous demande pardon, Mademoiselle. I should not be laughing at such a terrible trick they played on you. You must let us pay for any damage.”

Hilda heard the mirth still bubbling away under the serious-sounding voice and she laughed outright. “Don’t apologise, Madame. I have to admit to a fit of hysterics myself after I had dealt with them all and sent them from the room. My handyman was not impressed with me.”

“You like them!” Madame Mousselin exclaimed in astonishment.

“They’ll be the death of me, but yes, I like them. They’re intelligent and original and accept their punishments with complete equilibrium. It’s all part of the fun to them. However, I’m going to make quite sure that their energy and joie de vivre get proper channelling before they blow the school up from under me.”

“I wish you luck,” laughed their mother. “Now I begin to see why Madame Matthieu admires you so much.”

“You know Mireille’s mother?”

“We were friends at school, but she had her children quite young while I myself had to wait. We live a long way from each other now but it was she I phoned when seeking someone who could cope with my pair. It seems I've found that someone and I’m truly grateful. I take it you gave them a hefty punishment for that snowman.”

“Enough! Unfortunately, that was why they were out there when the accident took place – their skiing was docked for a couple of days and they were out for a walk with the other sinners.” Hilda took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Madame. I failed your children, put them in the way of harm.”

Madame Mousselin was aghast. “Mais non, Madamoiselle Annersley. It was unavoidable and you must not blame yourself. I know from Mireille’s mother what care you take of the girls and, you know, life happens, non? Please, you must not worry any more about this.”

“Thank you,” Hilda replied quietly, but knew it would be many a long day before she could put it aside and forgive herself. “That still leaves me with grave concerns about them.”

“Hmmm!” The Frenchwoman was silent a few moments. “How would it be if we drove to the school tomorrow and had a look at them? As you know, we live in Besançon, not far from the border. It would not be too long a drive. Perhaps you could find us somewhere to sleep with the girls tomorrow night. We could have come today but Gilles is not here right now.”

“I can do that for you and if, when you do see them, you decide the two of them need to go home with you, please say so. Don’t be afraid to tell me honestly. Missing a few days will not hurt their education. They’re very brave girls but they can’t work or cope with school life if they’re too upset. I want the best for them.”

“I know. I can tell. I must thank you for your tender concern for my little ones.”

After a little more discussion they hung up. Hilda sat awhile in thought. It would be better for Emilie and Marie if they could go right away from the school and its environs for a while. She consulted her address book and rang a small guest-house in Interlaken where she knew the proprietress would look after the little family well. Frau Ritter immediately promised to put a suite at the Mousselins’ disposal.

Rubbing her aching head, Hilda then put through a trunk call to John Lewis and, after hearing all about the improvement in Tessa’s condition, she found herself embroiled in a battle of wills as to who would pay Hilda’s and Ellie’s tickets to America at half-term. Defeated, she put the down the phone in shock. Someone had actually got the better of Hilda Annersley! Someone had said he was paying and that was that! Almost as sneaky and bossy as the Stuart twins, she grumbled to herself.

She grinned as she drew the curtains and tumbled on the bed, drawing the comforter over her. At least she’d got her own way over where they would stay. The convent near the hospital would serve them admirably. They could come and go as they pleased and wouldn’t be disturbing Tessa’s family.

It had been a successful day so far on many matters. She slept, a contented smile on her face and Persephone cuddled once more in her arms....

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

Nell would have been surprised at one time about Hilda
She slept, a contented smile on her face and Persephone cuddled once more in her arms....

but i expect no longer. It is lovely that Cherry's gift is proving so reassuring to both Hilda and Ellie.

Loved the twins mother's response to the accident and to the snowman.

Thanks you Mary. :D :tea: :D

(I spotted your update first tonight and could be first post for the first time in awhile)

Author:  Abi [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

Loved the twins' mother - and I bet her response lifted a load off Hilda's heart. Nice to see Hilda sleeping peacefully at the end there, too.

Thanks, Mary. :D

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

The twins' mother was absolutely brillliant! All your characters are so realistic and well drawn, you make them jump off the page (screen?) so marvellously. Thankyou.

Author:  charli [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

Awwww i like the twins' mother!
That she feels comfortable enough to laugh at the snowman story in front of Hilda shows how well Hilda puts people at ease, a lovely quality to have.

And someone got the better of Hilda Annersley?? :shock: No, i'll never believe that :wink:

Thanks Mary, I'm so glad I came back online tonight and got to read this.

Author:  Mattea1 [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

So glad the twins have a mother who so obviously understands and loves them, and is also prepared to make sure they have the right schooling and punishment, when necessary. Her reaction to the snowman episode is brilliant, we can see where the twins get their mischievious nature from, can we not? :lol:

Plus, she is willing to back up the headmistress and assure her that things happen in life and Hilda should not feel guilty about them - as if Hilda would :roll:

Great to see that Hilda is being forced to yield and letting others do things for her, even if it is only paying for the air fares.

Thanks, Mary

Author:  Spoot [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

I'm another who adores the twins' mother. I loved the conversation been her and Hilda.

Author:  Celia [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

As ever Hilda's main concern is for her girls and although their mother
sounds lovely-just like a grown-up version of them- Hilda is keen that the twins get the 'mothering' they require right now. They need to be treated more like kittens than tiger cubs for once. I think 'maman' will
be surprised by how shocked and stressed her girls are.

I was very impressed by Tessa's father over-ruling Hilda, and delighted
that we leave her resting peacefully with Persephone.

Thank you Mary

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

Really like the twins mother and I don't think the twins are nasty, merely mischievious. and thanks for letting John Lewis get the better of Hilda. Glad to be the fly on the wall for that! :wink:

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

I have to confess I gurgled over Mme Mousselin's reaction to what Hilda had to tell her about the snowman - clearly we know whose mischievous brain the two girls have inherited!! But I also liked her clear admiration for the way the girls have been looked after following their accident, and her immediately positive response to Hilda's suggestion that she and her husband come and see them. Hilda is very wise to book the family into a guest-house right away from the school. Regardless of whether the twins go home for a few days or return to school after that night away, the very fact of spending some quiet time with their parents will do much to reassure them.

Despite Mme Mousselin's reassurances, however, nothing will prevent Hilda from feeling responsible for what happened, since the twins were in the school's care at the time. When has she ever *not* felt responsible for the well-being of the girls in her care from the moment she became Head? That's something which will never change.

I also smiled broadly at the fact that *someone*, in this case, John Lewis, *can* overrule her on something. He was going to pay for those plane tickets - and that was that, so far as he was concerned.

That final picture of her asleep with Persephone in her arms was heartwarming, too - finally, she has done what Matey would have wished her to do at least an hour ago!! I hope she'll now be left to rest in peace until it's time for the evening concert.

Thank you, Mary - once again I was a willing spectator through all parts of that episode through the power of your word pictures.

Author:  MHE [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

Aww that was a lovely vignette Mary. Madame Mousselin’s attitude is so down to earth and just the approach that was needed to reassure Hilda, that what happened ‘was’ an accident and no fault of hers. Although, as she herself acknowledges, it will be awhile before she’ll forgive herself. It will be good for the twins to see their parents and a night away from the Platz will be good too.

It’s a very select group of people that can get the better of Hilda and the distance between them probably helped John Lewis :D He’s another parent who appreciates the care shown to his daughters by their Headmistress – a very special lady.

I had to smile at that last glimpse of Hilda and Persephone, at peace together in bed – I wonder what the evening's entertainment has in store for all of them :lol:

Thank you Mary

Author:  Lesley [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

That last glimpse of Hilda asleep was lovely - and well deserved. Like everyone else I loved the twins' mother and her surprise that Hilda could admit to actually liking her twins.

Thanks Mary

Author:  Squirrel [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

Mary That Was Brilliant! :D

First of all, I'm amazed that you only discovered that prayer in the last few weeks. Truly a case of finding exactly the right thing at the right time.

I'm also very pleased that there were only 2 phone numbers on that list. And I agree. Those calls could not wait. John Lewis is simply amazing. Am glad that despite his way of saying "This is what is going to happen" Hilda has got her way regarding where they shall stay at least. I have a funny feeling she and Ellie will want the peace that the convent will provide for them to retire to. Being with the family as well would just mean that they were always there. And as much as I'm sure Hilda wants to help them as much as she can, she will need the break.

As for Mme Mousselin... What a character! :lol: She's brilliant! I love the way she takes life, and the way she immediately responds when she realises that Hilda has a genuine concern about her young monkeys. The only thing which makes me feel almost sad is her apparently calm acceptance of what 'most people' think about her young 'tiger cubs'. There is no denying that they are a handful, and that their years at the school under Hilda will be good for them, but...

I loved the way that 'maman' exclaimed "you like them!" in her surprise. But yes, of course Hilda will like them. Just as she will feel guilty for some time to come that she put the girls in a position where they were in danger, she will like these girls. And her calm way of explaining why is wonderful.

I do hope the twins have a good time with their parents when they arrive, and that this change will help them move at least partially past the experience they have just had.

Thank you Mary

Author:  jmc [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

I could just visualise that all so well. I love the twins' mother's reaction and the way she was with Hilda. While laughing at what her pair had been up to she was still very supportive, unlike some parents I know. sometimes with students it is very hard to keep at straight face at their antics, when they are only being naughty and not nasty.

Thanks Mary

Author:  di [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

I, also, took to the twins maman immediately; how well she knows her 'tiger cubs'. I don't think she'll ever reassure Hilda about the accident! She will, however, be shocked, I think, when she sees the effect it has had on the two and how surprised they are going to be when they see 'Maman'. I do hope we're allowed to eavesdrop on that meeting. :lol:

Thanks, Mary.

Author:  Luisa [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

Another big fan of the twins' mother - do hope we get to see her. She's such a lovely mixture of humour and realism I could almost see her - or at least hear her.
And well done Hilda for letting someone else get their own way for once!

Author:  linda [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

“You like them!” Madame Mousselin exclaimed in astonishment.

“They’ll be the death of me, but yes, I like them. They’re intelligent and original and accept their punishments with complete equilibrium. It’s all part of the fun to them. However, I’m going to make quite sure that their energy and joie de vivre get proper channelling before they blow the school up from under me.”

Of course Hilda likes the twins. She can see beyond the mischief to the young women they will become under her and the school's influence.

Madame Mousselin sounds like a wonderful mother. She doesn't see her girls through rose coloured glasses, but is very aware of their potential for thinking of the unlikliest things to do, and doing them. I hope that her visit will help the twins to recover from their dreadful shock and put them back on an even keel.

Someone had actually got the better of Hilda Annersley! Someone had said he was paying and that was that! Almost as sneaky and bossy as the Stuart twins, she grumbled to herself.

Hilda well and truly beaten for once, who would believe it? Tessa's father must be something very special!

It had been a successful day so far on many matters. She slept, a contented smile on her face and Persephone cuddled once more in her arms....

Just what Matey wanted and hoped for. I hope that Hilda manages to have a good nap to give her strength for tonight's entertainment.

Thank you, Mary :D :D

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 18/08/10 p19

Not sure whether these next pieces will bore you to death or not. :roll: They seemed a good idea at the time....

Perhaps I should warn you that this is taking place in 1962 and we now know more and have different attitudes to some things than we had back then. :dontknow:

When Hilda slipped into the Hall, later on in the afternoon, the entertainment was already well under way. Form VA were strutting their stuff before the other forms, who were all dressed in their various costumes and seated on the wooden benches which had been pushed back for the evening and arranged in three rows against the walls, leaving a large open space before the dais for the action. The girls’ excitement was palpable.

Her eyes homing in on the Juniors, Hilda saw an empty seat near Meg and sat down with a smile for the girl. “Had a good afternoon, child?”

Meg’s eyes had widened in shock at the Abbess’s sudden presence beside her but she nodded shyly in answer to the question. Her face was glowing. “I can’t thank you enough, Miss Annersley,” she whispered. “I’ve had such fun. I think Tonia has, as well.”

Hilda patted her hand, well satisfied. She looked for Tonia among the Juniors and saw she looked happier, then discovered the twins and noted with relief that Marie’s face had a little colour in it. Maybe tonight would distract her enough to soften her unhappiness a little. With a sigh, Hilda put it all to one side and turned her attention to what was going on in front of her.

The prefects’ instructions for the evening had been that each form should take a country, any country, and try to show some of the circumstances which had made that country what it was. Which was why Hilda had been so worried! Death and destruction seemed to have been part and parcel of most countries’ history, just what was not needed after Linda’s near-fatal accident. But she had been assured there was no need to worry, so…. she hoped.

Watching Form VA, however, she relaxed. They had chosen Switzerland and were well into the story of William Tell trying to oust the Austrians from his homeland, which they ruled with a rod of iron. Gessler, the governor of Altdorf, Tell’s home town, had ordered the citizens to bow before a cap set on a high pole in the market place. Tell refused and was arrested. His punishment – to shoot an apple from his son’s head.

There was a drum roll. Silence fell. Tell fitted an arrow into his bow. An intake of breath followed, as Gessler was heard to mutter: “Hopefully, this pesky man will kill his son and I can leave him to rot in prison.”

Marianne Westwood, tall and powerful-looking, drew back the arrow, ready to fire – and the hall was plunged into darknes. Two seconds later the lights blinked on again. The apple on the son’s head now had an arrow straight through it.

Applause broke out at the cleverness of this sleight of hand. Gessler scratched his head, went over to the boy and examined the apple. He took it in his hands and turned to Tell, at which point another arrow fell out of Tell’s leather jerkin. Gessler frowned. “Why the second arrow, Tell?”

“It would have ended up in your heart if I had killed my son, Gessler,” replied Marianne with a courtly bow. Then, amid laughter and cheers from the audience, she turned and fled the scene before Gessler could re-capture her.

The audience was treated to the further adventures of Tell and his compatriots as they continued their resistance against the Austrians. Finally, Gessler was driven from Altdorf, the beginning of what would later become the republic of Switzerland. Loud applause followed as Tell and his son took a bow, for the audience assumed that was the end, but then the action moved on a few years. There were moving scenes of wounded soldiers left in appalling conditions after the battle of Solferino in 1859. A man with courage and vision, one Henry Dunant, came to the battlefield, saw the distressing sights and set in motion the creation of an international society, the Red Cross.

A storm of applause broke out at the end, which intensified as the prefects hung the Swiss flag on the wall behind the dais.

Perhaps they should have added the story of the Chalet School to their repertoire, dear girl.

I might have known you’d wriggle your way in here, somehow! The school was also in Austria and England, I might remind you. We’re only allowed to choose one country. Why don’t you have a seat, pipe down and stop interefering?

My, it’s a good job the girls can’t hear their respected Headmistress!

Hilda refrained from comment and stared fixedly at the girls of IVA, Linda Stone’s form, who took their places to enact the transportation of convicts to Australia. Some of the audience found it hard not to weep as starving little boys were condemned to travel alone to the other side of the world as punishment for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their families. But then they cheered up when many of the convicts discovered a new and better life in the colonies – and also discovered the strange and beautiful, if somewhat dangerous, animal life of this great and beautiful continent.

A furry kangaroo appeared and hopped slowly around the floor, stopping now and then to rub his head against one of the girls. A shiny snake slithered after, hissing loudly. More than a few feet were seen to be tucked safely up out of the way. These two were followed by the remaining girls of the form either carrying a toy koala bear or parrot or dolphin - or holding aloft pictures of some of the other animal life unique to this huge country. Another roar of appreciation erupted as the Australian flag was hung beside the Swiss one.

They’ve done brilliantly, Hilda thought to herself, and wondered if somehow she could arrange for them to perform it again for their form mistress. It would do Linda so much good to know her form could rise to the challenge like that, after the shock of her accident.

Oh, I’m sure Hilda Annersley can arrange it easily enough. Nothing is beyond her! You’d have to get Jack’s permission, of course, but you’re good at getting round people.

Hah! Everyone except you! The girls are doing really well, aren’t they? It’s going to be hard to choose the winners.

Yes, dear girl, I think Ellie was inspired.

Pardon? You've lost me!

Didn’t Mireille tell you it was Ellie who gave her the idea for this evening?

So she did…. Hmm! Think I’m losing my wits.

Hardly surprising, when you will go around constantly mistreating that poor head of yours and bashing it against things that don’t bend!

Thank you for that! Such a comfort, aren’t you? At least Ellie’s still got all her marbles. Are there no limits to that fertile imagination of hers?

Oh, I think, by the end of the evening, that fertile imagination might have you wanting to wring your ward’s neck, dear girl.

What on earth can you mean, Nell?

That’s for me to know and you to find out….

Baggage! It doesn’t have anything to do with borrowing my head, does it?

Hilda could have sworn she heard the echo of an evil cackle in her ears as the next performers took their places.

Author:  Lesley [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

Can just hear that cackle! :lol:

Thanks Mary

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

Clearly Hilda was allowed to rest undisturbed once she got there. I really liked her choosing to go and sit beside Meg - and Meg's assurance that both she and Tonia had enjoyed their afternoon with the Juniors. The girls are definitely rising to the occasion with their scenes - hope that Linda's class will indeed be allowed to repeat theirs for her in due course.

We might have known Nell would put in an appearance - and be tantalizing as well as comforting!! I, too, could just hear that evil cackle!!

Boring? Not at all - it's great fun!!!! Thanks, Mary, for allowing us to enjoy the first part of the entertainment along with everyone else; I'll be looking forward to enjoying the rest of it later.

Author:  charli [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

My excitement at seeing this was updated was not wasted. And probably as palpable as the girls'. :wink:

I always feel i learn something from reading this Mary, and tonight I have learnt about William Tell and Gessler.

I like the conversation at the end between Hilda and Nell, and love that the country reenactments was Ellie's idea.

Thank you Mary. Another fascinating installment. :D

Oh, and did you say we might find this boring??? :dontknow: Please realise that your writing is never boring. Anything but boring.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

Mary thank you for an informative and interesting instalment of this detailed drabble. Your writing makes it so vivid, that I have come back three times this evening hoping for an update. :tea:

Author:  charli [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

PaulineS wrote:
. Your writing makes it so vivid, that I have come back three times this evening hoping for an update. :tea:

Haha, I have been doing that for the last few Sundays too!

Author:  Squirrel [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

What can I say??? Firstly... Boring??? :shock: :shock: Last word I'd Ever apply to your writing!

I'm so pleased to have had an update on Meg, Tonia and the twins... that was just perfectly done.

I loved the way you've shown us the girls handiwork, and the way Nell butts in on it all! That whole conversation was brilliant.

Thank you Mary... looking forwards to seeing what you've got for us next.

Author:  Abi [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

Nice to see Nell still looking after Hilda. :D

Author:  MHE [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

Boring???? Certainly not, Mary.

Reading the description of William Tell’s standoff with Gessler I was reminded of my summer holiday of two years ago, when I stood in that self same market square in Altdorf next to the monument to Tell.

It’s good to see that the entertainment is playing its part in relaxing Meg, Tonia and the twins. As they relax and enjoy then so too will Hilda.

The forms have certainly had a high old time deciding on which country to represent, and I’m not surprised that Hilda was a little worried by what might be depicted :lol: How typical of Nell to turn up and manage to comfort Hilda as well as stir thing up a little. I do wonder what Ellie’s crowd have in store for the rest of the school - I’m sure that I’m not the only one left wondering, in a state of anticipation.

Thank you Mary for bringing the evening to life so vividly by the power of your words, I look forward to seeing what the other forms have planned.

Author:  linda [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

Boring? Never!!!! This story just goes from strength to strength.

Oh, I think, by the end of the evening, that fertile imagination might have you wanting to wring your ward’s neck, dear girl.

What on earth can you mean, Nell?

That’s for me to know and you to find out….

Baggage! It doesn’t have anything to do with borrowing my head, does it?

I just adore these conversations between Hilda and Nell. Nell is so real and always there just out of sight, behind a curtain, keeping a watch over Hilda whilst teasing her just as she did in life.

VA's portrayal of the history of Switzerland was lovely, reminding me of the story of William Tell. I was wondering how they would show the arrow flight, even in the 1960s before the advent of 'elf and safety', but turning out the lights was inspired. Brilliant!! I liked Australia too, with the parade of antipodean animals along with the unfortunate convicts who went on to make good and begin a great nation.

I'm looking forward to seeing which countries are chosen by the other forms.

Thank you Mary for another wonderful episode. :D :D

Author:  Kathy_S [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

Thank you, Mary. :D

*wonders just what Nell knows, and how she knows it....*

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

Love the exchange between Hilda and Nell. :D Thanks

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

This is as wonderful as ever - and giving me lessons on the CBB! Thankyou very much.

Author:  di [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

I do so love it when Nell puts in an appearance, especially when she's in a teasing mood. She was so good for Hilda when she was alive and continues to be so even now. I wonder what Ellie's up to- it's amused Nell whatever it is! :lol:
Judging by Meg's reaction to her Head Mistress, Hilda chose the right punishment for her and Tonia; how well she knows her girls. :)
This evening of light relief is just what the doctor ordered for the twins as well. Marie, in particular has worried Hilda but it seems even she is able to put the events of the past few days behind her just for a few hours. How much happier she and her sister will be when they get to see Maman tomorrow.
'Boring'! Nonsense, Mary, your writing can never be described as that!! :reading: I always look forward to reading anything you care to share with us so a bit more of this :trumpet: if you don't mind! :wink:

Author:  Mattea1 [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

Terrific, Mary, so many aspects to this scene, I keep having to go back and read it again ! :roll: Boring..never :D

Love the banter between Hilda and Nell and adore Nell's teasing reminder to Hilda about Ellie's 'borrowing Hilda's head' later. As other's have said, I too could hear Nell's cackle :lol:

So pleased that Meg and Tonia are gaining so much from Hilda's thoughtful and caring plans for them as she tempers justice with mercy. Hopeful that the twins, especially Marie, will be much better after the evening's entertainment.

And we got history too :P Wow

Can't wait for the next instalment, Mary, Thanks

Author:  MaryR [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 22/08/10 p20

Mattea1 wrote:
And we got history too :P Wow

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You can even have some more, Mattea, since you're enjoying it so much.... :D though I've kept it short, so as not to tax the brain. :twisted: :lol:

Oh, I think, by the end of the evening, that fertile imagination might have you wanting to wring your ward’s neck, dear girl.

What on earth can you mean, Nell?

That’s for me to know and you to find out….

Baggage! It doesn’t have anything to do with borrowing my head, does it?

Hilda could have sworn she heard the echo of an evil cackle in her ears as the next performers took their places. This time it was the Juniors’ turn. They had chosen England as their country and three of its most famous queens as their subjects. Hilda nodded to herself. They had chosen well. Boudicca and Elizabeth I were exciting women by any standards, and who knew what lay in store in the future for their present queen, Elizabeth II, who would be celebrating the tenth anniversary of her accession to the throne the following month?

Clearly guided by Sharlie, who had a highly-developed sense of humour, the whole performance was most definitely not going to upset anyone. Hilda relaxed. In the first part, more emphasis was laid on the courage of Boudicca leading the Iceni tribe into battle against the Romans than on the inevitable defeat of the Britons and the settlement of Britain by the Romans.

Boudicca’s chariot was a simple wooden box on wheels – no doubt put together by Gaudenz! – and her horses were two Juniors who stumbled around on all fours and nearly tipped their queen out onto the ground several times, much to the audience’s amusement.

Goodness! Even I would have trouble keeping those two poor beasts under control, dear girl!

Hilda’s lips twitched. She doubted Nell had ever had trouble keeping any horse under control! The faster and more furious her rides, the happier she had been!

In the Juniors’ next scene, Emilie and her plastered arm made a very elegant Walter Raleigh between them, as that gallant gentleman laid his cloak over a puddle so his queen should not get her shoes wet. The battle against the Spanish Armada, however, was anything but elegant.

Large paper boats were the order of the day – or, rather, large cardboard models of Elizabethan ships. They were almost as high as they were long, replete with cannon and sails and complicated rigging. Hilda suspected the Juniors’ art lessons had been devoted to intensive model-making the last two weeks.

The polished wooden floor took the place of the choppy English Channel, with an anxious Queen Elizabeth standing by! The girls started out in two separate groups, English and Spanish, each pushing their ship with its English or Spanish flag and making loud noises to signify the cannon going off, but mayhem soon set in as the two fleets came to grips with each other. Miss Lawrence played fiery music on the piano and Drake’s voice could be heard giving – shouting! - orders above the noise. Hilda grimaced. Just what her head needed!

Toy boats, for goodness sake! Well, what will our girls think of next, love?

Not sure, Nell, but they didn’t really have any alternative, did they? What were you expecting? Life-size models of the Vanguard or Drake’s Revenge?

It would have been more exciting, don’t you think?

Oh, for goodness sake! Personally, I think it’s exciting enough, thank you very much, and quite dramatic. Those ships are real works of art. Such a shame to get them knocked about like that! Though I have to admit to being totally confused as to which is which, now they’re all mixed up together.

Why do you think they’ve got flags on them, woman? Thought you didn’t need glasses.

I don’t. I'm not nearly old enough! What on earth… ? Why are some of the girls playing dead?

It’s the only way to show their boats have caught fire or been sunk and are out of the fray, I suspect. Can’t have real fire, can we, any more than we have real water? I don’t know about playing dead, though. They’ve all got the giggles.

And it’s catching, judging by the audience’s reaction. You know, Miss Charlesworth must be in seventh heaven. Thanks to Mireille and Ellie, history is coming alive tonight and what they’ve seen here will stick in the girls’ memories indelibly and forever, I should think.

Are you trying to tell me all our teaching is a waste of time and we should go and be actors instead? I can’t see it, somehow.

Heaven forfend, Nell. My own performance will prove I’d be a useless educator, if acting were the order of the day. I’m no Thespian. But if this doesn’t win a prize for the Juniors, I’ll eat my hat.

Would that be your smart Summer Sale creation, dear girl – or the bizarre concoction you’ll be wearing later on, in your so-called useless performance?

You’re so sharp you’ll cut yourself one of these days.

No knives in Heaven, dearie. Gosh, they’re doing our own queen’s coronation now.

With little Marie as the queen. She looks quite regal in that dress and crown, for all her diminutive size. Oh, this will surely cheer her up a little.

It’s cheered you up, anyway. I take no credit myself for that, you understand.

Knowing you as I do, Nell, you'll take all the credit.

Author:  charli [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

:D First comment ..Yessss! I never get to be the first :D (Although I was pre alerted to this being posted!)
I don’t know about playing dead, though. They’ve all got the giggles.

It is always do hard not to laugh when you are supposed to be quiet! They have my sympathy.

Mary, I like the subtle humour in this.
The conversation between Nell and Hilda shows how well they know each other, and I love the gentle teasing at the end.

Thanks to Mireille and Ellie, history is coming alive tonight and what they’ve seen here will stick in the girls’ memories indelibly, I should think.

Same here :D I don't know about the girls, but I have certainly learnt some history tonight.

Thank you so much for a midweek update. :D

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

Thank you Mary. The Juniors have had fun. They will certainly know some history for the rest of their lives.

Bill's comments are certainly helping Hilda cope with the noise and all the activities, just as well the girls cannot hear them.

Thank you again Mary :tea:

Author:  Squirrel [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

And here we have a continuation of the light humerous atmosphere that provides such relief to the painful and challenging realities of Hildas' life now that Nell has gone. I'm sure she'll remember this effort for some time to come, especially with Nells wonderful commentary.

Thank you Mary, this whole production is exactly what was needed after the last several posts, and as a break before the next challenge you have hidden up your sleeve for Hilda materialises!

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

I don't know about Hilda and everyone else giggling wildly at the tableaux which the Juniors are presenting (although I am doing that too!!), I'm also giggling wildly at the exchanges between Hilda and Nell. Talk about a couple of cross-talk comedians!!

The show is just the tonic Hilda, and the rest of the school needed though, and how much more satisfying for her to be able to share it with Nell in this way. Kudos to Mireille and Ellie for their ideas and to Sharlie as well, for making history come to life like this - and to you, Mary, for enabling us to witness it all and to enjoy Hilda and Nell's conversation!

I will be eagerly awaiting the rest of the concert.

Author:  Lesley [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

Wonderful way for the girls to learn - Nell's right there.

Thanks Mary that was excellent :lol:

Author:  Abi [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

Thanks Mary, I loved seeing the way she and Nell can just talk light-heartedly - and seeing the productions that way was very funny!

Author:  Mattea1 [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

Mary, I too, have giggled my way through the various comments passing between Nell and Hilda especially around the juniors as chariot horses :D

Great to see how everyone has become involved, I'm sure that the juniors will fall into their beds after all this and sleep peacefully through 'til morning with no nightmares - how clever of Sharlie, using her teaching skills to the full with her young terrors.

I like these mid-week updates.. :D

Thanks Mary

Author:  MHE [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

Mary, I’m another who has giggled wildly whilst reading tonight’s offering from that magic pen of yours.

All of those who have taken part so far have thrown themselves into their parts with happy abandon. A truly inspirational way of showing a country’s history and one that will I’m sure result in highly entertaining history lessons for all the forms from now on!!! Miss Charlesworth will surely have her hands full during future lessons. :lol:

As for the exchanges between Hilda and Nell – well what can I say!! How typical of them both though, such gentle teasing of those at ease with themselves. I’m surprised that they managed to see anything of what was happening in front of them with all the banter that they were exchanging. As for:

Why do you think they’ve got flags on them, woman? Thought you didn’t need glasses.

I don’t. I'm not nearly old enough! What on earth… ? ....


Thank you Mary, I look forward to seeing what's next on the agenda :D

Author:  Cath V-P [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

I have just had a lovely catch-up, which was exactly what I needed after the frantic nature of the last few days. I love the performances - history as it is acted, complete with the giggling of the supposed dead! - and it's exactly what the school needs after the tension and worry of the last two days. And of course Nell would be there - it's precisely what she'd appreciate and enjoy herself, and those are exactly the comments that she'd make to Hilda if she were physically present in that audience.

And I particularly enjoyed Hilda's conversation with the twins' mother; it was reassuring for both of them, and another lovely example of just how Hilda is able tp reach out and empathise with so many different people.

Thank you Mary - I know my comment is rather inadequate, but I hope to do better soon!

Author:  di [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

More conversations with Nell; how I love the banter which passes between the two of them. So good for Hilda, takes her mind off the pain of her headache and enables her to share her enjoyment and thoughts about the show with Nell; she couldn't exactly have the same conversation with Meg! :lol:
History taught through drama is always a first rate way of helping the students understand and remember the facts of the event; I use it with yr.7's to help them understand the long term impact of the Norman invasion and they love it, although it's hard work for the teacher.
Thanks, Mary.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you, love the conversation between those two, it reall brings home the depth of Hilda's grief

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

That was a wonderful update, thankyou so much!

Author:  Celia [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

Lovely to come home to two updates and to find Hilda relaxing and enjoying Nell's presence. Thank you Mary, great descriptive writing as ever.

Author:  jmc [ Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

Thanks Mary. I really enjoyed the last few posts and learnt something as well I liked the bit about Australia. We do have a lot of strange animals don't we? did you know that of the 10 most venomous land snakes in the world ten of them are Australian? The conversations between Hilda and Nell were very entertaining.

Sorry if I am slow at posting comments at them moment but am having some internet issues and school production has totally taken over my life.

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Wed 25/08/10 p21

di wrote:
More conversations with Nell..... she couldn't exactly have the same conversation with Meg! :lol: .

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: She could try, I suppose, Di. :P

jmc wrote:
We do have a lot of strange animals don't we? did you know that of the 10 most venomous land snakes in the world ten of them are Australian?

Oh, yes! :roll: One reason you'd have to work very hard to tempt me to set foot in Australia, jmc - those snakes and the equally venemous spiders.*shudders* :twisted:

You’re so sharp you’ll cut yourself one of these days.

No knives in Heaven, dearie. Gosh, they’re doing our own queen’s coronation now.

With little Marie as the queen. She looks quite regal in that dress and crown, for all her diminutive size. Oh, this will surely cheer her up a little.

It’s cheered you up, anyway. I take no credit myself for that, you understand.

Knowing you as I do, Nell, you'll take all the credit.

Hilda’s cheeriness, however, was not to last. The applause and calls for 'More!', which resounded throughout the Hall for the Juniors’ performance, exacerbated the pain in her head. She could have coped with that, however, had the performance which followed been quiet and peaceful.

Alas, it was a re-enactment of the Boston Tea Party, an act of rebellion which precipitated the American War of Independence. Lower IVA’s 'colonists', disguised as Red Indians, made sure their war cries echoed loud and long as they attacked the ships containing the tea and poured the stuff into the harbour. After a quick word with Meg, Hilda made her escape.

Outside the Hall, she leaned her forehead against a cool window pane and breathed deeply to quieten herself. She didn’t feel guilty that she’d walked out. After all, she’d given herself permission to take the weekend off so she would be fit to work on Monday morning, and she had two perfectly competent deputies in Jeanne and Ruth. She would relax until Kaffee und Kuchen and then have a bite to eat in her room before dressing in her costume and presenting herself for action.

“Glad to see there’s some iota of sense in that poor head of yours,” a crisp voice spoke behind her.

Hilda didn’t move, though her lips twitched. “Any sense I have in there works extremely hard just trying to keep one step ahead of you, Gwynneth.”

Matey snorted and came to stand beside her. “Didn’t that nap help?”

“Hmm, you were sneaking again. Yes, it helped some, but Indian war cries and loud applause I can do without. I suspect things will get even louder later on, when the excitement levels rise and they start to get tired.”

“Come on, let’s go and have a cup of tea.” Matron’s voice was quiet and understanding. Pain was written all over the white face. Time for a little R&R!

By the time Hilda set down her tea cup a little later, her face was more relaxed, much to Matey’s relief. “I know you kept away from school today to help recover some of your zest for life, but it still hasn’t exactly been a rest cure, has it?”

Hilda laid her head back against the chair, closed her eyes and sighed. “Maybe not, but the things I did were absolutely essential, Gwynneth.”

“Oh, I’m not arguing with you there. Some of those girls needed to hear your strong words in Assembly – and it was nice for the heroines to be made much of. Linda needed your visit and you definitely helped Meg no end with that lunch party. It was inspired. You were inspired, as was Ian, and Vivien added her own touch of grace to the proceedings. I just wish you didn’t have to go back in there this evening.”

“I can’t let everyone down now – unless you’d like to take my place, of course.” Hilda opened one eye to peer hopefully at her friend.

Matey held her hands up and laughed. “Not even for you, my dear. Mind you, you appear to have some competition in there. Didn’t little Marie look the part? I do hope it brings some sparkle back to her eyes. I never thought I’d miss that pair’s mischief.”

Hilda’s eyes were closed again. “I’ve been working on it.” She explained about the phone call to the twins’ mother.

Matey gaped. “My, you work fast behind my back! Therapy for Meg and the twins.”

“Not really, Gwynneth. I only rang to apologise to her. She was the one who insisted on coming – which I have to admit is exactly what I was secretly hoping she would do. She’s very funny, and as mischievous and lively as her daughters, I suspect.”

Matey gazed curiously at Hilda and thought about humility. Did her Headmistress ever realise how rare she was? Did she ever count the extra miles she went for people? Did she ever think of putting herself first, instead of last? No wonder her head ached.

The silence stretched out companionably, each woman thinking her own thoughts. Matey watched Hilda’s closed face like a hawk, hoping the peace would lull her to sleep once more, but that hope was shattered when Hilda spoke again.

“Could I ask you to do something for me, Gwynneth? Seeing as you very cleverly evaded any part in our own small extravaganza.”

“Try me,” Matey replied peaceably. “I just warn you I’m buying no pigs in pokes.”

Hilda opened her eyes and winked. “No one would ever make the mistake of trying to pull the wool over your eyes, Matron Lloyd. But you might be able to pull the wool over Sarah’s and Barbara’s eyes – Ellie’s sheepdogs, in case you’ve forgotten.”

Matey frowned. “You’ve lost me.”

“Dormitories – or, to be more precise, Ellie’s dormitory. I think some re-arranging needs to happen.” Hilda’s eyes were grave as they focused on Matey. “Sara is going to give Meg a hard time, I suspect. She was openly resentful of Meg in front of me in my Literature lesson earlier in the week. That shows a certain bravado, don't you think? I’m not sure yet about Barbara, or about some of the others, but it strikes me we need to shore Meg up, strengthen her defences.”

“You want those two out of Larkspur - and Meg in?”

Author:  Squirrel [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

Mary... Please may I pull your Matey out of the drabble and give her a hug? I just love how caring she is here. She's wonderful! Just what Hilda needed on this occasion.

And why am I not surprised that something happened to bring Hilda's enjoyment of the show to an end? It seems that almost every time she settles down and something brings her some real joy and enthusiasm for life, another issue intrudes and she's back dealing with the tough realities of life. Still, I guess that we can be relieved that it wasn't anything worse than the resurgance of that horrible headache. Poor Hilda. If only it could learn to ease off and Not Come Back!!!

I'll admit to being very intrigued about the plans for dormitory change. Once again, Hilda is putting the immediate concerns for her girls and their needs above herself. And how like her that she should remember the dormitory lists and realise that a change may well be needed. She's got it all covered.

Thank you Mary! I look forward to the next edition of HA Superwoman soon... Oh! Sorry! I meant ND! There I go putting her on that pedestal she hates so much. :wink:

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

Thank you Mary. I am not surprised Hilda's head is painful again. I am pleased Gwyneth is taking care of her.

I hope Gwyneth can sort out the dormitory problem.

Thanks Mary :tea:

Author:  marni [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

Once again- Thank you Mary. Your writing is amazing.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

I don't really know what to say, except that as horrified as she'd be with me, I wish I had a Matey like that sometimes! Thankyou for the update.

Author:  Abi [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

Goodness, but Hilda's impressive! How does she manage to think of even things like dormitory lists when her head's aching and she's exhausted?

Thanks Mary. :D

Author:  MHE [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

Poor Hilda, that headache is certainly sticking to her like glue, but thankfully she is able to escape the noise for a short while at least. A break away will help her no end, and how typical of Gwynneth to be there just when needed.

It will do Hilda good too, to hear Gwynneth’s backing of all her actions of the day. I loved the fact that Hilda was still able to surprise Gwynneth with her news about the following day’s “surprise visitors” for the twins.

Moving Meg into Larkspur with Ellie will certainly boost her self confidence and give her much needed support, and if anyone can shuffle the girls around in order to effect the change then Matey is certainly the person for the job. Once again we see how Hilda can see the bigger picture as well as the miniature one.

Thank you Mary. I look forward to seeing Hilda's performance together with the rest of the staff, though I am left wondering how Gwynneth managed to avoid being roped in. :lol:

Author:  Lesley [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

The problem is she's spreading herself so thin she's not leaving anything for herself - no wonder that headache won't let up!

Thanks Mary

Author:  Mattea1 [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

I never fail to be amazed at the way Hilda manages to remember everything and works out how avoid horrid things happening to the girls, such as getting Gwynneth to change the dorms round without people realising why, so Meg has the support she needs!

And then, I'm also amazed at how Gwynneth seems to manage to be somewhere around to help Hilda and tries in so many ways to rid Hilda of that wretched headache.

Hopefully this little rest before the staff performance will help reduce the pain in Hilda's head. Gwynneth would be so pleased :wink:

Thanks for another great episode, Mary

Author:  charli [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

Wow, Hilda thinks of everything doesn't she!?
I enjoyed the history bit again, and the unfailing support Hilda shows for Meg is heartwarming.

Thanks for the update.

Oh, and still eagerly anticipating the twins' mother visiting. :D

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

I'm so glad Hilda had the sense to remove herself from the increasing noise in the Hall - she certainly needs another quiet time if she is to get through the remainder of the evening. Trust Matey to be right on the spot, though, with both candid comments and tea and sympathy. :)

Matey gazed curiously at Hilda and thought about humility. Did her Headmistress ever realise how rare she was? Did she ever count the extra miles she went for people? Did she ever think of putting herself first, instead of last? No wonder her head ached.

Hilda has gone through life putting everyone else's needs before her own. She's not about to change now, even though she *needs* to take more care of herself if this headache is to be vanquished once and for all - she will only do that when incapable of doing anything else!

That shows a certain bravado, don't you think?

I'd say that was a masterly understatement, myself -it's the brave, or silly girl who will openly show displeasure in front of Hilda! But Hilda's assessment of that situation is spot on - would we expect less from her? I hope Matey will be able to effect those dormitory changes, and that Meg, in her turn, will appreciate the additional support and sympathy she is getting there.

Thank you Mary, for allowing us to participate in that conversation.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

Squirrel wrote:
Mary... Please may I pull your Matey out of the drabble and give her a hug? I just love how caring she is here. She's wonderful! Just what Hilda needed on this occasion.

I just love Matey too. I hadn't thought of the dorm arrangements either. Though I am wondering how Joey's pregnancy is going?

Author:  di [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

I was wondering about Joey's pregnancy as well; with all the excitement of the last few days I'd completely forgotten about it.
I'm sure Jack will have told Joey of the accident; she must still be very fragile otherwise she'd have been across to the school like a shot. Perhaps, once Hilda has seen the twins mother and wished Meg 'Bon Voyage', she'll be able to pop across to 'Freudisham' [is the spelling correct? I rather think not. :lol:] to see how Joey is and fill her in on all of the happenings!
Thanks, Mary. I hope Hilda's headache starts to improve soon; she seems to have had this last one for ages and although she was told to expect them after the accident etc. I'm sure they shouldn't be lasting this long. I wonder whether Jack gave her an MRI to check for any other problems. :dontknow:

Author:  Celia [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

I can well believe the girls getting vociferous over the performance of the juniors.
The Boston Tea Party sounds fun too.
Good job Matey was around to field Hilda and help her relax. There’s a lot to look forward to at present, the Staff effort after Kaffee, Meg in the convent ,Hilda and Ellie in Boston. Wow ! There’s a great Autumn of reading coming up on ND.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  linda [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

I've just managed to catch up with the last two posts. I loved the England sketch, complete with toy boats and Boudicca's chariot, aided by Nell's comments.

No wonder the Boston Tea Party scene brough Hilda's headache back to the forefront again. She really should have stayed in bed for the rest of the weekend. But, thank goodness for Matey. She really should be bottled and made available for all in need of comfort and commonsense. :D :D

“Dormitories – or, to be more precise, Ellie’s dormitory. I think some re-arranging needs to happen.” Hilda’s eyes were grave as they focused on Matey. “Sara is going to give Meg a hard time, I suspect. She was openly resentful of Meg in front of me in my Literature lesson earlier in the week. That shows a certain bravado, don't you think? I’m not sure yet about Barbara, or about some of the others, but it strikes me we need to shore Meg up, strengthen her defences.”

“You want those two out of Larkspur - and Meg in?”

Trust Hilda to think of everything. She really does want to make sure that Meg has an easy transition back into school before she goes to the convent.

Thank you, Mary, for another brilliant installment of this wonderful story.

Author:  MaryR [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

Squirrel wrote:
Thank you Mary! I look forward to the next edition of HA Superwoman soon...

:rofl: :rofl: Coming right up, Squirrel. :lol:

Help! Charli wants to see the twins' mother, Di and Fiona want to know about Joey's pregnancy, MHE can't wait for the Staff's performance. :shock: As for Celia, well, she just wants everything, including Meg at the convent and Hilda and Ellie in Boston. :dontknow:

Gulp! Anyone care to write a chapter or two for me? :bawling: :help:

.....“You want those two out of Larkspur - and Meg in?”

Hilda searched Matey's face, but saw no disapproval in the keen blue eyes. “Much as I would love to keep Ellie with me, she has to return to her own bed tomorrow. She can manage most things with that hand now. Oh, by the way, Jack’s coming to have a look at it on Monday morning.” Matey nodded.

Hilda continued, with troubled eyes, “I asked her today would she mind if Meg moved into Larkspur – or stayed in, as she is already there pro tem. She thought it was a good idea. She blasted Sara with silent fury in that lesson of mine, and wasn’t too impressed by some of the others, any more than I was. She did suggest Jeanne also moved in, which I’d already planned in my devious little mind.Those two together have already been a great support for Meg. Let’s build on that. Meg is in the same dormitory as Jeanne, so the pair of them could simply swap beds with Sara and Barbara.”

“And you want me to tell the latter two the good news some time before tomorrow evening?”

Hilda gnawed her lip in thought. “Is that asking too much of you? I’d do it myself but I might then appear to be making a pet of Meg. That would make things even worse for her.”

“Don’t worry,” Matey replied, her voice suddenly so grim that Hilda stared at her. “I didn’t tell you, but I caught the pair of them tittle-tattling in Primrose the other night with one or two others from that form who also don’t appear to be too happy with Meg. They didn’t seem to care any too much who heard them, either, or to be worried about being in the wrong dormitory and breaking rules. Your kindness to Meg really seems to have upset the apple-cart. Clearly, they would have preferred her to be expelled.”

Hilda was frowning by the end. “As you know, I don’t advocate eavesdropping on the girls, but if they choose to speak behind people’s backs so openly and at the tops of their voices, breaking rules the while, then they can’t really complain, can they? Especially when they’re in the Sixth form and should know better." She grimaced at Matey. "Surprising how much you can learn by keeping your own mouth shut and your ears open.”

“So that’s your little secret, is it? But I think you do more of it than most of us, and you keep your heart open as well. That’s your real secret, love.” Hilda smiled enigmatically at her friend but forebore to reply.

The grimness returned to Matey's voice. “I think sharing a room with Meg the last two nights has tried the patience of both of them, but Sara’s in particular – she was the more outspoken and very nasty. What gives her the right to be so superior is beyond me. I’ll be only too glad to inform them that, since they’re so unhappy at sharing with Meg, they’re getting their wish and being moved away from there to a dormitory nearer my room and Mireille’s. Silly girls!”

Hilda groaned. “Well, they certainly got your goat! Do what you like with them, though I’m sad about it all. Yes, I know Meg brought it on herself, but I hoped my words and Ellie’s plea would make them a little more compassionate. It really doesn’t bode well for her, does it?”

She looked so care-worn that Matey leaned forward to comfort her. “Hey, lighten up! There’s a lot of good stuff in that form. Ellie got through to some of them, at least. She, Erica and Jeanne will do their very best for her. You knew Meg was never going to find it easy. Just don’t give up hope yet – or Meg will also give up hope.”

Hilda rubbed her forehead. “No, you’re right. I’m not thinking straight.”

“Hah! You thought all that through clearly enough, didn’t you? Take heart, concussion doesn’t usually last forever. Though yours does seem to have unusual staying power. It’s as stubborn as you are – returning to school after two short weeks instead of convalescing properly, as Jack wanted you to do. ” Hilda grimaced.

Matey added slowly and rather painfully, “What’s worse is that I supported you in that, because I felt sitting doing nothing and thinking about Nell was the worse possible thing for you. I was wrong, though, wasn’t I?”

There was guilt in her eyes and Hilda was quick to reassure her. “No, Gwynneth. I was the one who was stubborn and stupid, and I’m paying for it now. As is the school!”

Matey patted her hand. “Water under the bridge, love. Want me to speak to Jeanne, too?”

“Perhaps we could leave that to Ellie. I’d like their budding friendship to grow.”

“What about Tonia? Do I send her back to her own bed tonight?”

“No, leave her there tonight and I’ll have a word with her tomorrow. We’ll let Christine and Marie-Luce go back to their own beds tomorrow night, as well.” Hilda paused, thinking hard. “I did wonder whether Carmela might like to move into Mireille’s vacated bed and keep Gillian company. Gillian must be very lonely in there with both her closest friends now gone from her – Tessa in hospital and Mireille into the Head Girl’s bedroom.”

Matey laughed. “Hardly the same, love. Mireille hasn’t gone far, after all.”

Hilda pulled a face at her friend, but then her eyes brightened. “Tessa is doing so much better, Gwynneth. I spoke to her father earlier.”

Matey glared at her in outrage. “Oh, I’ll rest this afternoon, Gwynneth,” she mimicked and then began to count on her fingers. “First, though, I’ll take Assembly. Next, I’ll just pop along and see Linda. Then I’ll invite several folk to lunch and have a good old natter. Oh, and after that, I’ll make a few overseas phone calls. For afters, just in case that isn’t enough, I’ll take part in a performance in front of the girls. That’s resting?” she asked in scandalised tones.

“I’ve just had a nap. What more do you want?” Hilda’s eyes were brimming with laughter.

“Oh well, a nap! Everything’s hunky-dorey, then!” Matey shrugged, then enunciated slowly, “You are still suffering from severe concussion, which is no surprise. You’ve had continual headaches of the outsize variety since the accident. You’ve had an extremely hard week, from bullying and thieving to near-fatal accidents. You – need – peace – and – quiet!”

Hilda let her head fall back again and her eyelids close. “It’s peaceful and quiet in here, is it not? Or it would be, if a certain person stopped yelling and waving her arms around.”

“You…. you….!” Matey gasped like a stranded fish.

“I know. I’m impossible – or so Ellie tells me.” Hilda’s lips curved despite herself. “But back to what we were discussing. Will you speak to Sara and Barbara, and to Carmela and Gillian?”

Her eyes opened and she fixed Matey with a basilisk stare. “And if they agree, get them all to help you with the bed linen and locker changes. Do not do it all yourself!”

Matey tried to look outraged but simply couldn’t help herself and began to laugh. “You really are the outside of enough, giving me your orders when you’re ignoring mine.”

“What’s sauce for the goose….,” and Hilda cocked an eyebrow. “Besides, who’s the Headmistress around here?”

“Used to be I could overrule even the Headmistress – both the Headmistresses - but that doesn’t seem to work any more. This one has enough stubborness for two people these days.” Hilda winked and Matey stood up, pulling her cap and her face straight. “There’s no reasoning with you so I’ll leave you to rest – or whatever else you might have in store for yourself. But unless you eat something before you go back in that hall, I will don that costume and take your place.”

Hilda choked. “You’d fall over my trousers. They’re at least a foot too long for you. As for the sword, it’s taller than you are and could do you permanent injury.”

She contemplated Matey lazily though half-closed eyes. “You almost tempt me, though, Gwynneth…”

Author:  Squirrel [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

Oh Mary! Mary!!!! That peice had it all! First of all though, may I start by saying...

you’ve had an extremely hard week, from bullying and thieving to near-fatal accidents. You – need – peace – and – quiet!”

Hilda let her head fall back again and her eyelids close. “It’s peaceful and quiet in here, is it not? Or it would be, if a certain person stopped yelling and waving her arms around.”

“You…. you….!” Matey gasped like a stranded fish.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well Done Hilda!

However, to be more serious...

I love how intuitive both of these two are. They are both so on the ball, and ready to move forwards - and each brings something to the table that the other doesn't know about. I love all the plans for Ellie and Meg, and the other girls - but must admit that I share Hilda's concern that girls in the 6th form could act towards another in that fashion, especially after the way Hilda spoke with them. Definitely concerning - given the other worrying factor along that line of them being quite happy to act out in front of Hilda as well...

And that discussion on the injury and return to work. Oh Hilda Don't! You've got enough to carry without taking on that whole burden like that. Accept that others also contributed to this state of affairs... That level of humility was amost painful to watch.

I could go on, but I think it's time to give someone else a chance.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

Mary that was wonderful and Matey had me giggling all through that. thank you so much and no I won't help you write a chapter or two. I much prefer your version no matter how long it takes :D

Author:  Lesley [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

Wonderful Mary I giggled all the way through could almost feel Matey's frustration. :lol:

Thank you

Author:  Abi [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

Good old Matey. :D All the same, I hope Hilda listens to her advice.

Thanks Mary!

Author:  PaulineS [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

Hilda choked. “You’d fall over my trousers. They’re at least a foot too long for you. As for the sword, it’s taller than you are and could do you permanent injury.”

She contemplated Matey lazily though half-closed eyes. “You almost tempt me, though, Gwynneth…”

O Mary that is so typical of their relationship.

Thank you for another carefully crafted episode. In some ways it would be good to see Matey replace Hilda in the evenings events and Hilda have 24 hours bed rest. However I suspect all she is going to get is a cup of tea or two. :tea: :tea:

Author:  Nightwing [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

MaryR wrote:
Gulp! Anyone care to write a chapter or two for me? :bawling: :help:

Be careful what you wish for, Mary :devil:

Er, on a less flippant note, really enjoyed this update. Hilda and Gwynneth are both very human here - you've managed to showcase both their strengths and their weaknesses, and show just how much they really do rely on each other (and how much the school relies on them both). All-rounds excellent, in fact :D

Author:  shesings [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

:D :devil: :D :devil: :D :devil: Pure dead brilliant!!!!

Author:  linda [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

Matey glared at her in outrage. “Oh, I’ll rest this afternoon, Gwynneth,” she mimicked and then began to count on her fingers. “First, though, I’ll take Assembly. Next, I’ll just pop along and see Linda. Then I’ll invite several folk to lunch and have a good old natter. Oh, and after that, I’ll make a few overseas phone calls. For afters, just in case that isn’t enough, I’ll take part in a performance in front of the girls. That’s resting?” she asked in scandalised tones.

“I’ve just had a nap. What more do you want?” Hilda’s eyes were brimming with laughter.

Wonderful!! Matey doesn't pull her punches. She really knows her Hilda. But, I do love the banter between these two. They so understand each other and are such good friends that Matey knows just how to take a little of the burden from Hilda, even if she can't actually get her to rest and let the staff take over for a while.

It is worrying that 6th form girls like Sara and Barbara haven't absorbed enough of the CS influence to show compassion towards Meg, particularly after all Hilda's and Ellie's words. I hope they don't blame Meg for their dormitory move, that would only make matters worse.

Help! Charli wants to see the twins' mother, Di and Fiona want to know about Joey's pregnancy, MHE can't wait for the Staff's performance. As for Celia, well, she just wants everything, including Meg at the convent and Hilda and Ellie in Boston. :dontknow:

Thank you Mary. Although I would like to know about everything too, I'm just grateful for any crumbs you care to throw our way. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Mattea1 [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

What a super interlude. I couldn’t help but laugh at the way the two were bouncing their comments off each other. As for their intuition and knowledge about what goes on around them - is there anything that gets past them? :roll:

I love the way you are showing us how caring they are of each other, too. You can tell how much Hilda appreciates Gwynneth’s desire to make her rest, even if Hilda isn’t going to follow orders and how Gwynneth has become resigned to Hilda getting her own way even if she doesn't want to admit it :wink:

Thanks, Mary. Sorry I can’t help with the writing either,not my forte and so am also willing to patiently wait for your wondrous versions for as long as necessary!! :lol:

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

Oh my goodness, what an episode - I could quote the lot, but that would be both greedy and repetitive of me, quite apart from adding nothing to the discussion!! :D :D

There are so many wonderful exchanges between these two here - I first read it a couple of hours ago, and have found myself giggling over remembered bits every few minutes since then. The light-heartedness of their banter is superb, and is always a reflection of the affection and respect they each have for the other, but beneath its surface there is so much that is serious.

I find it very sad that there are 6th form girls, who should be capable of showing more understanding, who are yet prepared to make life unpleasant for Meg. The plan to counteract this as far as is humanly possible by these switches between the bedrooms is an excellent one. However, I fear it's as well Meg fully understands that, despite all the support Ellie, Erica, Jeanne and others will offer her, things may still be difficult for her, both before and after her stay at the convent. The fact that both Matey and Hilda are only too well aware of this possibility can only help - they are each so very intuitive of all their pupils' needs.

“You are still suffering from severe concussion, which is no surprise. You’ve had continual headaches of the outsize variety since the accident. You’ve had an extremely hard week, from bullying and thieving to near-fatal accidents. You – need – peace – and – quiet!”

Hilda let her head fall back again and her eyelids close. “It’s peaceful and quiet in here, is it not? Or it would be, if a certain person stopped yelling and waving her arms around

Matey's comments about Hilda's condition are absolutely accurate - even if she herself is perpetuating the noise at this particular moment. :) :( Unfortunately, it is not at all uncommon for severe headaches to persist for a very long time after a concussion, even when the patient actually *does* take the time needed to rest, which Hilda clearly is *not* doing. No wonder Matey professes herself appalled at all Hilda has done when she was 'supposed' to be resting - I'm not surprised.

Hmm, wonder if in the end Hilda *will* allow Matey to take her place this evening - if so, I can see some very hasty costume alterations being needed.

No, Mary, I too will wait patiently for whatever you have to give us - writing a chapter or so for you would be a definite no-no so far as I'm concerned!! :) Thank you again for all your insights and skills in allowing us to participate vicariously in yet another truly revealing episode.

Oops, even without major quoting, I seem to have written an essay here!! :roll: :roll:

Author:  di [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

Well, every one else seems to have said all there is to say and I have nothing else to add other than to agree with what has gone before.
Thanks, Mary, a lovely episode. Whilst I do want to know more about Joey I am more than happy with anything you care to write about.
I couldn't possible help you out with a chapter or two - I'm afraid you'd lose all of your readers if I tried to emulate your wonderful style. :lol:

Author:  Luisa [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

A week away, and to come back to so much wonderful writing! Thanks Mary, and looking forward to Hilda with a sword.....
(hint hint)

Author:  Celia [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

This relaxing repartee with Matey must be almost as good for Hilda as another nap.

Your writing shows us so clearly how much these two now mean to each other.

I would so love to see Matey in over-long trousers and a sword as big as herself. Potentially more amusing than Elizabeth fighting a duel whilst holding up her nether garments :twisted:

Thank you Mary

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

I, for one, wouldn't dare to try and write anything that could match this for pure brilliance! Thankyou :D

Author:  MHE [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

MaryR wrote:
Help! Charli wants to see the twins' mother, Di and Fiona want to know about Joey's pregnancy, MHE can't wait for the Staff's performance. :shock: As for Celia, well, she just wants everything, including Meg at the convent and Hilda and Ellie in Boston. :dontknow:

Gulp! Anyone care to write a chapter or two for me? :bawling: :help:

Nope, you and Hilda seem to managing alright between you Mary, with a little help from Nell of course. :lol: I don’t mind having to wait while you write those chapters, as I can, in the meantime go back to the very beginning of New Dreams.

I too have been giggling at intervals over that verbal game of ping-pong between Hilda and Gwynneth. Such is the depth of understanding between them that Hilda does not need to explain or justify to Gwynneth her reasons for taking certain actions or indeed for making certain decisions. Hilda certainly sees the bigger picture by virtue of having her finger on the “school’s pulse,” mind Matey is not that far behind her with her finger!

Hilda has a right little Welsh dragon here in Gwynneth :devil: - from her righteous indignation at both Sara's and Barbara's behaviour to her reaction at realising exactly what Hilda has been doing during the period when she was supposed to be resting. And as for Sara, she might be glad at first to be away from Meg and Ellie but I certainly wouldn't like to be in her shoes having to sleep so close to Matey!!!!!!!!!

And as for the staff performance, well you have certainly whetted my appetite with the reference to the trousers and sword - I wonder who Hilda will be portraying.

Thank you Mary, for another wonderful portrayal of the friendship between these two redoubtable women.

Author:  charli [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Sun 29/08/10 p21

Mary, how naughty of you! I missed this last night because I was expecting the usual Wednesday update!!! Would have been a great surprise if I'd noticed it. :wink: However, I am , as ever, very grateful for an update. :D

MaryR wrote:
Help! Charli wants to see the twins' mother,

Yes, yes I do! :D

MaryR wrote:
Hilda let her head fall back again and her eyelids close. “It’s peaceful and quiet in here, is it not? Or it would be, if a certain person stopped yelling and waving her arms around.”

“You…. you….!” Matey gasped like a stranded fish.

“I know. I’m impossible – or so Ellie tells me.”

:lol: :lol: Brilliant Mary! i just love how this links together so well with all the other pars.

As for writing this, that is well and truly your forte! I'll stick to reading it please. :D

Author:  Cath V-P [ Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

Goodness, but that was impressive! It's not surprising that Hilda's headache has intensified, wat with all that she has done and the stress that she has been under. Equally, it's not surprising that Gwynneth is trying to make her rest, although I'm astonished that she's still capable of speech once she realises just what Hilda has been doing while under orders to 'rest'. No wonder the poor woman was so frustrated; Hilda very carefully ran beautifully neat rings around her - all done with care, precision and a certain knowledge of exactly how this would be received.

And more seriously, they are right to alter those sleeping arrangements for everybody's benefit; Meg doesn't need that constant sniping and Sara and Barbara don't need the temptation to become constantly unpleasant and seif-righteous. And this is something that both Hilda and Gwynneth realise; they really are in tune over the girls' needs aren't they?

It's also a sad indication of just how limited some people can be - Sara and Barbara don't seem able to see beyond the Meg who they were familiar with - unlike Ellie and Mireille.

Oh yes, and I'm not surprised that the Boston Tea Party exacerbated Hilda's headache!

Thank you Mary, this was masterly.
Oh, and our snakes and spiders are very little - barely noticeable.... :wink:

Author:  MaryR [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Tues 31/08/10 p22

Thank you for the lovely comments. Here's a very short, quiet piece for the weekend and it's posted especially for Di.

After Matey had left, Hilda’s smile faded. She closed her eyes again, willing the thumping in her head to dissipate. Gwynneth, you have no idea how close you came to convincing me to stay put!

Rubbish, woman! You’ve had far worse than this and carried on.

What would you know about it, with your rude health, Nell? Want to borrow my head for a while and see what it’s like? All I ask is that you don’t also get a fit of the giggles, as Ellie did.

A cool hand was placed gently on her forehead. She relaxed into the coolness for a few seconds, but the desire to catch a glimpse of the beloved face was too strong and she opened her eyes.

There was no one there! Tears stung her eyes and she berated herself angrily. Just what had she expected? A ghost with white hair?

Gently, dear girl, gently. I’m still here. I don’t need to borrow your head to feel your pain. But you and I both know that you are incapable of letting people down, so relax and be at peace for this little while.

She could find no answer so closed her eyes again and rested quietly, absorbing the love she could feel surrounding her and upholding her…..

When her eyelids lifted once more, the room was dark with shadows. Glancing down at her watch she saw that nearly an hour had slipped by. So – she had slept again, and had dreamed of Nell. The latter hadn’t been there in reality at all. Hilda’s heart lurched with jagged grief but then she realised something. The pain had eased.

Even in my dreams you restore me. Thank you, dear heart.

With a sigh, she struggled out of her chair and stumbled over to the window. She reached out a hand to draw the curtains closed but paused, instead, to drink in the pure beauty of the distant snow-clad peaks glistening in the moon’s clear, cold brightness.Their steadfast presence was one of her constant blessings. Even after all these years, the sheer loveliness of the scene brought tears to her eyes.

How could she have sunk so low less than twenty-four hours ago? How could she ever have wanted to leave all this and run away? As though one could outrun grief! One had to turn and face it, take the blows, find the strength to stumble on. Sudden sorrow still snatched at her, reducing her to a quivering heap - and probably always would - but nothing was really lost. Nell’s memory still supported her, still gave her strength. Nell still came to her in dreams, still spoke to her dearest friend inside the heart she had torn asunder by her death.

Inspired by the loveliness outside and by that dream of Nell, words of hope sprang to Hilda's lips:

Why should I despair while your presence between these walls still falls on me gently as moonlight on a seat beside the window? (Rilke)

Rilke’s words, spoken so softly, seemed to find an echo in the sounds that came to her distantly from the hall, and all of it enriched the silence of the room. The moon’s radiance beamed in on her with comical comfort and she blinked away the tears....

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

Wow. I felt like I was there with them, then, and the ending was just perfect. I'm quite lost for words at this moment, so just... thankyou. That was spellbinding.

Author:  PaulineS [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

Thank you Mary a lovely surprise to have an update this evening when I see you are going away to France tomorrow. I am pleased Nell's quiet, calm presence has helped Hilda. In this post we see her as calm and controlled, the other side to her teasing in Hall.

Thank you Mary have a safe and restful holiday.

Author:  charli [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

Thank you Mary. I'm so glad that Nell could calm Hilda down and make her feel better for a bit.

Have a great holiday.

P.S. Told you I would like this! :twisted:

Author:  Lesley [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

Just what you needed Hilda - a little rest and someone to ease the pain. You didn't think she'd ever leave you did you?

Thanks Mary

Author:  Abi [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

I'm glad Nell could help Hilda; she really needed that rest. Thanks Mary. :D

Author:  Celia [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

Thank you for that lovely peaceful moment Mary. Exactly what Hilda
needed. I'm sure she will cope with the staff performance now,surrounded and supported by Nell's loving presence.

Thank you for posting just before you go away. Have a great holiday.

Author:  Squirrel [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

That was beautiful. And just what was needed. Though I do find a bit of me which was wishing that if Gwynneth came so close to having Hilda take the break she so obviously needed that she had actually prevailed.

However, am so pleased that Hilda should have found some peace and easing of her pains for the moment. Even if it did bring with it that devestation when she realised that she had actually drempt Nell.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  AnneM [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

So glad Hilda's had a bit of a break, and a respite from the headache. I can't really see her either ducking out of her own performance or missing that of Ellie and her mates - Ellie would be so worried if she did. Looking forward to seeing both performances, Mary!

Hope you have a good hol.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

That was a very moving interlude, and one which Hilda so richly deserved. The peace which comes from knowing Nell remains with her, if only in dreams and comments which only she can hear (though we know Gwynneth, too, has heard similar ones on occasions) and the serenity which that moonlit view of the mountains never fails to bring to her, together with this short but refreshing nap have surely given her the strength to carry on with the rest of the evening. :D :D

Thank you, Mary - enjoy your holiday, and we'll look forward to more after you return. :)

Author:  di [ Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

Oh, Mary, that was lovely, so peaceful. Thank you!

Author:  seven [ Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

Just caught up with this. What a lovely respite for Hilda in spite of her disappointment that Nell was not there when she opened her eyes.

I love the interaction between her and Nell, always so loving, so caring. Beautiful quote from Rilke and just what Hilda needs now.

Author:  linda [ Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

Hilda's headache has eased at last. But will she allow herself to rest and make sure that it does not return? I do hope that she manages to get through the performance without succumbing again. I hope the sense of peace she has gained from Nell's oh so tangible presence in her thoughts and dreams. I'm not surprised that she opened her eyes in an attempt to catch a glimpse of Nell when she felt the cool hand on her brow and could share her disappointment when she saw the empty room.

Inspired by the loveliness outside and by that dream of Nell, words of hope sprang to Hilda's lips:

Why should I despair while your presence between these walls still falls on me gently as moonlight on a seat beside the window? (Rilke)

A lovely quote and so appropriate for Hilda as she gains strength from Nell's unceasing presence in her life.

Thank you Mary, enjoy your holiday!

Author:  Mattea1 [ Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

So glad Hilda has some relief from the headaches and has found peace through Nell's presence in her thoughts and dreams in such an incredible way. Oh, and the way the scene outside affects her is so spine tingling with such a awe inspiring quote :!:

I don't know about anyone else, but you've left me feeling at peace about Hilda too. How do you do it? :D

Thank you, Mary - have a good holiday

Author:  Luisa [ Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

How all headaches should end....
Thank you

Author:  MHE [ Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

Well, I certainly had a lump in my throat by the time I’d reached the end of that scene. This was a beautiful vignette Mary. Yes Hilda was rocked when she realised that Nell was not there with her, but the sense of peace and love that prevails here was so strong you could almost touch it.

The strength she has gained from her hour's rest will surely carry her through the rest of the evening. The quotation from Rilke really says it all, and it’s good to see Hilda acknowledging that dealing with grief means:

One had to turn and face it, take the blows, find the strength to stumble on.

Thank you Mary. I hope that you are having a lovely holiday and will return refreshed by it.

Author:  jmc [ Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

Thanks Mary, finally managed to catch up and comment without my internet quitting on me. Looking forward to more when you get back. Hope you had a great time and that there have been no injuries.

Author:  Cath V-P [ Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

That was a beautiful moment of stillness and balance for Hilda. She recognises that the times of grief and pain will always stab at her, but that she will also find comfort and support. And Nell's presence - whether it's in dreams, or her own unmistakable voice - gives Hilda a warmth and loving comfort that can only help her.

And that sense of the beauty of the mountains and moonlight and the extraordinary aptness of that quote - that was beautifully realised Mary. Thank you.

And I hope your holiday has been exactly what you wanted!

Author:  MaryR [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

Thank you for all the wonderful comments on this part of my saga - in which I haven't even covered the whole of one day :bawling: - but I'm going to end it here since I have reached page 24 and begin a new part - in a very few minutes. :lol:

So be alert, won't you? :mrgreen:

Author:  RuthFL [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Dreams (Part 20) Fri 3/09/10 p23

MaryR wrote:
Thank you for all the wonderful comments on this part of my saga - in which I haven't even covered the whole of one day :bawling: - but I'm going to end it here since I have reached page 24 and begin a new part - in a very few minutes. :lol:

So be alert, won't you? :mrgreen:

Our country needs lerts? :lol:

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