They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Author:  Abi [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Starting a new thread for this as the old one has reached 25 pages.

Part 1 is here.

Purely as a matter of interest, not counting Con (and counting the babies!), there actually are 24 ladies at this 'ball'... This was not deliberate!

Four and twenty ladies fair
Were playing at the ball,
And out then came the fair Janet,
The flower among them all.

Four and twenty ladies fair
Were playing at the chess,
And out then came the fair Janet,
As green as any glass.

By midday on Saturday the party was flinging itself down on the sweet smelling turf of the meadows beyond the Auberge. There had been some discussion about leaving the children behind on this trip, but in the end it had been decided that there were plenty of adults to carry the little ones if they needed it. Most of them were accustomed to walking, and it was less than an hour to this particular beauty spot.

“We thought you might do as you did a few years ago when you had that reunion,” said Madge, who had plumped herself down on the grass beside her sister. “Split us all up into groups and send us off on expeditions.”

“Gosh, no, I can’t be bothered with that sort of thing these days,” said Joey lazily. “Anyway, that was back in the days when I was still convinced that there was no way anyone could be happy unless they were doing something strenuous. And possibly life-threatening,” she added, remembering certain dramatic events that had come about that memorable summer.

Jack and Jem had been extracting certain items from some of the packs – packs that they had made sure were carried only by those they considered responsible to do so. Now Jack began distributing beakers of sparkling, bubbling champagne.

“We decided not to bring glasses in the end,” he said, handing one to Con, who laughed.

“I can’t imagine why.”

“All right everyone – shut up!” called Jem, who had given the last beaker – which contained not champagne but Anna’s delicious fruit mix – to little Marie-Claire and had stood up to gain their attention. “As I’m sure you all know, it’s Ailie’s eighteenth birthday today. I’m usually told that my speeches are too long, so I don’t plan to make one now.” There was a cheer from the vicinity of Kevin and Kester at this point, though both looked perfectly innocent when their father glanced in their direction. “Ailie was a splendid Games Prefect last year at the Chalet School, and she’s moving on next year to Royal Holloway College, where she’s going to be studying Spanish and German. I’m sure you’d all like to join me in wishing her a happy birthday and a happy and successful time at university.”

Ailie’s health having been drunk and she having complimented her father on so short and untedious a speech, they broke up into groups and began to unpack the food which had been made and packaged the previous afternoon and that morning by Anna, Katya and their two helpers, Hanna and Dominique.

“These sandwiches,” said David, his mouth full, “are the best I’ve tasted in years. Anna’s definitely not lost her touch; in fact I think she’s got better.”

“As a matter of fact, Katya made this lot,” said Stephen, who was seated beside that young lady, who looked rather shy. Con, having walked in on their argument on Friday evening, knew that Katya had only given in reluctantly to Stephen’s urging to accompany them. He had appealed to Con for assistance.

“I am not a part of the family, I am the servant,” Katya had said in her prettily accented English. “This is a time for the family.”

“It’s all very well saying that,” Con had replied, “but Shirley and Milly are coming – well, Shirley is, anyway, and Milly only isn’t because she’s dying to be a nurse and wants to spend as much time at the San as she can while she’s here. Anyway, you’ve been here two and a half years now. You practically are part of the family. I should come if I were you – we’d all like you to.”

Once they had eaten, the children went off in a noisy group to play some game of their own devising. As Joey said, “there isn’t anyone else around at the moment, so they may as well let off steam while they can.” The older children, headed by Felix and Felicity, sat a little apart in a dignified group of their own.

Con lay back on the grass, letting the chatter drift over her as the others caught up on news and gossip, marvelling inwardly at how much more relaxed she felt after her few weeks in England. Maybe the nausea would pass off soon, and all this would turn out to be a simple matter of strung up nerves and too much introspection. Lying here, so warm and sleepy, she found it hard to believe that her fears could really be true.

Someone had brought a pack of cards and an hour later at least half the group were engaged in a fast and furious game of spoons. Con had refused to play on the grounds that she felt far too lazy and lay instead on her stomach, her chin in her hands. In the end it was David who lost, mostly because he was so distracted with laughing at Shirley’s jokes.

“I used to be so good at this game,” he complained.

“You generally have to concentrate if you want to win a game,” said Jack, with a grin. Shirley looked completely unabashed.

“Have your revenge?” she said.

“No fear!” said David, tossing his cards down. “Anyone want another drink?”

“No thanks,” said Con, the dreamy mood still on her. She rolled over and sat up slightly too quickly.

“All right?” said Shirley as she shut her eyes and put a hand to her head.

“Head rush.”

“You should get Uncle Jack to take a look at you,” said David, the laughter dying from his face. “Shirley mentioned you’d been ill a few times lately.” He looked at her intently.

“I’m fine,” said Con. She stood up, still a little queasy, and turned away from his gaze just as Joey also rose and called out,

“Anyone fancy a stroll a bit higher up?”

It all seemed to happen slowly, yet she couldn’t stop it. Even as Joey spoke, Con saw a change come over David’s face. His mouth dropped open, his eyes widened, and he started to get up.

“Good God!” he said into what should have been the briefest of silences after Joey’s question. The shock in his voice made heads turn towards him. “You’re pregnant!”

Author:  Miss Di [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Well THAT is letting the cat out of the bag with a vengeance!

And I never have been able to rhyme chess and glass.

Author:  jmc [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Oops!! Looking forward to the resulting chaos the is sure to result now. Just how is Con going to explain this. Tom had better keep away from Jack. Thanks Abi.

Author:  JS [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Gosh David, you've landed her in it now. I hope Joey rises to the occasion.
Thanks Abi.

Edited to add that it seems appropriate that I'm 'admiring Tom's latest effort' :lol:

Author:  Nicci [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)


I can't believe David blurted that out in front of the entire clan. What was he thinking? Fingers crossed Joey smooths things over for Con's sake.

Abi- please don't leave us on such a cliff!

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Well, blimey! Even with a kind warning, that was unexpected! :lol: Though I'm afraid I can't get over giggling wildly to wibble; what a way for it to all come out!

Thanks for the update. I just hope that Con has the sense to not deny it.

Author:  JB [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Goodness. I thought Con was supposed to be the tactless member of the family. I hope David has a better bedside manner with his patients.

Author:  Nightwing [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)


Even though I knew that was coming I wasn't expecting the revelation to be quite that - blunt! Here's hoping at least some of the family rally around Con. *crosses fingers*

Author:  Emma A [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Bet David's kicking himself now! How very very tactless!

Love the family descriptions, and how lovely Stephen and Katya are (wonder what she thinks of him). Still worried about Milly.

More updates are required, Abi!

Author:  Abi [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Emma A wrote:
More updates are required, Abi!

Your wish = my command. (I admit I may have drifted slightly from the 'meek and mild' part here...) :D

Out then spoke her father dear,
And he spoke meek and mild,
"And ever alas, sweet Janet," he says,
"I think thou goest with child."

Con couldn’t think of anything to say. She could only stand there, strangely aware of the fact that she didn’t know what do with her hands.

“No!” said David, realising instantly what he had done. “I mean – at least, I didn’t mean – obviously you aren’t – stupid of me.”

But it was too late. People were leaping to their feet. Those who hadn’t heard were demanding to know what he had said. Some were coming towards her. Others were just staring. Con was jerked out of her suspended, nightmare feeling by her father’s voice.

“Get out of here!” he was bellowing at David. “How dare you suggest – ?”

His fist swung up, but David instinctively ducked and the blow missed him by inches.

“Hey!” shouted Shirley, grabbing David’s arm to stop him retaliating. “There’s no need for that! And you!” She turned on David, almost snarling. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?”

Jack swung round to face Con.

“It isn’t true! Is it? Is it true?” Con, afterwards, decided that he probably hadn’t even been aware that he was still shouting, his face red with anger as he loomed over her. She backed away, shaking her head.

“No! At least, yes, I think it is.”

For a moment he stared at her, his mouth dangling open, pure shock on his face. Then the power of speech returned in full force.

“How the hell did this happen? What were you thinking of, you little – ?” he retained enough self-control not to apply any of the epithets that sprang immediately to mind, but Con could imagine what they probably were. Another thought occurred to him. “Who was it? Who did this to you?” He glared round at the young men of the party.

“It couldn’t have been any of us,” said Roger nervously.

“It must have been someone, and I mean to –”

“He’s right, Doctor Maynard,” said Shirley loudly. “None of them have been here. Look, maybe we should all –”

“You have nothing to do with this!” shouted Jack, beginning, Con could tell, to lose control. “Con!” He turned on her again.

“That’s enough!”

The entire party jumped. Joey had raised her voice to a volume she had never bettered, and since she had stepped in front of Con and shouted directly in her husband’s face it had the not unnatural effect of reducing him instantly to silence. He took an involuntary step backwards. Joey took a deep breath.

“That is enough,” she repeated quietly. For a moment, in the dead silence that followed, she experienced utter panic. But, as she explained later on to the triplets, the possibility of such a scenario had briefly flitted through her mind and she could only suppose that she had subconsciously pondered it. In any case, barely three seconds passed before she went on. “I don’t expect Con meant her news to come out this way – I suppose it is true, Con?” She turned to Con, who nodded weakly. “But as it has, I’m sure we all congratulate her on the happy event – the first Maynard grandchild, I might add! I’m sure Con will tell us more when she wants to. Until then, perhaps we should try not to overwhelm her! Now, as I was suggesting before David made his – um – contribution – anyone fancy taking a stroll higher up?”

As she finished she grabbed her husband by the wrist.

“Don’t you dare say a word! We will talk about this, but this is neither the time nor the place. Understand?”

He hesitated, but the ferocious expression on her face did its work and finally he gave a brief nod and turned away. The rest of the group was breaking up, murmuring, casting her glances, gradually sorting themselves, naturally gravitating into two groups. One, made up of what the triplets thought of as the older generation, slowly meandered away up the mountain path while the others, a motley assortment, remained scattered awkwardly in the meadow. Before leaving, Joey had given her second daughter a swift hug.

“Don’t be afraid, Con. We’ll sort this out,” she had murmured in Con’s ear. But her father had not spared her a glance. Con stared after them, still not knowing what to do.

Author:  jmc [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Oh well done Joey! Good on you for supporting Con. Will be interesting to see where the picnic goes from here. Thanks Abi.

Author:  Miss Di [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Good for you Joey. And as for Jack, what a nasty display of his true bad tempered nasty self.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Good for Jo! Nice to see her so supportive.

Thank you, Abi.

Author:  JB [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Well done, Joey -and thanks Abi.

Author:  Emma A [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Thanks, Abi! :wink:

How lovely Joey was there, and how appalling was Jack! Poor Con - I wonder if she's going to be able to explain to her parents that it's Tom's child. I did enjoy that update...

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Am I the only one who thinks that Jack's reaction was perfectly natural? Or perhaps that's just exactly how my parents would react! In any case, Joey was lovely there. I hope that they can sort it, and that Tom is man enough to take responsibility for his, er, actions.

Thankyou for the update! How will Len and Margot react I wonder?

Author:  PaulineS [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

I think Jack's reaction typical of his age and generation, but I am sure when he has calmed down and Joey has spoken to him he will be more understanding.
Thanks for the update.

Author:  MaryR [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

I agree with Chubbymonkey - Jack's response was natural for a father, asking who had done it to her. Though I'm not so sure about his very first reaction, calling her *a little ....*. Thank goodness for Joey's common sense and quick-wittedness.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2)

Thanks for all the comments - it is most interesting to see what people think! :D

Out then spake an auld grey knight,
Lay oer the castle wall,
And says, Alas, fair Janet, for thee,
But we'll be blamed all.

"Hold your tongue, ye auld fac'd knight,
Some ill death may ye die!
Father my bairn on whom I will,
I'll father none on thee."

Len and Margot were there staring at her in shock and Shirley was shaking her.

“Con! Are you all right? Con, for goodness’ sake, say something.”

Con nodded.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Con realised that Len was crying and wondered why.

“What are you going to do?” said Margot.

“Who was it?” demanded Stephen.

“What’s going on?” said Mike.

“I don’t know,” said Con.

“Look, can’t all of you clear off?” said Margot. “We need to talk to Con.”

“She’s our sister too,” said Stephen, trying to push past her. “Con, you have to tell us who the father is. Mum and Dad’ll make sure he marries you – and so will I.” He scowled around, much as Jack had done, at the various cousins.

Con felt a stirring of anger.

“What if I don’t want to marry him?” she said.

Stephen stared at her.

“Surely you want to marry him?” said Len, looking panicky. “I mean, you can’t not, can you?”

“You have to tell him,” said Margot. “He’ll want to marry you when you do.”

“Do you know who it is, then?” said Roger. Con saw, with a feeling that might have been amusement if she’d been able to feel anything but shock, that he looked relieved.

“No,” said Shirley quickly, and Roger’s face fell.

“Yes,” said Con. “It wasn’t any of you, though.”

“So who was it?” Stephen persisted.

“I’m not telling you.” Con folded her arms and tried to look angry instead of frightened, which was how she felt.

Before anyone else could speak, Bride stepped forward.

“Look, I know this is all – a – a bit of a shock, but maybe we should try to be a bit calmer about it.”

“Len,” said Con, as various people, including Stephen, Roger and Shirley, began to argue with Bride. Len looked at her. “Margot. I – I can’t stay here. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to tell them.”

Len and Margot looked at one another.

“All right,” said Len. She was trying to act as though things were normal, but her cheeks were wet and her lips still trembled. “We – we could walk back – or up – or somewhere and – and talk.” More tears spilled down her face.

“No,” said Con. “I’m sorry Len, but I don’t know what to say. Everyone’s so shocked.”

“Are you surprised?” said Len, her voice wobbling uncontrollably.

“No. Of course I’m not. But I thought you two might understand. You didn’t seem to mind when I told you I’d slept with him – but now there are going to be consequences, things are different. Is that it?”

“No – I don’t know.” Len put her hands over her face. Margot stared at the ground.

“I’m sorry, Con. It’s just – I had no idea. It’s a bit much to take in all at once. I – I’ve seen girls, in Edinburgh – girls who’ve got into trouble, and I’ve seen how some of them have ended up, and I – I don’t want you to –”

“Please don’t, Margot. I wasn’t even sure until practically now. I don’t want to hear about other people, and I don’t know what to say to all these questions. I’m sorry I’m such a – I’m so – I never thought I’d find myself like this.”

There was a silence. Con turned and hurried away across the meadow, back towards the Auberge. She could feel her shaky self-control giving way, tears already prickling her eyes and nose.

“Con! Wait a second!” She turned and saw David Russell half running after her. “Con, I am so sorry. I’m such an idiot – I wasn’t thinking and I just blurted it out. I know I’ve put you into a terrible position but, look, if I can help at all, if there’s anything I can do, you will let me know, won’t you? I know you must feel like it’s the end of the world – I’ve seen enough girls in your situation to know a bit how you must feel – but it isn’t, so don’t go and do anything stu – silly, will you? Please?

Thirty seconds before, Con wouldn’t have thought it possible, but she found a weak smile tweaking at her mouth.

“Okay,” she said. “I hope you don’t shout out your patients’ secrets like that, though.”

“No,” said David, shamefaced. “It’s different in a family situation, I suppose. I just wasn’t expecting to realise something like that. It’s not an excuse, I know, and I really am sorry. If you want to talk...”

Con shook her head.

“Not now, thanks,” she said.

Author:  Nightwing [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/04

I missed the last update, somehow, but have caught up now! Good for Joey, and I don't think much of Jack for almost calling his daughter what I think he was going to.

Good on David, too - I can see why he'd blurt it out in his shock, and I'm glad he wants to help Con. Good for Shirley, too! Hopefully Len and Margot manage to put their own feelings aside for the moment and just help Con.

Author:  shazwales [ Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/04

Just caught up with this,lovely to see Joey standing up to Jack!looking forward to the next bit.
Thanks Abi :)

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/04

Hmmmm, I'm intrigued by Len's reaction! Good on David for trying to help. Let's hope she doesn't meet Tom on her way home, though!

Thankyou for the update :D

Author:  Emma A [ Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/04

What Ariel said, really :D

Thanks for these regular updates, Abi - it's really gripping. I did like the way all the family assumed it was their problem (and also wondering what the MBR clan have been telling their sons if they don't know it's impossible for any of them to have made Con pregnant! :shock: )

Author:  jmc [ Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/04

Interesting reaction from Len. Nice to see David apologise at the end and his offers of help. Thanks Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/04

Emma A wrote:
(and also wondering what the MBR clan have been telling their sons if they don't know it's impossible for any of them to have made Con pregnant! :shock: )

I think it was more general panic that they were going to be blamed, especially after Jack's reaction!

This bit got longer than I was planning, as someone rather unexpected turned up...

Con didn’t know where to go. She wanted to take refuge in the wood, the way she had when she had been afraid before. But it was Tom’s place too, and the thought of meeting him there was too horrible to contemplate. Her feet led her home, but how could she stay there? The others would come back sometime. Con’s stomach clenched as she thought of it – the questions, the comments, the looks on their faces.

She opened the wardrobe, pulled out a loose tunic top and changed into it, not wanting anyone else to be able to tell her condition from her appearance. Her hold-all was still poking out slightly from under the bed where she had left it when she came back from England. She pulled it out and started to fill it, but when it was half full she changed her mind and began pulling things out again. It wouldn’t be fair to just take off. People would worry about her, especially after what they’d just heard. Not only that, but hadn’t she just promised David she wouldn’t do anything stupid? She sat back against her bed with a sigh.

Eventually she put a few of the things back in the hold-all and slung it over her shoulder. She went downstairs to the kitchen, where she found Anna seated in her rocking chair while Hanna and Dominique chopped vegetables.

“Anna, could I talk to you for a minute, please?” she said. Anna looked up in surprise at her being home so early and without the others, then, seeing the look on her face, quickly got up and went out into the hall with her.

“What is it, mein liebling?”

Con hesitated, then said it in a rush, far more baldly than she had meant to.

“I’m pregnant.” She didn’t dare look at Anna’s face, instead staring down at her own feet.

Gott in Himmel,” said Anna softly after a moment. “Who?”

“No-one you know. No-one knows him. The others know about it – David guessed, as a matter of fact. Anna, I’m going away.” Con spoke in German and found that for some reason this made the whole thing seem more real.

As she had expected, Anna objected strongly.

“I have to. I can’t stay and know that it’s the only thing anyone’s thinking about, even if they don’t talk about it. And Len and Margot will – talk about it, I mean, and I can’t just yet. Only for one night, Anna, I’ll come back tomorrow. Please would you tell them, and say not to worry about me? I’m not going to do anything stupid; I just want to get away for a bit.”

“They will still worry,” said Anna, who looked horribly anxious herself.

“I can’t help that,” said Con a little desperately. “They would even if I stayed, anyway. I’ll be fine.”

“Where are you going?”

“Just – somewhere. I won’t go far, I promise.” Con knew that Anna would feel she should tell her employers where Con was if she knew, and she didn’t trust her father not to come racing up to fetch her home immediately.

She left Anna and began to walk down the main road towards the station, where she caught the train by the skin of her teeth and settled herself into one of the few vacant seats beside a woman in her thirties, who was staring out of the window eagerly. After a few minutes she turned to Con.

“I hope you don’t think I’m rude, when we haven’t been introduced or anything, but I simply must talk to someone. I loathe not being able to talk when I’m travelling, don’t you?”

Con, who rather liked solitary travelling, as it gave her an opportunity to dream without interruption, agreed politely.

“Isn’t this absolutely wonderful?” said her companion. “I’ve never been to the Alps before, but I’ve always wanted to, ever since I was at my first boarding school. It was in England, but only because they had to move before the war. As a matter of fact, it was in Austria, not Switzerland, but I’ll take what I can get.”

“What school was it?” asked Con with interest.

“It was called the Chalet School – I know, odd name, isn’t it? Though less odd when you know that it started in Austria. Some of the older girls had been in Austria and we little ones used to listen to their tales with open-mouthed awe and wish we could have adventures like that. Of course,” she added reflectively, “we did have some quite exciting adventures of our own. I blew up the Science lab once.”

Con began to laugh, forgetting her troubles for the moment.

“Did you really? I’ll bet you weren’t too popular with Auntie Nell, then.”

“Auntie –?” The woman looked at her. “Do you know the Chalet School?”

“If you’d got off at the Gornetz Platz you’d have been half an hour’s walk from it,” said Con. “We live next door, at Freudesheim.”

“And Bill’s your aunt? How funny, I never imagined her having family. You don’t with staff, do you?”

“Oh, she’s not my real aunt,” Con explained. “She’s my sister’s Godmother and one of Mum’s oldest friends. We all grew up calling her and Miss Annersley ‘Aunt’.”

“Who was your mother – anyone I’d know?”

“Probably,” said Con with a grin. “Did you ever meet Mrs Maynard?”

The woman’s jaw dropped.

“You’re one of the triplets!” she gasped. “Oh, do say you are! Which one?”

“I’m Con.”

“Goodness!” There was a pause. “Well, you’re a lot bigger than you were when I last saw you. Do you know, I once locked your mother up in a cupboard?”

“What on earth for?” said Con in bewilderment.

“I thought she was Hitler. There was a good reason for it at the time – I think I might have been hunting for spies. She was quite nice about it once she understood.”

“Well, I don’t think she’s ever told us that story. Who are you, please?”

Author:  MaryR [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/04

Well, that's taken Con out of herself for a while. :D Guess we all know who it is, but I wonder if she is going to help Con in some way, where the others didn't seem able to.

Handsome apology from David in the post before this.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/04

Thanks Abi. Glad Con has an old girl to talk to and take her mind off her problems.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/04

How very EBD! Pleased that Con has someone to take her mind off of things.

Thankyou for the update! I hope that the Maynards can calm down now and they can all have a breather.

Author:  Nightwing [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/04

While I haven't read all of your drabbles, Abi, I think I can guess who the Old Girl is :lol:

Looking forward to more, as ever!

Author:  Miss Di [ Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/04

It really is a small world!

Author:  jmc [ Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/04

Love the crossover. Any advice that she gives Con could be very interesting. Thanks Abi

Author:  shazwales [ Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/04

Thanks Abi :)

Author:  JS [ Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/04

Took me a few minutes to work out who it was but now I know, I'm thrilled. Thanks Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/04

For those who haven't met her, Augusta is a creation of mine who enters the school while it's in Armishire and has a tendency to get into interesting situations (some of which she's mentioned in the previous post).

“I was Augusta Fraser at school. I don’t expect Mrs Maynard would remember me, though she might remember the fight at the nativity play – she enjoyed it, I think. It was a long time ago and I never had much to do with her. I’m Augusta Emerson now, which is far too much of a mouthful, so please call me Augusta – or Gus, if you prefer it.”

“Thanks. You’ll have to come and see Mum. She always likes to meet old girls,” said Con. She looked out of the window. “How far are you going?”

“Right to the end – Wahlstein, I think it’s called. What about you?”

“Same. I’m spending a night at the Gasthouse there. It’s a beautiful place. How long are you staying?”

“I hadn’t really thought about it,” said Augusta. “As long as I want to, I expect. I’m joining my husband in three weeks, so as long as I don’t spend longer than that it doesn’t really matter.”

“But haven’t you made any plans?” said Con.

“Goodness, no. I used to, but I never stuck to them so I gave up. Anyhow, I think it’s much more fun to just wander where you fancy and see what happens. It’s generally something fun. The other week I was accused of bank robbery in Paris. It was all a misunderstanding, of course,” she added, in case Con might be under some misapprehension. “I wasn’t really robbing the bank.”

Con stared at her.

“Do things like that happen to you a lot?”

“Well, that was the first time I’d been accused of bank-robbery. Oh – no, there was one other time, just after I’d left school, but that time I actually was robbing it.”

“But why?” said Con, by this time completely fascinated.

“I was trying to find something that was lost – it’s a long story, but once I’d explained to the police of course they let me go. Anyway, I’m talking far too much. Tell me about yourself and the family. Did Mrs Maynard have any more children?”

“There are seventeen of us, if you count all the wards. Eleven are Mum and Dad’s, then there’s the three Richardsons. Their dad went off into space and never came back so we took them in, but they’re all grown up now – even Roddy’s nineteen. Adrienne’s grown up too – she’s working as a designer. And the other two are the daughter of an old friend of Mum’s who died, and a wee kiddy who was orphaned in a train crash that Mum was in.”

Augusta looked faintly surprised.

“Gosh, I haven’t heard of many people with more children than that, though most of my husband’s family come close – his twin sister has seven and his younger sister has quite a few. I forget how many. I keep a list, but I never remember to send them birthday presents, so I just send them all something in the summer. Oh, and I have five myself, so far. We’ve only been married six years, but there’s another one on the way.” She rested a hand briefly on her middle.

“Oh!” It came out as a high, breathy whisper. Augusta looked at her. Con turned her head away to stare through the opposite window, tears at the back of her eyes. Neither of them spoke as the train pulled into the last station before Wahlstein, disgorged a few passengers, mostly locals, and began to move again. Finally, Con looked down at her own hands.

“Me too,” she said, and risked a sidelong glance at Augusta.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04

Now that is an inspired cross-over. :lol:
What next?

Author:  Miss Di [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04

Can Augusta drag her back to the Platz so she can save Tom?

Author:  JB [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04

I didn't think of Augusta - but i'm very pleased to see her. If anyone can sort things out, she can.

Author:  JS [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04

So pleased to see Augusta. Is her husband another crossover??

Author:  Emma A [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04

How fantastic! Nice to see that Augusta is still getting into scrapes! I do hope she can help Con.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04

I want to know more about these bank robberies! I do hope that she can help Con, though.

Thankyou for the update :D

Author:  Elbee [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/04

Nightwing wrote:
While I haven't read all of your drabbles, Abi, I think I can guess who the Old Girl is :lol:

Feeling a bit dim now, I couldn't work it out :oops:

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  jmc [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04

Augusta doesn't seem to have changed at all. :lol: Bank Robberies :shock: I think she will be very good for Con with her unique look on life.

Author:  shazwales [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04

Lovely to see Augusta again,she should certainly be able to help Con (her views on life are unique but usually work out) :) :)

Author:  Nightwing [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04

Augusta deserves a book of her own, Abi! :lol:

Author:  Abi [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04

JS wrote:
So pleased to see Augusta. Is her husband another crossover??

Um.... maybe.... :oops:

“Is it your first?” said Augusta, a little as though Con was trying out some new and rather exotic food.

“Oh – yes!” said Con, startled.

“And are you looking forward to it?”

Con gaped at her, feeling thoroughly wrong-footed.

“I – I don’t know. I don’t really know anything about it.” She hesitated, then plunged on. “I didn’t even realise I was, until a week or so ago. Well, I suppose it had occurred to me, but I just didn’t think about it.”

“Yes, I know what you mean,” said Augusta sympathetically. “I had no idea I was pregnant with my first until my husband told me I was. His sisters already had quite a few babies before we married, so he spotted it quite easily. I shouldn’t worry, it’s not that bad really.”

“Isn’t it? All I know about it is what some of the girls at Oxford used to say, but I don’t know how true it was.”

“Probably not at all,” said Augusta, laughing. “Really, it’s nothing to worry about. You’ll feel a bit uncomfortable towards the end, but it’s worth it.”

“Maybe for you,” said Con. The train slowed and drew up at Wahlstein. Clutching her hold-all, Con followed Augusta onto the platform. She wondered briefly why Augusta appeared to have no luggage, but it seemed like the sort of way she would travel.

“It’s even more wonderful than I thought it would be,” said Augusta, her face alight as she looked out across the mountains. “Let’s go and have a look at the glacier, shall we?”

Con led the way willingly. As they wended their way through the stunted vegetation that had found a foothold, Augusta turned to her again.

“When you said ‘maybe for you’, what exactly did you mean?”

Con flushed.

“Nothing much.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound very likely, if you don’t mind my saying so. You obviously meant something by it.”

Con circumnavigated a large boulder. Obviously Augusta was going to find out at some point, so she might as well get it over with.

“I’m not married,” she said as they came together again. “I’m not even engaged.”

“I thought it might be that,” said Augusta. Seeing Con’s look of surprise, she smiled. “No rings, for one thing. And you look as though you’ve just been told you’re taking over from Apollo.”

“Apollo?” Con echoed, bewildered.

“Well, whoever it was who carried the world on his shoulders.”


“Yes, him. What was I saying? Oh yes, you’re running away.”

“I’m not running away!”

“All right, you’re going off, apparently at random, to spend a night half an hour away from your home, with no companion and no obvious reason for doing so. And you did say you were pregnant. Are you going back?”

“Yes. I said I’d be back tomorrow morning.”

“But you don’t want to go. I suppose that means they aren’t very pleased about it?”

Augusta cocked her head on one side and Con felt a twinge of amusement and an odd release. She had never encountered anyone who could put things quite so straightforwardly, almost as though they didn’t matter at all. It was easy to talk to a person like that.

“Mum was all right – I think she already knew. But Dad was furious, and Len and Margot were – honestly, I don’t know what they were. Len just cried and cried, and I think Margot thinks I’m going to end up walking the streets or something. Of course, if Dad doesn’t calm down, maybe I will.”

She stopped talking suddenly, her heart beating fast, realising she had just spilled her greatest fear.

Author:  JS [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04, again

No, no Con, everything will be all right. Won't it Abi? Won't it?

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04, again

I'm sure that somebody will take her in, through all her extensive relations and Old Girls! Perhaps Emmy will eventually meet someone more rebellious than herself :lol:

Thankyou - I'm so pleased that Augusta can help. If only she could meet Tom!

Author:  jmc [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04, again

After Jack's outburst I'm not surprised that Con is a bit scared of him. Hopefully Jo will get him to calm down.

Thanks Abi

Author:  Emma A [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04, again

Love Augusta's matter-of-fact views and blunt speech; exactly what Con needs in this situation. I do hope Jack calms down.

Thanks, Abi.

(This is still my favourite drabble on the board, Abi!)

Author:  shazwales [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04, again

Thanks Abi,really enjoying this.

Author:  Abi [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/04, again

Emma A wrote:
(This is still my favourite drabble on the board, Abi!)

Thanks Emma - glad you're enjoying it! :) :oops:

By the time they returned to the Gasthaus Con felt almost light-hearted. Augusta had dismissed her fears as barely worth considering and hadn’t even seemed bothered when Con explained how angry her father had been.

“He was probably surprised. You surely didn’t expect him to shrug his shoulders and say ‘oh, well’? Because if so, I think you were a bit optimistic. Don’t worry, he’ll get over it.”

“You don’t know Dad. Once when Mike went down a cliff after a bird’s nest and made Mum ill, we had to keep him away from Dad for three days – it wasn’t until Mum was well enough to talk some sense into him that he forgave him. And this is far, far worse than that.”

“I thought you said your mother was all right about it.”

“Yes, but – oh, I see what you mean. I know, but think of what people will say. He’s head of the San and everyone around here – and lots of top medical bods – think an awful lot of him. What are they going to think when they hear this? Can’t you see it? Jack Maynard’s daughter’s easy. Knocked up on a holiday fling.”

“I don’t see what it has to do with them,” said Augusta, raising her brows.

“No, but it will be, believe me,” said Con. “And they’ll probably tear him to shreds over it. It could completely ruin his reputation.”

“Now you’re being silly,” said Augusta firmly. “I’m sure you told me earlier that you Maynards are related to half the medical profession. If the clan between them can’t sit on such idiotic nonsense, they can’t have much gumption. All they need to do is stick to their guns – if you look convincing you can make anyone do or believe anything.”

Con could well believe that people would probably do anything Augusta took it into her head to tell them to do, but was not given the opportunity to say so since at that moment her companion, pushing open the door of the Gasthaus, came to a sudden halt.

“What did I do with my luggage?” she said, looking around as though expecting to see it following after her.

“You didn’t have any – not since I met you.”

Augusta stared at her, frowning.

“I know I took my case out of the other train, because I dropped it on my foot when I was walking down the platform.” After a few minutes thought she shrugged her shoulders. “Oh well, I’m sure it’ll turn up somewhere. And there wasn’t that much in there.”

“But – what will you do for tonight? I haven’t any spare clothes, though you’re welcome to borrow my toothbrush and so on.”

“Thanks, I will if they don’t have any in the shop. I don’t suppose they sell pyjamas, but I can survive that.”

The next morning they boarded the train back down to the Gornetz Platz. Despite Augusta’s calmness, Con felt cold, her mouth dry and her hands a little clammy.

Author:  Miss Di [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/04

You know I couldn't think of anything more ick than sharing someones toothbrush. (shudder). But loving this anyway Abi and hope Jack calms down soon. Just makes you realise how much attitudes to babies born in and out of wedlock have changed over the last few decades.

Author:  JS [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/04

Yes, Augusta's always believed in the power of looking convincing.
Thanks Abi. :)

Author:  jmc [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/04

Just love Augusta's way of thinking. Hope Con finds a decent reception from not only Jack but also Len and Margot.

Thanks Abi

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/04

I hope that Augusta can go with her at first - and find her luggage! The presence of an Old Girl might calm everyone down a little. Well, apart from Jack.

Thanks for the update, please don't keep us in suspense too long!

Author:  MaryR [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/04

Oh, what comfort Augusta is being. She hasn't changed much, has she? Or rather, she's become the sort of woman one might have expected, matter of fact and full of common sense. I'm sure she can turn the light of that common sense on Con's family.

Thanks, Abi. :D

Author:  shazwales [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/04

Thanks Abi,love Augusta 'the grow up',she's just the sort of person Con needs just now. :)

Author:  Nightwing [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/04

Hopefully Augusta will help smooth things out... *crosses fingers*

Author:  charli [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/04

Just spent the last hour reading this from the very beginning! I love it. Con is my favourite triplet. Have read some of Augusta and love seeing her all grown up.

Author:  Abi [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/04

Glad you've enjoyed it, Charli (and congratulations on making it this far)!

We are just a break in the waves
We are just a feather in the storm
Windward or taken by the tide
To places we call home.

“Nice house,” said Augusta, gazing at it with wide eyes. Con grinned, even through her increasing dread.

“It is, isn’t it? But the School lives there, not us. We’re up here.”

She led Augusta up the drive. As they came to the front door Con stopped, twisting her hands together.

“I can’t go in,” she whispered.

“All right,” said Augusta, turning away.

“No.” Con grabbed her arm and pulled her in through the front door. They stood in the hall. Con hesitated, trying to decide what to do. No-one seemed to be around but with that number of people in the house someone could turn up at any moment. She took a few steps down the passage and stopped outside her father’s study. The door was slightly ajar, and she could hear voices inside. Her stomach clenched as she heard her father.

“This is not a small matter, Jo.”

“No, I’m well aware of the fact.”

“What are we going to do about it?”

There was a pause. Con knew she should either go in or go away, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to do either. Augusta stood silently beside her.

“Were you planning to do something?” said Jo.

“Well – of course. We need to find out who the father is. I suppose it’s Lionel Arbuthnot. Or it could be Tom Lynn – she was talking about him the other day. I can check that with Miss Morgan, though. Or it could have happened while she was in England, though I’m not sure how pregnant she is. Anyhow, whoever it is, we must find him and make sure they get married. If we hurry – hush it all up a bit, send them off somewhere quiet while she has the baby – no-one need ever know.”

“And what about Con?”

“She’ll be fine. She’s young and healthy. Perhaps we could take her somewhere; that way we could keep an eye on her. Believe me, Jo, this will be best for her. She won’t want everyone knowing – it’ll be all over the medical world in days if we don’t stamp on it now. How do you think Con will feel about that?”

“I don’t know. Perhaps we should ask her. Jack, it’s possible that your plan might be the best one. She might want to marry this man and have all of this hushed up. But don’t you think it’s just as possible that she might not?”

“That’s not an option, Jo.”

His voice sounded harsh and angry.

“Why not?”

“You know perfectly well why not. The scandal - her life, and mine, and quite possibly yours, would be made a misery by it. You must know that.”

“No, I don’t. Well, yes, I do in a way, but I don’t see why things should be like that, and if they are, why we can’t cope.”

“Jo, this could end my career. Oh, not overtly, but give it a year and I won’t be in the position I’m in now.”

“But this isn’t only about you and your career. Can’t you imagine how Con must be feeling?” There was a silence. “Come on, she’s no fool. She knows she’s done something really stupid, something that could have a huge effect on her future life. Don’t you think she’s probably terrified of what’s going to happen, especially now that the entire family knows?”

“That’s why I’m saying we need to find out who the father is.”

“That isn’t the point, Jack,” said Joey, her voice furious. A sudden tiny hope entered Con’s heart. Her mother almost never lost her temper. “If Con doesn’t tell us who the father is, you can bet your bottom dollar she’s got an excellent reason for it. I don’t suppose you need me to spell out the possibilities. Do you really want to see her made miserable for her whole life because we’ve forced her to marry a man she doesn’t love just to stop a scandal?”

“And do you really think that having a child outside of marriage is going to help her future prospects? How do you think people will treat her? How do you think they’ll treat the child?”

“I think that if we agree to all stand together and back Con up, she’ll be treated as one of us.”

Jack laughed bitterly.

“That’s not what happens to single mothers, Jo. If you want to know, ask Margot – she’s encountered plenty of them and she can tell you how most of them end up.”

“But it could be different for Con. She’s got us.”

“And what can we do?”

“We can fight!” Con could imagine the ferocious expression that would be on her mother’s face – one that she had rarely seen but which was always effective. “Jack, do you realise how much influence we’ve got round here? You’re the head of the San, for goodness’ sake. Everyone trusts you, everyone knows all of us. If there’s anyone who can change people’s attitudes – make them accept Con and her baby – it’s this family.”

“Perhaps. I don’t know, Jo. You could be right, but it’s a terrible risk to take. And that doesn’t alter the fact that most of the medical world will get to know about it – she’s not just my daughter, but Jem’s niece, and he’s a far bigger wig than I am. And David may be young, but he’s becoming quite well-known in his own field.”

“And what if it works the other way? What if you and Jem and David all let it be known that you accept Con; that you don’t mean to cast her out or anything?”

There was such a long silence that Con longed to burst in and shake an answer out of her father. Only, she didn’t dare.

“I don’t know,” said Jack, slowly. “We might pull it off, but it would almost certainly mean a lot of unpleasantness. I really think Con would be better off marrying this man.”

Con pulled herself together, glanced at Augusta, and tapped on the door. Joey pulled it open and looked out at her.

Author:  jmc [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 17/04

Jack's attitude whilst not commendable is unfortunately all too common especially when you take into account the era. Unlike now where it is common for there to be single mothers, during that time and for quite a few years afterward it was not acceptable and could have ramifications on not only the mother but also her family. It is amazing now to hear how many women were forced to give their babies up for adoption or how couples were forced into marriages. Nowadays, here in Australia anyway, you are given a baby bonus of so many thousand dollars when you give birth and it doesn't matter if you are married or single. It did change to fortnightly repayments instead of a lump sum to try an stop people buying things like TV's though. We also have students turn up to classes with their babies. Can't see that happening at CS.

It's nice to see Jo fighting for Con and I hope that Jack won't explode at Con when she walks in. Thanks Abi

Author:  JB [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 17/04

I'm shocked by Jack's attitude - could Con's pregnancy really have affected David's career? He sounds more like Jem here.

Good for Joey for standing up to him.

Author:  Artemis [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 17/04

Jack as you write him here - what a s***! :banghead: :roll: :evil: I hope he gets his come-uppance, nasty piece of work that he is.
(Ideally I'd have Miss Morgan seduce him and then do a MAJOR kiss'n'tell and where would his precious reputation be then (except it would hurt Jo, whom I quite like here :( ))

Please let Augusta chew him to pieces!

And let David chew him up and spit him outtoo - David was SORRY and he was being nice to Con.


Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 17/04

Actually, I think that Jack is being very sensible. *ducks behind a nice, big barrier to avoid any rocks being hurled* He's right when he says that this will affect not only Con but the child as well - she has a bigger duty than to herself, now, and if marriage is the best thing for the baby, to avoid it becoming outcast as well (as I rather suspect it would in those times) then surely that should be what she thinks of first?

I don't like his insistence about his career so much, but again he's being very realistic. Joey's way is much nicer but much, much less likely to work, and a lot of people could be hurt by this.

I'm going to disappear now before I can be rent apart by a furious mob!

Thankyou for the update Abi!

Author:  Lyanne [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 17/04

ChubbyMonkey wrote:
Actually, I think that Jack is being very sensible. *ducks behind a nice, big barrier to avoid any rocks being hurled* He's right when he says that this will affect not only Con but the child as well - she has a bigger duty than to herself, now, and if marriage is the best thing for the baby, to avoid it becoming outcast as well (as I rather suspect it would in those times) then surely that should be what she thinks of first?

I don't like his insistence about his career so much, but again he's being very realistic. Joey's way is much nicer but much, much less likely to work, and a lot of people could be hurt by this.

I'm going to disappear now before I can be rent apart by a furious mob!

Thankyou for the update Abi!

I think it's so hard for people brought up in soceties and or times that don't frown on un-married parents to appreciate the thinking of Jack's time. I was born in 1970 and my parents got married because I was on the way - mum's parents asked her if she was sure she wanted to get married (and drop out of college), but didn't give her any real options to consider. 40 years later, they're still together, but plenty of their peers who got married for the same reason aren't, and my siblings and I have known they were not happy for some of that time - so what's better?

To get married for the sake of the child and one's good name (and have people counting the months between the wedding and birth and gossiping anyway) but be unhappy; get married then get divorced; or not get married at all. We have different choices now than were available to previous generations.

But putting Jack's argument into a perspective that may affect more people now, I work with young children. If my husband or children did something bad, it could/would affect my job, though I was innocent. I don't know if that's right or wrong. I'm sure, if it did happen, I'd be angry that I was being judged for their actions - but if it happened to one of my colleagues or someone in another setting, I suspect I'd find it hard to to think 'Well, what did she know about it?'

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 17/04

Good for you, Joey! How heartened Con must feel to know she has you on her side, a mother lion fighting for the life of her cub!

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Emma A [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 17/04

Wow! Of course it would have been such a social stigma at that time. Jack still does sound rather less than understanding, though.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 17/04

It's been very interesting to read all the different views on this! Sorry, this is only a short bit.

“Morning, Con,” said Joey. “Come in and take a pew. Who’s this?”

She gave Augusta a welcoming smile, and Con felt herself relax slightly.

“This is Augusta Emerson, Mum. She was at the Chalet School when it was in England.”

“I was Augusta Fraser then,” said Augusta.

Joey frowned, mouthing the name silently to herself. After a moment, her brow cleared and her face lit up.

“I think I remember! Didn’t you and a couple of pals of yours shut me up in a cupboard one time?”

“Yes, I remembered that, too,” said Augusta, beaming.

“Funny how these things imprint themselves indelibly on the memory,” Joey said. “I think one of you hit me on the head with a hockey stick, too. I expect that helped.”

“Oh, that was Kathie, not me. She was scared silly – and I think she fell over onto you.”

Joey grinned at the memory then, as she heard footsteps in the passage, looked out and asked Katya to bring in coffee. She came back and hoisted herself onto the windowsill where she sat swinging her feet slightly.

“So what are you up to these days?”

“Well, I’m not doing anything officially at the moment, but I’m working as a –”

“Could we leave the catching up till later?” Jack sounded irritable. “Perhaps you’d like to meet Len, our eldest, Mrs Emerson? I know she and the others would be happy to look after you while my wife and I have a chat with Con. I do apologise for the rudeness, but something rather important and unexpected has come up.”

“That’s all right. I shouldn’t worry.” Catching sight of the expression on his face, Augusta appeared to make a sudden discovery. “Oh, I see – you’re trying to tactfully get rid of me. As a matter of fact, Con told me all about it, so you needn’t bother about being discreet.”

There was a beat of silence, during which Joey looked at Augusta, her mouth slightly ajar and a look on her face which denoted dawning – Con wasn’t entirely sure what, but she thought she could discern a look of faint amusement in her mother’s face.

“I seem to remember that Augusta – sorry, Mrs Emerson – had a good deal of – er – sense. Since she knows about the situation anyway, she might have something useful to contribute. If she doesn’t mind, that is.”

She looked enquiringly at Augusta, who smiled.

“I’d love to,” she said. “Poor Con’s been panicking terribly about what you’re going to say.”

“I really don’t think –” Jack tried to insist.

“I want Gus to stay,” said Con.

“Oh. Well, in that case you’re very welcome, Mrs. Emerson,” said Jack stiffly. Augusta gave him a generous smile and he continued. “Con, we need to know who the father of your child is.”

Con pinched her lips together.

“Sorry, but I don’t want to tell you.”

Author:  Nightwing [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 17/04

Augusta and Joey are so great here! Jack doesn't stand a chance.

(And to jump in on the previous conversation - while I totally understand why Jack is concerned with the family's reputation, Con's his daughter and she should come first. And I haven't forgiven him for almost calling her a derogatory name, and I doubt I ever shall!)

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/04

Thanks for the update. I am not surprised that Con does not want to share the information on who is the father of her unborn child.

Author:  JS [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/04

Go Augusta and go Joey!! (and Jack, just go)

Author:  jmc [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/04

JS wrote:
Go Augusta and go Joey!! (and Jack, just go)

:lol: :lol:
If Jack explodes at Con again I hope someone whacks him one.

Thanks Abi

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/04

:lol: It's good to see that Augusta never changed! I love the breezy way that Joey dealt with the cupboard incident, too. Thankyou!

Author:  charli [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/04

“Funny how these things imprint themselves indelibly on the memory,” Joey said. “I think one of you hit me on the head with a hockey stick, too. I expect that helped.”

:lol: :lol:
Love this bit. Joey sounds so matter of fact about being attacked by them!

Poor Con, I hope Augusta can help Jack to calm down a bit.

Thank you

Author:  Emma A [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/04

Lovely update, Abi - I do think Jack won't stand a chance with Joey and Augusta on Con's side!


Author:  Abi [ Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/04

Thanks for all the comments. :)

Jack was obviously striving not to lose his temper, but Con could see, now that she was feeling less terrified and knew that both Augusta and her mother would support her, that he was not only angry, but terribly worried and not a little out of his depth.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to tell us,” he said. “Don’t worry about him not marrying you – we’ll make sure it happens.”

“I don’t want to marry him. I don’t want to see him ever again.” All her muscles were tense; she wondered whether the baby could tell. She didn’t know anything about babies – not before they were born, at any rate. Jack was silent. Remembering what she had just overheard, she thought he was probably trying to think of a way to persuade her to marry Tom.

“Why not?” said Joey.

For a moment Con felt like refusing to answer. But Mum was trying to help, and she supposed it was a perfectly reasonable question. After all, it was her own fault she was in this stupid situation.

“Because I – he – I made a huge mistake.” Jack opened his mouth to speak, but was crushed by a glare from his wife. “I thought he wanted – no, that’s not true. He’d already told me that he didn’t want a relationship, but I didn’t listen. He made it very clear, afterwards, that it was all a big mistake and that he didn’t want me at all. I’m not telling you who it was. I’m not having you trying to make us get married, because there’s no way that will ever happen.”

“That’s all very well, Con, but I don’t think you’ve thought this through,” said Jack. “Do you realise that you’re likely to be judged and ostracised everywhere you go? There’s going to be scandal – you have no idea how unpleasant people can be about this sort of thing.”

Con bit her lip. It was something she had deliberately not been thinking about.

“I know,” she said in a low voice. “But I can’t marry him. He won’t, anyway.”

Jack looked grim.

“Don’t be so sure about that.”

“But I don’t want him to marry me because you’re threatening him, or paying him, or something. I can’t imagine anything more awful.”

Jack’s fist came down on the table.

“For God’s sake, Con! If you don’t marry this man, do you think anyone else will look at you? You’ll be a single mother, with few friends and a child who will probably be teased and bullied at school. You’ll be judged and shunned, and so will your child.”

Con could feel her face growing hot, her insides clenching painfully. She hunched her shoulders and stared at the floor.

“I don’t care,” she said tightly.

There was a silence as she and her parents sat, uncomfortably uncertain of what to say next. It was broken finally by Augusta.

“Well then, what about abortion?” she said.

Con raised her head in surprise, then, with a feeling of creeping horror, sneaked a sideways glance at Jack and Jo. Her mother was staring at Augusta, her mouth slightly open, the wind, for once, completely taken out of her sails. Jack looked frozen, his eyes so wide they seemed in danger of falling out of his head.

“Don’t tell me none of you had thought about it,” said Augusta sternly. “Con, you must have done.”

For a moment she hesitated, knowing that her parents were waiting for her reply.

“Yes,” she said in a low voice. “I did, when I first thought I might be – you know – p-pregnant. When I was in England. I talked to a nurse – a friend of Flip’s – and she told me she knew somewhere I could get it done safely. I even went there. It was just a little clinic in a back street. But I couldn’t do it – I knew as soon as I went there that I couldn’t, and I didn’t even go in.”

“Oh Con!” Joey gave a strangled sob and crushed Con in a tight hug. “I love you!”

Con laughed weakly and returned the hug, letting her head rest against her mother’s shoulder for a moment.

“I’m sorry, but the baby’s here to stay, and I’m not getting married any time soon. Or at all, probably. You can disown me if you like. That’s up to you. But this is my decision.”

“I will never disown you,” Joey whispered fiercely into her ear. Con turned so that she could see Jack. He was sitting quite still, staring at the carpet.

Author:  Lyanne [ Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/04

Hopefully the shock of hearing the lengths Con considered may help Jack see what he could loose if he tries to alienate her.

Author:  JB [ Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/04

How very Augusta.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/04

Good for Con to explore her options and to realise that an abortion was not one of them.

Author:  cal562301 [ Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/04

Good for Con, Augusta and Joey. Jack still needs to see sense, though. :hammer:

Thanks for the update. :)

Author:  jmc [ Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/04

I don't think that Jack is going to stand a chance against the combined force of Con, Joey and Augusta. He might bluster and yell a bit more but I think he will give in eventually. Really like Joey here.

Thanks Abi

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/04

Hmm, I can't wait to see how Jack reacts! Trust Augusta to say it...

Thanks for the update!

Author:  charli [ Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/04

I really love Joey in this.
Thanks for the update, i'm still hooked!

Author:  Abi [ Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/04

“Of course I won’t disown you,” said Jack. He looked very tired all of a sudden. “But I don’t think you understand the repercussions. You’ll have a hard life, Con.”

“I know.” She sat up. “But it’s the life I’ve made for myself. Now I have to live it, but I’m sorry it makes things difficult for you. You don’t deserve it.”

“It’s nothing to do with what we deserve,” said Joey. “You’re our daughter and we love you. Jack and I have discussed this and we’ve decided that if the whole family stands together and sticks up for you, we can make life a bit easier.”

Con felt that this was a rather optimistic assessment of the conversation she had overheard. She looked at her father.

“Well, that wasn’t exactly –” he encountered a glare from his wife and fell silent. After a minute he spoke again. “I think it’s possible we might get away with it. But I won’t lie to you, Con. It’s a gamble and it could end up making things more unpleasant for you than they would have been if we’d all kept quiet about it.”

“You mean, if I go off somewhere quiet, have the baby and have someone adopt it?” Con said. “I don’t know, Dad. I don’t want – I like my baby. I think I want to keep it.”

Her father nodded a few times and swallowed.

“Well then,” he said hoarsely. “We’d better decide exactly what we’re going to do. I’ll have a word with Jem and David. Explain the situation and make sure they’re willing to help.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if Con talked to them as well?” said Joey. Jack shook his head.

“Probably, if it was just David. But Jem – I think he’ll take it better from me. He has a tendency to get a bit old-fashioned about things like this.”

Con stared at him, then glanced at her mother. They both laughed. Jack looked at them


“You,” said Con. “Talking about being old-fashioned as if you’d just said ‘you’re pregnant? Good for you!’”

“Oh,” said Jack, looking a little sheepish. “Well, Jem’s likely to react even worse than I did. So Con won’t be speaking to him until he’s calmed down a little.”

He rubbed his mouth. A few minutes passed before he looked up slowly and saw the look on Joey’s face.

“What?” he said again.

“Don’t you think there’s something you need to say to Con?”

“To Con? Actually, I was thinking what to say to Jem. He’s not – oh –” His sentence came to a sliding halt. “Con, I forgot. I – er – I’m sorry I spoke to you as I did yesterday. It was rude and it was inexcusable.”

“That’s all right.” Con got up. “Gussie, do you want to meet the rest?”

“Love to,” said Augusta. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Doctor Maynard.”

She followed, with a grin at Joey, as Con left the study, not looking at her father.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04

Yay for Joey! And thank goodness Jack's responding a bit more reasonably.

Now, how about turning Augusta loose on Miss Morgan. :twisted:

Thank you, Abi.

Author:  jmc [ Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04

Very happy to hear that Jack is now more reasonable and that he apologised to Con. Thanks Abi

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04

I'm pleased to hear that they know the way they're going - interesting that nobody suggested Joey and Jack bring up the baby as another ward. With the heaps they've got, I don't know that anybody would be much surprised by another turning up!

Thankyou for the update :D

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04

I've loved the last three episodes, Abi, and had a quiet weep when Joey pulled Con to her and told her she loved her. Jack's reaction is so normal for the times and he's being very good, now Con and the others have stood up to him. Joey has clearly made an impact! :D And wow, so did Augusta. :lol:

Thank you, Abi.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04

Thanks, pleased Jack is calming down and willing to tackle Jem on Con's behalf.

Author:  Abi [ Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04

Thanks for the comments. :)

They had arranged to congregate at Freudesheim that day, relax – or talk over the previous afternoon in relentless detail – for the morning in the garden and spend the afternoon doing their own thing. Con spent most of the morning answering the same questions over and over again.

“It doesn’t matter who it was. I’m not saying.”

“But surely you’re going to get married!”

“No, as a matter of fact, I’m not.”

Some of them had been more shocked than others. Stephen had been furious and Con had been so thankful to be rescued by Bride that she almost burst into tears.

“You’ll have to be patient with him,” said Bride. “I think he’s in complete shock, trying to cope with idea that you three aren’t quite so innocent and pure as he thinks you are.”

“Everyone seems to be having that problem,” said Con wearily. “You wouldn’t think we’d spent the last three years at university. Some of the girls – oh, I know I couldn’t expect anything else, but I do wish David had kept his mouth shut.”

Things improved dramatically when Jem, David and Jack emerged from their talk in the study just before lunch, since all three made it clear that they were going support Con in her decision. Jem, having exerted considerable self-control over Ailie’s birthday speech, now seemed to feel that he could let himself go.

“We all know Con’s made a mistake,” he said, after banging on the table a few times to get their attention. Everyone went very quiet and looked at Con, who turned scarlet. “The thing is, everyone makes mistakes and although Con’s might be a bigger one than most we don’t feel that it should be allowed to ruin her life. You all know, of course, that she’s pregnant. And I’m sure you all know what an effect it could have on her life. Now, she has decided...”

Con dragged her attention away from his words, wishing her uncle wasn’t quite so pompous. She thought determinedly about Tom for a few minutes but it was almost more uncomfortable than listening to Jem’s speech. She tried thinking about what she was going to say to Len and Margot, but that made her feel rather sick. Turning her attention back, she found that he had finished describing the situation and had moved on to what they meant to do about it. From his manner, it seemed that he had been declaiming for some time.

“The medical world,” he announced, thumping his fist on the table and making the cutlery rattle, “is going to know that we are not ashamed of any of our family members. We will not disown them for flouting the conventions! We will not allow them to be shunned and persecuted because they made one bad decision, because they were naive or inexperienced. We will stand behind Con and we will make the world change its attitude!”

There was the sort of silence that follows a virtuoso performance. Finally, David began to clap. Joey, with a snort of laughter, followed his example and a moment later the room rang with applause. Con caught sight of her father raising a wry eyebrow at Joey and wondered how long it had taken him to convince Jem.

Author:  Nightwing [ Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04

Abi wrote:
We will stand behind Con and we will make the world change its attitude!”

Jem's speech had me caught somewhere between tears and laughter. I'm glad that the family's going to rally round, but that speech was really, uh, something!

Thanks Abi, brilliant as always :D

Author:  shesings [ Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04 twice

:D :D :D :D Superb - I just love the pompous git showing that his heart is, after all, in the right place!

Author:  jmc [ Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04 twice

:D :D :D Jem sounds like he is going to run for parliament or something like that. Pleased though that they are all rallying behind Con.

Thanks Abi

Author:  Miss Di [ Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04 twice

A couple of great updates there. But oh JEM! As the prefects say "I wish I had a cane and the right to use it!"

Author:  JS [ Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04 twice

Suspect he might enjoy that Miss Di :wink:

Thanks Abi - loved the last two episodes :)

Author:  Emma A [ Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04 twice

Poor Con - how very, very embarrassing. At least Jem has his heart in the right place, even if he can't show it very simply. Also loving Joey in this - she's so supportive and pragmatic, and very loving, too.

Thanks, Abi - I want to know how Con is going to get Tom, though...

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04 twice

JS wrote:
Suspect he might enjoy that Miss Di :wink:

Just as I thought I was safe from snorting at this thread for a while...

I'm pleased that Jem is going to back her, and good luck to them!

Thankyou for the update :D

Author:  Len [ Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04 twice

Wonderful, Abi! I've just spent a guilty but blissful couple of hours catching up on this. Thank you!

Author:  MaryR [ Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04 twice

Well, that was a turn up for the book. Loved the ironic applause at the end. :D Wonder what Augusta was thinking at that point. :shock:

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 25/04 twice

Len wrote:
Wonderful, Abi! I've just spent a guilty but blissful couple of hours catching up on this. Thank you!

I hope that bodes well for you being a wee bit less busy, Len! :D

Sorry it's been a while - have been planning a new project....

“Thanks, Dad,” said Con, coming up behind her father once the group had dispersed a little. The atmosphere had lightened perceptibly since Jem’s speech, but all the same Con went the long way round the table so that she wouldn’t have to go past Steve.

“A lot of that was your mother,” he said. “Apparently she used bits of it in a book a year or two ago and thought it might work well on Jem. Once we’d finally got him on our side he got all militant, and now he’s ready to take on the world. He’s off to phone Rix now, and I think he means to get into contact with Laurie and Daisy too. We probably won’t see him for the rest of the day.” He paused, then added, “I dread to think what the phone bill will be by the time he finishes. Your mother had better finish this new book she’s writing quickly.”

Con laughed. There was a tap on her shoulder and she turned to see Shirley standing behind her with a small, slightly nervous smile.

“Do you want to come upstairs? Len and Margot and Milly are there.”

Con nodded, her mouth turning dry and her stomach clenching again. When they reached Margot’s bedroom door Shirley stopped and looked at her.

“Look, if you want me and Milly to make ourselves scarce, it’s fine. This is a family sort of thing, after all.”

“It’s not just a family thing, though,” said Con. “You and Milly are my friends. You’ve got just as much right to question me as they have. Come on.”

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open. Len and Margot were sitting on Len’s bed, Milly on the chair by Margot’s desk. They all looked at her as she came in and sat down on the comfortable basket chair. Shirley followed and perched herself on the window-sill.

“Are you all right?” said Margot.

Con shrugged. The meaning of the phrase ‘all right’ seemed to have changed dramatically since yesterday morning. Now it just meant that she wasn’t actually crying or trying to stop herself from screaming, or crawling into a dark corner, or chewing her knuckles in panic.

“I suppose so,” she said. “Gussie helped a lot.”

“Yes, I was meaning to ask,” said Margot. “Is she actually insane, or is she just very peculiar? You didn’t hear what she said to Mike when he told her about his acting, did you? I think you were talking to Steve at the time.” She stopped as Len shifted impatiently. “Anyway, this isn’t the time to talk about that. Look, Con, we – oh Len, just talk to her yourself. You’re going to have to at some point, so it might as well be now.”

Len, who hadn’t looked at Con yet, raised her eyes slightly.

“Don’t know what I’m supposed to say,” she said.

“Just tell Con what you’re feeling. She can’t know if you don’t say.”

Margot eyed Con anxiously as Len took a deep breath.

“It’s just,” she said in a low voice, “that it’s such an awful thing. To be pregnant before you’re married. What – what will people say? And it isn’t even as though you can marry Tom, I know that. But your baby won’t have a father. And you don’t seem – I mean, aren’t you even a bit scared? Or upset?”

Con stared at her

“I’m bloody terrified,” she said. “But Len, I can’t do anything about it now. Please, please believe me, you can’t be as sorry as I am that it’s happened. I wish I’d been sensible. I wish so much that I’d never slept with Tom because it was – stupid. But I can’t just wallow in despair. I’m having a baby and although I’m furious with myself and dreadfully afraid, I don’t want to have to live in regret for my whole life. I still want to be happy.”

“Yes. I see, of course you do.” Len nodded slowly. “I know I’m being silly and old-fashioned.”

“No, you aren’t,” said Con. “I – I agree with you. I’d much rather I was married and the baby had a father. It’s all wrong, this way. But I’m sorry it makes life difficult for you, too.”

“Me? My difficulties will be nothing compared with yours,” said Len, with a shaky laugh. “I’m sorry to go to pieces like this. It’s just so difficult to realise.”

Con suddenly felt tremendously relieved. Len didn’t hate her at all. It was just the usual problem she had of not being able to explain her feelings properly. Where Margot shouted and stamped her feet, and Con wrote or walked in the woods, Len seemed to feel she had to be calm and in control all the time. She slid onto the bed and hugged her.

Author:  jmc [ Sat May 01, 2010 2:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/04

Really pleased to see that Jack is standing behind Con now and that Len
doesn't hate her.

Abi wrote:
“Yes, I was meaning to ask,” said Margot. “Is she actually insane, or is she just very peculiar? You didn’t hear what she said to Mike when he told her about his acting, did you? I think you were talking to Steve at the time.”

:lol: :lol: And just what did she say I wonder.

Thanks Abi

Author:  JS [ Sat May 01, 2010 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/04

I was wondering that too, jmc. Please tell us, Abi.

I'd also have thought that Steve would be smart enough to see this as the perfect time to drop his own bombshell....

Thanks - this just gets better and better (also intrigued about your new project).

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat May 01, 2010 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/04

That was a lovely update, and I'm pleased to see that Len isn't going to abandon Con - please can we know what Augusta said? :lol:

Thankyou for the update!

Author:  MaryR [ Sun May 02, 2010 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/04

That was a wonderful interaction between the triplets, and got the honest reaction from Con that she was probably longing to let out before she screamed. Who wouldn't be scared!

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Emma A [ Mon May 03, 2010 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/04

Very honest of Con - but does this now mean that Shirley and Milly know who the father is?

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Tue May 04, 2010 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/04

Emma A wrote:
Very honest of Con - but does this now mean that Shirley and Milly know who the father is?

They knew from the beginning - at least, they knew that Con had slept with him. They offered to dump him in the lake in a concrete swimsuit..... :D

“I really am sorry,” Con said again. “I know there’ll be awful scandal about it.”

“Yes.” Len shook her head. “It’s just so dreadful, I can hardly believe it. What are you going to tell Tom?”

“Tom?” Con drew away and went back to her chair. “Why would I tell him anything?”

Len stared at her, open-mouthed.

“But the baby! It’s his – at least, I suppose it’s his?”

“Of course it is, you lunatic. How many people do you think I’ve slept with?”

“Well, I thought it was. But surely you mean to tell him sometime.”

“I don’t see why I should. It’s nothing to do with him.”

“Apart from the fact that he’s the baby’s father,” said Margot.

“Well, yes, but apart from that, I mean.”

“That’s a fairly big thing to just sweep aside,” said Margot. “Don’t you think he might want to know? I know he’s a bit strange, but he seemed like a reasonable sort of person until –”

“Till he slept with me then dumped me? I’m sorry, but he made it pretty clear that there was no way there could ever be anything between us. He even said it would be dangerous, and frankly I can’t see why knowing that I’m pregnant would change his mind.”

“But of course it would!” Len sounded tearful again. “I know what he did seemed awful, but surely when he hears what’s happened he’d marry you.”

“Yes, perhaps he would,” Con snapped. “But I don’t want to be married out of guilt or just to make me into a respectable woman. Tom obviously loathes me, and I am not going to force him to marry me when he feels like that. Do you really think either of us would be happy?”

“I suppose not,” faltered Len. “Only – well, wouldn’t he want to know?”

Con shook her head impatiently, wishing Len wasn’t quite so unquestioningly traditional in her outlook. But Margot and Shirley were giving each other annoyingly significant looks too.

“What?” she shot at them.

“It’s just – please don’t get angry with me, Con, but don’t you think Tom ought to know?” said Margot.

“After all, the baby is half his,” said Shirley.

Con hunched herself down in her chair. Oh, yes, it was all true, but how could she just go to Tom after everything that had happened and tell him that she was going to have his baby? A shiver of horror trickled down her spine at the bare idea.

“It’d look like I was saying he had to marry me, if I did,” she said. “I can’t – I just can’t do it.”

Margot shrugged.

“Well, if that’s how you feel, there’s nothing else to do,” she said.

“I was wondering,” said Milly and stopped as they all looked at her, having almost forgotten that she was there. “Sorry – but what if someone else tells him first? I mean, Mrs Maynard knows you were seeing him, and even Dr Maynard knew a little bit, didn’t he.”

“I suppose he’ll hear sometime, yes,” said Con. She felt herself grow hot and embarrassed as they all sat in a silence that spoke more than words. “You don’t think it’s fair, do you? Him just hearing it as random gossip.”

“He’s going to know it’s his, isn’t he?” said Margot. “It doesn’t seem fair, really.”

“I suppose. But no-one’ll get to know yet anyway, we decided that. I don’t know. I – I’ll have to think about it.”

“Look, if you want me to talk to Miss Morgan about it for you,” said Milly. “Or you could talk to her yourself. I know she’d understand, and she knows Tom very well. I expect she’d be able to advise you – she might even tell him for you.”

“No!” said Con. “I don’t want her to know – she’d tell Tom, I know she would. Don’t you dare to tell her, Milly. I’ll never, never forgive you if you do.”

“Okay – I won’t unless you want me to. Don’t look so scared, Con, it was only a suggestion.” She hesitated for a moment. “I’m starting my shift at the San in an hour. Do you want to walk up with me?”

“All right, thanks.” When she got back, she’d talk to the others some more.

Author:  Miss Di [ Wed May 05, 2010 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 04/05

What ever you do Milly don't tell Miss Morgan!

Author:  Kathy_S [ Wed May 05, 2010 4:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 04/05

Morgan might do worse than just telling Tom!

Nice the family's pulling together for Con -- though it was more realistic that everyone didn't come to terms at the same speed.

Thank you, Abi.

Author:  JB [ Wed May 05, 2010 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 04/05

Caught up with the last two updates. Thanks, Abi. Loved the explanation of how the triplets deal with their feelings (or not).

Author:  JS [ Wed May 05, 2010 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 04/05

Splendiferous update Abi (I'm trying to expand my vocabulary).


Author:  Emma A [ Wed May 05, 2010 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 04/05

How very realistic ( :oops: sorry for forgetting that Milly and Shirley were there when Con confessed - I'd thought only Margot and Len were there!). I do like how sharply differentiated the triplets are in this, but still very much as EBD might have imagined them.

Do hope that Milly doesn't let anything slip to Miss Morgan, and that Con can bring herself to tell Tom.

Author:  jmc [ Wed May 05, 2010 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 04/05

It's a conversation that rings so true and one that I have heard from one of my friends. She did tell him eventually but he wanted nothing to do with her or the child. :cry: When / if Tom founds out I hope he's supportive but I hope no one lets Miss Morgan know.

Thanks Abi

Author:  Len [ Wed May 05, 2010 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 04/05

Ooh, it's getting exciting! I wish I could remember the time of year it is - i.e. how soon is Hallowe'en...

Super story, Abi. Thanks so much for all the fun you're giving us. :)

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed May 05, 2010 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 04/05

Hmmm, I hope that she does tell him - just 'cause it would make a very interesting conversation. Wouldn't it, Abi? Don't you agree? Won't you write it? Please? :D

Author:  MaryR [ Thu May 06, 2010 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 04/05

I have a feeling Con should go with her gut feeling for the moment until she's a bit more used to the whole idea, though I had to admit to being fascinated by the differing thought processes going on there.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Fri May 07, 2010 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 04/05

Len wrote:
I wish I could remember the time of year it is - i.e. how soon is Hallowe'en...

We're a little into September now, so a way to go... :)

Beyond these shores
Into the darkness
Beyond these shores
This boat may sail
And if this is the way
Then there will be
A path across the sea.

She and Milly didn’t discuss the baby or Tom as they walked. Instead, Milly talked about Miss Morgan.

“She just knows so much about how to help people. Not just in the usual medical ways, but loads of herbal remedies and – well, other things, like chants that can calm people down. She’s shown me how to do some of them.” Con listened as Milly went on, forgetting herself a little as she watched the light in her friend’s eyes. The only time she’d seen Milly as enthusiastic as this was when she’d made some great breakthrough in an experiment, or finally understood a concept she’d been struggling with. It was nice, Con thought, to see her really happy about something other than work.

“Not only that, but she’s a wonderful person too,” Milly went on. “She’s just so – perfect.”

“I don’t think anyone’s actually perfect,” said Con, laughing.

“But Miss Morgan comes awfully close. Oh, Con, you don’t know her as I do. If you did, you’d understand what I mean. She’s always in control of herself, she always knows what to do in any situation. She’s kind and generous. She makes the world seem better just by being there.”

Con turned and looked at her in surprise, and found that Milly was pink-cheeked and bright-eyed.

“Milly,” she said slowly. “Do you – are you in love with Miss Morgan?”

Milly’s face promptly went scarlet.

“Am I –? No! Course I’m not. I just think she’s an amazing person. Really, Con, you shouldn’t be so suspicious of her. I mean, what has she ever done to make you think she’s up to no good?”

After all, perhaps Milly was right. It was only because of the way Tom had talked about her that she had mistrusted Miss Morgan and she couldn’t imagine why she still hung on to what he said, as though there might be some truth in it. She said goodbye to Milly in the reception area and debated whether to go and talk to her friends in the San. But what would she say if she did? “Hello, how are you? Me? Oh, I’m pregnant.” She still felt too vulnerable, as though they’d somehow be able to tell, even though she was wearing loose clothes and they didn’t know any of the other things that had told David the truth.

All the same, she went back out through the big glass doors. The sun was warm and although she was still shocked and scared, she also felt more relaxed than she had since David had dropped his bombshell. After all, the worst was over. They all knew, and most of them seemed to accept it, some with more resignation than others. She sauntered along the footpath, enjoying the familiar view of the mountains.


She jumped at the sound of the rich, deep voice that came from a side path that led, eventually, to one of the higher shelves. Miss Morgan was coming towards her, wearing a casual green dress which was perfectly modest and yet made her mouth feel suddenly dry, though that could partly have been a result of Miss Morgan’s smile.

“How are you?” said the new Matron. “Couldn’t you face the party any longer?”

“No – I mean no, it wasn’t that. At least –” Con halted, two instincts at war in her mind. She wanted to tell Miss Morgan, who was looking sympathetic and who Milly said was kind and understanding, but the fear of her that Tom had created still lingered, telling her to be cautious. In the end she compromised. “There was a bit of a row. I just wanted some peace and quiet, so I walked up with Milly.”

Miss Morgan smiled down at her.

“Families can get a bit overwhelming, can’t they?”

“You’ve found that too?” Con laughed, wondering why she had been so prejudiced against her. “When there are about forty people all together it’s not surprising if everyone doesn’t agree all the time. Is your family large?”

Miss Morgan paused before she answered, and when she did it was in a quieter voice, which sounded a little sad.

“It was once,” she said. “But some of them have died. Some have just faded away. And the rest are – scattered. We’ve grown apart, very far.” She saw the expression on Con’s face and smiled again. “I’m used to it – it’s been a long time. I have my friends and they give me all I need.”

“Oh. Well, that’s good.” Con wasn’t sure what to say, so they walked on in silence for a while.

“Do you have any plans for the rest of your day?”

“I said I’d be back when I’d walked Milly up to the San.”

“It won’t matter if you don’t go back for a while, will it? I need to be at the San this evening so I’ve planned an early supper.” She glanced at her watch. “Why don’t we spend a couple of hours together and I’ll give you something to eat?”

Con barely hesitated. At least she was sure Miss Morgan wouldn’t sleep with her and then dump her, unlike some people she could think of.

“I’d love to,” she said. “Thanks.”

Author:  jmc [ Sat May 08, 2010 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/05

Don't trust her Con and don't eat anything she gives you. Make your excuses and get away. Far, far away.

Thanks Abi

Author:  JS [ Sat May 08, 2010 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/05

No Con, no - don't do it.

(why isn't there a smiley of Munch's Scream?)

Author:  JB [ Sat May 08, 2010 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/05

Run away now, Con.

Agree about that smiley, JS.

Author:  Len [ Sat May 08, 2010 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/05

No Con! You should know never to accept food from faeries! Oh, the strain of knowing the story better than the characters in it! It's like watching a horror film where the characters are about to explore that dark cobwebby cellar, like they've never *seen* a horror film!

Still brilliant, Abi; I'm enjoying this so much.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat May 08, 2010 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/05

Well, I don't know the story so can't say whether she should be trusted or not - but I'll go with the rest and my feeling that she shouldn't, thus begging you to come back and relieve us all soon!

Thankyou for the update.

Author:  shesings [ Sat May 08, 2010 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/05

Believe me, she can't be trusted - run, Con, run......................!!!!!!!

Author:  Miss Di [ Sun May 09, 2010 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/05

Oh, I want the Munch's scream smiley too!

Author:  Emma A [ Tue May 11, 2010 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/05

Yikes! Let someone turn up (Tom, perhaps?) and dissuade Con from going...

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  shazwales [ Tue May 11, 2010 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/05

Thanks for the update,this is really good.

Author:  Abi [ Tue May 11, 2010 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 08/05

The moon is full and stars are bright
You've found here what it always takes
The grass is soft, the air is sweet
Your faeries swim in lucid lakes.

“These are my own rooms,” said Miss Morgan. “We won’t be disturbed here. Sit down and I’ll get you a drink. What would you like? I’ve been keeping a rather nice –”

“Nothing alcoholic, if you don’t mind,” said Con quickly. “Just lemonade, please.”

“But of course. Don’t you drink, then?”

“Not much. I had one or two bad experiences in my first term at Oxford and more or less gave it up after that.” Con turned away slightly, sinking into the soft, deep, settee. It wasn’t entirely a lie – she had overindulged a few times in the first flush of freedom, and she didn’t tend to drink a lot these days. The faint guilt faded away as she lay back luxuriously, closing her eyes.

“This is amazing,” she murmured. “I’ve never sat in anything so comfortable.”

“I choose all my furniture for comfort,” said Miss Morgan, so close beside her that Con jumped. “Your lemonade.”

She put it down on the little table next to Con and sat down on the settee, cradling her own glass in her hand.

“You know, Con, I can’t help knowing that you’ve been going through a difficult time recently,” she said. Con frowned. “Only from one or two things that Milly’s said. She’s a dear girl, and she’s very fond of you. I just want you to know that if you need to talk to someone outside the family, I’m always here to listen. It can be difficult, when people are too close to you.”

“Thanks,” said Con. “That’s really kind of you.” She took a sip of the lemonade. It was sweet but strong, and very refreshing. She sipped again and gave Miss Morgan a peaceful smile. She was almost tempted to tell her everything, but just now, with everything so warm and tranquil, her troubles seemed less important. And she had decided that no-one was to know, so perhaps she wouldn’t. Not yet, anyway. “Actually, things are a bit better now.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Miss Morgan smiled at her. She had beautiful, deep eyes, Con noticed. As though you could just stare at her and lose yourself in them. She tore her own eyes away and drank more lemonade.

“Milly seems very happy to be working at the San,” she said.

“She’s an excellent worker. The patients love her, and so do my staff. She’s a very talented young woman.”

“She always said she was going to be a scientist.” Con laughed at the idea. So did Miss Morgan.

“Well, I’m glad she changed her mind. We couldn’t do without her. You know, Con,” she went on, leaning towards Con slightly. “I’ve an idea I wanted to run by you.”

“Mm?” said Con.

“I know you don’t want to be a nurse, like Milly. It’s not in your nature. But the San offers so many other opportunities, and I wondered how you’d feel about writing something for us, some fiction.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’d thought perhaps a series of short stories. Milly has shown me some of yours, and I enjoyed them. Set in the San, and maybe featuring some of our longer-term patients. I know old Mrs Newton, for example, would love to see herself immortalised. It would be something interesting for patients both new and old to read, and their families would like it too.”

Con considered. She could well imagine some of the residents of the San wanting to see themselves in print. Even now, little ideas for a plot around Mrs Newton were jogging her mind. It could be rather fun. Of course, she’d have to spend quite a bit of time at the San, doing research, but she’d rather enjoy that. She’d probably end up seeing a fair bit of Miss Morgan, too.

“I think I like the idea,” she said eventually. “I’d have to think about it a bit. Talk to some of the patients and see if they want to be written about. Do you think Dad would mind?”

Miss Morgan gave her a reassuring smile.

“Don’t worry, he won’t mind in the least. I don’t expect you to decide right away, but do have a think. Talk to Milly about it; I’m sure she’ll have a few good ideas. Then give me a ring and we’ll meet again to discuss it. Now, if you’ll excuse me for a moment, I need to see to the dinner.”

“Can’t I help at all?”

“No, you stay just where you are. I’ll bring it in in a moment. We’ll be naughty and eat off our laps, just for once.”

Con shifted slightly on the plum coloured settee, which seemed suddenly huge and empty without Miss Morgan. She was glad she’d finally managed to get over her silly fear of this, because she couldn’t remember feeling so relaxed and happy in a long while. She could hear Miss Morgan moving around in the kitchen, and a few minutes later she came in, bearing two big plates on a tray.

“It’s only a simple meal – chicken cooked with lemon and herbs, and a little salad, I’m afraid,” she said, bending over to place the tray on the low table in front of the settee, then handing Con one of the plates. Con’s mouth watered. It might be a simply cooked meal, but it was arranged with exquisite taste and artistry.

“It looks beautiful, Miss Morgan,” she said.

“Oh, please don’t call me that,” protested her hostess. “It sounds so formal. Call me Andra – my real name is Andraste, but I always feel that’s rather too much for everyday use.”

Con laughed.

“I know what you mean. I’d love to call you Andra; thank you.”

“Think nothing of it. Now, when we’ve finished, there’s something rather special I’d like to show you. You haven’t seen my cellar yet, have you?”

Author:  Miss Di [ Wed May 12, 2010 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/05

Di wibbles and runs away...

Author:  Kathy_S [ Wed May 12, 2010 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/05

No, Con!

Author:  JB [ Wed May 12, 2010 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/05

* Hurriedly pulls out the sofa to hide behind it *

Author:  JellySheep [ Wed May 12, 2010 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/05

Oo-er. Definitely wibbling!
Incidentally, I rather like the verses at the beginnings of some of the posts. You're evidently multi-talented! (Of course, I like the whole thing as well)

Author:  Len [ Wed May 12, 2010 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/05

Oh no! She's drunk the lemonade! Is all lost? Another super instalment, thank you Abi.

Author:  JS [ Wed May 12, 2010 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/05

I might have to get someone else to read the next post then PM me when it's safe.

Because it will be safe, won't it Abi? Won't it?

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed May 12, 2010 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/05

Is the sofa big enough for two?

Author:  jmc [ Wed May 12, 2010 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/05

Now firmly expecting the worst. Abi please come back soon and make it all OK.

Author:  Emma A [ Wed May 12, 2010 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/05

Oh no! :shock:

Abi, get Con out of this, please!

Author:  Abi [ Fri May 14, 2010 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/05

JellySheep wrote:
Incidentally, I rather like the verses at the beginnings of some of the posts. You're evidently multi-talented! (Of course, I like the whole thing as well)

Very flattering, but most of them aren't by me! I've used quite a bit of Austin Clarke (including the one at the beginning of this post) and a scattering of other random poets. If there are any particular ones you want references for, do say... :D

She stood beyond the reddening hawthorns
Out in the wild air
And gathering back with white-lit fingers
Her wind loosened hair,
She scanned the dark bog-waters
Sleeping beneath the bare
Turf banks and the wide brown marshes.

Miss Morgan – Andra – pushed the heavy wooden door open, and for the third time this summer Con looked down the dark cellar steps. The first time she had pitched down them, taken unawares before Tom had time to put the light on. The second time she had seen a warm room filled with flickering firelight. Now she followed Andra down the flight of stairs as the blueish light began to shine from the bowl of water below. Once again she gazed around in awe at the vaulted ceiling far above – much too far, a small voice at the back of her mind told her, but she wasn’t listening.

“Where are we?”

“This is my hall,” said Andra. She didn’t raise her voice, but Con felt as though she ought to kneel down. She followed, instead, all the way down the centre of the hall, which was as long as a cathedral. There was no sound except their feet. No, Con’s feet, for Andra’s were bare and made no noise. A great wooden double door barred their way. Andra set one hand on each door and pushed gently to swing them open.

Con hesitated until Andra turned, took her hand and led her through the huge doorway onto soft moss. The smell of stone changed, becoming green and fresh. Con’s heart beat thunderously. She kicked her shoes off as they moved forward into the forest, feeling the grass and moss under her soles, cool and slightly damp. The trees were old and huge, some with girths wider than Con had ever seen. Her fingers still entwined with Andra’s, she went on beneath the dim green light, deeper into the trees.

She lost all sense of time, only able to feel the singing of the trees and their breath on her face, and Andra’s warm hand anchoring her safely. After a time they sat down beside a pool, letting their feet dangle in the water.

“I’m so glad I could show you this, Con,” said Andra. “You know that you must never tell anyone, don’t you?”

“I never would,” said Con. She looked into the still pool and saw her own face, green and blurred. “There are some things you can’t talk about.”

“There are people who would want to destroy this,” Andra said.

Con shook her head. That couldn’t be true, but she could understand the fear. Losing a place like this would tear your soul to shreds. You would never be the same again.

“Where are we?” she asked.

“In my world,” said Andra simply. “Few of the living find their way here.”

Con looked at her pale, beautiful face.

“Am I dead, then? It’s all right, I don’t mind if I am.”

“No.” Andra laughed. “You’re still one of the living, Con, and you’re here because I want you here. I sensed something special in you the first moment we met, and I wanted us to be friends.”

“But we are.” Con smiled at her. “I’d like to stay here forever.”

“Not yet,” said Andra. “You aren’t ready. But one day, you’ll be here forever with me. Now there’s one last thing I want you to see.”

A little further on they came to a bowl of water on a pedestal. It gave off a bluish light that faded quickly into the surrounding green. Con frowned at it for a moment before turning to Andra.

“It looks like the one at the bottom of the stairs in your cellar.”

“That is where I usually keep it. Would you like to look into it?” She took hold of Con’s hands, led her forward and placed them on either side of the bowl. “Don’t touch the water. Just look.”

Con looked at her reflection in crystal clear water, then jerked back in shock as she saw Margot’s face, livid with fury. Len screaming at her and her father roaring in anger. Face replaced face in quick succession. All the people she loved, full of wrath and hatred, spitting venom, making her their enemy. She tried to look away but they wouldn’t let her. Then her own face came back and she stared into her own dark eyes, watching them as they changed, turning green, and her hair grew around her face like a trailing ivy. When she tried to speak, roses fell from her green lips and her face began to crumble away.

Hands gripped her shoulders and pulled her back. Andra’s face smiled into hers.

“What did you see?” she said.

Con shook her head.

“You can tell me,” said Andra.

“I know,” said Con. She shook her head again. “Just people. I didn’t understand it. Why did you show me those things?”

“Because sometimes people see the truth.”

There was a long silence. Con and Andra wandered on aimlessly. The fear began to subside as the green calm filled her thoughts again. She breathed in the soft forest air.

“This is such a beautiful place,” she said.

“You will come back,” Andra said.

“I don’t want to leave.”

“If you listen to my voice, it won’t be for long,” said Andra. “I’ll call you back, I promise.”

She stopped. Con looked at her.

“Go on,” said Andra, and Con turned and walked forward into the light.

Author:  shazwales [ Sat May 15, 2010 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/05

wow! that was brilliant.Thank You.

Author:  jmc [ Sat May 15, 2010 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/05

Thanks Abi. Really wondering what is going to happen to Con now and confused as to whether Miss Morgan is evil or not. Leaning towards evil though.

Author:  Emma A [ Sat May 15, 2010 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/05

I don't think Miss Morgan is actually malevolent, though she is definitely very manipulative. I don't think living in a green Faerie land would be good for Con. So I do hope when she returns to the real world she manages to shake off the enchantment.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat May 15, 2010 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/05

I'm rather worried by what she's seen, but I hope that Tom can come and help her! Thanks for the update.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sat May 15, 2010 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/05

Con definitely needs help from someone quickly. I am sure she did not see the truth in the pool.

Author:  cal562301 [ Sat May 15, 2010 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/05

I have to admit that I don't really understand a lot of this, as I think there are undercurrents of which I'm not aware.

But I'm enjoying it anyway!

Thanks for the update, Abi.

Author:  JS [ Sat May 15, 2010 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/05

Gosh Abi, it's taken me until now to put two and two together and realise that you're turning Con's EBD characteristic of living in a fairy world into reality. I'm full of admiration (and feeling a bit slow on the uptake!).

Thanks - next episode very very soon please.

Author:  Len [ Sat May 15, 2010 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/05

Brilliant! Shades of the Mirror of Galadriel there, which was a nice touch. Ah, I love the treacherous beauty of Faerie. Thanks Abi :)

Author:  MaryR [ Mon May 17, 2010 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/05

Trust yourself, Con, not what you see in the glass. You know those beloved faces aren't the reality. Don't you? :shock:

Such evocative writing. Thank you, Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Tue May 18, 2010 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/05

Thanks for all the comments. :)

O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms,
Alone and palely loitering?
The sedge has wither’d from the lake,
And no birds sing.

The sun was bright, harsh and hot. The ground was rough on her feet. She looked around, not entirely sure where she was. No, wait, of course she knew where she was. She had come a little way around the shelf and there were the familiar mountains, looking pale and flat. The shelf ended just in front of her feet, and she looked down into glorious nothing. She amused herself for a while wondering what would happen if she stepped forward. But for a long time she couldn’t imagine it being very exciting, just falling.

A hand grabbed her wrist and dragged her backwards.

“Constance! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Con stared into Tom’s eyes. He was scared.

“What’s wrong?” she said. She saw Tom’s face crease. He was worried.

“You – I thought you were about to throw yourself off the cliff. What were you playing at?”

“I was only looking,” said Con. She could see the panic still in his eyes. He was peering closely into her face as though he thought there was something wrong with her.

“Where have you been?” he demanded. When she only looked at him in faint puzzlement he gave her a slight shake. “Constance, for heaven’s sake, talk to me. What have you been doing?” He shook his head briefly, and she could see in his face that he already knew the answer. “You’ve been with Miss Morgan, haven’t you?” He swore a few times.

“Why are you so upset?” said Con.

“Constance, wake up! Don’t you remember me telling you about her? How she’s dangerous and you really, really shouldn’t go anywhere alone with her?”

Con laughed.

“Of course she isn’t dangerous. She’s the most wonderful person I’ve ever met.”

She smiled at him, trying to make him feel as happy as she was. Tom stared at her again, and shook his head.

“Go home,” he said abruptly. “Go home and eat something. Talk to your family and friends. Read a normal book – no fairy tales or poetry. And try – just try to remember what I said.”

He turned and strode away, head bowed. Con looked after him, feeling oddly flattened. Go home. Right.

But when she got there, she became even more bewildered. Augusta left the house just as she came up the drive.

“Oh, so you decided to come back,” she said. Con stared into her eyes. She was – no, she had been anxious. Now she was relieved and a little annoyed.

“I wasn’t gone very long,” she said. Actually, she couldn’t really remember how long it had been. Augusta raised one eyebrow.

“You’ve been gone since yesterday afternoon.” Augusta looked hard at her, just as Tom had. As though she thought something had gone wrong. “What have you been doing, Con?”

“Nothing,” said Con.

“Your eyes,” said Augusta. Now she was worried again, and a little scared. And she didn’t know what to do. “What have you done?”

“People keep asking me that,” said Con.

“You’d better come in,” said Augusta. She held Con’s elbow and led her into the house. Con stood in the hall while Augusta went into the Saal. A minute later she came out with Joey just behind her. Joey ran forward and hugged her hard. Then she withdrew slightly and looked closely at Con.

“Con, what’s wrong?” she said. Con stared into her eyes. She was worried, too. Why was everyone worried about her?

“Nothing,” said Con. “I’m just a bit tired. I think I’ll go and lie down.”

As she went upstairs she could hear them talking in low voices, but she could only hear one comment, from her mother.

“What do you think is wrong with her? It couldn’t be – you know – drugs – do you think?”

Author:  JS [ Wed May 19, 2010 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/05

I'm sure Augusta has powers to rival Miss Morgan's.

At least, I hope so....

Thanks Abi.

Author:  JB [ Wed May 19, 2010 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/05

I have great faith in Augusta. Thanks, Abi.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed May 19, 2010 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/05

I'll put my faith in Augusta too - which perhaps isn't always the wisest of moves :lol: Thanks for the update!

Author:  Artemis [ Wed May 19, 2010 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/05

Con has all the classic signs of being enspelled by faerie:

"When the ingle low'd wi' an eiry leme,
Late, late in the gloamin' Kilmeny came hame!

'Kilmeny, Kilmeny, where have you been? 25
Lang hae we sought baith holt and den;
By linn, by ford, and green-wood tree,
Yet you are halesome and fair to see.
Where gat you that joup o' the lily scheen?
That bonnie snood of the birk sae green? 30
And these roses, the fairest that ever were seen?
Kilmeny, Kilmeny, where have you been?'

Kilmeny look'd up with a lovely grace,
But nae smile was seen on Kilmeny's face;
As still was her look, and as still was her e'e, 35
As the stillness that lay on the emerant lea,
Or the mist that sleeps on a waveless sea.
For Kilmeny had been, she knew not where,
And Kilmeny had seen what she could not declare;

Kilmeny had been where the cock never crew, 40
Where the rain never fell, and the wind never blew.
But it seem'd as the harp of the sky had rung,
And the airs of heaven play'd round her tongue,
When she spake of the lovely forms she had seen,
And a land where sin had never been; 45
A land of love and a land of light,
Withouten sun, or moon, or night;
Where the river swa'd a living stream,
And the light a pure celestial beam;
The land of vision, it would seem, 50
A still, an everlasting dream."

And the time lapse as well. . . .

Author:  Emma A [ Wed May 19, 2010 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/05

Oh dear (really wibbling now...).

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed May 19, 2010 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/05

Help! I too hope Augusta can help Con and that Tom decides to be more helpful.

Author:  jmc [ Thu May 20, 2010 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/05

Think I'll join those wibbling. Thanks Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Fri May 21, 2010 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/05

Artemis - I've tried using Kilmeny quotes a couple of times, but the poem waffles on so much that there aren't really any good snappy quotes! But you're quite right, of course. :lol:

For all the wibblers among you....

When life within the nidus wakes
The formless taking shape unfolds
How complex and how strange
The heart created free to choose
The quintessential breath is given
In love’s own image born.

Margot strode across the room and slapped Con’s face. Con could read her heart as though it was her own, and knew that she was filled with fury. That was probably why she had slapped her. A thought flitted through Con’s mind that she could just make Margot into a pile of leaves.

“I am sick of you!” shouted Margot. “Don’t just stare at me as though I’m some sort of hideous beetle! I have never met anyone who behaved in such a stupid, selfish way. Do you ever think about anyone but yourself? You say you’re going to be gone for an hour or two, and then you take off and don’t come back till the next morning. What – what was the point of that?”

Con saw that she was in tears.

“I went to see Andra,” she said.

“Andra? Who the bloody hell is Andra? Milly said you’d be with Miss Morgan and we shouldn’t worry, but why you couldn’t have just let us know, I don’t know. We were worried sick about you, Con. Do you even care?”

“Andra is Miss Morgan,” she said. “I was quite safe with her.”

Margot stared at her.

“You really haven’t a clue, have you? Maybe Mum’s right and you’ve been taking drugs. You’re certainly acting like it. Funny, really. I told her you’d never do that, but obviously I had a completely false idea of what you would and wouldn’t do.”

“I haven’t been taking drugs,” said Con. Margot swore and turned on her heel.

Con sat down on the bed, frowning. She couldn’t understand why everyone was being so strange. But maybe it didn’t really matter. She and Andra understood one another and that was the important thing. And Milly would know how she felt; she’d talk to her later. She lay back on the bed, closed her eyes and recalled the green forest.

She went slowly, her bare feet caressed by the moss. The trees rose all around and she walked among them, their huge presence filling her, shaping her. Someone was singing a song about the wind. It blew on her face and she breathed it in. Soon she would spread her wings and drift away. I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

A thin wail pierced the green in her mind. The pain was so sharp that she flailed for a moment and then rolled over onto her front, pushing herself to her feet. The forest vanished in a second. Her bedroom was all around her, the pale walls glaring in the sun. Her stomach roiled and she clutched it, gasping. A moment later she was in the hall, groping dizzily for the bathroom door, kneeling and gripping the cold plastic and being sick again and again, for what felt like hours.

“She’s really ill.”

“I don’t think so – it’s probably just the morning sickness.”

“But if she’s been taking drugs –”

“She said she hadn’t.”

Cool hands drew her hair away from her face as she retched, unable to stop. The horrible heaving in her stomach began to subside and she sat back, feeling weak and shaky.

“Are you all right?” It was Margot. Con flung her arms around Margot’s neck and burst into tears.

It seemed a long time before she managed to stop crying. Len was there too, and Shirley and Milly, with Ruey and Ailie hovering in the background, all of them somehow crushed into the little room. Len had already cleared up her mess and Margot made her stand by the basin so that she could rinse her hair out before she cleaned Con’s face and gave her water.

“I’m so sorry,” said Con, tears brimming over again. “I – I didn’t know what I was doing – I didn’t know I was away so long.”

“But what happened?” demanded Ailie, whose face displayed a complicated mixture of horror, fascination and curiosity.

“We heard Auntie Jo saying something about drugs,” said Ruey. “Did that woman give you drugs?”

Con hesitated. She wanted desperately to tell exactly what had happened, to try to understand it in her own mind, but she couldn’t do it with all these people here.

“Yes,” she said. “I didn’t realise that was what it was at first. I’m so sorry.”

“Are you feeling better?” said Margot. “I think you should have something to eat and lie down for a bit. That was pretty violent.”

“It was the baby,” said Con.

“I thought it was probably just that,” said Margot with a reassuring smile, though her eyes were anxious. “But I think you need a rest anyway.”

“No,” said Con as they escorted her, unresisting, back to her room. “I mean, the baby brought me back. It saved me.”

“Right,” said Margot, drawing a sheet over her, as it was rather too hot for blankets or plumeaux. “Well, you try to get a nap. Peggy and Bride – and the families – have to leave in an hour or so, so we’ll send them up to say goodbye. I’m afraid you missed Erica and Paul.”

Con nodded. She had thought for a moment that she would be too afraid to sleep in case she found herself back there again, but she was too tired. The next thing she saw was Bride, standing in her doorway.

Author:  JB [ Sat May 22, 2010 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/05

Phew. Just phew. Thanks Abi.

Now Bride's always seemed like a very sensible character.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sat May 22, 2010 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/05

Thanks for the update. Glad the baby brought Con back

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat May 22, 2010 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/05

Well, that was a relief! You really aren't good for my stress levels, you know. Thankyou for the update (at last!)

Author:  Emma A [ Sun May 23, 2010 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/05

Oh, that is a relief! But how shocking that even Margot couldn't bring Con back...

Thanks, Abi, as ever.

Author:  jmc [ Mon May 24, 2010 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/05

Thanks Abi. Pleased that the baby brought Con back. So what does Bride want?

Author:  Abi [ Wed May 26, 2010 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/05

Sorry, I'm afraid this bit's rather boring. :)

“I’m sorry,” said Con wearily. “I’ve rather messed up the weekend, I know.”

“Well, at least no-one could say it’s been dull,” said Bride with a grin. “Seriously, Con, if ever you feel you need to get away from it all for a bit, Simon and I always have a spare room. As long as no-one else is staying, in which case you’ll have to sleep on the settee.”

“Thanks, Bride. I haven’t really decided what I’m going to do next, but I’ll remember.”

She smiled at Bride. Peggy, who had been hovering in the doorway, moved into the room beside her sister.

“It’s been nice to see you again, Con. Keep well.” She bent and kissed Con’s cheek, then turned and left the room. Con looked at Bride, who shrugged.

“Sorry. She’s not too happy about – well, you know –”

“Me being pregnant,” said Con. “It’s all right. I never thought everyone would be.”

“Well, you look after yourself. And Con?”


“Try not to keep on going off like this. I know you’re having a hard time, but the others have been absolutely frantic about you – I think Margot was convinced you’d thrown yourself off a cliff – and it isn’t fair on them.”

“I know,” said Con. “I never meant it to happen, Bride.”

At that point Simon came in with the twins and a message from Margot that Con was not to think of getting up until Margot had given her permission.

“She’s as bad as Dad,” said Con. “Come to Auntie Con, Lizzie.” She bent over the twins for a few minutes before Bride spoke again.

“We’ll have to go now, Con, or we’ll miss our train. Take care.”

She kissed her cousin and departed. Con sat on the side of her bed and wondered whether to dare Margot’s wrath and go downstairs anyway. In the end she compromised by going to the bathroom to wash properly and change her clothes. When she got back Margot was standing by her bed, hands on hips. Con stopped guiltily.

“I thought I told you to stay where you were.” She looked her sister up and down. “Oh well, you look all right. Look here, Con, what was it that Miss Morgan gave you?”

Con went to the window and opened the curtains, which Margot had drawn to shut out the sun, which was still hot even at the beginning of September.

“Nothing,” she said.

“What? But you said earlier, when Ruey asked, that she had.”

“I know,” said Con. “I didn’t know what else to say. I didn’t want to tell Ruey and everyone about what happened.”

“What did happen?” demanded Margot, not unreasonably. Con shook her head.

“I’ll tell you when the rest have gone – or everyone who’s going in the next couple of days, anyhow. You and Len.”

“Fine. What are you going to tell Mum and Dad? I sat on the others – they won’t say anything about drugs, but you can’t tell Mum and Dad she’s doing them if she’s not.”

“I know,” said Con for what felt like the thousandth time. She wished people would stop telling her what to do. But then, she supposed she deserved it. As it happened, there were so many other people around, all talking to her and asking questions, that it was sufficient for her to say that she had been with Andra – Miss Morgan, sorry – and that she’d forgotten to let them know, and hadn’t really thought they’d be worried.

“We’ll talk about it when this shindig is over,” said Joey with a look that told Con that she was by no means off the hook. In the meantime she was recruited to help with the elaborate preparations for a tea that would surpass all, in celebration of Ailie’s last day before she went off to England and university. And she wasn’t left alone for a moment.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed May 26, 2010 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/05

Poor Con, I hope that she can sort it all out soon - being stuck around everyone would drive me mad in no short time, I hope that it doesn't her! Thankyou for the update.

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed May 26, 2010 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/05

Miss Morgan certainly gave Con some thing in the food or drink, and it might have included drugs and Con would not know about them! Hope someone can explain to Jack what is happening and that Tome learns the truth.

Author:  JS [ Thu May 27, 2010 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/05

Abi, we drove by a 'Wibble Farm' at the weekend and it made me think of this drabble.

And once again it comes to pass....

Looking forward to more.

Author:  janetbrown23 [ Thu May 27, 2010 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/05

I frequently pass a Wibble Farm in Somerset when I am there and it always makes me grin.

Author:  JS [ Thu May 27, 2010 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/05

That was the one, Jan - we were in Exmoor at the weekend. :)

Author:  MaryR [ Thu May 27, 2010 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/05

Poor Con. Can she even explain things to herself, never mind to other people? :cry:

Your people and situations are so believable, Abi. Thank you.

Author:  Emma A [ Thu May 27, 2010 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/05

I'm not sure that Con has really shaken off Miss Morgan's influence, and I do hope she can tell Margot and Len and Shirley about her experiences. Perhaps that will help...

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Miss Di [ Fri May 28, 2010 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/05

Abi, where are you (we need a yodelling smiley)?

Hope Con is OK!

Author:  cal562301 [ Fri May 28, 2010 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/05

That post wasn't at all boring! Really enjoying this. But please come back soon and tell us more.

Author:  Abi [ Mon May 31, 2010 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/05

Sorry it's been a while. Blame work... This has just hit 60,000 words, which is rather scary. :shock:

Con felt as though she was in a performance during the next few days as people departed. No-one felt comfortable talking about her when she was there, and Joey made sure she was always with someone. Con wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that her mother had organised a rota to make sure she didn’t leave during the night, but she didn’t ask about it. She slept badly, and even during the day lush green visions sometimes filled her thoughts and she felt as though she was staggering, parched, through a desert land.

All of them who were left went down to Interlaken in Minnie to wave Ailie off as she departed with David for England and university.

“Do you think she’ll be all right?” Madge’s voice sounded wobbly.

“Of course she will,” said Jem, looking slightly surprised. “David will make sure she gets settled in all right, anyhow.”

“Oh, I know. It’s just – my last daughter, going off alone into the world.”

“Well, she’s been at boarding school for half her life,” said Joey. “I think she can probably cope with being away from home.”

“Oh, you!” said Madge, grimacing at her. “Are you telling me you never worried about any of yours?”

Joey grinned.

“I cried every night for a fortnight when the triplets left for university,” she said. “All the same, Ailie isn’t likely to have any trouble settling in.”

After that they split up into parties and spent the afternoon in Interlaken. The triplets, Shirley, Milly, Ruey and Sybil strolled towards the lake, and Con forced herself to take an interest in the chatter.

“Are you all right, Shirley?” said Len, as the first blue glimmers came into sight. Shirley shrugged.

“I’m fine.”

“Oh.” Len looked at her and tactfully dropped the subject. Con looked at her friend. She did seem rather down in the mouth, and she’d hardly spoken since they had waved David and Ailie off.

“Are you sure?” she said. “You look awfully miserable.”

“I’m fine,” said Shirley again. “It’s just – oh, you know, everyone going away. It’s a bit depressing.”

“Oh, I see,” said Con suddenly realising what the problem was. “You’re upset because of David going.”

“No, I’m not,” said Shirley quickly.

“You’ll be able to see him in England, though,” said Margot. “Unless you were serious about staying here, of course.”

“Well, I was. And I just said, I couldn’t care less whether David’s here or in Timbuctoo.”

“Yes you do,” said Con firmly. “Anyway, he liked you – didn’t he, Sybs?”

Sybil nodded.

“He certainly wouldn’t have spent most of the weekend in your pocket if he hadn’t,” she said with a grin. “All the same, I don’t know how seriously he meant it. He’s had quite a lot of girlfriends if Rix is to be believed, and I don’t believe most of them have lasted more than a month or two.”

“I don’t think he is serious,” said Shirley gloomily. “When I suggested writing he just brushed it off.”

“Oh, well, I shouldn’t worry about that. He loathes writing letters – we only ever get Christmas cards from him, and that’s if we’re lucky.”

“Really?” Shirley brightened up a little. “Maybe I’ll look him up when I go back to England. I wonder whether he’d be interested in the spa idea,” she added thoughtfully.

Two days later, the rest of the Bettanys and Russells departed, leaving Freudesheim feeling strangely empty. Con was rather relieved. Thanks, in the main, to her mother, no-one had dared to treat her badly, but she had felt as though the words ‘I’m pregnant’ were written in huge letters across her forehead. And her sudden disappearance hadn’t helped, not that she could blame them for being angry about that. Still, when she thumped gently on Len’s door that evening it was with a lighter heart than she had had for quite a few days.

“Come in,” said Len from behind her. Con jumped and Len grinned. “Caught you that time. Come on, we want to hear everything.”

“Wait a second,” said Con, grabbing her arm. “Shirley and Milly aren’t there, are they? Or Ruey? I don’t want to tell them. At least, I definitely don’t want to tell Milly, and I can’t really tell the other without her.”

“No, it’s all right. Margot said you’d said just us. They don’t mind.”

Margot had made a huge jug of cocoa and was pouring it into three mugs as they entered. She held one out to each of them.

“I know it’s still hot, but it somehow seemed more of a hot cocoa time than an iced fruit juice time.”

Margot was right; the cocoa was comforting, and not too hot now that there was a cool draught blowing in through Len’s open window. Con sat down at the head of the bed and her triplets curled themselves up, facing her.

“So, what happened?” said Margot eagerly. Con hesitated. There were goosebumps on her arms from the breeze.

“Could we have the window shut, please?”

“Cold?” Len reached over to pull the window closed, and dragged the curtains across it.

“Not exactly. But I don’t want to be overheard.”

“I don’t think anyone’s likely to be standing under my window,” said Len, laughing.

“Oh, I know.” Con couldn’t help smiling. “No, it’s the wind. I can’t help feeling that it might be – well – listening.”

“Maybe you should start from the beginning,” said Margot after a beat. So Con did.

Author:  PaulineS [ Mon May 31, 2010 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/05

“Not exactly. But I don’t want to be overheard.”

“I don’t think anyone’s likely to be standing under my window,” said Len, laughing.

“Oh, I know.” Con couldn’t help smiling. “No, it’s the wind. I can’t help feeling that it might be – well – listening.”

Con needs a lot of help here. I hope Len and Margot can break the spell or find some one who can.

Author:  Emma A [ Mon May 31, 2010 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/05

I did like the way the story went from amusing (Shirley's feelings for David and Sybil's comments) to serious. I wonder how easy Con will find it to tell them both - though I think Margot is more likely to believe her than Len is.

Thanks, Abi - looking forward to more soon!

Author:  MaryR [ Mon May 31, 2010 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/05

I'm sure she must be delighted to have some space, now they've all gone, and let herself go a little. Hopefully, her other selves can help her untangle things.

Thanks, Abi

Author:  jmc [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/05

Hope the three of them can use their collective brain power to help Con. Thanks Abi

Author:  JS [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/05

Like the idea of the wind listening - in a spooky kind of way. I'm really glad I don't know the poem, but am hoping it will turn out okay (just not too quickly as I'm really enjoying this drabble and don't want it to end :) )

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/05

I'm hoping that they can help her too! She must be in a really difficult place at the moment. Thankyou for the update!

Author:  Abi [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/05

Thank you for the comments. :) I would appear to be on a roll!

“So you’re saying she actually took you to – to fairyland?”

Len had never found magic easy to believe in, but she looked as though this was simply too much to swallow. Con nodded.


“And you’ve been under some kind of enchantment,” said Margot, frowning. “Are you quite sure she didn’t give you something – you know, without you realising it? There are quite a few drugs that can cause hallucinations, and I’m sorry, but this does sound like one.”

“It wasn’t just a hallucination,” said Con. “Or if it is, it’s a very long-lived one. You two, I’m scared. It hasn’t ended. Every time I fall asleep I dream about it; it’s as though I’m there and when I wake up I feel as though I’m dying. Even when I’m awake, sometimes. I’ll smell trees, or feel the wind in my hair, or hear birdsong, or – or Mum singing, like the other day, and suddenly I’m back there. And then I’m here again and I – I feel as though I just want to scream and scream.”

Her sisters stared at her.

“Con,” said Margot in a quiet, gentle voice. “I’m wondering whether maybe we should get a – um – a doctor to look at you. Honestly, this sounds like a bit more than Len or I can cope with.”

“You think I’m losing my mind, don’t you?” There was a terrible pain in her throat where she wanted to cry. She shook her head. “I’m not. At least, I don’t think I am. This is real, Margot, truly it is. Food tastes like dust now. Everything looks flat and drab and I feel as though this whole world is dead.”

“I don’t understand.” Len looked from Con to Margot, her eyes wide and her face pale. Con could tell she was grappling with what she’d just said, trying to make it into something she could comprehend. “Do you mean she’s put a – a spell on you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.”

“But what for?” said Margot. She looked frightened and Con began to wish that she hadn’t told them.

“I don’t know,” she said again. “She said she would call me back. I think she wants me. And I want to go back.”

“What?” Len jumped as though she’d been stung. “No! You can’t go back, Con. You’ve just been telling us about how awful it is.”

“But I haven’t. Weren’t you listening? It’s here that feels so horrible and dead. In my head I know that it’s bad there. But in my heart and – and everything else that’s in me – I just want to go back there. Back to her. I don’t belong here any more and it’s killing me.”

“No,” said Margot fiercely. She leant forward and grabbed Con’s shoulders, her blue eyes blazing. “You do belong here, Con. You always have. You’re our sister and our triplet and we will never – never let you go.”

“Thanks.” Con gave her a small smile and Margot drew back slightly, the frown returning to her face. Con felt the smile fading from her own. “I’m sorry. Even here, with you, I still want to go back. It’s like something’s pulling at me all the time. It’s better, but it’s still there.”

“Well, what can we do about it?” said Margot.

“I don’t know. Some of the time I don’t even want to do anything.”

“But that’s ridiculous,” said Len. “There must be something. A – an antidote, or an anti-spell, or something. You can’t really go back.”

They were silent for a few minutes. Con wondered what she had expected – that they would come up with some amazing magical solution? She felt as though she was clinging on to Freudesheim and her family with the very tips of her fingers, and if she went to sleep one more time they might just slip away. At last Margot spoke.

“It’s nearly two o’clock,” she said. “We should all get some sleep. Maybe we’ll think of something in the morning.” She looked at Con. “Go on.”

She closed the door and hesitated for a moment before resting her ear against it.

“We have to do something, Margot,” Len was saying desperately.

“I know. And if what she says is true, there’s only one thing I can think of that will help. But I don’t want to tell her beforehand. She’s so strange and unpredictable at the moment; she might just run.”

“What is it?”

Margot paused, and Con could hear the faint smile in her voice as she spoke.

“What I said before. Get a doctor to look at her.”

Author:  Emma A [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/05

Abi wrote:
Margot paused, and Con could hear the faint smile in her voice as she spoke.

“What I said before. Get a doctor to look at her.”

Tom, perchance? :D

Thanks, Abi - poor Con is struggling hard against the call.

Author:  JB [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/06

Sensible Margot. Thanks, Abi.

Author:  PaulineS [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/06

Go for it Margot.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/06

Tom was just who I was thinking! I hope that he can help (I like him, really :D) Thanks for the update!

Author:  Miss Di [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/06

Here's hoping you stay on a roll - my heart can't take the pressure!

Author:  JS [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/06

Tom's the man for the job - please let him be able to sort it out.

Author:  jmc [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/06

I don't really care who helps Con, I just want someone to help her.

Thanks Abi

Author:  MaryR [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/06

How do you struggle against something so strong it turns your food to dust? :shock:

Thanks, Abi

Author:  Artemis [ Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/06

Sorry to post another quote - but this is what's happening to Con:

(Goblin Market by Christina Rosetti)

Laura and Lizzie hear the goblins call: Laura gives in and wants to taste the fruit, but has no money. The goblins say they will take something of herself:

"They answered altogether:
"Buy from us with a golden curl."
She clipped a precious golden lock,
She dropped a tear more rare than pearl,
Then sucked their fruit globes fair or red:
Sweeter than honey from the rock,
Stronger than man-rejoicing wine,
Clearer than water flowed that juice;
She never tasted such before,
How should it cloy with length of use?
She sucked and sucked and sucked the more
Fruits which that unknown orchard bore,
She sucked until her lips were sore;
Then flung the emptied rinds away,

But gathered up one kernel stone,
And knew not was it night or day
As she turned home alone.

Lizzie met her at the gate
Full of wise upbraidings:
"Dear, you should not stay so late,
Twilight is not good for maidens;
Should not loiter in the glen
In the haunts of goblin men.
Do you not remember Jeanie,
How she met them in the moonlight,
Took their gifts both choice and many,
Ate their fruits and wore their flowers
Plucked from bowers
Where summer ripens at all hours?
But ever in the moonlight
She pined and pined away;
Sought them by night and day,
Found them no more, but dwindled and grew gray;
Then fell with the first snow,

While to this day no grass will grow
Where she lies low:
I planted daisies there a year ago
That never blow.
You should not loiter so."

"Nay hush," said Laura.
"Nay hush, my sister:
I ate and ate my fill,
Yet my mouth waters still;
To-morrow night I will
Buy more," and kissed her.
"Have done with sorrow;
I'll bring you plums to-morrow
Fresh on their mother twigs,
Cherries worth getting;
You cannot think what figs
My teeth have met in,
What melons, icy-cold
Piled on a dish of gold
Too huge for me to hold,
What peaches with a velvet nap,
Pellucid grapes without one seed:
Odorous indeed must be the mead
Whereon they grow, and pure the wave they drink,
With lilies at the brink,
And sugar-sweet their sap."

Golden head by golden head,
Like two pigeons in one nest
Folded in each other's wings,
They lay down, in their curtained bed:
Like two blossoms on one stem,
Like two flakes of new-fallen snow,
Like two wands of ivory
Tipped with gold for awful kings.
Moon and stars beamed in at them,
Wind sang to them lullaby,
Lumbering owls forbore to fly,
Not a bat flapped to and fro
Round their rest:
Cheek to cheek and breast to breast
Locked together in one nest.

Early in the morning
When the first cock crowed his warning,
Neat like bees, as sweet and busy,
Laura rose with Lizzie:
Fetched in honey, milked the cows,
Aired and set to rights the house,
Kneaded cakes of whitest wheat,
Cakes for dainty mouths to eat,
Next churned butter, whipped up cream,
Fed their poultry, sat and sewed;
Talked as modest maidens should
Lizzie with an open heart,
Laura in an absent dream,
One content, one sick in part;
One warbling for the mere bright day's delight,
One longing for the night.

At length slow evening came--
They went with pitchers to the reedy brook;
Lizzie most placid in her look,
Laura most like a leaping flame.
They drew the gurgling water from its deep
Lizzie plucked purple and rich golden flags,
Then turning homeward said: "The sunset flushes
Those furthest loftiest crags;
Come, Laura, not another maiden lags,
No wilful squirrel wags,
The beasts and birds are fast asleep."
But Laura loitered still among the rushes
And said the bank was steep.

And said the hour was early still,
The dew not fallen, the wind not chill:
Listening ever, but not catching
The customary cry,
"Come buy, come buy,"
With its iterated jingle
Of sugar-baited words:
Not for all her watching
Once discerning even one goblin
Racing, whisking, tumbling, hobbling;
Let alone the herds
That used to tramp along the glen,
In groups or single,
Of brisk fruit-merchant men.

Till Lizzie urged, "O Laura, come,
I hear the fruit-call, but I dare not look:
You should not loiter longer at this brook:
Come with me home.
The stars rise, the moon bends her arc,
Each glow-worm winks her spark,
Let us get home before the night grows dark;
For clouds may gather even
Though this is summer weather,
Put out the lights and drench us through;
Then if we lost our way what should we do?"

Laura turned cold as stone
To find her sister heard that cry alone,
That goblin cry,
"Come buy our fruits, come buy."
Must she then buy no more such dainty fruit?
Must she no more such succous pasture find,
Gone deaf and blind?
Her tree of life drooped from the root:
She said not one word in her heart's sore ache;
But peering thro' the dimness, naught discerning,
Trudged home, her pitcher dripping all the way;
So crept to bed, and lay
Silent 'til Lizzie slept;
Then sat up in a passionate yearning,
And gnashed her teeth for balked desire, and wept
As if her heart would break.

Day after day, night after night,
Laura kept watch in vain,
In sullen silence of exceeding pain.
She never caught again the goblin cry:
"Come buy, come buy,"
She never spied the goblin men
Hawking their fruits along the glen:
But when the noon waxed bright
Her hair grew thin and gray;
She dwindled, as the fair full moon doth turn
To swift decay, and burn
Her fire away.

One day remembering her kernel-stone
She set it by a wall that faced the south;
Dewed it with tears, hoped for a root,
Watched for a waxing shoot,
But there came none;
It never saw the sun,
It never felt the trickling moisture run:
While with sunk eyes and faded mouth
She dreamed of melons, as a traveller sees
False waves in desert drouth
With shade of leaf-crowned trees,
And burns the thirstier in the sandful breeze.

She no more swept the house,
Tended the fowls or cows,
Fetched honey, kneaded cakes of wheat,
Brought water from the brook:
But sat down listless in the chimney-nook
And would not eat."

And this is why you die of faerie food - all other food is dust after it!
Con is in really grave danger

Author:  Abi [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/06

Tom listened in silence to the whole story. They’d decided, after some discussion, to talk to him instead of asking him to meet Con, so Len had rung up and they’d arranged to come up to the Auberge once his shift had finished.

“I don’t even know how much of it is true,” said Margot, spreading out her hands.

“Do you think we’re overreacting?” said Len, trying to anticipate his answer from the look on his face. But he was looking down into his drink, his hands clasping it and his thumb rubbing the glass slowly. Len looked at Margot, wondering whether they should tell him about Con being pregnant. It was the only thing they’d kept back. Margot seemed to know what she was thinking and shook her head.

When Tom did speak, it was in answer to Margot’s last remark.

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid Con’s telling the truth.”


“I expect you think I’m overreacting,” said Joey, with a small laugh.

“No, of course not,” said Con. She and her mother were stripping what felt like hundreds of beds, and Joey had just wound up a lecture about going off into the blue without telling people what she was doing. “I wasn’t feeling well, and Miss Morgan was worried about me. She took me home, and gave me some food, and I think I must have fallen asleep.”

She had thought about telling her mother the truth, but, understanding as she was, Con couldn’t imagine her really being able to believe it. She was afraid that Len and Margot didn’t; afraid that the doctor they called in would say that she was mad. Of course, she might actually be mad, but she still didn’t want to have to go to a mental hospital.

“I’d have thought that Miss Morgan would have phoned,” Joey was saying. “She must have realised we’d be worrying. I suppose she never thought of it.”

“Maybe her phone wasn’t working,” said Con. “It’s sometimes a bit funny, especially when it’s been windy.”

“That was probably it,” Joey agreed. “I’m sorry to nag at you, Con. Normally I don’t mind what you people do, but – well, things have been rather at sixes and sevens over the last few days. I panicked, I’m afraid.”

Con smiled at her, because she didn’t know what else to do.


“It’s true?” Margot shook her head. “The forest in the cellar, and everything?”

Tom looked at them.

“Didn’t you ever wonder where she kept the horses?”

“I thought – a stable,” said Len.

“They’ve got a meadow down there,” said Tom. “It’s the land of faerie.”

Len and Margot were silent.

“You have heard of them, haven’t you?” he said.

“Well, yes – I mean, fairy tales. Little people with wings,” said Margot. Tom made an impatient movement.

“Did you see any wings on Miss Morgan? There are a few things you need to know. Firstly, don’t call them ‘faerie’. They don’t like it. Secondly, they are very dangerous and very powerful. They can hurt you, and they will if they think they need to.”

“So – Con?” Margot whispered. Len reached out her hand and took Margot’s as they waited for Tom’s answer. His face was pale and grim.

“There is no cure.”


“I don’t know whether you’ve thought yet about making an appointment at the San,” said Joey. They had taken all the bed linen downstairs and were now sorting out the furniture that needed to be returned to its various owners around the Platz.

“An appointment?” said Con. “Oh, you mean about the baby. I – I don’t know. I hadn’t really thought that far ahead.”

“You should make one. It needn’t be with a doctor you know, if you’d rather not, but they’ll be able to keep an eye on you. On both of you.”

Con didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to go near any hospitals, and especially not the San, where Tom and Andra were. And who knew how many of the others? What if the very doctor she saw was one of them? If she went with them again, she might never find her way back. Not only that, but she knew that the baby didn’t want to go anywhere near them.

“I’ll think about it,” she said. Joey looked across at her, a slight frown on her face. She didn’t comment, though, but smiled.

“You do that.”


“No cure?” Len’s lips trembled. She wished she could stop herself crying at each new thing that happened to Con. It was like a nightmare, except that she wasn’t asleep.

Tom shook his head.

“Not that I’ve ever heard of. Mostly people just – it’s like an addiction to a drug. They want to go back, but most of the time they – the little folk – just leave them to pine.”

“And what happens to them?” Margot leaned forward, forcing him to look into her face. He rubbed his hand across his mouth, the crease between his brows deepening.

“They don’t want to eat. Human food doesn’t satisfy them any more. Generally, they just fade away. A pale corpse. A wreath of flowers. And no-one ever knows what happened to them.”

Len and Margot stared at him. Len began to shake her head, tears once more rolling down her face.

“No. No. We can’t let that happen to Con. She can’t – die!”

“Is there anything we can do?” Margot said urgently, crushing her panic down as far as she could. Tom shook his head again.

“I don’t know. There are protections against them. They might help a bit, but I don’t know how much.”

“Well, what are they? We can at least try.” Margot buried her face in her hands for a moment, before looking back up at Tom. This time he gave her a brusque nod.

“Iron. If you can make her wear it, all the better. Salt across the doorways and windows. And make sure she leaves her shoes pointing away from her bed when she goes to sleep. It should help with the dreams. You could try getting her to eat bread; that’s sometimes good. And, if it’s possible, keep what you’re doing quiet. They can be nasty if they’re displeased.”

Margot nodded slowly.

“Good. Okay. We can do those things.” She drained her glass and stood up. “Thanks, Tom. Come on, Len.”

Author:  JB [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

Isn't there something else Tom should be told? Does it make a difference?

Thanks, Abi. I'm enjoying this so much.

Author:  Finn [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

I, too, am thoroughly liking this story, Abi :) I love the way you're intergrating the old ballad so neatly and cleverly into the (more!) modern story. I'm looking forward to the next update!

Author:  JS [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

I think Tom does need to know the whole story, but understand why they felt they couldn't tell him.
Con's baby seems to be the one with its feet on the ground!

Thanks Abi.

Author:  jmc [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

Will the baby make any difference and help to save Con? I don't know the original. Thanks Abi.

Author:  Emma A [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

This is fascinating, and makes one wonder why Miss Morgan wanted to give Con a taste of faerie food. Has Milly also eaten, or is she just enraptured by Miss Morgan herself? So glad Margot and Len have told Tom and asked his advice, though I think they're probably quite wise not to have mentioned the pregnancy.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  PaulineS [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

Would it help if Con went back to England to see a doctor there? The baby certainly wants to stay alive and should help Con.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

I hope that something can help, anyway! Thanks for the update.

Author:  MaryR [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

How do they explain to Con where they learned about these methods of protection? :shock: And will they really work, since he seems to think that, really, there is no cure? Hmmm.....

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06


Author:  Nicci [ Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

Abi, I've just caught up after missing loads of posts. This continues to be an incredible piece of writing, and I'm wibbling about poor Con. Please post again soon.

Author:  cal562301 [ Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

Really enjoying this, thanks, Abi. Though I join the others in wibbling about Con. :(

Author:  Len [ Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

I'm not wibbling, cos I know what happens! :P I'm just busy enjoying it; more please, Abi!

Author:  Miss Di [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

How did I miss an update?

Spent last weekend reading Raymond Feist's Fairie Tale. Now I know just how evil these spirits are and recommend this book to everyone fascinated by Abi's story.

Author:  Abi [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/06

Thank you so much for all the comments.

ETA: Thought you might be interested to see
the necklace!

The night pulls on in blighted dreams
You find you have no other choice
Your mind sinks deep in follied fear
Your faeries sing in unsure voice.

Con looked at the necklace Len was dangling in her hand.

“It looks heavy,” she said.

“It’s not, though,” said Margot. “It’s very fine – you’d never think it was made of iron.”

“But I don’t understand why you think I should wear it,” said Con. “It’s pretty, I suppose, but it seems more important to you than that.”

Margot hesitated.

“It’s supposed to help to protect you from them.”

“Who told you that?” Con frowned.

“We found someone who knows about them,” said Len.

“Tom,” said Margot, ignoring Len, who had hoped to keep Tom’s name out of it and was glaring at her.

“You told Tom?” said Con, her voice shrill with sudden panic.

“It’s all right,” said Margot impatiently. “We didn’t say anything about the baby. Though I still think you ought to tell him. We just told him about the – other – thing. He says Miss Morgan took you to the – well, he called it the land of faerie.” She whispered the final word, unable to stop herself casting a glance behind her as she did so.

“Oh.” Con thought this over. “And he thinks that wearing this will help?”

“Yes.” Len held it out to her, a hopeful expression on her face. Con took it.

“Ow! It’s freezing cold.” She fumbled with the catch. “It’s no good. I can’t do this.”
Margot took the necklace, unclasped it and fastened it round Con’s neck. She and Len stared hopefully at their triplet.

“I don’t feel any different,” said Con. When their faces fell, she added, as though it might help, “The necklace is very cold, though.”

“Well, it would be. It’s made of iron,” said Len.

“How did you get hold of an iron necklace, anyway?”

“We asked around after Tom said you should wear it – couldn’t see you dangling a horseshoe round your neck, somehow,” said Margot with a faint grin. “Anyway, it turned out that the Mensches still had some old family jewellery, from what Frieda called the family’s ‘glory days’. There was a pair of enormous earrings, too, but we thought the necklace would be enough. Len fetched it yesterday when she went down with Dad.”

“You’ve heard of Berlin Iron?” said Len. “No, well, I hadn’t either until Frieda told us about it. Apparently people gave their gold jewellery to help pay for the war against Napoleon, and they got iron in return. Just look after it, ‘cos I think Frieda would be quite upset if anything happened to it.”

“I won’t have a chance to do much else,” said Con dryly. “From what you say, I’m going to have to wear it for heaven knows how long. How long do you think it will be?”

Len and Margot hesitated. They hadn’t been able to decide whether it would be better to tell Con everything or not, but it was Margot who, in the end, said “I think we should tell her. There’ve been enough secrets kept over this already.” Even so, she wasn’t especially looking forward to the moment when Con learned the truth.

“We aren’t quite sure,” she said. Len gave her a meaning look. Margot avoided her gaze and Con’s, staring up at the sky instead.

“Just tell me,” said Con wearily. “It’s obvious there’s something. Might as well get the worst over with and have done.”

“It’s just that Tom said it might – well – last rather a long time,” said Margot. She bit her lip.

“How long? I thought you said these things would help.” Con felt anger stirring in her chest. In a part of her mind that she rarely noticed, she felt a peculiar relief. She did still want to stay here.

“He didn’t really know,” said Margot. Con let her head fall back against the wall with an exasperated sigh. Clearly there was more to it than that, but it was equally clear that Margot didn’t want to tell her. She supposed she’d find out soon enough, whatever it was.

“And the shoes thing will probably help,” sad Len, clearly as uncomfortable as Margot with the direction the conversation had been taking.

“I suppose it might.” Con saw Len’s downcast expression. “I’m sure it will. Look, please can we talk about something else?”

“How’s this? I was wondering whether I really ought to go back to Edinburgh next week,” said Margot.

Con sat bolt upright.

“What? Why wouldn’t you?”

“Why do you think, dummkopf?” Margot gave her a poke. “I don’t want to leave you here in this state.”

“I’m fine!” said Con. “Oh, Margot, please don’t lose your life for me. Len can look after me just as well as you can.”

“I know she could,” said Margot. “But you aren’t fine, Con, so don’t try to pretend you are. You must know I’ll be worried sick about you the whole time I’m away. I think I’d rather stay and know what’s going on.”

“But you’re doing so well at Edinburgh – and you love it there. You’ll be bored and miserable here if you stay.”

All the same, the thought of Margot going away in only a week was more frightening than she could have imagined. Margot was one of the things that made her want to stay and having her leave would feel like another small part of Con drying up and dying.

Author:  PaulineS [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/06

Con you and Len go with Margot Please. i do not know if it would help but it might keep her safe until something permanent can be found.

Thanks for the update.

Author:  jmc [ Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/06

The necklace wasn't at all what I thought it would be. Thanks for the pic. Now feeling quite sorry for all them them.

Thanks Abi

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/06

I hope that they can find some way to all be together still. Thankyou!

Author:  sealpuppy [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/06

Love the necklace, so delicate. And really, really worried about ALL of them now!

Author:  Miss Di [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/06

The necklace is beautiful. Hope it helps!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/06

Have just spent most of the night reading all of this and really enjoyed it. Thanks Abi

Author:  Nightwing [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/06

All caught up! Brilliant as usual, Abi. Can't wait to read what happens next.

Author:  Abi [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/06

Fiona Mc wrote:
Have just spent most of the night reading all of this and really enjoyed it. Thanks Abi

Glad you've enjoyed it, Fiona! :D Sorry about the rather shoddy updating... I'm on holiday. :dontknow:

The week had passed and Margot had gone. She had tried to persuade Con to come back to England with her, but without success.

“Flip and Flop would have you to stay until I’d found you somewhere in Edinburgh,” she said. “I’m sure it would do you good to get away from all this. It might even help.”

Con shook her head.

“I don’t think it would. I’m afraid to leave here just now. And even if I did, it would still be there – she’d be there. In my head.”

“I was wondering,” said Len tentatively. “That woman who made your dress. She gave you the pendant, and you said that was something – magical. Maybe she’d be able to help.”

“I lost the pendant,” said Con, irrelevantly.

“Oh. But you needn’t tell her that, I suppose.”

“I think she’s one of them,” said Con. “People said funny things about the dress. Don’t you remember all the fuss Tom made?”

“It was a strange dress,” said Margot. “It was almost as though it made you more naked than you would have been if you’d been wearing nothing at all.” Con’s eyes widened in horror, and Margot laughed. “What I mean is that normal clothes, if they’re well-made, they show you off to advantage. They emphasise some things and conceal others. Well, that dress seemed to reveal your – your soul, if that makes sense.”

There was a pause.

“Not really,” said Con.

“Oh, well. I’m just saying that I think you’re probably right. She must be one of them – there aren’t that many people who can put someone’s soul into an item of clothing. And Tom was awfully funny about her. All the same, Con, I wish you’d come away with me.”

“Sorry,” said Con. “If I leave, I don’t think I’ll ever be right again. I feel as though I’ll just shrivel up like a dead leaf.” She saw a look pass between her sisters and wondered again what else Tom had told them. “If I stay here, maybe I’ll find a cure.”

That had been three days ago, once she had won the argument over whether or not Margot should go back to Edinburgh. But although she had made her leave, Con found herself regretting it now. Len was a dear, but she was nearly as scared as Con was herself. Margot had been strong and not at all frightened. Or else she’d concealed it better. Now she had been gone two days and Con was already starting to feel as though she was struggling in deep water.

“Are you all right?” Len eyed her across the breakfast table as though she might suddenly fade away into nothingness. Con nodded, staring down at her plate. Len had given her toast, because bread was supposed to help. She was past knowing whether it actually did or not, and barely noticed as Joey and the younger children left the table in a chattering crowd. A moment later the door closed with the ear-splitting crash characteristic to Mike. Con looked up, slightly confused.

“Where are they all going?”

“To buy supplies for next term. Mum mentioned it the other day, and they were talking about it all breakfast time.” Len’s voice faltered and died.

“Oh, yes,” said Con, more to reassure Len than because she really remembered. Or cared. She looked back down at the toast, so dry and crumbly, and stood up. “I’m not really hungry.” As she left the room, she heard Roger’s voice, full of concern.

“She’s changed, Len. What on earth –?” and then she was out of earshot.

She sat on her bed, her legs swinging over the edge, and stared at the books on the low white bookcase next to the bed. Old favourites. Books she’d read and hadn’t got round to putting away. Books she’d bought and never got round to reading. She scanned them all, and after a minute pulled out a big encyclopaedia of herbs. At least that wouldn’t be too much of a challenge to read. She lay down and looked at it, a large, slightly musty smelling tome she’d picked up in a second-hand bookshop somewhere. She’d hardly looked at it since then. Arnica. Comfrey. Fennel. Feverfew. Meadowsweet. Poppy. Rosemary. Sage. Tansy. Tansy.

She closed the book and went downstairs.

“Len,” she said, opening the door of the breakfast room for a moment, where the others were clearing the dishes. “I’m going for a walk.”

Len put her pile of plates down.

“I’ll come too.”

“Len,” said Con again, and hesitated, trying to explain what she wanted. “I haven’t been alone for more than a week. You can’t guard me forever. Please, let me have some time on my own. I promise I won’t go anywhere near Andra – Miss Morgan. I’ll hide behind a bush or something if she comes. I don’t want to meet her, truly.”

Len stood there clutching a handful of spoons, her violet eyes troubled.

“Mum said – well, she was worried about you going off alone.”

“I know. Look, if I don’t come back in a couple of hours, you can send out search parties. Please, Len.”

Len put the forks down with a clatter.

“Oh, all right. But if you aren’t back by lunchtime I really will send out search parties.”

Author:  Lyanne [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/06

Hoping she can't find any tansy! (Or pennyroyal, for the same reason...)

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/06

Lyanne wrote:
Hoping she can't find any tansy! (Or pennyroyal, for the same reason...)

Why? What does tansy do? Hope Con is okay. I kind of wish Margot was still around too.

Author:  Miss Di [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/06

Don't they cause miscarriages?

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/06

Eeep - I hope that she makes it back safely!

Thanks for the update, but please come back soon!

Author:  jmc [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/06

Abi wrote:
Sorry about the rather shoddy updating... I'm on holiday.[/color]
All the more time to post some more for us then. :mrgreen:

Will Con run into Tom i wonder? Bit worried about this walk though.

Thanks Abi

Author:  Len [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/06

Ooh! Exciting! I remember this bit. I'm enjoying this such a lot, Abi :)

Author:  Lyanne [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/06

Miss Di wrote:
Don't they cause miscarriages?

That was my thinking. Also rather worried about what (or who) caused Con to fixate on the tansy.

Author:  Abi [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/06

jmc wrote:
Abi wrote:
Sorry about the rather shoddy updating... I'm on holiday.[/color]
All the more time to post some more for us then. :mrgreen:

Yers.... you would think so, wouldn't you. :oops: On the plus side, I have been cataloguing my books, which is worryingly entertaining!

She had not pulled a double rose,
A rose but only two,
Till up then started young Tam Lin,
Says, Lady, thou pulls no more.

"Why pulls thou the rose, Janet,
Among the groves so green,
And all to kill the bonny babe
That we got us between?"

It wasn’t difficult to find the tansy. Its garish yellow flowers had never appealed to her, though Margot, lover of bright colours and never one to distinguish between weed and hothouse bloom, had always had a weakness for it. She wasn’t sure how much she’d need – the book was old and rather vague – so she gathered a great armful, the acrid smell filling her nose and mouth. At last she finished and turned round and for a moment, as she saw him, she felt as though her heart had stopped.

Tom’s face was white, his eyes dark, almost burning. Con lost her head slightly, took a few steps back, missed her footing, and found herself sitting in the ditch among the grass and weeds. Tom’s face appeared above her and he hauled her out, still clutching a handful of tansy as though it might somehow protect her against him.

“What’s this?” he grabbed the tansy from her and waved it in her face.

“Flowers.” Con snatched them back.

“Tansy flowers.”

“Yes. What of it?”

“Do you think I’m stupid, Constance? I know what tansy does.”

“Good for you,” said Con coldly, and tried to slip past him. Tom stood in her way.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, I see. You’re picking tansy because you like the smell, I suppose.”

“Margot likes it.”

Tom stared at her, then let out a short bark of laughter.

“That wouldn’t surprise me. Seriously, though, Constance. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” said Con again. She didn’t dare look into his face. “There’s nothing to tell.”

She jumped. Tom had broken a stick in his hands. He threw the pieces aside.

“Not funny,” he said, his face dark.

“Sorry,” she said. “Look, I’m sorry, Tom, but Len’s expecting me back. I should really –”

“Oh no, you don’t. You’ve got to tell me what’s going on, Constance. Or are you going to spend all your life just running away?”

“Running away?” Something snapped in Con. Her voice rose. “Me running away? I’d like to know what you think you’ve been doing. You practically threw me out of your life, Tom! What did you expect me to do? Come running every time something happened?”

“I’d have expected you to tell me if you were pregnant!”

“Why? Why should I? You were the one who said there wasn’t a future, and that we shouldn’t see each other. You were the one who said it wasn’t safe.”

“Well, yes, I know. But this changes things.”

“Oh, really? Well, I’m afraid you must have forgotten to mention that if I happened to get pregnant all the rules would suddenly change.”

She turned her back on him and marched off. It was the opposite direction to the one she wanted to go in, but just now she didn’t really care.

“Constance!” Tom came up in front of her and turned to face her again. “Look –”

“I’m not interested in talking to you,” said Con.

“I’m sorry,” said Tom.

“Oh, really? That’s nice. Please get out of my way.”

“Look, I’m sorry. I should have dealt with it better – explained the situation better. But what I said was the truth. At least, it was then. Only –” He hesitated, moistening his lips as though he was nervous, and when he spoke again his voice was low and urgent. “Constance, please don’t kill the baby.”

She stood staring at him, feeling horribly tired and close to tears.

“Why shouldn’t I? You aren’t the one who has to be shouted at and treated like a criminal and know that you’re probably going to be judged and stigmatised your whole life just for – one night.” Her voice broke and she crossed her arms and ducked her head so that he wouldn’t see her crying. “It was just as much your fault as mine, but you just walked away from the consequences.”

“I didn’t know about the consequences,” he said. “I thought you’d tell me if that happened. I never expected you to be so pigheaded.”

“Well, I’m sorry if I took what you said too literally.” Con was angry again now. “Let me get this straight: if I hadn’t got pregnant you’d have been happy to walk off and let me go my own way. But now that there’s a baby, suddenly you want to be involved. So it was never me, it was just that you wanted a child. Is that it?”

“No! Don’t be so ridiculous.”

“You’d better explain it to me then,” Con said. “Because I do not understand what you are thinking. And I want the truth this time, Tom. I’m sick of evasions and you telling me one thing and then suddenly changing your mind. Please. Just tell me what’s going on.”

She watched him as he looked down at the dry, dusty road, biting his lip. Finally he raised his eyes to hers and took a deep breath.

“All right. I will. I’ll tell you everything. But not here; it’s too public. We need to find somewhere safe.”

“Freudesheim?” Con suggested. For some reason she felt much calmer. Knots in her stomach had untwisted and her head was clearer.

“Milly’s still around, isn’t she?” said Tom slowly. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Better to get right away, where there aren’t so many people she knows. What about going up to the top?”

“The top?” It was nearly two weeks since she had been anywhere without someone who wasn’t a member of the family. They’d practically followed her to the bathroom. “I don’t know,” she said. “I’d have to ask Len.”

“Right. We’ll do that, then.” Tom gave her an odd look, and they walked on.

Author:  Lyanne [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 28/06

So glad he found her in time.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 28/06

I do hope that they can sort things out!

Thanks for the update.

Author:  Emma A [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 28/06

Oh, I see hope now... I wonder how Tom is going to explain the situation. Can he be completely honest, I wonder?

Anyway, thank-you, Abi. As ever, looking forward to more.

Author:  Miss Di [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 28/06

I hope you're enjoying your holiday Abi (and that it is giving you plenty of writing time in between cataloguing).

Interested in what reasoning Tom is going to use.

Author:  Abi [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 28/06

The holiday was quite fantabulous, thanks Miss Di!

Dear Margot,

We’re guessing you got back to Edinburgh all right, since we haven’t heard anything to the contrary. I hope you’re settling back in well and ready to start work on Monday! I’m terribly sorry, but I’m afraid my first letter to you is going to be full of woes! Well, not so much woes as worries, I suppose. And yes, I know you only left the day before yesterday. I’m afraid I’m not really cut out for this sort of thing. Give me a class full of horrible children any day!

The trouble is, I have a dreadful feeling I’ve just done something very stupid. Con wanted to go out for a walk alone earlier and I let her. Well, I could hardly refuse, could I? It isn’t as though she’s a prisoner! And, as she pointed out, she hasn’t really been alone for over a fortnight now and I can imagine how frustrating that must be. I should explain that Mum’s taken the kids down to get their things for school and Augusta’s gone too, so it’s just me, Shirley (Milly’s at the San again), Steve, Chas and the Rs here at the moment, and the boys are off doing something of their own.

Well, Con came back from her walk about an hour ago, and she was with Tom. She looked... oh, I don’t know. She’d write it down much better than I can! She looked as though she was living in her worst nightmare and her most wonderful dream all at the same time. Tom did most of the talking. He said he’d found out that Con was pregnant because she was picking tansy (I don’t know quite how that works, but I’ve given up trying to understand him most of the time!) and that he needed to tell her the truth. Only it all seems to be madly top secret, especially from Miss Morgan, and apparently Milly’s involved in some way. The upshot is that he’s taken her up to the Gasthaus at Wahlstein because he thinks it’ll be safe there. He says they’ll be back tonight, but I’m scared. What if she never comes back? All right, I know that’s ridiculous, but I can’t stop myself feeling worried.

Katya’s banging the gong, so I’ll have to go. Don’t worry, I’ll leave this open and let you know when they get back. It would be too, too mean just to seal and send it as it is!


Here I am, as promised. It’s almost midnight and Con isn’t back. She telephoned a couple of hours ago to say that they’d missed the last train down so they’d stay at the Gasthaus for the night. She seems to be making a habit of that. She sounded odd. Scared, tired, shocked. I don’t know. She said she’d tell me all about it when she got back tomorrow morning.

I’ve spent the last hour or so telling Shirley everything. I hope you don’t mind, and that Con won’t when she knows, but I couldn’t go on being the only one. Shirley’s like you in some ways – she knows how to calm people down and she’s got an awful lot of common sense. All the same, I wish you were here.

Once again, I’ll leave this open until I know the whole story. I don’t suppose you’d thank me for sending it as it is!

Yours for the time being, Len.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/07

Thanks Abi, really hope everything is okay and Tom is a help.

Poor Len for having to deal with it all on her own. Glad she told Shirley. She needs the support

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/07

That was a mean trick! Tell us what is happening to Con! Please!

Author:  Emma A [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/07

This sounds like it's nearing a resolution, Abi (can't help being reminded of Polly's train journey in Fire and Hemlock...). I can quite see why Len would be worried, and I hope that, by telling Shirley, news isn't going to leak out to Miss Morgan via Milly. :shock: Will we hear what Tom has told Con, though?


Author:  Shander [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/07

I just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying this Abi. I came to it half way through, bit it gripped me immediately and I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/07

What next???

Author:  Miss Di [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/07

Thanks Abi, but you seem to have left a few things up in the air...

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/07

First Lesley, now you, Abi! :D After a month of not being on the board I didn't expect to find myself still on a cliff. :shock: Mind you, it's been interesting hovering here and watching the triplets and then Tom. Just what is he up to? :evil:

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Nightwing [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/07

Abiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hurry up and tell us what happens neeeeeeeeext!

*makes puppy dog eyes*

Author:  Abi [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/07

Thanks for all the comments. Glad you're enjoying it, Shander. :D

This living hand, now warm and capable
Of earnest grasping, would, if it were cold
And in the icy silence of the tomb,
So haunt thy days and chill thy dreaming nights
That thou wouldst wish thine own heart dry of blood
So in my veins red life might stream again,
And thou be conscience-calm’d—see here it is—
I hold it towards you.

“It was completely irresponsible of you!”

Con stopped on the front step, the salt crunching under her shoes, the door half open.

“I’m sorry, but how could I stop her?” The argument had evidently been going on for a while, for Len sounded close to tears. Con quickly stepped over the threshold and shut the door behind her, brushing the salt off her shoes and onto the mat. The hall carpet, despite Katya’s great care, was becoming more and more sparkly.

“You could have gone with her,” said Joey.

“No, I couldn’t! Not when she was with Tom. And anyway, I didn’t want to.”

Con jumped at a slight sound from her right and found that Augusta had just come down the passage from the kitchen. She gave Con a grin.

“They’ve been shouting at each other for the last ten minutes,” she said, and Con wondered whether anything ever rattled her. “I think they’re winding down now, though.”

“We can’t keep her a prisoner.” Len did, indeed, sound a little calmer. “Do you know she hasn’t been alone for two weeks?”

There was a pause.

“Really?” After another silence Joey heaved a sigh. “Oh, well, I suppose you’re right. I’m sorry, Len. It was stupid of me to expect you to act gaoler. I just wish that we knew she was all right.”

Feeling that she could not have a better cue, Con opened the door and went in, Augusta following. A moment later she was swamped by a hug from her mother.

“I’m fine,” she said, a little alarmed by the fact that Joey was snuffling into her shoulder.

“I wish you’d stop going off alone.” She released Con, who felt an unpleasant guilty feeling settle in the pit of her stomach. Funny, she thought. She couldn’t remember feeling guilty for such a long time.

“I wasn’t alone,” she said, even though she knew that Joey wouldn’t see Tom’s presence as a comfort.

“Oh, I know. I’m sorry, Con. I’m just finding it difficult to accept that you girls have to make your own way in life. You’ll find out soon how hard it is to watch your children struggling. Take no notice. Really.”

Con looked helplessly at Len, who shrugged and changed the subject.

“I had a letter from Margot this morning. She must have written it at the train station, I should think. Apparently she left a whole pile of books and she wants us to send them. Shall we go and pack them up?”

Con couldn’t, offhand, think of an excuse that was any less convincing, but her mother made no comment. She was slightly cheered, however, by Augusta, who winked as Con passed her.

“Oh, good, you’re back.” Shirley came dashing down the stairs at breakneck pace. Con was about to reply when she saw that Milly was just behind.

“Hallo, Con,” said Milly, smiling. Con met her eyes and for a moment the world turned upside down and they were standing in a green forest. The trees hunched over her and there was a terrible, burning pain at her neck. She choked and coughed, clawing at it, and then Len was banging her on the back.

“Are you all right?”

“Fine.” The pain faded and she took great gulps of cool air. “Just – swallowed the wrong way.”

“And she picked up her handbag,” said Len, to Con’s mystification. “So that’s ok. We’re just off to pack up Margot’s books that she forgot. Want to come, Shirley?”

“Might as well, if that’s what’s being done.”

There was a silence. Milly stood awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs, looking from face to face.

“Well, I’ll go and do something else, then,” she said at last. Len flushed scarlet.

“I thought you were off to the San again,” she said. “Obviously, if you’re not –”

“I needn’t leave for another half an hour, actually,” said Milly. “But it’s fine. I need to talk to Miss Morgan about something.”

Con almost wished she would slam the front door, because then she might not have felt quite so guilty. But she just closed it quietly. After a while, Shirley went and peered through the little pane of glass beside the door.

“She’s just turning out of the drive,” she said. “Do you think it’s safe to talk here, or should we go somewhere else?”

“Tom said it should be ok as long as Milly wasn’t in the house,” said Con. “We only went to Wahlstein because he didn’t want Miss Morgan to know that we were together. Why did you say that about the purse, Len?”

“I had to tell Milly something. I said you’d had a phone call to say you’d left your handbag up there with all your money and things in it, and you’d gone up there to fetch it back."

When they were safely shut into Margot’s room, the window closed for extra security, Shirley perched on the broad window-sill, which overlooked the road, and a jug of Anna’s best fruit drink on the dressing table, Len turned to Con.

“Did he tell you?”

Con nodded. Now that it came to the point, she didn’t really know how to tell them.

“It’s all a bit weird,” she began. “For one thing, Tom’s a lot older than he looks.”

Author:  Joanne [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 5/07

Yes, and? Do continue, please!

Author:  Miss Di [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 5/07

Am a bit freaked out by Millie here.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 5/07

Why do I have the feeling that something is about to happen? :hiding:

Thank you, Abi.

Author:  Emma A [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 5/07

Abi, this is so good! I am really on tenterhooks to see how you work this out. More, please.


Author:  Finn [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 5/07

Very much enjoying this, Abi, though I'm probably repeating myself by saying that... ;)

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 5/07




Do you intend to relieve us of our misery soon?!?

Author:  Abi [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 5/07

Thanks for the comments. :D

And once it fell upon a day
A cold day and a snell,
When we were from the hunting come,
That from my horse I fell,
The Queen of Fairies she caught me,
In yon green hill to dwell.

“He was our age a hundred and twenty years ago,” said Con. “He was at Queen Victoria’s wedding.”

There was a very long silence, during which Con studied the pile of the carpet in great detail. She wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to see the looks on Shirley and Len’s faces. But instead she heard a sudden giggle, instantly stifled. She looked up to see Shirley staring at her, her eyes huge and her mouth dangling open in a rather unprepossessing manner. There was another laugh and Con turned sharply, realising that it came from Len. Len, gazing at her, her eyes nearly as wide as Shirley’s but her lips parted and curving upward.

“Really, truly?” she said, laughing properly now, her face lighting up with delight. “Queen Victoria’s wedding?” Con felt her own face lightening in response, almost surprised to find herself for a moment in complete accord with her sister.

“Yes, really, truly,” she said. “So Tom said, at any rate.”

“Are you quite sure?” said Shirley. “Or maybe he was having you on.”

“Of course I’m sure; I’m not deaf. And I think he was telling the truth. He was deadly serious the whole time. Well, nearly the whole time.” The dimples they hadn’t seen for such a long time briefly flitted into view and away again.

“But how?” said Shirley. “If he was the same age as Queen Victoria, how come now he’s only the same age as us?”

Con took a gulp from her glass of the sweet, cool fruit punch.

“Because a week after her wedding, he was caught by the Queen of –”

“Well, what?” said Shirley, as Con stopped. “The Queen of England? Spades? The Cannibal Isles?”

“Idiot. No. You know – F – A – E – R – I – E. Apparently if you say it it makes them mad and Tom doesn’t think it would be a good idea for me to annoy them at the moment. Well, it’s not a good idea for anyone to, ever. Different people have different names. The Little Folk, elves or the sidhe, mostly.”

“So they’re like – well, I mean, kids have stories like that.”

“Oh, Shirley, I told you all this yesterday evening,” said Len impatiently and to Con’s great amusement. Maybe she’d been wrong not to trust Len to to help her. “They’re not titchy things with wings. They’re like humans, only not, obviously. I told you all about Miss Morgan and where she took Con.”

“And she’s got Milly, too,” said Con. “Definitely. When I looked at her just now it made – that place – come back. And Miss Morgan’s the Queen, their Queen.”

“It was she who caught Tom?” said Len. “I’m not sure I really want the answer to this, but how old is she?”

Con shrugged.

“I don’t think anyone knows. Old. From further back than anyone can remember. Tom said there used to be more of them. Hundreds and thousands, and now there are only a handful. He sounded almost sad about it.”

“Sad?” repeated Len, outraged. “After everything they’ve done to you?”

“I don’t know. I sort of see his point. If you’d been there, Len, you’d understand the – the fascination it has. It’s so huge and green and beautiful. And peaceful. You could spend a hundred, or a thousand, years there and you’d never feel tired or bored, or hungry. You feel happy when you’re there.” She leant forward, looking into their eyes, trying to make them feel what she meant. “It’s not like the normal sort of happiness. It makes you feel wild and free, as though you could run for miles and dance for days, and live forever.”

“But they hurt people,” said Shirley, eyeing her as though she was slightly unhinged.

“Oh yes. More than you know. She took Tom because she wanted him, but mostly they just play with people. Tom says he thinks they don’t really understand what it means, being human. They take people down into their halls for a night, and when they leave the next morning it turns out they’ve been away a hundred years. They dance them to death, and they take children and leave changelings in their place. And, oh, all sorts of things.”

“So, when she took Tom –?”

“She took him back to the land of – well, the land of faerie. Some people call it the Otherworld, or Tir na n’Og. They don’t age, and time passes differently there. Anyway, however it happened, he’s still the same age as he was when she took him.”

“But that means he’s one of them, surely?” said Shirley, looking alarmed.

“Oh, don’t be silly,” said Len. “He told us how to help Con, and he always said she shouldn’t get involved. I’m sorry Con, but he did.”

“I know, and of course he was right. He said Miss Morgan wanted him for something, and if I got in the way of it she’d make sure she got me right out of it again.”

“Which is what she tried to do.”

“Tom said he thought she didn’t know, but that she just wanted me for – well, you know. For the fun of it.”

Len and Shirley were completely serious now. Somehow the notion that Miss Morgan had wanted Con merely for entertainment seemed far more frightening than any plan or purpose would have done.

“So,” said Shirley finally. “What does she want Tom for, then?”

Author:  JB [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/07

Abi? Abi? Where did you go?

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/07

And Abi?????????

It's starting to all make sense. Thanks

Author:  Miss Di [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/07

Gulp. Have read too many stories and ballads and am pretty sure what she wants Tom for.

Author:  jmc [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/07

How are they all going to get out of this? Please come back soon Abi

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/07

You create the mood so well, Abi. I felt quite jarred when you stopped and left us hanging there....

Poor Tom and poor the rest of them. :cry:

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/07

These cliffs really are getting too much, you know! Please come back soon and put us out of our collective misery!

Author:  Abi [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 10/07

I've just re-read the last bit and realised how very badly it's written. :shock: I hope this is a bit better!

Dear Margot,

I know I only wrote yesterday, but this really is urgent. I did think of phoning, but I know you’d want me to tell you exactly what was going on over the phone, and honestly, I couldn’t. It’d cost a fortune and I know I wouldn’t explain it properly. And I’m terribly, terribly sorry, but you’re going to have to come home. Well, you don’t have to, but I know you’ll want to.

It’s Con, you see. She’s in danger. That is, she does have a choice, but I think she’ll choose the... I’m pretty sure she’s going to put herself in danger. She’s all right at the moment, don’t worry, and she will be for a few weeks yet. Well, until the end of October, to be exact, so you needn’t come yet. In fact, Con won’t be best pleased if you do; she didn’t really want you told until nearer the time. But I didn’t see how we could keep it from you. And I know she’ll want you in the end.

The thing is, it turns out that Tom was kidnapped by the Queen of the Faeries – that’s Miss Morgan, believe it or not! – back in Queen Victoria’s time. It doesn’t look at all likely when it’s written down like that, I know, but somehow it seems to be the truth. At any rate, Con’s treating it as if it is, so I suppose it comes to the same thing in the end. Either that or she’s going to look very stupid on Hallowe’en! Back to the story, anyhow. Tom was kidnapped, and she took him to the land of Faerie, which he says is the most gorgeous place ever and in some ways he wouldn’t mind living there forever. You know that Con agrees with him there. Anyway.

This is ridiculous. I’ve rewritten this letter three times, and having got to this point I’ve sat here for twenty minutes trying to think how to explain, and I just can’t do it. I’m so sorry, Margot, but it doesn’t make sense however I write it. It doesn’t even make sense in my head at the moment. We’ll have to tell you the whole thing when you come home (I’m assuming you will, of course!). But for now, don’t worry too much – Con’s absolutely fine until the end of October. So long as we keep her safe from Miss Morgan.

I know you haven’t a lot of money for coming back, and I haven’t got much, as I don’t start work till after Christmas. But Con’s got most of the money left from those two short stories that she sold in June, and Shirley’s got some, too, so don’t worry about that. I’m sorry about your studying, but hopefully you won’t need to be here for long. If you let us know when you’re coming, I’ll bring the runabout down to the station – yes, I’ve finally passed my test!

By the way, in herself Con’s a lot better, so ignore yesterday’s letter! She’s laughed twice since she came back, and she’s been talking about things as though they matter, not as though they’re little, annoying things like flies to be batted away. You can imagine what a relief that is!

I must close now. There still seems to be an awful lot to do before the kids go back to school and Cecil’s done her usual thing of losing every possession she has. She’s just been in to ask whether I’ve seen her paintbox, which she says she hasn’t used since school finished. Heaven knows what she’s done with it! Probably down the side of her bed, or under the settee.

Take care of yourself, and don’t worry about Con until you get home – she’s fine at the moment!

Yours, Len.

Author:  Finn [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/07

I love the way you're telling this story, Abi - keeping us all in suspense!(except that I've a pretty shrewd idea of what Con will be doing on Hallowe'en, and I can't help but think she's the right triplet for the job!) Looking forward to seeing what part her sisters will be playing.

Have you heard The Imagined Village's retelling of the ballad, btw? It's worth a listen if you haven't (easily found on Youtube).

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/07

Thanks Abi, really hope Margot is able to come home.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/07

Eep! I'm guessing that Hallowe'en is special for the Faeries, and that it's a good day for destroying them or something (can you tell that I've just read 'Dracula'?) but what is Con planning? Please come back soon and tell us!

Thankyou for the update.

Author:  Emma A [ Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/07

This is so tense and dramatic, and I am on tenterhooks to see how Con and Tom can free themselves...


Author:  Len [ Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/07

Norty CBB didn't tell me you'd updated! And I've been waiting and waiting. But what a treat, to have 4 or 5 episodes to read all in one go. It's still my very favourite drabble, Abi, and I'm lost in awe of your genius. Now write some more! :P

Author:  Abi [ Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/07

Your wish is my command, Len. :D Hopefully the CBB will even tell you I've updated this time.....

Afterwards, when Con looked back, she could only remember the next few weeks as a sort of confused blur. Margot had telephoned them as soon as she received Len’s letter, and had thoroughly confused Joey, who came away with the impression that Margot wanted to come home for a Hallowe’en party.

“But why would she come all the way home from Edinburgh just for a party?” she said, with understandable confusion.

“It’s going to be an extra specially exciting one,” said Shirley, the straightness of her face a source of deep admiration to Len and Con.

“But what about her work?” said Joey. “She worked so hard over the summer that she hardly had time to do anything else. It just seems odd that now she’s going to drop it just for a party.”

Shirley spread out her hands in a gesture of helplessness.

“That’s just Margot, I suppose,” she said. “She’s so impulsive. I shouldn’t worry about her work, Mrs. Maynard – she’ll soon manage to make it up.”

“Oh well.” Joey dismissed the youngest triplet’s unpredictable behaviour with a shake of her head, and went off at a tangent. “You know, if you’re having a party, you’re welcome to invite some of your other friends. We’ve plenty of space. What about Meredith? Or those other two with the peculiar names?”

“Flip and Flop, you mean,” said Len. “We couldn’t ask Meredith; she’s got a job in some high-falutin’ person’s office. I don’t know about Flip and Flop. I don’t suppose they’d want to come.”

“There’d be no harm in asking them, though,” said Joey. “They seemed to enjoy themselves last time.” She hesitated. “You know, I’ve been meaning to ask something.”

Len, Con and Shirley waited, reasonably sure they knew what was coming. In fact, Len and Con, knowing their mother, were mildly surprised that the question hadn’t been asked long before.

“About Flip and Flop, I mean. It’s just that I was wondering whether they – well – I know some women are – like – well, I was only wondering –”

“Yes,” said Con, taking pity on her. Joey blushed and thankfully gave up her attempt to explain what she meant.

“They are?”

“Do you mind?” asked Len anxiously. “I mean, would you rather we didn’t invite them here?”

“Goodness, no! Not at all. It was just that – oh, you know, the way they looked at each other, it made me wonder. And I didn’t like to assume, but I’ve never actually met one before – that is, except for –”

“It’s all right, we know about Nancy and Kathie,” said Len, looking as though she wanted to laugh.

“Oh, good.” Joey looked relieved. “I expect you think I’m dreadfully old-fashioned and embarrassing. I must be getting old.”

Shirley smiled at her as they left the room.

“I won’t mind getting old if it means being like you, Mrs. Maynard,” she said, leaving her hostess in a state of pleasurable confusion. “I absolutely adore your Mum,” she went on. “Has she always been like that?”

Len laughed.

“Not really,” she said. “A few years ago she’d probably have accused Flip and Flop of Terrible Lesbianism as soon as she spotted it. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that Nancy and Kathie – they’re two of the mistresses at school – told her they were partners. Of course half of us had guessed it by the time we reached the Fifth Form.”

“The half that read The Well of Loneliness under the covers when it got passed round the form,” said Con, and laughed, which caused her a sharp, almost painful joy.

“At least she doesn’t mind,” said Shirley. “My parents’d have fifty thousand fits and probably ban Flip and Flop from the house. You don’t know how lucky you are.”

“Well, there was a huge fuss when Reg and I split up,” said Len. “Mum tried to force us to get back together – tears and tantrums, the cold shoulder, pleas and coaxing. The whole bag of tricks. It nearly split the family in half. That was two and a half years ago – that Christmas was probably the worst we’ve ever had. But a couple of weeks after term began again she came haring over to England and practically flung herself at my feet. She said –”

Len stopped suddenly and Con finished the sentence.

“She said that ever since we’d gone she’d hardly been able to sleep for fear that we’d hate her forever and never come back, and that nothing was worth that. She apologised and everything, and since then she’s been far more laid-back about us.”

“About everything, really,” said Len. “She even stopped being completely obsessed with the school, although of course most of her best friends are staff there. And her books have changed totally.”

She and Con exchanged glances, and giggled.

“Well, I think she’s brilliant,” said Shirley. “Although I can see why she’s confused about Margot coming back. Do you think we could pass the whole thing off as a party?”

Con felt her stomach clench. She stared down at the path as they walked on past the school, not wanting to talk about what might happen. It wasn’t even as though she’d made a decision yet, although Len and Shirley – and now Margot – were acting as though she had. Their voices went on somewhere at the back of her consciousness, discussing exactly how they’d plan it so that no-one would suspect what was going on, and what sort of state the main protagonists might be in when it was all over, and how this could be concealed.

She didn’t want to think about it. There was still a month left, which was plenty of time to decide what she was going to do.

Author:  Finn [ Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/07

This is grand, Abi, thanks!

Author:  Len [ Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/07

Abi wrote:
Your wish is my command, Len. :D Hopefully the CBB will even tell you I've updated this time.....

It did, it did! Abi, you darling girl! Very frivolous and naughty of you, though - Nancy and Kathie indeed! :lol: And oh, The Well of Loneliness! I cried buckets when I read it, but only at the bit where she shot her horse. What a heartless beast I was, or were the human characters rather unsympathetic? It was a long time ago, and all I can remember clearly is poor Raftery the horse.

More soon please, lovely.

Author:  Miss Di [ Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/07

Len wrote:
And oh, The Well of Loneliness! I cried buckets when I read it, but only at the bit where she shot her horse.

She shot her horse? Well that's one more book I won't read!

Oh and thanks for the update Abi. Events seem to be coming to a climax!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/07

Thanks Abi, I'm waiting for Halloween with a mixture of dread and eagerness to see what happens

Author:  JB [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/07

Len wrote:
And oh, The Well of Loneliness! I cried buckets when I read it, but only at the bit where she shot her horse. What a heartless beast I was, or were the human characters rather unsympathetic? It was a long time ago, and all I can remember clearly is poor Raftery the horse.

It's ages since I read it but I don't remember the characters as being sympathetic either.

Thanks for the update, Abi. I enjoyed reading how Joey had changed.

Author:  MaryR [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 12/07

I don't remember the shooting of the horse, either, but I do remember wondering what all the fuss was about and why it was banned. Likewise with The Land of Spices, banned in Ireland. Both banned because of one line in the books. :shock:

I loved that conversation, Abi, everyone so warm and loving and so tolerant of each other. But, oh dear, poor Con, still struggling.... :cry:

Thank you.

Author:  cestina [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/07

Where do I find the first part of this please? Doesn't seem to be in the Drabbleorum. And what do I do when Sally Denny Library comes up with a fatal error? Though I imagine Part 1 is not there either? :? :?

Author:  ivohenry [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/07

It's on page 2 of this forum.

Author:  cestina [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/07

Thanks :)

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/07

Abi wrote:
She didn’t want to think about it. There was still a month left, which was plenty of time to decide what she was going to do.

And what is she going to do? We don't seem to be coming anywhere near to resolving the cliff, you know!

Thanks for the update :lol:

Author:  Miss Di [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/07

ChubbyMonkey wrote:
Thanks for the update :lol:

and I hope we get another one soon :twisted:

Author:  Abi [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/07

Finally, an update - sorry it's been so long. It's been a busy kind of week (though not in *that* sense :lol: ). Hope you managed to find part 1, Gil. :)

“How can he just expect me to go out there and do something like that?” Con scrubbed at her nose, which was now rather sore, and wished that crying didn’t make you feel quite so disgusting. Even so, she was beginning to feel a little better. Mum, as occasionally happened, had been right.

“I’m not actually senile yet, believe it or not,” she’d said. “I can see you’re struggling and I know you don’t want to talk to me about it.”

“I have talked to Len and Margot and Shirley,” said Con.

“Not Milly?” said Joey, momentarily distracted.

Con looked vague.

“Well, she’s so busy, you know. She knows that – things are happening.”

“But you don’t want to talk about that, either? And I can see that talking to the others isn’t helping you enough. It’s not surprising Con. They’re dear girls and very sensible, but they’re still only your own age. Twenty-two isn’t very old, and none of you have had much experience of life, for all that you’ve spent three years at university. Have you thought about talking to someone else? One of the doctors at the San, perhaps. Or Hilda or Kathie, Grizel or Biddy? Anyone you trust, really.”

Con shrugged and looked out of the window. Joey sighed.

“Never mind. It was just a thought.” She went off, obviously trying not to show her disappointment and worry.

Obviously, thought Con, she couldn’t ask anyone at the San; that would have been insane. And the idea of talking to Hilda or any of the School staff made her head feel slightly funny. Those were two worlds, she felt, which should never, ever meet. But her mother’s words kept teasing at her mind until eventually she thought of someone who might listen to her.

So here she was, sitting in a quiet, pale room, all her secrets scattered before the gentle, wrinkled man in front of her. She had talked – and cried – for what seemed like hours, but there were no clocks in here, so she didn’t know how long it had really been.

“Did he say that he expected you to do that?” he said now. It was the first time he’d spoken for some ten minutes.

“Not exactly. But he told me all about when it happened before and I know that’s what he wants me to do.”

The old priest smiled.

“Well, I would too, if I were in his position.”

Con stared at him. You fool, she told herself. Why hadn’t she thought of that before? Nearly two weeks since he’d told her the truth, and she’d spent the whole time wallowing in her own misery and guilt and confusion.

When she finally left, she realised that he’d hardly spoken; all he’d done was sit and listen. And oddly, since that hadn’t been at all her idea, she found that she didn’t mind that he hadn’t advised her. As she’d walked the two miles from home she’d formed a sort of plan, where she’d tell the priest everything and he’d look at her plaintively through his hairy white eyebrows and tell her the whole thing was quite preposterous, which was, apparently, one of the few English words he knew and which he used in season and out. Go back to England and become a journalist, he’d say. You are being preposterous.

Except, of course, he hadn’t. He’d listened to her as though she was talking sense which, although in some ways reassuring, was also a little alarming. I must be younger than I thought, if I’m suddenly deciding that if a proper adult takes something seriously it must be a serious matter. But she had known from the very beginning that it was going to be crucial to her life. Only she hadn’t let herself believe it; she’d taken it all so lightly. She’d played with fire, and now she was going to be burned.

Her mind felt much clearer now. She could think, almost as though it wasn’t she who was involved. She could see what had happened, and the ways forward she could take. It was odd, really, that however clear her head was, she still couldn’t manage to decide what to do. Still, Margot was coming back tomorrow and they’d have to tell her all about it. Maybe that would help.

Author:  Miss Di [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/07

Yay Abi!

What a sensible choice for Con to talk to her priest. (As long as he is a good one, not like the one from our old local parish)

Author:  PaulineS [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/07

Hope Con can find support from talking to Margot. Interesting that Joey did not force Con to tell her about Milly.

Author:  Len [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/07

Well, priests ought to be good at dealing with the supernatural.

Another thrilling and tantalising episode, thank you Abi. I'm getting very excited about the climax of the story. Don't keep us waiting too long for the next bit, please!

Author:  Myth Tree [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/07

I have spent the whole day reading this from the beginning and I am as entranced as Con.
Magnificent story Abi. Thank-you loads. Con is my favourite triplet too. Hope to read more soon. Please.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/07

Hope Margot can help. Can understand why she can't talk to anyone else. Hope Joey doesn't do it for her.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/07

Please let Margot help!

Author:  MaryR [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/07

Alaways better to listen to someone who doesn't talk! :D Makes you look into yourself, which is what Con now seems to be doing.

Thanks, Abi. :D

Author:  Abi [ Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/07

Sorry it's been rather a while... Glad you're enjoying this, Myth Tree, and congratulations on getting this far!

Margot’s bright hair lit the whole world up. To Con’s frustration, Milly wasn’t at the San at all that day and there was no other excuse not to take her with them when Len drove them down the mountain. Margot didn’t seem to mind. She asked Milly a lot of questions about her future plans, and Milly waxed lyrical about her plans for nursing, although it seemed that she hadn’t got as far as applying to start the training.

“Miss Morgan says she’s got so much for me to do that doesn’t need training that it would actually be more useful if I delayed it for a bit,” she explained dreamily. “She says I’m very gifted with natural remedies like rhythms and chants and herbs, and she wants to teach me a lot more about them before my mind gets dragged down with all the medical stuff. And she says I can visit her at home sometime this week.”

“Oh, we did that ages ago,” said Margot, gaining swift revenge, Con suspected, for Milly’s disparaging reference to ‘medical stuff’. Milly turned a little pink.

“It’s a bit different actually being invited there for a meal, rather than just taking refuge in a storm. I don’t suppose she felt she had a lot of choice.”

“She invited me there a few weeks ago,” said Con.

“Oh, well, that’s different,” said Milly. “She wants – I mean, she likes you.”

“I see.” Margot sounded as though she wanted to laugh. “You mean she doesn’t like the rest of us.”

“Do try to be sensible, Margot,” said Milly distantly, and for the rest of the journey they steered clear of the subject, though Milly remained obstinately quiet. All the same, she spent the entire evening with them, and in the end the triplets and Shirley gave up trying to disappear for long enough to tell Margot what was happening.

“If anyone felt like helping me with this new jigsaw,” said Joey after supper, “I really wouldn’t object.”

“Told you you’d stick at two thousand pieces,” said Jack with a grin.

“I’ve stick at about fifty,” said Joey sadly. “It’s practically all sky or grass. Terribly depressing. Tell you what, I’ve got a box of chocs somewhere upstairs – whoever puts the most pieces in may have it.”

The prize was won by Con, who had always been good at games that required minute observational skills. When no-one could see anything but dancing bits of blue and green after looking away from the puzzle they stopped and ate the chocolates, lounging on the lawn with glasses of wine. When they finally wended their way to bed, Con drew Margot aside at the top of the stairs.

“Milly’s at the San all of tomorrow afternoon and evening. We’ll tell you all about it then.”

Then Milly turned back, apparently to say goodnight, and she said no more, but walked forward to meet Len, who was heading for her bedroom door, rather pink about the ears and a smile on her lips.

“What’s biting you?” said Con, lifting her brows.

“Biting me? Nothing,” Len said. “Just saying goodnight to Roger, that’s all.”

She vanished into her room and Con, sighing, went into her own.

They waved Milly off after lunch and watched her walking down the road. Margot grabbed her triplets’ hands and towed them towards the stairs.

“Finally!” she said. “I’m absolutely dying to know what’s going on.”

“Oh – um – Len?” They swung round to see Roger standing there. “I was just wondering whether you wanted to come for a walk?”

Len’s face fell.

“I’m sorry, Roger, but I can’t come just now,” she said. Seeing his smile fade, she went on quickly. “I really am sorry, but there’s an awful lot we need to tell Margot. Maybe this evening.”

“Maybe.” Roger turned away.

“I feel so guilty,” said Len, “shutting people out like this. It isn’t even as though it wouldn’t be safe to tell Roger; he’s not like Milly.”

“I daresay,” said Con. “But I’m still not telling him. Shut the door, would you, Len? At least it isn’t quite so hot any more.” She crossed the room and closed the wide-open window, then sat down on the bed. Margot plumped herself on the other end.

“Tell me all about it,” she said.

Author:  Len [ Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 06/08

Abi, you angel lamb! Thank you! Now get on and write the next bit :P

Author:  Finn [ Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 06/08

Yay more! I love your stories, Abi, they're so well-observed.
I feel like a baby bird sitting there with its beak open! More please more please

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 06/08

Let's hope that Margot can help! I loved Joey and the puzzle :lol: Thanks for the update!

Author:  Myth Tree [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 06/08

Thanks Abi.
(Reminds self that patience is a virtue rather than start begging for more)

Author:  PaulineS [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 06/08

Thanks Abi. Hope Len can make it up with Roger.

Hope Margot can help.

Author:  Abi [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 06/08

I'm afraid this bit's pretty much old hat for those who know the ballad (though I have invented a couple of bits myself...). Thanks for all the comments.

“Did you ever read the ballad of Tam Lin?”

Margot looked blank.

“You’re asking me here if I ever read a poem,” she pointed out.

“Don’t worry. Neither of us had come across it either,” said Shirley, while Con pulled her well-worn copy of The Oxford Book of Ballads off the shelf by her bed and flipped the first few pages over.

“It’s a fairy tale,” she said. “They used to be different from how they are now. Darker and more – horrible. Tam Lin was first written down in the eighteenth century, but Tom says it’s mentioned as far back as the sixteenth century, and is probably older even than that.”

“Okay, so it’s old,” said Margot, looking uncertainly at her. “What of it?”

“Well, most fairy tales are just that. Tales. Stories. But Tam Lin’s different. It’s true, you see.”

When Tom had explained that to Con it had made her stomach turn over sickly. She’d loved The Oxford Book of Ballads since she’d been a child, although her favourites had been the romantic ballads: Rose the Red and White Lily, and The Cruel Brother, or the historical ones like Sir Patrick Spens. But she’d read Tam Lin and knew the story well.

“It’s about a young man who’s kidnapped by the Queen of Faerie. She takes him to her land, and he – he quite liked it there.”

She paused. From the look on her sister’s face, it was obvious that Margot didn’t need to be reminded of the effect faerie could have on a human mind. She tried to think how to continue. When she’d told the others it had all been fresh in her mind, and she’d repeated a lot of what Tom had told her.

“Why don’t you read me the ballad?” said Margot quietly.

She’d always been good at reading aloud, so she did. The others were quite silent as her voice went on, half whispering.

“O I forbid you, maidens all,
That wear gold on your hair,
To come or go by Carterhaugh,
For young Tam Lin is there.”

There were birds singing outside, their voices faint and shrill.

“He’s ta’en her by the milk-white hand,
And by the grass-green sleeve,
He’s led her to the fairy ground
At her he ask’d no leave.”

He hadn’t needed to ask her leave. She’d fallen into his arms.

“The steed that my true love rides on
Is fleeter nor the wind...”

Glancing up briefly, she saw Margot’s eyes widen and knew that she was remembering the silent riders who had passed them on summer solstice.

“...And the Queen o’ Fairies she took me
In yon green hill to dwell.”

She paused before going on to the next verse. The one where you realised what was at stake.

“And pleasant is the fairy land
For those that in it dwell,
But ay at the end of seven years
They pay a tiend to hell;
I am sae fair and fu’ of flesh
I’m fear’d ‘twill be mysell.”

There was silence when she reached the end of the ballad.

“That’s it, more or less,” she said.

Margot looked as though she’d had too much to eat and didn’t know what to do with the surplus.

“Sorry, what?” she spluttered. “Please tell me a tiend isn’t what it sounds like.”

“It’s like a tithe. Or a tax. It’s a payment she makes to hell once every seven years, in exchange for the Unseelie Court being allowed to rule on the earth.”

“Rule on the earth?” echoed Margot.

“Well, that was a long time ago. They used to be gods and goddesses, once, thousands of years ago. Now they just hang onto any power than they get and Tom says that, in a way, that makes them more dangerous.”

“And they pay hell for this privilege?”

“Yes. A human sacrifice.”

“Which Tom thinks is him,” said Shirley.

“And he wants you –?”

“To rescue him,” said Con.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/08

Oh, eep :hiding: Just as I thought that there might be a solution on the horizon, this comes along!

Thankyou, I think, for the update.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/08

Please come back and rescue them both soon. :hiding:
:witch: Does Millie know what she is involved in?

Author:  shesings [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/08

Abi, I am awestruck at how brilliantly you have put this ancient ballad into the Chalet School world and made it believable

Author:  Miss Di [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/08

Well done Abi. Finally someone other than you and your readers have figured out what's going on!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/08

This won't mean she has to sacrifice the baby does it??!!

Please come back and update soon, Abi

Author:  jmc [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/08

Really hoping this will all end well but things are looking a bit bleak at the moment. Thanks Abi. Please come back soon.

Author:  Rafaella [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/08

I stayed up most of last night reading this from the beginning - it's riveting! Can't wait for the next episode.

Author:  Len [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/08

Brilliant stuff, Abi! I love this story - both Tam Lin and They'll Turn Me in Your Arms. I'll be sorry when it's concluded. As SheSings said, it's such a clever reworking of the story.

Author:  MaryR [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/08

Gulp! :shock: So how is she supposed to do that, then? I could be very scared about what it might entail for her. :cry:

Thanks, Abi

Author:  Emma A [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/08

Abi, this is just gripping, and I'm loving every update. I do hope Con can work out what it is that she needs to do, because I'm sure she can do it...


Author:  Abi [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/08

Thank you so much for all your comments! So glad that people are still enjoying this. :D

And thanks to shesings for pointing out my stupid mistake... :lol:

“Well, do you want to rescue him?” said Margot eventually. There had been a lot of argument, since Shirley was all for Con riding out and whisking Tom out of harm’s way and Len was of the opinion that she should run as far and as fast as she could.

“It’s what Tom’s been telling you to do this whole time,” she said. “He wouldn’t want you to put yourself in danger, would he?”

“Len, he’s asked me to put myself in danger,” said Con.

“I know, but only because he –”

“Found out I’m pregnant.”

“Are you sure it’s just that?” said Margot doubtfully. “I know it sounds a bit that way, but I don’t see why that should make him suddenly want to get you involved.”

“Yes, but it’s the being pregnant that means I can rescue him in the first place.”

“Come again?”

“I know it doesn’t say it directly in the ballad, but the rescuing part won’t work unless the girl’s pregnant. You see, Andra’s got complete control of him. He has to do as she says and she can call him to her from anywhere. He ran away once, and went to Australia, but she found him. The only way he can escape her is by tying himself to the earth.”

“I’m assuming you mean that metaphorically,” said Margot, raising one eyebrow.

“It’s one of those bizarre poetry ideas,” said Shirley. “You know, where everything’s all symbolic and has to add up. Some randomer can’t just waltz in and fight her off; it has to be a girl who’s pregnant with his child.”

“And since I’m the only one, it means only I can do it,” said Con. “And it’s not just a poetry idea, it’s real. If he doesn’t have anything calling him back here, there’s nothing that can save him.”

“So it comes back to what I asked before,” said Margot. “Do you want to?”

“I don’t know.” Con stared out of the window at the blazing blue sky. The room was growing hot and airless. “In a way I do. He was really nice when we went up the mountain.”

“What do you mean, really nice?” said Len, looking disturbed. Con had avoided talking about how she and Tom had got on that day, but Len hadn’t been able to stop herself wondering whether she’d heard the real reason for their spending the night up there.

“He – made things different.” Con, who had been flicking idly through the pages of The Oxford Book of Ballads, looked up and saw their faces. “I mean he sort of made me remember what it felt like to be – well, human.”

She saw Len frown and carefully didn’t sigh. After all, it always was Len who found these things a challenge. Shirley seemed able to blithely accept all that she was told and Margot had always had an affinity with the spiritual world. A cold shiver shot down Con’s spine as she remembered Margot telling her that she could see her soul in the faerie-made dress. But Len was almost painfully down to earth.

“You are human, though,” she said now.

“Yes, but that isn’t much good if you don’t feel it,” said Con. “Tom talked to me. I can’t even remember most of what he said, but I know it made me feel – I could feel the glacier, and the mountain and the Gasthaus, and the people in it. Not in that detached, faerie way, but properly. As if they actually mattered.”

“That’s good,” said Shirley. She leant over and gave Len a poke. “You know she’s been better since she talked to Tom.”

“He talked to the baby, too,” said Con. “He said it was very sensible and that I should listen to it.”

This was too much for Len.

“That’s ridiculous. It’s only a few inches long. How can it possibly be sensible, or say anything for you to listen to? You know, Con, I haven’t liked to say it, but maybe we should at least think about the possibility that Tom might just be stark, staring mad.”

“He isn’t,” said Con, shaking her head. “I believe him, ok, Len? If he’s mad, then so am I.”

“Anyway, madness doesn’t account for all the weird stuff that keeps happening,” said Shirley. “The way Con was, and the dreams.”

“Well, that could be madness,” said Len.

“Yes, but there’s the thing with the cellar at Miss Morgan’s, and the bedrooms,” said Margot. “And Con’s dress – it wasn’t normal, even I could tell. There were those horses, too, and I’ve never seen them since that day. No, I’m afraid we’re past being able to deny this or explain it away, Len.”

Len nodded, head down. Con couldn’t see her face. At last she looked up.

“Then you should get away,” she said. “What use is Tom to you anyway? Surely it’s obvious that all he ever wanted was to get you pregnant so that you could save him. We should all go back to England and forget about all of this.”

Her face was very pale, her violet eyes staring starkly. Con wondered whether she’d been bottling all this up, trying to support her sister until Margot came back.

“He said he loved me,” she said, but she knew that her voice didn’t carry conviction.

“So much that he dumped you after he slept with you and never came near you until he knew you were pregnant? That doesn’t sound like love to me.”

Before Con could reply there was a knock on the door. She wouldn’t have known what to say anyway.

Author:  shesings [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/08

Fascinating update again, Abi - and it was a typo not a mistake! Signed Ballad Nerd xxx

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/08

Thanks, that's amazing. Love reading this and seeing where it leads to

Author:  Myth Tree [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/08

I echo Fiona, it's amazing. I am enjoying this so much. Thank-you.

Author:  JS [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/08

Fabulous Abi; you're not going to make us wait until actual Halloween to find out what happens, are you??

Author:  PaulineS [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/08

Thanks Abi please lets us know sooner rather than later if Con can save herself and Tom.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/08

Eep, who's at the door? And what will she decide?

Thanks for the update, please don't keep us in suspense too long!

Author:  MaryR [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/08

Sometimes being down-to-earth has its good points, believe me, and Len has some valid questions there. Being able to enter into one's imagination like Con can, and feel others' pain or joy, can hurt - hard. :cry: You put it all so clearly, Abi.

Now who is at the door disturbing their thought processes? :shock: Can make a guess....

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Nightwing [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/08

I can't blame Len for feeling like that - the thought had crossed my mind!

Thanks for the update, Abi!

Author:  Miss Di [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/08

Please don't make us wait until Halloween!!

Author:  Abi [ Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 11/08

JS wrote:
Fabulous Abi; you're not going to make us wait until actual Halloween to find out what happens, are you??

Oh, now, what a good idea.... :twisted:

“Tea’s on the table,” said Jack, putting his head round the door. “And we’re going down to Interlaken next weekend to buy a new gong.”

“I think you should make Mike post it back,” said Shirley, scrambling to her feet. “Serve him right if he has to pay half his term’s allowance for the postage.”

“Tempting,” admitted Jack, “if it weren’t for the fact that we’d probably have to wait five years for him to get round to doing it.”

“Not to mention the fact that he’s probably spent most of his allowance on clothes and make-up by this time,” said Margot. “Gosh, it’s stuffy in here.” She flung the windows wide and breathed in the fresh, cool air.

“I did wonder what you were all sitting cooped up in here for,” said Jack as they started down the stairs. Then, as he absorbed Margot’s words, “Clothes and make-up?”

“For his acting,” said Len.

“Oh, of course.” Jack shook his head. “Well, I suppose he’ll grow out of it soon.”

Len and Con exchanged looks.

“I don’t think so,” said Con.

“Of course he will,” said her father brusquely. “The lad isn’t going to end up as an actor. That’d be ridiculous.”

“Actually, Dad, I think he’s serious about it. I’ve never seen him so excited about something, and definitely not about the Navy,” said Len. “And from what Steve and Chas have said, he’s pretty good.”

As she, Shirley and Jack went on down, Shirley joining Len in arguing for Mike’s potential for a career in the theatre, Margot lingered behind with Con.

“I take it Dad still isn’t too happy.”

Con smiled ruefully.

“He’s trying very hard to be good about it. He hasn’t brought the subject up since Mum ticked him off right at the beginning, and even if I say something about it he just changes the subject as quickly as he can. I haven’t a clue what’s happening with the people he has told, but we’re going to have to start telling the local people soon.” She rested her hand on her belly.

“I thought that when I saw you at the station.” Margot glanced at her sister’s face. It was pale, and there were shadows beneath her eyes. “You might feel better if it’s out in the open. Have you thought about how you’re going to do it?”

“The grand tour, I suppose,” said Con with a shrug. “Certainly most of the old friends ought to be told face to face. I can’t say I’m looking forward to it. And Lionel’s still hanging around making puppy dog eyes. Although,” her face lighting up for a moment, “he has backed off since Mum ticked him off.”

“She seems to have been doing a lot of that lately,” said Margot. She grinned. “Actually, I think she rather enjoys that sort of thing.”

“Well, I expect she’ll be able to fully indulge her tastes over the next few weeks,” said Con gloomily. “I rather wish Augusta hadn’t gone.”

“I thought she was settling down for a few weeks’ stay,” said Margot. “The last I saw, she and Mum were getting on like a house on fire.”

“She had an urgent call from work, apparently, and had to dash off.”

“What exactly does she do?”

Con shrugged again.

“Wrop in myst’ry, as Mum would say. Absolutely no idea; she wouldn’t say. I wish she’d stayed, though. I’ve never met anyone so good at making people see the other point of view.”

“You’ll be fine,” said Margot firmly. “If the Maynards are for you, who can stand against you? Mum, did you do the cooking?”

She peered suspiciously into the large pan, full of some unspecified brown substance.

“Yes, and don’t you dare be rude about it, Mary Margaret Maynard. I followed the recipe to the letter, so if there’s anything wrong with it it’s Betty Crocker’s fault.”

“Oh well, you can only die once,” said Margot philosophically.

And, in fact, no-one died at all that day, and that evening Con wrote a short story about a woman who accidentally poisoned an ex-lover by adding a wrong ingredient to a goulash. At first, venting her current feelings about Tom, she made him die and the woman join the Salvation Army as penance, but she relented and let the doctors save him, so that they ended up together again. It was almost three o’clock in the morning by the time she finished, but it was the first time she’d written since the abortive poem, back when she and Tom had been friends.

When she woke up in the morning – rather late, owing to the hour at which she had gone to bed – she lay there for a few minutes, feeling the sun and the breeze on her face.

“We’ve got two weeks to decide about Daddy, baby,” she said. “Love him or leave him?”

Author:  Finn [ Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/08

Oh I do love this drabble, Abi! Let's hope the baby gives her the right answer (which it's bound to, of course, being a wise wee thing!)

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/08

“We’ve got two weeks to decide about Daddy, baby,” she said. “Love him or leave him?”

That is the question. Hope we find out soon.

Author:  Miss Di [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/08

Oh you have to save him Con! Even if he has been a right plonker.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/08

Yes, please do save him! Then you can always leave him as well, but to just leave him is so final...

Thankyou, please come back soon!

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/08

Thanks for the update. Love Margot being frightened of Joey's cooking and Con's response of writing a story. Please let Con save Tom.

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/08

That was great, Abi. Such a normal, humorous family scene, woth love wrapped up in the teasing. Con is clearly groping her way to some kind of answer, if she can write again.

Thank you.

Author:  Emma A [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/08

Go on, Con - you will, won't you?

(Thanks, Abi)

Author:  Nicci [ Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/08

Thanks Abi. This continues to be fantastic. It's so gripping.

I can't wait for more.

Author:  Abi [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 14/08

Sorry it's been a while (again!)... had a scene all planned out, started to write it and hey presto! This one somehow turned up instead.

Thanks for all the comments. :D

The pre-dawn light is grim and veiled
In seething hate and frozen blood
The clouds are harsh and bringing rain

Your faeries sink into the mud.

The worst thing Con did that day was tell Hilda. She and Joey had already been to see Grizel, who was shocked but, in the end, accepting. Con suspected it was at least partly because her mother was with her, making it clear that she supported Con absolutely. Biddy Courvoisier had been easier to convince, but Con hadn’t felt able to hug her goodbye as she had done Grizel. And Phil and Hilary Graves had been – well, Con hoped it wouldn’t spoil the friendship between them and her parents.

But the look of white-faced shock on Hilda’s face was something Con felt she wouldn’t forget for years to come. When the silence grew so long that she began to feel uncomfortable she opened her mouth, only to catch her mother’s eye and quickly shut it again.

“I see,” said Hilda at last. There was another long silence.

“I didn’t mean it to happen,” said Con.

Hilda laughed, a small dry laugh.

“That makes it all right, then,” she said.

“No – that wasn’t what I meant. It’s just I – I wanted to explain.”

“Please do.”

But Con couldn’t.

“It was a terrible mistake,” she said, in the end.

“Not a mistake I could ever have imagined one of you three making. If anyone had asked me, I’d have said you were all far too sensible to throw your lives away in such a foolish manner.”

Con began to feel very cold. She sat still and stared at the carpet, knowing that there was nothing she could say that would excuse herself and that she deserved everything Hilda was saying.

“I know,” she said. “I wasn’t thinking about being sensible. It seemed like the only thing to do – at the time.”

“I’m sure it did, although I thought you had more self-control than that.”

Hilda had always been famous for the way she was able to reduce girls to mere shadows of their former selves. The last time it had happened to Con was when she had let Samantha van der Byl go down the ski slope without being tested by a mistress first. This was worse, far worse. She carried on staring at the floor, not knowing what to say. Her silence seemed to make Hilda angry.

“Don’t you have anything to say? After disgracing yourself and your family?”

“I’m sorry,” said Con faintly.

“It’s all right, Hilda,” said Joey.

“I know how difficult this must be for you, Joey. Is there anything I can do to make it easier for you?”

“Yes. Yes, there is, as a matter of fact. You see, now that we’re telling people what’s going on, Con’s bound to be up against quite a lot of bad feeling. You’re one of the most respected people on the Platz, and your support would be a huge help.”

“My support,” repeated Hilda. “Joey, how can you think I could give it?”

“Because,” said Joey quietly, “we don’t want Con to suffer for her mistake any more than she has to – which, believe me, is quite sufficient. However foolish her action, I don’t feel that there’s any point in continuing to punish her for it. That won’t help either her or her baby.”

“I understand what you’re saying,” said Hilda after a pause. “But given my position as Head of the Chalet School, I cannot possibly endorse the simple acceptance of Con as an unmarried mother. Who is the father? Can’t they get married?”

“We don’t know who the father is,” said Joey, who by this time was aware that Tom had somehow returned to Con’s life and strongly suspected that he was deeply involved.

“Con doesn’t?” Hilda looked startled.

“I do,” said Con. “But no-one else does. I understand. You don’t want the girls to get the idea that it’s all right to get pregnant left, right and centre. You think the parents wouldn’t want their children knowing me. It’s fine. Come on, Mum, let’s go.”

Joey looked at her old friend, her black brows drawn together.

“I understand as well, Hilda. But surely – privately?” As Hilda didn’t reply, she hesitated and went on. “Look, we’ll have a drink. Day after tomorrow; we’re seeing other people tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at eight.”

“Thanks, Mum,” said Con as they crossed the lawn.

“You’re welcome,” said Joey, tucking her hand through her daughter’s arm. “She’s right about the School, though. I’m afraid you’ll have to keep away from them, at least for a while. I know it feels horrible, but it really wouldn’t be appropriate.”

“I know.”

“And I know we’ve discussed this before,” said Joey, taking the plunge. “But are you sure you don’t want to go back to England for a bit? Even just until the baby’s born; we could easily arrange to move for a few months.”

“It’d look just as bad to come back in a few months with a baby,” said Con. “Anyway, I need to be here at the moment. There are things I’ve got to do.”

That night, she dreamed.

Author:  Finn [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

Hurrah more! Thanks Abi. Hilda was indeed quite terrifying in that scene - I can see why girls left in tears now! It made me quake a little myself...

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

Fairly disgusted with Hilda in that scene. I had thought she would have more understanding of human frailties than that and it's not like Con is still in school. Whatever she had to say in public as Headmistress, she could have been more understanding in private and it's not her place to come down as the heavy parent.

Joey is lovely for standing by her daughter

Author:  Miss Di [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

Utterly horrified at Hilda's reaction. It might be the Chalet School but surely Con is not the first girl to get knocked up! (And it's not like she is still at school). Rude and heartless.

Author:  Len [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

I'm trying to work out when this is set, and whether Hilda's reaction is over the top for that time. Probably not, assuming this is happening before the sexual revolution of the later sixties. I mean, yes, it is unenlightened and unsympathetic, but probably fairly typical of a mature woman of the time, and one whose livelihood and professional reputation was based on guiding and protecting vulnerable young ladies. And the CS has always been somewhat sheltered and behind the times, in terms of social mores.

Anyway, another splendid instalment, Abi, but I can't wait for Hallowe'en! :D

Author:  robinette [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

Loving this Abi :D

Author:  sealpuppy [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

How lovely Joey was, that's a great relief. As for Hilda, I can see why she'd react like that - the school is her baby after all and at that time (1960?) attitudes were still very much as she says: parents would be appalled if the headmistress was seen to condone Con's situation. And as far as I can recall, it was usually the girl who got the worst of the blame. (Nothing changes!) And you have to allow for her to get over what would have been an awful shock; the triplets have been almost surrogate children to her and Nell, and she hasn't had time to assimilate it.

Abi, could we see Nell's reaction too, please? I'm betting she'd be much quicker to understand and, if not approve, at least to sympathise.

Author:  PaulineS [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

I liked Joey suggestion of having Hilda around for drinks in a couple of days, I am sure by then she will be willing to be more supportive in private at least.

Thanks for the update.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

I can completely understand her reaction, but then I'm from a very traditional family background and both my parents have said that they'd disown me if I "threw my life away" by getting pregnant. For Hilda, as well, it might come back on the school, as it's so short a time since Con was there and her life was so bound up in it - what do they teach them there and other such questions being asked in private.

On top of which, I can well imagine Hilda being wise enough to have sensed the presence of faerie and to maybe have an inkling of what Con's got herself into - lucky guess, perhaps, but I'm sure she'll know more than she's letting on! (After all, those eyes have never needed glasses, there must be something magic in that!)

Thankyou for the update.

Author:  jmc [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

I can understand Hilda's reaction given the era and her concerns for the school but will admit I was shocked by it. I thought she would have been more understanding and given how close she has been to the Maynards would have done her best to help Con. Great to see how fully Joey is supporting Con though.

Thanks Abi

Author:  Jenefer [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

At this time, girls were sent off to special homes to have the baby which would be adopted. Keeping the baby was not considered an option and girls must have been put under a lot of pressure by parents etc. It seemed to change at the end of the Sixties....

Thanks Abi, I love this story and am looking forward to more

Author:  Len [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

Jenefer wrote:
At this time, girls were sent off to special homes to have the baby which would be adopted. Keeping the baby was not considered an option and girls must have been put under a lot of pressure by parents etc. It seemed to change at the end of the Sixties....

*Shudder* Awful but true. How much better to have a brave and protective maverick of a mother like Joey in this story, who isn't afraid to fly in the face of all that and close ranks around the erring child. I would absolutely do the same for my daughters, though of course it's easy to say that now in the 21st century, where there's no stigma.

Author:  Myth Tree [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

My friend was thrown out for being pregnant in the early sixties. When they found his father was black her family refused to speak to her again.

Hilda's reaction is probably what you would expect of most head-mistresses but would have liked her to understand a bit more.
This is still my favourite drabble though.

Author:  Abi [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 20/08

This is 1961, so definitely pre-sexual revolution. It's most interesting reading everyone's opinions on Hilda's reaction as opposed to Joey's! Thanks for all the comments. :D

The sun is rising, the sparrows squawk
Echoing words of mindless fools
You sink into a dark cocoon

Your faeries drown in stagnant pools.

She was running through the woods. Rays of sunshine lit the trees up in shafts and she could see the dust motes floating endlessly through them. Ahead were glimmers of proper light where the forest ended, but however hard she ran she never got there.

Andra Morgan appeared in front of her, and she stopped, afraid. Andra’s skin was as white as a skull; it made her eyes look like deep black pits and her lips look like blood.

“Come back to me, Con,” she said.

She pressed her lips together. If she spoke, she might never get away.

“Don’t fight me,” said Andra, her voice barely more than a whisper, like the hissing of a snake.

She shook her head.

Andra walked forward. Like a snake, thought Con, because I can’t move. She stood, quiescent, as Andra placed her hands on her cheeks, their faces so close that she couldn’t see anything else. Andra’s eyes seemed to look into her deepest, most private self, turning her inside out.

“Why have you left me?”

She tried to think. Slowly, she remembered the other world. The one where there was Len and Margot, Shirley, and even Milly, drifting away from them. Mum and Dad and Auntie Hilda, though they were hardly even shadows in her mind. And there was the baby, growing inside her. Of all of them it was the only one who could come with her here, whose presence she could sense, tying her to the other world with a link that could not be broken.

“Because I want to live,” she said.

“You’ll live here.” Andra’s breath smelt sweet; she breathed it in until it nearly choked her.

“I can only die here.”

“You’ve never met death, Con. This is another life.”

“I only want the one I’ve got.”

“You’ll meet with death and misery there. Here, you’ll know only joy.”

“I may not have met death,” said Con. “But you don’t know joy. You can only reach the heights when you’ve touched the lowest places. You live in a flat world, Andra.”

Andra hissed, drawing her lips back to show her shining white teeth.

“Are you afraid for your child?”

“My child?” she whispered.

“Did you think you could hide it from me? Milly is a loyal friend. I wish you would learn from her. But you needn’t fear, there are no better parents than us.”

“My child has parents.”

Andra’s hands fell away from her face. When she turned away she was standing by Freudesheim’s front door. She stepped over the threshold and looked at Andra, framed in the doorway. Andra moved forward, trying to follow her, but she trod on something that sparkled and let out a cry, drawing back with her teeth bared.

“Let me in, Con. You can’t hide from me, and you can’t resist me for long. One day we’ll be together, and it will be forever.”

“You sound like a foolish young lover,” said Con and shut the door. As she turned to go upstairs a shrill scream shattered the stillness and she woke.

There were voices outside her room, shrill and angry. She rolled out of bed and opened her bedroom door.

“Margot? Shirley? What’s going on?”

“Come on!” Margot was banging on Len’s door “It’s Bruno.”

She turned, caught sight of Con and yelled. Len’s door crashed open.

“For heaven’s sake! What on earth are –” She stopped, her mouth open. “Con! What happened?”

“What do you mean?” Con put a hand to her face, but when she made to draw her fingers through her hair they caught and pulled at her scalp. A chill curdling her spine, she clutched at her head and dashed back into her room to gaze, horror-stricken at the tangled, matted, knotted mass that was her hair.

Author:  Len [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/08

Wow! Brilliant instalment. Very powerful, and the last bit made me gasp. I'm putting in a pre-order now for your novels when they're published, Abi.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/08

So Milly is caught up in fairy land, it has been implied before but Miss Morgan is boasting about it here. Hope Con can save herself, the baby and Tom from what she correctly sees as a living death.

Thanks for another powerful instalment.

Author:  cal562301 [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/08

Wow! is all I can say.

Really enjoying this, whilst wibbling about Con and the baby.

Author:  charli [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/08

Abi, i have just caught up on loads if this! It is so good-really emotive. I love your Joey :D

Author:  MaryR [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/08

Hmmm! Not even a nightmare with Andra in it could cause that mess - could it? :shock:

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Len [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/08

There's an incident in Holly Black's The Spiderwick Chronicles, in which some malevolent fairy-type ties a girl's hair to her bedstead in lots of little knots while she sleeps.

And impenetrable and seemingly inexplicable knots in horses' manes and tails are sometimes colloquially referred to as witch knots. In folklore terms, witches and fairies are often used interchangeably when blamed as supernatural agents of human misfortune.

Oh, and then there's elf-locks, as in Mercutio's speech about Queen Mab in Romeo & Juliet:
"She is the fairies’ midwife, and she comes
In shape no bigger than an agate stone.......
That plaits the manes of horses in the night
And bakes the elflocks in foul sluttish hairs,
Which once untangled, much misfortune bodes."

So, according to Shakespeare it will be worse for Con if she combs her hair. I wonder what she'll do.

Anyway, those are what I thought of when I saw Con's hair all matted and knotted like that.

Oh, and I've just discovered that some folks use the term 'fairy knot' to refer to a little knot on just one strand of hair. But I think Con's got more than that to contend with this morning.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/08

I'm now terrified of going to bed - and I thought that the nightmares couldn't get much worse! Aaaaaah! Luckily I'm reading a very down to earth book, so hopefully that will help, but why did you have to do that to me?!?

This is so powerful and just draws you in with Con. Oh, dear, I do hope that she can sort it soon - if just for the sake of my own, relaxing sleep!


Author:  Abi [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 21/08

Sorry, Ariel, I didn't mean to give you nightmares... :lol: The quote in here may seem somewhat familiar, Len. :P

“My hair!” Con’s voice came out in a gasping squeak. “What’s happened?”

“Just what I was about to ask you,” said Shirley, stumbling into the doorframe, her eyes still half glued together with sleep. “Is this some rebellious new look? Because if so, I have to say I think it’s a mistake.”

“And Bruno’s sporting it too,” said Margot.

They all turned to look at her.



“That’s why I was banging on your doors. He slept on the porch last night, and when I went to let him in I found him looking – well, rather like you, Con.”

They stared at each other, then, as one, made for the stairs. Bruno was lying on the hall rug, his eyes half closed. He didn’t seem to be at all bothered by the fact that his fur was tangled into knots, but the triplets and Shirley looked at him in horror.

“Who would do this to him?” said Len, kneeling down and teasing at a little matted clump.

“And how?” said Shirley, slumping down on the bottom step and leaning her cheek on her hand. “Surely that would take hours.”

“And why?” said Margot, looking from Bruno to Con and back again. “Why Bruno and Con? That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Maybe they were the easiest people to get to,” said Len.

“The first bedroom on the landing is mine,” pointed out Margot. “And Mum and Dad sleep below. They must have chosen Con specifically, but I don’t understand why. Who would want to do that?”

“Andra,” said Con. They all turned to look at her, except for Shirley, who had her eyes shut.

“What? You mean Miss Morgan?” said Len.

“I dreamed about her last night.”

“Yes, but –”

“She couldn’t get into the house because of the salt. It hurt her; she screamed. But Bruno was sleeping outside the house, so she could – she could hurt him.”

She couldn’t help thinking how much more badly Andra might have hurt Bruno, or what she might do to him – to any of them – in the future.

“But you were inside the house,” said Shirley, frowning blearily.

“And she was inside too, in my mind. In my dream, I mean, she could see right inside me. Maybe she could do things to me too.”

“Let’s not make assumptions,” Len began, but stopped as Joey came down the stairs in her dressing gown.

“You’re up early, girls,” she said, nudging Shirley aside with her foot. “Something wrong?”

She caught sight of Bruno and froze.

“It’s ok, Mum.” Len got to her feet.

“Bruno – oh, my!” Joey’s hand went to her mouth and she moved forward slowly to examine her pet. She shook her head. “Elflocks.”

“Con’s got them too,” said Margot, and Con stepped out of the shadows at the edge of the hall.

“What do you mean by elflocks?” she said.

“Oh, just Shakespeare, you know. Con, how did your hair get like that? And Bruno? Girls, what’s going on?”

“We’re not entirely sure, Mrs. Maynard. But please tell us, what did you mean when you said ‘elflocks’?”

“That bit in Romeo and Juliet – you know, when Mercutio’s talking about Queen Mab. Plaits the manes of horses in the night And bakes the elflocks in foul sluttish hairs.”

Which once untangled, much misfortune bodes,” finished Con.

“Do you think that means you shouldn’t comb it out?” said Shirley, brightening up a little.

“I don’t care how much misfortune bodes,” said Con, “I am not keeping my hair like this.”

“And neither is Bruno,” said Joey. “We’ll just have to tease it out.”

Two hours later Len and Shirley had achieved some success with Bruno’s relatively short locks and he was looking somewhat bedraggled but far tidier than he had that morning. Joey and Margot, on the other hand, had had very little success with Con’s hair.

“This is hopeless,” said Margot. “We’re never going to get it untangled.”

“You’ll have to cut it.” Roger had been helping Len with Bruno, and was now sprawled on the settee, watching Joey and Margot’s struggles with interest.

“But I don’t want it cut!” wailed Con.

“I don’t think you’ve got a lot of choice.” Joey put her comb down and sighed. “Even if we do manage to get it out, your hair will be in terrible condition. It’s going to have to be cut.”

Con’s head was sore from two hours of tugging and combing, and her heart was heavy with fear. She couldn’t stop a few hot tears from rolling down her cheeks as her waist-length black locks were clipped, landing around her on the parquet floor.

Author:  Nightwing [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 22/08

Oh, poor Con :( . At least if it's cut, rather than untangled, it might not cause any 'misfortune'?

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 22/08

Oh poor Con. Though who put salt around the house so Andra couldn't get in?

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 22/08

Thank goodness they had put the salt at the door and windows if I remember correctly. Another one hoping that cutting reduces the risk of misfortune. Thanks for the update.

Author:  Len [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 22/08

Ooh, I guessed right! Poor Con, to lose her lovely hair, though. I must have a weird supernatural hair-based connection with this story, because I've just chopped off my long hair because it always looked untidy and elf-locky. Spooky! :-o

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 22/08

Poor Con - what a mess it all is! Thankyou for the update (and somehow managed to evade nightmares, for one night, phew!)

Author:  sealpuppy [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 22/08

Meep! Poor Con, and Bruno too. And fancy Joey spotting what it was! Thank you, Abi, hope there's more soon? Hint?

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 22/08

If she could do that without even being in the house, except in Con's dreams, what on earth would she do if they let her in?? :shock: Yikes! Please sort this woman out soon, Abi. :bawling:

Hoping no further mishap happens to poor Con. And well done, Jo!

Author:  Miss Di [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 22/08

Poor Con, her beautiful hair. Oh and poor Bruno of course. Hope chopping instead of combing works.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 22/08

Scarier and scarier!

*hopes Con wins in this version*

Author:  Emma A [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 22/08

Thanks for those fantastic updates, Abi. Poor Con, but so glad she was able to withstand Miss Morgan in her dream.


Author:  Abi [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 22/08

Thanks for all the comments. :D

“You should tell Tom about this,” said Margot urgently.

“How can I? Milly mustn’t have told her that Tom’s the father. Probably it didn’t seem significant at the time, but if Andra finds out I don’t know what she’d do.”

“Well, what about the police?” said Len. “We don’t have to tell them about the faerie part.”

“Oh yes, good idea,” said Shirley, not a trace of sarcasm on her face. “We should definitely phone them and tell them someone’s come and tangled up the dog’s hair and Con’s. They’ll be down here like a shot, with that sort of thing going on.”

Len gave a snort of laughter.

“Ok, I see your point. But there must be someone who could do something about it, surely?”

“Yes, there is,” said Con. “Me. Remember?”

Len blinked at her, the laughter dying out of her face.

“I meant a – well, a grown up. You know, some sort of official people. If they knew about it they surely wouldn’t let these faeries just wander round doing whatever they liked.”

“They couldn’t do anything about it. For one thing, they probably wouldn’t even believe, or understand. Right-minded adults generally don’t.”

“Sweet of you,” said Margot.

“It’s pretty much been forced on all of us, though,” said Con. “Most adults who experience the world of faerie end up insane, like the man in La Belle Dame Sans Merci, and Kilmeny, and – oh, dozens of others. But I’ve been protected.”

“By Tom?”

“Yes. But even before that, I think. Do you remember the dress I had for that party at the beginning of the summer?”

“Yes, the weird faerie-made one that Tom practically threw a fit over,” said Shirley.

“And you know the pendant I had that went with it?”

“Wasn’t it sort of green?” said Len vaguely.

“It was the one that made you dream about Tom, wasn’t it?” said Margot.

“It let me talk to him and find him. But now I think that it was protecting me too, shielding me from Andra. Remember how she scared the kids when they did their séance thing? If she could do that, why couldn’t she interfere with Tom and me when we were talking?”

“Well then, can’t you use it to talk to him? Or, maybe it’d help to protect you against Miss Morgan getting into your dreams again,” said Len.

“I lost it,” said Con. Then, as the silence spiralled, she sighed. “I was wearing it to find Tom, the night I – the night we slept together. It didn’t feel as though I needed it any more.”

But Len, seizing with gratitude and enthusiasm on the chance of something practical to do, made them walk to the edge of the woods where Con had dropped the pendant and search for it. Slightly edgy, Con had only agreed reluctantly to them even leaving the house.

“But after all,” said Shirley, “we can’t stay cooped up in the house all day and all night, we’d go mad. Anyway, what can she really do to us?”

Con turned from where she had been peering vaguely into the bushes and stared at Shirley incredulously.

“What can she do?” she echoed. “Shirley, you saw what she did to me and Bruno, and the only reason it didn’t happen to everyone in the house is because she couldn’t get in. And that was – that wasn’t her attacking us. That was just a warning. Her showing what she can do if I don’t co-operate.”

“She thinks she can still get you back,” said Margot. “Look, are you sure you dropped the pendant here?”

“Yes, I dropped it at the edge of the woods. Maybe someone’s picked it up.”

“Or,” said Shirley, her voice sounding a little strained, “maybe it’s sort of changed.”

“What do you mean?” Con darted over to where Shirley was kneeling in some long grass. In front of her was a small plant with slender, deep green leaves and pale green flowers.

“Touch it,” said Shirley. When Con did, she found that it was smooth and solid, like polished stone.

“You’re right.” Once again, as she continually did when it came to the world of faerie, Con found herself having to think sideways, to deal with the unexpected. She stroked the plant’s cool surface again. “Well, it looks as though I’ll have to manage without that, anyway.”

“What are you managing without?”

Con jumped violently and, being halfway through the process of standing up, almost overbalanced. She swung round, to see Roger standing there, his hands in his shorts pockets, smiling at them blandly.

Author:  Len [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 24/08

Wonderful, wonderful! The tension's really building now. I love this!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 24/08

I'm just itching to find out what happens next. Thanks Abi

Author:  Miss Di [ Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 24/08

thanks Abi, keeping me on tenterhooks here!

Author:  Emma A [ Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 24/08

Crikey, beginning to see even Roger as being influenced by Faerie now... :shock:

Abi, this continues to be fantastic.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 24/08


Author:  Abi [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 24/08

Thanks for all the comments.

“You all look a bit dazed,” he said. “Everything all right?”

“Yes, fine,” said Con quickly. She could just see Len out of the corner of her eye, still looking fixedly at the little plant as though she hadn’t noticed that Roger was there. “Actually, I ought to be getting back to Freudesheim. Mum and I have got to see four people this afternoon and evening. We lost a bit of time with my unexpected haircut this morning.”

“And I really ought to go and do some work,” said Margot. “I swore to Dr Jessop that I’d do as much reading as I could while I was here. I practically had to bribe him to let me come home at all. Didn’t you say you’d give me a hand, Shirley?”

Shirley grinned broadly.

“I did indeed,” she said. “Bad luck, Roger. I’m afraid you’ll have to make do with Len’s company.” She winked at Len, who promptly turned pink with embarrassment.

“I’m sure he’ll cope,” said Margot. “Well, see you later. And don’t feel you have to rush back.”

“Wait a second,” said Roger as they made to turn homeward. “I saw that friend of yours as I was coming past the San – Tom Lynn. He sent you a message.”

“Me?” said Con, rather faintly. Roger shrugged.

“He didn’t say; all of you, I suppose.”

“So what’s the message?” said Margot.

“Firstly, for heaven’s sake be careful.” Seeing their faces, he looked defensive. “Not my words – his. For heaven’s sake be careful. Keep your heads down and you’ll probably be safe. Secondly, the roses are still in bloom. And thirdly, remember what will happen if you don’t do it.”

“Right,” said Margot blankly. She and Con looked at one another.

“Is he bothering you?” said Roger. “If he is, you should talk to Jack. Or maybe the Matron at the San. Or I could –”

“No,” said Margot, her eyes widening. “No, no, no. Not bothering us. Nothing like that. It’s fine, we know what he means.”

“Yes, don’t worry about it,” said Len, taking Roger’s hand firmly. “Come on, let’s go.”

Con watched as they went on, knowing that she could rely on Len to make sure Roger didn’t ask questions and wouldn’t talk. She, Margot and Shirley wandered back towards home, the autumn sun still warm on their skin.

“What do you think Tom did mean?”

“I thought you said you knew?” said Con.

“I was only saying that to stop Roger from getting all suspicious,” said Margot. “What on earth does Tom mean by sending bizarre cryptic messages like that?”

“What does he mean at all?” said Shirley. “Maybe Len’s right and he has gone mad.”

“Well, it’s obvious what the first thing means,” said Con. “Be careful and keep our heads down. Maybe he knows about the elflocks, or maybe not, but either way he’s trying to tell us how to keep safe.”

“Fair enough, but what about ‘the roses are still in bloom’?” said Shirley.

“You first met him when you were nicking his roses, didn’t you?” said Margot. “Maybe he’s sort of reminding you.”

“We did other things there, too,” said Con, dreamily. “I mean,” she added quickly, “we met there, once or twice.”

“So is he saying he wants to meet you?”

“I don’t know. He said before that he didn’t think we should meet again. At least, not until Hallowe’en. The usual thing about it not being safe, only we’ve got Milly to worry about as well as Andra now.”

“Well,” said Margot, “perhaps he thinks you could communicate that way. Leaving messages there, so that Miss Morgan doesn’t know about it.”

“Or he could just be saying he’s still in love with you? You know, if you first met where the roses grow, and if that’s where you met him, he could be just trying to say that he still feels the same way about you.”

“Len would say that was just so that I’d save him,” said Con.

“Remember what will happen if you don’t,” said Shirley. “Wasn’t that the third thing?”

“She gets to keep her power here for another seven years,” said Con. “She’ll probably stay here, gaining more and more power. Look at all the damage she’s done already, with Milly, and making Mum not trust Dad, and I don’t suppose they’re the only ones. It isn’t really surprising that Tom wants to be saved, anyway. If it was me I’d probably be doing the same thing.”

Author:  Finn [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/08

Still loving this, Abi - waiting expectantly for more!

Author:  PaulineS [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/08

Thank you. Hope Len can help Roger to understand the need to keep quiet.
Please get us to Halloween soon.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/08

Thanks Abi, though am still waiting to see what Con has to do

Author:  Eilidh [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/08

Thanks Abi, loving this! So much tension!

Author:  Len [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/08

Most mysterious. I think if I were Con I'd be inclined to return to the roses and see if there was a clue (or a Tom) to be found there.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/08

I'd maybe go to the roses, but that might be quite, um, scary.

Thanks for the update!

Author:  Emma A [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/08

Fascinating - and glad that Roger isn't a bad guy! Loved the bit with the others teasing Len about him :D

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/08

Thanks for all the comments. This telling people part is lasting a lot longer than I'd expected... hope it isn't too dull!

By the time they reached the little Gasthaus where they had arranged to meet Auntie Nell Con felt exhausted. They had paid flying visits to three other friends and most of them hadn’t reacted at all well to her news, and Gwynneth Lloyd had been frankly horrified. Even Daisy and Laurie Rosomon were rather distant with her, though their long held love and respect for Joey prevented them from displaying their shock – and, Con was sure, disgust – openly.

Having learnt from their experience with Hilda, Joey had arranged to meet Auntie Nell in the restaurant at one of the little Gasthäuser that were scattered about the Platz. Better, she said, to meet on neutral ground, then any of them could leave easily if they needed to. They’d ended up talking to Daisy and Laurie for longer than they’d intended, and Auntie Nell was there before they arrived. She jumped up and hugged them each in turn.

“I love your new hairstyle, Con,” she said. “Dear me, it feels like years since I’ve seen any of you people. What do you mean by neglecting us like this?”

“Rather a lot’s been going on,” said Joey as they took their seats. Con’s stomach was clenched so tightly and her mouth so dry that she didn’t feel able to either speak or eat. “As a matter of fact, we’ve got some big news for you.”

“Good gracious,” said Auntie Nell mildly. “Don’t tell me Mike’s fallen off another cliff, or Chas has eloped.”

Con’s eyes moved guiltily to her mother’s face, but Joey did not indicate by look or word that her friend had come uncomfortably close to the mark.

“Not quite,” she said with a smile. “We’ll save it for when the food comes.” And she steered the talk on to other matters. Auntie Nell told them about one or two interesting new girls St Mildred’s had acquired, and the new class they had started in public speaking, which had already enjoyed one or two amusing moments.

At last, when they had started their meal, Joey glanced at Con with a faint smile and said,

“Time to tell Auntie Nell our news, don’t you think?”

Con dropped her knife with a clatter.

“Um – ok,” she said, her mouth dry again. She put her fork down too, and gripped her hands together in her lap.

“What is this big event?” said Auntie Nell curiously. “With such a build up I’m going to be very disappointed if it’s something dull after all.”

“Oh, I think I can guarantee that you won’t find it dull,” said Joey with a smile. “As a matter of fact, it’s really Con’s news, but she’s a little shy about it. The thing is – well, to put it in a nutshell, she’s expecting a baby.”

Auntie Nell’s mouth opened as though to speak, but stayed like that as she took in what Joey had said. Her eyes went to Con, who nodded mutely.

“Expecting a –” she pointed her fork at Con. “You’re pregnant?”

“I’m not sure you shouted that quite loud enough for the people up at Wahlstein to hear you, Nell,” murmured Joey.

“Be quiet, Joey,” said Auntie Nell. She looked at Con as though she was an alien species rarely to be encountered on earth. “You’re going to have a baby?”

“Yes,” said Con, slightly heartened by the fact that she hadn’t yet been slapped in the face or thrown out of the restaurant. Still, she couldn’t think of anything else to say so she sat there, twisting her fingers together, staring at the attractive, white-haired woman opposite her. Auntie Nell, whom she’d known since before she could remember, who had helped her in some of her hardest times, who’d written to her every week when she’d first gone to Oxford, giving her another link to home, which she’d been missing so badly at the time. Auntie Nell, now sitting staring at her, a frozen look on her face, her fork still poised in mid air.

At last she put the fork down and leant back in her seat.

“Well,” she said. “I must admit that, whatever I was expecting, it wasn’t that. So who’s the lucky man?”

“Tom Lynn,” said Con. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Joey’s hand stop halfway back to her plate. “But please don’t tell anyone else. Len and Margot and Shirley are the only other ones who know.”

“And me, now,” said Joey.

Please don’t tell Dad. He’d have half a dozen heart attacks.”

“Trust me,” said her mother. “I thought it was Tom, anyway. I mean, it wasn’t going to be that Lionel, was it?”

Auntie Nell banged her fork on her plate to get their attention.

“I hate to break up the discussion,” she said, “but who’s Tom Lynn?”

“Just a doctor at the San,” said Con. “No-one special.”

Auntie Nell’s eyebrows rose until they were almost hidden in her white hair.

“No-one special?” she echoed. “The father of your child?” She hesitated, looking from Joey to Con, a look of bewilderment slowly dawning on her face. “You are getting married, aren’t you?”

Con shook her head.

“Sorry, but no,” she said. She took a deep breath, by this time knowing what Auntie Nell would need to hear. “It’s all right, you don’t need to say it. I’ve already heard it all from Hilda. I won’t go anywhere near your girls, and if I see them I won’t let them speak to me. I understand what it would mean to St Mildred’s and how the parents would feel if they found out. And I understand that you won’t want to see me.”

Author:  Finn [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

Not dull - heartening! I'm hoping that Bill will squash Con thoroughly for her last statement and cheer her right up! thanks Abi
oh, and love your new signature. A friend of mine used that in the foreword to his PhD thesis (yes, he is a statistician :D )

Author:  Abi [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

bonnie wrote:
oh, and love your new signature. A friend of mine used that in the foreword to his PhD thesis (yes, he is a statistician :D )

Thanks... I've just noticed I've put three 'p's in 'support'! :shock:

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

I hope Nell is more supportive than Hilda was and can in turn speaks to Hilda about how nasty she was to Con. I'm a bit disappointed with everyone's reaction. i thought they were fairly sympathetic people, but they all seem so judgemental

Author:  Finn [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

Abi wrote:
Thanks... I've just noticed I've put three 'p's in 'support'! :shock:

Oh! I didn't notice that. Just call it early-modern spelling, then no-one can argue with you ;)

(though how you will explain the early-modern lampposts I don't know...)

Author:  Miss Di [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

Look forward to seeing Nell's reaction. Thanks Abi, it could never take too long!

Author:  Emma A [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

Wondering why Con has told Nell who the father is (and Joey too) - hoping Nell can help her to the right thing to do.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  JS [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

Great to catch up on a week's worth of updates - one of the few nice things about coming home from holiday!
Thanks Abi (I'm another who will be pre-ordering your first novel :) )

Author:  PaulineS [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

Thanks for the update. Another who hopes Nell will react better than Hilda.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

Yet another hoping that she'll be supportive! She doesn't seem to have reacted badly so far, and though she might say that Con should try and avoid St. M's (though with them all being much older, that might not be such a problem) that doesn't mean that she isn't happy for her and prepared to support them on a personal level. I hope.

Thankyou for the update!

Author:  Len [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

Good for Nell! I too hope she'll sit firmly on Con's last remark.

Author:  charli [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

Ooo good update! :D
I hope Nell continues to show Con support.
Thanks Abi.

Author:  MaryR [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

Oh, I'm quite sure Nell will still want to see you, Con - though her reactions so far don't look too promising. But maybe your words will help her see your hurt.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  sealpuppy [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

Another one waiting anxiously to find out what on earth is going to happen next! :)

Author:  Abi [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/08

sealpuppy wrote:
Another one waiting anxiously to find out what on earth is going to happen next! :)

Your wish = my command. :D

She looked down into her food and, for something to do, picked up her fork and put a piece of meat in her mouth. But eventually the silence grew too long and frightening. She swallowed and swivelled her eyes sideways. Joey was sitting quite still, but she didn’t look tense. Con inhaled and slowly raised her head. Her mother was looking at Auntie Nell, her face quiet and grave.

She turned. Auntie Nell’s black brows were drawn together, her lips pinched tightly together. But when Con looked into her eyes, she saw that there were tears there.

“My dear child,” she said. “Who said all that to you?”

“Well, Hilda. It’s all right, Auntie Nell, honestly.”

Auntie Nell waved her hand impatiently.

“If you can call Hilda Hilda, you can call me Nell. Now, I take it that since Joey’s here she knows what’s going on.”

“Well, I don’t flatter myself that I know all of it,” said Joey dryly. “But Jack and I – and Madge and Jem and the rest of the family – fully support Con. After all, if a family won’t catch one of its members when she falls, who will?”

“Take that belligerent look off your face, Jo,” said Nell with a grin. “I won’t pretend that this isn’t a shock, but if the entire clan of Maynards, Russells and Bettanys is behind Con I don’t hold out much hope for the rest of the world.”

“So you –”

Nell speared a piece of meat with her fork and caught Con’s eye.

“I have a great respect for Joey and Jack’s good sense. Not to mention all the others. I shan’t pry or ask questions, but if they know what’s happened and they back you up, I certainly haven’t any intention of opposing them or you.”

A huge weight seemed to remove itself from Con’s heart and she smiled.

“Thanks, Nell,” she said. “That means a lot. I know I don’t deserve it.”

“My dear Con, how many of us do you really think get our just desserts in this world? Innocent people suffer and die, and murderers live long and happy lives.” She paused and smiled at Con. “In any case, didn’t Jesus forgive the woman caught in adultery? And the woman at the well, who’d had five husbands and wasn’t married to the man she was with at the time? I feel I can’t do better than to follow his example. I’m afraid you were right about the girls, though. I know you’ve got friends at St Mildred’s, but you won’t be able to see them.”

“I know. I understand.”

“Let me finish,” said Nell, frowning her into silence. “You won’t be able to see them yet. And if this was the Chalet School I’d say you wouldn’t be able to at all. But my girls are a little older; they’re more or less adult and I’ll be surprised if you’re the only person they ever encounter who’s in your situation. I will be willing for your friends to see you, if, and only if, you are willing to allow them to write to their parents asking for written permission.”

Joey stirred.

“Nell,” she said quietly.

“Wait, Mum,” said Con. “Nell, if you think the girls are old enough to cope with seeing me, why not let them decide for themselves?”

“Because I don’t just have a responsibility to them, but also to their parents. I’ve no right to allow them to see someone I know their parents might have difficulty in accepting. I know that hurts, Con, but it’s the truth. However, I’m willing to explain the situation to the girls and allow them to write to their parents, and I’ll write a covering letter myself. But I must have written permission if I’m going to let the girls see you.”

Con nodded.

“I see.” For a moment she bit her lips, undecided. Then she looked up again. “All right. They’ll have to know sometime anyway, and they’ll wonder why they’re seeing Len and Margot but not me. Yes please, Auntie Nell, let them write to their parents. If they want to, that is.”

Conversation for the remainder of the meal was a little strained. It was obvious that there was really only one topic that Nell wanted to discuss, but it was equally evident that Con wanted to talk about it as little as possible, so she steered clear of it and found it rather difficult to think of anything else to say. Joey, however, seemed to be blithely unaware of any possible awkwardness and chatted on, covering the silences with inconsequential information about Mike’s plans to become an actor, Margot’s as a secular doctor, and Shirley’s to start a Spa on the Platz.

Nell’s last words as they said goodbye were, “Don’t you worry about Hilda. I’ll soon talk some sense into her.”

Author:  Nightwing [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/09

After Hilda's reaction, Nell's compassion and good sense must be such a relief. This just made me tear up! Joey's comments about not knowing everything that was going on made me giggle, though :D

Author:  PaulineS [ Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/09

Thanks for the update, Nell was caring and appropriate there. Hope she succeeds with Hilda.

Author:  Miss Di [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/09

Thank goodness for such a sensible reaction from Bill!

Author:  Eilidh [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/09

Hurrah for Bill! That was a much nicer reaction tha Hilda's.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  JS [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/09

I thought for a minute Nell was going to ask Con to come along to St Mildred's to give a class on sex education!
Thanks Abi, looking forward to the next bit.

Author:  Emma A [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/09

That's exactly how Hilda should have reacted. Poor Con. I do hope this will all be sorted out soon!

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/09

A good, common sense reaction, and just what Con needed. Hurrah for Nell! Thankyou.

Author:  Len [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/09

I do like that parting comment of Nell's!! :D

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/09

I love Nell, far more compassionate than Hilda, while still acknowledging the problems

Author:  Abi [ Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 01/09

Thanks for all your comments. :D

Con had walked up here countless times. The first time ever with Mum, not long after they’d moved to Switzerland. They’d walked to the San, Mum and the triplets and the boys, to see where Dad worked. From that moment she’d loved the woods. Pine, so very different from the woods at home. They were dim and empty and made her think about caverns and cathedrals. The pine needles on the forest floor were like a silent carpet.

She had found the roses when she was fourteen. One weekend the triplets had spent at home, when Margot hadn’t been talking to the others because she was jealous of Ros, and Con had got bored of it and gone off by herself to dream of poetry and princes. She’d wandered off the beaten track and there they had been, a sprawling mass of heavy, sweetly scented blooms. She’d come back again and again, whenever she needed to take a rest from the world, to live somewhere else for a while.

And then one day, out of sheer pique, she had come striding up here to gather the roses. Only because Dad had told them to avoid the wood. It was the first time she’d ever touched them. But there he was, practically at the first snip. She shook her head and began to climb the hill.

The roses are still in bloom. Obviously. Those roses bloomed practically the whole year round. So why had Tom felt that he had to tell her?

When she had woken up this morning she had felt warm and happy; the sun on her face and the lingering memory of a dream where she and the baby – she thought it was a girl, or perhaps a boy – had been playing under a tree. Then Nell’s words came back to her. I’ll soon talk some sense into Hilda. If only everyone was like Nell, life would be so much easier.

She stopped for a moment, meaning to look back at the valley, shining in the morning sun. Instead, without looking round, she ducked her head and went on. This didn’t feel like the time for looking back.

Tom was waiting for her when she reached the roses. He hurried forward as soon as she appeared, grabbing her by the hand.

“Constance!” he exclaimed. “This is going to sound a bit crazy, I know, and I don’t really know how to say it, so I’m just going to. Will you marry me?”

“Will I – what?” Con removed her hand from his grip and retreated hastily. “Have you gone insane?”

“No.” Tom paused to consider. “Well, maybe. But I do want to marry you, even if I die.”

“Die? I am not marrying a corpse. Anyway, who says they’re going to leave a corpse? Or are you saying you’re going to die if you marry me?”

Tom stared at her.

“You’re not taking me seriously.”

“Oh, really?” said Con, unable to stop the wild sarcasm filling her voice. “Fancy me not taking someone seriously who proposes to me less than two weeks before he’s due to be made a human sacrifice when I just happen to be the only one who can save him. I can hardly believe it.”

“I didn’t mean it that way,” said Tom. “Constance, I’m in love with you.”


“No, but honestly, it’s true.”

“Prove it.”

Tom gaped at her.

“You can’t prove love,” he said.

“You were right,” said Con. “I never should have got involved with you.”

She turned on her heel and went back down the hill, furious with herself and Tom. Why had she listened to that stupid message? What had she expected? Well, not that he’d propose, obviously. She’d hoped that he might have something useful to say, about how to make her decision or what to do once she’d made it. Some persuasive argument that would make everything clear. She should have known, she supposed, that seeing him would just make everything more complicated.

For a few minutes she let herself dream. A cool dawn, like today, but things were normal. She wasn’t pregnant and Tom wasn’t going to be sacrificed to hell. He still proposed to her, though, and it was far more romantic. He went down on one knee and presented her with the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. Con caught herself, shook her head and went back to the beginning. It was a warm day with a gentle breeze and Tom had taken her up the Jungfrau.

“Con!” Margot’s screech rent her vision apart. She looked around vaguely until another yell drew her attention to an upstairs window. “Where have you been? Have you seen Milly?”

As Con crunched through the salt on her way through the front door, Margot came charging down the stairs, closely followed by Len and Shirley.

“What’s that about Milly?”

“You haven’t seen her? Her bed hasn’t been slept in and no-one’s seen her since yesterday evening.”

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/09

Oh no, please tell me Milly isn't trapped in faeryland

Author:  Eilidh [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/09

I hope Millie's somewhere safe, but I doubt it! Thanks Abi.

Author:  Len [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/09

Oh, I wish he'd run after her! But that wouldn't have done for the Mistress of Dramatic Tension Building, would it, Abi? :P

As for Millie... I am afraid I am struggling to sympathise with her. I suppose it wasn't her fault she was seduced by Faerie, but she's been in the role of enemy spy for much of the story that I can't help seeing her as such. I wonder whether she will be rescued and redeemed?

Author:  PaulineS [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/09

Thanks, I share Len's response to Milly. Hope Con and Tom can reach agreement.

Author:  Emma A [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/09

Eek! Poor Milly - I hope she's alright. And what did Con expect? Understandably, she wishes she didn't have to have all the faerie stuff to deal with, but Tom's right - how do you prove love? He does love her (and we know she loves him).

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Miss Di [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/09

I am another one nodding in agreement to Len's response.

Author:  JB [ Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/09

I could sacrifice Milly if it keeps Con and Tom safe.

Author:  jmc [ Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/09

JB wrote:
I could sacrifice Milly if it keeps Con and Tom safe.

That would do for me as well. Tom should have chased after her though. Thanks Abi

Author:  MaryR [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/09

Trust Tom to throw a spanner in the works, just when she was beginning to sort herself out a little. And trust Abi to set up yet another cliff.... :twisted:

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 07/09

Thanks for the comments. Sorry this part is rather long! :)

“Did I hear you say Milly’s gone?”

Tom was there, breathing heavily, his hair sticking to his forehead in a way that, despite everything else, made Con’s stomach perform a small flip. She ignored its message.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded.

“Thank goodness you are,” said Shirley. Her face was white and she looked as though she had been crying. “You might be able to help us.”

“Let’s go into the house.” Tom glanced behind him and steered Shirley towards the French doors, which stood ajar to let the fresh autumn breeze into the room.

“What?” Con barred his way. “We can manage perfectly well by ourselves, thanks. Leave us alone, Tom.”

He looked down at her and for the first time since she’d met him, his face looked oddly distant.

“Pull yourself together, Constance,” he said. “If you want your friend back you may have to put up with my presence, for a few minutes at least.”

He pushed Shirley on, Margot following, and they all went into the house. Con stood on the lawn, hot with shock. She went round the side so that they couldn’t see her, and leant against the wall, trying to breathe steadily.

How dare he tell her to pull herself together? She was, absolutely and completely, together. Just because Milly – her thoughts came to a standstill as she thought of Milly. What had Margot said? No-one had seen her since last night? That didn’t necessarily mean anything awful had happened; Con herself had vanished for a whole night not so long ago. But that had been because the entire clan of Bettanys, Russells and Maynards had found out that she was pregnant, and she was fairly sure that wouldn’t be Milly’s reason for going anywhere.

There was only one reason Con could think of for Milly to disappear. In fact, ever since they’d come back to the Platz Milly’s life seemed to have revolved around one thing. Con wondered why she hadn’t thought about it before, why she hadn’t worried when Milly changed from her usual quiet, intelligent, humorous friend into a distant stranger whom they all instinctively avoided.

Because I was so wrapped up in myself and my own problems. The only thing I thought about Milly was that she might make things more difficult for me.

Tom had been right. She had been selfish, and she’d been cruel – to him, to Milly and to the others. With a sigh, she straightened up and went in through the kitchen door. Katya was there, washing up. Con glanced at her watch and found that it was still only nine o’clock.

“I’m so sorry, Katya,” she said. Someone else she’d barely thought about lately. “I promise I’ll help you with supper, but we’ve lost Milly, sort of, and I have to help find her.”

She hurried through the kitchen and stopped with her hand on the door handle of the Saal, taking more deep breaths. Ridiculous, she told herself, to be so scared. She turned the handle and pushed the door open.

Len, Margot, Shirley and Tom were all there, chairs huddled together in a corner. They looked up as she crossed the room, but didn’t say anything. Con stood in front of them, awkwardly twisting her fingers together. She wet her lips.

“I’m sorry.” Still none of them spoke, and she tried again. “Really, I am. I was selfish and I wasn’t thinking. Please tell me what’s happened to Milly.”

“Well, don’t just stand there,” said Margot. “Get a chair and sit down, for goodness’ sake.”

“It wasn’t until she didn’t come down to breakfast that we realised anything was wrong,” said Len. She, like Shirley, had red eyes and Con’s stomach clenched with guilt. “I went up to see if she was still asleep and she wasn’t there.”

“But she might have got up early,” said Con. Len shook her head.

“Anna said she’d left a pile of clean clothes on Milly’s bed yesterday evening. They’re still there.”

Con sank into the basket chair she’d pulled over, and looked at Tom.

“So do you think she’s –?” Tom nodded, his face grim.

“Gone with Miss Morgan, you mean?” Len rested her forehead on the palms of her hand. “This is insane. First Con, and now Milly. We have to do something about it!”

“Don’t even try,” said Tom. He leaned forward, forcing Len to look at him. “Don’t you dare try to do anything, Len. Andra can stop your breath with a snap of her fingers, and she will. If you threaten her, she won’t think twice about killing you.”

Len paled, her violet eyes huge. For the first time, Con noticed the huge shadows beneath them, making her sister look tired and worn.

“Tom’s right,” she said. “We can’t stop her and we shouldn’t try. Milly’s the important thing. Maybe one of us could telephone Andra and ask if Milly’s there. At least we’d know for sure then.”

“No.” Tom shook his head. “You shouldn’t get involved. Believe me, you don’t want to experience the consequences of ignoring a warning from Andra. I’ll investigate what’s going on when I get back. I should be going, actually. She mustn’t know I’m here.” He looked around at them all. “Do you understand? She must not know there’s any connection between me and Constance.”

“Why did you come, anyway?” said Con, frowning. “You were here before you even knew about Milly.”

“I wanted a word with you. Outside, maybe?”

Con followed him in silence, and stood in the hall with him.

“Look, I know I didn’t ask you properly just now, but I really did mean it. Please, will you marry me?”

“No.” She looked up and saw his expression. “I’m sorry, Tom, but don’t you understand how it feels to me? I know – in my head – that you probably don’t mean it this way, but it feels as though you’re offering me marriage as a reward for saving your life.”

She looked at the floor again so that she didn’t have to see the hurt in his face.

“But that isn’t why I asked you. I asked you because I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Con swallowed.

“I know. At least, I think I do. But if I say yes, I’ll feel I have to – to do what you asked. And I don’t want to do it just because it means I can get married if I do. I’m sorry, Tom.”

“Ok.” He nodded brusquely and strode out of the house, his hands in his pockets. Con stared at him, refusing to let herself cry as she watched him leave.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/09

Poor Con, really feel for her.

Hope Milly is okay

Author:  Len [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/09

Oh good, he did run after her! Very exciting. And it's sort of nearly Hallowe'en in the real world, so does that mean it is in drabble-world too?

Author:  jmc [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/09

Pleased Tom actually came after Con and I hope they do end up together. Poor Con, so many worries.

Author:  Emma A [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/09

So many things to think about for everyone. I wonder if Milly has gone willingly or not...

Thanks, Abi - though that last post wasn't nearly long enough!

Author:  Finn [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/09

Whoop! Another new post in my favourite drabble. I love this story, Abi :)

Author:  MaryR [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/09

A very taut atmosphere there for all of them, but especially for Con. She's not afraid to stand up for herself though and tell Tom what's what.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Nightwing [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/09

Every update is making me wibble harder at the moment, Abi! I hope Tom finds a way to help Millie... and that Con doesn't take matters into her own hands... :?

Author:  Miss Di [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/09

You really are stringing this out until Halloween aren't you Abi!

Author:  Abi [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 15/09

Miss Di wrote:
You really are stringing this out until Halloween aren't you Abi!

No! Honestly, I'm not!

They barely left the house all day in case Tom called or Milly, against all expectations, suddenly turned up.

“Good thing Mum and Dad are out,” said Margot. “They’d think we’d gone insane, staying in on a day like this.”

“I think Katya does think that,” said Len sadly. “She keeps on telling me we needn’t help with the housework and that we should go out and take advantage of the beautiful weather.”

“It is glorious for October,” said Shirley. She picked up a pile of letters from the hall table. “Look – post. One for you, Margot. Two for Len, two for Con, and one for me. Who on earth is writing to me? That’s not Mum.”

She wandered into the Saal, ripping the envelope open as she went, and flung herself into the basket chair Con had been using an hour before.

“Flip and Flop,” she said. “Well, Flip, anyway. You know how Flop is about writing. Apparently she spent three weeks teaching and couldn’t stick it, so now she’s mucking out in the local stables and likes it much better. And Flip’s got a regular column on the village rag and is hoping to get an article or two in something bigger soon.”

Con, perusing her own letter from Charles, was sure she knew what Shirley was thinking as she glanced in her direction. If it hadn’t been for Tom and Andra and the baby, Con might have been taking her own first steps into the world of journalism even now.

“Ooh,” said Shirley, who had barely paused in her reading. “Flip’s had her hair cut. Funny story, apparently – oh –”

“Oh what?” Con, catching the note of alarm in her voice, looked up.

“Want to know why Flip cut her hair?”

“Listen to this!” Len appeared in the doorway, horror splashed across her features. “It’s Adrienne – you know what happened to you, Con? With your hair? Well, it happened to her, too, and on the very same day.”

“Doesn’t have much luck with her hair, does she?” said Margot with a grin.

“How can you joke about this?” said Len. “It’s like – it’s as though we’re being watched, whatever we do.”

“What was that about Flip?” said Con, turning to Shirley, who raised her eyebrows.

“Take a wild guess.”

“What?” said Len, looking up from Adrienne’s letter.

“Same thing happened to Flip,” said Shirley.

They were silent for a long time, until a voice came from behind Len and they all jumped and Len let out a shriek.

“What ever are you doing?” said Katya, looking startled. “All so silent, as though someone has died.”

Con forced a laugh.

“Of course no-one’s died. Not as far as I know, anyway. Sorry, Katya, we were thinking. There’s a letter for you, by the way. Steve, I think.” When Katya had vanished with the letter, Con looked at the others. “She can do anything. She really can.”

“But Adrienne’s in France and Flip and Flop are in England,” said Len. “How did she get so far, to do that?”

“There must be others, all over the place, but she’s the queen. She can do anything,” Con said again.

“Do you think we should let Tom know?” said Shirley. “He’s the only one who seems to know what to do.”

Con shook her head.

“Safer not. If she thought Tom and I still knew each other – if she had any idea my baby was his I think she’d – I don’t know. She might even kill me.”

So, once again, they did nothing. Con had never before appreciated how nerve-wracking it could be just to wait. They cleaned all the children’s bedrooms that hadn’t already been done, and Margot and Shirley did Claire’s too, not realising that it had been done two days previously. And at last, just as they were gathering up the plates from supper, the telephone rang. Jack, who was closest, reached out for the receiver.

“Freudesheim, Doctor Jack Maynard speaking... Yes, she is. Who’s speaking, please?... What do you mean, it doesn’t matter?...Well, where are you speaking from?...Look, I don’t think...No...All right, but make it snappy.” He turned, frowning, to Len. “It’s for you. A man. He wouldn’t give his name, or anything.”

“Are you sure he said for me?” said Len, glancing at Con.

“Yes.” Her father frowned even more heavily and let go of the receiver with the greatest reluctance.

“Hallo?” said Len. “Oh! Couldn’t you have called sooner? I, wait!...We can’t just...well, Yes, I understand, but I don’t think she’ll be happy about it.”

She put the phone down.

“Who was it?” demanded her father.

“Just a friend,” said Len. Jack’s face, already grim, lowered to the intensity of a thunderstorm.

“For heaven’s sake! What is wrong with you girls this summer? Con getting herself knocked up. Margot deciding not to take orders. And now you, Len, with your mystery man. What crazy thing are you going to do now, or was splitting up with Reg enough for you?”

Len’s mouth went tight. Without looking at anyone she went up the stairs.

“Jack,” said Joey in a quiet voice. Con and Margot’s heads turned as one to look at their mother’s face. Then, silently, they backed away and followed Len upstairs, Shirley close behind them. Len was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

“Good thing Dad isn’t a mediaeval knight,” she said as they entered. “He’d always be riding out to challenge someone or other.

“He’s just finding it hard to realise that we’re changing,” said Margot, shuffling herself onto the bed beside her sister. “I think he thinks we’re still children, inside.”

“Stupid man,” said Len, gloomily.

“So what did Tom say?” said Con. “Did he find Milly?”

Len nodded.

“Yes, but he says we can’t get her back.”

Author:  Finn [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/09

Abi wrote:
“Yes, but he says we can’t get her back.”


More please!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/09

Abi, you can't leave it there. Glad Joey pulled up Jack for his crack.

Author:  Miss Di [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/09

Noooo. What has Milly been changed into?

And Jack! Nasty old man.

Author:  jmc [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/09

Still no resolution! Creepy about everyone's hair being like Con's. More soon please Abi.


Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/09

I knew I should have waited longer before reading it! I don't know if I can take this much tension.

Author:  Emma A [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/09

Aaaaarrrgh! I wonder if Jack is actually being worked on - subtly - by Miss Morgan?

Thanks, Abi - though I am looking forward to seeing how this is all wrapped up!

Author:  Len [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/09

Golly! The tension mounts, and how well you evoked that in your description of the girls at home. Wonderful stuff.

Author:  Red Infanta [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Really enjoying this, thanks!

Author:  Abi [ Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 19/09

Thanks for all the comments. Wrote this on the train on the way home from Bristol today - and mapped out the whole of the rest of the story!

Hope the language here doesn't offend anyone; it seemed appropriate.

Numbing cold spread through Con, her limbs turning huge and heavy, her brain frozen. At last she forced her mouth to speak, in a small, dry voice.

“Can’t get her back? What are you talking about?”

Len’s finely arched brows drew together.

“He says it’s too dangerous and it won’t get us anywhere. We aren’t even to think about trying.”

Con wet her lips and shook her head.

“No. That’s ridiculous. It would be like – like killing her, to leave her there with them.”

“Tom said it was too late.”

“Too late?” Con’s voice rose. She wasn’t cold any more, but hot and beginning to perspire. Her legs felt wobbly suddenly, and she had to sit down. Margot and Shirley were quite silent, their heads turning this way and that between Con and Len, who looked as though she was close to tears. “What does he mean, it’s too late? It wasn’t too late for me; he brought me back when I thought I’d be caught there forever. What’s so different about Milly?”

“I don’t know,” said Len. “I don’t know the answers, Con. He said he’d do what he could, but he didn’t know how much that would be. It might be all right. But – um – he also –”

“What?” said Con as Len paused, looking nervous.

“He said I was to tell you not to do anything stupid.”

There was dead silence.

“Well, fuck him,” said Con deliberately, and had the minor satisfaction of seeing Len’s eyes widen in shock. Anger was burning through her veins, her thoughts flashing hotly before she could frame them into words. The others seemed too petrified to speak. At last she was able to seize on one thread and separate it from the rest. “So, what, we’re supposed to sit around here painting our nails and hoping that Tom might be able to make things a little better? While heaven knows what is happening to Milly? This is our friend we’re talking about. Does he even realise that?”

“I don’t know,” said Len, her voice trembling. “Yes, of course he must realise. B-but Con, I – I know it sounds horrible, but I think he’s trying to help. You know, trying to keep you safe.”

“Right, yes, because me being safe is obviously the only thing that matters.” Con’s own voice was wavering out of control, rising into a shout. “How can you stand there and say that, Len? Don’t you even care about Milly?”

She knew instantly that she’d gone too far. Len took a step forward, then stopped, her eyes darkening and her pale, clear skin flushing hotly.

“Of course I care,” she said in a hard, quiet voice. “She was – is – my friend and Shirley’s too, remember? But Tom knows far more than we do about that world, and if he says we can’t get her back, he must know what he’s talking about. We could end up making things worse for Milly if we interfere.”

“Oh, you think things could be worse for her?” said Con. “Worse than being a captive in that world? Do you have any idea what it’s like there? What she’ll be going through?”

“She’ll be having a good time, if we go by all that you’ve said,” said Shirley dryly. “You seemed pretty reluctant to give it up, if my memory serves correctly.”

Con blinked.

“I’d imagine she went willingly,” said Margot, while Con began to feel a little sick. “Seems to me she’s been half living in that world for most of the summer.”

“Yes.” Con shut her eyes. “You’re right. I should have realised. Should have done something about it. But I thought – oh, I don’t know. I suppose I assumed Andra was just playing with her, using her, you know, and she’d be fine when she went back to England.”

The fury had drained away, leaving her feeling empty and tired. From downstairs, she could hear her parents shouting at one another. They’d have made it up by tomorrow morning, though. She wondered whether Joey would manage to talk any sense into Jack, or whether he’d given up on his daughters entirely. It seemed unimportant now, with Milly’s life hanging in the balance.

“This is awful,” said Len, slumping back against her pillows. “Every day something worse seems to happen.”

“It won’t carry on like this,” said Margot. “It can’t. Look, Tom knows what to do. He’ll be able to help.”

“He’s a prisoner himself,” said Con, shaking her head. “How much do you think he can do?”

“He might be able to keep her safe, at least,” said Shirley.

“And he might not. He might not be able to do anything at all, Shirley,” said Con. “What if we never see her again?”

Author:  Finn [ Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/09

I await each update of this eagerly - thanks Abi!

Author:  janetbrown23 [ Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/09

It's still as fantastic as ever Abi. I want to know what is going to happen asap but I don't want it to end either.

Author:  jmc [ Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/09

Can totally understand why Con is angry but at least Tom seems to be trying to protect her. If you've map out the rest of the story does that mean it's coming to an end.

Thanks Abi and Happy Birthday.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/09

I'm pleased to hear that the journey was productive! Thankyou for the udpate :D (and have certain comments influenced the mapping in any way?)

Author:  Emma A [ Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/09

Wow, fantastic update, Abi (thought the language was entirely appropriate).

More, please!

Author:  MaryR [ Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/09

So - will Con place herself in danger to help Milly? :shock:

Thanks, Abi

Author:  Miss Di [ Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/09

Glad to hear you know what's going to happen Abi. I look forward to finding out!

Author:  Abi [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 26/09

Thank you for the comments! Yes, jmc, theoretically the end is getting nigher (finally! I hear you cry). :lol:

How wonderful this world
A fragment of a fiery sun
How wonderful this life
How fragile and how bold

“Who was it?” said Con, passing Shirley in the hallway, her arms piled with the dishes from breakfast.

“A friend of yours – someone called Nell.”

“Nell?” Con turned on the kitchen’s threshold. “Why did she ask to speak to you, then? You don’t even know her.”

“She was passing on a message, apparently. She said – for heaven’s sake, Con, put those dishes down.”

“I refuse to believe that Nell rang up and asked for you, just to tell me to –” she shrieked as Shirley lunged at her and grabbed the plates. “You’ll have them all on the floor, you lunatic.” Between them they deposited the crockery in the kitchen, where Margot had already started the washing up and Len was drying.

“So what did Nell want?” said Con, stacking the dishes a little more safely.

“She had a message for – well, she said for me, but it’s obviously for all of us. From Tom.”

“Tom?” Len stared. “What on earth was he telling Auntie Nell for?”

“Give me a chance and I’ll explain.” Shirley hoisted herself up onto the work surface and sat swinging her legs and watching the others work. “No-one’s around, are they? It’s dead secret, naturally.”

“Katya’s hoovering upstairs and it’s Anna’s day off,” said Margot. “Go on, tell us what he – she – said.”

“Well, first she said a man had phoned and asked her to pass on a message for me, only she refused to unless he told her his name.” She paused as the triplets grinned identically.

“I can just see her saying it,” said Margot. “She’s not one to stand for any nonsense.”

“Yes, I could tell,” said Shirley dryly. “Did you tell her it was him, Con? That you slept with, I mean.”

Con nodded, then, seeing the looks of surprise on her sisters’ faces, she tried to explain.

“I just felt as though it wouldn’t matter, telling Nell. She wouldn’t tell anyone and she wouldn’t try to interfere. She’s – well, trustworthy, I suppose.”

“That explains why she sounded as though she knew more than she was saying, then,” said Shirley. “Actually, I got the impression that she was dying to know what was really going on, and only stopping herself asking by exerting the utmost self-control.”

“Sounds about right,” said Margot. “Oh well, it’ll do her good to wonder for a while. What else did Tom say? I’m assuming he didn’t just ring her up so that she could force him to tell her his name.”

“Hardly. No, the gist of it was that there’s nothing he can do for Milly. And he phoned this Nell because he didn’t want her – Miss Morgan – to know he was contacting us. The actual words he used – hang on. I wrote it down so as not to forget. ‘There’s nothing I can do – or not without doing irreparable damage. Best to leave her where she’s happy.’ That’s it.”

Margot’s hands continued, automatically it seemed, to wash the dishes, and the sound seemed to fill the room. My fault, thought Con. This is all my fault. The soft clinking of the dishes went on until Len gave a loud sob.

“He can’t mean that!” she gasped. “Forever?”

“Of course forever,” said Con. “Hundreds and thousands of our lifetimes, until they dwindle and fade, and vanish from the world. She’ll live longer than any of us.”

“But Milly’s human,” said Margot, staring down into the water, her hands still at last. “She’s not one of them.”

“I don’t think that matters,” said Shirley, almost in a whisper. Con looked up and saw a tear track its way down her cheek. “She’ll become one of them soon enough. We saw it happening with Con, till Tom brought her back. Only Milly –”

“I don’t think she wants to be brought back,” said Len. She rubbed her eyes with her hanky.

“I don’t care,” said Con. They all looked at her, even Len, her eyes red and wide.

“What do you mean?” said Shirley. “You don’t care whether she wants to come back?”

“Yes. I mean, no. She will want to, when she realises; I know she will.”

“But Con, why would she? She thinks she’s in heaven.”

Con clenched her jaw to give herself courage for what she was about to do. Then she realised that she couldn’t speak with her teeth clamped together, and relaxed slightly.

“I have to go and rescue her,” she said.

“What?” Len’s answer was almost a scream.

“Remember the part where Tom told you not to do anything stupid?” said Shirley.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” said Margot, loudly and robustly. “What could you possibly do that would be any good?”

“Or that Tom couldn’t do?” said Shirley.

“I don’t know, but I have to try. You must see that.”

“No, I don’t,” said Len, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks again. “We nearly lost you once, and now Milly’s gone. Please don’t go too, Con.”

Con felt hot prickles at the back of her own eyes as she saw Len, so frightened and distressed. Looking at their faces, pale, horrified, she could tell that the others agreed. And probably they were right. What could she do for someone who really wanted to live in that place? How could she fight Andra?

“I have to,” she said. “I’ve been there and come back unscathed. Nearly unscathed. Surely if anyone can get Milly back, I can.”

But they only stared at her in silence, and she knew they didn’t agree. Still, she hugged them all, fetched her coat, and left the house.

Author:  Finn [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/09

Hurrah, more! I think I need to wait for a while now and read a bunch of posts all at once - the tension is getting too much!

Thanks Abi!

Author:  Nightwing [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/09

Oh Con, what a stupid and brave thing to do :(

I'll be waiting on tenterhooks to find out what happens next!

Author:  Len [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/09

Golly, how terrifying! And this bit isn't in Tam Lin, as far as I can recall, so I've no idea whether it will turn out all right or not. And now I wonder how much more you'll diverge from the original, so I don't know whether even the main story will turn out all right or not! Abi, you rotter! :P

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/09

Comebackcomebackcomeback. All this tension isn't good for me - doctor's orders that you have to make it all all right again :wink:

Author:  MaryR [ Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/09

Oh, my goodness, take care, Con! Perhaps you should listen to Tom and the others....

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Miss Di [ Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/09

I think Abi's been carried off by the fairies.

Author:  Emma A [ Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/09

I've been counting on this being the same as Tam Lin, but it may not be... :shock: Perhaps Con will end up rescuing them both?

Thanks, Abi - looking forward to more.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/09

Can you make sure at least one of the others goes with Con please. Thanks for the update

Author:  Abi [ Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 30/09

Sorry it's been so long... I've been doing a load of stuff from my recent travel money training, not to mention Big Banging (which naturally I left until far too soon before the deadline for first drafts...). Anyway, here it is at last! Thanks for all the encouraging comments. :D

Flower quiet in the rush strewn sheiling
At the dawntime Grainne lay,
While beneath the birch-topped roof
The sunlight groped upon its way
And stopped above her sleeping white body
With a wasp yellow ray.

It was very cold. Perhaps it was winter, with snow on the ground and the sky heavy with grey. She couldn’t tell. After a while she realised that was because her eyes were shut. She had a feeling that it wouldn’t be a good idea to open them. Why was that? She tried to send her mind back, but it was cold and thick and she couldn’t make it move.

At last she opened her eyes.

There was green. It was light, so bright that it hurt her eyes, and she shut them again.

After a time there were voices. Her limbs were so stiff and cold that she couldn’t move them. There was a burning pain in her hand. The voices were coming closer.

Someone touched her with a burning heat.

“Constance? Constance!”

The emotion in the voice was fear. Her skin felt hot where the hand still rested on it, and while the voices went on talking, she let the warmth creep through her arm, through her body, and she opened her eyes again and turned her head.

She was lying in the grass, damp with autumn dew. It was Tom who was kneeling at her side, his face taut with anxiety, close to hers.

“Constance,” he said again. “Thank God you’re all right. Can you move?”

“Let her rest for a minute.” Her father. His voice was loud, abrupt. His shadow moved and he knelt at her other side. “What happened?” he said in the voice you’d normally reserve for a fragile invalid. “Tell me, Con. What happened?”

“I – I woke up,” she said, not sure what he meant.

“But before. What was it?” He lifted her right hand, sending a spasm of pain up her arm and through her body. “You’re hurt, Con. Who did this?”

She didn’t know why he was asking her.

“I don’t know,” she said. Something in the corner of her eye seemed wrong, and she looked down at herself. “Am I asleep? Why am I wearing cobwebs?”

Her father looked scared. He raised his head and met Tom’s eyes.

“She’s just a little confused,” said Tom quietly. He looked down at her and she knew that he could tell where she had been. She screwed her eyes shut for a moment. Where had she been? She could remember flashes of colour. A pale face screaming. Flowers everywhere. Fear and pain and flame. She tried to pin the memories down, but instead found herself wandering across the Platz, angry and afraid.

She’d walked for hours, searching every place that Tom had mentioned that evening when they hid at Wahlstein. Bridges, crossroads, borders. There were so many places where one world might slip into the next, but she’d visited them all in vain, whispering Milly’s name into the breeze.

Milly. Her body tensed as she remembered. She’d found Milly in the end. It hadn’t been a bridge or a river that had let her through. She’d heard a voice calling her as she left the Auberge, where she’d sat, not wanting to go home and admit failure. Just a breath, floating out with the echo, but it was enough. She had sung back to it, closing her eyes as the notes surrounded her. When she opened them again Milly was standing behind her.

“We need to get her home,” said her father. He looked past Tom’s shoulder, at something else. “And –”

The memories were flooding back now. Milly had laughed at her.

“Why would I want to come back to the human world, when everything I’ve ever wanted is here?”

Con had protested.

“But this wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted to discover things, to learn and find things out. You wanted to make a difference to the world.”

“That was a very long time ago,” said Milly. She smiled, and Con, her stomach churning, realised that she was taller, slimmer, than she remembered. Her hair was loose and fell in a smooth curtain to her waist. Her skin was clear and creamy, her eyes a melting brown and her mouth full and smiling.

“You’ve changed,” she whispered.

“Do you like it?”

Con shook her head.

“You look like her.”

“I know.” Milly smiled again, white teeth gleaming. “Do you know, I barely remember those dreams you spoke about? This is what I really wanted. Beauty and peace, a world where no bad ever happens. This is my home now, Con. You shouldn’t have come. You’re not relevant any more.”

Con cried. She begged Milly to come home.

“I’ll take you,” she said in desperation. “I’ll drag you back there.”

“No, you won’t,” said Milly. “She won’t let you.”

She was looking past Con. When she turned, Andra was standing behind her, her black eyes more like tunnels than ever. Con dragged her own eyes away, in case she got lost in them.

“Con Maynard,” said Andra, moving closer, staring down into Con’s face. “Why are you here?”

Her father was tying her hand up, talking about looking at it properly when they got home. There were other people somewhere close by; she could hear them. And Jack was still asking her questions, his face white.

“For heaven’s sake, Con, say something – anything. What are you doing here? Why are you wearing that? And what happened to Milly?”

Author:  Len [ Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 13/10

Don't wait too long to tell us what did happen, Abi! Wonderful new chapter, though; thank you.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 13/10

Such a brilliant description, such wonderful language. Thankyou - and yes, what did happen?!?

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 13/10

Pleased Con was able to return even if she had to leave Millie behind. Thanks for the update.

Author:  Miss Di [ Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 13/10

How sad that Millie has been so totally enspelled, hope Con is OK.

17 days till Halloween...

Author:  jmc [ Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 13/10

Please let them all be safe Abi including Millie. Thanks for the update.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 13/10

Relieved Con is okay, though a bit sad Millie is lost forever

Author:  Emma A [ Sat Oct 16, 2010 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 13/10

Oh no - poor Milly :( That could have happened to Con if it wasn't for the baby. Am so glad that nothing serious has happened to Con, though.

Thanks, Abi - looking forward to more (as usual).

Author:  Abi [ Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 13/10

“Milly?” She stopped, remembering.

She had told Andra what she’d come for, and Andra had laughed.

“I thought you’d decided never to come here again,” she said.

“It’s only for Milly,” said Con.

“Don’t be silly.” Andra smiled, as though Con was a stupid child. “I’ve grown rather fond of you, Con, and I’d rather not kill you. Why didn’t you heed my warning?”

“My friends are more important to me than keeping myself safe,” said Con. “If you didn’t realise that, you can’t know very much about humans.”

“My dear child, I was being kind. If you come here again, you will die. This is the last time I will warn you.”

Con had stared at her, lost for words.

Now, she struggled to her feet, leaning heavily on Tom and her father, her limbs still barely working, her head heavy and confused, and slowly turned so that she could see what Tom’s body had been blocking.


“But I have to take her,” she’d whispered, tears starting to roll down her cheeks. They stood there, tall and cold, one on each side of her, making her feel like the lowest creature there was, small, dirty and confused. “I can’t leave without her.”

Andra looked at her, her eyes narrowed. Again, Con tried to avoid her gaze, turned away and looked out over the world she was in. It still looked a little like the Auberge, but the green, springy turf was brown and curled and even the ivy that covered the ruined inn itself was brittle. She breathed in the still air and it felt lifeless.

“Do you mean that?” said Andra. Con’s eyes went back to her, wide with surprise.

“Yes,” she said, eagerly. “I do. I have to bring her back.”

Andra smiled.

“Then you shall.”

“No!” Milly started forward, the disturbing calm of her face marred. “I won’t go back. I can’t live without you, Andra.”

“You have to,” said Con. She took Milly’s hand, but Milly tried to throw her off, and when Con held on, gripped and twisted her hand so hard that something snapped and Con screamed and nearly fell. Holding it to her chest, she gasped, “I can help you, Milly. I managed it, remember?”

“You’re just a fool,” Milly snarled. “Andra, please don’t make me go back there. I’ll die without you.”

Andra put her hands on either side of Milly’s face and turned it so that they were eye to eye. Slowly, the fear and anger faded from Milly’s face.

“Do you trust me?” said Andra.

Milly smiled.


Andra dropped her hands and looked at Con.

“Remember, this is your last warning. Next time, you will die.”

She turned and walked away. Con and Milly looked at one another. Milly’s eyes were hostile; she looked at Con as though she barely knew her.

“You’ve destroyed my life,” she hissed.

Con leant on Tom and looked at the still, white body. Just as Andra vanished over the horizon, a white shoot had started at Milly's feet. A moment later fire bloomed and twined itself over her body like a shining vine. She had screamed and screamed in the flames, and Con hadn’t been able to move. She’d had to stand there, like a statue, until Milly fell to her knees and the screams died. Only then had she been able to run forward, to throw herself on her knees beside Milly, no longer recognisable, the same colour as the deadened ground.

She didn’t look like that any more. Something must have changed in the time between. The time when Con had wrapped her arms around Milly’s shoulders, cradled her against her chest and bled tears into the brittle stubs of hair that were left. How long had she knelt there? It had felt like hours, or perhaps days. In the end, she supposed, she had fallen asleep, or perhaps she’d passed out.

And woken up here. Now Milly’s skin was pale and slightly freckled again, the way it had been in life, and her hair brown and falling to just past her shoulders. Her eyes were closed and she lay on her back, her limbs thrown out loosely, as though she’d fallen asleep in the sun. She was wearing her pink cotton dress, which was clean and uncrumpled, and there were flowers around her.

“She killed her,” said Con and rested her forehead on Tom’s chest, sobs rushing up her throat.

Author:  Finn [ Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 16/10

Better dead than There.

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 16/10

Oh poor Milly and am now really worried about the warning for Con. Will she need to go there for Tom?

Author:  Miss Di [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 16/10

I think I should have waited for another update before reading that one. Very chilling.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 16/10

Ach, I've got the shivers from that. Please don't leave us in suspense too much longer!

Author:  Myth Tree [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 16/10

Oh my! :shock:

Author:  MaryR [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 16/10

But why has she changed? Is she not dead, after all?

Beautifully written, Abi. Thank you.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 16/10

Can Tom and Jack help Milly as Con tried to? Please come back soon Abi and tells us more.

Author:  Emma A [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 16/10

How courageous of Con - am hoping Milly isn't really dead, but can imagine that she won't like Con very much if she does wake.

Thanks Abi.

Author:  Abi [ Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 16/10

Thanks for all the comments.

“One of the bones in your hand is broken,” her father explained. “We’ll put a cast on it, but it will probably take a few weeks to heal.”

“Oh,” said Con.

Jack looked at her, hesitating.

“How did it happen?”

Milly’s face, twisted and contorted, as she wrenched at Con’s hand...

“I fell,” she said.


As Jack laid her on the settee, Len flung herself forward, her arms round Con in a crushing hug.

“We thought you were lost forever,” she sobbed.

“No. Not me,” said Con.

Len lifted her head, drawing back slightly at the tone in Con’s voice.

“What do you mean?”

The hatred that blazed in Milly’s eyes as she told Con she’d ruined her life...

“I’ll tell them,” said her father quickly. “There’s no need for you to talk if you don’t want to, Con.”

“I should do it,” she said.


“She wanted to be buried in the open spaces,” said Con. “She wouldn’t have wanted a church service.”

“Don’t be silly,” said her father sharply. “What would people say if we didn’t have a church service for her? Her parents would be terribly offended.”

“They won’t,” she said. “They’ll understand. Anyway, they aren’t here to arrange it, so we’ve got to. And it wouldn’t be appropriate to bury Milly in the cemetery, or to have a service in the church. She’d have hated it.”

“She’s right,” said Shirley. “I think we should do what Milly would want.”

Joey glanced at Len, who nodded mutely. Her eyes were red and swollen; she’d hardly stopped crying since Con had told her the news.

“Maybe we should listen to them, Jack,” Joey said quietly. “After all, they knew Milly best.”

There was doubt in her father’s face. He was so very traditional. Con knew that she could never make him understand.

“I couldn’t save her life,” she said. “But I can make sure she gets what she would have wanted in death. Please, Dad, it’s the only thing I can do for her now.”

She had known that would work. Tears suddenly stood in his eyes, and he gave a brief nod.

“Very well. I’ll arrange it.”

Con stood there feeling guilty for forcing the issue, but knowing from the firm grip of Margot’s hand in hers that she agreed. Roger wrapped his arms around Len’s shoulders as she began to sob again, and a terrible ache started in Con’s chest.


They sat, huddled, in Con’s room, silent after the story had finally been told.

“She’s better off dead than there,” said Margot in a low voice.

Con looked at her, startled.

“Do you really think so?”

“Yes,” said Len fiercely. “It’s horrible, that place. They make people – not human. It makes me sick to think about it. I’m glad she’s not there any more.”

Con felt her world start to wobble, suddenly frail.

“But now she’s dead,” she said.

“Yes,” said Len again.

“We saw what that place did to you, Con,” said Shirley. “You were fading away.”

“She was happy there,” said Con. “If I’d left her alone, she would have been happy. Remember what Tom said?”

They looked at her blankly. When they’d first got his message, she was the only one who had disagreed; she was the one who’d gone off on her own, blinded by her own guilt, her own wishes. Now, it seemed, only she realised that he’d been right all along.

“He said, there’s nothing I can do – or not without doing irreparable damage. Best to leave her where she’s happy.


“It was a heart attack,” Jack said gravely. “It was very sudden and completely unexpected. There was nothing anyone could have done. I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you,” said Susan, her voice parched.

Con had only met them twice before, and now they were parents with no child, and it was her fault. Anthony Payne had his handkerchief over his mouth and was sobbing harshly into it.

She could feel their hearts breaking.

Milly’s body, charred and blackened... the smell of smoke, bitter, acrid in her mouth...

“She died in the most beautiful place on the Platz,” she said. “The breeze was in her hair and there were flowers all around her. She had a lot of friends here.”

They looked at her, but couldn’t speak.


“What will we do now?” said Len. “How do you carry on when someone dies?”

“We’ll mourn her, but we’ll carry on living,” said Margot. She looked at Con. “I know I didn’t know her very well, but she went there because she chose to.”

This is what I really wanted. Beauty and peace, a world where no bad ever happens...

Con raised her head.

“I know,” she said. “And I know now what I have to do.”

Author:  Finn [ Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/10


My turn to not know what to say (in a good way).

Thanks Abi.

Author:  robinette [ Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/10

Thank you for the update Abi, I'm really enjoying this!

Looking forward to the next bit *hint hint* :D

Author:  jmc [ Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/10

The last line sounds ominous. Sad about Millie but at least Con manage to get away. For now at least anyway. Thanks Abi.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/10

Thanks Abi, glad Con knows what she has to do. Wish they were able to see what was happening to Milly earlier

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/10

Oh dear, why does this not bode well?

Thankyou, I think!

Author:  Nicci [ Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/10

I'm completely hooked on this drabble and return every few days to check for updates. Thanks Abi. X

Author:  Emma A [ Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/10

Wow, that was a fantastic update, Abi. Poor Milly, and poor Con: how will she get over the guilt?

Looking forward to more.

Author:  MaryR [ Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/10

That was so moving, Abi, and I really felt for Con. How is she going to move on from this? :cry:

Thank you.

Author:  Miss Di [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/10

I'm glad Con knows what to do and look forward to finding out what it is!

Author:  Abi [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 23/10

Thank you for all the lovely comments. I'm hoping to get to the Halloween part in time for Halloween, but not entirely certain I'm going to make it!

Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever the earth and the world were made: thou art God from everlasting, and world without end... For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday.

God everlasting... the words repeated themselves in Con’s mind; she changed them to Milly everlasting and back again. She stared at the grave, with its neat corners and the tidy pile of earth and grass next to it. This was wrong. Even the weather seemed to know; it was cold and drizzly, making everyone hunch down into their coats. It was better than a church, though. Milly had barely been human by the end, let alone Christian, and Con knew that she couldn’t have borne seeing her buried like that.

O satisfy us with thy mercy...

The priest hadn’t been happy. He had talked a lot about tradition and respect for the dead. But the Maynard name carried a lot of weight and he hadn’t been able to resist the insistence of the good Herr Doktor Maynard, eccentric and worrying as his demand was. Con felt a rush of gratitude for her father. Old-fashioned he might be, and lacking in understanding, but he loved his children dearly. But then, she thought, so had Anthony and Susan. That had been the worst part, trying to explain to them why there wasn’t going to be a church service; why their daughter was being buried under the mountain wall facing the setting sun. Dad had sorted that out, too, though, and in the end they’d seemed to understand although Con still had no idea what he’d actually said.

There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars...

She shifted her feet slightly. Anthony and Susan were holding hands and this time it was Susan down whose face tears were pouring, and Anthony’s was stonily grim. The only people who made no sound and no movement were – them. A dozen of them, and Andra at their centre, a little behind the Maynards and the Paynes. Con’s heart had stood still when they came, slipping smoothly into place, not wearing black like everyone else, but white. Andra, wearing a long, modest, but beautiful white dress, had never looked so beautiful to Con. She felt a powerful ache, of something that had been taken away but would, in some way, always be there.

We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye...

They had all changed, she knew. Milly had been the first – or had it been Con herself? It was so long ago, so much had happened, she couldn’t remember. It didn’t matter anyway. Milly was dead now, and that was the biggest change of all...

Oh death, where is thy sting?

Perhaps it wasn’t death that was the biggest change, after all; perhaps the biggest was the change Milly had chosen before that. Margot had said it, the other day. She went there because she chose to.

Oh grave, where is thy victory?

Maybe Len had been right all along, and it was better that Milly was dead. Because, thought Con, half-forgotten memories returning, it wasn’t life, what you lived when you were there. You thought it was; it seemed the most wonderful thing in the world. But there were no shadows, no depths, and no pinnacles or dizzying heights. Or perhaps it was just that you couldn’t tell which was which.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable...

The ache in her chest became a burning pain. Somehow, admitting that maybe Milly really was better off dead seemed so much worse. Worse than staring at her stiffened body and screaming in your own mind because you knew you’d killed her... worse than thinking of her as she could have been, in bliss and peace. But that life, or death, had burned with Milly, and anyway, they made a sacrifice to hell, and that was nothing to do with peace. That was to do with power. Con clenched her fists in her coat pockets.

In the midst of life, we are in death...

I didn’t kill Milly, she thought clearly. It was them. It was always them. And at last a wisp of peace slid into place in her soul, and for the first time since she’d woken up on the ground next to Milly’s body, tears burned at her eyes, wetting her cheeks.

We therefore commit her body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/10

Thank you, good that Con realises the true killers of Milly. I hope you can get to Halloween on time.

Author:  Miss Di [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/10

Wow, that was very powerful. Thank you.

Also hoping you get to Halloween on time. Pretty pretty please with ice cream and cherries on top

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/10

Thankyou for a very moving update. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Halloween too!

Author:  Myth Tree [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/10

Thank-you that Con has gained a little peace.

I'm on the edge of my seat until All Hallows Eve.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/10

That was amazing

Author:  Abi [ Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 27/10

Thanks for the comments. :)

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore.

They all whispered, amen, and then, for the first time, there was the faintest of rustles from behind; a movement that she only caught in the corner of her eye. Anger bubbled in her stomach. Surely – surely at Milly’s funeral they could let her alone? She made to turn, though she didn’t know what she meant to do. Scream at them, perhaps, or beat her fists ineffectually against their white radiance. But even as she moved, she stopped again, the breath catching in her throat.

There was a break in the heavy clouds; radiance poured through like the fire that had burned Milly, flooding her grave, her coffin, with light. Con’s whole body tingled and her breath was suddenly heavy. For a moment the light was so bright she couldn’t see and then, as she blinked, her eyes watering, she saw the grass beneath the mountain wall, unbroken, with only a little mound where the hole had been.

Once again, behind her, there was movement; this time a sort of collective sigh. The smallest, gentlest warm breeze drifted across her face, not enough to stir her hair, damp from the drizzle. She held her breath and closed her eyes, trying to work out what was happening now, because she could sense it; sense the magic.

Then she heard it. The faintest of trickles, barely audible. It disappeared for a moment, buried as someone’s voice – Len’s – spoke close by, but she blocked that out and concentrated on the water. Over time, the trickling noise grew louder. Con opened her eyes, and there it was, right in front of her.


Not a big one, but since there hadn’t been one at all ten minutes ago, it was quite big enough for Con. But, she realised, looking around, the little waterfall cascading into a pool a few feet behind Milly’s grave was almost not the strangest thing. Everyone was moving around now, talking to one another in subdued voices, hugging occasionally, as though the waterfall had been there all the time, as though Milly’s grave hadn’t been filled up instantly and magically. She turned, but Andra and her entourage were already melting away, round the narrow path.

Con stared after them, confusion whirling in her mind. Then she jumped as someone grabbed her wrist.

“What was that?” demanded Len in a shrill whisper, and Con revised her idea that she had been the only one to notice anything. “They did magic! At Milly’s funeral!”

“I know.” She swallowed. “I – I think it might have been – sort of – their gift to Milly.”

She risked a look at her sister. Len was staring at her, horror etched across her features.

“Gift?” she repeated.

“Well, maybe we’re not the only ones who’ll miss her.”

Len looked revolted.

“Con, they killed her.”

“I know.” Her lips were dry; she licked them and spoke again. “But – I don’t know – maybe from their point of view it seemed as though it was me that killed her.”

“But you didn’t.”

“I know,” she said again. “I’m just saying, they don’t see things the same way we do.”

Len stared at her, her puzzlement clear on her face. Then she shook her head.

“Sometimes I don’t understand you at all, Con,” she said, and quite unexpectedly Con found herself smiling.

“We should go and talk to the others,” she said. There was no-one quite like Len; she had enormous kindness and common-sense, but take her anywhere near the realms of imagination and she was instantly out of her depth. Con wished, sometimes, that she was like that, because Len would never have let herself fall in love with a man who grew roses that never stopped blooming and was going to be a sacrifice to hell. But then, if she hadn’t fallen in love with Tom, there might have been no-one to save him.

And she knew that there was no mistake this time – she was going to save him. They’d taken Milly and killed her and she wasn’t going to let them kill anyone else she loved. Even if they did leave magic waterfalls by their graves.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

Well, I don't know which outcome would have made me wibble more, but wibbling I am! Thankyou for letting us know which way she's going - but for grief's sake please come back and update again soon!

Author:  PaulineS [ Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

Thanks Abi. I am pleased Con has made up her mind. Here description of Len having little imagination and being out of her depth when something out of the ordinary happens. Though I think I would be more like Len than Con.

Author:  jmc [ Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

Go Con. Hope she saves him soon. Thanks Abi.

Author:  shesings [ Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

This is just so beautifully done I keep trying to set a tune to it! :) :)

Author:  MaryR [ Sat Oct 30, 2010 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

I don't quite know how I came to miss the other update, Abi! :? but my time on the board has been rather limited recently.

It was so very moving, though, and I was delighted that Con could finally see it wasn't her fault. But this new episode shows how her great imagination has helped her see both sides of the coin - that each somehow blames the other for Milly's death - and that seems to bring her comfort. The whole funeral has brought her to a place where she can feel strong and steady - and ready to do battle for Tom.

Thank you. :D

Author:  robinette [ Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

Thank you Abi, really enjoying this

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

Thanks, that was really good. Really liked the interaction between Len and Con and how Con has reached her decision

Author:  Miss Di [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

It's Halloween and I am sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation.

Author:  janetbrown23 [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

I am joining Miss Di teetering on the edge of my seat. Please Abi put us out of our misery soon.

Author:  Myth Tree [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

janetbrown23 wrote:
I am joining Miss Di teetering on the edge of my seat. Please Abi put us out of our misery soon.

Me too

Author:  shesings [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

Me too! :devil:

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

Me three, four, five and six!

Author:  abbeybufo [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

*SHE'S GOING TO POST AT MIDNIGHT* [said in sepulchral tones]

... at least, that's my guess :devil: :devil: :devil:

Author:  Abi [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 29/10

abbeybufo wrote:
*SHE'S GOING TO POST AT MIDNIGHT* [said in sepulchral tones]

I did think of it, but as I have to get up at half past six in the morning, decided to sacrifice dramatic effect for common sense (though I concede that this may not have been the right decision).

Sorry, I know this doesn't really answer many questions, but at least I got to Halloween!

Gloomy, gloomy was the night,
And eerie was the way,
As fair Jenny in her green mantle
To Miles Cross she did gae.

At the mirk and midnight hour
She heard the bridles sing,
She was as glad at that
As any earthly thing.

Joey smiled at her, but her eyes were sad.

“This is the most important thing you’ve ever done.”

Con blinked.

“What – how –?”

“I’m your mother, Con, and I’m neither blind nor stupid. Just promise me you’ll –” She stopped, about to say something, then seemed to change her mind. “Promise me you’ll take my cloak.” She grabbed it off the hook and wrapped it firmly round Con, engulfing her in a brief, warm hug. “I love you,” she murmured. “Good luck, whatever it is you’re doing.”

Then she was gone, whisking back into the Saal, where Jack and Roger were roaring with laughter at some joke. Con found herself unexpectedly close to tears, and pulled the dark green cloak more closely around herself.

“Do you think she knows?” said Len.

“No,” said Margot, looking alarmed. “She can’t possibly. She’d want to come with us if she did.”

“I think she knows more than she’s letting on,” said Shirley. “I’m sure she knows it’s something to do with Milly, and I’d stake a fair amount that she connects it with Tom, too. But she won’t interfere unless you ask her to.”

The triplets stared at her.

“I suppose you’re right,” said Margot with a small laugh. “I still expect her to come butting in on everything we do, even though I know she’s changed.”

“We should go,” said Con. “It’s half past ten already, and it’s a longish walk.”

Len looked her for a moment as though restraining herself from saying something. Apparently unable to stop herself, she burst out,

“You don’t have to do this, you know, Con.” Then she closed her eyes and breathed out slowly. “All right, I know you do. But – oh, God, I wish you didn’t.”

“So do I,” said Con quietly. “But, Len, if I win, it might help not just Tom, but dozens of other people too. He said they were getting weaker. There aren’t many places now where they can survive, and if she can’t make the sacrifice – she loses so much of her power. After what she did to Milly, how can I not do it?”

“Yes,” said Len. “But if you lose –”

“Come on,” said Shirley, shrugging her own coat on and wrapping her scarf round her neck. “Let’s go.”

It had been Margot’s idea that they come at least part of the way with her, and Con couldn’t have expressed in words the comfort she found in knowing she wouldn’t have to make the walk alone. She was glad, though, that they didn’t insist on talking, but walked in silence, grouped around her, through the cold, starless night. She tried to remember everything Tom had told her, anything that might be useful.

“Miles Cross will be the best place – at the crossroads by the bridge; they’ll ride that way.”

“But how will I know you? That time we saw you riding out at the Solstice, I hardly knew you then.”

“There’ll be three companies. First the black, then the brown. I’ll be at the head of the third company, the white. They’ll have made me gaudy for the sacrifice; you’ll know me by that.”

Gaudy for the sacrifice. The thought made her feel sick. She wondered, if she didn’t manage to save him, what they would do to him. Burn him, perhaps, as they had done Milly. But blood was powerful; maybe they’d bleed him dry. Drowning, suffocation, they might even bury him alive. She dragged her mind away from these thoughts. They weren’t helpful.

It seemed to take no time at all to reach the further edge of the wood, where she would be leaving the company of her sisters and her friend. They stood around her in a group, and she tried to think of words that would say what she wanted to express without sounding as though she was saying goodbye.

“We could go with you,” said Len, her warm hands gripping Con’s, which were cold.

“No.” She shook her head. “It’s too dangerous. She killed Milly just as a way of warning me off; she won’t hesitate to hurt you and kill you, and I would let Tom die and Andra gain power if it meant saving any of you. She’ll know that.”

Margot flung her arms round Con’s shoulders and though it was dark, her face against Con’s was wet with tears.

“We’ll wait here for you. Promise you’ll come back.”

“’Course I will. If I can.”

She hugged them all in turn, then stood back, just able to see their dark shapes against the blackness of the trees.

“I love you,” she said, and turned, and walked on.

Another fifteen minutes took her to Miles Cross. The moon cast strange shadows, and the stream, swollen by the recent rain, was constant and eerie. She began to wish she hadn’t been so afraid of being late; she thought it was worse standing here, feeling exposed in the moonlight, growing colder and colder, just waiting.

“They’ll ride past at midnight, and all you have to do is pull me off my horse and hold on to me. Just hold on.”

“That’s it?”

“Well, it might turn out to be a little more complicated than that...”

What was that? Her heart beat with painful emphasis and for a moment she was unable to listen at all as panic flooded her. Then she heard it again. There were bells, jangling musically, and then the sound of hooves.

They were coming.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

So do we have to wait until tomorrow to find out whetherCon rescues Tom. Hope the others are praying whilst keeping watch.

Author:  Emma A [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

Wow, Abi - fantastic updates. I can hardly wait for how this is going to turn out. I have the shivers...


Author:  Joanne [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

I do hope we don't have to wait too long for the next bit - I'm on the edge of my seat and I might fall off!


Author:  MaryR [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

I love that she would put her family before saving anyone else. Such a clear head - at the moment! She is so frightened, but so brave....

Thanks, Abi.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

I have been reading this without commenting, but that doesn't mean I've not been appreciating the story and all its twists and turns. Con is really being so brave, here even though she must also be so frightened.

I can see I'll be chewing my finger ends until we find out what happens - tomorrow, please, if you love us, Abi!!!

Author:  Miss Di [ Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

And now it is The Day of The Dead and despite knowing the ballad am quite concerned (an understatement)

Author:  Nightwing [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

I am actually squirming in excitement. Can't wait to see what happens next!!!!

Author:  janetbrown23 [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

Abiiiiiiiiiii( drawn out like Bruno from Strictly), you certainly know how to build up suspense. I am another who knows the ballad so know how I think it SHOULD end but this is an Abi drabble so there is bound to be a twist in there somewhere.

Author:  jmc [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

Really really hope we get the next bit today (although for me that will be tomorrow). Pretty please Abi

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

Abi, Abi, Abi, how can you leave it there. It's not fair. Please come back and let us know how it all goes.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

Might have known that I wouldn't be able to catch two updates in one! Thankyou, that was truly eerie and terrifying, I predict nightmares in the near future. Please let us know what happens soon!

Author:  Abi [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 31/10

Thank you for all the comments! I've now written all but the last post... wrote two thousand words in an hour last night, and after the first hundred ended up with pins and needles in my hands and arms, which lasted until I'd finished writing... not really sure how I managed that, but it made writing a little more of a challenge! :lol:

"They'll turn me in your arms, lady,
Into an esk and adder,
But hold me fast, and fear me not,
I am your bairn's father.

"They'll turn me to a bear sae grim,
And then a lion bold,
But hold me fast, and fear me not,
And ye shall love your child."

She stood beside a tree, hidden, she hoped, within its shadow. Dread made time go past oddly, so that she wasn’t sure whether it was several hours or a few seconds before she saw them come round the corner towards her.

They came as Tom had said, black horses first, their riders in black. They came at a brisk trot, the cold wind blowing their hair out. They came like a stream, their faces wild and grim, leaning forward, not looking to left or right.

Con stood by her tree, her hand on its trunk, hardly daring to breath as they passed her, close enough that she could see the horses’ faces, hear their snorting and see their breath in the chilled air.

As the black riders went by, the brown came, their clothes seeming to melt seamlessly into their horses’ coats. They wore coloured threads in their hair; they shone in the moonlight. They sat upright, their eyes fixed on something ahead, purpose in their bearing.

And then, in the distance, the moon lit up the white company. At the head of it, Tom, not wearing white like the rest of them, but gold, and Andra following him, her dress as red as blood. Con’s heart thundered so hard it hurt her chest; she could hardly breathe. His words repeated themselves over and over in her head.

Pull me down and hold me fast.

They were coming closer, lit up by the pale, moonlit glow of the white horses and their riders. She didn’t move. If they saw her too soon, it might be too late. They seemed to be moving too slowly; they’d never reach her.

And then, suddenly, they were there, and for a moment she couldn’t move. She looked at Tom’s face, so pale he almost looked dead, inhuman, like Milly’s had been. She shouted then – “hey!” – and raced forward, nearly too late as the white horse trotted by. She lost her footing as she grabbed at his leg, but it was enough. Stumbling, she caught hold of his arm, and her weight pulled him to the ground, where she fell on top of him.

“Tom!” she gasped, and there was his face, right by hers, his eyes looking into hers, and she knew that she loved him; always had. Even as she shuffled her arms so that they were tight round his chest, and his face broke into a grin of pure triumph, a terrible, piercing scream rose from above them.

“Don’t let go,” he gasped, and she shook her head, everything that he’d said that night, so many weeks ago, came flooding back to her mind.

“They’ll make me different; they’ll try to make you let me go. The girl in the ballad – Janet – they turned him into beasts that she’d be scared of, but that’s old hat now... she’ll take you unawares, but if you keep hold of me, she won’t be able to hurt you.”

Andra was screaming so hard that it hurt Con’s ears, and she knew what Andra was saying with her shrieks. She was screaming for her lost sacrifice, crying for her power, that now lay in the balance, wailing for her future, which might now be lost. And then, as suddenly as they had started, the screams stopped. Con lifted her head, convinced for a moment that that would be all.

She looked down again, into Tom’s face, and her heart missed a beat, because he was dead. No colour in his face, he was ice cold, and there was blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. But he’d said Andra would change him. Con bent and kissed his bloody mouth, a warm, passionate, living kiss.

“I know you aren’t dead,” she said, into his lips. “I won’t let you go, just for death.”

And then he was kissing her back, grabbing the back of her head, pulling her towards him, biting at her mouth so hard that she cried out in pain, but she couldn’t escape. He rolled her over so that she was underneath him, pinned to the cold ground, unable to move, only able to feel his body, hurting her, and hear his laughter, wild and out of control. He pulled back, just far enough that, he could talk to her, with words that hurt as much as his kisses had.

“You want me alive, do you? You want to kiss me?” He did it again, biting her tongue so hard that she felt blood, and salty tears poured down into her hair. She wanted to beg him to stop, to let her go, but she couldn’t talk. “Then feel this, Constance. Bring me back to life, so that I can have you as I want you.”

She couldn’t move, couldn’t beg, couldn’t even cry.

“They’ll turn me into hideous things, Constance, but hold me fast, don’t let me go.”

She began to laugh, herself, and somehow found the strength to fasten her arms round his neck again.

“I don’t care,” she said. “I don’t care what you do to me. You’re mine, and I won’t let you go.”

He drew back, staring into her face, his own still and grim.

“Fine,” he said in a quiet voice. “If you won’t have me back on my terms, you won’t have me back at all.”

He freed one arm from her embrace, drew it back, and before she’d realised what he was going to do, he’d closed his hand into a fist and smashed it into her face. She cried out, only able to hear her own sobbing as he punched her again and again, in the face and chest.

“I don’t know what they’ll do, but remember that I love you, and I love our baby.”

She tightened her arms, pulling him down on top of her, clasping her fingers together behind him so that he couldn’t escape.

“I love you, you idiot,” she said in his ear, croaking through the blood and tears that filled her mouth and throat. “I love you more than life, but if you ever hit me like that again, I’ll kill you.”

“More than life?” he said, and this time his kiss was warm and loving, and her tears were of relief as she kissed him back, because surely this meant that she’d won. Then he was dragging her to her feet, her arms still locked around his chest, so that she had to follow him, clumsy with shock. “Then die with me,” he said.

Author:  JB [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 1/11

If you've written all that, Abi. It seems a shame not to post it. :lol:

Thanks for updating again so quickly.

Author:  PaulineS [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 1/11

Thanks Con is being challenged by the experience. I hope she can continue to be strong.

Author:  robinette [ Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 1/11

[quote="JB"]If you've written all that, Abi. It seems a shame not to post it. :lol:


I agree *smiles innocently*

Loving this Abi, I hope Con continues to have the strength to hold on.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 1/11

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Author:  babycassied [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 1/11

Enjoying this so much! Thanks Abi

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 1/11

Arrrgh literal cliff! I agree that it would be such a shame not to post now...


Author:  Abi [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 1/11

Thanks for the comments. :D

He grew into her arms two
Like iron in hot fire;
She held him fast, let him not go,
He was her heart's desire.

“Then die with me,” he said.

His eyes flickered to the left; hers followed, and there was the edge of the mountain, not a yard away, and she couldn’t even scream as he picked her up and threw himself over, because his mouth was on hers again and he was kissing her as they plummeted into the abyss.

“Whatever they make me do, I’m still yours.”

And she dragged her mouth away from his and screamed into the wind that whipped around them as they fell.

“I love you – I love you – I love you!”

Abruptly, they met the ground, the breath knocked out of both their bodies for the moment. There was silence all around, which frightened Con more than she could have said. It was Tom who recovered first.

“Well, that was dramatic,” he said. He sounded calm, matter-of-fact, even. Con, regaining her own breath, relaxed slightly. He looked down at her, leaning on his elbow, and he was the old Tom again, looking normal, though rather dishevelled, smiling a little. Then his face became graver.

“Listen, Constance,” he said, and her heart sank again. “I appreciate what you’ve done. I really do. And I understand how you feel about me, but it was never meant to be like this.”

“What are you saying?” She could still taste blood.

“I’m saying you need to let me go. It was fun while it lasted, but I didn’t realise how seriously you were taking it all. If you carry on like this you’re just going to embarrass yourself.”

“What?” She didn’t understand, couldn’t comprehend what he was saying to her.

“Just let me go, Constance, and we’ll forget all this silliness.”

“Are you – are you telling me you don’t love me?”

He looked at her sadly, kindly.

“I never did, Constance. You were deluding yourself, inventing wild stories so that you could keep on believing it. But now you need to face the truth.”

“But you said –”

“I didn’t realise you thought I meant I was in love with you. You’re beautiful, yes, and you’re intelligent, and fun to be with. And the sex wasn’t bad, though you’ll get better at that. But love?” He shook his head, and Con sobbed, feeling that she’d never stop, never be able to forget the terrible, bitter, desolation of this moment. Tom shook her gently. “Come on, Constance, pull yourself together. Everyone’s looking.”

She opened her eyes and looked up. He was right. There, bathed in light, were all the people she loved. Her family, her friends. Len, Margot, Shirley, right at the front. Flip and Flop. Hilda, Nell, Nancy and Kathie. Everyone, she thought, she’d ever known. And they were all looking at her as they never had before, as though she was an animal behind bars. Some of them looked pitying; others were pointing, shaking their heads, and some were laughing, openly or behind their hands.

Humiliation, pain and misery burned her. She began to pull her arms back, to cover her face with her hands, to curl herself up into a ball and never, ever look at anyone again. She turned away from Len and Margot as they stared at her, sorrow and pity on their faces, and a distant memory punctured her numbed mind.

We could go with you... promise you’ll come back... I love you...

“No,” she said, and tightened her arms round him again. Instantly they vanished, the light was gone, and she was holding him so tight that she could hardly breathe. “Whatever you say, I love you. I will always love you, and I will never let you go.”

Then she screamed in shock and fear. She was holding flame. Scorching, terrible flame that hurt so much she couldn’t think, couldn’t see, couldn’t know anything except pain, and it would never stop, and she wanted to die so that it would go away, because no human being could survive this.

Something, she didn’t know what, couldn’t think about it, told her to roll to the left, so she did. Someone was screaming; sound roared in her ears, and then the heat changed abruptly to cold, the pain died, and she was holding Tom again, and she realised she’d rolled them both into the rushing, icy stream, and he was holding her, too.

“Constance,” he was gasping as he shivered. “Constance, you absolute, bloody heroine.”

As he scrambled from the stream, lifting her with him, because she could barely stand, let alone move, Andra pulled her horse towards them, her face whiter than Con had ever seen it, so white it seemed to cast a light of its own.

“Well,” she said, her voice deep and cold, her lip curling in a sneer. “You’ve won him, for what he’s worth. My sacrifice. But if I’d known,” and now it was a hiss and even though she was still on the horse, her face was right in front of Con’s, her eyes tunnelling into Con’s, her nostrils flaring and her teeth sharp and bared. “If I’d known, I’d never have let you live. I would have pulled out both your eyes, and given you eyes from a tree; I’d have taken out your heart and given you one of stone. I curse you, Con Maynard.”

She pulled back, sitting astride her horse, and began to turn it, to lead the company away. She turned her head back once more.

“You’ll die an ill death,” she called. “And you’ll live an ill life.”

And then the horses trotted, the bells sang, and a moment later they were gone.

Author:  PaulineS [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/11

Thanks Abi, pleased Con could hold on through all that Andra put them through.

Author:  abbeybufo [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/11


Though I knew the poem, and DWJ's Fire and Hemlock among 'modern' versions, that was as powerful a telling as I've ever read.

Want to sit and think about it and come back and read it all again after I've got my breath ... thanks Abi :D

Author:  shesings [ Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/11


Author:  robinette [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/11


Thank you Abi, pleased Con kept hold of Tom until the end! :P

Author:  jmc [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/11

Fantastic!! Pleased that Con was able to get through all that Andra put her way. Thanks Abi

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/11

That was amazing. Really hope Con doesn't live an ill life or have an ill death. She was a heroine to use Tom's words

Author:  Emma A [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/11

Abi, those were FANTASTIC posts - so powerful and realistic (and the humiliation one so terrible).

I do hope Andra's power is fading, and that her curse doesn't take.


Author:  Jenefer [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/11

eek this is amazing thanks

Author:  MaryR [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/11

Have just read those two posts together, Abi, and was overcome by their raw power and beauty.

Thank you.

Author:  Abi [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/11

Thank you for all your lovely comments. I was afraid the shape-changing part would be an anti-climax! Anyway, this is the final part, and about time - this story is now 90,000 words long!

After this I'll post the full ballad, and then a few links to musical versions and some other fictional versions, for those who are interested (or, like me, completely obsessed with the story...).

O I forbid you, maidens a',
That wear gowd on your hair,
To come or gae by Carterhaugh,
For young Tam Lin is there.

It was dark when she woke up, and for a moment she panicked, certain that something horrible was lurking, waiting for her. Then memory flooded back and she relaxed again. It was all over. Absolutely, after all this time, finished. Moving gingerly, she found that all the bruises were still there, her face and was aching badly and she was sore where the fire had briefly singed her skin. So much for her not being hurt if she hung onto Tom. But then, it could have been so much worse.

She shut her eyes. When she opened them again it was light and someone was moving around the room. With due care for her injuries she raised herself on her elbow and found that it was, bizarrely, her mother.

“Mum!” she said, rather thickly through her bruised mouth. Joey dropped something glass, which shattered all over the floor.

“Con! Good grief, I thought you were asleep.”

“What are you doing?”

“Getting a glass of water.” She surveyed the fragments on the floor sadly, then bent down and began to pick them up. “Well, I was, anyway. No, don’t get up. Your father’ll have my guts for garters if I let you move – and probably yours, too. How are you feeling?”

“All right. A bit sore.”

Joey, tipping the bits of glass into the bin, half glanced at her.

“Yes, well, you would, the state you were in when Tom got you here. Hang on a minute.” She went to the door, opened it, said something Con couldn’t quite hear, then hastily retreated before the rush of people who entered, Jack in the rear, voicing feeble protests.

“I said not more than four visitors at first! She needs to rest.”

Margot reached the bed first, with Len a close second, and both of them hugged her tightly. It hurt, but Con didn’t care. She hugged them back, infinitely glad to see them again, remembering those moments when she’d thought she never would.

“Oh, Con,” Len said, her voice uneven. “We thought you were dead when we saw Tom carrying you back.”

It was all a little blurred, but she remembered setting out with Tom after the faerie folk had left. She’d been light-headed with pain and shock, but she’d found enough strength to mumble a question about Andra’s curse.

“After all that, she cursed me, Tom...”

And she’d been able to hear the grin in his voice as he replied.

“Spite and malice, darling. You never gave her your name; you never gave her power over you. Her curses slide off you like water.”

She had tried to turn her head to smile at him, but the world had turned all ways at once and she didn’t remember any more.

Len and Margot reluctantly left her side to give way to Shirley, who hugged her too. And then there was Nell and Anna and Katya, and Roger, and half a dozen other people. But where was Tom?

“We’ll be back in a while,” said Shirley. “There are some other people who need a word with you.”

Following her eyes, Con looked round to see Hilda standing, rather awkwardly, to one side. Her heart sank. She didn’t want to have to do this, didn’t think she could cope with arguments and recriminations just now. Especially when things were so uncertain. She turned away again, looking at her father.

“Dad,” she said in a low voice. “I need to ask you something.”

He glanced at Hilda, then sat down at her side.

“The baby,” said Con. “Is it –?”

“Fine,” he said quickly. “Absolutely fine; no problems at all.”

Something inside her unknotted. She nodded.

“Thanks, Dad. I – um – I suppose I should really talk to Hilda.”

He got up and left the room, leaving them alone. Con wished she knew why Tom wasn’t coming near her. Perhaps she’d done something wrong and he’d died after all, or maybe he just didn’t care enough. She watched out of the corner of her eye as Hilda approached the bed and sat down on the chair beside it, which everyone else had scorned. Con stared down at her hands, resting in her lap.

“I’m sorry.” Her head jerked up in surprise. Hilda was looking at her, her face rather flushed and her eyes anxious. “Con, I apologise for the way I treated you, that day and since. I – I was prejudiced. I realise now that I was looking at what you’d done, and not understanding that you’re still the same girl, the girl I love. I – will you forgive me?”

“Nell said she was going to talk to you.”

“Yes,” said Hilda. “She did. She made me see how wrong I was. Actually, she more or less hammered it into my thick skull.” A tiny smile forced itself onto Con’s face, but she said nothing. Hilda went on. “But I’m not here because Nell sent me, Con. I really do want to apologise. I’m so sorry.”

Con swallowed.

“It’s all right,” she said. Hilda was looking at her doubtfully. So odd, to see that expression on your Headmistress’ face. Having said it, she found that it was true, and she smiled at Hilda. “Honestly, it’s ok. I never expected everyone to welcome me with open arms once they knew the truth. I think Nell was the only one who took the whole thing in her stride.”

They talked for a few minutes more, until Hilda left, saying Jack had told her not to stay too long. Con leant back against the pillows and sighed. She was tired. She wondered how long she’d been here – a few hours, at least, because it was light now, and she was fairly sure it had still been dark when she’d passed out. Of course, it could have been days or weeks, except that she thought someone would probably have mentioned it if it had been.

The door opened again and, lost in her thoughts, she was startled and jumped.

“Constance.” Tom crossed the room in three strides and seated himself on the side of the bed, taking her hand and leaning forward, kissing her so gently that it barely hurt. “How are you?”

“Fine. Just a bit tired. And sore.”

He ducked his head for a moment, then looked back at her.

“Constance, I can’t tell you how grateful I am; how much this means to me. I was wondering – I know I asked you before, but, well, things are a bit different now. I mean, for one thing I know I’m not going to die. I’m going to have a normal life from now on. And I was – I was sort of wondering whether you – we – whether you’d, maybe, like to spend it with me? I mean, will you marry me? Please?”

Con refused to meet his eyes, fixing her eyes on the floor, the window, anything that meant she didn’t have to look at him. An odd feeling was building in her chest; for some reason she almost wanted to cry.

“Constance?” he said, sounding anxious.

Con took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry, Tom.”

There was a silence. Tom released her hand, laying it on the bedclothes, and stood up.

“Right,” he said, and turned and walked away.

Con laughed; she couldn’t hold it in. Tom stopped dead and turned his head slowly. She laughed again, feeling light and happy.

“I’m sorry,” she said again. “Sorry I ever hesitated , sorry it ever even crossed my mind not to try to help you. And – I’d love to marry you.”

Author:  Abi [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Updated 2/11

The Tam Lin Ballad

(Child Version A, slightly Anglicized!)

O I forbid you, maidens all,
That wear gold on your hair,
To come or go by Carterhaugh,
For young Tam Lin is there.

There's none that goes by Carterhaugh
But they leave him a wad,
Either their rings, or green mantles,
Or else their maidenhead.

Janet has kilted her green kirtle
A little above her knee,
And she has broded her yellow hair
A little above her bree,
And she's away to Carterhaugh
As fast as she can hie.

When she came to Carterhaugh
Tam Lin was at the well,
And there she found his steed standing,
But away was himself.

She had not pulled a double rose,
A rose but only two,
Till upon then started young Tam Lin,
Says, Lady, thou's pull no more.

Why pulls thou the rose, Janet,
And why breaks thou the wand?
Or why comes thou to Carterhaugh
Withoutten my command?

"Carterhaugh, it is my own,
My daddy gave it me,
I'll come and go by Carterhaugh,
And ask no leave of thee."

Janet has kilted her green kirtle
A little above her knee,
And she has broded her yellow hair
A little above her bree,
And she is to her father's hall,
As fast as she can hie.

Four and twenty ladies fair
Were playing at the ball,
And out then came the fair Janet,
The flower among them all.

Four and twenty ladies fair
Were playing at the chess,
And out then came the fair Janet,
As green as any glass.

Out then spoke an auld grey knight,
Lay over the castle wall,
And says, Alas, fair Janet, for thee,
But we'll be blamed all.

"Hold your tongue, you old faced knight,
Some ill death may you die!
Father my bairn on whom I will,
I'll father none on thee."

Out then spoke her father dear,
And he spoke meek and mild,
"And ever alas, sweet Janet," he says,
"I think thou goes with child."

"If that I go with child, father,
Myself must bear the blame,
There's never a laird about your hall,
Shall get the bairn's name.

"If my love were an earthly knight,
As he's an elfin grey,
I wad not give my own true-love
For any lord that you have.

"The steed that my true love rides on
Is lighter than the wind,
With silver he is shod before,
With burning gold behind."

Janet has kilted her green kirtle
A little above her knee,
And she has broded her yellow hair
A little above her bree,
And she's away to Carterhaugh
As fast as she can hie.

When she came to Carterhaugh,
Tam Lin was at the well,
And there she found his steed standing,
But away was himself.

She had not pulled a double rose,
A rose but only two,
Till up then started young Tam Lin,
Says, Lady, thou pulls no more.

"Why pulls thou the rose, Janet,
Among the groves so green,
And all to kill the bonny babe
That we got us between?"

"O tell me, tell me, Tam Lin," she says,
"For his sake that died on tree,
If ever ye was in holy chapel,
Or Christendom did see?"

"Roxbrugh he was my grandfather,
Took me with him to bide
And once it fell upon a day
That woe did me betide.

"And once it fell upon a day
A cold day and a snell,
When we were from the hunting come,
That from my horse I fell,
The Queen of Fairies she caught me,
In yon green hill to dwell.

"And pleasant is the fairy land,
But, an eerie tale to tell,
Ay at the end of seven years,
We pay a tiend to hell,
I am so fair and full of flesh,
I'm feared it be myself.

"But the night is Halloween, lady,
The morn is Hallowday,
Then win me, win me, if you will,
For well I wat ye may.

"Just at the mirk and midnight hour
The fairy folk will ride,
And they that would their true-love win,
At Miles Cross they must bide."

"But how shall I thee ken, Tam Lin,
Or how my true-love know,
Among so many uncouth knights,
The like I never saw?"

"O first let pass the black, lady,
And syne let pass the brown,
But quickly run to the milk-white steed,
Pull you his rider down.

"For I'll ride on the milk-white steed,
And ay nearest the town,
Because I was an earthly knight
They give me that renown.

"My right hand will be gloved, lady,
My left hand will be bare,
Cocked up shall my bonnet be,
And combed down shall my hair,
And they's the tokens I give thee,
No doubt I will be there.

"They'll turn me in your arms, lady,
Into an esk and adder,
But hold me fast, and fear me not,
I am your bairn's father.

"They'll turn me to a bear so grim,
And then a lion bold,
But hold me fast, and fear me not,
And you shall love your child.

"Again they'll turn me in your arms
To a red hot bar of iron,
But hold me fast, and fear me not,
I'll do you no harm.

"And last they'll turn me in your arms
Into the burning gleed,
Then throw me into well water,
O throw me in with speed.

"And then I'll be your own true-love,
I'll turn a naked knight,
Then cover me with your green mantle,
And hide me out of sight."

Gloomy, gloomy was the night,
And eerie was the way,
As fair Jenny in her green mantle
To Miles Cross she did go.

At the mirk and midnight hour
She heard the bridles sing,
She was as glad at that
As any earthly thing.

First she let the black pass by,
And syne she let the brown,
But quickly she ran to the milk-white steed,
And pulled the rider down.

So well she minded what he did say,
And young Tam Lin did win,
Syne covered him with her green mantle,
As blithe as a bird in spring.

Out then spoke the Queen o Fairies,
Out of a bush of broom,
"Them that has gotten young Tam Lin
Has gotten a stately-groom."

Out then spoke the Queen o Fairies,
And an angry woman was she,
"Shame betide her ill-fared face,
And an ill death may she die,
For she's taken away the bonniest knight
In all my company.

"But had I known, Tam Lin," said she,
"What now this night I see,
I wad have taken out your two grey eyes,
And put in two eyes of tree."

This website is a fascinating resource – you can read all Child’s versions of the ballad, plus various others, as well as finding music, fiction, essays, parodies, art and more...

Tam Lin Novels

Tam Lin (Pamela Dean) – Set in the 1970s, in a Minnesota college. Lots of literary references, Shakespeare (also inspired me to read The Lady’s Not For Burning by Christopher Fry, which is brilliant) and some very peculiar young men. This is one of my favourite versions...

An Earthly Knight (Janet McNaughton) – Set in the proper time and place (not that we know it...), twelfth century Scotland, and combines two ballads: Tam Lin and Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight.

Winter Rose (Patricia McKillip) – About a young woman called Rois, who, to her sensible family, seems half-fay. The language and imagery of this version are intoxicating, and it’s one of the few where the shape-changing climax doesn’t come as a disappointment. This rivals Pamela Dean’s version for my favourite.

Fire and Hemlock (Diana Wynne Jones) – A modern version, which is both Tam Lin and Thomas the Rhymer. She twists the story nicely, so you’re never quite sure what’s going to happen next.

The Perilous Gard (Elizabeth Marie Pope) – Elizabethan, and again with a few unexpected twists. Katherine is one of my favourite heroines; she’s easily as strong as the faerie folk. And the ending is gorgeous.

Tithe (Holly Black) – Young Adult fantasy, definitely worth a read.

Red Shift (Alan Garner) – Confusing, but worth it if you can make the effort!

Lords and Ladies (Terry Pratchett) – A bit of a tenuous link, admittedly, but not many of these are funny...

Musical versions

Steeleye Span’s version uses three Bulgarian folk tunes and sounds very different from any of the others. Being my first, it’s also my favourite version...

Imagined Village with Benjamin Zephaniah and Eliza Carthy – a fantastic modern version, brilliantly told.

Fairport Convention’s version is a bit more traditional; not as interesting as Steeleye’s, but it’s grown on me!

The Mediaeval Baebes recorded a gloriously spooky version.

Coyote Run have a splendidly noisy and dramatic version which I love (because it is noisy and dramatic...) – you have to turn the volume up a bit on this one!

Pyewackett, a nice atmospheric version.

Broadside Electric’s version is not madly exciting, but nice.

Tempest – slightly odd, this one, and this link is just a clip of the first verse or so. (mp3)

Outgrabe – again, not tremendously thrilling, but quite fun. (mp3)

Bob Hay & the Jolly Beggars – Another fairly traditional version (with thunder effects!).

And finally, although this isn’t the ballad and isn’t linked to it as far as I’m aware (but do correct me if I’m wrong!), this is the Glasgow Reel of Tam Lin. There are quite a few versions on YouTube, but this one won because it has fire in it. :D

And if anyone’s interested in songs that are linked to the Tam Lin ballad:

Thomas the Rhymer

Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight

Seven Hundred Elves

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

I was just about to switch off for the night, when this appeared - I'm so glad I was able to read the ending tonight.

Good that Constance is safely home and that she and Tom will marry. I also appreciated Hilda's sincere apology for her earlier treatment of Con - that was very gracefully done.

Abi, I haven't always followed all the segments of your story because the fantasy side of it and the ballad were unknown to me, but I *have* enjoyed the twists and turns of the plot along the way. I shall enjoy reading through the whole ballad now and perhaps accessing some of your reference list.

Thank you.

Author:  cal562301 [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Thanks for a wonderful story and a happy ending, Abi! I've been reading this avidly, although I haven't commented much.

Author:  Eilidh [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Thank you Abi, this has been a great read and was a lovely ending.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Thank you, have really enjoyed that story, really wish it wasn't over as I'll miss reading it. Thanks Abi, for one slightly different. Loved all the poems. It was amazing

Author:  abbeybufo [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

I'll miss it too! :cry:

Thanks Abi :D

Author:  janetbrown23 [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

I have been spellbound by every minute of your drabble Abi. Thank you so much.

Author:  Finn [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Hehe, that was fabulous, in the proper fairy-tale way! Glad I left the last few posts to read altogether though.

Wonderful writing, Abi, and fantastic re-telling of the story. Congratulations! And thanks, of course.

Author:  Elbee [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Thank you, Abi.

Author:  PaulineS [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Thanks Abi. I enjoyed the drabble and the chance to hear Steeleye Span again. Thank you.

Author:  MaryR [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Oh, that was so down to earth and *normal* after the high drama of the rescue! Wonderful! And I loved the way Con told him *Yes*.

Gorgeous drabble, Abi. Thank you so much. :D

Author:  JS [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

I'm also glad I was away for a few days so was able to read the last few posts together. Thanks so much Abi, this has been wonderful - I'm really going to miss this drabble so I hope you come back with another very soon.

*pops off to see if Augusta has been updated*

Author:  Jenefer [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Thank you so much for this. I have enjoyed reading it and looked forward to the updates. I will miss it but am glad it all worked out for Con and Tom

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Thankyou, the suffering that Con went through was so real, but the ending was just amazing. Thankyou for taking us on this journey with you.

Author:  Miss Di [ Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Wow wow wow.

See...I'm away for a couple of days and nearly miss the grande finale!

Thank you so much for this story I have really enjoyed following Con's adventures in fairyland.

Author:  jmc [ Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Have really enjoyed this. Thanks Abi. I'm pleased it has all ended happily but am sad it's over.

Author:  Emma A [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Abi, that was a fantastic ending to one of the best and most involving drabbles I've read on this board. So glad Con and Tom have come to a real understanding, and that they have a happy beginning to their life together.

But I wonder if that ends Andra's power altogether?

Anyway, thank-you very much for this - I've loved reading it.

Author:  dackel [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Abi, I read the end a few days ago and didn't have time to post then but I want to say thank you very much for a wonderful and very absorbing tale.

I wanted to know how it would end but I'm sorry it has because I can now no longer look forward to an update every few days!

The only downside was that every time I read it, I'd go away with Fairport's Tam Lin stuck in my head... :roll:

Author:  Myth Tree [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Thank-you Abi. That was lovely and I, too, am sad it had to end.

Author:  Nightwing [ Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They'll Turn Me in Your Arms (Part 2) Complete 4/11

Abi, that was a truly amazing story, and I'm sorry to see it finished (but also pleased that Con finally got a happy ending!) Looking forward to your next Grand Project :D

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