No Place Like Home completed 23 Dec

Author:  jayj [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  No Place Like Home completed 23 Dec

Given I’m doing some quite terrible things to these characters elsewhere, I thought that maybe I should give them a break for the festive period. However, since I’m not really a fan of Christmas, this isn’t set at Christmas, but will be full of warmth and good cheer! It will be just a very little drabble, and this is part one of three.

No Place Like Home

It was the Easter holidays, and Nancy Wilmot was staying with Hilary Graves and her family at Adler’s Nest.

“It’s not that we don’t love living and working here. But I’m nearly 40...”

“No you’re not,” interjected her former classmate.

“I’m not far off – and neither are you. I’m nearly 40 and I’m still living in what is effectively a hall of residence. Which might be alright if it was just me, but....”

“But you and Kathie want your own home?”

Nancy nodded. “And that’s not going to happen here. Oh, I know everyone who knows...“ Nancy stopped and grimaced, “ least, most of them, are reasonably fine about me and Kathie being together, but we’re still under the radar of a lot of people’s attention.”

Hilary almost spat out her tea with laughter. “...Joey...”

“Joey, for example,” Nancy grinned.

The night before, Nancy had been invited with Hilary and Phil Graves to Freudesheim for what they had thought would be a cosy dinner with old friends. But it had quickly become apparent that the whole purpose of the evening was to introduce Nancy to Dr. Jacobs, the new specialist at the San. The evening had been agony, with Nancy attempting to maintain a polite but reserved distance, Hilary barely keeping her amusement to herself, and Jo – though she had been told, on more than one occasion, and by more than one person, that Nancy was not the marrying kind - looking on with well-meaning incomprehension.

Hilary had sent Phil off to work that morning with strict instructions to disabuse Stephen Jacobs of any notions he might have developed in Nancy’s direction. But thinking back over the evening’s events, Nancy didn’t think Phil would have much trouble. There was something about Dr. Jacobs’ manner that she half-recognized, and she had a hunch that she wasn’t his type at all.

“But if we started openly living together, I don’t think Joey’s blissful innocence...”

“More like wilful ignorance...” Hilary interjected, but Nancy waved her away.

“...would last, and I’m not sure that she, and the rest of this corner of conservative rural Switzerland, is ready for two cohabiting women. And another round of hate-filled denunciations doesn’t really appeal right now.” Nancy shrugged. “And it’s not even like there’s anywhere available here that we could afford. So, as it stands, we’re actively looking for new jobs.”

A thought struck Hilary. “Is that why Kathie’s in England?”

Nancy nodded. “She’s got an interview this afternoon.”

This afternoon?”

“And another on Friday, for a Head of Geography.” Nancy couldn’t disguise the pride in her voice.

Hilary shook her head. “I can’t believe you’re leaving. I’ll miss you. The pair of you, actually.”

“Yes, and we’ll miss you, you know.”

“How did the Heads take it? You have told them?”

“Yes, we had to for references and such. And to let them know they’ll have to replace the irreplaceable.” Nancy gave a grin, then was thoughtful for a moment. “They were...I think they were a little surprised. But they’ve known for years, unofficially at least, about me and Kathie and I can’t honestly think that they expected us to stay living in those little single rooms till we were old and gray.”

“Aunty Nancy, can you come and help me?” Nancy was interrupted by Lois calling her from across the room.

“She’ll miss you too.” Hilary said, looking at her daughter, who was meant to be painting a picture but had been considerably more successful in painting herself. Blue.

“Hilary! It’s hardly fair to bring the child into it. Don’t make this harder...” Nancy said, as she went over to join in Lois’s fun.

Author:  Alison H [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home

I've always been amazed Joey didn't do more matchmaking: she seems so much like the sort of person who'd be really into trying to fix people up together :lol: .

I don't think anyone'd've suspected they were a couple if they'd just said they were getting a house together as friends/housemates, but if they want to be open about things - which they'll have to be now that so many people know - I hope they're able to find somewhere that suits.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home

Really hope Nancy and Kathie are able to find a place together and somewhere to call home

Author:  jayj [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home

A few months later

Kathie woke to find Nancy gazing at her.

“Hello you.”

Kathie beamed at her. “Hello you. Housemate. Did you sleep well? In our own bed?”

“I slept beautifully, in our own bed, in our own house. You?”

Kathie nodded. “I still can’t really believe it. Our own house. All of it. Just ours!”

“Hmm, there’s still quite a lot of empty space...” Moving from two single rooms to a whole house had been a bit of a shock.

Kathie shrugged. “We’ll fill it. And we’ve the housewarming to come – I’m personally hoping people will bring us...stuff.”

“You’re such a mercenary.”

“No! I’m just...optimistic.”

“Opportunistic, more like.”

Kathie simply smiled. “It doesn’t matter, because you love me anyway.”

Nancy nodded and began to sit up. “That’s right. I love you, and now I’m going to go and make your breakfast in our own kitchen. You stay here.”

“No! I was going to go and make your breakfast in our own kitchen. You stay here.”

They looked at each other, both frowning.

“Maybe we could both go?” Nancy suggested, after a minute or so.

“That would defeat the point of breakfast in bed.”

“Not if we brought it back with us.”

“You’re right. Not if we brought it back with us. You’re very clever, my love, and that is why I love you.” Kathie leaned over and kissed her.

“We can do that, because this is our very own house. And there’s no-one here to tell us off.”

“You know, I might tell you off if you get crumbs in the bed,” Kathie said, solemnly.

“You wouldn’t.”

“I would. Now I’m a proper grown-up Head of Department, I have to practise exercising my authority.”

Nancy pondered this for a moment. “Well, I’ll be careful then.” And with that, she got out of bed, extended a hand, and pulled Kathie up too. And after a quick hug, and stepping over the empty bottle of champagne and the wine glasses that had been part of their private housewarming the night before, the pair of them went off to make their very first breakfast together in their very own kitchen.


Kathie was putting the finishing touches to a tray of nibbles, when a movement at the kitchen door caught her eye. She looked up.

“Wow. You look...stunning,“ she said, after a moment of staring at Nancy in the sleek black dress she was wearing.

“So do you. Under the apron, at least.” Nancy came towards Kathie and hugged her.

“I thought you always wanted me to be your housewife.”

Nancy grinned. “Only sometimes.”

Kathie pulled her close, and kissed her. “Oh, Nancy.”

The doorbell rang. Reluctantly pulling away, Nancy mumbled, “The guests.”

“Sod the guests. Tell them to come back tomorrow.”


“’s inconvenient!”

“ invited them...”

“Only some of them...Oh, alright...I’ll get it.”

“No, I will.”

“No, I will.”

The novelty of having their own front door meant that Kathie and Nancy raced each other down the hall, and the first guests to their new home were greeted by the undignified sight of the two new householders (one of them wearing a rather unflattering floral apron) falling over each other to open the door and welcome them inside.

Author:  Alison H [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home updated 22 Dec

Bless :D .

It was truly frightening the way that my stuff from my single room at my mum and dad's house very soon took over an entire house once I had one of my own :lol: .

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home updated 22 Dec

Awww, this is cute! Thankyou!

Author:  KathrynW [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home updated 22 Dec

Oh they seem so happy together, such lovely glimpses of their life together. Thank you!

Author:  jayj [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home updated 22 Dec

So, in the last part, the cheesiness-o-meter was cranked up pretty high. But for this part, I think I've broken the dial...

“Hello neighbours!”

“Hello Aunty Nancy, hello Aunty Kathie!”

It was rather appropriate, really, that Nancy and Kathie’s first visitors were the family who were now living just next door; they had the shortest distance to come, of course, but also it was they who had first suggested that rather than going through the great upheaval of moving back to England, Nancy and Kathie might consider moving into a soon-to-be-vacant apartment in the chalet known as Adler’s Nest.

“It is past Lois’s bedtime, but she was adamant that she wanted to come to the party,” Hilary said. And Lois was rewarded with a huge hug from her Aunty Nancy, before her Aunty Kathie took her by the hand and led her in the direction of the crisps.

“Hilary – Phil – do come in! I’m sure you know your way around...?”

“Even if he didn’t, it wouldn’t take Phil long to work out where the food was,” Hilary teased.

Ignoring his wife, Phil asked, “How are you settling in?”

“Wonderful. It’s just wonderful,” was all Nancy managed to say before the doorbell rang again and more guests arrived.


“I take it we’ve got you to thank for us keeping hold of our Head of Maths – and brand new Head of Geography.” Hilda, holding a glass of something sparkling, was chatting to Hilary and Phil.

“Well, when Biddy and Eugen decided they were going to move, we thought it might be a good idea to move some tame babysitters into their apartment,” Phil said, with a cheeky grin.

“Phil!” Hilary looked at her husband with narrowed eyes.

“You can’t say the thought never crossed your mind, my love?”

Hilary ignored him. “Well, it would have been a shame to lose them both, and I think this is a solution that suits everyone.”

Hilda smiled. “Yes, and with Ros deciding to move back to England, we’d have been left with no Geography department at all.”

“I hear Kathie’s full of enthusiasm for her new job.”

“I think she’ll do it very well,” Hilda said, honestly. “How are Biddy and Eugen settling in in their new home?”

“Oh, they love it. I had a letter from them this morning. They’re sorry they can’t be here...”

Standing precariously on a coffee table that had been carried into the living room as a housewarming gift just a few minutes earlier, Nell Wilson called the assembled crowd to order. “People! May I have your attention, please? Now, does everyone have a glass? Good. We are gathered here today...well, we are here to celebrate a new beginning for two people who are special to us all. So would you all please raise your glasses to Nancy and Kathie, and join with me in wishing them all the best in their new home."

“Nancy and Kathie,” came the reply in unison.

As they blushed under the gaze of all their friends and colleagues, Nancy bent to murmur in Kathie’s ear. “Glad we decided to stay here?”

“Very,” Kathie replied with a beaming smile.


Having seen the determined look on Jo’s face as she was enthusiastically introducing Sharlie Andrews to Stephen Jacobs and the rather handsome young male nurse who had accompanied him to the party, Phil groaned.

“She’s matchmaking again. She just doesn’t get it, does she? Poor Stephen...”

Well, that wasn’t quite fair. Joey had, at least, decided to give up trying to marry off Nancy and Kathie. It seemed to be right what people said about them: they really weren’t the marrying kind. Their friendship, or whatever it was - Jo still wasn’t quite sure - was far too important to the pair to let a man come between them.

Well, Jo concluded, watching them as they stood chatting to Rosalie and Nell, their arms lightly round each other’s waists, they were devoted to each other. Good luck to them, she thought, with a wry smile. The chance of happiness doesn’t come along too often; you’ve got to grab it when you can. And Nancy and Kathie certainly seemed to have done that.

Author:  Alison H [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home completed 23 Dec

Glad that Joey's got the message about Nancy and Kathie, at least, and what a lovely ending.

Author:  Finn [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home completed 23 Dec

Aw. Jo gets it! Or sort-of gets it, gets it in the way that matters.

Hurrah for Nancy and Kathie! And for their friends. And other jollinesses and parties and stuff.

Thanks, jayj!

Author:  shesings [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home completed 23 Dec

I'm glad they were able to stay on the Platz! This was a treat! :D :D :D

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home completed 23 Dec

This was a real treat - I'm so glad Nancy and Kathie can stay on at the school *and* enjoy their own flat as well. Also that everyone else is happy with their situation, except perhaps for Joey, who *still* doesn't fully get it - but at least she's stopped trying to matchmake for either of them!!

Thanks, Jayj - I have really enjoyed this.

Author:  Lesley [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home completed 23 Dec

Just read this all the way through - love that Nancy and Kathie were able to stay on the Platz. Pleased Joey has finally 'got it' as far as they are concerned - now will someone please fill her in about Doctor Jacobs and the handsome male nurse? :wink:

Thanks Jayj

Author:  Elbee [ Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home completed 23 Dec

Thanks jayj, what a happy ending!

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home completed 23 Dec

Awww, what a brilliant ending! Thankyou!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home completed 23 Dec

I'm really glad Kathie and Nancy were able to sort things out and love Phil and his comment about having babysitter's close

Author:  Beecharmer [ Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No Place Like Home completed 23 Dec

How did I miss this till now? At least I'm fairly sure I missed it, I think I would have remembered it. *tempted to go back and check I haven't already commented, but you all already know I have the memory of a goldfish so hey life is too short*

Love the description of them in their own house is gorgeous, and so true.

See now I feel bad for taking them away from such a lovely accepting Platz in my Drabble!! It's probably a good thing I didn't find this, as I want Nancy and Kathy scenes in my drabble too. But I will now feel pretty mean sticking them in a tiny flatlet when you gave them a whole house! I am giving them the gayest school in the world to work in though, so that's at least a start lol.

Thank you, if a bit of a belated thank you!

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