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The CBB -> Ste Therese's House

#1: Missing you already finished 7/7/7 Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 7:42 pm
I am setting this when the youngest Maynard twins are eleven. This may not be accurate given the length of time Margot would have taken to train as a doctor and take her vows.

There was tension in the Maynard household. A mixture of emotions. Someone was leaving. Never to be seen again. A strong bond of family, sisterhood and tripletship would be irrevocably severed, but it was what she had to do. It was her calling and now the moment had arrived. Everyone felt different mixed feelings.

The triplets were now 25, Steve: 22, Charles 21, Mike 18, Felix & Felicity 16, Cecily 13, Philippa and Geoff were 11.

Joey Maynard, nee Bettany was 46 and the head of the household, Dr John "Jack" Maynard, 52.

It was 1964; A young American President had been brutally assassinated the previous year.

Young Geoffrey Maynard stomped around in the dark back garden. The house had been full of people the night before! Auntie this and Auntie that! All tears! Tears everywhere! Thank God the family had a moment to themselves. Just the family and only the blood family! All those years of sharing with everyone and finally to get a chance to be a family and it had had to be an occasion like this!

Thank the good Lord that all the attendant Aunts and everyone else had finally had the common sense to allow the Maynards to be just the Maynards! Geoff had wanted them to go! It had taken hours to prize that Mary Lou out of the door. Mama had to be strict with her and finally lost her reserve and said,

"Mary Lou, please let the family alone and let them say goodbye to Margot on their own!"

Mary Lou had seemed half inclined to stay until Papa had said, "I think it would be better if you go, Mary Lou!"

Geoff, being the youngest in many ways could not come to terms with his sister taking this course of action. He wanted to ask her why. He couldn't understand. Even his sister Phil, couldn't help him. Phil seemed to have aged mentally by about a hundred years! She was no fun!

Geoff felt the sadness swell up into his face.

"Margot!" he sobbed.

"Geoffy?" a deep voice was heard with a slight authoritarian note. It was Mike. It was amazing how like Papa he sounded.

Geoff swallowed his sadness. Mike didn't like sadness. Probabaly because he had wept his own fair share of tears of hurt and frustration through the years.

"Come on old cock!" Mike had learnt some appalling slang at Dartmouth naval college.

"Margie wouldn't want you to blub!"

"She would go mad if you called her Margie!"

Mike chuckled with laughter. He had been smoking a cigar and it told on his chest in the winter air. Jack and Joey had become resigned to their son's lifestyle now.

"I never got the chance to speak to her last night! All those Aunts!"

"They're not really Aunts! Not like Auntie Madge, and the two Mollies!"

"I know that, but that Mary Lou is just like the Head Boy at school! Bossy and treats you like a worm!"

"Tell me about it!" muttered Mike.

He rarely had a chance to chat to little Geoffy.

"I wanted to tell her about something we did at school!"

"You can tell her in a minute! We've got her to ourselves tonight! Tell me now!"

Geoff shivered in the cold and Mike gave him his navy overcoat.

"You know that new science fiction TV series?"

"Sorry Geoff, no time for TV in the navy!"

"Well it's about this old man in a police box who fights these evil pepperpots!"

Mike roared with laughter and promptly coughed.

"There's a police box outside school and there's one in the village next to school! It was so funny! My best friend and I hid inside the box and kept shouting "Exterminate" to passers by! The look on their faces was priceless! Oh I nearly died laughing! Then a copper came and we got him too! He bellowed "Bless My Soul" and ran off. That's when we legged it back to school! He must have seen us, because he came to school and we were sent up to the Head, but it was worth it!

"And this TV series inspired you to do this? I have got to see this show!"

"Helloooo! Anyone out there?" a golden voice rang out and a triplet with golden hair peered out into the garden.

Last edited by Phil on Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:04 pm; edited 24 times in total

#2:  Author: WoofterLocation: Location? What's a location? PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 7:48 pm
Oooh looks good, thank you Phil.

#3:  Author: La Petite EmLocation: Cheltenham PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:20 pm
Ooo I like this, and it's nice to see things from the boys' point of view. Thanks Phil.

#4:  Author: Liz KLocation: Bedfordshire PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:27 pm
This sounds good. Thanks Phil.

#5:  Author: brieLocation: Glasgow, aka the land of boredom PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:49 pm
Thanks Phil

#6:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:06 pm
This does look interesting and yippee another Phil drabble, thanks

#7:  Author: wheelchairprincessLocation: Oxfordshire, UK PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:13 pm
*adds to cheers for another Phil drabble*

Looks very interesting.

And Yay they chucked Mary-Lou out!

#8:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 5:14 pm
Mike's being really good to Geoff here. But Mary-Lou Rolling Eyes

#9:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 10:28 pm
"Speak of the devil!" Mike muttered in a low tone so that his illustrious sister would not hear. Geoff sniggered.

"What are you boys doing out in the cold?" Margot always liked the direct approach.

"I was smoking a cigar and Geoffy was summoning up the courage to ask you about being a nun!"

"Really? You've never wanted to ask before, Geoff! What do you want to know?"

Geoff felt Mike had put him on the spot. So Mike had, but only for Geoff to get his feelings off his chest.

"Is it true we shall never ever see you again, Margot?" he blurted out; half sad, half angry.

Margot stared at him then firmly but quietly she said, "Yes, Geoffrey."


"Because I shall be married to God and I shall have lots of children to care for. I want to do something worthwhile for all God's children. We are all God's servants and I have to do something to relieve the suffering in the world!"

"But I don't understand why you should never see us again!"

"It's just the way of life. We have to give ourselves to God."

"Wouldn't God let you see Mama and Papa?"

"Geoff, I am not going to get involved in a theological debate!"

Margot snapped, some of her childish impatience coming to the fore. Her brothers' silence made her take a deep breath and try again.

"I'm sorry. Oh Geoff, I'm trying not to sound rude or demeaning or patronising, but I think you will understand when you are older! It's a decision! A way of life; and I shall be doing something worthwhile into which I can truly put my heart and soul! Goodness knows I have had my doubts; but every mistake I have made has made my determination stronger! I have to do this, because I need to! It really is my purpose! You don't disappear forever if you become a nun! It isn't all silence and prayer! Some of it is fun!"

Geoff smiled at this last comment.

"Geoff, I think if I were say, ten and I was told Rix wanted to become a monk or Peggy become a nun and I would never see them again, I think I would be very upset and very cross with them. I wouldn't be able to understand their decision then, but I would be able to now. You may not understand my decision now, but please keep thinking of me and I know you will see I have made the right decision!"

Light was beginning to dawn!

"Think of another example Geoff! You know Auntie Mollie in New Zealand? She left Papa, Uncle Bob, Granny and Grandpa Maynard to start a whole new life on the other side of the world! The cost of money to get to New Zealand was something Papa could not afford! Not with a young family, properties everywhere and a san to look after! Think how he felt, his twin sister on the other side of the world and barely seeing her! I didn't meet her until I was sixteen! There are also her children! Maynard first cousins much older than Len, Con and I whom we have never met!"

Geoff was starting to nod. He was a clever boy in his own right.

"Geoff was also a bit put out that last night seemed so busy!" Mike interjected.

This was risky. Margot loved the Chalet School and any criticism of the gathering last night might provoke some sharp words. There was silence. Even Mike wished he could eat his words. He was about to mumble an apology when Margot spoke up.

"I was disappointed too."

The boys were amazed.

"I was very disappointed."

"How come?" asked Mike.

It all came out now! Margot nearly wept.

"My final few nights before I take my vows for good and my Canadian friends were ignored! There's more to me than the Chalet School! I lived in Canada for two years! Then my university friends! Ignored too! And the worst of it was it just seemed to be an opportunity for all my past misdeeds to be recounted for the umpteenth time as if they were a wretched school story!"

Margot did weep.

"It was just a large group of old mother hens clucking away about ' Do you remember when Margot and Emmy did this and that and goodness knows what else...I gave her a detention on that day...hard row to hoe...didn't spare her...' Oh it was dreadful and Mary Lou made herself the centre of attention! Mike, it was utterly ruined! I don't care if I sound selfish, but it was a farewell to me and my old life, not a Chalet School reunion with Mary Lou as Master of Ceremonies presiding over my past sins!"

Margot who usually scorned tears was hurting now. Mike who scorned to be anyone's comforter and Geoff, the youngest Maynard who felt awkward if his elders were upset proved to be Margot's comforter.

"Well, you can't ignore the fact that the Chalet School is a large part of your life." Mike emphasised the 'large'.

"But it is only a part! My poor old Canadian and Uni buddies! I felt so ashamed!"

Geoff hugged Margot.

"It's family tonight! Family or nothing!"

Margot laughed and kissed Geoff. Then she kissed Mike. Something he didn't usually allow his relatives to do, but compassion was required here and Mike Maynard could be as compassionate as a lamb.

"There's good in you Margot. Always has been, always will be. You know all the mistakes I have made and God knows I am sorry as I know you are for yours! You didn't need that show last night. If you wanted to be treated like a schoolgirl again, you would have borrowed Felicity's uniform and taken a hundred lines!" Mike said with vigour.

Margot sobbed with laughter. The three went back into the warmth of Freuedesheim to rejoin the family.

#10:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 12:33 am
Oh Phil that was so lovely of Mike and Geoff and of Margot with them. I think they understood and cared more cos Margot did confide in them. Thanks

#11:  Author: ClareLocation: Liverpool PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 7:15 pm
Oh that's so lovely.

Thanks Phil.

#12:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 8:09 pm
Margot and Geoff and Mike gave each other an encouraging squeeze as they went through to the large Speisesaal where Joey was about to despatch Len and Con to seek their triplet.

"There you are darling! We have everything here! Your favourite cake! Time to indulge in one of the seven deadly sins!"

Joey laughed in that lively girlish way which had attracted so many people to her over the years.

"Oh Mum! I shall be a fat pig by the time I take my vows tomorrow!"

Margot protested in jest.

The family had their final feast together and there was indeed a sound of revelry by night to herald Margot's exciting new life. By way of reassurance Margot said to her family,

"You never know with rules governing nuns and particularly my order! There may be some rule that might allow nuns leave to visit their families under special circumstances!"

"Surely we could trace where your order are going and where different missions are stationed?" enquired Con.

Margot nodded as she was negotiating a large mouthful of her dinner.

"And they have these computer things now! You could communicate by that and one day there may be new telephones which you can carry in your pocket!"

cut in Felix, ever the dreamer. This last comment drew an open minded reaction from his family, but was considered to be "light years" in the future.

After dinner and charades and some more games, Margot got up to say,

"Before I have a final talk with Mum and Dad, I should like to have a chat with all of you, individually. I have something to give you all. It has not been plain sailing living with me. For all the hurt I have caused you, I shall always be sorry. Please believe me when I say I love you all and I shall pray for you all night and day and I hope I shall always be in your prayers. Now don't be upset by the order I call you to my room. I just pulled your names out of my old Chalet School hat last night! It was as random as that! OK, first up is...Con!"

Leaping up from her seat like a gazelle, Con followed Margot to her room!

Margot flung herself onto her bed and grinned up at Con. Con smiled and peered out of the window.

"A clear night tonight! How do you feel old girl?"

"Excited! Nervous! Happy! Unhappy! I'm sure I could use every adjective in the dictionary!"

"As long as you get the grammar correct! I am sure even in the deserts of Africa or the jungles of Asia if you use "can" instead of "may" Auntie Hilda will be after you like a shot!"

Con said with mock severity. Margot sniggered. Then she became serious.

"I meant what I said. I shall always love you. I'm worried the younger ones may think it selfish of me leaving them like this! I hope to persuade them otherwise, but always try to help them understand!"

"Rely on us all Margot! I am so proud of you! And should I ever be lost in the rainforest and poisoned by some plant or animal, all I have to do is call out for you and you will come running! Doctor of Tropical Medicine!"

"Oh Con! That's a lovely thing to say! But I know you love your creature comforts! You won't step outside of Europe!"

"You never know!" For once Con had a mischievous gleam in her eye.

Margot looked amazed, then she grinned. Margot went to the old wooden chest in her now spartan bedroom and pulled out her gift for Con.

"My gift to a dear sister!"

Con stared at it.

"Margot! This was a gift to you from the doctors and nurses at that San Uncle Jem worked at in Canada! The one where you were a patient!"

It was a beautifully illustrated copy of LM Montgomery's "Anne of Green Gables".

"I have always known how much you loved it Con. I've jealously kept it as mine! I have no need of jealousy and I have no need of material possessions in my new life! I can't think of anyone I would rather have more than to have this beautiful book!"

Neither girl could stop the tears from rolling from their eyes.

"I'm sure we shall meet again Con! I know it! I shall always love you!"

Next up was Len!

#13:  Author: wheelchairprincessLocation: Oxfordshire, UK PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 8:33 pm
This is enough to make me cry! I think I want to see more soon but maybe I'd better stock up on the tissues first...

#14:  Author: WoofterLocation: Location? What's a location? PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 9:11 pm
Ooh me too. Thank you Phil, its great!

#15:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:30 am
How lovely! It must be so difficult for them all, knowing that they will seldom meet again. Thanks Phil.

#16:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:33 am
That is so sweet and lovely

#17:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 10:09 pm
"Come on lazy bones! I've got the rest of the family to get through!" Margot hailed her sister.

"Cheeky monkey!" was Len's retort.

"Proud of me?" Margot asked after a quick moment's silence.

"You bet!" said Len with vigour and slang. She hugged Margot tightly.

"People will be thanking God for you! I know they will Margot Maynard!"

"I'm so glad you are my sister! We've had so many times to chat over the years, you, Con and I! It seems weird we won't be doing that any more!"

"But you will be so busy!"

Margot nodded.

"And you will be with Reg! And perhaps...?"

"Children? Oh Margot! I ..I don't know! If it's a girl, she will be called Margot!"

"I'm honoured! Just don't be too hard on her if she is naughty!" Margot giggled.

"Ha! I shan't have any of the sauce you gave me! Oh dear me, no!" Len burst into laughter as she saw her sister giggle.

Margot had retrieved her gift from her wooden chest.

"I want you to have this! Three of everything!"

There was a silver locket with a picture of Len, Con and Margot as toddlers, a silver bracelet engraved with 'Len Con and Margot' and a ring encrusted with three diamond stones. There was a small engraving of LCM on the ring and the locket.

"Oh Margot! You shouldn't have!"

"The remainder of my inheritance money from Granny Maynard. I shall have no need of money in my new life! But I want to give you this! Guess which jewellers I got it from?"

"Interlaken? Berne? Montreux?"

Margot shook her head.


Len looked appalled.

#18:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 9:40 am
"Zermatt! Oh Margot! How could you?"

"It was something I have had to do. Ever since that fateful day when I sank as low as I could I have never ever been able to return. It was the same jewellers that sold the clock Emmy bought me! He gave me a funny sort of look and I think he remembered me from all those years ago, having a tantrum outside his shop. Len, Emmy got that clock for me out of the goodness of her heart, but I was simply coveting it. I had to make some reparation to Zermatt and I wanted to buy something for you because I love you. I hope you understand! The place where all my wickedness was revealed to you should be the place to seal any doubts in your mind about how much I love you and also wash my soul of that shameful day!"

Len simply embraced her sister.

"Darling Margot! You have been forgiven for such a long time! I'm so glad you can finally leave this behind!"

"I'll always love you!"

"And I'll always love you! Good luck in your new life! I shall treasure these gifts!"

"I should think it is very likely we shall bump into each other again! We both love travel and there are Chaletians all across the world! You shall certainly hear from me at any rate!"

"I don't doubt it!"

Len and Margot gave each other one final kiss and embrace and Cecily was sent up. When Margot remembered that Cecily was third in the queue, she felt a sense of foreboding! Cecil was now a mischievous middle and in spite of her parenting had an unpleasant side to her.

The image of Cecil peered around the door. She had been bored and fidgety. She was sulky. She didn't really care about anything and would much rather be hatching plots with her friends to buy illicit make up and wear it in school! It was such a bother having to be "good little Cecil" over the past week with all the attendant Aunts or "hangers on" as she rudely called them in the house.

Margot took a deep breath and contrived to keep her temper.

"Hi Cecil! Come on in, pull up a chair!"

"It's Cecily!" Cecil did not like the shortened boyish form of her name.

Margot ignored the sulky rebuke.

"OK Cecily. Excited for me are you? Want to ask about all the adventures I am going to have?"

"S'ppose. You've made up your mind?"

"Seeing as how I have been thinking about it for just over ten years now, I suppose I have!" Margot replied with a false sweetness in her voice.


"Can I have your room?"

Margot was astonished.

"The question is not whether you can, but whether you may!"

"You sound like the Abbess!"

"So I should hope! I suspect you will be seeing a lot more of her at school and unless you pull your socks up, none of it will be pleasant!"

Cecil looked rebellious!

"There's no need to look so mutinous! I know you are at a difficult age! I also know you have a temper! A temper like mine! Right now I know that deep down you really do care that I am going away for good! You know I love you and I know you love me! So let's stop being silly and have a good, open, honest sisterly chat!"

Presented with such a view of herself, Cecil had to obey! Before she knew it, she was asking Margot lots of questions about where she was going, what the work involved, how dangerous it was! Secretly Margot was thrilled by Cecil's interest.

"One day, you may have the call to serve God as I do!" she laughed.

She then turned to her gifts. She picked up the carved rabbit bookends, originally a gift from Bride Bettany and the ones used against Betty Landon's head. Margot explained the woeful story to an incredulous Cecil.

"Every time you think you are going to lose your rag, just remember these bookends and what I did with them. There could have been terrible consequences! Fortunately there weren't, but don't go down that road Cecil!"

With some final expressions of mutual love, a thoughtful Cecil went on her way to ask Charles to come up.

Margot breathed a sigh of relief as her "easiest" brother sidled into the room!

Last edited by Phil on Wed May 23, 2007 9:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

#19:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:59 am
Very interesting that Cecily should have inherited the temper - Margot did well there.

Thanks Phil

#20:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:58 pm
Thanks, Phil. It's good to see that Margot is saying farewell to her family as individuals, not en masse.

#21:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 2:25 pm
And she's picked such appropriate gifts for them; it's nice to see she's turned out so thoughtful.

#22:  Author: SalLocation: Walsall / Aberystwyth PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 4:03 pm
Thanks Phil, a lovely scene so nice to see this more thoughtful side of Margot.

#23:  Author: WoofterLocation: Location? What's a location? PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:27 pm
Thanks Phil, lovely to see her on a one to one basis, saying goodbye to them.

#24:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 8:31 pm
Thanks Phil, this is great!

*wonders what gift Margot will give to Charles*

#25:  Author: TamzinLocation: Edinburgh PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 9:16 am
This is fantastic. It fits in so well with what we know of the characters. I can just imagine the family being tired of all the various "hangers-on" to the household. Everything just rings so true!

#26:  Author: ClareLocation: Liverpool PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 5:23 pm
I can't wait for more Phil, this is fantastic.

#27:  Author: LauraMLocation: Bournemouth, Dorset PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:27 pm
This is absolutely beautiful Phil, can't wait for more.

#28:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:28 pm
"Hello Trouble!"

"And hello to St Margot of 'It wasn't me, it was my devil!' "

Margot collapsed into giggles of mirth, her brother following quickly.

"Oh I shall miss each one of you in your own little ways! You just have a look about you that completely wrong foots me all the time! Without fail!"

"It's come in handy now and then!"

"Yes! That time I thought Dad was going to eat me for breakfast for..."

"Oh never mind all that! So! I'm excited! You're excited, I know! I wish you could send us some postcards!"

"I know you will always be interested in what I do Chas. I remember when you arrived in Canada. You were interested in me. I felt worried about you because you were so sick, but then you got better."

"I couldn't quite remember you! I needed to know you again!"

"So we spent all that time together and it really has paid off! I can talk to you so much! I just love talking to you! You know we shall meet again, someday?"

"I am sure of it Margot!"

Charles kissed his sister and turned to go.

"Oh Chas, wait!"

She turned to retrieve Charles' gift.

"Margot! Material gifts don't matter! I know I shall always be your brother and you shall always be my sister! That's enough!"

Charles whistled as he saw what Margot held out to him.

"This...this was your twenty first birthday gift from Mama and Papa!"

It was a statue of St Therese of Lisieux. A similar statue had been accidentally broken by Charles as a boy, originally a gift to Joey in her schooldays.

"Please take it Charles! I can't think of anyone who would look after it so well as you!"

In a state of almost veneration, Charles carefully took the statue as if it were a new born baby.

"Chas, thanks for all you have done as a brother. I can't tell you how much you have helped me just by being here and being yourself. You have strengthened my resolve when I have wavered and calmed me down. Please don't ever stop being the Charles Maynard I love!"

"Don't ever stop being the Margot Maynard I love. Goodbye!"

A final kiss and then Steve Maynard was next.

Last edited by Phil on Wed May 23, 2007 9:12 pm; edited 2 times in total

#29:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:55 pm
Steady Steve! Placid, taciturn and generally pleasant. Margot looked forward to her time with her eldest brother. She was shocked to see him come in with a face as white as a sheet and his eyes red rimmed. It was clear he had been crying.

"Steve! Whatever is wrong? Come and sit down! What on Earth is the matter? Are you unwell?"

For an answer, her brother sobbed on her shoulder for a good fifteen minutes.

"You don't want me to go, do you?"

Margot whispered, cuddling Steve as if he were a child. Steve nodded his response.

"Do you think I am being selfish?"

Steve shook his head with vigour. Definitely not!

"You are going to miss me aren't you?"

Steve sighed and nodded again. He was exhausted.

"You silly boy! I'm not dead!" Margot laughed.

Steve affected a weak smile.

"We have had some battles you and I, haven't we?"

Steve nodded. Again with a smile.

"I have always been the bossy elder sister who said, 'I'm a triplet! Do as I say!' I've been like that for as long as you have known me, until recently. Isn't that right?"

Steve nodded again. He managed to croak a response.

"In the last few years, since you left school, you became so different! So much more calm and relaxed and focussed!"

"I know Steve!"

"I was happy to be with you!"

"You shall always have me Steve! Then there are the rest of the family! Len and Con will have to make you their surrogate triplet!"

Steve laughed at this.

Margot reached for something.

"Steve I want you to have something of mine! Something I would dearly love to take with me to keep me from temptation and to remind me how sorry I am for all my sins!"

Margot held out the jewel encrusted clock Emmy had bought her in Zermatt.

"You know the story of what I did and what happened in Zermatt?"

Steve nodded gravely. It was Margot who was crying now. Steve became her comforter.

"We have all forgiven you Margot and you have forgiven yourself."

"But I want you to have this Steve! To let you know how sorry I shall always be for all the harm and hurt I have caused the family and other people and how much I love all of you! Besides, the clock is broken now, and it needs an engineer to fix it!"

Margot and Steve smiled at this last comment.

"It will be my pleasure, Margot! Good luck and God bless!"

"Good luck and God bless Steve!"

As Steve made to leave the room, he turned back.

"I have always loved you Margot and I always will. I've just never said it, for it not being boyish enough to say, but I mean it with all my heart!"

"I love you too Steve!"

A final kiss, then Margot and Steve parted.

#30:  Author: Mrs RedbootsLocation: London, UK PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 9:50 pm
Oh, Phil - this is fantastic. Thank you so much.

#31:  Author: SalLocation: Walsall / Aberystwyth PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 11:02 pm
Lovely Phil - so nice to see that she has such good relationships with the boys.

Thanks Phil

#32:  Author: ArielLocation: Glorious Hither Green, London PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 1:49 pm
This is wonderful, Phil - I can picture this all happening in my mind's eye so well. Thank you!

#33:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 5:42 pm
It's brilliant, the way she knows just what to say to each of them. Thanks Phil.

#34:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 11:41 am
Thanks, Phil.

#35:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 10:36 pm
With Stephen Maynard reassured, Felicity Maynard appeared. Now sixteen and tipped for great things at the Chalet School.

"Hi Felicity!"

"Hi Margot!"

"Exciting new term for you at the Chalet School! You've made it as the youngest sub prefect, you've already stood in for editor of the Chaletian and Miss Annersley doesn't know whether to make you Head Girl, Second Prefect or Games Prefect!"

Felicity smiled.

"Not half as exciting as the journey you will be undertaking! It's the talk of all the school!"

"I'll bet it is!"

"I must say it is very boring Mary Lou coming to visit all the time and retelling tales of your misdeeds! Nobody at the Chalet School can remember her as a pupil and it is not as if she was Mum! I mean, Mum was the first pupil and she makes a point of welcoming new pupils. Mum actually has an official function to perform as part of the school! So does Dad! Why does Mary Lou come all the time?"

Margot was not amused to hear Mary Lou was gossiping about her. But in Margot's new life, who was Mary Lou?

"I expect she wants to feel needed!"

"But, she's the Chalet School of the past! Anyway, I digress! I'm sorry, I'm meant to be chatting about you and I! Still, the school are very excited for you and cousin Daphne sends her love!"

Margot smiled.

"Send her my love! You know sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't have been better being born as you. Both you and Felix came slap bang in the middle of the family! You've got the best of both worlds!"

"Well, I've got some extraordinary brothers and sisters; and you are and always will be a fantastic sister!"

Margot turned to collect her gift for Felicity. A china figure of a ballet dancer.

"For you Felicity! Don't ever lose sight of your hobbies! Life isn't all work, work and work! Even the great Mary Lou will tell you that! You have been a pioneer at the school, begging for ballet dance classes to be introduced and you have succeeded. I know how happy you feel when you are dancing!"

"Margot! You angel! thank you! What have you got for Felix?"

Margot shook her head.

"You will find out when I have given it to Felix. Now look after that ballet dancer! It was from my Canadian friend Amelie when I qualified as a doctor! Please take care of it! Now send your twin up! I've still got half of you crowd to get through!"

A kiss and a hug later, Felicity slipped out of the room only to send in her twin.

#36:  Author: SalLocation: Walsall / Aberystwyth PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 11:46 pm
Great, thanks Phil

#37:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 2:44 am
This is so wonderful Phil, thanks. Really like the interactions between them all especially between Margot and Chas

#38:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 4:11 am
It's nice to see that Margot stayed in touch with Amelie.

#39:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:11 am
Nice to see the rapport between Margot and Felicity.

Thanks Phil

#40:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:48 pm
It's good to see Margot saying her farewells in such a lovely way, thanks, Phil.

#41:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 7:07 am
"Ah! Le Maynard Canadien!" Margot exclaimed in appalling French.

Felix and Felicity had been born in Canada and Margot was careful to provide them with something uniquely Canadian.

"Still treading the boards, Felix?"

Felix grinned. He was quite relaxed and it was always pleasing to see Margot in her best humour. This is how he would always think of her once she had left.

"We are doing the Scottish Play at school!"

"And you will be playing?"

"King Duncan! You won't believe what we have to play the three witches!"

"What?" asked Margot guardedly.


Triplets! Was Felix playing one of his jokes?

Felix laughed.

"Honest! Triplets! A girls school is right round the corner from us and they are doing the same play, we thought we would amalgamate the casts. It is going to be such fun. The triplet witches are fascinated to hear about you! I've even shown them a picture of you three!"

"Do Len and Con know?"

"No! It's going to be a surprise when they come over to see the show!"

"I'm sure they will be honoured." said Margot drily.

She then laughed.

"All those plays where Len, Con and I were playing angels or something angelic! I don't regret them for one minute, but I do wish we could have done a Chalet School production of Mac..."

"The Scottish Play, please."

"Sorry. The Chalet School and the Scottish Play! I could just picture the Abbess' face! Oh best of luck Felix!"

Felix and Margot chatted about other sundry family issues, then Margot brought out her gift to Felix.

"My tennis trophy I won in Canada! I know how hard done by you feel with Steve, Chas and Mike winning all the trophies for sports and schoolwork! I am sure you will get plenty for your acting, but just to make up for it, I want you to have this from me! You can even imagine the girl on top with the racket is me and my name is still engraved on it. Besides, I know you like tennis! There we are! Your own little trophy!"

"Thanks! I shall treasure it! You are a truly fine sister!"

Margot glowed with pride! She had never felt so much pleasure in her siblings and it took all her willpower to channel her love for her family into her resolve to take Holy Orders. The years of remoteness and nonchalance simply fell away and she found she could be affectionate! At this stage she was both sad and happy. She also knew it was a small world and she could well bump into a relative in the future!

Philippa Maynard came in.

"Looks like you gave Felix a medal or something! He's glowing with pride!"

Margot smiled.

"Something like that! I've got stuff for all of you!"

She pulled out a flute which had never been used. She had once upon a time intended to take up the flute, but alas her resolve had wavered. She hadn't dared part with the gift from Auntie Mollie in New Zealand. Philippa eyed the instrument with delight. She had been fascinated by them since she was little.

"For me? Really and truly?"

Margot nodded.

"I know the new music teacher will love to teach you! I was amazed when I heard she got the post! I remember her as having nothing musical about her whatsoever!"

"Who is it?"

"A former partner in crime of mine: Heather Clayton! You will know her next term!"

"I can't wait! Oh thanks Margot!"

"My pleasure!"

"We get lots of school visits now from people to talk about their careers! We've had a judge, a lumberjack and I do hope we shall get a nun someday!"

Phil eyed Margot meaningly. Margot took the hint.

"Oh allright kiddy! I shall try my best! But I shall be hard at work for the next few years!"

"Cecil ruined the last one! It was a man who looked after snakes and she sat sniggering throughout! Miss Ferrars had to send her out!"

"Cecil is at a difficult age!"

But Margot was worried. She would pray for her sister in the throes of wickedness as befits a Middle!

"I wish she wouldn't be such a superior pig! I tried to tell Felicity, but Cecil called me a sneak and Cecil was rude to cousin Daphne who just takes it!"

"Never mind Phil! It will pass! I have spoken to Cecil! She will grow up! I know I did! Hopefully Cecil won't have to learn the way I learnt!"

"Anyway, thanks for the flute Margot."

"You're welcome and Phil..."


"Just one more word of wisdom from your elderly sister."

"What's that?"

"Geoff is your twin. Girls mature faster than boys and he feels left behind and almost humiliated by you. He knows you don't mean it, but he is pretty frustrated! A bit of leniency and understanding would go a long way. Talking helps. If in doubt ask Felicity! She and Felix are twins and they went through a similar patch where brother and sister appeared to drift apart!"

Phil paused as she let this sink in.

"I'm sorry. I have been impatient with him lately. I shall try!"

#42:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 10:06 am
Margot is so nice in this and it's believable that she could be as nice as this especially being at peace with her calling. Thanks Phil

#43:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 10:13 am
Cecil seems to be even more of a pest than Margot ever was! Rolling Eyes

Good to see such a lovely relationship betwwen Margot and her younger siblings.

Thanks Phil.

#44:  Author: SandraLocation: Oxfordshire PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 2:53 pm
The Chalet School and the Scottish Play

There's a title for a drabble. It won't be me though as the bunnies have deserted me.

#45:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 3:03 pm
Thanks Phil; I'm really enjoying this.

#46:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 5:23 pm
Geoffrey climbed the stairs. He met his twin on the way who cast a benevolent look upon him.

"How's Margot?" he asked.

"She's coping with the pain of leaving really well and she has words of wisdom for all of us!"

Geoff entered to find his triplet practising batting an imaginary ball with a cricket bat.

She held out the bat to Geoff.

"My gift to you! You've been coming on at cricket! This bat has been handed down on Mama's side for generations! Grandpa Bettany used it to play in India, so did Uncle Dick, then it was given to cousin Rix and on the day you were born, Rix scored a century with it for his old school! I've used it as Games Prefect and now it's your turn Geoff! Look after it for me! It has been a good friend! And no, I haven't battered anyone half to death with it!"

Geoffrey Maynard nearly fell upon his knees as he took the sacred implement!

"Linseed oil helps and don't leave it out in the rain!"

"Didn't the Russells have the bat?" queried Geoff.

"I believe Auntie Madge may have used it at school, but Davie and the two K's had Uncle Jem's old cricket bat. Even Auntie Grizel was impressed when Mama brought this one out of hiding at the original Chalet School!"

It was still a sturdy cricket bat and Geoff could see where the name of Bettany had been burnt into the handle. On another side was the name of Maynard.

"Do you feel any better after our chat earlier?"

Geoff nodded.

"I'm still a bit upset though."

"You will be, but with time I know you will understand!"

Geoff told Margot about the practical joke he and his friend had played in a police box in the village of his boarding school. Margot's eyes glinted with wickedness! She approved!

"I shouldn't really approve Geoff, but that was too good an opportunity to miss! And some kids show about a man in a police box inspired you to do this?"

Geoff nodded.

"Do you feel any better Margot?"

"Much! So much more I can't tell you! I have finally found time to be with my family and just my family and seen you as individuals! That was all I ever wanted! All the years I was put down as selfish just for that one wish! Well I am now doing something unselfish! Not that I have to prove anything! I want to do this! I really want to help others!"

"I know I will understand your decision one day, Margot!"

"Good lad! Oh well, send Mike in!"

Mike Maynard was the last of her siblings to have the special one to one interview.

"About time too! I nearly went for a cigar, but I had smoked the lot!"

"Those things will kill you Mike!"

Mike rolled his eyes.

"Any other words of wisdom, dear sister?"

"Yes, now shut up and listen!"

The banter was jovial in essence.

"You and I have had some troubles, to put it mildly. But we can both win through! I'm doing what I know is right for me and you must continue in the navy as you are sure it is right for you; but please, don't ever lose your temper. Don't give in to what both of us have had to struggle against for so long! I could mention Zermatt for me and that ravine incident for you! I won't talk about those. They are in the past. The pair of us have got to move on. Take some strength from what I am doing Mike! Please!"

Mike listened to Margot's plea and accepted.

"I shall always think of you Margot. Even when I was a young boy and used to rage against you and your temper, I felt a connection a longing for help from you! You have been able to give that help without saying a word! I thank God for you!"

Margot handed Mike some rosary beads.

"Take them! I had these with me at Zermatt and when you went down that ravine! They were invaluable in times of adversity!"

Mike kissed and hugged Margot, a tear rolled from is eye as he left.

Jack and Joey came to visit their exhausted but fulfilled daughter.

"Sleep darling, sleep! You've said your goodbyes, we are both proud of you! Well done Margot!"

"It was so difficult, saying goodbye! I'm so tired..."

Margot slept.

#47:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 5:32 pm
Awww, that's lovely - has Margot anything for her parents?

Thanks Phil

#48:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 5:40 pm
No wonder she's exhausted after all that emotion. She'll welcome the peace of her order now.

#49:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:30 pm
The early hours of the morning saw Margot roused by her parents. As she left Freuedesheim for the last time, she turned to her parents.

"I...I've given everyone something of mine to keep, but I haven't got anything for you! It seems rude to hand back my Christening gifts, all I can give you is my love and my prayers and to make you proud of me!"

There was a tearful moment as Jack and Joey hugged their daughter.

"Oh my darling! That is more than enough!" said a tearful Jack Maynard.

"We shall always be praying for you my love! We shall always be proud of you and love you! Now you are ready to take this courageous step! God will guide you! Never be afraid to ask his advice."

As Joey spoke these words, there was a shuffle behind the trio. It was the remaining Maynard children. All of them.

"What are you doing up at this hour? And in the cold?" Jack asked, not unkindly. He knew the answer. A final goodbye to Margot.

"Goodbye Margot! We love you! God Bless You Margot!"

A final round of embraces, tears and kisses and Margot Maynard turned away from Freuedesheim with a passion in her heart to serve her new life.


The following morning was a lie in for the whole family. Steve was one of the earliest to rise. He passed Margot's old room as usual then stopped. He looked inside and found Len and Con sleeping in Margot's old bed. He left his sisters to it.

He made his parents some coffee and served it to them in bed. His treat. He found Cecily in the Speisesaal.

"Hi! Have you been up all night Cec?"

"Been thinking about Margot!"

"We all will. But she's not dead! She really wants to do this and best of luck to her! We have to be happy for her!"

Cecil shot Steve a puzzled look. It was unfortunate that she bottled up her feelings of loss. It would adversely affect her school work and land her in serious trouble at school, but that is to come later.

Steve was going to chat to his sister and help her relieve her feelings. He was a good listener, but then the doorbell clanged.

Somebody entered unnanounced and that somebody was determined the family should be firm upright Chaletians and carry on as normal! For Margot's sake!

That "somebody" was going to get a rude awakening!

#50:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:54 pm
Hmmmm, do I spy Mary-Lou there?

Lovely that all the family were there to see Margot off.

Thanks Phil

#51:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:36 am
Yes, I liked that, too. But who is that at the door? Surely not OOAO? Shocked

#52:  Author: WoofterLocation: Location? What's a location? PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:32 am
Ooh I wonder who the 'somebody' is.

#53:  Author: SalLocation: Walsall / Aberystwyth PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:23 pm
*sniff* the final goodbye was lovely.
Twisted Evil And now I'm looking forward to seeing the visitor (Mary-Lou?) get her just desserts.

Thanks Phil

#54:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:27 pm
Oh, Please, let it be OOAO, and please, let her get what's coming to her!

#55:  Author: RosalinLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:08 pm
The goodbyes with all the different siblings were really nice. I enjoyed seeing how much Margot understood the different needs of the family.

Now hoping to see them squash Mary-Lou (I hope it's her).

#56:  Author: leahbelleLocation: Kilmarnock PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:08 pm
I thought of Mary Lou straight away, too Shocked .

#57:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:47 pm
I'm also hoping it's OOAOML. Love the relationship between Margot and Geoff and wishe we could see more of it and plus that comment about Cecil does this mean the drabble will keep going for awhile longer? (looks hopefull)

#58:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:36 pm
Miss Trelawney of the Chalet School strode in. Freuedesheim was as much her home as it was to the Maynards, The Russells, The Richardsons, the Bettanys, the Lucys, the Chesters, and other Chaletians! And she was here to lead them in a time when Auntie Joey and Uncle Jack would be mourning their loss! She was here to do good because it was needed and to keep their spirits alive!

Cecil had been about to open up to Steve! It was one of those crucial moments of "what if"! She shut her mouth as OOAO breezed in.

"Hi Stevie! Good morning Cecil!"

"Cecily! And his name is Steve not Stevie! He's not a baby!"

At once Mary Lou's expression changed. Her eyes flashed a steel grey that made the poor wayward Cecil shake in her slippers. She felt the protective arm of her brother around her. She missed the boys when they were away! Indeed, she craved the company of her brothers! She easily lost patience with the girls at her school.

Mary Lou advanced on Cecil as if she were about to deal with an impudent brat at school! Then she stopped. She breathed deeply and refrained from scolding Cecil. She simply said in a cold voice,

"I forgive you this time, Cecil I appreciate you are upset over losing Margot. But next time I shall expect you to beg my pardon! It is utterly selfish to be so rude!"

Steve could feel the frustrated anger and humiliation surge through his little sister's body. He held on to her tightly.

"Mary Lou, why have you come? Mum and Dad made it clear we just want to be on our own for a bit! Besides we are all having a lie in this morning! Margot has only just left and I suggest you do the same!"

Pleaded Stephen Maynard, ever polite.

Oh dear! Mary Lou was so accustomed to this selfishness! It seemed the whole family had become infected with Margot's old selfish attitude!

"Rubbish Stephen! Stop being a silly boy! Auntie Joey and Uncle Jack wouldn't let that happen!"

She pulled an ornamental bell from the side board and it rang with a clapping sound to match her bell like tones.

"Come along everybody! Wakey Wakey! Rising Bell!"

Mary Lou was becoming more obnoxious with age. All the Maynard offspring were soon assembled in the Speisesaal, awaiting their parents. All of them looked daggers at Mary Lou.

"Felicity and Philippa! Stop slouching on Felix! He is not a cushion!"

The girls were offended! Felix was a cushion! And a most comfortable brother / cushion he was too! And he never complained!

"Mike! No smoking! You haven't changed from being an imp of mischief! Geoffrey tie up your dressing gown! Charles! Where are your slippers? Con stop mooning! Len stop worrying about your brothers and sisters! I've warned you about that!"

"I was not worrying about my brothers and sisters! I was frowning, because you interrupted my lie in!"

Mary Lou's steel gaze settled on Mary Helena Maynard. OOAO was shocked to see an equally determined stare in Len's eyes!

"How dare you Mary Lou! How dare you!"

Len spoke quietly and coldly, at almost a whisper. The whole Maynard ensemble was glaring at Mary Lou and Len spoke for the lot of them!

"Do you realise to whom you are speaking?"

Asked Mary Lou quietly.

"The person who nearly wrecked my sister's leaving party! The person who has invaded the family like a cuckoo in the nest! You did the same with Clem and Verity too and Vi Lucy! Do you realise you made a complete exhibition of yourself by talking about Margot's past faults! You showed her up and you showed yourself up! Margot's university and Canadian friends were not impressed by you in the slightest! Margot was going to tell you, but she had better things to do like enter God's service!"

Mary Lou was astounded!

#59:  Author: LexiLocation: Liverpool PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:45 pm
Sock it to her, Len! Laughing

#60:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:45 am
Good for Len!

Mary Lou is definitely obnoxious here!

Thanks Phil.

#61:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:57 pm
"I see! Carry on Helena!"

Mary Lou was quite sure she could trounce the younger girl in a debate.

"All we heard that night Margot's friends were round were the same old tired stories and expressions! There was no focus on Margot! You were playing a role you could never leave! Head Girl of the Chalet School! Can't you see Mary Lou, it is time to leave! Even when I was Head Girl, you kept coming back and butting in! I should have said this a long time ago, but you have failed yourself and the Chalet School! You keep turning up like a bad penny! You are a hindrance to other girls because you do not allow them to lead, you dominate!

When my Aunt created the Chalet School it was to provide girls with the best academic, music, sporting and life education she could provide! It was not so that girls could remain Head Girls forever and not move on! It was not so that girls could always return to the Chalet School and butt in!"

"Len, listen to me!"

"No! I have done with listening to you! You were a good Head Girl at the time, but you should have left! Look at the other girls who have since left! There's a new breed out there and they aren't all marrying! Some are really fighting for their jobs in banks, law and medicine! There is a long way to go and those girls can do it! But what are you doing now Mary Lou?
Felicity tells me you keep turning up at the school even when nobody remembers you! One of Phil's friends asked her if you were Lady Russell!"

This last comment brought raucous laughter and a round of applause from her siblings! THis was Len at her finest! Every inch her mother's daughter!

Mary Lou looked furious! The dictator was faced with reality, but there was a higher authority she could appeal to! Len would not dare defy her parents!

"We shall see what your parents say about this insolence! Behaving like a kindergarten baby!"

"Indeed we will! And I was asserting myself! A little late, but better late than never! I wish Margot could see this!"

Silence fell as Jack and Joey came forward.

"We heard every word." said Joey quietly.

"I hope you won't accuse us of eavesdropping!" Jack queried Mary Lou sarcastically.

"Your conversation was a little loud." put in Joey.

"I'm sorry Uncle Jack and Auntie Joey! I think Len needs to be told a few things!"

Mary Lou awaited a humiliated grovelling Len to beg her pardon. She would then forgive her in the nicest way possible!

There was a pause. Len was all confidence.

"We stand by our daughter!" Jack and Joey were in unison.

"It has become a sad fact that you lacked direction after leaving school! You did not develop into the fine woman we hoped you would! You became obsessed with the school and obsessed with our eldest girls. They coped with your interference admirably!" was Joey's judgement.

Mary Lou could not believe her ears!

"Aunt Joey! I...I...I.."

"We were not pleased at the way you showed Margot up! You also made a fool of yourself, Mary Lou." said Jack sternly.

"Just for once our daughter deserved a special night all to herself! What is so selfish about that?"

Mary Lou had no reply.

"You need someone to talk to Mary Lou! You need to leave the past behind and focus on the future! It's what Margot is doing! Take a leaf out of her book!"

This piece of advice from Aunt Joey was unthinkable! Take a leaf out of Margot's book! How many times had Mary Lou carpeted that very girl for insolence, bullying, countless loss of temper, pranks, selfishness and all sorts of wickedness! Margot Maynard had been the devil incarnate!

"We can help you Mary Lou! I always thought I would never marry and have children! I moved on! I left the Chalet School! I really did! I have a semi official role as first pupil, sister of the founder, mother of pupils past and present, aunt to pupils past and present, former teacher, wife to the school doctor, and financial shareholder! However I am a mother and an authoress!

Mary Lou, you were just a Head Girl! An excellent one, but just a Head Girl!"

Mary Lou's throne tottered and fell. She felt as if she had been the Emperor wearing his "new" clothes and somebody had suddenly drawn attention to the stark reality!

"I had better go!" a croak uttered from her voice.

Jack nodded.

"You will still need help! The Chalet School does help out its old girls! Take a holiday Mary Lou! Do some thinking, but remember who you are, not the image you believed yourself to be!"

Helena Maynard was triumphant! Exit Mary Lou! The family breathed a sigh of relief.

A Chalet School ghost had been exorcised, but trouble lay in store for poor Cecily.

#62:  Author: leahbelleLocation: Kilmarnock PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:53 pm
Can't help feeling just a leetle bit sorry for Mary Lou there.

Thanks, Phil.

#63:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:33 pm
I would if I wasn't worried about what lies in store for Cecily and who will be behind it! Thanks Phil, it's always great to see people telling OOAO a few home truths.

#64:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:18 pm
Thanks Phil - though a little worried about Cecily.

Glad Jack and Joey backed up Len there.

#65:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:43 pm
Wow! Thanks Phil!

Love the way that Joey's connection with the school is presented as a positive thing here!

*Just too used to Joey Bashing!* Laughing

#66:  Author: SalLocation: Walsall / Aberystwyth PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:56 pm
Two great posts there.

Phil wrote:
Mary Lou was quite sure she could trounce the younger girl in a debate.

Well done to Len far from being trounced she trounced Mary Lou and I'm so glad Jack and Joey supported her position. Thanks Phil.

#67:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:26 am
Well done Len Maynard. Absolutely loved her there. She was fabulous. Glad to see Jack and Joey's response. Am wondering what is going to happen with Cecily later?

#68:  Author: RosalinLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:38 pm
Thanks Phil.

Well done Joey, Jack and especially Len. I'm glad to see them stand up to Mary-Lou like that but I'm now feeling a bit sorry for her. If her imagined relationship with the school is what she has based her life around then that must have been very difficult to hear.

I'm now worrying about Cecily (much prettier than Cecil) though.

Is the trouble of her own making or has Mary-Lou got it in for her now? If it is Mary-Lou then I'll quickly be cured of the sympathy.

#69:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:57 am
Thanks, Phil. I do love it when OOAO gets what's coming to her.

#70:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:35 pm
Cecily Maynard flopped onto her bed in her dorm and admired the carved wooden bookends in the shape of rabbits. She lay with her hands at the back of her head underneath a thick bunch of lengthy gloss black curls.

This term she would be good! She would bear in mind what Margot said! Her last term had been eventful to say the least!

Miss Cecily had seen fit to pour green clothes dye into the new school indoor swimming pool. There was plenty of it too and the pool still had a greenish tinge to it, which made Cecily shudder! She had to publicly apologise to all the school and her father had had to pay a substantial bill! Cecily’s reason for doing it? Because she could! She failed to see why her prank loving mother did not laugh it off or say she would include it in her next book! However Joey had “Hit the roof and gone into orbit around Pluto” according to Mike.

Cecily sighed! No pranks then! That awful interfering Mary Lou had added her two penny worth too! Then there was the occasion she copied her prep from Daphne Bettany and nearly got poor Daphne into trouble. Cecily was properly ashamed of that and worse still Auntie Mollie and Uncle Dick were visiting at the time and an apology had to be made to them too!

It wasn’t fair! Mama and Papa seemed to tolerate the trips’ behaviour when they were at school! Little did Cecily know that this was most certainly not the case! Anyway, Cecily resolved to start no more fires in the garden shed, to not leave sports equipment out in the rain, to not pull the hair out of the form prefect or try to scratch the Head Girl.

She had already received some funny looks from pupils and staff as she clambered upstairs to her dormitory. She would show them she could be sweetness and light! Nevertheless she felt a twinge of anxiety. She really wanted her brothers. She wanted their blunt advice. Sometimes she would scorn the other girls, which did not make her popular. But she would make amends! Now with Mike back in Portsmouth, Felix and Geoff at school, Chas and Steve had accompanied Con back to England. There was only Len, but she was mostly in the arms of her beloved Reg!

Perhaps there was room for one more wickedness!

Cecily’s thoughts were interrupted by a high pitched squealing of a voice which the junior Miss Maynard just knew she would find irritating!

“I say! What sweet rabbit bookends! I wonder if they were the same ones which brained my cousin Betty?”

A new girl had arrived and Cecily did not look pleased. Her blue eyes flashed a warning signal to “back off” but this was ignored. Cecily felt quite wrong footed!

“Wendy Landon! I’m new here!”

“Really?” a touch of sarcasm from Madame’s naughty niece.

“Maynard, Cecily Maynard!” replied Cecily when she recovered her senses.

“Hm! Wish I had that name! You can shorten it to Cecil! I prefer boy’s names!”

As being called “Cecil” was a severe irritant to Cecily at this stage in her life, that young lady disagreed most strongly and was about to correct Miss Landon of this error in no uncertain terms.

“Maynard! Well I never! Maynard’s the name of that ghastly girl that nearly murdered my cousin!”

To have her beloved Margot called ‘ghastly’ and a near murderess was too much! In a bizarre twist of history, Cecily felt herself reaching for the bookend!

Luckily for the strange Miss Landon, Matey arrived!

“Ah! I see you have met! Cecily, you are Wendy’s sheepdog this term!”

Cecily was gobsmacked! She felt as if she had sunk through the floor into the lowest hole in hell! She had no idea she was being picked to be a sheepdog to keep her on the straight and narrow and out of mischief.

Wendy let out an annoying seal like honk of laughter which was soon curtailed by a glance from Matey.

“Sheepdog! Oh I love doggies! How on Earth do you be a sheepdog? Do you crawl on the floor like a doggy style?”

Cecily was not laughing.

“No. It means I look after you for a term, show you where things are and keep you informed of the school rules.”

Cecily controlled herself with a real effort. Wendy honked again and narrowly missed a black eye from Cecily. That did it! If Cecily was going to have this fool on her back for a whole term, she would go ahead with her breach of school rules; despite last terms warnings about being asked to leave the Chalet School!

Then followed the quickest description and tour of the Chalet School in the whole history of Chalet School ‘sheepdogs’. Cecily then gave Wendy the slip (not a difficult task) and went on her illegal expedition!

#71:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:39 pm
Oh dear - and she had such good intentions too!

Thanks Phil. Laughing

#72:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:08 am
Poor Cecily. It sounds like she needs to be at a co-ed school not an all girl school

#73:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:30 am
Poor Cecily, this isn't helping her keep on the straight and narrow.

#74:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:26 am
Poor Cecil. Thanks, Phil.

#75:  Author: SalLocation: Walsall / Aberystwyth PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:46 am
Poor Cecily she had such good intentions too. Mind you her the list of what she had done last term did make me giggle. Thanks Phil.

#76:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:03 pm
Last term and during the holidays, the wayward Cecily had been indulging in her fascination for make up. It was one of the truly feminine things she enjoyed! She had unwisely wished aloud that they could wear make up at school until she was squashed by Nancy Wilmot who said the idea was rubbish because children should enjoy their childhood and not worry about such things.

To make matters worse she had been hauled before an informal prefects meeting to have a “discussion” about school rules and hear that the prees would be “disappointed in her” if she brought in any make up as it was clearly written in the school rules that make up was forbidden. Cecily was furious that term! Wasn’t a squashing from Willy enough without the prefects shoving their nosy beaks in?

At length, Cecily came to a tree where she arranged to meet her partner in crime Laura Oates: an ornament of Cecily’s class and terror of the science labs. Laura shared the fascination in make up. Both girls had older sisters and were forever experimenting with sisters’ make up when their elders were not at home. Before long, the girls were happily putting on lipstick and nail varnish. Then footsteps were heard in the woods!

“Laura! Did anyone follow you?”

“No! What sort of ass do you take me for?”

“If it’s a pree, we’re going to catch it hot!”

“Bother! I didn’t bring the make up remover!”


“Stay here Cecily! I’ll try and draw them off, get the make up remover and come back for you!”

Cecily knew her friend was as good as her word.

The footsteps got nearer. Cecily moved away. She was definitely being followed! She was nearly back at school. If she could just make it and get to Laura…

“Ha! Ha! Caught you! Were you playing hide and seek! Oh goody! I love hide and seek! Naughty though! You are supposed to be sheepdogging me!”

“The only dog round here…” began an angry Cecily. She turned on Wendy Landon who saw Cecily’s painted face!


“Will you shut up!” hissed Cecily.

They were dangerously near the prefects’ common room and she knew Felicity her sub prefect sister was in the vicinity!

“No I won’t! You ran off without telling me where you were going and you’re breaking school rules! I think you should share that make up and I won’t tell!”

“Don’t blackmail me!”

Cecily was alarmed and angry. She didn’t know Wendy was also very fond of make up.

“But I want some too! I love wearing make up!”

“I suppose it would make you look less like a pig!”

“What did you call me?” That was quite a shriek Wendy had on her.

Cecily bolted, but not before Wendy had caught her.

“You horrid brute..”

Then the nail varnish got spilt.

“You moron! I can’t hide this from Matron! She will kill me!”

Cecily was aghast. She shoved Wendy away and tore off to the nearest splashery.

“Beast!” Wendy roared after her. Wendy was now in a rage and hurled abuse at the fleeing Maynard.

Within seconds, Daphne Bettany was on the scene. She had been looking for her errant cousin to ask when Auntie Joey was next available as she had some good news of Maeve’s engagement.

“What is all this noise? Are you being killed? No? Well shut up and calm down! Goodness me! What a performance! What on Earth is wrong?”

Daphne saw the three highest prees of the school approaching. Wisely, she slunk away.

“It’s too late now. It’s out of my hands. The prees are on to you.”

Erica Standish (Head Girl) Althea Glenyon (Second Prefect) and Jos Marvel (Games Prefect) – the fifth or sixth triumvirate of the Chalet School - were not impressed at having their social gathering and gossip of the holidays interrupted by the squealing and squawking of a new girl, but duty called them to investigate.

Even in their august presence Wendy calmed down. This was quickened by the fact that Jos went so far as to fetch a bucket of icy cold water to tip over her head if she became hysterical.

Thankfully Wendy did not sneak; however the prefects found out that somebody had upset Wendy and ran off in the direction of the Middles’ splashery. Erica would not tolerate bullying on the first day and requested an emergency school assembly. She would look in the splashery and follow Althea and Jos.

Erica found the sinner with a soaking dress matted with soap bubbles and a large stubborn red nail varnish stain!

“Stupid blockhead! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” Cecily sobbed to herself.

She really did not want to be punished; she had had enough of scoldings and punishments last term. She had received a Head’s Report and been barred from seeing the Millies’ pantomime of Rumpelstiltskin.

Erica descended on her prey like a bat out of hell.

“Cecily Maynard! I might have guessed!”

Cecily jumped! Her eyes widened in terror and she could not breathe for a second. Her heart was in her throat and she felt her temperature increase. She dropped the make up box. Erica eyed the contents.

“How did this get past Matron, Cecily?”

“Hid it in a hollow tree trunk in the hols.”

“From whom is this make up?”

“Er it’s not mine.”


“I borrowed it Erica! I only borrowed it! Please..I’m sorry, don’t tell Mama! I just borrowed bits and pieces from Len, Con, Margot and Mama!”

“Did you ask their permission?”

Cecily shook her head. Tears dropped onto the splashery floor in abundance! The Niagara Falls had nothing on poor Cecily! Oh for a cuddle from her brothers now! Cecily didn’t dare look at the gargoyle like expression on Erica’s shocked face.

“Was anybody else involved in this Cecily?”

Cecily stood stock still. She would not let poor Laura be punished.

“I think you had better wash your face and change. I will see you at seventeen o’clock for a full prefects’ meeting Cecily.”

Cecily sank onto the wooden bench. Her head in her hands.

The whole school was assembled. Laura could barely think straight. Where was Cecily? She kept looking around for her and seemed to catch Felicity Maynard’s eye. A dangerous thing to do, thought Laura. Felicity was probably looking for Cecily too, but for different reasons; usually to do with law enforcement. Jos and Althea had faces like thunder. Suddenly Erica stormed in with a box under her arm. She stampeded the dias and rang the bell with a vigour.

“Girls! Does anyone else know anything about this box of contraband make up?”

Silence fell.

Nobody could believe what happened next. A little first year approached the enraged Erica. It was Marie Claire de Mabillon. Erica nearly collapsed with shock.

“You Marie Claire?”

“Please Erica, what does contraband mean?”

Erica nearly burst out laughing. In fact some of the Middles did.

“Silence!” roared Jos. The Games Prefect gave the offenders a glare. If she had any more nonsense from them, a netball practice in the dark freezing cold howling wind and rain for two hours solid beckoned. Fortunately the Middles calmed down.

Erica recovered her wits.

“Contraband means things that are not allowed. Make up is not allowed in school. It against the school rules. Somebody has brought it in, therefore it is called contraband.”

“Oh I see! Thank you Erica! That’s very naughty of them!”

Marie Claire resumed her place. The innocent tones of that last remark were too much for Laura. She rose to confess her sins.

“Please Erica. It was me…I mean it was I…I mean..”

“Seventeen o’clock sharp at the Prefects’ Common Room. Be prompt! You will be facing a full prefects’ council!”

Erica nodded to Althea and left the Hall.

“School dismissed!” Althea commanded.

Laura did not hear her. Her face was as white as a sheet. What terror awaited her?

Last edited by Phil on Sun Jun 10, 2007 7:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

#77:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:17 pm
Ooh a new update!! Very Happy

Thanks Phil. I hope Erica isn't too hard on Cecily.

#78:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:04 pm
“She isn’t wicked! She just has a strong temper and is incredibly strong willed!”

“If those character traits could be moulded into more productive channels she would be a real credit! At the moment she is a thorough pest!”

“How come Auntie Joey and Uncle Jack couldn’t stop her temper Erica? They’ve had enough practice with Margot and Mike from all accounts!”

“She has got to be punished I am afraid.”

Erica rapped the table for silence. She looked at Francesca Barkocz.

“Uncle Jack and Auntie Joey did exactly the same with Cecily as they did with Mike and Margot. They did their best unfortunately all three of them have a temper. Auntie Joey believes it becomes from her late father. Now to work; you have all been made aware of Cecily and Laura’s latest? Added to that a possible charge of bullying against Cecily. We shall not tolerate this behaviour on any school day and I am afraid Cecily must pay for her crime. Here is what I propose to do….”

Whilst Erica was explaining the sentences she had chosen, two miserable girls met each other at the corridor of death which led to the Prefects’ Common Room. Cecily could barely walk and she clutched at Laura for support.

“Have…have you seen Matey?” asked Laura.

Cecily nodded. Matey’s expression when she saw the wet stained dress was a sight nobody ever wanted to see. When Cecily explained that the stain was nail varnish “borrowed” from her sisters, Matron launched a veritable typhoon of a scolding. She knew Matron would tell Mama and she knew it would circulate the staffroom as gossip and the Abbess would hear one way or another!

“Look at this, young lady! Ruined! How much will that cost your mother and father? What do you think they would say? If you were my daughter I would make you sew your own dresses from scratch! Isn’t it about time you grew up?”

Matey’s words rang in Cecily’s ears. After Matey had finished with her, there was not much left of Cecily except some scraps that could be put in a tin and fed to Minette.

The unhappy pair of girls had reached the door. Laura elected to knock.


An ice cold judicious voice commanded.

Cecily had to be dragged in by Laura and the poor girl nearly fainted as she saw the assembled prefects and sub prefects! This meant Felicity was there too! Cecily looked at Felicity like a frightened rabbit. She was strategically placed behind a very judicial looking Erica. The look Felicity gave Cecily rivalled that of Medusa the Gorgon. Laura was as frightened as Cecily and she clutched the poor waif for support and comfort.
It must be said that the prefects were shocked at the state of Laura and Cecily, particularly Cecily. Nevertheless, justice had to be done. Chairs were supplied for the accused to be seated. Unfortunately, this reinforced the feeling of being in the dock and on trial.

Erica allowed a full minutes’ silence for the gravity of the situation to sink in.

“Laura? Cecily? Have you anything to say for yourselves?”

“Please, we’re very sorry and we won’t do it again.”

“And where have we heard that before?” asked Althea quietly.

The accused decided to throw themselves on the mercy of the court. That was it! An appeal for mercy! Mercy and forgiveness! Surely the prees couldn’t be so inhuman as to refuse? It was the first day of term!

Tears flowed from Laura, but Cecily had done so much crying she thought she had used up all the water in her body.

“The smuggling of contraband indicates an unacceptable disregard for the school rules. Essentially you were stealing the confidence the school has in all its pupils to obey the rules. You have proved yourselves untrustworthy and unreliable. We begin to wonder whether you have the character necessary to be true Chaletians! Your only saving grace could be that you knew you were being dishonest but decided to risk it!”

Cecily and Laura stared at Erica like petrified animals.

“Laura! We are disgusted that you cannot stand up to your friend and persist in aiding and abetting her in these crimes. You are on a Prefects’ Report for two weeks and in silence for one week. As you know on a Prefects’ Report you will be segregated from your peers and will take your lessons, recreation and meals alone bar the company of the duty prefect. Now go and don’t let us see you in here again for the rest of the term!”

Laura fled.

Her support gone, Cecily stared wildly around her. She didn’t seem to notice the glare of Felicity’s eyes. Erica leaned back in her chair.

“You are quite a regular here Cecily. Last term you pulled that stunt in the swimming pool. We warned you about bringing make up into school last term and you persist in rebellion. Do you think you are fit to remain at the Chalet School? You got a Head’s Report last term. That’s your second isn’t it? Do you want a third?”

“No” croaked Cecily, the fight had gone out of her.

“Do you realise what you did was pilfering from your mother and sisters’ make up boxes?”

Cecily was horrified! So she was a thief! A criminal!

“You know your mother and the staff will eventually hear of your misdeeds. You must answer to your mother when she is ready to speak to you. In the meantime you will take the same punishment as Laura. During that time you will also consider how to modify your behaviour to Wendy Landon. As we can’t trust you, you shall no longer be her sheepdog.

This really is your last chance Cecily. Any more incidents, no matter how minor will go straight to Miss Annersley and your parents will be called in.”

Cecily stumbled from the room. She went to bed in tears and prayed earnestly for Margot to come and help her! Somebody! Anyone! She hugged one of the rabbit bookends close to her for comfort.

In all the distress she had quite forgotten about the holiday homework she had not done due to the departure of Margot and Miss Bertram would find this on the morrow! To compound Cecily’s troubles Minette escaped from the kitchen during the night and decided to curl up in bed with Cecily, getting her fine dark cat hair all over the crisp white sheets!

#79:  Author: RosalinLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:57 pm
Poor Cecily, events seem to be conspiring against her. Although one last bout of rule-breaking is usually a mistake.

Wendy sounds really annoying. Not the sort of girl to inspire a sense of responsibility in Cecily. But great fun in a story. Laughing

Thanks Phil.

#80:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:33 am
Poor Cecily! Thanks Phil.

#81:  Author: leahbelleLocation: Kilmarnock PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:36 pm
I don't like the sound of Wendy at all.

Thanks, Phil.

#82:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:24 pm
Poor Cecily!

Thanks Phil!

#83:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:50 pm
Thanks, Phil. Poor Cecil.

#84:  Author: SalLocation: Walsall / Aberystwyth PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:38 pm
Poor Cecily, having to sheepdog Wendy was never going to help matters.

Thanks Phil

#85:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 7:17 pm
Fate seemed to have deserted Miss Cecily. Her dormitory prefect had deserted them in the middle of the night with a violent toothache and was now in the San and in the rush nobody had arranged to wake the sleepy inhabitants of Bluebell dormitory. Then with seconds to spare after the bell went, six of the seven Middles leapt to their feet in horror and proceeded to wash and change in double quick time. Wendy thought to look in on that beast Cecily, then an evil thought occurred to her and she felt she should let Cecily have some "beauty sleep". After all she couldn't put make up on could she? Wendy sniggered to herself at this joke. She, like her cousin Betty, was very nosey and knew Cecily was in deep trouble and was "drinking in the last chance saloon." Why prolong her departure?

Cecily woke. The first thing she saw was Minette eyeing her with round golden eyes and a look of reproach at being wakened. Cecily looked at her clock and had to look twice! The other girls would be at Fruhstuck!

"Oh the beasts! Why didn't they wake me? The horrid, horrid brutes! Do they want to see me publicly expelled?"

Without making her bed (a fatal error) she hurriedly dressed, tripped herself up, screamed, "Bother!" and ran from the room.

"Philippa! Have you seen Cecily?"

Felicity was all ice and no charm. The youngest Maynard girl shook her head. Felicity's brow darkened. Just then a dishevelled Cecily ran into Fruhstuck attracting the stares of the school and the smirk of Wendy Landon.

"I'm sorry I am late Felicity! Please believe me! I will be good today!"

The pleading look in Cecily's eyes did not usually do the job with Felicity, but the older girl knew her kid sister was going through a difficult time. There was also the forthcoming punishment for Cecily that day and the fact that her dormitory prefect was taken ill during the night, so Cecily could be forgiven in this instance. Felicity signalled Cecily to take her seat, joining Laura at the punishment table where they had been sentenced too last night.

Cecily and every other girl hated the punishment table, painted in gloss red to mark out its special purpose.

Unfortunately this scene did not go unnoticed by the Head Girl at the prefect's table. Inwardly Erica sighed. Poor Cecily! She was not making things easier for herself. Still on this occasion as they had no dormitory prefect to wake them, the inhabitants of Bluebell including Cecily, were unpunished.

Sadly there was further grief to come.

"Your holiday work! I set you some arithmetic, composition and comprehension exercises! I hope you have done everything and that it is all neat and tidy. Come along girls, let's see those books on my table now! Hannah you go round and collect them up!"

Miss Bertram seemed in a good mood. Her bilious attacks were not playing up thankfully. Hannah the form prefect collected all twenty books except Cecily who seemed to go into shock and desperately kept a grip on her exercise book!

"Cecily. Why won't you give your book to Hannah?" asked Miss Bertram quietly.

"My..holiday work doesn't seem to be in there Miss Bertram!"

Miss Bertram raised one eyebrow. A danger signal.

"Indeed? Where, Cecily, do you to think it may 'seem' to be?"

Cecily was sweating in terror now! How could she have forgotten to do her holiday homework and how could she tell Miss Bertram she had not done it when all the class clearly had?

"I might have done it in rough!"

"You might have done?" Two eyebrows were raised now. Poor Cecily.

Cecily hurriedly looked in her jotter.

"It doesn't seem to be there either Miss Bertram."

It was obvious what had happened. The whole class and Miss Bertram knew. Cecily had not done her homework.

"You have not done it have you? Nearly two months to do it and you haven't done it? Please explain yourself to your classmates."

"Well, we were all sad because Margot was going and..."

"That's no excuse when some girls have invalid parents in the san or other girls are flying half way round the world."

"No Miss Bertram."

"We have seen this laid back approach to your work last term Cecily and the term before. You can explain to Miss Annersley about this!"

"Oh no Miss Bertram Please! Anything but that! I'm in enough trouble already! I shall do the whole homework for you in my best handwriting and any detention or lines..."

Miss Bertram was immovable.

"As you already state Cecily, you are in enough trouble already and you must pay the price for this..."

Miss Bertram got no further. Matron stormed in.

"Cecily Maynard!" barked the formidable dame.

"It seems you have not made your bed either." said Miss Bertram coolly.

"Not only that! There are cat hairs all over the linen! I found Minette proudly curled up between the sheets!"

Wendy sniggered at this and was glared at by Matron and Miss Bertram.

"Go and sort your bed out now!" shrieked Miss Bertram. She rued the day she had ever met Cecily Maynard.

Wendy felt revenge was sweet and she hadn't even done anything to Cecily. Yet.

Wendy hated that beast of a girl and it would hurt her sister allright if Cecily was expelled. That nasty Margot may be a nun now, but she had to pay somehow for hurting poor Betty like that.

Cecily Maynard cried.

Matron was giving her such a lecture on slovenliness and taking the cat to bed and getting the bed dirty. then she started on the topic of deceit.

"And what's this I hear about bringing make up into school?"

"I'm so sorry Matron!"

"So I should hope, but can we believe you? All the times you've said 'sorry' before and gone and done something equally outrageous!"

Cecily blew her nose.

"Miss Annersley is calling your parents in."

Cecily spun round in shock!

"Mama and Papa?"

"Coming soon!"

Cecily's head spun! Mama and Papa were coming! Where they going to take her away? Was she to be expelled? Had she blotted her copybook with the Chalet School for the last time? Cecily fainted.

#86:  Author: LauraMLocation: Bournemouth, Dorset PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:13 pm
Poor Cecily, what a rotten time she's having. She's not going to be expelled is she?

#87:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:20 pm
That was extremely nasty of Wendy - I do hope that she is discovered because there was no need for her to that to Cecily. And it was hardly Cecily's fault if the cat chose her bed to sleep in.

Thanks Phil.

#88:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:26 pm
I'm really starting to dislike Wendy Landon *begins plotting against her*

Thanks Phil!!

#89:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:44 am
Poor Cecily. Everything is conspiring against her

#90:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:45 pm
I'm starting to dislike Wendy, too. I thought she was just a nuisance, but now she seems worse than that.

Thanks Phil.

#91:  Author: leahbelleLocation: Kilmarnock PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:55 pm
Wendy does seem like quite a nasty piece of work. Cecily has certainly brought a lot of wrath down on her own head.

Thanks, Phil.

#92:  Author: MonaLocation: Hertfordshire PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:34 pm
Poor Cecily! I'm not sure I like Wendy one little bit.

#93:  Author: SalLocation: Walsall / Aberystwyth PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:40 pm
poke Wendy hard.

Thanks Phil

#94:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:08 am
Cecily awoke in the isolation room in the school san. She was unaware the remaining beds in the san were full of juniors running colds and naturally poor Cecily leapt to the conclusion that justice was to be brutal and merciless to her and she was being deliberately kept away from her schoolgirl peers, to be expelled!

Her feverish imagination conjured a hallucination before her:

The school was assembled, Miss Annersley standing on the dias at the lectern looking as grim as the King of the Underworld. Cecily would be led in by the Head Girl. THe walk down the aisle towards the dias would be the most difficult of her life. Felicity's face would show utter shame and coldness, little Phil would be shocked to tears and poor cousin Daphne would be looking on mortified as Miss Annersley reads out Cecily's crimes and how she has been given every chance to reform. Then the closing words would be uttered,

"We pray for you Cecily Maynard. We forgive you your sins but we cannot have you at the Chalet School. You have been given every opportunity to reform and you have spurned our help. I hope you will learn from this lesson and that God will guide you to be a better person in future. Go now, your parents are waiting to take you away!"

Cecily would then turn and the accompanying stares of the Chaletians and deathly silence would compound her walk of shame as she left the Chalet School for the last time. The girls would move away from her as if she were an incurable disease!

"No!" sobbed Cecily.

It was too much for the poor child and she convinced herself she was the lowest reprobate on God's Earth! Since there was no hope for her she may as well run away. She left a note for her headmistress.

"Dear Miss Annersley,

I know you have expelled me. I want to say how sorry I am that I have hurt you, Mama and Papa and everyone else. I have let you all down including myself. I have hurt so many people and I know I must be expelled. Since I am such a bad person, I am too cowardly to face up to it and I must run away.




She knotted some sheets together and with the help of a tree managed to slip out of her cell's window. She slid down a bank and soon hitched a lift by car with some obliging British tourists who were stupid enough not to ask many questions.

Cecily had always been the best Maynard at playing hide and seek. She was slim and diminutive and quick. How she got past the guards at the railway stations and on the trains, nobody knew. She didn't know where she was going, what to do about food or shelter, she just had to go.

Back at the Chalet School, Wendy was listening through a keyhole.

"Where is she? Where is the poor child? Joey and Jack will be here any minute?"

"You had better read this Miss Annersley" Matron's grim tones.

Miss Annersley read out Cecily's letter aloud.

"Oh the poor, foolish baby! Oh Gwynneth! We must send out search parties at once! She must have been so ashamed of herself! I was never going to expel her! Keep her back a year but not expel her..."

Wendy listened intrigued! Suddenly a hand grabbed her shoulder.

"And just what do you think you are doing, you despicable creature?"

Wendy had obviously been eavesdropping on the Head's conversation with Matey and Daphne Bettany was sick to her stomach at such a foul and dishonourable act! Daphne Bettany gave the creature such a cold glare that would have made the Arctic seem like a warm desert.

Wendy pushed Daphne over and bolted like a frightened rabbit. Daphne overbalanced and banged her arm.

"Ooooh!" growled Daphne. She set off in pursuit. Wendy had gone down the main staircase! Daphne was in no mood to obey rules so incensed she was by Wendy's behaviour. Unfortunately she was caught by her sub prefect cousin Felicity.

"Daphne! Of all the people! I might have expected this from Cecily, but you! Well really! Go and use the proper staircase and take an order mark!"

"Oh hang!" growled Daphne.

"I beg your pardon? You can pay a fine of ten groschen for that and I would advise you to curb your tongue!"

A mutinous Daphne retreated. Why were family always so harsh on each other? Was Peggy as bad as this to Bride and Maeve? As Daphne walked away under Felicity's icy gaze, she caught sight of a smirking Wendy. Daphne could say or do nothing.

Cecily was hungry. The reality of her actions was beginning to sink in. What was she to do about food, shelter and money? Even if she had been expelled and Mama and Papa were cross, they wouldn't want her to run away. She tried to slip onto a train but was caught and had to run away before the police came. In tears of frustration, she sank onto a bench outside a building. She saw a nun enter the building. Cecily spun round! It appeared to be a convent! Cecily yearned for Margot! She yearned for those loving comforting words she had heard on Margot's last night at home. Cecily entered the convent.

Two astonished nuns asked her who she was and what she was doing there. Cecily collapsed into a fit of tears. and had to be carried to a room to recuperate. She had a light meal and a little sleep. She then strode to a window. She didn't hear someone enter. Someone crept up behind her and put her hands over her eyes.

"Surprise! Guess who?" said a familiar golden voice.

#95:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:05 am
Really hope that's Marfot.

Wendy needs to be shot! Evil or Very Mad

Thanks Phil

#96:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 10:33 am
I really hope that's Margot. I am wondering why the family members are so hard on each other. I know there's the thought of favouritism, but surely they should also be fair to those who are in their family not so blatently unfair

#97:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:14 pm
There was only one person that could be! Cecily prayed her thanks to God that Margot had found her. She turned to look into the blue sparkling eyes that dazzled amusement and affection upon her.

“Margot I’m so sorry, I’ve run away!”

Cecily sobbed upon Margot for nearly half an hour.

The moment she had seen the wandering Cecily from an upstairs window, Margot had telephoned Freuedesheim and the Chalet School. She was just in time to catch her father and Miss Annersley from informing the police. She assured her anxious parents she would return her truant sister just as soon as the poor waif was fed, and had some sleep.

“It’s OK now Cecily, It’s OK. We can sort this out. It’s not the end of the world. Sh! Get some sleep, I will bring you something to eat.”

Cecily dreamed. She dreamed a long hidden memory of the time the triplets had rescued her from a woman who believed Cecily was her child. She remembered hugging the triplets in turn.

The awful prospect of scholastic justice and being detained at her headmistress’s pleasure melted away when Cecily thought of her family. She had a good meal and a wash and Margot gently told her she was being taken home. At once her fears returned.

“No! Margot I don’t want to leave you!”

“Now don’t be silly! You’ve got to own up to your mistakes and be a brave woman! If you can’t be a Chaletian, then be a Maynard! There! That’s the spirit! Whatever you may have done, you will always be mum and dad’s daughter and you will always be my sister and sister to Len, Con, the boys and the two twins! We shall always love you, now come along, we must catch that train!”

Cecily allowed herself to be herded from the convent. Margot took Cecily to the train station and boarded a carriage with her. At first Cecily was settled, but as they reached Interlaken her fears returned.

What is she were to be lead in triumph back to the Chalet School as a convicted knave sent before well deserved justice? How awful to be a felon brought in through the front door to all the piercing stares of the teachers and prefects! As a captive, it would be sickening to see all the girls’ faces peering out of the windows, eager for a glimpse of her to see if she was properly shaking in terror or bound in chains!

Cecily dismissed these wild scenarios from her mind, but she did not want a public spectacle on her return.

“Do you think they will have my head on a plate for this?”

“Cecily! We’re talking about the Chalet School! Not the Tower of London under Henry VIII!”

Cecily was feeling guilty and morbid about any punishment and Margot knew this.

“Stop being so full of self pity or I shall leave you on this train and go straight back to my convent! This instant Cecily! I have had enough! I deserved expulsion after I bullied and blackmailed Ted Grantley! I deserved expulsion for nearly killing Betty Landon! How I became Games Pree I shall never know and even then I took my temper out on the kids! Now If I can conquer all that and take my punishment, so can you! Now stop being so ridiculous and grow up!”

Cecily was shocked. Initially the selfish side of her wanted to swear at Margot; fortunately reason took over.

“Very well!” was all she said, but she had a determined look about her, which Margot was pleased to note.

The Chalet School was agog with excitement.

“Did you hear? They’re bringing Cecily Maynard in!”

“What do you reckon she’ll get?”

“She’s had enough Head’s Reports in the past! I reckon she’s for the chop!”

“Pity she’s so bad tempered! She hasn’t got many friends!”

“Bags the top window above the stair! There’s an excellent view of the drive!”

“It’s Madame I feel sorry for!”

“And Mrs Maynard!”

“Oh hi Daphne! Sorry your cousin’s going to be expelled!”

Daphne Bettany eyed the group of bloodthirsty middles with contempt. She was about to say something cutting when she saw her cousin Felicity bear down on the mini vultures.

“Why are you girls here? Why are you not wearing your house shoes? Go and change at once and take an order mark every one of you! Now go!”

Felicity chased them away.

“The ghouls! You would think Cecily were being taken to be hanged upon a tree for treason! Are you allright Daphne?”

“I’m OK thanks and you?”
“I’m OK. Little Phil is worried for Cecily. So am I. Do you think I should have watched her more closely?”

“I think you always did your best Felicity. Cecily just likes to be a loos cannon sometimes! She will conform one day!”

“Always a solid rock of support Daphne! You know you may make Head Girl? That would be so good for Uncle Dick and Auntie Mollie! All their boys, Head Boys and all their girls, Head Girls. It’s not like Con or Margot could be Head Girl at the same time as Len and Sybs and Ailie only made it to prefect! Josette took the Head Girls’ crown for Auntie Madge’s family!”

A car drew up outside. It was Cecily. She had returned and was thankfully not quivering like a leaf. She was hugged and kissed by a frantic Joey who also bestowed such affection on Margot.

There was some dissent from girls who had felt the sharp edge of Cecily’s tongue in the past and their opinions were voiced by Wendy’s irritating squeak.

“Well, I don’t care who her aunt is! She should be expelled! Publicly!”

#98:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:26 pm
I sincerely hope someone squashes Wendy so thoroughly that the next time she dares to open her mouth will be when she says 'Goodbye' at the end of her final year in the CS.

Thanks Phil.

#99:  Author: LottieLocation: Humphrey's Corner PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:28 pm
Poor Cecily - I can't see that she's done anything really bad!
As for Wendy - she's just a brat!

Thanks, Phil.

#100:  Author: Sarah_KLocation: St Albans PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:55 pm
*pokes Wendy hard*

Daphne does seem to have a lot of good sense, it's ncie to see the cousins pulling together here whether Cecily gets expelled or not!

#101:  Author: RosalinLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:59 am
Thanks Phil

I hope Miss Annersley's 'tempering justice with mercy' is working well today. Cecily has made a bit of a mess of things but she hasn't done anything really bad, as in Thekla and Betty. And it certainly wasn't just the Bettany-Russell-Maynard clan who were let off possible expulsion, what ever Wendy might think. Hoping someone sits on her. Hard.

#102:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:20 pm
Wendy ought to have been drowned at birth!

#103:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:17 am
There seems to be an absolute streak of nastiness in Wendy. I hope it comes out all she put Cecily through

#104:  Author: La Petite EmLocation: Cheltenham PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:45 pm
Oooo everyone's ganging up on Cecily! Sad
Thanks Phil

#105:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:25 pm
Lesley wrote:
I sincerely hope someone squashes Wendy so thoroughly that the next time she dares to open her mouth will be when she says 'Goodbye' at the end of her final year in the CS.

*echoes Lesley*

Thanks Phil!

#106:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:01 pm
Margot had been welcomed back to her old school and was in the process of laying a plea for leniency on behalf of Cecily.

Cecily was brushing her hair and smartening herself up for her forthcoming meeting with the Abbess. She polished her shoes, she straightened her tie. her uniform was fresh and neatly pressed. She even remembered a starched clean handkerchief. She had a feeling she would be needing it.

On went the blazer. She looked in the mirror to see if her mass of unruly curls were in place. They were. It was time for the walk down that corridor.

"Herein!" answered Cecily's determined knock.

Before the unfortunate Cecily were the Head, Margot and mother and father. None of them looked lenient. Cecily felt her resolve waver. Nevertheless, she summoned up the courage to curtsey and approach the desk.

"Please Miss Annersley, I am very sorry I ran away. I am sorry for all I have done and well, I keep wanting to say sorry and I mean it...but I've already said sorry to you for so many times...I don't know if...you will bel..."

Cecily faltered. The headmatriarchal steel glare transfixed the unfortunate girl.

"I know I deserve expulsion!" she blurted out.

This provoked a response.

"My dear girl. You haven't actually done anything deliberate or malicious to harm another girl or person. It is only for that reason that expulsions have been carried out in the Chalet School."

"I have been closer to expulsion than you will ever be, Cecily." Margot's quiet voice interrupted.

Cecily stared around her. It seemed her crimes were nothing more than...

"A nuisance! That's what you have been! It is almost as if you take the Chalet School for granted. I suppose it being the family's school, your sisters and cousins having been here and countless brevet aunts has brought too much familiarity with the school! Well I have spoken to your parents at some length Cecily and I have brought them here today to discuss a suitable punishment."

Cecily gaped. Miss Annersley, mother and father were at the end of their tether with her, but she hadn't been malicious or criminal! Cecily supposed she did rather take the school for granted. From birth she had lived, breathed and slept "Chalet School" and did not take it seriously.

"I propose to demote you to the year below. As of today you are one of the juniors. You will take the same recreation, games, lessons, dormitory times and meal times as a junior. Now if you work really hard and we see a definite improvement in your behaviour at the end of the term, we shall return you to your proper year. If not, you will repeat the whole of this school year as a junior!"

Jack and Joey nodded their silent agreement. A lengthy discussion had taken place between Dr and Mrs Maynard and Miss Annersley about Cecily not doing her schoolwork, and being short tempered with other girls and her endless pranks which had led to Head's Reports.

Jack had threatened to take her away and send her to a school in England, but Miss Annersley said what she proposed would make Miss Cecily grow up very quickly! Margot had sighed with relief. Cecily's fears were unfounded, but it was a stiff punishment!

"Now go away Cecily and don't be such a foolish little girl again!"

Cecily curtsied and scurried away.

"I think we shall see her back with her year at the end of the term." said Miss Annersley with a grin.

With a heavy heart, Cecily went to Matron to exchange her Middles tie for a junior tie and her Middles uniform for a junior uniform. She had to hand in her text books and seek the ones pertinent to junior study. On the way back from the chemistry lab, she met her great friend Laura Oates. Both girls had had their prefects' punishments rescinded in the light of Cecily's punishment.

"Hi Cecily. I've just heard. I'm sorry.."

"Don't worry Laura! At least I am not expelled! My sister Margot brought me back. She helped me realise I've got to stop playing the giddy goat and behave."

Laura was about to say something when Wendy Landon appeared.

"That awful Margot? Here? She tried to murder my cousin!"

Thankfully Cecily was unable to reply for catching the full blast of this last comment was Margot Maynard herself, in a nun's habit accompanied by Miss Annersley.

Last edited by Phil on Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

#107:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:06 pm
Yay! A new post! Thanks Phil!

Phil wrote:
"That awful Margot? Here? She tried to murder my cousin!"

Thankfully Cecily was unable to reply for catching the full blast of this last comment was Margot Maynard herself, in a nun's habit accompanied by Miss Annersley.

Let the squashing commence!! Laughing

#108:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:07 am
Rob wrote:
Yay! A new post! Thanks Phil!

Phil wrote:
"That awful Margot? Here? She tried to murder my cousin!"

Thankfully Cecily was unable to reply for catching the full blast of this last comment was Margot Maynard herself, in a nun's habit accompanied by Miss Annersley.

Let the squashing commence!! Laughing


#109:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:27 am
Oh good! Laughing

Stiff punishment but at least she's not going to be expelled - and as Miss Annersley says, fully expect her to regain her normal place by the end of term. As for Wendy - she deserves all the righteous wrath that is about to descend - I do hope it is painful! Laughing

Thanks Phil.

#110:  Author: RosalinLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:07 am
Thanks Phil

I'm glad Cecily wasn't expelled, and has resolved to do better. Taking the Chalet School for granted is understandable in her position but it hasn't half got her into some trouble.

Looking foward to seeing Wendy encounter Margot and Miss Annersley Laughing

#111:  Author: leahbelleLocation: Kilmarnock PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:12 am
Glad Cecily has been given the chance to make good.

#112:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:30 pm
So what on earth will Margot say to Wendy? And Miss Annersley will, no doubt, have a few choice words to utter, as well. I can hardly wait to hear them!

#113:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:02 pm
Foolish Wendy continued in her rude opinion quite oblivious of the majestic presence of her headmistress behind her and the object of Miss Wendy's scorn standing beside that august lady.

Wendy was indeed very stupid not to notice Cecily and Laura gasp, their mouths wide open like traps and their eyes as wide as dinner plates in horror!

"Cousin Betty wants to forget all about your brute of a sister nearly killing her! I don't think that's right at all! Your Margot should have been publicly expelled and put on trial for attempted murder. She should be in a women's borstall, not a nunnery!

As for the way the school is run, fancy pardoning a would be murderess simply because her aunt founded the school and her mother was the first pupil! This school is run by weaklings!

I may not be able to hurt your sister Cecily, but I can certainly hurt you and I intend to see you expelled! What if your prep starts to go missing? Or your bed gets unmade every morning? Just you wait I shall think of some way to see you punished...."

She spoke with a nasty sneer. this was not borne out of temper, but malice. Miss Annersley took a hand.

"I have never in all my years as a headmistress witnessed such disgusting behaviour, Wendy Landon!"

Wendy spun round, defiance in her eyes! She wavered momentarily at the sight of Margot (who it must be said also had the light of battle in her eyes). However she resolved to stare back most impudently at the holy Maynard.

"You have revealed yourself to be a despicable coward full of malicious intentions towards another girl. This is the lowest type of behaviour and utterly criminal!"

"What about attempted murder?"

Margot bristled and practically hissed!

"There was no attempted murder you foolish girl! If you had listened to your cousin, you would have found out that Betty said something to irritate Margot, who reacted in a childish way! Margot never meant any harm and she was very sorry afterwards. She took great pains to make it up to Betty afterwards. Besides this is none of your business and well in the past."

"What a nasty little girl you are to be holding a grudge like this!" growled Margot at last.

Before Margot could doubtless launch into a full scale tirade (which would undermine her) Miss Annersley cut in.

"Go to Matron and tell her that you are to be put into isolation. I must discuss your future at the Chalet School with the other staff. You have not only threatened another girl and could have got her expelled, you were insolent about your headmistress and have made slanderous accusations about a former pupil. Now go!"

Faced with the reality of her cowardly behaviour, Wendy burst into tears.

"Please Miss Annersley, I didn't mean a word of that!"

"Then you won't mind apologising to Margot and Cecily Maynard!"

This Wendy would not do and it proved to be her downfall.

"I see." said Miss Annersley coldly. She pointed to Matron's.

"I hate all of you!" hissed Wendy.

Margot went over to Cecily and put a consoling arm around her and Laura.

There was a moment's silence.

"Miss Annersley if I am to represent God, then I should forgive. We all should."

Miss Annersley nodded.

"That will come in time, Margot. As for Wendy, she is not a strong girl. If she were I would see she had a severe punishment like trying to regain the trust of her classmates and the school community! As it happens I must settle for one that will shock her into growing up, but a punishment in which she might survive and learn to be a better person. I must consult the staff and see if they accept my recommendation."

Margot was left with Cecily and Laura.

"Does this mean Wendy will be expelled?" asked Laura with incredulity.

"I suppose I should be fair and ask Miss Annersley not to expel her."

said Cecily, not without some reluctance.

"Well you shall have to forgive her someday, but I don't think the head will listen to Mum or Auntie Madge!"

Wendy was given no chance for a melodramatic exit: there was no public expulsion. Indeed the Landon's received a letter asking them to take Wendy away, which they did in the dead of night.

Cecily and Margot had the chance to say goodbye again. Cecily hugged her big sister for all she was worth!

"Oh I do love you Margot! Thank you for being here for me! I know I have got to be a bit nicer to all my classmates now! I shall try! Hand of honour and I promise I shall work! We'll meet again!"

Hugs, kisses and tears later saw Margot Maynard stroll down the sunny drive of the Chalet school whistling a merry tune, as carefree as if she were still a wicked Middle, and not as she was, returning to God's service.

Cecily watched her depart, blinking back the tears. Margot turned and waved for the last time. Then the sturdy form of Daphne Bettany appeared and provided the emotionally exhausted Cecily with a much needed shoulder to cry on.

"Come on! Let's get you inside and we'll wash your face. Time for Kaffee and Kuchen shortly. Felicity's waiting!"

So Cecily was returned to the love of her family. She had been given an extra chance and Margot had been by her side. She was blessed to have that extra time with Margot and she knew it.

Cecily underwent a quick and permanent reformation and quickly gained her remove back to her normal class. Her form mates were very forgiving and made every effort to accomodate her and stood up to her when necessary.

Cecily often wondered what Margot was doing. It was to be ten years before Margot was heard of again.


Lt Cdr Mike "The Mallet" Maynard had his orders. Deal with the hostage situation in Borneo and rescue a party of sick children and their carers in a convent....

#114:  Author: lindaLocation: Leeds PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:11 pm
I'm so glad that Wendy got her just deserts. She really was a nasty peice of work. Thank goodness Cecily was not expelled. What a great story Phil, thank you very much!!

#115:  Author: RosalinLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:19 pm
I didn't like Wendy at all. I imagine many people were relieved by her expulsion. And things tied up nicely for Cecily.

But Margot and Mike?

Thanks Phil

#116:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:06 am
Glad Wendy was removed -must be the shorteast CS career on record!

Now, what's Mike doing???

Thanks Phil.

#117:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:36 am
Glad to see that Cecily was able to make the most of her opportunity to improve - and it was good to see Margot in that caring role with her, too. As for Wendy Landon......!

Also wondering what Mike has got up to now -sounds ominous, to say the least, though for once, not, I think, a situation of his own making.

Thanks, Phil.

#118:  Author: SalLocation: Walsall / Aberystwyth PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:51 am
Yay Wendy finally got her just desserts!

Thanks Phil

#119:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:31 pm
Thanks, Phil, that was great.

#120:  Author: Liz KLocation: Bedfordshire PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:27 pm
What a story, Phil! Shocked This is marvellous. Can't wait until 30/6, I'll be picking a few brains in Peterborough about writing drabbles. Idea Idea

#121:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:01 pm
Wendy was such a nasty piece of work - I'm glad that Miss Annersley expelled her!

Looking forward to hearing about "The Mallet"

Thanks Phil!

#122:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:34 am
You had to leave us with that cliff didn't you Phil!!! Laughing Loved the update. It was very satisfying.

#123:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:31 pm
The Chief Petty Officer swore under his breath. It was bad enough getting eaten by mosquitoes but having "The Mallet" lead your expedition was the limit! Mike Maynard had earned his nickname in the Royal navy by cultivating a blunt and honest manner. He could be brusque when he chose - which was frequently - an attitude he adopted from his honoured father.

Still thought the CPO, at least the Mallet wasn't shouting at the poor interpreters. Yet. the Mallet strode over to his CPO.

"CPO Benson!"


"We have nine sick children and three nuns in that room. There are twelve hostage takers, all armed to the teeth and..."

CPO Benson interrupted his superior. Something attracted his attention and it was most alarming!


A hungry reticulated python had been eyeing the room for sometime and decided to investigate if there was any tasty prey in the room holding the hostages. The reptile oozed itself up alongside the house. the hostage takers and the Royal Navy men saw it too and moments later the beast was as dead as a hosepipe.

Pythons aside, Mike had some tricky negotiations to entail. The incident with the snake helped break the ice and a covert rescue operation was hatched whilst Mike kept the hostage takers busy.

All had gone well and in a textbook operation, the hostage takers were under arrest and the children and nuns freed. Before Mike could see to the captives, two girls had seen the dead python, screamed and bolted into the dark jungle, pursued by one of the nuns. Mike went after them informing his CPO to take the injured party back to the ship and take the hostage takers to the police. Mike would be late for his ship, but he was determined to find that nun and those two kids!

#124:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:38 am
Love Mike in this - and that nun is someone special, isn't it? Laughing

Thanks Phil.

#125:  Author: PaulineSLocation: West Midlands PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:50 am
Does he know who the nun is yet? Or is he in for a suprise Cool

#126:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:11 pm
Well, if it isn't Margot, I'll be very disappointed.

#127:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:01 pm
It just has to be Margot ... doesn't it Phil? Wink Very Happy

I completely sympathise about the girls reaction to the python though, as I'm terrified of snakes myself. Sad

#128:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:45 pm
Mike ran and ran until his limbs and lungs ached. he appeared to be in some shanty town area. He had an idea he was near the docks. He should really report to his commanding officer. If only he had found those kids and the nun! He hoped they had got to a place of safety, but he would have to hand the matter over to the local authorities.

Disconsolate, he turned on his heel and wandered off in what he hoped was the direction of the docks where he could rejoin his ship.

Suddenly a clear voice cut through the dusk.

"Mike! Mike! Is it you? Is it really you?"

Mike could not believe his eyes. The nun running towards him, two little girls sauntering after her, was his sister!


"Mike! I said we would meet again! Oh Mike, this is wonderful!"

Mike couldn't help but kiss his sister. They hugged tightly for a few seconds. Then Margot explained to the girls that Mike was her brother.

"Was that you chasing us, Mike?"


"And did you shoot the snake?"

"Well, every man who had a gun shot the brute."

"Oh Mike! If only I had known it was you! How long are you staying here?"

Mike felt a great sadness as he told his sister that his ship was to sail tonight. Margot looked unhappy too.

"We've only just met up!" she said in a broken voice.

However Margot as well as Mike and every other Maynard knew that duty came first.

"I can see you off! I've got to get these girls back to the convent, it's not far."

"And I can at least escort you there. Oh Margot, I wish I could stay, but..."

"We know what Dad would say, or maybe he would look for some way of bending the rules!"

Brother and sister said very little. Duty was to tear them apart as soon as they had met. Margot walked Mike back to where his ship was berthed.

HMS Tiger loomed up above them. A reminder of duty. Presently a middle aged man with a shock of white hair appeared. He had been getting his wife an anniversary present.

"Lt Maynard!"

Mike sprang to attention.

"Captain Bennett, Sir!"

"At ease Maynard, at ease!" the Captain looked enquiringly at Margot.

"Sir, may I present my sister, Margot Maynard, she joined her order just over ten years ago, she was with the party of hostages and I.."

"Pleased to meet you ma'am."

"The pleasure is all mine Captain Bennett."

"She was with the hostages, Maynard? You've only just met up with her?"

"Yes sir, but I know I am late reporting back and Commander Atkins expected..."

"Goodness gracious man! I shall inform the commander of your whereabouts! Spend some time with your sister! That's an order! But remember to be back for 23.30 hours. That's when we sail!"

"Oh thank you sir! Thank you so much!"

Mike stood to attention, saluted smartly and whisked Margot away. When they were out of sight, they both danced a jig of pleasure.

Captain Bennett strode sadly up the gangplank. He would do anything to see his late sister again. Anything. He couldn't deprive a man of his family bonds. He felt his actions were justified when he heard of Mike's bravery in handling the hostage situation from CPO Benson. Bearing this in mind, the irascible Cdr Atkins agreed.

"I never thought the old boy would do that! Could he be human after all?"

Mike mused.

"Come on Mike! A few hours to enjoy ourselves! Let's have dinner and a drink!"

Mike summoned up all his memory of what had been going on in the family and of course: the Chalet School.

"You shall want to know what's happened to the school Margot."

Margot was all ears.

#129:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:37 am
Oh good - pleased that Mike has a human CO.

Thanks Phil.

#130:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:53 pm
Thanks,Phil. It's good that they'll be able to catch up.

#131:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:39 pm
I'm glad they've been given the chance to have a chat. Thanks Phil.

#132:  Author: leahbelleLocation: Kilmarnock PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:50 pm
Glad they can spend some time together.

#133:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:05 pm
I'm glad Mike and Margot are able to spend a little time together!

Thanks Phil.

#134:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:26 pm
The next few hours were precious. Mike knew he had to convey he wishes of all his family to Margot and vice versa.

"The school is a proper little enterprise right now. New swimming baths and changing rooms, new gym, ew library, new science labs. You would hardly recognise the place Margot. I only ever saw the place visiting with mum, but it has really changed since you were at school."

The naval officer and the nun walked along the quayside. They looked a strange combination in their work uniforms and some bypassers stared briefly at them.

"Did Cecily turn out allright?"

"After a bumpy start at the Chalet School, but you saved her in the nick of time. She's married now; to a dentist! We had a few laughs over that, given Mum's fear of dentists."

"Felicity did well I imagine."

Mike blushed.


"She...er...well, she felt unhappy. Always working to a perfect standard always being a success and she went off the rails a bit. She's allright. She has a baby girl now. We don't know the father."

Concern welled up within Margot.

"Are you sure she's OK?"

Mike nodded.

"Mum and Dad would never abandon a child. You know that. But if Dad ever caught the father, well, it wouldn't be a pretty sight. Anyway, Steve, Chas, Felix, Geoff and I would be in hot pursuit too."

"I see." Margot's eyes narrrowed. Len, Con, Cecily and Philippa would be in 'hot pursuit' too, she thought.

Mike changed the subject.

"Shall we have dinner in here? A great little place. One of my shipmates recommended it to me. Don't have the curried snake though. After today I think we have seen enough snakes."

Brother and sister sat down to dinner. Margot listened enthralled to Len and Reg running the school and the San and how Dad was coping with retirement. Uncle Jem's recent illness was a cause for some concern, but he was fighting fit now. Auntie Hilda had retired amidst great pomp and ceremony and still lived on the gornetz Platz. Finally,

"Len had quins last week."


Margot could not help but shout.

"All girls, all the image of Mum and one of them is called Margot."

A tear fell from Margot's eye.

"Baby Margot is a strong girl. She will never be a replacement for you. Cousins Rix and David delivered the quins. Margot, don't cry. Please!"

Margot was laughing.

"Oh don't worry, Mike. I expect Mum was so jealous!"

Mike roared with laughter.

"Come to think of it she was a little frisky around Dad, according to Steve."

"Poor Dad! He's sixty two now!"

"Can you come for the Christenings? Can you get leave? I've already booked mine."

Hope alighted in Margot's eyes.

"You bet! Just give me the date!"

The date was given and Margot knew there was a good chance, earthquakes, war, plague, pestilence, famine, fire and flood aside, of her being able to take leave.

Giggling, they discussed old childhood memories, games and pranks until Mike realised he had to run for his ship. Margot overtook him and briefly pretended he had left his officer's cap in the restaurant. (She had it all the time). Mike ran off.

"Oaf!" Margot uttered under her breath with a giggle in a most un - nun like way.

"Here it is! I had it all along!" She shouted to the sprinting Mike.

She pretended to drop the hat into the sea, whereupon Mike threatened to drop his esteemed holy sister into the sea.

They kissed and departed, knowing they would see each other for a big family reunion on the Christening Day of the Maynard Quins.

#135:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:28 pm
Shocked There's a lot for Margot to take in there! Thanks Phil.

#136:  Author: Sarah_KLocation: St Albans PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:42 pm
Quins! Good grief, now that really is wholesale Very Happy

#137:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:44 pm
Joey wouldn't like Len having quins! Laughing I can just imagine her trying for octuplets or something after that!

Thanks Phil!

#138:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:50 pm
Oh that's lovely - but why would Margot not know all that - surely they would have written?

Love the quins - and Joey being all frisky - if jack's 62 that makes Joey 52 - she might be pushing it a bit!

Thanks Phil.

#139:  Author: RosalinLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:06 pm
Shocked Shocked Shocked


Thanks Phil

#140:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:49 am
Love the idea of Len having Quins Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

#141:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:36 pm
Quins for Len? It's surprising Jo didn't die of envy on the spot.

#142:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:12 pm
Joey eyed the sleeping Quins wistfully. If only Jack would agree! 'Always room for one more' had been her motto. He just didn't have the energy these days. Where does men's energy go?

There had been a hunt for five separate Christening robes. The triplets' original robes had been traced. Two others came from Jack Maynard's family and Joey's family.

Surely she could try for a sextet? Perhaps she should eat more seafood; or maybe if she fed oysters to Jack? Then she remembered Jack disliked oysters and avoided them like the plague. Joey sighed. She heard a voice behind her.

"Sorry Mum! Dad's told you once, he's told you a hundred times, no more babies!"

"Oh Philippa! You did give me a turn!"

"Well, you should prepare for another shock, Mum. Come on in and meet your nieces!"

From out of nowhere the whole Maynard clan (which had been scattered across the world) appeared. Joey grabbed and kissed each one in turn.

"Felix! Felicity! You got back from Canada! Chas I last heard you were in India! Mike, you were at sea, Steve in Arabia and Geoff in New Zealand. Con, I heard you were in Brazil! Len and Phil are here of course and then..."

She didn't mention Margot.

"I'm sure Margot will be praying for us!" said Mike.

Mike grinned. He knew something nobody else did.

"Joey? Where are those meat paste sandwiches! Somebody has run off with them!"

Mike looked worried.

"Oh, Jack! You've just misplaced them. None of the kids would eat them, they all hate meat paste!"

"All except Margot and she's not here!" piped up Con.

Mike blushed. Someone was here. Someone who shared her father's love of meat paste sandwiches. Someone who Mike should have fed whilst he kept her hidden and who had undoubtedly stolen the sandwiches in desperation!

Accepting his sandwiches were mislaid, Jack proceeded to welcome his offspring back and show off the grandchildren. Joey kept trying to catch his eye in a meaningful way. Sadly for Joey, Jack mouthed, "No." each time.

Then from out of the blue munching on her father's sandwiches, cool as a cucumber appeared Margot Maynard.

"Surprise!" she exclaimed.

#143:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:23 pm
Phil wrote:
Joey kept trying to catch his eye in a meaningful way. Sadly for Joey, Jack mouthed, "No." each time.

Love that bit! Give the poor guy a break Joey! Laughing

So pleased Margot was able to make it home.

Thanks Phil.

#144:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:28 pm
Phil wrote:
Surely she could try for a sextet?

Rolling Eyes I knew Joey wouldn't be able to be happy for Len!

Its nice that the family are all together again.

Thanks Phil!

#145:  Author: RosalinLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:35 pm
Laughing at Mike forgetting to feed Margot Laughing

Thanks Phil.

#146:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:32 am
This is great! Thanks Phil.

#147:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:44 am
Glad Margot could make it back and love Mike forgetting to feed her. Poor girl!

#148:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:26 pm
Will Joey never learn that enough children are enough? I bet margot learned to eat what was put in front of her when she became a nun.

#149:  Author: leahbelleLocation: Kilmarnock PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:56 pm
Lovely to see them all back together.

#150:  Author: SalLocation: Walsall / Aberystwyth PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:10 pm
That was a fabulous series of posts Phil and the last one was brilliant.

Thanks Very Happy

#151:  Author: PhilLocation: London UK PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:03 pm
The theft of the sandwiches was quickly forgotten as Margot was fallen upon and introduced to her nieces.

So many questions were asked of the poor girl that her nieces felt left out and began to cry.

"What are their names?" she asked.

The proud Mama Len, went around each one.

"Josephine-Mary is the first name for each of them and their individual names are, well I thought I would break with tradition Margot."

"Go on." Margot was intrigued.

"Besides Reg likes these names."

"Come on Len, I'm dying to know!"


"Oh! Len! Con, you'll tell me won't you?"

Con merely smiled.

"Ruth, Bathsheba, Griselda, Yvonne and Delilah."

"Bathsheba? Isn't that a bit Thomas Hardy?"

"It's the only classic Reg loves to read is 'Far From The Madding Crowd, so I thought..."

"Delilah as in Samson and Delilah?"

"Yes! That's it!"

"Griselda from Auntie Grizel, but Yvonne?"

"Is the name of a lady who has taken Mary Lou under her wing and is helping her cope with the stress of no longer being Head Girl of the Chalet School."

Margot nodded in approval.

"We have much to thank Yvonne for."

"She's a psychiatric nurse."

"Is Mary Lou locked up in a loony bin?"

"Margot! What a very unholy expression and thought for a nun to say!"

Margot blushed.

"No, she is not in an asylum. She's just being taken care of."

A picture formed in Margot's mind. She dismissed it straight away!

She was glad she could occasionally drop by in on home for momentous occasions such as these! She oved her role in life, but no longer would she feel that someone at home was missing her.

Margot smiled and held each of her nieces in turn. At the Christening ceremony, she glowed with pleasure to see the school turning out for the Quins' big day! Even Joey seemed to forget her designs on her own husband and focus on the next Chalet School generation.

#152:  Author: PaulineSLocation: West Midlands PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:08 pm
I love the adventurous choice of names. But I pity Bethsheba and Delilah at school, however Beth and Dee are possible shorts which I suspect they will be given nery quickly. Smile

Last edited by PaulineS on Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

#153:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:24 pm
So Josephine-Mary Bathsheba Entwistle? Hope the girl learns kick-boxing. Rolling Eyes

Thanks Phil

Oh and love Mary-Lou's fate. Laughing

#154:  Author: FatimaLocation: Sunny Qatar PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:41 pm
I pity the poor KG teacher who has to teach the quins to spell their names!

Thanks Phil; that was a lovely drabble.

#155:  Author: RobLocation: Currently in a rainstorm PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:20 pm
I love that Len named one of the quins after the nurse who has OOAO locked up in the loony bin! Laughing

I've really enjoyed this, thanks Phil!

#156:  Author: RosalinLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:32 pm
Lucky Ruth!

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked at the other ones (well more the reasoning behind Yvonne actually).

Thanks for an entertaining story Phil.

#157:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:50 pm
Thanks for that, Phil, it was hugely entertaining.

#158:  Author: Fiona McLocation: Bendigo, Australia PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:37 pm
This is hugely entertaining. Glad Len beat her mother on the baby stakes. What posessed them about the names??

#159:  Author: SalLocation: Walsall / Aberystwyth PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:12 pm
Lesley wrote:
So Josephine-Mary Bathsheba Entwistle? Hope the girl learns kick-boxing. Rolling Eyes

rofl Definately

Thanks Phil

#160:  Author: wheelchairprincessLocation: Oxfordshire, UK PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:28 pm
Wonderful story, lovely. And a great ending too.

#161:  Author: leahbelleLocation: Kilmarnock PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:41 am
That was a great story, Phil. I hope Yvonne manages to sort Mary Lou out!

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