Fare thee well Emerence by Phil finished 27/09/09

Author:  Phil [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Fare thee well Emerence by Phil finished 27/09/09

A trip to Zermatt had ended in sheer disaster. Shocking crimes had been revealed and all involved whether they were innocent bystanders or not were sick at the thought of what had taken place. Nobody could possibly mention "Zermatt" again without a shudder.

The chief villain of the piece had on being found out, eventually gone to Miss Annersley to confess her heinous crimes. The interview with the Abbess had been a nightmare from Hell, worsened by the summoning of the girl's father. The girl herself had nearly drowned in her own tears of shame and shock at her actions. Remorse had deluged her and she resolutely promised never to hurt anyone again. She begged her father for mercy, but he would not look at her. Completely broken, Margot Maynard was confined indefinitely to the Sanatorium in strict isolation.

Poor Mary Lou had never anticipated having to deal with such an issue; especially from a family whom she had practically lived with and grown up with. She had regarded all the Maynard children as brothers and sisters and she felt Margot's crimes keenly; both as Head Girl and as a brevet older sister. Mary Lou felt betrayed but nobody ever asked her for her feelings; opinions yes, feelings no. Poor Mary Lou. She had really tried her best for Margot, whom she loved.

Mary Lou had dragged the limp and semi conscious Margot to the San. After her father and the Abbess had finished with her, there was little or no life in the naughty triplet. The Head Girl retreated to the empty Prefects' Room so she could have a little cry and a prayer for the Maynards.

Just as the tears flowed, there was a knock.

"Am I to have no peace God?" Mary Lou sobbed, then composed herself.

She knew she could not wash her face in time. The girl at the door would know she had been crying.

She opened the door preparing to blast the caller into the next century and beyond. She was shocked to find a tearful Emerence Hope.

"Emerence what is the meaning of this? Why are you here? You should be packing, you are due to be collected shortly. Has Matey let you go?"

"Please hear me out Mary Lou, you're the only one who can help me. Dr Maynard and Miss Annersley are too angry; I want to see Margot! She's my best chum! I'm leaving today and it's cruel I can't say goodbye to her whatever she's done. As for what I did buying her that stupid clock I've said a thousand times how sorry I am for my foolishness. Please, please let me say goodbye to her! Honest I love her to bits and she's not really a bad person. You must know that! Please show some mercy! I'm sure I won't be allowed, I haven't asked, but could you? Mary Lou I have never begged for anything before, but I am now. Please help me."

Mary Lou tried to recover her wits and composure.

"Have you thought of the chance that Margot might be so upset that she could start to blame you for the whole incident for buying that clock? You wouldn't want your friendship to end like that!"

Emerence looked horrified. Maybe in her distressed state of mind, Margot would simply divert the blame. Or would she?

"She could also be under heavy sedation Emerence. By the time her Father and Miss Annersley had finished with her, she was scarcely breathing. She certainly wasn't spared. I had to carry her to the San."

"I just want to see her, please!"

"Come with me."

Mary Lou uttered these last words after a long pause.

Both girls walked in silence to the San.

Emerence was shocked to see her friend looking as if she had seen a ghost; eyes wild and staring in terror her skin unnaturally white and her hair straggly and matted.

Margot Maynard had had a rude awakening to her wicked nature.

She then saw Emerence.

Author:  Liz K [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

This a drastic look at the situation isn't it.

Author:  Lesley [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil

Now that's cruel - whatever their sins not allowing them to say goodbye is too much. Margot shouldn't blame Emerence - her behaviour had been appalling long before Emmy bought that clock.

Hope Mary Lou can help.

Thanks Phil

Author:  Alison H [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil

Nice to see you back, Phil!

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil

What a different look at the situation. I hope things work out between Margot and Emerence, and Mary-Lou finds some peace.


Author:  leahbelle [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil

Good to see a new Phil drabble and this is certainly a dramatic one. Thank you.

Author:  Phil [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil

" it really you?"

Margot seemed to be on a different planet.

Emerence could see the reddened blue eyes and the marks where tears had flowed.

"Margot it's me, it is really me! Mary Lou has let me come to say goodbye. Dad's sending a family friend to collect me this evening."

"Should you be here? Are you allowed? Did Miss Annersley..."

Margot quavered. She shivered at the thought she might be breaking any laws which she was unaware of.

"I didn't ask her! I daren't! She looked so mad and your father..."

Emerence tailed off and shuddered. She had seen Dr Maynard leave the school premises from the safety of an upper floor window. The good doctor and Miss Annersley had looked so angry and disgusted they might be judges of the underworld.

Margot was shocked.

"Oh Emmy you have to ask her no matter how cross she is! Please I don't want either of us to be in any more trouble!"

"But I've asked Mary Lou."

Mary Lou nodded her assent.

"Margot, listen to me. Listen. No matter what Uncle Jack's thoughts are over what you have done I don't believe he is the sort of man to begrudge you the chance to say goodbye to Emmy. The same is true of Miss Annersley."

"Aren't I in isolation?"

"Just so you can recover; Miss Annersley and Uncle Jack never gave me any instructions to keep people from you."

"What about Matey? Where is she?"

"Now Margot! Matey would let you say goodbye to Emmy too and you know it. In any case she's just seen to Emmy packing her trunk and she is at Freuedesheim now to see to your new brother and sister."

"Mama is she? Does she?"

"She's a little weak but getting better and I don't imagine Uncle Jack will be telling her of what you have done!"

A stern note crept into Mary Lou's voice. She was still very hurt that someone of whom she was very fond could be so wicked.

Margot took note and fresh tears rolled down her face.

"I'm sorry Mary Lou. So sorry. You must be feeling very hurt yourself after the way you have looked after Len, Con and me."

"That's 'Len, Con and I' Margot. Now here's a fresh hanky. I shall leave you alone with Emerence now. I shall be outside if you need me.

As Mary Lou turned to leave a frail wrist grabbed her arm.

"Mary Lou, what about Len and Con? Do they want to see me?"

There was a pleading hope in the eyes of Margot.

Mary Lou swallowed a lump. The last time she had seen Len and Con; the shock of Margot's behaviour was starting to sink in and from their conversation they were in no mood to forgive their triplet let alone speak to her.

It would soon pass, but what an awful moment for Margot to ask!

"I don't know Margot. They are with Miss Ferrars now. I'm sure they will"

A small evasion of the truth; but not entirely false. Ferry was indeed counselling the other two triplets after seeing how shocked they were and that Mary Lou herself looked in a no fit state to deal with them.

Mary Lou left and Margot and Emmy hugged each other.

"I never wanted to leave my best friend in this way!" sobbed Emerence.

"It's all my fault. I'm a jealous spiteful fool who has to take the consequences." sniffed Margot.

"But if I hadn't bought that stupid clock! I really am a prize goat! I shall never learn the true value of money even less how to spend wisely."

"Miss Annersley said I should keep it to remind me of what a nasty bit of work I was about to come."

"And your Dad?"

"Wasn't happy about it at first, but he agrees."

" I really want to tell your Dad how sorry I am for buying that clock."

Margot's eyes widened in horror at the thought of Emmy approaching Papa when he was in this mood; even if Emmy had good intentions, Margot feared her father's response.

"Please don't Emmy! Don't Please! I know Papa when he is like this! He's terrifying and he takes ages to calm down! Even Mama can't get him to calm down! Emmy if you really love me don't even try to make contact with Papa!"

"Sh sh sh sh sh! Relax Margot! Margot! Sh! I won't I promise! I caught sight of your Dad as he left and even I was scared. He didn't see me though."

Emerence cuddled the gibbering wreck of her friend.

"Besides Emmy, it isn't all about the clock at all; it's about me eavesdropping on Aunt Rosalie, and bullying and blackmailing Ted. The clock was just a trigger. I shouldn't have been so greedy to love it so much."

"And I shouldn't have bought such an expensive item; but it was because I was leaving and I wanted to break the news to you gently. Now the wretched thing is a reminder of bad times and not how much I love you as a friend."

"What time is your Dad's friend coming?"

"Twenty o'clock! I've got to have a meeting with Miss Annersley first."

"What time is that?"

"It's...oh crumbs!"

Emerence looked at her watch in horror but before she could utter a word, Hilda Annersley MA swept into the San.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 1st sept update

Oh no! I really hope Miss Annersley is understanding of the situation.

I had a subdued giggle at Mary-Lou's response of 'Len, Con and I'.


Author:  Lesley [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil

Phil wrote:
"I'm sorry Mary Lou. So sorry. You must be feeling very hurt yourself after the way you have looked after Len, Con and me."

"That's 'Len, Con and I' Margot. Now here's a fresh hanky. I shall leave you alone with Emerence now. I shall be outside if you need me.

Hmmm, think Mary Lou needs a few more English Language lessons from Miss Annersley here - Margot was correct! :lol:

Hope the Head will be gentle with them - she's renowned for tempering justice with mercy and Emerence has done little wrong.

Thanks Phil.

Author:  Alison H [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 1st sept update

I love Mary-Lou's response too!

I always thought that way too much was made of the purchase of the clock - surely the issue at hand was that Margot had been blackmailing Ted, not that she'd accepted an expensive present from her best friend!

Author:  Sarah_K [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 1st sept update

Well lets hope Mary-Lou is right about Hilda being understanding!

Lovely to see a new drabble from you Phil *leaves bunny treats around*

Author:  Abi [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 1st sept update

:shock: Poor Margot and Emerence. I'm sure Hilda will be understanding - she must realise how the girls feel about it.

Thanks Phil, this is certainly very dramatic!

Author:  Phil [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 1st sept update

Both girls froze in horror at their respected Headmistress.

Emerence managed a muddled apology and a clumsy curtsey.

Despite the gravity of the offences with which Miss Annersley had dealt with lately, she was tempted to laugh at the horrified girls. Firmly but gently she spoke,

"Emerence my dear, it seems we shall never be able to instil punctuality in you."

Miss Annersley smiled.

"I made an educated guess as to where you would be; saying goodbye to your best friend before you leave the Chalet School."

Miss Annersley gave Margot a brief smile. She was still deeply hurt at the nature of Margot's offences and it was understandable that that young lady was not her favourite student of the moment.

Margot hung her head in shame. She had hurt those who loved her. Forgiveness was not impossible but it would take time.

Miss Annersley's attention was on the Chalet School's first Australian student.

"Come with me and then you can return to Margot."

Back in the comfort of the Head's office, Hilda Annersley was doing all she could to praise Emerence.

"Well Emerence, who would have thought that I would be praising you? Do you remember when you first started? You were a stormy petrel!"

Emerence turned a deep shade of red; gatecrashing a prefects' meeting, defying Miss Dene, blocking up a drain and causing a flood.

"I've come a long way Miss Annersley, I am not such a silly kid now."

"I know and I would have liked to see you mature even further in the sixth form, but if your father wishes to remove you from the school now, that is up to him. It is a shame and we shall miss you. We all wish you well and you would be very welcome back here should you choose to visit. There is one thing I must speak to you about however."

Oh no! thought Emerence. Here it comes!

"You can be too generous with your money. I think it was a kind idea to purchase a gift for Margot since you were leaving and you had not yet told her; but there is a difference between a gift and spending too much money."

Emerence nodded. She knew her last ticking off might be about money.

"Friendship is worth a lot more than expensive gifts my dear. Do you think your father with all his money spends like there is no tomorrow? I bet he had to be ruthless in saving money whilst he was building up his fortune and I am sure he is now very careful about what he spends on."

Emerence nodded. Dad was not a man who thought money could buy anything. However where something was worth spending money he would do so. Emerence thought Margot as her friend was worth spending money on and she raised this point with Miss Annersley.

"Emerence you have to realise money can be very dangerous and you have to spend wisely. If Margot had not been guilty of bullying and blackmailing she would have run into a lot of trouble with me and with her parents for accepting such an expensive gift. It just wasn't appropriate! It's also embarrassing for people who may not have money to spare to accept such gifts. Dr Maynard was shocked when he saw the value of that clock!"

Light was beginning to dawn in Emerence.

"Your own generosity could also make you the target of some very undesirable elements in society who would simply take advantage of you. Money is very dangerous. I feel sure your father would agree with everything I am saying and more!"

Emerence nodded.

"The Bible isn't too keen on foolishness with money is it Miss Annersley?"

Hilda Annersley laughed out loud at this. She had even made a Christian of Emmy!

"No! Quite right there are dozens of stories where people have coveted gold and silver and money rather than the word of God."

Miss Annersley smiled, Emerence may be foolish with money but she was no Judas Iscariot. Her heart was in the right place.

"Well that is your final ever telling off from me as your Headmistress. You are a generous and kind soul Emerence but do be careful with money."

"Thank you Miss Annersley."

"And I mean this, we shall always be very happy to hear from you and to see you again."

"Thank you, thank you again Miss Annersley."

And executing another curtsey, Emerence left the office of Miss Annersley for the last time to return to Margot.

Author:  Alison H [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil update 02/09/09

Hilda handled that well - Emerence was just trying to be nice by getting Margot something she really liked, and there was no need for either Con or Mary-Lou to be as rude about it as they were.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil update 02/09/09

That was very sensitive of Miss Annersley. I hope things go well for Emerence.


Author:  Lesley [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil update 02/09/09

That was nice of Miss Annersley - and a valuable lesson for Emmy - she will be the target of unscrupulous men if she cannot learn a little restraint.

Thanks Phil

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil update 02/09/09

I think Emerence is learning from this. I agree with Hilda that she could have continued to learn at Millies or as a Sixth former.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil update 02/09/09

Thanks Phil, am really enjoying this

Author:  Jennie [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil update 02/09/09

Bear in mind that Emerence will be the target of unscrupulous men anyway.

You know the old saying: All heiresses are beautiful.

Author:  Abi [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil update 02/09/09

A lesson Emerence needed to learn, I guess, and hope she remembers it. Glad Miss Annersley understood - thanks Phil!

Author:  leahbelle [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil update 02/09/09

Emerence has definitely learnt her lesson there. Thank you, Phil.

Author:  Phil [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil update 02/09/09

Emerence could hear clocks ticking in classrooms as she walked back to the San. Each "click" seemed to reinforce that her time at the Chalet School was coming to an end.

A lump of sadness formed in her throat. She remembered when she started that her father had issued her with an ultimatum; if she got expelled from the Chalet School she would be exiled to the strictest convent possible and not allowed home until she was eighteen!

Emerence could not bear to leave the school which had worked its magic upon her. Even the smell of the school bleach,the linen, the medicine and the canteen held a certain appeal for her now. Never again would she be groaning over some algebra or immersed in the school stationery.

She had planned her departure to be low key; just Margot and herself. No fuss, no going out in a blaze of glory, just a dignified end. This was something very much at odds as to how she was originally. It was too much of a wrench for her.

She reached the San. Her companion had washed and was getting up and dressed to have, on Matey's orders, something to eat, not that Margot felt like it.

Margot slipped on her blazer with a shiver. The blazer felt cold and heavy as if to magnify her feelings that she no longer had any right to wear a Chalet School uniform. Indeed, Margot still had doubts as to whether she would be wearing the lovely gentian blue and crimson livery in September when the new term began.

"You're up then!" a happy note crept into Emerence's voice.

Margot smiled. She did not feel like indulging in jovial banter. She made an effort though.

"Someone has to see you off and make sure you don't set fire to the school as you go!"

Emerence's face fell. It was exactly because she started a fire in the backyard at home that she was sent to the Chalet School.

"Emmy! I'm sorry! Please forgive me it was a stupid thing to say! I was trying to be funny! Please! Sorry!"

Emerence knew her friend was only trying to be silly. If Margot hadn't been in so much trouble now, Emerence would have laughed it off. She hugged her wicked companion and kissed her.

"Of course I forgive you, you dodo! Oh Margot! Stay good! Please stay good! If I can change, so can you! Come on Margie! You know you're the best friend I ever had and it hurts me to see you in this sort of trouble. I'll always love you, but if there is one thing I have learnt, there are limits!"

Still holding her tearful friend, Emerence gazed into the reddened blue eyes that once sparkled like sapphires.

"I don't care if people say I am Satan rebuking Satan, but I do care about my friend."

Margot nodded and croaked forth a question.

"Emmy, if you had found out about my behaviour towards Ted, you woud have stopped me wouldn't you? Even if I was mad?"

Emerence swallowed.

"Yes. I would have had to. You have to stand up to your mates otherwise you are no mate at all, that's what my Dad says."

There was a pause. Margot clutched the bed for support. She took a deep breath and tears fell.

"I'm so glad Emmy. I'm so glad you said that. But the awful thing is, I probably wouldn't have listened to you."

Emerence comforted her friend in one last bout of weeping.

Emerence really prayed; one of the very few times she properly prayed, but pray she did. She really hoped God would forgive Margot's trespasses.

"Len and Con are too cross to speak to me." squeaked Margot as her tear ducts dried up.

"They will Margot, they will."

"Are you ashamed of what I did?"

A pause.

"I am. Because we all love you Margot. Never do that again."

"I won't"

"What a way to say goodbye! Why did it have to be like this?"

Emerence had been slowly weeping throughout this entire encounter. Now the tears were in freefall.

"You will write Emmy!"

"Of course I will dumbo! I may even persuade Dad to hike you over to Australia."

Margot laughed but thought of an obstacle.

"I doubt Papa will ever let me out. I think he wants me locked in a dungeon forever. I deserve it."

"Hey Margot! Don't think like that. Give him time to get over it! My Dad forgave me for starting that fire back home. He really did; but I had to change first and so must you. We can have fun in Australia. Real fun."

The clock chimed and Emerence could hear a car drawing up outside.

A hush descended on the girls. It was time.

"Come with me!"

"To Australia? Yes please, but I have to face the music here!"

"No to the front door you giddy goat!"

Margot giggled and the girls descended the stairs to the grand entrance of the school.

Final hugs and kisses were bestowed and Miss Ferrars and even Miss Annersley appeared to wish Emerence well. Mary Lou was present, as ever.

"I hope I'm not a spineless jellyfish Miss Annersley; but thank you. I can only just stop myself from crying right now.

A kiss from her Headmistress and form teacher and Mary Lou nearly brought about a complete collapse, but the wiry Australian held on.

"Take care. Write!"

She whispered in the ear of Margot as she held onto her for the last time.

Miss Annersley, Miss Ferrars and Mary Lou retreated inside and Margot was left alone to wave off her friend. Emmy's mad waves from the car disappeared from sight. Margot was all prepared to crumple on the steps and cry when a sight caught her eye.

Two well known and much loved figures with an equally much loved man had appeared. It was Dr Maynard who had taken Len and Con over to Freuedesheim for a sneak preview of the newest babies. They stopped dead in their tracks for a second.

Jack Maynard, expressionless and without emotion did not even look at his daughter as he walked straight past her. He ignored a weak "Papa?" and never saw the appeal for mercy in his girl's eyes.

Len and Con just stared for a second then linked arms and slowly turned, walking away.

Totally alone.

Margot was totally alone now and her only source of solace was now speeding away to an airport and a far and distant land.

Author:  PaulineS [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 10/09/09 updated! Woohoo!

Jack is showing his temper and unforgiving nature here. Just the things he blames Margot for.

Author:  Lesley [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 10/09/09 updated! Woohoo!

She does desreve censure - for what she did and for what she planned to do. Len and Con are young enough to feel very angry and not want to associate with Margot - but Jack is supposed to be her Father, ignoring her when she is obviously so penitent is hardly Christian, is it?

Thanks Phil

Author:  Alison H [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 10/09/09 updated! Woohoo!

I always thought Jack handled that really badly - refusing to speak to someone because you're angry with them is what you expect from a little kid, not your dad.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 10/09/09 updated! Woohoo!

Poor Margot. She deserves to be punished, but surely the best thing to do is let Ted talk to her and, if she can forgive her, for everyone else to.

Thankyou :cry:

Author:  Abi [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 10/09/09 updated! Woohoo!

Poor Margot. I'm so glad Emerence was still there for her. I can see why Len and Con would feel like that, But Jack should have more self-control.

Thanks Phil.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 10/09/09 updated! Woohoo!

Much as I don't like Jack's behaviour it is perhaps by ignoring her that it's to show Margot just how badly she behaved.

Margot for very penitent after throwing a bookend yet a lot on the board would say Margot deserved to be expelled. Just because someone is penitent does not mean they should be allowed to get off scott free. Margot is in effect sent to isolation by her family. Much of the board, has over the past, complained Margot was never punished and people have said she should have been expelled. May be the only way Jack can truly get through to her is to show her just how far she has fallen and then speak with her. The first rush of repentence won't last long if she is let of the hook too quickly.

She was extremely nasty to a new girl (Ted) who didn't have resources of her own with family or close friends. Ted was new to a school where she didn't know if she would find support, friends or be allowed to redeem herself. Margot was extremely nasty to her sisters in the process. If this actually shows Margot just how terrible her behaviour is and helps her never to want to fall so far below her father's esteem again, then you could argue that Jack is being cruel to be kind

Author:  Phil [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 10/09/09 updated! Woohoo!

Emerence wept with a vim and her companion was so worried she and her husband stopped the car several times. They had elicited the facts from Emernce when she had stabilised. There was nothing else to be done but comfort her and help her get it out of her system.

Emerence was allowed to send a quick cable to the school to inform them that she had reached the airport safely and her long journey homeward was about to begin. Thoughts of Margot stayed with her every waking hour until she was well past the Equator.

Margot herself was taken in by Matron, given some food and put to bed. In one of the corridors of the school Margot had actually passed her triplet sisters as they regaled their friends, Mary Lou, Josette and little Ailie of the sight of the new baby Maynards. It was clear when Len and Con had turned their backs on their sister just what they felt!
Margot hung her head in shame.

As Margot slipped into the arms of Morpheus, Matey considered a previous time when she had seen such a girl broken hearted and in despair over her actions. On that occasion, Matey had been so shocked she had given the girl's father her unvarnished opinion of him. She had got away with such insubordination then and had since been made aware of the fact she was to keep her temper and not scold any parents. Also on that occasion there were a number of differences.

Sybil whilst she could be spiteful had not acted out of spite but sheer arrogance and disobedience; nuisance though she was then, she would never in a million years have hurt Josette whether or not she resented her at the time. Margot had been deliberately cruel.

Also Sir James Russell had appreciated Matey standing up to him and making him see the error of his ways over his treatment of Sybil. Jack Maynard was a very different man from Jem Russell. Margot Maynard was also a very different type of girl from Sybil Russell.

Then there was Matey's beloved Joey, her darling. Joey was definitely weak after this latest pregnancy and she still kept trying to rush around like a young goat. Jack Maynard had too much on his plate with caring for his dear wife, the San and his family. It just wasn't appropriate for Matey to launch into him about Margot's current state.

Reluctantly she kept her thoughts to herself.

She was taken aback in the morning when a refreshed but very cautious Margot asked to see Ted.

"I think...I mean...I want to say more. I only briefly apologised to her in the Head's study and I had to apologise to everyone else, I haven't had time to speak with her. I think I should."

"She's got a nerve!" growled Len on hearing this.

"How dare she!" burst out Con.

"You don't have to go. Don't listen if you don't feel comfortable."

"Don't let her boss you or try to get into your good books."

Sibling forgiveness was clearly a long way off.

Ted looked at them apprehensively.

"I think I should hear her out."

"Forgive, but DON'T forget!" was Len's final grudging bit of advice.

Warily Ted climbed the stairs, steeling herself for any abuse she might receive if she were left alone with Margot.

She found her would-be nemesis biting her nails and pacing up and down the San.

"T...Ted..I'm so pleased you've come. I wanted to apologise I just wanted to say I am truly sorry; if there is something I can do for you."

Ted thought for a moment. After the shock of the Zermatt incident she had been coddled as the victim of the piece; which she was. However she wanted to say a few things to Mary Margaret Maynard!

"There is. Let's sit down. I want you to listen please. You may not like the things I have to say but you have to hear them."

Margot's face fell. She would have to take this on the chin.

"You hated me because you felt I was stealing your sister and that I was coming between you and Len. Have you no regard for Con? You are triplets! Instead of me coming between you and Len, you have pushed yourself away from them! Don't you see?"

"Secondly do you know how it feels to be expelled?"

Margot shivered and shook her head.

"I shall tell you. After the excitement of committing your final sin your conscience starts to creep up on you very quickly indeed. You have a sudden attack of self awareness as you know what will happen. You become terrified because you are sure everybody else in the school knows what you have done. You desperately want to turn back time. Then you get the call into the Head's study. It's strange how all the teachers, the Head and everyone is really calm with you. It's all over. You want to scream, to cry, to beg. But everybody is so calm and business like. The silence is the worst bit. The time in isolation. Hearing other people talk normally and so pleasantly to each other. Everyone seems so happy and relaxed.

Either your parents arrive and whisk you away in the dead of night and they can hardly bear to look at you still less speak to you. Or you can be brought into assembly, taken up on stage and told in public you are to be expelled. You can feel the reproach and the eyes of all present. You are not wanted, you are bad, you are a disease to be got rid of. That's what it is like."

"I'm sorry" choked Margot on her sobs. She was well onto her eleventh hanky since Zermatt.

"I wish I wasn't spiteful." she wailed.

There was a long pause.

"I do want you to be my friend Margot."

Margot looked up with incredulity.

"I don't want to be friends with just Len, I want to be friends with Len Con and Margot. Will you allow that?"

"Will you be able to find things about me that you like?"

Margot nodded.

Margot then ran into the arms of her friend and saviour whom she could have turned into her bitterest foe.

"I wouldn't have succeeded in my wicked plans anyway. Emmy would have been furious and the rest of the school would have backed you rather than a spiteful jealous blackmailing bully. Every girl would have seen through me. It would have been I who was finished here."

Author:  PaulineS [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 11th sept update

Please Ted can help Margot and that Margot realises the school would have condemed her not Ted.
Ted real is the grown up her.
Margot deserves a hard time, and I can sympathise with Len and Con, but Jack should acknowledge Margot even if he does not speak to her.

Author:  Lesley [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 10/09/09 updated! Woohoo!

Fiona Mc wrote:
Much as I don't like Jack's behaviour it is perhaps by ignoring her that it's to show Margot just how badly she behaved.

Margot for very penitent after throwing a bookend yet a lot on the board would say Margot deserved to be expelled. Just because someone is penitent does not mean they should be allowed to get off scott free. Margot is in effect sent to isolation by her family. Much of the board, has over the past, complained Margot was never punished and people have said she should have been expelled. May be the only way Jack can truly get through to her is to show her just how far she has fallen and then speak with her. The first rush of repentence won't last long if she is let of the hook too quickly.

She was extremely nasty to a new girl (Ted) who didn't have resources of her own with family or close friends. Ted was new to a school where she didn't know if she would find support, friends or be allowed to redeem herself. Margot was extremely nasty to her sisters in the process. If this actually shows Margot just how terrible her behaviour is and helps her never to want to fall so far below her father's esteem again, then you could argue that Jack is being cruel to be kind

Actually Fiona you have made me re-consider. However cruel Jack was -he was doing it as a way to show just how badly Margot had transgressed - and it worked because Margot was distraught at this reaction from her Father. You are quite right in saying that Margot always was penitent but this didn't stop her doing something wrong again - and even this attempt to show her how badly she had behaved didn't cure her - she still flung the bookend, and she still caused Evelyn grief when coaching her in games.

Phil, love the latest part - and think Ted is extremely mature. Also love the little bit about Matey having laid into Jem because of Sybil.


Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 11th sept update

Pleased that Ted is being so mature about everything, I just hope the others see it that way and don't turn on her.


Author:  Alison H [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 11th sept update

Ted's being very mature here, and much kinder than a lot of people in her situation would be. I still think that Margot got off very lightly - other girls were punished for doing things which were nothing like as bad.

Author:  shazwales [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 11th sept update

Thanks the way Ted explained things to Margot would probably get through to her much more than ranting.

Author:  Phil [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil 11th sept update

Emerence had landed in Australia. Disorientated, she gathered her luggage together and was handed over to her welcoming and loving parents. Sydney Airport which had become so familiar to her was like a blur as she half slept and half stumbled through immigration.

Within an hour she was back home in Manly and starting to wake up. She was given a little drink and she took a quick turn around the back garden. Her parents watched her fondly from a distance, giving their daughter time to recover from the flight and reacquaint herself with home.

Emerence stared at a part of the garden which had received a lot of work in particular. This was where the woodshed had been where she had started that fire four or five years ago. The fire which had threatened the whole street and brought the police and fire department down upon Dad's head like a ton of bricks. Close business associates and rivals had heard of the incident and Dad's business had received a negative knock on effect for a short while. The press had relentlessly pursued Mr and Mrs Hope for comments until a lawyer intervened. Emerence shuddered at the memories of these consequences; the worst of which was the potential for loss of life. She had escaped criminal charges by the skin of her teeth; she knew Dad had had to pay a hefty fine for that little incident.

The young Australian's mind drifted thousands of miles away to Switzerland. She looked at her watch and did a rough calculation. Margot and the Chalet School would all be in bed by now.

The incident of the fire had brought Emerence to the Chalet School to be reformed; a reformation that had worked. Emerence frowned considering how different Magot's reformation was going to be. For one thing, Emerence was not a relative of the founding family. She was neither Bettany, Russell nor Maynard. She was clearly bad from the start and arrived to make a new beginning. Margot on the other hand was, like her sisters, a Crown Princess by comparison; neice of the founder, a triplet and one of the eldest children of the first pupil of the Chalet School. The Maynards were almost like gods with Joey being the spirit of the school and Jack being the de facto school doctor. Effectively Margot had been born into privilege; or Chalet School Royalty and she had abused her power. Emerence, despite her father's undoubted wealth, had been an equal to everybody, a number, a new student, a new problem to be dealt with. It was going to be difficult for Margot. History had a way of treating ex-royals in a very punitive fashion. Emerence worried.

Presently her thoughts were interrupted by a wiry Scottish lady with piercing blue eyes.

"Mercy me! Emerence Hope! You have changed! Your mother said you've left the Chalet School and were coming home today."

"Mrs Mackenzie. Hello."

Con Mackenzie, formally Con Stewart had called in on the Hopes and Mrs Hope had led her out to the garden to see Emerence.

Emerence knew Mrs Mackenzie well. On her summer holidays from the Chalet School she had taken back and forth various messages and gifts to old friends and colleagues at the school. She had also kept Mrs Mackenzie updated with her own stories of various plans afoot at the school; most of which Miss Annersley was unaware of, much to Mrs Mackenzie's hidden amusement. Mrs Mackenzie had also been a great motivator as far as holiday work had been concerned, although Emerence wouldn't have put it like that and her presence ensured that the magic of the Chalet School reached Emerence even on holiday in Australia.

Emerence answered all the questions about the school and Joey politely and fully, but her mind was drifting to Margot. Con took note of this.

"I can see you are tired dear, I shall leave you now but do call around if you ever want to have a chat. I know how upsetting it is to leave the school."

That did it. That was the key.

"Oh Mrs Mackenzie, yes please! There is something I desperately want to talk about and you are the only person who can help. I need someone who understands the Chalet School, but isn't involved. I need to talk about someone I am worried about, please!"

There was a short silence.

"Emmy are you in trouble?" a note crept into her mother's voice and there was a look in her eyes.

"No. It's all been dealt with and I wasn't the one responsible this time, but I am worried about the person who caused all the trouble."

"Who is it?" asked Mrs Mackenzie.

The reply gave her a shock.

"Margot Maynard."

"Margot? Oh my! And her Aunt Mollie is staying at my house now. She's on holiday from New Zealand. I think if your mother agrees you had better come and have a chat with Mollie and I then we shall see if we can help or at least put your worries to bed."

Con thought of something.

"You're sure it's nothing you have done?"

"Hand of honour Mrs Mackenzie."

"Mrs Hope, Emerence is clearly worried about this and we can't have her in this state. Please may I take her home to talk this over? I promise I shall keep you fully informed."

Mrs Hope nodded. Con Mackenzie ws a trustworthy lady with an excellent reputation.

Putting her arm around Emerence, Con Mackenzie led her away.

"Now then my dear tell me all about it and don't gloss over any details."

She said this at home with an intrigued Mollie Maynard listening.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil updated 12th september

So is that how Margot avoided expulsion this time? Margot seemed to get away with little punishment from the school. It was the school not her father who should have punished her this time.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil updated 12th september

So pleased that Emerence has found someone she can talk to - I hope they can help! Thankyou.

Author:  Lesley [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil updated 12th september

Mollie Mackenzie of course is Jack's twin - hopefully she and Con will be able to help Emerence.

Thanks Phil

Author:  Abi [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil updated 12th september

Hope Emerence finds the help she needs. Thanks Phil.

Author:  Alison H [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil updated 12th september

Hope Con and Mollie can help Emerence, and I also think that Margot got off way too lightly.

Author:  clair [ Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil updated 12th september

This really shows how much Emerence has grown up and the effect the school has had on her. Love the way she thinks of the trips as mini royalty - it must be hard for her being so far away from Margot just when she knows Margot needs a friend

Author:  di [ Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil updated 12th september

Have just found and read this all the way through.

I always felt sorry for Margot in this episode of her life. There was no excuse for her behaviour towards Ted but I felt then, and still do despite the various comments, that Jack behaved abominably towards his daughter. Yes, she'd done an awful thing but there was no excuse for Jack, the adult and her father, to treat her so badly. I am sure he was angry with her and he probably didn't like her behaviour but to give her the impression that he no longer loved her was as emotionally abusive as Margot's behaviour towards Ted.

His lack of control over his emotions was no better than Margot's - and she was still a child. Rather than isolate her he should have got the message across to her that whilst he abhorred her behaviour he still loved her. I'm sure the effect would have been the same; Margot would have realised that she'd gone too far with her jealousy and the lesson would have been learned.

One also wonders exactly why Margot felt such jealousy; couldn't have been something to do with the family dynamics, could it?! What must have it have been like, growing up in a family where she didn't even have her own place in it, being a triplet; a family that was forever producing babies; where the father was ensconced in his work and the mother engrossed with writing her books and 'butting in' at the school. What a nightmare!

I think EBD, much as I love her writing, didn't have much of a grasp on reality; Len and Con were too much like the characters in her 'Elsie' books, the boys, with the exception of Mike, were too perfect to be true and the younger children must have struggled to find their own identities!

Enough of me on my soapbox; I don't know why this particular EBD story gets me so angry.

Thanks, Phil, for this slant on the story. I hope Con Mackenzie can put in a good word for Margot, with Jack. Looking forward to more!

Author:  Phil [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil updated 12th september

Emerence had exorcised her feelings of guilt and unhappiness through explanation of the whole sorry affair.

Con put her arms around the unhappy girl.

"My dear Emerence, you did nothing wrong apart from spending too much money. I know she is your friend, but you have to leave Margot to face the consequences. It's hard, but necessary."

Emerence nodded. After a drink and some biscuits she went home to reassure her anxious mother that she felt much better.

Mollie looked at Con.

"I don't believe it, I just don't believe it. My own niece, my own twin brother's child; Joey's child! How could it be possible that the girl could exhibit such behaviour? It's unbelievable. Totally unbelievable."

"Don't blame yourself Mollie." Con looked at her friend anxiously.

"But if I hadn't been the other side of the world."

"Now Mollie, this is plain stupid! Margot had and still has enough people around her to guide her onto the straight and narrow. I know she's your niece, but Margot has made her bed, she should lie in it."

Mollie looked flushed.

"Yes, you are right of course; and I have never actually met Jack and Joey's children. I've seen pictures of them...I...If only I could speak to Jack. He must be devastated."

"Now hold your horses my girl!" Con was as ever the voice of reason.

"Emerence stated quite clearly that not even Joey kows of this incident. How do you think Jack will feel if you suddenly phone him out of the blue and offer your sympathy?"

"Well, I don't suppose he will be pleased. He might see it as interference."

"I know I would."

Mollie paused. Whilst Jack would love a chance of catching up with his sister he would not take kindly to his sister taking on his problems too. Besides, intercontinental phone calls were expensive. Nevertheless a plan formed in Mollie's mind.

Evening fell at Freuedesheim and Margot had been allowed over to view her new born brother and sister. Joey had become suspicious at Margot's absence when Len and Con had visited and her suspicions were increased when her two eldest looked decidedly shifty when she mentioned the name of their third.

Fortunately, Jack had intervened saying that Margot had been in serious trouble, he was dealing with it and for Joey's health and piece of mind nobody was going to tell her what it was about. It was too awful to say. Hilda, Len Con and Jack and especially Margot were on a vow of silence. This was very frustrating for Joey; but she trusted Jack and she had to own that she felt very tired and was not up to dealing with her daughter's latest.

Mary Lou had escorted a very nervous and anxious Margot to home. Margot shook as she saw her mother. She knew Mama was not supposed to know or ask about Zermatt and Margot was not to talk of her sin. Joey took one look at her daughter and could see guilt, remorse and grief etched into her face, with several doses of despair.

"Mama! Mama!" Margot ran to her mother and bestowed kisses and cuddles upon her like a small child. This was most unlike the Margot Joey knew. That Margot had scorned physical contact, displays of affection and baby names.

"Mama you are looking so well. The babies! Are these them?"

Joey was speechless. She could tell when Margot was lying or pretending to be affectionate and her usual avoidance of all matters pertaining to the nursery and the tinies was well known. This was a different Margot; this girl was asking questions about them and was looking at them with a genuine fondness in her eyes, almost as if they were the little miracles.

Margot was very attentive and worried she might be tiring her mother out.

Presently the telephone rang.

"I shall answer it Mama!"

"Hello, is Jack there?"

At the mention of her Father's name, Margot nearly dropped the phone in pure terror.

"Yes, Dr Maynard is here. He's in his study at the moment, may I ask who's calling?"

"It's his sister Mollie, is that one of the girls? Is that Len or Con?"

"It's Margot Auntie Mollie."

Margot had no reaon to suspect that Mollie knew.

"Hello Margot! Would you just get your father for me? Then we can have a little chat!"

Margot's blood ran cold at the thought of approaching her father. With dismal apprehension she approached the dreaded door and knocked.


Eyes cast to the ground, Margot mumbled, "Auntie Mollie is on the phone Papa."

"Thank you."

Margot scuttled away back to the comfort of Mama and the babies. The interaction had been brief, cold and he still barely looked at her. She could hear her father's delighted voice as he spoke to his sister giving a brief run down of the babies.

"Who is that dear?" asked Joey.

"Auntie Mollie Mama, I expect she wants to say well done on the babies."

Margot was quite enjoying getting to know the babies, but she felt a pang of sorrow as she coud hear her father's happy voice. She dearly wished that that happy voice would once more be directed at her. Suddenly Jack's voice took on an edge. Margot felt a shiver go down her spine.

"What do you want to speak to her for, Mollie?"

"Jack, I won't reveal anything just now, but it is vital I speak to her."

Jack knew when his sister was at her most implacable.

"Margot!" he barked.

Margot jumped and ran to her father trying not to flinch.

"Your Aunt wants to speak with you."

Jack left to go to his wife and newborns.

"Auntie Mollie?"

"Margot. Your friend Emerence arrived safely in Australia. In fact she met your Auntie Con and me as I am currently visiting her. Emerence was very worried about you and you have a good friend in her. Friendships like that are worth keeping."

"Yes Auntie." Margot was puzzled.

"Emerence also spent most of her journey worried sick about you."

"Oh no!"

"She's better now. Only because she told your Auntie Con and I the whole sorry tale of Zermatt. In great detail I might add."

Margot felt dizzy and sick and she had to clutch at the wall for support. She could guess at what was coming next.

"Your father does not know that I am aware of your disgusting and criminal behaviour and he won't know until he calms down and I tell him. But I shall warn you now young lady, that if you ever do anything like that to your father or mother again I shall demand that you are taken out of the Chalet School and sent to live with me and you can be shearing sheep at four o'clock in the morning for the rest of your life and not going to bed until eleven thirty. It's back breaking hard work on a New Zealand farm and you won't get much holiday. Don't you ever hurt your family again. Is that clear?"

"Yes." sobbed Margot.

"Oh and Margot. You will eventually be forgiven. You are loved. I know it doesn't seem like it at the moment. Your father still loves you, but you have hurt him so badly and cruelly through your behaviour it will take time. Now I must speak to your mother."

In a daze and looking like she had seen a ghost, Margot called for mother before fleeing to her room where tears flowed in abundance. When she was ready she returned to the babies and cuddled them gently promising that things would be different from now on.

She trudged wearily back to school, feeling quite alone in the world except for God. She had shocked her mortal relatives to the core and could only turn to God to forgive her and love her.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09

What a touching update. Margot seems to have realised what she's done, so I hope that the punishment doesn't continue much longer; Mollie's way of dealing with it is far better. And we know from the Mike incident that Joey would disapprove.

I hope things get better for Margot soon.

Author:  Lesley [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09

I like Mollie's way of dealing with Margot - and that, despite all the disapproval and threats she also took the time to reassure Margot that Jack would eventually forgive her.

Thanks Phil

Author:  Alison H [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09

Mollie did well there.

Author:  di [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09

What's the matter with these people! How dare Mollie interfere and speak to Margot, someone she doesn't know and has never met, as if she was her mother. It's enough to send Margot over the edge! I wouldn't blame her if she hotfooted it away from both home and school. The poor child; no one fighting her corner at all. Not that there's an excuse for what she's done, but enough is enough, she's been punished sufficiently.

No one in her family is talking to her except her mother and she doesn't know. If I was Joey I'd be furious with the lot of them, especially that sanctimonious prig, Jack. How dare he keep something so serious from her! Serve him right if Margot becomes ill due to his behaviour, like Sybil did. You'd have thought they'd have learned from that episode.

See how easily I get transported in to an alternative universe. Phil, you've nearly got me believing that this is a true story; I shall be phoning Social Services next! :lol:

Thanks so much.

Author:  Liz K [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09

di wrote:
See how easily I get transported in to an alternative universe. Phil, you've nearly got me believing that this is a true story; I shall be phoning Social Services next!

This happens to me with most of the drabbles on here, they're so well done. Harry Potter too.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09

Pleased Margot got to see the babies. At least Mollie reasurred Margot she was loved.

Author:  Phil [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09

Scolded by an Aunt thousands of miles away whom she had previously only seen pictures of or spoken birthday and christmas wishes over the telephone and in letters Margot slunk back to school. She was quite alone and started thinking a good deal about God. The first person she met on her return was Ted. Margot instantly burst into tears and as she felt the other girl's warm embrace and comforting words she felt God was answering her prayers.

"It's time you were forgiven."

Giving Margot a quick kiss and putting her arm around her; Ted led her to the common room where Len and Con were making plans for the summer.

"Forgive her. She's your sister, you love her and you can't leave her like this. She's had weeks of suffering now. It must end."


"Well if you won't forgive her, I have and she will be my adopted sister. I won't let her be hurt. She has nobody now except me and I am going to stick up for her even if nobody else does!"

Len and Con both swallowed, both felt a lump in their throats, both felt tears pricking at their eyes. They were reminded of a time Margot had been separated from them when she went to Canada for her health. She had been inconsolable then. She was the image of that distraught little girl she was six years ago.

Simultaneously Len and Con got up and walked slowly to their sister. Margot cowered instinctively; fearing a scolding, a box on the ear or worse. As she whimpered, she felt the loving arms of both her sisters embrace her and they whispered gently in her ears,

"We forgive you."

"I'm sorry! I promise I am sorry! I'll always love you!"

Ted moved to leave the sisters, but Margot grabbed her sleeve.

"Please stay! I have done you a grave wrong."

Forgiveness was coming to the repentant Margot like an angel of mercy.

There was the good news to convey to Mary Lou, who in her final duties as Head Girl and brevet niece to Jack and Joey was overjoyed to see Margot on the road to reformation and the triplets enoying their own company and that of others. When the end of term came and Margot cheered Mary Lou as the "best Head Girl we've ever had" Mary Lou could have wept. It was the best thank you she could have especially from Margot of all people.

As term ended, so did Jack's anger abate; besides he knew his wife would not approve of a cold and lengthy punishment for any of the children. Margot had got the message and he was surprised to hear from his sister confessing how she had helped.

Miss Annersley was relieved the punishment or situation had not escalated and the letter formally requesting that Jack remove his third triplet from the Chalet School ended up on the fire.

The first person Margot saw on her return was her Father. She froze. Were her father's blue eyes blazing at her in anger? Was there a cold lack of emotion indicative of further punishment? Was there no more love?

She got her answer as Jack embraced her. She had missed his kindness and gentle touch for what seemed like an eternity. She had been starved and shunned and now she was back in from the cold. She had been terrified; truly terrified.

"Thank you for forgiving me Papa. I will make you proud of me. I love you, Mama, Len and Con, the tinies and the boys and..."

She got no further before fresh tears fell only to be consoled once more and gently reminded she must not sin again.

She wrote to Emerence that night.

Author:  Emma A [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09 X2

Poor Margot - this is really getting across how horribly Jack behaved to her. What a lovely gesture of Ted's too.

Thanks, Phil (glad to see the writer's block is ended!).

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09 X2

:cry: Poor Margot! Glad to see that things are coming right at last, though, and that forgiveness is coming to her.


Author:  Lesley [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09 X2

I think Ted has behaved magnificiently here - and I hope Len and Con are ashamed of themselves.

Thanks Phil

Author:  Chelsea [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09

di wrote:
What's the matter with these people! How dare Mollie interfere and speak to Margot, someone she doesn't know and has never met, as if she was her mother. It's enough to send Margot over the edge! I wouldn't blame her if she hotfooted it away from both home and school. The poor child; no one fighting her corner at all. Not that there's an excuse for what she's done, but enough is enough, she's been punished sufficiently.

I thought I was the only one that was disgusted with Mollie! Okay, so she reassured her afterward, but, I suspect that Margot only heard/retained the first bit - I know that I would have.

Author:  di [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09 X2

Out of all of those involved only Ted, the injured party, has shown any compassion. Well done, Ted!

I'm glad I'm not alone in being horrified by the treatment Margot received; even her esteemed head Mistress got it badly wrong! Where was her other brevet aunt, Nell, in all of this? I realise Hilda, as Head, has to be seen to do something about Margot's behaviour but in my humble opinion, she also had responsibility for ensuring that Margot, once punished, was welcomed back in to the fold and did not continue to suffer. It should not have been left to Ted to do that.

Here I go, again, off in the alternative universe!! Thanks, Phil, I'm so glad Margot was eventually forgiven by those closest to her.

Author:  Alison H [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09 X2

Ted behaved very generously there.

Author:  Abi [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09 X2

Ted was very gracious there; I'm glad Margot was able to feel such love from her. I also thought Mollie's action was a bit OTT - not knowing Margot at all, she had no right to intervene. Glad things are looking up for Margot, though. She's suffered long enough. Thanks Phil!

Author:  Phil [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil Update! 20/9/09 X2

The cell was tiny; a bed with a lumpy mattress and horrid brown blanket. The walls were a dull grey. The door opened, "Mary Margaret Maynard, you have been sentenced by a court of law to be severely punished for your crimes. The time has come for that sentence to be carried out"

"It was then Emmy, that I awoke from my nightmare. According to Mama, both she and Papa were just coming up for bed when they heard a blood curdling scream which shattered everybody's ears and set the whole house cock a hoop."

"Apparently I screamed, 'Merciful Father! Please have mercy! Mercy! Father Please, Father!' It was then that I was woken by Mama and Papa throwing water over me and shaking me into my senses. I felt such a complete ass! The whole family poured into my room in seconds apart from the babies who were bawling like mad in their cots.

Len and Con had been slowly warming to me again but I think now that I had this nightmare they will be more forgiving. I do hope so. They were both anxious to sleep with me last night and Papa allowed it. We moved back into our old room which we had all shared up until last year.

The boys have had a massive shock. They only came back yesterday and to have their first night at home interrupted by their sister squealing as if she was having her throat cut was an astonishment to say the least.

You know how I am nasty to the boys when they return from school? Well, that has gone for a start. I think they were all gobsmacked at how kind and welcoming I was. I tried to take an interest ask them questions help with their stuff and it was so easy! Why haven't I been a nicer sister before? I know it has only been one day but they know I am making an effort I just hope they believe me that it will last. I think Mike will take some convincing. In my worst days I really enjoyed teasing him into a tantrum. Suddenly it's not so funny. Little Chas has been forgiving as ever but I do wish Stephen wouldn't be so suspicious. Still, I suppose it will take time; nothing ventured, nothing gained.

You would be proud of me Emmy. Every waking moment I am trying to help Mama. Just realising I nearly lost my family through my foolishness has frightened me for good and when I say my prayers, I say them in earnest now!

Have your parents started that big tour of the States yet? Try and look up Auntie Corney or Auntie Evvy. I told you about them ages ago. They were the Chalet School's first Americans. Mama can send you their addresses.

I'm quite scared of meeting Auntie Mollie after that trans continental scolding. I had heard she might be paying us a visit soon.

Emmy I have to confess, much as I love you, I have had to hide the clock. I still feel so bad about that whole incident. The look on Mama's face when she saw it unpacked from my belongings. Papa just said, "Don't ask Joey, I will tell you later. It's to do with Zermatt." I hid it in a drawer and then cowered in a corner as if the clock were going to jump out at me. Len and Con came to fetch me for dinner and found me like that. That's when they started to forgive me.

Send my love to your parents and Auntie Con.


Margot. x

Emerence Hope folded the letter from her companion and heaved a trememndous sigh of relief. The ghost of Zermatt no longer haunted her now that she knew her Margot was rehabilitated in the eyes of her family.

Author:  PaulineS [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil finished 27/09/09

Thanks for the drabble. Lovely ending. Hope Margot can keep it up.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil finished 27/09/09

Aww, what a nice ending! I'm so sorry that Margot is having to pay so heavily, but really pleased that she started to find her way in the end.

Thankyou for such a thought provoking drabble.

Author:  Lesley [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil finished 27/09/09

Nice that it's caused her to re-think how she acts within the family.

Thanks Phil

Author:  di [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil finished 27/09/09

Margot is, at last, returned to the bosom of her family. I jolly well hope that Jack felt very guilty when she had such an awful nightmare. He certainly should hold some of the responsibility. I wonder if he dared tell Jo about just how he treated her youngest triplet - I rather doubt it. :x

Thanks for the drabble, Phil.

Author:  jmc [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil finished 27/09/09

Thanks Phil. It was interesting to see it all in a different light.

Author:  Emma A [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil finished 27/09/09

Thanks, Phil - that was really interesting, and good to see it from Emmy's point of view, too. Because she left after that term, we don't tend to think about what she must have thought or felt about Margot's behaviour.

Author:  Alison H [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fare thee well Emerence by Phil finished 27/09/09

Thanks Phil.

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