The School at the Chalet - (updated 16th June)

Author:  jonty [ 04 Jun 2009, 17:32 ]
Post subject:  The School at the Chalet - (updated 16th June)

Well it's summer, and I'm back! I've no idea how to catch up with all the drabbling I've missed over the last year...

I've returned to a story I started about four years ago (I think - or it could be more. Time flies! :halo: ) I don't think it's archived anywhere, and in any case I wanted to make some changes to the first bit, so I'm starting again from the beginning.

Madge looked down tenderly at the pale face beside her. At last the child’s breathing seemed easier, and she appeared to all intents and purposes to be sleeping a healthy, natural sleep. The crisis was over – but how long until the next? Wearily, Madge got to her feet, tucked the blanket more tightly round her sleeping sister, and went into the kitchen, being careful to leave the bedroom door open lest Joey should wake. Dick was dozing by the fire, worn out, grey-faced with tiredness. How much longer could they go on like this? Madge would have given anything for a cup of tea, but the pail inside the kitchen door was empty, and the effort of going out into the yard for more water was beyond her. Not only did she lack the physical energy, but Mrs Carrington from across the corridor was out there talking to the Bakers, and the last thing Madge felt like was a conversation about the health of her beloved sister with these near-strangers. She sat, looking at the dying embers, thinking back to those long-ago days in India when life had been so pleasant and so untroubled. That was when her parents were alive, long before the War.

‘Shouldn’t you go to bed, old thing?’ Dick was shaking her. Madge started up: she could only have been asleep for a few minutes. ‘I’ve just taken a dekko at Joey. She seems to be sleeping peacefully, so why don’t you go and have a lie-down?’ Madge felt guilty. If things were hard for her, they were even harder for Dick. Forced to tramp the streets looking for work he was ill-prepared to do, and turned down by foremen who, a few years ago, would have respectfully addressed him as ‘Master Dick’ or ‘Mr Bettany’ and who now treated him worse than he would have treated their pet dog. And Madge noticed now the torn trousers, and the clotted blood on Dick’s left knee.

‘Oh, Dick, what have you done to your leg?’

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 04 Jun 2009, 17:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet

Poor Dick and Madge, it must have been so hard for them.

Thankyou, I can't wait to read more.

Author:  Alison H [ 04 Jun 2009, 21:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet

This looks really interesting :D .

Author:  leahbelle [ 05 Jun 2009, 16:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet

Great start! Poor Dick - it must have been such a responsibility for him.

Author:  jonty [ 05 Jun 2009, 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet

Glad you liked it. Here's some more, with original text by EBD in blue - that's if I can work out how to use the groovy new palette thing!

‘It’s nothing, really. Just some bother I got into outside the labour exchange.’ Dick laughed wryly. ‘Some labour exchange: none of those fellows has worked for a good few months. Not their fault I suppose when you think about it, but young Carstairs was there, looking for work as an errand-boy. He’s been there every day, Madge, front of the queue. He’s only fourteen, and he has a mother and three young sisters depending on him. I couldn’t stand by and watch those others – big fellows – jump the queue again. It’s desperation, Madge, it does dreadful thing to a man’. And he sighed deeply, with that frown that Madge was coming to know and dislike. Maybe she had been wrong not to take him into her confidence earlier, but she had wanted to be confident that her ideas for the future had a decent chance of working.

'For myself, I can put up with it, take things as they come. But if only I knew what to do with you girls!’ said Dick in worried tones.

‘Oh, you needn’t worry about us!’ replied Madge. She got up from her seat in front of the rapidly cooling fireplace and faced her brother. ‘Dear old Dick! You really mustn’t worry about Joey and me. We shall be all right! Listen to me. I've been considering our future. There's no money coming in: you can’t get work unless you’re prepared to join the Greater German Unity Party, and that’s quite out of the question. So last night I thought and thought after I had gone to bed; and honestly I think my plan’s the only one possible.’

‘Oh for Heaven’s sake, cut all that!’ groaned her brother. ‘What do you want to do?’

‘Start a school,’ was the sufficiently startling reply.

‘Start a school!’ He stared at her. ‘My good girl, that sort of thing requires
permission from the Authorities – which is something you are never likely to get.’

‘Yes, I know that as well as you do!’ retorted his sister. ‘At least, it does in England, or anywhere else in Greater Germany, come to that. But I wasn’t thinking of England.’

‘Then where were you thinking of?’ he demanded, not unreasonably. ‘Ireland? Shouldn’t advise that! You might wake up one morning to find the Reds had overrun the place.’

‘Of course not! I’ve got some sense! And if you’d only dry up and listen, you’d hear what I have in mind! What I’ve thought of is this. You know how, since the War, they’ve been sending people, English people like us, to America? Land is cheap there since the collapse of the dollar, they say that English people are welcome, really welcome there, and the Authorities would be only too glad to get rid of you by paying your passage.’ Madge’s tone was serious. ‘There’s nothing here for us now, Dick. England is set fair to become an impoverished outpost of the German Empire. At least that’s what everyone’s saying. Don’t tell me the fellows outside the Labour Exchange don’t talk about it all the time. Well, the Germans don’t care for America. We could use the last of the money we made from Pretty Maids – thank Heavens we sold it in time – to buy passage for Joey and me, and I’ve heard of a house in Vermont where we could go. A big house. And, Dick, I could set up a school there. I simply know I could make it work. Just imagine it. They say the climate there would be just the thing for Joey - it’s cold in winter, but it’s a dry cold, just the thing for a child with a weak chest. Oh, Dick, I don’t think I could stand another winter like this, and suppose, just suppose, we didn’t pull Joey through.’

Madge gave a strangled sob.

‘Now just steady on a moment, old girl.’ Dick leaned forward, interested in spite of himself, hope beginning to dawn in his eyes.

‘This sounds like quite a plan. But it’s an awful undertaking to run a school. And where would you get the pupils from? Not to mention staff, and school furniture, and, well, I don’t know, but all the things you need for a girls’ school. I take it you do mean a girls’ school, Madge, old fruit? You’re not thinking of going in for one of these new co-educational Prefecture schools that Joey would have to go to if she were well enough?’

Madge smiled weakly. ‘I’ve been thinking about it a lot, Dick. And I’ve talked it over already, with that nice French lady who lives upstairs. You know, Mademoiselle Lepattre who escaped from her home near Paris after the capital fell, with her little niece, Simone. They were all that remained of that family. They would come with us. Mademoiselle Lepattre would teach French, and look after the girls, and Simone would be a pupil. She’s a lovely child, dreadfully scarred by her wartime experiences of course, and inclined to be sentimental, but that’s no surprise after all she’s been through. I’m sure the settled routine of a school in Vermont away from all this – all this – squalor – would improve her no end.’ And Madge flung a hand out, indicating the dirt of the two rooms in which the three of them now lived, and where she fought a losing battle against the rats, the grime, the germs and the decay.

‘But, Madge, there has to be more than that to starting a school. For one thing, you'll need the odd paying pupil or two.’

‘I know of one child I could have for the asking. Young Grizel.’

‘Grizel? Grizel Cochrane? Madge, have you gone quite mad, old thing?’ And Dick contemplated their landlords, the Cochranes, a couple with whom they had never been on the friendliest of terms, and who had managed to do well out of the War. When the fighting ended and the prefecture of Devonshire was set up, the Cochranes had co-operated with the enemy, and were now being well rewarded.

‘I mean it Dick. What kind of a future will they have here, known as collaborators and hated by everyone? Just think of that poor child, the time she must be having at school. It was Mrs Cochrane who gave me the idea of moving to America. She’s thinking of it herself, and she wants a new start for the family and for Grizel. After all, it can’t be long until the socialists bag the whole of Europe, and what future then for the Cochranes and their kind? And there’ll be others, Dick, I know there will be others.’

‘Well, it still sounds like a mad scheme to me, Madge. I wouldn't have agreed to the idea if you had consulted me. As it is, I suppose I must say "yes". Heaven knows we need to do something. Look, it’ll soon be light. Why don’t I fill the water pail, stoke up the fire and you make some tea. Then I’ll see about booking a passage to Vermont.’

And Dick suited the action to the word.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 05 Jun 2009, 17:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - updated 5th June

:shock: That was unexpected. it's nice to see Mrs Cochrane - apparently - trying to be a good step-mother to Grizel and think of her too (though we know she liked to put on a face in public, so whether she actually was is another matter)

Thankyou, now I am greatly, greatly intrigued.

Author:  trig [ 05 Jun 2009, 17:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - updated 5th June

Really interesting. Please continue.

Author:  PaulineS [ 05 Jun 2009, 20:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - updated 5th June

Love the twist in this.

Author:  Alison H [ 05 Jun 2009, 21:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - updated 5th June

Didn't see that coming :shock: .

Author:  Joanne [ 05 Jun 2009, 22:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - updated 5th June

This is very interesting, and fascinating. I look forward to seeing more.


Author:  Lesley [ 06 Jun 2009, 07:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - updated 5th June

Now that's different - looking forward to seeing how they will cope in Vermont.

Thanks Jonty

Author:  Liz K [ 06 Jun 2009, 08:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - updated 5th June

If you don't mind my asking - how did they get hold of Pretty Maids? Thought that was belonged to Jack's family. Or am I jumping the gun here? :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

Author:  jonty [ 06 Jun 2009, 15:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - updated 5th June

Liz K wrote:
If you don't mind my asking - how did they get hold of Pretty Maids?

Hmmmm, I'm going to have to find a way round that! I'd forgotten it was the Maynards' house! I'll either find a way round it or edit the original... or maybe in a parallel universe anything's possible :) :)

Here's a bit more.

‘Joey-baba, it’s time!’ The little girl came tumbling down the stairs, eager to set off. Underneath the flush of excitement Joey was still pale from her recent illness, and her legs were inclined to be wobbly, but Madge and Dick had decided to take their chance and set off on their long journey. If they waited, Joey was as likely to relapse as she was to become stronger, and in any case, the sea voyage might buck her up. Mademoiselle Lepattre and Simone were already standing by the roadside. The Cochranes had hired a horse and cart, on which the women and children were to ride to the station, while Dick and Mr Cochrane walked alongside. Their possessions, meagre as they were, were soon loaded onto the cart, and the girls clamoured for the front-facing seats.

‘I don’t see why I should have to have this blanket tucked round me. Don’t fuss so, Madge,’ complained Joey.

‘But ma chere, just think of the recent illness,’ soothed Mademoiselle Lepattre. ‘You want to be well and strong to enjoy the voyage, n’est-ce-pas?’

‘Well I don’t see how a blanket will help.’ Joey was not in a mood to be placated. Truth to tell, she was over-excited and still rather tired from her illness, and the strain was showing.

‘Cherie, think then of the dear sister and brother. You would not wish to cause them anxiety I think? So be a good child, ma petite, and keep the blanket around you with no more complaint.’

‘Oh, Madge, I am a brute. I didn’t think about worrying you.’ Joey looked up and kissed her adored older sister. ‘I won’t moan again, honest injun.’

Simone watched quietly, her eyes big with surprise, at this exchange. Brought up to instant obedience to the lightest word of father or mother, or, more lately, her aunt, she was still not used to the more casual relations between the Bettanys. They had lived in the same house for months, but living in such close quarters, the tenants had tried to protect their privacy as much as they could, and she had seen little of the youngest Bettany who had, in any case, had spent so many of those months confined to her bed. When Miss Joey had been well enough to attend school, Simone had been rather in awe of her. Joey had an indefinable quality that drew other children to her, and even though she lived in desperate poverty, she maintained a queer little air of dignity. Not that she was above a few monkey-tricks, oh no. Life was always interesting when the youngest Bettany was around, and Simone was secretly thrilled at the prospect of this adventure in her company. Neither of them was particularly fond of Grizel who was inclined to be a little patronising to the younger girls, so Simone fondly imagined that she and Joey would have plenty of time to become amies intimes, sharing their secrets as well as their new adventures.

At last the little cart drew up at the station, and the party descended. There was a brief hold-up as the Authorities checked their tickets, and then they were allowed to board the train. Grizel looked around her and wrinkled her nose.

‘Mother, it smells in here’. Indeed, the air was rank, and the others pulled faces as they entered the carriage, though no-one was quite as forthright as Grizel. Joey clung more tightly to Madge’s hand.

‘It’s alright, Joey-baba, it’s not for long. Just until Plymouth, and then we’ll be on the lovely ship. You’ll have all the fresh air you want then.’ Madge, once a seasoned traveller though it was some time since she had taken a long journey, felt her spirits rise, despite the shabby surroundings of the third-class carriage. Expertly, she stowed their few belongings on the racks above the seat, brought out books for herself and Dick and comics for the girls, and tucked the now unprotesting Joey into her tartan blanket. The two younger girls were soon immersed in their comics. But Grizel found it harder to settle. The window was so dirty that it was hard to look out, and she wasn’t interested in reading. Her mouth took on its accustomed pout. If Grizel had reason to be discontented with her lot, she certainly didn’t try to put a brave face on things. Spoilt from birth, she had found the change in her parents’ circumstances at the end of the War hard to cope with and her difficulties had further hardened a character already inclined to be difficult. Although she had not faced such intense hardships as many of the families around her, she had been uprooted from the school she had loved when it was closed down, and sent to a school where the children – boys as well as girls – treated her roughly and often bullied her for being a ‘collaborator’. Grizel shuddered at the memory. ‘Hun-lover!’ ‘Filthy Fritz!’ and other taunts had been flung at her constantly, and she had more than a few scars to prove the taunting went beyond name-calling. Perhaps the worst thing, for hockey-loving Grizel, was that games were not played at her new school, since they were despised by the new regime as a fancy English aberration, not suitable for the young people of the Greater German Empire. She had looked forward to this trip to America, but, she thought, if only some of her friends from her old school had been with them. It was hard to make the best of things with only that silent French child and the sickly Bettany babe for company. Grizel sighed and looked forward to the opening of the new School. Maybe there would be some American pupils of her age who knew how to have some fun. Now that really would be worth looking forward to. A few stiff games of hockey and the company of some jolly girls who knew how to enjoy themselves would soon put her to rights, Grizel felt sure of that.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 06 Jun 2009, 18:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 6th June)

Ohh, poor Grizel :cry: It wasn't her fault!

Thankyou, I really can't wait to see what happens when they get to America.

Author:  ibarhis [ 06 Jun 2009, 19:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 6th June)

What a fascinating inversion. I'm really looking forward to seeing the parallels unfold.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 06 Jun 2009, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 6th June)

This is amazing. Am really enjoying the alternate reality. Thanks

Author:  Lesley [ 07 Jun 2009, 13:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 6th June)

It doesn't look as though Grizel's Mother died in this reality - still feeling sorry for her though, yeas she's been spoilt but it's not her fault her parents collaborated.

Thanks Jonty

Author:  jonty [ 07 Jun 2009, 15:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 6th June)

Lesley wrote:
It doesn't look as though Grizel's Mother died in this reality - still feeling sorry for her though, yeas she's been spoilt but it's not her fault her parents collaborated.

In the first version I wrote, I made Grizel a bit of a villain, but without giving her enough of a back story to explain. I always thought Grizel was more sinned-against than sinning, and that's how I wanted to show her in this reality too. Here's some more.

‘Madge, do hurry up!’ Joey was nearly dancing with impatience. After five days at sea the black-haired child was almost unrecognisable, so glowing was she with good health and high spirits. The weather had been kind to the travellers, and they had been blessed with sunny days and mild nights. This morning, Joey had woken early and her fidgeting had disturbed Madge in the bunk next to her.

Do let’s go on deck, Madgie Machree,’ the child wheedled. ‘They say we’ll be able to see the Statue of Liberty any time now, and I’m simply longing to catch a glimpse of it. It would be a swizz to miss it, wouldn’t it, Madge?’

Madge laughed. ‘We’re not likely to miss a thing like that, Joey-baba. And anyway, it’s not even light yet. How could we see anything?’

‘Imagine seeing the Statue of Liberty by moonlight, then,’ remarked Jo, not to be put off. ‘I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.’ Madge looked hard at her. Sometimes she found herself forgetting that harum-scarum Jo could be dreamy and reflective too. Madge sighed for her interrupted slumber, but seeing there was no alternative, began to make a hasty toilet. After all, now that she was properly awake, she was as keen as anyone to see the Statue of Liberty, and all that it stood for.

‘Here, Joey, help me fold the bedclothes. The quicker we get everything tidy and, um, ship-shape, the quicker we’ll be up on deck.’

‘All sereno, old fruit!’ And the excited Joey folded blankets and pillow-slips at top speed, while her sister made sure she was decently and warmly clad. After all, though the nights had been mild, the April dawn was apt to be chilly.

Up on the steerage deck, all was activity. Word had gone round the previous night that the Statue of Liberty would soon come into view, and more than a few passengers had spent the night on deck, keen to get an early sighting. Madge and Jo paused for a moment to breathe in the strong sea air. Behind them, the sky was beginning to lighten. Ahead of them all was in darkness. The irrepressible Joey saw, with satisfaction, that they hadn’t missed the first glimpse of the Statue.

‘I wondered when you girls would get here’, said a familiar voice.

‘Dick, oh Dick, isn’t it simply glorious?' A bright-eyed Joey gazed up at her brother. ‘Come on, let’s get as far to the front as we can’.

‘Excuse me’, came a voice with an unmistakeable American twang. ‘You folks wouldn’t have seen a little girl anywhere around, would you? She’s a couple of years younger than this little lady,’ and he indicated the indignant Joey. ‘She never did learn to stay close, and I guess I haven’t been able to keep her in order on this trip.’ The speaker was a well-dressed gentleman, not the kind of passenger the Bettanys had become accustomed to seeing in steerage class.

‘I’ll look for her if you like,’ replied Jo. ‘What’s her name?’

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 07 Jun 2009, 18:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 7th June)

...Say Cornelia, please! It's such a Corney thing to do.

Thankyou, I can't wait to see how they settle down in America :D

Author:  Alison H [ 07 Jun 2009, 19:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 7th June)

I was assuming Evvy ...

Author:  PaulineS [ 07 Jun 2009, 20:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 7th June)

Either will suit me. Thanks for the updates.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 08 Jun 2009, 06:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 7th June)

Alison H wrote:
I was assuming Evvy ...

So do I. Am curious if you plan on keeping a lot of the old characters especially the Austrian ones

Author:  Lesley [ 08 Jun 2009, 06:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 7th June)

I would think Evvy - she's the one who started first.

Thanks jonty

Author:  jmc [ 08 Jun 2009, 07:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 7th June)

I thought Evvy too as she joined the school quite early on. Looking forward to some more. Thanks

Author:  jonty [ 08 Jun 2009, 08:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 7th June)

ChubbyMonkey wrote:
...Say Cornelia, please! It's such a Corney thing to do.

ChubbyMonkey is right - I had need of Cornelia's father, so it has to be her!! However, I had a problem with her age. Corney is one of those characters who seems to drink from the fountain of eternal youth, and doesn't seem to age quite as fast as might be expected in the Tyrol & Guernsey books :) :) Hope making her a couple of years younger than Jo is an OK solution!

‘That’s mighty kind of you young lady, I’m much obliged. She’s called Cornelia. Cornelia Flower.’

Joey only just managed to stop herself from whistling. Privately she thought such a name was enough to make anyone run away from their father, but out loud she merely asked:

‘What does she look like?’

‘Let me see now, she’d be a few inches shorter than yourself, and with bobbed blonde hair. Answers to the name of ‘Corney’.’

Joey couldn’t imagine herself using the shortened version of the outlandish name, but she obediently trotted off to seek the missing child. Where could she be? Jo thought she knew the answer to that. In the far corner of the steerage deck lay the lifeboats. She and Simone had been wildly curious about the boats themselves in their first day or two on board, but their interest had waned. The boats had, however, become play homes to the youngest of the child passengers, who loved to play hide-and-seek, and make-believe houses in them. Poor little things, some of them had lost their homes in the fighting or its terrible aftermath, and wanted nothing more than a place they could call their own. If this Cornelia was playing at running away from her father, surely the lifeboats would make a perfect hiding place. Joey ran over to the boats, calling Cornelia’s name - the full version, it must be noted - as she went. But no blonde child appeared in answer to her shouts. Not one to be easily put off, Jo began a proper search, uncovering the boats one-by-one. As she pulled the tarpaulin off the third boat, she caught a movement in the corner of her eye. Looking up, she saw the flash of a yellow frock, and heard running feet.

‘Cornelia, don’t be an idiot!' Now was not the time for polite introductions, for Jo was feeling rather annoyed with the runaway and little inclined for pursuit. ‘Come back, your father’s looking for you, and anyway, you’ll miss seeing the Statue of Liberty if you don’t come now’.

‘Seen it! Lots of times!’ And the child appeared from behind the end boat, rudely stuck her tongue out at Joey, and made off towards the back of the boats.

‘Not that way!’ There was real alarm in Joey’s voice now, for all the children had been warned that the wooden deck behind the boats was rotten, and Cornelia was not looking where she was going. Before Joey could give chase, a sharp scream rang out and there came the sound of splintering wood. Joey made her way cautiously round the back of the boats, and looked down. What she saw made her gasp in terror. The wooden floor had given way, and Cornelia hung suspended, her yellow frock caught on a nail. It only needed the fabric to rip, and the little American would fall to a watery grave.

There was no time to delay. Joey kicked off her shoes and ripped off her stockings, whilst untying the girdle around her waist. Thank goodness Dick had been a Boy Scout and had taught his small sister how to tie decent knots. Tying her two stockings and girdle together, and looping one end around her own wrist, Joey lowered the makeshift rope to the trembling Cornelia. ‘Catch hold of these – I’ll hold you!’ Cornelia, who, whatever she may have lacked in the way of courtesy did not lack courage, made a lunge for the rope, catching it just as the fabric of her frock gave way. Joey felt a sickening pull on the rope, and hung on for dear life.

Author:  Alison H [ 08 Jun 2009, 09:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 8th June)

Some things never change - Joey's still trying to rescue people!

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 08 Jun 2009, 09:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 8th June)

Yay, it was Corney :D

How typical of Joey; she can't just introduce herself to people, she has to save their life first!

Thankyou, I can't wait to see what happens next...

Author:  Elbee [ 08 Jun 2009, 10:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 8th June)

Very much enjoying this variation on a familiar theme!

Thanks, Jonty.

Author:  Emma A [ 08 Jun 2009, 11:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 8th June)

Oh no! Hope Corney doesn't fall to oceanic oblivion!

Thanks, Jonty - this is a really interesting take on things.

Author:  hac61 [ 08 Jun 2009, 15:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 8th June)

Have to admit that this has got me intrigued.

Not sure how Joey could take off her stockings at the same time as untying her girdle though, but I never was a gymnast. :lol:


Author:  jmc [ 09 Jun 2009, 08:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 8th June)

So Jo is still a heroine. Is she going to be gravely ill as well after every rescue?

Author:  jonty [ 09 Jun 2009, 11:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 8th June)

hac61 wrote:
Not sure how Joey could take off her stockings at the same time as untying her girdle though, but I never was a gymnast.

Ah, but this is Joey we're talking about. She can do all sorts of things that ordinary mortals can't! Thanks for the comments.

She had not been the only person to hear Cornelia’s terrified scream, and, though it seemed like an age to the weary Joey, in only a few seconds Dick and Mr Flower were by her side, hauling the frightened American child to safety.

‘Say, that was a near thing!’ remarked the well-dressed gentleman, as Cornelia sobbed with fright and remorse in his arms. ‘Guess I nearly lost you that time, honey. We owe quite a lot to this little lady. Say, would you folks like to come upstairs with me, as my guests. No, it’s the least I can do,’ as Dick began to make excuses. Madge looked worried. Was Mr Flower suggesting they go up to first class? They were hardly dressed for it. And the white and shaken Joey looked all-in and ready for bed.

‘I insist. You wouldn’t deprive me of the chance to say thank you properly, would you?’ Somehow, with only the briefest of interludes to allow Joey to make herself presentable again, the Bettanys found themselves following the two Americans up to their first class suite. ‘Let me order drinks for you folks. I always say the only way to see the Statue of Liberty is over a champagne breakfast. But maybe orange juice for the youngsters, right?’ And Mr Flower led the way to their private deck. As they settled down and Mr Flower gave their order to the waiter, Joey, subdued by her unexpected adventure, snuggled into Madge’s arms. Dimly, she heard Madge and Dick confiding their predicament to their kind host. They weren’t in the habit of telling complete strangers their family problems, but the early hour and the proximity of the American coastline, combined with the unaccustomed alcohol and Mr Flower’s generosity, seemed to break down all their defences. Before they knew it, Madge had, to quote Mr Flower, ‘spilt the beans’. All the pain and the loneliness of the last few years, the loss of their parents, the worry over Joey’s health, the terrible consequences of the War, all this and more was poured out to their wordlessly sympathetic American host. At last, exhausted by the dreadful stories they had told, Madge and Dick fell silent. Into that silence drifted a muted cheer from the steerage class. Joey looked up. Behind them, dawn was breaking. Ahead of them, torch raised proudly to the heavens, stood the Statue of Liberty, the mother of exiles, gleaming dully in the early sunshine. Mr Flower stood. Holding his hands out to his guests he quoted softly:

‘ ‘Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.’

Guess you’re safe now, kids.’

Author:  Lesley [ 09 Jun 2009, 11:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 9th June)

How lovely - surprised it was Cornelia rather than Evvy - but Mr Flowers was just the right person for them to meet.

Thanks jonty

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 09 Jun 2009, 12:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 9th June)

Oh, how lovely :) It must be so nice for Dick and Madge to feel that they have to worry at least a little less now than they did. (And nice to see Joey being recognised - the Cochrane's response in the book to the saving of Grizel was hardly overwhelming :roll:)

Thanks, I'm really enjoying this.

Author:  PaulineS [ 09 Jun 2009, 20:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 9th June)

Thanks for the update. Pleased Joey did not have to hold on too long. Mr Flower looks as if he will a useful person to know.

Author:  shazwales [ 09 Jun 2009, 22:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 9th June)

Thanks Jonty i am really enjoying reading this.

Author:  Alison H [ 09 Jun 2009, 22:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 9th June)

This is really interesting, but it's also quite frightening to think that this could have happened.

Author:  Nightwing [ 09 Jun 2009, 22:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 9th June)

Thanks jonty - I totally just teared up over Mr Flower's kindness. Perhaps he'll get to be a father-figure to the Bettany twins - they're still very young, after all.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 09 Jun 2009, 23:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 9th June)

Thanks, this fabulous. Mr Flower was so lovely

Author:  jonty [ 10 Jun 2009, 10:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 9th June)

It was Cornelia who broke the spell. ‘Guess if you’re done looking at that old statue we can have breakfast! I’m starving’.

Joey was shocked. In the last few months she had seen children who really were starving, and she’d learnt just what it meant to be properly hungry. She doubted that the well-dressed little girl with the ramrod chin had any real idea of what she’d said.

‘Well, what are we waiting for?’ Mr Flower was back to his genial self. ‘I bet you kids haven’t seen a decent meal in a good few weeks, so help yourselves.’ The moment the words had been said, the well-intentioned American realised his mistake. These Bettanys may be poor, but they had their pride. ‘Of course, it gets kind of lonesome, just me and Cornelia at mealtimes, we’re real glad of the company. And I’d be mighty pleased if you and young Joey here would help clear some of these plates. Say, Miss Joey, how about some of this bacon?’ And he heaped bacon and sausages onto her plate. Jo regarded the portion with some horror, but was too well-bred to make any remark. She smiled up at her host, and picked up her knife and fork. Still exhausted from her earlier adventure, and overawed by the sight of the Statue of Liberty, she did not have the strength to do more than obediently plough through her meal as best she could in weary silence.

Not so Cornelia. Completely recovered from her brush with death, she chattered away, under her father’s indulgent gaze. By the end of the meal, the Bettanys were well-acquainted with the somewhat itinerant life of the Flowers. It seemed Cornelia was unable to remember her mother, who had died when the little girl was an infant. ‘That’s something you and Miss Joey have in common, sweetie. You’re bound to be friends,’ observed Mr Flower. ‘Say you kids go off and play for a bit, leave me with – may I call you Madge and Dick? You seem like friends already – to get better acquainted.’

Joey looked pleadingly at her brother and sister, but to no avail. ‘Yes, go with Cornelia, Joey-baba. We’ll see you later.’ And Joey was whisked off by little Corney.

‘Say, are you all on your own on this boat, like me and Poppa?’

‘No, we’re travelling with friends of the family,’ replied Joey with icy politeness. Cornelia may have forgotten her earlier rudeness, but Joey was not prepared to forgive and forget so easily. ‘A French girl – Simone’s just a bit younger than me – and her aunt. And the Cochranes and Grizel.’ Try as she might, Joey couldn’t stop her face from wrinkling as she spoke the names of her ex-landlords and their daughter. There was no love lost between Jo and Grizel, and the days of travelling had made matters little better. Grizel was apt to patronise the younger two, and her moods were trying. Where Joey and Simone found the journey exciting, and gloried in the wide open vistas of the ocean, Grizel had become bored within a few hours. The endless ocean held no fascination for her, and active Grizel found being confined to the small spaces in their cabins irksome. To make matters worse, there were plenty of children in steerage, and Joey and Simone had struck up an enjoyable if rather distant camaraderie amongst their temporary companions, as well as becoming increasingly friendly with each other. But there were no girls of Grizel’s age, and she was apt to be openly disdainful of the pursuits of twelve-year-olds.

‘Can we go get them? Bring them up here to play? I’d sure like to see some other children!’ suggested Corney.

‘I don’t know. How old are you? Ten? Nine? Grizel might think you were a baby, you know. She’s fourteen, and she doesn’t approve of baby games.’

‘I’m ’most ten,’ said the American indignantly, sticking her chin out. ‘Guess if this Grizel isn’t a splay-footed rubber-necked four-flusher she’ll join in all right.’

Joey stared. What a flow of language in such a small girl. Madge would most certainly disapprove, but it wasn’t Joey’s place to set her to rights. ‘We-ll, we can try,’ she said doubtfully, leading the way to steerage.

‘But where have you been, my Jo?’ The little French girl, seeing her friend, ran up and flung herself around Joey’s neck. ‘We have been looking at the Statue of Liberty. Just see! Is she not beautiful?’

‘Who’s this?’ asked Grizel, with a lack of tact rivalling Cornelia’s own. The American was not looking at her best, with torn frock and fingers not quite clean from her breakfast. ‘Not another of those blessed children you two hang around with?’

‘Simone, Grizel, may I introduce Cornelia Flower?’ said Joey, with exaggerated politeness. Then her enthusiasm got the better of her. ‘She’s travelling with her father in First Class, and Madge an’ Dick an’ me just had the most splendacious breakfast in their suite,’ calmly ignoring the fact that she had left most of the said breakfast on her plate. ‘We can all go and play on the First Class deck if we’re her guests. Come on, Simone.’ The French child was looking decidedly mournful. ‘You want to explore upstairs don’t you?’

‘Well I do.’ Cheered by the prospect of somewhere new to explore, Grizel took the American child by the hand and, together, they set off for the First Class deck. Joey looked after her with a disdainful expression. Trust a Cochrane to go smarming up to someone with money! How ill-bred, and how typical! She followed behind with a somewhat disconsolate Simone.

‘But Joey, you were not with me to see the so-beautiful Statue, and ma tante she did not want to rise early so I was all alone. Toute seule.’ Joey stared in dismay as Simone’s eyes filled with tears.

‘Buck up, old thing. I’m here now, aren’t I, and we’re going to have a jolly time exploring upstairs. Do dry up and stop being a sponge.’ If Joey’s words were off-hand, her tone was kind. The little French girl was mollified, for the time being at least, and she consented to follow the others upstairs.

Author:  Lesley [ 10 Jun 2009, 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 10th June)

Well Simone hasn't changed - but Grizel is a little snob - prefer the old one. :wink:

Thanks jonty

Author:  Alison H [ 10 Jun 2009, 13:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 10th June)

Grizel did get a bit like that when she was being snotty with Amy Stevens, and ignoring Juliet in favour of Wanda.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 10 Jun 2009, 16:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 10th June)

Grizel has always struck me as being a little bit snobby - like when she expected Madge to snub Mr Kettlewell.

Thanks for the update, it's odd seeing the book played out so differently!

Author:  Emma A [ 11 Jun 2009, 13:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 10th June)

Actually, that's only Joey's interpretation of Grizel's eagerness. She would be quite eager to explore somewhere new if she's spent rather more than a few days in steerage...

Thanks, jonty.

Author:  Lesley [ 11 Jun 2009, 13:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 10th June)

ChubbyMonkey wrote:
Grizel has always struck me as being a little bit snobby - like when she expected Madge to snub Mr Kettlewell.

Though in fairness Grizel expected that only because she knew it was what her stepmother would do.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 12 Jun 2009, 01:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 10th June)

It will be interesting to see how Grizel shakes down at school or whether her parents being collaborators will follow her

Author:  jonty [ 12 Jun 2009, 20:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 10th June)

Emma A wrote:
Actually, that's only Joey's interpretation of Grizel's eagerness. She would be quite eager to explore somewhere new if she's spent rather more than a few days in steerage...

That's what I was trying to get at - sorry if it was a bit oblique :wink: Some more original words by EBD in blue.

‘That school your sister’s planning sure sounds bully,’ remarked the little American an hour later, as they sat at the stern, worn out for the moment by their exploring. ‘Guess it must be something like fun to have all those other girls to play with.’ A wistful look crossed her face. Joey, catching the look, wondered for a moment. Corney was only a very little girl, after all, and despite her don’t-care manner she must get lonely with only her father for company. An idea dawned.

‘Is there anything to stop you coming, Corney? I know Madge is keen to get more pupils, and you already live in America – it’s not like you’d have to emigrate or anything, not like us. What about it? D’you think your father would let you?’

Cornelia thought for a moment. 'I don't know. He's my 'sponsibility, you know, since Momma died. It's just the two of us. Guess he'd miss me something bad.'

Meanwhile, Mr Flower was making enquiries of his own.

‘So what, exactly, do you folks plan on doing when you get to America? You got family already out here or anything? Because I hate to tell you, but it can be a mighty tough country for newcomers. Oh sure, there’s plenty of opportunities, but you’ll see when we dock in Manhattan, there’s lots of folks who don’t make it. And it’s sure got worse since our economy took a nose-dive. What are your plans, kids?’

Haltingly at first, then encouraged by the attention of her host, Madge described the plan for her school. ‘A few years ago, before the War, we holidayed in Austria, and stayed in a topping little place, right up in the mountains, 'bout an hour's run from Innsbruck. It was gorgeous air up there, close to the shores of the Tiernsee, the bluest, most beautiful lake in the Alps.'

'Sounds like some kind of a place.'

'Yes.' Madge warmed to her story. 'While we were there we met a charming family with a girl about my age. We stayed in touch during the War, though correspondence was hard. Daisy spent a good part of the War in France, teaching folk dancing to the Tommies behind the lines: everyone says the soldiers adored her, and they called her The Pixie on account of her size. When the enemy began its final advance through France, Daisy – the Pixie – fled to America with a friend of hers, a Miss Kennedy. They arrived at just the right time. The American economy was in turmoil, and land cost next to nothing. They’ve settled on a ranch in Vermont, and they are living there on their meagre savings. Daisy spends as much time as she can travelling amongst the country people collecting folk tunes and dances: she’s still frightfully keen. She wrote to me a few months ago to tell me she knows of a big house – an Austrian-style chalet in fact – whose owners have moved west. I gather it used to be something of a community centre for the town, and it sounds like a barn of a place. Daisy says she thought of me as soon as she saw the chalet, because it reminded her of that happy holiday. Apparently there are more and more Europeans – English and French people, and Russians and people from the Balkans – moving into the area, but no suitable schools for their children. Well, living here is cheap, much cheaper than England, and…’ Madge paused for a moment, a catch in her throat, ‘and there’s Joey. She’s always been delicate, and I don’t honestly think she’s strong enough to survive another cold, damp English winter. Certainly not in the conditions in which we’ve been obliged to live since our house was requisitioned.’

Madge ran down, unable to go on, and Dick, flushed with shame that an Englishman should be forced into exile from his own beloved country, took up the tale. ‘I always intended to work in the dominions, Sir. We were born in India, and it was my great wish to return there. But now that the Colonies have been annexed to Greater Germany I’ve had to think again. Oh, how I loathe the Kaiser and all his works! But I’m strong, Sir, and I can work hard. It’s my intention to do the physical work that would be too much for the girls, and study at night school, if I can, for something better someday.’

Author:  abbeybufo [ 12 Jun 2009, 20:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 12th June)

Aha! Madam and the Pixie! [AKA Helen Kennedy and Daisy Daking :D ] - how nice to see them here ... any more EJO characters going to show up??

Thanks Jonty :D

Author:  PaulineS [ 12 Jun 2009, 20:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 12th June)

Thanks for the update.

The effect of Germany winning the First World War are frightening in their possibilty. We think about the problems of them winning the Second WW, but I for one had never thought what might have hapened if they had won the First.

Author:  shazwales [ 12 Jun 2009, 21:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 12th June)

Thanks Jonty,like PaulineS i never thought about the result of the first world war; this is a really interesting take on the CS .

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 12 Jun 2009, 21:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 12th June)

Thanks for the update - poor Cornelia! She sounds so lonely and responsible :cry:

Author:  Alison H [ 12 Jun 2009, 22:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 12th June)

I've thought about what would've happened if Germany and its allies'd won the First World War, but not from a CS point of view - this is really interesting. Wondering whom they're going to meet when they get to Vermont.

Author:  jonty [ 13 Jun 2009, 17:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 12th June)

Alison H wrote:
whom they're going to meet when they get to Vermont.

I have lots of friends, old and new, lined up for when they get to Vermont - but there's a few episodes to go until we get there! :wink:

Mr Flower looked thoughtfully at his guests. As an American citizen, he admired pluck and enterprise, and these two youngsters seemed to have the said qualities in bucketloads. Could this be the solution to the problems he was having with Cornelia? There was no doubt that the small girl was beginning to run wild, and in need of a mother’s care. Or at least a woman’s. Could he entrust her to these Bettanys? Maybe he could ease their way in setting up their venture. After all, money still talked, even in these impoverished times – or perhaps especially in these impoverished times. Mr Flower was a man of action and decision. Squaring his chin, in much the way his little daughter did, he made up his mind and spoke out.

‘Say, I’ve got a proposal for you folks. How about I see you through immigration. There are so many immigrants trying to get in now, if you’re alone and friendless you could be cooped up on Ellis Island for weeks if not months, and I don’t think the kids would enjoy that. Let me help you. And then we’ll see what I can do to get you to Vermont. What you may not have realised is the scale of this great country. It’s not like taking a train from London to Manchester, you know, it’s a long and tiresome journey. But if I help you, would you do something for me in return? Would you enrol my little Corney in that school of yours? I know she’s not even ten, and rather young for boarding school, but I’m at the end of my rope with her. It’s not good for her, growing up alone, and I’m so busy with the business, and making good, I can’t give her what she needs. It’d be the answer to my prayers. You can’t imagine how worried I’ve been about her. Of course, I’d pay whatever fee you cared to charge. I’m not as wealthy as I was, but I guess I can scrape a few dollars together assuming the Reds don’t take us all over. Madge, Dick, what do you say? Do we have a deal?’

But Madge was speechless. It was left to Dick to accept the offers – of help, and of the school-to-be’s first paying pupil – with the best grace he could muster.

‘Heavens! Dick, have you seen the time?’ she broke in, interrupting Dick’s speech.

‘Gracious, you’re right! We’ll be landing in a matter of hours. I’ll go and round up the girls, you get back down below and start the packing.’

‘Right-o! But you might take your time. I’ll get on faster without them. Jo’s so excited there’s no telling what she’d pack, and Simone wafts about getting in the way more than helping.’

‘Mr Flower, please excuse us. Shall we arrange to meet after we’ve embarked?’

‘Sure. You’ll have to be certified as fit by the medics before they’ll let you ashore. Once you’re on dry land, you’ll be herded into that big barn-type affair. I think you can just make it out from here. See?’

The Bettanys looked obligingly in the direction of where their newest friend was pointing, and nodded, though in all truth the speck on the horizon was so distant it could have been anything. Mr Flower saw that they looked rather bemused.

‘OK. Here’s a change of plan. Once everyone’s ashore it’ll be too hard to find each other. It’s a regular scrum through immigration. It’s going to take you far longer to get through the medicals than it’ll take young Corney and me. Once we’re through, we’ll come and wait at your embarkation point and go through together.’

‘That’s very kind of you. Now, if you don’t mind, we’ll have to fly, or none of us will be landing today.’ With one last smile at her host, Madge fled back downstairs to their cabins, and Dick made a more leisurely departure in search of his young sister and her companions.

Two hours later, all was in readiness. Everything was packed, and the small party stood in line, waiting to see the doctors who would certify them fit to enter the USA.

‘Madge, how much longer?’

‘That’s the fourth time you’ve asked!’ Madge tried to keep the irritation out of her voice, but she wished Joey could learn to be more patient. Now that they were about to embark, and their new life was to begin in earnest, Madge couldn’t help but feel anxious as she contemplated the task ahead. ‘Come on, my girl, what’s the use of getting collywobbles now?’ she said sternly to herself. Out loud she merely said,

‘I don’t think it can be much longer now, Joey-baba. See, the family with the baby and the two small boys have gone in now, so it’ll soon be our turn.’

‘Can I go up on the deck for a minute? It’s horribly stuffy down here.’

Madge looked sharply at her sister. Joey’s eyes were suspiciously bright, and was it just Madge’s imagination, or were shadows appearing under her eyes? They had had a very early morning, and it had been a busy and eventful day.

‘Better not. Here, I’ll make you this little space and you can sit down for a while. Why don’t you tell Simone a bit more of that story you were making up? It’ll make the time pass faster for both of you.’

Joey was not the only one to be growing bored and restless. Mrs Cochrane leaned against her husband, discontent written plainly on her face. It really was too bad, being forced to stand here half the afternoon. ‘Grizel, stand still and do stop playing with the handle of the suitcase!’ Grizel dropped the handle of the suitcase as if she had been stung. ‘Honestly, I don’t know what to do with you at times! Must you behave like a child? Anyone would have thought at your age you would know how to stand still. Well, if you can’t behave decently you might as well make yourself useful. Run and get me a glass of water from that galley place.’

Grizel’s face flamed at the public rebuke. She had no idea where to get a glass of water from, but anything was better than being cooped up in the airless corridor being nagged by her mother in front of the children, so off she went. Ten minutes later she reappeared, better for her blow in the fresh air. There was no glass of water to be had, but her mother had forgotten the errand and was deep in conversation with one of the other passengers.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 13 Jun 2009, 17:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 13th June)

I hope that Joey gets through ok! Thankyou for the update :)

Author:  Joanne [ 13 Jun 2009, 18:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 13th June)

I do hope there is no problem with immigration or the health check.
This is a fascinating world, and I'm also looking forward to more "old friends", especially if they're from the Abbey world!

Author:  Alison H [ 13 Jun 2009, 19:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 13th June)

Given that they were always so worried about immigrants having TB, I'm just wondering if there might be any interesting doctors at Ellis Island!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 14 Jun 2009, 07:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 13th June)

Alison H wrote:
Given that they were always so worried about immigrants having TB, I'm just wondering if there might be any interesting doctors at Ellis Island!

I never thought of that. Wonder if this is where we'll meet Jem.


Author:  Miss Di [ 15 Jun 2009, 05:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 13th June)

This is such an interesting varitation on the original. Thanks.

Author:  jonty [ 15 Jun 2009, 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 13th June)

Fiona Mc wrote:
Wonder if this is where we'll meet Jem.

As if I'd do something as obvious as that!! Well, OK then...

‘Next!’ The Bettanys were shown into a spotlessly white cabin, about twice the size of the one they had been sleeping in for the past few days. Dick handed their paperwork over to the orderly and the three waited wordlessly while he took it to the doctor who perused it.

‘Mr Bettany!’ he called at last. Dick was shown behind a screen where he answered a few questions, had his temperature taken, his reflexes tested and his chest listened to. ‘Miss Madge Bettany!’ And Madge was subjected to the same treatment. ‘Miss Josephine Bettany!’ Joey took her place behind a screen.

‘Ever been ill, young lady?’ harrumphed the doctor, for the three hundred and fortieth time that day. At least these people were clean, he reflected, as he counted down the minutes until it would be time to finish for the day. Not like some of the people he had to inspect. Still, it was as good a way to serve his recently-adopted country as any. The doctor himself was an immigrant from England, and the USA had been good to him. When he’d arrived, he’d been unsure of whether he'd be able to get a licence to practice medicine. Well, the licence had been granted, but jobs weren’t easy to get. Certifying potential immigrants for their fitness to enter the country wasn’t exactly an interesting job, nor did it have any prospects attached, but he took a certain pride in doing it well, and knowing he was helping to keep his adopted country free of some of the diseases ravaging Europe.

Madge and Joey had rehearsed her answer to the question.

‘Yes, doctor. I was a bit under the weather in the winter but I’m perfectly fit now.’ The doctor looked again. The child was extremely thin, and there were blotchy shadows under her eyes. Dr Russell had come to recognise prevarication when he saw it, and he saw it now.

‘Tell me a bit more about this illness, Miss Bettany.’

Joey stared at him wordlessly. Madge hadn’t told her what to say if this happened. She fidgeted uneasily.

‘Let’s make this easier. How long were you unwell for? Did you have to stay away from school? What was your appetite like?’

The questions came thick and fast, and despite her halting answers, the doctor soon had a pretty good idea of Joey’s state of health.

‘Now let me listen to your chest. A big breath. Good girl. And another one. And one more.’ Deftly, the doctor found out what he needed to know. What a pity, he thought. They seemed like such a nice family. Dr Russell had seen many like them: middle-class families from England who had lost everything in the War and wanted to make new lives for themselves. Well, the older brother and sister could land, but not the little one. There was the possibility of tuberculosis, a disease with which no chances could be taken. James Russell sighed for the opportunity to examine the child fully. It could be that she was perfectly clear of the disease, but without the time or equipment to investigate properly, he couldn’t risk it. Sighing a little, he handed the paperwork back to the orderly. At least he wouldn’t have to break the news.

The Bettanys were shown out and directed to another office. All three realised something was wrong, and Joey clung to her sister’s hand. Both were white-faced and trembling.

‘Sorry, Ma’am, but the youngster can’t land. She’ll have to stay on board. Now, if you’ll come this way,’ and an official in a brown suit tried to lead Joey away from Madge.

‘No!’ A sharp scream rang out as the official tried to wrench the sisters’ hands apart. ‘I won’t go anywhere without Madge!’

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 15 Jun 2009, 21:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 14th June)

:cry: Poor Joey and poor Jem! How horrible for both of them.

Author:  Emilyc [ 15 Jun 2009, 22:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 14th June)

What a terrifying thing. I wonder how many familes were split up by this policy or how many ended up having to go home? What about pepole that couldn't afford the passage back but couldn't enter the country either? What happened to them?

Sorry so many questions. This is a wonderful story with a very clever twist. Like other, I've never thought what might have happened if we'd lost World War 1.

Author:  Miss Di [ 16 Jun 2009, 04:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 14th June)

Can't Mr Flower say somthing in Africans to Jem and get him to change his mind? Perhaps offer to pay for the proper medical care Joey needs? Please?

Author:  Lesley [ 16 Jun 2009, 05:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 14th June)

What a horrible policy - not so much that Joey was refused entry - can understand that - but that the official automatically assumed that it would be fine to split up the family and send a 12 year old child back onto the boat on her own. :cry:

Hopefully Mr Flower will intervene here.

Thanks jonty

Author:  Alison H [ 16 Jun 2009, 07:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 14th June)

I had a horrible feeling that that might happen - I was hoping Jem'd be the good guy, though :( .

Author:  jonty [ 16 Jun 2009, 12:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 14th June)

I have absolutely no idea whether the medical part of this post bears any resemblance at all to real life. :wink: But it was necessary to the plot, so in it went!

Dick tried to come between them. ‘Where she goes, we go!’

‘If you’ll step aside please, Sir. Ma’am. The official was polite but determined. ‘Step aside, please. You’re only making her upset.’

‘I’m not making her upset! You’re making her upset! This is monstrous!’ Madge could hardly believe what was happening.

‘Madge! Dick! Don’t leave me! I won’t go!’ Struggle as she might, Joey was no match for the official who was bearing her away from her beloved sister and brother. Then there came a fresh commotion at the door.

‘I demand to know what is going on in there!’

The booming voice reached the occupants of the office, who became silent at once.

‘Sir, it’s nothing to worry about. Just some of the steerage passengers making a scene. I’m sorry you’ve been inconvenienced, but it really is nothing to worry about.’ The voice was respectful.

‘Nothing to worry about! Do you know who I am?’ There was no reply. ‘My name is Flower, and the people inside that office happen to be friends of mine! Now if you’ll kindly let me through, I’ll see what is to be done.’ The door to the office was flung open, and the irate American burst in on the scene. ‘Let that child go!’ he thundered at the astonished official who dropped Joey’s hand. Sobbing, she ran into Madge’s arms.

‘Dick, maybe you can speak some sense! What’s been happening?’

Dick told their friend about the medical examination. Mr Flower’s brow furrowed. There were some things that even money couldn’t buy, but it was worth a try. ‘Don’t cry, youngsters. I’ll go and have a few words with that doctor chap. You wait there. Here!’ to the official. ‘I need to speak to the doctor. Can you arrange that?’

Within minutes, the Mr Flower was deep in conversation with Dr Russell.

‘It’s the young girl. There’s a definite weakness in the chest. It’s possible that it’s nothing, just a weak constitution, something that she’ll grow out of. On the other hand, it could be tuberculosis. We can’t test for it properly down here, Sir.’

‘Why not?’

‘Well, you see how we are fixed. For one thing, I’m the only doctor, and I have to certify all the steerage passengers before they can land. There are literally hundreds of them, and I have to finish by the end of the afternoon. I have to see about fifty of them every hour, but a proper TB overhaul would take at least an hour on its own, probably more.’

‘I see.’

‘Then there’s the equipment. The instruments I would need to conduct the examination aren’t available down here.’

‘Wait a minute. Are you telling me that if she were travelling First Class, the child could be properly examined?’

‘Yes,’ said the doctor simply.

Mr Flower was genuinely shocked. That in his country, that bastion of equality and fair treatment, a child should be denied entry without a proper investigation was bad enough, but the idea that the wealthy passengers would receive very different treatment was scandalous. He was not going to allow this injustice to go on under his very eyes. Before they knew what was happening, Madge, Dick and Joey were whisked up to the doctor’s on the first class deck. Here, medical examinations were finished for the afternoon, and all was space and leisure. In what seemed to last an age, but in reality was little more than an hour, Joey was pronounced fit to enter the USA, and the paperwork was stamped.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 16 Jun 2009, 12:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 16th June)

Good for Mr Flower! It's so nice to see that even rich people do sometimes appreciate the divide in any society. I hope that he can help Jem out, as well - he sounds so fed up of the conditions he has to work in.


Author:  Alison H [ 16 Jun 2009, 12:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 16th June)

Oh well done Mr Flower :D .

I'm not sure how Madge and Jem are ever going to get together after a start like that, though :( .

Author:  Nightwing [ 16 Jun 2009, 22:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 16th June)

Thanks jonty - I can understand why Mr Flower was so appalled and I'm glad that he managed to help them out - money talks, after all! And I hope Dr Russell turns up again, in better light... :D

Author:  Miss Di [ 17 Jun 2009, 04:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 16th June)

Phew. And I don't think Dr Russell was being deliberately cruel. It's not his fault that equality isn't.

Author:  Lesley [ 17 Jun 2009, 05:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: The School at the Chalet - (updated 16th June)

Horrible that, as always, money talks. Not Jem's fault - but will Madge see that? And as for that official accusing Madge and Dick of making a scene when he was attempting to place their twelve year olf sister back on the boat? :cry: Very sad at his lack of compassion and empathy.

Thanks jonty

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