Phil Maynard's adventure. Updated 27th October

Author:  Pat [ Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Phil Maynard's adventure. Updated 27th October

Phil Maynard was fed up. Totally and utterly fed up. Although she had now finished her years at the Chalet School, ending up as Head Girl in the family tradition, she was still seen as being delicate because of her attack of polio when she was still a toddler. She had outgrown much of the resulting weakness years ago, joining in all the sports that the school offered, but if she became tired for any reason it showed itself in a slight limp, noticeable only to her hyper-vigilant family. Now she was getting ready to go to University, and all the old mollycoddling was raising it’s head again. Her trunk was packed with the new clothes she had bought in Interlaken – jeans and jumpers mainly over the objections of her mother, who wanted to get all sorts of smart outfits totally inappropriate for student life. Luckily Phil had had the support of Felicity, who had a better idea of student life than their mother, and she had enough casual clothes to blend in with everyone else. However, now that her departure was imminent, her mother was worried about her ability to cope with the rigours of university life, and Phil had been forced to leave the house before she lost her temper. Now she was sitting on a rock high up the slope above the school, and out of sight of any casual observer.
“Why can’t they give me the credit for knowing my own limitations?” she wondered, knowing that it was mostly loving concern that prompted the fussing. “You’d think that all those years of hockey and lacrosse would have helped, but it hasn’t.”
She gazed out over the tops of the pine trees at the Jungfrau towering into the blue sky, with it’s permanent cap of snow without really seeing it. Being the youngest didn’t help the situation either, she knew. Her mother never had produced the quads she had been threatening everyone with, and Geoff and Phil remained the youngest of her long family, except for Marie-Claire, one of the many adoptees.
She was so lost in thought that she failed to notice the new arrival until she was butted imperiously in the shoulder. She looked up and saw a horse; not an ordinary horse by any stretch of the imagination. He (for the horse was a stallion) was a pure gleaming white with not a trace of grey anywhere in his coat. His eyes were even more striking, for they were blue, with an intelligence far greater than she would have expected a horse to show. And his hooves were a shining silver. He was wearing a saddle and bridle, also white, and was waiting for her to come to her senses with what seemed to be barely concealed impatience.

Author:  Sugar [ Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:43 pm ]
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the only White horse I know is the transformed Donkey in Shrek and it aint that!!!! :oops:

Author:  Pat [ Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:47 pm ]
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You're right - it isn't! :twisted:

Author:  Lesley [ Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:20 pm ]
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Valdemar! :lol:

Wonderful Pat. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Liane [ Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:22 pm ]
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I had the same thought as Sugar :oops:

Author:  Pat [ Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:22 pm ]
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I thought you might know this one Lesley! It's obvious if you read the books!

Author:  Sugar [ Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:27 pm ]
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Pat wrote:
It's obvious if you read the books!

I still think you ought to cross it over with Shrek as well! :wink:

Author:  Dawn [ Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:49 pm ]
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Sugarplum wrote:
Pat wrote:
It's obvious if you read the books!

I still think you ought to cross it over with Shrek as well! :wink:

Ohh yes - or do an alternative one with Shrek :lol:

Author:  Kathy_S [ Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Ooh, yes, classic Valdemar. :D

Author:  Jennie [ Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great, Valdemar! I can just see Jo tryiong to stop Phil.

Author:  Pado [ Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:08 pm ]
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A Companion? Cooool!

Author:  Elle [ Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:58 pm ]
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Could someone explain to me what all this means? Thanks!

Author:  Pat [ Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:28 pm ]
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Valdemar is a country in a series of books written by Mercedes Lackey. Some other things about the place will become clearer I hope.

Phil managed to pull her wits together and reached up to stroke the wonderful creature.
“Where did you come from?” she asked, expecting no reply.
:From Valdemar of course: came the surprising response.
“What did you say?” gasped Phil, not sure that she had heard aright. And surely that voice was in her head, not spoken aloud.
:I said that I came from Valdemar. You did ask: said the voice plaintively. :May we go now?:
“Go? Go where?”
:To Valdemar of course. You are my Chosen, and you are needed. Especially now that magic has returned, as you have particularly strong potential:
Phil just stared in thunderstruck amazement. Then she found her voice to state her objections.
“I’m going to go to England to University,” she said. “And I have no idea where this Valdemar is. It was never mentioned in geography.”
:I don’t suppose it was: said the horse. :Nevertheless it exists, and a place is waiting for you in the Herald’s Collegium.:
“I do not believe this!” said Phil, getting to her feet. “And what on earth Mamma will say when I try to tell her I dread to think! I don’t suppose you have a name?”
:Darriel is my name. I shall come with you to your mother and she will understand. No one has ever refused a Companion:
“Just what are you?” demanded Phil. “Not an ordinary horse, that’s for sure.”
:No, obviously not. As to what we are, that is something that we do not talk about. Companions and their Chosen protect Valdemar from it’s enemies. We communicate by Mindspeech, which is what we are doing now, and some Heralds have other powers too. You, for example, have the potential to be a powerful Mage Herald, and there are very few of those. Now may we please go and see your family so that I may explain, and you may have the chance to gather your things together. We have a very long journey ahead of us.:

Author:  Lesley [ Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:54 pm ]
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Yes, can't actually see that this will be as easy as Darriel seems to think! :roll:

Thanks Pat.

Author:  JustJen [ Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:58 am ]
Post subject: 

I can't wait to read more! hint hint

Author:  Jennie [ Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:49 pm ]
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Darriel obviously hasn't met Jo!

Author:  Miranda [ Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

What a fantastic combination!! I have only read a few Mercedes Lackey, but from what i can remember you've captured her style very well :)

Lucky lucky Phil to have a Companion (and i so love the way the *think/talk*)

Thank you Pat.

Author:  francesn [ Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

*adds this to list of books to read*

I am very intrigued.

Thanks Pat

Author:  Kate [ Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Also intrigued. I've never read Mercedes Lackey, but I've heard a lot about her. I must give her a try.

Thanks Pat! :)

Author:  Karry [ Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow! A cross over with one of my favourite authors! *sits to wait for more!*

Author:  Jennie [ Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is great, I want more of it!

I've just bought the 'Herald Mage' books today.

Author:  Pat [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:09 pm ]
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“I rrreally think that I ssshould go with you,” said a very strange voice coming from somewhere behind her. “Perrrhapsss I can perrrsssuade herrr motherrr betterrr than eitherrr of you.”
Phil swung round in surprise and nearly screamed in shock at what she saw. It looked like a creature out of some sort of mythology, for it seemed like a huge bird, with a wicked-looking beak and extremely sharp talons on its feet. But it could speak - not like a parrot imitating human speech, but expressing its own thoughts.

“W - what are you?” she stammered.

“I am a Grrryphon. A wonderrrful crrreation designed by a verry famous Mage. I am called Kelvrrrenon, and I claim dessscent from Skandrrranon homssself!”

“I see,” said Phil doubtfully, aware that Darriel was chuckling quietly in her mind. She wondered what her parents would make of her two new acquaintances, especially the Gryphon.

:Get onto my back and we will go and see your parents. The magic will not allow us to remain here indefinitely you know: said Darriel when he’s stopped laughing.
Phil scrambled into the saddle hoping that she could stay there and not fall off. The whole experience was turning into a weird sort of dream, even though she knew she was awake, and she felt that all she could do was go with what was happening. Darriel seemed to pick up the right direction from her mind and set off in a brisk trot that the Gryphon matched effortlessly. Almost before she knew it they had arrived at Freudesheim, and the small party stopped at the bottom of the small flight of steps leading to the front door. Jo must have heard them coming for she appeared at the door just as Phil slid down off Darriel’s back.

Author:  Karry [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bliss! Gryphons as well!

Author:  Vikki [ Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh dear, I'm thinking I may have to investigate these books now.....
Pat, you have a LOT to answer for.....

Author:  Lesley [ Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Joey's going to have a heart attack now, isn't she? :lol:

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Kathy_S [ Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Vikki wrote:
Oh dear, I'm thinking I may have to investigate these books now.....
Pat, you have a LOT to answer for.....

There are only about 25 of them, Vikki. I'm sure you can cram them in. :lol:

A gryphon, and herald mages possible.... Hmm, so either very recent or before the cataclysm....

More, please?

Author:  Vikki [ Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kathy_S wrote:
Vikki wrote:
Oh dear, I'm thinking I may have to investigate these books now.....
Pat, you have a LOT to answer for.....

There are only about 25 of them, Vikki. I'm sure you can cram them in. :lol:

Oh help!!!

*glares at Pat...* :roll:

Author:  Pat [ Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:05 pm ]
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Never mind Vikki. You didn't have to read this drabble though did you? :twisted: :wink:

Author:  Pat [ Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

When she saw who was with Phil her face went white and she swayed alarmingly, before dropping into a heap on the porch steps. Phil ran towards her, but Jo decided that this was too important to allow herself to collapse completely, and pulled herself into a sitting position.
“What on earth are those creatures?” she demanded. “And what are you doing with them? You could have been killed! That thing that looks like some sort of bird is dangerous.”

“I am dangerrrousss Madam, verry dangerrrousss. It would be mossst unwissse to crosss me.”

Jo nearly passed out at hearing speech coming from such a creature, but Phil spoke before she could respond.
“This is Darriel and Kevrenon Mamma. They have come from a place called Valdemar, and they want me to go back there with them. Oh, and Darriel says that you should take no notice of that boastful bird,” she finished with a giggle.

“Darriel says? Is he that horse? How can a horse speak?” said Jo scornfully. “He’s just an animal!”

“Darriel isn’t exactly a normal horse, and I can hear him very well. He uses Mindspeech.”

“Mindspeech? Never heard of it! And you’re not going anywhere with things like that! It was bad enough you wanting to go to university, as delicate as you are, but I’ve never heard of that place you mentioned. I should never have a moments peace if you went.”

:Your daughter is needed:

From the shock on Jo’s face Phil could see that Darriel had spoken directly to her mother regardless of her abilities at Mindspeech, and that it had left her totally speechless for once in her life..

Author:  Lesley [ Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh good! :lol:

Thanks Pat.

Author:  Phil [ Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll have to start reading those books. This is good!

Author:  Pat [ Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:35 pm ]
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Jo sat down rather abruptly on the steps and looked from her daughter to Darriel and back again. She was white, and her eyes were like black coals in her face, which Phil knew was never a good sign. It was usually the prompt for her father to give her mother a little does and send her to bed. This time he wasn’t around, and Jo had to cope with the shock on her own.

“I did hear that, didn’t I? I wasn’t imagining it?”

“No Mamma. Darriel spoke to you. I’m going to get my things together, and then I’m going with him. I’m sorry, but I have to go. You must see that Darriel and Kevrenon wouldn’t have come all this way for me if it wasn’t important.”

With those words she disappeared into the house, leaving Jo still bereft of speech sitting staring at her unusual visitors. Inside, she found her brother Geoff, who had been an interested spectator.

“You’re really going, aren’t you Sis?” he asked.

“Yes I am Geoff. It’s as if everything has come right very suddenly, and I can’t not go. I’ll miss you though.”

Geoff just nodded and gave her one of his rare hugs, before pushing her away in the direction of the stairs.

“Go on then, get your things and go before Mum realises what’s happening and has hysterics. “

Phil grinned and ran upstairs where she grabbed the basic essentials and a couple of things to remind her of home and was down again in a very few minutes. Her mother was still sitting there, looking like a stranded fish, so she gave her a quick hug and a kiss, and ran down to join Darriel. Geoff was standing at the door when she looked up and he gave her a grin and a wave to get on with it. Phil climbed onto Darriel’s back, and the three turned and began to run through the trees towards the slopes leading up the mountain. Gradually the trees thickened and began to change into types that Phil had never seen before, and then suddenly the ground levelled off and the trees thinned. Ahead she could see a town with what looked like a palace complex to one side.

:That’s Haven. We’re nearly there now. Don’t be afraid Phil. Everything will be fine.:

“I’m not really afraid Darriel, just nervous. But I told Geoff that this felt right, and it still does. How can I be afraid of that?”

Author:  Lesley [ Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yahaaa! More Valdemar. I've recently been on a marathon buying of books on Amazon - now have every book of the Valdemar universe and head full of stories I want to write about them! :lol:

Thanks Pat - good for Phil. :lol:

Author:  Kathy_S [ Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice, smooth transition between worlds. :)

Thank you, Pat.

Author:  Rowena [ Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Why have I got the sudden urge to call unborn son Darriel??? :shock:

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