A Christmas Adventure - Advent Drabble for Vikki Part One

Author:  Secret Santa [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  A Christmas Adventure - Advent Drabble for Vikki Part One

It was the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse ...................... so starts the well loved Christmas story - but actually in this story that would be a white lie because a creature was stirring.

It was Vikki, in one hand she had a large piece of paper and in the other a huge canvas bag. She peered at the list 'Abseling rope' she muttered and rushed into the garage and after rummaging in the only cupboard in there she emerged triumphantly waving a piece of old clothes line. Pushing the rope into the bag she peered at the list again 'Baileys' she read and rushed off into dining-room to check the sideboard cupboard. This seemed even harder to find and she finally ran it to earth in a cupboard in the kitchen where it had languished since last Christmas. This joined the rope in the bag and was soon followed by copious amounts of chocolate and some carrots, her cameras, a winter hat, scarf and gloves a first-aid kit (no Chalet girl ever goes on an expedition without one) a wee teddy bear called Honeycombe, a map, compass, a torch and a big stick. Somehow the stick got entangled in the tinsel from the Christmas tree but finally it joined the rest of the stuff in the canvas bag. Vikki struggled to lift the bag but she finally managed it wishing all the time she had borrowed a rucsack off some of her guiding friends and put it down near the fireplace in the sitting-room.

Suddenly a clock began to chime and Vikki paused counting the chimes 23:45 she thought, I'm ready just in time. She put the bag down in the corner by the fireplace and settled herself in the huge armchair nearby. The reason for these preparations had been born in disappointment. Vikki had always wanted to see Santa Claus. Last year she had prepared by working late shifts and early shifts in the hope that she would be able to sit up all night but to no avail as she had slept all through his visit, so this year she had decided not only to stay awake to watch him but she was hoping to follow him onto the roof so she could see the reindeer flying and maybe see him deliver some presents.

As she sat in the chair snuggled in a blanket (the fire was out for obvious reasons) she began to yawn and get very sleepy. A slight noise made her jump it sounded like feet on the roof. Straining her ears to their utmost and trying hard not to utter squeaks of excitement she heard noises in the chimney. Then there was a bump and there he was Santa Claus shaking the soot of his red suit and standing in the fireplace, he reached behind him and out came a big brown sack. Delving into his sack Santa placed lots of presents under the tree, then he looked round the room he saw the plate with the mince pie and the glass of milk – he took a bite of the pie and drained the milk. He picked up the carrot lying nearby and put it in his pocket for the reindeer. Then he picked up his sack and with a hop and a skip made his way back up the chimney. As Santa disappeared Vikki grabbed her bag and going to the fireplace she looked up into the gloom. Reaching as far as she could she began to pull herself up but as she searched with her foot for a foothold, Vikki realised she was whizzing up the chimney at a great rate of knots so fast actually that she shot out of the chimney and nearly fell off the end of the roof and it was only sticking her feet into the gutterpipe that saved her. At first she thought her efforts had been in vain and she had missed him but a low cough made her look next door and she was just in time to see Santa disappearing down next door's chimney. Quickly she reached intto her bag and pulled out her abseiling rope. Nervous fingers took a while to make a noose but she finally managed it and closing her eyes and gritting her teeth she hurled her rope (yes dear reader she remembered to keep a hold of the other end) and the tautening of the rope told her it had reached its target. Quickly she fastened the end she was holding to a nearby tv aerial and she set off across her rope bridge, half way across nerves nearly got the better of her but she did so want to see Santa close-up and see him deliver some presents and as this was the only way she could do it she had to get on with it. Soon she was standing in the shadows on the next roof a quick pull released the rope and she pushed it back in the bag with all the other stuff just as Santa came back out of the chimney, he put the sak back in the sleigh and went to feed the reindeer the carrot he had just collected for them. Whilst he was busy Vikki slipped into the sleigh between Santa's seat and the big sack of presents as she had decided that not only did she want to see the reindeer fly she wanted to fly with them. The sleigh creaked as Santa got in and settled himself down.

'Now then lads this is the last house in this village now we are off to mumble mumble.'

To Vikki's ears Santa sounded like a British Rail announcer as she missed where they were going but who cares she thought I'm in Santa's sleigh flying with the reindeer. Flying indeed they were, Vikki forgot to be cautious as she peeped over the side of the sleigh and watched the fields flying past. There were short stops at various lonely farmhouses and longer stops at villages and even longer stops at towns. Vikki discovered Santa didn't always land on every house in some places where the houses were close together he stopped at one end and hopped from roof to roof only getting back in the sleigh at the end of the street.

One thing puzzled Vikki, every time Santa lifted the sack out of the sleigh it was as full as the last, it never ever seemed to get any less. She decided to follow him into the next house and see what happened. As Santa got out of the sleigh Vikki followed and keeping to the shadows she followed him down the next chimney and watched as he pulled out a dolls house and a bike as well as various smaller parcels, pull released the rope and she pushed it back in the bag with all the other stuff just as Santa came back out of the chimney, he put the sak back in the sleigh and went to feed the reindeer the carrot he had just collected for them. Whilst he was busy Vikki slipped into the sleigh between Santa's seat and the big sack of presents as she had decided that not only did she want to see the reindeer fly she wanted to fly with them. The sleigh creaked as Santa got in and settled himself down.

'Now then lads this is the last house in this village now we are off to mumble mumble.'

To Vikki's ears Santa sounded like a British Rail announcer as she missed where they were going but who cares she thought I'm in Santa's sleigh flying with the reindeer. Flying indeed they were, Vikki forgot to be cautious as she peeped over the side of the sleigh and watched the fields flying past. There were short stops at various lonely farmhouses and longer stops at villages and even longer stops at towns. Vikki discovered Santa didn't always land on every house in some places where the houses were close together he stopped at one end and hopped from roof to roof only getting back in the sleigh at the end of the street.

One thing puzzled Vikki, every time Santa lifted the sack out of the sleigh it was as full as the last, it never ever seemed to get any less. She decided to follow him into the next house and see what happened. As Santa got out of the sleigh Vikki followed and keeping to the shadows she followed him down the next chimney and watched as he pulled out a dolls house and a bike as well as various smaller parcels, then he ate his mince-pie and drank the milk and put the carrot in his pocket before shouldering the now empty sack and hopping and skipping back up the chimney. Vikki started her laborious climb too and found as last time she whizzed up so fast that she nearly slid past the sleigh and only a well-placed reindeer hoof stopped her. She sneaked back into her place and realised the sack was full again. At the next stop she decided to stay in the sleigh and watch what happened when Santa put the sack back on the sleigh. As soon as Santa disappeared down the chimney she slipped into the space at the back where the sleigh was stored and saw nothing. As she heard him coming back she scrunched up in the corner. Santa dropped the empty sack in and whilst he was feeding the reindeer the sack became full again. Vikki climbed up and peeped inside – yes it was full again with presents. As she heard Santa coming back she slipped back to her hiding place behind Santa's seat and they set off again flying over the countryside. The next time the sleigh stopped Vikki got out as small as she was, she was feeling cramped and went for a walk around. When she got back into the sleigh she found a mince-pie which Santa had obviously dropped, realising how hungry she was, as her chocolate had long been eaten, she munched the pie. When she looked out of the sleigh to see where they were she noticed they were flying over the sea. This gave Vikki a bit of a shock as she grasped the fact that she hadn't a clue where she was nor even with her trusty map and compass (she didn't trust sat navs) would she be able to get home by Good Friday never mind for Christmas.

Author:  Lesley [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Christmas Adventure - Advent Drabble for Vikki Part One

Naughty Vikki - wonder if Santa will take back her pressies? :lol:

Author:  Sugar [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Christmas Adventure - Advent Drabble for Vikki Part One

Brilliant Santa! I knew Vikki wasn't a good girl. Hope she redeems herself before midnight!

Author:  Secret Santa [ Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Christmas Adventure - Advent Drabble for Vikki Part One

Part 2

After what seemed a very long flight this time the sleigh finally landed. After Santa had disappeared down the chimney Vikki decided she had better get out and try and find a way home. This roof was very high – easily the highest they had been on and she couldn't find a way off it, her abseiling rope was far too short. She went over to the chimney but certain sound warned her Santa was on his way back so she abandoned that for a plan and went back to the sleigh. Soon they were off again and Vikki lost count of how many calls they made as she lay worrying in her corner about how to get home, the adventure had suddenly turned very sour.

'Spineless jellyfish,' she muttered to herself. 'There must be away to get home, there must.' As the sleigh made its next stop she got out and had a look round this was another high building with no obvious way down apart from the chimney.

Resigning herself to her fate she settled back into the sleigh to wait for Santa's return. She seemed to wait for ever but Santa did not come back. She began to get cold and rummaged in her bag for her hat, scarf and gloves . Was Santa ever coming back? Another rummage in her bag brought out the forgotten camera, she spent a happy few minutes taking photos of the sleigh and reindeer. Her friends would never believe her adventure without evidence and if it came to the worst she could sell some of the photos to raise money to get home. Still Santa did not come back and even the reindeer were getting restive. Suddenly Vikki saw that Rudolph was watching her and trying to tell her something. He looked straight at Vikki then at the chimney. Vikki stood her ground. Another three times Rudolph glared at Vikki then the chimney, the final time as he looked he made some very loud noises. Vikki wondered if he was trying to tell her something. She moved closed to the chimney and then turned to look at him, he was nodding his head and making pushing forward motions. Vikki went over to the chimney and looked down, there seemed to be something moving inside but it couldn't be Santa as it wasn't making his happy whistling noise it was grunting.

'Perhaps I'd better have a closer look.' Vikki thought.

As she went back to the sleigh for her torch Rudolph got very agitated.

'I'm just getting my torch,' she told him.

As she passed him on her way back to the chimney she showed him the torch and she thought he almost smiled.

Shining the torch down the chimney Vikki got a shock when she saw that the stuck thing in the chimney was indeed Santa Claus, headfirst his legs waving wildly in the air. Trying to keep her shaking hands steady to keep the beam straight she saw his belt had become stuck on something jutting out from the side and his gyrations to free himself had actually twisted it round even more. There was nothing for it she would have to go down and free him. Holding her breath she jumped down the chimney and wriggling round unhooked the belt. With a bump Santa and Vikki landed in the hearth.

'Hello Vikki, I am so glad you came along tonight. This would have been the end of Christmas if you hadn't been here to rescue me, thank you very much.' Santa said as he lay by the fireplace trying to get his breath back.

He reached into his sack and pulled out some parcels which he handed to Vikki to put under the tree. When all were laid out he went over to the table and handed Vikki the plate with the mince pie and when she had eaten it he gave her the glass of milk which she drained to the last drop. Then he took her hand and they hopped and skipped back up the chimney. Back at the sleigh Santa showed Vikki the special knife he had that ensured that each carrot was chopped up so that each reindeer got exactly the same.

As Vikki went back to her seat behind Santa he urged her into the front seat beside him and he even allowed her to take the reins as they flew over the countryside. Completely forgetting she had no idea where they were or how she was going to get home Vikki began to really enjoy herself. Santa even allowed her to take a photograph or six of him with his sack, beside the sleigh he even allowed
her to photo the reindeer. The only thing he wouldn't let her do was take photos of him in the chimney, gently telling her they wouldn't come out as it was too dark.

Finally they could see the sky beginning to lighten and smothering a yawn Santa said 'Two more calls to go then home for a long sleep before starting to prepare for next year and doing it all over again.'

Plucking up her courage Vikki decided to tell Santa she had no way of getting home.

'Don't worry my dear, I will go home that way and drop you off,' Santa said.

The sleigh made a huge sweep to the right and Vikki saw Big Ben in the distance and realised she would soon be home.

'Thank you very much for a pleasant evening,' she began her good manners coming to the fore.

' Think nothing of it, you saved Christmas,' Santa replied. 'But Vikki next time you try to hitch a ride remember the person who keeps the naughty and nice list sees everything.'

'Yyy yoyyyyou mean you knew all the time I was here?' Vikki stuttered.

'Yes my dear, how else do you think you'd have managed to get up the chimneys? Oh and by the way my sack is filled by mumble mumble mumble.'

Back into public announcement mode Vikki fumed but as Santa had been so nice she didn't dare ask what he had actually said.

The sleigh began to slow down and Santa handed Vikki a bag.

'Put your arms through the straps and be ready to jump when I say so.'

Vikki did as she was told and saw a cord coming out of the front of the bag.

'This is a parachute, we cannot land on the same roof twice in a Christmas, so we will drop you down your home chimney. If you do exactly what I say you will be fine. After you jump, count slowly to ten and pull the cord'

Vikki nodded too scared to speak.

'Ready steady jump.'

Vikki grabbed her bag and jumped, counted to ten and found herself floating down her own chimney, the parachute floating above her. Instead of landing in the fireplace she found herself in the chair where she had waited for Santa to arrive. Wearily Vikki stood up to go to bed and as she did so she thought she heard a voice saying 'Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.'

Getting into bed she remembered she hadn't picked up the parachute, oh well she would do that in the morning. But in the morning the parachute wasn't there. Just before lunch when they were clearing away all the wrapping paper, tags and ribbons a small package was found unopened. The tag read 'To Vikki from Santa'. When Vikki opened it she found a photo of Santa on a roof feeding carrots to the reindeer. Real? Digitally enhanced? Taken by Vikki?

I am sorry but that is for me and Vikki to know!

And our lips are sealed.

Author:  Vikki [ Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Christmas Adventure - Advent Drabble for Vikki Part One

Thank you very much Santa! What a wonderful drabble! :D :D :D :D
(although you've obviously never seen our garage! You can't even get in it, let alone FIND anything in there! :wink: )

Author:  Kathy_S [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Christmas Adventure - Advent Drabble for Vikki Part One

And why haven't we seen these photos? :lol:

Author:  Emma A [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Christmas Adventure - Advent Drabble for Vikki Part One

*lucky Vikki to have such a ride*

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