Frieda - Head Girl

Author:  Joyce [ 02 Oct 2007, 12:59 ]
Post subject:  Frieda - Head Girl

Frieda was one of the my favourite characters and I always wanted her to be more of a leader.

So ... this is my version of what might have happened in Chalet School and Jo.

"And our new Head Girl is ... Frieda Mensch!"

There was a gasp from the assembled Chalet girls as they turned as one to look at their new leader who was making her way to the stage. A slight scattering of applause came just a second too late for Frieda not to know that it was an afterthought.

“Congratulations!” Madge said warmly, pinning the Head Girl badge to Frieda's tie while inwardly hoping her obvious approval would cover up the awkward moment.

“Thank you, Madame,” Frieda mumbled.

She turned to face the girls and gulped at the sea of faces. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Joey, staring fixedly ahead while Marie von Eschenau next to her smiled encouragingly. The knowledge that at least one of her friends was standing by her gave her courage as she gave a little speech of thanks and promised to do her best without a waver in her voice.

Leaving the stage and joining the rest of the Sixth was easy after that and the remainder of the welcome assembly passed in a blur. Afterwards, back in the Sixth common room, the other girls gathered round to congratulate her and Frieda was glad that they had the maturity and poise not to ask the obvious question.

Once again she saw Joey standing slightly apart at one side with Simone Lecoutier loyally next to her, though Frieda thought she caught a slight wistfulness in Simone's gaze. Some part of her mind also registered the fact that for the first time since the school had started, Joey was not the centre of attention and her warm heart ached for her friend.

“Oh why did I agree?” she moaned softly to herself.

[i]A week earlier ...[/i]

“Madge, I really don't want to be Head Girl. Having to grow up and be responsible... I just don't want that!”

“Joey we have been over and over this. You are the obvious choice. You have always been the leader in your form and I think if you put your mind to it, you would make a wonderful Head Girl.

“Think of all the school has given you – it's a chance to give something back. Be a real influence for good in the school.”

Joey refused to look at her sister knowing the look in the soft brown eyes would weaken her resolve. “Madge, I just don't think I am the right person. I'm sorry.” Joey left the room quietly. Behind her Madge sighed, but was still determined to do what was best for the school.

The next few days were tense as the two sisters avoided the main topic on which was on both their minds. Joey grieved that for once in her life she was not able to talk to her sister, while Madge looked thoughtful as she revolved alternative plans in her mind.

A visit to Gisela Marani, first Head Girl of the school and a brand-new mother, brought a welcome break in the tension and when Joey returned she went straight to her sister.

“Madge, I'm sorry I have been so horrible. If you really want me to be Head Girl and think that I'll do a good job, then I'll do it!”

Madge looked stunned and then slowly looked her sister up and down.

“I'm sorry Joey, but since you were so adamantly against the idea, I talked it over with Mademoiselle and she agreed with me that a reluctant Head Girl is the worse possible thing for the school.

“Accordingly we called the Mensch's and offered the position to Frieda who has already agreed to do it. She was reluctant but I promised her that she would have everyone's support. Including ... yours.”

It was Joey's turn to look stunned as she stared at her sister. Frankly, she had never expected her objections to be taken so seriously.

“Joey, I would like you to think about your behaviour the last few days,” Madge said softly. “You have been selfishly only thinking of yourself – how being Head Girl would affect you, not how it would affect the school.

“And are we supposed to beg and plead for you to take on a role that most Chalet girls would love to have? You should have been honoured to be considered!”

Joey looked tearful. Madge had not spoken that way to her in years and in a flash she realised just how badly she had acted.

“I'm sorry Madge,” she said. “I know I haven't behaved as a Chalet girl should. But if I promise to improve, then can I still be Head Girl?”

Madge sighed and wondered where she had gone wrong. “Joey, don't be so childish. You can't just say sorry and expect everything to be fine. I hope you are sorry and I hope you do improve but, no I can't go back on my promise to Frieda.

“What I need you to do now is promise to support her in every way you can. You know she won't have an easy time and your influence will go a long way towards making things smooth for her. Now please leave and think over what I have said.”

For the next few days till school started Joey was on her best behaviour, hoping deep down her sister would change her mind and give her a chance.

Now the announcement had put an end to all her hopes and it would take a while for Joey to adjust.

Author:  Liz K [ 02 Oct 2007, 13:15 ]
Post subject: 

:shock: Oh my goodness!! :shock:

Please please let us have more Joyce, this could prove MOST interesting.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 02 Oct 2007, 13:28 ]
Post subject: 

I have always wanted to see a drabble where Frieda is made Head Girl over Joey.
Thanks Joyce. Am looking forward to this. Personally I think Frieda would make a better Head Girl than Joey

Author:  brie [ 02 Oct 2007, 14:01 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Joyce. I hope Joey comes around and gives her support. Maybe Simone will help to convince her.

Author:  Alison H [ 02 Oct 2007, 14:07 ]
Post subject: 

I'm sure Frieda'll do a great job!

Author:  Fatima [ 02 Oct 2007, 14:14 ]
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I just hope Jo isn't awkward and horrid, though. This is going to be a most interesting term!

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Laura V [ 02 Oct 2007, 14:46 ]
Post subject: 

Go Frieda!! That'll teach you, Jo!

Author:  Rosalin [ 02 Oct 2007, 16:54 ]
Post subject: 

Well I think they've made the right choice for headgirl.

I hope Joey doesn't make things too difficult for Frieda. She's being awfully childish.

Thanks Joyce. I'm another one who would have preferred to see Frieda as headgirl so I'm looking forward to seeing how she gets on.

Author:  JustJen [ 02 Oct 2007, 17:36 ]
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Kudos to Frieda for being named Head Girl.
Hopefully Joey will do the right thing and help Frieda.

Author:  Elbee [ 02 Oct 2007, 18:14 ]
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It's Joey's own fault! I would have liked to see Frieda as head girl too.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Aquabird [ 02 Oct 2007, 19:12 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Joyce, this looks really interesting. Frieda is my favourite of the quartette.

Author:  claireM [ 02 Oct 2007, 20:42 ]
Post subject: 

Joey got exactly what she asked for. Looks good, thanks Joyce.

Author:  Lesley [ 02 Oct 2007, 21:47 ]
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Joey certainly didn't display the maturity required for Head Girl, did she?

Good luck to Frieda. Feel sorry for Simone - she is being torn and obviously wants to support Frieda.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Sunflower [ 02 Oct 2007, 22:17 ]
Post subject: 

Great idea! cant wait to see what happens.

thanks Joyce!!

Author:  Miss Di [ 03 Oct 2007, 06:00 ]
Post subject: 

Good luck to the Peacemaker. Looks like a facinating story!

Author:  Joyce [ 03 Oct 2007, 06:45 ]
Post subject: 

Thank you for the comments. I hope you don't think I am being to hard on Joey. :-)

First Prefect's Meeting

Frieda called a prefect's meeting for the following day. She needed the various jobs to be assigned and prep and cloakroom duties to be give out as quickly as possible.

Keeping busy also helped her ignore a certain sore spot in her heart. So far Joey had yet to say anything to her – good, bad or indifferent. The moment of sympathy Frieda had felt had given way to a flash of anger when she realised that while Joey was not planning on openly opposing her, nor was she going out of her way to help her either.

Certainly Frieda could have spoken to Joey herself and perhaps if she had all that was to happen that term could have been avoided. But Joey was not the only one with some pride. Frieda after all was Head Girl. Why should she be the one to speak first?

Frieda knew that holding her first prefect's meeting would be an ideal way of showing her leadership skills as well as assessing how the other prefects were planning to treat her. But as she walked in the room though, a thought struck her. Joey was not second prefect – that, in a surprising move, had gone to Simone – nor was she games prefect.

So what exactly was she? Frieda thought hard and then it struck her – Joey's name had not appeared on the prefect's list!

She slumped into the Head Girl's chair. Joey was not even a prefect! Though in a cynical moment, Frieda realised that making Simone second prefect was effectively making Joey it as Simone did nothing without Joey's approval.

But Joey had such influence in the school. What would happen when the younger girls realised their natural leader would hold no official position? Supposedly she would stay on as editor of the Chaletian, but that did not carry any real authority.

What Frieda did not realise was that in a flash of temper Joey had sulkily informed her sister that if she could not be Head Girl then she would be nothing at all. Madge, looking her younger sister up and down with narrowed eyes, agreed.

The door opened and other prefects slowly walked in, with Marie and Simone taking up their places on either side of Frieda. Frieda waited till the other five girls were settled and called on Simone to read the minutes of last term's meeting.

Simone gulped and stood up to read the report in her heavily French-accented voice. “Is that everything? Does anyone have anything to add? No? Then I'll sign it,” Frieda said.

“Duties next, I suppose,” Frieda hesitated. What she was about to say would address the elephant in the room they were all trying to ignore. “As Joey is no longer a prefect, then we need a new librarian. Does anyone wish to take over the job?”

There was silence then Sophie Hamel stood up. “I would like to try it, if you will have me,” she said.

“I would be happy to propose Sophie,” said Carla von Flugen. “She has done it on occasion when J-Joey was absent and I think she would do a fine job.”

Frieda noticed the slight hesitation in saying Joey's name but decided she had done the right thing in tackling the problem head on.

“I will second the proposal,” Bianca di Ferrara said.

“Thank you. All in favour?” all the hands round the table went up and Sophie was officially made Library prefect.

The meeting continued smoothly with Carla being made music prefect, Marie games, Simone agreeing to take on form rooms and staff along with her other duties, Vanna di Ricci taking on break duties, Bianca junior duties and Eva von Heiling taking on pets. Stationary was divided among Vanna and Bianca.

Frieda looked down at her notes. The Chaletian was next and she knew what she had to do. “Carla, we need to discuss the Chaletian now. Can you please ask a junior to fetch Joey for us?”

Carla went and the other girls settled down for a quiet talk. Marie under the other girl's chatter spoke quietly to Frieda. “It won't be easy but you are doing a fine job. I'll support you as I have always done.”

Frieda smiled at her. “Thank you Marie. But I hope all the girls will support me and make this term easy.”

Marie hesitated. Should she tell Frieda what she had overheard Joey say the night before?

The door opened and Joey and Carla walked in, Carla having met Joey in the corridor.

“Joey please join us,” Frieda said. “We have to discuss the Chaletian, when you will need the submissions, whether you need extra help – that sort of thing.”

Joey thought. “Well, I still have the library to look after ...”

“Excuse me, Joey, but the library has been given to Sophie,” Frieda said firmly. “You know that is a prefect's job.”

Sophie looked straight at Joey daring her to speak.

“Oh well, then” Joey said with a sarcastic inflection in her voice. “Maybe the Chaletian should be a prefect job too. In fact, perhaps you do not need me at all.”

The other girls gasped and Marie made to speak until Frieda silenced her with a gesture. She had hoped so much it would not come to this but she had prepared a plan in case Joey proved difficult.

“Joey, you know that is not what I meant,” she said softly but firmly. “You have done a wonderful job since you were appointed editor and of course we want you to continue. However, I wonder if it is time for you to start training a successor?”

“Who did you have in mind?” Joey asked curiously.

“Stacie Benson,” Frieda said calmly.

There was a petrified silence. Then: “But she is a very new girl – and she won't even be here this term,” Joey said.

“That doesn't matter,” Frieda said. “Of all the girls you are at the Sonnalpe the most so will be able to take the contributions to her and show her what to do.

“Girls! I know Stacie left an unpleasant impression last term but she's not a bit like that now and it will keep her occupied while she recovers at the Sonnalpe. She made a bad beginning and we should give her a hand if we can and this would be a nice way of keeping her in touch with the school. Please, won't you back me up?”

“I will,” Marie said. “I know we can trust Joey not to let the Chaletian down (this last said somehow without a trace of irony) and if Stacie is not good at the job we can always replace her later. However I think she will do her very best for us.”

This turned the tide as Frieda knew it would. The other girls probably did not care about Stacie either way – it was the unspoken battle between Frieda and Joey that was being fought. Marie had shown where she stood and now the other prefects fell in line.

Joey looked a tad bewildered. To not agree would mean going against the will of the entire prefect body and worse, imply that she was not willing to help Stacie. To agree meant ... well, she was not sure what it meant.

She nodded and agreed. But the look in her eye was hard as she gazed at the Head Girl.

The meeting broke up and Sophie went up to Frieda. “I am glad, though perhaps that is not the right word, that you did not back down to Joey,” she said.

“Sophie, Joey is still one of the Sixth, and more importantly, still my friend,” Frieda said though she was glad of Sophie's support.

“Oh of course. But Joey has always had her own way and it is time she realised other people have different ideas and she should respect them,” Sophie said as they walked out of the room.

That night Joey lay tossing and turning in bed. Deep down she knew she had behaved badly and wished with all her heart that she could take back her sarcastic comments. She really did mean to back Frieda up but the sight of the Head Girl's badge on her tie, caused all the worse feelings in her to rise up.

Simone was lying awake very unhappy. She adored Joey and had never once gone against her beloved friend. But for the first time, she questioned Joey's actions and wondered where they would lead.

Marie firmly closed the curtains surrounding her bed. The scene at the prefect's meeting had been unpleasant but hopefully it would be the end of any future attempts by Joey to question Frieda. Marie, who was by no means as soft as she looked, was sad Joey could not accept the new Head Girl, but she was not going to join her in any rebellious attempts to question Frieda's authority.

Frieda lay awake biting her lips hard trying not to cry as she thought over the years of friendship with Joey. How had it come to this?

Author:  Liz K [ 03 Oct 2007, 09:16 ]
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:cry: :? :cry: :?

Author:  Alison H [ 03 Oct 2007, 09:32 ]
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This is going to be very hard for Frieda and Marie and Simone.

Author:  Rosalin [ 03 Oct 2007, 10:15 ]
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I'm glad to see that Simone is working with Frieda. I hope being second prefect is good for her, but I do feel very sorry for her. Frieda and Marie too.

Sophie's assessment of Jo was good, it's interesting that she'd seen it. Maybe not everyone really adored Jo, they just didn't get the air time to say so!

I could just see Jo, in a fit of temper, saying she didn't want to be a prefect and then being resentful when she wasn't.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 03 Oct 2007, 10:22 ]
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Alison H wrote:
This is going to be very hard for Frieda and Marie and Simone.

This is and it does say in camp that Joey and Frieda had never disagreed on anything in all there years of friendship so this will truly test their friendship as nothing else has.

Personally, I hope Simone stands by Frieda, not Joey.

And Joyce I find this ver believeable as I couldn't see Jo accepting someone else being made Head Girl over her very easily

Author:  Carys [ 03 Oct 2007, 10:47 ]
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This is really good, I wonder how long Simone will continue to stick by Joey.

Author:  Jennie [ 03 Oct 2007, 12:29 ]
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I think that Joey is getting what she deserves here. She's had too much her own way, and now she's on the outside, not the very centre, she's going to have to grow up and learn to deal with it.

Author:  Lesley [ 03 Oct 2007, 13:32 ]
Post subject: 

Joyce wrote:
Marie hesitated. Should she tell Frieda what she had overheard Joey say the night before?

That seems rather ominous, doesn't it?

This is very much in character, Joyce - Joey did have a temper and could be impulsive - I think this was probably the reason why Madge wouldn't back down and then decided to call Joey's bluff when she said she didn't want to be a Prefect at all.

It's good that Joey does recognise that she is behaving badly and that the Prefects, even Simone, are all backing Frieda.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Billie [ 03 Oct 2007, 13:37 ]
Post subject: 

Oooh, this is really interesting. And much as I love Joey it is nice to see her not being put on a pedestal for once. Oh, but she doesn't like it one bit.

Author:  leahbelle [ 03 Oct 2007, 16:59 ]
Post subject: 

This is really good!

Author:  Fatima [ 03 Oct 2007, 17:05 ]
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Jo is being so petty here. I am glad that the others are supporting Frieda even though it's difficult and uncomfortable for them.

Author:  JustJen [ 03 Oct 2007, 17:34 ]
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I'm glad that the the other prefect are supporting Frieda..
Maybe Joey will open her eyes and realize that she 's just another face in the crowd.

Author:  Jennie [ 04 Oct 2007, 08:32 ]
Post subject: 

Yes, it will be good for her. There are so many times in the early books when Jo tells everyone that her sister own the school, ot hat she has forewarning because 'my sister told me'.

Author:  Róisín [ 04 Oct 2007, 13:03 ]
Post subject: 

Have just caught up with this - I like it - you've done very well to include all the details of what did happen, but twisted them around. More please! :D

Author:  brie [ 04 Oct 2007, 18:19 ]
Post subject: 

This is really good thanks Joyce. I hope the quartettes friendship is not ruined now though.

Author:  Tara [ 04 Oct 2007, 23:13 ]
Post subject: 

Really interesting! Even Simone's adoration is beginning to slip - well, they're all growing up, except poor Joey. I'm so disappointed that she didn't have the bigness of heart to be the first to congratulate Frieda and make it all right for her. Doesn't augur well.

Author:  Joan the Dwarf [ 05 Oct 2007, 09:52 ]
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But on the other hand, what is Joey going to grow up for? Now she's turned down Head Girl, there's nothing to make her grow up, she's not going on to University or marriage, as is made very clear in the books. Maybe here they'll pack her off to Belsornia... :D

Author:  Jennie [ 05 Oct 2007, 13:01 ]
Post subject: 

Part of her growing up will be to realise that if she continues with this attitude, she won't have any friends left at all. She's the one who keeps saying that the School is the important thing.

Author:  Joyce [ 05 Oct 2007, 14:59 ]
Post subject: 

this is a really long update for the weekend! :D

The start of it all…

The next few weeks were peaceful enough. Joey settled down among the rest of the Sixth and the school got used to having quiet Frieda Mensch in charge instead of quicksilver carefree Joey.

Some of the older more thoughtful ones also realised what Sophie had voiced that night of the prefect’s meeting – it was actually nice to be able to express their own opinion rather than following the forceful Joey en masse.

Frieda herself was also careful to conscientiously carry out her duties and the other prefects backed her up. Simone breathed a sigh of relief that she was not forced to take sides. Though Frieda’s worse fears had come to light – her second was forever asking Joey’s advice before acting. Accordingly Frieda turned more and more to Marie for advice and the old quartet was divided against itself.

When the trouble began it was because of a very small thing. But on such small events is the world shaken.

Margia Stevens, the head of the middles, was late for class. As always she had put play before work and was late to prep. When she finally showed up, she realised she had forgotten two books and her mapping pen.

Her attempts to borrow one caused an uproar when she leaned over too far to ask her neighbour causing her desk with full inkpot to tilt over. By the time the furore had died down, Frieda was well roused and Margia caught the sharp end of her tongue.

Sitting at her desk in the empty classroom where she was condemned to stay and finish her prep, punishment lines for Frieda and the knowledge that she had two order marks to hand in, Margia was fuming.

“It’s not fair,” she muttered. “Frieda never gets in trouble so she has no idea what it is like to be well…less than organised.”

“Less than organised?” a voice said from the doorway. “Don’t you mean messy?” Joey entered the room. “What’s wrong Margie?”

Margia told her. “Margia, Frieda only treated you as you deserved,” Joey said. “Though …. perhaps she was a bit harsh.”

Margia looked up. Suddenly she remembered what Joey had said at the beginning of term. Something about Frieda being so soft that she would have to be extra strict to have any real control over the younger girls.

“Well, I guess I asked for it,” she said slowly.

Joey hesitated. This was the perfect chance to back up the Head Girl to the hilt. Instead she said: “Well, Frieda has never really had any position of authority in the school. So she’s still learning how far she can go,” she said. “On the other hand, there are other people in the school who are used to being in charge. Maybe ….”

Joey stopped suddenly, slightly scared at what she had said. “Get to work, Margia,” she said leaving the room quickly.

“It was only a comment,” Joey said to herself. “Margia won’t even remember it tomorrow.”

It was only a comment. But it was enough.

The next day Margia handed in her lines and Frieda accepted them with a smile and small reminder of the need to be more organised. Margia grimaced slightly but she had come to her senses and knew she deserved all she got from the Head Girl.

It was therefore slightly unfortunate that the next incident was also to involve Margia.

Little Amy Stevens was one of the youngest girls in the school. Very quiet, she generally followed where others, especially her sister led. Her small heart though yearned for one thing – to be able to play tennis with the ‘big girls’. She was always to be found at the tennis courts watching them play and occasionally acting as ball boy.

On this occasion however, Marie was demonstrating a very hard fast stroke to the Middles and soon tennis balls were flying here, there and everywhere.

Frieda who had come to give Marie a hand supervising, suddenly saw Amy dart across the court after a stray ball. “Amy, please be careful.”

She went over to the small girl. “Perhaps you should leave the court,” she suggested. It was unlucky that at that moment Evadne Lannis called to her and Frieda left Amy to her own devices.

“Frieda didn’t actually tell me to leave,” Amy thought. “Just to be more careful.”

Amy stayed and somehow managed to avoid being seen by Frieda. Suddenly a ball hit fast and wild struck her full in the face. She yelled loudly and the girls immediately stopped play.

“Amy!” Margia ran across to her younger sister. “Let me see.” A bruise was rapidly developing across the girl’s face and Margia’s lips tightened when she saw how close the ball had come to hitting her sister in the eye.

“But I told Amy to leave. Why is she still here?” Frieda looked bewildered and unfortunately a little lost.

“What do you mean?” Marie asked.

“I saw her and thought it was too dangerous for her. I told her to leave the courts.”

“But you didn’t!” Amy wailed. “You never actually said to leave…” Her voice trailed off.

Margia glared at Frieda. “If you were any real kind of Head Girl, this wouldn’t have happened. A real Head Girl knows how to be in charge!”

Marie decided it was time for her to intervene. “Margia, that’s enough! It was an accident and could have happened when anyone was in charge. You know it wasn’t Frieda’s fault. Now come with me and we’ll take Amy to Matron.”

Margia went seething. Once her sister was safely with Matron she went straight to the Middle’s common room and let fly. Suddenly the comments that Joey made at the beginning of term made perfect sense. Frieda couldn’t take charge – even a simple thing like asking a girl to leave the tennis courts was beyond her – so she shouldn’t be Head Girl.

Meanwhile Frieda was shocked at what had happened. She HAD asked Amy to leave so what had gone wrong? Suddenly she realised that given Amy’s mild obsession with watching the tennis, a suggestion was not enough. She should have personally escorted the girl off the courts or at least to a safer vantage point to watch.

She resolved to be more careful and treat all the girls as individuals when dealing with them rather than a collective mass.

But by this stage though it was too late - the mischief was done!

Author:  JustJen [ 05 Oct 2007, 15:49 ]
Post subject: 

Oh no Joey, why did you say that?

Thnaks Joyce.

Author:  Fatima [ 05 Oct 2007, 16:01 ]
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Poor Frieda, she doesn't deserve this at all. I only hope that Jo will be sorry in the end.

Author:  Rosalin [ 05 Oct 2007, 16:32 ]
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Oh dear, poor Frieda. Jo shouldn't have said what she did, but at least she realised that.

Sounds like a difficult time ahead for Frieda.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Alison H [ 05 Oct 2007, 16:34 ]
Post subject: 

Poor Frieda - but we all make mistakes.

Author:  Carys [ 05 Oct 2007, 16:43 ]
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Poor Frieda, I hope she doesn't have too bad a time with the middles.

Author:  brie [ 05 Oct 2007, 16:46 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Joyce. Poor Frieda and stupid Joey

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 05 Oct 2007, 23:09 ]
Post subject: 

I'm disappointed in Simone. I wished she was showing more backbone, because now she'll have to after this event. And what Joey also failed to point out both Gisela and Bernhilda were quiet people yet managed as prefects beautifully. She shoul never have said what she did and Marie was right, it was an accident that could happen to anyone

Author:  Tara [ 05 Oct 2007, 23:20 ]
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I'm so disppointed in Joey. She knows Frieda's worth too well to undermine her like that. I suspect that a lot of damage will have been done before she truly comes to her senses. Such a shame.

Author:  leahbelle [ 06 Oct 2007, 15:15 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, Joyce. Poor Frieda.

Author:  Jennie [ 07 Oct 2007, 14:55 ]
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Poor Frieda. Jo just hasn't any common-sense, has she? That sort of thing soon gets a bad reputation for a school, and then where will she be? Not somewhere where she's listened to because her sister owns the school.

Author:  Holly [ 07 Oct 2007, 16:07 ]
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This is shaping up really well; I love the way Frieda isn't instantly a perfect, confident Head Girl and the way all the other characters aren't instantly and cheerfully accepting her. She's settling into the role, but I think that she'll make a fantastic Head Girl, one of the best. I like that most of the other prefects are supporting her and I hope that Simone comes around and realizes exactly how unreasonable Joey is being, and that she doesn't allow her to dictate her actions as Second Prefect.

Joey is particularly well-written; I could see her reacting like this to having someone else as Head Girl and I'm very glad that Madge didn't let her have the job when she changed her mind - given her extreme reluctance to miss out on the "fun" for her last year, I would probably have opted for another candidate anyway; Frieda and Marie would both have been good choices. Unfortunately for Joey, since the other girls would have expected her to be Head Girl - who didn't predict from the first book that Joey would be Head Girl one day? - and it has to be embarrassing and uncomfortable to know that they'll be wondering why she isn't.

Is her not being a prefect anymore a punishment for refusing to be Head Girl, by the way, an oversight or does Madge think that she isn't suitable for the job, given her reluctance to take on the role of Head Girl?

Author:  Rosalin [ 07 Oct 2007, 16:32 ]
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I think Joyce wrote that once Joey had changed her mind about being Head Girl she then said she wasn't willing to be a prefect if she couldn't be Head Girl.

Author:  Holly [ 07 Oct 2007, 17:21 ]
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Rosalin wrote:
I think Joyce wrote that once Joey had changed her mind about being Head Girl she then said she wasn't willing to be a prefect if she couldn't be Head Girl.

Very short-sighted of Joey; after having been a prefect previously, I would say that the other girls would assume that she had been removed from prefectship as punishment or because she had proven unsuitable. Even if they thought that she had refused the job because she couldn't be Head Girl, it would make her look petty.

She's setting herself up for a very unhappy last year - and not just for herself.

Author:  alicat [ 08 Oct 2007, 11:18 ]
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This is excellent I always liked joey the schoolgirl much better than Joey the perfect mum and this is so in character

Author:  Joyce [ 08 Oct 2007, 15:23 ]
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Thank you for the comments.

BTW, I was thinking last night that as it was a games practice then technically Marie was in charge not Frieda. Maybe Marie should have pointed that out to Margia. Oh well ... :-)

And yes, I wanted Joey to just be a normal sixth former - not even a prefect. I wanted Madge to have a moment of understanding about her little sister and how selfish she could be when she didn't get her own way.

Anyway, here's the next bit.


The weeks go by

Over the next few weeks there was an undercurrent of tension in the school. Margia’s outburst had had an affect and even when she calmed down she did not take back her remarks about Frieda. Though not a bad girl, Amy’s accident had given her a grudge against Frieda and it would be many a long day before she could see straight where the Head Girl was concerned.

But the gossip was all that was needed to make some of the more thoughtless Middles restless – after all, if a girl was not fit to be Head Girl, then it was the same as if she wasn’t. Wasn’t it?

Prep supervision became more difficult as prefect after prefect was disturbed and more than once lost control over the girls. When appealed to, Frieda was at a loss of what advice to give other than telling them to maintain a firm grip. Seeing her hesitation the other prefects started to mutter among themselves, though Marie stood loyally by her side.

And once again Marie was aware that Joey was making strange comments which, while they could not be taken as a direct criticism of Frieda, nor were they rousing approval. It seemed that every single time something that the prefects were in charge of went wrong, Joey would find a way to somehow make it bigger than it was.

She started to tremble if so much as a cup was dropped, knowing the other girl would find some way to blame the prefects. Worse, as Joey never directly said anything, Marie could not openly confront her. It was the sneakiness of it all that worried her, though she also found time to wonder how Joey, who had always been so straight, had found a way to go so wrong.

Simone who certainly heard more than her fair share of Joey’s critical comments, was back to being very unhappy. A sensitive girl, Joey’s friendship was everything to her. But Frieda and the school needed her as well. Torn as she was, Simone did the worse thing possible and simply gave up trying.

Frieda tried to rouse her but Simone simply did her duties quietly and quickly and then retreated into herself. The school seeing this, realised their second prefect was no leader either.

Night after night Frieda lay awake wondering what to do agonising over whether to tell Madame. The fact that Joey was Madge’s sister made it that much harder to decide. Would it be regarded as sneaking? Or worse an admission that she was not able to take control. The answer never came and poor Frieda was left foundering in the dark.

Just when things were coming to a head, the question of walk supervision arose. Mademoiselle decided that with so few prefects it was hard on them to forever be supervising the younger girls on walks when occasionally they must like to get away on their own.

Accordingly she decided that the older Middles could be trusted to the supervision of some of the non-prefects in the sixth. The arrangement was met with relief – the prefects liked to get away on their own for walks and the younger girls did not feel so constrained by constantly being under a prefect’s eye though the rest of the Sixth were certainly no pushovers.

Frieda started to feel a bit happier. On the first prefect-only walk Simone had chattered to her in the old way and the other prefects were also as friendly as they had always been. Coming back into the school laughing and flushed with the exercise of another walk she saw a new notice on the board – Joey was to take charge of the next Middle’s walk.

“Oh well, no harm could come from that surely,” Frieda thought and went to the Splashery.

Author:  Alison H [ 08 Oct 2007, 15:53 ]
Post subject: 

Maybe Marie or Simone could try having a quiet word in Joey's shell-like! Hope this walk goes OK.

Author:  Fatima [ 08 Oct 2007, 16:17 ]
Post subject: 

I feel so sorry for Frieda; if only Gisela or someone could come to visit and give her the chance to talk about her problems. Maybe she could go and stay with Bernhilda.

Author:  Elbee [ 08 Oct 2007, 16:26 ]
Post subject: 

Poor Frieda, she could really do with someone to give her some advice.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Carys [ 08 Oct 2007, 16:36 ]
Post subject: 

I'm sure Joey will cause mischief somehow...

Author:  Sarah_K [ 08 Oct 2007, 18:22 ]
Post subject: 

It's strange, in most of the Chalet books if things got to such a situation the Head Girl would go and see Joey for advice (once she was out of school and married, thoguh actually before that too)

At least if it's coming to a head someone else will notice!

Author:  Aquabird [ 08 Oct 2007, 19:33 ]
Post subject: 

Poor Frieda. I hope things get sorted out soon. Thanks, Joyce.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 08 Oct 2007, 20:28 ]
Post subject: 

Poor Frieda. Joey is being a brat. Maybe Frieda and Simone could talk to Mademoiselle. After all Mademoiselle is Simone's cousin and Head of the school. Thanks Joyce

Author:  Jennie [ 08 Oct 2007, 20:40 ]
Post subject: 

Jo, of all people, ought not to be undermining the prefects, and she ought to be ashamed of herself.

Author:  Holly [ 08 Oct 2007, 22:06 ]
Post subject: 

Jennie wrote:
Jo, of all people, ought not to be undermining the prefects, and she ought to be ashamed of herself.

Absolutely. Madge would skin her alive if she knew how she was behaving.

Nice note about Frieda worrying about whether it would be sneaking to tell someone about Joey's behaviour.

It'd be great if Simone grew a spine and told Joey that she was out of line.

Author:  brie [ 09 Oct 2007, 10:11 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Jpyce.

Author:  Billie [ 09 Oct 2007, 11:20 ]
Post subject: 

Joyce wrote:
“Oh well, no harm could come from that surely,” Frieda thought and went to the Splashery.

Sounds like a case of famous last words to me.
This is good stuff. This fits Joey's character, though EBD doesn't show her acting like this exactly, it's consistent.

Author:  Rosalin [ 09 Oct 2007, 18:37 ]
Post subject: 

Poor Frieda :cry: Joey is behaving appallingly here. I can see that going to Madge would be difficult but maybe Mademoiselle. Or even Miss Annersley or Miss Wilson since Simone's behaviour isn't helping either. I've got some sympathy for her though, its not a nice situation for her to be in.

I also got a famous last words feeling from that last line. Will there be an accident or will Joey stir up the Middles even more?

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Lisa [ 09 Oct 2007, 19:44 ]
Post subject: 

Enjoying this very much, with real fleshed-out characters! Thanks! :D

Author:  linda [ 09 Oct 2007, 22:26 ]
Post subject: 

Just picked this up and it's great. I love the idea of Joey getting her own way and not being head girl and then regretting it. It made me think of the saying 'be careful what you wish for'!!

I'm sorry that she's being so spiteful and undermining Frieda's authority. But, I must say that I'm surprised that the staff have not picked up on it yet.

Thanks Joyce, I'm looking forward to the next post.

Author:  Holly [ 10 Oct 2007, 00:15 ]
Post subject: 

linda wrote:
Just picked this up and it's great. I love the idea of Joey getting her own way and not being head girl and then regretting it. It made me think of the saying 'be careful what you wish for'!!

I'm sorry that she's being so spiteful and undermining Frieda's authority. But, I must say that I'm surprised that the staff have not picked up on it yet.

Thanks Joyce, I'm looking forward to the next post.

I'm not; Joey has usually been a pretty good sport throughout her school career, not spiteful or underhanded, so while the staff might anticipate her being upset at not being Head Girl or a prefect - odds are, they would have known that she was the original choice for Head Girl and they'll definitely know about her not being a prefect anymore - I don't see them expecting her to undermine Frieda's (aka. Joey's close friend for the past five years) authority.

At this point, Joey has really only come up against one Chalet girl who actively disliked her (Eustacia) and while it's easy to be friendly and jolly when things are going your way, I could see Joey being capable of being very nasty in this situation, especially if it's allowed to continue and escalate.

Author:  leahbelle [ 10 Oct 2007, 17:03 ]
Post subject: 

Jo's not behaving well at all.

Author:  keren [ 11 Oct 2007, 13:25 ]
Post subject: 

This is a fascinating story

In one of the early books Madge also rebukes her.

She is not a "good" girl in the early books.

Author:  JustJen [ 11 Oct 2007, 19:51 ]
Post subject: 

Rather ironic that Joey has started a whispering compaign against Frieda considering that one of her characters in Cecily does the same thing.

I'm guessing that the staff has no idea what is happening since they assume that Joey is helping Frieda.

A shame that Simone lets Joey do all of her thinking for her.

Author:  Joyce [ 12 Oct 2007, 12:11 ]
Post subject: 

Just a little walk with me...

“This is great!” Margia yelled as she ran along the lake side path.

“Margia, come back or I’ll make you all croc,” Joey called after her.

“All right,” Margia said racing back. “Though be a sport Joey. Frieda always makes us croc and it’s so dull that way.”

Margia who had more than her fair share of brains was well aware that Joey would not like to be compared with Frieda.

Joey took the bait. “Oh really,” she said. “All right, you don’t have to croc but don’t race ahead or lag behind either.”

Margia winked at the others.

The middles continued their walk and as was usual the chatter turned to school gossip and they peppered Joey with questions – would they have a half-term expedition?, what was happening with the new hockey field they had been promised?, what new library books could they expect? Joey started to feel irritated. She, who had always known everything at the school, was forced to admit she didn’t know the answer to any of these questions.

“Maybe you should ask Frieda these things,” she said with an attempt to act nonchalant.

“Oh but Frieda never talks to us in such an easy way,” Ilonka Barkocz said innocently. “The most she has ever said to me was to tell me to pick up my books properly.”

“Yes,” added Elsie Carr. “She is so quiet as well.”

“I think a good Head Girl should know how to show authority as well as be friendly,” said Margia. She held her breath and waited to be rebuked.

Instead Joey grinned. “Margia, it’s not an easy job. Frieda is doing the best she can. But perhaps natural leadership ability is something you can’t acquire…”

She left the sentence hanging. But she had said enough. The middles were bright enough.

“You know how to lead and you are so friendly with us as well. Maybe you should have been Head Girl, Joey” Corney said laughing.

“Yes… why not?” Maria Marani said. She had a great admiration for Joey and had been shocked more than the others when she was not made Head Girl. Needless to say Joey never told Maria exactly why that was.

Joey looked torn. The more sane part of her was telling her that even now she could pull back and tell the girls to behave and support Frieda. But another part said it wasn’t she who had made the suggestion. Not really…

“Girls, we have to turn back now,” she said finally. “And you really will have to croc this time.”

Margia grinned. “Anything we do now,” she thought. “Joey will back us up.”

Author:  Alison H [ 12 Oct 2007, 12:27 ]
Post subject: 

Margia was pretty sneaky there, but it's bound to happen if Joey doesn't back Frieda up ... this could get out of hand very easily.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 12 Oct 2007, 12:45 ]
Post subject: 

Alison H wrote:
Margia was pretty sneaky there, but it's bound to happen if Joey doesn't back Frieda up ... this could get out of hand very easily.

Thanks Joyce.

But then Joey was aware of it and still took the bait anyway. I would have thought Maria would have supported Frieda more as her sister is married to her brother

Author:  Jennie [ 12 Oct 2007, 13:10 ]
Post subject: 

Jo could have stopped all that, but still plunged into it, knowing that her words would incite the naughty Middles.

Author:  Fatima [ 12 Oct 2007, 15:32 ]
Post subject: 

Yes, Jo should have known better than to take Margia's bait. She's being dreadful.

Author:  Rosalin [ 12 Oct 2007, 19:12 ]
Post subject: 

The problem is, despite how we are supposed to idolise Joey, I can see her developing to the point where she behaves like this. It's a real shame. But makes for a good drabble, so silver linings and all that.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Lesley [ 12 Oct 2007, 22:04 ]
Post subject: 

Joey knew what she was doing, yet did it anyway. Wonder what the Middles will say when they hear that the reason Joey isn't Head Girl is because she said she didn't want it - and that she isn't a prefect because she tried to blackmail her sister?

(Another hoping Simone will grow a backbone - and hope Frieda squashes the Middles)

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  JustJen [ 13 Oct 2007, 06:11 ]
Post subject: 

Joey's not much of a chalet girl is she?
Thanks Joyce

Author:  Joyce [ 17 Oct 2007, 15:47 ]
Post subject: 

The Middles cornered

The next walk Frieda finally asked the other prefects for their advice. What to do about the Middles? The answer was simple, they decided, Mademoiselle and Madame would have to be told and a plan was put in place.

That night Mademoiselle received a delegation of Frieda, Simone and Marie in her room and what they had to say shocked her. She immediately promised full support for what the prefects wanted to do and strong disciplinary action for those who refused to behave.

Somehow the three main prefects kept Joey’s name out of it. Simone out of loyalty and Frieda out of shame that her old friend could treat her this way. Marie, who thought Frieda would bring it up, was forced to stay silent.

The next day the school was kept after assembly and told that from now on prep would be mixed – juniors, middles and seniors would take prep together – and no girl could sit next to a girl from the same section of the school.

The non-prefects of the sixth would take prep in their own room as they should be old enough to work without supervision. The prefects who were not on duty could either do prep with them or alone in the prefect’s room.

“I understand this will take some time to get used to,” Frieda said. “The juniors will naturally finish first and I hope I can trust them to leave quietly.” She smiled down at the children who smiled shyly back at her.

“The middles will finish next and I hope they too are old enough to know how to quietly leave a room. And of course the seniors do,” Frieda finished laughing over at the tables where the seniors sat.

“Frieda, may I ask why this is being done?” Joey asked standing in her place.

Marie frowned. It just wasn’t the done thing to question the Head Girl in front of everyone no matter how politely. “Joey could have waited till we were in private,” she thought.

Frieda however was up to the task, and indeed, seemed to be expecting it. “Of course Joey,” she said smoothly. “And I was just getting to that if you would allow me.”

There was a slight titter through the school and Joey sat down her face red.

“It is simply that we feel girls who sit next to their best friends during prep are not doing their work properly. The temptation to play is just too strong, so we have to take that temptation away.”

The middles glanced at each other sideways. They knew exactly who the comments were directed at. Actually the unspoken reason for the mixed prep was that the prefects also thought the middles would be too embarrassed to misbehave in front of the younger juniors.

The new arrangement went into place that night. The prefects made sure the more restless middles were placed next to a responsible senior and the juniors had never really been a problem to start with. Both Frieda and Simone took charge at the first mixed prep session and the girls were impressed at how well they worked together.

The next few weeks to half-term, Frieda was happy to see Simone exerting herself again and, more importantly, was no longer consulting with Joey on everything.

Half term came and the school scattered to various expeditions throughout Austria. The prefects were lucky enough to attend the Passion Play in Oberammergau and, though Joey begged hard to go with them, Mademoiselle would not bend the rules for her. After all, if she let Joey go, she had to, in all fairness, let any other girl go who also wanted to. And perhaps she knew more about the problems Joey had caused that term than the girls realised.

Unfortunately this only made Joey feel worse. The sight of the prefects leaving together laughing and chattering only increased her anger. “Even Simone looks happy that I am not there,” she thought mildly paranoid. The fact that she could so easily have been part of the happy group, did not occur to her.

Joey spent half term on the Sonnalpe where she was shocked to see how frail the Robin was looking. Jem and Madge gently broke to her the news that the Robin was not likely to be able to return to school any time soon – in fact 10 years were to pass – and that the delicate constitution she inherited from her mother was starting to take its toll.

Joey locked herself into her room and cried incessantly for hours. Madge finally forced her to open the door and told her for the Robin’s sake she had to be a sport. “Robin is looking forward to being with her beloved ‘Zoe’,” she said smiling slightly. “Please make this a happy time for her.”

Joey gulped and went downstairs to play with the children, but she found being around Stacie Benson without her temper rising close to impossible. Unfortunately the fact that the Chaletian had to go print soon, meant the two girls had to try and work together and Joey’s nerves were strained even more.

“And whose bright idea was it to make Stacie part of the Chaletian?” Joey thought furiously. “Frieda’s!”

After half term the girls found that the prefects were prepared to relent slightly during prep and they allowed some of the middles to sit next to each other. The slightest sign of misbehaviour however and it was back to sitting next to a senior. The seniors, who did not like sitting next to the middles any more than they did, also stamped down hard on any bad behaviour.

The whole Middle mess looked as if it was resolved.


One day, a week after half term, Joey entered the Sixth form common room to find Carla, Eva and Simone sitting there laughing.

“And do you remember,” Carla said giggling. “The look on Miss Wilson’s face when she realised she had hustled us onto the wrong train? I know I should not laugh at a mistress’s mistake, but after scolding us for being careless the night before….” Her voice trailed off with laughter.

“She was a good sport though,” Eva laughed. “When she discovered what had happened she treated us to coffee and cakes as we waited at the next station for the right train.”

“When was this?” Joey asked pleasantly.

“Oh … it was … during half term,” Simone said hesitating.

“Oh,” Joey said frowning. “Simone, come here I want to talk to you.” Her voice was sharper than usual and Carla looked annoyed.

“Joey, we are talking,” she said. “And please don’t order Simone around like that.”

“It’s all right,” Simone said going over to Joey. “What is it?”

Joey started whispering to Simone deliberately leaving the other two girls out. As she knew they would, Carla and Eva left the room.

“Joey is … too big for her boots? Is that the right expression?” Eva said. “Anyway I mean she thinks too much of herself.”

“Yes,” Carla said frowning. “But Simone has to be the one to say something to her. Joey is just not herself this term.”

The bell for prep rang and the two prefects saw Frieda and Marie heading towards the prep room. Girls started streaming into the room and Carla and Eva stayed to help Frieda and Marie seat the girls properly before going to the prefect’s room for their own prep. Had they known what was about to happen, maybe they would have stayed.

Author:  Alison H [ 17 Oct 2007, 15:50 ]
Post subject: 

Oh dear :( . Joey needs a good smack!

Author:  Liz K [ 17 Oct 2007, 16:13 ]
Post subject: 

Joyce wrote:

The bell for prep rang and the two prefects saw Frieda and Marie heading towards the prep room. Girls started streaming into the room and Carla and Eva stayed to help Frieda and Marie seat the girls properly before going to the prefect’s room for their own prep. Had they known what was about to happen, maybe they would have stayed.

Oh dear, oh my, Joyce, PLEASE don't leave us on tenterhooks!

Author:  Fatima [ 17 Oct 2007, 16:37 ]
Post subject: 

What a way to leave it! I'm glad Mademoiselle didn't let Jo go to the Passion Play just because she wanted to - maybe she's more aware of the problems she's causing than anyone realises.

Author:  Lesley [ 17 Oct 2007, 17:43 ]
Post subject: 

But wasn't it all the School that went to the Passion Play? I thought that was where Corney, Evvy and the others played Red Indians?

As for Joey though - she hasn't learnt her lesson, has she? And Simone needs some backbone from somewhere.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  brie [ 17 Oct 2007, 19:05 ]
Post subject: 

Im shocked at Joey's behaviour.

Author:  JustJen [ 17 Oct 2007, 19:22 ]
Post subject: 

Oh dear. Hopefully Simone won't do anything stupid.

Author:  Joyce [ 18 Oct 2007, 03:51 ]
Post subject: 


Can I please point out that this is a story that I've made up and therefore will not necessarily follow EXACTLY what happened in the actual books.

So no, the whole school does not go to the Passion Play. I thought that that was ok - that we can take a storyline and run with it.

Because Joey is not Head Girl or a prefect she does not get to go to the Play, and for once being Madame's sister gets her nowhere. I wanted her to feel a sense of isolation as she watched the prefects leave her behind.

Then she goes to the Sonnalpe on her own and has to deal with Robin and Stacie and starts feeling even worse. Marie does not go to the Sonnalpe with her (as in the book) because of Joey's behaviour earlier in the term.

Thanks for your comments - I'm glad you are enjoying it.


Author:  Fiona Mc [ 18 Oct 2007, 06:14 ]
Post subject: 

Am really enjoying this alternative and am glad Joey has not got what she wanted. Really would love to see Simone stand up to Joey

I think half the fun of drabbles are being about to change the storyline a bit to suit the drabble and think most of us are guilty of that at some point despite semi thinking the real story in the back of our minds when we read other peoples drabbles! :D

Author:  Lesley [ 18 Oct 2007, 06:54 ]
Post subject: 

Sorry Joyce - I didn't intend it as criticism - you are entitled to change things as much as you wish.

Author:  Elbee [ 18 Oct 2007, 09:28 ]
Post subject: 

This is great Joyce, and I think it shows a very realistic interpretation of Joey's developing character as she discovers she cannot always be the centre of attention.

Author:  Carys [ 18 Oct 2007, 10:49 ]
Post subject: 

I'm really enjoying this :D
Can you possibly put the date that you update in the title description field please as I keep on missing updates!

Author:  Róisín [ 18 Oct 2007, 12:32 ]
Post subject: 

Have just caught up - don't leave us hanging for long please! Just what is going to happen? :shock: This is an excellent drabble, thank you Joyce.

Author:  JustJen [ 18 Oct 2007, 13:25 ]
Post subject: 

Joyce I love this story!
It is interesting how one event will major impact on everybody
Have some cookies and flowers!


Author:  Holly [ 18 Oct 2007, 17:50 ]
Post subject: 

I really must applaud Frieda & Co. on their innovation for prep, ingenius really. Very sensible too to restrict the trip to see the Passion Play to the prefects; as some of the Middles so ably demonstrated, not all of the school has the maturity to be able to behave themselves.

I'm also glad that the prefects will have a chance to be together for a few days, away from the school. Maybe a quiet talk between Frieda and Simone will be more effective if Joey isn't present to influence her.

Brava, Mademoiselle, for not giving in to Joey's request that an exception be made so that she might be allowed to attend the Passion Play. If you think about it, Joey is the last girl for whom an exception should have been made; she initially refused to be Head Girl, then wouldn't be a prefect when she changed her mind and Madge wouldn't backtrack - why should she be allowed a prefect's privilege?

Nice foreboding with the last line. :D

Author:  Rosalin [ 18 Oct 2007, 20:41 ]
Post subject: 

Oh dear, I thought the prep thing seemed to have sorted the problem middles out nicely, but apparently not.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Holly [ 18 Oct 2007, 21:18 ]
Post subject: 

JustJen wrote:
Joey's not much of a chalet girl is she?
Thanks Joyce

She's certainly not good at coping when things don't go her way.

Author:  Billie [ 18 Oct 2007, 22:51 ]
Post subject: 

Oh dear. She's getting more and more childish.

Author:  Jennie [ 19 Oct 2007, 12:49 ]
Post subject: 

Jo needs a good talking to!

She's behaving like a spoilt brat!

Author:  Joyce [ 23 Oct 2007, 13:34 ]
Post subject:  Update - Prep time

Prep time

“Quiet please,” Frieda said standing behind the desk at the front of the room. “As you can see the rest of the Sixth are also here tonight as the room they use for prep is being painted. So we are a bit more crowded than usual and I would ask you to do your work as quietly as possible.”

Joey looked indignant. There was no need for Frieda to tell the Sixth to behave. The fact that the Head Girl’s remarks were meant for the middles rather than the seniors, was plain to everyone but her.

Marie and Frieda did a quick tour round the room then sat down at the long desk at the front. For about half an hour there was silence except for the scratching of pens and pages turning.

Cornelia Flower finished her arithmetic and history and turned to her repetition. “Oh no, I’ve forgotten the poetry book,” she thought. She glanced around and noticed Margia sitting two desks away in front of her, her poetry book part of the stack at her feet. Cornelia decided to try and get hold of her chum’s book.

Exactly how she planned on doing this without being noticed is anyone’s guess but for Cornelia, to think was to act. The main problem was the girl next to Margia – fifth-former Anne Seymour.

Corney gently pushed a pencil to the ground in front of her. Up went her hand to ask for permission to get it. Frieda nodded absentmindedly, lost in her English history prep. Cornelia knelt onto the ground and moved forward slowly toward Margia’s stack of books.

Next to her quiet Violet Allison grimaced at Cornelia. “What are you doing?” she muttered with one eye at the two perfects at the front.

Cornelia ignored her and kept moving forward. Just as she reached out a hand towards the books Anne looked round. “Cornelia, what on earth…?!”

Cornelia jumped startled and the top of her head gave the desk a hard knock. For the second time that term, a full inkpot went flying through the air. It landed face down on top of the stack of books and black ink flowed. Even in her startled state, Cornelia found time to wonder at just how much a small inkpot could hold.

Margia yelped and leapt up while Anne grabbed at the desk to stop it following the ink onto the floor.

“What are you doing!?” Margia yelled. “Look at my books! They are covered in ink!” She unfortunately chose to pick up the books causing even more ink to flow onto the floor and her hands.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry,” Cornelia said grabbing in her pocket for her handkerchief in a vain attempt to mop up the ink.

“That’s all very well, but just LOOK at them!” Margia roared back.

Neither girl noticed that Frieda was pounding on her desk, before deciding to walk towards them calling for order at the same time. “Girls, be quiet!” she said loudly.

But she was too late - “Margia, Cornelia – that’s enough!” Joey ordered. Both girls were silent and they looked around, reddening slightly as they came to their senses.

“Joey, I do not need you to help me keep order,” Frieda snapped her eyes flashing as she looked round the room. “The rest of you, back to work!” Heads rapidly lowered over books though Joey looked mutinous.

“Margia leave the room and clean yourself up. Leave the books where they are. Anne, please ask one of the maids to come and clean the ink off the floor before it stains.

“Cornelia,” Frieda finally said turning to the cause of the trouble. “Are you hurt? No? Then come with me. Marie, please take charge while I am gone.”

Marie nodded. The other girls were industriously working hard obviously hoping not be noticed.

Frieda took Cornelia to an empty splashery nearby and got the whole story. “Well, you are a very silly girl,” she said finally. “If you had simply told me, you would have received permission to get your own book and this could have been avoided. You must learn to think Cornelia before you act. You’re not a baby anymore.

“Now you will receive two order marks and your allowance will be cut until the cost of buying Margia new books is paid for. Go back into prep and finish off what you can. You will have to return after supper and finish your repetition.”

The two girls went back into prep and a very subdued Cornelia somehow managed to finish the rest of her work.

And though Frieda missed it, Joey’s look towards her was far from friendly.


That night Corney went back to the classroom to learn her repetition. Bianca sat with her for a while but was called away. As Joey was passing, she asked her to watch over the Corney for the rest of the hour.

Within 20 minutes the poem was known and Cornelia made to pick up her books to leave. Her sad face caught Joey’s eye.

“Corney, you know you deserved it,” she said.

“I know. And I don’t mind the order marks or having to work now. But it’s my aunt’s birthday soon and I wanted to get her something nice as she hasn’t been feeling well. And, well … now I can’t can I?”

Joey knew that kind-hearted Frieda would probably relent slightly if she knew why Cornelia wanted the money, but she was still smarting from the Head Girl’s rebuke. So she said: “You could ask your father to send you more money.”

“Would that be straight?” Corney asked. “After all, docking my allowance is a punishment.”

Of course it was not straight and Joey knew it. Her conscience, which had been suppressed over and over that term, was once again silenced.

“Well, you need the money for a good reason so I think it would be all right. Frieda would refuse though – she’s a bit of a stickler for making sure punishments are carried out. But come on, it’s nearly time for you to go to bed.”

The next day Cornelia wrote to her father.

Author:  Alison H [ 23 Oct 2007, 14:03 ]
Post subject: 

Joey is really mixing it here ... although I suppose she was trying to help when she told people to be quiet. This is really interesting - it's so easy for things to go wrong with a sort of domino effect. *Hopes that that makes sense!*

Author:  Jennie [ 23 Oct 2007, 14:57 ]
Post subject: 

Jo was wrong, and she knew it, to speak up in prep and in encouraging Corney to ask for more money. Earlier, she would have been one of the first to criticise any girl who behaved in that way.

Author:  Lesley [ 23 Oct 2007, 16:09 ]
Post subject: 

Joey speaking up in prep I could understand - she did so without thinking. But this latest? Encouraging a Middle to be dishonourable and lying about how Frieda would react? No excuse.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Fatima [ 23 Oct 2007, 16:43 ]
Post subject: 

Jo is being really sneaky and underhand. I hope she gets her eyes opened to her behaviour soon.

Author:  JustJen [ 23 Oct 2007, 16:59 ]
Post subject: 

Oh Cordy you should know better than that!
And shame on Joey for suggestion that.

Author:  leahbelle [ 23 Oct 2007, 17:24 ]
Post subject: 

I'm shocked at Jo.

Thanks, Joyce. Am really enjoying this.

Author:  Jennie [ 23 Oct 2007, 17:32 ]
Post subject: 

The problem is that it is all too plausible for Jo to behave in that way. Look at the number of times she misbehaved as a girl and needed to be pulled up.

Author:  Sarah_K [ 23 Oct 2007, 20:06 ]
Post subject: 

It's interesting that Joey's immediate reaction was to stop the fuss in Prep. but oh how I hope someone pulls her up sharply and soon!

Author:  brie [ 24 Oct 2007, 10:32 ]
Post subject: 

Jo was just trying to help there, but what came after was in no way acceptable.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Rosalin [ 25 Oct 2007, 23:14 ]
Post subject: 

It shows she's still got influence, but she's not making very good decisions about how to use it.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Joyce [ 28 Oct 2007, 06:41 ]
Post subject:  Update - The Middles Again

The Middles again

Within a week Cornelia received a rather large money order and she went with the rest of the Middles for a trip to the village where she bought some lovely embroidered handkerchiefs for her aunt.

Evadne looked at her chum with narrowed eyes. “How do you have so much money when Frieda docked your allowance?”

“I asked dad for more,” Cornelia said nonchalantly.

“Corney, that’s not straight. You know that’s not right,” Evadne said looking worried.

“Joey said it was all right,” Corney said. “And who in this school is more straight than Joey?”

“Oh….,” Evadne said slowly. “I suppose it is all right then.”

The rest of the middles looked at the two girls. “Joey doesn’t seem to be agreeing with what the prefects are doing this term,” Cyrilla Maurus said. “I heard her laughing and talking with some of the fifths in the library and Sophie didn’t know how to silence them. She told Sophie that the library silence rule did not apply to seniors.”

Elsie Carr frowned. “That’s not fair. Of course the rules apply to them.”

“Sophie did not know what to do. She left them to it,” Cyrilla insisted. “And nothing has been said to them since, so Frieda must not know what to say to them either.”

“She’s always saying ‘perhaps’ we should do something rather than telling us to do it,” another middle said.

Margia who had been listening quietly, suddenly looked up and a mischievous imp caused her to say. “Given a choice – I would like to have Joey as Head Girl. But of course, it’s always been Madame’s appointment.

“I suppose she did not want to show favouritism in choosing her sister, so she was left with Frieda. But maybe if we showed her that we would prefer Joey instead, then she would take into account what we want.”

The minute she said it, Margia bit her lip. But it was too late to take it back and a few minutes later the escort mistress lined them up to walk back to school.

That night the Middle common room was full of rebellious muttering and once again the school was in revolt.

Author:  Lesley [ 28 Oct 2007, 09:09 ]
Post subject: 

Joey is taking advantage of her status as Madge's sister - must admit I'm surprised at Sophie though, letting her get away with it. And someone needs to let the Middles know exactly why Joey isn't Head Girl - she certainly isn't behaving as though she deserves the position.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Alison H [ 28 Oct 2007, 09:52 ]
Post subject: 

Really they need someone sensible and in a senior position - like Dickie Christy & co when Eilunedd stirred up trouble against Peggy - to get involved, but all the main prefects are Joey's friends as well as Frieda's. Very interested to find out what happens next!

Author:  keren [ 28 Oct 2007, 10:48 ]
Post subject: 

Good good story

Unless they go to Madame and demand Joey as head girl, and then she tells them the truth


they visit Eustacia and tell her what has happened and she tells them.

Interesting exploration of the "what if" possibilities.

Author:  Carys [ 28 Oct 2007, 11:17 ]
Post subject: 

Of all the prefects Marie seems to have the most backbone so I'm hoping that she can do something to sort this mess out.

Author:  Rosalin [ 28 Oct 2007, 15:19 ]
Post subject: 

Carys wrote:
Of all the prefects Marie seems to have the most backbone so I'm hoping that she can do something to sort this mess out.

I agree. Joey's been their leader for so long that I think they all automatically defer to her, even now.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Fatima [ 28 Oct 2007, 17:05 ]
Post subject: 

I hope someone stands up and puts Jo in her place; it would be especially good if the others were all around to hear it happen, too!

Author:  JustJen [ 29 Oct 2007, 15:15 ]
Post subject: 

I can't wait to read what happens next.!
Thanks Joyce!

Author:  Billie [ 29 Oct 2007, 22:44 ]
Post subject: 

Ohhhhh... dear. Joey is certainly more popular with the middles, but that doesn't make her a good choice for head girl.
Can't wait for the next installment.

Author:  leahbelle [ 30 Oct 2007, 17:59 ]
Post subject: 

Also looking forward to finding out what happens next!

Author:  Jennie [ 31 Oct 2007, 13:11 ]
Post subject: 

And in spite of what Corney said, Jo clearly isn't being straight.

Author:  Joyce [ 31 Oct 2007, 13:51 ]
Post subject:  Update - It all comes to light

It all comes to light

“Frieda, have you noticed the Middles?” Sophie asked as she came back from supervising prep. “They are … restless.”

Frieda looked up. “I have noticed nothing. Since that silly incident with Cornelia, they seem to have calmed down.”

“They are not misbehaving exactly, but there is something,” Sophie frowned unable to explain it. “Perhaps we should call the others in to discuss it?”

Frieda agreed and Sophie left to find a junior to round up the prefects. They were all in the sixth common room and left in a body when the summons arrived. Joey watched them leave, her face frowning blackly.

“Girls, Sophie has something to say,” Frieda said coming to the point when the other prefects had arrived.

Sophie explained, feeling a bit silly at the same time. To her relief Carla and Eva also nodded. “I too have noticed something,” Carla said. “It’s hard to explain as Sophie says but it’s as if they are planning something.”

“Mischief?” Frieda suggested. “A prank of some kind?”

“No, not exactly,” Eva said slowly. “They would be giggling if that was the case and it would not feel so …” Eva stopped unable to explain properly but the word she wanted to use was underhand.

“Perhaps we should simply ask them?” Marie said.

Frieda smiled at her friend’s common sense. “Marie, might they regard it as sneaking? And would you tell the prefects your plans if you were a middle?

“I think perhaps the problem is that we treat them like children and we do not try not try to be friends with them. We can be both leaders and friends with the younger girls. That is the great charm of …” Try as she might, Frieda could not bring herself to say Joey’s name.

“Let’s call them in for a chat and see how it goes,” she finished quickly. The other prefects looked skeptical but decided they had nothing better to suggest.

A junior was sent to fetch the quintet as the prefects knew all mischief among the middles could usually be traced to them. Margia, Evadne, Elsie, Cornelia and Ilonka all entered the prefects room apprehensively and faced the eight school leaders.

“Girls, don’t worry, you haven’t been summoned for a scolding,” Frieda said. The five grinned and relaxed. “But we decided that we have not been talking to you enough this term.”

“I don’t understand,” Margia said.

“I for one would like to apologise,” Frieda said to the astonishment of all. “I realise that I have not been talking to you as a friend as well as Head Girl. And because of that perhaps if you had a problem or a concern, you would not think of coming to me for help …”

Her voice trailed slightly and Cornelia started a bit and looked at Margia for help. The uneasy memory of her father’s money came to her and she wondered if she should confess. Frieda seemed in a forgiving mood.

Then suddenly: “It’s not that we don’t want to come to you, Frieda,” Elsie said. “Just that we are not sure what you can do to help us.”

“You were made Head Girl, but we don’t feel it.” Ilonka said bravely. “Cyrilla said she saw seniors misbehaving in the library and you did nothing to stop them.”

Sophie looked up embarrassed. “Actually girls, Frieda knows nothing of that incident. What happened was entirely my fault and if by my actions I have made you doubt Frieda, then I am sorry.”

The five had the grace to look ashamed.

“But still,” Margia insisted. “There are other people who perhaps would make a better Head Girl.” The last two words were said slowly and hesitatingly as she looked at the assembled prefect body.

“I see,” Frieda said slowly though she was shaken. “And you girls would like this … other person to be appointed instead?”

“We like you Frieda. It’s just that perhaps you are too nice to be in charge,” Evadne said. earnestly

Frieda grinned. In spite of the solemnity, she wondered what her predecessors would say if they knew that they had just, by implication, been told they were not nice.

“There are many different kinds of leaders, girls,” she said carefully. “Some rule by fear and intimidation. Others are obeyed because they are respected. I hope I am the latter,” she said as the five smiled uneasily.

“I don’t demand that you respect me, I know respect needs to be earned and I hope in time I will earn yours. But for now all I ask is that you put the school first and always do what you think is best for the entire school not just yourselves.” There was silence, then Frieda dismissed them.

Frieda looked around at the prefects. “Other people,” she said nodding slowly. “I cannot blame those five, it is obvious there has been gossip in the school. Come on girls – I have to tackle a problem that I should have faced long ago.”

The girls left the room while back in the Middle’s common room Margia turned to the others with mild panic in her face. “What about the letter? What do we do about the letter?”

Author:  Jennie [ 31 Oct 2007, 14:13 ]
Post subject: 

Well, I hope that when Jo's part in all this is discovered, she will be expelled for her underhanded behaviour.

Author:  Alison H [ 31 Oct 2007, 15:02 ]
Post subject: 

Frieda handled that reasonably well - wonder what'll happen with Joey.

Author:  Carys [ 31 Oct 2007, 15:18 ]
Post subject: 

Ohhh interesting!
Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Elbee [ 31 Oct 2007, 17:34 ]
Post subject: 

I think Frieda is getting more confident, I hope she keeps it up and the other prefects support her.

Thanks, Joyce.

Author:  Pat [ 31 Oct 2007, 17:45 ]
Post subject: 

I think (hope) that Freida has twigged at least part of what's happening.

Author:  keren [ 31 Oct 2007, 19:27 ]
Post subject: 

a cliff, a cliff.
Please dont keep us in suspense!

Author:  Lesley [ 31 Oct 2007, 19:51 ]
Post subject: 

I think Frieda did very well there - she's certainly convinced the Quintette if they are now worried about the letter.

I hope that Frieda does as well in her next actions.

Thanks Joyce.

Author:  Cath V-P [ 31 Oct 2007, 22:42 ]
Post subject: 

Oh fascinating, and all so believable. Thank you Joyce.

Author:  Miss Di [ 01 Nov 2007, 02:30 ]
Post subject: 

Very brave of Frieda to tackle the middles like that (me, I hate confrontation). Well done!

Author:  Sal [ 01 Nov 2007, 04:02 ]
Post subject: 

Hope Freida deals with Joey equally well. Thanks Joyce

Author:  Joyce [ 01 Nov 2007, 13:06 ]
Post subject:  Update - Showdown

The last bit. Thanks for the comments and hanging in there till end.

The showdown

That afternoon, as the entire school was gathered in the Speisesaal for Kaffee, Frieda could be seen making her way over to Joey. “Please come with me Joey. I want a word,” she said quietly.

Joey grinned. “But I want my coffee and cakes,” she said deliberately speaking loudly.

Frieda bit her lip. She realised now she had made a mistake not to summon Joey privately. “Joey please don’t do this,” she tried again.

The entire school was watching the two girls and missed Madge’s appearance in the doorway a letter in her hand. It was smudged and badly written but the meaning was clear – it was a petition by some of the middles for a new Head Girl to be appointed.

“I can come and talk to you later,” Joey said turning away. There was a slight gasp but the majority of the school was quiet as they watched the two girls.

“Joey, you are sixth former. Don’t make me talk to you like a naughty middle,” Frieda said. “Try and set a better example.” In spite of herself, Frieda could not help a note of sarcasm entering her voice.

It was enough to rouse the worst feelings in Joey and suddenly all her grievances came to the fore. “You've been a hopeless Head Girl, Frieda Mensch!” she taunted. “If I had been appointed, the Middles would never have been allowed to run wild the way they have. You should step down and let me take over!”

There was a collective intake of breath. Madge stepped forward quickly to intervene but was stopped by the blazing anger in Frieda's blue eyes.

“Are you sure Joey?” Frieda said quietly though inwardly she was seething. “Think of your behaviour this term. The way you interfered with every arrangement the prefects made. The way you encouraged any criticism of the prefects and especially me.

“The situation with the Middles was well under control until you intervened and made them wonder who they should listen to.

“I didn't want this to be aired in public, but ask yourself - is your behaviour how a Head Girl, or indeed a Chalet girl, should behave?”

There was dead silence as the girls looked at the two girls. Frieda had stayed in control and seemed calm and collected, while Joey was trembling with anger and looking as if she would like to throttle the other girl.

Margia gazed from one to another and the scales fell from her eyes. She stepped forward. “Frieda,” she said. “I haven't supported you the way I should have. I won't tell tales but I listened to gossip and I made things harder for you this term that it should have been. I'm sorry.”

Then surprisingly: “I also am sorry,” Simone said. “I did not support you as a Second Prefect should. And I wasn't a good friend to Joey – no, Margia, it is obvious who you meant – and I never told her she was wrong to speak as she did against Frieda. If I had spoken earlier, this may never have happened. Instead I said nothing because I was afraid of losing her friendship.”

One by one the other prefects looked ashamed of themselves except for Marie who stood with her head held high and eyes flashing as she looked around. The other girls either looked to the ground or at the prefects, anywhere but at Joey. Joey looked around the room and the blood drained from her face as the realisation hit her that her support was gone.

Madge walked into the room and the girls gasped again as they realised their beloved Head had overheard the whole thing. “Joey come with me,” she said softly.

What Madge said to Joey neither ever said, but the deep disappointment in her sister's eyes drove home to Joey as nothing else would just how far she had fallen.

Joey was removed from the school for the rest of the term ostensibly to help look after the Robin in Die Rosen, but really so the school would have a chance to settle back down.

Madge went down to the school the following day and spoke seriously to the girls about malicious gossip and the problem it can cause. Margia asked to speak to Madge privately and confessed her part in the term’s events. Though she left the study in tears, she was also freely and fully forgiven and vowed to do better in the future.

Finally Madge spoke gravely to all the prefects separately, praising Marie for her common sense and support of Frieda, comforting Simone who was heartbroken over Joey’s downfall and blaming herself and gently reminding the rest of their responsibilities as the school's leaders.

Then she called Frieda into her study. “Frieda, I want to tell you how proud I am of the way you behaved this term. You had a lot of problems to tackle and you showed real leadership and maturity in dealing with them.

“On a personal note, I would like to apologise - I should have intervened earlier to prevent the trouble Joey caused. Joey is ashamed of herself now and in time I hope she will be able to bring herself to say so to you.”

“Where is Joey now?” Frieda asked quietly.

“Joey will stay with me the rest of the term and then we shall see if she can come back next term. But it will depend on her attitude. I don't mind telling you that I am very disappointed that she has used her influence with the younger girls to such bad effect.”

Frieda was silent. During the night she had had of time to think over the events of the term. And she had made a decision.

“I hope she does return,” she said. “Joey belongs here and I will make sure the girls don't make her return difficult.”

Madge smiled. “You are a very forgiving person, Frieda. I hope the girls truly appreciate how lucky they are to have you as Head Girl.”

Frieda left the room and went to the Speisesaal to take her place behind the big urn. As she went through the motions of telling the younger girls to stay in line properly and not spill their drinks, she realised the respect the Chalet girls had always shown their Head Girl was finally being shown to her. The restless element in the school had been well and truly suppressed.

The following term Joey returned to the school and went straight to Frieda and the rest of the prefects to apologise. The rest of the year she took her place among the rank and file and was careful to fully support the prefects in everything they did. Frieda kept her promise and the girls slowly forgot what had happened while Joey regained her usual carefree attitude.

But there was a change. Joey Bettany was never to forget how she had acted and the shame she felt. The fact that Frieda, Marie and Simone never mentioned the horrible events of that term to her face, and went out of their way to show her their friendship, only made her feel worse.

In the years to come, Joey was to stay in close touch with the school and indeed ended up living next to it. She gave regular new girl welcome teas and kept in touch with all the gossip at the school.

But there was one moment she always dreaded. Every time an innocent new girl asked: “Why were you never Head Girl, Mrs Maynard?”


Author:  Alison H [ 01 Nov 2007, 13:13 ]
Post subject: 

Great ending!

Author:  Jennie [ 01 Nov 2007, 14:15 ]
Post subject: 

I second that. I'm glad Frieda stood firm, and that Madge showed that she supported her Head Girl.

Author:  joelle [ 01 Nov 2007, 14:37 ]
Post subject: 

wow that was so good! i dont normally comment on drabbles but i loved that one and the ending was wonderful. thank you!

Author:  Fatima [ 01 Nov 2007, 15:48 ]
Post subject: 

What a great ending; I'm so glad Frieda finally stood up to Jo and that Jo felt so dreadful about her behaviour. Thanks for a great drabble Joyce.

Author:  Sarah_G-G [ 01 Nov 2007, 18:55 ]
Post subject: 

That was an excellent drabble and very well resolved at the end. I'm glad Frieda finally grew into her own quiet confidence and Joey came to realise how she had gone wrong. Thanks for writing!

Author:  Elbee [ 01 Nov 2007, 20:13 ]
Post subject: 

That was great, Joyce, thank you very much.

Author:  brie [ 01 Nov 2007, 20:26 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Jpyce, I really enjoyed that!

Author:  Pat [ 01 Nov 2007, 21:10 ]
Post subject: 

That was great Joyce. Thank you. Loved every minute.

Author:  Lesley [ 01 Nov 2007, 21:15 ]
Post subject: 

Well done Frieda.

Thanks Joyce - really enjoyed this.

Author:  Tara [ 02 Nov 2007, 00:14 ]
Post subject: 

I haven't been able to comment much (RL being awkward), but this has been really interesting, I've enjoyed it immensely.
Thank you, Joyce.

Author:  Billie [ 02 Nov 2007, 00:43 ]
Post subject: 

That was wonderful. Thank you Joyce!

Author:  Rosalin [ 02 Nov 2007, 10:21 ]
Post subject: 

I really liked the way you resolved that, and the last line was brilliant :D

Thanks Joyce - will miss this.

Author:  Carys [ 02 Nov 2007, 11:47 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Joyce this was really good.
I'm another fan of the last line!

Author:  leahbelle [ 02 Nov 2007, 18:29 ]
Post subject: 

I've loved this drabble, Joyce. Sorry to see it end! Thank you.

Author:  BethC [ 02 Nov 2007, 22:38 ]
Post subject: 

Thank you, Joyce - I enjoyed this too!

Author:  Mrs Redboots [ 02 Nov 2007, 23:35 ]
Post subject: 

As did I. Many thanks, Joyce - and I loved the ending.

Author:  linda [ 03 Nov 2007, 00:06 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Joyce, I've really enjoyed this drabble.

Like so many others, I loved the last line!! :lol: :lol:

Author:  Chris [ 03 Nov 2007, 12:37 ]
Post subject: 

And me!
Sorry to see it end.

Author:  JustJen [ 03 Nov 2007, 15:08 ]
Post subject: 

A wonderful ending Joyce.
Have a cookie for a job well done!

Author:  Sunflower [ 03 Nov 2007, 21:30 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, i really enjoyed this.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ 03 Nov 2007, 23:06 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Joyce I really liked that

Author:  Miss Di [ 04 Nov 2007, 05:33 ]
Post subject: 

Well done Joyce. And I nearly spat mineral water all over the screeen on that last line!

Author:  Jenefer [ 04 Nov 2007, 12:55 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, I enjoyed reading this

Author:  Smile :) [ 09 Nov 2007, 13:15 ]
Post subject: 

Great drabble, thank you Joyce.

Author:  Elle [ 10 Nov 2007, 21:51 ]
Post subject: 

I have just read this all the way through and I thought it was excellent!

Thank you.

Author:  Vick [ 19 Nov 2007, 22:10 ]
Post subject: 

That was really good.

Thanks Joyce

Author:  Jools [ 13 Dec 2007, 13:39 ]
Post subject: 

Just found this drabble - it's fantastic - thank you Joyce it was brilliantly written and I really enjoyed reading it.

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