Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. 28/06/09 Complete!

Author:  MaryR [ 22 Jun 2009, 16:14 ]
Post subject:  Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. 28/06/09 Complete!

After Mohini's wonderful drabble about Joey's shenanigans, I thought you might like to read about another prank that never featured in the books. Some of you will already know the tale, but you can, of course, enjoy it a second time! :lol:

Hilda Annersley was deep in her correspondence when there came a timid knock at the study door. Lifting her head, she called “Herein” in German, that being the language of the day, and was mightily surprised to see two very scared Juniors entering.

“Yes, girls?” she murmured with a smile.

Without a word, the two girls crossed the room and one of them handed a note over the desk to Hilda. The hand was trembling, and Hilda cast a quick scrutiny at their worried faces before opening the note. She stilled. One word was scrawled across the paper: ‘HELP!’

Nonplussed, she stared at it a moment, then raised her eyes to look at the two silent girls who, she noticed, had linked hands in fright.

“Did Miss Andrews give you this herself?” she asked.

“Yes, Miss Annersely,” they piped, blinking nervously.

“Can you tell me….?” She stopped, deciding there was no point to her question. Better just to answer the SOS. Somehow, gremlins seemed to have got into the works this term and were giving the school, and its Headmistress, a good old shake-up!

“Come, girls,” she said and rose from her seat. She passed quickly through the door, a ship in full sail, the young girls trotting behind in her wake, like small tugs.

Hilda was consumed with curiosity, whereas the girls were simply consumed with terror at what was to come. The Abbess could scare the living daylights of you when you were naughty – and some people in their form had been very naughty indeed!

Hilda stepped across the threshold of the form room – and stopped dead. It is safe to say that never once, in all her years as Head, had she beheld a scene quite like the one that that now lay before her.

After a moment of numb consternation, she shook her head to clear it and gazed around her.

“Miss Andrews?” she croaked.

Not knowing whether to laugh or weep, Sharlie simply said, “Quite!”


Sharlie moved over to her Headmistress. “It appears that no one thought to inform me that Mademoiselle Lenoir was taken ill before Break…..”

Hilda nodded, even though she was unaware of the illness. “I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again. And speak in English, please, so that we all understand each other.” Wrath was gathering on Hilda’s brow and the girls were tempted to edge back out of its range.

“I sat in the staff room marking books, thinking my form were gainfully employed at their music lesson, and returned forty minutes later – to this!” and Sharlie flung her arms wide to encompass it all.

Hilda’s eyes slowly travelled round the room, and then from girl to girl, without a word spoken. Her eyes said it all for her. The miscreants wilted, while the rest tried to pretend they weren’t there. Sharlie herself had to work hard to control her impulse to wild laughter now the Abbess was there to take charge. Never in her wildest imaginings had she dreamt of mischief like this.

The room was freezing, a good half of the girls soaking wet and shivering hard. Both large double windows were open – they opened inwards – and the snow which had been tight pressed against them, from top to bottom, was now hanging into the room and dropping onto the floor in gentle plops. Once there, it melted silently, the icy water meandering where it would. However, the main stream of it led to the back of the room where stood – a snowman!

But not just any snowman! This one had water drip, drip, dripping off him and running in rivulets across the wooden floor in all directions.

Water, water, everwhere, and all the boards did shrink,
Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink.

Hilda wondered rather hysterically why she was thinking of Coleridge’s immortal words at such a moment. It was true they were exceedingly apt, but even so…..

Clearly, the thought of actually being able to go outside, after three days of incarceration caused by the unceasing snow, had gone to the Juniors' heads.

She stilled her quivering lips and continued to gaze in silence on the misshapen being confronting her. His head was beginning to sag sideways. Attached to this leaning head was a school hat. Round his neck was wrapped a now-sodden school scarf. She found herself searching for his gloves and told herself off sternly. The thing had no arms, for goodness sake! He did, however, have a nose and a mouth – someone’s pencils! He also had round, shining eyes. She leaned closer to see. Buttons! Large buttons, off someone’s school coat!

In silence, she observed the snowman. In silence, the girls and Sharlie observed the Abbess. In silence, the snowman tried to observe them all, but failed dismally as his head sank ever lower...

Author:  Joanne [ 22 Jun 2009, 16:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Drabble Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played 22/06/09


Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 22 Jun 2009, 17:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Drabble Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played 22/06/09

:lol: I would not like to be a junior - involved or not - at that moment!

Thanks for posting :D

Author:  Celia [ 22 Jun 2009, 17:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Drabble Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played 22/06/09

Good fun to read this again, I still shake in my shoes for these naughty children facing Hilda!

Thank you Mary

Author:  Lesley [ 22 Jun 2009, 19:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Drabble Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played 22/06/09

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I could never do that - I'd be too busy laughing to be stern!

Thanks Mary - lovely to read again.

Author:  MHE [ 22 Jun 2009, 21:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Drabble Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played 22/06/09

When I first read this is New Dreams I was impressed by how Hilda is able to keep a straight face when confronted by the scene so wonderfully described by you Mary.

Thank you, lovely to read it again.

Author:  PaulineS [ 22 Jun 2009, 21:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Drabble Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played 22/06/09

Well worth a second read.

Author:  jmc [ 23 Jun 2009, 08:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Drabble Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played 22/06/09

Loved this the first time round Mary and loved it again. Thanks

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ 23 Jun 2009, 13:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Drabble Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played 22/06/09

Definitely worth a second reading - and the incident works really well as a 'stand alone', too, Mary. Thanks for posting it here.

Author:  Cath V-P [ 24 Jun 2009, 04:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Drabble Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played 22/06/09

It's that last line, the snowman fighting against the odds to hold his head up high and failing dismally.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you Mary.

Author:  leahbelle [ 25 Jun 2009, 13:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Drabble Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played 22/06/09

Every bit as funny the second time round! Thanks, Mary.

Author:  MaryR [ 25 Jun 2009, 14:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Drabble Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played 22/06/09

.....In silence, she observed the snowman. In silence, the girls and Sharlie observed the Abbess. In silence, the snowman tried to observe them all, but failed dismally as his head sank ever lower.

The wrath might still be gathered on the Abbess’s forehead but, inside, she was desperate to flee the room. How she longed to just let go and laugh out loud. It was such a ludicrous contrast to the host of emotional and upsetting dramas of the last twenty-four hours that all she could see was the funny side – but she could hardly allow the girls to know that. After all, this was inventive naughtiness at its very worst.

“Whose idea was this?” Her voice was colder than the icy room. Two shivering girls stepped forward, hands behind their backs. “Ah, Emilie and Marie Mousselin – Mesdemoiselles We-Just-Did-It! Why am I not surprised? You would seem to have just done it yet again, mes filles. It is clear my words on your first day here have had no effect whatsoever.”

She had switched to French to make sure they understood and the two girls wriggled but remained silent. What could they possibly say?

“How many of you decided it would be great fun to help Marie and Emilie?”

The voice was still icy cold, and a round dozen of wet and shaking girls stepped forward, sheer terror reflected in their eyes. They’d known the Abbess longer than the twins, after all.

“Such silly little girls,” Hilda commented, her voice now bland. She saw she had made her point when their faces crumpled and their eyes sought the floor, the windows, anywhere to escape the unflattering scrutiny of those piercing eyes.

She reached out and plucked hat and scarf off the snowman, now dwindled even further. She held them out to the twins. “Yours, I presume.” They took them from her. She leaned down and removed the eyes, nose and mouth. “Also yours?” she asked, juggling the buttons and pencils in her hand.

“Yes, Miss Annersley,” they replied, eyeing the articles as though they hated them.

“So – we have more sins to add to the tally. One, leaving the room without permission. Two, defacing a school uniform – to wit, soaking a hat and scarf, and the removal of buttons from a coat. Or was it one button off two coats?”

They stared at her, unsure how to take her tone of voice. The others could have enlightened them. “Alors?” she demanded sharply.

“O…o… one from… each, please,” answered Marie.

“I see! Share and share alike,” remarked Hilda, even more blandly, placing one pencil and one button in each of their shaking hands. Out of the corner of her eye she caught Sharlie blowing her nose to hide her laughter, and nearly lost her own control.

Beginning to feel very cold in the frigid atmosphere of the room, she bit down hard on her lip and spoke briskly. “Well, you little girls have had your fun and the snowman has almost disappeared – so now it’s your turn to disappear. Please take yourself off to Matron Lloyd and tell her you are cold and wet and need to go to bed immediately to ward off colds.”

She smiled inwardly at their horrified faces. “A piece of paper and a pen, please, Miss Andrews,” she demanded and proceeded to write a short note.

Building snowmen in the classroom calls for instant bed, in silence, and your most rigorous and potent cold remedies, wouldn’t you say? HA

She could well imagine the effect that would have on Matey. After doubting her Headmistress’s sanity for a wild second or two, she would make sure these girls suffered for their sins, no matter how improbable the said sins sounded.

She handed the folded note over, remarking in glacial tones, “Please hand that to Matron, Emilie,” and smiled inwardly at the shocked faces of the twins. How had the Abbess worked out which was which? No one else ever had!

Ignoring their shock, Hilda added, “I’ll see you all later today. Meantime, you are not to speak to each other, not one word. Go to Matron now, and no dawdling on the way.”

Fourteen freezing little bodies departed to their doom, while Hilda regarded the remnants of the shivering form. All their breath was now white in the rapidly-descending temperature.

“Tell me, Elizabeth, as form captain why did you not go to Miss Dene to report that Mademoiselle Lenoir had not come for your music lesson?”

Elizabeth shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other, a mortified expression on her face. However, an unexpected ally came to her aid.

“She did try, Miss Annersley,” said an earnest voice. “They wouldn’t let her go through the door….” The girl’s voice trailed off, wondering had she done the right thing.

Hilda smiled sympathetically, whilst chalking up yet another crime to the sinners. “Thank you for telling me, Jean. It’s not sneaking to report wrong-doing. Thanks also to you, Elizabeth, for trying to do the right thing.”

She looked around. “Now, it’s very cold in here so I think, Miss Andrews, you should take your girls to the Junior Commonroom and get warm again. I leave it to you what you do there, but it will soon be time for Mitagessen so stories might be a good idea. Meanwhile, Jean and Elizabeth, would you go to Miss Dene’s office and ask her to find Gaudenz and send him along here? Tell her I shall stay until he arrives.”

Left to herself, Hilda took one more look at the now pathetic little heap of snow that was all that remained of their prize snowman and then leaned against the wall and let herself go, her laughter ringing round the cold room. Those twins would be lucky if they survived the year, at this rate! Toilets blocked, snowmen in the form room! Whatever next? She would have to pass it on to Joey, once she had squelched the perpetrators with a fine punishment. Their afternoon of bed and silence was only the start.....

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 25 Jun 2009, 18:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. Updated: 25/06/09

Oh no! Poor sinners. I should imagine they will be thoroughly repentant by the end...

Thankyou :)

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ 25 Jun 2009, 19:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. Updated: 25/06/09

This wonderful word picture had me practically falling off my chair when I first read it in ND; it's just as funny re-reading it here, and I'm not surprised Sharlie Andrews almost choked herself trying not to laugh as Hilda carried out her inquisition...! Just hope Matey can keep her face straight when she reads Hilda's cryptic note. And I wouldn't be in those sinners' shoes for all the tea in China, either.

Thank you, Mary.

Author:  PaulineS [ 25 Jun 2009, 21:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. Updated: 25/06/09

Building snowmen in the classroom calls for instant bed, in silence, and your most rigorous and potent cold remedies, wouldn’t you say? HA

How can Matron believe it??? It is so improbable!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Celia [ 25 Jun 2009, 21:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. Updated: 25/06/09

Well they asked for trouble and they are surely going to achieve their aim :lol: I sympathise with Sharlie and Hilda trying not to explode with laughter.

Thank you Mary,it's just as enjoyable second time around.

Author:  MHE [ 25 Jun 2009, 23:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. Updated: 25/06/09

Unlike Sharlie and Hilda I don't think I would have been able to keep my laughter in check or so long!! :lol:

It has been nice reading about the coldness of the room as I needed cooling down as it has been very hot here today. 8)

Author:  Luisa [ 26 Jun 2009, 11:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. Updated: 25/06/09

reading this again I am reduced to giggling at my desk. Never mind, they know I'm mad here.

I do find myself wondering why noone has done this - its seems almost logical to have the fun of building a snowman without the drawbacks of cold feet and runny noses.

Author:  MaryR [ 28 Jun 2009, 17:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. Updated: 25/06/09

Thank you. :D

Hilda had to control her mirth when Gaudenz appeared on the scene. He had the task of clearing the water-logged room up and it would never do to make his not-inconsiderable task appear negligible. However, she nearly lost control again at the sight of his horrified face. Poor man! It wasn’t fair what the girls had done to him over the years.

Quiet giggles would overcome her for the rest of the day whenever she recalled his diatribe at the scene before him. First, he threatened to stand all the girls out in the snow, put hats and scarves on them and fire snowballs at them until not only their hats, but also their heads, were knocked off.

Then he asked grumpily, “Why should they not this mess themselves clean up?”

“In normal circumstances, I would agree with you, Gaudenz. But they were extremely wet and cold and I don’t want infections sweeping the school so early in the term. Don’t worry, though. They will be punished. Thank you so much for coming to our aid.”

She made good her escape with more grumbles still ringing in her ears. It wouldn’t be the last she heard from him about this choice piece of work! He must think her a very poor specimen of female authority to allow her girls to perform such tricks, she thought, as she giggled her way up the stairs.

However, at the top, she met Matey muttering imprecations under her breath about girls needing to steam in hot baths in the middle of the day.

“What’s all this about snowmen in form rooms, my girl?” she fumed at sight of Hilda. “Your wits gone astray? Or is it some new sport you forgot to tell us about?”

“Not you, as well,” pleaded Hilda. “Gaudenz’s fierce invective is more than enough for a poor hard-working Headmistress for one morning!” Then she couldn’t help herself. Her laughter rippled the length of the corridor and she held her ribs as though in pain. “New sport?” she finally gasped. “You could say that! Gaudenz threatened to fire snowballs at them all until he had knocked their heads off. Though I think you might be right about my wits, as all I seem to do is laugh, when I should be all properly cross and headmistressy.”

She chuckled again, causing Matey to glare at her. “Glad as I am to see you smiling after the weekend we’ve just had, just why am I being given all this extra work?”

“Didn’t you ask them what they’d been up to?” Hilda gasped between giggles. “Anyway, I thought my note made it perfectly clear.”

“Clear as mud! I didn’t believe a word of it!” Matey growled. “How on earth could they manage to build snowmen in the form room? And you said silence, remember! So how could I ask? I’ve hardly addressed two words to them. They all looked suitably cowed, mind you – except those twins. There’s something about them….”

“Indeed! They’re probably even now congratulating themselves on a job well done.” Hilda giggled again. “I don’t think I’ll ever make much impression on the inventiveness of those two. Natural depravity, I suspect – theirs, not mine, I hasten to add.”

“If you can’t make anything of them, my dear, no one else will be able to put so much as a dent in their armour,” muttered Matey. “They need stamping on – hard!”

Hilda wiped her eyes. “Oh, I intend to, Gwynneth! Much good may it do me!” and quickly she explained what had been going on in Sharlie’s form room.

“Well!” exclaimed Matey blankly. “What next?”

“Don’t even go there!” pleaded Hilda pitiably. “In our time, we’ve had clocks being boiled, pantomimes on the roof, Red Indians in Oberammergau, girls disappearing into the bowels of the earth….. Shall I go on?”

Matey grimaced. “No need! Especially as it is you and I who usually end up picking up the pieces. Why isn’t your hair as white as mine, tell me?”

“Oh, it’s getting there.” Hilda leaned against the wall and sighed. “At most times I would have been furious, but it was so unexpected and Sharlie’s face was such a picture she nearly undid me on the spot."

“I hope that doesn't mean you're going to be soft on them,” said Matey.

“You're as bad as Nell," laughed Hilda. "I have no intention of being soft. Keep them in bed for the afternoon. Silence, no books, let them dwell on their naughtiness. Oh, and I recommend rubbing their chests with you know what and making them gargle with salt water. We don’t want any colds this early in the term,” Hilda added, in a bland tone.

“And they think they’ve been inventive.”

“Oh, I can be much more creative than that, I assure you. No skiing tomorrow, for starters.”

“That will hurt them, after being cooped up for days.”

“All their own fault, Gwynneth,” Hilda replied remorselessly. “They will have to make do with such snow as they had today, I’m afraid. The twins may find themselves deprived of much more than that. I’ll not have them leading the others into hot water again if I can help it, not so soon after the toilet roll episode, so they may end up with no skiing all week. Plus something else, which I’m hoping you can arrange for me – separate dormitories for the pair of them, far removed from each other.”

Matey thought hard for a moment or two, then nodded, an evil glint in her eye. “Yes, indeedy! I’ll even have them on different floors. Want it done now?”

“The sooner the better. That should give them pause for thought.” She rested her head against the wall a moment, deep in thought. “As to the rest of the punishment – straight to bed after Abendessen every night this week, with more chest rubbing and gargling, and some poems about snow and snowmen to learn in their free time.”

Matey rubbed her hands in glee. “To add to their pain, they may all have to contribute to the floor being re-polished and re-varnished. Finally, an apology to Gaudenz – in front of all the Juniors. It’s the only way to keep him sweet. Most put out he was,” and she regaled Matey with his reactions.

Matey began to see the funny side of it all and gave a hearty laugh. Hilda meanwhile, rubbed her eyes and straightened up after looking at her watch.

“This should please you, Gwynneth. It’s now nearly twelve-fifteen, and I intend to play truant. I’m going to the salon to put my feet up and look at the inside of my eyelids until Mitagessen. It’s been a long morning….”

Author:  Celia [ 28 Jun 2009, 17:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. Sun 28/06/09

I do hope Hilda gets her much needed rest,and as for the twins,
separation and the fact that the Abbess can tell them apart should
keep their minds lawfully occupied for a while.

Thank you Mary

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ 28 Jun 2009, 17:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. Sun 28/06/09

I foresee a bunch of very unhappy girls in the school after that. What a nasty punishment! It would put me off of snow for life.

Thankyou :D

Author:  MHE [ 28 Jun 2009, 20:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. Sun 28/06/09

Loved 'doubting' Matey - as for the twins, I doubt very much that their punishment will squash them for long!!!! I expect that they are not going to be very popular with the rest of their little playmates when they all meet up again.

Thank you Mary.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ 29 Jun 2009, 14:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. 28/06/09 Complete!

Lovely - talk about a swingeing punishment, but so well merited!!!

Thanks, Mary, I've really enjoyed re-reading this.

Author:  Elle [ 29 Jun 2009, 22:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. 28/06/09 Complete!

MaryR wrote:
She passed quickly through the door, a ship in full sail, the young girls trotting behind in her wake, like small tugs.

I love the image this has given me.

Brilliant writing! Thanks Mary.

Author:  JennieP [ 01 Jul 2009, 15:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. 28/06/09 Complete!

Love the insight on all the little notes that the staff were forever writing to each other! Why did none of the Juniors ever look at them before meekly passing them onto whoever they were destined for?!

Author:  Squirrel [ 22 Aug 2009, 21:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. 28/06/09 Complete!

Mary... I loved this scene the first time I read it through, though as it was a locked post, or at the very least, long since covered by other posts when I came to read it I couldn't comment on it in particular.

But it is just fantastic. I love it from start to finish - from Hilda being given that note which said 'HELP!' right the way through to the reactions from Gaudenz and Gwynneth. Poor Hilda having so many people questioning her sanity though! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And what audacious imps those twins were!

I can tell you, if I hadn't already so recently finished one, this short snippet would have me searching the archives to read through ND and see how it all fits in! :D

Author:  Lisa_T [ 18 Sep 2009, 23:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. 28/06/09 Complete!

Ah, this is marvellous. Honestly, Mary, I think you should make this a habit. A whole section of the funny outtakes from the ND-verse so that we can revisit them easily for random giggles....

(I am not going to go and re-read ND now. No. I need to read other stuff first, but oh, I do so want to after re-reading this...)

Author:  MaryR [ 21 Sep 2009, 17:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. 28/06/09 Complete!

Lisa_T wrote:
Ah, this is marvellous. Honestly, Mary, I think you should make this a habit. A whole section of the funny outtakes from the ND-verse so that we can revisit them easily for random giggles....

Thanks, Lisa, :D but unfortunately the funniest bits involve non-CS people, like Vivien, Nell's alter-ego, and wouldn't mean anything to those who don't read ND. I suppose, though, I could do the stories about Hilda's injured arm..... *ponders* What think you?

Author:  Lisa_T [ 21 Sep 2009, 23:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Challenge - A Prank Never Before Played. 28/06/09 Complete!

Well, there's that bit. Also the teddy bit (yes, that's very much OC based, but that's what forewords are for!)... and the scene in the staffroom with the proverbs... and anything involving those evil twins...and the staff entertainment....

See what I mean? :lol:

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