A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Author:  Secret Santa [ Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Apologies from me, Santa, for liberties taken with the timeline - but after all I can make wishes come true and Christmas is a magical time of year. Enjoy! :santa:

Joey turned as the door opened. She was as pale as the snowflakes that were gently swirling past her window, and her sister could see at once that she had barely slept.

“Joey dearest, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you dressed yet? I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long to get the babes ready – you should see Peggy and Daisy, they look like miniature angels in their white velvet bridesmaids’ dresses – such a blessing that we found that old fabric in our attic, Bonne Maison is a real treasure trove of useful things! Primula, Bride and Sybil will make enchanting flower girls even though all they can scatter are Christmas Roses. I’m not so sure that it was a good idea to have Rix and David as page boys though. If we get Rix through the ceremony without.....Joey, you’re not listening!” Madge broke off in full spate and looked at her sister with concern. “What is it Joey baba?” she said lovingly, reverting in her anxiety to the baby name she had always used when her sister was small.

“Oh Madge” said Joey wearily “I really don’t think I can go through with this. I do love Jack, really I do, but the thought of leaving you and the babes, especially now that Jem has to be away so much – I lay awake all night worrying and crying, and thinking, and planning and I really don’t think I can do it today. Will everyone be very upset if I call it off?”

Madge gaped at her sister “Upset? Of course they’ll be upset! I’d be devastated and how do you think Jack would feel? And after all you have been through together.......”

“I know Madge but I just can’t do it. I’ve always said I wouldn’t get married, you know I have. I can’t think what came over me in these last weeks. I suppose it was the stress of the escape, and how supportive Jack was – he really IS a solid lump of comfort you know – and then all the excitement of planning the day, and finding out about special wedding and winter customs here on Guernsey but.....I can’t do it. Please don’t make me”.

Madge had recovered herself a little by this time and her voice was now very calm as she said “Joey, of course no one will force you into something you really don’t want to do but you have rather left this to the last minute haven’t you? How long have you been having thoughts like this?”

“On and off, all the time I think, but it really came to a head when I couldn’t sleep last night. I just lay there, tossing and turning, and trying to imagine how it would be to go away from you, and all the nursery folk, and to leave Robin ......” and poor Joey broke down in a storm of weeping. Madge was by now almost as pale as Jo herself. “Oh Joey, I do wish I’d known, I’d have asked Jem to give you something to help you sleep. Now, now dearest, hush. You really mustn’t cry like this – it’s your wedding day!”

“Madge, you haven’t heard a word of what I’ve been saying. I can’t, and won’t, go through with it. You had better go and dress the children in their normal clothes. And someone will have to break the news to Jack. I can’t bear to see the look on his face.”

Madge sank down onto the bed, thinking hard of what she could say. She knew how Joey could dig her heels in over something and how she would then be almost impossible to shift. She remembered how difficult it had been to persuade her that she was the right, indeed the only, choice for head girl in her year. One false word from her would probably result in hysterics on Joey’s part, and whilst she would normally not hesitate to administer a sharp slap to bring her sister to her senses, she rather felt that if Joey could be brought round to the thought of walking down the aisle of Torteval Church later in the day, it might be better if her cheek were not bruised.

Author:  Alison H [ Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy - Secret Santa drabble for Emma T

Oh dear, poor Jack!

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy - Secret Santa drabble for Emma T

Santa, I really do think that you'd better come back soon... it isn't nice to make someone wibble at Christmas!

Author:  Secret Santa [ Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy - Secret Santa drabble for Emma T

Oh ye of little faith! :wink:

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy - Secret Santa drabble for Emma T

It is called a Winter wedding so I am not going to wibble yet. It is typical Joey though. Thanks Santa/

Author:  Abi [ Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy - Secret Santa drabble for Emma T

Oh dear....... hope everything comes right!

Thank you, Santa!

Author:  emma t [ Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy - Secret Santa drabble for Emma T

Thankyou Santa :) It's lovely!

Author:  MaryR [ Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy - Secret Santa drabble for Emma T

Loved the last sentence! :D Perhaps you should go ahead, Madge!

Thanks, Santa.

Author:  Secret Santa [ Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-from Secret Santa for EmmaT-Chapter2

Madge suddenly made up her mind. She got to her feet, went across to the window where Joey was by now standing again, staring out at the whirling dance of the snowflakes, without really seeing them at all. Madge put her hands on Joey’s shoulders, and gently turned Jo towards her. “Joey”, she said gently, “the most important thing now is for you to get some rest – so that you don’t look like a ghost at your own wedding feast” she added silently to herself. “I’ll go and sort things out with everyone”. She carefully did not say exactly what she was going to sort out. “I’ll send Marie with a hot drink for you and you can snuggle down for a couple of hours sleep. Would you like something to eat as well?”

Joey shook her head. “No” she said “oh but I am so tired” and she yawned widely and moved slowly towards the bed. Madge tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead. “Marie will bring your drink in a moment” she said, tenderly smoothing back the wildly tousled black hair – Joey had always had a habit of running her fingers through her hair when troubled - and privately thinking to herself that Jo would probably be asleep by then. She drew the thick curtains, shutting out the blizzard that was by now tumbling in a wild frenzy past the windows of the old house. “Shades of the Tyrol” she thought to herself. “I wonder how well equipped they are to deal with snow here. It isn’t weather that one really associates with the Channel Islands.”

She left the room quietly and went to give instructions to Marie, who tutted in disbelief that Joey was not anticipating her wedding with the same joy that Marie and Andreas had their own just a few years earlier. She then set off in search of the Robin who was in her pretty bedroom, slowly getting dressed in her Maid of Honour outfit.

“Is Joey getting dressed?” asked the Robin, turning to Madge with a beaming smile.

“I’m afraid not” said Madge. She explained Joey’s current state of panic and Robin looked bewildered.

“But she adores Jack” she said. “And she knows that you and the children are fine. And once she is married and settled in that little house in St Pierre, I’ll be joining her there, and some of the others can come and stay with her as well so that when you are busy again soon, you won’t have quite so much to think about”.

Madge nodded. “I know all that, but just at the moment she is not open to reason and we need to find a way to break through the barriers she is putting up. She says she can’t bear to see the look on Jack’s face when he hears – she wants me to tell him”

“Well that’s not like her for a start” said the Robin, puzzled. “Joey may go off on wild excursions and get weird ideas into her head, but she’s never been any sort of coward”.

“Indeed”, said Madge “that’s why I am sure she is not herself at the moment but just suffering from an over excess of pre-wedding nerves. You know how she never does things by halves” They both laughed, despite the stress of the situation. “This blizzard is actually a blessing in disguise” said Madge, looking out of the window. “No one will be surprised if I send a message round saying that the wedding has been postponed from noon to three o’clock this afternoon. Thankfully we know so few people here yet so that guests are mainly family and ‘in-house’. I know there’s no other wedding today – the pastor was puzzled that we wanted it so close to Christmas. It’s not a normal time of year for weddings on the Islands because they like to have some of the celebrations outdoors. In the meantime, I’d like you to go to the nursery and help Minette with the tinies. I know we were lucky to find someone in Torteval who is so skilled with little ones but they are bursting with excitement at the moment and the more help she has, the better. Make sure they take off their finery – you too - and put it somewhere safe. I hope that I can come up with a plan that means you’ll all be donning it again later today”

She gave the Robin a reassuring pat and set off on her next task – to confront Jack and keep him from erupting into Joey’s room in frustrated rage.

Author:  Alison H [ Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 4/12

Poor Madge: it's horrible being the go-between! Hope things get sorted out.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 4/12

*crosses fingers*

Author:  PaulineS [ Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 4/12

Madge and Robin are understanding and helpful to each other here. Thank you.

Author:  Abi [ Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 4/12

Hope things get sorted out here... thanks, Santa!

Author:  emma t [ Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 4/12

Thankyou santa :) love that Joey has pre-wedding nerves! Looking forward to seeing what happens next!

Author:  Secret Santa [ Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 4/12

Much to Madge’s great surprise and relief Jack did not at once fall into one of his famous – or rather infamous – rages. He was in fact normally very placid and good natured but occasionally something would upset him to such an extent that it was then wisest to move rapidly out of his reach. This time he stared at Madge in disbelief and, just as she was getting ready to retreat behind a handy armchair, he opened his mouth and roared with laughter.

“I should have expected something like this” he said, between chuckles, as he calmed down from his laughing fit. “I thought things were going far too smoothly to be true for someone as highly strung as Joey is. Had I realised, I would have made sure of a soothing draught slipped into her milk last night but I guess it’s too late for that now. So how do we get out of this mess then? I don’t see myself being left at the altar!”

“No, indeed” said Madge “nor do I see myself as having Jo around the house for evermore, expecting me to be grateful that she gave up her future with you to support me! In any case, I am very sure that she truly does want to marry you – the Germans have a word for it – Torschlusspanik – panic at the closing door, in this case the door to freedom and independence as she sees it.”

“For heaven’s sake, Madge” Jack exploded at this point. “I’m not some sort of Bluebeard planning to imprison her in a dark tower. She’s not going to be My Last Duchess* hanging on the wall! She can have as much freedom and independence as she wants – as long as she makes sure my meals are on the table and socks are darned first of course” he ended, laughing again.

“Jack, I’ve an idea as to how we might pull through this – pull being the operative word. But I need to make some enquiries first. Jo has a great sense of humour and I think once she has had a good sleep, if we can appeal to that sense, we might still have a wedding on our hands later today. But as I said, I need to check out some things first. I just hope to goodness that the telephone lines haven’t come down in this dreadful weather – and that it calms down shortly. Did you hear the forecast on the Home Service by any chance?”

“Yes, the snow is due to stop by around midday and they were even forecasting sunshine for this part of the world in the afternoon.”

“Excellent. Just what we need. Now tell me, didn’t you say you had met one of the doctors on the island recently? Peter Chester? He’ll have a good knowledge of what’s available locally won’t he?”

“Well of course I know him – the strain of all this must be getting to you! Have you forgotten he’s to be my best man since Jem is giving Joey away – if he gets the chance that is! Yes, you’re right, local GPs in a place like this usually know all that’s to be known about their patients and families. Just ask the girl on the exchange switchboard to put you through, you won’t need his number. In the meantime I think I’ll go for a tramp round the house to cool off!”

“Wait Jack, before you go – what size jacket and trousers do you wear?”

“What on earth...? I’ve got my wedding outfit, why do you need to know that?”

“Never mind why, just tell me please! If it all works out then you’ll soon know.” Shrugging, Jack gave her the information and went off to don his cold weather gear, thanking his lucky stars that he had replaced some of the items that had been left behind in the flight from Austria.

*My Last Duchess

Author:  Alison H [ Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 7/12

Jack was really nice there.

Author:  JB [ Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 7/12

Love this:

“No, indeed” said Madge “nor do I see myself as having Jo around the house for evermore, expecting me to be grateful that she gave up her future with you to support me

Thank you Santa.

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 7/12

I can't wait to see what the plan is - thankyou!

Author:  roversgirl [ Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 7/12

I think this is quite realistic, thanks! I also enjoy the portrayal of the older, more serious Robin. Thanks :-)

Author:  Abi [ Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 7/12

Hope it works... :)

Author:  emma t [ Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 7/12

Thankyou santa :) It was nice to see Jack not in a rage!! :)

Author:  Miss Di [ Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 7/12

I'm fascinated. Will she won't she?

Author:  shesings [ Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 7/12

Love this - and, never mind Jack, surely she couldn't disappoint the little girls when they've got their new dresses!

Author:  Secret Santa [ Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated 7/12

In the meantime Robin had shed her Maid of Honour gown and hurried to the nursery where she found Minette struggling to keep order. Because the children were still all in their wedding outfits she had them sitting round the table whilst she read them one of their favourite books, Le Petit Toto, but as usual sitting listening to a story was much too tame for Rix so he had surreptitiously started to kick David under the table. After taking this assault quietly for a while the placid David squirmed away but, when this did not save him from the next battery of kicks, he began to kick back.

Soon Minette noticed all was not well and broke off the passage she was reading. “But Rix, what do you do?” she said sharply, unerringly knowing that the trouble would not have started with David. “Nothing Minette” said Rix “Well nothing now” he amended, since he was a truthful little boy despite being the nursery’s chief mischief-maker. “Well stop whatever it was you were doing or you will stand in the corner” said Minette even more sharply, resuming her reading.

Robin stood by the door for a moment, watching. She feared that as soon as she told everyone that they would have to change into everyday clothes for the moment there would be an uproar – cheers from the two boys and probably tears from Primula, Bride and Sybil at least. Daisy and Peggy could be relied upon to be sensible if approached properly. She was trying to decide the best way to break the news and to think of something to occupy them all for the next hour or so when Peggy spotted her by the door.

“Robin” she cried, running across the room to her. “Is it time to go yet? We’ve been so good – well all of us except Rix” she said glancing at her twin. “He’s been naughty again and Minette said she would stand him in the corner if.....”

“Peggy,” said the Robin gently, “even if Rix has been naughty, it’s not for you to tell me about it. Telling tales is not a nice thing to do as you’d soon find out if you were to do it at school.”

Peggy subsided, blushing at being scolded by the Robin who she looked up to with feelings bordering on hero- worship. Robin turned to Rix “And as for you my lad”, she said sternly “watch what you are doing. Just because your Uncle Jem is tied up with wedding preparations doesn’t mean that he can’t come along to the nursery and deal with you faithfully!”

Rix became thoughtful. He remembered his last confrontation with Uncle Jem from which he had come away decidedly the worst. Then he brightened again “No, Robin” he said cheerfully “He’s gone out – I saw him a few minutes ago from the window. He was on snowshoes!” he ended on a note of deep admiration.

Robin decided to leave well alone and gathered the children round her. “Now listen” she said “We’ve had to change our plans a little – you’ve seen how much snow has fallen this morning”

“Yes, it’s just like the Tyrol” interrupted Daisy cheerfully. “Do you think we’ll have skiing and sledging like there?”

“Not skiing I don’t suppose” answered the Robin “unless it’s cross country but that would be too tiring for you little ones” Daisy looked insulted; at nine she did not consider herself to be one of the little ones.

“But I don’t think it snows here very often” continued the Robin. “I’d be very surprised to find sledges here. But we’re hoping that the snow will stop soon and so we’re waiting till this afternoon for the wedding ceremony. I want you all to take off your dresses and page boy suits and lay them carefully on your beds. Rix, be very careful of yours – remember that Uncle Jem will be coming back!

For a special treat you can then all put on your nightclothes and dressing gowns and we’ll have a daytime pyjama party picnic in here. We’ll have to be very quiet, pretending it’s the dead of night, because Auntie Jo didn’t sleep well and is having a rest now. You can each choose a favourite board game to play round the table, and Rosa will bring us up a picnic lunch. We’ll draw lots for who chooses first”

Although all the girls, and especially Sybil, pouted a little at having to shed their lovely long dresses, even for a short time, the idea of getting into pyjamas and having a nursery picnic soon consoled them. The boys were overjoyed to get out of “that fancy stuff” as Rix scornfully called it and the speed with which he tried to rip off his silk shirt and little waistcoat called down a further rebuke on his head from Minette, this time in the Guernsey patois that the children were becoming used to hearing. Joey, of course, had already mastered a great deal of it and infuriated everyone by insisting on speaking it as often as she could, whether people understood her or not.

Robin was relieved that her plan was greeted with such acclaim. Daisy was thrilled to find she had first choice of game. “Let’s start with le Jeu de l'oie*” she said, hauling the box out of the cupboard. This was a new favourite they had learned since coming to Guernsey , Madge having found an old and beautiful boxed set of it in the bountiful attics of the Bonne Maison. After not many minutes they had all shed their finery and settled peacefully round the table for the Battle of the Goose to begin.

*Jeu de l'oie

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated10/12

Robin's lovely here - thankyou Santa!

Author:  Alison H [ Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated10/12

The kids are lovely too.

Author:  emma t [ Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated10/12

It's good that Robin is looking after the children :) Thanks santa!

Author:  roversgirl [ Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated10/12

Robin's really grown up here, which is lovely to see! I think your characters are very realistic. Thanks :-)

Author:  MaryR [ Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated10/12

Loved the idea of a nursery picnic - clever Robin. :D

Thanks, Santa.

Author:  cal562301 [ Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated10/12

Well done Robin, for sorting them out peacefully.

Reminds me of my own early childhood, when we had a plain green carpet in the living room. So, if it rained when we were supposed to be going on a picnic, we had it in there instead. Mind you, that was before we moved house when I was 6. Don't think it would have worked so well when my sister and I were older!

Thank you Santa for allowing all of us to enjoy Emma's drabble.

Author:  Secret Santa [ Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated10/12

Madge was battling with the telephone exchange. All very well, she thought crossly, for Jack to say just pick up the phone and ask for Dr Chester. The chance would be a fine thing. As far as she could tell, Miss Soames at the exchange was having a lengthy conversation with one of her cronies on the island and had no intention whatsoever of connecting anyone. Madge nearly fell off her chair when finally a voice said sharply, as if annoyed at being interrupted, “Yes? Can I help you?”

“Could you put me through to Dr Chester please?” Madge asked politely, though she was sorely tempted to snap “At last! What on earth have you been doing for the past ten minutes?” “Have you his number?” came the response. “I understood from Dr Maynard and Dr Russell” said Madge, shamelessly dropping names “that I would simply need to ask for him”

“Ah yes” simpered Miss Soames “if it’s for the doctors, then of course” and Madge was immediately connected. She waited for the click that would indicate that Miss Soames had herself come off the line – she had no desire for her conversation with Peter Chester to be made the subject of island gossip. She knew all too well that living in such a small community meant that everyone could peer into your soup plate, as Frau Mieders had colourfully once put it when they were still in the Tyrol.

“Dr Chester,” she began formally when she heard his voice “we haven’t met yet but I am about to become Dr Maynard’s sister-in-law.”

“Ah, so you are Russell’s wife are you?” a deep voice responded “Very fine work he has been doing in Austria, such a tragedy it has had to stop for the moment. What I’d like to do to that fiend Hitler....”

“Yes indeed” Madge interrupted hastily, thinking that once they started a conversation about the evils that had led to their being on Guernsey, she would never get anywhere with her plan. “but Dr Chester, I have a different problem at the moment and I think you may be able to help”

She rapidly told him of Joey’s current state of mind and explained that she was certain it was just an excess of nerves, typical of her sister who had always been highly strung. She felt sure that if she could come up with something a little out of the ordinary the barriers would come crashing down, hopefully in fits of laughter.

She then told him that walking on the beach recently she had noticed the unusual way the fishermen were hauling in their nets and asked if he knew about it.

“Of course” replied the doctor “the de Garis family have been doing it that way for generations. Why – you are surely not thinking of....?” he went on.

“Well yes, that is exactly what I am thinking of” said Madge. “Do you think it would be possible? And haven't I seen wood being shifted in the same way?”

“Yes, driftwood from the shore” said the doctor. “Hmm, I’d need to talk to de Garis. He’s a handy carpenter as well as a skilled fisherman and I know he’s around today, the blizzard has meant that the fishing boats couldn’t go out. I think he could probably do some adjustments –he’d need to because after all we are dealing with snow here, and quite a lot of it at that. Leave it with me, I’ll ring you back very shortly. We’re aiming for 3pm are we?”

“Before you go there’s just one more thing” said Madge. “Are you and Jack much of a size? And if so, do you by any chance have....?” and she went on to tell him what she needed.

He roared with laughter. “Does Maynard know what you’re planning?” he enquired. “I’d give a lot to see his face when you tell him! Yes, it so happens I was about to dig it out anyway and it should fit just fine” and still laughing he rang off leaving Madge greatly relieved that things were beginning to fall into place.

Author:  Alison H [ Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated13/12

I'm intrigued now!

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated13/12

Greatly intrigued, in fact.

Author:  emma t [ Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated13/12

So am I!Come back soon, Santa please! :lol:

Author:  Secret Santa [ Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated13/12

emma t wrote:
So am I!Come back soon, Santa please! :lol:

Oh I'm a very regular Santa! You should be able to work out when I will next fly by.....

Ho ho ho :santa:

Author:  roversgirl [ Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated13/12

This is very intriguing... I wonder what she's up to! Thanks :-)

Author:  Secret Santa [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated13/12

Her relief did not last long. She heard the back door bang and hurried down the passage way to forestall what she feared might be a noisy entrance by her husband. Sure enough, Jem Russell came hurtling through the passage doorway. Before he had a chance to open his mouth Madge took him by the arm and led him into the drawing room which was fortunately well away from Joey’s bedroom.

“I just met Jack Maynard” he barked “he tells me the wedding is off! What’s going on Madge? Has Joey taken leave of her senses?”

“Hush Jem, please” said Madge quietly. “Joey is sleeping now and I don’t want her disturbed until I’ve completely sorted things out.”

“Sorted things out? How can you sort them out when she’s clearly gone out of her mind? Not marry Jack Maynard indeed! And at the very last moment too. I’ve just had a wasted walk through the blizzard to the church to make sure it’s all ready for us in an hour’s time! If she’s been having second thoughts why on earth has she said nothing before this?"

“She’s not having second thoughts; she’s just panicking at the thought of all the changes ahead of her. She’s been through a lot in the past months, we all have. I’m not in the least surprised that this has happened. Anyway, I have a plan....I’m just waiting for a call from Dr Chester to see if it will work.”

“Peter Chester?” repeated Jem. “I didn’t know you’d even met him. What can he do that I can’t?”

“Quite a lot I hope” said Madge calmly “For a start he knows more or less everyone on the island and I wouldn’t be surprised if quite a lot of people owe him favours too. I’ve heard that he is very generous with his time when folk are sick, and very slow to bill them for it. Ah, there’s the phone now” and she hurried off to answer it.

Jem listened to her side of the conversation but was none the wiser for eavesdropping on it.

He heard her say “Yes...oh excellent, how very kind of him.....2.45 sounds good, or perhaps a few minutes earlier?........... Have you?.......Perfect........ Could you drop it in here in about an hour? I’ll have talked Jack into it by then I hope.........Thank you so much.....See you soon then, goodbye”. And with that she put the phone down and turned to see Jem staring at her.

“Talked Jack into what?” he asked suspiciously. “I hope you don’t think you are going to talk me into anything Madge my love”

“No, just Jack” she said smiling at him. “All you have to do is be at the church ready to give Joey away at 3 o’clock this afternoon.”

“You sound very sure of yourself, my girl.”

“Oh I am Jem, never fear. Joey won’t be able to resist what I have in mind. Ah, here’s Jack now” she said as she heard the back door shutting quietly.

Jack came into the room, running his fingers through his fair hair which still had snowflakes glistening on it. He walked to the fireplace and held out his hands to the blaze.

“It’s bitterly cold out there” he said “but the snow has stopped and I do believe the forecast was right. I saw a patch of blue sky big enough to make a sailor a pair of trousers and you know what they say about that. The sun shouldn’t be far behind”

“Jack” said Madge “I need you to promise me something”

“Aha, I’m buying no pigs in pokes from you –tell me what it is first” he retorted.

“No, really Jack, I’m serious. If I tell you first you’ll refuse, but if you go along with it then I think you’ll be married later today”.

“Oh get on with it man, promise her” said Jem “ you know once she has set her mind on achieving something she’s like a bulldog, she’ll never let go. You’ll find out that it’s a Bettany characteristic” And he smiled fondly at his wife.

“Oh very well then, I promise” said Jack. “What’s the plan then?”

So Madge told them exactly what was going to happen and both men stared at her in disbelief before bursting into shouts of laughter.

Author:  roversgirl [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated16/12

I wonder what she's come up with! Glad to see they're both taking it well anyway. Thanks :-)

Author:  Bryony [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated16/12

Thank you Santa!

But I think you've forgotten to tell US what the plan is...

Author:  Alison H [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated16/12

I can't wait to find out what Madge has got planned!

Author:  Secret Santa [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated16/12

Christmas is for surprises :wink:
Ho ho ho :santa:

Author:  emma t [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated16/12

Not fair santa!!You left us in suspense again :) but thankyou!

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated16/12

I really do think you should tell us the plan too...

Author:  MaryR [ Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated16/12

I catch up with it and find myself left on a cliff!!!!! :shock:

Thanks, Santa, this is lovely.

Author:  Secret Santa [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated16/12

Joey sat at the window of her room, staring out at the snow-covered garden. She had slept soundly and had been completely oblivious of all the activity and scurrying around that had taken place whilst she was fast asleep.

By her side stood a small table with the remains of the light meal that had greeted her when she had woken half an hour earlier. One of Marie’s delicate omelettes, wafer thin slices of the rye bread that she and Rosa baked daily, and some of the Christmas cookies and Wiener Kipferl that the children had helped her to make the previous day, all washed down with a cup of Marie’s special coffee brew.

Joey had begun to dress, planning to go downstairs after she had eaten, but then she had lost heart and had put her dressing gown on over her underwear.

Now she sat looking out and wondering what on earth she had done. By now she should have been Mrs John Maynard – or Frau Doktor Maynard as they would have called her in Austria - and celebrating the fact with her family and the very few friends who had been able to join them on Guernsey. Instead she was sitting here alone, probably a spinster for evermore, and, she had to admit it to herself, deeply unhappy.

Suddenly she sat up straighter and started to listen. Surely she could hear something strange, and yet very familiar, coming from outside? She was concentrating so hard that she did not notice the door behind her opening and Madge coming into the room. Surely she must be hearing things? She could have sworn that the familiar sound, so out of place here, was sleigh bells coming ever closer. Slightly tinkly sleigh bells perhaps, but sleigh bells nonetheless.

Forgetting the bitter cold outside, she stood up and opened the window to look out. Now she could hear the bells more clearly. The sun was shining, the snow was glistening, and as she leaned out she saw something approaching from around the side of the house. Two big black shapes – ponies perhaps – pulling something that she could not yet make out clearly. But riding on it was a large figure clad from top to toe in bright red......

Joey shook her head to try and clear it. Could she still be asleep and dreaming perhaps? It seemed as if Father Christmas was approaching on some sort of sleigh pulled by two black ponies. She peered out again and could now see that it was two separate things, sort of wooden carts fixed onto what looked like ancient wooden skis rather than wheels, and both decorated with twining ivy and holly branches bright with berries.

And they were pulled, not by ponies as she had at first thought, but by giant dogs! Not St Bernards, which would have broken her heart, still bleeding for her beloved Rufus left behind in the flight from Austria, but the next best thing, two beautiful black Newfoundlands. They paced proudly through the snow, attached to the cart-sleighs by red leather harnesses, with the sleigh bells round their necks tinkling merrily as they walked.

By this time the party had reached her window and drawn up beneath it. Joey leaned out, still hardly believing what she was seeing, and looked down into the clear blue eyes of Jack Maynard, peeping through the mass of white beard that covered his face.

“Your carriage awaits, Madam” he said, grinning beneath his beard “Will it please you to ride with me?”

“Jack you chump!” Joey exclaimed. “You don’t seriously expect me to ride to church in that? And with you dressed up as Santa Claus?”

“Oh but I do, my love” responded Jack “May I present Black Bess and Blackbeard, released for the moment from their daily task of hauling nets and driftwood and recruited for the much more prestigious one of conveying the bride and her groom to the church. Look how proud they are? Surely you don’t intend to disappoint them?”

“Of course she doesn’t” said Madge, stepping forward. “Come in now Joey, you’ve been at the window quite long enough, this is no time to be risking a bout of bronchial pneumonia! And everyone is waiting at the church. Your dress is with Robin in the vestry and as soon as you have put on some warm clothes and your loden cape and got onto your sleigh, I shall snowshoe down to meet you there and help you change into your dress. Hurry now!” and Madge deliberately lent the last words a touch of the headmistress that she had been.

Joey responded to this automatically and even went as far as saying “Yes Madame” and then grinning wickedly at her sister as she did as she was told. Within a very short time she was getting into the cart-sleigh next to Jack’s. Madge put on her snowshoes and set off at speed for Torteval Church whither she had despatched everyone else some time before.

“Nearly there........” she thought, as her feet skimmed across the ground, “nearly there...........”

For those who doubt

Author:  Alison H [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated19/12

Well done Madge! What a gorgeous image :D .

Author:  shazwales [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated19/12

Love the idea of a sleigh,Madge has surpassed herself there.

Author:  emma t [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated19/12

Brilliant :) especially the added touch of the mention of Rufus being left behind.

Author:  whitequeen [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated19/12

Brilliant! :)

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy- Secret Santa for EmmaT-Updated19/12

Just perfect! Thankyou.

Author:  Secret Santa [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

When, afterwards, Joey looked back at that ride through the snow she found it hard to believe that it had taken place. Fortunately it was not very far from Bonne Maison to Torteval Church but it still seemed to her as if half the island had come out to cheer them as they went. Word had spread fast through the fishing community that two of the island’s best-loved dogs were being honoured in this unusual way and everyone wanted to see it happening.

Black Bess and Blackbeard looked as if they knew exactly how important their task was and they padded along through the deep snow as if they were on their own familiar sandy beach.

They made nothing of the weight of Jack and Joey and in a very short time they drew up in front of the church where Madge and Robin were waiting anxiously to help Joey into her white velvet gown with its graceful flowing train, edged with white fur; the fur was another triumphant find in the treasure trove of the Bonne Maison attics.

She wore a veil of ivory coloured delicate lace – a gift from the di Ferrara sisters which had mysteriously found its way through occupied Europe to Guernsey – and this was held in place on her black hair by two silver hairslides, clipped one each side of her head, and holding two white Christmas Roses. Robin handed her a sheaf of more Christmas Roses, fastened with long trails of dark green ivy and silver ribbon, which Joey, by now completely restored to her normal self, took from her with a loving smile,. Madge hurried to take her place at the front of the beautifully decorated church as the organ began to peal out the first notes of The Wedding March.

Jack, now conventionally garbed, stood at the altar with Peter Chester alongside, and as the music rang out both turned to look down the aisle at the approaching procession.

A wonderful sight met their eyes. At the front came three angelic little girls with baskets of the star-like white flowers and many ivy leaves which they scattered as they walked down the aisle. They were closely followed by two small boys, each with a hand on the scarlet harness of a big black dog padding at his side.

Black Bess and Blackbeard, once released from the carts, had simply walked to the front of the procession and refused to leave the church. They had clearly earned the right to be included and, as Madge said afterwards, they had certainly ensured that Rix gave no trouble – he was simply bursting with pride at his role as dog-page.

Behind this group came Joey, her hand resting lightly on Jem’s left arm. Her face was radiant and her black eyes were glowing with joy. Peggy and Daisy followed holding her train, the Robin close behind ready to step in and help if it became too heavy for them.

As they came to the altar Jack stepped forward, Jem took Joey’s hand from his arm and gently placed it in Jack’s left hand. Oblivious of everyone around them, clear blue eyes met soft black velvet ones and Jack said in a low voice that, unlike a whisper would have done, carried only to Joey.

“Well my love, are you ready?”

Joey gazed into those beloved eyes. She knew from the depths of her being that this was now the time, the place, the person, her very own solid lump of comfort........

“Oh yes Jack” she said, in the same low tones “Yes, ready now, and for always” and together they turned to face the altar, and their future.

The End

Author:  Alison H [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Hooray! Thank you Santa, that was absolutely beautiful.

Author:  PaulineS [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Thank you. Pleased the dogs helped the boys as well as Joey and Jack.

Author:  thefrau46 [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Lovely. Thank you Secret Santa. :)

Author:  whitequeen [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

aww, I need a tissue now, that was lovely :)

(love the bit about the whisper - how EBD!)

Author:  MaryR [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

That was absolutely beautiful, Santa. :wink:

Author:  ChubbyMonkey [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

That was a wonderful ending. Thankyou.

Author:  Elder in Ontario [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

That was just a beautiful picture :) - I'm another who loved the 'stage whisper!' I also loved the dogs insisting on being in the procession, and the resulting guarantee that Rix would behave!! :P

Thanks, Santa

Author:  emma t [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Thankyou for such a lovely present santa - I was very moved by the last bit :) I feel very spoilt! :)xxx

Author:  JS [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

That was really lovely - especially the dogs :)

Author:  cal562301 [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

A lovely gentle drabble, with a beautiful ending. Thanks Santa.

Author:  Elbee [ Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Awwww! Thank you, Santa.

Author:  Chris S [ Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Thanks Santa, you painted a beautiful word picture of the wedding.

Author:  roversgirl [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

That was lovely - glad it all worked out in the end: Thanks :)

Author:  mell [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Thank you Santa, that was lovely

Author:  robinette [ Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Really enjoyed this lovely story and very glad it had a happy ending.

Thanks Santa

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Thanks, that was so lovely. I wish I had of had a pair of dogs pulling me on a sleigh to the wedding

Author:  honeycrippen12 [ Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Winter Wedding Whimsy-Secret Santa for EmmaT-Complete22/12

Thanks a lot for enjoying this beauty story with me. I am appreciating it very much.

Keep sharing more in future.. :)

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