The Chalet School and Lorna
The CBB -> St Agnes's House

#1: The Chalet School and Lorna Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:09 pm

It was an autumnal day and a smart young woman in her late twenties stepped off the train at Gornetz Platz station, gazing about her with an air of no little interest.
“Stop dreaming, Lorna!” The younger of her two companions said impatiently and Lorna turned to grin at her.
“Why the impatience, Kit? What have you got to be in a rush about?”
“And she calls herself a teacher!” The eldest lady interrupted, laughing. “You’ll have to sort your language out, my girl! They’ll not take to you if you inspire their pupils to use bad English!”
“Oh it’s not that bad!” Lorna laughed. “My English is quite respectable when I choose! Anyhow, I shan’t be there long enough to have any kind of lasting effect on them!”
“Perhaps not but you could make some valuable contacts.” Her aunt remarked. “The school’s got quite a name in the educational world, I believe.”
“Oh it has!” Lorna nodded. “I was at Oxford with one or two, Kit too, I suppose?” She glanced at her cousin, who nodded. “All the same, I don’t think there’s any chance of me making contacts; not with French and German two days a week each! They’ll all be colloquial! Goodness knows how I’ll manage lessons, let alone staffroom conversations!”
“Oh it’s not quite that bad!” A voice remarked from just beside them and the group turned to see a small woman smiling at her. “Are you Lorna Carey? Oh good! My name’s Sharlie Andrews; Miss Wilmot thought you might appreciate being met. It’s jolly good of you to help us out at such short notice; nobody expected Kathie to go down with appendicitis and since we were already short of one member of staff, it left us in a pickle! Have you much luggage? It’s not too much of a walk but it can be awkward if you have a lot of luggage.” She glanced at the cases Lorna had with her.
“I’ve a change of clothes, nightwear and washing things in my small case, as suggested.” Lorna answered immediately. “I’m not quite sure what I should do with this though.”
“Not a problem.” Sharlie’s face had cleared. “I’ll speak to the station master and it can stay here. Someone will come along in the car later to fetch it.” She paused, glancing enquiringly at Lorna’s two companions.
“Katherine Arnold, Lorna’s Aunt and Kit Arnold, her cousin.” Mrs Arnold said quickly. “We thought we’d take advantage of Lorna’s posting and treat ourselves to a short holiday. We’re staying on the Rosleinalpe, I believe it’s called? I believe one can get it to it by a train from here?”
“That’s right! Any train will take you there.” Sharlie agreed; she was clearly eager to get on, however and Lorna pulled herself together.
“Well, I expect I’ll see you sometime.” She said brightly and bade them goodbye before turning away with her companion, allowing her to see to the organisation of her case and then setting out on the walk to the School.

Last edited by catherine on Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:19 pm; edited 2 times in total


#2:  Author: Lisa_TLocation: Belfast PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:31 pm

Catherine! You've done a beautiful job! So much so I'm almost tempted to tell you to carry on all by your lickle self. Are you on msn BTW? If you want to carry it on as a join efforty we should have a chat in real time, so to speak..Lovely lovely jubbly!


#3:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:46 pm

I'm not, no. I'm quite happy to carry on for a bit though, if you want. And we could always e mail each other!Glad it's OK I was starting to get worried when no one posted!


#4:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 10:14 pm

Great idea, Catherine. Looking forward to more.


#5:  Author: Caroline OSullivanLocation: Reading, Berkshire, UK PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:00 pm

Thank you Catherine. Having just read the two Lorna books there's a a lovely drabble about her ROFL Looking forward to more


#6:  Author: MandyLocation: Derry, N.Ireland PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:16 pm

I haven't read either of the Lorna books but it sounds good so far.


#7:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:58 pm

*devoutly hopes she's not pre-empting Lisa!* Yes, it's set during Challenge.


Lorna was quiet as she walked along beside her companion, not quite sure how to begin the conversation after the remark that had brought Sharlie over to them. Sharlie, glancing at her, guessed what she was thinking.
“Don’t worry!” She said cheerfully. “You only voiced what most of us have thought when we found out we had a job here! The thought of using three languages can be rather daunting! You needn’t worry though, we tend to speak whichever language we choose in the staffroom – always provided there are no girls anywhere in the vicinity! Naturally, we use whichever language it is when we’re with the girls.
“Well that’s something at least.” Lorna breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m awfully sorry, I really wasn’t expecting to be met or I’d never have said anything.”
“Miss Wilmot thought it would only be kind.” Sharlie explained. “As I said, don’t worry! Most of us have thought it or even said it at one time or another. Would you like us to call you Miss Carey or Lorna?”
“Lorna, please – that is if it’s acceptable to use first names.”
“Of course it is! Amongst ourselves anyway! Have you done much teaching before?”
“A little. Actually, I started my own school but it didn’t last.” Lorna confessed.
“Oh I’m sorry to hear that!” Sharlie said, genuine sympathy in her voice. “Can I ask why?”
“It wasn’t down to bad teaching.” Lorna said quickly. “At least, I don’t think it was. There certainly weren’t any complaints! No, we just couldn’t get the pupils and in the end it just became too expensive to run. I’d always dreamed about starting my own school so it hit rather hard.”
“I could see it might.” Sharlie agreed. “Still, you’re young enough to try it again in the future and in the meantime you can enjoy teaching without the added responsibilities that owning a school brings with it.”
“True.” Lorna brightened. “What are your girls like?” She added anxiously.
“Lovely, taking them by and large.” Sharlie answered promptly. “We have a few who bear watching, but which school doesn’t? On the whole though, they’re a decent set.” She kept up a light flow of chatter until they reached the School and Lorna looked at the large Chalet somewhat apprehensively.
“It’s rather large, isn’t it?” She said as they walked up the drive. “However will I find my way around?”
“Oh you’ll manage!” Sharlie assured her, laughing. “It’s a rabbit warren at first but there’s generally someone to show you where to go! Well, here we are! I’ll take you along to the study to meet Miss Wilmot – she’s acting Head this term whilst Miss Annersley is away on an educational tour – she’s one of a selected few visiting other schools in Europe to see how they handle the every day problems you get in School and their rules and methods. At the end of it, they compile a report and we’re hoping to reap the benefit in some way – she’s bound to return full of ideas to implement here! And here we are!” She knocked and in response to a call from within, opened the door and led her charge in. Lorna found herself in a pleasant airy room and a tall, slightly plump lady rose from behind the desk with a welcoming smile. “This is Miss Carey – Lorna, Miss Wilmot.” Sharlie introduced the pair and then slipped away.


#8:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:14 pm

This is great Catherine! Please keep going!!!


#9:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:16 pm

I will at some point. *not sure why this seems to be going way off my computer screen!* ETA: It seems to have righted itself now! *considers throwing wretched computer out of window Screen of Death * Here's a little more for your delectation - or otherwise!


“I’m very glad to see you.” Miss Wilmot shook hands with Lorna. “Do take your coat off and sit down. It’s time for Kaffee und Kuchen so I’ll ring for it and we can have a good chat over it.”
“Actually,” Lorna began hesitantly.
“You do drink coffee?”
“Oh yes! It’s not that! It’s just, well, could I use the facilities first?”
“The facilities?” Miss Wilmot asked blankly.
“The cloakroom.” Lorna enlarged, rather red in the face.
“Of course! I’m so sorry, I can’t think what came over me!” Miss Wilmot remained unruffled but then as Lorna was to discover, it took a lot for her to lose her self possession. “This way, please.” She led the way to the Head’s private bathroom and then tactfully withdrew, rather to the relief of Lorna, who for one made moment, had half expected her to wait in the room. She attended to her needs quickly and rejoined the mistress outside, only to make the pleasing discovery that in her haste, she had left her skirt tucked into her knickers. With a very red face, she pulled it down and Miss Wilmot, biting her lips for she had a strong sense of humour, led the way back to the study where she left her guest to retrieve her self possession whilst she saw to organising Kaffee und Kuchen. Lorna, almost despairing of herself, sat in silence wondering just what kind of impression she must have made and so soon too!


#10:  Author: DonnaLocation: Liverpool PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:03 pm

oh, poor Lorna! This is great Catherine, though a little strange for me as I've only just read Lorna at Wynyards and it's weird to see her all grown up!


#11:  Author: EllieLocation: Lincolnshire PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:37 pm

Oh, it's that Lorna is it? I haven't read about her before, but I don't think that's going to matter too much. She seems nice anyway. Looking forward to more from either one of you.


#12:  Author: PatLocation: Doncaster PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:38 pm

catherine wrote:
*not sure why this seems to be going way off my computer screen!*
It was the line you drew under your comments and before the story, Catherine!


#13:  Author: Lisa_TLocation: Belfast PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:40 pm

*g* Thank you, Catherine. That gave me a much needed giggle. Run with it for a while and email if you want a sounding board. At the moment I am singularly devoid of drabble inspiration, which is a tad irritating!!bawling


#14:  Author: PatLocation: Doncaster PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:41 pm

Have the Pats scared your plot bunny off, Lisa? Twisted Evil


#15:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 4:45 pm

This is good, please may we have some more?


#16:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:30 pm

Not sure if anyone's really that interested in this Sad but I'll post for my own amusement anyway!

“Now, to business!” Miss Wilmot’s brisk tones roused her from her thoughts and it was with a shock that she realised the maid had been and gone.
“Of course!” Lorna sat up properly in her chair, accepting the cup of coffee Miss Wilmot handed her.
“Well as you know, one of our mistresses has been taken ill and we are not expecting her to return this term. She is responsible for the Maths and Geography of the Middles and Juniors but since I myself am Head of Maths and have not been able to give as much time to it this term, due to my position as acting Head, she has been taking some of the younger Seniors as well – namely Inter V and Vb.” She paused to laugh for Lorna had grimaced involuntarily, remembering some of the tussles she had had with Miss Wilson, the Maths teacher at Wynyards School. “Am I to assume that Maths is not your strongest point?” She asked, laughing and Lorna flushed nervously.
“I-I’m sorry. I hadn’t realised I would be expected to teach Maths – the agency didn’t say.”
“What exactly did they tell you would be required?” Miss Wilmot asked, leaving the question of Maths to one side.
“Well just that the Chalet School required a temporary teacher immediately to teach the Middles and Juniors and that fluent French and German was essential. I did ask what subjects I would need to teach but they didn’t seem to know. I-I’m most awfully sorry; I’m sure I could teach your Juniors and probably your Middles but - .”
“Don’t apologise!” Miss Wilmot swiftly interrupted. “It is not your fault; the agency was given full details but I suppose it’s too much to expect them to keep the details to hand and pass them on! No, my dear, we’re very grateful to you for responding so quickly and as it happens, the Maths will not matter. We have an Old Girl living up here who is quite capable of taking on the Maths and willing to do so. Unfortunately, she has a bad back and may not always be fit enough to teach. I can quite well see to it on the days she cannot manage. So, we’ll leave the question of Maths aside. Now, Geography? You can do that?”
“Yes.” Lorna said quickly. “To which forms?”
“Every form from Lower Third B to Inter V.” Miss Wilmot replied automatically. “The Juniors have their own mistresses to teach them so Lower Third B will be the youngest form you’ll be required to teach.”
“And Inter V? How old are they?” Lorna requested, a little perplexed and Miss Wilmot laughed again.
“Oh I am sorry! I’m not being very clear, am I? Inter V is Intermediate Fifth. It was originally formed for those girls who had gone beyond the standard of work required in Upper IVa but weren’t yet ready to tackle the work of Lower Fifth – Vb. However, we’ve since found that it’s a very useful way of giving all our girls grounding in those subjects they’ll tackle in the Fifth so most of the girls move up through that form.”
“Does that not mean they are in school rather a long time?” Lorna queried.
“I suppose it does. Admittedly, most of our sixth form are rather nearer nineteen than eighteen when they leave; indeed several will already have reached that age. We then have a finishing branch as well but not all girls stay for the last year of Sixth Form; a lot of our Continental girls leave at sixteen or seventeen and have a year or two at St Mildred’s – the finishing branch. It’s all explained in the prospectus – here you are.” She handed over the prospectus. “Peruse that at your leisure; it should answer most of your questions and if there’s anything else, I’m sure someone will be more than happy to fill you in.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean t sound critical; I’m just interested.”
“I realise that.” Miss Wilmot smiled. “It’s a rather unusual set up and you’re bound to want to some time to work it all out for yourself. Help yourself to these twists and a cake or two and then I’ll run through your other duties.” She turned the conversation towards Lorna and her background, keeping up a light flow of chatter until the maid returned and cleared away. “Now, Miss Ferrars was form mistress to Upper IVa – the top form of our Middle School and all Senior Middles. We’re asking you to take that duty on and we’d appreciate any help you could give us with Games. We only have one PT mistress, which is not always sufficient so we mistresses and some of the Prefects help out as well. You’ll have the use of Miss Ferrars’ desk in the staffroom and we’ve set up one of the guest rooms for you to use whilst you stay. Suppose I take you up to your room now? I’ll leave you to freshen up and then someone will fetch you in time for Abendessen and introduce you to the rest of the staff; Sharlie, I expect. I should warn you that we use German names for our meals and you will be expected to speak German on Tuesdays and Fridays and French on Mondays and Thursdays. Any language goes so far as talk amongst ourselves in the staffroom is concerned, of course! We don’t stand on ceremony!” She laughed again and stood up. “If there’s anything else you’d like to know then don’t hesitate to ask.” She added with a smile. “I appreciate you’ve been rather overwhelmed with information but things should fall into place. Now, shall we go?” She led Lorna out of the study and as Lorna described it later, up flight after flight of stairs, along corridor after corridor and eventually stopped by a room at the end of the staff corridor. “Here we are!” She announced, opening the door to reveal a pretty enough if rather bare room. “There’s a bathroom just opposite. Feel free to have a bath and I’ll send someone up to fetch you in about an hour. That ought to give you plenty of time.”
“More than enough.” Lorna said quickly. “Thank you very much; you’ve been very helpful.”
“My job.” Miss Wilmot answered as she withdrew with a smile.


#17:  Author: Lisa_TLocation: Belfast PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 10:48 pm

Brilliant, Catherine!! Dare I ask u for more?`


#18:  Author: Cumbrian RachelLocation: Kendal PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 10:55 pm

I've only just found this and it sounds good so far! I loved the bit about the facilities Very Happy


#19:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:01 pm

No more story yet?


#20:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:36 pm

This is fab, please keep going Very Happy


#21:  Author: EllieLocation: Lincolnshire PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:49 pm

I don't know why you think we won't be interested Catherine, this is great. I'd love to see more


#22:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 9:44 pm

Catherine............ ...................where's the next bit honey?


#23:  Author: RachelLocation: West Coast of Scotland PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:00 pm

Catherine, that looks pretty good so far - you should know by now how much we all like shiny new drabbles. Sorry I haven't posted sooner to let you know I was reading and appreciating your hard work!


#24:  Author: BethCLocation: Worcester, UK PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:25 pm

*agreeing with all of the past few posts* More please, Catherine! Very Happy


#25:  Author: Caroline OSullivanLocation: Reading, Berkshire, UK PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:27 pm

I love all the references to 'the facilities' Very Happy Much more realistic. Looking forward to the next installment


#26:  Author: PatLocation: Doncaster PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:41 pm

Forget your course work Catherine. This is much more worth while!


#27:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 1:09 pm

this is good, so far, Catherine, may we have some more, please?


#28:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 9:23 pm

Only a teensy bit more for you. Hopefully more tomorrow.

Left to herself, Lorna unpacked her small case, arranging such belongings as she had brought with her and then made her way along to the bathroom where she enjoyed a long soak in a hot bath. She was just eyeing her bed rather longingly and thinking how nice it would be to curl up and sleep when there was a knock at the door and in answer to her call, Sharlie Andrews entered.
“Oh good! You’re ready!” Sharlie exclaimed, smiling. “Come along with me and I’ll introduce you to the rest of the staff – give you some time to get to know us before Abendessen!”
“Oh right.” Lorna murmured, feeling rather overwhelmed at this prospect.
“Don’t worry, we’re all quite nice.” Sharlie tucked a friendly hand through Lorna’s arm and led her down to the staffroom where a positive sea of faces greeted Lorna. “This is Lorna Carey, people! She’ll be covering most of Kathie’s lessons whilst she’s away and taking on Upper IVa.”
“Welcome, ma petite.” Jeanne de Lachennais as doyenne of the staff, came to greet Lorna who thanked her shyly. “But, come and sit down and let us get to know you.” The next hour was spent in talking and Lorna found that she really did feel welcome with everybody taking the time to get to know her and asking her questions about herself. Rosalind Moore promised to go over the Geography with her the following day – Sunday and Peggy Burnett promised to snaffle her for a natter about Games as well. The only person that she felt overawed by was Matron but as her colleagues informed her, it was nothing new to feel like a naughty schoolgirl again, where she was concerned. Abendessen was far from the trial she thought it would be for the girls were far too polite to do more than send occasional curious glances in her direction, even when Miss Wilmot introduced her at the end. She spent Sunday getting to know her way about the school and preparing for the week ahead and Monday saw her facing the girls for the first time.


#29:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 9:25 pm

Yay!! this is great Catherine! Thank you!


#30:  Author: PatLocation: Doncaster PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 9:26 pm

Roll on Monday! popper


#31:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 9:35 am

Catherine this is fantastic. I have not read any of the Lorna books but that doesn't matter, I'm loving the story. Waiting to see how Lorna gets on with the girls.


#32:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 8:36 pm

It was with a feeling of trepidation that she followed Nancy Wilmot into Upper IVa’s formroom on the Monday; during the short time she had spent in the school, she had discovered that Kathie Ferrars was very popular with girls and staff alike and Lorna dearly hoped no one would resent her for temporarily trying to fill Kathie’s shoes. Miss Wilmot briefly bade the girls sit down and introduced them to their new mistress, adding that she hoped they would make her feel welcome before leaving them all alone to get to know each other.
“So this is Upper IVa.” Lorna hid her nerves, smiling as her glance roved round the room. “I’m sure you all know by this time that my name is Miss Carey and I’ll try to learn all of yours as quickly as I can but do forgive me if I make any silly mistakes, please! Now, Register first, I believe.” She went through the names, trying hard to fix as many of the girls as possible in her memory and then glanced round for Agneta Gabrielli, the form prefect. Agneta was already on her feet, however and she took the register from the mistress with a shy smile. “Thank you, Agneta.” Lorna smiled at the girl and then turned back to the rest. “Could someone tell me who the rest of your form officials are, whilst Agneta is taking the register to Miss Dene?” Astrid Andersson stood up.
“I’m Astrid Andersson and I’m Agneta’s deputy. Freda Kendal is in charge of the blackboards – this is Freda,” as Freda stood up, “Victoria Woods is in charge of tidiness, Sara Carlyon is in charge of flowers and Jacquetta de Henezell is the ink and stationery monitress.” She indicated the three girls as they stood up.
“I see. Thank you Astrid.” Lorna shot a dazzling smile at Astrid. “Miss Wilmot tells me you had some problems with your belongings last week? I believe some of you had some missing? Have you all had your property returned?”
“We have.” Erica Standish giggled. “They won’t do that again in a hurry!”
“No, I should imagine not.” Lorna replied, with a friendly laugh. “All the same, it would be wise to try not to be too crushing; nobody is perfect after all and I don’t suppose it will help if you set their backs up again! I should think you’ve all had enough trouble for one term!”


#33:  Author: Chickpea PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 8:54 pm

Thank you Catherine! I've never read Wynards before but you are tempting me to acquire a copy!


#34:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:39 pm

More please Catherine....... .........pretty please.......


#35:  Author: EllieLocation: Lincolnshire PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:01 am

Thank you Catharine, I like Lorna, despite not knowing her before. Looking forward to seeing more when you have time.


#36:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:59 pm

I think Lorna is going to make a good addition to the CS staff. I'm looking forward to more of this.


#37:  Author: GremblesLocation: Norwich PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 12:02 pm

Please miss, may we have some more? I almost love EBD's other books more than the CS and to see favourite characters reappear is wonderful to reiterate more please?!


#38:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 12:15 pm

Yes - more please! Very Happy


#39:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 4:19 pm

Still no more of this?


#40:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 5:25 pm

A small bit for you. Sorry but am trying to combine college work with doing more of Emily and the PB for this is beginning to desert me!

There were various guilty looks exchanged as Lorna spoke for Upper IVa had made the most of the opportunity presented to them by their Juniors misdeeds and had not just contented themselves with being most crushing when their belongings had been returned to them. They had continued to either maintain a dignified silence in front of Lower IV or to make supercilious comments about ‘those silly little children’ and one or two had even been graciously condescending towards them. Naturally, Lower IV were ripe for revolt as a result of this and all thoughts of making amends had gone out their heads with much of their free time now being spent in plotting other mischief against the form, this time in a way that would not see them being found out in such a public manner or by the Head. Miss Wilmot had made a good guess at the situation between the two forms, partly through observation and partly from her own experience as a school girl and feeling that they had had enough trouble that term one way or another, had asked Lorna to see if she could do something about it. Lorna had been somewhat hesitant about raising the subject so soon and indeed had not planned to at all for she was wise enough to know that the girls would only resent her presence if they felt she was lecturing them for the moment she arrived. She had been struggling for something to say, to avoid a long and awkward silence after taking the Register and the words had tripped off her tongue quite easily. She noticed the conscious looks but was relieved to see that the girls did not appear to resent her remarks.
“Vous pouvez parler bien en français, Mlle Carey.” Rita Quick hurriedly changed the subject before the mistress could ask any more awkward questions.
“You think so?” Lorna smiled. “I’m glad. I was very worried that you would all talk like natives and I wouldn’t be able to understand a word you were saying! A fine teacher I’d have made then! It wouldn’t have been the pupils looking blank, it would have been me!” She laughed and the girls joined in, breaking the slightly tense atmosphere that had been present. The bell rang for Prayers just then and there was a series of groans.
“Oh! And I’ve so many questions I want to ask!” Jacquetta groaned.
“Me too!”
“And me as well!” The others joined in with Jacquetta’s groans.
“I’m sure you’ll find an opportunity to speak with me soon.” Lorna soothed. “I am here until Christmas after all! Now, you had better line up or you will be late and I’m sure you’d rather that didn’t happen, since you have a certain dignity to preserve, being the top form in the Middle School!” Her warning was timely and the girls hurriedly formed into two lines, marching off quietly when Lorna, relying on Agneta to tell her when their turn came, gave the word. She herself hurried back to the staffroom to collect her own hymn book and join the rest of her colleagues.
“How did you get on?” Sharlie Andrews asked. “Were the girls all right?”
“They were. I was awfully afraid they’d be stiff and formal with me, but they were lovely. I even managed to warn them about being too crushing towards Lower IV!”
“You’re a fast worker then!” Peggy Burnett remarked laughing. “Well, let’s hope that they take some notice or we’ll be having a lovely time with the little pests and Nancy has more than enough on her plate at the moment!”
“Yes; I wouldn’t like to be in her shoes.” Lorna agreed. “She’s marvellously unflappable though!” Neither Sharlie nor Peggy made any attempt to contradict her, for much as they were finding they liked Lorna, they had no intention of telling her just how ‘flappable’ the normally calm Nancy was at the moment. She was rather too new and too temporary for that.

Lorna’s first lesson that morning was Geography with Inter V and she soon found herself agreeing with the School’s reason for the form; quite half of them were below the standard that she imagined was expected in Vb, both in terms of work and behaviour. As she walked in, Jack Lambert, with all the authority for form prefect, was settling a squabble between Val Pertwee and Celia Everett over who should sit at the back.
“Val, come and sit beside me and Wanda and Celia, you sit down and for goodness sake stop being such a pair of asses! Miss Carey is going to think we belong to Lower IV not Inter V if you two carry on like this! Stop squabbling over something as idiotic as which desk to sit at and sort yourselves out now!”
“I quite agree.” Lorna remarked, walking in and putting her books down on her desk. “But I would doubt that even Lower IV would do something as babyish as squabble over which desk to sit at! There is a free desk at the front, Celia, you may occupy that since I have to wonder whether you could be trusted if I allowed you sit at the back! Valerie, take your place next Jack and let us have no more nonsense! The two miscreants, did as they were told in a very subdued manner and Jack sent a baleful glare around the form, daring anybody to do anything more to disgrace the form. Lorna waited until everyone was settled and then smiled at the form. “I am, as I’m sure you know, Miss Carey and I’ll be teaching Geography to you until Miss Ferrars returns next term. Open your text books at page 54 and let me see what you know about rock formation.” The rest of the lesson passed off peacefully much to the relief of both the mistress and the form and she departed to Lower Third B who were far too much in awe of any mistress to even consider playing her up. All went smoothly until the last lesson of the day, when she met Lower IV.


#41:  Author: claireLocation: South Wales PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 7:30 pm

Want to see what Lower IV do to her now. Is Joey going to meet up with the Arnolds again?


#42:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 7:33 pm

Oh yes!! It'd be good to see that meeting!


#43:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 8:33 pm

It might have been expected that after recent events, Lower IV would be sufficiently subdued to behave themselves for at least a few weeks, if not the remainder of the term but they, as Middles were wont to do, saw no reason to fulfil this expectation. In their infinite wisdom, they had decided that Lorna, coming as she did from England and at such short notice would not be able to speak either French or German and that therefore they would be able to do and say what they liked within the lesson. Further, they also decided that she would be unable to distinguish between the two languages or know and identify which they were speaking when. Thus it was that Lorna, walking into the formroom was startled to be greeted by the sound of voices all talking at once and in several different languages – some of the wilder spirits had decided to throw in Dutch, Spanish, Italian and even Swedish and Danish. The tumult ceased instantly, the moment she smacked the table to get their attention and they rose to their feet in silence.
“I am aware that it is very tempting to talk to each other during moments when you are free from supervision but it may help if you refrained from shouting at each other and remembered to speak in the correct language for the day.” Lorna remarked, in fluent German and there was a stupefied silence. “You may sit down.” She added but the form simply stood there gaping at her and for a moment, Lorna was tempted to wonder if she had suddenly developed purple spots. “I said, you may sit down.” She repeated and turned to the blackboard to begin writing some questions on it, hoping the form would have recovered from whatever ailed them by that time. It was time enough for Jocelyn to recover her senses and by dint of whispering to those near her and those girls passing it on, she managed to get almost all the class to stay standing. The form were now to pretend that Lorna’s German was so bad they could not understand her and accordingly when Lorna turned from the blackboard to find more than half of the class still on their feet, her mouth almost dropped. Almost but not quite. She quickly recovered herself and repeated her command whereupon Jocelyn took the lead.
“We cannot understand.” She said in her best German and looking the demure schoolgirl.
“What exactly is that you cannot understand?” Lorna enquired, swift to realise that they would take her for a ride if she let them. “I would have thought that you would hear the words ‘Sit down’ enough times in a day to know what they mean. I see some of your peers understand.”
“Oh! You mean you want us to sit down!” Jocelyn exclaimed in an accent that was less British sounding than Lorna’s. That lady contrived not to flush uncomfortably but waited until they were all in their seats. Then she began the lesson, only to find that every time she asked them to do something, they stared at her blankly. In the end she put down the chalk and the book and sat down in her chair.
“I am aware that it is German day and since you seem to have so much difficulty understanding me, I will refrain from the temptation to deliver the rest of this lesson in English today.” She began. “Instead, since you seem so fond of standing, you will stand up straight with your arms folded and staring straight ahead of you for the remainder of the lesson. After the lesson, I will speak to Miss Moore and Miss Wilmot about changing the timetable so that this lesson takes place on a Wednesday. There cannot be any mistake about my English and any girl who fails to understand what I am telling them then will come to me for extra coaching in the English language and in Geography. Any girl who still deems not to understand, will join Lower Third B for their Geography lesson and we will see if that helps. Now, stand!” The command rang out sharply and not daring to push her any further, the form silently got to their feet. “Fold your arms, close your lips and stare straight ahead of you, please! Any girl caught pulling faces or misbehaving in any other way, will spend their prep time in the same manner!”
Lower IV were naturally dismayed by this and did not dare do anything other than obey her although more than one was raging inwardly. They were even more upset when Rosalie Dene appeared in the room with a message for Lorna and saw the secretary’s eyebrows shoot up.
“It would seem that Lower IV do not understand my German, Miss Dene.” Lorna explained, in fluent German. “They could not even understand a basic command to sit down and are therefore standing for the remainder of the lesson. I have suggested that since my German is obviously so bad, their lesson take place on a Wednesday when there can be no mistake about my English.”
“I see.” Miss Dene glared at the form. “Well, Miss Carey, you surprise me! I find your German perfectly understandable and am amazed at the stupidity of this form. I will see about rearranging the timetable for you and about arranging some extra German coaching for the form.” With that she swept out, leaving the form, if they had but dared, ready to glare and yell at Lorna who merely smiled sweetly at them.


#44:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 8:42 pm

Lovely long post, Catherine. She's really turned the tables on them, hasn't she?


#45:  Author: ChelseaLocation: Your Imagination PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 8:48 pm

Yay for Lorna! Thanks for that lovely long post.


#46:  Author: LulieLocation: Middlesbrough PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:16 pm

Good for Lorna, she certianly showed them who's boss! More please reading


#47:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 11:53 pm

Well done Lorna. Glad to see she is making headway.


#48:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 12:59 am

Well done Lorna!! that'll teach the little horrors!


#49:  Author: EllieLocation: Lincolnshire PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 4:11 pm

Good for Lorna - doubt if they'll thinnk it's a good idea to try that again, nor any other tricks either.


#50:  Author: GremblesLocation: Norwich PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 5:46 pm

Catherine - I love this drabble, please don't let the Plot Bunny get away, tie him to the PC if you have to! more please as soon as you are able


#51:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:08 pm

MORE!!!!!!!... please?! Very Happy


#52:  Author: claireLocation: South Wales PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:24 pm

Well done Lorna - nice to see her get the better of them


#53:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:07 pm

By the time Lorna reached the staffroom after the lesson, she felt as though she had been put through the wringer several times over and it was with a grateful sigh of relief that she sank down into the chair that Sharlie had waved her into. Sharlie glanced at her carefully.
“Who have you just been with?” She asked cautiously.
“Lower IV.” Lorna groaned.
“What have they been doing this time?” Peggy Burnett demanded, with a chuckle.
“Telling me or perhaps that should be showing me what they think of my German.” Lorna gave them a brief explanation of the lesson she had just had and the staff were soon chuckling over their punishment.
“Inspired!” Peggy commented. “It’ll be a while before they play you up again! I wonder which lesson Rosalie’s going to change.”
“I’m not.” Rosalie answered from the door. “They will have prep instead of Geography on a Monday; their actual prep time will be shortened by forty minutes and they will have extra German coaching for that forty minutes instead. And we’re shortening their Games on a Wednesday – they will spend the last forty minutes doing Geography instead. It won’t hurt them for a week or two.”
“Why not leave their prep time as is and give them extra German instead of Geography?” Peggy frowned.
“Nobody is free at that time – other than Lorna now and it would rather defeat the purpose to let her take charge of their German coaching! By the way, all their lessons on Wednesdays will be taken in German as well!” Rosalie ended on an infectious chuckle and the staff giggled delightedly at the thought of the outrage that would cause amongst Lower IV.
“How they’ll hate you, Lorna!” Rosalind chuckled.
“They will rather.” Lorna agreed. “Never mind; I’m not here for long!”
“They’ll get over it.” Rosalie said philosophically. “It’s only for two or three weeks!”


#54:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:24 pm

*grins* Bet they'll be fuming!!!


#55:  Author: EllieLocation: Lincolnshire PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:28 pm

Oooh, I bet they don't get over it - but I bet they don't try to take Lorna on again either


#56:  Author: Catherine_BLocation: Oxford, UK PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:44 pm

*giggles*Good on Lorna for getting the better of the little wretches!Inspired stuff, Catherine - you seem to be on a fabulously productive streak at the moment! Smile


#57:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:48 pm

ROFL, Catherine! If only you knew! ROFL I've no motivation to do any work even though I have heaps to do and have reached the stage where I'm starting to wonder if teaching's worth the bother! I've had most of that sitting on the computer since last week, hoping to make it into a longish piece but this PB won't play ball and neither will Emily!


#58:  Author: Catherine_BLocation: Oxford, UK PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:54 pm

(((Catherine)))I think you should reassure yourself with the fact that you have produced some truly terrific stuff recently - you've obviously got lots of creative reserves inside you - and I'm sure they'll surface for the teaching when you really need them Kiss


#59:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:58 pm

Thank you. Embarassed


#60:  Author: LissLocation: Harrow, London PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 10:46 pm

Ooh, I'm enjoying this, Catherine. I loved the way she dealt with Lower IV - they definitely deserved it, the cheeky blighters. *echoing pleas for Joey to meet up with the Arnolds*


#61:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:43 pm

This is great, Catherine, so I'm looking forward to more.


#62:  Author: LissLocation: Harrow, London PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:14 am

Hmmm, waiting for more...


#63:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 10:16 am

So am I, and not very patiently, either.


#64:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 7:45 pm

Lower IV were indeed outraged by their punishment, although no one dared voice or show it since the news was delivered in Miss Wilmot’s grimmest tones with no trace of her usual humour.
“As far as my opinion of your treatment of Miss Carey is concerned, all I have to say is that I am thoroughly ashamed of you all.” She added. “Now, I have no further desire to be in your company; such as it is, so kindly remove yourselves to your common room and please, girls, do not give me, or any other member of staff, any cause to speak to you again this term; I won’t vouch for the consequences if you do.” She dismissed a thoroughly crushed Lower IV to make their way to their common room and then returned to the study, wishing not for the first time that Hilda Annersley was at the head of things again, not her.

More later, I hope


#65:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 8:57 pm

Is it later yet Catherine? Wink (see, those subtlety lessons from Jennie are working....... Rolling Eyes )


#66:  Author: PatLocation: Doncaster PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 9:10 pm

But not very well Vikki!!! More hard study is required I'm afraid.


#67:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 7:28 pm

It is now, Vikki, but I have to say I agree with Pat! You need more lessons!

“What’s up with you lot?” Erica Standish demanded as Lower IV took their seats in gloomy silence. Upper IVa had taken Lorna’s words to heart, hence Erica’s friendly enquiry now.
“Miss Carey, that’s what.” Jocelyn Marvell growled.
“Why? What has she done?” Astrid Andersson asked.
“Given us more German to speak.”
“Why would she do that? What were you doing?” Freda Kendal demanded curiously.
“It wasn’t our fault! We didn’t know she would speak German!” Jocelyn said defensively, somehow knowing that their behaviour wasn’t quite the ‘done thing’. In this she was quite right, for once Upper IVa had dragged the story from Lower IV, they gave tongue in no uncertain terms, all intentions of restoring a good relationship between their forms forgotten. Lower IV, needless to say resented the interference and some of the wilder spirits flared up. Before long, almost every member of the three forms – Upper IVb who had been keeping themselves to themselves so far finding themselves compelled to join in – were yelling at each other; the noise they made being guaranteed to disturb the Seniors who were still hard at prep. It was not a prefect that appeared on the scene, however, but a mistress – none other than Miss Carey herself and by the time anybody noticed her presence, she had been there long enough to realise that the argument was about her and it was with difficulty that she hid her feelings of consternation.
“What have I done?” She thought in consternation. “I never meant for the little idiots to start rioting!” Despite her thoughts, the face she turned to the Middles was impassive and her tones cool and steady once silence had fallen. “I have only been here since Friday evening but even I know that the Seniors are still doing their preparation at this time and that you little girls are expected to amuse yourselves quietly. I have noticed that you have far less supervision than other girls in other schools and I assumed this meant you could be trusted to be pleasant to one another and to behave yourselves sensibly. It would seem that I have it wrong. Agneta, you are form prefect of Upper IVa, which contains the oldest girls in the Middle School. Perhaps you could explain the meaning of the riot I walked in on? I gather it has something to do with me?”
There was a short silence as Agneta, one of the few who had remained out of it and done her best to quell the riot, swallowed hard and tried to think of what to say.
“Please, Miss Carey, Agneta only tried to stop us rowing.” Erica Standish spoke up. “She wasn’t taking any part in it so – um.” She stopped there, realising she could hardly tell a mistress she wasn’t being fair.
“I see.” Lorna commented. “Well, since you have begun Erica, perhaps you’d like to continue? I take it you were taking part in the row?”
“Y-yes.” Erica stuttered. “Lower IV didn’t look very happy when they came in and we asked them why. They told us and some of us said that they hadn’t behaved fairly and that wasn’t what Chalet girls did. They um argued back and we argued again and well then Upper IVb joined in, some of them agreeing with us and some of them agreeing with Lower IV and well, then you walked in.”
“Please, Miss Carey, we were only agreeing that it wasn’t any business of Upper IVa’s.” Val Pertwee added hastily.
“I see.” Lorna said again. She surveyed the mess that was the common room and the untidy state of some of its occupants. “I think perhaps it would be wise if you tidied yourselves and the common room up before very many more minutes have passed.” She commented. “As far as what has just happened goes, the fact that Lower IV have chosen to tell Upper IVa what has passed between myself and them, means that they should expect certain opinions to be voiced on the matter and should receive these opinions without losing their tempers. However, it would be as well for those people voicing their opinions to remember that nobody is perfect – I believe there is a saying “It ill behoves the best of us to talk about the rest of us.” And also – “Let he that is without sin cast the first stone.” Remember those before you feel it necessary to state your opinion on such matters in future. Those of you who were speaking a language other than German during your row had better pay their fines as well but since you can’t all go at once, I suggest that each person gives the amount to her form prefect who will put it in the fines box before the end of the day.” She paused and then, she added sweetly, “Perhaps somebody would translate my remarks for the benefit of Lower IV who seem to have difficulties in understanding German.” At once a dozen hands waved wildly in the air. “Robina McQueen, I think.” Lorna decided, choosing a shining light of Upper IVb.
“She doesn’t need to! We understood all right!” Jocelyn flashed angrily and in English and Lorna raised her eyebrows.
“You understand? Well I’m glad to hear it Jocelyn. Perhaps you would translate my remarks then for the benefit of any members of your form who do not understand?” Jocelyn glared at the mistress who merely returned her stare so coolly and calmly that in the end Jocelyn had to give in, albeit sulkily. “Thank you. I am relieved to know that you understand my German; it is to be hoped that you will have no more problems in my lessons.” Lorna remarked. “Very well! I shall say no more on the subject. Please remember to tidy the room and yourselves before Abendessen. I am trusting you to behave yourselves properly this time and I will not mention this unfortunate episode to Miss Wilmot – this time! If I hear or have cause to complain of something similar – amongst any of your forms, I will be compelled to speak to her so please do not make it necessary. Is that clear?”
“Yes Miss Carey.” It was a subdued murmur.
“Good! Well, I shall see you all another time.” She smiled all round and withdrew, hoping she had handled the situation for the best.


#68:  Author: MandyLocation: Derry, N.Ireland PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 8:27 pm

Catherine I don't know what your worried about this is coming on brilliantly. I can't wait to read more.


#69:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 9:04 pm

That's great Catherine! More soon please!!!


#70:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 11:57 pm

That was a really nice BIG post Catherine, thanks so much- I love the way that Lorna said that as Lower IV had chosen to tell Upper IVa, they should accept their opinions of them without losing their tempers.


#71:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 7:12 am

Lorna handled that so well it was a real pleasure to read it.


#72:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 11:10 pm

Catherine that is really good. Lorna handled this really well.


#73:  Author: CazxLocation: Swansea/Bristol PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 8:05 pm

Have just read all of this and love it, even though I've never read the Lorna books! Can't wait to see what happens with the middles next!


#74:  Author: EllieLocation: Lincolnshire PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 10:05 pm

Agreed, well done Lorna. This is developing really well Catherine, hope to see more soon.


#75:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 8:38 am

Sending this up to the top again. Must get in my drabble-bouncing practice. Hopes RL isn't treating Catherine too badly.


#76:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2004 7:14 pm

Sorry people but there's not likely to be anymore of this until July.


#77:  Author: Sarah_LLocation: Leeds PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2004 7:47 pm

July Surprised Training to be a teacher is obviously a busy life.


#78:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:22 pm

Reviving this - finally!! Thank you all for being so patient and for not nagging at me! I'm very grateful.

As she made her way back to the staffroom, she spied none other than Miss Wilmot herself coming towards her and flushed darkly red, as though she were no older than the girls she had just left and had a conscience as guilty as theirs.
“This is ridiculous!” She thought crossly as she attempted to pull herself together. “Anybody would think I had just committed a crime! Pull yourself together Lorna Carey!” She had returned to her normal colour by the time Miss Wilmot reached her, although she was not quite as calm as she would have liked.
“I was just coming to find you.” Nancy smiled at her and Lorna silently thanked God that the Head had not been moved to look for her a few minutes earlier. It would not have helped her standing with the Middles and she couldn’t help but wonder about the impression it would have made on the Head to realise that her exertion of discipline, far from subduing those responsible, had in fact caused a minor riot. “I wanted to congratulate you on your treatment of Lower IV, you’ve really made the punishment fit the crime which is something we always aim to do.” Nancy had not yet seen Lorna, having heard about the situation from Miss Dene and getting all the details she wanted from Lower IV. “I have told them all I expect them to apologise to you the next time you take their lesson.”
“That won’t be very popular with them.” Lorna said doubtfully.
“No, I don’t suppose it will.” Nancy agreed. “Nevertheless, we expect a certain standard of behaviour in this establishment and we set good store by good manners. The girls were being downright rude and cheeky to you – mainly, I’m sorry to admit, as a way of testing you out but that form are plain lazy too and I suspect they were hoping you would fall for their little trick and they would end up taking all their lessons with you in English. Your punishment was very apt and I’m more than glad to know you’re not prepared to let them get away with it!”
“I was rather worried about creating more work for you all.” Lorna admitted. “But I didn’t see what else I could do at the time. I just knew that if I didn’t crack down on them hard now, they’d only continue to play me up in future lessons – I’ve never met Miss Ferrars, obviously, but I can imagine her feelings to come back to find they’ve learnt nothing in over half a term and that she has to cram an extra half a term’s work into the timetable! Apart from anything else, I’ve never been a pushover and I don’t intend to start now!”
“And I’m very glad to hear it!” Nancy laughed. “No, your punishment was exactly right and it hasn’t created very much extra work at all – in fact, it took all of about ten minutes to work out the timetable and both Rosalie and I were grateful for a break from the neverending correspondence!! Don’t worry about it anymore, my dear, you were quite right to do what you did and you have our full support. But I had another reason for coming to find you. I’m sure you’ve heard of Mrs Maynard, by now, she’s the wife of Jack Maynard – head of the San?”
“Yes, I’ve heard her name mentioned.” Lorna agreed. “The girls seem to think a lot of her and isn’t the Head Girl a Maynard? I’m afraid I’ve not had a lot to do with the Prefects so far.” She added apologetically.
“No reason why you should have done.” Nancy answered. “Yes, Len Maynard is our Head Girl, Con Maynard is Magazine Prefect and Margot Maynard is Games Prefect – she had triplets you see!” She grinned impishly at Lorna who laughed.
“I did know that – my cousin Kit is a huge fan of her writing and has followed her career avidly – in fact, I can only describe her as lapping up any news she hears about her! She met her whilst on holiday when she was a kid and fell in love with her. I’ve not seen her since I started obviously, but I’m longing to see her face when I tell her where Mrs Maynard lives!” Nancy broke into a peal of laughter as Lorna finished.
“Oh you can do better than that!” She laughed. “Joey plays an active part in the School’s life and she’s expressed an interest in meeting you. She’s invited you, your Aunt and your cousin to English tea on Sunday, if you would like to go. I’d advise it – you’ll be treated to some of the most delicious cakes you could wish for and you’ll hear all sorts of tales about the School!”


#79:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:32 pm

Yay!!!!! So glad you've come back to this Catherine!!!!


#80:  Author: Carolyn PLocation: Lancaster, England PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:12 pm

This is great Catherine, I've only just discovered it. Glad |I found it when ythere was a new post, hope you are go to continue with it.


#81:  Author: Lisa_TLocation: Belfast PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 2:06 am

*engaging in a little gentle revenge* More would be verrrrryyy nice..... *wishing my PBs were as co-operative as Catherine's*


#82:  Author: AngelLocation: London, England PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 12:31 pm

just found it. genius


#83:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 12:37 pm

A lovely long post, Catherine. So very Nancy Wilmotish.


#84:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:36 pm

Looking forward to tea. Very Happy


#85:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 3:46 pm

Hopes Catherine has time to write lots more now that the evil course is finished.


#86:  Author: Lisa_TLocation: Belfast PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 8:18 pm

Now there's a lovely thought, Jennie! Laughing Hear that, Catherine? We expect you here 24/7 writing. Laughing Laughing Laughing


#87:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 9:06 pm

Lisa, dear, perhaps I should be reminding you that when this started it was supposed to be a joint drabble?!!! Wink

Lorna was preoccupied for the rest of the evening, partly worried about the state of affairs amongst the Middles and partly wondering at the invitation.
“Is it a way of vetting me?” She wondered. “But then I’m not here permanently, only for just over half a term, so why bother? Why bother at all? I’m just a temporary teacher and it’s not as though I teach any of her daughters, I’m fairly sure I don’t teach any of her relations either, so she can’t be concerned to know whether I’m good at what I do – and anyway, she wouldn’t know if she’s not a teacher.” Her preoccupation led her to retire to bed early and Sharlie was sufficiently concerned to knock on her door ten minutes later.
“Are you all right?” She asked in concern, as she entered the room in answer to Lorna’s “Come In.”. “You’ve been quiet all evening – not feeling ill or homesick?”
“Neither, thanks.” Lorna smiled at Sharlie. “One or two things on my mind, that’s all.”
“Anything I can do?” Sharlie enquired and despite herself, Lorna found herself confiding in her new friend.
“Oh you don’t need to worry about Joey!” Sharlie laughed. “She’s not interested in vetting anyone – she leaves that to the Heads! She just considers it her duty as the School’s first pupil to meet and greet all new members of the School! I think she just feels that we’re rather isolated – our friends are each other and sometimes living on top of each other it can get a little too much so she likes us to feel that we can go to her for a break and for advice. She’s basically offering a friendly ear or just somewhere to hide out for a few hours, other than our rooms. She’s also genuinely interested in people – the different experiences people have and their personalities interest her and help her in her writing. She wants to help people in whatever way she can and she likes us all to feel that Freudesheim is a home from home. As far as the girls are concerned, she’s a shoulder to cry on if they need it, somewhere to go if they’re in need of advice and don’t want to ask one of us or simply feeling homesick and in need of mothering. She’s straightened out numerous mixed up kids in the past. You may only be here for a few weeks but she’s extending a welcome to you for those few weeks – if you would rather keep yourself to yourself though and not go, she won’t mind. She never forces anyone into going – the invitation is there if you want it but if you don’t then she won’t object or even mention it if she ever meets you. As for the Middles, I don’t think you need worry. Lower IV should have known what to expect from Upper IVa when they told them and it was too much to expect those superior beings to keep their opinions to themselves. Upper IVa are the top form in the Middle School, as you’ll have gathered and the members of that form always do their utmost to exert their influence over the rest – particularly at this stage in the year. Upper IVb can always be relied on to take one side or another as well. Nancy, or even Hilda, could not have settled them better than you did and don’t whatever you do, let them think even for a moment, that you doubted yourself. Children of all ages have the knack of picking up on people’s weaknesses and playing to them. The fact that you’re temporary means that they are even more likely to play you up. Continue as you are, however and they’ll soon realise nobody but themselves is suffering and settle down – in fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if you’d won yourself a few brownie points. I should think they’ll all be secretly impressed at the way you squashed Lower IV and the fact that you’ve kept their riot from Nancy will have pleased them too. Stop worrying or you’ll be old before your time!” Sharlie ended on a grin and had the satisfaction of seeing Lorna’s face relax. “Enough shop talk, anyway! Neither of us are on duty Saturday afternoon so I wondered if you’d like to come down to Interlaken? I could show you about and I’ve one or two bits of shopping I need to do too. Or had you planned to spend it with your aunt and cousin?”
“I hadn’t made any plans, as it happens.” Lorna answered. “I thought it best not to until I knew how things stood with supervision and the like. Kit promised they’d try to see me at some point at the weekend but they’re doing their own thing and will see me when possible. I’ll need to tell them about Sunday but I would like to come to with you.”
“Well, if they’ve not been to Interlaken, or if they would like to, I can’t see any reason why they shouldn’t come with us.” Sharlie proposed, seeing the difficulty. She had taken a liking to Lorna and was keen to get to know her better. Lorna, who reciprocated the liking, leapt at the idea and went to bed happy and untroubled, waking refreshed and ready to start another day.


#88:  Author: AngelLocation: London, England PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 9:11 pm

Brilliant. Really enjoying this.


#89:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 9:21 pm

wonderful Catherine!!!!! More soon please?


#90:  Author: Lisa_TLocation: Belfast PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:13 pm

*g* But Catherine my pet, what do you need me for? You're doing splendidly all by your lickle self. I'll just stand at the front of the mob and cheer you on! Laughing Cool


#91:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:16 pm

*should possibly have invested in Lorna* Confused


#92:  Author: EllieLocation: Lincolnshire PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 12:49 am

Kathy_S wrote:
*should possibly have invested in Lorna* Confused
That's what I'm thinking too, ah well, I'm sure the bank appreciates my restraint. Or perhaps not. I'm glasd you've come back to this Catherine - I'm really enjoying it. Hope there's lots more in the near future.


#93:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:10 am

Such lovely scenes between Lorna and Nancy. Waiting to see what happens next.


#94:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 8:07 pm

Her classes were much more co-operative over the remainder of the week, for little though she knew it, she had started to earn herself a reputation and not just as someone who would take no nonsense. Her treatment of the Middles when she had discovered them rowing had impressed them. They were inclined to regard her as a ‘brick’ for not taking the row seriously and reporting them to Miss Wilmot, as indeed she would have had every right to do but also they liked her plain speaking. Nobody had escaped, she had been equally blunt with all parties and they appreciated the way she had gone one step further to keep them out of trouble by making the form prefects responsible for collecting the fines and putting them in the box. There would have been no way they could have escaped attention if they had all trooped to the fine box in ones, twos and threes. The tales had filtered to Lorna’s other classes and as a result she found herself being greeted with class after class of eager pupils that were ready to learn or where the majority were, there were always the odd few who had no interest in learning and would prove themselves to be remarkably thick. Of course, Lorna was also on her mettle, ready to crack down hard on any potential wrong-doer, which may in part have accounted for her productive lessons and by the end of the week, the girls were decided in the fact they liked her, although one and all were agreed that she could not replace Miss Ferrars, who was still sorely missed.
By the time Saturday arrived, Lorna had started to feel at home at the Chalet School and her new found friendship with Sharlie was growing rapidly, in fact, in their free time, the two were rarely seen apart. She was however, eager to see her aunt and cousin again, both of whom had been agreeably surprised by the invitation extended to them by Joey Maynard and threw herself at them in delight, forgetting her dignity as a mistress of the Chalet School and amusing Sharlie who stood back whilst greetings were exchanged. Lorna had no intention of forgetting her friend however, indeed she was eager to introduce Sharlie to her Aunt and Kit and the four were soon chattering away. They had a pleasant and enjoyable afternoon in Interlaken, seeing the sights as well as doing some shopping and Sharlie found herself liking Kit and Mrs Arnold almost as much as she liked Lorna. During the course of the afternoon, Sharlie discovered that Kit was a keen hockey and netball player and had done some coaching at her old school. She made no mention of it then but knowing how keen Peggy Burnett, PT mistress always was for people to help coach and that, with Kathie gone, they were one short, for Lorna had confessed that she had little aptitude for it, she resolved to suggest to Nancy and Peggy that Kit be offered the opportunity to help with the coaching. That was in the future, however and in the meantime Kit and Mrs Arnold were enchanted by Sharlie and delighted that Lorna had found herself a good friend already. They had, of course, quizzed her, albeit discreetly, about Joey Maynard but Sharlie was quite happy to tell them what she could, remembering how she had felt before her first visit to Freudesheim.


#95:  Author: AngelLocation: London, England PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 9:48 pm

glad this has been updated. thank you


#96:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:32 am

Catherine, we definitely want more of this.


#97:  Author: Lisa_TLocation: Belfast PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 9:07 pm

ooooh yes. Come on people, chanty time! Catherine needs a little encouragement...(I love your mention of the thick people who won't or can't learn/ would the CS deal with EBD or ADHD I wonder...?)


#98:  Author: NinaLocation: Peterborough, UK PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:17 am

*joins chant* Catherine, this is great - I only bought the two Lorna books last week and had just finished reading them when I found this - perfect timing or what?


#99:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 9:52 pm

Thank you Catherine, looking forward to seeing the tea party scene.


#100:  Author: Lisa_TLocation: Belfast PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 9:54 pm

*seriously tempted to add a certain report to this thread* Laughing


#101:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:30 am

Do it, it may make her post some more!


#102:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:45 pm

You can nag as much as you like but it may be a while, if ever, before this gets added to again. The drabble is not working for me and I'm very close to jacking it in, so don't get your hopes up for more!


#103:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 7:35 pm

Big hugs Catherine As you can probably guess we've all really enjoyed this so far


#104:  Author: LulieLocation: Middlesbrough PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 9:48 pm

*sends hugs and encouragement to Catherine* I'm really enjoying this, I hope you feel able to continue with it soon, but I'm sure we can all glare at Lisa to take up the reins, if you can't Twisted Evil


#105:  Author: Lisa_TLocation: Belfast PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:31 pm

What makes you think the glaring will work? *g*


#106:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 1:41 pm

Huggles, chocolate and lots of encouragement to Catherine.


#107:  Author: LulieLocation: Middlesbrough PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 1:44 pm

Lisa_T wrote:
What makes you think the glaring will work? *g*
Poor Lisa. Obviously you haven't been subject to one of my glares, have you? I made one of my friends cry once, just by looking at him! Twisted Evil


#108:  Author: Lisa_TLocation: Belfast PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 9:44 pm

Well, I scared off a bunch of 11 year olds by just glancing casually at them as I went past! Laughing Completely unintentional!


#109:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:37 pm

Here you go Catherine!


#110:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:42 pm

Thank you, sweetie - both for locking and unlocking Very Happy . If there's enough response, there may be more in the near future or there may not! Evil or Very Mad

“It seems weird to have so many questions to ask about her,” Kit observed to her mother, later that evening. “After all, we met her when I was about twelve and she was lovely then and kept in touch for ages! I wonder why she stopped?” Kit had been most aggrieved when she realised they had lost contact with Joey who she had, as Lorna had said, admired for a long time.
“As you go on through your life, Kit, you’ll find that you can’t keep in touch with everyone,” Mrs Arnold replied. “We really weren’t anything other than acquaintances to her and if you consider that she is not only an authoress but also a mother of eleven children and a doctor’s wife into the bargain, I don’t suppose that leaves her much time for correspondence! I suspect that we lost contact with her not long after she moved out to Switzerland but as I said, she couldn’t have kept it up forever considering we’d not met since that holiday in Brittany all those years ago.”
“I’d not thought of it like that; you’re right of course,” Kit said thoughtfully. “At any rate, we’ll see tomorrow!” She gave a little wriggle of excitement that made her mother laugh.
“Katharine Arnold! No one would think you were a young lady in her early thirties and engaged to be married into the bargain!” Her mother said severely but with a twinkle of amusement. Kit grinned.
“Time enough to be dignified when I marry,” she sighed. “Anyhow, it’s just us so there’s nobody to see and I am excited! She is still absolutely my favourite author!” Mrs Arnold gave it up with a laugh and changed the subject to their plans for the following week.
Lorna naturally had supervision duties on the Sunday morning but she found that once Mittagessen was over, she was more or less free for the girls had rest period and then went out on rambles. She had been somewhat gratified by the disappointment of her own form when they heard she wouldn’t be accompanying them – or indeed anyone, on the ramble. They had envied her fiercely when they heard she was to have tea with Mrs Maynard and she had departed from them laughing, having seen them all lined up on the drive and in rambling kit. Once in the almost empty staffroom she had settled down to marking and planning which kept her occupied until she was summoned to greet her Aunt and cousin. Miss Wilmot had suggested that the pair meet Lorna at the school and be shown round whilst it was more or less empty and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Lorna left them chatting to the one or two remaining members of staff whilst she fled to her room to wash and make herself tidy. She rejoined them and on the advice of Rosemary Charlesworth, led them down to the gardens where they made to Freudesheim by way of the gate between the two gardens. Kit’s face was alight with excitement and a huge grin appeared on her face as the door was flung open and their hostess, wrapped in a shawl stood waiting to greet them.
“Kit Arnold!” Joey shrieked as her eyes fell on Kit who was looking very dignified and elegant – and for a change every inch her thirty one years! “Last time I saw you, you were a babe of twelve! You can’t possibly be the same girl!”
“But I am,” Kit protested, through her laughter, “I’ve just grown up a bit, that’s all!”
“A bit?! I should say you’ve grown up far more than that!” Joey protested, laughter lighting up her eyes which were as black as pansies. She kissed the girl warmly and then moved aside to let her in whilst she turned and greeted Mrs. Arnold slightly more sedated but still warmly.
“And this must be Lorna!” She turned to the last young lady who, most unusually for her, was overcome with shyness and nerves and had hung back. Joey stretched out her hands and drew the girl towards her, kissing her as warmly as she had the other pair. “Come along in and get warm!” she slipped a hand through Lorna’s arm and ushered her other guests ahead of her, into the Saal where a fire was burning brightly.
“The family aren’t here at the moment, they’ve taken Bruno out for a walk but they’ll be back in time for tea,” she explained, as they settled themselves. “I wanted the chance for a good natter before they return; it isn’t often I get to meet up with past friends like this! Are you still living in Wynyards?”
“We are,” Kit answered. “I work in Oxford so I’m living with Mums and getting the train in. Lorna was working in a school in Oxford and then she was working temporarily at our old school.”
“Only temporarily?” Joey glanced at Lorna.
“Mademoiselle was away ill so they asked if I would fill in for her,” Lorna explained shyly.
“Lorna was always her star pupil when it came to languages,” Auntie Kath explained, with a fond look at her niece. “Miss Grace knew she was at home and wasn’t working so she asked if she would help out. She enjoyed it too, she’s always loved languages and literature.”
“Well you’ve come to the right place if you’ve always loved languages,” Joey laughed. “The Chalet School can be a regular Tower of Babel at times! How are you finding it?”
“I think I’m getting used to it,” Lorna smiled. “It’s so much bigger than anything I’ve been used to and of course it’s boarding school.”
“Yes, it makes a difference,” Joey agreed. “I’d never thought about it until I got to know most of the staff as friends rather than mistresses but even when you’re not on duty, you are on duty – you have to be ready to pick up the reins at a moment’s notice, whereas in a day school, when you get home, you are able to be your own person and you’re not answerable to anyone. It affects the girls too – there’s a lack of privacy which comes with boarding and I know many find it hard to adapt when they first come. They’ve been used to making their own amusements which is a valuable skill but also very hard when you have your day planned out for you.”
“But doesn’t it help?” Kit queried. “Surely if you’ve just started a new school, a boarding school at that, having your time filled to the limit stops you being homesick?”
“Ye-es,” Mrs Arnold looked thoughtful, “but what happens when they’re past the stage of being homesick? Perhaps they just want a moment to think about how far they’ve come? I can quite see it being difficult.”
“It is but it’s a case of knowing that you can get some privacy without breaking the rules wholesale,” Joey explained. “There are moments when you can get a little privacy, for example, Break and they can always go and read in the library so long as they seek permission and do it at the appropriate time. But that’s also part of the reason why I like to meet and greet new girls – my house is more or less an open house so far as the School is concerned. The girls don’t have their parents here and sometimes it’s easier to talk over a problem with someone not in the immediate environment and I want them to feel that they can talk to me or just come and have an hour or two away from the hustle and bustle. It’s for the same reasons that I like to meet new staff,” Joey added, with a smile at Lorna. “We all have problems and it’s good to be able to mull them over with someone from time to time – that and I’m just generally curious!” she added with a peal of laughter in which her listeners joined. “Enough shop talk though! Tell me Kit, what are you doing with yourself now? Have you managed to write like you wanted?”
“She’s an engaged lady,” Lorna interrupted with a chuckle, feeling at ease with Jo now.
“Are you really? Yes, I see you are!” Joey bent over the ring on Kit’s left hand and promptly demanded all the details. They were given, amidst much teasing from her cousin and mother and then before Joey could ask anymore questions, Kit demanded to know about her and her family.
“Have you really got eleven children?” she asked incredulously and Joey gave another peal of laughter.
“I most certainly have! And numerous wards!” she laughed. “You know I’ve triplets of course, and Stephen comes next, Charles after him, then Mike. My first twins, Felix and Felicity, are seventh and eighth in the family, Cecil is ninth and Geoff and Philippa make eleven.”
“Erica Standish is one of your wards, isn’t she?” Lorna broke the awed silence that followed this.
“She is,” Joey nodded at her. “Adrienne Desmoines in VB is another and Ruey Richardson in VIB and her brothers Roger and Roddy are my other wards. We’re also in the process of adopting Claire de Mabillion who is slightly younger than my second twins. She was left orphaned by a train crash and the remainder of her family want nothing to do with her,” she launched into the tale of Claire’s arrival amongst them. They had just finished exclaiming over it when the family returned and Bruno bounded in, not satisfied until he had greeted and been greeted by the entire company. Eventually, he consented to lie down at his mistress’ feet and Cecil and the twins trotted up to be introduced to the three visitors whilst Joey removed Claire from Rosli’s arms. The four youngsters entertained the visitors until tea was over when the three babies were removed to the Nursery and Joey suggested to Cecil, who was not at all shy and a great deal of a chatterbox, that she show Lorna and Kit around the house, leaving their elders to talk.


#111:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:52 pm

Thanks Catherine!! Great to have more of this!


#112:  Author: GemLocation: Saltash/Aberystwyth PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 11:30 am

Great to see this back, Catherine! *trying hard to decide which drabble update to chant for* *chants for all three*


#113:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 7:55 pm

Please, if you're reading this drabble, would you post to say so? At the moment, it feels rather like I'm writing for an audience of about half a dozen and whilst they are much appreciated, I'm not going to continue if only very few people are interested! Any suggestions would be welcome too!

Cecil soon decided Lorna and Kit were the best thing since sliced bread and they ended up in the nursery once she had finished showing them round the house. They settled down to play with the little ones and proved highly popular with them all, playing with the dolls houses and helping Geoff with his trainset – he was thrilled to have two such big girls as playmates.
“Not take them away!” Phil said fiercely to her mother when she and Mrs. Arnold arrived in the nursery, wondering where Lorna and Kit were.
“Not take who away?” Joey demanded, picking her up.
“Not take Lorna an’ Kit away, Mamma!” Phil ordered.
“Stay here!” Geoff ordered and little Claire nodded, with no real understanding of what was going on.
“Please Mamma! We wants them to play with us!” Cecil added and the four adults laughed.
“We can’t stay forever, Cecil!” Lorna gave one of the black curls a tug.
“I s’pose you have to go to School like Len an’ Con an’ Margot an’ Felicity!” Cecil sighed.
“Do yous know them?” Geoff demanded. “Vey’re triplets!”
“I know who they are but I haven’t met them yet,” Lorna answered, laughing.
“Vey’re bossy,” Geoff added.
“Nice,” Phil refuted and Joey laughed.
“Whatever you think they are it’s time for your baths and bed! Lorna and Kit shall come and play with you another time and they shall come up and kiss you goodnight.” She set Phil down and led her guests away for another cup of coffee and a chat and then, after the babies had been kissed goodnight, they had to leave for Lorna was due back at School.
“Well?” Sharlie demanded eagerly of Lorna, later that evening.
“Well what?” Lorna demanded laughing.
“How did it go? Did you enjoy yourself? Do you like Joey? Did you meet her family?”
“Hey stop!” Lorna protested laughing as Sharlie fired questions at her. “I had a lovely time; she’s enchanting,” she replied. “Auntie and Kit met her years ago and Kit was just one huge question mark. She’s invited them to stay with her.”
“That would make sense,” Sharlie nodded. “She wouldn’t want them to pay out money – the Gasthaus isn’t cheap – when they could stay with her and goodness knows, the place is big enough!”
“It must cost the earth to run!” Lorna remarked.
popularity and Lorna couldn’t help but wonder about the mistress and what she must be like to inspire her pupils to work hard for her, even in her absence.


#114:  Author: ChelseaLocation: Your Imagination PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 7:58 pm

Please Miss, I'm reading this. But I haven't read the other books (e.g. the ones with Lorna), so I'm suggestionless I am afraid.


#115:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 9:14 pm

I love this one Catherine!!! Please keep going!!


#116:  Author: GemLocation: Saltash/Aberystwyth PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 9:40 pm

This is wonderful Catherine! But I have a bone to pick with you - I'm enjoying it so much that I'm currently hunting down a copy of Lorna, which I really couldn't afford to do! *g* 'specially like the last sentence! Wonder why? Very Happy Glad to see Sharlie is being as lovely as ever.


#117:  Author: LulieLocation: Middlesbrough PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 9:50 pm

I'm reading this too Catherine. I can't make any suggestions right now, but I can re-read and have a think...


#118:  Author: RosieLocation: Huntingdonshire/Bangor PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 10:50 pm

I am reading it Catherine!


#119:  Author: EllieLocation: Lincolnshire PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 11:08 pm

*Joins the merry band of readers.* But I haven't read Lorna either, so no suggestions from me I'm afraid. Anyway, you're telling the story beautifully all by yourself.


#120:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 2:36 am

Of course I'm reading it! (whenever you post, that is... Cool )


#121:  Author: NinaLocation: Peterborough, UK PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 8:21 am

Me too! Have just read Stepsisters for Lorna as well. Do we get to find out what happened to Rosemary and Marigold??


#122:  Author: PatLocation: Doncaster PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:38 pm

I'm anothr reading it. I've got very lazy lately about commenting on people's drabbles. Keep writing this please Catherine. I have read both the Lorna books, but can't help with ideas at the moment I'm afraid. Sorry.


#123:  Author: MiriamLocation: Jerusalem, Israel PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:22 pm

I was actually re-reading Lorna today, and was envsioning a scene in which Marigold comes up against Matey and Miss Annersley. I can't help wondering how she would have regarded Matron at the hospital after that. You seem to have set your drabble too late for that ever happening, but youmight just have inspired me on something (except I am back at university soon...) Anyway, I am definately reading and enjying, so please carry on.


#124:  Author: Sheila PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:43 am

I'm reading this too. I don't usually post only lurk in the corner Smile


#125:  Author: Caroline OSullivanLocation: Reading, Berkshire, UK PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:54 am

Catherine, I'm reading this too and loving it. Please carry on - though I can understand that with three drabbles on the go it might have to wait Sad Caroline


#126:  Author: claireLocation: South Wales PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 11:11 am

I'm enjoying this too - how old would Lorna be in this? - I'm guessing about 27ish, I seem to have envised her as being 10 years older than the triplets (what happened to the other three from Wynyards? (I'm presuming her own school was the one she wanted to set up in Stepsisters)


#127:  Author: Lisa_TLocation: Belfast PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:52 pm

*also reading* I love this Catherine! you're on a roll at the moment for ideas aren't you? Wink


#128:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:52 pm

I am reading too Catherine but haven't been able to post much due to catching up after my holidays. I am also anoter one who hasn't read any of the Lorna books but please carry on with the drabble it is really emjoyable.


#129:  Author: RoseaLocation: Edinburgh PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:00 pm

I have just caught up with this and really like it. I hope you decide to carry on with it as I am sure it is being much appreciated.


#130: another plea to continue Author: SamP PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:22 pm

dear catherine, please keep going. i've only just discovered the site, but i really like your story.


#131:  Author: Tassie_EllenLocation: Tasmania, Australia PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:31 am

Catherine, I've just read this all in one go, and I love it! Please keep it going whenever the bunny nibbles... Very Happy Ellen


#132:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:18 am

I just found this drabble - and want to assure you Catherine that I am really enjoying it! Have just read the whole thing in my lunch break and want to know what happens next. Hope the PB keeps hopping!


#133:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:22 pm

Came back from a week away and was soooooooo pleased to find more of this Catherine - I am loving it. I got both the Lorna books from GGBP and love them.


#134:  Author: auntie karryLocation: Stoke on Trent PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:30 pm

Please Catherine!!!! reading I really want to be able to read more of this!


#135:  Author: joyclark PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 8:05 pm

I've not posted before, but just wanted to say how much I am enjoying this. (Hope I've done the message right )


#136:  Author: catherineLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 7:45 pm

Joey had kept her own counsel about Lorna’s lack of contact with the elder girls, for although she thought it was a pity, she had no intention of interfering. She was well aware that many people thought she had a say in the day to day running of the school and interfered far too much but they were wrong. She rarely interfered with the running of the school and any suggestions she made, were only suggestions and generally arose through her concern for the welfare of an individual girl. She knew Nancy Wilmot, although new to the job, had plenty of common sense and trusted that the lady herself would reach that conclusion herself, sooner or later. She did.
“I’ve had a thought,” Nancy remarked to the staff at large one evening that week. “It is only a thought so please feel free to raise any objections or state your opinions freely. It has struck me that many of us are rather confined in our contact with the girls to sections of the school. By that I mean, when it comes to supervision outside of lessons, we’re generally allocated to Seniors, Middles or Juniors and that therefore means that we are lacking experience in dealing with one or other of the other sections. For instance, when was the last time you were asked to supervise the Juniors, Sally?” she looked at Sally Denny who taught German and Spanish and generally dealt with the Sixth outside of lessons. “Or you, Jeanne?” she glanced at Mdlle who nodded thoughtfully.
“But you are right, cherie. I do not remember the last time I took the Juniors on a walk and I am sorry for it.”
“Exactly,” Nancy leant forward, her eyes pleading for their understanding and support. “Listen, you people. I am aware that I’m only the Head for this term but I don’t believe Hilda meant us to stand still and nor do I think she would object to me doing things a little differently at times. After all, I am not Hilda and although I believe we think along the same lines most of the time, I’ve had the benefit of being just a mistress, which is something Hilda hasn’t had for quite some time. Oh dear,” she stopped suddenly and wished, not for the first time, that her great friend Kathie Ferrars had not been taken ill. Prior to that point, she had confided in Kathie about her nerves and about one or two ideas she wished to implement and Kathie had always been ready to talk through the pros and cons of it all. “This is coming out all wrong,” she sighed. “I’m not criticising Hilda nor the way she runs the School. I have no objection or criticism of either. I would just like to try out one or two ideas of my own but I don’t want you to feel I’m doing it behind her back or because I believe I can run things better than she can!”
“Nancy, stop a moment!” Ruth Derwent interrupted. “Whatever we may or may not feel about your ideas, you are Head for the term and that means that you have the right to implement any ideas or temporary changes you see fit. Obviously, we would object if you were trying to put in long term changes since as you say, you are only holding the position on a temporary basis but you’re not and I believe that any one of us would want to try out one or two ‘different’ things if we were in your position. And no, I don’t wish Hilda had asked me to do it and nor do I resent you for it so you can take that look off your face!” she grinned at her friend. “Look, Hilda would be the first to say that we should not refuse changes on account of wanting to do things the way they’ve always been done. Change is good for us, however much we may not like it and she, like us, would be very surprised if you took over and didn’t want to change anything! If your suggestion is that we take responsibility for a different part of the school instead of always being in charge of the Seniors or Middles or Juniors, then I think it is a good one. After all, if we can get to know the characters of our Juniors properly, we can guide them better as Middles and the same applies to the Middles becoming Seniors. Having said that, some of us by nature are better suited to one age group or the other, so I don’t think you should expect us to view it as anything other than a one off experiment.”
“I agree,” Rosalind Moore remarked. “I think we would all be willing to try it but if any of us feel that it hasn’t been the success you hoped for, they should be given the chance to opt out next time.”
“Yes! What if it’s a total failure?” Peggy demanded. “None of us want to come back feeling demoralised and none of us want to spoil it for the little pets by misunderstanding them.”
“What do you think, Lorna?” Rosalie Dene glanced at Lorna who had been listening to this with interest and looked rather as though she might have had an idea. “This affects you as well as the rest of us and as a newcomer you may have a different perspective on it.”
“Well,” Lorna began shyly. “I do think it’s a good idea but I was wondering if maybe you couldn’t alter it slightly.”
“In what way?” Nancy demanded, looking alert.
“Well, I remember you said that Va and the Sixth are generally allowed to ramble unsupervised but I didn’t see how we were supposed to get to know them better if that was the case. I wondered if perhaps you couldn’t mix the age groups but each of us concentrate on one particular group? I mean if you had Seniors, Middles and Juniors on each ramble and each of us could be told to walk with a particular group.”
“Yes,” Sharlie backed her friend up. “If we did it that way, it wouldn’t be a total disaster if some of us felt we couldn’t deal with, say the Juniors, since the elder girls would be there to help and also we wouldn’t just have them to think about. If we felt we were struggling, we could move to a group we were more familiar with and regain our composure, so to speak, before having another go. And if they’re all mixed in together, it wouldn’t be nearly so noticeable if we were a little awkward or unsure with some of them. I mean, I rarely deal with the Seniors and although I’m willing to give it a go, I’d be overwhelmed if I had a group of thirty or forty of them instead of just ten or so, mixed in with the Middles and Juniors. I could chat to the Seniors and try to stay with their group but move between the groups if I felt I needed to. Does that make sense?” she looked at Nancy anxiously.
”Yes,” Nancy nodded at her. “What does everybody else feel?” she glanced round the rest of the staff, anxiously. This was the first new idea she had had and she desperately hoped the staff would support her and do their best to make it work. She need not have worried. The suggestions of Sharlie and Lorna had made the idea more palatable for them and there was a general consensus of agreement which became stronger when Nancy pointed out that if it failed, they need not worry since it was just an experiment.


#137:  Author: EllieLocation: Lincolnshire PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:19 pm

Wow - you have been busy tonight Catherine. Thanks for adding to this, Nancy's suggestion seems like a really good idea, especially now it's been moderated a little. I'm looking forward to seeing how it works in practice.


#138:  Author: LulieLocation: Middlesbrough PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:16 pm

*wonders how the idea will work put into practice* I understand how Nancy would feel at trying out new ideas with Miss A absent - I wouldn't like to do it!!!!


#139:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:23 pm

Lovely to see more of this Catherine!!! And a very intriguing idea there!


#140:  Author: MiriamLocation: Jerusalem, Israel PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 12:59 am

It sounds a good idea in terms of the staff, but I'm wondering how it will work with the girls. Surely the seniors want a far more physically challenging ramble than the juniors? How are they going to accomodate each others needs?


#141:  Author: GemLocation: Saltash/Aberystwyth PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 10:26 am

Oooh, good for Nancy! Hope that it does work out, and am very glad that the staff all supported her. Like Miriam I am a little concerned about the difference in abilities, but have faith in Nancy (and Catherine!) to sort it out! *g*


#142:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 3:58 am

I'm reading! I'm reading! (just letting you know) Please post s'more Catherine. I wanna know what disaster is suffered by Lorna's group. Twisted Evil


#143:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 2:07 pm

This shows how brave Nancy was in taking on the temporary role. Wnating to try out her own ideas but not wnating to step on Hilda's toes. Hope it all works well.


#144:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 3:54 pm

Catherine I've just read this all the way through and althoguh I've not read any of the Lorna books i'm really enjoying it, look forward to seeing how Nancy's idea works out. Thank you Kiss


#145:  Author: KateLocation: Ireland PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 9:26 pm

Hey Catherine, I'm reading this, like I told you earlier, and I think it's great! Though I'm another person who hasn't read Lorna, but I really t hink I should now. She sounds great. Smile :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:


#146:  Author: Eleanor Brennan (Guest) PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:25 pm

Have just finished re-reading the 2 Lorna books, and then found this. Keep it up, it's great. Very Happy


#147:  Author: urchinLocation: Anywhere but here... (blackpool!) PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 11:35 pm

i only just found this. I've heard of Lorna, and may have read it at some stage! And I think this is a great drabble. Please dont have given up on it ( I know thats' really bad english, but I cant think of another way of saying it!) Urchin


#148:  Author: Liseke PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:03 pm

To echo Urchin - new instalments would be welcome, especially as I've finished both Lornas and was enjoying this.


#149:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:42 pm

Liseke and Urchin - we are all waiting for lots more of this and other Catherine drabbles, but if you read the 'Calling the Lynch Mob' thread in Off Topic you will see that she doesn't have an internet connection at the moment, and as Telewest are really messing her about it could be a while before she has.


#150:  Author: Liseke PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 10:44 pm

Ah ..... Well, I meant to be encouraging, nothing more.


#151:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:13 am

That's what I thought but just thought I'd let you know not to expect updates very soon and the reasons for it. Hopefully Catherine will be writing loads and be able to post when she gets back on but judging by Telewest's behaviour that could be a long time coming.


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