Summer at the Quadrant (by brie)(finally completed 24.3 p.5)

Author:  kimothy [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Summer at the Quadrant (by brie)(finally completed 24.3 p.5)

I have tried to write this a la EBD, and hopefully it's not too different from her style. Hope you enjoy...


"Would I ever lie to you Peggy?"

"I'll admit you're a truthful enough soul most of the time, but if you think that innocent face is going to fool me you have another think coming!"

Bride stuck her tongue out at her sister, at this insult.

As if my beautiful face could tell a lie!" She paused to grin here, "and if you don't believe me you can ask young Maeve, for she was there too!"

Peggy groaned, "If Maeve was there, the tale will lose no excitement in telling, that young lass has far too much imagination!"

"I rather think she got your share Peg, you really are by far the most sensible member of this family."

"Hush with your nonsense." For Peggy could remeber several times when her imaguination had got carried away, but she had no intention of sharing these with Bride.

"Peggy I promise you it's true, and my face when i heard him say that was a picture, I can tell you! How I kept calm I'll never know, probably because I had my hands full with Maeve i'll admit or i might have really lost it."

"Are you sure you aren't exaggerating Bride?" Peggy's face was worried, she continued, " Polly and Lala so wanted everything to be nice for him coming."

"Yes, well it was only Lala that heard, thank goodness. She may be as thoughtless as they come, but there's not an ounce of malice or temper in her I don't belive."

Peggy was not so optimistic. If heedless Lala knew, it was only a matter of time before Polly found out.

"I have to say, Peg, if my brother had said such a ghastly thing about me I wouldn't have sat there and taken it like Lala. Even you would have been roused Peggy."

and with an ominous look on her face Bride Bettany returned to her book, with only the tiniest insight into the storms to come.

Author:  Lesley [ Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmmmm, could this be the Winterton brother that had such a poor opinion of his younger half sisters? The one that Peggy ends up marrying?

Thanks brie.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Summer at the Quadrant

New drabble, Yippee! Looking forward to reading the rest Brie

Author:  aitchemelle [ Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:25 am ]
Post subject: 

YAy a drabble in infancy that I can hope to keep up to date with! :D

Author:  kimothy [ Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lesley! you're spoiling the ending :P quite a long bit today...

For this story to make any sense, we must go back several hours to that ill fated morning.

As the Bettany' s sat round the breakfast table there came a loud crash from above.

Peggy jumped at the sound, cracking her egg in a rather unconventional sense, and her mother was moved to wonder if there was a young hurricane raging upstairs.

Dick Bettany was despatched to find out the source of the noise, and the others were just returning to their breakfast when Dick came in, a grim expression on his face. Dick was in fact dying to laugh, and as a result his voice came out sounding extra gruff. This only served to make the children he had brought in after him quake in their shoes.

"What do you think i caught them doing?" he asked the table at large.

Maurice shifted from foot to foot uneasily, and his twin had the grace to look embarassed.

"They", and here he paused for effect, " had decided that conventional breakfast was not for them, and decided a picnic on the roof would be more fun!"

Here Molly gasped.

"The crash you heard was them dragging the dresser out of the way so that they could get up to the attic."

"My dresser! The one Bridgie gave me?"

"Its alright dearest its in one piece, we just have to lift it back up the stairs."

Bride positively gurgled at this as she made the mistake of catching her brother Rix's eye. A glare from her mother quietened her however.

"Did you know that Thomas O'reilly had invited you over for tea this afternoon Maurice?"

Maurice's face dropped as he realised he was going to miss out on this treat.

"And maeve, you three girls were to go over to the wintertons..."

As Maeve remebered this she wished she had never thought of her wicked plan.

"It was really my idea Mother, Maurice just helped."

Maeve had a streak of honesty through her which would not allow her brother to get into trouble unfairly.

"Yes, i'm sure it was you Maeve, but Maurice helped, and willingly too. Now since this is only the third day of your holidays we will let you off, but next time don't think you will get off so lightly."

By now both twins had burning cheeks, and were wishing the floor would swallow them up.

However they refused to remain quashed for long, and it was a joyous party that set out that afternoon for the Wintertons.

Sadly, Peggy had been forced to remain in the house since she was suffering from a head cold, and she hadn't quite recovered yet. She had been quite disgusted at her fate, for like the others she had been longing to meet the missing Wointerton- Giles, who had arrived only the day before.

So it was only Bride and Maeve that went, promising to bring back all the hanes for Peggy.

* * *

They were met at the door by an agitated Mrs Winterton. Mrs Winterton was not very capable, and if it wasn't for their father there is no doubt that polly and lala would have turned out very unruly. Indeed there had been some danger of that up until a year or two ago.

Now with the arrival of her step son Mrs Winterton was somewhat nervous.

"Girls, the most awful thing has happned"

"Oh what?" asked Bride worried.

"Polly slipped down the stairs this morning and she seems to have dished her ankle, shes upstairs just now until Doctor comes, but shes going to be bed- ridden for a few weeks."

"Oh poor Poll," murmured Bride, " I know she was really looking forward to this visit"

"Yeah and by the time she is up and about again it'll be time to go back to school!" chipped in Maeve, who could think of nothing worse than being stuck inside in her summer holidays.

"Would you like any help? We can come back another day if you prefer, " said Bride valiantly, as she tried to stave of her curiousity for the new visitor.

"Oh not at all girls, you must come in. Lala is dying to see you all, and im sure even Polly will want to see you later." suddenly she seemed to realise there was only two of them there, " Where is Peggy?"

"She has a slight cold, but she should be better soon." smiled Maeve.

"Well come in girls" she raised her voice, "Lala!!"

There was a mild crashing noise as Lala slid down the stairs to meet her guests.

"Bride, maeve! Did you hear about Polly? She is an idiot, isnt she? She is raging i tell you!" said lala gleefully.

"Now do come through and meet my brother..."

Whatever Bride had been expecting it was not this for Giles Winterton was not like his sisters in either looks or character. He was tall and broad-shoulders, with sandy hair neatly brushed back, and grave gray blue eyes. His voice when he spoke was deep and serious, and Bride got the impression that he was a man of few words.

"Giles these are my friends Bride and Maeve", and Lala waved her hands in their general direction. Giles nodded at them solemnly but all he saw was two scraggy, young schoolgirls and he was moved to wish that his sisters wouldn't bring their friends round.

Bride had had an idea of asking him about his work and his life away from ths village, but his silence towards her put paid to that.

Lala smiled nervously.

"Alice, shall we go through for tea now? we really shouldn't keep Father waiting."

"Giles! i do wish you wouldn't call me that, and didn't Polly tell you- oh no of course she couldn't- Father cant make it back in time for tea. It shall just be us four i'm afraid." Lala indicated the others in the room, and groaning got to her feet from the comfy chair she had been sitting in.

"Well i suppose we should be going through, coming Maeve?"

"Yes, Alice!" said naughty Maeve.

"Maeve!" said Lala annoyedly, "i am warning you!" she laughed though.

All through the meal Bride found herself getting increasingly annoyed at Giles, who seemed to think he was being kind to condescend to eat with them. It was when they started talking about the school though that she really started to get angry.

"Giles, did you know that Brides aunt is the founder of the school?" asked Lala in an effort to get Giles to join in.

"no" was his short answer.

"Well she is, and their other aunt was the first pupil and shes the authoress Josephine M Bettany."

"I've never heard of her."

"Well" said Bride laughingly, "thats fair enough she mostly writes girls school stories."

Bride thought she heard him mutter "trashy" she glanced up and saw Lalas shocked face, and realised she had heard too. With some effort Bride said nothing. It would not do to lose her temoper in fornt of Maeve.

"Do you think we will get much boating, when we go back?" asked Maeve suddenly changing the conversation.

"We should for at least a month, said Lala hopefully.

"Boating?" said Giles disapprovingly.

"Yes, why ever not?"

"They" and here he paused to look meaningfully at Lala, " are the result of a wild upbringing, it is not surprising if their school supports girls going out 'boating' and the like"

"Oh we go swimming as well" said Maeve indignantly, "I say Bride do you remember the greasy pole, and the tub races? Oh how funny you were when you tried at that." and despite the somewhat icy atmosphere Maeves clear laughter rung through the air.

Giles disapproval was obvious, and Bride was glad when the meal was over and they could go home.

Once back at the quadrant, and settled snugly in Peggy's small sitting room with her aunt Joeys latest novel, she proceeded to tell her sister of the eventful afternoon and her dire predictions for the rest of the summer holidays- which were starting to look extra gloomy if they were to be expected to stay in the company of Giles Winterton, whom Bride, quite justly it must be admitted, called a "Pompous ass!"

Author:  Lesley [ Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry brie - but it did seem rather obvious. :oops:

As for Giles - a swift kick up the backside sounds approriate - what a pillock! :shock:


Author:  Jennie [ Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Giles needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

Author:  kimothy [ Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

What better time than a wet friday afternoon, for some drabble writing?

"Guess what, Peg old thing?"

"Bride!" for Bride had startled Peggy into spilling her ink over the letter she had been writing to one of her boon companions Daphne.

"Oh Peggy! I am sorry, here let me wipe this up."

As she cleaned up the sopping mess, she turned excitedly to her sister.
"Oh i never told you did i? Guess who is down stairs?"

"who?" said Peggy warily.

"That ass Giles!"

"What on earth for?"

"Your guess is as good as mine!" said Bride cheerfully

"But Bride we are the only ones home. Who answered the door?"

"well I did of course, i wasn't exactly going to leave him standing outside in the rain was i?"

"Bride!" exclaimed Peggy, "You have been up here at least ten minutes. What must he be thinking?"

and with more haste than care Peggy Bettany hurled out of the room and down the stairs to the pretty drawing room where Bride had left their guest.

She tripped into the room, for once looking unelegant, as there was inkstains on her blouse, and her hair was all coming down at one side.

"Im so sorry! We had a bit of an accident upstairs with the ink!" she said laughing, pointing to her cuffs ruefully.

"I dont think we have met? Im Peggy Bettany, Bride and Maeves older sister."

She stuck out her hand in a friendly manner. He hesitated for a moment before putting his hand in hers. He withdrew hastily.

"I am Giles Winterton" he said stiffly, "Im so sorry to call in unnanounced, but i was caught rather unaware in this rain."

"Oh its no problem." said Peggy brightly, though even her bubbly personality was starting to fade under Giles stare.

"Can I get you anything? A hot drink, some dry clothes? I'm afraid there's no one in apart from myself and young Bride. Rix should be home in an hour or two, but the rest will be gone all day."

"Don't trouble yourself...Peggy. I shall just wait until the rain has gone down a bit. I should be gone soon."

Peggy looked out the window shrewdly, "Oh i wouldn't be so sure I'm afraid. That rains only getting heavier. I think we might be in for a bit of a storm myself. I only hope the others can get home? They have gone into town for the day you see, to see about school uniforms for the kids. Now are you sure i can't get you anything?"

"No dont worry. I shall perhaps leave now, i'm sure i can get home. It was a mistake to come in here i think."

"Oh no! You cant go now!" and in her urgency Peggy grabbed his arm. She let go almost immediately, with a strange look in her eyes. "You can't go now! It's only going to get worse, and its a seven mile tramp. In this rain you'll never find your way home." Her tone was imploring.

"Well, I think you're being silly, but if you're going to worry I suppose i shall have to stay."

Peggy just laughed, the comment didnt hurt her in the way it would have hurt her sisters.

"You wait! You'll thank me before the afternoon is out!"

He just smiled superiorly.

Author:  leahbelle [ Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

kimothy wrote:
What better time than a wet friday afternoon, for some drabble writing?

I agree wholeheartedly! Thanks, Brie, I'm enjoying this.

Author:  Lesley [ Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

*Kicks supercilious smile off his face.*

Hope she can bring him down a few thousand pegs.

Thanks brie

Author:  Jennie [ Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, Alex maanged it, so Brie ought to be able to.

Author:  kimothy [ Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

At this moment Bride arrived in the room, and promptly started giggling.

"What?" cried Peggy, though she was not normally self-conscious.

"Peggy, your skirt, it is blue!"

Peggy turned horrified eyes down to her skirt, which had that morning been a pale brown colour. It still was.

"No idiot! The whole back! Why you must have sat in a pool of ink!"

Giles started to frown disaprovingly but when Peggy turned around despairingly, and he saw that the entire back of the skirt was in fact dark blue, he found his lips twitching slightly.

Peggy rushed out of the room embarassed. She wondered why, for she was normally a very calm soul, and it was only that ass Giles who had seen afterall.

She came down fifteen minutes later in a soft green frock, to find a battle raging in the drawing room.

"Why on earth shouldn't we play cards? It's not as though we are playing for money" she heard her sister say crossly.

"It's not very ladylike to play cards."

"Well i'm sorry! But this is the real world, what do you want me to do? stay home and knit?"

Peggy giggled inwardly at this, but decided she had better try and resolve things between them, he was their guest afterall.

She walked in slowly, "Would either of you like some coffee? It's getting awfully chilly. thats the problem with living in a big old place like this, its terrible to heat."

"I'll light the fire." said Giles gallantly.

"Oh don't worry, i'll do it." said Bride grinning, for she could imagine the torment seeing a girl lighting a big log fire, would bring for Giles.

"No, i'll do it," insisted Giles.

Peggy left them alone, to go and make the coffee.

She was just coming back with three steaming mugs, when she heard violent coughing.

She put the tray down with a bang and rushed into the room to find Giles covered in soot, and both himself and bride spluttering. There was a light sprinkling of black on everything in the nearby vicinity of the fireplace.

"I told you, to let me do it." said Bride crossly as she regained her breath. "What did you think you were doing?"

"Bride" said Peggy soothingly, though she was dying to laugh at the sight of Giles,"he was only trying to help"

"Hrmphh" was all Bride said to this.

"You had better get yourself cleaned up" said Peggy, but she could get no further, and she just sat down and laughed and laughed and laughed.

As peals of her silvery laughter, fell round the room, it was not long before Bride joined in, and still Giles just sat there a scowl across his face, the humiliation he was feeling plain to see.

Peggy almost felt sorry for him, but really of all the cheek, he definetely needed taking down a peg or two.

Author:  Lesley [ Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't feel at all sorry for him - he deserved it - and more! :lol:

Thank you

Author:  leahbelle [ Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

He definitely deserved that!

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  Summer at the Quadrant

I'll say

Author:  kimothy [ Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Im hom..."

Rix xtrode confidently into the house.

"What..." he said, completely speechless.

Bride moaned slightly at the sight of his face, and slid from the chair she had been collapsed in onto the floor.

"what..." he repeated, "is that... soot?"

Giles went bright red at this, though no on could see it under the grime.

"Bettany, perhaps we should leave the girls here to clean up this mess. Perhaps you would show me your bathroom?" and with as much dignity as he could muster Giles hurried out of the room.

Rix followed, with a huge question mark on his face.

"Yes, i had better freshen up too, i am rather wet."

since rix had just arrived home in the rain this was rather an understatement.

Once the men had left the room, the two sisters gaped at each other.

"Of all the cheek" gasped Peggy.

"he made this mess, and he just leaves the room as though he is the king or something, without even offering to help" Bride spluttered.

"I.. i... I guess you were right Bride. He is definetly the most pompous ass I have ever seen, and i feel sorry for whoever ends up marrying him!"

"Peggy, no one would ever marry a man like that! Oh i hate him, i really hate him."

"Its not as bad for us, think of Polly and Lala!"

"Yes thats true," agreed Bride slowly, "But isn't he awful?"

"Yes he is, but talking is not going to clean this room, so we had better get going."

Author:  leahbelle [ Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice of the men to leave the cleaning to the females!

Author:  Alison H [ Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:19 pm ]
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Author:  Lesley [ Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Stuff that - had I been Peggy or Bride I'd have insisted Giles clear up - he made the mess! :evil:

Thanks for the update, brie.

Author:  patmac [ Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lesley wrote:
Stuff that - had I been Peggy or Bride I'd have insisted Giles clear up - he made the mess! :evil:

*g* I've got a picture of the pompous ass meekly cleaning up while Lesley stands, hands on hips, glaring. :wink:

Thank you Brie.

Author:  Lesley [ Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:01 am ]
Post subject: 

:oops: Well, wouldn't you Pat? :lol:

Author:  kimothy [ Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:21 pm ]
Post subject: 


"Bride, calm down"

"No" said Bride stonily, "Giles Winterton can come and clean this mess up on his own, or it can stay sooty till then."

"Bride. Please, its not fair on mother and father if they have to come back to this. Please just help me, " she added desperately.

"Peggy. You are too soft for your own good."

"Bride please. I...I'm still worried about mother. I want eveything to be easy or her."

Brides eyes softened, "are you still worried about her Peg?" she asked anxiously.

"I can't help it. I know she is alright, but i cant help but worry."

"i'll get the mop" said Bride resignedly.

Just as she was standing up, the door opened and Rix came in.

"Pegs, Bride, what is going on?"

Bride looked ready to start ranting again, so Peggy jumped in first.

"It's just Giles ummm well to be honest he's a bit..."

"He's a chauvinist pig" interrupted hot-tempered Bride.

"Well yes" admitted Peggy, "that about sums it up"

"oh" said Rix,speechless for the moment,

"the soot?" he asked eventually.

"Giles didn't trust a mere girl to be able to light the fire. It's a mans job you understand, " she said sarcastically, " So he did it and he made a right mess of the whole thing and left me and Peg to clean it all up!"

"Oh" said Rix, he didn't sound very annoyed.

"Aren't you mad?" asked Bride curiously.

"Well he said he was going to come and help clean up in here once he was cleaned up himself" said Rix.

Bride snorted with disbelief.

"Good", said Peggy softly, "his help will be much appreciated."

Rix left the room then.

"Peggy!" hissed Bride, " are you just going to forgive him?"

"Well Bride it's the christian thing to do."

Bride groaned, "You are too kind do you know that?"

Peggy just smiled and left the room to get some cleaning materials.

Author:  leahbelle [ Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wonder if Giles really will help?

Author:  Lesley [ Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm with Bride here - and Peggy is coming across as one of those martyr-ish women who do everything and make everyone else feel bad about it. Peggy and Giles seem very well suited at the moment - him domineering her doormat! :roll:

As for Giles - surely it would be more sensible to clean up the mess and THEN clean up himself?

Thanks brie

Author:  Jennie [ Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lesley, he's a man. They don't think things through the way women do. Not when there's a woman to wash two shirts instead of one.

Author:  Alison H [ Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:54 pm ]
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I'm starting to think that Peggy and Giles deserve each other :lol: !

Author:  kimothy [ Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:01 pm ]
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Peggy was just about to go back down the stairs when she heard shouting in the next room.

"Look, i'm doing you a big favour here. You can't just treat them like that. It's not right."

"richard, I am not doing anything. I admit i made that mess but i am a guest here, and a man at that. Don't tell me you do your own polishing and dusting? and do you wash and iron your clothes too?" his tone was mocking.

Peggy managed to stop herself running into the room and hurling the cleaning rags at Giles. Instead she walked sedately down the stairs, and back into the sooty room.


"Yes Peg?" her sister looked at her strangely,there was a new steeliness to Peggys voice now.

"This is war."

just a mini update im afraid

Author:  leahbelle [ Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Isn't Giles awful?

Author:  Lesley [ Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well finally Peggy! :roll:

Thanks brie.

Author:  kimothy [ Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:24 pm ]
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"what does he think this is? the 16th century. We are woman, not slaves to his ego!"

Bride grinned, but peggy was not finished,

"Does he think he can just waltz in here, and expect us to just bow down to him like he is royalty or something. I'm surprised he's condescended to speak to us at all this afternoon. We must have been such a disappointment to him when he turned up here..."

"Wow Peggy, calm down. He's vile. there's no denying it, but don't stoop to his level."

Outside the room Giles stepped away from the door, his ears burning.

Rix standing beside him pursed his lips, trying not to laugh. he didn't feel at all sorry that Giles had overheard this conversation.

"I had better get going Bettany. it's getting late." His voice was a shade deeper than normal.

ninety-nine percent of Rix wanted to tell Giles good riddance, but one look out of the curtains told him he couldn't.

Giles was stuck here for the night. As if to cement this point, a lightening bolt lit up the room for a moment, and then there was a crash of thunder.

There was a loud thud as one of the girls dropped something in the other room.

Then to cap it all off the power went, and they found themselves in complete darkness.

There was a crash as bride walked into a table as she tried to find the door.

"Are you two alright?" called Rix as he heard this

"Well i'm alright. Im not so sure about the tabe though..." Bride trailed off.

Rix laughed.

Peggy finally found the door, and walked out into the hall- straight into Giles.

There was another peal of thunder, and Peggy jumped despite herself.

"It's okay" said giles soothingly, surprising everyone in the room, including himself.

Author:  leahbelle [ Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wonder how the evening with Giles will go!

Author:  Lesley [ Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh for goodness sake Peggy, it's only thunder! :roll:

Very glad Giles heard that - he deserved every word - and I sincerely hope Peggy isn't going to let him off the hook that easily.

Author:  JoS [ Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm enjoying this! More please Brie. *%& awful Giles - think Peggy can transform him?

Author:  kimothy [ Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:45 am ]
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"well of course its ok!" said Peggy condescendingly, "Its only thunder!"

rix bit his lip, trying not to laugh, for Peggy was not th biggest fan of thunder.

"I... I was only trying to help" stammered Giles

"I think you have helped enough." said Peggy

Bride raised her eyebrows at this. This was not the peggy she knew. she decided to interrupt.

"ummm should we maybe try and find some candles anyone."

the end of her speech was drowned out by the thunder. The next moment the lightening lit up the room again.

Giles face had the strangest look on it. Then they were in darkness again.

"C'mon lets go get some candles" said Peggy, who was now in a thoroughly bad mood.

She felt her way to the kitchen door, pulled it open and felt her way across the room. She found the cupboard she was looking for with a loud thump.

"peg?" called rix, who had stayed where he was, sitting on the bottom stair.

"I'm fine," muttered Peggy, "Fine, fine, fine, fine"

"Okay i've got the candles, she said cheering up slightly.

"matches" called Bride

Peggy glowered into the darkness.

"It's okay" said Giles. This was followed by a crash as he walked into a chair. "I have some"

Peggy didnt reply.

"Peggy?" he asked.

"I thought it was margaret" she replied sarcastically.

"I'm just trying to help" he said slowly.

"So you have said"

Out in the hall, Bride whispered to her brother, "what is going on between them?"

Rix just shook his head confusedly.

"I've never seen Peg like this"

There was a faint glow form the kitchen now, as Giles persuaded peggy to let him help.

"Come on" he said, taking a candle and offering her his free hand.

"I can walk" she replied, still annoyed.

She took a candle in one hand, and scooped up Giles matches in her other hand.

Author:  leahbelle [ Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm not sure I'd have Peggy's patience with Giles!

Author:  Lesley [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Keep going Peggy, he deserves it!

Author:  JoS [ Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

looking forward to seeing sparks flying

Author:  kimothy [ Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:09 am ]
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They had been sitting around quietly in the dark for sometime, in n awkward silence. The candles casting gloomy shadows around the room.

"Think we can fix up something to eat peg? I'm starving" said Bride, characteristically breaking the silence.

Peggys face had an unreadable expression on it.

"What was that Bride?" she asked vaguely.

"Food, Peggy, food"

The two girls left the room to go try and make some food.

Once they were safely in the kitchen Bride turned on her sister.

"What is up with you tonight?" she asked curiously

"Nothing" said Peggy unconvincingly.

bride looked at her disbelievingly.

"Its giles, he keeps getting to me. he makes my skin crawl. i really don't like him."

Bride remained silent, there was something more going on she was sure of that.

"Right, what can we make in almost complete darkness?" asked Peggy changing the subject.

"well can we manage coffee?" asked Bride hopefully.

"I think milk would be easier" said Peggy.

they returned to the boys with a tray laden with four big glasses of milk, and abiscuit tin.

Rix burst out laughing when he saw his 'supper'.

"Milk?" asked Giles disbelievingly.

"Yes, milk! If you want anything else you can make it yourself."

"No this is fine" said Giles meekly.

bride choked on her milk as she heard this.

Rix rolled his eyes. This was going to be a long night.

As they sat munching on biscuits, the silence started to seem less awkward and more companiable.

"How are you liking it down here?" asked Bride eventually, deciding she had better try and make up for her sisters continued rudeness.

"It's different" said Giles, "i was kind of expecting to come back to the same people as they were all those years ago, and now they are not."

there was silence as teh other three digested this muddled sentence.

"But haven't you changed too?" asked Peggy reasonably.

"I don't think i have. I'm still the same pompous ass aren't i?" he asked bitterly.

Peggy and Bride went pink as they realised he had heard their earlier conversation.

"We didn't mean that.." said Bride hopelessly.

"Yes, we did." said peggy desicively. " and maybe it's about time you did something about it, rather than sitting there whining."

Bride stared at her sister stunned.

Rix looked out of teh window and exclaimed, "I think the rain has stopped."

"okay i can take a hint" said Giles stumbling to his feet.

"Don't be ridiculous" said Peggy, "You have to stay till the morning now. Now i'm going to bed" and she too, got to her feet and then left the room.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Summer at the Quadrant

Way to go Peggy. This is hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Lesley [ Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well done Peggy - and he is a pompous, chauvanistic ass!

Thanks brie

Author:  Jennie [ Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Giles is really asking for it, isn't he?

Author:  leahbelle [ Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Peggy has gone up in my estimation with her handling of Giles!

Author:  Jennie [ Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

And mine. She was always too sweet for my taste.

Author:  kimothy [ Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

awww poor peggy. i always liked her though no one else seems to have. and i always liked the book 'peggy'. i thought it would be a good idea to try and show her in a more human light than EBD cause i think she deserved to have a bit more fun...

Author:  kimothy [ Thu Oct 19, 2006 6:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

"I'll show you to your room" said Rix awkwardly.

Bride frowned.

"I'm just putting him in Maurices room" explained Rix.

"Jackies might be better, you know what Maurice can be like" replied bride practically.

Rix grinned and left the room.

"c'mon" he called to Giles.

"I think it would be better if i just left" said Giles stiffly.

"Don't be stupid" said Rix firmly " and don't mind Peg. She'll cool off soon."

"Well if you apologise she will" chipped in Bride, since she wasn't going to let Giles get off that easily.

"Why should i apologise? her behaviour was ridiculous!"

Bride looked ready to lunge at him.

"In th ewords of a six year old child 'You started it' " said Rix cooly.

Giles humphed at this.

Bride rolled her eyes, gathered up th mugs and calmly just left the room.

Giles too left the room, but he was aiming for the front door, where he started pulling on his boots.

"Giles" said Rix really starting to sound annoyed now, and this was unusual, for he was even more placid than Peggy usually.

"You can't go out in that. You don't really know whee you are going. It's pitch black, it'll be all marshy and soggy, and the rain could come back any moment."

Bride coming out of the kitchen heard what was happening and tried to help.

"Giles please" she begged, "You'll get lost. It's such a stupid idea. think about it, even Peggy wanted you to stay, and she really doesn't like you..."

rix grabbed her arm, "Not helping Bride" he muttered.

Giles stood up, "Wheres my coat?" he demanded.

"In the cupboard" replied Bride promptly.

Rix glared at her again.

Giles wrenched open the cupboard door, and pulled his coat out. He slipped into it, and threw open the door.

A blast of cold air swirled into the hall.

Bride shivered involuntarily.

"thanks for your hospitality" he muttered bitterly, before storming out.

"Giles" called Bride desperately. But he didn't turn around. Then as though it had been commanded, the rain started to fall again.

Author:  leahbelle [ Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh dear! I am almost (almost!) feeling sorry for Giles now.

Author:  Lesley [ Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Stupid man - so he can insult, belittle and ridicule his hostesses but when they give him a taste of his own medicine he storms off in a huff!

Let him go, he's no loss. :roll:

Thanks brie

Author:  kimothy [ Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Rix and Bride looked at each other perplexed.

"Rix, what are we going to do?" asked Bride

Rix shook his head slowly, "i dont know" he said, "i suppose i should go after him..."

"You can't go out alone in that" said Bride sounding horrified.

"I don't have much choice do i?"

Bride cursed giles inwardly.

"What are you two fighting about?" a sleepy voice above them asked.

"Peggy!" cried Bride

Peggy wrapped in her dressing gown and slippers came slowly down the stairs.

"Whats wrong?" she asked worriedly.

"Its Giles" said bride, even as Peggys face hardened, she hurried on, "he's out there, by himself in the dark..."

"what?!?" exclaimed Peggy.

"But he could be hurt, he's only been here a few days, he'll never find his way home!"

Bride and Rix looked serious as they heard their fears voiced.

"well!" exclaimed Peggy impatiently, "come on, we have to go after him... now! Bride go and fill a flask with coffee, and see if you can find a torch now that we have light again from the candles. Rix get changed into something warmer" and she turned and ran back upstairs.

this was all her fault,she couldn't keep her mouth shut. She hurriedly changed into a weird assortment of clothes including her gardening slacks from when she had been at school, her stout walking boots, a woolen jumper of her fathers, and a large pink scarf her aunt joey had knitted her for christmas last year. She added her watch and a wooly hat complete with pom poms which belonged to her sister maeve.

She ran back downstairs to find Rix dressed equally warmly and carrying a rucksack with the cofee inside.

He was just about to leave.

"peggy what are you wearing?" he asked confused.

"Im coming with you" she stated firmly.

He started to protest.

"No Rix, this is my fault, and i want to fix it as much as i can"

She set her lips in a straight, thin line.

Thanks for all the comments, and i hope you all had a nice weekend! my arm is healing nicely thank goodness!

Author:  leahbelle [ Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad your arm is healing, brie. Thanks for the update. Nice to see Peggy showing a bit of gumption!

Author:  Jennie [ Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, Brie. I'm glad your arm is getting better, but I still think that Giles deserves a good soaking.

Author:  JoS [ Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Brie - glad you're getting better.
I'm another one who was always rather liked Peggy!

Author:  kimothy [ Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry just a short bit today

"But peg" he began.

"No Rix, don't you understand i'll feel awful if there is something wrong, and anyway i know far more about first aid than you!"

Her lip quivered slightly at the words first aid, but no one saw.

"Peggy, you dont think... you dont think he's hurt do you?" asked Bride frightened.

"No of course not." said Peggy trying to put on a bright face. "But we should prepared, just in case you know."

"Now Bride, you stay here and make sure everythings nice and warm. See if you can coax the fire to start"

Bride looked like she was going to argue, but something stopped her. She just nodded.

"Come on Peg" said Rix resignedly, he knew it was going to be very hard to find Giles in this weather and at this time of night, especially as he had a ten minute headstart.

Author:  leahbelle [ Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hope they find him!

Author:  Lesley [ Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Think they should let him suffer! :twisted:

Thanks brie

Author:  kimothy [ Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

They had only been out for about five minutes, but there was something oppresive about the darkness surrounding them. The wind howled eerily, and Peggy was reminded of a walk she had taken a few years ago, back when she was at school on st. briavels.

She had almost been killed.

It was not a very positive thought to have in her head out here in the dark.

She was cold too, though she would not admit it.

She too, was starting to see something of the hopelessness of this situation.

The Bettanys knew this part of the country like the back of their hands. But that was in the daylight, and it was somewhat different in the black of night.

As the rain drizzled down on her, and the wind nipped at her any hopefulness she had felt was fizzling out.

She felt so alone. The only noise was the creaking of the trees in the wind, and the constant pitter patter of rain.

A rustling of leaves beside her told her of her brothers prescence.

But they lived in a place so remote. She felt so alone.

The ends of her hair had come loose in the wind, and were wet with the rain. They dripped on her shoulders and neck.

She felt so cold. She thought longingly of the coffee in the rucksack.

It was so silent, only the wind and rain for company.

Rix had not spoken for a while.

She felt so alone.

Then she froze.

She felt warm, hot breath on the back of her neck.

Author:  Vick [ Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ooo errr! Is Poor Peggy getting an overactive imagination, or is there something sinister out there? :shock:

Thanks Brie

Author:  Nell [ Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Or maybe it's Giles...

Author:  JoS [ Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I bet its Giles

Author:  leahbelle [ Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

I hope it's not Rix!

Author:  kimothy [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Rix" called Peggy hoping it was him standing behind her.

There was a startled yell as the person behind her realised they weren't alone.

"Who is that?" said Peggy her voice wavering , as she remained petrified and stuck on th spot.

But there was silence.

Peggy reminded herself to breathe, and try to peer around her, but the darkness was complete.

She wondered where Rix was.

Rix on the other hand was trying to disentangle himself from the gorse bush he had managed to fall into.

That was when he heard a distant yell.

It was a man.

"Peggy" he called desperately.

There was no reply

"Peggy" he repeated more desperately this time.

he tore himself from the bush with little regard for his clothes or skin.

"Peggy" he called again, louder this time.

That was when his blood ran cold, as he heard a high pitched scream which could only belong to his twin.

.....its not that i like creating suspense or anything....

Author:  Lesley [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice cliff! :lol:

Author:  Jennie [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I bet it was a cow breathing down her neck.

Author:  leahbelle [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oooh! We need another update, please!

Author:  Loryat [ Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just found this and woulr really like to know who is behind Peggy...and don't worry, I like her too, though I think 'her book' doesn't show her in the best light.

Author:  kimothy [ Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry i havent updated in so long, and sorry its so short.

peggy screamed as loud as her lungs would let her.

There was a startled yelp from behind her. Then a hand was clasped over her mouth roughly.

"Shh will you, now you have blown it."

and keeping his hand over her mouth, the man dragged Peggy into the bush nearby.

Then as she lay in the blackness she heard her brother calling for her.

Leaves rustled nearby as he went past, but she couldn't scream. She tried to bite her captor's fingers, but all this succeeded in doing was making him clamp her mouth tighter.

She tried to wrench herself away from him, causing him to swear, but he didnt let her escape.

"Hold still, will you?" he growled into her ear.

She could still hear her brother calling her name, but his voice was getting quieter as he moved further, and further away.

Author:  leahbelle [ Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eeeep, another cliff!

Author:  janetbrown23 [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

ooooo errrrrrrrrrr

Author:  kimothy [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Peggy heard another rustling of leaves, followed by some muttered talking, in deep, coarse tones.

Her captor had heard too, for he gripped her tighter.

They were coming closer, she felt the arms that held her tense up, and as she heard what the voices said she felt faint.

That was when everything happened in quick succession. there was a loud snap as a twig broke, a much louder peal as a gunshot rang out, and then there was yelling, shouting, running, and blood.

Peggy found herself thrown over someones shoulder as they ran, despite the trees and wildlife they whizzed past, all she could see was the red, red blood that seemed to surround her.

I promise there will be some answers in the next post

Author:  Loryat [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

This isn't really how Peggy and Giles got together is it??? :shock:

Author:  leahbelle [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gosh, I wonder what's going on?!

Author:  Jennie [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Smugglers? Watch the wall my darling while the gentlemen go by?

Author:  Elisabeth [ Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh crumbs! This is the last thing I expected to happen. What on earth can be happening?

Author:  kimothy [ Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok so i admit EBD might not have written it, but still.... :P

Author:  Loryat [ Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

kimothy wrote:
ok so i admit EBD might not have written it, but still.... :P

Was just wondering if it had actually been mentioned in an aside somewhere that 'Peggy and Giles never really hit it off but after he rescued her from those...' in the way she does! :D

Author:  Imogen [ Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is so exciting, I can't wait to find out what's happening to Peggy. I love the Peggy-Giles scenes, I love watching couples get together!

Author:  kimothy [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

She felt her captor slowing slightly and shuddering as he tried to carry on. His breathing was heavy and laboured, yet he seemed reluctant to drop her and run.

She suddenly realised that the blood splatter everywhere was not her own but his.

Somehow this did not relieve her.

She was starting to realise that her captor might not have been her captor afterall but her rescuer.

This thought was so occupying her mind that she didn't realise they had stopped.

Her dropped her in a pile of leaves, before slowly sinking to the ground.

"Run" he croaked, "run they still might find you."

"I'm not leaving you here alone!" said Peggy defiantly, and somewhat to both of their surprise.

he gave her an appealing look before throwing up violently into a nearby bush.

she put her arms on his broad shoulders, and held him as best as her petite frame would allow.

He was quite limp against her.

"Giles" she cried worriedly, "Giles, please speak to me"

Author:  leahbelle [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eeeeppppp! Please don't leave it there!!

Author:  Loryat [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Starting to like Giles's hard not to when he just took a bullet for Peggy! :D

Author:  Imogen [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:07 am ]
Post subject: 

That's so romantic, I hope Giles is okay.

Author:  kimothy [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Giles" Peggy was more frantic now, she could see the crimson blood seeping through his clothing.

Everything was upside down in her head, but now nothing seemed so important as Giles.

She wished she knew something about first aid, all she could do was stay as still as she could, and hope he would be alright till help came.

She tried not to think about the unlikelyhood of help coming through in this remote part of the country.

She felt Giles stirring.

"Peggy" his voice was dry, and quiet.

"Giles" she exclaimed, the relief clear in her voice.

"Go" he croaked

"No" she said, "No we'll be okay here... together"

She suddenly remembered Rix. Out there, all alone.

'Please be alright' she prayed, not realising how close by he was.

* * *

Had his sister not been out here with him he might have quite enjoyed the thrill of the chase he was sudenly embroiled in. It had not taken him long to realise who he was sharing the woods with tonight. He had heard the rumours when he was out earlier, but he had refused to believe them.

"Ghost stories" he had called them, only this morning, "someone trying to scare the kids"

he could kick himself now for having forgotten.

And with Peggy out here with him!

or rather not with him. All alone. The thought didnt bear thinking about, as he crouched low in the mud.

The shot, had felt like it had pierced his heart, it did not matter that it had not been aimed at him, for there was only one person whom it could have been aimed at. Peggy.

He had run blindly towards the shot. Knowing that there was likely to be three if not four men there. It hadn't mattered he had had to find her.

The spot had been deserted when he had arrived. All that remained was some broken twigs, and a black pool of blood.

She was gone.

He had stumbled away, unaware of the tears falling and stinging his face. He was running blindly, nowhere. He was just trying to forget.

it was all his fault she was dead.

The end is near i think...

Author:  leahbelle [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Another cliff!

Author:  Phil [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just found this, it's fantastic! keep going!

Author:  Elisabeth [ Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Aw. Poor Rix! I hope he finds out very soon that Peggy is alive.

Giles is such a hero, bless him.

Author:  kimothy [ Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just as Giles weight was becoming to much for Peggy to bear. Just as she was on the verge of collapsing in tears. Just as she was about to give up, everything changed.

A bright light lit up the clearing, and three very determined people came towards her.

For a moment she sat dazzled, wondering if this was the end before she came to her senses.

As she got used to the dazzling light after all this darkness she made out the figure behind the lantern.

"Bride!" she exclaimed.

The tears that had so long been threatening to fall finally falling now that she was safe.

"Peggy" the camping lantern was dropped as Bride rushed to her sister, and they were all back in darkness again until one of Brides helpers came to the rescue and relit it.

Peggy stared.

"Polly? Lala? What on earth are you two doing here?"

Polly strode forward forcefully.

"He may be all kinds of ass, but he is our brother." she halted suddenly, "Is that blood?" she asked fearfully.

Peggy watched forlornly as Polly went white, as she saw the gaping hole in Giles clothing, ad the redness dripping from it.

"We can't just stand here" she said eventually, "We need to move him. Do you three know the way back?" she wisely realised that questions could come later.

Lala hastily pulled herself together. She looked at Giles doubtfully, for though there were four of them Giles stood at nearly six foot, and only Bride was even nearly as tall as him.

"Don't laugh" she said, "But how about a Queens chair?"

It was Peggys turn to look doubtful. Admittedly Polly and Lala were more hefty specimens than herself, but they must be awfully far away from the house.

"It's not that far. No more than twenty minutes back to the house"

Peggy looked surprised, her and Rix must have been walking around in circles for ages.

Rix, how could she have forgotten him.

"Giles" whispered Lala, "Its me... Alice, we are getting help. Don't you worry now."

"Lala" he croaked, "Polly. Im...sorry" Lala brushed away the tears she could feel starting to fall.

"Don't worry it's all going to be okay"

She hoped that that was true

Author:  Elisabeth [ Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Aw. This is so nice and sentimental. This should be the making of Giles, neh?

Author:  Jennie [ Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, if they have to operate, they may well remove the poker from up his b*m at the same time.

Author:  leahbelle [ Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm sure Giles will be a much nicer person after all this!

Author:  kimothy [ Sun Dec 03, 2006 2:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

It was not till fully three days later that anyone got the whole story out of them, and even after that they had to wait sometime to hear Giles story of it.

When Rix had finally arrived on the scene, it had been only five minutes later than Bride and co. but to Peggy it had seemed an eternity He had resolved the problem of how to carry Giles as he was the opposite of Peggy. Being both tall and sturdy.

He had promptly taken charge. And peggy had never been so greatful that her brother was studying medicine.

He had bandaged Giles' wound (with his own shirt), and sent Polly and Lala ahead for help after they had assured him that they knew where they were going.

Then carrying Giles' in a firemans lift that he hoped wouldn't cause him too much pain, he had set off with Bride alternatively supporting Peggy and Giles.

They had gone back to the quadrant in the end. But the phonelines were back up by now and an ambulance was phoned.

Rix was relieved to see that the bullet wound was not close to any of the major organs, and should not be too serious, however Giles had been bleeding for a long time and Rix was not willing to say everything was going to be alright.

The ambulance had whisked Giles away and the next few days had been horrible ones for the Wintertons and the Bettanys.

None of the adults had dared question their children about the affair yet, for any mention of it brought a dark cloud across their face.

Rix was blaming himself for ever letting Giles leave, and for not tracking him better, and for letting Peggy come with him.

Bride was blaming herself too. She had let her temper get the better of herself. Ultimately nearly causing someones death.

Polly and Lala, were both consumed with grief for what might happen to the brother, neither had managed to get to know. And Polly especially was blaming herself for not being closer to Giles, and not being more lenient with him.

And then there was Peggy.

Peggy of the fair temper. peggy had become a shadow of her former self.

She blamed herself completely and utterly. So much so that she felt she could have prevented the whole situation from ever having occured had she only kept her mouth shut.

She felt Gile's pending death lay fully on her shoulders. And the optimistic and loving nature of only a few days before was gone as she retreated into herself.

I felt i ought to finally update this. Merry Christams all!

Author:  Elisabeth [ Sun Dec 03, 2006 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you Kimothy. That was really great. I love Rix being such a hero with his knowledge of medicine and all. :D

Author:  leahbelle [ Sun Dec 03, 2006 6:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Peggy shouldn't blame herself too much. Giles had a lot to do with it, as did the others.

Thanks, brie.

Author:  Sandra [ Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Merry Christams all!
I hope that this doesn't mean that there is no more until after Christmas - it's great.

I've always liked Peggy - she isn't as loud as the rest of her extended family

Author:  kimothy [ Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

well what can i say i decided to update (im hoping the drabble is almost completed)

It was later that week that two pieces of news came to the ears of the bettanys and wintertons.

The first was the capture of the criminals in the woods. The local constable had told Dick Bettany personally of their capture, and had explained somewhat to his own embarassment that they had been alluding capture for almost a week before the shooting. he had also added that had they known of their danger, and that they were armed there would have been a much bigger effort to seize them.

Dick was not overly impressed by this, and told the policeman so in no uncertain terms, for when he thought of the young man lying in hospital, and what might have happened to hs son and daughters that night he could not help but shudder.

the second piece of information was a great cause of celebration for all. it was the news that humanely speaking Giles was safe now, and that if all things went to plan he would be out of hospital in two weeks.

* * *

"C'mon peg! Aren't you coming with us?" called Bride from the bottom of the stairs.

Peggy's head appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Not this time Bride, i shant be ready for ages. I've only just washed my hair, and its not fair for Giles to have to forfeit all of his visitors just for me."

Peggy was lucky that Maeve appeared at this moment, effectively stopping Brie from retorting as she had wanted to .

A moment later Peggy had disapppeared leaving Bride to drive herself and the twins and Jackie to go and visit Giles.

Once all the greetings had been made, and the rowdy party were safely ensconced in his hosptial room, Giles tentatively asked,

"Is Peggy not coming today?"

"I'm afraid not Giles" said Bride, before moving hurriedly on.

Author:  leahbelle [ Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds hopeful for Giles and Peggy!

Author:  kimothy [ Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

it was almost a full three months later. School had commenced for the younger members of the family, and the elder ones were settling back into old routines.

Peggy had finally resigned herself to her fate for the evening. Hopefully she would not need to talk to him, there would be many people there and he was probably not anxious to see her again.

She toyed with the frocks hanging in her wardrobe, pretendning she was disnterested but really wandering which one would make her look best.

"Peggy" called up Molly Bettany, "we are leaving in an hour dear, make sure you are ready."

Peggy pulled on the dress she had eventually chosen, placed on her daintiest slippers, and brushed her hair. Something prompted her to leave it hanging loose rather than up in its usual fashion. it floated down in silvery ringlets half-way to her hips.

She powdered her nose daintily, and applied the slightest smear of lipstick.

She ran downstairs just before Dick hollered for her.

Tonight was the night the Wintertons had chosen to celebrate their sons lucky and full recovery.

Author:  leahbelle [ Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looking forward to see how the evening goes!

Author:  kimothy [ Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:00 am ]
Post subject: 

"you look lovely darling!" exclaimed mollie Bettany, allowing a faint expression of hope to cross her face.

Peggy clamly ignored her mother. For though she looked the image of delicacy and femininity she had that strong streak of stubborness that all bettanys and maynards seemed to have.

Whe they arrived at the wintertons Peggy saw with a falling heart that this was going to be a full blown, lasting for a long time, party. The wintertons appeared to have invited everyone they knew.

Then peggy realised that with all these people the chances of her seeing Giles were slimmer. However this didnt cheer her up as much as she had hoped.

she walked in with her head held high, trying to look as though she had not a care in the world.

unfortunately, the bettanys had never been the best of timekeepers, and they had arrived almost an hour late. Her parents managed to slip through the door almost unnoticed apart from a few raised eyebrows. However Peggy was not that lucky. With her mind on other things she had calmly strode into the middle of the room, her mane of silvery hair flowing about her. She found all eyes were on her for she looked like someone out of a fairytale with her dainty figure.

Her cheeks blossomed red, under the scrutiny, as she tried to disappear from the crowd she appeared to be the centre of.

Author:  Alison H [ Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Hope she gets chance to spend some time with Giles.

Author:  Sandra [ Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Please may we have some more? This is lovely. I really like Peggy, I don't understand why people find her so annoying (except for the fact that she is tiny, dainty and really pretty obviously)!

Author:  brie [ Sat Mar 24, 2007 3:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mr winterton strode over to Peggy, with a bright grin on hs lips. Peggy was surprised to see how old he had gotten in the few months since she had last seen him.

"Peggy!"he exclaimed, and embraced her closely.

Mrs winterton hurried over to her side, and hugged Peggy tightly.

"Thank you" she whispered tearfully into her ear.

Peggy looked at her confused. They should hate her, not this...

she was just opening her mouth, to scream at them, to tell them what an awful person she was, when she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

"Miss Bettany" she heard.

In tones that she hadnt been able to forget, the voice that made goosebumps appear on her arms.

"Giles" she said eventually.

"I...I'm glad your feeling better." she said politely.

If his hopes fell slightly, at this polite, inpersonal response he tried not to show it.

"Come over here,and i'll get you a drink." he said, skillfully dragging her away from the crowds of people, and into the quiet kitchen.

"Now what can i get for you?" he asked, keeping his tone as light-hearted as possible.

"Nothing...nothing" stumbled Peggy, "I should go."

"No! wait! Peggy, Dont go!" he called out, unable to stop himself.

"Peggy?" she asked, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Yes" he said softly" Peggy. I want to thank you" he smiled at her, "You stopped me becoming a complete ass"

but this was too much for Peggy, although it totally ashamed her, she felt the tears falling.

Giles looked alarmed. "I say Peggy, are you alright?"

"No." she looked at him with a terrible look in her eyes, "I could be a murderer. If you had died it would have been my fault."

The horrible thought, which she had kept bottled up for months now, suddenly sounded stupid now that she voiced it out loud.

As she looked up, and saw the incredulity on Giles face, she realised, finally, that it was not her fault. But it was hard to believe, all the same, she must have been at least been partially to blamw.

"Is that why you never came to visit me in hospital?" he asked, and the underlying hurt in his voice, stung Peggy.

"I couldn't have beared it, if you had died" she whispered. Shocked at herself, for admitting such a thing.

Peggy, busy staring at the ground, did not see the ray of hope that crossed Giles's face.

"Peggy" and hear Giles crossed the room, and lifted her face, her chin resting in his palm, so she was forced to look in his eyes.

"I have been blaming myself for ever having been the arrogant... idiot that i was. When you never came to visit me, i felt... i felt that i had ruined any chances however slight that i would be able to get to know you."

"Everynight, i see your blood in my dreams" said Peggy shakily, "You don't want to know me"

She pulled herself away.

Just as she was leaving the kitchen, Giles called her back.

"Peggy, I am glad that it was me that was hurt. If it had been you, i... I would never have been able to forgive myself, never. "

Peggy turned back to him slowly.


Giles was silent for a moment, as though he did not know how to answer her question.

"Peggy, when i was in hospital for all those weeks, and in all that pain, all i thought about was you. Every time visitors arrived for me, i hoped it was you. I understand that you dont feel the same way about me. Why would you? I can never be good enough for you. But i just wanted you to know. And please, never think i hate you again."

He was silent now, forcing down the hopeful thoughts bubbling inside him, and admitting to himself that he could never have her.

"really?" asked Peggy doubtfully, eventually.

Giles looked at her, knowing she did not feel the same way about him, but he could not lie to her.

"Really" he said.

"Oh Giles you goop!" she exclaimed, and threw herself into his arms, "of course you are good enough for me. I would never have anyone else."

Giles pulled her close to him, unable to believe that this was somehow true.

"Only one condition though?" he said.

"what?" asked Peggy cautiously

"I never have to light your drawing room fire!"

"Idiot" laughed Peggy, before stretching up and kissing him.

The End

....finally.... it only took me about a million months...

Author:  Alison H [ Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad you've had chance to finish this :D .

Author:  leahbelle [ Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

A lovely ending. Thanks, brie.

Author:  Fiona Mc [ Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad to see the final update Thanks have enjoyed it

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