The Swiss Family Watson - Chapter II
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The CBB -> Ste Therese's House

#301:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:25 pm

I went to the Science museum with my brother, my mum and my brother's godfather when my brother and I were both still quite small. I remember enjoying it, and I also remember the hard time we had getting the two grown-ups to leave! They're both scientists, what more do you need to know...!

Lovely scene with Paul, he must realise that the job offer isn't just charity. He's accepted the offer, though, so all's well!


#302:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:26 am

lovely Josie. So pleased that Paul has decided to accept the job gracefully - which can be far harder than refusing! And I think he'll be rather surprised by the amount of work involved.


#303:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 10:46 am

great updates, thanks Jo. glad paul is taking the job - and that he seems to be back on track again now.

and love the bickering between Ned and Edgar - typical teenage boy!!!

Very Happy


#304:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:10 pm

Christmas Day in the Watson household was definitely a resounding success, with everyone in their most festive mood, knowing Paul would soon be coming out of hospital. Stockings were opened at the crack of dawn, followed by a trip to church and then more present opening, and by midday, Evadne and Elsie (mainly Elsie, truth be told) were in the kitchen preparing a huge feast, while the children played with their new presents. Marcia hadn’t got her penguin after all, but seemed perfectly happy with what she had received, and Lily was so overjoyed with her new bike, that she insisted on riding it up and down the hall. Edgar meanwhile, occupied himself with his youngest son’s toys, whilst Henry crawled in and out of the cardboard boxes, which he frankly found far more fun.

Immediately after lunch, the Rodwells collected up the remaining gifts and headed into hospital to spend time with Paul. Back at the house, Edgar and Ned were set the task of clearing the table, whilst Evvy, Thea and Marcia made headway with the mountain of washing up, once Henry had been put down for his afternoon nap.

The two girls had begun flicking water at each other with their fingers, giggling and soaking each other more and more, despite Evadne’s pleas for them to stop. Marcia shrieked as Thea threw the dishcloth at her, hitting her square in the face, and picking up the nearest pot, she threw the dirty water at her sister, covering her from head to toe.

“Right, that’s it! Stop it now, the pair of you, before there’s…”

Evvy was too late. Thea had grabbed an even bigger pan, and she threw the contents at her sister, not bothering to see what was in there. Marcia neatly sidestepped the greasy water and bits of potato that were headed in her direction, just as Ned came through the door, a pile of bowls in his hand. He yelled as the deluge hit him, and dropped the china on the floor, where it shattered into tiny pieces.

“I-SAID-THAT’S-ENOUGH!” Evadne yelled and the two girls stopped in their tracks. They had heard that voice before and knew they had gone too far.

“What did you do that for, idiot?” Ned spluttered as he recovered his voice, wiping bits of potatoes from his hair.

“I meant to get Marcia,” Thea muttered, going bright red.

Ned opened his mouth to shout at her again, but he was silenced by a glare from his stepmother.

“Right, all three of you, out of those clothes now,” she said coldly. Thea and Marcia meekly did as they were told, taking their sodden skirts and blouses off until they were stood in their underwear.

Evadne handed Thea a broom and Marcia a mop and bucket, and told them to clear up the mess as she threw their clothes in the corner of the room. Then she turned back to Ned.

“Come on, you too.”

“That’s not fair!” he exclaimed, turning bright red. ‘I’m not taking my clothes off in front of them! It’s not my fault I got wet!”

“I know that, Ned, but you’re not dropping that greasy mess all though the house. Now stop being so stupid and strip off – we’ve seen it all before.”

Ned knew better than to argue with his stepmother when she was in this mood, and still muttering under his breath, he stalked over to the corner of the room, facing the wall as he took off his shirt, trousers and vest, throwing them onto the pile. Then still facing the wall, he shuffled sideways in his underpants until he reached the kitchen door, and then ran out into the hall. “I’m going to have a bath!” he yelled as he disappeared.

Edgar was just coming through from the dining room, and he watched his son in amazement, before turning to his wife.

“What’s going on?” he asked, looking around at the mess on the floor, as his daughters finished cleaning it up.

Someone,” she replied, glaring at her stepdaughters, “decided it would be fun to have a water fight, and that’s the result,” she said, pointing to the bin full of broken china.

“I’ve finished, Mummy.”

Evvy turned to see Thea standing next to her, holding out the broom. “Marcia?”

“Almost,” came the muffled reply, as Marcia crawled under the table to get the last of the watery mess.

“Right, you can both get upstairs and have a bath when Ned’s finished, and then you can go sit in your rooms ‘til tea. No toys or anything.”


“No buts. If you can’t do as I ask when I ask it, then this is the result.” Then as Marcia stood up and sulkily put the mop back in the bucket, leaning it against the wall, Evvy turned to her husband. “Make sure they do as they’re told, will you?”

As Edgar chased the two of them out of the kitchen and up the stairs, Evadne smiled to herself and turned back to the washing up. She might have known something like that would happen. It wouldn’t have been a family Christmas otherwise.

Five minutes later, Edgar returned, seating himself at the kitchen table, and began picking at the remaining turkey, which Evadne had sliced and placed on a plate to cool down.

“Hey!” she exclaimed, walking across to the table and slapping his hand out of the way, before removing the plate to the other side of the room. “That’s for sandwiches later!” Then as Edgar pouted, she added, “Surely you had enough at lunch? We could have fed a family of four with the amount you put away!”

“I need to keep my strength up!” he retorted, not noticeably perturbed.

Evadne rolled her eyes and turned back to the washing up. “Well how about you put some of that strength to good use and give me a helping hand – it’ll all be done twice as fast then!”

“Do I have to? It’s Christmas!”

He fluttered his eyelashes at her, pretending to be all sweet and coy, and laughing, Evadne marched back to the table, took hold of the back of his chair, and with great difficulty, dragged both him and it over to the draining board. Then throwing the tea towel at him, she said, “There you are, you lazy lump! Now you don’t even have to get up to help out!”

Edgar heaved an exaggerated sigh. “What sort of housewife are you, putting your poor henpecked husband to work?”

“Don’t you ‘housewife’ me!” she retorted, flicking washing up water at him with her fingers.

“Stop it! We’ve already had one disaster doing that today, we don’t need another. Honestly, woman, you’re worse than the children!”

Muttering under her breath, Evadne turned back to the sink again. Then a second later, she surreptitiously flicked the dishcloth in her husband’s direction, spraying him with water again.

“Right, that’s it!” and grabbing her around the waist, Edgar pulled her into his lap and wrestled the sopping wet cloth from her hands, brandishing it close to her face. “Apologise or you’re for it!”

“No, it’s your own fault for claiming to be henpecked!” she responded, trying to wriggle free.

Edgar was having none of it, however, and simply tightened his grip around her waist. “Apologise!”


“I mean it, apologise or you get a face full of soggy cloth!” Evadne grinned and shook her head, and Edgar shrugged. “Well, you can’t say I didn’t warn you!” and as she buried her head in his shoulder, laughing, he tried his best to rub the dishcloth on her face.

“Gerroff me!” came the muffled cry, as he tickled her, causing her to lift her head, and then gave her cheeks a good scrubbing before she could knock his hand out of the way. “Okay, okay, I surr…hic! Now look w…hic…what you’ve done!”

Edgar chuckled as she grimaced and hiccupped again. “Try holding your breath.”

Evadne did as she was told, holding her nose and puffing out her cheeks until she just had to breathe out again. Sitting up straight, she paused for a second, waiting to see if she hiccupped, then grinned.

“I think they’re go…hic!

Edgar burst out laughing. “You were saying?”

Evadne glared at him as she tried to hold her breath for a second time. He stared back at her, and then suddenly leaned his head towards her and shouted, “Boo!” in her face.

“What was that supposed t…hic…to do?” she asked incredulously.

“Scare you, of course!”

“Gee, th…hic…anks,” she responded with a grimace. “Nice job.” Then as her husband patted her hard on the back, “Will you…hic…stop manha…hic...handling me!”

Edgar stared at her for a second, then grinned. “I know what’ll stop them,” he stated, as she hiccupped again.


“This!” and leaning forward, he pressed his lips to hers.

Evadne responded, leaning into him as he deepened their kiss, pulling her as close to him as he could and running his hand up and down her back. When they finally pulled apart, Evadne stared at her husband, slightly breathless.

Edgar grinned. “There - you’ve stopped hiccupping now, haven’t you?”

She paused for a few seconds, and then grinned back. “Hey, it worked! I’ll have to start hiccoughing more often!” she added, a wicked twinkle in her eye. Then as Edgar slipped his hand under her legs and got to his feet, hitching her up in his arms, “What are you doing?”

“Well,” he returned, eyebrow raised as she wrapped her arms around his neck, “the kids’ll be quite a while having their baths, Henry’s down for his nap, and I’m thinking that the washing up can wait for now.”

Evadne smiled. “And?”

For an answer, Edgar kissed her again and began to walk towards the kitchen door. They had just reached the hallway when the sound of loud squabbling reached their ears from the floor above.

“Get off it, it’s mine!”

“I want to wear it!”

“Well you can’t! Let go!”

There was a yell, followed by “Give it back, you pig!” then as Marcia ran past the top of the stairs, Thea’s voice shouted, “Give it to me now or I’ll tell Mummy!”

“Go on then, sneak!”

“I mean it, Marcia! Mummy!

Evadne rolled her eyes at her husband, and at that precise moment, Henry, who had been woken by his sisters’ argument, began screaming at the top of his lungs. The next second, Ned tore along the landing past the top of the stairs, a towel wrapped around his waist, yelling, “I’ll get him!”

Edgar heaved a sigh and lowered his wife to the ground. “Bang goes that idea, then! Go on, I’ll finish the washing up, you go and deal with them seeing as they’re shouting your name.”

“Thanks for that one!”

“It’s because I love you, honestly!”

“Of course it is!” she replied, rolling her eyes again. Edgar laughed and turned to walk back into the kitchen. “Edgar? About that idea…”

“Hmmm?” he asked, turning to face her again, eyebrows raised.

“We can always come back to it later!” and with a wink, she made her way up the stairs.

A week and a half later, Paul was finally released from hospital, and the next day, the Rodwells headed down to Arlesford, near Winchester, to the home of Clare and her family, where they would be staying until they found themselves a new home. Paul had reluctantly asked Edgar to put the house on the market for them, as Elsie couldn’t bear to do it herself, and Edgar had reported back that everything had been taken care of. Now they just had to find themselves a new place to live.

Clare and her husband Simon had driven up earlier in the day to collect some of the luggage and the two Rodwell children, leaving Edgar to follow on behind with Elsie and Paul. Evadne insisted on coming along for the ride, much to her friends’ bemusement, so having organised one of their London neighbours to babysit, the adults all piled into the car, Evadne holding Henry’s carrycot, and they set off for Hampshire.

An hour and a half later, they drove through the centre of Arlesford and instead of turning towards Clare and Simon’s house, they continued south towards Titchborne on the country roads. Paul and Elsie recognised the route immediately. It was the way to their old home.

Paul turned to Edgar, his eyebrows raised. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise,” Edgar replied superciliously, keeping his eyes firmly on the road.

Paul glanced back at his wife who shrugged and looked as confused as he was. Setting his face into a hard expression, Paul stared straight ahead of him and said no more. He wasn’t sure he liked where this was going. There was a tense silence in the car as they drove on, crossing the Petersfield Road and passing through the village of Cherriton. It wasn’t until they entered Kilmeston that Paul spoke again.

“Why are we here?” he asked grimly, glaring at his friend.

“You’ll see.” Edgar replied maddeningly.

Paul was having none of it. “Edgar, we really could do without seeing a house I can no longer even enter, thanks very much.” Edgar said nothing and this inflamed Paul’s temper even more. “You could at least say something you inconsiderate bastard…”

“Paul, Henry can hear you!” Evadne admonished from the back seat, where her son was sitting up on her lap, gazing out of the window with awe.

Paul muttered an apology, then catching sight of Elsie, whose eyes were bright with tears as she stared out of the window at the village where they had lived for so long, he turned on Edgar again. “Why the h…heavens are you bringing us on this trip down painful memory lane, you idiot?”

Edgar raised an eyebrow and glanced at his friend. “Instead of insulting me, why don’t you trust me for once?” he replied, as he pulled the car up a couple of doors down from the Rodwells’ cottage and turned off the engine. ‘Elsie, why don’t you get out and go and have a look – I’ll see to Paul.”

Looking thoroughly confused, Elsie hesitated for a second, and then opened the car door, climbing out to go and do as she was told. Evadne made a move to follow her, but at that moment, Henry decided he had had enough of travelling, and began yelling at the full pitch of his lungs.

“I’m just going to walk him down the road, see if I can quieten him down,” she said, grimacing as she opened her door.

Edgar smiled and nodded, and then turned back to his friend. “I’ll get your chair.”

“I’ll stay here thanks.”

Ignoring him, Edgar climbed out of the car and retrieved the wheelchair from the boot. He unfolded it, setting it down on the pavement, and then opened the front passenger door.

“I said I’ll stay here,” Paul said angrily, as Edgar bent down to help him out.

“Stop being an ass…”

“Don’t you dare start on me when it’s you who’s brought us here in the first place,” Paul snapped back, getting more furious by the minute, as Edgar tried his best to pull his friend out of the car and into his chair. “Did you not see Elsie’s face? What the hell do you think you’re playing at? This isn’t a joke, you know.”

“I know that Paul, what do think I am? Instead of talking to me like I’m a simpleton, why don’t you just get out and have a look. Then you can shout at me all you want.”

Paul was about to argue back, when Elsie suddenly came running back down the path towards them. “Oh my god!” she shrieked as she reached them, throwing her arms around Edgar from behind. “Thank you, thank you so much!”

Edgar laughed and stood up, twisting around to give her a hug. “You need to thank Evvy really, it was her idea. I told her about you having to sell the place and this is what she came up with. I just bankrolled it,” he replied, as Paul gaped at the pair of them. “Is it alright?”

“It’s a hundred times more than alright!” she replied, wiping tears of happiness from her eyes.

“What’s going on?” Paul asked in amazement, staring from his wife to his friend and back again.

“You’ll see,” Edgar replied over his shoulder. Then turning back to Elsie, “Good, because there’s more inside.”

“Will someone please tell me what’s going on?” Paul shouted from the car.

Suddenly remembering her husband, Elsie pushed Edgar out of the way. “Oh Paul, you’ll never believe what they’ve done! Come and have a look!”

“About time!” he grumbled, as she helped him out of the car and into his chair. Then making sure he was settled, she pushed him down the road towards the cottage.

Despite his grumbling, he sat up as straight as he could as they approached the cottage, and as they reached the gate, he suddenly saw what had got his wife so excited. The wall around the previously narrow gate had been broken away and widened; a new gate put in the old one’s place. The cobbled path and gravel driveway had both been paved over and cleared of weeds to make wheelchair access easier, and the previously upward-folding garage door had been replaced with two that pulled open sideways like wardrobe doors. Like the gate, a new wider front door had been fitted to the cottage, and two steps leading up to it had been turned into a narrow ramp.

As Paul stared around him, open-mouthed, unable to speak, Edgar came up behind them, opening the new front door and holding it as Elsie pushed her husband’s chair through and into the hall. Going from room to room, they found that their bedroom had been moved downstairs, in place of the children’s playroom, and a new ensuite bathroom, half-finished, was being built leading off it. In the kitchen, all the cupboards were in the process of being moved to ground level so that Paul could reach them, the door handles on all the doors had been moved to a lower height to make them easier for him to reach, and the steps leading into the garden from both the back door and the salon’s French doors had, like the front steps, been turned into ramps.

Elsie started crying again and hugged Edgar, exclaiming how wonderful it all was, and Paul stared around him, a lump in his throat. It was everything that he and Elsie had considered doing themselves, but had come to the conclusion they couldn’t afford, even with Paul’s new job.

As Elsie began rummaging through the kitchen cupboards, inspecting the builders’ work, Edgar turned to his friend with a grin. “So?”

Paul stared up at him in disbelief. “ I can’t believe you did this for us! It must have cost a fortune!”

“Let’s just say Merry Christmas from the Watson family. I’m only sorry it’s not quite finished, but it shouldn’t take more than a couple more weeks.”

Paul shook his head. “I can’t believe you’ve done this much already! How did you ever get it done in so little time?”

“Simon called in many favours,” Edgar replied, referring to Paul’s brother-in-law who was an electrician by trade. “He and Clare are going to help you move back in when it’s finished.”

“Thank you,” Paul said slowly, pausing as his voice caught in his throat. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything,” Edgar replied quickly, holding out his hand. “I’m only glad we could help.”

Paul took hold of his friend’s hand, shaking it warmly, unable to reply as he was momentarily overcome with emotion again.

Evadne entered the room, carrying a now slumbering Henry in his carrycot, and cast an anxious glance at her two friends. “Is it okay?”

At the sound of her voice, Elsie turned from the cabinets and ran across the kitchen, throwing her arms around Evadne and bursting into tears yet again. Evvy laughed as she handed Henry to Edgar and then returned her friend’s hug.

“You like it then, I presume?”

Pulling back, Elsie wiped away her tears as she nodded, a wide grin on her face, and wheeling himself over to Evadne, Paul took hold of her arm. “Come here you,” he said, pulling her down into a hug. “Edgar tells us this was all your doing?”

Evadne returned his embrace and then stood up straight again, smiling. “I just thought we could help you out. You do like it, don’t you?”

Paul stared around him, and then looked up at her with a grin. “It’s perfect.”

The following afternoon, a taxi turned into the long driveway of the Watsons’ Geneva home, and made its way down towards the house. They had dropped Ned back at school that morning and then caught the midday flight from London to return home. As the car stopped, Marcia wrenched the door open and ran towards the house, closely followed by her sister, and the pair of them opened the front door hurriedly and almost fell over the pile of post as they entered the hall. A loud barking sounded from the kitchen, and the next moment Scrabble came bounding through into the hall, throwing himself on his youngest mistress who sat down, giggling as he licked her face. Thea laughed and began to collect the letters together, and Anton appeared in the kitchen doorway.

“I told him you were coming and he insisted on being here to welcome you all home,” the Swiss man announced with a wide smile.

“Aren’t you a clever boy?” Marcia exclaimed, as she cuddled the Labrador to her. “Mummy, you’ll never guess?”

Evadne, who had just entered the hall, Henry under one arm, a bag of his toys in the other, looked up with a grin. “I’ll never guess what? Hello Anton! How are you?”

“Scrabble asked to be here to welcome us home!” Marcia cried, drowning out Anton’s reply.

“Very clever of him. Now how about you get up and go help Daddy bring some of the bags in, while I go change Henry’s smelly diaper,” and as Marcia scrambled to her feet to go and do as she was told, Evvy said a couple more words to Anton and then made her way up the stairs.

She soon had her son cleaned and changed, and then took him through to her bedroom, propping him up on the bed against a mountain of pillows. Then leaving him sucking on his teething ring, she turned to the bags that Edgar had already brought up and began to unpack. She had almost finished the first one when Edgar entered the room, an enormous case in his hand, which he set against the dresser with a huge sigh.

“That the last one?” she asked, smiling.

Edgar nodded his head and flopped down on the bed beside his son. “However have we accumulated so much stuff in the last month?” Evadne laughed and he held out his hand towards her. “Anton’s gone home by the way. He said he’d pop back later for a chat.”

Evadne chuckled as she took his hand and let him pull her down into his lap. “I thought he’d take off when he saw he might be expected to help unpack! We’ll get him doing manual labour one of these days!”

Edgar grinned as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “So Lady Watson, we’re all back to normal then?”

“Thank goodness! I’ve missed this old place,” she replied with a smile and pecked him on the lips.

Henry gurgled beside them, and they turned to see him grinning at them, little bubbles of saliva coming out of his mouth as he tried to make noises and suck on his ring at the same time.

“You trying to talk, my little man?” Edgar asked, reaching out to ruffle his fair curls.

Evadne grinned. “He’s trying to say it’s good to be home!”

Last edited by Josie on Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:51 pm; edited 6 times in total


#305:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:29 pm

Absolutely HUGE post - thank you Josie, that was fantastic!

Love Christmas Day - the squabbles and fights, the Evvy/Edgar moments, the kids interrupting a more intimate one! Wink

Loved Paul's reaction and language - the conversion of their house, Paul and Elsie being able to accept it.

Loved the welcome home.

Loved all of it! Laughing


#306:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:40 pm

wow what an amazing post

how typical of Evvy to think of modifying the house for Elsie and Paul - she and Edgar are so so lovely


#307:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:43 pm

Wow, that was wonderful. And sooo in character. I'm just so pleased that both Paul and Elsie were able to accept the house modifications as a christmas present. Also loved the interruption of what could have been. Thanks Josie


#308:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:43 pm

Thanks Josie, I loved it too. And poor Ned! Laughing


#309:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:17 pm

That was definitely a great post! I liked the way Elsie and Paul's house had been converted. I sympathised with Edgar and Evvy when the children misbehaved on Christmas Day - especially after they had been told they couldn't have their toys till after tea. Thanks, Josie.


#310:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:18 pm

Fabulous all round. Laughing

Thank you, Josie.


#311:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:25 pm


The kids and the washing up water had me howling with laughter, and Evvy and Edgar adapting the house for Elsie and Paul so they didn't have to leave their home was just SO lovely!!!!


#312:  Author: LauraLocation: London (ish) PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:45 pm

That post was more than 4000 words! Shocked

Thank you Jo, it was lovely.

ETA: Gah. I'm a disappointment to Miss Annersley.


#313:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:22 am

*blinking away happy tears*

Thanks Jo - beautiful



#314:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:13 pm

Thank you Josie! That was a gorgeously long post! Very HappyVery Happy


#315:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:36 pm

What a great post, Josie. I read it earlier, but the board wouldn't allow me to post to say how much I enjoyed it. Thanks.


#316:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 6:53 pm

Just caught up on this (about 8 pages Rolling Eyes ) and it's made me laugh and made me cry with sadness and with happiness

Thankyou Josie

gives self a serioius talking to about keeping up with this on a post by post basis


#317:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:22 am

Wow, this was marvellous!!


#318:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:43 am

phewee, wot a long 'un!

lovely and happy, thanks Jo! Very Happy


#319:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:30 am

Wow, thank you Jo.


#320:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:34 am

Loved the "tears before bedtime" Christmas. So lifelike!
And Evvy is such a nice person to convert the cottage for Paul.

Thanks Jo


#321:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:46 am

Just caught up on the last month, and I'd be here all night if I tried to write up everything that deserves comment.

Thank you, Josie! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy


#322:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:19 pm

All the posts since I last checked were wonderful - as usual! Evvy and Edgar are such good friends! And I love the children - their portrayal is so close to life!


#323:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:18 pm

Putting his head around Marcia's open bedroom door, Edgar grinned as he saw her rifling through her bottom drawer, her backside sticking up in the air. Piles of clothes covered the bed and floor behind her, and she was muttering to herself under her breath.

"What are you up to, young lady?"

Marcia stood up, a bright red pullover clutched in her hand. "Trying to find something to wear tomorrow."

"I'd have thought a very warm jumper and the thickest tights you own would do the trick," he replied, walking across to the bed and pushing the clothes out of the way so that he could sit down. "There aren't too many places inside at the zoo. What's wrong with this one?" he asked, picking up a thick, woollen skirt.

"That's a kid's skirt," she retorted haughtily, snatching it from him and rolling her eyes. "I'm ten tomorrow - I need to wear grown ups' clothes now. And I don't have any," she finished, pouting and flopping down next to him.

"Why can't you just wear the same things you wear now?"

Marcia heaved an exasperated sigh and shook her head. "'Cause I can’t! You're a boy, you don't understand!"

"Sorry - I can’t help that, I’m afraid. Can't you borrow something of Thea's if it's so important?"

"She's in the bath!"

"Well she's not going to be in there all night, is she? At least I hope not or she'll turn into a prune!"

"Spose," she said grumpily, standing up again and returning to her drawers. "I'll have to ask Mummy to buy me some new things."

"You do that," came Edgar’s amused reply, as he imagined just what his wife's response would be to that particular request. "Now, I need to ask you a favour. Please can you two remain up here until bedtime? I'd like to spend the rest of Valentine's Day with Mummy on our own, as I didn't manage to take her out." Marcia muttered something that he took as a 'yes', and he got to his feet. "Thank you. You can do what you want, as long as you don't wake Henry and are both in bed with the lights off by ten. Let your sister know, will you?” and with that, he turned and left the room.

Whistling happily, he made his way downstairs, arriving in the hallway just as his wife emerged from the kitchen, munching on a sausage roll.

“What have you got there?” he grinned, as he caught sight of her.

“Sausage roll,” she replied, swallowing and returning his grin. “I’ve been helping Guilia with the picnic for tomorrow. We’ve just finished – she’s about to head off home.”

“When you say helping, do you actually mean helping, or do you mean watching and eating?” he enquired, eyeing the food in her hand.

“I’ve been taste-testing,” she retorted importantly. “It’s a vital part of the procedure.”

Edgar raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

Evadne nodded. “She relies on my eating expertise in order to produce such consistently great food. Here, see for yourself,” and reaching up, she put the last piece of sausage roll in his mouth.

“Delec’able,” he replied with his mouthful.

“And all because of me!”

Edgar swallowed and put a hand on her waist, pulling her towards him. “Of course it is.”

He bent to kiss her and Evadne grinned up at him. “What are you up to now?”

“I was just coming to ask you the same thing!” he responded with a smile. “Thea’s in the bath and Marcia’s busy deciding what to wear tomorrow. It’s a very complicated process, or so I’m led to believe. One has to dress in a more sophisticated manner as a ten year old, apparently!”

“One does indeed!” she replied knowingly. “So does that mean we’ve got a few minutes peace and quiet then?”

Edgar nodded. “We have more than that – they’ve promised to stay upstairs until bedtime so I can have you all to myself!”

“Sounds good to me. I need to talk to you anyhow.”

“Oh?” Edgar raised his eyebrows quizzically. “Sounds ominous.”

Evadne laughed and shook her head. “It isn’t, I promise. I’ve an idea I’ve been mulling over, that’s all. Come on, let’s go get comfy,” and taking him by the hand, she led him through to the salon.

She kicked off her shoes and seated herself in the corner of one of the large, comfortable sofas, hugging a cushion in her lap and watching Edgar as he stoked the fire to get as much heat out of it as he could, for it was a cold, February night. After a couple of minutes, he came across to sit next to her, taking her stockinged feet in his lap and massaging them gently.

“So come on then, don’t keep me in suspense! What’s this idea of yours?”

Evadne took a deep breath. “Okay, well, you know that Marcia’s ten tomorrow?”

“She’s mentioned it once or twice, yes!”

“Well are they…I mean have you…have you thought about them going to school?”

“They’re already at school!” he replied, a little confused.

“I don’t mean that school, idiot!” she retorted. “I mean away to board, like Ned. Are they going to Madeleine’s old school or anything?”

Edgar shook his head. “Madeleine hated her school – she vowed no daughter of hers would ever go there, even if she were offered a million pounds!” Evadne chuckled and he gave her a curious glance. “Why do you ask, anyway? Are you trying to get rid of them?”

No! Of course not!” she exclaimed, outraged at this accusation, and then she caught sight of the twinkle in his eye. “That’s not funny!” she retorted, kicking his legs with her stockinged foot. “I thought you meant it for a second!”

“As if I’d actually mean it, you fool!” he replied, laughing and shaking his head. “So come on, why do you ask?”

“I have an idea,” she stated, and then fell silent as she looked at him intently.

“And?” he prompted with a smile, when she still hadn’t said anything after a few seconds.

“Well…” she hesitated. “Oh I don’t know, maybe it’s stupid.”

“Try me,” he encouraged, gently squeezing her foot.

“Okay, well, it’s just something for you to consider…”

“Evvy, for goodness sake spit it out before we’re old and grey!”

“You’re already grey!” she retorted, sticking out her tongue.

“Yes, well that’s by-the-by. Now come on, what’s this idea?”

Evadne went bright red for no apparent reason. “If you’ve no other plans, I was wondering if you’d consider sending them to the Chalet School,” she said hurriedly, looking down at her lap.

Edgar released her feet and sat back on the sofa, a little surprised, a frown furrowing his brow.

Evadne watched him anxiously. “What? You hate the idea, don’t you?”

“No I don’t. I mean…” he hesitated, looking doubtful. “It’s not that I hate the idea of the Chalet School, it’s just that I’m not sure I want them to go away to any school.” He paused for a second and took a deep breath. “It was hard enough parting with Ned, and I still miss him when he’s not here. I’m not sure I could send the girls away too – I’ve not even given it any consideration. Seeing that they’ve no mother in whose footsteps to follow, I’d sort of been hoping to keep them at home.”

A look of hurt flashed across Evadne’s face at his final sentence, and she quickly got to her feet, saying, “Sorry, I should never have brought it up. I’ll go get us some coffee,” and then hurried from the room.

“Evvy?” Edgar watched her go, confused at her reaction. Standing up, he followed her through to the kitchen, where he found her standing in front of the sink. “Evvy, what’s wrong?”

She was silent for a minute as she finished filling the kettle and set it on the hob to boil. Then returning to the sink, she kept her back to him and replied quietly, “I guess I just forget sometimes that they’re not mine.”

Edgar frowned. “What aren’t yours? What are you…?” He suddenly broke off as he realised what she was talking about and what he had said. “Oh sweetheart, I didn’t mean that,” he exclaimed, moving hurriedly towards her. “I just…”

“Yes you did,” she replied, shrugging away the hand he had placed on her shoulder and reaching up to take two cups and saucers from the cupboard. “It doesn’t matter anyway, it was a stupid idea.”

Edgar took the cups from her hand and set them down on the counter. Then placing his hands on her shoulders again, he turned her around to face him.

“Look at me, Evvy, please.”

She stared resolutely at the floor, and he put his hand under her chin and lifted her head. Her eyes locked on his for a moment and then she pulled away, pushing him aside and making for the door.

“I think I’ll just head to bed.”

“But it’s only eight thirty!”

“I guess I’m more tired than I thought,” and she left the room before he could say anything else.

Twenty minutes later, she was sitting at her vanity, her thick winter dressing gown wrapped around her as he brushed the day’s knots out of her hair, when the door of the bedroom opened slowly and Edgar came into the room, carrying a tray with a pot of coffee and two cups. Setting them down on the dresser by the door, he poured her a cup and then walked across to the vanity, placing it beside her.

“You forgot your coffee.”

She murmured a thank you and then returned her attention to her hair. Edgar sat down on the edge of the bed and watched her face in the mirror.

“Evvy, I’m sorry, I…”

“It doesn’t matter, Edgar, I’m fine,” she interrupted quickly, putting her hairbrush down and turning around to face him. “You’re right, they’re not my daughters and I’ve no right to expect you to change your mind for me,” she added, unable to keep the bitterness out of her voice.

“Don’t, Evvy, please. I didn’t mean it like that - it came out completely wrong. I wasn’t thinking.”

Evadne shook her head. “Don’t you see that that makes it worse? Your reaction without even thinking was that they don’t have a mother.” She swallowed hard and stared down at her lap. “It’s my fault for getting my hopes up, I guess. I just thought it would be nice if…”

The hurt in her voice as it tailed off cut Edgar to the core and getting to his feet, he walked over and crouched down in front of her, taking hold of her hands.

“Of course they have a mother.”

“Stop it, Edgar, please,” she replied, averting her eyes. “I’m not an idiot, I know why you’re saying that.”

“I’m saying it because it’s true. Darling, I really didn’t mean it the way it came out, I promise you. I simply meant that as Madeleine isn’t alive, I’d never really considered them going away to school, that’s all. I phrased it badly, I’m so sorry.” He could see her blinking furiously as she stared over his shoulder at the wall, and he lifted a hand to her face. “I honestly do think of you as their mother now, and more importantly, so do they. They couldn’t love you more if you’d given birth to them.”

She gripped his fingers, touched by his words. “I just thought…”

“You thought that maybe they could follow in your footsteps and go to your old school?”

Evadne nodded and swallowed hard again. “I was so happy there – I thought maybe they would be too. I know it’ll be hard not having them around every day, but I always thought if I had a daughter then she’d go there and…well, they’re the only daughters I’m ever likely to have.”

Edgar smiled and tenderly stroked her cheek. “I think it’s a lovely idea,” he replied softly.

She looked up in surprise. “You do?”

Edgar nodded. “Yes, I do. Tell you what, can I have a think about it for a little while? I need to work out if I can part with them or not. But I promise, if we’re going to send them away to school, then it’ll be the Chalet School, okay? In the meantime, why don’t you telephone the school and ask them to send a prospectus through. Then I can have a better look at it – it might help me make up my mind.”

Evvy smiled and bent to kiss his forehead, considerably cheered now that their misunderstanding had been sorted out. “Deal.”

“And I’m sorry for being an insensitive clod,” he continued, looking sheepish.

“You weren’t…”

“Yes I was.”

Evvy chuckled. “Well maybe just a little,” she said, holding her thumb and forefinger a few millimeters apart. “But I forgive you, so it’s okay.”

“Glad to hear it. Now how about we go back down and make the most of what’s left of our evening?”

Evadne grinned back at him and kissed him gently on the forehead again, and then on the bridge of his nose. “We could,” she said, moving her lips down to the tip of his nose, “but I have better idea,” she finished, as she covered his mouth with her own.

Very early next morning, the Watsons, Ann and Ingrid, another friend of Marcia’s from school, all piled onto the train at Geneva station for the journey to Basle. For her birthday treat, Marcia had wanted to visit the zoo, and as it was the girls’ half-term, Edgar had decided that instead of Geneva zoo, where they had been before, they would instead make the journey to Basle and stay for a couple of nights. They finally arrived late afternoon, the train having been delayed several times due to heavy snowfalls, and deciding to give the zoo a miss for that day, they made their way straight to the hotel, where they gave Marcia her presents, cut her cake and sang her happy birthday instead.

The following day dawned crisp and bright, the perfect day for an excursion. Wrapping up warm, they set out for the zoo, and spent an enjoyable morning wandering from cage to cage, looking at all the animals. Edgar disappeared off mid-morning, but the children were having so much fun, they barely noticed his absence. He returned in good time for lunch, and then as soon as they were finished eating, he jumped to his feet.

“Come on then everyone, over to the penguins – it’s almost time for their march!”

Marcia squealed and the others laughed. Ever since she had found out that they were coming to Basle, she had talked over and over again about the famous ‘penguin march’, where the penguins take their daily stroll around the zoo accompanied by two of the keepers, and there was little doubt that it would be the highlight of her day. It was one of the reasons that Edgar and Evvy had pitched on Basle Zoo in the first place. That, and one other reason.

“Did you get it all sorted out?” Evadne asked under her breath, as they all stood up and put on their coats, scarves, gloves and hats.

Edgar nodded, grinning like an excited child. “All taken care of. I can’t wait to see her face!”

Evadne laughed and then turned her attention to Henry, who was beginning to grumble. He had been very good so far, being too fascinated by all the animals to worry about anything else, but now he was starting to get sleepy and crotchety, and Evadne decided the time had come to put him back in his pram. Once he was well tucked in and wrapped up against the cold air, they all made their way outside.

“Over here, all of you!” Edgar bellowed from his vantage point at the edge of the penguins’ enclosure. “This way we can see them leave and come back. Marcia, you stand here so you can get the best view,” he added, marshalling them all into place.

Evadne looked up at him, amused. “Anyone would think it was your birthday treat!”

“I wasn’t even given a party on my tenth birthday – my parents decided I was too old!” he replied with a martyr-like air. “So instead I choose to live vicariously through my children’s treats!”

“Awww – poor baby!” Evadne replied, slipping her hand through his arm and giving it a squeeze. “I had an enormous party on my tenth birthday!” she added, just to rub it in.

“And got given half the contents of Manhatten’s toy shops, I’d imagine!” he replied with a grin. “Arthur told me once that you could always wrap him round your little finger!”

Evadne shrugged complacently. “Nothing I didn’t deserve! I was a model daughter!”

Thea overheard and spluttered with laughter, as Edgar raised his eyebrows in disbelief. At that moment there was a flurry of activity from the enclosure as the keepers emerged and began to marshall the penguins into line. A few minutes later, they all marched out of the enclosure, heads held high and wings held back, to rapturous applause.

They disappeared over the bridge and off around the zoo, leaving the Watson party talking amongst themselves and watching and waiting eagerly for their return. Then twenty minutes later, they heard a squawking, and turned to see them coming back down the path. Marcia was almost jumping up and down in her excitement as they passed her, and as the last one returned to the enclosure, the keeper shut the gate and came over to stand in front of her.

“You’re young Marcia, I presume?” Marcia nodded her head, speechless that this man knew her name. “A little birdie tells me you’re rather fond of penguins. Would you like to come and meet them?”

“Can I really?” Marcia’s voice almost squeaked as she stared wide-eyed from the keeper to her father and back again, and both smiled and nodded their heads.

“Of course you can. Come along,” the man said, reaching over the fence to lift her across onto the path. Then taking hold of her hand, he led her towards the gate. “Now you just stay close to me and do as I ask, okay?”

“I promise.”

“Good girl. In you come,” and he led her into the enclosure, shutting the gate behind her.

The others couldn’t hear what was being said, but they watched on with amusement, able to see from her body language just how excited she was. Then all of a sudden, she let out a loud, high-pitched squeal and threw her arms around the keeper, who looked rather taken aback. The noise set off the monkeys in the nearby cage, who squealed even louder than Marcia had, and the small crowd who had stayed on to watch all laughed, as she began gabbling even more animatedly than before. A couple of minutes later, she emerged at the gate again, the keeper by her side. As soon as he opened it, she came haring out and threw her arms around her father, oblivious to the railing in between them.

“Daddy, it’s the best present I’ve ever had!” she exclaimed, smiling so wide that it seemed as if her face would have to split in two. “Mummy, thank you!” she cried, turning her attention to Evadne and hugging her round the waist. “You really got me a real live penguin!” She still sounded as if she couldn’t quite believe her luck.

“They got you a penguin?” Thea, Ann and Ingrid chorused in almost perfect unison, utterly dumbfounded. “They can’t have done!” Thea added, sceptically. “How will you get it home?”

“It’s not coming home, silly!” Marcia explained, grabbing her sister’s arm. “And he’s a ‘he’, not an ‘it’, so there! Mummy and Daddy adopted him and he’s mine, but he’ll stay here so the people can look after him and feed him – that’s what the keeper man told me. And I’ve called him Stan!”

“You’ve called him what?” Evadne asked, incredulous, and Marcia turned to her with a grin.

“Stan! They said I could name him what I wanted and I picked Stan ‘cause he looks like a Stan!”

“And what does a Stan look like?” Edgar asked, drily.

“Like him!” she retorted, pointing to the nearest penguin. “No, I mean him!” she added, changing her mind. “Or maybe him.” She pointed to another one. “Oh I don’t know! Anyway, he’s all mine and it’s the bestest present ever in the whole wide world!”

Last edited by Josie on Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:33 am; edited 5 times in total


#324:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:41 pm

*giggles wildly at Stan the penguin*


#325:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:43 pm


Love the importance of Marcia being grown up now she's 10!

And the penguin for a present - how absolutely spot on!

Thanks Jo



#326:  Author: LauraLocation: London (ish) PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:44 pm

Thank you Jo! Marcia is wonderful - and they got her a penguin! *giggling*


#327:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:28 am

That's brilliant!!! Stan the Penguin!!!!!

Thankn you for cheering me up!


#328:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:54 am

Oh wonderful - "he looks like a Stan!" Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Thanks Josie.


#329:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:34 am

I loved it all!

Poor Edgar! You've really got the reality of that situation when a remark can be taken the wrong way. Poor Evvy, too. It must have hurt.

Marcia is so typically 10!

Stan the Penguin ROFL ROFL ROFL Where on earth do you get your ideas from?

Thanks Joey. A lovely start to the day.


#330:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:23 am

*bids glorious welcome to Stan the penguin*

Thanks Jo, nice to have some humour after Edgar's comments.


#331:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:40 am

Oh that's fantastic, thanks Josie. You cover so much in a post it's amazing. I just loved the bit's with Marcie from her needing to dress as a ten year old rather than in 'kids clothes', and the penguines were fab, especially Stan.

I felt so sorry for Evvy when Edgar made the mistake to talk about the girl's in that way, and I'm glad that he kept on at her until she felt better - it could have spoiled their happiness if he hadnt.


#332:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:09 am

A penguin called Stan, wonderful.


#333:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:12 am

Aww thank you Josie! Had a bit of a wibble in the middle there about Evvy and Edgar's misunderstanding (but I did think he was being an insensitive clod!) But Marcia is sooo adorable!
*want to adopt a penguin too*


#334:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:42 am

Glad Marcia got her penguin at last! Laughing Laughing

Thanks Josie!


#335:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:57 am

Laughing at Stan!

nice one, thanks Jo!


#336:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:29 am

Stan the Penguin! ROFL

Wonderful! Thank you Jo.


#337:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:29 pm

I'm glad Marcia got her penguin. I used to know a man called Stan and the name really suited him.

I felt sorry for Evvy when Edgar was thoughtless but I'm glad they made up as well. They make such a lovely family and they are so true to life!


#338:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:53 pm

What a smashing birthday treat. Laughing

And the rest of the post was lovely - even Edgar and his comment - just gives them an excuse to make up. Rolling Eyes


#339:  Author: AnnLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne, England PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:22 pm

Laughing Laughing Laughing

Marcia got her penguin after all - very cleverly done, Jo!

Stan is a fine name for a penguin.


#340:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:40 pm

Hooting with laughter at the penguin called Stan - good thing I'm on the computer at home!


#341:  Author: AlexLocation: Cambs, UK PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:05 pm

Very pleased that Marcia got her penguin after all!

That was an epic post, thanks Josie.


#342:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:24 am

oh brilliant!!!

I love Marcia's inability to identify her penguin!

Thank you muchly


#343:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 12:24 am

Ned flopped down in the middle of the nearest settee, stretched his legs out, resting his feet on the low coffee table, and grinned around at his friends.

"Good hols everyone?"

Harry shoved his friend up in order to make himself some space, and sat down next to him. "More boring than I can say, thanks to Tara,” he replied, referring to his little sister, who was now three. “She was ill all week with chicken pox, so I did nothing but sit around the house. How about you? How’s your Uncle?"

"Much better thanks," Ned responded with a smile. He had spent his half-term with Paul and Elsie, ostensibly under Edgar’s orders to help out, but in reality being thoroughly spoiled by his brevet-aunt. "We had a terrific time. Auntie Elsie organised a huge snow fight the day after it snowed - Uncle Paul even joined in his wheelchair - and Tom and me built heaps more models and practiced our rugger kicks. He’s getting rather good now. How ‘bout you, Burgess?"

"Same as Harry, but without the chicken pox,” Dan replied. Then grinning at a memory of his elder brother, "Olly did have a close encounter with a bull though…"

A drawling voice interrupted him. "I had a marvellous time."

"Bully for you!" Harry retorted, glaring at Piers who was seated in an armchair nearby, and then turned back to the others with a roll of his eyes.

Piers wasn’t to be easily put off, however, and continued in his booming voice. "Mother and Father took me off to the Riviera – sometimes you just have to escape this ghastly snow, don’t you? You ever been, Watson?"

Ned was about to tell him to mind his own business, then changed his mind and decided to humour him in the hope that it might shut him up. "No, but we’re going to Cap Ferrat this summer with family friends. Why?"

Piers screwed up his nose, looking as if he’d smelled some particularly nasty rotten drains. "Cap Ferrat? Oh dear me, old boy, not the place to be at all. So passé! You need to be in Cannes – that’s the place to be seen these days. We’ll be going there this summer too. You should tell your father – he wouldn’t want to make such a faux-pas."

Ned stared back at him, a thoroughly bored expression on his face. "We’d rather be passé and stay in Cap Ferrat, if it’s all the same to you. Less chance of bumping into you if we do that."

Piers ignored him and continued on with his rhetoric. "Honestly, it was just fabulous, though I don't expect you to understand!" he added, glancing imperiously at Ned's three friends. "I was out at every party there was…"

"Rot!" Burgess interrupted, "you’re fourteen, you can’t have been! Your parents wouldn’t have taken you anywhere with them!"

"I scarcely saw my parents at all," Piers replied superciliously. "I spent most of the time out with my aunt. I can easily pass for eighteen…"

The other four choked and Laskar muttered "You wish!"

"…so it was all perfectly easy. She’s quite the talk of the town, you know - beautiful, rich, knows all the right people, always with a handsome man hanging on her arm."

Ned grinned. "You sure she’s talk of the town for the right reason?"

As the other three spluttered with laughter, Piers got to his feet and glared at Ned, his face apoplectic with rage. "How dare you!" he shouted, and turning on his heel, he stalked out of the common room, slamming the door behind him.

Harry turned to Ned, wiping the tears of mirth from his eyes. "That was just brilliant! Wicked, but brilliant!"

"There’s no way he went to those parties and he knows we know it," Laskar put in. "I’ve been to Cannes – they’d never have let him in anywhere in a million years!"

Ned grinned and shook his head. "I know. Serves him right for lying, the pompous ass! At least we’re rid of him now, anyway. Where were we?"

Burgess grinned. "I was about to tell you about Olly and the bull…"


Evadne popped her head around the door of Edgar’s study, a pile of letters held out in her hand.

"Postman’s finally been!" she said, approaching his desk and throwing the letters down on top of his work.

Edgar grimaced and moved them to one side, and she threw a brochure down in their place instead.

"What’s this?" he asked, picking it up and looking at it curiously.

"Prospectus for the Chalet School. Came this morning."

"That was quick!"

"Yes, well Rosalie’s very efficient," she replied with a grin, seating herself in a nearby chair. "When I telephoned, she was real excited that the girls might go, so she sent it straight away."

"Hold your horses!" Edgar replied hurriedly, "I’ve not even looked yet!"

"I know, but it’s a maybe and that’s good enough. She had a terrific plan too, but I didn’t want to tell you ‘til that arrived. She suggested we go to the Platz for a week’s vacation at Easter. Then you can see for yourself what it’s like, and we can watch how the girls react too. If they hate it, our minds’ll be made up for us! What do you think?"

Edgar gave her a sardonic smile. "Never give up, do you?"

Evadne grinned back. “It’s always worth a try! I know you can’t resist my fluttering eyelashes!”

“Go on, get out woman, leave me be,” he retorted, shaking his head in an exasperated manner. “I have work to do,” and as she pulled a face at him and left the study, he chuckled and turned back to his report.


Climbing up onto the gate that separated the two playgrounds, Marcia swung her leg over the top and sat down, the gate wobbling precariously as she balanced herself. Her friends watched her with a critical eye.

“You know you’ll get in trouble if they catch you?” Kate asked, but Marcia simply shrugged.

“I’m always in trouble anyway, so it won’t make any difference!”

“You could try and stay out of it, though,” her sister said with a frown.

“No I couldn’t, I’d still get in it,” Marcia retorted. “I can’t wait 'til we’re Middles like you. They treat us like babies in the Juniors.”

“Well you are one!” Ann put in with a grin.

The others laughed and Marcia stuck her tongue out at her friend. “I know I’m grown up even if you don’t. I’m a grown up trapped in my body. What’s she doing here with them?” she added, changing the subject suddenly, as her friends laughed again.

Turning around, they saw Franny crossing the Middle School playground, flanked by two adults who looked so like her, they were evidently her parents. The elder three girls looked puzzled.

“I don’t know,” Celine put in with a frown. “She hasn’t been in class all day. Maybe she’s ill or something?”

“Is she still as bad as ever?” Ann asked.

“Worse!” Kate retorted, and Thea nudged her in the ribs.

“No she’s not, don’t be mean!” Kate rolled her eyes, and Thea turned back to address Ann. “She’s okay – she never says anything anymore though. I kept trying to be nice to her before half-term, but she doesn’t want to know.”

Celine shook her head. “I don’t know why you bother. She was so horrid to you, she doesn’t deserve it.”

“’Cause I know what it’s like not to have any friends, that’s why,” Thea replied seriously. “Anyway, surely she can’t always be nasty. Maybe she just needs someone to be nice to her!”

“You’re screwy!” Marcia muttered under her breath, and Kate shook her head.

“You’re too kind for your own good, Thea Watson.”

“See, told you so!” Marcia put in knowingly, staring pointedly at her sister. “I said some people are just born horrid but you wouldn’t believe me!”

Thea grinned back at her. “Like you were born scatty, d’you mean?”

“Was not!”

“Yes you were!”


“You were!”

The others joined in Thea’s laughing and teasing, and jumping down from the gate, Marcia faced them with her hands on her hips.

“I’m not, thank you very much!” she retorted with a scowl. “I’m as not scatty as you!” and turning on her heel, she stropped off across the playground amid hoots of laughter from her friends.

“Do you think we’ve upset her?” Celine asked, looking worried.

The other three shook their heads.

“Doubt it,” Thea replied, still chuckling. “She’ll most likely have forgotten all about it in thirty seconds.”

A moment later, as if to prove her point, Marcia came running back across the playground, a wide grin on her face.

“Ann, we can sign up for country dancing!” she shrieked, grabbing hold of her friend’s arm. “Let’s go now!”

Ann did as she was told, half of her own volition, half because she was being towed, and Thea turned to Celine with a smile. “See? Told you!” Then as the bell went for the end of break, she linked arms with her two friends. “Come on, it’s French next and you know what Monsieur Sofort’s like if we’re late!” and with that cheerful thought, the three of them made their way back to class.

Last edited by Josie on Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:42 am; edited 1 time in total


#344:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:24 am

Thanks Josie.

Piers is still a prat, I see!

Poor Edgar must feel steamrollered - but I can see where he is coming from. I just hope the CS meets his approval.

Typical Thea to feel sorry for Francie!


#345:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:53 am

Lovely update, thanks Josie. Laughing

Hope that Franny being with her parents does not bode ill...


#346:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:24 am

Looking forward to developments on all counts - the squashing of Piers, the visit to the Chalet School - I think it would be worth Evvy and Edar's going purely to meet up with old friends, And what is happening with Franny - Is she perhaps in trouble, or has she decided that the best way to bring someone down a few peg's is to tell her parents that she is being bullied or something. *hopes its not the latter*

Thanks Josie


#347:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:07 am

Maybe having been thwarted with Thea, Franny is bullying somebody else. Evil or Very Mad

Thanks Jo - Ned dealt excellently with Piers Laughing

*hoping the girls will get to go to the Chalet School*



#348:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 9:03 am

love Ned's put-down of Piers!

Thanks Jo, great. Smile


#349:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 9:05 am

Thanks Josie! It's nice to see the kids with their friends. Very Happy Very Happy


#350:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:01 am

Thanks, Josie - lovely updates on the children's doings.


#351:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:32 pm

Thanks, Josie. It was lovely seeing the children with their friends. I hope Edgar agrees to send Thea and Marcia to the CS.


#352:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:12 pm

Was wondering if Piers was still as bad as ever - and he is Very Happy

Have I got my time line completely confused or is this the reunion weekend (as in Joey's bash)? I'm probably years out Confused

Looking forward to them visiting anyway


#353:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:18 pm

That was an excellent post! Thank you Jo!


#354:  Author: Sarah_KLocation: St Albans PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:06 pm

Hmm, I wonder what's wrong with Franny that made her parents come in? *hugs Thea for being such a wonderful little girl after everything*

Can't wait to see Piers get brought down a few pegs either.. Twisted Evil

Thanks Josie


#355:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:55 am

Perhaps they've come in to complain that Fran is being bullied.


#356:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:30 am

Wonderful. Thank you Jo.


#357:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:36 pm

Dawn wrote:
Have I got my time line completely confused or is this the reunion weekend (as in Joey's bash)? I'm probably years out Confused

You're spot on, Dawn! Reunion is coming up this Easter. EBD tells us that Evvy, Edgar and co were already planning on a holiday on the Platz anyway, and now you know why! Wink Laughing

Almost half an hour into Monsieur Sofort’s French class, there was a knock at the door and it opened to reveal the Mlle Pattieu, the School Secretary.

"I beg your pardon, Monsieur, but Mr. Kraus would like to see Thea Watson in his study," she said apologetically. Monsieur Sofort nodded, and Mlle Pattieu beckoned to Thea. "Come with me, please."

Getting to her feet, Thea gave her friends a surprised look and bent to pick up her bag from the floor.

"Leave it, idiot, just go!" Kate hissed under her breath. "I’ll bring it later if you need it."

Nodding mutely, Thea gave her friend a small smile and then walked across the classroom, feeling everyone’s eyes upon her. Mlle Pattieu steered her out of the room, closed the door behind them and began to lead her down the corridor. Thea followed in her wake, wracking her brains trying to work out what this could be about. She was sure that she’d not done anything wrong – or nothing that would merit a summons from the headmaster, at any rate. Then a sudden thought crossed her mind.

"Please, has something happened at my home?"

Hearing the small, scared voice behind her, Francine Pattieu turned around, gave the young girl a smile and shook her head. Then waiting for her to catch up, she placed a hand on her back and steered her towards the office.

They had just reached the door when they heard the sound of a commotion inside, and the next moment, Franny appeared with her mother. Mrs. Harford had an arm around her daughter’s shoulders, seemingly comforting her, and Franny was scrubbing her eyes with her balled-up fists. Thea stared at her in alarm and then glanced up at the secretary, wondering what on earth could have happened to make her classmate so upset. She was so lost in her thoughts, that she failed to notice the derisive glance that Franny shot in her direction, or the satisfied smirk on that young lady’s face. Instead, Thea allowed herself to be steered into the office, where she came face to face with Mr. Harford who was sitting in a chair next to the secretary’s desk. The malevolent glare that he shot in Thea’s direction shocked the young girl, and seeing it, Mlle Pattieu hurried her through into the Headmaster’s study.

Mr. Kraus looked up as the door shut behind her. "Take a seat please, Thea. I’d like a few words with you," he said in his gruff, American accent, indicating an empty chair in front of his desk.

Feeling extremely nervous, Thea did as she was told, and glancing around the room, she suddenly noticed Miss Engel sitting to one side, her back against the wall. Seeing the anxious expression on her pupil’s face, Miss Engel gave her a heartening smile, and Thea returned it with a timid one of her own. Then, as Mr. Kraus gave a small cough, she turned back to face her headmaster.

"Thea, I’ve a couple of questions to ask you," he began, watching her intently. "First of all, I wonder if you could tell me how you get along with Francesca Harford?"

Thea blinked at the unexpected question. "I…we…" she faltered, her history with Franny flashing through her mind, and glanced round at Miss Engel, feeling a little perplexed.

Miss Engel smiled back. "It’s alright, Thea, Mr. Kraus already knows what happened at the beginning of last term and at your last school. He just wants to know how the two of you get on now."

Thea’s shoulders visibly relaxed, and she turned back the Head, a slight frown on her pretty face. "We…we’re not friends," she began slowly, not quite sure what to say.

Mr. Kraus nodded. "Have you had any rows with her at all, after what happened at the start of last term?"

Thea shook her head. "She doesn’t talk to me, but we haven’t argued," she replied, wondering what this was all about.

"But you have spoken with her?"

She nodded. "I’ve tried but she…" Thea glanced at Miss Engel again, and that lady nodded for her to continue, "…she doesn’t want to talk to me." Then looking from Mr. Kraus to Miss Engel and back again, feeling thoroughly confused, she asked, "Have I done something wrong?"

Not expecting quite such a direct question, Mr. Kraus was a little taken aback for moment. Pulling himself together again, he took a deep breath. He had already decided that straightforward honesty would be the best policy; he just hoped that it was going to work. "Thea, Francesca has told her parents that you have been picking on her in the playground, calling her names and suchlike, and that you have turned other pupils against her," he stated bluntly, as Thea gaped back at him, open-mouthed. "Have you anything to say about that?"

It took a few moments for Thea to pull herself together enough to reply. "I...but...I...I didn’t!" she stammered, her face turning white.

"Are you absolutely sure? There’s nothing you want to tell me?"

Thoroughly shocked, Thea felt tears suddenly springing up in her eyes, and she fought hard to hold them back. She stared in stunned silence at the Headmaster for few seconds and then turned to her teacher with imploring eyes. "Miss Engel, it’s not true, I promise! I’ve been trying to be nice to her but she won’t let me. I wouldn’t do that!"

Her jaw began to shake as she spoke and Miss Engel rose out of her chair and hurried over to her, crouching down and placing a hand on her arm. "It’s alright, Thea, calm down," she said, pulling her handkerchief from her sleeve and handing it to her, seeing that she was close to tears. "I believe you wouldn’t." Then turning to the Headmaster, "Mr. Kraus, is there really anything else you need to ask her?"

"Well, I should really…" Miss Engel shook her head at him surreptitiously, and Thea stared at him intently, biting her lips, the handkerchief balled up in her hand as she tried very hard not to cry. He watched her for a few moments, then his haggard face broke into a kind smile. "Okay, Thea, that’s all…"

Suddenly the door of the study burst open, and startled, the three of them looked up to see Mr. Harford standing in the door way, a raging expression on his face. "Is that all you’re going to ask her?"

"Mr. Harford…"

"What about my daughter and…"

"Mr. Harford, please…"

"Sorry, I tried to stop him," Mlle Pattieu’s voice sounded meekly from behind him.

"…what she’s had to go through…"

"Mr. Harford, will you please wait outside…"

"…That spoilt little brat thinks…"

"MR. HARFORD!!" The icy tone in the Headmaster’s voice as he bellowed stopped the ranting man in his tracks, and taking advantage of the silence, Mr. Kraus turned to Miss Engel. "See Thea back to her classroom, please."

Not needing to be told twice, Miss Engel placed a hand on Thea’s shoulder, hurrying her out of the room, and as she closed the door behind them, they could hear that Mr. Harford had regained his voice and begun ranting again. Thinking it best to get Thea as far away as possible, Miss Engel led her into the corridor as fast as she could. Then once they could no longer hear the shouting from the Head’s office, she stopped and looked down at her small charge.

Thea gazed back up at her, evidently extremely upset. "Miss Engel, I didn’t do it, I really didn’t," she burst out, unable to fight her tears any longer, a couple running down her cheek.

Miss Engel crouched down in front of her and gently squeezed her arm. "I believe you, Thea, don’t worry. So does Mr. Kraus," she said, gently.

"But why would she say that?" Thea asked, as a few more tears fell and she scrubbed her eyes hard with the handkerchief. "I’ve tried to be nice to her and everything."

Reaching out, Miss Engel drew the small, slight girl towards her for a brief hug. Then pulling back, she gave her a warm smile, her hand still clutching Thea’s arm.

"It’ll be alright, Thea, you’ll see. Now, how about you run along to the washrooms and dry your eyes, and then get to your next class," she said as the bell rang. "You’ve P.E. now haven’t you?" Thea nodded, scrubbing her eyes again. "Okay, well off you go then and join your friends. Try not to think too much about what just happened, okay? And make sure you come and find me at lunch if you’re still feeling upset."

Thea said a quiet thank you, handing the soggy handkerchief back to her teacher, and then set off down the corridor to find her class. Miss Engel watched her go, making sure she turned in at the washroom, and then heaving a sigh, she got to her feet and made her way to the staffroom, intent on finding the P.E. teacher to warn him to keep an eye on her pupil.

Back in the study, Mr Harford was still ranting, and Mr. Kraus let him continue, sitting down behind his desk and waiting for his visitor to run out of steam. When the shouting finally ceased, the Headmaster took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and sat up straight.

"Mr Harford, I…"

"So what are you going to do about her?" Mr. Harford interrupted rudely.

"Nothing," came the short reply.


"Yes, nothing," Mr. Kraus responded, with complete calm. "I have asked her for her side of the story, she assures me she didn’t do anything to your daughter, I believe her. Simple as that."

Mr. Harford turned puce with anger. "I beg your pardon?"

Mr. Kraus sat back again and folded his arms across his chest. "Just as I say, Mr. Harford. I have spoken to her, and given what she had to say, the reports I’ve received from Miss Engel over the past six months and the past history of the two girls, I believe Thea's done nothing whatsoever to upset Francesca. Quite the opposite in actual fact. It appears she's made efforts to befriend her, but your daughter chose not to respond."

"Are you calling my daughter a liar?" Mr. Harford raged.

"I’m saying she may have been mistaken. In…"

"Absolute rubbish, you’re calling her a liar!"

"However you wish to look at it, Mr. Harford," the Head responded, refusing to get riled.

"Don’t patronise me, I know exactly what you’re trying to say. I’m in half a mind to take her away from this school right now if you don’t punish that Watson girl! You call yourself a headmaster, yet you refuse to do anything when my Franny is suffering at the hands of that spoiled child!"

Mr. Kraus sighed. "You're of course free to remove her whenever you choose," he replied calmly. "You may care to remember, however, that she was asked to leave her last school in disgrace, and we were the only ones who were willing to give her a second chance. We still are, as it happens, but she has to begin to grow up and learn to get along with others, and I’m afraid you and your wife have to take some responsibility for that. If you choose to ignore the behaviour that has led to these ridiculous allegations, then you could seriously damage her future."

" We’ll see about that!" Mr. Harford shot back, his voice now low and cold. "And don’t think I’ve finished with you either. I’ll take this to the board if I have to."

"Please do," Mr. Kraus replied, beginning to lose patience with this ignorant man, "but I think you’ll find they’ll come down on my side."

Mr. Harford glared at him for a second. "You’ve not heard the last of this!" he spat, and turning on his heel, he stormed out of the study, slamming the door behind him.

"I don’t doubt that at all," the headmaster muttered to himself, and then heaving a sigh, he turned his attention back to his desk and picked up the phone.

Last edited by Josie on Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:22 pm; edited 3 times in total


#358:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:26 pm

No wonder Frannie has turned out as she has if thats the example her parents are setting her! Nasty little man. I'm glad Thea has such a sensible Headmaster though and Miss Engel is lovely too.

Thank you Jo.


#359:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:28 pm

Oh poor Thea, what a horrid and disgusting thing for Frannie and her parents to do (though now it is obviously why Frannie is like that) *gives her a big hug* Im so glad shes going to the CS very soon!


#360:  Author: Ruth BLocation: Oxford, UK PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 3:27 pm

Good for Mr Kraus! A speech worthy of Miss A!


#361:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 3:46 pm

wot a horrid man. But Nice Mr Kraus.

Thanks Jo.


#362:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:17 pm

What a nasty man! I should think that's enough to traumatise Thea!



#363:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:29 pm

Well I can see now why Franny turned out the way she did - hope there is a serious retribution for her and her parents.

Love Mr Kraus and Miss Engels - so pleased they believed Thea.

Poor Thea though - this is going to really upset her. Crying or Very sad

Thanks Jo, wonderful writing. Laughing


#364:  Author: BethCLocation: Worcester, UK PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:38 pm

*pokes Mr Harford*
*realises his skin's so thick he probably won't notice*
*gets out the sledgehammer hammer *

Good for Mr Kraus!

Thanks, Jo, this is great Very Happy


#365:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:01 pm

I had hoped that I was wrong about the possiblity of this happening. Poor Thea *hugs*. Thank goodness the staff know what they can do about it. Interesting that Frances had to leave her last school in disgrace!


#366:  Author: AnnLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:22 pm

Good for Mr Kraus and Miss Engels!

*pokes the Harfords with a s***n*

Thanks Jo!


#367:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:10 pm

Thanks, Josie. I guessed what was going to happen when Thea was called to the study but I'm so relieved that Mr Kraus believed Thea.


#368:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:51 pm

Poor Thea - this is still bullying from Franny - just twisted round in a horrible way.



#369:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:00 am

Poor Thea, she's being bullied by all the dreadful Harfords now.


#370:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:27 am

Poor Thea can't win, can she? But at least the school are on her side this time.

Thanks, Josie.


#371:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:16 am

What! Franny is a lying little b*tch! And what a horrible odious man Hartford is

*pokes them both*

Thanks Jo

Edited for lack of spelling ability

Last edited by Mia on Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:51 pm; edited 1 time in total


#372:  Author: Caroline OSullivanLocation: Reading, Berkshire, UK PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:24 pm

So the odious Franny has found another way to bully poor Thea. Thank goodness Mr Kraus and Miss Engel's are on the ball. Would love to see the ghastly Mr H being taken down a few pegs. Maybe Patmac's Sir Julian has a connection with the Swiss school Evil or Very Mad

One positive thing that I can see is that it's more amunition for Evvy to get the girls to the CS Very Happy

Thanks Jo - how do you manage with three fantastic drabbles on the go {insert bowing smilie}



#373:  Author: TerryLocation: DUNDEE PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:42 pm

Maybe Evvy should handle Mr Hartford, or even better Miss Annersley.


#374:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:46 pm

Thank you Josie! A couple of great posts!! You can see where that nasty Frannie gets it from!!


#375:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 3:45 am

Never gives up, does she -- and when Thea's trying so hard to help her, too. fume

*calls upon Evvy's complete stock of epithets for Mr. Harford *


#376:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:53 pm

Nasty brat! Actually, nasty family...


#377:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 4:23 pm

I've made the effort to catch up Jo... the least you could do is post an update as a reward! Wink


Loved it as usual - was very glad to see Paul come to his senses! But Franny, grrr... evil *itch!!


#378:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:46 am

what a horrid specimen of a child - she needs to be removed from the presence of all decent children and given a governess


#379:  Author: ShanderLocation: Halifax PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:51 pm

Thanks for this! I just caught up on a month and a half worth of posts at once. Excellent as always.


#380:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:59 pm

As Edgar finished his tirade against Mr. Harford and his daughter, Gil Kraus sat back in his chair, a little shocked. He had met Sir Edgar Watson a few times since Thea and Marcia had been at the school, and had always found him very genial and laid-back. He would never have imagined him losing his temper like that. Not that he could blame him, of course. Anyone would have done the same.

“We don’t believe a word of it, Sir Edgar, I assure you, and even if he tries to take it further, you have my word that we will defend her to the hilt.”

Edgar nodded, still shaking a little from his outburst. Truth be told, he was a little shocked at himself as well, but the thought of that family victimising his daughter yet again was just too much for him to take calmly.

Getting a grip on himself, he gave the headmaster a grateful smile. “Thank you, Mr, Kraus. We appreciate your support, we really do. I’m sorry about…”

“Please, don’t mention it,” Mr. Kraus interrupted hurriedly, anxious to let his visitor know that he didn’t mind. “I really don’t blame you in the least. I’m just sorry to have had to break it to you like this, but I wanted to let you or your wife know as soon as possible. Thea seemed pretty upset by it all, and I thought you should be prepared.”

Edgar took a deep breath to steady his voice. “Of course. Thank you.” Then after a brief pause, he added, “If it’s alright with you, I think I’d like to take her home with me now.”

“Not a problem at all. Keep her off as long as you need to. We’ll make sure any work is sent home with Marcia so she can keep up with her class. I’ll ask Miss Engel to take you to her now.”

Getting up from his seat, the headmaster walked to the door and asked his secretary to go and find Miss Engel. A couple of minutes later, there was a knock on the door and the lady herself arrived.

“You wanted to see me?”

“Would you mind taking Sir Edgar to find Thea please? She’s going to be going home for the rest of the today, and possibly a little longer.”

Miss Engel nodded. “Of course. Follow me,” she added, turning to Edgar with a smile.

Getting to his feet, Edgar thanked the Headmaster again, and then followed Thea’s teacher out of the study. Walking down the corridor in the direction of the Middle School playground, they had just turned the corner leading to the outside door when they heard a commotion and looked up to see a crowd of pupils outside the girls’ washrooms.

“I’d better go and see what’s happening,” Miss Engel said under her breath. “I won’t be a moment,” and she hurried down the passageway towards the crowd, leaving Edgar to follow in her wake.

The children fell silent as she approached, and spotting Celine and Lucy nearest the door, she asked, “What’s going on?”

Lucy turned worried eyes on her teacher. “Thea’s in there. She’s locked herself in and Kate’s trying to get her to come out.”

Edgar came up behind them just in time to hear Lucy’s words, and instantly tried to push his way through. Miss Engel put her arm out to stop him, and nodded her head towards the ‘girls’ sign on the door.

“I’ll get her, don’t worry,” she said quickly, as Edgar stopped reluctantly, and pushing her way into the washrooms, she found Kate wrestling with a cubicle door and calling her friend’s name.

Kate looked round at her, a desperate expression on her face. “Miss Engel, please help. Thea won’t come out and she’s crying and I don’t know what to do.”

She was near to tears herself, and Miss Engel put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and moved her back from the door.

“It’s okay, Kate, stand back. Thea?” she called, knocking on the toilet door. There was no reply. “Thea, it’s Miss Engel. Can you open up please?”

There was silence again for a moment, and then they heard the sound of a muffled sob. Pulling out one of her hairpins, Miss Engel crouched down and proceeded to fiddle with the lock. Eventually it opened, and pushing the door back slowly, she found Thea curled up in a ball on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Rushing forward, Miss Engel put her arms around her and pulled her up into sitting position. Thea tried to resist her teacher’s help, but Miss Engel was persistent and eventually got her to her feet.

“It’s okay, Thea, come on. Your father’s here, he’s waiting just outside. He’s going to take you home,” and holding Thea firmly to steady her, she led her slowly out of the washrooms, as the young girl did her best to stifle her sobs.

Catching sight of her, Edgar pushed through the crowd of children towards her and Miss Engel steered Thea gently in his direction, as his daughter barely registered that he was there. Then nodding his thanks to Miss Engel, he wrapped his arm tight around Thea's shoulders and led her down the corridor and out towards the car.

The journey home passed in silence. Thea was doing her best to check her tears, without much success, and Edgar drove with one hand on her arm, trying to reassure her, only removing it when he had to change gear.

He pulled the car up in front of the house, and before he had even switched off the engine, Thea wrenched open the door and jumped out. Evadne had been waiting anxiously for them to get home, and as she opened the front door to greet them, Thea raced past her and up the stairs. Evvy watched her in amazement, and then turned back to her husband as he followed his daughter towards the house.

“Edgar what’s wrong?”

Anxious to follow Thea up to her room, Edgar stopped and impatiently imparted the story of Franny and Mr. Harford to his wife. Evadne stared at him in disbelief for a moment, and then let rip, ranting and telling him exactly what her views on the Harfords were.

Tired, anxious and upset about his daughter, Edgar interrupted her in full flow.

“Evvy, leave it, please,” he said wearily.


“I said leave it!” he repeated, his patience wearing thin. “For once, just keep it to yourself. I don’t want to hear it. I’m really not in the mood.”

“They can’t get away with this, Edgar!” she retorted, getting angry herself at the way he was speaking to her. “I’ll…”

“No, you won’t!” he shouted, as he finally lost his rag. “You won’t do anything! You’ll stay right here and look after our children and leave the school to take care of the Harfords themselves.” Evadne gaped at him open-mouthed, shocked into silence at the tone of his voice. Edgar stared at her for a second, and then turned to walk up the stairs. “I’m going to see Thea,” and leaving her standing in the hallway, he made his way up to his daughter’s room.

Thea had locked herself in her bedroom, and despite Edgar’s best efforts, she flatly refused to let him in. She was still crying, and the sound of her sobs through the locked door was almost breaking his heart. He tried knocking and cajoling for almost half an hour, to no avail, and eventually gave up and sat down on the landing outside her door. She would have to come out eventually to go to the bathroom, and he would sit and wait until she did.

Two hours later, Evadne made her way upstairs and found him still sitting on the landing, his head in his hands. He looked up as she approached and she gave him a tentative smile.

“I need to go take Scrabble for a walk, and then collect Marcia from school,” she said slowly, taking in his pale, tired face. “Can you listen out for Henry, please? He’s down in the salon in his Moses basket. Hopefully he won’t wake ‘til I get back, but just in case?”

Edgar nodded and stared back down at the carpet again. Evadne hesitated for a second, and then crouched down beside him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

“Are you okay?”

Edgar glanced back up at her, and then shook his head. “She won’t come out or let me in,” he replied, his voice catching slightly as he spoke. “I’m going to sit here ‘til she has to come out, even if it takes all night.”

He rested his head on the wall behind him, closing his eyes, and Evvy lifted her hand, running it through his hair.

“Edgar, I’m sorry…”

“Not now, Evvy, please,” he interrupted quietly, not opening his eyes. “We’ll talk about it later, okay?”

Dropping her hand back to her side, Evadne stared at him for a moment in silence. Then getting to her feet, she turned and made her way back downstairs.

A second later, he heard a key turning and Thea slowly opened the door. Walking out onto the landing, she stood over her father, staring down at him as he looked up in surprise. Recalling himself to his senses, Edgar reached his arms up towards her, saying nothing. Thea took hold of his hand, and the next moment, she collapsed into his lap, her body wracking with sobs again.

The rest of the afternoon and evening passed by in a subdued and awkward atmosphere. Thea finally tired herself out from crying, and once he had tucked her up in her bed and made sure that she was fast asleep, Edgar shut himself in his study for the remainder of the day. Upset by what had happened to her sister, Marcia was very subdued and took herself to her room immediately after dinner, and Evadne’s time was taken up looking after Henry, who was teething again and making sure she knew all about it.

It was gone ten before she finally got him settled, and coming out of his room, she found the house in darkness. Edgar had evidently taken himself off to bed. Making her way to their room, she found him lying on his side, his eyes closed, the light on his nightstand turned off. Being as quiet as she could, she undressed and climbed into bed beside him, leaning over to kiss him on the side of the head. There was no reaction, but she was not entirely convinced that he was asleep, his breathing seemed a little too forced. She watched him for a moment, biting her lips as she felt a lump rising in her throat, and then turning onto her side, her back towards him, she closed her eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep.

She woke again at three fifteen a.m to find the other half of the bed empty, and Edgar’s dressing gown missing from the its peg on the back of the door. Climbing out of bed herself, she made her way downstairs, checking from room to room until she eventually tracked him down to the kitchen where he was sitting at the large pine table, Henry asleep against his chest. He looked up as she came into the room and put a finger to his lips.

She walked across to join him, gazing down over his shoulder at their son. “Couldn’t you sleep?”

Edgar turned his face to look at her and shook his head. “Henry started grizzling and I didn’t want him to wake you, so I thought I’d bring him down here, see if I could calm him down. We’ve been here for an hour or so, haven’t we, little man?” he whispered, gently stroking his sleeping son’s head.

Evadne smiled and squeezed his shoulder. “Want me to take him back up, now he’s asleep?”

“It’s okay, I’ll do it,” he replied, carefully getting to his feet. “Any chance of a cocoa though?”

Evvy nodded and as he left the room to return his son to his cot, she took out the milk and proceeded to pour it into a pan.

By the time he returned, the milk was boiling, and as he seated himself at the table again, she poured it into two mugs, mixing in the cocoa powder and sugar. Then she set them both on the table, before pulling up a chair for herself.

There was silence for a moment, and then she swallowed hard and gazed up at her husband, remorse written all over her face. “Edgar, I’m so sorry about before. I…I was…” He stared down at the table as she tried to apologise, and she swallowed again before continuing. “I didn’t mean to be so insensitive, I wasn’t thinking. You know me - I’m not always so tactful.”

Edgar glanced up at her, and then heaving a sigh, he placed his hand over hers. “Sometimes it’s just too much, Evvy.”

She stared down at the table and gave a slight nod. “I know. I’m sorry.”

He stared at her for a second, and then gripped her fingers, entwining them with his own. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have shouted at you like that. I’m just so worried about her, I’ve never seen her like this.”

Evadne squeezed his hand. “Did she say anything about it?”

Edgar shook his head. “Not yet. She was too tired from crying. She just went to sleep. I’m so worried about what this could do to her,” and taking his fingers from hers, he leant forward and put his head in his hands.

Shifting her chair around the table towards him, Evvy reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck. He raised his hands to clasp her forearm, leaning into her and resting his head on her shoulder and she kissed him gently on the forehead, before laying her cheek against his hair. The next moment they heard a distant whimpering from upstairs, and then Henry began to yell at the full pitch of his lungs.

Heaving a sigh, Evadne kissed her husband’s head once more and then releasing him, she got to her feet. “I'll go see to him. Why don’t you take the cocoa upstairs, I’ll bring him into our room.”

Last edited by Josie on Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


#381:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:19 pm

Oh no! Poor all of them. That is such a realistic scene Josie, with everyone hurting and, because of the hurt, becoming angry with those closest. As for Thea - that poor liitle girl, this could cause such problems for her in later life.

Evil Harfords - hope they are well and truely punished - unfortunately real life doesn't always work that way. Crying or Very sad

Wonderful writing Jo.


#382:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:20 pm

Thank you Jo! I'm glad you got the post finished despite all the distractions!!
Poor Thea *hugs*
Poor Watson's, it's so horrible the way bullying ricochets over the whole family


#383:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:23 pm

Phew, I'm glad they were able to clear the air. Poor Thea, and poor Evvy and Edgar. It does look like it might be a good idea for them to send the two girls to the Chalet now. Of course they would have to explain it to Thea carefully so she would know that she was not being sent away or anything daft like that. I hope she can start to talk to Edgar about it - begin to let it go a little.

Thanks Josie


#384:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:28 pm

Very distressing to read, Josie. I'm sure none of them are going to find the next few days easy.

Thank you.


#385:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:32 pm

Crying or Very sad

That was so sad Josie. They're going to have to explain their decision to Thea very carefully to avoid any more hurt - always assuming she does go to the CS. But then it might be better for her to stay where she is, just for the stability. Oh what a mess!


#386:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:46 pm

Thanks, Josie. I feel so sorry for poor Thea. *Sends Thea loads and loads of hugs*. I'm sorry to be really stupid but what was Edgar's problem with Evvy? I couldn't quite understand it.


#387:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:58 pm

*hugs Thea very much*

its so dreadfl and heartbreaking to see how one person and their amily can do this to another human. Im glad we know Thea goes to the CS eventually.


#388:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:16 pm

Chair - I think that the problem was that Edgar wanted to go to comfort Thea, and Evvy kept on talking to him of how angry she was. Edgar, being the kind of man he was, could hardly ignore her when she asked what was up, and walk off after Thea.


#389:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:17 pm

Thanks, Squirrel, for explaining it to me.


#390:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:42 pm

Thanks Jo

*wraps whole family and especially Thea in snuggly hugs*



#391:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:54 am

Oh, poor all of them. Hope the Harfords develop dysentery - or something!


#392:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:31 am

poor little Thea, she's really been through it. honestly, that franny girl should be shot.

thanks though jo.


#393:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:36 am

Thanks Josie

That was most upsettingly realistic. Crying or Very sad


#394:  Author: AnnLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne, England PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:40 am

Poor Thea Sad

Cath V-P wrote:
Hope the Harfords develop dysentery - or something!

Bubonic plague would be good...


#395:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:36 am

Poor, poor Thea! Hope Evvy manages to comfort her!


#396:  Author: TerryLocation: DUNDEE PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:57 pm

Mr Hartford ought to be charged with abuse of a minor.


#397:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:45 pm

*suggests throwing the entire Harford family into the lake!*

*hugs all the Watsons!*

Thanks Jo!


#398:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:05 pm

“Marcia, get down here now, or you’re walking to school!”

Edgar turned his attention away from the stairs, finished pulling on his coat and scarf and then smiled at his wife. ”I’ll pop back around midday to see how she’s getting on,” he said, referring to Thea, who was still fast asleep in bed. “Hopefully I’ll be able to get the whole afternoon at home as well. I’ll do my best.”

At that moment, Marcia came barrelling down the stairs, running through the gap between her parents and out of the front door with a yelled, “See you after school!” to her stepmother.

Edgar grimaced as he watched her go, and then turned back just in time to see Evadne stifle a yawn. “You need to get some rest, look at you,” he said, bending to kiss her cheek.

She smiled back up at him, taking in his pale, weary face with concerned eyes. “Not as much as you do. Hopefully we’ll be able to make up for it tonight, if his highness deigns to allow us.”

“Fingers crossed eh?” Edgar replied, as he pulled on his thick, leather gloves. Then picking up his briefcase, “Right, I’d better get off, Andreas is waiting. I’ll see you later. Call me if you need me, okay?”

“Will do.”

Evadne watched as he climbed into the backseat beside his daughter and Andreas manoeuvred the car carefully up the snow-covered driveway, the snow-chains crunching in the white powder beneath as they went. Then as she heard Henry’s babyish cries from the salon, telling her that he was awake, she shut the door on the cold, February air and went to check on him.

Edgar walked Marcia to the gates of the junior playground, and then kissing her goodbye, he left her to go and find her friends and returned to his car. He had just opened the door when he heard a young voice calling his name, and he turned to see Kate running towards him.

“Hello!” he said with a smile, as she came to a halt in front of him, panting to get her breath back. “What can I do for you? Shouldn’t you be getting to class?”

“Sir Edgar, Thea didn’t do it!” she burst out, still panting a little. “Me and Lucy and Celine told Miss Engel – Thea was trying to be nice to Franny and everything! It’s not fair, she didn’t do anything, I promise.

Edgar smiled and laid his hand on the young girl’s shoulder. “We know she didn’t, Kate, don’t worry. But thank you for telling Miss Engel. Thea’s lucky to have you, you’re a very good friend.”

Tears filled Kate’s eyes as she stared back up at him. “No I’m not,” she replied quietly, shaking her head and staring at the pavement. “If I hadn’t helped Franny pick on Thea the first time, maybe she would have stopped. I should have stood up to them.”

Waving his hand at Andreas to let him know he wouldn’t be long, Edgar crouched down in front of his daughter’s friend and put a hand on her shoulder. “Kate, look at me.” She raised her eyes to his face. “That was a long time ago now, none of us even think about it anymore and you shouldn’t either, alright? You’ve been a wonderful friend to Thea ever since then, and I know she thinks so too, so let’s not hear any more about it.”

She nodded and scrubbed her eyes on her sleeve, and reaching into his pocket, Edgar pulled out his handkerchief and handed it to her. Kate accepted it with a grateful smile.

“Please, how is she?”

“She’s very upset, but she was still asleep when I left home, so maybe she’ll be feeling a little better today.”

Kate stared at her shoes again. “Is it okay if I come and see her after school? Mummy said I could if you said yes.”

Edgar hesitated. On the one hand, he wasn’t sure that Thea was ready to see anyone from outside the family just yet. On the other hand, a visit from her friend might do her the world of good and go some way to showing her how much people cared about her.

Kate watched him anxiously, a pleading look in her grey eyes, and eventually, Edgar gave her a smile.

“I tell you what. I’m not sure whether she’s ready for any visitors just yet, but I can ask her when I go home at lunchtime if you like? Then if she says yes, you can come back with either Lady Watson or myself when we come to collect Marcia after school. How does that sound?”

Kate returned his smile with a tentative one of her own. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now, you’d better run off to class – the bell went five minutes ago. We’ll see you later on, okay?”

Kate nodded, then turned tail and ran off towards the middle school, and heaving a sigh, Edgar got to his feet and climbed back into his car.

It was gone midday when he was finally able to get out of the office and head home again, and he arrived there to find that Thea was still in bed. Evadne had tried a few times to coax her out, to no avail, and had eventually decided that it would be best to leave her to surface in her own time.

After a few quiet words with his wife, he made his way up to his daughter’s bedroom and found her sitting on her windowsill, still in her nightclothes, staring at the wintry scene outside the window. She turned her head to look at him, giving him a blank stare as he walked into the room, and then returned her eyes to the window again.

Edgar sat down on the edge of the bed. “How are you feeling today, Thea?”

His question was met with a stony silence, and taking a deep breath, he tried again.

“Are you hungry? It’s nearly lunchtime, you know.”

Still nothing.

“Sweetheart, please talk to me. I want to help you.”

“I don’t want your help,” she replied in a flat, dull voice, as she continued to stare out of the window. “I want to be on my own.” Her voice caught in her throat as she said the final word, and she scrubbed her hand impatiently across her eyes. “Please go away, Daddy.”

Edgar shook his head. “No, Thea, I’m not leaving.”

His comment was met with stony silence again.

“Why don’t you tell me what happened?”

“You know what happened.” There was a long, heavy pause, and then suddenly her shoulders began to shake. “Why won’t she just leave me alone, Daddy?”

Getting hurriedly to his feet, Edgar rushed across to the windowsill and sat down next to her, wrapping his arms around her. She turned her body towards him, leaning her head against his chest, and he gently stroked her hair as she tried hard to get a grip on herself again.

Eventually Thea pulled back and sat up, sniffing as she wiped the back of her hand across her eyes. “Why would she do something like that, Daddy?” she asked, looking up at him, her big, brown eyes still shining with tears. “I’ve tried so hard to be nice to her and nobody else has and she still picked on me. I don’t know what else to do.”

Edgar hugged her tighter and kissed the top of her head. “Some people are just not made to be nice, Thea, no matter how hard we try.”

Thea nodded and rested her head against his shoulder. “Like Donkey-face,” she said quietly, and despite himself, Edgar smiled.

“Yes, like Donkey-face.”

Thea thought about it for a second, and then pulled herself free and gazed up at him again. “But why does she always pick on me?”

Running his hand up and down her back to calm her, Edgar shook his head. “I don’t know, Thea, I really don’t. Maybe she’s jealous of you. Maybe you accidentally glanced at her the wrong way when you first met her. Maybe you were just wearing the wrong colour hairband.” Thea looked thoroughly confused and he gave her a smile. “My point is, we’ll probably never know why she chose to pick on you. You hardly ever know with people like that.”

“But if I don’t know, then how do I stop her?” Thea asked, her eyes welling up again.

Wiping a falling tear away with his thumb, Edgar ran his hand up and down her arm and took a deep breath. He wasn’t really sure what to say.

“All you can do is be yourself and try not to let her change you,” he replied eventually, not really sure he was saying the right thing. Thea stared up at him, listening intently. “Unfortunately, she won’t be the only person you ever meet who’s like that, sweetheart. You just have to try and rise above them and not react, just as Miss Engel explained after you pushed Franny over. Do you remember?”

Thea nodded slowly and Edgar ran his hand across her hair.

“Now, I think Mummy’s heated us up some lunch, seeing as it’s Guilia’s day off today. It’s only soup and bread and things, nothing too much. Do you think you may be able to eat some?”

“Can I have it up here?”

Edgar smiled and nodded his head. “Of course you can. Why don’t you pop back into bed and pull your dressing gown around you, and I’ll go and make up a tray and bring it up, okay?”


“Good girl.” She went to stand up, but Edgar held onto her arm for a moment, keeping her back. “It’ll all be alright, sweetheart, I promise you. Mummy and I’ll make sure it’ll all be alright.”

Thea stared back at him for a second, and then throwing her arms around his neck, she hugged him tightly. “I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you too, Thea,” he replied, returning her embrace. “I love you very much. Don’t you forget that.” Pulling back, she smiled and shook her head, and he pushed her gently towards the bed. “Go on, you hop back in. I’ll be up again in a few minutes,” and as she went to do as she was told, Edgar got to his feet and made his way back downstairs.

Meanwhile back at the school, the children had finished eating lunch, and in the junior playground, Marcia, Ann and Ingrid were busy trying to build an igloo by the far fence. As Ann piled more snow on one side and it collapsed yet again, Ingrid stood back and surveyed it critically.

“I’m sure the Eskimos made them out of bricks, not like that,” she said with a frown.

“They can’t have,” Marcia put in, incredulously, “they didn’t have any bricks!” The other two went off into peals of laughter and she looked from one to the other indignantly. “What?”

“I meant snow bricks, you ninny, not real bricks!” Ingrid replied, still chuckling, as a giggling Ann set about trying to build the wall up again.

“Well that’s not what you said!” Marcia replied huffily, sticking out her bottom lip. “Anyway how…”

Her voice trailed off and Ann looked up, eyebrows raised. “How what?”

She got no reply. Marcia was staring over the fence into the middle school playground, an icy expression on her face, and following her gaze, the other two turned just in time to see Franny and her father making their way across the playground and out of the gate that led to the road. The Harfords began to walk towards them, their car evidently parked near the junior part of the school, and they could see the black look on Mr. Harford’s face as they came closer. Suddenly Franny looked up, and catching sight of the three girls staring at her, her sulky expression quickly became a smirk.

Ann turned back hurriedly towards her friend. “Mar…”

She was too late. Before either of her friends had time to move, Marcia set off at a run towards the gate, and throwing it open, oblivious to Ann and Ingrid’s shouts as they ran after her, trying to stop her, she tore along the pavement, reaching the Harfords just as they were about to get into their car.

“How dare you!” she shouted, coming to a halt about two inches from Franny and staring her straight in the eyes. “How dare you do that to my sister, you horrid, lying pig! You’re nothing but a nasty, evil cow Franny Harford! I hate you! Get off me…” she cried, as Ann and Ingrid finally caught up with her and grabbed her arms, trying to tow her away.

Franny backed away from her, hiding partially behind her father who glared down at the furious girl in front of him.

“Get away from us, you horrible child…”

Marcia continued screaming, as she fought against the hold of her two friends. “You leave my sister alone, or I'll...I'll... Just stay away, we hate you! Everyone does! You’re a mean, p…”

Suddenly a pair of arms went around her waist, dragging her backwards, and she stopped shouting abruptly as she heard her teacher’s voice.

“Stop that now, Marcia! I mean it!” Mr. Jones demanded, as she opened her mouth to shout again. Then turning to the Harfords, “I suggest you go now, Mr. Harford…”

“Now you see what my Franny’s had to put up with at the hand of the Watsons,” that gentleman spat back, as he pushed his daughter into the back of the car. “I sincerely hope you’ll be taking this further…”

“Just leave, Mr. Harford,” Mr. Jones replied firmly, struggling to hold onto Marcia as she tried to break free from his grasp. “Now!”

“I’ll be taking this to the governors, you mark my words!” Mr. Harford threatened, as he climbed into the car, slammed the door and drove away.

Mr. Jones heaved a sigh of relief and turned his attention back to Marcia, who was shouting after the car as it went.

“Stop that caterwauling now and come with me!” he ordered, taking her firmly by the shoulders. “The rest of you get back to what you were doing. The show’s over,” he added to the small crowd that had gathered around the fence, and then taking hold of Marcia’s arm, he marched her back towards the school.

Last edited by Josie on Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:35 am; edited 4 times in total


#399:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:35 am

Wonderful post Josie!

Poor Thea; the age-old problem of what did I do? Why me? Thank goodness she has such a lovely supportive family! But, oh, Marcia, you may have just made things worse, even though you were only rushing to defend Thea.
Can't wait to see what happens next!


#400:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:05 am

Thanks, Josie!

Not much left to say on the "poor Thea" front. And silly Marcia -- That's her, all over, but it's understandable under the circumstances. I just hope Mr. Harford's clout with the governors is nil. Much as I look forward to a CS future for the girls, I'd hate to see them leave under a cloud, real or imagined.

I do like Kate. She's come a long way....


#401:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:46 am

Thanks Jo

Kate is so lovely - Hope she can visit Thea and help her realise that she has friends who care about her



#402:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:01 am

How do any of us really know how we affect other people?

Thanks, Josie.


#403:  Author: AnnLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:13 am

Poor Marcia, she only wanted to stand up for her sister and she's probably made things worse.

As much as I dislike the Harfords, it strikes me that Franny is going to end up a very lonely girl. Thea and Marcia have each other and all of their friends and will (hopefully) end up in a much happier position than Franny herself.


#404:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:49 am

Thanks, Josie. I'm glad Kate has asked to go and see Thea - I hope she will be allowed to. Marcia's heart was in the right place but I hope she hasn't mad things worse for Thea. I also hope Edgar and Evvy catch up on some sleep soon.


#405:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:05 am

are you sure Marcia and Evvy aren't related - they certainly both have the habit of saying what they think regardless of circumstance!

Thanks Jo


#406:  Author: TerryLocation: DUNDEE PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:13 pm

Hurray for Marcia though it was a wee bit thoughtless. Maybe she's like Evvy due to association.


#407:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:22 pm

Thanks, Jo! Your figures are so believable - I can just see Marcia going to shout at Franny! Let's hope she doesn't get punished too severely, poor child!


#408:  Author: AlexLocation: Cambs, UK PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:13 pm

Sounds like Marcia might just have learned some new vocab from her mother! Good job Mr Jones stopped her in time.


#409:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:36 pm

Thanks Jo!
Poor Marcia, all she wants to do is defend her sister but its so hard as a child to know how to do that!


#410:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:01 pm

Also hope this won't mean that Thea and Marcia have to leave under a cloud - banking on the fact that, in Reunion, Evvy didn't sound at all upset or concerned when she said about them coming to CS.

Really hope the Harfords are well and truely squashed - so they can never again subject another child to the abuse Thea had to endure.

Jo, this is wonderful.


#411:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:06 pm

oh ((Thea))

I know how she's feeling just now *cuddles Thea - it's ok, sweetie, you can come out of your room. There are people who love you.*


#412:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:53 pm

Poor poor Thea!!!!!

Jo, PLEASE make something nasty and painful and embarrassing happen to Franny!!!


#413:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:08 pm

Mr. Kraus smiled at the Comte le Baudrin, head of the board of governors, and leant forward, his hands together, his elbows resting on his desk.

“Well if we could have the board meeting to ask for approval as soon as possible, that would be just grand. Ideally we’d like to get the lab ready for…”

They were interrupted by a knock at the door, and throwing his guest an apologetic look, Gil Kraus went to answer it, finding an angry-looking Mr. Jones on the threshold, his hand still firmly grasping Marcia’s shoulder.

“Mr. Kraus, I’m sorry to bother you, but I think you need to be aware of…oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you had company. We can come back.”

He was about to steer Marcia away again when Comte le Baudrin got to his feet. “It is no trouble, I can wait outside. You will not be long, I assume?” Mr. Jones shook his head. “Fine, then I shall partake of a cup of Mlle. Pattieu’s excellent coffee. It’s a rare treat for me – I do not get to sample it nearly often enough,” and with a smile, he walked passed them all and out of the room.

Mr. Kraus indicated to Mr. Jones and Marcia to come into his study, and then shutting the door behind them, he made his way back behind his desk.

“So what seems to be the trouble?” he asked, addressing his question to Marcia’s teacher.

Mr. Jones recounted what had taken place in the playground between Marcia and the Harfords, and then left the study at a word from the Headmaster. Once he was gone, Mr. Kraus looked at his disobedient pupil with a sigh.

“Well then, what do you have to say for yourself?”

Marcia stared down at the carpet, shuffling her feet and saying nothing. Mr. Kraus took a deep breath.

“Marcia, I asked you a question and I would appreciate an answer, please. I want to know why you both ran out of school grounds, and then turned on another student like that.”

“She hurt Thea!” came the defiant reply, as Marcia looked up and stared at him.

“So you thought that gave you the right to behave in that manner?”

“She can’t tell lies about my sister like that, I won’t let her!” Marcia exclaimed, her eyes flashing.

“I realise she told lies about your sister, Marcia, and we’re taking care of it,” Mr. Kraus replied sternly, with a look that reminded Marcia exactly who she was talking to. “It’s not up to you to take things into your own hands or to get involved, and you most certainly have no right to break school bounds at any time, no matter what your excuse.” He paused for a second, watching her as a rebellious expression came over her pretty face. “How do you think your parents will feel when they hear about this? Don’t you think they’ve enough on their plate looking after your sister, without you adding to their worries?”

This seemed to get through to Marcia, and she stared back down at her feet again with a guilty frown. “’Spose.” Then after a moment’s silence she added, “Sorry.”

Mr. Kraus sat back in his chair, his eyes still fixed firmly on her. “It’s not me you have to apologise to though, is it?” Marcia glanced up, confused, and he continued, “I’d like you to write a letter of apology to the Harfords tonight, and show it to Mr. Jones first thing tomorrow morning. He will then make sure it gets passed on to them.”

Marcia’s eyes filled with horror. “That’s not fair, I w…”

“It’s perfectly fair, and you will,” Mr. Kraus replied in a low, icy tone that quelled his unruly pupil instantly. “If you’re going to scream at someone like a banshee, then you will apologise to them afterwards. I don’t care what the reason is, no young lady should ever act in that manner.” She stared back at him, aghast, and he added, “You will also spend every lunchtime in detention between now and the end of term. If you can’t behave yourself in the playground, then you will not go out there at all! Now, I suggest you get back to class, and see if you can keep out of trouble for the rest of the afternoon.”

For a split-second, Marcia was rooted to the spot as her punishment began to sink in, and then seeing nothing else for it, she turned and left the study, trying very hard to hold back her tears. Mr. Kraus stared up at the ceiling, and heaved a huge sigh.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help overhearing,” came a sympathetic voice, and Gil Kraus lowered his head in time to see Comte le Baudrin close the door and return to the seat in front of the Headmaster’s desk. “That situation is just one thing after another, is it not?”

“Right now, I wish I’d never let that damn Harford child anywhere near this school,” Mr. Kraus replied with feeling. “How might this little outburst of Marcia’s affect things if he does choose to come to the Governors?”

Comte le Baudrin smiled and shook his head. “I think I can safely say it will not affect things at all. After all, it was only a little youthful exuberance and lack of sensibility. There is no real harm done. As I told you the other day, Mr. Harford has no sway whatsoever with the governing body and he knows it. He is purely issuing empty threats.”

A look of utter relief crossed the Headmaster’s face. “Thank goodness for that – and thank goodness he’s chosen to take that dreadful child out of the school. Otherwise it would have come down to her or the Watsons, and I know which pupils I’d rather have here.”

“Indeed,” the Comte replied thoughtfully. “Indeed. Will you be telling Sir Edgar about this?”

Mr. Kraus shook his head. “I don’t think so. Marcia had good intentions, even if they were a little misguided. To be honest, her stiff punishment is more for show, to try and deflect the Harfords from taking things further. After this week, I’ll set her to helping in the art room at lunchtimes – I think I can safely say that won’t be too much of a trial for her!”

“She is a keen artist then?”

“Something along those lines. And a jolly good one for her age, at that,” Gil Kraus replied with a smile. “Now, it’s already gone one o’clock, and we’re both busy men, so how about we get back to business?” and the matter of Marcia and the Harfords was swiftly put to one side as they proceeded to do just that.

Evadne was lying on her stomach on the salon floor, pulling faces to make her son laugh and simultaneously trying to stop Scrabble from licking her nose.

“Mummy, what are you doing?”

She looked up at the sound of Thea’s voice, and gave her stepdaughter a broad grin. “Hello stranger, I thought we’d lost you!” Thea smiled tentatively, and Evadne pulled one last face at Henry and then got to her feet. “I’m just trying to occupy your brother so he doesn’t crawl off into some nook or cranny again where I can’t find him! He’s getting far too inquisitive for his own good! Here, why don’t you come sit down,” she added, flopping down onto one of the large sofas and patting the cushion next to her. “How are you feeling?”

“Okay,” Thea replied quietly, sitting down beside her and kicking off her slippers so she could tuck her legs underneath her. “Where’s Daddy?”

“In the study, doing some work. We have to eat somehow!”

Thea smiled again. “Thank you for not making me go to school today.”

Her voice caught a little as she spoke, and Evadne reached out and put an arm around her shoulders. “You’re welcome,” she replied gently, as she brushed a lock of hair from Thea’s face. “We know you didn’t do it, sweetheart, everyone does – even Miss Engel and Mr. Kraus. We all know Franny’s telling lies.”

Thea stared at her for a second, and then leant towards her, curling up against her side. “I’m so glad you’re our Mummy.”

A warm feeling spread through Evadne’s body at her stepdaughter’s words, and with one eye on her son, who was busy investigating the contents of her handbag, she wrapped her other arm around Thea and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

“Well I’m very glad I’m your Mummy too. You want to know why?” Thea nodded. “Well let’s see, you’re a kind, sweet, honest, funny, generous, loving, beautiful girl for one thing. Oh, and you put your dirty clothes in the washtub, unlike the rest of the family, you eat with your mouth closed, and most importantly you have impeccable taste in clothes!”

Thea, who was dressed in her oldest pyjamas, her thick woollen dressing gown, a bright red jumper of her father’s pulled over it, and a huge pair of his socks on her feet, started to laugh, and Evadne looked down at her with a smile.

“You do know it’s not your fault, don’t you?” Thea nodded. “Jolly good,” and Evadne dropped another kiss on her daughter’s head.

At that moment, there was a loud yelp from the floor, and they both turned around to see Henry holding Scrabble’s ear and pulling it hard towards him. Evadne jumped up and rushed across the room, slapping Henry’s hands to force him to let go, and then cuddled the shaking dog to her and checked he hadn’t received any real damage. Thea followed her and bent down to pick her brother up, and Henry promptly poked her straight in the eye.

“Ow!” she exclaimed, rubbing her watering eye with one hand, as Henry chuckled and babbled unintelligibly to himself. “You’re a menace!”

Having satisfied herself that Scrabble was really okay, Evadne laughed and got to her feet. “And the beauty of it is, he’s only going to get worse! Now, how do you fancy some tea and cake? Guilia made a beauty yesterday and it only seems fair that we should eat it!”

“Yes please!”

“Okay then, can you look after Henry whilst I go put the kettle on? Make sure he doesn’t cause any more havoc? I won’t be a second,” and leaving Thea to look after her brother, Evvy made her way through to the kitchen.

Five minutes later, Edgar was thoroughly bored of the report he was reading and decided he needed a cup of tea. He made his way through to the salon to find his daughter sitting on the sofa, Henry in her lap, babbling away in his baby language, and Scrabble lying on the cushion next to them, his head against his mistress’s leg. Edgar watched them from the doorway for a few seconds, his heart warmed to see Thea looking so much happier. Suddenly Scrabble opened his eyes, spotted his master, and then closed them again quickly as if pretending he wasn’t really there.

Edgar forced a frown onto his face and said, “There’s something wrong with this pretty picture – I’m sure there’s someone on the sofa who shouldn’t be.”

At that moment, Evadne emerged from the kitchen and grinned as she caught sight of him. “I was just coming to ask if you wanted to join us for tea!”

Edgar winked at her with the eye that Thea couldn’t see, and beckoned her towards the door. Then frowning again, he said, “Mummy, how many times have I told you not to let Thea on the sofa – you know she leaves hair everywhere!”

Thea started laughing, and Henry joined in, waving his arms in the air and then babbling again. Suddenly in amongst his stream of baby noises, came the word ‘Da-da’. Edgar and Evvy both stared at him, open-mouthed, and with a wide grin on her face, Thea bent down to give him a hug.

“Daddy, he said your name! Aren’t you so clever!” she cried, kissing her brother on the cheek as he giggled, pleased that people were praising him, but with no idea why.

Evvy ran forward, taking him from Thea and hugging him, exclaiming, “Who’s my clever little boy? Did you say your Daddy’s name? Did you?”

Henry gurgled and pulled her hair as he started babbling again, and as she extracted her curls form her son’s fingers, Edgar looked down at the pair of them with a grin.

“See, I told you he’d say my name first!”

Evadne freed her hair and glared up at him. “He’s just making sounds!” she pouted.

“That’s not what you just said! Thea, did she or did she not just say that Henry said my name?”

Thea grinned. “You did say that, Mummy.”

“See, you’re just jealous!” Edgar put in.

Evadne glared from one to the other, and then looked back at her son. “Right, young man, that’s it. You and I are going to go to the kitchen and have words about this! You need to get your priorities straight – it’s Ma-ma you should have said. Get me? Ma-ma,” and to much laughter from Thea and Edgar, she turned and stropped out of the room.

Edgar watched his wife go, and then sat down next to his daughter and gave her a smile. “So how are you feeling, sweetheart? You’re certainly looking much better, I must say.”

Thea returned his smile and nodded her head. “I had a nice talk with Mummy – she told me why she loved me.”

“And why’s that?”

Thea repeated her stepmother’s words, and Edgar sank back into the sofa and placed an arm around her. “Well she’s absolutely right – it’s true, every word. And I suppose I should start putting my things in the washtub too!” Thea laughed, and he ran his hand across her hair. “Listen, I have something to ask you. Would you mind if Kate came to see you after school? She asked me this morning if it would be okay and I said I’d ask you before I went to collect Marcia. So what do you think? She’s very worried about you, and I think it would mean a lot to her to see you.”

Thea thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “Yes please, I think I’d like to see her.”

“I’m glad,” Edgar replied with a smile. “I think it’ll do you good too.”

At four o’clock, when Edgar arrived home again with Marcia and Kate in tow, Thea was still sitting in the salon, minding her brother whilst Evvy did the washing up. She gave Kate a beaming smile as that young lady came into the room, and Kate returned it shyly, as she sat down next to her friend.

“How are you?”

“I’m okay.”

Kate nodded and swallowed hard, staring down at her lap. “Thea, I’m so sorry.”

Thea looked thoroughly confused. “What for?”

“It’s all my fault,” Kate continued, choking up a little as she continued to stare at her knees. “I should have stopped Franny the first time, at our old school. Then she wouldn’t have done it again.”

“No you shouldn’t!” Thea exclaimed, a little shocked at her friend blaming herself like that. “Kate, you were my first friend when I had none at all.”

“But it’s my fault you had none…”

“That’s rubbish! Don’t be so silly,” Thea interrupted, putting an arm around Kate. “You’re my best friend in the world along with Marcia, and it’s different with her ‘cause she’s my sister. Us being friends will never change, and I don’t want to hear anything about that first time ever again, okay?”

Kate gave her a grateful smile, and hugged her back. “Okay.”

“Good,” Thea replied decisively. “Now, give me your hand.” Kate held out her hand and Thea took hold of it. “Best friends forever, okay? Shake?”

Kate hesitated for a second, and then vigorously shook her friend’s hand. “Shake. So when will you come back to school?”

Thea frowned and let her hand drop. “I don’t know. I don’t think I can ever see Franny again, but I haven’t told Daddy yet.”

“But you don’t have to!” Kate exclaimed excitedly. “She’s left forever!”


“Yes really. So you have to come back soon. Me and Lucy and Celine all really miss you!”

Thea stared at her for a second, and then gave her a hug. “I miss you all too.”

Meanwhile, having chased Marcia upstairs to get on with her homework, Edgar poured himself and Evvy a drink and then called her through to the snug for a chat.

“Okay, what’s the bother?” Evadne asked, curling herself up in an armchair and facing him with a grin.

Edgar frowned at her from his perch on the window seat. “I’ve come to a decision,” he began slowly. “The girls are going to go to the Chalet School.”

There was silence for a moment as Evadne stared at him, and then she slowly nodded her head. “I’m glad, Edgar, but I wish the circumstances were different, I really do.”

“Yes, so do I.” He heaved a sigh. “I have to get Thea as far away from Franny as possible, though, and this seems to be the best way. Plus we know it’s a good school, and I think they’ll be happy there. I’ll miss them horribly, though.”

Evadne gave him sympathetic smile. “I know you will.” She paused for a moment, before adding, “I think it’s a good decision, though, leaving Franny aside. They’ll thrive there, Edgar, I promise you, and they’ll be so happy. And Marcia’s now ten – we needed to think carefully about their schooling anyway.”

He smiled back at her. “I know, you’re right. I’d have probably got there anyway, in the end.”

Evadne had a sudden thought. “Say, Edgar, how are we going to let them know? We can’t tell Thea now – she’ll think she’s being sent away or something.”

“I know, I thought of that too. What do you say to this idea? You get all your old photographs out and tell them stories about the place whenever you get the chance, and then we’ll take that trip we talked of too, at Easter, and if I’m right, I think they’ll ask to go all by themselves.”

“You think it’ll work?”

“Fingers crossed, eh?”

They were interrupted at that moment by a tap at the door, and Marcia came into the snug, a sheepish look on her face, that they knew by now meant trouble of some sort.

“Hello, madam, what can we do for you?” Edgar asked, eyebrows raised.

Marcia stared at her shoes and said nothing. She had been sitting upstairs, thinking things over, and come to the conclusion she would get in less trouble if she told them about her encounter with the Harfords herself.

“I…er…” she began, and then dried up and fell silent again.

“You what?” Edgar queried, with a frown.

Marcia gulped, took a deep breath, and then poured out the story all at once, rushing to get to the end as fast as she could. When she finished, her parents were both quiet for a moment, and then Edgar gave his wife a glance and she nodded her head.

“Right, well you can do as Mr. Kraus asked and go and write that letter now,” Edgar replied coldly.

“Daddy, can’t I…”

“No, you can’t. You’ll write that letter now, and then as soon as dinner is over, you will go straight to bed.”

“Daddy, that’s not fair! Why?”

“Because you need to learn to think before you say and do the first thing that comes into your head!” Evadne put in, and her husband choked audibly behind her. “Now go on, go do as you’re told.”

Marcia turned on her heel and stomped out of the room in a sulk, and as soon as the door was shut, Edgar burst out laughing.

“What?” Evadne demanded, grimacing as she turned to face him.

“The irony of you telling her something like that!”

“Oh shut up!” she replied, as he chuckled loudly again and shook his head. “Stop laughing, idiot, it’s not funny.”

“Oh come on, it is a bit!”

Evadne frowned. “It’s the advantage of being a parent, I can be a complete hypocrite in telling my children what to do!” she retorted. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” she added haughtily, “I have some talking left to do to our son,” and she got to her feet and began walking towards the door.

“Da-da,” Edgar said teasingly, as he got up to follow her.

“Stop it!”


“I said stop it, Edgar!”


Evadne turned to face him, glaring at him as he grinned back at her. Then making an indescribable sound of frustration, she walked out of the snug, letting the door go behind her. There was a muffled yell as it swung back and caught her husband on the nose.

“Serves you right!” she called out, chuckling to herself, and made her way through to the lounge.

Last edited by Josie on Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:18 pm; edited 2 times in total


#414:  Author: PatLocation: Doncaster PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:27 pm

Lol!!! Loved that Josie. Especially Evvy saying Marcia should think before she speaks!!!


#415:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:34 pm

Oh Brilliant! That Evvy and Edgar patter was just fantastic. And it's a real relief that Thea is feeling a bit better now as well. Ot was good to see her having a good time with Kate. I just hope that she is able to go back and spend some time with her friends at school before they go to the Chalet - and that Edgar will find out that Franny is away from that school full stop. Thanks Josie


#416:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:03 pm

Lovely chapter Josie - so glad that the horrible Harfords have no swy with the Governors. love that Henry's first word is da-da - my mum once told me it's because all mothers are forever talking to their kids - and one of the things is 'where's daddy, when's daddy coming home' etc etc!

As for Evvy telling off Marcia - classic! Laughing Laughing Laughing


#417:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:25 pm

Thank you Jo! I love your lovely long posts!! Very Happy


#418:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:41 pm

Thank you Jo - knowing Marcia she'll be desparate to go the CS but Thea may take some more convincing


#419:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:59 pm


*thinks Jo is a genius!*


#420:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:19 pm

Thanks, Josie. I loved the fact that Henry has said the word 'Da-da'! That was so cute, sweet and lovely. I'm glad Marcia's punishment isn't too harsh. I hope Marcia and Thea will agree to go to the CS. It was great when Evvy told Marcia to think before she speaks!


#421:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:24 pm

Shiny Jo!!

Thanks honey - lovely post, and think Edgar deserved a door on the nose! (most men deserve more than that Very Happy)


#422:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:16 pm

Thanks Jo

Good to see them all taking such care of Thea, and coaxing her to come out of her shell again.

And hurrah for Henry's first word *g*



#423:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:19 pm

A lovely post, Jo. I do hope that Thea will return to school tomorrow, especially since Kate has reassured her that Franny is gone for good.

That little interlude between Thea and Evvy is very heartwarming - for both of them.

I think the powers that be are a little rough on Marcia over this, but we've already seen that Mr. Krause will lighten her punishment somewhat after a week or so, and I do agree she has to learn she can't take the law into her own hands the way she did.

As for Henry saying 'da-da' first - I hate to rain on anyone's parade, but I think the reason that infants often do come to this before 'ma-ma' is as simple as the fact that the 'd' sound comes more easily in their babble language than the 'm' sound does!


#424:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:08 am

Lovely Josie....Good to see that Thea is starting to come to terms with things, and that she and Kate are firmer friends than ever.


#425:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:51 pm

Wonderful posts. Thank you Jo.


#426:  Author: Karry PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:56 am


Have just caught up with two weeks posts after holidays - this gets better and better!

Very Happy


#427:  Author: Rose in TorontoLocation: Toronto, Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:25 pm

This is SO wonderful. I couldn't read it for a few days, until I knew that everything would work out for Thea. I, like so many of us, was bullied as a child, and I know that however "right" her family makes it, this episode will be with her forever.

Please, though, couldn't Kate come to the CS too?


#428:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:15 pm

As it happened, it was over a week before Thea was ready to return to school. Despite the assurances from her friend that Franny had left the school for good, her confidence was rock bottom and Edgar and Evadne made the decision to keep her home a little longer, until she was more like her normal self.

Now it was Sunday night, and she was due to return to school the next day. Kate, Lucy and Celine had come round to play and had stayed to dinner, and the four of them were now in the salon, looking at pictures of Kate’s new pony that her father had purchased the previous day.

“He’s a hand bigger than Jackson, but Daddy thinks I can handle him now,” Kate explained, as she took the photographs back from Celine.

“What’s his name?” Thea asked, leaning over her friend’s shoulder to get another glimpse.

Kate grimaced. “Longfellow. Can’t really change it now, though ‘cause he knows it.”

At that moment, the door burst open and Evadne came into the room, Henry in her arms, babbling as usual and pulling at her collar. “Here we go, little man, an audience,” she announced, grinning down at him. Then turning to the four girls, “He’d like to perform his latest trick!”

As the girls turned to watch, Evadne lowered him to the floor so that he stood on his feet. She clasped his tiny arms firmly, and Henry leant back on her legs for a moment, and then took two steps forward before falling on his backside with a chuckle. Evvy let go of him, as the other four applauded.

“See how clever he is?” she said proudly, a wide grin on her face. “He’ll be walking before we know it!”

As if to prove her point, Henry crawled his way across to the low coffee table and began trying to pull himself up, each time falling down with a squeal and a giggle before trying over again. They were all busy laughing at his efforts, clapping each time he managed to stand, when Scrabble came bounding into the room, covered in mud, his paws leaving prints all over the mats and polished floor.


Grabbing Scrabble by the collar, Evadne left Henry in Thea’s care and dragged the Labrador across the polished hall floor and into the kitchen. Her husband and other stepdaughter were standing in a corner by the stove, Marcia clutching her scarf which seemed to be wrapped around something.

“Why can’t you people just do as I ask?” Evadne demanded in exasperated tones, as she led Scrabble out of the back door and into the porch, where all his towels and other paraphernalia were kept. “How hard is it to remember to wipe his feet first? Now all the rugs need scrubbing and Frau Siefert’ll have to polish the floor again, thanks to you two imbeciles!”

Edgar muttered something, his back still turned to her as he hovered behind Marcia, fiddling with the bundle in her arms.

Evadne stuck her head around the back door. “Are you listening to me?

He turned round, a distracted look on his face. “Sorry, what was that, darling?”

“You let Scrabble run into the hall covered in mud!”

“Ah, yes, apologies for that,” he replied, not sounding in the least bit apologetic. “We were a bit tied up with this little fellow.”

Before an outraged Evadne could reply, Marcia looked up and beckoned her over to the stove. “Mummy, come and see, we found a kitten! He was lying by the road and his leg’s all hurt and everything. Daddy says he needs a vet but they won’t be open ‘til tomorrow so we brought him home instead.”

Forgetting her grievances instantly, Evadne carefully shut Scrabble out in the porch, and then made her way to the stove. Peering over her husband’s shoulder, she saw a young cat, no more than a year old, curled up in Marcia’s scarf. Its left rear leg was stiff and sore, and it looked thin, it’s fur slightly matted, as if it hadn’t been cared for in quite a while.

“Oh the poor little mite! Where did you find him?”

“On the verge near the top of Anton’s drive,” Edgar replied, lifting the kitten gently from the scarf, supporting its leg with his other hand. “Looks like she’s been hit by a car or something similar.”

“Is he a she, Daddy?” Marcia piped up.

“Yes, I think so.”

“How can you tell?”

Evadne grinned and raised her eyebrows at her husband, and Edgar coughed, his cheeks turning faintly pink. “I just can, poppet, that’s all. You’ll learn in biology one day, I’m sure. Now,” he added, seeing that she had another question on the tip of her tongue, “please will you run upstairs and get a tongue depressor from the bathroom cabinet? I’m going to try and put a splint on her leg until we can get her to the vets. Evvy, can you grab a bandage and safety pin from the first aid kit?”

“So what are we going to do with her?” Evadne asked, as she crouched down and pulled a box from under the sink.

“I’m not sure. She doesn’t look very cared for, does she? We’ll see what the vet says in the morning.”

“I guess we should try and see if she has any owners. If we find them, I’ll soon say what I think of them for treating an animal like that, I promise you!”

“Nothing like harmony with the neighbours!” he replied with a grin. “I’ve a sneaking suspicion she may be a stray though. She doesn’t even have a collar on.”

“Daddy, if she’s not got a collar on, can we keep her?”

They both looked up as Marcia came back into the room, the depressor clutched in her hands.

“We don’t know, sweetie, we’ll have to see what the vet says,” Evadne replied, as she pulled out the things she needed, passed them to her husband, and then pushed the box under the sink again.

“But if she doesn’t belong to anyone…”

“We don’t know that, Marcia,” Edgar interrupted. “Here, come and hold this for me.” She walked over and held the depressor in place as he wound the bandage carefully around the damaged leg. “She could belong to some other boy or girl, and they’d be upset if we kept her. How would you feel if Scrabble ran away and someone else kept him?”


“Precisely. There, all done!” he announced as he tucked the end of the bandage underneath the rest and then handed the safety pin back to his wife. “No need for that after all. Now, how about we set up a box for her here by the stove for tonight. Marcia, grab one of Scrabble’s blankets from the porch will you?”

“We can use this old fruit box,” Evadne suggested, picking up an empty crate that Guilia had left on one side. “Say, you don’t think it’s a bit close to Scrabble though?”

“No idea – let’s see, shall we? Marcia, bring Scrabble in, will you?”

Marcia did as she was told, and Edgar bent down, holding the young cat close to the Labrador. Scrabble sniffed her curiously a couple of times, nudged her leg with his nose, and then lay down on his bed, as if no longer interested.

“I think we’ll be okay!” Edgar replied with a grin.

Just then, the sound of Henry’s babyish cries came echoing through from the salon, and leaving Edgar and Marcia to finish settling the cat in her temporary abode, Evadne ran through to see what was going on. She found Thea hugging her brother to her, as he continued whimpering, while the other three gathered around.

“What’s the matter with you, little man?” she asked, as Thea handed him over.

“He fell and banged his head on the table,” his sister explained.

“Did you hurt yourself?” Evadne asked her son, running her fingers gently over the reddening bump on his forehead. “Here, Mommy’ll kiss it better,” and she gave him a kiss and then cuddled him to her as he leant against her chest, still whining and screwing up his face. “Someone’s a little tired and grizzly, aren’t they, sugar-pie? Time for you to go to bed, I think.”

Thea came forward to kiss him, but Henry buried his face in his mother’s shoulder and she backed off, disgruntled.

“Don’t worry, sweetie, he’s just sleepy,” Evadne said with a smile, smoothing down his thin, fair curls. “Come on you, let’s go kiss Daddy goodnight and then we’ll get you tucked up for the night. Girls, keep the noise down 'til I have him settled, won’t you?” and leaving them to their own devices, she made her way back through to the kitchen.

By the time she returned downstairs, Edgar and Marcia had finished making the cat’s new bed, given her some milk, and brought her through to the salon to show Thea and her friends. The box had been placed near the fireplace, to keep the cat warm as she was still shivering a little, and Scrabble had lain down next to it, ignoring her but looking distinctly put out that she was receiving more attention than he was. He looked up hopefully as his mistress entered the room, and was rewarded as she crouched down to scratch his ears.

“Mummy, can you tell us more school stories?” Thea asked eagerly, sitting back on the sofa again, flanked by Kate and Celine.

Evadne looked up with a smile. “Are you not bored of them by now?”

Marcia’s blonde curls bounced as she vigorously shook her head. “It’s fun!”

“And anyway Kate and Celine and Lucy haven’t heard them yet,” Thea added.

Edgar looked across at his wife with a grin. “Why don’t you dig some more photographs out?”

Evadne frowned. “I think you’ve see them all. Oh no, wait – Edgar where did you put that box?”

“Which box?”

“The one I brought back from Pop’s with me last year. You know,” she prompted, as he looked confused, “the one I carried from the train instead of giving it to the porter.”

Edgar shrugged. “No idea. It’s still under our bed, I think. Why?”

“I think there’s photos and such like in there,” and getting to her feet, she ran out of the room to go and find it.

Returning five minutes later, a little dishevelled from crawling around under the bed, she dropped the box down near her husband’s chair and squatted next to it on the floor. Then carefully lifting off the lid, she began to pull out books from inside, until she had quite a pile next to her.

“What are those?” Edgar asked, curiously.

“My dairies from when I was a kid,” she replied, as she continued digging in the box. “Ah, here we are,” and pulling out a stack of photographs, she began sifting through them, separating the Chalet School ones from the others. “Marcia, start passing round these ones here.”

For the next twenty minutes, shrieks of laughter could be heard as the girls pored over the photographs, pointing out Elsie, Cornelia and Joey, all people they knew and recognised, and Evadne told the stories to go along with them. Edgar, meanwhile, was leafing through the other pile, making comments about his wife's various looks.

“What were you and Cassie thinking?” he asked, with a twinkle in his eye, as he held up a particular photo.

“It was a fancy dress party!” Evadne retorted, snatching it out of his hands with a grimace, “and if you can’t be polite, you’re not looking at these anymore!” As he chuckled, she picked up the remaining pictures that had nothing to do with the school and began to pack them away.

“Spoilsport!” Edgar replied with a grin. “Are you going to read us the inner musings of your diaries, instead?”

“Not on your life!” She sounded horrified. “They’re going away right now!”

She began piling them hurriedly back into the box. Just as she was finishing, she dropped the final one, and a letter and photograph fell out. As she reached under Edgar’s chair to retrieve the letter, Marcia picked up the picture that had floated to her feet.

“Mummy, who’s this?” she asked curiously, holding up a slightly faded photo of a young man standing on a beach, laughing as the wind blew up his hair and the sand around him.

Evadne stared at it for a moment, and then smiled. “Just an old friend, sweetie, that’s all,” she replied, glancing at her husband who was watching her intently.

“Is this you?” Kate interrupted, holding up a picture of what looked like an enormous apparition.

“That’s the girls’ Aunt Corney,” Evadne laughed. “She was dressed as a ghost for a Halloween party.”

Thea peered over her friend’s shoulder, a puzzled expression on her face. “But she’s so tall!”

“She standing on stilts and has tennis rackets for arms,” Evvy replied with a grin. "That was a real fun party too. We bobbed for apples, and the prefects played a trick with corks and we jumped candles for luck…”

“Everything about the Chalet School sounds fun,” Marcia interjected, and Evadne smiled.

“Well it sure was when I was there. I’m sure it still is. You’ll have to ask Mrs. Maynard’s eldest girls when you meet them – they go there now.”

“Are we going to meet them then?”

“Hopefully,” Edgar replied, looking up from the magazine he was scanning. “We’re going to the Gornetz Platz for ten days or so at Easter – that’s where they live – so you may meet them then.”

“We’ll see Mrs. Maynard again?” Marcia asked excitedly and Edgar nodded. “Goody! She was fun!”

“So was Dr. Maynard,” Thea added.

“Indeed,” Edgar replied. “Now, Kate’s mother’s going to be here shortly to collect the girls, so why don’t you go and make sure you’ve got all your things together?”

Thea and her three friends ran off to do as he asked, and as they left the room, Marcia turned to her father with pleading eyes.

“Daddy, can we maybe keep kitty?”

“We’ll see, poppet,” her father replied, with a smile. “We’ll have to put some notices up to say we’ve found her, but if no-one replies then we’ll think about it, okay? Now why don’t you take her back to the kitchen, and then go and put your pyjamas on.”

“But I’m not tired yet!”

“I know, but if you and Thea get changed now, then we can play a game before it’s time for bed.”

Marcia screwed up her face. “Not Scrabble!”

Evadne glanced up from the box that she was repacking and laughed. “I’m with you there, sweetie.”

“Well maybe we can play Milestones instead, then,” Edgar suggested.

Marcia cheered, thankful that they didn't have to play Scrabble yet again, then carefully picked up the cat and made her way through to the kitchen.

Evadne turned to her husband with a smile. “They seem to be getting interested in the school, anyhow.”

Edgar nodded, a resigned look in his eyes. “They do, don’t they?”

Evvy studied his face carefully for a second, before asking, “Edgar, are you sure you’re still okay with it, now that Franny’s gone from the school?”

He shrugged. “Yes, I think so. Thea needs a change of scenery, it might help her confidence. And I know it means a great deal to you too.”

“But you’ll miss them so much.”

“I’ll get used to it,” he responded, grinning. Then, watching as his wife placed the last of the photos back in the box and began closing it, he said, “You don’t have to hide that picture away in there, you know. I don’t mind if you want to put it out.”

“Which picture?” she asked, confused.

“The one of Ralph.”

Evadne shook her head, as she replaced the lid of the box. “Thanks, but it’s fine where it is,” she replied with a smile. “It’s away where it belongs.”

“Are you sure?” Edgar sounded unconvinced. “We’ve got a picture of Madeleine out, after all.”

“Yes, but that’s for the kids really. It’s right they should have photograph of their Mom around the place.” Getting to her feet, she moved to stand behind his chair and bent down, putting her arms around his neck. He tilted his head back to look up at her. “I’ve all I need right here,” she said softly, and leaning down further, she pecked him on the lips. “ I do think I’ll put these two out though,” she added, indicating the photos that she still held in her hands.

Edgar glanced down at them. One was of his wife and Diana, her friend from her time as a WAAF. The second was of the Quintette, standing in front of the Tiernsee, changed and ready to go in for a swim. He studied the latter one for a moment, and then looked up at her with a wicked grin.

“Skinny little thing, weren’t you?”

Evadne laughed. “I was, wasn't I? Sadly, Henry rather put paid to that!” The clanging of the doorbell rang through the house, and she dropped another kiss on her husband’s head. "Right mister, I’ll see the girls out, you dig out Milestones. I’ll be back in a minute to wipe the floor with you all!” and ignoring his indignant protests, she marched out of the room to answer the door.

Last edited by Josie on Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:56 pm; edited 7 times in total


#429:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:28 pm

Thank you Jo. A lovely post. I wonder who is at the door though?


#430:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:32 pm

Thanks Jo that was lovely. Im glad Thea is feeling better and spending time with her friends Very Happy


#431:  Author: Sarah_KLocation: St Albans PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:21 pm

I love Edgar for asking if she wanted the photo out, they really are wonderful for each other.

Thanks Josie.


#432:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:37 pm

Thank you Jo! How lovely!! Very Happy


#433:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:01 pm

Thanks Jo Kiss

Poor little kitty - I hope she gets better soon.



#434:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:50 pm

Lovely Jo - now you're not going to do anything nasty to Henry are you? Laughing


#435:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:06 pm

Thanks, Josie. I hope there isn't bad news at the door. I'm glad the girls are getting interested in the CS and Evvy and Edgar are comfortable about talking about Ralph and Madeleine. I hope Henry will be ok after he bumped his head.


#436:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:10 pm

Lesley! I didn't even think of that!"


but I'm so glad the girls are excited about the Chalet School in theory.....of course it might be different when they're told they'll be going there - but for now it's all shiny!


#437:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:28 pm

You certainly packed a lot in there, Josie.

Loved them looking after the kitten and I do hope Henry is okay.

Thank you.


#438:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:36 pm

Thank you Jo!

Is the doorbell someone looking for the kitten maybe?


#439:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:50 pm

Shiny! Thank you Jo, another brilliant update Smile


#440:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:46 pm

Thank you Jo, that was lovely. They get along so well, don't they?


#441:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 7:43 am

Very nice indeed. Very Happy

Nice of Mr. Kraus to switch part of Marcia's detention to art room duty -- and hurrah that the evil Mr. Harford's influence is illusory. I feel rather sorry for Frannie though, despite her nastiness -- hope she finds some better "parenting" somewhere.

Hope the kitten has found a happy home, and that the girls remain enthusiastic about the CS. What about Kate though?


#442:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:27 pm

Just caught up on all that you've written since the end of August Josie and it was a lot

But it was absolutely brilliant and I enjoyed every line of it. So glad that the bullying has now been sorted and that the govenors are sensible.

Looking forward to Easter and what happens then.



#443:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 1:45 pm

I had loads to catch up with as well and it was just wonderful.

Except I wasn't here for Henry's first word! Sad Wink

Thanks Jo x


#444:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:07 pm

Three weeks later, the kitten had still not been claimed, and was managing to integrate herself into the Watson household more and more. The only person who didn’t seem keen was Henry, who kept poking and prodding her at every given opportunity, but as he paid Scrabble much the same respect, none of them were too concerned.

It was now six-thirty in the morning on the sixteenth of March, and Edgar was in the ensuite bathroom, cleaning his teeth after having his bath.

“I suppose she really must be a stray or a farm cat then,” he said to his wife, his mouth full of toothpaste. “Either that or someone owns her but doesn’t want her back. Are you still taking her to the vets today?”

“Yes, I’ll head down there before lunch,” she called back from the bedroom, where she was still lounging in bed. “We need to get that leg checked over again – make sure it really has healed. Do you want me to ask the vet if he’s had any news on an owner?”

“Yes please, though I think we’d have heard by now if he had.” Edgar rinsed his mouth out with a cup of water before asking, “What do you think we should do if he hasn’t? Should we let Marcia keep her?”

There was silence for a moment, then Evadne replied, “Sure, why not. We’ve enough animals already – one more won’t hurt! And let’s face it, a cat’s a far more commonplace pet than an iguana or a penguin!”

Edgar laughed, wiped his mouth on a towel, and made his way back into the bedroom. “Well in that case, I…what in God’s name are you doing?” he exclaimed, staring at his wife as if she had gone mad.

Evadne was lying on her back, her head towards the foot of the bed, her bottom propped up on a couple of pillows. Her legs were up in the air, at a right angle to her body, and her feet were resting on the wall above the headboard.

As he stared at her in astonishment, she looked back up at him with a grin. “It’s my right time of the month.”

“For what?” he asked, incredulously.

“For getting pregnant,” she replied, as if he should know.

“And you’re doing that because…?”

“Apparently it may help.”

Edgar frowned as he pulled on his pants and vest, and then took his shirt out of the wardrobe and put his arm in the sleeve. Evadne watched him nervously as he buttoned it up without speaking, and then took his trousers from the hanger and began to pull them on.

“I thought it was time we began trying properly. What do you think?” she asked tentatively.

“I thought we were going to let nature take its course?” he replied, fastening his trousers and lacing his belt through the loops.

“Yes, but there’s no harm in trying. Is there?”

Edgar finished buckling his belt, and then sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at her with a smile. “No, I don’t suppose there is. So is this why you woke me up this morning?” She nodded and he rolled his eyes. “And there was me thinking it was because you loved me.”

Evadne shook her head. “You sadly deluded man. Don’t you know I only want you for your babies?” she replied with a grin.

“I might have known!”

“Well I didn’t hear you complaining!”

“I have to get something in return for all the jewellery,” he answered nonchalantly, one eyebrow raised. Evadne uttered an indignant exclamation and he laughed as she hit him on the chest. “Hoist by your own petard there, my dear,” he said with a twinkle in his eye. Then as she pulled a face at him, he ran his hand across her stomach and gave her a concerned smile. “Just do me one favour?”

“What’s that?”

“If we're going to try, you must promise me not to get your hopes up too much, okay?” As her face fell, he hurried to clarify his point. “It’s not that I think it won’t work, sweetheart, I just don’t want to see you get too hurt if it doesn’t, that’s all. I know you, Evvy – it’ll break your heart if you pin too much on it.”

Evadne gazed up at him and shook her head, a wry smile touching her lips. “You don’t think I get my hopes up every month?”

“I…” He stared back at her, shocked into silence. He had never really given it much thought. It had been a while since they’d talked about it, and he’d assumed that, like him, she was resigned to the situation, even if she did not entirely accept it.

Evadne saw the look on his face and took pity on him. “I just want to give it a proper go, Edgar, that’s all. I promise I won’t expect too much, okay?” He nodded dumbly, and she pulled his head towards her and kissed him on the lips. “Now go on, you finish getting ready or you’re gonna be late. Didn’t you say you wanted to be in by seven-thirty?”

“Something like that.”

“Well then, you’d best hurry up.” As he stood up to do as she said, she rolled over onto her side and sat up, her back towards him, her feet on the ground. “I guess I’d better dress too incase the kids get up.”

Edgar watched her as she got to her feet and pulled on her robe. “Evvy, I…”

“Edgar it’s fine, honestly. I’m not upset with you, okay?” and rounding the end of the bed, she stood in front of him and reached up to give him another kiss. “I’ll see you later. Have a good day at work.”

Releasing him, she walked passed him into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Edgar stared after her for a moment, deep in thought, and then heaving sigh, he picked up his shoes and socks and sat back down on the bed to put them on.


Over in England, it was the day before Ned’s birthday, and he spent it in a state of high anticipation. Not, as could be expected, due to any presents he may receive but rather because that evening, he and twenty-seven other boys from the various school rugby teams would be making their way to Kings Cross Station. From there, they would catch the sleeper train to Edinburgh, and then tomorrow, they were due to go and watch England play Scotland at Murrayfield, in the final Five-Nations match of the season. Although not in honour of his birthday, it was the most exciting excursion he could have wished for, and he fidgeted his way through his classes, barely listening to a word that was said.

As the bell rang for end of lessons, he jumped to his feet, cramming his books into his bag, and raced out of the room.

“Here, Ned! Wait up!”

Stopping in his tracks, he turned to see his friend Tony Laskar running towards him. “Get a shove on," he called, beckoning Tony towards him, "if we’re quick we’ll get first dibs on the bunks on the train.”

“How come?”

“According to Cameron, Britches said he’d allocate on first come first served. Graydon’s going to dash too so he can come in with us,” and he set off again towards his boarding house at a run, leaving Tony to follow in his wake.


“So are you going to keep her then?”

Evadne turned her attention away from the kitten, who was making her way gingerly across the carpet towards them on her damaged leg, and smiled at her friend. “Yes, I think so. The girls are very keen for her to stay, and she certainly feels like part of the family now. Even Henry’s not harassing her quite so much!”

Janice Bown grinned as she bent down and lifted the kitten into her lap, snatching him out of the youngest Watson’s grasp. “I suppose that means Ann’s going to want one now too,” she replied ruefully, “otherwise she and Marcia won’t match anymore!”

Evvy laughed and reached out to stroke the kitten’s head. In recent weeks, Marcia and Ann had got it into their heads that as they were best friends, they had to have all of the same things, and both sets of parents had been plagued with endless requests for something or other that the other one had. As the requests had been chiefly for clothes, and both girls had grown so much over the winter that they needed new spring wardrobes anyway, Evadne and Janice had so far given in. The two girls themselves had got around the issue of toys by deciding to co-own everything, and both families already had dogs. The only sticking point so far had been Marcia’s penguin, but after much debate, it was decided that as the Bowns’ canary was also a bird, then that would have to do.

“Has she been wanting one already?” Evadne asked, stooping down to attend her son, who was pointing at Janice’s lap and crying ‘ka’ repeatedly at the top of his voice. “No, sugar-pie, you leave kitty alone. Here, play with these instead,” and she handed him a couple of his building blocks, which he promptly banged together loudly and then tried to cram one in his mouth.

“She’s asked once or twice, though Jonty and I have generally managed to deflect her attention onto something else. Not sure that’ll be so easy now, though.”

“I think we’re about to find out,” Evadne grinned, as she heard the telltale sound of the backdoor opening followed by Guilia’s voice. “I think Alice has just got here with the kids.”

As if on cue, the salon door flew open and Marcia came running into the room. In her eagerness, she almost threw herself on her stepmother, knocking over her brother who had just pulled himself to his feet.

“Mummy, did you ask? Can we keep her? Pleeeeeaasee?”

“Marcia, watch where you’re going!” Evadne cried, reaching down to pick up her son, who had turned up his top lip and begun to howl. “You could have hurt him!”

“Sorry, Henry!” Looking suitably contrite, Marcia bent down and tried to rain kisses on her brother’s head, but Henry threw his arm out in protest and hit her square on the nose. “Ow!

“You’ve only yourself to blame,” her stepmother replied unsympathetically. “And in answer to your question, yes, we can keep her.”

Forgetting the havoc she had caused, Marcia whooped with delight and turned to Ann, who had followed her into the room. “Ann, Mummy says we can keep kitty!”

Ann cheered, and then as predicted, immediately turned to her mother with requests for a kitten of her own.

“You’ll have to ask your father,” Janice replied, deflecting the question expertly. “What have you done with Mrs. Cranston and the other two?”

“They’re just coming,” Marcia interrupted, before Ann had a chance to speak. “Mummy, can Ann and Kate stay to tea?”

Evadne smiled. “I’m sure they can. Guilia’s baked lots of cookies, so we’ll need some help eating them anyhow. Now why don’t you and Ann take kitty and Scrabble outside and leave us grown-ups to talk in peace.”

Fifteen minutes or so later, when all four children and both pets had been dispatched outside with a plate of cookies and a jug of juice, Evadne made her way back into the salon bearing a tray of tea and biscuits for herself and her two friends. As she opened the door, Alice Cranston, Kate’s mother, jumped up to help her, and soon the three of them were sitting chatting, each with a cup in hand.

“Evvy, how’s Thea getting on?” Alice asked as she took a sip of her tea and sat back in her chair. “She hardly spoke in the car this evening, and Kate’s said a couple of times that she’s not her usual self at all.”

Evadne frowned as she watched Henry furniture-walk his way alongside the coffee table, intense concentration on his little face. “Did she seem upset?”

Alice shook her head. “Not really. Just quiet, as I said.”

“Yes, she’s quiet at home, too.” Evadne replied as she heaved a sigh. “We’re a little worried about her shutting herself off, to tell the truth. I know Miss Engel’s been trying everything she can think of, but it’s not made much difference. We’re just hoping she’ll hold out ‘til the summer. Edgar’s sure that the change of school and scenery’ll be the best thing for her, and I think he’s right.”

“Do they know they're going yet?” Janice asked, curiously.

Evadne shook her head. “We’re rather hoping they’ll ask off their own bat soon enough, otherwise we’ll have to just tell them, and who knows where that could lead with things as they are.”

She paused for a moment to take a bite of her cookie, and Alice gave her a sympathetic smile. “If it’s any help, we told Kate last night that she’s off to England to my old school in September, and she took it pretty well, all things considered. Maybe your two will react the same?”

‘Oh, we’re not worried about Marcia,” Evadne replied with a grin. “She’s happy-go-lucky as they come – it’s all a big adventure to her. We’re just worried about Thea - she mightn’t react too well to being taken away from her friends. Though if Kate’s already going, that’ll sure ease the way.” She took a sip of tea and then put down her cup. “Anyhow, hopefully it’ll all work out for the best. Now, let’s talk of cheerier things, shall we? Jan tells me Jonty’s roped Bob and Edgar into some regatta this summer? He is aware that my husband can’t sail for toffee, isn’t he?”


As it happened, Ned and Tony were thwarted in their mission to get the best bunk on the train, as contrary to rumour, Mr. Bristow had decided to allocate them all places himself. Ned had grumbled loudly all the way to King’s Cross, to no avail as the Games Master had opted to develop selective deafness, and consequently they had to wait until they reached the train to discover who they would be rooming with for the night.

“Gather round,” Mr. Bristow bellowed, in order to make himself heard over the chatter of twenty-eight boys. "Now, I’m going to allocate you each to your bunks, and then I want you getting straight on the train without further ado. Watson, Graydon, are you listening to me?” Ned and his friend went bright red and stopped talking, and their teacher continued. “Right then, bunk 31 - Cameron, Miles, Henderson and Redmond,” and he handed the four senior boys their tickets and turned back to his list as they trooped off towards the train.

“Bunk 33 - Booth-Phillips, Sherman…”

He continued in this manner until there were just four boys left standing on the platform. Ned looked around him and then turned to his friends in horror. “He’s got to be joking!” he hissed under his breath.

He had failed to reckon with Mr. Bristow’s bat-like hearing, however. “No, I’m not joking, Watson. You should know by now that I never joke,” the Games Master replied, trying hard to suppress a grin. “Bunk 41 - Watson, Laskar, Graydon and Lloyd-Kitchen. Now get a move on, all four of you. I’ll be along in a few minutes to see how you’re settling in.”

Ned opened the door of the compartment, threw his bag on one of the bottom bunks, and jumped on it quickly before his two friends could react. “I’m taking this one,” he stated, stretching himself out full-length, his feet on his pillow. “It’s my birthday so I get first shout.”

“Then bags me this one,” George Graydon, said quickly, flopping on the other lower bunk. “I’ve a bad head for heights – I’ll be sick if I have to go up there!”

“Thanks a bunch!” Tony glared at the pair of them. “Now I have to look at Lloyd-Po-face all night!”

“Close your eyes, then you won’t see him!” Ned replied with a grin.

“Easy for you to say, you’re down there. He’ll haunt my dreams!” Tony retorted dramatically, throwing his bag onto the bunk above Ned, and then flopping down on that young man’s bed.

“Maybe he’ll sleepwalk and walk right off the train?” George put in hopefully, and all three laughed, as the door opened and their nemesis entered the compartment.

“I need a bottom bunk,” he stated coolly, staring from Ned to George as if waiting for one of them to move.

“Tough!” George retorted. “You shouldn’t have been so slow, then you’d’ve had an earlier pick.”

“Just because I don’t rush around like a bull in a china shop, does not mean I should be deprived of my needs,” Piers replied haughtily.

What needs?” Ned scoffed disbelievingly.

“I have a fragile back. I can’t be leaping up on to bunks in the dark – I’ll strain it.”

“If your back’s so fragile, how can you play rugby?” Tony asked sweetly, as the other two snorted with laughter.

Piers went bright red. He had no answer to that. Instead, realising he was defeated, he threw his bag up and leapt agily onto the top bunk, instantly disproving his claims, and turned his back on the other three, giving them a few moments of peace.

However it didn’t last for long. As Ned kicked off a discussion about the players in the England team, and who would have been a better choice, Piers just couldn’t help himself joining in.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about. Laskar. Cooper is a duff choice at wing,” he said loudly, interrupting Tony’s rhetoric on the player. “Hillary is a far superior handler of the ball if you ask me.”

“Well we didn’t ask you,” Tony snapped, disgruntled at having his favourite player mocked in this fashion.

“I met him once,” Piers continued, ignoring him. “Father knows him, and Eric Evans," he added, referring to the England captain.

Ned rolled his eyes. “Of course he does.”

My father knows him too, so you’re not the only one who’s met him,” George put in.

Piers was suddenly interested. He didn’t know George all that well, as he was in a different house to the others. “Who’s your father?”

“He’s in the Army,” George replied, carefully omitting the fact his father was in fact one of the service’s top men. “Why? What does your father do?”

“My grandfather was an equerry to King George,” Piers replied importantly.

“I didn't ask about him, I asked about your father?”

Ned grinned. “He flits about Europe gambling away the family’s fortune,” he put in before Piers could reply.

“How dare you!”

“It’s true isn’t it?” Ned replied nonchalantly, knowing full well that it was.

Piers jumped down from his bunk and glared at Ned. “At least he’s not some half-baked, do-gooding government official like yours,” he raged, his eyes flashing. “At least my Father understands his position in life!” and turning on his heel, he stormed out of the door.

“What, as a high-rolling toff?” Ned shouted after him. “At least my Dad helps people instead of washing his money down the drain!”

They could hear Piers calling a response back at him, though they couldn’t make out what he actually said, and as Ned opened his mouth to retort, Tony hastily got in first. “Leave it, Ned.”

“Urgh!” Ned exclaimed, throwing himself back on his bed in a fit of temper. “He drives me mad!”

“I know, but we have to be shut up with him all night, so stop trying to rile him, for pete’s sake! He’s going to be vile enough as it is.”

“Worst luck!”

George grinned. “Maybe if we wait ‘til he’s asleep, we can tip his bunk at the right angle so he rolls out of the window and down the bank!” he put in, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.”

Tony snorted with laughter and after a moment, Ned reluctantly joined in. “Maybe if we time it right, we can get him down a deep ravine!” and as his temper passed, the three of them occupied themselves discussing exactly what the correct trajectory would have to be.


It was gone eight o’clock before Edgar finally arrived home from work, and he found his wife reading in the salon with Marcia and Thea, the kitten curled up on Marcia’s lap and Scrabble asleep at Thea’s feet. They all looked up as he entered the room and Evadne grinned at the huge bunch of flowers he held in his hand.

“Are they for me?”

Edgar nodded. “They are indeed.”

“Excellent!” she replied, laying her book on the table next to her. “What’s the occasion?”

“Just because!” he replied with a smile, and handing them to her, he sat down next to her on the sofa and leaned across to give her a kiss.

“Daddy, we’re keeping kitty!” Marcia announced from her seat on the opposite side of the room.

“Yes I know, Mummy told me earlier on the phone. She’s all yours. I gather you’re happy?”


“How about you Thea?” Thea nodded and Edgar looked at her concerned. “Did you have a good day at school?”

“Yes thanks,” came the mumbled reply, and then she turned straight back to her book.

Marcia watched her sister for a second, then got up, cradling the kitten carefully in her arms. “Here,” she said, passing the cat over to her sister. Thea looked up, puzzled, and Marcia nodded to her. “She’s your cat now.”

“No she’s not, she’s yours. You found her and you really wanted her.”

“I know that, but I want you to have her now. She’s really cuddly, so when you’re feeling upset, you can cuddle her and she’ll make you feel better. And I can still play with her when I want to, ‘cause we all live together.”

Thea stared up at her sister in disbelief, and then reached out and took hold of the cat. ‘Thank you,” she said quietly, her voice breaking slightly, and Marcia leant down and pecked her on the cheek.

“That’s okay.”

Edgar raised his eyebrows at his wife and then held out his hand to his youngest daughter. “Come here, you.” Marcia walked over to him, and taking hold of her hand, he pulled her into his lap and kissed her blonde curls. “That was a really nice thing to do.”

Marcia shrugged, as if it was no big deal to her, and then turned back to face her sister. “So what are you going to call her?”

Thea looked up from the kitten and gave her a smile. “You should name her,” she said firmly, suddenly sounding perkier than she had done in weeks.

“Okay.” Marcia screwed up her face in thought. “I’ll call her Marcia after me, like Ned’s named after Daddy?”

Evadne snorted, hiding her face behind her flowers as she tried not to laugh, and Edgar shook his head. “Don’t you think that’ll be a bit confusing, poppet?”

“’Spose so.” She thought hard again and then said, “What about Pauline then?”

“Why Pauline?”

“Just ‘cause.”

Thea lifted the kitten up and examined her critically. “She doesn’t look much like a Pauline.”

There was silence for a moment as Marcia considered this. “You’re right. Pauline would be better for an elephant.”

“You’re not getting an elephant!” Evadne put in hurriedly, seeing where this conversation could be leading. “You’ve already got a penguin and that’s enough zoo inhabitants for one child.”

“I know that!” Marcia retorted indignantly, as if the thought had never crossed her mind. “It’s just more of an elephant name, that’s all. I know,” she added, turning back to Thea before anyone could question her last statement, “she should be called Pickle, ‘cause she was in a pickle when we first found her, and cheese and pickle sandwiches are my favourite kind.”

"Pickle it is then!” Edgar announced with a grin. “Now, if you two head into the hallway, you’ll find a bed and some toys that I picked up earlier today. Why don’t you take them into the kitchen and we can finally get rid of that box!”

As they left the room to do as he asked, Marcia running and Thea following more sedately with Pickle, Edgar turned to his wife.

“I can’t believe Marcia just did that! She’s been talking of nothing but having her own kitten for weeks now.”

Evadne smiled. “ I can. It’s her all over, Edgar. Now,” she added, changing the subject, “what are my flowers really for?”

Edgar opened his mouth to protest, and then gave in as she gave him a cynical look. “To say sorry for this morning,” he muttered sheepishly.

“I thought so. Have you been dwelling on that all day?”


She watched him closely for a second, and then laying the flowers on the table, she turned and took hold of his hand. “Okay, let’s sort this out now, once and for all. Yes, I desperately want another baby, and yes, every month I’ve been hoping that maybe this will be the one, but I don’t expect you to have read my mind and know that. I’ve not brought it up because I don’t want to dwell on it. But if it’s okay with you, I would really like to start trying properly now. I know it may come to nothing, but if we don’t try our hardest, then I’ll always think ‘what if?” Do you understand?” Edgar nodded. “So we can try?”

“Yes, we can try.”

“And you won’t fret about my state of mind?”

He smiled and put his arm around her shoulders. “I will fret about your state of mind, I can’t help it, but I promise not to keep talking about it. Can we compromise at that?”

“We can indeed.” She grinned up at him, and then reached up to peck him on the cheek. “Thank you for my flowers, they’re beautiful. Now, we’ve eaten and Guilia’s gone home, but can I heat you up some dinner? It’s risotto and it’s delicious!”

“Well I can hardly say no to that, can I?” he grinned.


In the end, the night in the boys’ compartment passed by in relative peace. Still angered by the earlier exchange with Ned, Piers went to bed immediately after dinner without speaking to anyone, and by the time the other three returned, he was fast asleep.

They arrived in Edinburgh the next morning, bleary-eyed and excited, and immediately proceeded to embarrass Ned by singing Happy Birthday to him in the middle of the platform at Waverley Station. The morning was spent exploring the city itself, as few of the boys had ever visited the city before, and then after a sumptuous and warming lunch of stew and dumplings, they made their way out to Murrayfield to watch the match.

The atmosphere in the stadium was as electrically charged as that at any match between England and Scotland, and Ned was delighted to discover that they ended up close to the front of the stand, right opposite the centre line. Along with his schoolfriends, he cheered himself hoarse as the contest unfolded and by half-time he was loudly declaring it to be the best match that he had ever seen. The only downside was Piers. He insisted on shouting out from the sidelines, berating players in his booming voice if they did something he considered they shouldn’t have, and at one point even tried to get the attention of the player that he claimed to know, much to the mortification of the rest of his party.

As Mr. Bristow called him to order for the umpteenth time, Ned turned to his friends with a grimace.

“I wish he’d shut his big mouth.”

Cameron, the school Games Monitor, was standing directly behind them, and laughed as he overheard. “Maybe we should shove the ball in it – that would do the trick.”

It was as if someone had planned it all along. Just as Cameron said his final word, a kick from the Scottish scrum-half sailed over the fence, and before anyone could do anything to stop it, the ball hit Piers directly in the mouth. As the other boys rushed to return the ball to the field, and Mr. Bristow came forward to lead away a yelling Piers to first-aid, Ned, his two friends and Cameron all doubled up with laughter, unable to believe what had just happened.

In the end, England won 11-6. As the boys made their way back to Waverley Station to catch the overnight train back to London, Ned turned to his friends, still chuckling at the events of the day.

“That was the best birthday I’ve ever had!” he declared, a wide grin lighting up his face. “I’m not sure what I’m happier about,” he added with a grin, glancing at Piers, who was walking sullenly beside Cameron, trying hard to hide his swollen lip, “England winning or Lloyd-Kitchen getting a fat mouth!”

George laughed. “I think that was what you call the suppression of Piers!”

Tony glanced at his two friends with a wry smile. “Let’s enjoy it while we can. I get the feeling it may not last for long!”

Last edited by Josie on Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:43 am; edited 3 times in total


#445:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:34 pm

Lovely chapter, Josie, so many good bits. Glad Evvy and Edgar cleared the air. Marcia is a little sweetie - hope having the kitten helps Thea, as for Ned - I was giggling along with him at the suppression of Piers! Laughing Laughing Laughing

Thank you.


#446:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:39 pm

Thank you Jo!!!

I have everything crossed for Evvy and Edgar and the potential baby.

Marcia is a complete darling! (and I LOVE the comment about Pauline being a better name for an elephant! SO typical of Marcia!!)

I DO hope Piers suffers plenty of pain! Wink


#447:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:49 pm

That was fantastic, Josie. The whole incident about Evadne wanting another baby was beautifully, touchingly and very movingly portrayed.

Loved the boys too. Laughing

Thank you.


#448:  Author: PatLocation: Doncaster PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:33 pm

Loved the rugby matche and the suppression! Great!


#449:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:57 pm

That was absolutely hilarious! Thanks, Josie!


#450:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:46 pm

Thanks, Jo. It was a really sweet thing for Marcia to give Thea the kitten. I think the name Pickle is exactly right as well.


#451:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:48 pm

Just fab - thanks Josie


#452:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:13 am

Super Josie, so much to read and think about. Poor Edgar, suddenly realising that Evadne does hope, every month...and then worrying about upsetting her. He's such a sweetie.
As is Marcia!

And I suddenly found myself rather sorry for Piers; he has so little really and doesn't even realise how poor he is. Didn't stop me enjoying the suppression tho'! Very Happy


#453:  Author: AnnLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne, England PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:32 am

Hehehe, Piers deserved that! I wonder if the Scottish scrum half deliberately aimed the ball at him...?


#454:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:39 am

Thank you Jo. A wonderful post - Edgar and MArcia are lovely. And Ned and his friends are great fun - love the suppression!


#455:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:54 am

Lovely, Jo, thank you Very Happy


#456:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:19 pm

Yay Jo!

*hoping Evvy gets her longed-for second baby* Jo, be nice! ;)


#457:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:09 pm

Wonderful, Jo! Such a nicely rounded set of scenes.

And yay for Marcia and the kitten, bringing Thea out of her shell a little. Not to mention the elephant. Very Happy


#458:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:26 pm

Beautiful Jo

Thank you Kiss



#459:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:32 pm

Thank you Jo! What a fabulously long post! Very Happy


#460:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:49 am

awww lovely, Josie. Thank you!

Piers is deliciously awful - I'm so glad he's got his comeupance and even Cameron laughed Laughing


#461:  Author: Trinka PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:01 pm

Thank you Josie! As always, this drabble is one of my first stops. IT's just wonderful! I can't wait until the girls get to the Chalet. Many adventures will ensue, I'm sure.



#462:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:46 pm

“Edgar, hurry! The train’s about to leave!”

Holding Henry under one arm, Evadne set off across the platform at a run, followed closely by Monique, who was clinging tightly to Thea’s hand. As she jumped onto the train, setting Henry down on the floor and turning to help up her daughter and the au pair, there was still no sign of her husband and she was getting a little concerned. Swiss trains waited for nobody, as she well knew.

“Thea, can you see them? Oh no you don’t, sweetie-pie, you stay here,” and she flung her arm out to stop Henry making for the door again. “Monique, take him through to the compartment, will you? It’s number ten. We’ll be along in a minute.”

“They’re coming, Mummy, look!” Thea cried, as Monique swept Henry up in her arms and made her way along the corridor towards the first-class compartment they had booked for the journey to Berne. “Ned, run!”

“I am running, idiot!” her brother shouted back, reaching the door just as the guard blew his whistle. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

“Causing trouble, that’s what!” his stepmother retorted angrily, grabbing his shirt sleeve and hauling him onto the train. “Why you two had to start a row now, is beyond me! Go on through and join Monique and Henry – you too Thea.” She gently steered Thea in the direction of the compartment and then turned back to the door. “Quick Edgar!”

Sprinting as fast as he could across the platform, Marcia in his arms, Edgar shoved his daughter in his wife’s direction as he reached the door, waited until she was out of the way and then heaved himself onto the train just as it began to move.

“Ouff – that was close!” he exclaimed, taking out his handkerchief and mopping his brow.

“What would have happened if we’d missed it, Daddy?” Marcia asked, peering out of the open window as the train pulled away from the platform.

“I think you should be glad you didn’t find out!” Evadne replied sternly, pulling her back and directing her down the passageway. “Now you’re here, I suggest you go join the others. We’ll be along in a minute to sort you two out.” Marcia did as she was told, quelled by her stepmother’s angry tone, and Evvy turned back to her husband. “You okay?” she asked, stroking his back as he tried to regain his breath.

“Yes, no thanks to those two!” Edgar replied, giving her a slight grin. “One of these days I swear I’m going to wring their necks!” He coughed as he spoke, and Evadne patted him on the back. “Thanks.” Taking a deep breath, he straightened up. “Come along then, let’s go and sort those two reprobates out and then we can settle in for the ride,” and with a hand on his wife’s shoulder, he led her down the corridor towards the compartment.

As they neared the door, the sound of raised voices floated out to them.

“It’s your fault!”

“Isn’t! You stood on my toe!”

“It was an accident, you twerp!”

“Wasn’t! You did it on purpose!”

“Why would I do that?”

“’Cause you hate me, that’s why!”

“Oh grow up you s…”

That’s enough!” Edgar stormed into the compartment, followed by his wife, and slammed the door shut. “Stop that now, both of you!”

“But Dad…”

“I said now, Ned! Do you want the entire train to hear you acting like a couple of street urchins?” Ned and Marcia both fell silent and stared at the ground, a little shocked at just how angry their father was. He glared from one to the other. “I’ve had just about enough of this behaviour from the pair of you. No, Marcia,” he added hurriedly, as she opened her mouth to speak, “I don’t want to hear it. I don’t care who said what or did what to whom, I want this pathetic squabbling to stop here and now. Every time we go anywhere you two have to start niggling at each other and I’ve had my fill of it - we almost missed the train because you can’t behave like civilised human beings. This holiday is supposed to be relaxing for all of us and I’m not having you two spoiling it. Now sit down and be quiet, or when we change trains at Berne, I’ll be taking the lot of you back to Geneva again and leaving Mummy to go on to the Platz on her own.”

There was stunned silence when he finished speaking, then shooting a filthy look at his youngest sister, Ned sat down opposite Thea, muttering to her and glaring out at the passing suburbs as they rumbled by. Marcia watched him for a second, her eyes welling up with tears, and then threw herself down on the seat in the corner of the compartment, her back turned purposefully on the rest of the family. Edgar rolled his eyes in his wife’s direction and then seated himself next to Marcia, took out his newspaper and began to read.

The remainder of the journey to Berne passed by in peace. Feeling tired and grumpy, Marcia kept to herself in her corner, and finally fell asleep against her father’s arm. Henry followed her example, the gentle swaying motion of the train causing him to drop off in his mother’s arms, whilst she carried on a conversation with Monique in a low voice. Edgar continued reading his paper, and then had a snooze himelf, and Thea and Ned settled down to play a game of cards.

They changed trains at Berne with the minimum of fuss, and by midday had reached Interlaken, where they decided to stop for lunch. Once their meal was over, they made for the small train that would take them up the mountain to the Gornetz Platz. Ned had calmed down considerably by now and was his usual jovial self. Marcia was careful to keep her distance from her brother, staying close to her father and chattering away to him, though she seemed a little less effusive and bubbly than was normal.

The train was half-empty, as the initial rush of Spring visitors was over now that Easter had passed, so the Watsons were able to find themselves seats in the rear carriage, affording them the best views down into the valley. As soon as they walked into the carriage, Ned grabbed hold of Thea’s hand.

“Let’s bags the seats right at the back, then we’ll get the best view of all!” he cried, towing her with him, past the other passengers who were also making in that direction.

“Ned, don’t push people!” Evadne called out, taking a seat next to Monique near the front of the carriage, Henry on her lap. “And make sure you behave yourselves back there.”

“We will!” he called back, then whispered something in Thea’s ear, causing her to giggle and push him into his seat.

“Don’t you want to join them, poppet?” Edgar asked Marcia, as she pushed past him and sat down, just as the doors closed and the train began to pull slowly out of the station.

Marcia glanced over her shoulder, glaring down the carriage at her siblings, who were pointing and laughing at something on the platform, and then shook her head, a frown furrowing her brow.

“No thanks.” She gave her brother one last look and then turned to her stepmother. “Mummy, can I hold Henry?”

“Of course you can, sweetie,” Evadne returned with a smile, lifting the little boy from her lap. “Tell you what. How about Daddy and I switch seats and you shuffle along so you’re next to the window. That way you can both see out and I can tell you what’s what.”

Marcia did as she was told, and once everyone was settled, she stood her brother up on her knees, pointing out of the window at the passing scenery.

“Look Henry, some cows with bells!” she exclaimed, as the train finally left the suburbs of Interlaken and began climbing the steep mountainside through the open pasture and pine forest. “Can you say cow?”

Henry looked up at her and smiled as he tugged one of her curly pigtails. “Hi!”

Evadne chuckled and ruffled her son’s hair. “That’s your new favourite word, isn’t it, sugar-pie?”

“He does say it a lot!” Marcia replied, gazing down at her brother with a grin. “You’re clever saying ‘hi’ aren’t you?”

“He never says anything else!”

At the sound of Ned’s voice, a black look came over Marcia’s face. “Yes he does, don’t you, Henry?” she said coldly, and turned her attention back to the window again, as Ned shrugged and bent to talk to his father. “Ooo – look! A goat! Can you say goat?”

“Ma-ma!” Henry replied, gurgling, and Marcia giggled as Evadne span around to face them, affronted.

“Well excuse me, you little tyke! I feed you, bathe you, change you and that’s all the thanks I get!”

Ned burst out laughing. “Did he just call you a goat? Excellent – he’s almost as dumb as you, Marcia!” he joked, a twinkle in his eye.

Marcia rounded on him, her eyes flashing. “He’s not dumb and nor am I, you pig!”

Evadne quickly intervened. “Marcia, ignore him. Ned, go back to your seat, please and stop trying to cause trouble.”

Ned rolled his eyes and returned to the back of the train, pulling a face behind his sister’s back, and Marcia turned her attention back to Henry, who was now leaning against the window pane, babbling to himself and pointing at the glass, wide-eyed with fascination as the scenery passed past.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the small station at the Gornetz Platz, where they were met by a car and porter from the Villa Caramie and ferried to the pension with all their luggage. Edgar had booked five separate rooms, so the three eldest children and Monique all had their own space, and once the keys had been handed out, they all went their seperate ways to unpack.

Marcia finished bundling her clothes into the chest of drawers in a haphazard fashion, and then walked across to the window and stared out at the view. It was a beautiful Spring day, the sun was beating down on the Platz, melting the final few patches of slush-like snow that still lay on the ground. Over in the distance she could see a large group of buildings, all nestled together, and beyond them what looked like another pension. As she stared at them, it suddenly occurred to her what the buildings must be, and turning on her heel, she ran out of the room and across the corridor, throwing open the door opposite.

“Thea, come here quick! You can see the Chalet School from my room!”

Her words were greeted with silence, and she stopped and looked around her. There was no sign of her sister anywhere. Then suddenly, a door along the far wall was flung open and Thea’s head appeared.

“There you are!” Marcia exclaimed. “Come and see the school, it’s…”

“It’s Marcia!” Thea called, ignoring her sister and clearly answering someone the other side of the door. Then turning back to her sister, she added excitedly, “Look - Ned and I have a door to each other’s rooms…”


“…We can visit without anyone knowing!” Thea finished with a grin, as Ned appeared beside his sister.

“Hello Squirt! Isn’t this cool!”

Marcia glared from one to the other. “So what? I’ve got a door to Monique’s room too!” she replied, scowling.

“That’s not the same!” Ned scoffed. “It’s not as if you’ll want to visit Monique!”

“I might do!” Marcia flashed back, her scowl deepening.

Ned laughed, a retort on the tip of his tongue, and seeing the makings of yet another row between her siblings, Thea said hurriedly, “Ned and me are going exploring - Daddy says it’s okay as long as we stick together and don’t go far. Want to come?”

“Yes please!” Marcia replied, a grin appearing on her face at last. “We could go and see the…”

“You’d better check with Dad first,” Ned put in. “It might be different for you ‘cause you’re younger.”

“No it won’t!”

“It might be. Go and ask and we’ll wait for you in…”

“Forget it, I’m not coming!” Marcia spat out, and left the room, slamming the door behind her.

“What’s got into her?” Ned asked, staring after her incredulously. “She’s mad!”

Thea hit him on the arm. “No she’s not. You always tease her, Ned, it’s not fair.”

“I wasn’t teasing her! I just said she should ask Dad, that’s all!” Thea stared at him uncertainly for a second, and he gave her a grin and took hold of her elbow. “Come on, let’s go. Marcia can come later if she wants,” and giving her no choice, he towed her out of the room.

They were just passing their parents’ door when it opened and Evadne came out into the corridor. “You two off out?” she asked, smiling as she saw them.

Ned nodded. “Dad said we could as long as we didn’t go far.”

“Okay, well make sure you don’t. Your father’s down at the station getting some information on trains, if you want to go find him. Where’s Marcia? Are you not taking her with you?”

“She’s in her room,” Ned called back, as he set off down the corridor again. “She didn’t want to come.”

“Oh, okay. Tea’s at four – make sure you’re back by then!” she shouted after him.

“I think Marcia’s a bit upset, Mummy,” Thea added, before charging after her brother, who was calling for her to hurry up.

Evadne watched them go, a frown on her face. It was rare for Marcia to get upset at all, let alone shut herself away. Making her way down the passageway to Marcia’s room, she knocked on the door. There was no reply. She tried a couple more times, getting no response, and then turning the handle, she opened it slowly and peered into the room. Marcia was stretched out on the bed, her face buried in her pillow, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed.

“Marcia, sweetie, what’s wrong?” Evadne exclaimed, hurrying around the bed to her stepdaughter’s side.

As she sat down on the edge of the bed, Marcia turned her back to her. “Nothing!”

Evadne put a hand on her shoulder and pulled the young girl towards her. “Don’t be silly, of course there is! Come on, darling, tell me what it is, please,” she pleaded, as Marcia buried her head in her stepmother’s lap.

There was silence for a moment, save for Marcia’s muffled sobs. Then suddenly she burst out, “Ned’s horrid! I...I hate him!”

“Why, what’s he done?”

“He’s always…mean to me,” came the gulped reply, as Marcia tried hard to stop her tears. “And now he’s…he’s taking Thea away from me too!”

“Of course he’s not!” Evadne replied incredulously.

“Yes he is! Since he came home from school he’s always playing with her and do…doing things with her and when I want to join in he says I c...can’t ‘cause I’m too young.” Marcia sat up and scrubbed her eyes on her sleeve, gradually getting herself under control. “You don’t know, Mummy, you and Daddy never see. He always makes fun of me and…calls me stupid and a baby, and I’m not!”

She gulped down another sob, and Evadne put her arms around her and pulled her close. “Come here.” She ran her hand over Marcia’s blonde curls and then dropped a kiss on her head. “How long have you felt this way?”

Marcia sniffed and nestled against Evvy’s side. “Since always,” she replied, her voice catching slightly in her throat. “’Cept it’s worse now he’s being all nice to Thea. Me and her always do things together, but now she just wants to do things with him.”

She pulled her head back, scrubbing her eyes again, and Evadne put her hand under her daughter’s chin, raising the young face to hers. “Sweetheart, listen to me, okay? I know you and Ned don’t always get along, but he’s not trying to take Thea away from you, I promise. Daddy just asked him to make an extra special fuss of her after everything that happened with Franny, that’s all. You know why we have to do that, don’t you?” Marcia nodded. “She still loves you just as much as before, I’m sure of it.”

“I ‘spose,” Marcia sniffed again, slightly mollified by this information.

“And as for Ned, if he’s teasing you, why don’t you try and be the bigger one from now on and ignore him? Then he’ll be the one who looks like a baby, okay?” Marcia gave a slight smile, and Evadne dropped another kiss on her hair. “Now, how about you come and join Henry and me in the garden? Monique’s going to have a lie-down as soon as I rescue her from Henry, so I need someone to keep me company and help look after the little rascal.”

“Okay.” Giving her eyes one more scrub, Marcia jumped down from the bed. “We can tell him the difference between you and a goat,” she said, a hint of her usual impish smile on her lips.

“My thoughts exactly!” Evvy replied fervently, getting to her feet. “Since you last saw him, he’s also used ‘Ma-ma’ to describe a telephone and a tree! Reckon he’s trying to tell me something?”

“Maybe!” Marcia giggled.

Evadne grinned. “Could be worse though. Just as I was leaving the bedroom, he pointed to a hippopotamus in the book Monique’s reading him and called it ‘Da-da’! I don’t think we’ll tell your father, though.” Marcia burst out laughing, and Evadne ruffled her hair. “That's more like it. Now, you go bathe your eyes - they’re all red and puffy - and I’ll see you in the garden as soon as you’re done.”

And so, when the others returned just before teatime, they found Evadne and Marcia playing with Henry in the shade of the rose arbour on the far side of the garden.

Edgar approached them across the lawn, a wide grin on his handsome face. “Hello there! What have you done with Monique?”

Evadne glanced up at the sound of her husband’s voice. “She’s reading in her room. Did you find out the times?”

“I did indeed.” Lowering himself to the ground, he smiled and graciously accepted a building block that Henry held out to him. “Thank you, little man! Just what I wanted!” He planted a kiss on the boy’s tiny cheek, and satisfied, Henry giggled and toddled back to his sister’s open arms. Edgar turned his attention back to his wife. “They’re once an hour, starting early, so we can head down anytime we like. And apparently we can take a boat trip on the lake, which may be a good way to pass some time. What do you think?”

“Is it safe to allow you on the water?” she asked with a wicked grin.

“Ha ha, very funny!”

Evadne chuckled at his indignation. “I think it sounds grand. A perfect way to celebrate Henry’s birthday, and I get to spend a proper day out with you all and see something of Interlaken, before Joey’s party begins.”

“Precisely.” Edgar leant back, his arms outstretched behind him, and gave her a smile. “Speaking of which, did you get around to reading Corney’s letter?”

“I did!” She pulled a fat envelope out of the basket next to her and waved it in his direction. “They’re coming over after all, and Mike and the girls’ll stay in Berne while she’s up here – they’ve hired an apartment or something. She says she’ll give me the details when she sees me and then you can all go visit them for the day if you like.”

“Sounds like an idea.”

“And they’re definitely gonna come visit us in Geneva when it’s all over too,” she added, scanning the pages again. “It’ll overlap a day with Hugh and Dorothy, but that won’t matter. We’ve heaps of room, and Corney knows Dorothy from school too, so it’ll be another reunion.” She folded the letter up again, putting it into the envelope and slipping it back in her bag. “This party was such a brainwave of Joey’s!” she said excitedly, a delighted grin on her face. “I can’t wait to see everybody – it’s been so long!”

“Think you’ll recognise them all?”

“I hope so! I hadn’t thought of that – I wonder if anyone’s changed too much?” and she continued ruminating the point aloud, as Edgar listened with half an ear and nodded when he thought he ought.

A few minutes later, Ned and Thea appeared, red-faced and glowing from their walk in the fresh mountain air, and plonked themselves down on the grass next to their sister and brother.

“You stopped sulking, Squirt?” Ned asked with a grin, as he pulled a protesting Henry into his lap.

Marcia flushed and opened her mouth to retort. Then, just in time, she caught Evadne’s eye and thought better of it. Instead, she gave her brother a withering glance, looking him up and down, and then turned to address Thea.

“How was your walk?”

“Fun!” Thea replied enthusiastically, as a shocked Ned stared at Marcia, open-mouthed. “We’re going out again after tea – you’ll have to come.”

Marcia smiled and shook her head. “I promised Mummy I’d help look after Henry," she said, as that young man suceeded in freeing himself from his Ned's grasp and toddled across to his father. "I’ll come another day though,” she added, seeing Thea’s disappointed face, “then we can go and look at the school buildings and stuff.”


At that moment, a gong sounded from inside the pension, indicating that tea was ready, and Marcia scrambled to her feet. “Come on, let’s go and wash our hands for tea,” she said, holding out a hand to help her sister up.

“You worried the best cakes’ll go if you don’t run?” Ned quipped, as he stood up.

Marcia span around to face him. “No, it’s just rude to be late, so there,” she retorted haughtily, giving him a look that made him feel about two foot tall. Then slipping her hand through Thea’s arm, the pair of them set off towards the house, leaving Ned trailing behind them, confused.

Getting up and lifting Henry into his arms, Edgar watched them go with raised eyebrows. “What was that all about?”

Evadne laughed and brushed down her skirt. “Tell you later,” she said, bending to collect Henry’s toys and putting them in her basket. “Right now, I want my tea. There’s a collection of scrummy cream cakes awaiting us in there, or I miss my guess!” and with that emphatic statement, she turned on her heel and set off across the grass to find out.

Last edited by Josie on Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:10 am; edited 9 times in total


#463:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:59 pm

Awwww thanks Jo

Henry is *so* coot! Very Happy


#464:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:53 pm

They are such a lovely family Jo Very Happy

Thank you

Looking forward to seeing the unexpected reunion Very Happy



#465:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:47 pm

Those children are so real. Rolling Eyes

Lovely post, Jo. I am really going to enjoy this holiday.


#466:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:50 pm

Excellent chapter, Josie, and good for Marcia - Ned was really being annoying - if he'd been my brother I'd have brained him! Laughing


#467:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:51 pm


I LOVE the way Marcia took the wind out of Ned's sails at the end there!!!

Thanks Jo!


#468:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:46 pm

Thank you Jo!Very Happy


#469:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:23 pm

Ok, Ned, you've had your fun haven't you?! Well done Marcia!

Great, Josie, thanks.


#470:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:31 am

Just like real sibs. I could just see my sister and brother and me in their places!


#471:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:56 am

Thank you Jo. Lovely and so true to life though I think if my brother had tried that on me I'd have wanted to flatten him - but then I was bigger than him!


#472:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:36 pm

brilliant Jo!

And Ned really deserved what he got there.....


#473:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:49 pm

Using the bars of his cot to pull himself to his feet, Henry stared out through the rails at his parents slumbering peacefully in their bed. Rocking back and forth, he babbled to himself, pulling at the bars and calling ‘Ma-ma’ to get attention. For once, it didn’t work. Evadne muttered in her sleep and then fell silent again, Edgar gave no reaction at all. So Henry did the one thing he knew was guaranteed to work. He opened his mouth and began to scream.

Edgar grunted and rolled onto his side. “It’s your turn,” he muttered in a drowsy voice.

Evadne sat up, rubbed her bleary eyes and peered groggily over at her son. “It’s always my turn,” she returned, with some indignation.

“That’s not true,” came the mumbled reply. “I changed a nappy last week – what more do you want from me?”

His wife glared at him. “Jeez, I could kill you sometimes, Edgar Watson.”

Edgar smiled, his eyes still closed. “Just be gentle about it if you must. I’d like to go peacefully!”

“I’ll not give you any choice!” Evadne retorted. Then turning back to Henry again, “It’s not that anyhow, that’s not his nappy cry. Perhaps he just knows it’s his birthday and wants us to get up.”

Crawling down the bed, she climbed over her husband’s legs, sitting heavily on them in the process and eliciting a strangled ‘Ow!’, and made her way to her son’s cot in the corner of the room. Seeing that he had finally got her attention, Henry stopped yelling and began gurgling instead, calling ‘Ma-ma’ again and holding his arm through the bars towards her.

Evadne grimaced as she leant over the side of the cot to pick him up. “I suppose you think it’s funny, waking us up like that at six a.m.?” she asked, feeling his nappy and finding it quite dry. “Come on then you, let’s go get comfortable,” and walking back round to her side of the bed, she sat down, tucked her legs under the covers, and put Henry on her lap. “Who’s a big boy, Mr. Henry Watson?” she exclaimed, kissing him on the tip of his tiny, button nose. “Happy first birthday, sugar-pie.”

Edgar muttered something into his pillow, not even bothering to turn his head. His wife stared down at him briefly, and then turned to Henry with a wicked grin. “Let’s prod Daddy awake, shall we?” she suggested, poking Edgar’s shoulder blade repeatedly with her index finger.

Seeing the makings of a good game, Henry joined in, tapping his father on the shoulder with both hands and giggling to himself, rocking back and forth. Then, all of a sudden, he threw himself forward, landing in the middle of Edgar’s back with a squeal.

“Can’t you two let a chap sleep in on his holiday?” Edgar complained, rolling over gently and tipping Henry back into his wife’s lap.

Evadne caught her son in her arms and began tickling him. Henry squealed louder, kicking his legs and waving his fists in protest at the treatment his mother was meting out. Edgar took advantage of his son’s diverted attention to roll over properly and sit up, leaning back against his pillows.

“Are you trying to wake the entire pension?” he asked Henry, as he lifted the little boy into his lap. Then planting a huge kiss on his son’s forehead, “Happy Birthday, my little man!”

Evadne laughed as Edgar blew a raspberry on Henry’s cheek. “There are only seven other guests in the entire place, and none of them are on this floor!”

As she spoke, the door to the room flew open, and Marcia appeared, her dressing gown wrapped tightly around her, her blonde curls messy and on end.

“I heard Henry wake up!” she said excitedly. “Can we give him his presents?”

“Let’s wait for Thea and Ned, shall we?” Edgar asked, shifting over to make room for her as she jumped on the end of the bed and wriggled up between her parents.

“I already woke them up!”

“I’m sure they appreciated being woken as much as I did!” her father muttered with a disgruntled air, pulling a face at his wife as she mimed playing a violin.

Marcia turned herself around and sat down. “Ned was rude but I don’t care,” she responded, laughing.

Catching sight of his sister, Henry began to squeal again, babbling to himself and reaching out his arms. Edgar released him from his grasp, and Henry instantly crawled his way onto his sister’s knees, draping a chubby little arm over her shoulder as she kissed him ‘Happy Birthday’.

Edgar watched them with smile. “I see, young man - wake me up and then not talk to me!”

Marcia giggled. “He loves me, don’t you?” she stated, kissing one of his tiny hands.

The door opened again, and Thea came into the bedroom, followed by Ned who was still complaining loudly at being woken up.

“It’s your brother’s birthday, stop being such a moaning minny!” his stepmother ordered, as Thea perched herself on the end of the bed. “And now we’re all here, how about you quit complaining and fetch Henry’s presents from the closet.”

Pulling a face at her, Ned nevertheless did as he was told, and for the next hour, the family sat together, exclaiming loudly and laughing as they helped Henry unwrap all his gifts. And wonderful gifts they were too. He had already received his parents’ present a couple of days previously, as the rocking horse they had bought him was too large to be transported to the Platz, but there were plenty more treats in store for him. Ned had bought his brother a set of wooden cars that could be pulled along behind him on a string, and Thea and Marcia had clubbed together to purchase him his first bowl, plate and cup set, with miniature Beatrix Potter characters painted around the edges. He received sets of clothes from Paul and Elsie, Cassie and Andrew, and Monique, and Corney and Mike had sent a huge knitted rabbit, with button eyes and felt teeth, that had, as Edgar described, ‘the biggest feet ever seen on a toy’. Even Aunt Harriet had remembered, though her package of nappies was greeted with slightly less enthusiasm than the rest of the gifts.

By the time the present opening was over and they were all washed and dressed, breakfast was being served and the entire family traipsed down the stairs to the dining room for their morning meal. As the pension had very few guests, permission had been granted for Henry to join his family at mealtimes, and Mme. Renault, the kindly owner, had even dug a highchair out of her storage room for him to sit in. As the Watsons appeared and took their seats at a large round table near the window, two of the pension’s other guests, a couple of elderly women from Scotland, were just finishing their coffee and pastries. They were seated on the table next to the family, and when they got up to take their leave five minutes later, they paused at Henry’s highchair, coo’ing over him and telling his parents what a wonderful little boy they had.

Evadne smiled graciously as her son lapped up the attention, fluttering his long eyelashes at his admirers, and one of the women laughed and patted him on the back, almost causing him to choke.

“That’s one darling wee heartbreaker you have there,” she exclaimed, patting Henry’s ringlets again.

“Thank you,” Edgar replied, smiling, and the women fussed over him one last time, and then moved on, wishing the family a good day as they went.

Evadne pulled a face at her husband as they left, and Edgar laughed at her protests that the women had manhandled her son.

“Oh, stop it! They were just being nice. Now,” he said, changing the subject purposefully as his wife opened her mouth to protest some more, “let’s get back to what we’re going to do today. A show of hands for the steamer trip, please!” and they turned their attention back to the day ahead, the two elderly women forgotten for now.

The outing to Interlaken proved to be a resounding success. Henry seemed to have a new burst of energy now that he was one, toddling around for much of the day attached to his reins, and Marcia and Ned managed an entire day without an argument, thanks in the main to Marcia’s newly adopted policy for dealing with her brother’s teasing. They visited the Kursaal and Schlosskirche, window shopped and lunched on the Hoehweg, and took the promised steamer trip around Lake Thun.

They finally arrived back at the Villa Caramie not long after tea. It was a balmy April evening, and Evadne parked herself and her son on a bench in the pension’s large garden, whilst Edgar transported all their other paraphernalia upstairs. Tired out by the excitement of the day, Henry was fast asleep in his chair, his woollen rabbit clutched in his chubby little arms.

“Why is it we seem to have to move house whenever we go out anywhere?” Edgar asked as he reappeared, flopping down beside her on the bench and taking out his handkerchief to mop his brow.

Evadne laughed. “If you think it’s bad now, wait ‘til we have another one!”

Edgar grimaced. “Evvy…”

“I know, I know,” she replied, rolling her eyes. “I’m only saying, that’s all.” Edgar frowned and she hastened to change the subject. “I think I’ll ask Miss Wilson and Miss Annersley tomorrow about places for the girls, if it’s okay with you?”

“Fine by me.”

Glancing over to where their daughters were playing tag with two young girls belonging to the other family staying at the pension, Evvy added, “Try your best to get them to go and see the school tomorrow, will you? Even if it’s just staring through the fence at the outside. Maybe you could all take a walk down there?”

Edgar smiled. “I’ll try, I promise.” He paused for a moment and glanced down at his sleeping son. “So, do you think he enjoyed his birthday?”

“I reckon so. The wrapping paper went down well and he loves that rabbit, doesn’t he? He’s not let go of it all day!” She gazed down Henry, curled up with the woollen rabbit that was almost as big as he was, and reached out to take hold of his foot. “I can’t believe he’s a year old already!”

“I know - it’s flown by, hasn’t it?” Leaning back against the bench, Edgar placed an arm around her shoulders. “We’ve been married almost two years now!”

“Feels like a lifetime!” she returned, mischief in her blue eyes.


An injured look came over Edgar’s face and she grinned up at him. “In a good way, of course,” she added, lifting her face to give him a kiss.

“That’s what I like to see, wedded bliss!”

They turned their heads at the unexpected voice, and Edgar jumped to his feet, his arm outstretched in greeting. “Jack! We weren’t expecting you! Good to see you, old chap!”

Jack Maynard chuckled as he shook his friend’s hand. “I thought I’d pop in and say hello on the way to the San. This is Steve, our eldest lad,” he added, indicating a tall, blonde teenage boy beside him. “He wanted to come along and meet Ned. Seems to think he might know him from somewhere or other.”

Steve smiled and said hello, and Edgar glanced across to where his son was trying to fly his new model plane. “Ned!” he called, loudly, waving his hand as Ned looked up. “You’ve got a visitor!” then turning back to Stephen, “Go on over and see him, if you like.”

Stephen ran off across the lawn, and Evadne turned back to their guest. “How’s Joey?”

“Rushing around like a mad woman trying to make sure everything’s in shape for tomorrow,” Jack replied with a grin. “She’s in her element, and more excited than I’ve seen her in a long time. Thankfully she has Grizel to keep her in check, or who knows what disaster might befall my house whilst I’m not at home!” Evadne laughed, and he passed over a small, wrapped package that was clutched in his hand. “She asked me to call in and drop this off, as it happens. It’s just a little something for Henry.”

“Thanks, Jack, you shouldn’t have!”

“Nonsense, it’s our pleasure. Is this the little chap himself?” he asked, peering down at the sleeping youngster.

As his wife unwrapped the gift, Edgar nodded and turned the chair so that Jack could get a better view. “Sorry he’s sleeping. We’ve had a bit of a long day in Interlaken – he’s been running about all over the shop and tired himself out.”

“Never mind - I'll meet him next time, I’m sure. How long are you…”

“Oh! It’s beautiful,” Evvy interrupted, holding up a soft, blue woollen blanket, and letting the wrapping paper fall to the floor. “Thank you so much.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Edgar had seen something else drop with the paper, and he bent to pick it up. “What’s this?”

“Jo had some wool left over after making the blanket, so she decided to make a matching hat” Jack replied, grinning widely. “Now he can keep his head warm and coordinate with his bedding at the same time!”

The other two laughed, and Evvy said, “Well make sure you thank Jo from us too.”

“You can do that in person tomorrow, if you like! Right, I’d better be off. I'll see you both at some point during the week, no doubt. Evvy, Joey says if you get to Freudesheim at around eleven tomorrow, that’ll be fine. Steve!” he bellowed across the lawn to his son. “Make sure you’re home for dinner at seven, or your mother will skin me alive!” and with that dire prediction, he turned and took his leave.

The following morning found Evadne rushing around the bedroom, fussing over her son and issuing her husband with instructions, whilst trying to find her bag. Edgar was lying back on the bed, Henry next to him, still clutching his new rabbit and playing with one of his cars.

Edgar watched on, grinning, as his wife got down on all fours and began fishing under the bed. “I think we’ll be okay, Evvy. We’re not even leaving the Platz.” Then glancing at his watch, he added, “Hadn’t you better get going? You were supposed to be there twenty minutes ago.”

Evadne stood up, having finally located her handbag, and brushed some dust from her skirt. “I know that, I just want to make sure…”

“For pete’s sake, woman, will you just go! We’ll cope without you and we’ve brought Monique to help with the kids, after all! Now get out, before I carry you to Joey’s myself!” and getting to his feet, he shoo’ed her out of the door.

She arrived at Freudesheim some twenty minutes later to be greeted at the door by Margot, and walking into the Maynard’s hall, she came face to face with Cornelia, as that lady emerged from the bathroom.

“Evvy, you’re here! How are you? It’s so good to see you!” Corney ran forward, throwing her arms around her friend in greeting, and Evadne returned her hug with a laugh.

“It’s good to see you too, Corney.” She gave her friend another brief hug, and then pulled back and peered round her into the salon. “Is everyone here? Am I the last?”

“Almost – we’re still waiting on Hilary too. What took you so long? Everyone’s been asking where you were!”

Evadne grinned. “I got caught up.”

“You mean you were flapping about leaving Edgar and the kids?” Evvy laughed and nodded, and Corney shook her head. “I might’ve known. Come on then, let’s go let everyone know you’re here. We can catch up properly later on.”

She turned to head back into the salon, and chuckling, Evadne caught her arm to stop her, and reached out to pull her friend's skirt out of her pants.

“Glad to see some things never change!”

Cornelia grimaced as she realised what had happened. “Thank heavens you saw that! That would have been a great start to the week – can you imagine?” she said with a laugh.

“We wouldn’t expect any less from you!” Evadne retorted, teasing, and slipping her hand through her friend’s arm, she dragged an indignant Cornelia towards the salon.

Once Hilary arrived at midday, they made their way over to the school, where they ate lunch, rested and had a tour around, before returning to Freudesheim for afternoon tea. They had talked and laughed all day, swapping decades worth of news, in some cases, and by the time Evadne left to return to the pension at five o’clock, they had only caught up on a fraction of it all.

With a 'see you tomorrow' to Nell Wilson and Rosalie Dene, who had left the party with her, Evvy made her way around the path and off down the road towards the Villa Caramie, whilst the two members of staff crossed the gardens that provided a shortcut back to the school. They had just made their way through the small gate that Jack had cut in the hedge several years before, when they heard voices, and looked up to see two young girls standing with their faces pressed against a gap in the fence, peering through at the school.

Rosalie frowned. “Who are they, do you think?”

“I’ve no more idea than you do, my dear,” Nell returned, dryly. “I’ll go and deal with them, shall I? I’ll see you back in the staffroom shortly,” and leaving the younger woman to head into the school, she turned and strolled across the lawn towards the fence. “Hello there, can I help you?” she asked, smiling as she approached the spot where they stood.

The small, slight, dark-haired girl went red and looked up nervously at the stranger who clearly had something to do with the school. “Sorry, we were just looking.”

“Our Mummy used to go here so we wanted to see what it was like,” added the taller girl, her blonde curls shining in the evening sun.

“Did she now?” Nell replied curiously. “What’s your Mummy’s name?”

“Lady Watson.”

“But her real name’s Evvy,” the blonde one put in. “She’s our stepmother really, but we call her Mummy.”

Nell smiled as she realised who the two girls were. “In that case, you two must be Thea and Marcia then?”

The pair of them gaped at her in awe.

“How do you know that?” Thea asked, incredulously.

“Because I know your Mummy – I used to teach her in fact, back in her days as a mischievous middle.”

Marcia’s eyes open wide at this nugget of information. “Cor - you must be really old then!”

“Marcia!” Thea looked aghast as she hit her sister on the arm.

Dying as she was to laugh, Miss Wilson managed to keep a straight face, though she had a twinkle in her eye. “I’ve seen a good many things in my time, yes.”

“What’s your name?” Marcia asked, totally unperturbed.

“Miss Wilson. Are you Thea or Marcia?”

“Marcia,” that young lady replied, her curls bouncing as she nodded her head. “She’s Thea.”

“Yes, I gathered that.”

“Are you a teacher still?” Thea put in, and Nell turned and gave her a smile.

“Sort of, though I don’t teach too much anymore. I’m one of the Heads here now. I look after the much older girls up at another building, so you two won’t see much of me when you start here.” There was a gasp as she spoke, and seeing the pair of them staring at her, open-mouthed, she suddenly remembered Evadne mentioning that they had not yet told the girls they were starting in September. “If your Mummy and Daddy decide to send you here, that is,” she added hurriedly, then glanced at her watch. “It’s getting on a bit, you know, you’d better run on home. Your Mummy set off a few minutes ago. I’ll hopefully be up to meet your brothers sometime this week, so perhaps I'll see you again then. Goodbye,” and leaving them staring after her, she hurried back towards the school, intent on calling the pension and explaining to Evadne and her husband what had happened.

Thea and Marcia watched her go, and then turned to stare at each other in shock.

“Do you think it’s true?”

Thea shrugged. “Don’t know.”

They stared at each other a moment more, and then, as if a silent signal had passed between them, they both turned tail and ran in the direction of their hotel, intent on finding out what was going on.

Last edited by Josie on Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:07 pm; edited 3 times in total


#474:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 6:34 pm

Oooops, Nell, think you may have let cat out of bag there! Love the way Marcia makes the 'old' comment! Laughing

Thanks Josie - a wonderful chapter - as always.


#475:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:49 pm

Oh dear! Hope that doesn't cause too much upheaval!

And what a lovely birthday for Henry! Thanks Jo Very Happy



#476:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:06 pm

Nell's tongue run away with her again? Laughing

That was a fantastic scene with Nell and the girls, Josie, thank you.


#477:  Author: BethCLocation: Worcester, UK PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:21 pm

Thanks, Josie - lovely to see the girls with Nell. Wonder what they'll say to Edgar & Evvy?


#478:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 9:52 pm

Happy Birthday Henry!

It's nice to see 'Reunion' from another point of view. I loved the detail of Corney with her dress tucked up in her knickers!

Oops, Nell!

Thanks Josie.


#479:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:51 pm

Uh-oh Nell.....

Is Henry really a year old already? Bless him! And I just loved Aunt Harriet's present.


#480:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:22 pm


Not like Nell to suffer from foot-in-mouth disease!


#481:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:25 pm

Thanks, Jo. I loved the family scenes as usual. This is such a brilliant story. I must be getting ahead of myself. I thought Henry was nearer 2 than 1!

When my fiance's niece was 3 and we were going along in the car, we passed a field of cows. My very naughty fiance said to his niece, "There's a field full of Mummies'. His niece replied very innocently, 'Yes'. Needless to say, her Mummy, who is also my fiance's sister, was not too impressed!


#482:  Author: AliceLocation: London, England PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 10:18 am

Chair wrote:
Thanks, Jo. I loved the family scenes as usual. This is such a brilliant story. I must be getting ahead of myself. I thought Henry was nearer 2 than 1!

When my fiance's niece was 3 and we were going along in the car, we passed a field of cows. My very naughty fiance said to his niece, "There's a field full of Mummies'. His niece replied very innocently, 'Yes'. Needless to say, her Mummy, who is also my fiance's sister, was not too impressed!

Your fiance, Clare. I seem to remember you mentioning your boyfriend before, is this a new development?


#483:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 11:33 am

Alice, we've been engaged for 2 years. I'm sorry to sound confusing. I sometimes call him my boyfriend, I sometimes call him my fiance. He's definitely the same person!


#484:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 7:18 pm

*sings happy birthday to Henry*

Thanks you Jo, I wonder how Marcia and Thea will take the news?


#485:  Author: AliceLocation: London, England PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 9:11 pm

Chair wrote:
Alice, we've been engaged for 2 years. I'm sorry to sound confusing. I sometimes call him my boyfriend, I sometimes call him my fiance. He's definitely the same person!

Ah, I see. I was wondering if you'd just got engaged!


#486:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 3:22 am

Poor Corney. How Embarressment!
Lovey as always.


#487:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:49 am

oops, hope Nell manages to phone the hotel before the girls get back!
thanks Jo


#488:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:26 am

Thanks Jo, I am really enjoying this Smile


#489:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 11:00 am

Lovley thank you Jo. Typical Corney and Evvy and well done Nell!


#490:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:06 pm

Great to catch up on this Josie - looking forward to hearing what Evvy says to Nell re her letting cats out of bags Twisted Evil


#491:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:31 pm

Evadne sauntered up the road towards the pension, smiling to herself as she recalled conversations from the day just passed. It had been fun to see her old schoolfriends after such a long time, and she was very much looking forward to the rest of the week.

She heard shouting as she neared the grass bank in front of the hotel, and looked up to see her stepson and the two eldest Maynard boys, who Joey had released to go and play after showing them off to her guests. The three of them were engaged in a boisterous game of french cricket.

"You boys having fun?" she called out.

Hearing her voice, Ned turned to face her, grinning. "More than Dad is!"

"Why’s that?"

"Henry’s been screaming and crying all day. Dad reckons he must be sickening for something."

A concerned look came over Evadne’s face. "Is he feverish?"

Ned shrugged. "No idea. I’ve kept well out of the way – Dad was in a foul temper earlier on."

His stepmother winced. "Okay, well you boys make sure you keep the noise down out here please. Steve and Charles, your mother says you’re to be home by six as you’ve an early start tomorrow to get to your Aunt Winifred’s," and with her orders issued, she marched up the steps and into the lobby.

Edgar was standing by the front desk, his back to her, talking to the owner, Mme. Renault. As their conversation finished and the Swiss woman bustled off into the back room, Evadne sneaked up behind her husband and grabbed him around the waist.

"Guess who?" she said, as he started in surprise and turned to face her, clutching his chest.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack! Thank goodness you’re home!" he added, with some feeling.

"Yes, I heard you’ve had a day of it," she replied, smiling sympathetically.

Edgar grimaced. "Something like that. Your son’s been either crying for Britain or whimpering pitifully all day. Monique tried taking him for a walk, so did I, and we’ve changed him, bathed him, played with him, tried everything we can think of and he’s still yelling!"

"I like the way he’s my son all of a sudden!" his wife retorted indignantly. "He may be sick, for all you know, and that’s not my fault!"

"I’m rather afraid he is," Edgar returned, ignoring his wife’s protests. "I can’t put it down to anything else. Come and see what you think."

He crossed the lobby with long, loping strides and Evadne hurried to keep up with him as they made their way up the stairs. When they reached the first floor landing, Henry’s screams could be heard coming from his parents’ room, and pushing past her husband, Evvy ran down the corridor and threw open the door. She found Monique standing by the window, rocking him up and down gently, trying to calm him and having very little success. Henry’s little face was scarlet and screwed up in misery, his chubby cheeks tear-stained, his eyes puffy from crying. He was clutching his new rabbit, his face partly hiding behind the bunny’s floppy, woollen ears.

"Oh precious, what’s the matter?" Evadne exclaimed, darting forward to take him from his au pair.

The little boy turned his head at the sound of her voice and held his arms out towards her, kicking his legs and calling ‘Ma-ma’ through his sobs. Evadne took him in her arms and held him tightly to her chest, alternately stroking his back and his fair curls, murmuring words of comfort. Henry buried his face in her shoulder, his sobs gradually growing quieter as she soothed him, and after a couple of minutes, he finally stopped crying and cuddled closer to his mother’s body, his head resting drowsily on her collar bone as he sniffled.

Evadne raised a hand to feel his forehead. "Poor little mite, he’s burning hot! Monique, be a gem and grab a cold flannel from the bathroom, will you? Thanks."

Monique went to do as she asked, and Edgar looked down at his son with some concern. "Do you think he’s ill then?"

"No, I don’t think so," his wife replied, with a shake of her head. "I reckon he’s just hot because he’s been crying himself into a fit, haven’t you sweetie?" She kissed him gently on the forehead, and wiped away some of his tears with her thumb. Then as Monique returned with the flannel, she gave that young lady a smile. "Thanks. This should help no end. Has he eaten?" Monique indicated that no, he hadn’t. "In that case, would you mind running down and asking Mme. Renault to heat his food through for me? Thank you so much."

As the au pair left the room, Edgar turned back to his wife. "Well if he’s not ill, what is it then?"

"I think he’s been missing me," she replied nonchalantly.


"I’m serious! You forget he’s not been parted from me for more than a couple of hours before today."

"Yes he has. We left him with people on quite a few occasions when he was tiny."

"Yes, but that’s not the same thing. Now he’s a little older, he understands that I was gone. He’s used to you being away for hours on end during the day because of work, but I’m nearly always around. The poor little lad probably thought I’d left him." She gazed down at Henry and smoothed back his fine curls. "Did you think I’d left you, sweetie?" she asked, dropping a kiss on his nose. "Mommy wouldn’t leave you, don’t worry."

"You really think that’s it?" Edgar sounded incredulous. His wife nodded, as she rocked Henry gently, and helped him hold onto his rabbit. Edgar frowned. "Well then, that’s it! You’re not going anywhere ever again!"

Evadne laughed. "He’ll get used to it, won’t you, sugar-pie? He’ll probably be much better tomorrow, now he knows that I’ll come back." She kissed Henry again. "Are you gonna manage okay if he does this again?"

Edgar rolled his eyes and then grinned. "We’ll cope!" Then perching himself on the corner of the bed, "So tell me, how was today?"

"Good!" Evvy enthused, a beaming smile on her face. "It’s such fun to see everyone again."

"And how was Corney?"

"I didn’t have a chance to gossip with her too much today, but she seemed okay. She gave me this from Mike," Evadne added, and fishing in her pocket, she pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to her husband. "You can telephone them anytime, apparently. The concierge will take a message if they’re not in. And Hilary said to tell you that Phil’s off for the day in a few days and will take you and kids out and show you around a bit, if you like.

"Sounds good." Edgar briefly studied the piece of paper, and then folded it again and put it on the bedside table. "I’ll call Mike tomorrow. Did you ask about the school?"

Evadne nodded. "Miss Annersley said she’ll keep places for the girls to start in September, so that’s good. Now they just need to ask to go! Where are they, anyhow? I saw Ned outside, but not the other two."

"They went for a walk. Ned didn’t want to join them and then Steve and Charles appeared to keep him occupied, thank goodness! It’s just a pity they won’t be here longer, but I gather Jack’s taking them to Montreux tomorrow?" Evvy nodded. "It’s a shame – if we’d known, we could have offered to have those two here."

"Oh well, it’s probably for the best," Evadne responded, shrugging. "You and Monique have enough kids to cope with, especially with Henry playing up as he is."

"That’s true enough, I suppose."

Just then, Monique returned to the room, complete with the small bowl of food. Evadne thanked her, settled herself on a chair in front of her husband and began feeding Henry. Just as she gave him his first mouthful, the phone beside the bed started to ring, and Edgar reached out to answer it.

"Edgar Watson speaking … Oh hello, Rosalie! What can we do for you? ... Sorry, she’s a little tied up at the moment. Will I do? ... No, they’re not back yet. Is something … She did what? How? … Yes, I see. … Well thanks for letting us know … No … No, we won’t … Okay, goodbye."

He replaced the receiver on the cradle, paused for a second to gather himself, and then turned to his wife, a somewhat cross expression on his face. "That was Rosalie."

"So I gathered!" She gave him a curious look. "Well come on then, what are you looking all cat-that-lost-the-cream about?"

"When you asked about places at the school, did you tell them the girls don’t know yet?"

"Of course I did! Why?"

"Because it seems your Miss Wilson has let the cat out of the bag royally, by all accounts. Apparently she met the girls down by the school and mentioned that they’d be starting there in September. Rosalie was phoning to warn us."

"Oh, for…" Evadne bit back the less-than-ladylike exclamation that was on the tip of her tongue, and took a deep breath. "I’m sure it must have been an accident. It’s not like Bill to let a secret out."

"Yes, well be that as it may, they now know! And personally I’d much rather we’d had the chance to tell them ourselves!"

"So would I, Edgar!" Evadne flashed back angrily. "It’s not my fault! Instead of getting cross with me, why don’t we…"

She was interrupted mid-sentence, as the door flew open and Marcia tumbled into the room. In her eagerness to get to her parents, she tripped over a rug and fell flat on her face.

"Mummy, is it true?" she cried, scrambling back to her feet as Thea followed her into the room.

Evadne grimaced at her husband, unsure what to say. Edgar glanced at her and then turned back to Marcia.

"Is what true?"

"That we’re going to the Chalet School," Thea put in, staring from her father to her stepmother, and back again.

"’Cause we met a lady called Miss Wilson who used to teach Mummy and she said it was, but then she said it wasn’t!" Marcia added, still sounding out-of-breath.

Vowing to tell Nell Wilson exactly what she thought next time she saw her, Evadne passed Henry and his bowl of food over to Monique and indicated for her to take him out of the room. Edgar, meanwhile, patted the bed next to him.

‘Come and sit down, both of you."

Thea did as she was told, but Marcia remained standing next to the dresser, her arms crossed firmly across her chest. Seeing that she wasn’t going to move, Edgar continued.

"Miss Wilson was right," he said simply, seeing no point in beating around the bush now that they knew. "Mummy and I have talked about it, and we think the Chalet School will be the best place for you to finish your education. Plus, Mummy would love you to follow in her footsteps and go to her old school. She was very happy there when she was a girl and we think you will be too. You’ll be starting together in September." The pair of them stared at him intently as he paused. "So what do you think?" he asked anxiously.

There was silence for a few moments as the two girls stared at each other. Then Thea turned back to face him, a wide grin on her pretty face.

"I think it’s cool!" she said, borrowing her brother’s favourite expression of delight.

Edgar looked at her in disbelief. "Are you sure, sweetheart? You don’t mind leaving your friends?"

Thea shook her head vigorously. "No, ‘cause Kate’s going to boarding school in England and Celine’s moving to Zurich, so it would only be me and Lucy left and she’s friends with everyone else anyway," she explained, still beaming.

Edgar’s relief was immense. He had been so worried about what her reaction would be to being sent away to boarding school, that he felt the weight of the world lift from his shoulders at her obvious delight.

"Are you absolutely sure, Thea? You really want to go?"

"Yes please! It’s so pretty here and all Mummy’s stories make it sound so marvellous. I think it’ll be lots of fun. Don’t you Marcia?" she asked enthusiastically, turning to face her sister.

Marcia stared back at her in silence, and then shrugged, a deep frown sullying her pretty features. Thea looked thoroughly confused.

"I thought you said the school sounds fun?"

"It does," came the sullen reply.

"Then don’t you want to go?"

"Don’t know."

Evadne and Edgar exchanged shocked glances. This was the last thing they were expecting.

"Why don’t you know, poppet?" Edgar asked slowly, looking concerned.

Marcia thought hard for a second before she replied. "’Cause I’d have to leave Ann and Ingrid and Anton and Scrabble and Pickle and Millicent Mary and Henry and Mummy and you," she reeled off before pausing for breath. "I wouldn’t see anyone."

Thea stared at her incredulously. "Yes you would, in the holidays! Don’t be such a ninny!"

"I’m not being a ninny!" Marcia flashed back, beginning to get angry. "Just ‘cause you don’t care, I do!"

Before things erupted into an argument, Evadne hastily got to her feet. "Thea, why don’t we go and rescue Monique from Henry so that she can have a rest, and then go and find Ned," she said quickly, holding out her hand.

Pulling Thea up from the bed, she dragged her out of the room before she could say anything else, leaving Marcia and Edgar staring at each other.

"Why didn’t you tell us before?" Marcia asked eventually, breaking the silence

"I…well…" Edgar’s voice faltered, and he held out his hand to his daughter. "Come here."

She shook her head and perched herself on the end of her bed instead, pulling her legs up underneath her and crossing her arms across her chest again.

"Why, Daddy?"

"We were going to, Marcia, I promise. I’m so sorry you had to find out like that, we didn’t mean for that to happen." Marcia stared down at the bedclothes, her lips pulled together in a straight line, and Edgar felt a wave of guilt sweep over him. "Thea’s right, you know," he added after a moment. "You’ll see us in the holidays, and some weekends too."

"S'not the same as every night, though," she replied, her voice sounding a little choked. "I don’t think I want to go away. I’ll miss you and Mummy and Henry too much."

"Oh poppet, we’ll miss you too, but we’ll get used to it, just as we did with Ned. It’s not as if you’ll be there alone - you’ll have Thea with you. And do you remember Val, who lives with Aunt Corney and Uncle Mike?" Marcia nodded. "Well she’s starting back in September too and you two got on so well. She’s even the same age as you, isn’t she? You’ll have a ready made friend."

"But I like my old friends," she replied quietly, twisting her fingers together and refusing to look him in the eye. "And you won’t be there, Daddy. I’ll miss you ‘specially."

Edgar gave her a slight smile and said nothing. He didn’t really know how to answer her. Marcia thought for a moment and then continued.

"Remember years and years ago before I was grown up," she began, and Edgar had to stop himself grinning, "you said it would always be us – you and me and Thea and Ned?"

Edgar smiled, surprised she could recall that far back. "Yes, I remember."

"Well now we’ve got Mummy and Henry too and that’s really good, but if Thea and me go to school then it won’t be 'us' anymore."

"Of course it will, sweetheart," Edgar replied, searching his mind for something that would reassure her. "Do you remember before Mummy and I got married and we still lived in England, I used to go away all the time for work? It was still ‘us’ then wasn’t it?" She nodded. "And when Ned went to school that didn’t change things, did it? He still annoys you just as much, doesn’t he?"

Despite herself, Marcia giggled as she nodded again, and Edgar gave her a warm smile.

"Well then, this won’t change things either. It’ll be like when we were in England, except this time it’ll be you who goes away instead of me. But I promise Mummy, Henry and I will make sure we still see you as much as we can, okay?" Marcia stared at him, still looking unsure. "Do you really not want to go?"

"I don’t know," she mumbled, though this time she was looking him in the eye.

A sudden idea came to him. "I tell you what, lets do a deal. You have a think over the next week or so and if you still don’t want to go at end of holidays, we’ll have another talk about it, okay?"

Marcia considered this for a minute. "Okay," she replied eventually, sounding a little happier.

Edgar grinned. "Good girl. Now come here and give me a hug."

Marcia hesitated slightly, and then returning his grin, she scrambled up the bed and threw her arms around his neck. "Thank you, Daddy."

"You’re very welcome," he replied, kissing her fair curls. Then pulling back, he released her and got to his feet, holding out his hand. "Now, shall we go and find the others?"

"Okay!" Taking his hand, sounding much more like her normal, effusive self, she stood up and they walked towards the door. "Miss Wilson’s nice."

"Is she?"

Marcia nodded her head. "I think she might be quite scary sometimes though. Do you think she told Mummy off when she was at school?"

Edgar laughed, his hand resting on the door handle. "I don’t know, poppet. Let’s go and ask her, shall we?"

Later that evening, Edgar was brushing his teeth in the bathroom, and Evadne, having changed for bed, was standing over her son’s cot. Tired out by his day of screaming and crying, Henry had fallen asleep not long after his mother arrived home, and had remained that way all evening. Then, just as his parents were getting ready for bed, he woke up, and no matter what Evadne tried, he was refusing to settle down again.

Giving up an attempt at coaxing him to lie down, Evadne put her hands on her hips and glared down at his smiling face.

"Just because you’re one now, it doesn’t give you right to stay up all night, young man!" she said sternly, raising her eyebrows as he looked up at her. "Now will you please be a good boy and go to sleep?"

Henry giggled and held up his rabbit. "Babi"

"Yes, clever boy, that’s your rabbit. And look, rabbit’s tired and wants to go to sleep, so you should too. Look, tired, see?" Reaching down, she went to take it from him, but he pulled back, trying to yank it out of her grasp, and began to yell. "Okay okay, you keep him," she relented, letting go. "Just don’t wake the neighbourhood, please."

Edgar came out of bathroom as she spoke. "I gather he’s still refusing to go back to sleep then?" he asked with a grin.

"You gather right," she retorted, grimacing. "Apparently tonight is playing night and we will be allowed no rest." Rolling her eyes, she lifted him out of the cot and put him down on the bed.

Excited to finally be getting the attention that he wanted, Henry waved his rabbit around, babbling and saying ‘Babi’ again. Edgar sat down next to him and Henry held the toy out towards him.


His father accepted it with a smile. Henry tried to stand up a couple of times, finding it impossible on the springy bed and giggling every time he fell over. Then giving it up as a bad job, he crawled towards Edgar, who lifted him into his lap.

"Are you making a nuisance of yourself, Sonny Jim?" Edgar asked. Henry babbled back at him. "Really? You think so?"

Evadne laughed as she climbed into bed beside them. "You can understand him, can you?"

"Of course!" Edgar chuckled. "He makes perfect sense, can’t you tell?" He glanced down at the little boy in his lap. "Actually, he reminds me of Marcia at his age. She never went to sleep either."

"Nothing much has changed there then!"

"No, I suppose not." He heaved a sigh and frowned. "I still can’t believe she doesn’t want to go to the school."

"She hasn’t said that yet, Edgar, she said she’s not sure."

"Oh I know. It’s just that I thought she’d jump at it. You know it’s not like her to turn down a new adventure."

Evadne shrugged. "I suppose so. But when you think about it, it’s not all that surprising. She’s Daddy’s baby really. It’s just she’s generally so happy-go-lucky, we forget how dependent she is on you."

"I suppose you’re right." Edgar heaved a sigh. "We’ll see w…ouff!" and he grabbed his nose as Henry hit him squarely and solidly in the face with his rabbit.

Henry giggled at the funny noises his father was making, and laughing, Evadne reached out and pulled her son from his father’s lap.

"Baby, your nose is bleeding."

Reaching up to his face, Edgar gingerly felt his nose, and then removed his fingers to find them smeared with blood. "I don’t know what you’re laughing at!" he said severely to his son. "That’s assault and battery, I believe."

Getting up, he made his way through to the bathroom, and Evadne reached out and grabbed Henry around the waist. "Right that’s enough, come here." She pulled him into her lap and he squealed and waved his arms in protest as she removed the rabbit from his grasp. "I’ll sing you a song, and then you can go back in your cot and go to sleep, and we’ll have no more of this nonsense!"

Henry continued yelling as he tried to grab the rabbit back from her. A moment later, Edgar reemerged from the bathroom, his nostril plugged with tissue to stem the bleeding, and Henry stopped screaming and began to babble again as his father sat down.

Evadne heaved a sigh. "This is going to be one long, long night!"

Last edited by Josie on Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:51 pm; edited 9 times in total


#492:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:53 pm

Thanks Jo

I'm glad Thea is happy to move to a new school and hope Marcia decides to go with her.

Henry is lovely Very Happy



#493:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:06 pm

Poor Marcia, hopes she likes the school when she starts! Thanks Josie.


#494:  Author: SophoifeLocation: down under Down Under PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:28 pm

I do like such long posts, Josie...

After catching up from the middle of July in one go, all I can say is...oof! What a lot of things have happened! I hope the girls will both want to go to the Chalet, really liked what Evvy and Edgar did for Paul and Elsie (but I wonder, I thought Paul's plan was to eventally get a prosthetic leg - will they have to move the cupboards back up again???), loved seeing Patmac's "Dorothy and Hugh Douglas"®­, felt awful about Little Miss Harford and her parents, and am still curious about those fibroids and the chances for another pregnancy.


#495:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:39 pm

Oh dear - separation anxiety! I hope Henry will be happier tomorrow.

It's not like Marcia to be so scared about going away, and don't I remember something about Ann moving schools to a few posts back?


#496:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:44 pm

Thank you Jo! Brilliant post!

How typical that it's Marcia who's not sure about going to school, when they were worried that Thea wouldn't want to go!


#497:  Author: GemLocation: Saltash/Aberystwyth PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:18 pm

Just caught up on about twenty pages of this Jo - thank you so much! I've loved reading all about the family, cried when Paul was being such an idiot, and can't wait for the girls to go to the Chalet School! Very Happy

More? Wink


#498:  Author: AliceLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:45 pm

Thanks Josie. I'm looking forward to reading about Thea and Marcia's experiences at the Chalet School (presuming Marcia agrees to go that is).


#499:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:30 am

Glad to hear Evvy's having a good time with Corney et al. -- Hope to hear more!

*Thinks Millicent Mary should go to the CS*


#500:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:58 am

Thank you Jo. Poor Edgar had a day of it didn't he and now Henry won't go to bed! Typical. I'm sure Marcia will come round once she's had time to get used to the idea.


#501:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 10:29 am

Thanks, Jo, what a lovely long post - a real treat on a grey, grim day.


#502:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:45 pm

Lovely lovely long update, just right to read over lunch

thanks Josie


#503:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:53 pm

Thanks, Jo. I really hope Marcia agrees to go to the CS. I'm glad Thea has agreed to go. I hope Henry goes to sleep soon and gives his parents some rest.


#504:  Author: LyanneLocation: Ipswich, England PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:51 pm

Kathy S wrote
*Thinks Millicent Mary should go to the CS*
Laughing I should think Millicent Mary is a little too big to be really happy at the CS. Marcia needs a new pet! Something that would fit in her pocket...


#505:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:54 pm

Thanks Jo, lovely post - and Henry is a little sweetie!


#506:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:00 pm

Lyanne wrote:
Kathy S wrote
*Thinks Millicent Mary should go to the CS*
Laughing I should think Millicent Mary is a little too big to be really happy at the CS. Marcia needs a new pet! Something that would fit in her pocket...

Like a frog?


#507:  Author: ravenseyesLocation: New Zealand PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 2:55 am

Why not let Thea go - she is older - and let Marcia stay at school in Geneva if she is happy there. Probably do them good to be separate


#508:  Author: jaceyLocation: Ireland PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:37 am

We're all ready for the next bit now, Josie!
*jacey hinting shamelesssly that its time for another post*


#509:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:25 pm

Lovely posts since I last had time to check on them, thanks, Josie!

Hope Marcia gets all enthusiastic about going like Thea did.


#510:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:36 pm

“Bye, Evvy. See you tomorrow!”

“Have a nice evening!”

"Say hello to Edgar from us!"

As her friends disappeared down the path towards Freudesheim and their Kaffee and Kuchen, Evadne waved them off and then turned to walk into the Villa Caramie. It had been a long day. Fun, of course, but long all the same. They had begun with a visit to Biddy Courvoisier and her new baby, and then followed that up with a stroll up to the Auberge. Evadne had seized the opportunity during the walk up there to give Miss Wilson her unvarnished opinion of that lady’s indiscretion of the previous day. The sheepish look on Miss Wilson’s face as her former pupil turned the air blue, left the rest of the party clutching their sides with laughter and Marie summed it up nicely when she stated that ‘that was one role reversal she had never expected to see’! Eventually, through her laughter, Miss Annersley had made a bid to smooth things over by saying that maybe she could make up for her friend’s ‘shocking lapse’ by showing the two girls around the school later in the week, an offer that Evadne had gratefully accepted.

Now, as she walked through the front door of the pension and into the lobby, she reflected on the day that had just passed. It was funny really. She was enjoying this reunion so much, but every evening she enjoyed reuniting with her family even more. So much so, in fact, that despite her friends’ protests, she had decided to forego Kaffee at the Maynards to return to the pension early. And anyway, she reasoned with herself, if Henry had been screaming all day again, then Edgar would be tearing his hair out by now and would more than welcome her presence.

She heard her son before she caught sight of him. Rather than the expected screams, however, the sounds that reached her ears were childish squeals and giggles, and the next second, Henry appeared from the corridor, toddling as fast as his little legs would carry him. He was followed by Edgar and Ned, both shuffling behind him, bent double and pretending to chase him. The pair of them were so busy concentrating on the little boy, that neither could see where they were going and as a result, Edgar cannoned headfirst into a high table standing to one side of the lobby. It wobbled slightly under the impact, and he stood up just in time to grab a large porcelain vase before it crashed to the floor.

Ned grinned as he watched his father steady the table and place the vase back where it belonged. “Phew! That was lucky!”

“You can say that again!” Edgar replied, grimacing. “Just don’t tell your stepmother, whatever you do. You know she’ll nag me about being more careful!”

“Oh I will, will I?”

At the sound of his mother’s voice, Henry let out a loud squeal and toddled towards her, holding his chubby arms outstretched. Edgar froze, his cheeks scarlet. Then forcing a smile onto his lips, he turned to face her.

“Hello, darling, you’re home early! Did you have a nice day?”

“Hi Evvy!” Ned looked from his stepmother to his father and back again, grinning widely, and then turned on his heel and ran off to find his sisters, mischievously calling ‘good luck’ to Edgar as he went.

“Hey there, sugarpie. Have you been a good boy today?” Evadne asked Henry, stooping to lift her son into her arms and kissing him on the cheek. Then turning her attention to her husband, she replied “Yes thanks, I had a wonderful day. You?”

“I…er…” Edgar had been expecting a cutting remark, at the very least, regarding his rude comments and was rather taken aback by her cheery reply. “Yes, it was good. Henry’s happier.”

“So I can see.”

There was an awkward pause for a moment, as Evadne watched her husband, amused, and Edgar wracked his brain trying to think of something to say. “So, did you take Miss Wilson to task about telling the girls?” he asked eventually.

“Yes, I did,” she replied, chuckling lightly to herself. “Let’s head upstairs so I can get washed up for Kaffee, and I’ll let you know how it went.” Henry was wriggling and trying to get down, so Evvy set him on the ground again, taking hold of his hand, and they made their way towards the staircase. “Do you really think you can make the step, little man?” she asked, as Henry studied the bottom stair intently. Then yanking his hand from his mother’s grasp, he put both palms on the stair above and hauled himself up on his hands and knees. “I guess that answers that question, then!” his mother laughed, watching proudly as he negotiated the second stair and moved onto number three.

“It certainly does! I’ll just go and tell the others that we’ll meet them in the ‘Saal for kaffee when the gong goes, and then I’ll join you up there,” and turning on his heel, Edgar went to make his way back across the lobby.

“Mind the table there as you go!”

“Aha!” Edgar spun round to face her. “I knew you’d have to mention it at some point!” he cried, triumphantly.

“I don’t know what you’re sounding so victorious about!” his wife retorted, raising her eyebrows in a supercilious manner. “But I can treat you to a tongue-lashing if you’d rather?”

Edgar hesitated for a moment, considering this offer. Then deciding she was probably serious, he turned tail and hurried off to find the children, and laughing, Evadne returned her concentration to her son.

Half an hour later, the entire family were gathered together in the dining room for Kaffee, discussing the day’s events. Evadne had just told Thea about Miss Annersley’s offer to show her around the school in a few days’ time, and Thea was excitedly listing everything she was eager to see.

“Will they show me the classroom I’ll be in next year?” she asked enthusiastically.

Evadne nodded as she cut Henry’s cake into tiny pieces. “I’m sure they’ll show you the classrooms, though you won’t know which class you’ll be in until you sit the tests.”

“Mummy, can I go and look too?”

Turning her attention to Marcia, Evadne gave the young girl a smile. “You really want to, sweetie?”

“Yes, please!” Marcia’s blonde curls bounced as she nodded her head. “It might help me think!”

“Well I’m sure Miss Annersley won’t mind one extra body to show round!”

‘Can I go too?”

Edgar raised his eyebrows at his eldest son. “Why would you want to look around the Chalet School?”

“It’s a girls’ school, ninny!” Marcia added, pulling a ‘you’re-so-stupid’ expression at her brother.

Maturely, Ned stuck his tongue out in return. “I know that, twerp! I just wanted to see where Evvy went to school,” he explained with a mischievous glint in his eye, “to see if she left her mark on it!”

“Watch it, you!” his stepmother returned menacingly.

“Mummy went to school in Austria not Switzerland anyway, so you wouldn’t see anything of her here” Thea put in, sticking up for Evadne.

Ned looked thoroughly confused and Evadne grinned. “I’ll tell you about it another time.”

At that moment, Henry kicked his father’s arm, causing that gentleman to spill hot tea in his lap and jump to his feet with a yell. By the time order was restored once more, Ned had moved the conversation onto his own school and how much he was looking forward to playing cricket next term.

“As long as Lloyd-Kitchen doesn’t play cricket too. I’ll have several fits if he does!”

“Who’s Lloyd-Kitchen?” Thea wanted to know.

“A complete idiot, that’s who! Harry’s had to share a dormer with him all year – he’s ready to smother him!” Then turning to Edgar, “Dad, you’ll never guess what he said?”

“What’s that?” Edgar responded, only half-listening as he tried to get Henry to take a drink of his milk without throwing it down his front.

“We were talking about the Riviera and he said to tell you we shouldn’t be going to Cap Ferrat this summer ‘cause it’s so ‘passé! Can you believe it?”

Edgar chuckled. “Well he sounds charming, I must say!”

“Sounds like all kinds of moron if you ask me!” Evadne interjected.

Ned burst out laughing. “Evvy’s closest!” he said, grinning.

“Daddy, what does passé mean?”

“It means old-fashioned,” Thea explained, answering her sister’s question. Then turning to her father, “Is that right?”

Edgar smiled. “It is indeed.”

“Why’s Cap Ferrat old-fashioned?” Marcia persisted.

“It’s not, poppet. I think the boy was just being rude.”

“But why was he being rude?”

“’Cause he’s an ass, that’s why!” Ned put in, drawing loud tuts from the two elderly ladies at the next table.

Ned!” his stepmother admonished. “Henry can hear you!”

Marcia considered Ned’s explanation. “Well I don’t think I’ll like him if he’s an ass!” she decided, and the two ladies tutted again and threw the Watson party some filthy looks.

Marcia! That’s enough, thank you!” Evadne ordered. Then turning to Ned, she added, “Now look what you’ve done!”

“Don’t you say that word, though?” Ned asked with a mischievous grin.

“Yes, she does,” Edgar interrupted before Evadne could answer her stepson, “but you know well enough by now that most of what your stepmother says should not be repeated in civilised company!”

“Well excuse me!” Evadne retorted huffily, as the children fell about laughing. “Of all the ignorant, two-bit, m…”

Then, suddenly realising she had fallen for the bait, she clamped her mouth shut, scowled at her husband and turned her attention to Henry, refusing to speak to the rest of them for the remainder of the meal.

The following morning, Henry stood on the front steps of the pension, Monique crouching down behind him, helping him wave goodbye to his mother as she made her way down the street. Evadne kept turning back and waving until she could no longer see them, and then set off at a brisk pace towards Freudesheim. Half an hour previously, she had seen the rest of her family off on an overnight visit to Bern, and had then started playing with her son. She had lost track of the time and was now running late for the first proper day of excursions. So much so, in fact, that Joey had called to find out where she was, and she knew she would be in for some merciless ribbing about her timekeeping for the rest of the day.

She was delighted to find, when she arrived, that her group for the day included Cornelia. She had not had a chance to catch up properly with her best friend as yet, and as their itinerary for the day included a steamer trip on Lake Brienz, she was hoping they would finally be afforded their opportunity.

An hour later, as the large steamer pulled away from the Interlaken dock, Evadne walked a little apart from the rest of the party, and seated herself on one of the long wooden benches, staring up the lush, green slopes of the mountains surrounding the lake, thinking how beautiful it was.

“Is this party for one, or can anyone join you?”

She turned around with a grin as she heard a familiar voice behind her, and shuffled a little way up the bench to make room for her friend. Cornelia sat down beside her and looked around at the scenery.

“I sure have missed the old Alps, you know,” she stated, a wistful look in her eyes. “I know it’s not the Tiernsee, but it’s stunning all the same. This is my first time back since we left in ’38.” Evadne watched her friend carefully, and Cornelia smiled. “It’s one reason I was so insistent we came, despite all that’s been going on at home. I’m glad Mike said yes.”

“What’s been going on at home?” Evvy asked, curious and a little concerned.

Cornelia smiled. “Oh nothing like that, don’t worry,” she said, noting the worried look on her friend’s face. “I’ll fill you in some other time.” She stared at Evadne for a second, and then slipped a hand through her friend’s arm, a wide grin on her face. “It’s so good to see you, Evvy, I’ve missed you a whole heap. Can you believe it’s been almost two years since we saw each other? We can’t count your Poppa’s funeral, that wasn’t the same.”

“No, it wasn’t,” Evadne replied with a grin. “I’m glad Joey put us together today – I was thinking I’d have to wait ‘til you came to Geneva before we could catch up properly!”

“Do you know what she said to me?” Cornelia asked, frowning, and Evvy shook her head. “She said she was putting us together ‘cause we had years of history to catch up on, or something along those lines. How long does she think it’s been since we saw each other? It’s as if she thinks she’s the only one who’s ever kept in touch!”

Evadne laughed at her friend’s indignation. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it like that.” Cornelia looked sceptical. “Oh come on, surely you haven’t forgotten what she’s like?”

Corney shook her head. ‘No, I guess not. Hey, are you okay?” she added hurriedly, as Evadne had suddenly gone rather pale and looked a bit queasy.

“I’m just feeling a little sick, that’s all,” Evvy replied, grimacing. “It’s why I came and sat down. Must be motion sickness or something. I’m sure it’ll pass.” Cornelia didn’t look convinced and Evadne hastened to change the subject. “Anyhow, I’m glad Joey put us together, as I said. Gives us time to natter. We’ve hardly had a chance to say a word to each other so far.”

“I know, it’s been crazy, hasn’t it?”

“You could say that!”

“It’s fun to see everyone again though. Joey’s not changed a bit, has she? Not in looks or character!”

Evadne laughed. “No, she hasn’t. She’s a bit plumper, what with having all the kiddies, but that’s about it. Not that I can talk about being plumper,” she added, pinching a couple of millimetres of spare flesh at her waist.

“Oh please!” Cornelia scoffed, pulling a face at her friend. “Starving kids would turn you down for having no meat on your bones! This is what you call extra packaging!” and she poked her belly. “Mike calls it my winter filling!”

“How charming of him!” Evadne giggled, and Cornelia rolled her eyes.

“Yes, well you know my husband!”

Evadne laughed. “Well you’re hardly Maynie. What a shock that was!”

Corney turned bright red. “Tell me about it! You all heard what I had to say!” Evvy went off into another fit of giggles and Cornelia nudged her hard in the ribs. “Shhh, idiot, they’ll hear you!” she said, glancing at the rest of the party, who were talking animatedly amongst themselves. “Bernie’s filled out a bit too, hasn’t she? Say, you know who I think’s changed the most?”

Evadne sat up and pulled herself together. “Who?” she asked, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes.

“Simone!” Cornelia replied firmly. “When you think what a wet rag she was at school, and now she’s the most level-headed, practical woman on earth! She even has me beat!”

Evvy raised her eyebrows. “I’m not so sure practical is your strong suit!” she said with a wicked grin. “Down-to-earth, yes. Practical, not so much!”

Cornelia stared at her for a moment and then shrugged. “I should be injured by that, but I can’t be fussed. What’s up with Frieda, by the way? She looks so thin!”

“That stems back to what happened with Bruno at the beginning of the war,” Evadne answered wisely, and Corney grimaced.

“Of course, I’d forgotten all about that!”

Evadne nodded. “They’ve had problems with Gretchen too, so Joey says. I agree though, she does look so frail.”

“Well maybe this week’ll perk her up a little?”

“Hopefully.” Evadne smiled. “You know, I think Gretchen’ll be in the same class as Thea at the School.”

“Really? That’ll be good for them both then. Has Marcia made her mind up yet?”

During her reprimand of Miss Wilson, Evadne had waxed lyrical about her daughter’s reaction to being sent to the school and consequently the whole party were anxious to know how Marcia was feeling.

Evvy shook her head. “We’re working on her gently, but we don’t want to push it. At the end of the day, if she doesn’t want to go, she won’t. We won’t send her under duress.”

“I hope she does go,” Corney stated with feeling. “It’ll please Val no end. She’s a little sad that she’ll have to leave Yseult after the summer, so it’ll do her good to have something to be excited about.”

“Didn’t they want to come with you this time?”

“They’d have loved to, but they’re at school,” Corney replied, grinning. “You forget that our semesters are out of sync with Europe. It’s not a problem with Terry - she’s too young to notice if she misses a few classes - but it’s not an option for the Pertwees. And anyway, I reckon Mike has enough to deal with just with our two! We’ve not got an au pair with us as you have. I think Mike was rather hoping Edgar would bring her along to Bern, actually. Give him some peace for five minutes!”

Evadne chuckled. “We thought it best if she stayed here with Henry. I think a one year old baby on top of the other kids is more than they can handle, even with Monique!”

Cornelia grinned. “How d’you reckon they’ll cope?”

Evvy grimaced. “I dread to think!”...

Last edited by Josie on Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


#511:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:04 pm

Thank you Jo. Lovely to see Evvy and Corney catching is Evvy really travel sick?


#512:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:06 pm

Lovely post Josie - and I sooooo wanted to be there to hear Evvy having a go at Nell! Love the comment about Joey thinking that Evvy and Cornelia hadn't kept in touch - funny but now you read it you can see how silly an assumption that really is.

And am I reading too much into a certain line about Evvy feeling sick....? Wink


#513:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:13 pm

great post, thanks Jo!

Also reading too much into Evvy's feeling sick! Very Happy


#514:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:44 pm

Thank you Jo!!!

*crosses fingers about Evvy's nausea!*


#515:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:14 pm

“Simone!” Cornelia replied firmly. “When you think what a wet rag she was at school, and now she’s the most level-headed, practical woman on earth! She even has me beat!”


Thanks Jo, so many lovely points in there, but that's the one that cracked me up completely!

*Also wondering about Evvy's motion sickness*


#516:  Author: LyanneLocation: Ipswich, England PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:46 pm

Frances N wrote
Lyanne wrote:
Kathy S wrote Quote:
*Thinks Millicent Mary should go to the CS*

I should think Millicent Mary is a little too big to be really happy at the CS. Marcia needs a new pet! Something that would fit in her pocket...

Like a frog?
Well, I thought of a mouse, but a frog sounds even better - she likes aquatic animals, doesn't she?


#517:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 10:04 pm

Thanks, Jo. I'm also wondering about Evvy's motion sickness. It was great to see Evvy and Corney catching up. It was like going back a few years.


#518:  Author: GemLocation: Saltash/Aberystwyth PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:12 pm

Thank you, Jo - that was lovely Very Happy Glad to see Thea looking happier, and Marcia taking an interest in the school.


#519:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:25 pm

Josie wrote:
Evadne chuckled. “We thought it best if she stayed here with Henry. I think a one year old baby on top of the other kids is more than they can handle, even with Monique!”

Cornelia grinned. “How d’you reckon they’ll cope?”

Evvy grimaced. “I dread to think!”...

*would love to know*

Thanks Jo



#520:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:22 am

Conversation is always more interesting with Evvy to spice things up. ROFL How many parents would come out with "all kinds of moron" in front of the kids? Not that Corney's bad, either, and as for the two of them together....

Thank you, Jo.


#521:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:51 pm

Aww Henry's lovely and the Corney & Evvy scene was great - thanks Jo xx


#522:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 3:38 am

Joins the throng examining Evvy for "interesting" symptons!

Lovely updates Josie.


#523:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 4:37 am

Love this Josie - hmmm, motion sickness?!


#524:  Author: Sarah_KLocation: St Albans PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 2:17 pm

I was wondering about the motion sickness too Cath... not sure if it's good, bad or actually motion sickness Confused

It was a lovely pot though. I'm glad Marcia's really thinking about the Chalet School, it was a hard way to find out and she's being very grown up about it really.

It's nice seeing Reunion from another perspective too.

Thanks Josie


#525:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:53 pm

Glad I'm not the only one whose warning lights came on at the words 'motion sickness'! Evvy wouldn't be 'busy' would she? Wink


#526:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:26 am

Of course she could just be hungover after too much of that lethaly deceptive "light wine of the country" Twisted Evil .


#527:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:47 pm

“Here you are – a tot of France’s finest!”

Mike handed a glass of cognac to his friend and then flopped down in an armchair, stretching his legs out in front of him and heaving a satisfied sigh.

“Bottoms up, as you fellas say in England!”

Edgar chuckled and raised his glass in return. “Same to you!” he retorted, taking a sip of the amber liquid and nodding his head. “Jolly good stuff! Hennessey?”

Mike nodded. “Private Reserve. Felt the need for the good stuff after one of Meg’s tantrums and the concierge came up trumps for the price of a nod and a wink! Worked a treat on my nerves, I can tell you. It’s come in pretty handy most nights since as well!”

Edgar could well imagine his friend charming the concierge out of his finest liquor with a few well-chosen words and the odd franc or two, and he grinned as Mike clipped the end from his cigar and then lit it with a match.

“Is she really that bad?” he asked, referring to the Van Alden’s youngest daughter.

Mike took a puff of his cigar, blowing out the smoke with a satisfied air, and then nodded. “You’d better believe it! Somehow we’ve managed to breed one child who won’t say boo to a goose and constantly has to be coaxed out of her shell, and another who’s second cousin to Lucifer himself! We love them both with all our hearts, but why we couldn’t just have two somewhere in the middle, I’ll never know!”

Edgar laughed. “She may well grow out of it, you know. Believe it or not, Thea threw tantrums with the best of them when she was Meg’s age, and now she’s the most mild-mannered of our four by a long way!” He took a sip of his drink as Mike considered this. “And Terry’s far better than she was when we last saw her.”

“You’re right there. She seems to be getting better as she gets older, thank heavens! She adores that daughter of yours too,” he added, referring to Thea. “Isn’t it funny how kids seem to latch on to certain people?”

“Certainly is. Henry’s that way with Marcia – Evvy’s the only other person who gets a look-in when his sister’s around. He’s a bonny little lad really, and I think he’s drawn to her sunny nature.”

“Yes, you probably have a point there.” Sitting up straight in his seat, Mike placed his cigar on the ashtray next to him, stretched his arms up above his head and yawned. Then picking up his drink again, he raised it in Edgar’s direction. “Anyways, enough of all that! I think we should toast ourselves on a thoroughly successful day!’

“Here, here!” Edgar tipped his glass to his friend and then took a big sip. “So much for our wives’ prediction of doom and gloom!” he said pompously. “I don’t understand why they had so little faith in us. Personally I think we managed perfectly well without them!”

“Absolutely! Though to be fair, it’s a good thing Thea knew what to do with those pork knuckles or we’d have gone a little hungry tonight!”

Edgar chuckled. “That’s true. Thankfully she’s paid a great deal of attention to Guilia! I don’t think our lack of knowledge reflects too badly on us there, though. I don’t know about Corney, but I can guarantee my wife would not have known where to start!” He drained his glass and placed it firmly on the table next to him. “So, Basle tomorrow then?”

Mike nodded, following his guest’s example and then choking as he drank too quickly. “Sorry about that,” he spluttered, his face scarlet as he wiped some brandy from his chin with his handkerchief. “Yes, Basle tomorrow. What time’s your train back to Interlaken again?”

“We need to be out of here by three, really. I promised Evvy I’d be back at the Platz before Henry went to bed, so better to be safe than sorry. I think there’s a train at ten to, so we’ll aim for that.”

“Right, well in that case,” Mike yawned, getting to his feet, “I think we should turn in. We’re getting the seven-thirty train, remember, and we have five little beauties to jemmy out of bed before then!” and with that delightful reminder, he picked up his glass and marched out of the room, leaving Edgar to follow in his wake.


“I don’t see that it matters whether we got the last train or this train,” Ned grumbled, as he mooched down the platform towards the eight-thirty train to Basle, under the stern gaze of his father.

“It matters ‘cause now I’ve got less time to spend with Stan,” Marcia snapped back at him, scowling.

“Oh grow up!” Ned scoffed, a patronising expression on his face. “He’s a penguin. He doesn’t care whether you visit him or not!”

Marcia flared up instantly, her new method of dealing with her brother’s teasing forgotten for now. “Yes he does!”

“No, he doesn’t!”



“Stop that now!” Edgar commanded angrily, clutching his son’s shoulder to warn him to let the matter drop. “Marcia, run along and catch Meg and Uncle Mike up, please.” Then as Marcia hurried off, he stopped Ned and turned him around. “And it matters that we missed the train, young man, because everyone else did as they were asked and got themselves up and dressed while you lazed around complaining. Even Meg was ready in time and she is three years old! I don’t want to hear it,” he added, as Ned opened his mouth to retort. “I’ve had just about enough of your attitude already this morning. Now, you are to get on that train and keep quiet until we get to Basle, or you will be stuck doing nothing but housework for the remainder of your Easter holidays. Do you understand?” Ned scowled and muttered something incoherent. “I’ll take that to be a ‘yes’! Now get a move on and get on the train before we miss this one as well,” and keeping his hand firmly on Ned’s shoulder, he marched him down the platform towards the first class carriages.

The majority of the journey from Bern to Basle passed by in peace. Ned, Marcia and Meg all fell asleep shortly after leaving Bern station, and with Thea and Terry being quiet souls on the whole, their fathers were given a little time to calm down and relax. However, the peace and quiet turned out to be a false dawn. About twenty minutes outside Basle station, Marcia woke up and began wittering excitedly about seeing Stan again, and after five minutes of her incessant chatter, Thea finally snapped.

“Will you be quiet!” she barked, dropping the Chalet School prospectus she was reading into her lap and glaring at her sister.

“Be quiet yourself! I can talk if I want to!” Marcia shot back.

Edgar heaved a sigh. “Let’s see if you can both be quiet!” he said wearily, passing a copy of ‘Holidays in Switzerland’ to his youngest daughter. “Here, why don’t you read up on Basle in there, Marcia? Then you’ll know what you’re looking at later on.”

But Marcia wasn’t interested. “Can we go and see Stan first?”

“No,” her father replied, without looking up from his newspaper, “we’re having breakfast before we do anything else.”

At the mention of breakfast, Meg began to whine. “Daddy, I’m hungry.”

“I know you are, sweetie-pie,” Mike replied, ruffling his daughter’s shock of yellow hair. “We’ll be having breakfast soon.”

“Want it now.”

“Well you can’t have it just yet. We’ve not long to go now.”

Meg stuck out her bottom lip. “Want Mommy.”

“Mommy’s with Auntie Evvy, Meg. You know that, we’ve been through it every day since we arrived.”

“Up a mountain?” she asked, turning her enormous grey eyes on her father’s face.

“Yes that’s right, up a mountain.”

“Mommy’ll bring us toys when she comes back, Meg,” Terry put in, trying to cheer her up and it seemed to have the desired effect as Meg’s sulky look brightened considerably at the thought of presents.

Mike was not so sure that this was true, but decided to let it go for the sake of peace. Instead, he encouraged his daughter to start looking for cows in the fields through which the train was rumbling, and as there were quite a few, this kept her happily occupied until the train reached Basle.

In the end it was almost ten-thirty by the time the party finally reached the zoo, and Marcia made sure that their first stop was the penguin enclosure, where she set about trying to locate Stan.

“They all look the same,” she grumbled, as she examined each Emperor Penguin in turn. “I don’t know which one’s him.”

“Try calling him?” Thea suggested cheekily, earning herself a warning glance from her father.

Terry nodded earnestly. “That’s how we get kitty to come back to us at home, isn’t it Daddy?”

“It is indeed,” Mike replied with a grin.

“Okay.” Marcia turned back to the enclosure and lifted her hands to her mouth. “Stan!” The bird nearest to her squawked, startled at the sudden noise, and a couple of others looked around, as if wandering what was going on. “Stan! Hmph!” She frowned and looked up at her father. “I thought he’d recognise me – I sent him a picture and everything.”

At his sister’s words, Ned snorted audibly and in order to stop him saying anything to cause yet another argument, Edgar gripped his arm tightly.

“Ow! What d’you do that for!”

“Daddy, this is stupid!” Thea interjected, voicing the opinion of everyone over the age of Marcia, who thankfully wasn’t listening. “Can’t we go and look at something else?”

Unable to disagree with her, Edgar acquiesced. “Okay, what do you want to see next?”


“Lions please, Uncle Edgar!”


“But Daddy, I haven't seen Stan! Where can I leave him his present?”


The requests came thick and fast, and both men shook their heads to regain focus before Mike replied. “One at a time, please! Now, how about we start at the youngest and work up – that way everyone gets to see that they want.”

“But that’s not fair! I’m…”

“It’s perfectly fair!” Edgar interrupted, glaring at his petulant son. “You’re the eldest, you should be mature enough to wait the longest. Meg, did you say birds, sweetheart?” The little girl nodded, beaming at getting her own way first, and Edgar gave her a smile. “Okay, first stop the aviary.”

“Daddy, where can I leave Stan’s present?”

“We’ll leave it with a keeper before we go,” Edgar promised, turning to follow the others down the path towards the birdcages.

“Birds are stupid,” Ned grouched, dragging his heels beside his father.

“What did I tell you about your attitude?” Edgar retorted, and Ned shut his mouth firmly, a black look on his face.

It was easy to see why Meg had picked the birds. They fascinated her, and walking as far as she could on the reins that Mike had sensibly attached to her, she gazed around her in wonder at the multicoloured occupants of the cages as Marcia pointed out the different kinds.

“Daddy, when can we see the lions?”

Seeing that his youngest daughter was gainfully occupied, Mike turned to Terry with a smile. “We’ll go to the lions next, sweetie-pie.”

“When next?”

“In a couple of minutes.”

“But why…”

A piercing scream broke through the conversation, and Mike spun around just as Meg began to wail. Her little face was screwed up in pain, and Marcia was crouching beside her, trying to examine her left hand.

“What happened?” Mike cried, running forward, as all the other visitors stopped to stare.

“That parrot bit her finger,” Marcia replied, pointing to a nearby bird with spectacular plumage, and sounding a little scared. “Is she okay?”

Mike pulled the little girl’s hand back, and saw, with some relief, that the parrot had only nipped the very edge of the skin. “She will be. It’s okay, honey,” he said, hugging his daughter tightly and wiping her tears away with his handkerchief, “it’s only a little scratch. Ned, can you fetch the first aid kit from that bag there, please?”

As Ned did as he was asked, Edgar took hold of Marcia’s arm and pulled her away from the cage. “How did it happen?” he asked, watching her face closely.

He was right to be suspicious. Marcia stared down at the floor, shuffling her feet, and then replied sheepishly, “We put our hands through the cage to try and touch them.”

“Oh for g…goodness sake!” Edgar exclaimed, exasperated. “Uncle Mike told you specifically not to do that! Why can’t you ever listen?”

“Sorry, Daddy,” she mumbled, still looking at the ground.

“One day you’ll be more than sorry, if you don’t start listening to what people tell you.” Then getting to his feet again, he called over to his friend, “Everything okay?”

“Just about.” Mike finished tying the bandages around his daughter’s fingers, and then lifted them his lips. “There, all kissed better,” he stated, “and one for luck,” and he dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose.

Meg sniffed and scrubbed her eyes with her uninjured hand. “Terry kiss them too?”

“Of course she can. Terry, come and kiss your sister’s fingers better.” There was no reply. “Terry? Where is she?” he asked, staring around him.

The others all turned to look, but she was nowhere to be seen. Mike began to panic and started calling for his eldest daughter.

“Thea, you were with her a minute ago. Did you see where she went?”

Thea shook her head. “She was here when I last looked.”

“Right, then we need to all spread out and search for her.” Edgar replied, taking charge. “Marcia, you and Thea go and look back towards the penguins, Ned, go and head towards the exit, and I’ll look over towards the big cats. Mike, you and Meg stay here in case she reappears.”

“Check out the lions!” Mike called after them as they headed off on their searches. “She kept asking to go and see them!”

And that’s exactly where Edgar found her, standing amongst the crowd at the edge of the enclosure, just beginning to realise that she had lost everyone. Taking hold of her hand, he led her back towards the aviary, and when she caught sight of her father, she ran tearfully into his arms. Mike hugged her tight, too relieved to tell her off just yet. Thea and Marcia arrived back a minute after their father, but fifteen minutes later, they were still waiting for Ned.

“I swear to God I’ll have his head on a platter for this,” Edgar fumed, as he rounded everyone up and led them all towards the visitors hut.

Obligingly, the man in the hut put a call out over the tannoy for Ned, and it wasn’t long before young Master Watson returned to the fold, his tail between his legs.

“Where the h…heavens have you been!” Edgar asked icily, keeping his voice low, so as not to draw any more attention to them. “You were supposed to be looking for Terry.”

“I saw you’d found her so I popped in to see the snakes,” Ned replied defiantly.

Edgar was livid. “Right, that’s it. If you lot can’t behave yourselves, then we’re going back to Bern.”


“That’s not fair!”

“Uncle Mike?” Ned turned hopefully to his brevet uncle, but Mike simply shook his head.

“I agree with your father. We’re not risking losing any more of you, and if you can’t behave yourselves then home it is.”

“We’ll behave ourselves!”


“Too late!” and turning on his heel, clasping Marcia’s hand firmly in his own, Edgar began marching towards the exit.


“What?” He turned back again to face Thea, who was staring forlornly down at her shoe.

“I’ve trodden in dog mess.”

Edgar took a deep breath. “Well there’s a toilet over there, go and wash it off and be quick,” he snapped, his patience thoroughly tried and Thea ran off hurriedly before he could say anymore.

Mention of the toilet set Meg off again. “Daddy, need to go weewee,” she pleaded, tugging at her father’s sleeve.

“You have a diaper on, sweetheart.”

“Want to go like a grown up.”

Her father heaved a sigh. “Fine. Terry, you stay here with Uncle Edgar please,” and clasping Meg’s hand, he led her towards the men’s lavatories.

“You can’t go in there, Uncle Mike,” Marcia piped up. “Meg’s a girl!”

“Yes, well I’m a boy and I can’t go into the ladies, so we’ll have to go in here.”

But Meg had latched onto Marcia’s words. “Want to go in girls!”

“You can’t, Meg, I’m not allowed in there.”

“Not going in boys!” She stamped her foot and stood surprisingly firm for so small a child, though like her parents, she was stocky in build.

“Well then somebody else will have to go with you, I’m afraid.”

Edgar placed a hand on Marcia’s back and pushed her forward. “You started all this silliness, so you can go and help her.”

Marcia looked horrified. “What do I have to do?”

“Help her onto the seat, wait until she’s finished and then wipe her behind,” Mike answered, trying his hardest to suppress a grin. ‘Oh, and refasten her diaper.”

Before Marcia could reply, Meg darted forward and caught her hand, dragging her in the direction of the ladies’ and Marcia was left with no choice but to do as she was told.

They re-emerged ten minutes later, along with a giggling Thea. Marcia had a disgusted look on her face, and Edgar raised his eyebrows as he caught sight of her.

Now what’s wrong with you?”

“That’s horrid!”

Thea giggled again, and Meg looked up at her father with a grin. “Daddy, Marcia was all funny ‘bout wiping my botty.”

Even Edgar, angry as he was, had to suppress a grin at this, whilst Mike threw his head back and guffawed heartily. Ned screwed up his nose and looked his sister up and down.

“You smell!”

“No I don’t!” Marcia retorted haughtily. “I washed my hands!”

But Ned wasn’t put off that easily. “Smelly hands, smelly hands,” he taunted childishly.

Marcia retaliated by wiping her hands on her brother’s sleeve. “Now you’re smelly too!”

“Get off me, you brat!”

“That’s enough!” Edgar finally lost his temper completely, and grabbing Marcia and Ned by an arm each, he pulled them towards him. “We’re leaving now!” and grasping them firmly, he steered them towards the gate, leaving Mike to bring the other three on behind.

“I’m not a baby, Dad!” Ned complained, trying to wrench his arm free, but Edgar held firm.

“If you’re going to act like a baby, then I will treat you like one,” is all he said.

After that, they made their way through the city in stony silence, only Meg making a noise as she began to grizzle that she was hungry again. They had almost made it to the station when the icing on the cake arrived. As they made their way down Margarethenstrasse, the heavens opened and rain began to pour down. Issuing an order to run, Mike scooped Meg up in his arms, and they all tore down the road as fast as their feet could carry them. By the time they arrived at the station, Meg was in the throws of a full-on tantrum, and everybody was soaked through to the skin. Thankfully, Cornelia had had the foresight to warn her husband to take a change of clothes everywhere they went, and as soon as they piled onto the train back to Bern, the children were able to change into dry outfits before they had their lunch.

As the train pulled out of the city everyone started to relax, and after a quick confab, the two men turned to their children with a request.

‘We’d like to make a deal with you all,” Mike began slowly, looking at each child in turn. “We won’t tell your mothers about your behaviour today, if you keep quiet as well.”

Thoroughly disinterested, Meg carried on munching on her sandwich, and the other four gave their fathers curious looks.

“Why?” Marcia asked, a frown furrowing her brow.

“Because then you won’t get in trouble,” Edgar replied, with what he hoped was a convincing smile.

Thea glanced at him suspiciously. “That’s not it,” she stated astutely, shaking her head. “Normally you’d just tell Mummy what we’d done.”

“No I would not!” her father retorted, sounding injured.

“Yes you would,” Ned put in, thinking hard. “There’s something else.”

“I know!” Thea cried suddenly, a light dawning in her mind. “You don’t want us to tell Mummy ‘cause then she won’t know that today all went so wrong!”

“That’s it!” Ned added his agreement.

Mike glanced at Edgar and then decided to give up pretending. “Fine, that’s it. But if we all agree to say nothing, then nobody gets in trouble. So do we have a deal?”

The four children stared at him, Terry not having a clue what was going on, but enjoying seeing her father being teased. Ned and Thea looked at each other and then shook their heads.

“That’s not right,” Thea replied pompously, with mischief in her eyes. “You want us to lie to Mummy and Aunt Corney.”

“No we don’t, we’re just asking you not to tell them.”

“But there’s nothing in it for us,” Ned replied, and his sisters nodded their agreement.

“Yes there is, you won’t get told off!”

“We wouldn’t anyway,” Marcia retorted. “Mummy would just think that you told us off.”

“No she wouldn’t.”

“Yes she would!”

“She would!” Terry repeated, and Mike scowled at her.

“You don’t even know what we’re talking about!”

“Do! You don’t want me to tell Mommy ‘bout today.”

Mike looked shocked and Edgar took over. “Well then do it for us!”

Thea shook her head. “You need to give us something in return.”

“That’s extortion!”

“What’s extortion?”

“Blackmail,” Ned answered, grinning. “And it’s not extortion, we need an incentive!”

Edgar spluttered at his son’s cheek, and seeing that his friend was rendered temporarily speechless, Mike asked, “Well what do you want?”

“Cake!” Marcia replied quickly.

“Ooooo, yes, cake!” Thea added.

“Haven’t you already had enough to eat?”

Ned shook his head. “We’re still hungry.”

“If we get you cake, do we have a deal?”

The four of them looked at each other and then chorused, “Yes!” in return.

“Fine, cake it is!” and the two men got to their feet to go to the dining car and fetch some.

They walked the length of the first class carriage in silence, and then as they passed through the door into the dining car, Mike turned back to his friend.

“Can you credit it? We just got blackmailed by our children!”

Edgar laughed. “I know! And I hope to God they keep their word, because if Evvy and Corney ever find out about that, we will not hear the end of it ‘til the day we die!”

Last edited by Josie on Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:30 pm; edited 4 times in total


#528:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:20 pm

Fantastic, Josie. I absolutely adored that last comment of Edgar's. Laughing


#529:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:23 pm

Thanks, Jo. I'm glad everyone was found safely and the men have realised that looking after children isn't easy!


#530:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:25 pm

Oh Jo!!!!!

That was just fantastic!!!!!!
I've been in fits of laughter all the way through that post!


#531:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:40 pm

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing That was just fabulous!!! Very Happy Very Happy


#532:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:44 pm

Oh dear! I think they may have made a mistake - the kids can now blackmail them at anytime! Laughing

Wonderful Jo - so life like.


#533:  Author: PatLocation: Doncaster PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:49 pm

That was great Jo.

I came across a brand of cognac that I'd never heard of when I was in France. We went round the Otard distillery. They are so up-market that they only supply Harrods and Fortnums in Britain! It was just a little pricey, even in their own shop, so we didn't indulge - or only the taster they provided!


#534:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:30 pm


Wonderfully, fantastically, hysterically funny!

Thanks Jo



#535:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:57 pm

Thanks Jo - that was hysterical!

Although I'm sure I would have asked for more than cake......


#536:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:51 pm

What an awful day for two completely stressed fathers! It was quite hysterically funny, though...


#537:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:40 am

Wonderful. Thank you Josie!


#538:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:54 am

what a day!! Poor Edgar and Mike!
Thanks Jo Laughing Laughing


#539:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:55 am

Wonderful, thanks, Josie.


#540:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:48 pm

Laughing Yay for Jo and her shiny drabble writing!!


#541:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:25 am

Family outings are such fun.... Laughing Laughing Laughing

Jo, this was marvellous, just marvellous!


#542:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:17 am

Oh the joys of family outings Laughing

Thanks Josie for the last couple of updates which were just as fabulous as usual


#543:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:30 am

The following day, the residents of the Platz awoke to find everything surrounded by a thick, soupy mist. Deciding that going out in it such weather was pointless, even before Joey’s phone call to say that the day’s expeditions were off, Evadne found herself finally getting to spend a day of her holiday with her family. They were now the sole guests at the pension, the two elderly ladies having left the previous day, and so they were able to take over the entire salon without needing to consider anybody else.

It was now mid-afternoon, and following an enormous lunch, which Mme. Renault had practically force-fed them as she had nobody else to cook for, Edgar was stretched out on a chaise longue, looking distinctly like somebody who had overeaten. He was lying awkwardly on his side, reaching over to a small table to join in a game of ‘cheat’ with Marcia and Ned.

"Ouf! I feel sick!" he complained, shifting position to make himself more comfortable.

Evadne accepted another book from Henry, who was toddling around the room picking things up and bringing them back to his mother, and then glanced up at her husband, her eyebrows raised.

"That’s entirely your own fault for being such a gannet!"

"I ate no more than Ned did!" he retorted, sounding injured. "Or you, for that matter! And it’s Mme. Renault’s fault – it’s impossible to say no to her!"

"Well I won’t disagree with that," his wife chuckled, "but I still maintain that you ate heaps more than anyone else. No, Henry, not that one, sugar-pie!" she cried, suddenly jumping to her feet and running across the room to stop Henry pulling a heavy encyclopaedia from the shelf. Prising his hands from the book, she grabbed him around the waist and pulled him into her arms, ignoring his wails of protest. "It’s too heavy and you’ll drop it on your feet and hurt yourself. Here, why don’t you come sit with me and play with your cars," and lowering herself back down on the rug, she placed him on the floor in front of her and handed over one of his toys. He instantly forgot his woes and began playing with it instead. "See, isn’t that much more fun?"

Meanwhile, deciding she was bored of ‘cheat’, Marcia got to her feet and wondered over to Thea, who was curled up on the window seat, her writing case on her lap.

"What are you doing?"

"Writing a letter to Kate," Thea replied, without looking up.

Marcia screwed up her face. "Why? You’ll see her before it gets there!"

"So? I have to get in practice for when I go to school," and Thea shifted round in her seat, indicating that the conversation was over.

With a shrug of her shoulders, the imperturbable Marcia made her way across to her stepmother and plonked herself down heavily on the rug. Henry looked up with a squeal as she did so, waving his car in his sister’s direction, and laughing, Marcia pulled him into her lap.

"Hi Henry!"

The little boy gazed up at her, enraptured by her face and said, "Hi!"

"That’s right! Hi!"


Marcia laughed. "D’you think he knows what it means?"

Evadne shook her head, as she affectionately ruffled her son’s curls. "Not a clue! Sometimes I think he’s just copying us all at the moment, but he seems to know what da-da, ma-ma and babi mean, so maybe he does."

"’Spose." Marcia blew a raspberry on her brother’s cheek, causing him to giggle. Then releasing him as he wriggled to get down, she turned back to her stepmother. "Mummy, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, of course. Can’t guarantee I’ll be able to answer it, mind you, but ask away!"

Marcia shuffled round so that she was facing Evadne properly and stared at her with eager eyes. "Did you ever get homesick when you were at school?"

Evvy turned her attention away from Henry again and gave her daughter a smile. "No, not really. I guess a little for the first few days, just while I got used to being away from Mom and Pops, but even that wasn’t so bad. I was having too much fun!"

"But didn’t you miss Grandad?"

"Yes, sometimes. But they were never too far away. He was around the Sonnalpe a whole heap to begin with, and then they moved to Salzburg, so I saw them a fair old bit."

Marcia went quiet as she digested this, and Evadne turned her attention to helping Henry build a tower with his blocks. Every time he got it to three, he knocked them over and had to start again.

"Was the Tiernsee as pretty as here?" Marcia asked eventually, as she watched Evadne pick up the blocks yet again.

"It certainly was. In a different way though – we had the lake on our doorstep there. Remember I showed you the photographs?"

Marcia nodded. "It did look pretty."

"It is. I’ll take you all there someday."

Marcia smiled and then sat back, picking up one of the magazines that were sitting beside her and apparently immersing herself in it, though in reality she was deep in thought.

Fed up with his blocks, Henry pushed himself up to his feet and began tugging at his mother’s sleeve crying "Babi!" over and over again and pointing to his stuffed toy, which was sitting propped up against one of the armchairs. Evadne reached behind her and passed it down to him, and snatching it out of her hands, he toddled happily off across the room, dragging it behind him. He was halfway towards Thea when the rabbit’s legs got tangled under his feet and he fell flat on his face. The resultant screams were loud enough to reach the other side of the Platz.

"Oh sweetie-pie, are you okay?" his mother called worriedly, as Edgar got quickly to his feet and strode over to pick up his son, examining him carefully for any injuries before cuddling him tight.

"No real harm done, eh little man?" he said, kissing Henry’s cheek and sitting back down on the chaise longue, still cuddling the little boy.

“I swear he’s made of rubber!” Ned put in, grinning as he watched his father bouncing Henry up and down on his knee to try and cheer him up. “He never really hurts himself!”

“You were exactly the same. I remember you walking straight off the top of the stairs when you were his age. You bounced all the way to the bottom and had nothing but a couple of small bruises to show for it!”

“Did he land on his head?” Thea asked, looking up from her letter with mischief in her eyes. “’Cause that would explain a lot!”

As her parents both burst out laughing, and Marcia cheered at someone finally getting one over on her brother, Ned got to his feet looking thoroughly cross. “I’m going to my room!” he announced, very much on his dignity, and to a shout of “Mind you don’t fall down the stairs” from Marcia, he turned on his heel and stropped out of the salon.

The next morning, the last of their holiday, they waved Evadne off on yet another day of expeditions and then leaving Henry in the care of Monique and Ned, Edgar and his two daughters set off towards the Chalet School for their promised tour. As Marcia ran on ahead, Thea dropped back to walk with her father, slipping her hand into his.

“Daddy, will you miss us when we go to school?”

Edgar smiled down at her. “Who are ‘us’? I thought it was only you going as things stand just now?” he teased.

Thea shook her head and said astutely, “Marcia’ll decide to go, I’m sure of it. She doesn’t like being left out of things and that’s what she’d be if I went and she didn’t. But will you miss us?”

“Hmmm, let me think. Will I miss the noise, the arguments, the clothes strewn across the hallway, the dirty hands on walls, the …”


Thea hit him indignantly on the arm, and he grinned and tightened his grip on her other hand.

“Of course I’ll miss you. I’ll miss you very much, and so will Mummy.”

Thea gave him a satisfied smile and nodded her head. “I’ll miss you too. I promise I’ll write every week.”

Returning her smile with a warm one of his own, Edgar replied, “Well you better had or we’ll be sending a search party to the Platz to see what’s happened to you!”

At that moment, as the school gates loomed up ahead, Marcia came running back and came to a halt in front of them, her hands on her hips and a frown on her brow. “Hurry up! You’re such slowcoaches!”

“Are we indeed?” Edgar replied, with a grin. “We’ll see about that. Race you!” and without warning, he suddenly took off down the road at some speed, leaving his daughters to follow in his wake.

Nell Wilson was watching out for them from one of the rooms at the front of the building, and as she saw them haring down the driveway, laughing and yelling as they went, she grinned to herself and made her way through to the entrance hall to greet them. She could well see why Evadne had fallen in love with this family – they seemed perfectly suited to her.

She opened the door just as they arrived in front of it, all three panting and holding their sides. As he caught sight of her, Edgar did his best to straighten himself up and regain the dignified demeanour that went along with his title, whilst his daughters smiled up at her familiar face.

“Hello Miss Wilson!” Marcia said, beaming up at her. “We’ve come to look round the school!”

“Have you now?” Nell replied, her face straight and her eyes twinkling. “Well in that case, I suppose you’d better come in,” and stepping back, she ushered them through into the entrance hall and showed them where to hang their coats. “You must be Sir Edgar?” she said, holding out her hand to shake his. “I’m Miss Wilson, head of St Mildred’s, the finishing branch. Miss Annersley sends her apologies. She’s had to go to England on some urgent business, so she’s asked me to show you around on her behalf.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” Edgar replied, shaking her hand and noting the firm, no-nonsense grip. “Thank you for organising this. I’ll be glad to see the school before September, I must say.”

“No problem at all. It’s the least we could do after my little faux-pas. So, shall we get going? Any preference where you’d like to start?”

“Please can we see where we’ll sleep?” Thea asked eagerly.

“Absolutely. Anything you’d especially like to see, Marcia?”

That young lady shook her head, her blonde curls bouncing as she did so. “Just all over, please. I don’t know if I want to come yet.”

“Don’t you now?” Nell raised her eyebrows and glanced curiously down at the small girl in front of her. “Well in that case I’d better see if I can convince you then, hadn’t I? Follow me!” and with that, she turned and led them down the hall.

Miss Wilson turned out to be an informative, jolly tour-guide, showing the girls everything she could think of and patiently answering all the questions they had to ask. Their last stop on the indoor part of the tour turned out to be the Great Hall. They wandered around the room, Marcia asking questions at a machine gun rate, and Thea examining everything with wonder in her eyes. As they reached the Honours Boards, she stared up at them, skimming the list of names.

“Is Mummy’s name up there?”

Miss Wilson shook her head. “No, that’s a list of everyone who was Head Girl.”

“Wasn’t Mummy Head Girl then?” Marcia wanted to know.

Nell glanced at Edgar, who grinned knowingly at her, and then turned back to Marcia. “No, she wasn’t. She was a prefect, but another girl was Head Girl during that time. Mrs. Van Alden’s name’s up there though.”

“Auntie Corney?” Thea asked, wide-eyed.

“That’s right. She was Cornelia Flower back in those days. Look, there she is.”

Marcia stared up at the board in awe. “Was she Head Girl ‘cause she wasn’t as naughty as Mummy?”

Edgar spluttered, quickly turning his laugh into a cough and burying his face in his bright yellow handkerchief, and even Miss Wilson was pressed to keep a straight face. “Well, er, no, not exactly. She just stayed on a little longer at school than your Mummy, that’s all. Now, what say we go and explore the grounds?”

It was mid-afternoon before the three of them returned to the pension, as Miss Wilson insisted that they stay and join her for lunch. She had found herself very much enjoying the company of these two young girls, one so thoughtful and intelligent, the other quite the livewire, and she did her best to encourage their enthusiasm about the school that she loved so dearly. In turn, the girls had taken to their new friend wholeheartedly and had great fun listening to the tales that Miss Wilson had to tell of their stepmother’s days at school.

On the walk back to the Villa Caramie, Marcia was unusually quiet, dawdling along behind her father and sister so that Edgar had to ask her several times to keep up, and when they arrived back at the pension, she took herself straight off to her room, declaring that she wanted to be on her own. When Kaffee had been and gone and she still hadn’t emerged, Edgar went to seek her out to find out what was wrong. He found her sitting cross legged on her bed, a writing pad in her hand which she hastily closed when he came into the room.

“I brought you a cake, in case you were hungry.”

Putting the pad on her nightstand, she nodded her head eagerly and Edgar made his way across to the bed, handing the confection over and perching next to her.

“Are you okay, poppet? It’s not like you to miss tea.”

“Yesh fanks,” she mumbled, her mouth full of the delicious sponge. Then swallowing, she added, “I just needed to think and be all on my own so I came up here, that’s all.”

Her father smiled and picked a crumb of cake from her plate, getting his hand slapped for his troubles. “What did you need to think about?”

“About if I want to go to the Chalet School.” She paused to take another mouthful and then frowned. “It’s hard.”

“I know it is.” Edgar squeezed her knee sympathetically. “So have you made up your mind?”

“Almost. Miss Wilson said to me to write down all the good things about going and all the bad things about going,” she said, picking up her notepad again. “I’ve done that but I don’t know what to do now.”

“I think you’re supposed to see if the good outweighs the bad, or vice versa.” Marcia looked thoroughly confused. “That means look at both lists and see if the good is bigger than the bad or the bad is bigger than the good. Which one do you think wins?” She shrugged her shoulders, and her father grinned and made himself more comfortable. “Okay, what have you got for the good?”

“Being with Thea still.”

“Well that’s a good start. What else?”

She reeled off a long list of things written on the paper before her, and as she finished with, “Being in class with Val” and “Being even further away from Ned”, Edgar tried not to laugh.

“Right, well that’s a very long list. What have you got for the bad?”

“Being away from you and Mummy and Henry,” she replied, her face falling as she looked down at her lap, “and that’s a really big bad. I don’t know what to do, Daddy.”

Edgar thought hard for a moment, and then decided to tell her something that he and Evadne had been discussing for the past few days. “Okay, would it make a difference if I told you that Mummy and I are thinking about buying either a chalet here or an apartment in Interlaken?”


“Yes really. That way we’ll have somewhere to stay when we want to come and visit during term time, and it’s much nearer to the school than Geneva is. So might that make a difference?”

“Def’nitely,” his daughter replied, scribbling it down at the bottom of the ‘good’ list.

“Jolly good. Now, shall I leave you to think about it some more?”

“Yes please.”

“Okay then, we’ll see you downstairs for dinner at seven-thirty. Don’t miss that, will you, or you’ll be very hungry come bed time.”

“I won’t. Is Mummy back yet?”

“No, but she shouldn’t be too long.” Checking his watch, he realised it was coming on for six o’clock, and he frowned down at his wrist. “In fact, she’s a bit late.”

“Maybe she came back while you were here?”

“Maybe.” Edgar smiled and got to his feet. “See you at dinner,” and he left his daughter’s room to go in search of his wife.

Evadne, it turned out, had not arrived back after all, and when she still hadn’t put in an appearance an hour later, Edgar was beginning to get a bit worried. Calling through to Freudesheim, and finding the line busy yet again, he replaced the receiver, thanked Mme. Renault, and turned to face his son.

“Ned, I think I’m going to pop across to the Maynards, find out what’s going on. Can I trust you to keep an eye on things here for me? Marcia’s fine up in her room, but if you and Thea could help Monique if she needs a hand getting Henry ready for bed, that would be great.”

“Course we can. Dad, you don’t think anything’s happened, do you?”

“I’m sure they’ve just got gossiping and forgotten the time,” Edgar replied, sounding less than convinced. “Right, I’ll be off then. I won’t be long.”

At that moment, the door to the lobby was thrown open and Evadne appeared, looking somewhat dishevelled, a bag clutched in her hands.

“I was about to send a search party out for you!”

In his relief at seeing her, his voice sounded far sterner than he meant it to, and his wife glared at him in return.

“Don’t start, Edgar, I’m really not in the mood.” Then turning to the front desk, she asked Mme. Renault, “If a call comes through from the Maynards, please will you come and get me at once?”

As the Swiss woman indicated that it would be no problem to do so, Edgar regained his voice. “Evvy, what’s happ…”

Ignoring him, Evadne pushed past him and headed up the stairs. Ned gaped after her, a little shocked.

“What was that all about?”

“No idea, but I’d better go and find out. You go and find Thea, and make sure you keep to the salon until dinner, the pair of you,” and turning on his heel, he followed his wife up to the first floor.

Monique came out of the bedroom as he approached it, and slowly pushing back the door, he found Evadne sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Henry tightly in her arms and rocking him back and forth. The bag she had been carrying was thrown to one side against the wall, and Edgar could see lace and wooden carvings spilling out of it. He made his way quietly round the end of the bed, anxious not to disturb Henry, and as he sat down beside her, Evadne turned her head to look at him, her face pale and her eyes bright.

“Sorry I snapped at you,” she murmured quietly, dropping a kiss on Henry’s forehead as she spoke.

Edgar smiled and shook his head. “Is he nearly asleep?”

“Pretty much. Monique was just settling him when I came in, but I needed to give him a cuddle before he went down.” She hugged Henry tightly to her chest again, and then stood up, and walked him across to his cot. Edgar watched as she settled him down to sleep, pulling the blankets around him to keep him warm. Then walking across to the far wall, she picked up the bag she had thrown down, and emptied the contents onto the bed.

“I went shopping,” she stated, picking up a wooden, carved cigar box and handing it to her husband. “Here, this is for you. Corney got one for Mike too.”

Edgar smiled and placed it on the bed next to him. “Thanks, it’ll come in handy. Evvy, what’s…”

“I got carved animals for the girls and Henry, and an aeroplane for Ned,” she interrupted, picking the items up one by one to show him, and refusing to look him in the eye. “And these yards of lace may come in useful sometime, and…”

“Evvy, stop it.” Edgar placed his hand on her wrist to prevent her picking up a carved ivory figurine. “What’s going on? What’s happened?”

Closing her eyes for a second, Evadne took a deep breath. “Len fell down a cliff.”

What?” Edgar stared at her, flabbergasted. “Wh…what…I mean, how? What happened? Is she ok?”

Evvy nodded. “She’s a mite shaken up and scratched but she’ll be fine. It’s Grizel we’re worried about.”

She proceeded to fill her husband in on how the ground had given way beneath Len, and how Grizel had gone down to save her, hurting her back in the process.

“The worst of it is, she may have damaged her spine. They’re checking her over at the San now, and operating, I think. Joey’s gonna call as soon as she has any news.”

She began shaking as she finished speaking and the day’s events really began to sink in, and Edgar jumped to his feet and hurried around the bed to take her in his arms. “They’re brilliant surgeons up there, Evvy, you know that. They’ll do everything they can for her.”

“I know.” They stood in silence for a short while, Evadne clinging to him, her face buried in his broad chest as he gently stroked her fair curls. Then, pulling back, she swallowed hard and shook her head. “Len could have been killed, and on the way home, all I kept thinking was that it could have been me on that ledge, me who went over the side, and what would become of you all if it had been and the worst had happened. How selfish is that?”

Edgar shuddered at the mere mention of it, and wrapped his arms tightly around her again. “It’s not selfish, sweetheart, it’s natural.”

“I guess. You know, Corney hated crossing this raging brook we came to at one point, kept saying she had Mike and the kids to think of. We all laughed at her at the time, but she was right, wasn’t she? Pity it took Len falling off a mountain to make me realise the same thing.”

“Yes, well Corney’s a very wise woman. And I can’t believe I just said that!”

Inspite of herself, Evadne laughed and looked up at him. “I’ll tell her that. It’ll make her day.”

Chuckling, Edgar ran a finger down the side of her cheek before lowering his head to kiss her. “Personally, I’m just glad we’re going home tomorrow. Then we can have you safe and sound in our back garden, instead of gallivanting around the mountains with your friends.”

“Sounds good to me! I’ve had just about enough of it all after today.”

A sudden thought dawned in Edgar’s mind. “This walk – is it somewhere the school would be likely to take the children?”

“No, definitely not,” his wife replied, thinking that maybe she would keep Joey’s stories of various alarms and excursions to herself.

“Glad to hear it. Now,” he added, attempting to take her mind off things a little, “are you hungry? Because unless I’m much mistaken, the gong will be sounding for dinner any minute now.”

“I’m ravenous!”

“To the dining room then, I think,” he decided, ushering her out of the door. “And hopefully, by the time we’re done, Joey will have phoned through with some news.”

The following morning, the family said their goodbyes to Mme. Renault and the Gornetz Platz, and made their way down the mountain to Interlaken, from where they would board the train home. Joey had indeed phoned the previous evening, just as the Watsons were finishing dinner. It was good news – though it may be slow going, Grizel would make a complete recovery – and Evadne was able to head back to Geneva with a lighter heart.

As the train rumbled through the countryside to the west of Bern, Evvy cuddled up to her husband’s side and stared out of the window as the fields, towns and chalets flashed by. Thea, Ned and Marcia were in the dining car, playing a game of cards, and Monique had taken Henry for a walk along the corridor outside the compartment.

“Peace and quiet at last, eh?” Edgar remarked, gazing down at his wife and dropping a kiss on the top of her head.

She was about to reply when the compartment door was flung open and Marcia came marching in.

“Might have known I’d be speaking too soon,” her father muttered, as the young girl flopped down on the seat opposite her parents and fixed them both with an eager stare. Then turning to address his daughter, Edgar asked in a louder voice, “What are you looking all excited about, madam? I thought you were playing cards with the other two?”

“No, that’s boring,” came the firm reply. “Anyway I have something to tell you and Mummy. I’ve decided.”

“You’ve decided what, sweetie?” Evadne asked, sitting up straight and trying to stifle a yawn.

“About the Chalet School, of course! I’ve decided I want to go.”

Edgar opened his eyes wide. “Are you sure? You really want to?”

“Yes. I’ve thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and I really want to go.”

“Well you’ve certainly done a lot of thinking,” her stepmother put in, trying hard to keep a straight face.

Marcia nodded earnestly and tossed one of her curly pigtails back over her shoulder. “I have – lots and lots. And I’m going to tell Ann to tell Mr. and Mrs. Bown that she has to go too.”

Edgar glanced briefly at his wife and pulled a face. “Erm, you do realise they may well say no, poppet?”

“No they won’t ‘cause Ann’ll tell them. And anyway, I still want to go even if Ann doesn’t.” She got to her feet, and without waiting for a reply, she asked, “Can I go and see the ticket man, please? I asked him earlier and he said I could help him check people’s tickets!”

“Yes, as long as you behave. Hang on one moment, though, I…” but he was talking to thin air. Instead, he turned to his wife, looking a little bemused. “Well that’s that then!”

Evadne chuckled. “I guess we’ve been told! Sounds like Janice and Jonty will be too!”

“Yes, I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that particular conversation! Things are working out rather well, aren’t they?”

“They sure are. And best of all, we’re on our way home! Look, there’s the lake already! We must be almost in Montreux.”

She leant heavily on her husband’s lap as she tried to get a better look out of the window, and Edgar let out a strangled yelp and pushed her up again. “Careful!”

Evadne winced, “Ouch! Sorry, baby!” and reached up to peck him on the cheek. “Guess there’ll be a rush to sort things when we do get in, though. Hugh and Dorothy arrive day after tomorrow. I hope Frau Siefert got my note and made up the extra beds.”

As she spoke, the door opened again, this time admitting Henry and a harassed looking Monique into the room. The little boy toddled straight across to his father and put his hands on his leg, leaving grubby handprints on his trousers.

As Edgar exclaimed loudly and grabbed his handkerchief to try and remove the offending marks, Evadne reached for her son and pulled him away before he could do more damage.

“What have you been at, young man? Look at you, you’re filthy! Oh no you don’t!” and she grabbed one of his hands out of the way before he could put it on her skirt.

Monique began apologising profusely, explaining that she had only turned her back for a moment and he had somehow managed to cover himself in oil. Evadne waved her apologies away with a grin.

“No matter. I well know what he can be like! Edgar, pass me that bag down from up there, will you? It has a change of clothes for trouble here. I’ll take him along to get washed up.”

“I’ll do that if you like. I have to scrub my trousers anyway, though I think they’re pretty much ruined.” Pulling down the bag from the shelf overhead, he placed it onto the seat next to his wife and then took his son from her arms, careful to keep Henry’s oily hands away from his shirt. “Come on you, let’s go and clean you up, shall we? No peace for the wicked eh?” and the pair of them disappeared through the door.


#544:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:36 am

Yay! Marcia has decided to go to the school Very Happy

Love the way Ann's will be told to tell her parents Laughing

Looking forward to Dorothy & Hugh's visit Very Happy

Thanks Jo



#545:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:48 am

*giggles at Marcia* but Im glad she has decided she wants to go to the CS.

*hugs Evvy*

Thanks Jo Very Happy


#546:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:00 am

Oh fantastic, I love this drabble! Also can't wait for Hugh and Dorothy to visit Very Happy


#547:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:16 am

what a lovely long post - great to see 'another side' of Reunion.
Glad Marcia decided to go to the school too.

thanks Jo Very Happy


#548:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:43 am

I also love this drabble. Marcia is so funny and endearing! And as for Henry he's going to be a right handful!

Thank you Jo.


#549:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:20 am

Laughing Nice one Henry Wink

Thanks Jo! Loved the scene with Nell and Edgar trying to keep straight faces! Laughing


#550:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:38 pm

Brilliant Jo - thank you so much.

I'd love to see the conversation between Ann and her parents!


#551:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:55 pm

Thanks, Jo. I'm glad Marcia has decided to go to the CS - I hope Ann decides to go as well. I loved Thea and Marcia's comments about Ned falling down the stairs!


#552:  Author: jaceyLocation: Ireland PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:10 pm

Thanks for the great update Josie. My only complaint is that you don't post often enough, but I know I'm being greedy. And I do enjoy Corney's story too.
I do worry what I'll do when these two drabbles come to an end, maybe you could make it like the "Elsie" books and have Evvy and Corney's grandchildren??!


#553:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:40 pm

Thanks Jo!!!

Glad Marcia has decided to go to the school.


#554:  Author: SophoifeLocation: down under Down Under PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:58 pm

Thanks Josie!

I don't mind that you don't post every 5 minutes cos you write such lovely long posts when you do! Very Happy


#555:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:27 pm

There was so much of that post that was so good, if I were to quote all thebits I liked I'd end up quoting all of it.

Thanks Jo, glad marcia's decided to go to the CS, love the little scenes with Nell, felt the reaction of Evvy to Len and Grizel'saccident just right.



#556:  Author: GemLocation: Saltash/Aberystwyth PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:08 pm

Lovely Jo - thanks! Very Happy Poor Evvy....


#557:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:55 am

I just loved Ned falling down the stairs and Thea's inspired response.
Actually I loved all of it. And as Sophoife said, such lovely long posts too.


#558:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:07 am

Oh, how lovely! Glad that Marcia has made up her mind to go to the School. Loved Edgar's response over the walk and Len and Grizel's accident - given the way Joey broadcasts happenings, it's wonder they get any new pupils at all! Sometimes I wonder about some of the letters that must get sent home...

Thanks Josie.


#559:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:38 pm

What a lovely long post, thanks Josie!


#560:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:31 pm

A week later, the van Aldens finally made it to Geneva for their visit with the Watsons, and Edgar was summarily despatched to the railway station to pick them up.

"So, finally we get to see your humble Geneva abode then?" Mike grinned, as Edgar turned off the main road and began driving along the narrow lanes of Cologny, the suburb nearest to the Watson family’s home.

"Apparently so. Have either of you ever been to Geneva before?"

"I have," a little voice piped up from the back seat.

Cornelia turned to her eldest daughter in surprise. "I don’t think you have, Terry."

Not to be put off, Terry nodded her head vigorously. "Yes I have. You and Daddy and Meg and me went to see Uncle Geoff and Aunt Carol."

Her mother smiled. "That’s a different Geneva, sweetie-pie. Aunt Carol and Uncle Geoff live in Geneva in Pennsylvania, Uncle Edgar means Geneva in Switzerland."


"Where’s Geneva in Swiz'land, Mommy?" Meg put in.

"It’s where we are now, Meg. Aunt Evvy and Uncle Edgar live here."


"Because this is where Uncle Edgar’s work is."


"Because the people who he works for have their offices here." Then seeing another ‘why’ on her daughter’s lips, Cornelia pointed out of the window. "Look, Meg, horsies." The tactic seemed to distract the little girl, and her mother turned back to Edgar to answer his earlier question. "No, we’ve never been here, either of us."

"Excellent. Then Evvy will be your tour guide. She’s just itching to show you around. I have to work, I’m afraid, but I’ll see you at the weekend." He negotiated a tricky bend in the road and then added, "You know we’ve other guests staying at the moment, don’t you? They leave tomorrow morning – to go to the Gornetz Platz, as it happens."

"Yes, Evvy told me all about it. I’m looking forward to seeing old Dorothy again."

"They’re rather looking forward to seeing you too," Edgar returned, a wicked grin lighting up his face.

Mike caught the expression from the corner of his eye. "What?"

Edgar refused to reply, instead turning his attention on negotiating the road out of Cologny, the maddening grin still plastered on his face. As he turned the car onto the lane that ran above the lakeside villas, a stunning view of Lac Leman opened up before them.

Mesmerised, Cornelia leant forward and grasped her husband’s shoulder. "Oh, Mike! Look at the lake, it’s so beautiful from here!"

"It sure is!" Mike gave her an affectionate grin before turning back to his friend. "Your house backs onto it, doesn’t it?"

Edgar grinned. "It certainly does. Here we are now, in fact," and he swung the car off the top road and down into the long driveway. As the Watsons’ home loomed into view at the bottom of the gravel track, Mike and Cornelia’s mouths fell open in awe.

"That’s not a house, that’s a mansion!" Mike exclaimed, gaping at the three-storey villa with its vast, secluded grounds.

"It’s not that big!" Edgar laughed, catching the expression on his friend’s face. "It’s smaller than the Hall, for example."

"Yes, but the Hall’s a museum!"

"Mommy, is this our hotel?"

Cornelia burst out laughing. "No, Terry, believe it or not, it’s Uncle Edgar and Aunt Evvy’s home!"

"Out of the mouths of babes, eh?" Mike pointed out, and Edgar laughed.

"Okay, okay, you’ve proved your point." Then drawing to a halt in the forecourt, he switched off the engine and turned around in his seat, the wide grin still plastered on his face. "Here we are, then! Everyone out!"

At that moment, the front door flew open and a highly-excited Evadne came running out to greet her friends.

"You’re here!" she cried, throwing her arms around Cornelia and giving her an enormous hug.

"Don’t squash me, idiot!" Corney gasped, as she freed herself from her friend’s clutches. "What’s the matter with you, anyhow? I only saw you a week ago!"

But Evadne wasn’t listening. Instead, she ran around the far side of the car, from where Mike had just emerged, and grabbed hold of that gentleman’s arm. "Quick, you have to go through to the salon!"

"Pleasure to see you too!"

"Never mind all that, just go!"

Mike glanced down at her suspiciously. "Why?"

"There’s someone in there who wants to see you."

"You're being as odd as your husband! I thought it was Corney who knew one of your guests, not me?"

"Argh! Just go, will you!" and taking hold of his arm, Evadne dragged him towards the house and in through the front door, ignoring his protests as they went.

"Well which one’s the salon, then?" Mike asked, as she finally let go of his arm.

She pointed to a door on the far side of the entrance hall. "That one there."

"Evvy, what’s going on?"

Spinning around, Evadne slipped her hand through Cornelia’s arm and grinned. "You’ll see."

"This had better not be some rotten old joke of yours, Evvy Watson, I’m warning you!" Mike grumbled, glaring over his shoulder at her as he made his way across the hall.

As he spoke, the salon door suddenly opened, and a deep baritone remarked, "Well, well, well. I’d know those dulcet tones anywhere!"

At the sound of the new voice, Mike stopped dead and spun round quickly to find himself staring at a tall, upright man with scars on his face and an eyepatch over one eye. He was grinning broadly, his visible eye shining with delight, and as Mike stared at him, speechless, he limped forward and held out his hand.

"It’s been a long time. How are you, Dutch?"

His words seemed to bring Mike back to his senses, and grabbing the man’s hand, he pumped it vigorously. "Well I’ll be damned!" he exclaimed, with little regard for those listening in. "What are you doing here? Oh never mind that!" and before his friend had a chance to reply, Mike let go of his hand and threw his arms around him in an enormous bear hug.

"Daddy, who’s that man?"

Releasing his friend, keeping one arm around his shoulders, Mike turned to face Terry, who was standing in the front doorway clinging to Evadne’s hand. "This," he announced, with much gusto, "is Hugh Douglas, an old pal of mine from during the war. Hugh, this is our eldest little girl, Terry, and that there’s my wonderful Corney, with our youngest, Meg, in her arms." He winked at Cornelia, who was staring at her husband in amazement, and then turned back to Hugh. "As you can see, I found my sweetheart after all! So out with it, what are you even doing here?"

Seeing that they would be stuck in the hallway for hours if she let Hugh reply, Evadne let go of Terry’s hand and hastily stepped forward. "Tell you what, let’s head through to the salon, shall we? That way you two can get reacquainted in comfort. Thea, be a darling and go tell Guilia we need tea and cakes for everyone, will you?" she added to her daughter, who was hanging over the upstairs banister with her siblings and the Douglas’ two children, intent on being part of the fun. "Ned, go help your father bring the cases in, and then we can all relax. Come on, everyone, hurry on!" and with a clap of her hands, she swiftly ushered them all out of the hall.


"Here we are, Martinis all round, in honour of your stay!" Edgar plonked the tray of drinks down on the table and began passing them out. "One for you, one for you, one for you and one for me! Olives, onions and sticks on the tray - help yourselves!" and with drink in hand, he sat down heavily in his seat and raised his glass. "Cheers!"

As a chorus of ‘cheers’ came back at him, a plaintive voice sounded from the end of the table, " What about me, Dad?"

Edgar grinned at his son. "You can have a glass of wine, but you’ll have to pour it yourself."

Scraping back his chair, Ned ran happily into the house, determined to make the most of his father’s relaxation of the rules. Smiling, Cornelia watched him go. Then taking a sip of her drink, she sat back in her chair, gazing across the gardens at the lake and mountains, and heaved a contented sigh.

"What a balmy evening!"

Evadne turned to grin at her friend. "Isn’t it?" Reaching across the gap between them, she slipped her hand through her Cornelia’s arm and gave her elbow a squeeze. "I’m so glad you’re here! Now I get to have you all to myself for two weeks, instead of having to share you with the hordes!"


"And I’m glad you’re here too, Mike!"

"Said with utmost sincerity, I see!" he teased. Evadne stuck her tongue out at him, looking more like a ten-year-old schoolgirl than a proud mother of four, and Mike gave a deep chuckle. "Very mature of you! Oh, splendid martini!" he said, taking a mouthful of the clear liquid and licking his lips. "Almost as good as I make myself!" Cornelia rolled her eyes at her husband’s modesty, and he gave her a quick wink, before adding, "You know, I still can’t believe how rummy that was – old Hugh turning up married to your friend!"

"I know!" Evadne laughed. "You should have seen his face when he realised he knew you! Edgar was saying something about collecting you people from the station, and when the name Van Alden was mentioned, Hugh went into shock!"

"Nearly fell off his chair, poor chap!" Edgar put in with a grin.

Mike shook his head. "Still can’t believe it."

"I still can’t believe I’ve never heard about him before," his wife put in, frowning. "Or half of those yarns you were spinning last night!"

"I’d pretty much lost touch with him by the time you and I got together properly. We wrote each other for a few months after I returned to the States, but then the letters kinda fizzled out. I’m not the world’s best correspondent," he added, by way of explanation to his hosts.

"Don’t I know it!"

Mike gave a wry grin and raised his eyebrows. "Let’s not rehash old history, shall we sweetheart?" Then taking hold of her hand, he leaned over to peck her on the cheek. "And you know how I feel about the war stories. It was a lot of fun remembering yesterday though, I must say. You know" he ruminated, after a split-second pause, "I don’t believe I’ve even thought of Hugh for years, except when I’ve noticed Swallows and Amazons on the bookshelf."

Cornelia looked puzzled. "Why that book?"

"Because he gave it to me, that's why. Have you ever read it, young Ned?"

Walking out of the french doors from the salon, Ned started guiltily as he heard his name. Knowing that his father would not allow him more than one glass of wine, he had taken advantage of being alone with the bottle, and gulped two extra glasses before returning to the terrace, leaving the adults none the wiser.

Edgar caught the look on his face. "What have you been up to, young man?"

"Nothing!" came the none-too-convincing reply. "What did you ask me, Uncle Mike?"

"If you’d ever read Swallows and Amazons?"

Ned screwed his face up as he returned to his seat. "That’s a girls’ book!"

"You think so?"

"I know so!"

"Ned, you sip that wine not gulp it like that, or you’ll get no more ever again!" Evadne scolded, as Ned drank a third of the glass in one mouthful.

Knowing that she meant what she said, Ned did as he was told, and then placed his glass back on the table. "Please can you tell some more pilot stories?" he asked his brevet-uncle eagerly.

Mike glanced at Cornelia, who squeezed his fingers in return, and then shook his head. "I think you’ve had enough for one vacation, don’t you?"

"Oh, but…"

"No means no, Ned!" his father said firmly, and pouting, Ned went quiet and stared into the bottom of his glass.

"Well I think it’s great you got to meet the godson you never knew you had!" Cornelia stated, in an effort to change the subject.

"Well, he’s not officially my godson."

"I know, but Hugh said he would have been if he’d known where to reach you!"

Mike grinned back at her. "That’s true. It’s about time we had a godchild between us, isn’t it? Even if he is only honorary."

"Well excuse me!"

Mike turned to Evadne in surprise. "What’s eating you?"

‘What you just said!"

"About having no godchildren? Well it’s true! Ow!" he exclaimed, as his wife hit him across the chest.

"You idiot!"

"What?" Mike was thoroughly confused. He glanced at Edgar, who was trying his hardest to contain his laughter, and then stared at Evadne as if she had gone mad. "Sorry, but you’ve lost me!"

"Well, if you don’t want your wife to be godmother to our son, then we can always rescind the privilege!"

"Hey!" Cornelia interjected in injured tones. "Don’t punish me just because my husband’s a prize dolt!"

Ned giggled, and Edgar got to his feet, grinning at his friend’s discomfort. "You look like you could do with another stiff drink! Top up?"

"God yes!" A flustered looking Mike passed his glass over, and then turned back to Evadne. "Sorry, I forgot!"



"I’m not interested!"

Edgar chuckled as he disappeared through the door to the sound of his wife’s voice berating Mike. Making his way through to the dining room, he pulled opened the drinks cabinet and was about to pour some vodka into the shaker, when he noticed the near-empty bottle of wine standing to one side.

Picking it up, he stared at it for a second, and then…


Storming back through the salon, he burst through the french doors onto the patio.

"You’ve gone too far this time, young man! I’ll tell you now that…" Suddenly he noticed he was berating an empty chair. "Where is he?"

Three innocent faces smiled back at him.

"Who?" Evadne asked, at her most beguiling.

"You know who! Oh don’t look at me like that!" as they continued to stare blankly up at him, though Cornelia was hard-put not to laugh. "Where have you hidden him?"

"No idea who you’re talking about, old man!" Mike replied with an aggravating grin.

"This is not funny!"

"Oh come on, Edgar, can’t you let it go, just this once?" Evadne pleaded, as she reached up to grab his arm and tried to pull him into his seat. "It’s not like he’s done it before, and he’ll soon learn his lesson when he wakes up in the morning with the mother of all headaches!"

"How do you even know what he did?"

"He told us when he realised you’d see the bottle! Go on, won’t you let him off this time? Please?"

Edgar stared at her, and then heaved a reluctant sigh. "Fine, he’s let off!" he acceded, as she knew he eventually would if she kept on at him. "Anything for a quiet life. But I tell you, if he does it again, he’ll be for the stocks, and that’s a promise!"

"And one I’m sure you’ll keep. Now, weren’t you making Mike a drink? And can you fetch me a glass of water too? I don’t really feel like this drink."

Reminded of his reason for being inside in the first place, Edgar made his way back into the house, muttering under his breath. As soon as Evadne was sure that her husband was out of earshot, she turned to the large rhododendron bush to one side of the patio.

"You can come out now."

A sheepish and rather dishevelled looking Ned emerged into the open and brushed himself down.

"Thanks, Evvy."

"Yes, well you didn’t deserve it! You’ll have a rotten head in the morning, and serve you right! And if you pull that stunt ever again I’ll wring your neck myself, never mind your father. Now, I suggest you head off to bed, and use the back door."

Not wanting to hang around a moment longer, partly in case his father returned and saw him, and partly because he was beginning to feel sick, Ned slunk off to do as he was told. Cornelia laughed as he disappeared around the side of the house.

"Say, remember when we drank your Pop's scotch that summer in Salzburg? I thought Arthur would blow a gasket he was so mad!"

Evadne laughed. "Do I ever! Why d’you think I hid Ned from Edgar just now? I could do without a fuming husband, and from memory, the messy head the next day taught us far more than anything Pops said that night!"

"Too true!"

Mike chuckled. "This is a tale I’ve never heard!"

"We’ll tell you when Edgar gets back."

"He’s back!" Mike pointed out, as Edgar reappeared at the salon doors. "Edgar, come hear some tales of our wives' drunken exploits!"

A little calmer than he had been five minutes ago, Edgar sat down next to Evadne and passed over her glass of water, before running his hand across her hair. "Is it safe to hear?"

"I’m sure you’ve a few of your own to match!" she replied, laughing. "Over to you then, Corney!" and with Ned forgotten, the four of them settled in for the night.

As ever, Hugh and Dorothy appear courtesy of Patmac Inc.

Last edited by Josie on Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:56 pm; edited 9 times in total


#561:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:05 pm

Wonderful to see them all reminiscing Laughing

Not surprised Ned feels a little queasy after 3 glasses of wine in quick succession Rolling Eyes

Thanks Jo



#562:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:38 pm


That was brill Jo!!!
Nice to see Mike and Hugh reunited, and Ned's a lucky boy that Evvy got him off of a telling off!


#563:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:40 pm

Hugh and Dorothy enjoyed their vacation in Josie's Universe! In my universe, they're still 10 years behind so why they are going to the Gornetz Platz will have to wait!

Lovely post. I particularly liked Ned's exploit with the wine. I think most children try it at some time and the consequences are rather dire!


#564:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:22 pm

Thanks Josie, another wonderful post. love seeing Hugh and Dorothy there and the Ned episode rings soooo true. Laughing


#565:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:33 pm

Thanks, Jo. It's great to see Hugh and Dorothy. When I first read about them in this drabble, I found out about Patmac's drabble and I'm reading it as well.

I felt sorry for what's in store for Ned.


#566:  Author: GemLocation: Saltash/Aberystwyth PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:23 pm


Poor Ned! I don't envy him in the morning - I'm feeling distinctly tipsy now after one glass! Embarassed

Thank you Jo - lovely long update, and I love Corney's and Mike's reaction to the house!


#567:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:57 pm

Lovely, lovely, lovely!!!

Ned deserves all that's coming to him! Very Happy


#568:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:33 am

Excellent as usual! I particularly enjoyed the crossovers this time, both with Patmac's characters and Corney's leetle dig about letter-writing skills.

But Swallows and Amazons a girls' book? Silly Ned!


#569:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:57 am

Lovely as always. Naughty Ned! Hope he gets the head he deserves tomorrow.


#570:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:39 am

Thank you Jo.

Love Meg being a why bird! Poor Ned he'll lay off the wine for a while after the hangover he's likely to have! And Evvy not wanting her martini and motion sickness on the boat - hmmmm?


#571:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:42 am

great! hope Ned doesn't feel too bad though - we've all done it!! Very Happy


#572:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:48 am

Poor Ned, he just doesn't know what's coming, does he?


#573:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:11 pm

*chuckles evilly*

Thanks Jo!


#574:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:15 pm

*hopes for a FULL account of Master Ned's hangover*
(with all the sympathy of someone who doesn't drink!!!! Wink )


#575:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:10 pm

Fabulous Jo! Very Happy


#576:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:01 pm

"Evvy, are you okay?"

"Fine, thanks."

"Are you sure, sweetheart? You’ve been in there an absolute age!"

"Can’t a girl go to the bathroom in peace in this house?"

Edgar chuckled at her indignant reply. She certainly sounded like her normal self. "Okay, okay, sorry. You’ll find us on the patio when you’re done," and leaving her to it, he withdrew from the bathroom door and made his way downstairs.

Evadne waited a few seconds until she was sure her husband had gone, and then turned on the cold tap, splashing water on her face in an attempt to brighten herself up. All of a sudden, she grabbed onto the sink as another wave of nausea swept over her, and once it had passed, she raised her head and stared at herself in the mirror, heaving a sigh at the sight of her tired, pale complexion and the soft bruises underneath her eyes.

Worried that she was sickening for something, Edgar had been trying to persuade her to visit the doctor for almost a week now, but so far she had refused, saying it would pass soon enough. Looking at her weary features, as she gently towel-dried her face and began to apply her make-up, she sincerely hoped that it would.

By the time she arrived downstairs, she looked as good as new, and glancing up as his wife emerged from the back door, Edgar was relieved to note that she seemed perfectly healthy.

"Sorry, everyone, I’ve been dragging my heels a little this morning, haven’t I? What’ve I missed?"

At the sound of her voice, Marcia looked round and yelled, "Mummy, can I stay and help?"

"Don’t shout, I’m here not next-door! And stay where?"

"Here, with Daddy and Uncle Mike." Marcia replied, utterly unperturbed. "Daddy said I could if you said so too. They’re going to build Henry a table and chairs for his nursery."

"Are you?" Evadne raised her eyebrows and shot her husband an amused look, fully aware that his carpentry skills extended little beyond the basics. "In one day?"

Knowing exactly what she was thinking, Edgar grinned back at her. "Ah, but you forget - I have my secret weapon," he announced mysteriously, nodding in the direction of Mike, who beamed back proudly.

Evvy laughed. "Of course! I’d forgotten how handy you are with a set of tools!"

"A little table and a couple of chairs should be a piece of cake. I built a set for the girls a few years back, and it only took half a day."

"So can I stay?" Marcia interjected impatiently, and Evadne grinned.

"I don’t see why not, so long as you do as Daddy tells you. Thea, are you coming with Aunt Corney and me, or would you like to stay as well?"

Glancing up from her book, Thea shook her head. "No thanks, I’ll come with you."

"Right ‘o. Let’s start gathering everyone up, shall we? Where are the little ones?"

"In there with Corney," Edgar replied, waving a lazy hand in the direction of the salon, from where the strains of Bill Hailey and His Comets could be heard coming from the record player.

As he spoke, Terry appeared at the door, her little face pink from her giggles. "Aunt Evvy, come and see! Henry’s dancing!"

"Is he now?"

Laughing, Evadne made her way to the french doors, and Marcia jumped up from her chair, declaring "I love it when he dances!" and followed her inside. There they found Henry, standing in the middle of the room wearing only his nappy and a teddy-bear top. His little face was lit up with joy as he bobbed up and down, vaguely in time with the music. In front of him was Cornelia, who had abandoned her dignity and was dancing along with him.

Meg stood to one side, watching on and giggling. "Mommy, he looks so funny!"

Cornelia glanced down at her daughter and grinned. "You used to do that too!"


"Oh yes you did!" Meg pulled a disbelieving face, and Corney held out her hand. "Come join in, it’s fun. Come on you two, join in as well," she added, spying Marcia and Terry near the doors.

Taking her cue, Marcia grabbed Terry by the arm, dragging her forward to dance, and seeing that Henry had company, Cornelia stopped jigging around and came to join her friend.

"You want us all ready to go?"

"I reckon so – the sooner we set off, the longer we’ll have down there."

Making her way towards the record player, Evadne lifted the needle, bringing the merriment to an end. Loud shouts of protest came from all the children except Henry, who continued bobbing around, oblivious to the fact that the music had stopped. Chuckling, Evvy watched him for a couple of seconds, and then briskly clapped her hands.

"Okay, shoes and bathing suits on, for everyone who’s coming, please! Marcia, you go change out of that dress if you’re helping Daddy and Uncle Mike. Put your old blue skirt and top on – it doesn’t matter what happens to them." Then, as they all ran off to do as they were told, she bent and scooped Henry up in her arms. "Come on you, let’s find you some pants and your bathing suit. It won’t do to be showing your underwear to the whole city," and ignoring his squeals of protest, she hitched him up on her hip and marched him out of the room.


Knocking the last leg firmly into place, Edgar turned the table the right way up and placed it down on the workbench, surveying his handiwork proudly. "There. What do you think?"

Looking up from the chair she was busy painting, Marcia gave it the critical once-over. "You’ve put the leg on upside down!"

"No I haven’t!"

"You have! Uncle Mike, come and tell him!"

Mike finished slotting together the seat and back of the second chair, and then laying it on its side, he walked across to Edgar, picking the table up and examining it with a grin. "She’s right, you know. It really is upside down!" Then standing it back on the bench, he chuckled as he saw what Edgar had done. "It’s fine though – the other three are on upside down too, so now it’s just a novel design!"

As Edgar stared forlornly at the table in front of him, Marcia painted the last corner and laid down her brush. "Finished, Uncle Mike!"

"Well done, you! Edgar, don’t worry about it, honestly. It won’t make any difference to how the thing stands, and Henry’s hardly gonna notice, is he? Now, there’s not much we can do ‘til that first coat of paint dries, so what say we go grab some lunch?"

"Sounds like a good plan! And Marcia, you can paint the table for me after we’ve eaten. I promised Evvy I’d check over Millicent Mary’s kennel – apparently it’s smelling a bit rotten. In fact," he added, turning to his daughter, "would you run up now and pull Millicent Mary onto the lawn for me? She could probably do with an airing!"

Marcia ran off to do as she was asked, and the two men packed away the tools before following her upstairs. They had just reached the entrance hall when they heard a loud yell, and a shout of "Daddy!", and dropping his toolbox, Edgar ran through the salon to find out what was wrong.


Evadne , Cornelia and the children had spent the morning in the Jardin Botanique, playing on the swings and collecting flowers for Terry to put in Thea’s flower press. It was a warm, stuffy day, and by eleven-thirty everyone was beginning to get hot and bothered, so Evadne had suggested that they walk down to the beach, where they could set up their blankets and have a paddle before they ate lunch.

Thea and Terry were now knee deep in the water, Meg between them holding their hands. The three of them were jumping the waves created by passing boats, laughing and shouting, lifting Meg right out of the water if one looked likely to swamp the little girl. A little way away, Evadne and Cornelia were standing in the shallows, chatting. Henry was with them, clinging to his mother’s hands as he paddled and splashed about, squealing with delight every time a wave came in and caused the water to rise above his knees.

"I’m gonna miss these old mountains when we head home," Cornelia mused, heaving a sigh of satisfaction as she gazed around her. "It’s so beautiful here. If I didn’t love Boston so much, I’d be almost jealous!"

Evadne looked up at her with a grin. "I know what you mean. I never in a million years thought I’d end up living back in the Alps, but as soon as we got here, it felt like home. In fact, as soon as we saw the house, it felt like home! I fell in love with it right away, even though I didn’t know at that point that I’d be living in it! I thought it was a holiday home for Edgar and the kids. Gee, that was over two years ago now!" She glanced down at Henry, who looked back up at her and giggled. "You, young man, were not even a twinkle in Daddy’s eye!"

Just as she spoke, a large wave from one of steamers came rolling in, breaking closer to them than they expected and splashing the little boy’s torso and face. Startled, Henry began to wail, and as he backed into his mother’s legs and cried ‘ma-ma’ between his sobs, Evadne bent down and lifted him into her arms.

"Come on, sugar-pie, it’s okay. Mommy’s got you. I think that’s enough paddling for now, don’t you?" and she turned and carried him towards the picnic blanket.

Cornelia glanced across at her daughters, who were still playing with Thea in the waves. ‘Thea, keep a close eye on those two, will you? Shout if you need me."

"Will do, Auntie Corney!"

"Thanks, sweetie."

Walking up the beach, Cornelia watched as her friend sat down and began to dry Henry off with a towel. The little boy had suddenly become clingy, and was trying his hardest to bury his face in her chest as she attempted to remove his swimming suit.

"Evvy, would you mind if asked you something?"

Finally managing to free Henry’s right leg from his clothing, Evadne glanced across at her friend, before turning her attention to the left leg. "Sure, go ahead."

‘Well, I was wondering" Cornelia began, as she plonked herself down on the blanket in front of them, "are you okay?"

Evadne looked up in surprise. "Yes, I’m fine! Why?’ she asked, as she freed Henry’s left leg and then wrapped him in a huge beach towel and pulled him into her lap.

"I heard you being sick this morning in the bathroom. It’s not the first time I’ve heard you since we’ve been here either, and I’ve noticed you’ve been waiting for Edgar to be out of the way."

Evadne said nothing, picking at her fingernails as she let Henry grab her hand. Cornelia frowned.

"Are you sick?"

An awkward silence followed, as Evadne stared down at the blanket. Then slowly, she shook her head. "No, I’m not sick." She raised her eyes to her friend’s, a slight smile touching her lips. "I think I may be pregnant, though!"

A wide grin lit up Cornelia’s face. "You think you are, or you are?"

"I’m not sure." Evadne shrugged her shoulders. "I’ve been sick every morning for over a month now, and I’m almost three weeks late."

"Then you have to be! Have you been to the doctor?" Evadne shook her head. "Whyever not?" Her friend shrugged and Cornelia’s voice became stern. "Evvy?"

Evadne heaved a sigh. "I’m scared to, okay?"


"You’ll think I’m a complete idiot."

Cornelia grinned. "I think that anyhow, so you may as well tell me!"

Evadne laughed and adjusted Henry in her arms, wrapping the towel tighter around him as he curled up against her. "Because right now, I’m fairly certain I’m pregnant, and it’s the best feeling in world, even with all the sickness."


"Well, if I go to docs, he may tell me I’m not, and then it’ll be all taken away. I want to cling to thinking I'm pregnant for a little while longer, just in case.

Corney stared at her and shook her head despairingly. "You’re crazy, you know that? The longer you cling to it, the more upset you’ll be if you’re not!"

"You don’t know that!"

"Yes, I do! It’s common sense - which you generally have in bucketloads! What've you done with it? Have you told Edgar?"

"Not yet," Evadne mumbled. "He thinks I’m sickening for something, and I keep putting him off."

Cornelia sighed. "Evvy, will you just go see the doctor, before your poor husband goes crazy with worry!"

Evadne shook her head, her mouth in a tight line. "You don’t understand, Corney."

"I understand more than you think!"

"How? You’ve got your two!"

"Yes, but it should have been three!"

"What?" In her surprise, Evadne jerked Henry, who was just falling off to sleep and set up a noisy protest as a result. "Oh, sorry my little man! Here, have Babi." She handed her son his rabbit, which he hugged tightly as he snuggled down again, and then she turned back to Cornelia with wide eyes. "What d’you mean it should have been three?

Corney took a deep breath, a sad expression on her face. "Remember I told you we'd had lots on at home and nearly didn’t make the reunion?" Evadne nodded. "Well I was pregnant again. I lost the baby back in January, when I was almost four months gone. They’ve no idea why."

Evadne stared at her in shock, deep sympathy showing in eyes. For a moment she wasn’t sure what to say. "Oh Corney, I’m so sorry."

Smiling nervously, Cornelia nodded slightly to acknowledge her friend’s words. "It was pretty tough, I guess, but we’re getting through. After it was over, Mike had the operation. Said he couldn’t put me through that ever again. So no more kiddies for us now."

"Oh no, Corney." A wave of guilt swept over Evadne. "And here’s me whinging on."

"It’s okay, Evvy, really. I want you to be able to talk about it with me. I know what you’ve been through, and I’m happy for you, I really am."

"But…why didn’t you tell me before? I would have been there for you."

"’Cause it was all too much, that’s why. I could scarcely get up in the morning, let alone do anything else. And I didn’t want to tell you by letter either." Cornelia paused and took a deep breath. "Mike’s been such a rock, Evvy. He was so upset, but he’s spent all of his time looking after me, making sure I’m okay. There’s no way I would have coped without him. The girls didn’t know either, and having them carry on as normal’s helped make it easier to move on." She reached out and took hold of her friend’s hand. "And this trip's been so wonderful too – it’s made me realise there’s still so much good in my life, and I so desperately wanted to see you and meet Henry."

Evadne stared at her friend in silence, clasping Corney’s hand tightly as tears welled up in her eyes. Cornelia gave her a warm smile.

"Please don’t be sad, I’m really okay. I have the most amazing family in the world. I don’t want for anything. And it’s brought the four of us so much closer." Then her voice became brisker, as she added, "But look, part of the reason I’m telling you now, is because I want you to make sure you treasure this." She nodded towards Evadne’s belly, which was hidden underneath her son. "Go to the docs, find out if you ‘re pregnant or not, and if you are, then treasure every second. And if you’re not, then you have a very wonderful family. Don’t forget that."

Evadne smiled. "I won’t. I promise."

"And tell Edgar! Put the poor guy out of his misery!"

"I will, as soon as I’m sure. I just don’t want him to know I have my hopes up – he’ll fret even more, otherwise." Corney raised her eyebrows, cynically, and Evadne grinned. "But I’ll find out soon, I promise."

"Good." Hearing shouting, they turned to see the three girls running up the beach, and Corney braced herself as Meg barelled towards her. "Woah! Here comes trouble!" She caught her youngest daughter in her arms and tipped her up, tickling her as she did so. "You’re a little bulldozer, young lady!"

Meg giggled, and as Terry plonked herself down next to them, Cornelia put an arm around her shoulders and dropped a kiss on her bright yellow locks. Evadne watched them with a smile, and looking up, Corney caught her staring and winked.

"Right, I don’t know about you horrid lot, but I’m famished! Who wants lunch?"


Back at the house, Marcia, Mike and Edgar were standing in front of Millicent Mary’s kennel, Scrabble jumping around their feet and barking. Solemn-faced, the two men tried desperately not to laugh as Marcia stared forlornly down at her ‘pet’. In front of them lay a heap of rotten wood and smelly, hairy material – all that remained of Millicent Mary.

"But Daddy, what happened?"

"I think she must have got wet over the winter and then rotted."

"Can we mend her?"

"No, poppet, I’m sorry."

A sad expression clouded Marcia’s pretty features, and Edgar glanced at Mike. That gentleman coughed to clear his throat.

"Well in that case, I think we should give her a funeral."

Greatly cheered by this idea, Marcia gazed eagerly up at her father. "Can we, Daddy? And make her a cross?"

"Yes, if you like. I don’t see why not"

"Can I keep the hair too? Then I can hang it on my bedroom wall to remember her."

Edgar bent to lift the corner of the fetid material, and frowned. "Let’s ask Mummy about that one, shall we?"


"Jolly good. Now, you run inside and ask Guilia to rustle us up some lunch."

Marcia ran off to find their cook, and Mike turned to face his friend, eyebrows raised. "Evvy’ll never let her keep that in a million years!"

Edgar grinned back. "Exactly!" He let the stinking hair drop back the ground. "I think I need to wash my hands!"

"Fumigate yourself, more like! That reeks!"

"Well at least we know what the smell was!" Edgar laughed.


Being Marcia, she insisted that the funeral was held that very afternoon. As soon as Evadne’s party returned to the house, they found themselves directed to change into black and gather in the garden, where they were presented with a hand-scribbled order of service, and led to the large flowerbed down by the lake. The entire set-up made Evadne very thankful that Ned had gone back to school – she could just imagine his reaction to this little diversion.

Marcia, Terry and Meg, who had no idea what was happening but was determined to join in anyway, all stood soberly in front of the shallow hole, which now held the remains of the crates. Behind them, their mothers and Thea formed a second row, all staring grimly at their feet in an effort not to laugh. Every so often, one of them would let out a sudden titter, which was rewarded by a glare from Marcia that could have turned them to stone. Edgar and Mike solemnly performed the service, giving thanks for the way Millicent Mary had touched all their lives and conducting a rendition of ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’, which Marcia explained was Millicent Mary’s favourite hymn.

Even Henry got in on the act. Picking a fat, juicy worm out of the flowerbed, he toddled across to the hole and dropped it in, earning a round of applause from his audience. Very pleased with himself, he toddled proudly back to the flowerbed, and picked up a second worm. This time, he put it in his mouth.


Marcia recoiled in horror, and laughing, Edgar stepped forward and removed it. "Perhaps not, eh little man? You’ll choke yourself if you’re not careful."

"That’s so horrid!"

Edgar grinned up at his youngest daughter. "What’s so horrid about it? It’s a good source of protein. In fact, I’ve half a mind to put a few on the grill for our dinner!"

"You do, and you’ll be eating them all yourself!" his wife retorted, laughing at Marcia, as that young lady pretended to be sick.

The next second she screamed, echoed a moment later by Cornelia, as Mike sneaked up behind the pair of them and dropped a worm down each of their necks.

‘That’s the last time we invite you to stay, Michael van Alden!" she cried, as she untucked her blouse from the back of her skirt and shook the worm out onto the floor.

Cornelia glared at her husband as she followed her friend’s example. "I’ll get you for that!"

"I’d like to see you tr…argh!" and he began fishing down his trousers in a very undignified manner, for Terry had decided to get revenge on her mother’s behalf and dropped a worm down her father’s underpants.

Cornelia grinned at her husband, enjoying his discomfort. "You really shouldn’t do that in public, you know!"

Laughing at her friend’s plight, Evadne glanced down at her watch. "Well if you ask me, it’s time for dinner! Grilled meat and salad okay for everyone?" They all indicated that it was. "Excellent. Edgar, you fire up the grill, and Thea and I’ll go make the salad, seeing as we’ve given Guilia the evening off!" and she turned to head back towards the house.

"Mummy, can I keep the hair?"

Spinning round, Evvy saw Marcia holding up the disgusting, matted material. "No, you cannot! It pongs to high heaven – go put it in the trash now! Why didn’t you just do that when Daddy told you to?"

"’Cause he said to ask you if I could keep it, that’s why."

Evadne rolled her eyes. ‘I might’ve known! Well you can’t, so go get rid of it now." Then, as Marcia stropped sulkily up the garden to do as she was told, Evvy turned to her husband. "One of these days I’ll call your bluff on that one and you’ll be sorry!"


Much later that evening, Evadne sat in bed, propped up against her pillows, watching her husband as he changed into his pyjamas. Her mind was on Cornelia, and what that lady had told her, and as she thought about everything her friends had been through in the last five months, she gently rubbed her stomach. Feeling her eyes upon him, Edgar turned round, as he tied the drawstring on his pants, and gave her a smile.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better, thanks," she returned, grinning as he climbed into the bed beside her.

He made himself comfortable, and Evadne wriggled across so she was lying next to him, wrapping her arm firmly around his chest.

"You alright there?"

Nodding, she reached up and pecked him on the lips. "Yes thanks, I just fancied a cuddle. Any objections?"

"None whatsoever," he grinned, and turning out his bedside light, he wrapped his arms back around her and held her tight.


In a bedroom down the corridor, Cornelia stared out of the window at the blackened lake, her arms folded across her chest and a faraway expression on her face. Coming out of the bathroom, Mike took one look at her and hurried up behind her, slipping his arms around her waist.

"What are you looking at?"

"Just thinking, that’s all." She leant back into him as she spoke. "I was talking babies with Evvy today. I told her what happened."

Her voice choked as she said the words, and releasing her, Mike took hold of her shoulders and turned her round to face him. "Oh sweetheart, are you okay?"

She nodded slowly, and then as her eyes welled up and a tear ran down her cheek, she changed her mind and shook her head. Wrapping his arms around her, Mike held her as tightly as he could, stroking her back to soothe her, as she tried hard to regain her composure.

Eventually, she pulled her head back and stared up at him earnestly, as he smoothed some hair back from her face. "We will get past this, won’t we?"

Before Mike could reply, the bedroom door flew open and their daughters came in, Terry leading Meg by the hand.

"Hey, what are you two doing up?" their father asked, frowning. "We put you to bed hours ago."

"Meg had a bad dream about monsters. I heard her cry so I went to see her and then she asked for you and Mommy so we came here."

Meg’s face was still flushed and wet with her tears, and crouching down, Cornelia held out her arms. "Oh, sweetie-pie, come here for a Mommy hug!"

Meg ran forward into her arms, and Cornelia swung her up, kissing her cheek and cuddling her, before walking across to the bed and popping her under the covers.

"Here you go, you stay here for a while with Daddy and me, and we’ll chase those nasty monsters away."

Seeing that her little sister was okay, Terry turned to go back to bed. Mike called out to stop her. "Do you want to stay too, Terry?"

A wide grin lit up the young girl’s face. "Yes please!"

Corney grinned and patted the bed next to Meg. "Come on then, all aboard!" and Terry ran across the room and scrambled up next to them.

Wriggling under the covers, she put her arms around her sister and Meg turned over and hugged her back. Smiling, Mike placed a hand on his wife’s head.

"We’ll definitely get past it," he whispered in her ear, glancing affectionately at their daughters. Cornelia grinned, reaching up to peck him on the lips before climbing into bed herself.

"Right you two, make room for us!" and pushing them across to Mike’s side, she lay down beside them and squirmed to get comfortable.

Mike walked around the bed, and stared down at them, his hands on his hips. "Now where am I going to sleep? I have to fit in too, you know!"

The two girls giggled, and Terry spread her arms and legs out in a star shape. "You can’t! I need all this space!"

‘You think so, do you?" Mike squeezed under the covers next to them, and then winked at his wife. "In that case, Mommy, I think there’s only one thing to do!"

"Squash them!" Cornelia cried, and the pair of them wrapped their arms around their daughters and hugged them tight, pretending to squeeze them. The two girls squealed and giggled and releasing them, their mother asked, "Do you give in?"



"Well in that case…!" and amid the squeals of laughter as they hugged them again, Cornelia forgot her pain for a while, and revelled in the close, happy family she had.

Last edited by Josie on Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:47 pm; edited 9 times in total


#577:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:17 pm

Those were some lovely scenes. You have certainly got it all covered with this post, from the hilarity of Edgar and the table legs and Milicent mary (at least Marcia isnt so attached to her as she once was) to the hope of Evvy, and Corny's confession. Whew - one rollercoaser of a ride.

And poor Corny *hugs*. To be so positive about the situation when talking to Evvy, and yet so broken when alone with Mike again. I loved the way that the girls broke into that conversation again and caused her to refocus on what really mattered though.

Thanks Josie


#578:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:27 pm

What an absolute rollercoaster of emotions.

Thanks you, Jo. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.


#579:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:31 pm

aaaaaw!!!! Thank you Jo!!

I cried over Corney's miscarriage, and giggled like a loon over Millicent Mary's 'funeral' and the worm incidents!!


#580:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:22 pm

Absolutely beautiful Jo, thank you.


#581:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:39 pm

RIP Millicent Mary. Wink

That was beautiful with Evadne's worry about being pregnant and Corney's sorrow at the lost babe.

All beautifully balanced against Edgar putting the table legs on upside down!

Thank you Josie. If I comment on anymore, I'll be giving a précis of the whole post!


#582:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:08 pm

Those were such a wonderful posts - I had to explain to somebody in the library why I was almost choking trying not to laugh out loud!

And poor Corney, thank goodness she has a lovely family who supoorts her - even if the girls don't know that that's what they're doing.

Hope Evvy and the baby are ok, and that she puts Edgar out of his misery soon.


#583:  Author: GemLocation: Saltash/Aberystwyth PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:13 pm

Wonderful - thank you, Jo Kiss Am still teary over poor Corney's miscarriage - but Millicent Mary's funeral was hysterical Very Happy


#584:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:46 pm

*laughing, sighing, giggling, crying* all mixed up.

Thanks Jo - wonderful Kiss



#585:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:48 pm

Thanks, Jo. I hope Evvy tells Edgar about her pregnancy soon. I'm sorry to hear about Corney's miscarriage - I'm glad she's got her family and friends to support her.


#586:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:38 am

Wonderful. Thank you Jo.


#587:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:29 am

So sad about Corney but I think she'll be ok.
And fingers crossed for Evvy!

Thanks Jo Very Happy


#588:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:13 pm

LizB wrote:
*laughing, sighing, giggling, crying* all mixed up.

Me too! That was a great post and I loved the description of Henry's dancing - so coot!

Thanks Jo Very Happy


#589:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:06 am

Poor old Millicent Mary. Laughing

Beautifully interwoven events and emotions. Thank you, Josie.


#590:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:00 am

Such a mixture of emotions, and all done so wonderfully.


#591:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:01 am

RIP Millicent Mary!

Josie, that was marvellous, and the humour balanced beautifully against the more serious aspects.


#592:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:21 pm

Edgar heaved his wife’s suitcase onto the luggage rack above her head, and then bent to kiss her on the cheek.

‘Have a safe journey, darling. I hope Grizel’s a little better."

"Sounds like she should be, from all Joey’s had to say." Evadne half-heartedly returned his embrace, and then turned her wrist to check her watch. "You’d best get going – the train’ll be leaving at any moment."

Placing her hand on his back, she pushed him towards the door.

"Send my regards to Joey and Jack, won’t you."

"Will do. Bye, Edgar, see you tomorrow," and as he made his way down the corridor, she shut the door and went to take her seat.

Edgar stepped out onto the platform, just as the train began to move. Looking along the length of the carriage, he caught sight of her sitting by the window of her first-class compartment, gazing out at the station. As their eyes met, he gave her a little wave, but she quickly looked away.

The train rumbled slowly along the platform, and Edgar stood and watched it go, until he could no longer see her. Then heaving a sigh, he made his way back to his car. For the life of him, he could not work out what he had done wrong. For the past couple of days his wife had been acting a little strangely towards him. There had been no animosity or confrontation between them, yet she was off-hand and distracted, and didn’t seem to want to spend any time alone with him. He had tried asking a couple of times what was wrong, but was told that it was nothing, she was just tired, and truth be told, he was a little afraid to press the issue any further. This was chiefly because the way she was acting reminded him of the days when she used to think of Ralph.

Climbing into the car, Edgar shut his door and then leant back against the seat, his eyes closed. It was his one and only paranoia in life; that one day she’d realise that he couldn’t quite give her everything she needed. That one day she would wake up to the fact that he would never truly be ‘the one’. He’d never told her that he felt this way, but at the back of his mind was the memory of her once saying that she would never love anyone as she’d loved Ralph, and that she would always live with the pain of losing him. Edgar would give everything he had to make her happy. He was so very much in love with her – even more so than he had been with Madeleine. Although he would never admit it, he was deeply hurt by the idea that someone else might still have the number one place in her heart.

Opening his eyes again, he shook himself out of his reverie. It wouldn’t do any good to sit there dwelling on it. He would just have to figure out a way to get through to her. Starting the engine, he heaved another huge sigh, and then drove off in the direction of his work.


As the train rumbled slowly through the suburb of Bellevue, traversing the edge of the lake, Evadne stopped reading and stared out of the window. Her stomach was churning with a mixture of nerves and guilt. She had seen Edgar wave, and knew that he’d be hurt that she hadn’t responded, but she couldn’t help it. If she had paid him any real attention, she would have lost her nerve and run straight off the train and back into his arms.

It was now the end of May, and almost three weeks since the Van Aldens had returned to Boston. Before she left, Cornelia had extracted a promise from her friend that she would go to the doctors as soon as possible to find out whether or not she was pregnant. But as soon as she had gone, Evadne’s nerve failed her again, and she had been putting the test off ever since. Then all of a sudden, two days ago, she had woken up with a desperate desire to know one way or the other. The problem was, she knew that the wait for the results would leave her thoroughly overwrought, and she didn’t want Edgar to see her that way. Then an idea had come to her, and consequently, she was now on her way to the Gornetz Platz. Ostensibly, she was off to visit Grizel, but in reality, her main purpose was to ask a favour of Jack Maynard.

Glancing out of the window, she could just make out their home suburb of Cologny on the far side of the lake, and her thoughts returned to her husband. She did feel guilty that she still hadn’t told Edgar, and she yearned for him to be with her right now, but the result was something she needed to find out for herself first. In her mind, she had convinced herself that if she told him before she was certain either way, that she would somehow jinx the results. So, despite Cornelia trying to convince her otherwise, she had steadfastly kept her suspicions to herself.

As she ran all this over in her mind, she began to feel a little sick. Putting her book down next to her, she kicked off her shoes, tucked her feet up on the seat and tried to go to sleep.

It was just gone midday when she finally arrived at Interlaken station. There she was met by Jack, who had come down to pick up some provisions for the San, and offered to collect her whilst he was there. They made pleasant smalltalk as they wound their way back up the mountain, filling each other in on the happenings in their respective families, and Jack imparting the news of Grizel’s condition. It wasn’t until they reached the Platz itself that Evadne found an opportunity to ask him her favour.

"I’ll just drop these things off seeing as we’re passing," Jack said cheerfully, as they approached the entrance to the San, "save having to remember to bring them back with me later. You don’t mind do you?"

Evadne smiled and shook her head, feeling her stomach start to churn again. This was the exactly the opportunity she’d been waiting for. He could not have timed it better if he’d tried. "No, of course not. Are you not working today then?"

"No, this is one of my precious days off! Don’t worry, I promise not to get under yours and Joey’s feet while you catch up – Joey’s already given me strict instructions on that front!"

Evadne gave a weak laugh as he pulled the car up in the staff car park, and he turned to look at her with a frown.

"You alright there?"

"Yes thanks."

But it was obvious that she was not telling the truth. Jack, stared at her for a second, and then shrugged his shoulders and opened the car door.

"Alright then, please yourself. I won’t be a minute, okay?"


He stopped with one foot out of the car, and turned back round to face her, his eyebrows raised. Evadne gulped.

"Would you mind if I came in with you?’

Jack stared back at her in surprise. "No, not at all. Did you want to pop in and see Grizel then?"

Evadne shook her head. Then realising it was now or never, she swallowed hard. "I was hoping you might run a test for me," she blurted out, before she could change her mind again.

"What sort of…oh!" Jack’s face broke into a broad smile as comprehension dawned, and Evadne flushed bright red. "How long?"

"I reckon about two months," she mumbled, embarrassed at talking about such an intimate subject with her friend’s husband. "So will you do it?"

"Why haven’t you gone to your doctor in Geneva?"

"Because I can’t tell Edgar until I’m sure, and he’d guess something was up while I was waiting for the results. We didn’t think we could have another baby, you see, and now maybe we can and I’m so scared to find out, I feel sick!" She looked up at his friendly, concerned face with pleading eyes. "Please, Jack, will you just do the test? Or if not, can I ask one of the others? I have to know!"

"You are aware you won’t get the results unt…"

"I know! Why d’you think I organised with Joey to stay overnight?"

Jack hesitated for a moment, and then wilted at the look of desperation in her eyes. "Okay, fine, come on," he said, glancing at his watch. "We’ve made good time up the mountain anyway, so Jo’s not expecting us just yet."

And so, it was a somewhat quiet, nervous Evadne who arrived at Freudesheim an hour later, to be greeted by a rather impatient Jo Maynard.

"What took you so long?" she asked reproachfully, as she pulled her friend into the entrance hall and gave her a hug. "Jack, have you been dragging her from pillar to post running your errands?"

"Nothing of the sort, my love" Jack grinned, pecking his wife on the cheek. "We had an unscheduled stop to make, that’s all."

Joey frowned and shot her husband a quizzical glance. "Evvy, your bedroom’s on the first floor, third door on the right. Will you find it yourself, or do you need me to show you?"

"I’ll be fine. I’ll just freshen up, if that’s okay then I’ll be right on down."

"Take your time. Mittagessen is cold meats and salad anyhow." Joey watched as her friend made her way up the stairs, and then turned to her husband again. "What’s going on, Jack? Is Evvy alright?"

Jack raised an eyebrow. "You’ll have to ask her that yourself, won’t you?"


"Sorry, Joey, it’s not for me to say. You’ll have to contain that impatient nature of yours for once!" and chuckling as she made an exasperated sound, he headed through to the washroom to get himself ready for lunch.

Evadne’s quiet, uncharacteristic demeanour remained unchanged all through lunch, and by the time Jack took Bruno out for a walk, leaving his wife and guest in the salon to catch up, Joey was almost bursting with curiosity.

Her guest was standing by the window, staring out at the magnificent Jungfrau that stood proudly on the horizon.

"It’s odd how the same mountain can look so different from another angle, isn’t it?" she mused. "We get a completely different view from the lake."

"You can see her from Geneva?" Joey asked, surprised.

"Not from the city, no. But Edgar, the girls and I took the boat all the way to Montreux last weekend, and you can see her from there."

Mention of Evadne’s family gave Joey the opening she was looking for, and she changed the subject abruptly. "Evvy, are things alright at home? With Edgar, I mean?"

Evadne turned to face her, her brow furrowed. "Yes, of course they are! What on earth made you ask that?"

"You did!"

"I did nothing of the sort! Are you feeling quite alright?"

"I didn’t mean that you actually asked me to, idiot! But look at you, you’ve hardly said boo to a goose since you’ve been here – that’s not like you at all! Something’s up and don’t deny it - I’ve known you too long. So come on, if it’s not Edgar, then what is it?"

Grimacing at her friend, Evadne shook her head. "I suppose you’re not going to let me rest ‘til you’ve got it out of me?"

"You don’t have to say if you’d rather not!" Joey replied, suddenly realising how pushy she’d sounded. "It’s just we always tell each other things and…"

"Joey, it’s okay!" Evadne laughed, walking across to her friend and pulling her down next to her on one of the long seats. "I was going to tell you anyhow, else I’d probably go crazy overnight!"

"Why? What’s going on?"

"The reason we were so late is we stopped by the San," she began cryptically, and Joey stared at her, thoroughly confused.

"Why on earth? Oh, did you pop in to see Grizel?"

Evadne grinned and shook her head. "Jack did a test on me. Joey, I think I may be pregnant again."

Jo stared at her for a second, then shrieked and threw her arms around her friend. "Oh Evvy, how marvellous! But I thought you couldn’t…?"

"I know, so did we!" Evadne exclaimed, Jo’s enthusiasm getting her excited for the first time since she’d begun to suspect. "But I really think I might be! I’ve all the symptoms and I…well I just feel it. Does that make sense?" Joey nodded, and Evadne felt tears pricking the back of her eyes. "It would make everything so perfect. Edgar wants another baby so much, and so do I. I’d have all I’ve ever wanted, Joey."

Giving her friend another hug, Joey pulled back and looked her straight in the eye. "You know what, I have a very good feeling about it all!"

"How? Don’t tell me, you feel it in your water!"

Joey threw her head back and gave a golden laugh. "Of course, what else would you expect. I’m a baby diviner! I’ve had eleven, I should know by now!"

Evadne giggled. "Yes, I suppose you should!"


The following afternoon, Evadne and Jo were sitting in one of the large private wards at the San, chatting away to Grizel, when the door opened and Jack entered the room.

"You two do know that you have to be in Interlaken in just over an hour, don’t you?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye, knowing full well that neither of them had a clue what the time was. He chuckled as they both glanced at their watches, gave exclamations, and suddenly jumped to their feet, almost in unision. "Joey, why don’t you go and bring the car round and wait out the front. I just need a quick word with Evvy before she goes," and leaving his wife to do as he suggested, he bore Evadne off to his office as soon as she had said her goodbyes to Grizel.

When she reappeared fifteen minutes later, she found Joey sitting in the car outside the main entrance, drumming her fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. As soon as Evadne opened the door, she burst out, "So? What did he say?"

Evvy climbed in slowly, being as aggravating as she possibly could by taking her time to make herself comfortable. Then just as Joey felt she was about to explode with curiosity, her friend’s face broke into the widest smile she had ever seen.

"He said yes! I’m pregnant, Joey! Can you believe it?"

"I knew it!" Joey cried, throwing her arms around her friend, accidentally sounding the horn as she did so. "I knew it! Oh Evvy, I’m so glad!"

"If you’re glad, I’m gladder!" Evadne beamed, pulling back and wiping tears of joy from her eyes. "Oh Joey, I have to go home! I have to tell Edgar!"

"In that case let’s go! You have to get that train!" and stepping hard on the accelerator, she shot the car out of the carpark, startling Jack, who had come to see who was honking their horn.


It was early evening by the time Evadne arrived back in Geneva, and as the train passed through the Jardin Botanique, she caught a glimpse of the Palais des Nations through the trees. She had spent the entire journey home reflecting on how she came to meet Edgar, on their friendship, on how she had eventually realised after two years what he meant to her. She remembered their wedding as clear as day, how happy she had been, how lucky she felt to have found him. She had never imagined when Ralph died that she’d meet someone else she would love as much, let alone more. But words could not describe how she felt about her husband; he was the very core of her world. Now, she hugged herself and smiled as she caught sight of his place of work, where she knew he would be right this moment.

"I love you," she murmured, as the building flashed by.

"Je t’aime aussi!"

Startled, she turned around to see the elderly man she was sharing a compartment with beaming at her with a toothless grin and a twinkle in his eye.

"I…er…I mean, je…" she stammered an apology, trying to explain why she had suddenly blurted that out.

The old man chuckled to himself, dismissing her explanation with a wave of his hand and taking himself off for a walk, and Evadne stared out of the window again, her face burning, thanking god that she only had five minutes more of her journey to go.


As his wife was disembarking at Geneva station, Edgar was just leaving work. It was a balmy evening, typical of late-May in the Alps, and eschewing the usual staff car, he decided to make his way home using a combination of walking and ferry instead. He didn’t care that it would take him far longer than if he went by road. He needed to clear his mind. Taking off his tie and putting it in his pocket, he made his way through the Jardin Botanique, turning right when he reached the lake and heading towards the jetty.

He knew that Evadne should be arriving home about now, and he was anxious to see her. Ever since their stilted goodbye at the station the previous morning, he had been thinking long and hard about things, and had eventually come to a simple conclusion. He would talk to her as soon as he got the chance, and not let up until he had got to the bottom of whatever it was that was worrying her. Then if it turned out his fears had foundation, he would do his best to learn to live with it and they would work around it. They had only been apart for one night, and yet he’d missed her an absurd amount for such a short separation, making him all the more determined. Marriage took work, after all, so they would jolly well work at it together. Feeling much better now he had this straight in his head, he set off briskly for home.


Across the lake in Cologny, Evadne greeted her stepdaughters and then took her young son off to get ready for bed. He was becoming a real little handful these days, as he gained strength and tried to learn more and more skills. A combination of him insisting he could put his own pyjamas on, protesting at her every move, and toddling off the second she let go of him, meant it took a while to get him into his cot. Once there, however, he quickly snuggled down with his rabbit and suddenly became very tired.

Evadne watched him closely, as she softly sang ‘Hush Little Baby' and he gradually dropped off to sleep. Gazing lovingly at the long lashes that brushed his chubby, rosy cheeks, she gently rubbed her stomach. In seven months time, he and his siblings would have another little brother or sister. She couldn’t wait. She would have everything she had ever wanted, and for once she wasn’t worrying about what might happen to mess it up or take it all away. Somehow, this time, she just knew that everything would be alright.

A loud crash sounded from the hallway downstairs, as if something had been knocked over, and then she heard the sound of feet running across the polished floorboards. They were followed by Thea’s voice yelling "Keep quiet, you moke! Henry’s trying to sleep!" at the top of her voice. Chuckling, Evadne wondered if she should point out to young Thea that she was making far more noise than her sister was. Then, all of a sudden, Marcia shouted "Daddy! Guess what?" and Scrabble began to bark. Edgar was home. She felt a rush of excitement; any moment now she would be able to tell him her news. Hearing his footsteps on the stairs, she bent over the cot again, checking that Henry really was asleep.

The next moment, the door to the room opened, and looking up with a smile, she put a finger to her lips. Returning her grin, Edgar crossed the room to stand next to her, placing an arm around her shoulders and stooping to kiss her hair.

"Hello you."

Evadne gazed back up at him. "Hey there." Then, with one last look at Henry, she took hold of her husband’s hand. "Come with me, I’ve something to tell you," she said in an undertone, barely able to conceal the excitement in her voice.

Gripping her fingers tightly, Edgar felt some of his doubts slipping away now that he had her home with him, and wondering idly what news she had for him, he allowed her to lead him out of their son’s room.

Last edited by Josie on Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:27 pm; edited 6 times in total


#593:  Author: jaceyLocation: Ireland PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:15 pm

Oh Josie, what a lovely post.
Worth waiting for! Thank you Smile


#594:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:30 pm


*Starts a seven month mantra* Let her be OK! Let her be OK! Let her be OK! Let her be OK!


#595:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:49 pm


Hurrah *happy dance*

Thanks Jo Very Happy



#596:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:07 pm

Thanks, Jo. I spent the first part of the post searching my brain - what little there is of it - trying to remember where Evvy was going. I'm glad it wasn't just that I had forgotten! It's good that Evvy and Joey had a good time catching up at the weekend. I'm glad that Evvy is alright and I hope the pregnancy will go ok. I also hope that Edgar will have a positive reaction to the news.


#597:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:13 pm

Oh, that was lovely!!
Thanks Josie!


#598:  Author: GemLocation: Saltash/Aberystwyth PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:18 pm

Hurrah!!!! *squeaks*

Am very, very, very, very glad Very HappyVery HappyVery HappyVery HappyVery Happy Hurrah for Joey for being lovely, as well!!

Thank you Jo! Kiss


#599:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:55 pm

Thank you Jo!!!!!

I'm so glad for Evvy and Edgar! PLEASE don't let anything go wrong for them!


#600:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 2:12 am

That was lovely, I'm so glad for Evvy and Sir.


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