The Swiss Family Watson - Chapter II
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The CBB -> Ste Therese's House

#1: The Swiss Family Watson - Chapter II Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:33 pm

Here's the next bit! The first bit can be found at...

The Swiss Family Watson Chapter I (Part I)
The Swiss Family Watson Chapter I (Part II)

and the prequels can be found at the links below...

Long Road Home

A Second Chance Part One
A Second Chance - Part Two
A Second Chance - Part Three
A Second Chance - Part Four
A Second Chance - Part Five

...or PM me if you'd like the docs without the yibble

Evadne returned to the terrace, a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and a plate of Guilia’s mouthwatering biscotti in another. She’d only had lunch an hour or so ago, just before she started packing up the dresser, but she could always make room for her cook’s delicious biscuits, especially when they were warm out of the oven.

Pulling back her chair, she sat down at the table again, popped a biscotti in her mouth and picked up the 1955 album again. Then taking a sip of her coffee, she opened it to the first page, smoothing back the tracing paper. Seeing the first photograph, she burst out laughing, almost spraying her coffee everywhere, and turned her head to look fondly at the big, wooden wendy house that stood near the long hedge that hid the view down to the tennis court. She had completely forgotten what that house had started out as…


“Dad, can we go now?”

Edgar stopped hammering and turned to face his son. “Did you say something?”

Ned put his hands on is hips and shook his head in despair. “I’ve been shouting at you for the last five minutes!”

“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the hammer. What did you want?”

“Can we go and get the boat now? You promised we could pick it up today and it’s already two o’clock.”

Edgar looked at his watch and frowned. “I don’t know, Ned. I promised Evvy I’d listen out for Henry while she got some sleep. You know he’s been playing up for the last two nights.”

“He’s already screamed twice and she’s had to get up - you can’t hear anything out here when you’re hammering! She said your babysitting skills were ‘about as good as a chocolate teapot’!” Edgar winced and his son grinned back at him. “So can we go?”

“Okay, I’ll go and talk to her.” Putting the hammer down in front of the kennel he had almost finished building, he got to his feet. “You go and get the ropes from the basement and put them in the boot of the car – they should have plenty, but you never know.”

As Ned ran off to do his bidding, Edgar surveyed the kennel quickly. There wasn’t much left to do now – just the last of the roof to fasten on and a quick lick of paint to apply to the front where he hadn’t been able to finish the previous day. He had plenty of time to go and collect the boat and still get it all done before dinner. Satisfied with his work, he made his way across the lawn, in through the back door, and upstairs to go and find his wife. She had been in bed since they’d had lunch, an hour and a half previously, trying to catch up on some sleep as Henry’s incessant crying had kept her up for the two previous nights and she was feeling almost dead on her feet. As Edgar had slept through most of the din, she had told him in no uncertain terms that he was on Henry-watch this afternoon, but if his son was to be believed, he was not doing a very good job.

Reaching the bedroom, he opened the door, poking his head round, and was relieved to see her lying in bed, her back towards him. He was just about to tiptoe out again when she spoke.

“You may as well come in – I’m wide awake anyhow.” Edgar gave her guilty smile as she sat up and glared at him. “Fat lot of use you are as a babysitter! You haven’t heard him once over that racket you were making out there!”

“I know, I’m sorry. I just wanted to get the kennel out of the way today,” he replied, walking across to sit down on the edge of the bed. “You did ask me to get it finished, after all.”

Evadne rolled her eyes. “Put it all on me, why don’t you! You’re the one who started the thing instead of getting a professional to do it! Have you finished it then?”

“Almost. No more than an hour’s work to do, I’d say. Ned wants to go and pick up the boat though.”


Edgar nodded. “I did promise them we’d get it today. Would you mind dreadfully if we went? We’ll be back by four at the latest.”

“I suppose not,” she responded resignedly. “I’m not gonna get any sleep today anyway, at this rate.”

“Well Guilia and the girls’ll still be here. Maybe they can listen out for him?”

“Maybe.” She didn’t sound entirely convinced. “Go on then, off you go. Are you taking the Mercedes?”

Edgar shook his head and grinned. “I was thinking your Renault might be more suited to the job, seeing as it’s already got a few dents here and there.”

“Excuse me!” his wife replied indignantly, hitting him on the arm. “They’re not dents, they’re marks of character!”

“Whatever you say,” he replied with a grin. Then pecking her on the cheek, he got to his feet. “Right, I’ll see you in a couple of hours. I’ll ask Guilia to keep an ear open for Henry - you try and get some rest.”

“Should have more success with you not here!” she muttered loudly, as she wriggled back under the covers, and chuckling, Edgar left the room, pulling the door closed behind him.

Half an hour later, the two girls and Ann were playing in the back garden when through the open window of the nursery, they heard him start crying again. They could hear Guilia in the kitchen, singing loudly and banging pots and pans around, clearly oblivious to the noise that the baby was making, and mindful of her sleeping stepmother, Thea decided to take matters into her own hands. Running in through the open French doors, closely followed by the other two, she reached Henry’s bedroom, seemingly before Evadne was woken, and running over to the crib, she bent down and picked her little brother up in her arms.

She rocked him back and forth, cradling him gently, but it seemed to make little difference. His yells got slightly quieter, but he continued to wimper, and Thea, who of all the family was the one who generally had the most calming influence on the little boy, looked at the other two confused.

“Why won’t he stop crying? He’ll wake Mummy soon!”

“Let me try.” Marcia held out her arms, but Thea shook her head and backed away slightly.

“No, you might drop him,” she replied somewhat officiously, and, it has to be said, unfairly as Marcia was extremely careful with her brother, whatever she may be like with everything else.

Unsurprisingly, Marcia was more than a little offended. “I won’t drop him!”

“You might!”


Thea opened her mouth to continue the argument when Ann suddenly butted in. “Maybe he needs changing?”

This seemed to make sense, so Thea walked him across to the dresser that doubled as a changing table, stood on a stool that Ann pulled up, and laid him gently down on the towels spread out on the top. Then jumping off the stool, she bent and opened the bottom draw to pull out a nappy, only to find it empty.

“Marcia, go and get a nappy from the laundry,” she ordered, turning to face her sister.

Fed up with being bossed about, Marcia pulled a face at her. “Get it yourself!”

“I have to stay here with Henry!”

“No you don’t, Ann and me can stay here!”

Thea rolled her eyes. “Fine, stay here with him then, but don’t touch things – Mummy showed me how to do the changing.”

“She showed me too!” Marcia retorted, sticking her tongue out at her sister’s retreating back. Then walking over to the dresser, she climbed up on the stool and began to undo the pins on her brother’s nappy.

Ann watched her, a little concerned. “Shouldn’t we wait for Thea like she said?”

Marcia shook her head vigorously. “She thinks she knows everything! I’ve watched Mummy loads of times, it’s easy.” Ann looked unconvinced, but undeterred, Marcia laid the pins to one side and pulled off the nappy, screwing her nose up at the stench. “Here, take this,” she said, handing it to a horrified Ann, who took it gingerly, holding it out at arms length.

“It smells horrid!”

“That’s ‘cause it’s a number two,” her friend replied knowingly. “Put it in that bag on the floor, then we’ll take it downstairs when we’re finished,” then picking up a flannel, she rinsed it under the nearby sink, and began to wipe her brother clean. That done, she picked up the talcum powder, turned it upside down and shook it hard, sending a cloud up in the air and causing herself to cough.

“Isn’t that too much?” Ann asked, regarding her sceptically.

Marcia shook her head. “Mummy always uses lots,” she replied, dusting herself down, as she was now looking a little white. “It stops rashes or something.” Then turning back to her brother, she placed the talc back on the dresser and surveyed him proudly. “See, told you it was easy – we just need the clean nappy now! That’ll show Thea for being a know-all.”

All of a sudden, Henry decided that he wasn’t quite done and sent up a graceful golden arc of pee, hitting his sister square on the forehead. She shrieked and toppled backwards off the stool, landing on her backside on the rug, as Thea returned with the clean nappy, just in time to see what happened. She and Ann stared at each other for a split second, and then both dissolved into fits of giggles.

Maria got to her feet and glared at the pair of them. “Shhh you ninnies, you’ll wake Mummy!” she hissed, reaching for a towel to wipe her face.

“Too late, Mummy’s already awake,” came a new voice from the doorway, and the three of them span round to face Evadne. “What’s going on?” she asked, surveying the scene.

Marcia glanced at her brother, who was now gurgling happily on top of the dresser, waving his legs in the air, and then looked back at her stepmother with wide eyes. “Henry started crying so we tried to change his nappy, but then he sprayed me!” she responded honestly.

“So I can see,” Evadne replied, trying hard not to laugh. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

“’Cause Daddy said you needed to sleep,” Thea put in, still giggling, “and we’ve watched you lots of times, so we thought we’d do it ourselves.”

“Well that’s very kind of you, but you should still have woken me or got Guilia to help you,” Evvy replied sternly. “You’re too young to do this on your own, and now you know what happens when you don’t know what you’re doing.” She looked Marcia up and down, a smile twitching at the edge of her lips. “You’re not to try changing him again without either me or Daddy here, understand?” All three nodded earnestly. “Right, Marcia, go and put that dress in the laundry and then go and run yourself a bath. I’ll come and help you wash your hair in a few minutes. Oh, and take that dirty diaper with you. And you two go back outside and play.”

Marcia departed to do as she was told, Thea and Ann following behind, still giggling, and Evadne sighed and turned her attention to her son. By the time she had him cleaned and dressed, he was wide awake, and deciding to give sleep up as a bad job, she gathered a few of his things, put him in his basket and headed downstairs.

And so, when Edgar returned an hour later, he found his wife and eldest daughter settled on a rug in the garden, Henry lying next to them in his basket, sucking on one of his toys. As it happened, he needn’t have worried which car he took to collect the boat, for the previous owners offered to sail it round to the Watsons’ jetty free of charge. Ned had clamoured to go with them, with the excuse of showing them which was the right house, and as Edgar appeared in the garden, he saw the boat just coming in to moor.

“Boat’s here if you’re interested,” he called out with a grin, and Thea instantly jumped to her feet and ran down to have a look.

Edgar followed her down to the water and they stood on the jetty as they watched it approach. “Where are your sister and Ann?”

“Taken Scrabble for a walk,” Thea replied, staring open mouthed at the family’s new acquisition. She had been imagining a small two-man dinghy, not the sizeable yacht that Edgar had decided would fit the bill. ‘Daddy, it’s really big – look at it next to the rowing boat!”

Edgar smiled. “Well there are lots of us to fit on if we want to go out all together. Good job we’ve got a big boathouse, eh?”

Thea nodded as the boat pulled alongside the jetty and Ned jumped off, a wide grin lighting up his face. “Dad, it’s so cool! It’s got a little room in there and everything! And they let me hold the ropes for a bit too – sailing’s so much fun! Can we go out in it now? Please?”

“Can we, Daddy?”

Their faces fell as Edgar shook his head. “Not today, Mummy’s too tired to take us out and I don’t know what I’m doing yet. There’s no point in grouching,” he added sternly, as they both began to complain, “I’m not changing my mind. If Mummy agrees and the weather holds, we can go out tomorrow. There are plenty of other things to keep you occupied for now - why don’t you go and play tennis or something,” then ignoring what else they had to say, he turned to thank the previous owners and offer them a lift home.

They declined, stating that it was only a mile or so and they fancied the walk, so Edgar saw them out and then returned to join his wife. She looked up with a smile as he sat down next to her on the rug.

“I gather from the noise that the boat was a hit?”

“Something like that!” he replied with a grin. “I rather think I’ve volunteered you to take everyone out tomorrow though.”

“That’s fine – just as long as it’s not today. I don’t think my mind’s quite right just now!”

“How are you feeling?” he asked, looking slightly concerned at the dark shadows below her eyes.

“Tired, but okay. Oh Edgar, you’ll never guess what happened to Marcia,” she said with a giggle, and recounted the story of Marcia’s attempt to change Henry, causing her husband to guffaw loudly.

As she finished speaking, he sat up straight and wiped his eyes. “She never learns, does she? Sorry they woke you though. Do you want to go up and get some sleep now I’m home?”

Evadne shook her head. “It’s the weekend, I’d rather spend my day with you and then sleep tonight - providing this young man does so as well, of course,” she added, leaning over and glancing at her son.

Edgar smiled and shifted position so that his back was against the trunk of the large tree under which they were sitting. “Well why don’t you get some rest here now,” he said patting his lap. “I’m not going anywhere else this afternoon, so I can watch him while you have a nap, at least.”

Evadne returned his smile and curled up on her side, her head resting on his legs. It didn’t take long for her to start drifting off in the peace and quiet of the late afternoon, the only sounds being the birds singing, the quiet hum of activity on the lake and the odd distant yell from the tennis court where Ned and Thea were now playing. Edgar stared around him for a while, soaking up the atmosphere and gently stroking his wife’s hair, and then for want of anything else to do, he picked up her copy of ‘Tender is the Night’ that was lying beside her and began to read.

He had just finished chapter three when there was a shout from the terrace and Scrabble came haring out of the french doors, closely followed by Marcia and Ann. As Ann followed the puppy down towards the lake, trying to catch him, Marcia came to a halt in front of her parents.

“Daddy, Scrabble’s…”

“Shhh!” Edgar hastily brought a finger to his lips and pointed to his now-slumbering wife and son.

She stared at him for a second, and then continued in a whisper. “ Daddy, Scrabble’s just piddled on Millicent Mary again!”

Edgar heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes. For reasons unbeknownst to them all, about two weeks previously, at the start of the summer holidays, Scrabble had taken a dislike to Millicent Mary and had begun to either bark viciously at her, or cock his leg on her, at varying intervals. They had tried everything to deter him, with no success (Marcia was convinced that he was jealous of their original ‘pet’) and it was this that had prompted Edgar to begin building the kennel in the first place, the girls being insistent that the dog would get cold if just left outside with no shelter, especially overnight.

Gently lifting Evadne’s head, he slipped his legs out from under her, being careful not to wake her, and got to his feet. “Right, that’s it,” he proclaimed quietly. “Marcia, go and get some soapy water and clean it up, will you. Then you and Ann can come and help me finish painting the kennel. I’ve had about enough of this,” and striding across the lawn to far side of the terrace, he picked up his hammer and got back to work.

Evadne awoke a couple of hours later to see everyone crowded around the kennel hooting with laughter. Smiliing to herself, she got to her feet, lifting her son out of his basket as the noise had woken him as well, and made her way across to join them.

“You finished then?” she asked her husband as she approached him.

Edgar looked round with a grin. “Certainly have! She’s in already, and very happy about it if Marcia’s to be believed,” he added with a wink.

At that moment the children moved aside, giving her a clear view of the owner ensconced in her new abode. Evadne burst out laughing. “I still can’t believe you’ve spent the last two weekends building a kennel for Millicent Mary,” she chuckled.

“The things we do for our children, eh?” he replied, raising an eyebrow, and then he started laughing as Scrabble sat down at his feet, tail wagging and what looked like a wide grin on his face. “Not to mention our pets!”

Last edited by Josie on Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:29 pm; edited 49 times in total


#2:  Author: AliceLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:44 pm

Chapter 2 - lovely. And a wonderful twist at the end. Very Happy


#3:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:53 pm

Yay it's back! Thanks Josie Kiss


#4:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 4:17 pm

Yay for the Watsons!

thank you Josie. I was completely take in by the ending and was expecting Edgar to have made a collapsible kennel by mistake! Lovely twist there.


#5:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 4:19 pm

I did wonder by the time the talk about Millicent Mary being attacked was begining if the kennel would end up being for her rather than Scrabble - it makes sense when you think about how much Marcia thinks of MM.

Thanks for starting again Josie, tis great Very Happy


#6:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 4:42 pm


Thanks Jo - a lovely beginning

Laughing at the nappy changing!

Rolling Eyes at Edgar's baby-sitting deficiencies

Very Happy at the excitement over the new boat - please don't drown anybody!



#7:  Author: SophoifeLocation: down under Down Under PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 10:37 pm

Love it Jo!!


#8:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 12:40 am

Oh gorgeous!!


#9:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 4:53 am

Lovely to see the Watsons back so quickly.

And I was so taken in by the dog kennel!


#10:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:32 am

Thank you so much, Josie!

ROFL Millicent Mary's new abode ROFL


#11:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 11:24 am

Wow, what a lovely long first chapter.

Thanks for starting it so quickly, Josie.


#12:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 2:21 pm

Thanks, Josie, a lovely new chapter!


#13:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:30 pm

awww thank you Josie

I think the Watsons are my fave family on the board at the moment - they're just so real and believable. You're doing a great job, please keep it up


#14:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:52 pm

Lovely start to the new part, thanks Josie. Laughing


#15:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:17 am

That was brilliant Jo

Jess got really upset when they had a Punch and Judy show in nursery and the baby sprayed out water when they chnged it's nappy and she got hit - with 2 baby brothers she knew all about it and thought it was real


#16:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:28 am

“Okay, so one last time, what are the rules?”

“Water is not for messing about on, and always do what Mummy says.”

Edgar smiled and nodded at his two daughters, who beamed back at him, standing very proud and upright in their brand new lifejackets.

“Excellent. Ned, I didn’t hear you say anything just then. Come on, what are the rules?”

Ned rolled his eyes. “Water’s not for messing about on, and always do whatever Evvy says,” he recited mechanically. “Can we go now?”

“Don’t take that attitude with me, young man! Safety’s important – if you can’t take it seriously then…”

“Okay,” Evadne interrupted hurriedly, seeing her husband was on the verge of giving yet another lecture to them all on the subject, “I think we all understand it’s important, Edgar. Shall we get on, or we’ll still be standing here when it gets dark,” and holding out her hand, she helped Thea and Marcia aboard the boat before climbing on herself. “Come on, Ned, get a shove on. Edgar, we’ll be back in about an hour, and then I’ll take you out, okay?”

Edgar, who was remaining behind with Henry, nodded and untied the boat from the jetty, tossing the rope to Ned and using his foot to push the boat a small distance away. Evadne started the engine and they pulled out onto the open water, Thea sitting at the rear chatting to her stepmother, and Ned and Marcia up front, arguing over which of them got to hoist the jib. Thea looked back and gave her father a wave, and smiling, Edgar returned it and then went to join his youngest son, who was fast asleep in his basket in the shade.

It was now their second day as boat owners, and today Evadne was giving them all their first lesson in how to sail. Once they were out well away from the shore, she showed the three children how to hoist the mainsail, and her husband watched on as for the next hour she showed them basic tacking and jibing and let each of them have a go themselves. When they finally returned to the jetty, all three had flushed cheeks and beaming smiles, and leaving Evvy to tie the boat up, they jumped off and ran over to their father, all talking at once.

“Daddy, did you see? I sailed all the way past Onkel Anton’s and turned it round, but it was a bit heavy and Mummy had to help…”

“…I tacked and everything, Daddy, and Mummy showed me how to jibe too, but I got it wrong…”

“…I went right down to the Di Giovanni’s, Dad, past their house to the park. Evvy said I was best by a mile…”

“…No she didn’t!” Marcia put in indignantly and Thea stopped, mouth open, and stared at her brother.

“Don’t tell fibs, Ned, she didn’t say that.”

“She did too – she said I was the best.”

“No, you said you were best and Mummy said that's only ‘cause you’re bigger than us so you can hold the ropes better, so there!” Marcia pointed out, sticking her tongue out at her brother. “Doesn’t make you the best, it just makes you older!”

Ned opened his mouth to retort when his father, seeing the makings of a full-scale row between his children, decided to intervene.

“Well I was watching you from here, and you all looked just as good as each other,” he put in quickly, as his wife finished tying up the boat and came across the grass to join them. “Isn’t that right, dear?”

Evadne raised her eyebrows questioningly. “Isn’t what right?”

“That they were all as good as each other out there.”

“I’d say so.” She grinned round at them. “Very impressive for a first go, too. We’ll make sailors off you all in no time! You ready then?” she added, turning to her husband.

Edgar nodded. “Right, you three, keep an eye on Henry please, and no arguing or it’s bread and water for dinner and then straight to bed! And can one of you go and feed Scrabble? It’s past his food time.” Then as Thea ran off to do as he asked, he turned and followed his wife back down to the boat.

“Okay, hold it, hold it…and tack. Edgar, I said tack! Edgar! Edgar!”

Letting go of the jib sheet, Evadne jumped to the back of the boat and flung out a hand, pulling the rudder hard towards her and causing her husband to yell and let go of the mainsail. The boat turned slowly, drifting and bobbing gently on the small waves, the boom swaying to and fro.

Edgar glared at her. “What did you do that for?”

“I told you to tack!”

“I was going to!”

“When? You were about to hit someone!”

“No I wasn’t, I…” He fell silent as a small dinghy sailed passed them, dangerously close, the irate occupants haranguing them in French.

Evadne apologised profusely to the people in the other boat, and then turned back to her husband in despair. “Right, either you stop being an ass and pay attention to me, or we’re going back in now!”

“There’s no need to talk to me like I’m an idiot, I know what I’m doing!”

“No, you don’t! We’ve been out twenty minutes and that’s the second collision we’ve almost had, you’ve been hit by the boom twice and we nearly capsized a minute ago, all because you won’t listen! You should have paid more attention to the lectures you gave the kids - Marcia did better than this, and she’s nine!”

“Well I’d have tacked sooner if you’d told me there was a boat there! And I’d be perfectly capable of doing this if you weren’t shouting at me every ten seconds – how am I supposed to concentrate with you nagging at me like an old mother hen!” he replied huffily. and Evadne stared at him, temporarily speechless.

“You arrogant pig!" she eventually cried. "I’m not nagging you, I’m attempting to teach you, and you’re not even trying to concentrate! You think just because I’ve told you something once, you’re an expert.” Edgar glared back at her, unrepentant, and she reached out to grab the rudder. “I’ve had my fill of this for today, we’re heading back.”

“I can turn the boat around on my own, thank you,” he snapped, pulling the rudder away from her and causing the boat to sway dangerously.

Evadne sighed and gave him a withering look. “Edgar, stop being so stupid – you’re gonna have us over in a minute. Just let me take us in!” she pleaded, reaching for the rudder again.

Acting more like a petulant eight year old than a thirty-eight year old adult, Edgar snatched the rudder back towards him again and in doing so, brought about his undoing. The boom swung around violently, before he had time to duck, and hit him square on the chin, catching him off-balance and tipping him out of the boat into the water. Thankfully he kept hold of the main sheet so the boat didn’t drift away from him, for rather than rush to help, his wife stared at him in shock for a split-second and then collapsed in the bottom of the boat in fits of laughter.

Edgar spluttered, lifting his spare hand to wipe water out of his eyes, swam towards the boat and hauled himself up so that his head and chest were over the side. “You could at least stop howling like a hyena and help me back in,” he exclaimed indignantly, as he caught sight of her.

Evadne sat up straight and tried to get a grip on herself, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. “I’m…I’m sorry…oh that was too…”

She went off into peals of laughter again and Edgar finished hauling himself up the small steps that hung over the back of the boat, and then sat on the edge glaring at her, a large puddle of water rapidly forming at his feet. “I’m glad you think it’s so funny – I could have drowned!”

“Oh stop being such a baby!” she retorted, still giggling, as she pulled herself up so she faced him from the opposite side of the boat. “You’re wearing a life-vest – you’re hardly going to drown! Anyhow, it’s serves you right – it’ll teach you to listen to me,” and leaving him to brood over his misfortune, she lowered the mainsail, started the engine, and steered them back to the jetty.

From their vantage point on the shore, the three children had seen the whole debacle and greeted their parents with hoots of laughter as they docked the boat and came ashore.

“I can’t believe you fell out! How clumsy can you be?” Ned shouted at his father, causing his sisters to dissolve into further giggles.

Edgar walked towards them, an injured look on his face. “Why do my family find my misfortune so funny? It could have happened to any of you too.”

“No it couldn’t,” Evadne put in with a grin, “they actually listened to what they were told! And to think you were worried about them having accidents!”

Edgar stared at her for a second, and then deciding not to rise to the bait, he stalked off towards the house stating, “I’m going to have a bath!”, leaving the rest of them to pack the boat up without him.

When they were done, Evadne took Henry up to the nursery to feed and bathe him, and once she had settled him in his cot, she made her way along the landing to her bedroom, where she found her husband, bathed and changed, sitting on the edge of the bed doing up his shoes.

He looked up as she came into the room. “I suppose you’ve come to rib me some more.”

She grinned and walked over to sit next to him. “That depends – do you admit that I was right and you were wrong?”

He glared at her indignantly, but had now calmed down sufficiently enough to see the funny side of it, and a smile twitched at the edge of his lips. “Fine – you were right and I was wrong.”

“And do you agree that next time you get in the boat, you’ll listen to everything I tell you?”

“Next time I get in the boat, I’ll listen to everything you tell me.”

“And you’re sorry you acted like a complete ass?”

“I’m sorry I acted like a complete ass,” he muttered through gritted teeth.

A mischievous look came into her eyes. “And you admit that I’m always right, and you promise to do everything I ever tell you from now on and wait on me hand and foot?”

‘Now you’re pushing it!”

“Come on, you have to admit it and agree or I’ll never let you live today down,” she replied, sounding very supercilious.

“You’ll never let me live it down anyway!”

“Admit it!”


“Admit it!”

“Right you’ve asked for it!” and sitting up, he grabbed her, pinned her down on the bed and began to tickle her.

She shrieked and tried to wriggle out of his grasp. “No…ow, Edgar…stop it…okay, okay I won’t make you admit it.” He relented and she lifted a hand to brush some hair out of her eyes. “You’re a big bully, Edgar Watson – they were unfair tactics.”

Edgar grinned down at her. “Unfair, maybe, but you have to admit they were effective!” She laughed and rolled her eyes, and he bent his head to peck her on the lips. “I really am sorry though – I should have paid more attention to what you were telling me," he added, having the grace to look a little sheepish, "I really was a bit of an ass, wasn't I?”

“You could say that!” she retorted, and at that moment they were interrupted by Thea’s voice calling her stepmother to the phone. Edgar sat up, letting her get to her feet, and she walked across to the door, before turning back to face him with a grin. “I forgive you this time, but do it again, and I’ll push you overboard myself and leave you in the middle of the lake to swim home!” and she quickly ran out of the room to take her phone call, leaving him to respond indignantly to thin air.


#17:  Author: JackieJLocation: Kingston upon Hull PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:25 pm


Thanks for that Josie - I managed to get some funny looks with my giggling in the office.

I agree with Evvy that tickling is definitely unfair tactics.



#18:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:40 pm

sounds just like my dad trying to teach me to sail last week Embarassed

'cept I didn't fall out! Smile

thanks Jo!


#19:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:52 pm


I do love that you've introduced something Evvy is good at and Edgar isn't. It makes up for her deficiencies in driving Wink

Those kids are so typical of siblings Confused


#20:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:59 pm


I love Evvy and Edgar!


#21:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:03 pm

Sorry Edgar, but I found that hilarious too! Laughing Laughing Laughing

Thanks Jo

*resolutely ignoring the thought that the phone calls at the end of a post are usually something to wibble about*



#22:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:49 pm

Thanks, Josie.


#23:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:08 pm

Thanks Josie! Kiss I love seeing the fab family scenes!


#24:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:16 pm

Good thing I don't have to go to the computer room anymore - everyone there would have hushing my giggles! Thanks, Josie, that was really funny!


#25:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:02 pm

LizB wrote:

*resolutely ignoring the thought that the phone calls at the end of a post are usually something to wibble about*

Me too Liz!

Thank you Jo! *trying not to wibble*


#26:  Author: AliceLocation: London, England PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:32 pm

Thank you Josie, that was a very amusing scene.


#27:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:01 pm

Loved that Josie - and Edgar so deserved to end up overboard!!! Laughing


#28:  Author: LauraLocation: London (ish) PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:03 pm

I'm slightly peturbed by the phone call too - but what can have gone wrong? And Jo did kill off two major characters quite recently! So, it could be Cassie, Corney, or Elsie... hmm? Or one of the schools...

Thanks Jo!


#29:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:34 am

Splendiferous, Josie! Very Happy


#30:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:06 am

Wonderful! Very funny and Edgar definately deserved to end up in the water!

Thank you Jo!


#31:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:31 pm

Thanks to Lesley for medical help with this bit. Any errors are all my own fault, so apologies in advance for any glaring ones!

“Charles says he’s been going over the books and Richardson - the new man - seems to have a good grip on the company. He says he’ll go into more detail when they come out in a couple of weeks, but it’s all looking very good - your father certainly knew what he was doing appointing him by all accounts though.”

“Well Poppa had a good business brain, I guess.”

“Very true.” Edgar skimmed through the rest of the letter from his brother-in-law, and then taking a sip of his cocoa, he looked up from his correspondence just in time to catch his wife wince and surreptitiously clutch her stomach. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing much,” she replied through gritted teeth as she felt more pain in her abdomen. “Just cramps again – women’s things. Nothing you’ll want to hear about,” she added with a grin.

Rather than returning her smile, Edgar stared back at her, concern on his face. It was now the first week of August, and he and Evadne were sitting in the snug, catching up on each other’s day and spending some quiet time together before heading off to bed. For the past few days he’d noticed that she hadn’t seemed too well, and it was beginning to worry him a little.

“Evvy, you’ve been like this for over a week now. I didn’t think this was normal when you…well…you know. You were never this bad before Henry came along.”

Evadne shrugged, trying hard to hide another twinge of pain. “Maybe things change after having a baby?”

Edgar looked unconvinced. “Well I think you need to go and see Dr. Schreiber. At the very least, he might be able to give you something for the pains.”

“I’m not making a fuss for a few cramps,” she retorted impatiently, returning her attention to the magazine she was reading. “It’ll go away soon enough.”

Her husband wasn’t put off so easily though. “Yes, and then it might just return again next month too. Come on, Evvy, you’re so tired as well – and I know it’s not just Henry, because he’s sleeping through most nights now.” She opened her mouth to protest again, but he preempted her. “Please go and see the doctor – to humour me, if for no other reason.”

She rolled her eyes, but not being in the mood for an argument, she decided to give in. “Fine, I’ll go tomorrow. But I want it noted I’m only going to please you, not because I think I need to!”

“That’s absolutely fine – I don’t care why you go, just so long as you do. I don’t want you…”

“Edgar, you’ve got your way, okay?” she interrupted wearily. “Now can we talk of something else, please – what else does Charles have to say?”

The following morning, after the family had had breakfast and her husband had left for work, she left the children in Monique’s charge, and set off into the city to fulfill her husband’s request.

She hadn’t been entirely honest with him the previous evening. The cramps and excessive bleeding that she had been experiencing for the past ten days were beginning to concern her a little as well, and she felt as if all her energy was gradually draining away. She had had similar problems the month before, and had just put it down to changes in her body after having the baby, but this month it seemed far worse. Not wanting to deal with it, however, she had been pushing her worries to the back of her mind and hoping that it would all go away. Now Edgar had forced her to face up to it, and she wasn’t sure whether to be annoyed or grateful.

Arriving at the International Medical Centre, she made her way through to the reception, explained to the receptionist why she was there, and then took her place among the other patients in the waiting room. Twenty minutes later, she was reading a copy of Reader’s Digest, chuckling at the humourous anecdotes about readers and their children, when the receptionist spoke.

“Lady Watson, Dr. Schreiber will see you now.”

Two days later, she was once again sitting in the snug with Edgar, following their usual evening routine – her reading, him going through his day’s correspondence and both catching up with each other’s news. Pretending to be concentrating on her book, Evadne surreptitiously watched her husband as he read through a letter that the masthead told her came from the girls’ school.

Edgar smiled as he finished and folded it up, returning it to its envelope. “Just some information on the middle school, now that Thea’s moving up there,” he said, standing up from his chair and handing it to his wife. Then sitting down again, he heaved a sigh. “I can’t believe she’s eleven in a few months time – even Marcia’s nine and a half now. Where have the years gone?”

Evadne didn’t reply. Instead she watched him for a few more moments, and then shifted position slightly on the window seat, tucking her legs underneath her. “Edgar, I need to talk to you.”

The tone in her voice made him look up sharply, and placing the letter he had just opened onto the table next to him, he regarded her with mild alarm. “What’s happened?”

Staring down at her hands, Evadne picked at her nails briefly. Then taking a deep breath, she raised her eyes to look him in the face. “I didn’t tell you the truth on Tuesday – after I’d been to the docs I mean.” Edgar stared at her, his eyes widening, and she swallowed hard before she continued. “He didn’t tell me everything was fine. He set up an appointment at the hospital. I…I went in today – they did these tests and…”

Her voice trailed off and there was silence as Edgar took in what she had just said - his mind racing, imagining all manner of things. He knew he should ask her what else the doctor had said, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. His stomach was churning - it felt like Madeleine all over again. Eventually, swallowing hard, he pulled himself together enough to ask, “Wh…what tests?”

She bit her bottom lip and shook her head. “I’m not sure. He said something’s wrong, but he’s not sure what it is. It could be nothing much, or it could be…” She couldn’t bring herself to say the word, but he knew exactly what she meant. Seeing him battling hard with his emotions, she added, “I have to go back to Dr. Schreiber’s on Wednesday to get the results. Will you come with me?”

He nodded, blinking furiously, his eyes suspiciously bright. Then getting up from his chair, he walked across to the window, sat down next to her and wordlessly took her in his arms. She wrapped her arms back around his waist, burying her face in his chest, and they clung together in silence for a long while. Then pulling back slightly, Edgar brought his hands up to either side of her face, staring down into her bright, blue eyes.

“We’ll get through this, Evvy. Whatever it is, we’ll get through it together, I promise you.”

The next few days dragged by, and it felt like an eternity to both of them before Wednesday finally came around. All weekend they had been putting on a cheerful face for the sake of the children, anxious not to worry or upset them in any way, and they found the strain exhausting. When they arrived at the medical centre, the receptionist asked them to take a seat, and she disappeared into the doctor's office. Two minutes later she returned.

“Lady Watson, go straight on through,” she said with a smile. Then as Edgar got to his feet as well, she shook her head. “Sorry, but your husband will have to remain out here.”

Evadne turned her head to look up at Edgar. “But I want him to come in with me!”

“Sorry but it’s medical centre policy,” the receptionist replied apologetically. “They’re sticklers for confidentiality I’m afraid.”

Evvy opened her mouth to argue the point, but realising they were unlikely to change their minds, and not wanting to delay things any further, Edgar squeezed her hand and said quickly, “It’s okay, darling, I’ll wait out here.”


“Go on, it’ll be okay,” and bending down, he pecked her on the cheek and pushed her gently towards the doctor’s door.

She glanced back at him nervously as she knocked, and he flashed her a heartening smile. Then as the doctor called ‘Come in” and she disappeared through the door, closing it behind her, he sat back down in his chair, heaved a sigh and stared up at the ceiling, waiting for her return.

It was half an hour before she reemerged, her face grave and her eyes a little bright. Edgar jumped up to talk to her, but she shook her head at him and walked straight across to the receptionist to make an appointment for the following Monday. Then taking hold of her husband’s hand, she led him outside towards the car.

“Evvy, what…?”

“Let’s just get in the car first, Edgar, then I’ll tell you, okay?”

He nodded, a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. Fumbling in his pockets for his car keys, he eventually found them and unlocked her car door for her. She climbed in and he shut it behind her, before hurrying round to the driver’s side and climbing in himself.

Then turning to face her, he asked, “So? What did he say?” She didn’t reply at first, and his expression fell. “It’s not…?”

She shook her head. “It’s not that, don’t worry. It’s something called fibroids apparently”

“What’s that?”

She shrugged her shoulders, still not looking him in the eye. “They grow inside me or something – I’ll show you all the information he gave me when we get home.”

“But are they…I mean could you…?”

Shaking her head again, she gave him a slight smile. “They have to operate, but I’ll be fine.”

An intense feeling of relief flooded through Edgar’s body, and reaching out, he pulled her towards him and enveloped her in a tight hug. “Thank you, God,” he muttered into her hair as he clung to her. "Thank you."

Hugging him back, Evadne screwed up her eyes and bit her lips, trying desperately to keep her tears at bay. After a couple of minutes, Edgar pulled back and looked down at her, lifting his hand to gently stroke her cheek. “Hey, come on, darling, it’s okay,” he said, noticing the tears glistening in her eyes. “Everything’s going to be alright.”

She swallowed hard as she stared back up at him, her eyes threatening to overflow. “That’s just it, it won’t be.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, thoroughly confused. “You just said you’ll be okay – won’t you?”

She nodded. “I will be, it’s just…” She paused and took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. “They have to operate because they’re so big apparently, and because of where they are, or something. Edgar, Dr. Schreiber thinks I should have a hysterectomy. And even if I decide not to, he says I…I probably won’t be able to have any more children.” As she finally said it out loud, tears began escaping from her eyes. “We won’t be able to have our two,” and she dissolved into noisy sobs as Edgar took her in his arms again.

In case anyone's wondering why fibroids seem so much more serious here than they often do now (not that they're not serious now, if that makes sense!), from what I could find out when researching, knowledge about how to treat them and the effect they had on fertility was a far greyer area in the 50's than it is today (hysterectomy was a common treatment then), and it seems to have been presumed that infertility would result from them in more cases than not. (I'm happy to stand corrected though, if anyone knows better than me!)

Last edited by Josie on Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:53 pm; edited 1 time in total


#32:  Author: nikkieLocation: Cumbria PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:33 pm

Thanks Josie , wonderful as usualcrawl, crawl, crawl


#33:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:52 pm

Excellent Josie.

Poor Evvy Crying or Very sad


#34:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:35 pm

I read all that thinking -

"She wouldn't!"

"She might!"

I alternated betwen these ad nauseum till I saw 'fibroids' and relaxed.

Then I realised what that meant for Evvy! ((((Evvy))))


#35:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:29 pm

Thanks Jo

Even though I know you're sticking with EBD so Evvy is going to be ok, I still felt Edgar's dread and his relief - and now Evvy's disappointment - how heartbreaking for them.



#36:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:32 pm

oh (((Evvy))

she must be heartbroken

I hope it will be ok in the end


#37:  Author: AliceLocation: London, England PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:43 am

Thanks Josie. I'm glad we know that Evvy's going to be okay.


#38:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:50 am

Poor evvy...
while I'm glad it's nothing worse, that's still got to be a horrible thing to hear.

thanks jo


#39:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:50 am

Thank you Josie. Well at least it wasn't as bad as it could have been but poor Evvy and Edgar.


#40:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 12:11 pm

Ohhhh, poor Evvy and Edgar.


#41:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:19 pm

Gradually Evadne’s storm of tears began to subside, and as she pulled her head back and lifted her hand to scrub her eyes, Edgar took his handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to her. He watched her closely as she dried her tears, occasionally gulping for air as she tried to control her sobs. Eventually, she turned her eyes upwards to look at him, and seeing him gazing tenderly back at her, she gave him a slight smile.


Edgar returned her smile, raising his hand to the back of her head. “You’ve nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart.”

The mixture of love and sorrow in his eyes was almost too much for her to bear, and she averted her gaze as her tears threatened to return. She was still shaking from the shock of the news and the intensity of her outburst, and had to take several deep breaths to bring herself back under control.

“I…I kind of knew,” she said quietly, blinking hard and looking sideways out of the rear window. “I had a feeling it was…that something was wrong.” She gulped down the lump that was rising in her throat and stared down at her lap. ‘Everything seemed too good – something had to happen.”

“Evvy, don’t think like that!”

“But it always does.” She raised her eyes, still glistening with tears, to his face. “Why us, Edgar?”

Edgar shook his head. He didn’t have an answer. Instead he reached forward to kiss her forehead, and then turned to put the keys in the ignition.

Evadne stared at him as he started the engine. “I can’t go home yet.”

“I know. We just need to get out of here.”

He reversed the car out of the parking space and they drove off in silence, Edgar still trying to take in the news, and Evadne fighting a constant battle to stop her tears resurfacing. The day was overcast, but she took her sunglasses out of her bag and put them on, attempting to hide her red, puffy eyes.

Ten minutes later, Edgar pulled the car up in the delegates’ car park outside the Palais des Nations, choosing the most secluded parking space he could find. As he turned off the engine, Evadne stared up at the imposing building, and then turned to look at him.

“Why are we here?”

“I need to let my secretary know I won’t be in today.” He paused for a second and studied her face. “Do you want to use the cloakrooms or anything?”

She shook her head. “I don’t want to see anyone – not yet.”

“Okay.” He kissed her forehead again. “I’ll be back as fast as I can.”

She watched as he walked up the pathway to the side door and as he disappeared through it, she sat back in her seat and closed her eyes. Dr. Schreiber’s words were running round and round in her head. Her initial reaction had been the same as her husband’s – intense relief that it wasn’t anything life-threatening. For once, fortune seemed to be smiling on them. Her mind had wandered as he had explained what fibroids were, and how they would be able to treat them. She had nodded and smiled as he told her that an operation would be necessary, imagining how pleased Edgar would be when she gave him the news that she was going to be okay, and then she had come crashing back down to earth as Dr. Schreiber had dropped his bombshell.

Edgar was as good as his word, and returned to the car ten minutes later, his arms full of papers. Opening the rear door, he threw them on the backseat, not caring where they landed, slammed the door shut, and climbed back into the driver’s seat.

Evadne glanced behind her. “What are they?” she asked wearily, looking at the papers that were scattered everywhere.

“Work. I’ll look at them tomorrow.” Starting the engine, he pulled out of the parking space and began to drive out of the grounds. Then turning right onto the main road, he reached out to squeeze her hand. “Let’s go to our view.”

Evvy gave him a slight smile, squeezing his fingers in return, and they fell silent again. Edgar drove out of the city, heading through the suburbs on the main road leading up into the Rhone-Alps. After half an hour, he turned onto a smaller road, and then down a shaded track before coming to a halt when it became too narrow for the car to go any further. Climbing out, they walked in silence, hand-in-hand, down the narrow pathway, appearing to be heading deeper into the dense pine forest. Then all of a sudden, the trees thinned out, and they emerged onto narrow, sloping plain. It was a spot they had discovered, quite by accident, when they were still on their honeymoon and had just moved to the city. They had been out exploring the surrounding area, trying to get to know their new home, and had decided to go into the forest to investigate. Emerging onto the small plain, they had been instantly enchanted as a stunning view across the lake and the city opened out before them. It had immediately become their special place, their secret, their retreat from the pressures of everyday life where they could spend some time alone.

Evadne released her hand from her husband’s grasp and walked a little way down the slope. The clouds were lying low on the mountains on the far side of the lake, and in the distance she could see the rain falling heavily on Nyon and further round towards Lausanne. “It even looks beautiful on a day like this, doesn’t it?” she said, coming to a halt and staring down at the city below.

Edgar watched her for a moment, and then made his way down to where she stood. “It certainly does.”

Feeling his hands on her shoulders, she leant back into him. “All this on our doorstep - I guess people think we’re real lucky.” Turning around, she stared up at him, her eyes welling up again. “I’m sorry, Edgar.”

“What for?”

“The bad stuff – it follows me around.” Her jaw shook as she spoke, and Edgar lifted a hand to cup the side of her head. “Now I’ve brought it on you too.”

Shaking his head, Edgar pulled her towards him and rested his cheek on her hair. “Stop that nonsense now. You’ve brought nothing to me but happiness and fulfillment, Evvy. Do you have any idea how lonely I was before I met you, despite the children, despite my friends?”

“But…” Edgar raised a hand to her lips to silence her, but she pushed it away. “Don’t, Edgar, please.” Pulling away from him, she folded her arms across her chest and looked down at the grass. “When we go to church, I don’t ask Him for much, you know. Just that He looks after you all and keeps you safe. And what happens? Pops and Veronica die.” She paused for a second, then looked up, anger flashing in her eyes. “Two children, Edgar – that’s all I asked. Not broods like Joey and Jack, just the two. But He couldn’t let that happen, could He? He had to wreck it like He wrecks everything else!” Her voice was raised and tears started to flow down her cheeks again. “We’re good people, aren’t we? Why do these things keep happening to us? Why can’t He just leave us alone to be happy?”

Edgar reached out for her, but she backed further down the hill, turning her back on him and looking down at the lake. Then lifting her eyes to the sky, she shouted, “Why can’t you just leave us alone? You hear me? Leave my family alone!”

Moving quickly towards her, Edgar grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her, refusing to let go as she struggled against him.

“Get off of me, Edgar! Just leave me be.”

“No! Not until you calm down.” He tightened his grip around her, holding her lower arms to stop her fighting back.

Suddenly, she stopped struggling and collapsed against him, sobbing again. Edgar turned her around and held her tightly, stroking her hair and murmuring comforting words until she finally ran out of tears. Then lowering himself onto the grass, he pulled her down with him and held her close, cradling her in his arms. She sniffed and wiped the back of her hand across her eyes.

“I just want us to be happy.”

Edgar pulled his head back and gazed down at her. “I am happy, Evvy. You and the children - you make me very, very happy.” She looked up at him, and he lifted his hands to either side of her face. “Do you know what I asked Him at church on Sunday, and every day since you had those tests?” She shook her head. “I asked him to let me keep you, for you to be alright. I thought I was going to lose you.” His voice choked slightly as he spoke and he swallowed hard to clear his throat. “Evvy, I don’t know why this has happened – why any of the bad things have happened. But I do know that you’re going to be okay, that I get to keep you, and I can’t not be thankful for that.”

Evadne was quiet for a moment as she took this in. Then she shook her head and closed her eyes. “I just wanted one more, Edgar.”

Edgar wrapped his arms around her again, rocking her very gently and kissing the top of her head. “So did I, darling, and I hate that this has happened too, but it’ll be alright. I promised we’d get through whatever it was together, remember? And that’s just what we’ll do. However long it takes us, we’ll get through it, okay?”

She nodded and lifted her hand, placing it over one of his. They relapsed into silence, Evadne staring down at the grass, Edgar looking out across the lake, both momentarily lost in their own thoughts. Then Edgar released her and got to his feet, holding out his hand to pull her up.

“Come here, I want to show you something.” He led her a little further down the grass, and then pointed down towards the suburb where they lived. “That’s our house, just there. You can see Guilia’s car in the drive.” Evadne smiled slightly and nodded. “There are four pretty amazing children in there, waiting for their parents to come home so they can drive us to distraction. Shall we go and see them?”

Evvy gazed down the mountainside at their home, nestled among the trees of their leafy neighbourhood, her heart still feeling very heavy. Then turning to her husband, she lifted a hand to his face and reached up to peck him on the cheek. At that moment she felt a spot of water of her forearm, and looking up at the sky, she saw the dark clouds gathered up above.

He followed her gaze skyward.“Quick - let’s go before we get drenched,” and slipping his arm through hers, he led her back up the grass towards the car.

Last edited by Josie on Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:12 am; edited 5 times in total


#42:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:53 pm

Thank you Josie. I'm just glad she let it all out and that Edgar was there for her when she did.

Crying or Very sad


#43:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:30 pm

Oh Evvy, Edgar... They're too luvvely for bad things to happen!

Sob Crying or Very sad

Thanks Josie Very Happy (smiling through tears!)


#44:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:24 pm

Poor Evvy, feeling that she's always being punished. Glad Edgar was there.

Thanks Josie.


#45:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 11:43 pm

That was beautiful Jo

*cries for Evvy and Edgar*



#46:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:23 am

Poor Evvy! But I'm so glad it's not what I was thinking.


#47:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 8:03 am

A tough one, Evvy, but one most of us have to face at some time - "Why do the bad things happen?"

We get through them, Evvy, as you will with Edgar's help and your own courage.

Thanks, Josie.


#48:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 8:52 am

Thank you Jo. Beautiful! I'm glad Edgar could be there with her as she let her anger and frustration out - sometimes yelling at God is all you can do!


#49:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 3:27 pm

*hugs Edgar and Evvy*

Thanks Jo that was lovely but rather teary, Im glad they are ok though.


#50:  Author: LyanneLocation: Ipswich, England PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:33 pm

Thank goodness we know Evvy's going to be alright - or she couldn't be looking through the photo albums.


#51:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 3:36 pm

Thanks, Jo, that was sad, but not as sad as it might have been! As a few people have said, all you can do sometimes is yell at God - and then trust that everything will turn out for the best, and that when we suffer, He suffers with us.


#52:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:49 pm

Three days later, Evadne was still trying to come to terms with the doctor’s diagnosis when Charles, Sarah and their two boys arrived to spend a week in Geneva. Concerned about his wife’s state of mind, Edgar had been keen to cancel or postpone the arrangements, but Evadne had persuaded him otherwise, hoping that the presence of her stepbrother and his family would help to take her mind off things a little.

So they duly arrived Saturday lunchtime, as planned, and by the time the evening came around, Edgar could see that his wife had been right.

The afternoon had been a riotous affair. This was the first time the Watson children had really got to know their two step-cousins – the days running up to Arthur and Veronica’s funerals had been too upsetting for them to really play together – and they were discovering two new friends after their own hearts. The eldest, Peter, was a year older than Ned, and as obsessed with motor cars as his younger cousin was with planes. The two of them wiled away a happy afternoon talking about engines and building models in Ned’s basement workshop.

In James, meanwhile, Marcia found a willing partner-in-crime and the pair of them spent the afternoon devising ways to wind up their elder brothers over the coming week. They had decided to begin immediately and spent the afternoon causing havoc until Edgar had eventually snapped and sent the pair of them upstairs to play quietly, under threat of being banned from all excursions if they didn’t behave themselves – a threat that seemed to be effective, for a few hours at least.

The mischief-making had amused Evadne no-end, though she made sure not to let Marcia and James know that, and it had certainly taken her mind off her problems. Although she was still subdued, the hilarity of the afternoon had brought some colour back into her cheeks again and her eyes, though still sad, were beginning to regain some of their usual shine.

Propped up against the headboard, his legs under the covers and his back resting on one of his pillows, Edgar watched her as she got changed for bed. “You were right, you know. Them visiting has done you the world of good.”

Evadne pulled her nightdress on, smoothed it down, and then turned to her vanity and began pulling out her hairpins. “Did I just hear that right?” she asked, watching him in the mirror, a feigned look of surprise on her face. “Did you admit you were wrong?”

She wore a mischievous grin as she began to brush out her hair, and after the turmoil of the last few days, the sight of it warmed Edgar’s heart. “I don’t remember saying that!” he retorted, returning her grin. “I believe I just said that you were right.”

“Adds up to the same thing in my book!”

“And what book’s that, may I ask?”

Evvy put her brush back down on the dressing table and turned to face him. “The book that says that your wife is an undeniable genius and you should recognise it more often!”

As he chuckled, she walked across to the bed, pulling back the sheets on her side and climbing in between them, and then shuffled across so that she was sitting next to him. Edgar turned to face her, slipping an arm around her shoulders, and she leaned in towards him and kissed him gently on the lips.

“What was that for?” he asked, smiling tenderly at her as she pulled back again and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Because I love you.” Bringing a hand down to rest on his chest, she paused for a moment and then gave him a slight smile. “I know I’m not good right now, but I’ll learn to live with this, Edgar, I promise you.”

Edgar covered her hand with his own, entwining his fingers with hers. “Just remember you don’t have to do it alone, okay?”

“I know. D’you want to know something?”


Pulling her legs up under her, she shuffled round a little so that she was curled up tightly in the crook of his arm. “When I was a kid, I used to try and imagine what my husband would be like one day.”

Edgar grinned. “And do I fit the criteria?”

She frowned. “Promise me you won’t ever let on how mushy I’m about to be?”

“Not even to Mike and Corney?” he asked with an innocent air.

Evadne looked horrified. “Especially not to Mike and Corney!”

“You spoilsport!” he chuckled, then as she hit him on the chest he relented. “Alright I promise. It’s worth it to hear you be mushy anyway.”

“Okay, well,” she blushed slightly and gave him a shy glance, “you’re a thousand times more wonderful than anything I ever dreamt up.” Edgar gazed down at her, a little amused, but very touched, and she looked up into his soft, green eyes. “I’m not really sure I deserve you.”

He held her gaze for a moment, and then releasing her fingers, he brought his hand up to cup the side of her face and replied softly, “Yes, you do.” He bent his head to kiss her and then grinned. “And you’re right, that was mushy!”

“ I warned you!” she returned his kiss, and then pulling out of his arms, she wriggled down under the covers and turned her back on him. “Now, stop talking to me – I need to get some sleep before Henry decides to wake. He’s slept far too long today for my liking and I just know he’s going to start screaming the house down around three a.m.”

Edgar chuckled and reached across her to turn off her bedside light. Then switching off his own, he snuggled down next to her, draping his arm around her, and they both fell silent as they drifted off to sleep.

The next day, the rain that had been teeming down for the past few days finally ceased, and the morning dawned bright and sunny. Mindful that the children had been cooped up inside for long enough, Evadne ordered them outside to play as soon as breakfast was over.

“…and take Scrabble with you too,” she shouted at Marcia’s retreating back, as she, Thea and James ran out of the room. “He’s had next to no exercise these past few days and he’s going haywire.” She sat back and took a sip of her coffee. “Hopefully a few hours outside’ll calm them down a bit,” she added with a frown. “I know I was always at my worst when I was stuck inside for days on end.”

“And how terrifying that worst must have been!” Edgar put in with a wink.

Charles chuckled as his stepsister pulled a face at her husband and threw her napkin across the table at him. “Were you really that bad?”

“You’d better believe it!” she returned with a grin, as Ned came running into the room.

“Dad, did you make up your mind about Mr. Schulstad yet?” he asked his father eagerly. “I want to write to him.”

Edgar frowned. “Hmmm…I’m not sure.”

“Oh Dad, pleeeeeaaaase!”

The pleading look on his son’s face made Edgar laugh and he relented. “Alright – Evvy and I have talked it over and decided you can go. I’ll write to Mr. Stevenson to let him know, and you can take the letter back with you. But you make sure you behave yourself, or it’ll be the last time we let someone take you on unscheduled exeat. And don’t forget Harry has to get permission from his own parents – I can only give permission for you.”

“I know – I’ll write and tell him now! Thanks, Dad, you’re the best!” and turning on his heel he charged out of the room again at top speed.

Edgar watched him go. “I do wish Mr. Schulstad hadn’t mentioned the flying thing,” he said with a grimace at his wife. “He’ll do no work until it comes round, you know.”

Evadne smiled and shook her head. “Give him some credit, Edgar. I think he learnt his lesson last year, don’t you?”

“I hope so,” he replied, looking far from convinced.

“Who’s Mr. Schulstad?” Sarah asked.

“Someone we met on the plane a couple of years ago on the way to Boston,” Evadne replied, draining her coffee cup and wiping her mouth on her napkin. “He took rather a shine to Ned – he’s rather crazy about airplanes too - and he writes to him regularly. He’s over in England in October and he wants to take Ned and his friend Harry out for a day’s flying. Now,” she added, scraping her chair back and getting to her feet, “I’m going to go get Henry and make the most of this sunshine. Anyone joining me?”

“I will in a while,” her husband replied, “I’ve just got some correspondence to catch up on first.”

“I just need to take a bath,” Sarah added, glaring at her husband. “Someone managed to take an absolute age in the bathroom this morning!”

“Well I’ll join you,” Charles responded, ignoring his wife and getting to his feet. “Shall I save you a sunlounger or chair?”

“Sunlounger I think,” Evvy replied with a grin and left the room to go and get her son.

Fifteen minutes later she made her way out onto the terrace, carrying Henry with one arm and a heap of his blankets and toys with the other.

Charles got to his feet and held out his arms for the little boy. “Here, let me take him,” he said, lifting his nephew from her arms. Sitting down again, he held the baby above his head and pulled faces at him, causing him to smile and gurgle. “He really is adorable, isn’t he?”

Evadne settled herself on the lounger next to her stepbrother and smiled across at her son, who was now holding tight to his uncle’s finger and trying to put it in his mouth. “Well I think so.”

Reaching out her hand, she ran it through the little boy’s fair curls. Charles caught the wistful look on her face as she did so and he looked at her curiously. “Evvy, I realise I’m being nosey, but is something wrong? You don’t quite seem yourself.”

Evadne smiled and shook her head. “Everything’s fine,” she said holding her hands out for her son and avoiding her stepbrother’s eyes.

Charles raised an eyebrow as he handed Henry over and then sat up and gave her a stern look. “Now listen here you,” he began seriously, “I’ve waited a long time for the opportunity to play big brother, so don’t you go depriving me of it now!” She smiled and he caught her eye. “I’m perfectly capable of protecting my little sister,” he added, “blood-related or not.”

Evadne chuckled and sat back, making Henry comfortable in her lap. Then after a brief pause, she poured out everything that had happened over the past couple of weeks. The sympathy grew in Charles’ eyes as she talked, and when she’d finished, she heaved a sigh and gave him a weary smile. “Sorry - nobody for you to take to task, I’m afraid.” She ran a hand across her son’s hair and bent to kiss him on the forehead. “The thing is, I know I’m so lucky to have this little one, and the other three, but I still feel cheated somehow. It’s pretty selfish of me, I guess, but I can’t help it. Edgar’s been so wonderful, but I still feel so empty about it.”

Charles watched her as she gazed lovingly at her son. “What are you going to do? About the operation, I mean?”

“Edgar and I talked it through, and I’m not going to have the hysterectomy – not yet, anyhow,” she replied, looking up at him and shrugging her shoulders. “We’ll see how it goes and reassess in a year, unless something happens in the meantime. I mean, I might…well, you never know, I guess,” she added, smiling thinly at her stepbrother.

Charles nodded and returned her smile. “Very true.” Reaching out, he squeezed her shoulder, then let his hand drop back to his side. “I’m very proud of you, you know - for not giving up I mean. And it’s a good job too,” he added with a grin, “no sister of mine should roll over and take these things lying down!”

Evadne laughed. “I do like having a big brother - I think I’ll keep you!”

“You may think differently when I start beating you up and pulling your hair!” he replied, a twinkle in his eye. “Isn’t that what elder brothers do?”

“You do that and I’ll set my husband on you!” she retorted, still laughing. “He’s bigger than you, remember?”

At that moment, Thea came running out onto the terrace, giggling so much she was holding her sides. “Mummy…Uncle Charles…you have to come and see!” she cried, and then ran off again.

Raising an eyebrow at Charles, Evadne got to her feet and hitched Henry up on her hip. “Now what, I wonder?”

“I’m not even going to hazard a guess!” Charles replied as he stood up and the pair of them followed Thea in through the house.

Meeting Sarah in the hallway, the three of them emerged into the forecourt to be greeted by the sight of the five eldest children gathered under the flat roof above the corner of the dining room that formed a balcony outside Thea’s bedroom window, though the children were banned from going out there without an adult present. Looking up, she saw her husband on top of it, standing somewhat awkwardly in front of the railing that ran around the edge. His face was bright red, and he was shouting at his son.

“I mean it, Ned. Get the ladder back now, or I won’t be responsible for what I do to you!” Ned’s response was to double up with laughter and Edgar was about to shout again when he caught sight of his wife. “Evvy, talk some sense into the stupid boy, will you?”

Rather than do as he asked, Evadne cocked her head on one side and regarded him sceptically. “What are you doing?”

“James accidentally threw a ball up here so I climbed up to get it for them, and my idiot son decided it would be funny to remove the ladder leaving me stuck!” he responded indignantly, his voice sounding oddly high-pitched.

“That’s not really why you’re stuck though!” Ned called up, and as all five children started to giggle again, Thea grabbed her stepmother’s arm to get her attention.

“Daddy’s got his shorts stuck on the railing,” she managed to say through her giggles, and Evadne spluttered and stared up at her husband in disbelief.

“Are you a little trapped there, baby?” she called up, an innocent look on her face, and Edgar glared back down at her.

“I’m glad you all think this is so funny! I’m actually in pain while you’re all there laughing like village idiots!”

“I’m not sure we’re the village idiots,” Evvy replied with a grin, and then without waiting to hear his response, she handed Henry to Thea and headed in through the front door again.

“Evvy!” Edgar bellowed after her, but she failed to reappear. “Evadne, get back here and help me now! Evadne!”

“Did you holler?”

Hearing her voice behind him, he twisted around sharply, suppressing a yell of pain as the railing dug into his backside. “How did you get here?” he asked as she walked across to stand next to him.

“Through Thea’s window – how do you think?” Edgar gaped at her, peering round her at the open window and if it was possible, went even more red. She smiled at him sweetly. “I guess you didn’t think of that then? Might have been a little easier than climbing over the railing, ladder or no ladder.”

Edgar opened and closed his mouth a few times, as the watchers down below doubled up with laughter again. Then regaining his power of speech, he disregarded her comments and muttered, so only she could hear him, “Just help me off here before I damage myself permanently. You, at least, should care about that!”

Evadne grinned “Okay, hold still.” She tried a few times to pull the trapped material from the railing, to no avail – it was stuck fast. “Wait here a second,’ and she disappeared back through the window again. Remerging a minute later, Thea’s scissors in hand, she bent down ready to cut him free.

“You’ll damage my shorts!” he exclaimed, and she looked up at him, eyebrows raised.

“Well it’s this or leave you stuck here all day – which would you rather?”

Edgar glared at her for a moment and then shook his head. “Fine, just watch where you cut.”

After much cutting, and much wincing on Edgar’s part, she finally freed him and he climbed back over the railing, the redness finally disappearing from his cheeks. “Thank you,” he said to his wife, his voice back to normal again, then leaning over the railing he glared at his son. “You thank your lucky stars for your stepmother, young man!”

“Oh leave him alone,” Evvy put in grabbing her husband’s arm and towing him towards the window. “It’s as much your fault as it is his – if you’d used your brain, this wouldn’t have happened. Anyhow, you’re still intact – just!” she added with a grin. Edgar stared at her, an indignant look on his face, and she slipped her arms round his waist. “Oh come on, smile! You’ve cheered me up, anyhow, so something good came out of this!”

Edgar looked down at her and pouted. “It hurt.”

Trying hard not to laugh again, Evadne reached up and pecked him on the cheek. “I know, baby. How about you go and put some different shorts on and I’ll make you a nice cup of tea to make it better!” she said in a motherly voice.

“Are you enjoying patronising me?”

“What do you think?” she replied with a grin. Edgar rolled his eyes, and she patted him on the backside and pushed him towards the open window. “Go on, go get changed, and I’ll make the tea. If you’re lucky I’ll even throw in some of Guilia’s cookies,” and still chuckling, she followed him back inside.

Last edited by Josie on Mon Jul 04, 2005 5:15 pm; edited 2 times in total


#53:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:06 pm

You are the second drabble writers on this board who is determined to improve my Monday morning attitude - thank you, Josie, for making me giggle out loud at this picture of Edgar!

On a more serious note thank you for showing an Evvy who is gradually coming to terms with the fibroids problem. Am glad to see her prepared to play a waiting game, at least for now even though this may be uncomfortable for her - I'm not a doctor, but to the best of my knowledge having fibroids does not necessarily prevent a pregnancy, and it's not unknown for the fibroids to shrink, either. Also, even at the period when this story is set, it was possible to remove the fibroids themselves without a hysterectomy - wasn't the more major op. recommended more because of Evvy's age? Hope things will go well there, anyway.


#54:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:10 pm

Loved the scene with Edgar stuck by his shorts!! Laughing Laughing


#55:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:59 pm

Wonderful - thank you Josie! Evvy and Edgar are great.


#56:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 4:15 pm

Lovely, Josie!

Mexican Wave


#57:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 4:26 pm

great! Laughing Laughing

although am wibbling slightly about the flying thing, not sure why though...


#58:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 4:42 pm

Thanks Jo

So pleased Evvy and Edgar are working through this together - and I'm glad Charles and Sarah and co could visit.

Charles is making a lovely big brother.

I have a feeling Edgar might not be allowed to forget his little adventure in a hurry!



#59:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 5:03 pm

Sitting here chuckling again...thanks, Jo, that was brilliant, you always manage to mix the good with the bad so well!


#60:  Author: LauraLocation: London (ish) PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 5:32 pm

Robin wrote:
great! Laughing Laughing

although am wibbling slightly about the flying thing, not sure why though...

Wot she said! Very Happy


#61:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:14 pm

*Am wondering just how much of Edgar's bare bum was on show after Evvy had finished!*

Thanks Josie. Laughing


#62:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:21 pm

The two girls kissed their stepmother goodbye and waved as she drove off, then made their way down the path towards the school gates. As they neared them, Marcia glanced at her sister out of the corner of her eye and her face took on a sad expression.

“Are you excited about being a Middle?”

Thea grinned. “Yes – it feels really grown up though. But then I am eleven in two months, so I am grown up really.”

“Well I don’t think I like it now you’re a Middle,” Marcia replied, staring down at the pavement and pouting. “I won’t get to see you nearly so much.”

“Yes you will. You see me all the time at home,” Thea replied, giving her a puzzled look, “and we never saw each other in class anyway.”

“I know, but it’s not the same,” Marcia continued, still pulling a sulky face. “You’re in a different playground and everything. What if I need to talk to you at break? It’s not fair.”

Thea watched her for a second, then put an arm around her younger sister’s shoulders. “Don’t be such a ninny! You’ll be fine without me – you’ve still got Ann and the others. And I’ll only be in the Middle’s playground if you want to talk, or we can talk after school.” She looked up at her – Marcia had shot up over the summer and was now an inch or so taller than Thea – and gave her a sisterly smile. “Anyway, it’s only for a year, then you’ll be a Middle too!”

Marcia returned her smile, looking a little consoled. “Daddy said he can’t believe you’re a Middle now ‘cause you still seem too young, but I think it’s ‘cause he wants to pretend he’s not old! Ooo – there’s Ann! Ann!” and forgetting her woes, she ran off towards her friend.

Thea laughed and turned in the opposite direction towards her new playground. Today was her first day in the Middle School, and truth be told, she was feeling very excited and very grown up. She had a tight-knit little group of friends now, and Kate was due to start at the school today too. Walking into the Middle’s playground, she instantly spotted Kate waving to her from the far gate and ran across to meet her.

Kate greeted her with a wide smile, almost jumping up and down in her excitement. “I can’t believe I’m here! This is so much better than the other smelly old school. And there’s no Franny here too!”

Thea laughed as Kate said goodbye to her mother, that lady feeling better about leaving her daughter, now she was in her friend’s charge. Then taking Kate by the arm, she said, “Come and see Celine and Lucy. You remember them from my birthday, don’t you?” Kate nodded, and Thea towed her across the playground to her friends.

The bell rang ten minutes later, and as they all filed into their new classroom, all nineteen children chattering at the tops of their voices, Thea pulled Kate towards two seats near the window. “Come and sit next to me – we sit two people together.” She ran forward just in time to claim the last two window desks, and as Kate took her seat, Thea threw herself on two more desks across the aisle and waved at her other friends.

“Lucy, quick – I’ve saved you two desks!”

Lucy and Celine came to claim their new seats, and Thea returned to her own. “Our teacher’s called Miss Engel. Ann’s brother had her before he went to England and says she’s really nice.” Then turning to face her friend, she gave her a beaming grin. “I’m so glad you’re here – it’s going to be so good!”

At that moment, the classroom door opened, and the aforementioned Miss Engel came into the room. The class jumped to their feet. “Good Morning everyone! I’m Miss Engel, and I’m your teacher this year.”

“Good Morning Miss Engel,” nineteen voices chorused back.

The teacher looked around at them all and smiled. “Sit down, all of you. Now,” she said, taking her seat behind her desk and pulling a thin, hard-backed book out of her bag. "Let’s take the register, shall we?” She opened the book and picked up a pen. “Timothy Adams?”

“Here!” a small, American voice answered.

“Charlotte Beasley?”


“Kate Cranston…?”

She continued to take the register, the pupils answering to their names with the required ‘Here’. Thea was paying little attention, knowing her name would be the last on the list, and she was staring around her, taking in her new domain with enthusiastic eyes.

Miss Engel had just reached the letter ‘G’, when the door opened and Mademoiselle Pattieu, the school secretary came into the room.

“One more for your class, I believe, Miss Engel,” she said with a smile, pulling her small charge forward. “This is Francesca Harford.”

Kate, who had been gazing out of the window, sat up sharply, almost overturning her desk, and looked at her friend in horror. Thea was staring at the new girl, her mouth wide-open and her face as white as a sheet.


“Marcia Watson?”


“Berndt Weissmann?”


Mr. Jones shut his register and looked around his new class. “Excellent - all present and correct! Right, let’s get down to business, shall we? Appointments first, I think. As you all know, now that you’re the top junior class, the Class Captain this year will also be head of the Junior School.” A hum of whispers went around the class, and he held his hand up for silence. “Class Second will be Suzette Schumann. Well done, Suzette” A smatter of claps sounded at this and Suzette, a small, dark, Swiss girl, beamed at the news. Mr. Jones held his hand up for silence again. “And I'm very pleased to announce that Class Captain will be Ann Bown!”

A loud squeal sounded from the back of the room at this announcement, and as the rest of the class applauded, Marcia threw her arms around her friend’s neck. “I knew it!”

Mr. Jones laughed. “Well somebody’s pleased, anyway. Calm down, Marcia, there’s plenty of time for that at break.” Ann was staring at him in shock, and he gave her a warm smile. “Congratulations, Ann, I’m sure you’ll do very well. Now for the rest of the appointments. Stationary Monitor – Carl Haasen, Flowers – Linda…”

As he continued, Marcia turned to her friend and hissed, “I knew it would be you! Everyone likes you, even the teachers!”

Ann stared at her. “I thought it would be you.”

Marcia shook her head. “I get in too much trouble." She paused and gave Ann a wide grin. “It’ll be so good! It’s almost like being head girl!”

Her voice squeaked in her excitement and Mr. Jones stopped talking and glared at her. “Talking, Marcia? Care to share it with the class?”

Marcia went bright red and mumbled something incoherent and Mr. Jones did his best to suppress a grin.

“Let’s see if you can manage to get the first day of term out of the way without getting in trouble shall we? Start the year off with a new record – you never know, it might be fun,” and as Marcia went even redder and Ann tried hard not to giggle, Mr. Jones turned back to the rest of the class.


“I don’t believe it! That’s so unfair!”

Ned looked up at his friend, who was busy studying the new study lists, and raised his eyebrows. “What’s so unfair?”

“This!” Harry pointed to the board in front of him. “Stevenson’s split us up!”

What?” Ned hurried across to join his friend. “He can’t do that!”

“Well he has – see for yourself! You’re in with Burgess…”

“That’s okay – Burgess is cool!”

“Well it’s alright for you, then, isn’t it!” Harry retorted, with not-a-little sarcasm, as his friend pushed next to him to have a look. “Look who I’m with!”

“Piers Lloyd-Kitchen? Who’s he when he’s at home?”

“How’m I ‘sposed to know! Some ass of a new boy, probably, if his ghastly name’s anything to go by!”

“He might not be. Why don’t you give him a chance?” Harry glared at him, and Ned grinned. “Anyway, our studies are next door to each other, so it’s not so bad.”

“Alright for you to say!”

“Oh stop sulking, you big girl!” Ned retorted.

“Oh go get lost!” and as Ned laughed at the outraged expression on his friend’s face, Harry pushed past him and stormed up the stairs towards his new room.

Last edited by Josie on Sat Aug 27, 2005 5:20 pm; edited 5 times in total


#63:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:30 pm

Oh no, poor Thea - hope her friends mean that Fran can't start her game again. Crying or Very sad

Thanks Josie.


#64:  Author: ChelseaLocation: Your Imagination PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:53 pm

Well, Piers has an unfortunate name, but I am sure that he is really very nice.

I am also sure that Franny has changed all her evil ways.

Further, I am sure that Marcia can stay out of trouble.

What's that you say, you don't see the pigs flying past my window?


#65:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:56 pm

Poor Thea! I hope the school is a bit more on the ball this time!

I do love irrepresible Marcia - nice try for sympathy from Thea


I'm already feeling sorry for Piers Lloyd-Kitchen - with a name like that he's bound to be defensive or a right prat (apologies to any Piers Lloyd-Kitchen who happens to be reading this Exclamation )


#66:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:14 pm

Oh gosh poor Thea, what an awful shock. Thanks Jo


#67:  Author: LauraLocation: London (ish) PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:18 pm

What on earth made you come up with Piers Lloyd-Kitchen, Jo??!

Hopefully Franny will be unable to make Thea's life a misery without her little gang - and now Thea has friends to support her. Or will it slightly swing the other way?

Thanks, Jo.


#68:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:39 pm

Thanks Jo

Poor Thea - what a shock!

Well done Ann!
Josie wrote:

“Oh stop sulking, you big girl!” Ned retorted.

And just what's wrong with being a girl Ned? Evil or Very Mad



#69:  Author: JackieJLocation: Kingston upon Hull PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:40 pm

Thanks for this Josie - although I do actually know a Piers... he's my old choirmaster's youngest boy - currently at Ripon Cathedral Choir School, the surnames not as bad though Very Happy



#70:  Author: Sarah_KLocation: St Albans PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:18 pm

Ned's so sensitive and kind to his friend, though he's right it won't be a big change if they're next to each other and maybe Piers will be super cool to make up for the name.

*crosses fingers that Franny has reformed*

Thanks Josie


#71:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:44 am

What a brilliant name!!!
And what a shock for poor Thea.


#72:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:26 pm

I also love the name! Wouldn't anybody stuck with that just want to sink into the ground every time introductions were made, or pretend to be called something completely different?

Let's hope the person is better than the name suggests!


#73:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:37 pm

awww luffly posts - thank you Josie


I hope Francesca is nicer now (refusing to bestow my own beloved short on her!) - but *wibbling a bit*


#74:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 10:40 pm

Thank you Jo Glad to be able to read more about the Watson's.

Poor Thea and Katie hope Fran does behave herself but have a nasty feeling she won't. Hope this school reacts better and faster this time if anything does go wrong.

Can so see Ned behaving like that.

Hope Evvy gets her dream she deserves something extra nice to happen.


#75:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:06 am

Apologies for the lack of updates recently. Should hopefully be back on track from now on.

Miss Engel nodded at the secretary as that lady withdrew from the class, and then turned to her new pupil. “Welcome to the class, Francesca,” she said with a smile. “Now, let’s find you somewhere to sit, shall we?”

“Please, Miss,” Franny replied in a sweet, girlish voice that made Miss Engel raise her eyebrows slightly, “I already know Kate Cranston – could I sit with her?”

Miss Engel’s sharp eyes caught the expression on both Kate and Thea’s faces, and she shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. Kate’s new herself, so we’ll leave her where she is. Now let’s see; Lucy is it?” The owner of the name nodded. “Can you move to this spare desk up at the front here, please, and Francesca, you can take Lucy’s place next to…Celine?” Celine smiled and acknowledged her name. “Celine, you can show her the ropes for the first week or so. Now, let’s get started, shall we? Marc Leconte? Will you go along to the stationary cupboard, please – take, let’s see, Timothy Adams with you – and here’s the list…”

As Miss Engel continued giving her orders, Franny walked down the classroom to take her seat, flashing Thea a nasty smile and staring at her intently. Thea dropped her eyes to stare down at her desk, her earlier happiness evaporating completely. Truth be told, she was trying very hard not to cry. Oblivious to her friend’s discomfort, Celine smiled at the new girl as that young lady took the empty seat beside her.

“Hello, I’m Celine, and those are my friends Thea, Kate and that is Lucy,” the Swiss girl hissed in her almost flawless English, pointing down the class at her friend who had been moved.

“I’m Franny,” Franny replied, with a sickly sweet grin. “I already know Thea and Kate, we were at our last school together – before Thea had to leave, of course,” she added spitefully, with a sideways glance.

Hearing every word of this exchange from her seat across the aisle, Thea continued to stare down at her desk, trying her best to ignore it. Kate glared at the newcomer, who simply smiled at back her. Thoroughly confused – Thea had never mentioned having to leave her old school – Celine was about to ask Franny what she was talking about when Miss Engel called for silence, so her questions had to wait.

They were kept fully occupied for the next hour and half, as Miss Engel got to know them and went through various bits and pieces, so it wasn’t until break that Thea found herself face to face with her old nemesis. She hurried out of the classroom as soon as the bell went, not waiting for Kate and making straight for her locker, eager to avoid Franny if she possibly could. She had just finished unpacking her bag and was about to close it and head outside when she heard the familiar, malicious voice.

“Bet you didn’t expect to see me here?” Thea closed her locker, keeping her back to Franny, and went to walk away. Franny wasn’t finished, however, and grabbed hold of Thea’s arm. “When Daddy said I could change schools, I told him I just had to come here, ‘specially as I knew you and Kate were here.” Her eyes narrowed and her stare bored into the side of Thea’s face. “You got me in trouble and made me lose my friends, Thea Watson, and now I can pay you back.”

Hearing her friends’ voices as they walked down the corridor towards them, Thea wrenched her arm out of Franny’s grasp and made her way quickly towards the playground. Kate saw her go, and ignoring the school rule of no running in the corridor, she sprinted after her friend, catching up with her just as she stepped outside.

“Thea, wait!” Kate tried to catch Thea’s arm, but that young lady pulled it away.

“Leave me alone.”

“Thea, you have to ignore her! I’ll tell Celine and Lucy how mean and nasty she is, and then they’ll tell everyone else and it’ll be okay, you’ll see.”

Thea shook her head. “No it won’t,” she replied in a quiet voice, and then turning she started to walk away. Kate started to follow. “I want to be on my own.” Thea began to walk faster, and seeing she meant what she said, Kate stopped and watched her go.

“Thea! Thea, over here! You’ll never guess?”

Ignoring the attempts to get her attention, Thea continued on her path to the opposite side of the playground, her head bowed. Disgruntled, Marcia pulled a face as she watched her go.

“What’s wrong with her?” Ann shrugged her shoulders and looking around her, Marcia suddenly spotted Kate. “Kate! Over here, quick!”

Kate looked up as Marcia shouted, and made her way across to the gate between the two playgrounds. “What?”

“Ann’s been made Head of Juniors! I knew she would be!” Marcia announced proudly, and then before Kate had a chance to reply or congratulate Ann, she added, “What’s wrong with Thea?”

Glancing back towards the door that led into the Middle School, Kate caught sight of Franny coming out into the playground with Lucy and Celine. “That,” she replied, pointing towards them.

Marcia looked in the direction of Kate’s hand and her eyes widened. “What’s that pig Franny doing here? Did you know?”

Kate shook her head. “She never said she was coming here,” she responded, looked around her to see where Thea had got to. “I didn’t know 'til she came to class this morning.”

Marcia glanced across to where her sister was sitting alone on a bank of grass on the far side of the yard, and then stared back at Franny. At that exact moment, Franny glanced up, and seeing Marcia looking at her, she waved, a nasty sneer on her face. Marcia’s temper began to rise.

“I’m telling her she can’t be here!” she stated, jumping down from the gate. “C’mon Ann.”

Ann stared at her as if she had gone mad. “You can’t stop her being here!”

“Well I’ll tell her she’s to leave my sister alone then!” and she stepped back and pulled open the gate.

Ann caught the back of her cardigan and held her back. “No you can’t ‘cause you’re not allowed in the Middles’ playground,” she said, sounding very officious. “You’ll get in trouble and you know what Mr. Jones said.”

“So? It’s Thea – I have to!” Marcia retorted, trying to pull her cardigan free. “Let go!”

Seeing the makings of a full-scale argument, Kate decided to interrupt. “Don’t, Marcia. It’ll cause a fuss and Thea’ll hate it.” Marcia opened her mouth to argue back but Kate was too quick for her. “I’ll tell Lucy and Celine how horrid she is, I promise, and then she won’t be able to be nasty to Thea.”

Marcia succeeded in freeing her clothing from Ann’s grasp and glared at her two friends. “Well I’ll wish for her to disappear or get hit by lightening or eaten by a giant spider then – I can do that!” she said absurdly, and stalked off, not in the least consoled by Kate’s promises.

Ann rolled her eyes and turned to follow in her wake, and Kate set off to go and see if she could get Lucy and Celine alone.

When the bell went for end of lessons, Marcia tore out of the classroom, threw her belongings haphazardly into her locker and then ran outside and across the playground to where Evadne was waiting.

“Mummy, guess what…” she cried, coming to a halt in front of her stepmother and gasping for breath. “Thea’s…Franny…” She began choking from dashing around too fast, and Evadne bent down, a little concerned.

“Calm down, Marcia, take a deep breath.” Marcia did as she was told, and soon began to breath properly again. Once she was satisfied the young girl was back to normal, Evadne stood up. “Now, what’s this about Franny?”

“She’s here!” Marcia stared up at her stepmother, her big, green eyes open to their widest extent and an upset look on her face. “Ann was made Head of Juniors and I went to tell Thea at break, only she wouldn’t talk to me, and then I told Kate and asked her why and she showed me Franny was there! I wanted to tell her to go away but Ann and Kate wouldn’t let me. Mummy, Thea’s really sad about it and went off on her own and everything. It’s not fair.”

Evadne stared at her in shock. “What do you mean she’s here? At the school?”

Marcia nodded, and before Evadne could say any more, Thea herself appeared at the school gates, a sullen look on her pretty face. As she approached them, Evvy reached out to her and pulled her into a hug.

“Let’s get you home, shall we?”

Thea glanced at her sister, realising that young lady must have given her stepmother the news. Then nodding her head, she slipped her arms around Evadne’s waist. Evvy kissed the top of the smooth, brown locks and led her towards the car.

Later that evening, Thea was getting ready for bed when there was a knock at her bedroom door and it opened to reveal Marcia’s worried face. She had rushed to get changed so that she could speak to her sister, and her nightdress was on inside out, her fair curls wild and bushy, as if she had been given an electric shock. Thea smiled as she came across to perch on the edge of the bed.

“Thea, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” Thea turned her back on her sister, finished brushing her hair and bent down to close her bottom draw.

Marcia watched her for a moment, and then shook her head vigorously, causing her hair to bounce around wildly. “No you’re not, I know you’re not. It’s not fair that she’s at our school – I hate her!”

Thea said nothing, but made her way towards the bed and climbed between the covers. Marcia stared at her.

“Why won’t you say anything?”

There was silence for a moment, while Thea thought about this, and then she shook her head. “You’d better go to bed, Marcia, Mummy’ll be up soon for light’s out and you’ll be in trouble.”

“I don’t care, I’m not going to bed yet.” Moving up the bed towards her sister, Marcia reached out and grabbed her arm. “Franny’s a horrid pig and I’m not going to let her be nasty to you! I’ll tell Mr. Jones what she did and he’ll tell all the teachers and then they’ll make her Daddy take her away! It’ll serve her right too.”

“Oh no you won’t.” They looked up at the sound of their stepmother’s voice, and Evadne gave Marcia a stern look. “What are you doing in here, young lady? I thought you were supposed to be getting ready for bed.”

Marcia turned innocent eyes on her stepmother. “I was, but I wanted to see if Thea was alright.”

“Well now you’ve seen, so how about you go back to your own room and get into bed. I’ll be along to turn the light off in a minute.”

Marcia jumped down and ran off to do as she was told, and Evadne sat down on the edge of the bed and took Thea’s small, slim hand in her own. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

“I’m okay.” Thea stared down at her lap for a moment and then lifted her eyes to her stepmother’s face. “Are you going to tell Daddy?”

Evadne nodded. “Yes, Thea, he needs to know.”

“But he’ll tell Miss Engel, and then everyone’ll know and I don’t want them too,” came the pleading reply, and Evvy raised her hand to Thea’s shoulder.

“No they won’t, I promise you. We’ll have to tell Miss Engel, and she may have to tell the Headmaster, but nobody else will find out, okay? I’ll have a word with Marcia in a minute and tell her to keep quiet too.”

Thea nodded, and her eyes suddenly filled with tears. “It’s not fair, Mummy. Why did she have to come to my school?”

“I don’t know, sweetie, I really don’t know.” Evadne reached out and hugged her, stroking her hair as she sobbed. After a couple of minutes, Thea pulled back and scrubbed her eyes, and Evvy looked at her, concerned. “Are you okay to go to sleep?”

Thea nodded. “I’ll be alright. I’m tired.”

“Okay, well you get some sleep then, and maybe it won’t seem so bad tomorrow.” Thea wriggled down beneath the covers and Evadne bent down to kiss her goodnight. “We’ll make this okay, Thea.”

Thea smiled thinly and kissed her stepmother on the cheek, then turning onto her side, she closed her eyes. Evadne watched her for a few seconds, and then getting to her feet, she left the room.

It was gone eleven, and she had just got to bed herself when Edgar finally came home. He was chairing a big project, and had consequently been working very late for the past few days. Making his way upstairs, he went to kiss his sleeping daughters and young son goodnight before making his way to bed. As he entered the bedroom, Evadne put her book down on her nightstand and smiled.

“I was wondering how late you were going to be! Did you get much done?”

Walking across to the bed, Edgar bent down to kiss her and then made his way to the wardrobe and began to get changed. “Quite a bit, actually. One more late night should do it, I think, then I’ll be back to more normal hours. I am sorry about this, darling, I really can’t help it.”

Evvy watched him as took off his suit and tie. “I know, it’s okay. Listen, Edgar, I’ve something to tell you?”

“Sounds serious,” he replied, frowning as he put his suit on its hanger and hung it on the rail. “What’s up?”

“It’s Thea. Franny Harford turned up at their school today – she’s a new pupil this year.”

“She’s what?” came the muffled response, as Edgar got his shirt stuck while pulling it off over his head. He wrestled with it for a few seconds, cursing as he did so, and finally managing to extract himself from it, he threw it over a nearby chair. “Damn thing!”

“Well if you’d undo the buttons and take it off like a normal human being, then that wouldn’t happen!”

Edgar dismissed her insult with a wave of his hand, and began to pull on his pyjamas. “Are you serious about Franny Harford?”

Evadne nodded. “Thea’s trying to be brave, but she’s really upset, Edgar. From what Marcia told me earlier, I think Franny may have already started picking on her again. I’m not sure what to do. We’ll have to tell her teacher about last time, of course. I was thinking I should do that tomorrow, first thing?”

“Absolutely! Try and nip it in the bud now,” he replied, tying his pyjama bottoms at the waist and then climbing into bed. “That damn child – why can’t she just leave Thea alone?”

Resting his head back against the headboard, he looked upset and Evadne moved across to cuddle up against him, her head on his shoulder. “I promised her we’d make it okay. We will be able to, won’t we?”

Edgar looked down at her, his hand stroking her hair. “We will if I have anything to do with it,” he said quietly, his mouth drawn into a straight line. Then turning off the light, he slid down between the sheets and took his wife in his arms, holding her closely as he stared up into the darkness, making a silent pledge to help his daughter in any way he could.

Last edited by Josie on Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:18 am; edited 1 time in total


#76:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:16 am

Thanks Jo

*hopes Franny can be stopped from tormenting Thea*



#77:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:28 am

Thanks Josie!
WhAt lovely supportive parents they are.


#78:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:39 am

Thanks, Josie - hope that Franny's spiteful little schemes can be nipped in the bud before Thea has to suffer any more from her.


#79:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:02 am

Poor little Thea, obviously Franny has learnt nothing. swear

Hope Edgar and Evvy can sort things out soon.


#80:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:38 am

Horrible horrible bullying pig.



#81:  Author: Caroline OSullivanLocation: Reading, Berkshire, UK PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 6:07 am

I'm sure Evvy and Edgar will sort this out but poor Thea. Hope they don't have to resort to Marcia's tactics though they do sound more fun Wink

Thanks Jo Very Happy


#82:  Author: Kathy_SLocation: midwestern US PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 6:27 am

Poor Thea! I hope someone settles Franny's hash quickly. Or multiple someones.


#83:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 6:40 am

Poor Thea! I did have a vague hope the horrid child had learned her lesson. I do have a feeling this school won't stand for it though. Miss Engel was quick enough to see Thea and Kate didn't want her with them and she must know they would have a reason.

I do love Marcia the champion protector!

thanks Josie.


#84:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:37 am

Poor Thea. Hope that Evvy and Miss Engel can do something about it and stop that horrid child before she upsets Thea any more.

Thank you Jo.


#85:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:57 am

what an unpleasant child.
At least their teacher this time seems a lot more on the ball.

thanks Jo


#86:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:10 am

How did I miss the last but one update? Still even more to read this morning!

Thanks Josie

*joins in poking Franny and hugging Thea*


#87:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:18 pm

Hope they can sort it out with the staff asap


#88:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:47 pm

Poor Thea!
At least she has a good teacher this time, but I can't help wondering if this will be the reason Evvy asks Miss A about places for the girls at the CS during Jo's house party in Reunion?


#89:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:51 pm

Thanks Jo!

Have read all that you sent me - then came here expecting to find more and there isn't any Crying or Very sad

Any chance of another post? Very Happy


#90:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:15 pm

Evadne got to her feet and held out her hand. “I appreciate you giving me some of your time, Miss Engel. I can’t tell you what a difference it makes to know that her teacher's sympathetic to it all this time around.”

Getting to her feet and shaking Evadne’s proffered hand, Regina Engel smiled. “You’re welcome, Lady Watson. If there’s one thing I won’t tolerate in my classroom, it’s that sort of spiteful behaviour.” She paused for a moment and looked at the slim, chic woman in front of her. She couldn't imagine this lady being indiscrete or betraying a confidence, and taking a deep breath, she decided to say what she had been wanting to ever since the interview had begun. “I was unlucky enough to be in Thea’s position when I was her age, and the staff of the school I was at did nothing – they didn’t believe I was telling the truth. One of the reasons I teach at this school is because the powers that be don’t allow anyone to get away with this sort of nastiness, and so far we’ve been remarkably free of it. I intend to keep it that way.”

Evadne returned her smile, feeling overwhelming relief. “Thank you,” she replied, her voice a little shaky, "sincerely, from both my husband and myself. I dread to think what it might do to Thea if she had to go through all that again." Then, as the bell went for the start of morning lessons, she said her goodbyes, and turned and left the classroom.

Making her way back outside, she passed through the gate to the Junior playground, where she had left Thea playing with Marcia and Ann. The two younger girls had already made their way inside to their own classroom, and Thea was now sitting on the grass verge looking a little anxious. Evadne made her way across to her.

“Get a shove on, young lady, lessons’ll be starting soon,” she said briskly, smiling and holding out a hand. Thea allowed herself to be pulled to her feet, but she still looked a little unsure of herself, and Evvy bent and kissed her on the cheek. “It’ll be okay, sweetie. Go on, you run off and get to your classroom before I get in a row with Miss Engel for making you late! I’m too old to get in trouble nowadays!”

Thea smiled nervously, and after a slight hesitation, she ran through the gate towards the Middle School building. Evadne watched her go, then heaving a sigh, she turned and made her way back to her car.

The first half of morning lessons passed without incident, and by the time first break came around, Thea was beginning to feel a little more relaxed. Despite sitting across the aisle from her, Franny had paid her no attention all morning, and Thea was beginning to think that maybe it really would be alright after all.

As the others filed out of the classroom for their twenty minutes outside, Thea had one or two questions she wanted to ask her teacher about the book they had started reading, and remained behind for an extra few minutes. Miss Engel answered her queries pleasantly, and then sent her outside to join her friends and Thea headed off feeling much better about life. They had just started reading Moonfleet, a book she had read before and enjoyed immensely, and she thought to herself that English lessons this term were going to be fun.

Stepping outside, she looked around for her friends and spotted them on the far side, sitting on the grass, chatting amongst themselves. Making her way towards them, she was halfway across the playground when she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to find herself looking at Franny.

Thea stared at her, her deep brown eyes searching the other girl’s face. She had decided that morning that she was going to do her best not to let Franny upset her, so taking a deep breath, she asked, ‘What do you want, Franny? I’m in a hurry.”

Franny looked her up and down. “Is it true your stepmother had a new baby?”

“Yes, that’s right,” Thea replied, a little confused, wondering why Franny had brought this up. “He’s called Henry and he’s really sweet.”

Franny’s smile had a nasty edge to it. “That’s good. I s'pose your stepmother will probably love it more than you, ‘cause you and Marcia aren’t her real children, are you? I heard my Mum say that’s what my aunt did when she had her real baby. She didn’t need her stepchildren anymore.”

Thea couldn't believe her ears. She rarely got really angry, but now she could feel her temper rising as Franny insulted her family. “No she won’t!” she shot back, her voice raised, her eyes flashing. “Mummy’s not like that! How dare you say she is!”

“Of course she is,” Franny sneered, enjoying the reaction she was getting. “Your Dad’ll probably love it more too.”

Don’t talk about Daddy like that!” Thea shouted. People were turning to stare at them now.

“Your Dad really thinks he’s someone, doesn’t he?” Franny continued. “Mr. Anthony told my Dad everything about how he pushed his way into Mr. Anthony’s office and ordered him about…”

“Daddy doesn’t think that!”

“…You Watsons think you’re all so important, but I’ll show you you’re not! I’ll…”

The next second, Franny felt a push in her chest and found herself falling backwards, landing on the concrete playground with a thump. Thea was standing over her yelling. “Don’t you ever say things like that about my family! I hate you, Franny Harford! I hate you!”


The sound of her teacher’s voice brought Thea to her senses, and she spun round to face Miss Engel, still shaking and a little scared at what she had done. Franny took advantage of the silence.

“I didn’t do anything. She pushed me, Miss Engel,” she cried, crocodile-tears springing to her eyes. “Everyone saw her do it!”

Miss Engel stared down at her, contempt written all over her face. “Get up please, Francesca,” she said, her voice quiet, “and do stop crying. Are you hurt?”

Franny had been about to launch into more self-pity, but something in Miss Engel’s voice stopped her. She remained quiet and shook her head.

“Okay, then go inside and clean your hands and face, please.” Franny had dirt smeared across her cheeks where she’d rubbed away her tears. “Go on, hurry up,” she added as Franny stared at her. Seeing nothing else for it, Franny did as she was told, and Miss Engel turned to Thea. “Thea, come with me, please. The rest of you return to whatever you were doing. There’s still ten minutes of break to go, and there’s nothing left to see here,” and leaving them to do her bidding, she turned and led Thea back towards the school.

Last edited by Josie on Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:13 am; edited 4 times in total


#91:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:19 pm

Evil, nasty Franny - glad that Miss Engel seems on the ball.

Thanks Josie.


#92:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:28 pm

Now I hope Thea won't get into trouble for pushing Franny, but this is possibly the best thing she could've done, standing up to the nasty bully!

*I'm so proud of her!* Very Happy

Thanks Josie


#93:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:38 pm

I hope Miss Engel cautions Thea on the use of violence and restraining her temper. It will ensure shes always in the right in future if nothing else. Glad Miss Engels took no nonsense from Frannie though, yay!


#94:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:48 pm

Nasty Franny. That was vicious. Poor Thea. I'm so glad Evvy went to see Miss Engels and that she is so on the ball.


#95:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:10 pm

Thank you shiny Jo!

Evil or Very Mad *wishing I could have a few minutes alone with Franny, grr*


#96:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:51 pm

Thanks Jo

Quite a natural reaction from Thea, although hopefully she'll learn not to indulge it quite so violently in future!

And even so, I have to admit to a certain amount in pleasure in seeing Franny sprawled inelegantly on her behind!



#97:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:29 am

I have a feeling that Franny might find her course in life rather more complex than she had anticipated!


#98:  Author: DawnLocation: Leeds, West Yorks PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:32 am

Looking forward to seeing what happens next - I like Miss Engel


#99:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:52 am

glad Miss Engel has her head screwed on and didn't make a fuss of Franny there. Also don't think she'll be too hard on Thea, phew!

thanks Jo Smile


#100:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:46 am

I like Miss Engel too and I'm hoping she'll remind Thea that giving into violence while immensly satisfying isn't the right thing, pleased to see Franny isn't going to get away with anything here.

Thank you Jo.


#101:  Author: SophoifeLocation: down under Down Under PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:54 pm

Mexican Wave Mexican Wave Mexican Wave Mexican Wave
I'm so happy there's more of this. Liking Miss Engel very much. Liking Evvy's stepbrother too. I could always ask my dad about fibroid treatment in the 50s and 60s Josie?


#102:  Author: LauraLocation: London (ish) PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:13 pm

Am very glad to see more of this Very Happy I do like Miss Engel. Thanks Jo.


#103:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:26 am

yay more Evvy! she's so sensible and loving, and of course she still loves Marcia and Thea just as much! Francesca's a real b*tch to suggest anything else.


#104:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:52 am

I've just caught up with this, thanks, Josie. I hope Miss Engels gives Fran a lecture.


#105:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:22 pm

“Take a seat.” Miss Engel waved her hand towards the chair she had pulled up in front of her desk, and then sat down herself in her own.

Thea timidly seated herself in the chair and stared down at her lap. It was beginning to dawn on her just what she had done. She had never lost her temper like that, even during her fiercest arguments with Marcia, and she had certainly never pushed someone before. Truth be told, she had scared herself a little and was feeling thoroughly ashamed.

Miss Engel watched her for a few moments, considering carefully what she was going to say before she spoke. “Now, how about you tell me what just happened out there?” There was silence as Thea continued to stare at her lap. “Thea, I asked you a question, and I’d like an answer, please. I know Francesca said something to you that upset you. What was it?” Thea mumbled something in return. “What was that? I didn’t quite catch it.”

“She said nasty things about Mummy and Daddy,” Thea repeated reluctantly, still staring at her fingers.

“What nasty things?” Thea shook her head and remained silent. “Thea, if you don’t tell me, then I can’t do anything about it, can I? You’re an intelligent, likeable girl who’s fitted in very well at this school so far, and you’ve certainly shown no signs of a temper. I’m well aware that you would not have reacted like that for nothing.”

Her words were greeted with yet more silence and Miss Engel heaved a sigh. Generally she would punish a student for blatantly refusing to answer her like this – dumb insolence, they called it in the armed forces, she remembered her father telling her so. But from her own childhood experience, she knew that the reason Thea was reluctant to speak was her fear of how much worse Franny might get if she thought that Thea had told tales on her.

Deciding not to push the matter further, she sat back in her chair. “Very well. If you don’t want to tell me, I can’t force you.” She paused for a moment, and when she spoke again, her voice took on a more officious tone. “Now, I’m afraid I can’t let what you did go unnoticed, either. However much someone provokes you, you should never react like that, regardless of how hurtful their comments are.” When she still drew no response, she added, “Thea, look at me, please.”

Thea lifted her head to stare at her teacher, her deep, brown eyes unnaturally bright. One look at her face told Miss Engel how sorry the young girl was, and she softened her voice.

“Violence never solves an argument, Thea, it only makes it worse, even if it’s only something like pushing. And apart from anything else, you’ve landed yourself in trouble for nothing, haven’t you? It’s very important you try and keep hold of your temper when someone's deliberately needling you, and you certainly never push them or use any other kind of physical reaction, otherwise it makes you no better than them. Do you understand?” Thea nodded and swallowed hard. “I would like you to write a three-hundred word essay, to be given to me in the morning, on why it’s not right to do what you did.” She paused for a second, and then added, “More importantly, you’re to tell your parents what happened when you get home this evening. I’m going to trust you to do that, so please don’t let me down. I haven’t met your father, but from what I’ve seen of your mother, I don’t think she’s going to be very impressed, is she?”

Biting her lips and blinking hard to keep her tears at bay, Thea shook her head. She could imagine exactly what her parents would have to say on the matter when she told them, and how ashamed her father would be.

Seeing her obvious discomfort, Miss Engel decided to take pity on her. “Right, we’ll leave it at that, shall we? The bell will be ringing for the end of break at any moment, anyway.”

As if to prove her right, the bell rang just as she finished speaking, and Thea got up to walk back to her desk.

“Thea?” She stopped and turned back round to face her teacher again. “Remember, if you ever need to tell me anything – and I mean anything - you can come and find me whenever you like. Sometimes it helps to talk things through.”

Thea stared at her for a moment, and then nodding, she continued on her way to her seat. The next second, the classroom door flew open and the rest of the class filed in, all chattering at the tops of their voices.

Kate came to sit down, and turned to face her friend with an urgent whisper. “What happened? We only saw Miss Engel take you off and Franny looking all dirty. Did you really push her like everyone’s saying? I bet it served her right, if you did!”

Seeing Franny walking towards them down the aisle, Thea shook her head. “I’ll tell you at lunch,” she replied in a subdued voice.

As Franny approached them, she gave Thea a supercilious smile, and then taking her seat, she turned her back on Thea to talk to Celine. To Franny’s surprise, the Swiss girl pointedly turned her head away and began to talk to the boy across the aisle. Franny, who had been expecting sympathy for what had happened, stared at Celine in shock, but before she could say anything else, Miss Engel held up her hand and gave a slight cough, and the class fell silent.

“Get your books out and settle down, please. Herr Fleisicher will be along shortly for German, and I don’t want him to find you squawking like a flock of seagulls!” A small chuckle went round the room at this simile and Miss Engel smiled. “Francesca?”

Franny looked up in surprise as Miss Engel got to her feet.

“I’d like you to change places with Lucy, please. Jean-Luc can look after you for the next two weeks while you find your feet.” Franny opened her mouth to argue, but Miss Engel pre-empted her. “No discussion, thank you, I’ll be back at the end of morning lessons, and we’ll talk about it then.”

Realising that she had no choice but to move, Franny collected her belongings together and got to her feet, glaring at Thea as she made her way to the front of the class and sat down next to Jean-Luc, who looked far from impressed. It hadn’t taken long for the gossip about what had happened at break to go around the playground, and Franny was the last person he wanted to be stuck with looking after, even if it was only for two weeks. Miss Engel waited until both Franny and Lucy were seated in their new places, and then satisfied that all was well for now, she gathered up her papers and left the room.

When the bell rang for lunch, Upper Two began packing up their bags, chattering loudly as Herr Fleisicher tried in vain to get them to listen to the homework he was setting. Giving it up as a bad job, he wrote it up on the board, hoping they would copy it down when they noticed it, and left the room. The pupils began filing out of the classroom to get their lunch, and Franny dawdled at the front, waiting for Thea and Kate to pass her before she made a move. There were one or two things she wanted to say to them. Eventually they decided to leave, and Franny was just about to follow them when Miss Engel came into the classroom, stopping her in her tracks.

“A quick word please, Francesca,” she said, closing the door behind Thea and Kate, and making her way over to her desk.

Franny gaped at her. “But…my lunch…”

“Your lunch can wait,” Miss Engel replied firmly, inwardly astonished at the cheek of this child. “I’d like to have a quick word with you about what happened at break. Take a seat, please.”

Franny did as she was told, beginning to feel a little apprehensive. Surely Miss Engel hadn’t overheard what she’d said? She knew her teacher hadn’t appeared until Thea pushed her. She’d seen her come out of the door herself. Maybe Thea had sneaked? If that was the case, Franny thought, she’d be very sorry she’d opened her mouth.

Miss Engel gave a slight cough, drawing the young girl’s attention back to her. “Now,” she began briskly, her voice sounding very matter-of-fact, “I don’t know what went on this morning, and I don’t want you to tell me,” she added hurriedly as Franny opened her mouth. “But I do want you to know that spiteful, bullying behaviour will not be tolerated in this class or this school.”

“But she pushed me!” Franny exclaimed, sounding aggrieved.

“I’m well aware that Thea pushed you, Francesca, and she has been punished for it appropriately. But you know as well as I do that that was not all there was to it. Jean-Luc will be looking after you now instead of Celine, and I’d advise that you steer well clear of Thea and her friends, unless they invite you to join them. I want you to be aware,” she continued as Franny tried to speak again, “that I will be keeping a very close eye on you from now on, so you will do well to heed my words. Now, you can run along and get your lunch,” and without waiting for Franny to do as she was told, Miss Engel got to her feet and walked back out of the room.

Last edited by Josie on Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:39 pm; edited 4 times in total


#106:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:28 pm

Very pleased that Thea has Miss Engel as her teacher - what a contrast from the first time this happened. And love that everyone is on Thea's side.

Thanks Josie. Laughing


#107:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:03 pm

Yay! Well handled, Miss Engels.

Poor Thea! Yes, I know she shouldn't have pushed the little idiot but who wouldn't have. It's fine to talk about self control and so on but that was an attach on her family, not just her.

Yes, I know violence doesn't help and I know she has to learn that, but she's only a little girl. (((Thea)))


#108:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:05 pm

Agreeing with Lesley here. I somehow suspect (hope) that Francesca will perhaps be a little more cautious about her behaviour towards Thea now she knows Miss Engel has an eye on her (well I can be an optimist, can't I?)

Nevertheless, Thea needs to remember what she was told about the difference between sneaking and reporting when she is asked directly about what happened like that.

I hope Evvy and Edgar will be understanding about why she pushed Francesca - I'm sure they will, even if they are disappointed. Am not sure I don't consider a 300 word essay a rather hefty punishment for a 10 or 11 year old, but I do realise that the pushing incident could not go unpunished, whatever the provocation.

And it's very comforting to know that Miss Engel is ready to help her and that all the other children are clearly sympathetic, too.

Thanks, Josie.


#109:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:24 pm

Well done Celine and the other classmates for showing they're not going to do anything to encourage Franny

Thanks Jo



#110:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:28 pm

Good for Miss Engel and also for Thea's classmates

and for Josie for fab updates! Very Happy


#111:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:22 am

Wow, what a lot to happen. I do hope that Fransesca will behave herself now. And that Evvy and Edgar will be able to assure Thea of their love for her so that she becomes so confident in that that even if Fransesca does take the same line at some point in the future she is able to hold on to her confidence and not react in the same way. Quite a hard thing for anyone though.


#112:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 4:16 pm

I'm glad Franny is getting no sympathy from anyone, and I'll write Thea's essay for her if she wants, poor kid! (although I do see why Miss Engel had to punish her.)


#113:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:11 am

So pleased that Thea has Miss Engel as her teacher! Can see she had to punish Thea but am very glad to see that everyne is backing her up!

Thanks Jo.


#114:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:25 pm

Thea sat in her bedroom, pen in hand, staring out of the window at the empty driveway. She was supposed to be doing her homework, but she couldn’t concentrate, no matter how hard she tried. She was waiting for her father’s car to turn into the drive. He was still at work, but her stepmother had said she was expecting him home by eight-thirty at the latest. They were waiting until he arrived before having their dinner, and the nearer it got to that time, the more nervous she felt.

She had finished her essay, at least, so that was one thing off her mind. Not wanting to face Evadne, knowing that that lady would realise instantly that something was wrong, she had headed straight upstairs the minute Ann’s mother had dropped them off, shouting that she wanted to get on with her homework before dinner. Then she’d made an immediate start on the essay, determined to at least get that part of her punishment out of the way.

The afternoon at school had passed by in relative calm. Franny had thrown her a few vicious looks, but had otherwise kept her distance, and to Thea’s great surprise, her classmates seemed to be on her side. It was such a contrast with what had happened at her old school that she scarcely believed it, and kept waiting for someone to turn around and say something nasty. But of course, nobody did, and by the end of the day, she was beginning to feel that maybe, just maybe, this time everything would be okay. But first, she had to face her parents.

Her stomach flipped slightly as she heard a car approaching along the top road, but it carried on past the house and out of sight. She heaved a sigh and sucked hard on the end of her pen, trying to calm herself down. A sudden knock at the door interrupted her reverie, and she turned around as Marcia came into the room.

“Thea, can you help me with my maths?” Marcia asked, a pleading look in her big, green eyes as she crossed the room and flopped onto the edge of the bed. “I don’t understand!”

Welcoming the distraction, Thea smiled and walked across to the bed, taking her sister’s book from her hands. “You never understand maths,” she said, sitting back down at her desk with a grin. Then opening the book and seeing all the scribbles and doodles over the page, she frowned. “You haven’t even tried – you’ve just been drawing pictures!”

“I have tried!” Marcia retorted indignantly, getting to her feet and walking over to her sister’s desk. “See, I’ve tried there!”

“That’s not trying, that’s writing down the question!”

“Well it’s hard!” Marcia muttered, sticking out her tongue. “Anyway, I’m not clever like you and Ned. Daddy says it’s ‘cause I’m good at art.”

“No he didn’t, he said it’s a good job you’re good at art! Anyway, you’re are clever – you’d understand it if you tried to.”

“No, I wouldn’t, it’s a stupid subject. Pleeeeaaaaaaase will you help me?” Marcia begged, fluttering her eyelashes.

Thea laughed. “Fine, I’ll help you,” and turning back to her desk, she picked up a pen and a spare bit of paper. “Come over here, then, so I can show you what to do.”

Marcia, who’d been rather hoping that Thea would just do the hated maths for her, got reluctantly off the bed and pulled the vanity stool up next to her sister, dragging her feet as she did so. She watched, only half-listening to what she was being told, her mind on something else entirely. After five minutes, she gave up all pretence that she was listening and sat up straight.

“Thea, is it true?”

Thea, who’d been in the middle of explaining the principles of long division, looked up in surprise. “Is what true?”

“That you had a fight with Franny?”

Thea turned bright red and stared intently at Marcia’s book. “How do you know that?”

“Everyone knows,” Marcia replied complacently, chewing the end of her pencil. “Did you really slap her like they’re saying?”

“Course I didn’t!” Thea looked up, horrified. “Are they saying that?”

Marcia nodded. “I didn’t believe it though, I knew you wouldn’t slap her. You’re too nice – I told people so! What really happened?”

Thea shot her sister a grateful smile and then told her the truth of her argument with Franny. When she’d finished, Marcia stared at her for a moment, apparently lost for words.

“She…she really said that about Mummy and Daddy?” she exclaimed at last. Thea nodded, and Marcia began to bristle up with anger. “I’ll show her tomorrow…!”

“No, Marcia, don’t.”

“But it’s not true!”

“I know it isn’t,” Thea shook her head wearily, “but you’ll get in trouble as well and that's just silly.”

Marcia stared at her for a second before replying. “What did Miss Engel say?”

Thea swallowed hard. “I have to write an essay…”

“But that’s okay – you’re good at that!”

“...and I have to tell Mummy and Daddy that I pushed her.”

“Oh!” Marcia gulped. “Daddy’s going to be cross!”

“I know.” Thea stared down at her desk and bit her lips. Just thinking about it made her want to cry.

Pulling her legs up underneath her, Marcia sat up on her knees and leaned forward, putting her arms around her sister’s neck. “Please don’t be sad,” she said, hugging her sister tight. She hated seeing her upset.

At that moment, they heard the sound of tires on gravel, and standing to look down at the forecourt, they saw their father’s car grind to a halt. Thea turned to leave her room, and Marcia grabbed her sister’s arm. “I’m coming with you – I’ll tell them that it serves Franny right!”

Thea shook her head. “S’okay. I need to go on my own,” and giving Marcia a small smile, she made her way out of the room.

“Hello? Anyone home?”

The salon door flew open and Evadne came into the hall, an amused expression on her face. “Where were you expecting us to be?”

Edgar grinned. “Here ready to wait on me hand and foot, of course,” he responded, throwing his briefcase on the floor by the dresser and hanging up his coat. “I was just making sure!” Evadne laughed and he put his arms around her, bending to give her a kiss. “So how was your day?”

“Oh you know,” she replied, reaching up to brush some imaginary dirt from his collar, “chatted to Henry about world politics and the latest catwalk fashions, he gurgled insightfully back and sucked on his rattle. Scrabble ate a couple of Ned’s shoes. The usual!” She grinned as Edgar chuckled. “ I hope you’re hungry ‘cause dinner’s ready. We’ve been waiting for you and we’re all famished – I’d imagine Marcia’s ready to eat her right arm by now!”

“Well in that case I’d better go and get changed, hadn’t I? We can’t be doing with a one-armed daughter – what would the neighbours say!” Evvy laughed again, and he pecked her on the cheek and released her. “Where are the girls?”

“Upstairs doing their homework. Give them a shout to wash up and come down, will you?”

“Will do. I won’t be long.” And he turned to head towards the stairs.


Pausing with one foot on the bottom stair, Edgar looked up at Thea with a smile. “Hello sweetheart, how’s my favourite ten year old?” Then catching the look on her face, he added, “How was school?”

Thea swallowed hard and shook her head. “Can I talk to you and Mummy, please?

Edgar shot his wife a quizzical look, but she simply shrugged, as much in the dark as he was. “Of course you can. We’ll do it after dinner, shall we?”

“Can we do it now please?”

Edgar looked back at his wife, who walked across to join him at the bottom of the stairs. “Yes, sweetie, if you like,” she replied, holding out her hand. “Why don’t you come down,” and as Thea made her way down the stairs, Evvy nudged her husband in the direction of the salon.

Thea directed her parents to the nearest sofa and once they were both seated, she perched herself in front of them on the coffee table, staring down at her feet. When she hadn’t said anything after a full minute, Evadne reached forward and put her hand on the young girl’s knee.

“Thea, what’s wrong? Has something happened at school?” Thea nodded, but remained silent, and Evadne tried again. “Is it to do with Franny?”

Thea nodded again. “I…” Her voice choked and she swallowed hard to bring it back under control. “Miss Engel said I have to tell you what I did.”

She relapsed into silence and Edgar stared at her, a frown furrowing his brow. “What did you do?”

“I pushed her.”

Edgar’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You pushed Miss Engel?” he asked, incredulously.

“No, I pushed Franny.”

“What do you mean, you pushed Franny?” Edgar asked, confused. “Why?”

“She said things.”

“What things?”

“Horrid things about you and Mummy, and I got cross and pushed her and she fell over.” Her voice was beginning to break as she spoke, and she brushed the back of her hand across her eyes. “Miss Engel saw me and told me off and said I had to write an essay and tell you what I did. I’m sorry, Daddy, I didn’t mean to do it, I just got so cross ” and unable to keep her tears at bay any longer, she put her head in her hands and began to cry.

Edgar exchanged astonished glances with his wife, and then reaching out, he took hold of his daughter’s arms. “Oh sweetheart, come here.”

Now Thea had started crying, she didn’t seem to be able to stop, and she looked up at him, tears still pouring down her face. Rather than the anger and disappointment that she’d been expecting, there was nothing but worry and love in her father’s eyes, and getting to her feet, she moved across the small gap between them, sitting down in his lap. Wrapping his arms around her, Edgar held her tightly until the storm of tears subsided, and then taking his handkerchief out of his pocket, he handed it to her.

Thea pulled her head back and scrubbed her eyes. Then gulping down another sob that was threatening to rise in her throat, she looked into her father’s face. “I…I’m really sorry, Daddy. I didn’t mean to do it, I really didn’t. I couldn’t help it.”

Edgar ran a hand over her smooth, brown locks. “I’m sure you didn’t mean it, sweetheart, don’t worry. What did Miss Engel say about it?”

Thea took a deep breath. “She said it was wrong to be violent and to push anyone, even if they prov…provoke me, ‘cause then it makes me just like them. Daddy, what does provoke mean?”

“It means saying things or doing things to make you angry or upset.” Edgar glanced at his wife, who was watching them intently, and then lifted Thea’s chin so that she looked him in the eyes. “Do you understand why Miss Engel said that?”

Thea nodded and scrubbed her eyes on her handkerchief again. “I know it was wrong, Daddy, but she’s so horrid and said really nasty things about Mummy, and it made me so angry. I won’t do it again, I promise.”

“I believe you won't, sweetheart. Did Miss Engel say anything else?”

“She said I could talk to her if I needed to, and she asked me what Franny said ‘cause she couldn’t help me if I didn’t tell her, but I didn’t want to say. I think she told Franny off though, ‘cause she moved her in class.”

Edgar looked across at Evadne in relief. At least their daughter appeared to be getting the support she needed at any rate. Evvy gave him a slight smile, and leaned forward to grasp Thea’s leg.

“Thea, what did Franny say to you?” Thea screwed up her eyes and shook her head. “Come on, sweetie, tell us, please. It’s okay, I won’t mind.”

Thea looked imploringly at her father, but he nodded his head in agreement with his wife, so seeing nothing else for it, she took a deep breath. “She…she said…Mummy, it’s horrid.”

Evadne squeezed her knee. “It’s okay, Thea, really.”

“She said that you…that you didn’t love me and Marcia anymore now you had Henry instead.” Tears welled up in Thea’s eyes again as Evadne stared at her in shock. “I’m sorry. Mummy, I didn’t want to say.”

Evadne’s face was white with anger, and Edgar grasped her arm firmly and shot her a warning glance. ‘Thea, you know it’s not true, don’t you?” he said, glancing at his daughter anxiously.

Thea nodded earnestly. “I know, I told her so, but then she said you thought it too and that you really think you’re someone and that we all do too, and that she’d show us that we weren’t.”

“But you know Mummy still loves you very much, and so do I?”

“Yes, Daddy, I know.”

“Okay.” Leaning forward, he kissed her on the cheek, and then pushed her up off his lap. He could see that his wife was still catatonic with rage and was dying to let rip, and he wasn’t sure that having Thea in the room when she did so was such a good idea. “Have you written your essay?”

Thea nodded. “I did it first when I got home.”

Edgar smiled. “Good girl. Well why don’t you run off and wash your face and hands, and call Marcia for dinner. Mummy or I will read your essay afterwards if you like.”

Thea hesitated for a second. “Daddy, aren’t you cross with me?”

Edgar shook his head. “No, Thea, we’re not cross with you. I think Miss Engel said all that needed to be said, and I believe that you won’t ever do it again. Now go on, run along.”

Unable to believe her luck, Thea turned on her heel and left the room as quickly as she could, before her father could change his mind. The second the door was shut, just as Edgar had been expecting, Evadne exploded.

“How dare she! That little…”

“Evvy, calm down!” Edgar turned to his wife to try and placate her, but she was having none of it.

“No, Edgar, I won’t calm down! That stuck-up, good-for-nothing, spoilt, little louse! How dare she tell my children I don’t love them! I’ll…I’ll…”

“You’ll what?”

“I’ll go see her parents and…”

“Oh no you won’t!

“Don’t you tell me I won’t, you can’t stop me!”

Edgar grabbed hold of her forearms to stop her getting up from the sofa, and held onto her tightly, despite her struggling to free herself. “Evvy, will you please calm down. I know you’re upset, and I don’t blame you, but you going and shouting at the Harfords is not going to help Thea. You’ll just make things ten times worse.”

“But she told her I don’t love them!”

“I know she did, darling, but Thea knows it’s not true. I’m sure Miss Engel’s got things under control, and we shouldn’t interfere unless we’re needed.”

Evadne stared at him in stony silence, and it was a few minutes before she spoke again. “But what if she does think it’s true, Edgar?” Her voice was quieter now, and he could see tears starting to well up in her eyes. “What if she really thinks I don’t love her anymore.”

“You heard her - she doesn’t think that, Evvy,” Edgar put a hand on her shoulder and leaned forward to kiss her head.

Evadne looked at him for a second, anger still bubbling inside her, but she knew that he was right. Her going to talk to the Harfords would do nobody any good. Nodding her head, she got to her feet. “I need to go talk to her. Guilia’s left dinner in the oven to keep warm – can you serve it up?” and leaving him to do as she asked, she left the room and made her way upstairs.

She knocked on Thea’s door, and opened it tentatively, poking her head round and forcing a smile on her face.

“Can I come in?”

Thea was standing at the wash basin, drying her hands and face. On hearing her stepmother’s voice, she looked up in surprise and nodded her head. Evvy made her way across to the bed and sat down on the edge of it, giving her daughter an anxious look.

“Thea, I need to talk to you. I…”

“Mummy, it’s okay. I know it’s not true.”

“Are you sure?“ Evadne reached out to her, and as Thea came to stand in front of her, she took hold of her hand. “You’re not just saying that? Because I love you very much, Thea, all of you. It’s so important you know that.”

“I do know that, so do Ned and Marcia. That’s why I was so cross with Franny. She can’t say things like that about you, it’s not fair!” Thea smiled, feeling much better now she had spoken to her parents, and she walked forward, putting her arms around her stepmother’s neck. “I love you too, Mummy.”

“So do I!”

Evadne and Thea both jumped at the sound of Marcia’s voice, and looked up to see her standing in the doorway. Despite herself, Evvy smiled.

“Have you been eavesdropping, young lady?”

Marcia opened her eyes wide and vigorously shook her head. “No! The door was open and I heard when I was going downstairs.” She bounded over to the bed, jumping up next to her stepmother and throwing her arms around her. “I love you too, Mummy, and Franny’s a big, fat pig with a curly tail for being so nasty about you!”

The other two stared at each other for a second and then both burst out laughing. Evadne opened her arms wide. “Come here, both of you,” and collecting them into her, she hugged them very tightly. “Maybe if we all imagine hard enough, she’ll turn into just what Marcia said, eh?”

The two girls giggled.

“What’s going on here?” They all looked round at the sound of Edgar’s voice. “I don’t know,” he continued, his eyes twinkling. “I slave over setting the dinner out and you don’t even come down to eat it when I call. I’m just not appreciated in this house, am I? Maybe I should just feed dinner to the dog.”

Evadne laughed and shook her head, and Marcia jumped down from the bed again, grabbing Thea’s arm. “Race you!”

The pair of them tore out of the room at top speed, knocking something over on the landing as they went, which landed on the polished floor with an almighty crash. Evadne grimaced. “Do you think that was expensive?”

Edgar chuckled and held his hand out to her as she walked towards him. “Probably a priceless heirloom! You feeling better now?”

Evadne nodded. “I’m still angry.”

“I know.”

“But I won’t go talk to them, I promise.”

“Good good.” Edgar bent to kiss her forehead. “She’ll get her comeuppance, you know. Those sort of kids always do eventually.”

Evadne slipped her arm around his waist as they walked down the landing, towards the bookend and books that the two girls had knocked onto the floor. “Marcia said she was a big, fat pig with a curly tail, and I told them if we wished hard enough, she may turn into one!”

Edgar laughed. “Well, I didn’t quite mean that kind of comeuppance, but you never know, it might work. Leave that, they can clear it all up after dinner,” he said as Evadne bent down to retrieve the bookend. “We may love them, but they can still pick up after themselves!”

Last edited by Josie on Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


#115:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:50 pm

Thanks Josie, that was a lovely update. It must have been difficult to write it. I'm glad that the family are able to stick together like that


#116:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:03 pm

Im so glad Edgar and Evvy didnt say anymore and were just supportive. *g* at Evvy's reaction though. Thanks Jo.


#117:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:45 pm

I laughed out loud at Evvy's initial reaction, but I laughed even harder at Marcia's wish for Franny and the others' fervent hopes for wish fulfilment!!!

Glad to see that Edgar's wise head can prevail over Evvy and Marcia's impetuousness. Also glad to see them all content to leave further action, if any is needed, to Miss Engel.

But in between the laughter, I had a lump in my throat over the lovely way both Thea and then Marcia were able to reassure Evvy of their love for her - they certainly aren't going to let any silly business from Franny spoil that.

A lovely update, Josie - thank you


#118:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:26 pm

Thank you, Josie. What Franny doesn't appreciate is that Thea and Marcia have had time to establish themselves at their new school, so their characters are well known to their classmates. She is the incomer, and the others will dislike her little tricks.


#119:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:05 pm

Aaaahhh! Lovely, lovely. lovely. It would take more than stupid Franny to upset that family.

It was so realistic, even down to Edgar stopping Evvy picking up the bookend. Thank you Jo.


#120:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:34 pm

Thanks Jo

I'm so glad Edgar and Evvy were understanding and not angry with Thea. Can quite understand Evvy being rampageous about Franny though - just as well Edgar could calm her down - they complement each other beautifully!



#121:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:57 pm

Oh lovely.... thanks Josie Kiss


#122:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:39 am

Lovely to see Thea getting all that support.


#123:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:52 am

Thank you Jo!

I'm so glad that everyone is on Thea's side!!!


#124:  Author: TerryLocation: DUNDEE PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:54 pm

Franny's a wee cat and does this mean if Thea and Marcia go to the Chalet School Franny will follow. That will be interesting.


#125:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:38 pm

Thanks Josie - that was lovely - Edgar and Evvy are such wonderful parents.


#126:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:54 pm

Can I have a temper tantrum please over the fact that I read the last part of the drabble to be posted and only realised I couldn't read the next bit yet?! Laughing

What a great drabble. The whole family are great characters. What is the colour of Ned's hair? My picture of Ned is of someone I know who has blonde hair.

I was also hoping that Franny doesn't follow Thea and Marcie to the CS. Though of course the CS wouldn't stand for bullying.


#127:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:09 am

Thank you Jo. Wonderful as ever.


#128:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:19 pm

“That’s it, I’m moving out to live in the rec. room!”

Burgess looked up in surprise as Harry threw his bag across the study and flopped down on Ned’s bed, a black look on his face.

Ned grinned at his friend. “Why’s that?”

“You know why! If I have to spend another day sharing a room with that pompous dung-headed idiot I’ll…I’ll…”

“You’ll what?” Ned asked innocently, as his friend’s face slowly turned purple with rage.

“I’ll smother him in his sleep, that’s what!”

Burgess burst out laughing. “No you won’t, don’t be an ass!”

“That’s all you know!” Harry glared at his friends. They were now two weeks into the term, and he was in no doubt that his initial assessment on seeing the new boy’s name had been entirely right. “It’s alright for you two to laugh, you don’t have to live with him! ‘Oh has your house only got five bedrooms? You poor chap, how the devil do you cope?’ ‘Faaaather drives the new Bentley, don’t you know. We find other cars are just soooo parochial.’ ‘You mean you don’t know the Humpty-Pinkington-Smythes? Well of course Mumsie and Father are soooo well connected blah blah blah blah blah!’ I don’t care if his dratted Mumsie and Father know the Queen and Prince Philip – he’s still the world’s biggest nosebleed!”

Ned and Burgess had both dissolved into fits of laughter at Harry’s impressions of his roommate, and he crossed his arms across his chest, a heavy scowl on his face. “Oh shut up both of you! It’s not funny! Stop howling and tell me what I’m supposed to do about His Highness Lloyd-Saucepan”

Seeing the look on his friend’s face, Ned did his best to pull himself together and sat up, wiping tears of mirth from his face. “Sorry. Its just you’ve got him just right!”

“Well so would you if you had to listen to his boring voice all day long!”

“I don’t see what you can do, though,” Burgess put in, still chuckling. “Can’t you just try and ignore the twerp?”

“I’d like to see you try! It’s not just his stupid boasting, I could ignore that, but he seems to think I’m his butler or something. He keeps trying to order me to do things – he asked me to hang up his clothes last night!”

Ned gaped in amazement. “What did you say?”

“Told him to go and boil his head.”

“The maggot! I don’t believe it!”

Burgess didn’t look so surprised. “I’d believe it. He thinks he’s Lord High-and-Mighty or something – he slammed the door in my face going into the common room the other day. We’re all just dirt as far as he’s concerned.”

“He’s not been like that to me!”

“That’s ‘cause your Dad’s a Sir.”

Ned looked incredulous. “Rubbish!”

“Not it’s not,” Harry replied, shaking his head. “That’s how he works. Your Dad’s a Sir, so he licks your boots, our Dad’s aren’t so he treats us like his servants.”

“But why would he do that? What difference does it make who my Dad is?”

“Every difference to a worm like him. Just ‘cause you're oblivious to who your Dad is, doesn’t mean everyone is!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“That he’s a rotten little snob, that’s what,” Burgess responded. “He needs taking down a few pegs if you ask me.”

Before the other two could reply, there was a knock at the door and it opened to reveal Piers himself. Without waiting to be invited, he strode into the room and plonked himself down on Ned’s bed, almost sitting on Harry, whose presence he appeared to miss entirely. He was a good-looking boy, dark haired and blue-eyed, with a high-cheekboned features and an arrogant air about him.

Ned glared at him. “Please, come in, why don’t you? Have a seat on my bed.”

His voice dripped with sarcasm, but Piers seemed utterly oblivious. “Thanks. I’m glad I’ve caught you, Watson. I’m trying out for Torpids tomorrow, as a wing, you know. I cut quite a dash, I can tell you. I gather you know Cameron quite well? I was wondering if you might put a good word in for me? Us being formates and all,” he added, with what he clearly thought was a matey grin.

Ned looked horrified. House rugby trials had been postponed for the last two weeks, due to the new captain, Cameron, being late back to school. With only the school rugby and hockey teams to keep him occupied out of hours, Ned had been bemoaning the lack of sport he’d been able to do, much to his classmates chagrin, and both they and he were eagerly looking forward to trials taking place this weekend – him for obvious reasons, and them purely because it would shut him up. Now, Ned could see his fun about to be spoilt by the presence of Piers, and he was less-than-impressed, to say the least.

“I’d like to see what Cameron would say if I tried!” he retorted indignantly. “You’ll have to turn up and try out, like everyone else.”

“Ah, don’t want to agree in front of these two,” Piers replied with a wink. “I get you.”

“No, I don’t want to agree at all!” Ned replied incredulously, wondering just how stupid this boy could be. “How much of an idiot d’you think I am?”

But Piers wasn’t listening. He’d hauled himself to his feet and was staring down at Harry with disdain. “I’ve been looking for you, Pepperell. When you’ve got a moment, my Sunday shoes could do with a shine, if you don’t mind. I’m sure you can fit them in when you do your own. Handy having these chaps to help us out, isn’t it?” he said, looking at Ned and inclining his head towards Burgess. Then turning on his heel, he walked out of the door, shutting it loudly behind him.

“Not on your life, you pompous ass!” Harry shouted after him. Then turning back to the other two, "See, I told you!"

Burgess shook his head as if he was trying to take it all in. “Is he real?”

Harry nodded his head, sinking further into his dark mood, and Ned got to his feet and walked across to the bed, sitting down next to his friend. “That’s it, we’ve got to do something. He can’t treat you like that, and I’ll just die if he makes the team!”

“Why don’t you just stick your foot out and trip him up a few times,” Burgess replied with a grin.

“Oh I will, don’t worry! Doesn’t help Harry though, does it? We need to come up with a plan to take him down a few thousand pegs, and then some.” At that moment the bell rang for lights out and Harry got to his feet.

“Well you better think of it quickly, before I really do end up smothering him!” He picked up his bag from next to Ned's desk and dragged his feet across to the door. “It’d be worth the row just to be rid of him!”

Last edited by Josie on Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:31 pm; edited 2 times in total


#129:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:27 pm

What a lovely post after having to get over finishing reading everything I'd read so far. Piers sounds really annoying. I would tell him exactly what I thought of him - in Evvy style, but maybe not in her words! - and tell Piers that everyone is equal to everyone else.


#130:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:28 pm

Um, I hope those three don't get into too much trouble over their taking the Blot down a peg or two. I bet you've got something really ingenious up your sleeve, Josie, so please let us know what it is. [/i]


#131:  Author: TerryLocation: DUNDEE PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:31 pm

Squash Piers firmly. Poor Harry and Ned because it looks like Piers is going to be a leech.


#132:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:45 pm

Hmmmmm - Please may this not do anything to lower Ned in Edgars estimations. Let Ned manage to help out his friend without ending up in trouble of the sort he did earlier on. Get rid of piers - he will never be fit to live with.

Thanks Jo - I really dont blame Harry for wanting to move out in the least.


#133:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:12 pm

Chair wrote:
What is the colour of Ned's hair? My picture of Ned is of someone I know who has blonde hair.

Just realised I didn't answer your question, Chair, sorry. Ned has thick, dark, wavy hair and light brown eyes.


#134:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:34 pm

Wonderful post, thank you jo. Piers really is something else!!! Amazing. Hope they can manage to squash him good and proper without getting into too much trouble!


#135:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:55 pm

Thanks Josie. Fabulous post baour Franny and Thea. Good for Miss Engel am so happy Thea has the support she needs.

Wonderfully funny post with the boys. Ned is so lovely just like his dad.

Looking forward to seeing Franny and Piers THingummy Whatsit getting their comeuppance.


#136:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:42 pm

Definitely want that twat to get his comeuppance - does he treat the Masters like that?

Thankds Jo.


#137:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:53 pm

Piers is, I hope, riding for a fall. I love the way Ned has no idea that his father is anything out of the ordinary.

Poor Harry!

poke Piers
THingummy Whatsit
to hijack Sue's name for him!


#138:  Author: LauraLocation: London (ish) PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:35 pm

Hmm - edited because I missed a page and my comment was now completely unapplicable! Hope Ned can think up something effective but at the same time unlikely to get him expelled!

Thanks for the updates!


#139:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:37 pm

This is great - thanks Josie. I love the posts about Ned and his friends!

Piers is a wonderful invention - I always love the baddies! Laughing


#140:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:58 pm

Wonderful Jo!
And I LOATHE that prat Piers already!!!


#141:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:59 pm

Thanks Jo

What a lovely addition to the Harrow establishment!

*puts Piers in a barrell and rolls him down the Hill*



#142:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:54 pm

Liz said:

*puts Piers in a barrell and rolls him down the Hill*

Pity there isn't a river at the bottom of Harrow Hill! I could make another suggestion about where rolling him down that hill might land him, but I think I'd risk being expelled from the Board for inciting someone to crime!

*What* an arrogant, condescending air head the boy is!!!! Hope Ned and friends can subdue him suitably without risking getting themselves into more trouble than they need.


#143:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:00 am

What an insufferable upstart!

Is the barrel lined with nails?


#144:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:14 am

Elder in Ontario wrote:
Liz said:

[color=blue]Pity there isn't a river at the bottom of Harrow Hill! I could make another suggestion about where rolling him down that hill might land him, but I think I'd risk being expelled from the Board for inciting someone to crime!

Well I thought I'd save dragging him all the way to the Pinn and pushing him in, in case I need it later! Don't want to use all my resources in one go! Very Happy



#145:  Author: TerryLocation: DUNDEE PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:54 pm

Wouldn't that contaminate the river. Think of the poor fishes.


#146:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:22 pm

ugh that Piers creature is a disgusting loathesome idiot!

expecting Harry fume to shine his shoes fume and him a new boy fume

ETA: thank you Jo!


#147:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 8:10 pm

Cameron blew sharply on his whistle and the players on the pitch came to a halt. “Okay, that’s it, everybody, thanks for turning out. I’ll be posting the team up tomorrow evening. Watson, give me a hand to pack up will you? The rest of you can go.”

As the rest of the boys filed back towards The Park, Ned began collecting up the bibs that they had tossed to one side, and walked across to join his captain. “We seem to have some pretty decent players,” he said, as he began to fold the bibs up and pile them neatly into the basket on the floor. “Should be able to replace Bennett and the others okay.”

Cameron nodded and watched the younger boy thoughtfully for a moment before replying. “Hopefully, yes. Listen Ned, what’s up with you and Lloyd-Kitchen?”

Ned shrugged. “Nothing much.”

“Oh come on, I’m not a fool. You avoided him all morning and you were hardly passing to him even when he was wide open – that’s not like you. What’s going on?”

“He’s just an ass, that’s all.”

“Yes, well be that as it may, he’s an ass who’s a very good winger, so you’ll have to get over it.”

Ned looked up in horror. “You’re not putting him on the team, are you?”

“Now who’s being an ass?” Cameron replied with a grin. “Of course I am – he was the best player out there apart from you and Bronson, and we need another winger now that Adamson’s gone.”

“Great! It’s bad enough I have to see him all day in the house and class, now I have to see him here too.”

“Yes, well I can’t help that, so you’ll have to just live with it, won’t you,” Cameron replied unsympathetically. “We need a new winger, and I’m not dropping him just because someone doesn’t get on with him, even if it’s you.” Ned opened his mouth to reply, but the elder boy cut him off. “I’m not arguing about it, so don’t bother trying. Go on, get off. I can finish this now,” and turning his back on him, Cameron refused to say another word.

Seeing nothing else for it, Ned made his way across the playing fields and in through doors leading to the changing rooms. Most of the boys had gone by the time he got there. Only the aforementioned Bronson was left and as Ned sat down and began to unlace his boots, the third-year closed his locker and turned to face him.

“Can you believe Lloyd-Kitchen turned out? He’s such a chump!”

Ned looked up with a grin. “That’s one word for him! He was actually good though, wasn’t he?" he added with a grimace. "Cameron’s just told me he’s in the team.”

“You’re joking?”

“Wish I was. Now we’re going to be stuck with him even more.”

Ned threw his boots into his locker, slammed it shut, and the two boys made their way out of the changing rooms, still bemoaning the presence of Piers on their team. As they neared the common room, they could hear a commotion going on inside and saw a crowd of boys around the door. Harry was standing near the back on his tiptoes, trying to see over people’s heads, and Ned walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s Burgess and that idiot Lloyd-Toilet,” Harry replied, using one of his array of nicknames for his roommate. “He tried to get a first year to move out of a seat for him, and Dan started telling him to back off, apparently. Of course Lord Muck didn’t so now they’re having an almighty row.”

Peering round Harry’s head and squinting to see through a tiny gap, Ned saw Burgess, bright red and furious-looking, standing with a hand on the shoulder of a terrified first year who was cowering in his seat. Piers stood in front of them, regarding them both with utter disdain.

“You could do with learning something about who your betters are, Burgess. Just because Watson takes pity on you, doesn’t mean we all will. Now get out of the way – I’ve every right to ask for this seat.”

If it was possible, Burgess went even redder – he looked as if he was about to explode. “I'm not moving out of the way, especially not for a sod like you. You’re not the king, you idiotic moron, even if you think you are.”

“Tsk, tsk, language,” Piers replied patronisingly, and then taking hold of the first years arm, he pulled him up out of the chair and sat down himself. “Now, if you’d just done that to start with, it would have been lot easier. Don’t be fooled by your gallant defender – he’s nothing of the sort.”

For Burgess, this was the final straw, and losing his temper completely, he let rip at Piers, using the full range of the wide vocabulary he had inherited from his four older brothers. He was in mid-flow when a new voice, cold and furious, stopped him in his tracks.

“Burgess, what are you doing?”

Spinning round, Burgess found himself face to face with Atkinson, the new House Monitor. “This scum,” he shouted, pointing at Piers and forgetting who he was talking to, “tried to shove Donaldson out of his seat.”


Piers shrugged and looked the prefect up and down. “Don’t ask me, it’s him making all the fuss,” he replied nonchalantly, tipping his head towards Burgess, who spluttered and turned to glare at him.

Atkinson looked from one to the other. “Come with me both of you,” and turning on his heel, he marched out of the room, leaving them to follow in his wake.

It wasn’t until the bell rang for lunch that Burgess finally returned to his study, to find Ned and Harry sitting on the beds waiting for him.

“What happened?” Ned asked anxiously.

“Got a detention,” he replied despondently. “Have to spend this afternoon weeding under the holly bushes.”

Despite himself, Ned started to laugh, and as Burgess glared at him, Harry decided to intervene.

“What about Lloyd-Kitchen?”

“Same thing.”

“Well I suppose Atkinson couldn’t really let you off, but it’s still not fair,” Harry replied, hitting the still-giggling Ned as they all walked out of the room.

They had just reached the bottom of the stairs when they heard a familiar braying laugh and turned to see Piers exiting the common room with two of his cronies. Catching sight of them, he threw filthy looks at Burgess and Harry and then turned to Ned.

“I really don’t see what you see in those two you know, Watson. Surely you should be mixing with people more your type.”

Turning on his heel, he began to walk off, but Ned called him back. “What exactly is ‘my type’?”

Piers turned back to face him with a sneer. “People more your class, if you know what I mean. I’m sure your Father would prefer it. Does he know who you hang around with?”

Harry made a move forward, but Ned grabbed his arm and held him back. “My Dad says class is how you treat people, not what family you’re born into, Piers. As far as I’m concerned, you’re as low-class as you can get.”

Piers shrugged. “Each to their own. You’ll learn one day that attitude won’t get you anywhere. It’s all about connections, old boy, connections,” and turning again, he sauntered off towards the dining hall.

The three boys stood and watched him leave, Ned glowering at the taller boy’s back. “I’m going to get him if it’s the last thing I do.”

Last edited by Josie on Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


#148:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 8:18 pm

Really wish he'd not been any good on the rugby field. Looking forward to him being taught any number of lessons - but hope they don't involve Ned getting in serious trouble.

Thanks Jo.


#149:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 8:21 pm

What a prat thet Piers is! Hope someone breaks his collarbone on the rugby field!!!


#150:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 8:22 pm

Bother, I was sure he was a *ooh scary object run away type* oh well Ned and co will just have to get on with it and have some fun Very Happy Thanks Jo


#151:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 8:27 pm

Unfortunately I suspect there's always a Piers in every class at a school like Harrow - he certainly is a prat of the first water!!

Here's hoping that Ned and the rest can accept that he's good at rugby and accept him there, for the good of the house, while still finding ways of disabusing him of some of his less likeable attitudes without getting into too much more trouble themselves. Part of me would love to hear Edgar's view of Piers - I probably can't because it wouldn't be printable!!!

Thanks, Josie -enjoying this as always.


#152:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:14 pm

I agree with Ned's views on class. I can't believe anyone would want to be one of Piers' cronies!


#153:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:23 pm

Thanks Jo

*produces bucket of very cold slime*

*sneaks up behind Piers*

*tips it over his head and makes sure it goes down his neck*



#154:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:27 pm

Elder in Ontario wrote:
Unfortunately I suspect there's always a Piers in every class at a school like Harrow

I suspect there's one in any community, though the snobbery may be differently expressed!

Thanks Josie. Poor Ned Confused


#155:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:51 pm

Good for Burgess* to stand up to Scummy Piers - I hope he'll get his comeuppance soon! (but not too soon because this is a good storyline!)

Thanks Josie!

* Great surname btw Wink


#156:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:14 am

The trouble is that it takes a lot to shake that sort of self-assurance.


#157:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:23 am

in true CS style, Piers would now have to have his life saved by Burgess, thus helping him to realise the error of his ways....

thanks Jo Wink


#158:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:47 pm

loathesome little object

it's a shame he's good at rugby - i really wish he hadn't made the team and then we could have laughed at him heartily.


#159:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:59 pm

Wishes he would break his collar-bone? I can think of better bones for him to break!

He needs a good kick up the backside.


#160:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:15 pm

As was his duty as captain of the Under 14 school team, Ned stood at the front of the crowd waving off the visiting team from St Paul’s School, and then turned dejectedly back to the house. As he slouched along, shoulders hunched, Laskar, his team-mate and fellow Park boy, appeared at his elbow, his rugby boots slung over his shoulder.

“Buck up, Ned, it could have been worse.”

Ned glanced at him for a second, and then shaking his head, he stared back at his feet as he made his way across the forecourt. “Don’t see how it could’ve been. We lost 45-0 and I got sent off.”

“We all know whose fault that was,” Laskar grimaced, as he heard a braying laugh ahead of them.

Lifting his head, Ned followed his friend’s glare inside the entrance door to the main school. “Yeah, I ‘spose.”

Piers guffawed with laughter again and then turning his head, he saw Ned staring at him as he came towards him. “I say, Watson, wasn’t exactly the done thing bellowing on the pitch like that, was it? Hardly the example a chap of your breeding should be setting – not surprised you got sent off. Makes one wonder if you should really be captain anymore, frankly.”

“I wouldn’t have had bellow to if you hadn’t kept hogging the ball and had actually passed it,” Ned snapped back. “Rugby’s supposed to be a team game, or is your brain too small to work that out?”

“Now, now, no need for that,” Piers replied loftily, “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, you know.”

“That wasn’t sarcasm, you great oaf, it’s the truth!” Laskar replied incredulously. “Can’t you tell the difference?”

Piers merely sneered at him. “I wasn’t addressing you, Laskar.”

“Oh go and play in a dung heap,” Ned retorted stroppily, “it’s where you belong anyway.”

“Watson, a word, please, in my office.”

Spinning round, Ned saw Mr. Bristow, the Games Master, calling him from his office door. Resignedly he turned and started walking towards him.

“Jolly good. Going to get the dressing down you deserve,” Piers called after him.

Ned ignored him, but Mr. Bristow heard and frowned. “What are you still doing here, Lloyd-Kitchen?” he called. “Get yourself back to the The Park, right away, please. I’ve seen enough of you for one day,” and leaving Piers to do as he was told, he turned back to Ned. “In here please, Watson. You can wait if you like, Laskar, we won’t be long.

Laskar nodded. “Thank you, Sir.”

Ned grimaced at his friend and followed Mr. Bristow into his office, shutting the door behind him. It was now the end of October, and he was settling in well to his second year at Harrow School. In class, he had continued the good work of the previous year, and was regularly among the top five or six in the class. Elsewhere, he was excelling on the rugby field, as ever, and having discovered a new passion for rowing, had also joined the school squad. To top it all off, Mr. Schulstad had paid his promised visit a couple of weekends previously and had taken Ned and Harry up in his plane, even allowing Ned to take the controls for a few minutes, which had thrilled him to pieces and made him even more determined to fulfill his ambition to join the R.A.F. So all in all, he was finding life pretty good.

The one blot on his happiness was Piers Lloyd-Kitchen. Despite their best efforts, the rest of the second years in The Park had failed miserably when it came to trying to bring him down a few pegs, and they were beginning to realise it was not going to be as easy to teach him a lesson as they had first thought. Narrow-minded and thick-skinned, he had simply sneered at their attempts, missing their point entirely and patronisingly telling them that it was what he expected of ‘people like them’. The Masters and Prefects found him as irritating as his classmates did, but as he did all his work and never actually broke the school rules, there was little they could pull him up for other than talking out of turn and occasionally being rude.

From Ned’s point of view, matters were made worse by Piers’ sporting abilities. The house rugby trials had proved that he really was as good a sportsman as he claimed to be, and Ned soon found himself having to put up with him not only in the house team, but in the school teams as well. Being his teammate was bad enough, but it was in the Under 14 rugby team, where Ned was captain, that he found Piers hardest to deal with. His constant questioning of direction and refusal to obey team tactics drove Ned to distraction. His constant questioning of direction and refusal to obey team tactics drove Ned to distraction, and the growing tension had culminated in today’s shouting match on the pitch, which in turn had resulted in Ned being sent off in disgrace for using language that had shocked one or two of the spectators and had the opposing team in stitches. As a result, Harrow had lost and Mr. Bristow was in none too good a mood.

It was late afternoon by the time Ned finally got back to his boarding house. Entering the common room, he found a noisy game of indoor cricket going on. Catching the ball as it was hit towards him, he declined an invitation to join in, threw it back to the bowler and made his way to the far side of the room, where Harry was sitting at a table wrestling with some prep he hadn’t finished the night before. As Ned pulled out a chair and sat down next to him, he looked up with a grimace.

“I’m never going to get this stupid geog. done. It’s beyond me which contour lines go where.”

Ned peered over at his friend’s book and pulled a face. “You’re not joking! You can borrow mine if you like – it’s up in my room, help yourself.”

“Thanks.” Harry grinned and pushed his book away from him, sitting back in his chair. “I’ve got my stuff for The Harrovian to do too, and I thought I’d never get round to it.”

It was Ned’s turn to grimace. “Want to write my match report for me too? Not sure I can face it.”

“Yeah, I heard,” Harry replied, giving his friend a sympathetic smile. “Laskar told us. Did Britches roast you?” he asked, referring to Mr. Bristow.

“Almost. He made me clean all the eccer kit and scrub out the changers. I smell like a rotten pond.”

Harry laughed, and at that moment, the common room door opened to admit Piers. He caught sight of Ned and Harry and started to walk towards them, a smug look on his face. Then something made him think better of it, possibly the murderous expression on Ned’s face, and he turned and walked across to an empty chair on the opposite side.

Ned glared at him for a moment and then pulled a face. “I haven’t hated anyone this much since Donkey-Face,” he said, referring to his father’s former girlfriend. “He’s so dense – nothing gets through his thick skull.”

Harry glanced at their foe and then turned back to his friend with a wicked grin. “Maybe we should set your stepmum on him. I bet she’d get through to him!”

Ned laughed inspite of himself. “I’d say. He wouldn’t know what hit him if Evvy got going – she’d tear shreds off him. I’ve heard her on at Dad a couple of times, and she loves him!” The two boys stared over at Piers for a moment, both happily imagining what Ned’s stepmother would say to their nemesis given the chance, and then Ned heaved a sigh. “Shame she’s in Geneva,” he said, resting his hands on his chin and staring out of the window.

“Yeah pity,” Harry replied, mimicking his friend’s action.

They stayed like that for a minute or so, staring wistfully out of the window, before Ned scraped back him chair and got to his feet. “Right, I’m off to the Tosh, I reek,” he said, referring to the shower block, and with a “See you later,” he headed off out the door.

A second later, he remembered that Harry wanted to borrow his geography book, and turned back to the common room again. Pushing the door open hard, he was about to shout to his friend when he felt it connect with something solid and a familiar drawling voice yelled, “You imbecile, can’t you be more careful!”

The room fell silent as everybody turned to stare, and Ned peered round the door to see Piers clutching his nose, his eyes watering.

Fighting the urge to laugh, Ned put on his best ‘Piers voice’ and said, “Sorry, old chap, didn’t realise you were there. Bad luck eh?” Then turning to Harry, “Did you want my geog?”

Choking down his laughter as Piers’ continued demanding sympathy at the top of his voice, getting none in return, Harry nodded and made his way towards his friend. They closed the door behind them and both burst out laughing.

“That was brilliant! You should have seen his face when the door hit him – it was priceless!”

“And it wasn’t even on purpose,” Ned choked, clutching his stomach and gasping for air.

The common room door opened, and Piers came out surrounded by a couple of his hangers-on who were fussing around him like old women.

“Go straight to Matron and do stop making such a fuss,” Atkinson called after them, having followed them into the hall. “Anyone would think your nose was about to fall off!” Ned spluttered at this and the prefect turned to face him. “Stop loitering in the hall, you two, go and do something useful, before I find you something to do myself. And be more careful when you open doors in future, Watson.”

Still chuckling the two boys made their way up the stairs towards their studies, the odd gurgle of laughter coming from them as they struggled to regain control. Atkinson watched them go, and then with a smile touching the edge of his lips, he turned back into the common room and shut the door.

Last edited by Josie on Sat Aug 27, 2005 11:43 am; edited 2 times in total


#161:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:25 pm

I'm glad the Masters can't stand Piers either. I was starting to worry they thought Piers was great. Thanks for another wonderful update, Josie.


#162:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:29 pm

Clearly Piers still isn't doing anything to endear himself to the majority of the boys in his year, house, teams (despite his skills in sports) or commonroom, and driving poor Ned to distraction in the process.

The picture of what might happen if Evvy tackled him is highly amusing, while Ned's completely accidental exploit with the door was just icing on the cake, especially since the results weren't really all that serious for Piers (OK, I'm usually a tolerant person, but people like Piers are definitely beyond tolerating!) Atkinson's attitude, too, clearly conveys the fact that no-one except Piers' couple of cronies were too upset by the incident!

Thanks Josie.


#163:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:32 pm

Also glad to see that the Prefects and Masters don't think much of Piers either - wonderful accident - hope there are more to come! Laughing


#164:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:35 am

I should imagine the awful Piers sets everyones teeth on edge! Poor Ned and Harry!

Thanks, Josie


#165:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:04 am

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Thanks Jo - so glad that the door got revenge for Ned!



#166:  Author: LyanneLocation: Ipswich, England PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:27 am

Was the door made of a suitable wood to touch little Piers? He might get infected with common-ness if it was made of deal, for instance! Smile


#167:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:55 am

I giggled aloud at the door incident! Laughing Laughing Laughing

*pokes Piers* poke


#168:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:39 pm

*thinks people should open doors into Piers more often*

Glad Atkinson took the incident the right way and Ned won't be punished for something that wasn't really his fault, even if it was rather desirable.


#169:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:48 pm

*bouncing and spreeing for more*

*bounce!* *spree!* *bounce!* *spree!* and so on

Pleeeese Josie?


#170:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:26 pm

wheeeee Josie! just read the whole of this part! YAY thank you for shiny drabble ness! Very Happy


#171:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:20 pm

Thanks for your comments everyone, they're very much appreciated. Very Happy
We'll be returning to Piers in due course, but now back to Geneva...

As half-term approached, things at school were finally beginning to settle down for Thea again. It hadn’t been an easy start to the year at all. Despite Miss Engel’s warnings, Franny had done her best to continue her campaign against her, making attempts at starting malicious whispers, ‘accidentally’ spilling ink on her work, tripping her up in corridors and generally trying to make her life a misery.

The difference from a year previously, however, was that this time, Franny found herself with no sympathisers at all. Thea’s gentle and unassuming manner had won her many friends among her classmates, a fact that Franny failed to recognise, and the kindness and generosity she had shown them was now paying dividends. Rather than siding with Franny, as that young lady had presumed they would, they instead found her behaviour abhorrent and the longer she continued with her campaign against Thea, the more isolated she found herself.

Seeing what was happening within her class, Regina Engel had tried several times to speak to Franny and point out the error of her ways, but she refused to listen, just sitting in front of her defiantly, her arms crossed, claiming that she hadn’t done anything wrong. In the end Miss Engel gave up and instead talked to the whole class about bullying and its effects, in the hope that they would at least listen and not turn on Franny herself.

Thea, in particular, had taken this lesson very much to heart. She had gone home that evening and discussed it with her parents, who had explained to her the fine line between not liking someone and bullying, and that maybe Franny acted the way she did because she had problems of her own. Mindful of this, Thea had been careful not to be nasty to Franny in any way, and had even gone as far as picking her for her teams in games lessons and trying to talk to her on occasion, much to her friends’ amazement and Marcia’s disgust. Franny, however, had shown no interest whatsoever, and Thea was starting to wonder why she was bothering.

It was now two days before half-term was due to begin, and the class were all out in the playground after lunch, playing a game of Red Rover. Laughing as she watched Jean-Luc get swallowed up by the opposing team’s line, Thea glanced round and spotted Franny sitting alone on a bank, watching them playing, a look of longing on her face. It was quite clear that she wanted to join in, but didn’t feel that she could.

Thea turned to Kate who was beside her in the line. “Back in a minute.”

“Where are you going?”

“To ask Franny if she wants to come and play.”

Kate stared at her friend incredulously. “Why d’you want to do that?”

“’Cause she looks like she wants to,” Thea replied, “and anyway, she’s being left out and you know what Miss Engel said.”

“She could join in herself if she wanted to,” Kate replied unsympathetically. “We didn’t make her sit on the bank.”

“I know, but I’m still going to ask her.”

“You’re crackers if you ask me!”

Thea grinned at her friend, and leaving her team to catch Lucy without her, she made her way across to the bank.

Franny looked over at Thea as she approached, and her expression turned to a malevolent glare. Ignoring her, Thea forced a smile onto her face.

“Hi Franny. Do you want to come and play?”

Franny wanted desperately to join in, but her stubborn pride and stupidity was not going to accept an olive branch from Thea, so instead, she arranged her face into a scowl.

“No thank you, I’m fine here.”

Thea looked at her questioningly and tried again. “Are you sure? You can be on mine and Kate’s team if you want.”

“I said no,” Franny snapped back. “Just get away from me, Thea Watson. I’d rather eat a cowpat than be on your team! Other people may not know what you are, but I do, so don’t bother with your pretend niceness!” and getting to her feet, she stalked off towards the opposite side of the playground.

Thea watched her go for a second, and then shrugged her shoulders and walked back towards her team. Franny’s insults didn’t upset her, she no longer took them personally, something which frustrated young Franny even more.

Kate, who had watched the whole thing, gave her friend a grin as she moved up to let her back in line. “She didn’t want to come then?”

Thea shook her head. “Said she’d rather eat a cowpat.”

“I can get her one if she wants,” Kate replied, laughing, and Thea giggled and hit her on the arm.

“Don’t be mean!”

“She deserves it!” Then as she heard ‘Red Rover, Red Rover, send Thea over,’ she gave her friend a shove. “Go on, your turn. Bet you don’t make it!”

“Bet I do!” Thea retorted, and with Franny forgotten for the moment, she set off at a run towards the opposing team.


Back at the Watsons’ home, Edgar had just finished his lunch and was sitting on a large sofa in the salon, reading the paper and sipping a coffee. He was supposed to be working, but had decided to give himself a few hours off. He had lit the open fire, as it was a cold day, and Scrabble was stretched out on a rug in front of it, warming his belly on the heat from the flames. Henry was sitting in his father’s lap, propped up against his right arm, and Edgar was reading him bits from the paper and pointing out pictures while his son played with some discarded pages, scrunching them up in his tiny fists and trying to put them in his mouth.

It was a few minutes before he realised that his wife was standing in the main doorway, watching them with a wide smile on her face.

“What are you two up to?”

Henry looked up and squealed at the sound of his mother’s voice, and Edgar laughed and dropped a kiss on his head.

“We’re reading the paper, aren’t we Henry?” Then turning back to his wife, “I’m starting him young – I have high hopes for him becoming prime minister!”

Evadne laughed. “Not aiming too high for him then?”

“Not at all.” Edgar chuckled and Henry squealed again and held out his arm towards his mother. “Do you think Mummy should come and join us, little man?” Henry looked up at his father and giggled, and Edgar raised a hand to stop him putting some newspaper into his mouth. “I think that means yes. Come on, Lady Watson, do as your son tells you. I've given Monique the afternoon off by the way, didn't think we'd need her seeing as I don't intend to do any work!”

"That's fine." Evvy smiled and made her way across to the sofa, sitting down and slipping one hand through her husband’s arm. Edgar bent his head and dropped a kiss on her fair curls before turning back to the newspaper.

“Now then, where were we?” He began reading a column about some recent policies passed by the British Government, and then pointed to a picture nearby. “And that’s Princess Margaret and Captain Peter Townsend – she’s going to marry him and people aren’t happy about it.” Seeing Evadne listening intently, Edgar grinned. “This is good – I’m educating two people at once!”

“Hey! “ his wife exclaimed indignantly, poking him in the chest. Henry gurgled and copied her and Evadne laughed. “Say, look at that! I’ve got a defender now!

“Well I like that!” Edgar said looking indignantly at his son who giggled and poked him again. “Has Mummy been teaching you bad habits? You’re more trouble than the children!” he added, turning to his wife with a twinkle in his eye.

Evvy grinned. “Aren’t you supposed to be working anyhow?”

“I am, yes, but this is so much more fun, don’t you think?” he replied, putting an arm around her shoulders.

“Oh, much!” she replied, lifting her face and reaching up to kiss him on the lips.

Unimpressed at the lack of attention being paid to him, Henry let out a loud squeal and kicked his legs, sending the newspaper out of Edgar’s hand and onto the floor. As Evvy laughed and bent down to pick it up, Edgar fixed his son with a stern glare.

“What’s wrong with you, young man?”

“He’s jealous, aren’t you sugar-pie?” Evadne said, sitting back up with the paper and leaning across her husband’s lap to kiss her son on the tip of his nose. He giggled and grabbed hold of a one of his mother’s loose curls. “There, see?” she added, as she extracted her hair from his grasp with an ease that spoke of having done so many times before. “He just wanted a kiss.”

“Ah, so that’s what it is!” and bending down, Edgar blew a raspberry on his son’s cheek, causing him to laugh and kick his legs again.

At that moment, the phone rang, and leaving them to it, Evadne stood up, throwing the paper down on the sofa, and went to answer it. She returned seconds later, her blue eyes wide with concern.

“Edgar it’s Clare, Paul’s sister. She wants to talk to you – says it’s urgent.”

Edgar stood up, apprehension showing in his face. “What’s happened?”

“I don’t know – quick, she may not have the line for long.”

Handing Henry to his wife, Edgar hurried out of the room to take the call. It was some minutes before he returned, by which time Evadne was sitting on the sofa, Henry in her arms, and she looked up anxiously as he came back in the room.

“Evvy, I…I have to go.”

She was alarmed to see his face sheet-white and setting Henry down on the sofa, she stood up and hurried over to his side. “Go where? What’s happened?”

He looked down at her, his eyes glazed over with shock. “Accident I think or…I don’t know, Paul’s been crushed or something, I’m not sure. He’s in hospital…lost lots of blood.” He was starting to shake slightly and he lowered himself into a nearby chair and stared straight ahead of him. “They…they don’t know if he’ll pull through.” Evadne gasped and put a hand to her mouth, and Edgar stared up at her in a daze. “I have to go.”

Seeing that her husband was in a state of shock, Evadne did her best to pull herself together and take charge. Getting him a steaming cup of tea, she pressed it into his hands and then went to his study to call the airlines and see if there were any free seats on the afternoon London flights. That done, she ran upstairs, leaving Henry in his playpen, and hurriedly threw some of Edgar’s clothes and his wash things into a bag. Three quarters of an hour later, they were in her Renault on the way to the airport, Henry in his carrycot in the back seat.

Once there, Edgar hurriedly checked in and they made their way towards the departure gates. On reaching them, he came to a halt and turned to face his wife and son. He was still in shock and his voice sounded flat and empty as he spoke.

“Tell the girls I said goodbye and I’ll talk to them on the phone. Can you call my secretary and let her know what's happened?”


“I’ll call you as soon as I can once I'm there,” he continued, interrupting her and stooping to kiss Henry. “I should be there by about six this evening…”

“Edgar, please, listen.” She was beginning to choke up a bit and her voice was shaking. “Look after Elsie okay? Send her all my love. Tell her…tell her I’ll come if she wants me.”

Edgar stared at her for a second and then nodded, bending to kiss her mechanically on the head. “I’d better go. I’ll speak to you later,” and turning on his heel, he made his way towards passport control.

“I love you,” Evadne called out impulsively, but he didn’t acknowledge her, didn’t even turn around. She watched him as he handed his passport over for checking and then disappeared through the gates. Then hugging Henry to her, she turned and walked sadly back to the car.

Last edited by Josie on Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:43 pm; edited 3 times in total


#172:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:35 pm

wow. I did NOT see that coming.



#173:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:48 pm

I hope Paul and everyone else will be ok. The scenes with Henry were lovely. How old is Henry meant to be now?


#174:  Author: SusanLocation: Carlisle PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:59 pm

Thanks Jo. Just caught up on loads of this. Love the school scenes - hope Ned and co can shut Piers up soon.

Poor Thea - glad she is handling things so well.

Please let Paul be OK.


#175:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:50 pm

Thanks. I'm going to have to be careful aout reading this while I'm using library computers. Not that there are a lot of us about, but still it doesnt help if I go laughing (as in the case of Ned/Peirs scenario - ace by the way) or anything else while reading this. I hope that Paul is alright


#176:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:07 pm

Also glad that Thea is doing so well, and echoing the pleas for Paul to be all right.


#177:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:08 pm

Oh, No! Poor Paul and Elsie!

I love how Thea is handling Frannie but am wibbling madly about Paul!


#178:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:29 pm

oh no!

please please let Paul be alright. *huggles Edgar, Elsie, Evvy*


#179:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:31 pm

*wibble, weeble and eeeeek*

For goodness sake Josie can they not be just happy and content for more than a page?!?!??!?!?!?! LOL

Just kidding, am loving it! Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy


#180:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 8:01 pm

I did not bounce for a nasty wibbly cliff Josie!

Very Happy Thank you btw!


#181:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:14 pm

Love how Thea is handling things - so pleased Franny is getting nowhere!

Love the family scene with Evvy, Edgar and Henry.

But poor Paul!!!! And poor Elsie!!!!! bawling


#182:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:15 pm


Jo! Don't you DARE kill Paul off!


#183:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:25 am

Oh no!!!! Poor Paul and Elsie!


#184:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:09 am

Josie, I have had to wait to catch up on all this and read it all as I had got so far behind.

I have loved all the schools scenes, and that tender little passage with Edgar, Evvy and Henry, but of course I now find myself on a cliff! Shocked

I do hope Paul will be okay. It does NOT sound good.


#185:  Author: Helen CLocation: Sheffield/Luton PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:34 pm

Just caught up on this its as brilliant as ever. Please let Paul be ok.


#186:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:14 pm

Jo!! Come and post some more please!

I know I'm using your computer and could raid it til I find an update, but I think that would be cheating... hurry up and come home from work!

Wink Laughing


#187:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:38 pm

Thanks Jo

So glad Thea has completely risen above Franny.

I hope Paul is ok - or if not that Edgar gets there on time

*stocks up on tissues*



#188:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:37 am

It was seven o’clock in the evening by the time Edgar finally reached the London hospital where Paul had been taken after the accident. Tired and overwrought, he made his way hurriedly through the corridors to intensive care, where a nurse pointed him in the right direction once he had explained who he was. Paul’s sister Clare was sitting in a chair pushed back against the wall, her head in her hands. As she heard footsteps approaching down the corridor, she looked up, and seeing Edgar coming towards her, she jumped to her feet.

“Oh, Edgar, thank goodness you’re here. Elsie’s been asking for you - I didn’t know what to tell her, didn’t know if you’d make it, if you were coming or....” She was babbling in her relief at seeing him, and Edgar took her by the shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes.

“What happened?”

Clare shook her head and looked down at the floor for a moment, tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m…I’m not entirely sure. There was a car, it…it swerved or something…I…I don’t know. He was walking…it pinned him against a wall, crushed his legs.” Her voice began to choke up and she had to take a deep breath to bring herself back under control. “Edgar, they…they had to amputate part of his leg, it was crushed so badly - said it was that or he would have died. He’s still unconscious and he lost so much blood. They’re still not sure if he’ll even come round.”

As she finished speaking, she began to shake, trying hard to hold back her sobs, and Edgar held her briefly to him before pulling back and taking her gently by the shoulders again. “Clare, where’s Elsie?”

Clare pointed to a closed door near to where they were standing. “She’s in there with him. She won’t leave him and the nurse didn’t have the heart to force her to just yet. He’s got a room to himself, the other bed’s empty, so they let her stay.”

Edgar nodded, squeezing her shoulders again and giving her a weak smile, and then made his way towards the door. He had his hand on the handle and was about to open it when a sharp voice called him back.

“Excuse me, sir, you can’t go in there.”

Edgar was about to explain who he was, prepared to argue hard with the nurse if necessary, when Clare stepped forward and intervened. “This is Sir Edgar, who Mrs. Rodwell’s been asking for. He’s like a brother to Paul, they’ve been friends for so long. I know he shouldn’t, but won’t you let him in, just for a few minutes? Please?”

The nurse hesitated for a moment, looking from one to the other, and then gave a nervous glance back at her colleague who was seated behind a desk at the end of the corridor reading a magazine. “I really shouldn’t you know.” Then glancing at Clare’s pleading face again, she relented. “Okay, but only for five minutes, no more,” and turning on her heel, she hurried off again back to her post.

Edgar turned the handle, opened the door slowly and entered the room. Closing the door behind him again, he took a couple of paces into the room and then stopped, shocked, as he took in the scene. Paul was lying in a bed directly opposite the door. He was very still, his face drained of all its colour, save for a red gash on his forehead that seemed to stand out even more against his pale skin. He looked like he had aged about twenty years. Looking down the bed, Edgar could see the bedclothes raised over his legs where a cage protected his wounds. Elsie was sitting in a chair to the right of the bed, leaning forward, her head resting against her husband’s side. She was holding his hand tightly in her own, his bent arm clasped firmly to her chest.

Edgar gave a small cough. “Elsie?”

She raised her head slowly from the bed and turned her face towards him. Her eyes were barely open, the area around them red and swollen from crying, and it took her a few seconds to focus on him, to recognise who was there.

As she stared at him, he crossed the room to stand beside her, placing a hand on the top of her head. Elsie looked up at him for a moment, and then leaning towards him, her husband’s hand still clasped firmly in her own, she buried her face in her friend’s side and began to sob. Edgar placed an arm around her shoulders, holding her closely to him, staring down at the inert form of his oldest friend in the bed below him, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Last edited by Josie on Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:57 am; edited 2 times in total


#189:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:17 am

Oh, my! Come on Paul, you can survive this!!


#190:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:32 am

Here's hoping that he will, too, though I think we're going to be in suspense for a while yet. But whatever the outcome, at least Edgar got there in time.


#191:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:57 am

So sad, does this mean...?

Thank you, i think, Josie.


#192:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:32 am

Josie don't do this to Paul, Edgar and Elsie. Please.


#193:  Author: Caroline OSullivanLocation: Reading, Berkshire, UK PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:35 am

Thanks Josie (I think). Glad Edgar got there in time. Was about to say will pray for Paul and then realised what I was about to type Embarassed


#194:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:06 am

I do hope Edgar will be able to rally everyone.

Thanks, Josie


#195:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:38 am

Thank you Jo - I'm so glad Edgar has arrived and that the nurse let him in.

I hope Paul survives - but losing part of his leg Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad



#196:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:55 am

Thank you Josie. I know just what Caroline meant! These are people we have got to 'know' and love through your writing.

I keep wanting to turn the next page and see what happens next .........

and I can't! Crying or Very sad


#197:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:04 am

patmac wrote:
TI keep wanting to turn the next page and see what happens next .........

me too!

Please let Paul be ok - there have been enough deaths in this!!

Thanks Jo


#198:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:11 pm

Oh nooooo bawling

Please Josie!


#199:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:06 pm

*gulps* Poor Paul Sad

*hugs Elsie tightly, Im glad Edgar can be there for them. Thanks Jo.


#200:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:24 pm

Crying or Very sad - Thanks Josie, very moving stuff.


#201:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:31 pm

Poor everyone. My heart goes out to them. I'm glad Edgar could get to them as well.


#202:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:56 pm

Apologies if anyone's offended by the strong language, but I think that in this case, it's warranted.
Oh, and please gloss over any glaring medical inaccuracies if there are any - I'm doing an EBD and doing what I need for the story rather than going for 100% real life accuracy.

Paul remained unconscious for the next couple of days, and as time went on, Edgar could tell that even the doctors were beginning to lose hope. The day after he arrived, he drove to Oxford and collected Tom from school, bringing him back to the Watsons’ Kensington home, where Elsie, Clare and Lily were now staying in order to be closer to Paul. Elsie was returning to hospital everyday, spending every possible minute either at her husband’s bedside or on the chairs outside the room, accompanied by either Clare or Edgar, while the other stayed behind to look after the two children.

She did her best to remain hopeful, but she was absolutely distraught and by the end of the second day, Edgar called his wife and asked her to come over to be with her friend. The girl’s half-term had just begun, and Evadne hastily arranged for them to stay with Anton, and made her way to England with Henry the very next day. Ned was staying with the Pepperells for his own half-term, and with their elder children being looked after elsewhere, the Watsons were able to give all their attention to helping the Rodwell family through this difficult time.

From Evadne’s point of view, Elsie and her children were not the only ones who needed looking after. Edgar was remaining very stoic, refusing to discuss things with his wife, insisting that it was Paul’s family who needed the help not him, but Evadne knew her husband too well for that, and she could tell that this was tearing him up inside. Not sure what else to do, she made a point of making things as easy as she possibly could for him, letting him know that she was there if she needed him and hoping that he would eventually open up.

Then suddenly, on the evening of the third day, as Elsie and Edgar were just preparing to leave the hospital to return home, Paul stirred slightly and finally opened his eyes. Elsie cried out as she looked up to see him staring at her blankly and seeing what had made her gasp, Edgar ran from the room to call a nurse. By the time they returned, Paul was unconscious again, but this time, it was in a deep and peaceful sleep.

Over the next couple of days, he began to rally a little, getting gradually stronger, and things were looking hopeful. Then on the third day, the doctor finally deemed him strong enough to be told about the amputation and suddenly things took a turn for the worse. To begin with, Paul refused to believe it, claiming that he could still feel his leg, could still wiggle his toes. As he had also bruised his back in the accident, he was unable to sit up so the doctor had to use a mirror to show him that it really was true. Then, while the nurse changed the bandages on his stump just above where his knee had been, the doctor sat with him and gently explained that the sensations he was feeling were what was known as a phantom limb.

Once he realised that he really had lost part of his leg, Paul sank into a deep depression, and had remained in it for over a week. He seemed to have no will to fight, to want to live, and as time went on he gradually became weaker and weaker, until the doctors became increasingly concerned for his wellbeing, to the point that they were thinking that his death was only a matter of time.

As a last ditch attempt to try and get him to put up a fight, the doctor pulled Elsie and Edgar aside one evening as they took a break from sitting with him, and spelled out his concerns to them in no uncertain terms. As the doctor finished speaking, Elsie stared at him for second, her face ashen, and then turning on her heel, she walked quickly back in the direction of Paul’s room. Edgar went to follow her, but the doctor grasped his arm and held him back.

“Leave them be for a few minutes – maybe she can get through to him now she knows.”

Reluctantly, Edgar did as he was asked, and sinking into a nearby chair, he leaned forwards, putting his head in his hands.

Paul slowly turned his head to face Elsie as she returned to the room and sat beside him, taking hold of his hand. She watched him for a few moments, her jaw shaking, and then tightened her grip on his fingers as tears welled up in her eyes.

“Paul, please, you have to fight this. The doctor says it’s all down to you, they can’t do anything else. Please you have to fight, I need you, the kids need you, you have to do this.”

Paul stared at her for a second and then shook his head and tried to pull his hand from her grasp.

“You’re better off without me,” he replied, his voice flat and cold. “I’m not much use to you now. I’ll have no job, no leg, nothing to offer. The savings won’t last us long with what it’ll cost to take care of me. I can’t look after any of you. You’re free to go whenever you want. I won’t hold you back.”

Elsie stared at him in disbelief, the tears falling faster down her cheeks as what he had just said began to sink in. “But I don’t want to go, I want to be with you,” she pleaded, gripping his hand even tighter. “We’ll manage somehow. Tom doesn’t have to go to Harrow, he can go to a local school, so can Lily. And I’ll get a job, I’ll do anything, I don’t care. Paul, please just try and fight. You have to live, I need you.”

Paul bit his lips hard, and shook his head.

“Paul, please, listen to me…”

Ignoring her, he turned his head away from her to stare at the opposite wall. This was too much for Elsie, and unable to bear it, she got to her feet and ran out of room. Edgar jumped up from his seat as the door opened and she tried to run past him down the corridor, tears streaming down her face. Reaching out quickly, he grabbed her arm and stopped her, pulling her towards him and holding her as she buried her face in his shirt and sobbed.

It was quite a few minutes before she managed to calm herself enough to tell him what had happened. When she finally got it out, Edgar was staggered and furious at what Paul had said. Walking her over to the nearest seats, he sat her down, leaving her his handkerchief and checking that she would be okay alone for a few minutes, and then strode purposefully towards the private room, ignoring Elsie’s feeble attempts to stop him.

Paul was staring blankly at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts, when the door opened and a stony-faced Edgar entered the room.

“I hope you’re proud of yourself?”

Paul glanced at him briefly and then turned his eyes back to the ceiling, saying nothing. Edgar shut the door firmly and crossed the room to stand at the foot of his friend’s bed.

“Have you got nothing to say for yourself?” he asked, his anger evident in his voice. “You’ve just broken your wife’s heart and all you can do is stare at me?”

Paul’s face flickered for a second before he straightened it back to its former blank expression. “It wasn’t my intention to break her heart,” he replied flatly, “I’m sorry I had to. I just had to tell her the truth.”

“Which is?”

“She’s better off without me.”

“Don’t be so bloody stupid…”

“How do you know I’m being stupid?” Paul interrupted, his voice still quiet. “You’ve never been here, you don’t know what it’s like. I can’t provide for her or the children anymore. There are plenty of other men out there who can, she should be with one of them. I told her she’s free to go, I won’t hold her back. I’m no use to anyone, there’s no point in me being around.”

For a second Edgar was speechless, staring at his friend in utter disbelief. Then his anger took over and he regained his voice.

“How dare you, you selfish bastard?” he shouted, not caring whose attention was drawn by his raised voice. “She has sat by your bedside and on those chairs outside day after day since this happened praying and hoping for you to get better, for you to come around, and now you have, you’ve decided you can’t be bothered to live? Your six-year-old daughter said this morning that the only birthday present she wanted was her Daddy back, and your son’s trying to look after his mother and sister, despite being upset himself, because it’s what you’d want him to do. Your family would give up everything they have to keep you, and this is how you repay them? Do you really think this little of them?”

Paul just stared at him, saying nothing, and Edgar gave an incredulous shake of his head.

“You know what? Maybe you’re right, maybe they are better off without you, if you honestly think that this accident has made a blind bit of difference to how they feel about you. Your wife is sitting out there absolutely heartbroken – she can’t understand why you don’t love her anymore. She doesn’t deserve to be feeling like that.”

There was silence for a moment, and then Paul said quietly, “Of course I love her.”

“Then bloody well fight, man. If you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for her. It’s the very least you can do.”

“I’m no use to her like this, can’t you see that?” Paul was starting to raise his voice a little, sounding more spirited than he had since he had come round, and noticing this, Edgar continued on.

“You’re still you aren’t you? That’s all she wants,” he replied, softening his voice. “She loves you Paul, you’re her life. She doesn’t care how she has you as long as she does have you. Can’t you see that?”

Paul stared at his friend for a second, his eyes suddenly very bright, and for a moment Edgar thought he had finally broken through. Then Paul shook his head and looked away.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t want her pity or yours.”

Edgar was gobsmacked. “You’re pathetic!” he shouted.

At the exact same moment the door burst open and finally drawn by the raised voices, a nurse came bustling into the room. “What’s going on in here? Get out,” she cried, shoving Edgar out of the way and running across to the bed to check on Paul.

“No, I’m sorry, but he needs to hear this,” Edgar replied, and she spun around, a furious look on her face.

“He’s a very ill man, in case you hadn’t noticed, and you shouting will make him even worse.”

Edgar was beyond caring who he was rude to, he just knew he had to get through to his friend. “It won’t make any difference,” he snapped back, “he doesn’t want to live anyway.”

The nurse gave an exclamation of horror and hurried off in search of a doctor to come and help. Edgar turned back to Paul.

“You’re right, I don’t know what it’s like, but I hope that if, god forbid, anything like this ever happens to me, I’d have the backbone to fight for the sake of my wife and kids. If you give a damn, Evvy and I will make sure we look after yours when you’re gone.”

As he finished, the doctor burst into the room, followed by the nurse, and went to grab Edgar’s arm, but he pulled it hastily out of the way. “It’s okay, I’m leaving anyway. There’s nothing else left to say,” and pushing past the shocked medical staff, he stormed out of the room.

He and Elsie arrived back in Kensington three quarters of an hour later, to find Evadne, Tom and Lily sitting in the front room playing ludo. The two children had waited up for their mother to come home, desperate as they were for news of their father. As they ran towards Elsie, who drew them in for hugs and kisses, Evadne took in her friend’s red, tearful eyes, and turned to her husband with concern.

“He’s not…?”

Edgar shook his head. “He’s still alive. There’s no change.” As Evvy breathed a sigh of relief, he looked at his watch and yawned. “Is there any dinner left?”

Evadne nodded. “There’s some stew in the pot on the stove. There’s enough for you too, Elsie,” she added, turning to her friend.

Elsie stood up, an arm around each of her children, and shook her head. “Thanks, Evvy, I think I’m just going to go to bed,” she replied, as a couple more tears ran down her cheeks. “I…I don’t think I could eat…”

As her husband left the room in search of his dinner, Evadne hurried across to her friend and put her arms around her. “Hey come on, it’ll be okay, you’ll see.”

Elsie drew back and shook her head, scrubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, and realising there was more to this than met the eye, Evadne sensibly refrained from saying anything further on the subject.

“Tell you what, let’s get you up to bed, shall we? Come on, you two, you should come too.”

“I want to sleep with Mummy tonight,” Lily replied, clinging to her mother, and Tom added his intention to do the same thing.

Evadne nodded and shepherded the three of them up the stairs, following on behind to help Lily get changed for bed.

It took a good forty-five minutes to get Lily ready, as she was full of questions about when her Daddy was coming home, and Evadne took her time answering them as best she could. Finally Lily agreed to go to her mother’s room and get into bed, and once Evadne was sure she was no longer needed, she made her way up the stairs to the top floor, where she peeped in at her sleeping son before retiring to her bedroom. Edgar came out of the ensuite bathroom as she entered the room, and giving her a weary smile, he walked across to the bed and pulled his pyjamas out from under the pillow.

“Edgar, what’s happened?”

Edgar looked across at her for a second, and then shook his head and returned his attention to unbuttoning his shirt. “I just want to go to sleep, Evvy. Can we leave it ‘til tomorrow please?” and turning his back on her, he pulled off his shirt, throwing it over a nearby chair, and tugged his pyjama top on over his head.

Seeing that he meant what he said, Evadne let it go for now, and walked across to her vanity, taking off her jewellery and placing it in its case. She quickly changed into her nightdress and paid a visit to the bathroom, returning to the room just as Edgar was climbing between the sheets. Switching on her bedside light, Evvy turned off the main bulb and then climbed in beside him. He had his back to her, and she leaned across and pulled his shoulder towards her.

“Edgar, please, don’t do this. Don’t shut me out.” She tugged at his shoulder again. “Tell me what happened.”

Edgar hesitated for a moment and then rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling as she propped herself up on one elbow, her other hand resting on his chest, and gazed down at his face.

“Paul’s told Elsie she’s free to leave him and take the children,” he replied, covering her hand with his own.

“What? How can he think she’d do that? She loves him!”

“He doesn’t care anymore, Evvy, “ he replied slowly, shifting his gaze to look her in the eyes. “He’s given up, he doesn’t want to fight. I tried shouting at him to see if I could get through to him, I said some truly awful things, but he still didn’t care.” As his voice began to shake, he stared back up at the ceiling and then closed his eyes. “I’m failing him. He’s been there for me all my life, pulled me out of so many holes and helped me so many times and the one time he needs me, I can’t even return the favour. I don’t know what to do, how to get through to him. I’m hopeless, Evvy, I’m really failing him. And if anything happens tonight he’ll go to the grave believing what I said today is what I really think of him, and it isn’t even true.”

As he finished speaking, his jaw started shaking and tears began to roll down his face. Evadne was stunned. It was the first time she had ever seen her husband actually cry, and for a split-second she had no idea what to do. Then instinctively, she reached across him, placing her hand on his far shoulder. Edgar rolled onto his side so that he was facing her, his eyes still closed, his whole body now shaking, and she wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly as he finally let his pent-up emotions flow.

Last edited by Josie on Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:57 am; edited 3 times in total


#203:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:25 pm

I hope someone will be able to break through to Paul. I'm glad Evvy and Edgar are communicating a lot better.


#204:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:36 pm

That was very powerful, Jo. It was terrible for all of them.

I just hope Edgar did get through to Paul.

(((hugs the whole lot of them)))


#205:  Author: KatLocation: Swansea PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:49 pm

If Paul doesn't pull up soon I'll give him an enema he'll never forget!



#206:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:51 pm

*sniffs into hanky*

Jo you always make me cry Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Ohhh its oh so sad *sniffle*


#207:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:05 pm

*searches for hankie and wipes away the tears*

*hopes Edgar did get through to Paul*

*hopes Paul starts to want to live and fight for his life*

*huggles all of them*

Thanks Jo



#208:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:11 pm

One can understand where Paul is coming from, though. His heart is broken. At the moment all he can think of is his own pain.

Please God someone will get through before it is too late. Crying or Very sad

Very moving, Josie, and feeling extremely sorry for all of them.


#209:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:01 pm

Like Mary, I can understand where Paul is coming from - in many ways it's a very natural reaction to the shock of the accident and amputation and he needs some time to come to terms with that.

But my suspicion - or should I perhaps say, hope - is if he actually reflects on what Edgar said to him, he may realise that all is not as lost as he fears, and if the doctors and nurses can start talking to him about what can be done to help him. Certainly, although it doesn't look that way yet, Edgar's words may yet prove to be the jolt Paul needed.

I don't think the language was too strong, Josie.

Will look forward to seeing what happens next.


#210:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 12:45 am

Edgar was absolutely right, and I hope he has got through - but that doesn't make it any easier of course. Poor all of them.
Thanks Josie.


#211:  Author: LyanneLocation: Ipswich, England PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:04 am

What job does Paul do? If it's a mainly desk job, he could do it, think of President Roosevelt. Surely they know someone from the war who can come and talk to Paul and explain that the lack of their own limb hasn't stopped them being a valid person.

(Of course now we would have counsellors all over the place to advise them all of teh possiblities. I found myself saying, why did it happen then? Why not now when maybe medical advances could have saved his leg, when surely there would be someone who understands Paul because they've been there.


#212:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:36 am

Poor Paul - poor all of them! Crying or Very sad

The language was right in the context Josie - thank you for this updaten


#213:  Author: RobinLocation: London PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:15 pm

wowsers. But def needed to be said. Hope Paul can snap out of it. And Edgar does know - he would surely rather have had his first wife around with 1 leg than not at all.

thanks Jo


#214:  Author: Sarah_KLocation: St Albans PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:01 pm


Well I went crashing over the cliff and am now in an emotiona;l muddle at the bottom, torn between wanting to shake Paul and hug him along with all the rest of them. Sad


#215:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:20 pm

Just caught up. Thank you Jo. Wanting to shake Paul and hug everyone else.


#216:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:59 pm

Poor Edgar, I'm glad that Evdane was there to help him when he is feeling that he has let down Paul.

There's not much to be said about Paul himself that hasnt already been said. It must have been a horrible shock to him, and that doesnt help his reactions. I do hope that given time the things Edgar has said will get through to him. Perhaps Evdane will have something up her sleeve now that she has heard about it.

Thanks Josie


#217:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:36 pm

Edgar stirred, rolled over and opened his eyes. His wife’s half of the bed was empty and as he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he could see daylight glinting through a crack in the heavy curtains. Blinking hard in an effort to wake himself up properly, he reached out and lifted his watch from the nightstand peering at it to check the time. Almost one o’clock.

He was out of bed in a flash, suddenly wide-awake, and began to wrench off his pyjama top. He had it halfway over his head when the bedroom door opened and Evadne came in, carrying Henry in her arms.

“Hey, you’re awake! How’re you…”

“Why didn’t you wake me?” Edgar interrupted angrily, finally managing to pull his top off and throwing it onto the floor. “How could you have let me sleep this late? You know I have to get to the hospital – anything could have happened…”

“Edgar, calm down!” Evadne replied, as he began rifling through his top draw to find a clean vest. “Give me some credit! Don’t you think I’d have woken you if anything had happened?

“How would you know whether it has or not, you’re here!” he replied, throwing underpants and socks onto the floor in his rush.

“How do you think? I’ve been calling the hospital and checking at intervals all morning. There’s no change, and Clare’s taken Elsie in. I let you sleep because you needed to – you’re exhausted. You’re not going to be any use to anyone if you make yourself sick, are you?”

Edgar stopped rifling and stood up straight, vest in hand. He stared at her for a moment, and then had the grace to look a little shamefaced. “Sorry, it’s just…”

“I know.” Stepping forward, Evadne put her free hand on his arm and gave it a squeeze. “Now, there’s a gentleman here who’d like to spend a half hour or so with his Daddy, if that’s okay with you. He’s not seen a whole lot of you over past couple of weeks.”

Henry was leaning with his head against his mother’s shoulder, pulling at the top of her blouse and staring at his father. Edgar reached out and stroked his fair hair, and Evadne gave him a smile.

“Why don’t you hop back into bed for a little while, and I’ll leave Henry with you and go make you a cup of tea. You can go into the hospital this afternoon.” Edgar hesitated. “Please?”

Edgar stared at her for a second, seeing the concern in her eyes. Then nodding, he reached out and took Henry from her, holding him with one arm as he climbed back under the covers and sat with his back against the headboard. Once he was settled, he shifted Henry in his lap, propping him up with the crook of his arm. He gazed tenderly down at his son for a moment, and then bent to kiss the top of his head.

“How are you, little man? Sorry Daddy’s not been around too much.”

Henry stared up at him, his wide, blue eyes focused on his father’s face, and with a gurgle, he reached up to touch Edgar’s chest, catching his fingers in his chest hair.

“Ow!” Edgar reached down to try and remove his son’s fingers, but the little boy had a tight grip and he held fast. “I suppose I deserve that for neglecting you, do I?”

Evadne laughed and sat down on edge of bed, kissing Henry’s head and leaning forward to prise his fingers away from their catch. She managed to do so easily, much to Edgar’s chagrin, and Henry grabbed hold of her fingers instead, rocking back and forwards a couple of times and making some noises that sounded like he was trying to get out a word.

“Are you trying to say something?” Evadne asked, bending down and looking at him with a grin. “What is it? Tell Mommy what it is.”

Henry stared back at her, squealed loudly then giggled at himself, waving his arms in his excitement. Evadne and Edgar laughed, and as Edgar cuddled his son to him, Evvy squeezed his leg and got to her feet. “I’ll just go make the tea, okay? I won’t be long,” and leaving her husband and son together, she left the room.

She returned fifteen minutes later, a steaming cup of tea in hand.

“Sorry, Lily needed some help with cutting something out for her scrapbook.”

Edgar looked up and gave her a smile. “That’s alright, we’ve been catching up with each other’s news, haven’t we, Henry?”

Henry ignored him, sucking his fingers and holding out an arm to his mother. Evadne put the tea down on the nightstand and sat back on the bed again, taking hold of the little boy’s hand.

“Hey there, you having fun with Daddy? Are you?”

Edgar grinned as Henry smiled up at his mother, seemingly entranced by her face. “How are they today? Tom and Lily, I mean?”

“They seem okay so far. Lily’s filling in her scrapbook and Tom’s playing with the chemistry set he got for his birthday, so I’m just waiting for him to blow up the house!” Edgar chuckled and she studied his face carefully. “How’re you feeling now?”

Edgar ran his hand down her arm and gave her a smile. “Better. I’ll head in and see him after I’ve finished this and had a bite to eat,” he replied, inclining his head towards his cup of tea, “have another try at talking some sense into him. I’m not giving up on him, Evvy, even if he’s given up on himself.”

“I never thought you would.”

They were interrupted by Henry squealing and they looked down to find him rocking back and forth again, holding tight to the blanket and trying to pull it towards his mouth.

“Aren’t you vocal today?” Evvy asked with a grin. “Here, let me take him while you have your tea – it’ll be all over the place otherwise, the way he’s going,” and putting her hands under his arms, she lifted him up and into her lap.

Edgar picked up his cup of tea and took a sip. “How was Elsie this morning?”

“She’s not too bad. A little fragile, but she’s not giving up either. She said at breakfast that she’s not ready to let him go.”

“Jolly good.” He took another sip and shifted position slightly to make himself more comfortable. “Listen, I think we should offer to help them out – we can call it a loan if he won’t take it any other way. It might take one worry off his mind at least. What do you think?”

“Of course we should. We can do anything you want for them, Edgar, you know that.” Evadne smiled and leaned forward to peck him on the lips. “And I mean anything, even if it means bringing them all to Geneva to live with us for a while if needs be.”

Edgar nodded and squeezed her elbow. Then placing his cup back on its saucer, he said, “Right, I should think about getting up and dressed.”

Evadne stood up and heaved Henry up onto her hip. “Come on you, let’s leave your Daddy to get dressed in peace shall we, we’ll go see if Tom’s blown his room up yet. See you downstairs in a little while,” she added to her husband, and went to walk out of the door.

“Evvy?” She paused and turned to look back at him. “Thank you.”

Evadne smiled at him warmly, then as he got to his feet and made his way towards the bathroom, she and Henry left the room and headed downstairs.

In the end, it was late afternoon before Edgar finally made it to the hospital, and Clare was waiting agitatedly outside her brother’s room when he arrived.

“Oh thank goodness! I was beginning to wonder if you were coming.”

“Why? What’s happened?”

“Nothing, don’t worry. I just promised Simon I’d get try and get home tonight – I haven’t seen him or the children for a couple of weeks and they’re getting a little fractious, I think.”

Edgar gave her a sympathetic smile. “I know the feeling. We’ve not seen our elder three for a while now either. The girls weren’t too happy when I called them the other night, but it can't be helped just now – I’m not leaving here ‘til I know Paul’s on the mend, and Elsie needs Evvy around at the moment.” Then as Claire returned his smile he added, “Go on, you get going.”

Claire said her thanks and took her leave, and Edgar turned to his friend’s room, just as the door opened and Elsie came out. She smiled in greeting as she saw him and shut the door gently behind her.

“How is he?” Edgar asked, nodding his head in the direction of the door.

“About the same. He’s not said anything about yesterday and I didn’t want to bring it up, so we’ve been sitting there saying nothing for most of the day.” She looked down at the ground and shuffled her feet. “I thought if I just sat with him he might begin to change his mind, realise I meant it when I said I wasn’t going to leave. He’s letting me hold his hand at least, so I suppose that’s something.” She looked thoroughly dejected and Edgar reached out to squeeze her shoulder. Giving him another weak smile, she shrugged and shook her head. “I’m going to get a cup of tea. Do you want one?”

“No thanks, I’m alright. I’ll pop in and see him while you’re gone.”

Elsie nodded and checked her watch. “Nurse said we have to leave by five, so we’ve only about half an hour left. I’ll see you in a bit,” and turning, she walked off in the direction of the stairs.

Edgar watched her go, and the sight of her bowed head and slumped shoulders, so very different to her usual alert and happy demeanour, made him doubly determined to try and get through to his friend. He opened the door tentatively and peered round. Paul turned his head to see who was there, and glared at him, before turning his head back to stare at the ceiling. Shutting the door behind him, Edgar made his way across to the bed and sat down, folding his arms and stretching out his legs.

They sat in silence for a while, until Paul finally spoke. “I’m surprised you’re here. I thought you’d decided I was pathetic.”

Edgar heaved a sigh and shook his head. “Don’t, Paul, please.”

“Why not? It’s true, isn’t it?”

Edgar said nothing, and a few more minutes passed before Paul eventually turned his head to look at his friend and spoke again. “I really do love her, you know.”

Edgar stared at him. “I know you do.”

“She’s just better off without me, she deserves to be taken care of and I can’t do that anymore, I don’t even have a job.”

“Do stop talking rubbish! Think how many people lost limbs in war, for god’s sake, and they’ve got themselves jobs now they’re home...”

“Not all of them,” Paul replied stubbornly, “not even half of them, in fact.”

Edgar ignored him. “One chap even flew with no legs at all, remember? What was his name – Douglas Bader, that’s it. If he can do that, then you can get yourself some work behind a desk somewhere.”

Paul gave a wry smile – the first smile of any sort that Edgar had seen from him since the doctor had broken the news about his leg. “Yes, but the irony is that good old civil service chaps like me don’t get to keep their jobs when it happens to us – I suppose we’re not heroic enough.”

“Yes, I know that but my point is that you can get another job,” Edgar responded, refusing to give up. “It’s not the end of the world, Paul, whatever it feels like right now. You hated that job anyway – at least this has forced you to move on at last! And Evvy and I can look after you moneywise until you’re able to do so.”

Paul’s expression darkened. “I don’t want your charity.”

“It’s not charity, it’s friendship, you stubborn idiot! It can be a loan if you want, just ‘til you get back on your feet…” Edgar stopped abruptly and cringed as he suddenly realised what he’d said. “Sorry, bad choice of words.”

There was a tense, heavy silence as Paul glared at him, and Edgar was convinced that he had blown it. Then all of a sudden, Paul began to laugh. Edgar stared at him in amazement, and the expression on his friend’s face merely served to make Paul laugh even harder. Edgar began to chuckle nervously, and then as Paul continued, leaning back against his pillow and shaking with laughter, his friend joined in.

As a result, when Elsie returned to the room a few minutes later, she found them both clutching their sides, tears of mirth streaming down their faces. She gaped at the pair of them open-mouthed.

“What’s going on?”

Edgar sat up and wiped the tears from his eyes, and Paul shook his head. Before either of them could reply, however, the door opened again and the nurse came in. Taking in the scene before her, she gave her patient a wide smile.

“Well this is an improvement on yesterday, I must say. I was considering banning you from visiting,” she added, turning her attention to Edgar, who looked rather ashamed of himself.

“Yes, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to be so rude to you.”

“Well, we’ll let it go this time,” she replied amiably. “Now, visiting time is over, so both of you need to leave I’m afraid. I’ll be back to check on you in a minute,” and directing her final words to Paul, she bustled out of the room.

Edgar got to his feet and stared down at his friend. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Paul nodded and Edgar stepped back, letting Elsie nearer to the bed. She smiled down at her husband’s face, and then bent to kiss him on the forehead.

“I’ll…I’ll be in again first thing in the morning, ok? I love you.”

Paul stared at her for a moment, and then turned to look back up at the ceiling again, his expression blank. Elsie’s eyes welled up with tears, and turning on her heel, she pushed past Edgar and left the room.

Edgar shook his head, giving his friend a disappointed look, and hurried out after her, shutting the door behind him. Paul lifted his head to look at the door, and then lying back on his pillow, he slowly closed his eyes. “I love you too,” he said quietly, as a tear ran down his cheek.

Last edited by Josie on Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:30 pm; edited 2 times in total


#218:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:49 pm

Ok thank you but I am crying again Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
*tears plopping onto keyboard*


#219:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 6:01 pm

*sobs quietly into her duvet*

Thanks Jo, I really do hope they get through to him.


#220:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 6:06 pm

This made my eyes suspiciously damp too... Sad

Thanks Josie


#221:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 6:07 pm

They will get through - they already are. That laughter shows that.

Lovely episode, Josie. Thank you.


#222:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 6:08 pm

I'm glad that there is some hope here. It will probably take a bit more patience from Elsie and Edgar and friends, but they will get there.

Thanks Josie


#223:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:06 pm

My eyes are damp as well. But I have to admit the reason I have a tissue box next to the computer is I can't stop sneezing.

I'm glad Paul and Edgar were able to laugh together. I also hope Paul and Elsie will be able to work things out. It was lovely to see Evvy, Edgar and Henry spending time together.


#224:  Author: jaceyLocation: Ireland PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:27 pm

Oh dear. I'm wrung out after so much catching up.
Josie, this is fantastic. Edgar and Evvy, Elsie and Paul, feel like real people.
I don't suppose there is any chance of you posting again tonight is there?

*making Puss in Boots pleading eyes (a la Shrek 2!)*


#225:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:37 pm

I think Mary & Squirrel are right - they will get through this. The laughter was one sign. Another was that almost lost final comment from Paul, only spoken after Elsie and Edgar had left the room - let's hope he can hang on to that. I also think that Edgar's talk today about there being other jobs available really got through to Paul - did the Civil Service *really* not help an employee like Paul to keep his job in circumstances like this? (that's an honest question of fact byt the way, not a criticism of this story.) I suppose if they refused to employ married women at that time....

Josie, please let's see more of Paul on the road to recovery - we know there will be ups and downs, but after today's instalment, I'm more confident that the overall progress will be up! Thank you.


#226:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:12 pm

Oh Paul, if only you'd said that just a short time earlier! Crying or Very sad

Lovely Josie, thank you.


#227:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:12 pm

Lovely Jo - thank you

So glad Edgar and Paul cleared the air between them



#228:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 12:43 am

Like Mary and Squirrel, I think he will make it, but it will take time.


#229:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:21 am

Thank you Jo. Just be patient and they'll get there in the end...

Last edited by Nell on Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


#230:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:10 pm


Thank you Jo!!!

Glad I read those last few posts together though!


#231:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:00 am


Please make it better Josie.



#232:  Author: LyanneLocation: Ipswich, England PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:23 pm

Evil Civil Service! I've sent Paul the number for a personal injury lawyer... Not quite convinced there were many of them practicing then, but the trend had to start somewhere.


#233:  Author: jaceyLocation: Ireland PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:38 pm

Dear Josie,

Please come back and rescue Paul. My nerves can't take any more.


P.S. Quickly would be good!! Laughing


#234:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:48 pm

Evadne glanced down at her son and heaved a silent sigh of relief to see that he was finally fast asleep. He was in the process of cutting a new tooth, his first, and had been alternately screaming his head off and whimpering pitifully all night. Anxious for him not to disturb the others any more than was necessary, she had spent the last few hours sitting in front room with him, rocking him gently and trying desperately to soothe him. Leaning back slowly in the armchair, she rested her head against the curve of the back and shut her eyes. It had just gone six o’clock. If she was careful not to disturb him, she may be able to get in a little bit of sleep before the rest of the house woke for breakfast.

Fifteen minutes later, she had just drifted off when the shrill ringing of the phone cut through the peace and quiet of the house. She woke with a start, sitting bolt upright, and her violent movement jerked Henry awake. It took her a moment to realise what was going on, and then as her son began to whimper again, she got quickly to her feet and hurried across the room, hoping to get to the telephone before it woke anyone else.

She had just opened the door into the hall when she heard running footsteps, and turned to see Elsie come flying down the stairs, darting across the hallway and grabbing the receiver urgently, as if her life depended on it. It was then that Evadne remembered the time. Surely nobody would be ringing this early unless it was an emergency. It must be the hospital. One look at Elsie’s face convinced her that she was right.

She watched her friend anxiously as that lady asked some hurried questions, her voice sounding strained and upset. Her face was white and drawn and it was obvious that she had barely slept a wink all night. She was wearing only her sleeveless nightgown and Evadne suddenly realised how much weight she had lost since Paul’s accident almost three weeks before. The thin material hung loosely around her shoulders, her collarbones protruding markedly, her arms looking lanky and gaunt.

Elsie threw the phone back on the receiver and turned to face her friend, panic written all over her face. “Evvy, I have to go in – Paul’s asking for me – I have to go now,” she gabbled, grabbing Evadne’s arm.

“What’s happened?”

“I don’t know. The nurse said it’s urgent.” She looked confused, as if she wasn’t sure what to do next, and taking hold of her arm, Evadne steered her towards the stairs. Elsie tried to pull away and reach for her coat. “I have to go, Evvy, let go of me.”

Evadne kept a firm hold on her and stood in front of her, blocking her path. Henry was murmuring quietly into his mother’s shoulder, but neither woman paid him any attention.

“Elsie, listen to me,” she said, gently but firmly, looking her friend straight in the eye and shaking her slightly with her free arm. “You can’t go as you are - you’re in your nightgown, remember?” Elsie glanced down at herself and then stared back at Evadne, her eyes dazed. Evvy pushed her gently towards the stairs again. “Go get dressed, be as quick as you can. I’ll wake Edgar, he can drive you there,” and as Elsie nodded mechanically and turned to walk up the staircase, Evadne followed behind her, her hand on her friend’s back, making sure she went to do as she was told.

Once she had seen Elsie safely to her room, she turned and made her way up the second flight of stairs to the top floor of the house. Henry was falling asleep against her shoulder and she placed him in his cot in the makeshift nursery, before making her way to the bedroom that she and Edgar shared. Her husband was dead to the world, slumbering peacefully, curled up on his side. She wished dearly that it wasn’t necessary to wake him, but she knew she had no choice. Heaving a sigh, she sat down on the edge of the bed and shook him firmly by the shoulder.

Edgar muttered something to himself, turned onto his back, and stared up at her, bleary-eyed. “Morning,” he said sleepily, giving her half a smile. “What time is it?”

“Around six-thirty,” she replied apologetically, running her hand down his arm. “Sorry to wake you, baby, but the hospital’s just called Elsie and told her to head in as fast as she can. Paul’s asking for her. I thought you’d want to drive her.”

Before she had even finished speaking, Edgar jumped out of bed, almost upsetting her onto the floor, and began tearing off his pyjamas and pulling on his clothes as fast as he could.

“What else did they say?” he asked urgently, as he hastily fastened his shirt, not caring that he had the wrong buttons in the wrong buttonholes. “Why does he want her?”

Evadne shook her head. “No idea. She didn’t seem to know either.”

Edgar nodded and then fell silent as he pulled on his trousers and jumper, picked up his shoes, sat down, and began to tug them onto his feet, not bothering with his socks.


“What?” he asked irritably, standing up and making his way towards the door.

“I was wondering about the kids – Tom and Lily, I mean,” she added, as he shot her a confused look. “If the worst’s about to happen, shouldn’t…well…shouldn’t they go see him too so they can say goodbye? I know if it were me, I’d want Ned and the girls to see me, and I’d bet that you would too.”

The pleading note in her voice made him pause for a second, and he walked back over to her and stooped to kiss her on the forehead. “You’re right, they should. How about I call you from the hospital when I know a little more?” She nodded, and he turned back to the door. “I’d better get going – the sooner I can get Elsie there, the better,” and he disappeared onto the landing, leaving her standing in the room alone.

“I hope he’s okay,” she called after him, but there was no response, and a minute later she heard the front door slam, telling her that they had left the house.

She stared around her at the empty room, listening to the silence that had fallen now that Edgar and Elsie had gone. Then checking the clock, she saw that it was only quarter to seven. Realising that there was nothing she could do now until Edgar called, she decided to leave Tom and Lily to sleep for a little while longer, and climbed into bed herself, determined to make the most of Henry finally having fallen asleep.

It was almost ten o’clock before the phone finally rang again. Evadne jumped up from her seat at the table, where she was playing a game of Snap with Tom and Lily, and ran out to grab the receiver. It was Edgar, asking her to bring the children in as Paul had asked to see them. He answered a couple of her questions and then rang off hurriedly, and Evadne replaced the receiver and turned around to find the two children standing in the doorway, watching her. Lily was clinging to Tom’s side, and he had an arm placed protectively around his sister’s shoulders.

“Was that Mum?”

Evadne shook her head. “No, sweetie, it was Uncle Edgar. He just rang to tell us to come into the hospital – your Dad’s asking for you.”

Lily perked up considerably on hearing this, and stared up at her brevet aunt with wide eyes. “We’re going to see Daddy?”

“That’s right.” Evadne smiled at the little girl and reached out to ruffle her light brown hair. “How about you two run and get your shoes on and I’ll go wake Henry. Then we can get going as soon as possible.”

Lily ran off to do as she was told, and Evadne reached up to take the young girl’s coat off the rack and lay it over a nearby chair before going to wake up her son. As she turned back, she saw Tom still standing by the door, a look of intense worry etched on his young face.

“You alright there, Tom?”

Tom stared down at his feet. “Is Dad…” he swallowed hard and lifted his head to look at Evadne, fear in his eyes. “…is he going to die?”

His jaw trembled slightly as he spoke, and Evvy could see that he was fighting back his tears. Hurrying forward, she drew him into her arms and gave him a tight hug. Torn between wanting to reassure him and not wanting to lie to him, she shook her head and said, “Hopefully he’ll be okay, sweetie. Uncle Edgar said he’s feeling a little better today, that’s why they’re letting him see you.”

Tom pulled his head back and stared up at her. “Really?”

“Yes, really.” A look of relief crossed his face and Evadne dropped a kiss on his head before pushing him in the direction of the stairs. “Now go on, you go get ready. Then you’ll be able to see all for yourself.”

When they arrived at the hospital, they were met by Edgar, who was waiting on the plastic chairs outside the room. He looked up as he heard their footsteps coming down the corridor, accompanied by a nurse, and jumped to his feet, a wide smile on his face.

“There you are!” he exclaimed, holding his hand out to take hold of Lily’s, and pulling her gently towards him. Lily hesitated slightly, clinging to her brother’s arm, and Edgar crouched down and squeezed her shoulder, looking her directly in the face. “It’s alright, sweetheart, Daddy can’t wait to see you. Go on, the nurse’ll take you both in.”

Tom gave his uncle a nervous smile, prising his sister’s fingers away from Edgar’s hand and then with his arms still firmly round her, they followed the nurse towards the door. Evadne watched them as the nurse opened the door and slowly ushered them into the room, and then she turned to her husband, with a quizzical look.

Edgar gave her a beaming smile in return. “It’s okay.”

Returning his smile, laughing slightly out of relief, Evvy set her son’s carrycot on a nearby chair and threw her arms around her husband’s waist, holding him tight. Edgar hugged her back, his eyes closed, his chin resting on the top of her head. Then dropping a kiss on her fair curls, he pulled back and looked down at her.

“I said we’d go home, leave them all in peace for a little while. They need some time alone without us hanging around. I’ve left Clare the car keys so she can bring the children home, and Elsie can drive herself home in the other one later. We can jump in a taxi,” and as his wife nodded her head in agreement, he bent to pick up his son’s carrycot and they headed off in the direction of the exit.

Back in the hospital room, the two children eyed their father nervously as the nurse showed them in and then withdrew quietly, shutting the door behind her. Elsie was sitting in a chair next to her husband’s bed, her eyes red from crying, but a with look of true happiness on her face for the first time in the past three weeks. Clare was in a seat by the window on the opposite side of the bed. Paul was propped up with several cushions under his back, tipping him forward into a sitting position of sorts, covers still raised across the cage protecting his legs. He smiled as he caught sight of his children, and held his hand out towards them.

Lily gave her brother a quick glance and then ran across the room to the side of the bed. Elsie reached out to help her daughter scramble up carefully, warning her not to touch her father’s legs or hips, and as Paul wrapped his arms around her, Lily buried her face in his shoulder and started to cry. Paul kissed her light brown curls, and then keeping an arm firmly around her, he looked back again towards his son. Tom hesitated for a moment and then walked across to the bed and bent to hug his father, putting his arms around his sister at the same time.

“I thought you were going to die, Dad,” he said quietly, his voice noticeably choked.

Paul glanced at his wife over the top of his children’s heads, and gave her a smile. “I’m not going to die, Tom. Not if I can help it,” and as he hugged his children tighter to him, Elsie returned his smile with tears in her eyes.

Edgar and Evadne managed to hail a taxi straight away, and after making sure Henry’s carrycot was secure on the seat beside her, Evadne turned to her husband, bursting with questions as to what had gone on.

As they pulled away from the kerb, Edgar grinned down at her and put an arm around her shoulders. “I’m not one hundred percent sure what happened, to tell you the truth,” he replied in answer to her questions. “Apparently Paul started asking for Elsie urgently at about four o’clock this morning, and after a couple of hours, they gave in and called us, as you know. When we got there, they rushed her into the room. I don’t know what was said in there, but she came out crying about an hour and a half later saying that he’d told her that he still loved her and everything was going to be alright. Clare had arrived by then and we left them to it for another hour or so, and then she came back out again saying Paul wanted to see the kids. That’s all I know. I didn’t like to intrude.” He stared down at his lap for a second, and when he lifted his eyes again, they were looking suspiciously bright. “I think he’s going to fight, Evvy. I know it’ll be a long process, but I think it’s going to be okay.”

Evadne smiled back up at him, and lifted a hand to his chest. “Thanks to you.” Edgar shook his head and looked back at his lap, and Evvy put a hand under his chin and tilted it so that he looked her in the eyes again. “Don’t underestimate your influence, Edgar, you’ve been a wonderful friend to him - you always are.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes I do.”

“How? You weren’t there.”

Evadne lifted her hand so that it cupped the side of his face, her thumb caressing his cheek. “I didn’t need to be. I know you. You couldn’t be anything else.”

Edgar gazed down at her briefly, and then bent his head to kiss her. "I've had you rather worried, haven't I?” he said, as they parted and he pulled back. She nodded and he pecked her on the lips again. “Sorry I’ve been all over the place these last few weeks."

“I’d have been even more worried if you hadn’t been.”

“Well I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

Evadne smiled and shook her head. “You don’t need to make it up to me, idiot! If you can’t be all over the place with me, then you shouldn’t have married me!”

There was silence for a moment as Edgar stared down at her, looking deeply into her shining blue eyes. “I love you, Evvy Watson, d’you know that?”

Evadne grinned. “I did hear a rumour along those lines!”

Edgar laughed and then sat back against the seats, taking his arm from around her shoulders and running his hand across her fair curls. “You still going to see Ned tomorrow?”

Evvy nodded. “I thought I’d take him and Harry out to tea if Mr. Stevenson doesn’t mind. Henry’s grown so much since Ned was last home and I want him to see. Do you want to come, now Paul’s a little more settled?”

“I won’t if you don’t mind. I need to go and pay Charles a visit – I think I’ll drive up tomorrow early."

“Charles? Why?”

Edgar grinned at her surprise and shook his head. “That’s for me to know!” he replied tantalisingly, giving her a wink as she exclaimed indignantly. “I’ll tell you tomorrow night, if all goes well,” and despite her best efforts to persuade him otherwise, following that cryptic remark, he refused to say anything else.

Last edited by Josie on Sun Aug 14, 2005 8:20 am; edited 7 times in total


#235:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:24 pm

Thanks Josie - looks like everything is settling down at the moment. It's nice to see Evvy and Edgar having some time together even while they think about Paul and Elsie.

*Wonders if the visit to Charles is some idea of Edgar's about possible work for Paul*

It was also great to see the kids meeting up with their dad again.


#236:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:08 pm

Josie wrote:
Evadne smiled and shook her head. “You don’t need to make it up to me, idiot! If you can’t be all over the place with me, then you shouldn’t have married me!”

I loved this line. I'm glad Paul has told Elsie he loves her and he's going to put up a good fight. I'm really happy for everyone!


#237:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:09 pm

Lovely scenes, Josie, despair and then hope and finally Paul's return to his wife and children.

Edgar and Evvy are so wonderful together.

Thank you.


#238:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:26 pm

Yay for a lovely update!

Thanks Josie! Very Happy


#239:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:32 pm

Thank you Josie for more! ANd non wibbly more at that! Very Happy


#240:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:39 pm

Thanks Josie - so pleased for Paul, Elsie and family.


#241:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:42 pm

Thanks, Josie - at last, signs of improvement. We know the way back will inevitably be long and frustrating for Paul, but at least he's reunited properly with his family. Even if we never find out just what caused the breakthrough, I think Edgar can be fairly confident that his strong words, much as he hated having to talk that way, had a good deal to do with it.

It was lovely to see how Edgar and Evadne handled Tom and Lily, too. Good that they can now enjoy a few hours to themselves. I also wonder whether Edgar's meeting with Charles could presage an opportunity for Paul once he is ready for work.

More, please, when you have time.


#242:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:54 am

Thank you Jo! Glad Paul has decided to fight and that things are going to get better from here on! Edgar and Evvy are wonderful and so sweet.


#243:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 11:51 am

Yes!!! Paul will make it, I'm sure. And Evvy and Edgar are so supportive of one another.
Thanks Josie.


#244:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:01 pm

So glad that Paul has come round from his depression, Josie.


#245:  Author: LauraLocation: London (ish) PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:29 pm

Very glad Paul has come round (and very glad I missed the great long cliff, too!) and am muchly looking forward to what looks like it may be Evvy vs. Piers... thank you Jo!


#246:  Author: dackelLocation: Wolfenbuettel, Germany/Cambridge, England PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:37 pm

A lovely scene, Josie, brought tears to my eyes!!

Mmmmm, Evvy v.Piers? I'd give quite a lot to see that! *sneaks some deluxe chocolate to Josie's bunny to keep the energy levels up*


#247:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:48 pm

oh thank you for making him come through that Josie - I'm so glad I read it all in one go and skipped merrily over most of the cliffs!


#248:  Author: TerryLocation: DUNDEE PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:29 pm

Maybe Henry could show how his brother truly feels about Piers by being sick all over him


#249:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:50 am

I'm glad I read most of that in one go!

Thanks Josie.

Like everyone else, I am hoping Evvy encounters the dreaded Piers!


#250:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:26 pm

No Piers vs. Evvy just yet, sorry. That particular treat is to come later. You'll have to make do with some mushy stuff, I'm afraid! Laughing

Seated securely in his highchair next to the large kitchen table, Henry gurgled happily to himself as he scooped more food out of his bowl with his fingers and tried to get it in his mouth, smearing most of it on his face instead. Glancing up from her breakfast, Evadne laughed at the sight of her son daubed with the orange paste.

“You bored of feeding yourself yet, sugar-pie? Will you let Mommy help you?”

She reached out to pick up his s***n and dipped it into his food. As she tried to lift it to his mouth, Henry squealed loudly and waved his arms to keep her hand away, catching his bowl in the process and sending it tumbling onto the floor. As her son waved his arms again and giggled at the mess he’d created, Evadne rolled her eyes and bent to pick the bowl up from the floor.

“I’ll take that as a no then, shall I?”

Elsie came into the kitchen just in time to hear her friend’s question, and seeing the baby food all down the leg of the table and on the floor, it didn’t take her long to put two and two together.

“I gather he wanted to feed himself again?”

Evadne sat back upright and grimaced. “How did you guess?” she replied sarcastically. Then placing the bowl back on the table, she heaved a sigh. “I wouldn’t mind, except he rarely manages to get any of it in his mouth and I’m worried about him not eating enough.”

Elsie grinned. ‘My two were exactly the same,” she replied, ruffling Lily’s hair as her daughter entered the room and came to stand beside her. “I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you. He’ll soon holler if he wants more!” As Evadne laughed, and got up to wash Henry’s bowl and put some more food into it, Elsie took her hand from behind her back and held a wrapped present out to her friend. “This is for you, by the way. Happy Birthday from all of us. And before you say I needn’t have,” she added, as Evadne opened her mouth to reply, “I’m not listening.”

Evvy stared at her for a moment as she placed Henry’s bowl back on the wooden tray of his highchair, and then smiled and reached out her hand to take the gift. “How did you know I was going to say that anyway?” she retorted, a wide grin on her face. Unwrapping it carefully, she pulled back the paper to find a couple of books that she had been wanting to read for a while now, but had not got around to buying or borrowing from the library. “They’re perfect, thank you.” She pecked Elsie on the cheek, and then bent down to do the same to Lily. “Thanks to you too.”

Lily beamed back at her. “Mummy chose the books, but I chose the paper!”

“And mighty fine paper it is too.”

Elsie grinned as Evadne stood up again. “You’re lucky we did it that way round – you almost found yourself with a copy of The Second Form at St. Clare’s!” Evadne laughed and Elsie cast her eye over the two books in her friend’s hand. “Sorry it isn’t much.”

“Nonsense, they’re exactly what I wanted.”

Elsie shook her head. “I feel like we should have got you more, after everything you’ve done,” she replied, as Lily wandered round to the far side of Henry’s highchair and picked up the s***n to try and feed him. “You’re not even getting to see your family on your birthday because you’re here with me.”

“Rubbish, you shouldn’t have gotten me anything more, these are more than enough for me!” Evadne retorted, though her soft tone belied her stern words. “As for the family, I have a birthday every year and they’ll be here in a few days for Christmas, so I’ll see them then. It’s far more important that I’m here with you.” Elsie gave her a slight smile, and Evvy returned it with a wide grin of her own. “Anyway, I have Henry here with me, and you and Lily, so I’m not on my own.”

Before Elsie could reply, they heard a loud squeal and a crash from behind Evadne, and turning around, they saw Henry with yet more food plastered on his face, and Lily standing looking guiltily down at his bowl, that was upside down on the floor at her feet.

“I was trying to help, Auntie Evvy,” Lily said hurriedly, bending down to pick up the bowl.

Evvy grinned. “Don’t worry, sweetie, I know you were. He did the same to me just before you came down. Why don’t you go help yourself to some cereal, I’ll sort this monster out,” and as Lily went to do as she was told, and Elsie went to grab a cloth to clean up the mess, Evadne washed and refilled the dish yet again. Then placing it down on the table, she put her hands under her son’s armpits and lifted him out of the chair. “Right, young man, I’ve had about enough of this,” she said, sitting herself down at the table and using her napkin to wipe the food from around his mouth. “I’m feeding you whether you like it or not,” and despite her son’s attempts to protest, she proceeded to do just that.

A couple of hours later, she was sitting on the floor in the salon, watching Henry play with some of his toys and feeling distinctly put-out. Elsie and Lily had left for the hospital shortly after breakfast, leaving Evadne alone in the house with her son. Deciding that she may as well try and catch up with some of her correspondence, Evvy had settled herself and Henry in the salon for the morning, but when, after a couple of hours, she had written only half a page of her letter to Cassie, she had decided to give it up as a bad job. Truth be told, her heart really wasn’t in it. Despite what she had said to Elsie at breakfast, she wished dearly that it had been possible for her family to be there for her birthday, and with only her young son for company, she was feeling very lonely.

A few days after Paul had finally begun to turn the corner, Edgar had flown home to Geneva, needing to return both to work and to his daughters. After a long discussion with her husband, Evadne had remained behind in London. They had both realised that it was far too soon to leave Elsie alone to cope, and this seemed to be the best solution. Despite the progress that Paul was now making, he was still not out of the woods at that point in time, and the Rodwell family needed all the help they could get.

It was now the fifteenth of December, and Evvy had not seen her husband for a month, nor her stepdaughters for seven weeks, and she was missing them all terribly. She had been trying to put a brave face on things, telling herself to stop being selfish and to think of what Elsie was having to go through, but the longer she spent away from them, the harder she was finding it to be cheerful. To make matters worse, the postman had arrived twenty minutes before, bearing nothing from her family and friends. She had then tried to phone Ned’s school to see if she would be able to take him out to tea that afternoon, only to be told that it wasn’t possible. Consequently, she was feeling thoroughly miserable.

Looking across at her son as he tried to give a gummy bite to one of his building blocks, she gave him a smile. “At least I have you here, hey precious?”

Henry looked up and smiled at the sound of her voice, and Evadne chuckled. He was sitting up by himself now, a skill he had acquired in the last couple of weeks, and she felt a twinge of sadness that Edgar had missed him doing so for the first time.

At that moment, she heard a key in the lock and the sound of someone opening the front door.

“Is that you, Elsie?” she called, getting to her feet. “Listen, how’d you like to go out to dinner tonight? I’m sure we can find somewhere that’ll take the two kids. Maybe I can throw Edgar’s name around, pull a few strings. I need to do something on my birthday,” she added, glancing down briefly to check on her son.

We can take you out to dinner instead if you like, Mummy.”

At the sound of the unexpected voice, Evadne spun around quickly, kicking over her glass of water as she did so. Thea grinned at her from the doorway, and then ran across the room to meet her, throwing her arms around her stepmother and hugging her tight. Evadne returned her embrace, closing her eyes and holding her, not quite believing that she was really there.

“Oh Thea I…I…what are you doing here?” Evvy muttered into her hair.

Thea pulled back and grinned up at her as Evadne rained several kisses down on her face and then hugged her tightly again. “We all wanted to see you for your birthday,” she replied, her head resting on her stepmother’s chest, “so Daddy said we could finish school early and come over now instead of next week. We didn’t tell you ‘cause we wanted to surprise you.”

“Well it’s the best surprise I’ve ever had.” Evadne pulled back, kissing her stepdaughter on the forehead again and staring affectionately down at her face. “I’ve been longing to see you all so much. Where are Daddy and Marcia?” she asked, suddenly realising that nobody else had followed Thea into the house.

“Marcia spilled her sweets all over the taxi, so Daddy’s making her pick them up,” Thea replied, giggling, “and Ned’s helping the driver unload the cases. We picked him up on the way from the airport too so we could all be together. Marcia was so funny, Mummy, she had Sherbet Pips and they’ve gone everywhere!”

Evadne chuckled. “That sounds just about right!”

As she spoke, a cry sounded from behind her and she turned to see Henry screw his face up in temper at the lack of attention being paid to him. Bending down, she lifted him into her arms and cuddled him, and he instantly stopped crying and rested his head on her shoulder, looking suspiciously at his sister.

“See who’s here, Henry. It’s Thea!”

Thea looked up at her brother’s face and reached out to take hold of his hand. “Hi Henry. Do you remember me?”

Henry stared at her for a second, and then deciding that she was a friend, he smiled and reached an arm out towards her. Evadne passed him across to her.

“Here, Thea, you take him while I go and see the others,” and leaving her two children to get reacquainted, she made her way through to the hall.

Outside, Ned was just heaving the final case out of the boot of the taxi, refusing to let the driver help him as he wanted to prove he could do it himself, and Marcia’s bottom was sticking out of the door of the car as she picked up all the sweets. Edgar was standing to one side, making sure she did as she was told, and as she stood up and backed out of the car, he looked down at her sternly.

“Is that all of them?” Marcia nodded sheepishly and held up the paper bag that she clutched in her hands. “Good. Now lets see if you can actually hold onto them this time, please. You’re almost ten now, it’s high time you learnt not to make such a mess everywhere you…”

As she spoke, Marcia glanced up and spotted her stepmother in the front doorway, watching them with a smile on her face. Ignoring her father’s lecture, she thrust her sweets at him and ran up the steps to greet her. Evadne crouched down, and as the young girl reached her, she held out her arms and gathered her in. Marcia threw her arms around her stepmother’s neck and burst into tears.

“Mummy, I’ve missed you so much.”

Evvy held onto her tightly, feeling tears pricking the back of her own eyes. “I’ve missed you too, sweetheart.”

She kissed the side of her daughter’s blonde curls, and then as Marcia pulled back and scrubbed her eyes on her sleeve, Evadne planted another kiss on her cheek and gave her a smile.

“Have you been good while I’ve been away?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

Marcia grinned back at her and nodded her head. “Daddy told us we had to be, so we’ve been extra good, even Scrabble ,” she replied enthusiastically. “He’s gone to stay with Anton while we came here. And Mummy, guess what? I got an A for my essay the other day!”

“That’s wonderful, sweetie, well done!”

“Didn’t think you were clever enough to get an A!”

Marcia rounded on her brother who was standing behind her holding a suitcase, a wide grin on his face. “I am too, Ned Watson, so that’s all you know! I’m cleverer than you are!” she retorted, sticking out her tongue.

Ned gave her an incredulous look but thankfully at that moment, Thea appeared at the door, Henry in her arms, and Marcia ran forward to give her brother a hug. Evvy watched her go and then turned to face Ned with a frown.

“That really wasn’t necessary, Ned.”

Ned had the grace to look a little ashamed of himself. “Sorry,” and then with a rapid change of subject, he gave his stepmother a hug. “Happy Birthday.”

A chorus of Happy Birthdays sounded from behind her too, and as she returned Ned's hug and turned around, an arm still around his shoulders, Marcia added, “We’ve got lots of presents for you, Mummy, and things from Anton and Guilia and Auntie Corney and Auntie Cassie and cards from Mrs. Bown and Mrs. Cranston and lots of other people.”

Edgar’s deep laugh rang out as he came up the front steps with the two heavy cases. “Well how about we get all these things inside, and then you can dig them all out,” he said, walking past his wife and daughters into the entrance hall and setting the cases down against the dresser. Then as Marcia and Ned ran down the steps to collect the remaining bags, and Thea took Henry back into the front room again, he turned to face his wife.

Evadne stared at him for a moment and then grinned. “Hey you.”

Edgar smiled and moved forwards, collecting her in his arms and lifting her up as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “God, I’ve missed you,” he whispered, as he buried his face in her hair. Then lowering her back down to the ground again, he kissed her on the lips.

Evadne opened her mouth to say something to him, but before she had a chance, they heard the sound of loud squabbling coming from the front steps. Rolling his eyes, Edgar released her and made his way back outside.

“Now what?” Looking down, he saw Marcia's small bag lying on the ground, its handle torn off and its contents spilling out onto the steps. An angry looking Ned was glaring at his sister, who was crouched down picking up her belongings. “What on earth are you two doing?”

“Ned broke my favourite bag,” Marcia burst out, tears brimming in her eyes. “He wouldn’t let me carry it and then he grabbed it and it ripped.”

Edgar raised his eyebrows at his son. “Is this true?”

“Yes, but I told her to leave it and she wouldn’t.”

“It’s my bag!” Marcia retorted angrily. “I can carry it if I want to, you pig!”

“That’s enough, Marcia,” Edgar put in hurriedly. “Ned, apologise please.” Ned muttered something unintelligible and Edgar gave him a stern look. “A little louder.”

“Sorry!” came the sulky reply.

“Thank you. Now Marcia, take those things inside and go and start finding Mummy’s presents, please.”

“But my bag…”

“We’ll go shopping tomorrow and get you another one. I said inside, now!” he added, as she opened her mouth to argue back. Picking up the last of her things, she stomped up the steps and into the house, and Edgar turned to face his son with a sigh.

“Why can’t you just leave her alone?”

“But she’s such a pain, Dad!”

“Well what do you expect if you constantly tease her and pick on her? She’s nine years old, for goodness sake.” Ned tried to argue back, but Edgar silenced him with a stony look. “I’m not interested, Ned, this is your fault, not hers. You’ve been needling her ever since we picked you up. She had every right to bring her own bag inside if she wanted to.”

Ned stared at the ground and said nothing, a mutinous look on his face, and Edgar shook his head wearily.

“Look, Ned, I realise she can be annoying to you at times, but that’s part and parcel of having a younger sister…”

“Thea isn’t annoying, and she’s younger than me too!”

“Yes, well Thea’s a very different person to Marcia. But she’s done nothing wrong today, that argument was entirely your own fault. Now this is Evvy’s day, and I’m not having you two spoiling it. If you can’t be civil to your sister, then I’ll take you back to school right now. Your choice.”

Ned glared at his father, mumbled that he wanted to stay at home, and then stalked past him and in through the front door. Edgar heaved a sigh, picked up the bags that his son had left behind on the steps and followed him into the house.

Ned was as good as his word, and remained pleasant to his sister for the rest of the day. It was clearly under duress, but Evadne was so overjoyed to have her family around her that she couldn’t have cared less, and by lunchtime, everything had settled down again.

Elsie and Lily arrived home late afternoon, not in the least bit surprised to see the new arrivals, Elsie having known for a couple of weeks what Edgar had been planning to do. She had managed to book a table in a local restaurant for the entire family, the two Rodwells included, and leaving Henry with a neighbour who had offered to mind him, they all set off for the meal in high spirits, even Ned, who took it upon himself to apologise to his sister, and was much more cheerful as a result. In fact, the pair of them began plotting mischief together, the result being that when Evadne put her hand in her handbag to get something, she found herself clutching a rubber frog. Muffling a scream, she threw it at Elsie, who shrieked and jumped up, overturning her drink in the process, much to everyone’s amusement.

Thankfully for the two children, Edgar had been in the entrance hall talking to the maitre d’ at the time and missed the whole thing, and some imp whispered in Evadne’s ear that it would be amusing to put it in his soup. The look on his face when he picked it up on his s***n and almost put it in his mouth was a sight to behold, even more so when he discovered who was responsible, and as his wife descended into fits of giggles, he glared at her and promised to get his own back in due course.

It was almost ten o’clock by the time they arrived home, and as Edgar thanked the neighbour and showed her back to her own house and Evadne checked on her son, Elsie chased the other four children up to bed. When she finally returned downstairs, she found Edgar and Evadne standing in the hallway, their coats and scarves still on.

“You two going somewhere?”

Edgar smiled. “We have a favour to ask. Would you mind if we went out for a walk for about half an hour or so and left you with the children?”

Elsie grinned and shook her head. “Of course I wouldn’t mind! It’s about time you had five minutes to yourselves anyway.”

“Thank you, you’re a gem.” Evadne leaned in to peck her friend on the cheek. “We won’t be more than thirty minutes, I promise.”

“Don’t be silly, take as long as you want. I’ll probably just head up to bed anyway. I’ll make sure everything’s shut up properly before I do, then you won’t need to worry when you get back,” and with that, she shooed her friends out of the front door, shutting it as they went.

Edgar took hold of his wife’s hand and led her down the steps and right onto Pitt Street, heading in the direction of Holland Park. For the next forty minutes they strolled around the streets, talking and laughing, enjoying each other’s company and catching up with all their news, making the most of this precious time alone. When they finally arrived home again, Edgar went to take his keys from his pocket when Evadne pulled on his arm to stop him.

“Can we stay out here a little longer? I’m not ready to go in just yet.”

Edgar smiled down at her as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Aren’t you a bit cold though?”

Evadne shook her head. “I don’t care about that. Please, Edgar.”

Bending to peck her on the forehead, he released his arm from her grip and took out his keys. “Okay, wait here then,” and unlocking the door, he entered the house and disappeared off the hallway into the salon.

A little confused, Evadne watched him go, and then shrugging her shoulders, she sat down on the top step to wait. He returned two minutes later, and leaving the door on the latch, he sat down behind her, pulling her between his legs and wrapping his arms and coat around her. Evadne smiled and twisted round so that she was sitting sideways on to him, leaning into him, her head against his shoulder.

“You warm enough?” She nodded and snuggled closer to him, and he bent his head to kiss her on the nose. “Have you had a good day?”

She smiled and lifted her head to look up at him. “I’ve had a wonderful day. Thank you so much for coming over early, Edgar, it was the best present I could have imagined.”

“You’re very welcome.” He gazed down at her, running his hand up and down her arm. “It was partly selfish on my part, to be honest. I’ve missed you so much, I just wanted to get over here to see you, so did the girls.”

“I’ve missed you too.” She smiled wryly. “Do you know it actually hurt not to see you every day?”

“Yes, I do know.” Edgar grinned and bent his head to peck her on the lips. Then reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out a small, wrapped present. “Happy Birthday, darling.”

Evadne raised her eyebrows in surprise as she took hold of the gift. “You’ve already given me my necklace.”

“I know, but this is a little something extra.”

His wife regarded at him suspiciously. "Is this payback for the frog?" Edgar laughed and shook his head, and curious, Evadne peeled back the paper, revealing the back of a picture frame. Turning it over slowly, she found herself staring at an old photograph, slightly faded with age, of herself and her parents in the garden of her childhood home in Salzburg. She had never seen it before, had no idea that it even existed, and she stared at it mutely, memories flooding back into her mind.

Edgar ran his fingers through her curls, his hand coming to rest on the back of her neck. “I had to go through a box of Arthur’s old papers, and I found it tucked down the side,” he said quietly, feeling her shoulders start to shake. “I thought you might like it. I know you don’t have one of all three of you together.”

Feeling tears pricking the back of her eyes as she stared at her parents' image, Evadne bit her lips for a moment to calm herself. Then still clutching the frame in one hand, she lifted her arms to wrap them around her husband’s neck, pulled his head down towards her and kissed him hard on the lips. Edgar returned her embrace, holding her close, twisting her hair around his fingers as he kissed her back. It was a few minutes before they pulled apart, and keeping her face close to his, Evadne gazed up into his soft, green eyes, a smile touching her lips.

“I love you so much.”

Edgar stared down at her in silence, his eyes searching her face, then releasing her, he got to his feet and held out his hand. Evadne took it and pulling her up, he led her in through the front door, shutting it firmly behind them.

Last edited by Josie on Sun Dec 18, 2005 10:39 pm; edited 3 times in total


#251:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:38 pm

Awww! Thanks Josie, I love the mushy stuff Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy


#252:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:41 pm

Awwww, lovely, mushy stuff - that was wonderful!


#253:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:51 pm

awwwwww *wibbly bottom lips* it's all so luffly Josie, thank you Very Happy


#254:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:52 pm

Mush? mush? Did someone say something about mush? I didnt see any that is for sure. I thought that was just great. Evvy being so stoical about not seeing her family on her birthday, just to find that everyone has prepared a delightful surprise for her. Well done Elsie and Lily to be able to keep the surprize fore her. That cannot have been easy though I suppose Elsie could have told Lily about it after they had left the house.

Then the way the family teased each other and squabbled. Just like any other family - kids always do manage to spoil a day by that sort of thing, especially special ones.

Then the meal, and that last little bit where Evvy and Edgar are sitting outside enjoying each others company with the touching end to the day. What a lovely way for it to end.

Thank you Josie


#255:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:18 pm

bless them

Well done Jo - I can totally sympathise with the beginning of that episode!!

Edgar is such a sweetheart, surprising Evvy like that and then gving her such a precious present. I just love your writing


#256:  Author: AllyLocation: Jack Maynard's Dressing Room!! PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:47 pm

Thanks Jo, that was absolutely lovely *blinks eyes rapidly*


#257:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:38 pm

What a splendid episode, Josie, from sadness and loneliness to surprise and joy - and all by way of *sloppy* sentiment.

I loved Marcia's cry of " Mummie, I've missed you so much" to her stepmother. Fabulous! Laughing

Thanks, Josie.


#258:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:10 pm

Awww! Going off to bed, happy!

Thanks Jo


#259:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:13 pm

What a lovely section. I had guessed when nothing turned up that they would all turn up but it was still wonderful when they turned up. I liked the plastic frog and the section at the end.

Basically, I loved all of it!


#260:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:51 am

Thanks Josie - that was, as the others have said, a lovely section - so many different episodes rolled into one.

Lovely that in the end, Evvy had all her family together for her birthday - and Edgar's gift of that particular photo is pure genius on his part. It's so fortunate that he had to go through those papers of his father-in-law's.


#261:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:09 am

Sniff. That was a lovely episode - and you've made me all teary now.


#262:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:25 am

Oh, Josie, this was lovely - especially the photograph! Sniff.


#263:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:03 am

Lovely. Thank you Jo.


#264:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:01 am

Thanks, Josie, a lovely long episode.


#265:  Author: Karry PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:09 pm

I must not read this at work! People look at me in a funny way when I start sniffing and saying "no, I don't have a cold!"

This goes from good to better!

Very Happy


#266:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:25 pm

Evvy tucked her son’s blankets tightly around him to keep him warm, pulled the cover over the front of his pram to keep the wind out, and then stood up. “Right, have we got everyone? Where’s Thea?”

“She’s over there, looking in the window with Lily.”

Following the direction in which her husband was pointing, Evvy saw Thea and Lily staring in the window of a shop several yards away. “Thea! Go get them will you, Edgar? It’s must be about minus ninety out here and I want to get Henry inside again.”

As Edgar went to do her bidding, Tom looked curiously at his brevet-aunt. “It can’t be minus ninety, or we’d all be dead.”

“He’s right,” Ned put in.

Evadne pulled a face that made the two boys laugh. “Well aren’t you a pair of know-alls! It sure feels like minus ninety to me anyway – my fingers and toes are about to drop off. Marcia! What are you doing?” As she heard Henry squeal and then laugh, Evadne had turned around just in time to see Marcia jump back from her brother’s pram. “I’ve just settled him and tucked him in so he’s nice and warm, and now you’ve set him off again – just leave him be ‘til we get inside, please. You know not to do that by now!” and after settling him again and tucking the cover back into place, she grabbed hold of Marcia’s hand to make sure she did as she was told.

“Okay, all present and correct. What’s the plan now then, chief?” Edgar asked with a grin, as he returned with the other two girls.

“Well who still needs to get things?”

It was now five days before Christmas and the entire Watson family had made the journey to Oxford Street to do their Christmas shopping. They had brought the two Rodwell children with them, in order to give Elsie a full day at the hospital with her husband without worrying that she should be at home. They had been shopping since eleven-thirty that morning, and now everyone except Marcia indicated that they had finished all that they wanted to do.

‘Marcia, can you get Daddy’s present in here?” her stepmother asked, pointing to the large department store that they were standing in front of.

Marcia looked up at the imposing walls of Selfridges and nodded her head. “I think so, I’m getting …”

“Let’s not tell him shall we, sweetie,” Evadne interrupted hurriedly, “keep it a surprise.” Then turning back to the others she added, “Okay, well I can get the last things for Elsie here too, so how about we do that now, and then we can all head up and see Santa Claus like we promised.”

While Lily, Marcia and Thea grabbed each other’s hands and exclaimed excitedly at this prospect, Ned turned to his father with a grimace. “Dad, do we have to? Seeing Father Christmas is stupid – he doesn’t even exist.”

“Ned, keep your voice down!” Edgar exclaimed, casting a wary glance at his daughters and Lily. “You and Tom may know that, but the girls don’t, so don’t you go spoiling their fun or there’ll be trouble, young man.”

“But do we have to go, Dad? It’s so boring!”

“It is boring, Uncle Edgar,” Tom put in, screwing his face up to show just how boring he thought it was.

Edgar looked from one to the other. To be honest, he didn’t really want to go either. “Okay, let me have a word with Evvy. But if she wants you to come, then you’re coming, no more arguments,” and leaving the two boys to pull faces at his back, he walked across to join his wife.

“Evvy, do you mind if I take the two boys off for a bit? They’re starting to get restless and fed-up. We can meet you for tea at four-thirty,” he finished, sounding hopeful as his wife looked up at him with a frown.

“Are they really fed-up, or are you just bored?”

“They’re fed-up!” he retorted indignantly. Then as she raised an eyebrow, he added, “Okay, fine, I’m bored too. Come on, darling, we’ve been shopping all day. We’ll only be gone a couple of hours.”

You haven’t been shopping all day, you spent half the morning at the solicitors!” Evadne stared at his pleading face for a minute and then shook her head with a wry smile. “Fine, you can go on one condition. Call in at Fortnum’s and make sure everything’s okay for the food delivery on Friday, will you? I haven’t had a chance to check and we won’t have time to get things if they don’t turn up.”

Edgar grinned. ‘Will do! You sure you’ll be alright with the other four?” She nodded and he bent to peck her on the lips. “We’ll see you back at Claridges at four-thirty then. Come on boys, let’s get going!” and he strode off purposefully down the street, followed by an excited Tom and Ned.

Evadne watched them go and then turned back to the girls. “Come on then, let’s go get these last bits and pieces and then we can go see Santa Claus. Thea, keep hold of Lily’s hand, please,” and with the three girls in front of her, she turned Henry’s pram and they made their way into the store.

An hour and half later, all the shopping had been done and Evadne, Thea and Henry were waiting at the exit to Santa’s grotto for Marcia and Lily to emerge.

“Mummy, can I tell you a secret?”

Evadne bent down to pick up the teddy bear that Henry had just thrown out of his pram. “Of course you can, sweetie, go ahead.”

Thea checked around her quickly to make sure no youngsters were with earshot, and then whispered, “I know Father Christmas isn’t real.”

Still crouching, Evadne span round in surprise and hit her head on the wheel, causing her to bite her tongue. “Damn, I mean, blast, I mean, bother!” she exclaimed, suddenly remembering where she was as Thea giggled. Nobody seemed to have heard her, so she rubbed her sore head and then took Thea by the arm. “Who told you that, Thea?”

“Timothy from school. His sister told him – she’s older than Ned. Is that why Ned and Tom didn’t want to come? ‘Cause they know too?”

Evadne nodded. “You haven’t told Marcia, have you?”

Thea shook her head vigorously. “Course not!”

“Good, girl.” Before she could say anything else, she spotted six-year-old Lily coming towards them from the grotto, and putting her finger to her lips, she stood up straight and held her hands out to the little girl, while Thea turned her attention to her brother.

“Auntie Evvy, I asked Father Christmas for a new bike and a dolly and a kitten,” Lily exclaimed, as Evvy lifted her goddaughter up and gave her a hug. “D’you think he’ll bring me them?”

Having bought two of the three things on Elsie’s behalf that morning, Evadne smiled and nodded her head. “Maybe not all of them, sugar-pie, but I’m sure he’ll bring you some of them.”

Lily grinned, looking satisfied, and Evadne kissed the end of her nose and set her back down on the floor.

“Evvy! Evvy Lannis! It must be!”

Evadne stood up in astonishment at hearing someone calling her maiden name, and saw a slim woman with dark-blonde hair and glasses coming towards her. A girl of about Marcia’s age and a boy a few years younger were clinging to her arms. She looked vaguely familiar, but for the life of her Evadne couldn’t place her.

As the stranger reached her, she gave Evadne a wide smile and looked her up and down. “It is Evvy Lannis isn’t it?” Evadne nodded. “I knew it! I’d recognise you anywhere – you haven’t changed a bit! Oh but wait, you’re married aren’t you? To a Lord or something – I’m sure I remember reading the announcement in The Times.”

Evvy smiled and nodded her head. “Well he’s a ‘Sir’ actually, but near enough. I’m Evvy Watson these days – Lady Watson if you want to be official,” she replied with a grin. She was still trying desperately to place her and seeing the confusion on her face, the stranger smiled.

“You don’t remember me, do you?”

“No, I do,” Evadne replied, flushing red. “At least I know I know you, I just can’t dredge up the name!”

The other lady laughed. “I’m not surprised – I look a little different these days! I’m Dorothy Douglas, though you knew me as Dorothy Hatcherd – we were at school together.”

Comprehension dawned as Dorothy said her name, and Evadne gave her old friend a warm smile and grasped her arm. “Dorothy Hatcherd, of course! Say, are you ever a blast from the past! I didn’t recognise you without your big, old glasses! You look wonderful – so much better than at school!”

Dorothy stared at her for a second and then started to chuckle and Evadne flushed again as she suddenly realised what she’d said. “Oh, say, I…er…I didn’t meant it like that!” she stammered, but Dorothy waved her apologies away.

“Don’t worry, I remember what you’re like,” she replied with a grin. “And you’re right, I do look much better these days – I was so mousey and quiet at school. My mother’s convinced that being a wife and mother have brought out my better side!”

She laughed again, making her grey-green eyes sparkle behind her frames, and once she was sure that she hadn’t offended her friend, Evadne joined in. “Well I’ve never have been famed for my tact, as you know. So what are you doing here? Have you all been to see Santa? Do you live in London then?”

Dorothy shook her head. ‘We live up in Yorkshire. We’re just down visiting for a few days – we go back tomorrow, in fact. My husband grew up in London and he’s always wanted to bring the children down and show them the city, so we saved and decided to make it a special Christmas treat.”

Evadne looked down at the young girl clinging to Dorothy’s elbow and gave her a smile. “So what do you think of London, sweetie?”

The young girl smiled shyly, but didn’t reply, and Dorothy ruffled her light-brown hair. “She’s a bit overwhelmed, I’m afraid. They’re not used to this many people and this much noise and bustle. This is Hilary by the way, and this young man’s Thomas – Tom for short. Are these three yours?”

“Well this one is,” Evvy replied, putting a hand on Thea’s head, “and so’s the one in the pram. This is Thea, my stepdaughter, and that little man’s Henry, our new son. And this is Lily – she’s just on loan for the day,” Evvy added with a grin, as the two girls said hello to Dorothy and her children. “She really belongs to Elsie Carr – you remember her don’t you?”

“Of course I do,” Dorothy responded, glancing around her, struggling to see over the top of some people’s heads.

“You waiting for someone?”

“My husband, Hugh. He went off to buy some things while I took these two to see Father Christmas, and we said we’d meet him back here at about four. I say, we’re not keeping you are we?”

Evadne smiled and shook her head. “Not at all. We’re still waiting for Marcia, my other stepdaughter, to emerge. She’s taking an awful long time, now I think about it. She’s probably asking for the entire store knowing her – she’s not one to do things by halves.”

At that moment the Marcia appeared from the grotto, a wide grin on her face. “Mummy, you’ll never guess what? Father Christmas was really nice and I talked to him for ages, ‘til one of his elves came and told me to move on ‘cause lots of children were waiting. I asked for a penguin and a new best dress, but he said he was going to bring me a surprise instead.”

Evadne smiled at her youngest daughter, inwardly thanking Santa for not promising her the first of her wanted gifts, and safe in the knowledge that the new dress was bought and in Edgar’s possession. “Well that was real nice of him.”

Marcia beamed up at her. “I know.” Then noticing Dorothy and her two children standing nearby, she asked, “Mummy, who’s this?”

“This is Mrs. Douglas who I was at school with and these are her children Hilary and Tom,” Evadne introduced.

Marcia said hello to Dorothy and then turned to Hilary. “Hello, I’m Marcia and this is my sister and brother and sort-of-cousin, though she’s not really a cousin, but her Daddy’s my Daddy’s best friend,” she said, pointing to Lily, who was playing pat-a-cake with Thea, while Tom watched on.

Hilary smiled shyly. “Did you really ask Father Christmas for a penguin?”

Marcia nodded. “Yes, but I don’t think I’ll get one. We live in Geneva and it gets hot in the summer, so there wouldn’t be any ice for him, and penguins need ice.”

Hilary stared at Marcia with open-mouthed awe, while Thea and Lily giggled and Evadne rolled her eyes. “Yes, sweetie, that’s exactly why you won’t get a penguin.”

She flashed a grin at Dorothy, who laughed as Marcia ignored her stepmother and carried on chattering to Hilary at top speed. “Quite a livewire, isn’t she?”

“You could say that!”

“So do you really live in Geneva?”

Evadne nodded. “Edgar’s working at the U.N. at the moment, some farming thing or other, so we’re out there for now anyway. I’m rather hoping we’ll stay there if I’m truthful, it suits us so well and it feels like home now. Do you know it?”

Dorothy shook her head. “I’ve never been. We’re going though – at the end of April, I think. We’re going to visit a former pupil of Hugh’s who’s a doctor out there somewhere, and he’s promised me we can go to Geneva for a couple of days as well. I’ve always wanted to go.”

“Oh you must! And you have to come stay with us while you’re there. We’ll take you all over and show you the ropes!”

“Really? Evvy, that would be marvellous. Oh Hugh, there you are!” she cried, as she spotted her husband coming towards her, “Come and meet my friend Evvy from school. Evvy, this is my husband, Hugh,” she said with great pride.

Evadne turned to see a man around her own age, tall and upright, with a slight limp, coming towards them smiling. He had scars on his face and wore an eyepatch – marks she recognised instantly from her war days. She had lost count of the number of times she had seen young pilots from her base with similar injuries after their planes had been hit. Hugh saw her looking at him, and caught the recognition but, he was pleased to note, no pity in her eyes.

Evadne shook his proffered hand. “Evvy Watson, pleased to meet you.”

“Pleasure to meet you too,” he replied with a grin. “So you were at school with Dorothy then?”

“Somewhere back in the Middle Ages, yes!”

“We haven’t seen each other since we left Austria,” Dorothy put in. “Oh, and Hugh, guess what? Evvy and her family live in Geneva, and she’s invited us to go and stay with them when we’re over there next year! Do you think we might be able to?”

Hugh gave Evadne a warm smile. “Well that’s very kind of you, thank you. We may well take you up on that, if you’re sure,” he said, much to his wife’s pleasure.

“I’m sure I’m sure!” Evadne responded with a grin. “We’ve heaps of room and then Dorothy and I can catch up properly on all our gossip – there’s not nearly time just now! Here, let me give you our details,” and she opened her bag and began fishing around for a pad and pen.

Hugh felt a tug on his arm, and turned to find himself looking down into Marcia’s curious face. “Hello, who are you?”

“Marcia,” that young lady replied firmly. She looked up at Hugh for a moment, and then asked, “’Scuse me, but are you a pirate?”

Hugh stared at her for a second and then roared with laughter, while a horrified Evadne turned to admonish her stepdaughter for being so rude. Hugh stopped her with a shake of his head. “Don’t, Evvy, really,” he said, still chuckling. “I don’t mind her asking.” Then turning to Marcia, he added, “No, I’m not a pirate, though I could be with the eye patch, I suppose. I was a pilot and my plane got shot down in the war and my face was burned.”

Marcia accepted this calmly with a nod of her head. “My brother Ned wants to be a pilot - in the RAF.”

“Does he now?” Hugh replied, “Well it’s a very noble profession.” He flashed her another smile and then turned back to his wife. “We’d better be getting on, my love, we’ve still a fair amount to do and it’s already ten past four.”

Dorothy nodded and turned to call her children to her, and Evadne hastily finished scribbling down her details and passed them over to Hugh. “Please do come and stay. We really would love to have you.” Hugh replied in the affirmative as he took the piece of paper and tucked it into his wallet, and Evvy turned to kiss Dorothy on both cheeks. “Dorothy, I’m so glad we bumped like this. Make sure you write me at the address I gave Hugh, and then I promise I’ll write you back too. We’ll be back in Switzerland around the end of January.”

“I will, Evvy, I promise. Goodbye girls, glad to have met you,” and to a chorus of goodbyes from Thea, Marcia and Lily, the Douglases made their way out of the shop.

Evadne watched them go, and then turned quickly to marshall her own troops. “We’d better get moving too. We’ll have to hail a cab when we get outside or we’ll be fearfully late. Thea, keep hold of Lily, please. Marcia, come here and hold my hand – I’m not having you wandering off around the store.” She grabbed Marcia’s arm with one hand and Henry’s pram with another. “Have we got everything? Right, let’s go!”

Hugh, Dorothy and family appear by gracious permission from and approval of Patmac Drabbles Inc and her glenfiddich-laden does! . Laughing

Last edited by Josie on Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:43 pm; edited 3 times in total


#267:  Author: MiaLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:39 pm

Oh fabulous! How nice of Hugh and Dorothy to pop by! Lovely Josie! Very Happy


#268:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:40 pm

Wonderful! A lovely bit - loved Evvy hitting her head on the wheel of the pram. And the meeting with Dorothy and Hugh was wonderful - lovely to see them married and with children. hope to see more of them when they visit Evvy and Edgar and I assume Reg!

Thank you Jo (and patmac for the use of Hugh et. al.)


#269:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:55 pm

What a wonderful encounter! I bet that eventual reunion in Geneva will be a lively affair too.

I loved the boys and Edgar sliding out of that date with Father Christmas, and Thea's quiet confession to Evvy that she no longer believes either - but hadn't told Marcia. These family interludes are so enjoyable - even in the middle of Selfridges' pre-Christmas rush! It's also lovely to see Lily and Tom enjoying the outing, too - and typical of Evvy and Edgar to take them along for the day.

Thanks Josie - and Patmac.


#270:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:11 pm

Thank you for another wonderful episode, Josie, with all the excitement of Christmas and children. Good job Evvy's got all those gifts already! Even the kitten? Laughing

What a lovely intertwining of two stories, as well.


#271:  Author: AnnLocation: Newcastle upon Tyne, England PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:36 pm

I've just caught on the last 10 pages of this (*grovels profusely for being so behind*) and it's been real emotional rollercoaster as usual. I loved the frog in the restaurant! And it's nice to have a glimpse into the future and see that Patmac's Hugh is going to get his happy ending.

Oh, and please let Marcia get a penguin for Christmas!


#272:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:10 pm

Lovely posts Jo!

You've had me from sniffles at the sweetness of Evvy's birthday suprises to wild giggles at Marcia and her penguin!


#273:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:55 pm

Oh that was so lovely - thank you Josie - wonderful to see Hugh and Dorothy.


#274:  Author: LyanneLocation: Ipswich, England PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:00 pm

that's exactly why you won’t get a penguin

Not even a tiny lttle one? Sad


#275:  Author: aitchemelleLocation: West Sussex PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:06 pm

Thank you! It would only have to be a small penguin.. honest.. Twisted Evil


#276:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:25 pm

I used to have a toy penguin. I enjoyed reading about everyone doing their Christmas shopping and the males crying off.

Which drabble is it of Patmac's that we meet Dorothy and her family? I have never come across it before. Also, how does Evvy know Hugh? Also, how did Hugh know Evvy's surname if Dorothy didn't give her surname?


#277:  Author: LyanneLocation: Ipswich, England PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:31 pm

Chair wrote
Which drabble is it of Patmac's that we meet Dorothy and her family? I have never come across it before. Also, how does Evvy know Hugh? Also, how did Hugh know Evvy's surname if Dorothy didn't give her surname?

Yeah, how did he? & I haven't seen that drabble either.


#278:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:08 pm

The drabble in question is Village Boy's Tale part 7 Problems and Solutions. We Meet Hugh as a young man scarred from the war in different ways who comes to teach at the school Reg is attending. Later on he meets Dorothy and starts courting her.

As for the question about Evvy, It could be through Corny I suppose since I think it's her future husband who turns up on several different occasions throughout the drabble. But I think that is just pure speculation right now!


#279:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:44 pm

Lyanne wrote:
Chair wrote
Which drabble is it of Patmac's that we meet Dorothy and her family? I have never come across it before. Also, how does Evvy know Hugh? Also, how did Hugh know Evvy's surname if Dorothy didn't give her surname?

Yeah, how did he? & I haven't seen that drabble either.

Thoroughly confused now and it's my drabble!!!! Laughing Where did you get that Evvy knew Hugh? Hugh and Evvy have never met, or even heard of each other before.

Evvy *doesn't* know Hugh, she knows Dorothy, from school, as Dorothy tells her husband. Dorothy was at the Chalet School. (She's a peripheral character from the books - see Patmac's Village Boy's Tale for further on her, as Squirrel said).

And Hugh doesn't know Evvy's surname either. He never refers to it once when they meet. *She* tells him her surname when she meets him!

Evadne shook his proffered hand. “Evvy Watson, pleased to meet you.”

“Pleasure to meet you too,” he replied with a grin. “So you were at school with Dorothy then?”

ETA:can't spell as per usual!

Last edited by Josie on Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:22 pm; edited 3 times in total


#280:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:53 pm

*highly confuzzled*

lovely episode though, Jo, thank you! Those children are so lucky to have such wonderful Christmas presents coming their way


#281:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:06 pm

Chair wrote:
Which drabble is it of Patmac's that we meet Dorothy and her family? I have never come across it before. Also, how does Evvy know Hugh? Also, how did Hugh know Evvy's surname if Dorothy didn't give her surname?

We meet Dorothy and Hugh in Village Boy.

Josie wrote:
Evadne turned to see a man around her own age, tall and upright, with a slight limp, coming towards them smiling. He had scars on his face and wore an eyepatch – marks she recognised instantly from her war days. She had lost count of the number of times she had seen young pilots from her base with similar injuries after their planes had been hit. Hugh saw her looking at him, and caught the recognition but, he was pleased to note, no pity in her eyes.

Is this the bit you're referring to Chair? 'Cos I understood it to mean that Evvy recognised the type of injury Hugh had, rather than Hugh himself.

Been catching up - thanks for all the luffly updates Jo Kiss



#282:  Author: Cath V-PLocation: Newcastle NSW PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:47 am

Oh, spiffy, Josie!! Just loved this....are you sure she can't have a penguin? The chocolate won't melt in winter.


#283:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:38 am

Ouch, Cath!! - that one definitely made me laugh. My two young grandchildren have just discovered 'those' penguins - but they cover themselves with the chocolate!


#284:  Author: Miss DiLocation: Newcastle, NSW PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 5:32 am

Josie wrote:

Hugh, Dorothy and family appear by gracious permission from and approval of Patmac Drabbles Inc and her glenfiddich-laden does! . Laughing

Gosh is Patmac's universe taking over or what?

Lovely long update, loved the way the blokes ran away from the shopping!


#285:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:49 am

Lovely update Jo. In the rush of getting back to normal after hols, I'd forgotten that meeting was due soon.

Gosh is Patmac's universe taking over or what?

No, Miss Di, it's more a matter of Josie's and mine intersecting from time to time. I borrowed *her* Mike Van Alden earlier in Village Boy and now Dorothy and Hugh have slipped across into Swiss Family Watson for a visit.

As for Dorothy and Hugh's children, Jo is around ten years ahead of me so they are time travelling Wink


#286:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:30 am

This is great as always, Josie.


#287:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:22 am

Thanks for telling me where to find the drabble. I'm sorry to confuse everyone. Embarassed


#288:  Author: JosieLocation: London PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:24 am

At five minutes past five, Edgar and the two boys turned into Brook Street, battling against the bitter headwind as they made their way towards the hotel where they were due to have afternoon tea. Edgar’s long legs covered the ground quickly, and Ned and Tom were almost running in their efforts to keep up.

“Dad, slow down!”

“No, Ned, we’re late,” Edgar replied, without breaking his stride. “We’ve only a few more yards to go anyway, stop moaning.”

“It’s not as if two more minutes are going to make any difference,” Ned retorted grumpily, “we’re already over half an hour late!”

Ignoring his son, Edgar continued striding up the road towards the hotel, and was relieved that he couldn’t see his wife waiting outside. At least they’d had the sense to go in out of the cold. Hurrying in through the front door to the foyer, Edgar greeted the receptionist with a smile and explained who he was, and a minute later he was shown into the private room that the family had booked for tea, Ned and Tom trailing behind his wake.

Evadne looked up as the door opened, glared at her husband, and then turned her attention back to her son. Ned and Tom ran over to the table to join their sisters and Edgar followed them, sliding into his seat between Marcia and Lily as if trying to make himself invisible, and reached out to help himself to some sandwiches, carefully avoiding looking at his wife.

“Do you think I can’t see you?”

Edgar glanced up guiltily, cucumber sandwich halfway to his mouth, and saw her staring at him, a stony expression on her face. Putting the sandwich back on his plate, he gave her an apologetic smile.

“Sorry! We lost track of time,” he replied sheepishly, arranging his face into what he hoped was his most beguiling expression. “We went to Fortnum’s though, everything’s as it should be with the delivery.”

“Is that supposed to make it all fine? You were supposed to be here at half-past four! We hailed a cab to make sure we got here on time, you couldn’t even be bothered to show up!” Edgar muttered something and looked down at his plate, and Evadne sat back, repositioned Henry to make him more comfortable, then continued, “Where have you been, anyway?”

“Science Museum. The boys got rather carried away pressing all the buttons on the front of the display cabinets and…”

“Don’t blame us!” Ned interrupted, open-mouthed at his father’s cheek, and Tom choked on his sandwich and stared at his brevet-uncle. “It was you who kept on pressing everything, not me and Tom! It was so embarrassing,” he added, turning to his stepmother, “we had to drag him away!”

“That is not true!” his father exclaimed indignantly, turning bright red.

“Yes it is, Uncle Edgar,” Tom put in, a wide grin on his face. “You were almost fighting with that other boy’s dad by the steamboat case over who would make the wheel go round.”

Edgar spluttered, his face turning from red to beetroot, and the others laughed; even Evadne was finding it hard to keep from smiling.

Recomposing herself, she glared at him. “Well next time, you just make sure you’re on time when you’ve said you’re going to be, or we’ll be long gone when you do turn up.”


“That’s all I’ve got to say. I don’t want to speak to you right now,” and with that, she turned her attention back to her young son.

Before long, the food was all gone, as the newcomers tucked in with a gusto worthy of a better cause, and once the children were chattering happily amongst themselves, Edgar decided to brave Evadne’s temper and swapped places with Thea so that he was sitting next to his wife.

Evadne had not said a word to him since her last proclamation. Now she glanced up as he pulled his chair up next to her, and he took hold of Henry’s foot, tugging on it and making his son giggle.


“So you should be!” his wife retorted, breaking her silence, but not ready to forgive him just yet. Edgar pouted, pulling a sorry-for-himself face, and Evadne shook her head. “It’s not going to work. I’m cross with you and that’s that.”

“Are you sure?”

His expression became more exaggerated, and she bit her lips together and averted her eyes, trying not to laugh. Seeing this, Edgar pouted even more, giving her his best doe-like eyes and fluttering his eyelashes, and glancing up again, Evadne finally gave an involuntary chuckle and rolled her eyes.

“Fine, I give in,” she retorted, with an air of exasperation. “But I expect you to make it up to me.”

Edgar smiled. “Will flowers work?”

Evadne shook her head. “Too easy and far too obvious.”


She shook her head again.


“Are you trying to buy me?” she responded in mock indignation, a twinkle in her eye.

Edgar raised his eyebrows. “Well excuse me if I think my wife might like some romantic gifts!” She shrugged her shoulders. “How about a kiss then?”

Evadne stared at him for a moment, then grinned. “That’s more like it!”

Edgar glanced around surreptitiously, as if checking that they weren’t being watched, and then leant forwards to peck her on the lips.

His wife returned his kiss and then sat back in her chair with a smile. “Okay, you’ve made it up. Just don’t do it again!”

“I’m not sure I’d dare!” Edgar replied, looking horrified, and then taking hold of his son’s foot again, he bent down and in a conspiratorial stage whisper, said, “I’d be careful not to get on the wrong side of Mummy if I were you, Henry. She’s a tough one to crack!”

Evadne laughed and bent to kiss her son’s head. “Don’t you listen to Daddy, sugar-pie, as long as you don’t follow his example you’ll be fine!”

I can’t believe she let you off so lightly!”

Edgar turned to grimace across the table at Ned. “Be quiet! I’ve been forgiven, don’t go spoiling it!”


“One more word out of you, and I’ll return all your Christmas presents to the shops and you’ll get a lump of coal!”

Ned laughed and subsided, returning his attention to Marcia and Lily, and Edgar turned back to his wife. “So how was Father Christmas?”

“Very fat and jolly, just as he should be!” As her husband chuckled, Evadne was about to tell him about Thea’s confession, when she suddenly remembered the young girl had called it a secret and thought better of it. Instead, she added, “Marcia asked him for a penguin.”

“Well, we’ve got…she what?” he exclaimed, as his wife’s words sank in.

Evadne grinned. “Just as I said – she asked him for a penguin! Thankfully he told her she wasn’t likely to get it, and she decided Geneva wouldn’t have enough ice in the summer anyway, so I reckon we’re safe!”

“Thank goodness for Father Christmas!” Edgar replied, with some relief, and then a wide grin spread over his face as he had an idea.

“What?” Evvy asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

“I’ll tell you later,” came the reply, as Edgar cast a wary glance in Marcia’s direction.

Evadne gave him a confused look for a second, and then shrugged. “Okay. Oh, and I almost forgot! You’ll never guess who we bumped into…”

She proceeded to fill him on the meeting with Dorothy and her family, how she hadn’t seen Dorothy since school, that she’d invited them out to Geneva to stay in the spring, and telling him all about Hugh’s injuries. As she finished, she gave an involuntary shudder.

“Seeing his scars brought back all these memories of being at Debden, seeing all those poor boys coming back all burnt up and bloody,” she said quietly, as her face took on a solemn expression. “I haven’t really thought of them in so long, but meeting Hugh like that makes me wonder what became of them all, whether they managed to live their life as he has. I do hope so.”

She stared down at the top of her son’s head, unconsciously tightening her hold on him as she spoke, and Edgar reached out and squeezed her knee. Lifting her eyes to his, she gave him a smile and shook her head, as if trying to clear the memories from her mind.

“Anyway,” she said, forcing a cheery note into her voice, “you're sure you don’t mind me asking them to come and stay? I know I should have checked with you first, but I just had to ask them when they said they’d be in Geneva.”

“Of course I don’t mind. I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun, and you can catch up properly with your friend too.”

“Thank you.”

Edgar took his eyes away from Henry, who was pulling at the rings on his mother’s wedding finger, and gave Evadne a warm smile. “You’re welcome. And talking of catching up, that reminds me - I had a letter from Andrew this morning. I know it’s not the new year yet, but he mentioned the possibility of us getting together with them next summer, and I thought it sounded like a good idea. Maybe we could make enquiries about renting that villa in Cap Ferrat where you stayed with Rosalie that time.”

As Edgar had been hoping it would, the possibility of seeing Cassie and her family took his wife’s mind away from her wartime memories, and she beamed back at him. “What a marvellous idea! That’ll be such fun – and Cassie can meet Henry too!”

Edgar chuckled at her enthusiasm. “I thought that might make you happy! Do you think the villa would sleep all of us okay? There are…” he used Henry’s toes to count everyone off, causing the young boy to squeal as it tickled, and then looked back up with a grin. “…ten of us, including this little man.”

Evadne nodded. “We’d have to double up the kids, but that’d be okay.”

“Excellent! I’ll write back tomorrow and let him know, as soon as I get back from seeing Paul.”

Evadne had bent her head to talk to Henry, but she looked up again at this comment, eyebrows raised. “Did you get everything sorted out with the solicitor then?”

Edgar nodded and grinned. “Now he just has to accept!”

“Accept what?”

Edgar turned to look at Ned again with a frown. “None of your business, nosy! Stop earwigging on our conversation!”

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something that instantly turned his attention away from his son. Some demon had moved Thea and Tom to see how high they could build a stack of crockery, and they had appropriated everything they could get their hands on from the table whilst Evadne and Edgar were talking and not paying attention. The stack was now teetering dangerously as Thea tried to add the pepper shaker to the top.

Thea! Stop that now before there’s an accident!”

At the sound of her father’s voice, Thea stopped, pepper pot still in hand, and went bright red. Unfortunately, Edgar’s voice startled Tom, who jumped, caught the stack with his elbow, and sent the whole lot crashing to floor. The next moment, the door was flung open, and a waiter appeared to find out what was going on. His hands flew up in horror as he surveyed the broken china, and as Edgar got up hurriedly to calm him down and to offer to pay for all the damages, Evadne got to her feet.

“That’s it! Come along, you rotten lot, get your things together. We’re leaving before anything else happens! And don’t think you two have got away with this,” she added firmly to Thea and Tom. “We’ll deal with you when we get home!” and leaving the two guilty parties in no doubt that she meant what she said, she turned to settle Henry in his pram.

The next morning, Elsie was sitting by her husband’s bed, chatting and laughing, when there was a tap at the door, and Edgar’s head appeared.

“Can I come in?”

“That depends,” Paul returned with a grin. “Do you come bearing gifts?” Edgar nodded. “Okay then, you’re very welcome!”

Edgar shut the door behind him, walked across to the bed, and sat down, holding out a tin. “Evvy’s rock cakes. I don’t advise you actually eat them, but they make marvellous paperweights!” Paul and Elsie both burst out laughing, and as he placed the tin on the bedside table, Edgar added, “Don’t tell her I said that, whatever you do! So, how’s the patient today?”

“The patient is very well, thanks for asking,” Paul replied. He glanced at Elsie, who was watching him with a grin on her face, and then turned back to his friend. “The doc told me this morning that if all goes well, they’ll be allowing me home in a couple of weeks’ time. Not quite in time for Christmas, but near enough!”

Edgar beamed back at him. “That’s wonderful news!”

“Isn’t it?” Elsie put in with a wide smile. “I’ve been just longing for him to be allowed home, and now he will be very soon!” Paul smiled at her and squeezed her hand, and she got to her feet. “Time for elevenses I think – or at least as near as I can get from the hospital shop! Do you want a tea, Paul?”

“Yes please, my love”


Edgar shook his head to indicate that he was fine, and she left the room, a spring in her step that had not been there for a good couple of months. Edgar watched her go, and then turned back to see Paul staring after her, a glum expression on his face.

“What’s eating you?” Edgar asked in surprise. “I thought being allowed home was good news?”

Paul heaved a sigh. “It is, it’s just…well...I can’t help mulling over the money issue. And now it looks like we’re going to have to sell the house too.”

“Why’s that?”

“My wheelchair won’t fit through the gate of the cottage or get up the steps. Typical, eh?” he replied with a wry smile.

Edgar looked upset at hearing this news. “Oh Paul, I’m so sorry. Does Elsie know?”

Paul nodded. “Yes, she does. It was her who actually realised what the problem would be, as it happens.” He heaved another sigh and then shrugged. “Hey ho, that’s life, I suppose,” he said, trying hard to put a brave face on things. “Having to move isn’t the end of the world, and I’m sure we’ll manage with the money somehow. Luckily we’ve a few savings for now, and according to the specialist, I’ll be able to start thinking about prosthetics in a year or so’s time, which will make getting a job so much easier.”

He stared at the bedclothes for a second, looking thoroughly downcast, and then lifted his head with a smile.

“Still, at least I’m still alive, and I have Elsie and the children, so I can’t really complain.”

Edgar watched him carefully, thinking to himself how different things were from just over a month before. Then taking a deep breath, he said, “Well I may be able to help with the money thing, at any rate.”

An angry expression flashed across Paul’s face. “I’ve told you already that I’m not taking your money.”

“I’m well aware of that.”

Fishing in his coat pocket, Edgar pulled out a thick envelope, threw it on the bed and sat back in his chair. Paul glanced at him suspiciously, picked it up and pulled out the sheets of paper from within. Unfolding them, he quickly read the first couple of lines, his frown deepening on his brow, and then glared at his friend, throwing the papers back at him.

“I told you, no charity. Why won’t you listen?”

Edgar heaved an exasperated sigh. “It’s not charity, you pig-headed fool! That is a job offer and contract from AJL Ltd, inviting you to head up the new London office. The job starts on the first of January, and you will be paid a working managing director’s salary from that date forth. Arthur had plans drawn up to open an official office in London before he died, and Charles, Doug Richardson and I have decided to see them through.” Bending to pick the papers up from the floor, he handed them back to Paul. “It’s due to open in the spring of ’57, if all goes to plan. For now, we will be handing you all the papers to go over, you’ll be working closely with Doug to get everything ready and thinking about recruiting staff. Doug will be over from Paris from time to time, and the rest of the work can be done by letter or telephone. Then by the time it’s ready to open, you should be more or less able to work from the office.”

Paul had been listening to this in silence, too stunned to speak. Now he opened his mouth to argue, but Edgar hadn’t finished and hastily began again.

“Before you complain that this is all because of your leg, that’s absolute tosh! We were going to offer you the post anyway, but it wouldn’t have been until the end of next year. We’re all fully in favour of nepotism if we think the chap is up for the job, and we happen to think you are. We’ve been discussing it since midsummer. Your accident has simply meant bringing it forward, that’s all. It actually works better for everyone, because Charles and I have our own jobs to concentrate on, and Doug is snowed under with other work, so having you onboard now will be a huge help.”

He paused for a moment to see if Paul still had anything to say, but there was silence.

“Oh, and part of the benefits package is paid private schooling for your children – it’s the same deal that all management have. It was something Arthur wanted to do, and so do we. And I think you’ll find the wage will cover all medical expenses more than satisfactorily.”

Paul looked down at the papers again, scanning the pages for the figure, and when he found it, his eyes widened. Edgar got to his feet, and Paul stared up at him in shock.

“I’ll leave that here for you to talk over with Elsie. We hope very much that you’ll come onboard, but obviously that’s your decision and I won’t try to force you if you decide against it. I just need you to let me know in the next couple of days. I’ll see you tomorrow,” and with that, he turned and walked out of the room, passing a surprised Elsie in the doorway.

She stared after him for a moment, and then shutting the door behind her, she returned to her seat at the side of her husband’s bed, placing his tea on the bedside table and looking at him, concerned.

“What’s happened? Have you two had a row?” Paul shook his head and continued staring at sheets of paper in front of him, skim-reading them. “What’s going on then?”

“He’s offered me a job. Or, at least AJL have – Arthur’s old company,” he added, as she looked confused.

“What job?”

“Managing Director of the new British side of the company, starting in January.”

He passed the wedge of paper to his wife, and she skimmed the first four pages quickly and then looked up at him in shock. “It’s so much money!” Paul nodded. “And the children’s school fees would be paid!” Paul nodded again, and as she stared at him, her eyes filled with tears. “We’d be okay, Paul. We could afford the best prosthetics for you, and a full-time nurse for when you come home and…and… everything else too!”

“I know.”

Please say you‘ll take it. You will, won’t you?” She saw the hesitation in his face and her voice took on an even more pleading tone. “I don’t care if Edgar’s done it just because of the accident or not, we need it. If we don’t have to worry about money, we can concentrate on you getting better, and it’ll stop you from getting bored or miserable as you’ll have something to do. Please, Paul, say you will.”

Paul gazed at her for a moment, and then reached out his arm and ran his hand over her hair, before bringing it to rest, cupping the side of her face. “It would mean a great deal to you, wouldn’t it?” She nodded and he gave her a smile full of love and affection. “Okay, I’ll take it. I’ll tell Edgar tomorrow, or you can tell him when you get home later, if you like. I think I’ll enjoy the challenge of it too,” he added with a grin.

For a split second, Elsie stared at him, not knowing what to say. Then leaping out of her chair, she threw her arms around him and burst into tears. “Oh Paul, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Paul laughed as he returned her embrace. “You’re very welcome, darling. I think that with everything that’s happened these past two months, it’s about time I gave you a little something back, don't you?”

Last edited by Josie on Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:02 am; edited 1 time in total


#289:  Author: Elder in OntarioLocation: Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:01 am

Hmm - I wondered what Edgar was cooking up for Paul - this sounds like a wonderful opportunity - and Edgar had all the right answers to Paul's protests, too. From that point of view, the fact they'd already been planning to offer the job to Paul a year hence was a very valuable tool in their argument and at least partly deflected Paul's sense that Edgar was trying to help him because he felt sorry for him.

But the most telling argument is how much good Elsie can see in the proposal - and one of the best reasons for Paul accepting with a good grace, and doing his best - which we know he will. The fact he'll be able to work from home, too, while he's recuperating and getting a prosthesis fitted, will be an added benefit.

Going back to the earlier part of the post - lovely scenarios there, and some great comic exchanges, too!

Thanks, Josie, you've combined so many things in this post - and as Christmas approaches, it seems as if things are really looking up for the first time since Paul's accident.


#290:  Author: LesleyLocation: Allhallows, Kent PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:59 am

Thanks Josie - absolutely loved Edgar having to grovel to Evvy about being late - and that he had been the one to hold them up in the Science museum -can understand that!

As for the job offer - wonderful idea, and far more acceptable than just offering money.


#291:  Author: LyanneLocation: Ipswich, England PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:02 am

It actually works better for everyone, because Charles and I have our own jobs to concentrate on, and Doug is snowed under with other work, so having you onboard now will be a huge help.

And is clearly not a sinecure, it sounds like it will be jolly hard work.


#292:  Author: SquirrelLocation: St-Andrews or Dunfermline PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:18 am

Thanks Josie - what a lot of different scenes you have managed to bring into this - and each with their own special highlight. Wonder what those less quick witted than Edgar will think about his idea for Marcia's penguin!

The science Muesum also seems pretty realistic - I've heard lots of comments about toys which were really bought for the fathers rather than their son's!

And Evvy's anger. Love the fact that Ned thinks she has let him off too easily.

Hope that the two holiday visits turn out alright - looks like there could be some fun and games in the future.

As for the china incident... How like kids, doing the worst things in the most public of places.

Then finally onto Edgar's idea for Paul - it's a stroke of genius, and as the others say he managed to put it across in such a way that as long as Elsie is happy - and even if we had not seen that little scene there would be little doubt about that - it would be wrong of Paul not to give his family such a chance. With this package they will not have to worry about the family finances again. Well done Edgar.


#293:  Author: MaryRLocation: Sale Cheshire PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:52 am

Oh, I loved that incident with the crockery. So very true to life, Take your eyes off them for a second.....

I'm so glad Paul could swallow his understandable pride and accept that he would have been offered the job anyway. Well done, Edgar.


#294:  Author: NellLocation: London, England PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:01 am

Thank you Jo. The job offer is a wonderful idea - especially as they were going to ask him anyway and it'll solve so many problems for them all. Love Evvy getting cross with Edgar for being late and the reason being the Science museum - it is very difficult to leave all those buttons unpressed!


#295:  Author: patmacLocation: Yorkshire England PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:43 am

Lovely, Jo. I have had Evvy's reaction to the lateness of the 'boys' a few times myself!

The other thing I am sure of is that Edgar would not have offered Paul the job if he didn't think he was up to it.


#296:  Author: VikkiLocation: Sitting on an iceberg, freezing to death!!! PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:01 pm

Lovely lovely posts Jo!
Thank you!


#297:  Author: JennieLocation: Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:15 pm

Such alovely lot of strands woven together, thanks, Josie.


#298:  Author: LizBLocation: Oxon, England PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:42 pm

Thanks Jo Kiss



#299:  Author: ChairLocation: Rochester, Kent, England PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:21 pm

I'm really glad Paul has got a new job. I sympathised with Evvy over the boys taking too long as well.


#300:  Author: francesnLocation: away with the faeries PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:06 pm

awwww Jo how lovely that everything seems to be working out for them all

I do love your Evvy and Edgar, and their family! The're so true to life it's uncanny


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